

Carl Zeiss Planar T 2 80 64 镜头说明书

Carl Zeiss Planar T 2 80 64 镜头说明书

Planar® T*2/80CONTAX® 645The Carl Zeiss Planar® lens is the most successfulcamera lens design ever created. This nearlysymmetrical layout provides the lens designer withnumerous means to correct aberrations extraordinarilywell, even for wide open apertures. The ideal basis forhigh-performance lenses with great color correction,high speed, flat image plane (this is where the namecomes from) and low distortion. The Planar® design isthe basis for nearly all professional ’workhorse’lenseson earth and in space today.At f/2 the Planar® T* 2/80 lens is the fastest optic inthe Contax® 645 system. There is no faster Planar®lens in medium format photography anywhere. Even atfull aperture the performance of the Planar® T* 2/80lens is so high that professional quality images arereached.Especially so since the Contax® 645autofocus provides for quick and accurate focusing,where manual focusingwould have been too slow or not accurate enough forf/2. So the Planar® T* 2/80 lens is the ideal tool forhandheld photography with decent shutter speeds atlow light levels, like in people photography indoors,celebrity portraits, wedding coverage and similardemanding tasks.With its focal length of 80 mm the Planar® T* 2/80lens records an image with a perspective (sizerelationship between foreground and background) thatis pretty much the way we see the scene with our eyes,like a fast 50 mm lens on a 35 mm SLR. So it is suitedfor almost any task in general photography, whichmakes it a powerful and versatile standard lens in theContax® 645 system.Preferred use: all-purpose, travel, editorial, people,celebrities, candid weddingsCat. No. of lens:10 22 19Entrance pupil*:Number of elements:6Position:40.1mm behind the first lens vertex Number of groups:5Diameter:39.9mmMax. aperture:1:2Exit pupil*:Focal length:80.0mm Position:27.8mm in front of the last lens vertex Negative size:41.5 x 56mm Diameter:45.2mmAngular field 2w:47°Position of principal planes:Mount:Contax 645 Mount H:47.1mm behind the first lens vertexFilter connection:screw-in type, thread M72x0.75H':20.0mm in front of the last lens vertex Focusing range:infinity to 0.7m Back focal distance*:60.0mmAperture scale: 2 - 2.8 - 4 - 5.6 - 8 - 11 - 16 - 22Distance between firstWeight:approx. 524 g and last lens vertex:55.0mm*at infinityPerformance data:Planar® T* 2/80Cat. No. 10 22 191. MTF Diagramsimage center - is entered in mm on the horizontal axis of the graph. TheTransfer Factor) is entered on the vertical axis. Parameters of the graph are the spatial frequencies R in cycles (line pairs) per mm given at the top of this page.The lowest spatial frequencycorresponds to the upper pair of curves, pair. Above each graph, the f-number k is given for which the measurement was made. "White" light means that the measurement was made with a subjectillumination having the approximate spectral distribution of daylight.Unless otherwise indicated, theperformance data refer to large object distances, for which normalphotographic lenses are primarily used.2. Relative illuminanceIn this diagram the horizontal axis gives the image height u in mm and thevertical axis the relative illuminance E, both for full aperture and a moderately and natural light decrease.3. Distortionon the horizontal axis in mm. Thethe relevant image height. A positive value for V means that the actual image point is further from the image center than with perfectly distortion-free imaging (pincushion distortion); a negative V indicates barrel distortion.Subject to change.Printed in Germany 12.07.2001Carl ZeissCamera LensesD-73446 OberkochenTelephone ++49-7364-20-6175Fax ++49-7364-20-4045eMail:**************。



生命回顾疗法在老年人中应用的研究进展冯挽1,田素斋1*,张珠珠21.河北医科大学第二医院,河北 050004;2.河北省人民医院Research progress on the application of life review therapy in the elderlyFENG Wan, TIAN Suzhai, ZHANG ZhuzhuThe Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Hebei 050004 ChinaCorresponding Author TIAN Suzhai, E⁃mail:******************Keywords life review therapy; the elderly; mental health; meaning of life; level of hope; quality of life; review摘要对生命回顾疗法的概念内涵、理论框架、评价指标、实施应用和国内外研究现状及其对老年人的影响进行综述,以期为生命回顾疗法在老年人中进一步广泛应用提供一定的借鉴意义,从而提高老年人生活质量。





























这时给定控制低端信号4m A按确认键来保存低端控制信号值,这时显示符号0000.(注意:如果没有给定信号,数码管显示LOSE符号。


4.按下翻键数码管显示闪烁的HIn符号表示控制信号高端20m A设定菜单项。


二、 本模块含相序自动纠正功能,三相电源接入时无需考虑接入电 源相序。方便接线控制。自带静态缺相保护电路。
三、 输入输出全光电隔离,可承受 2000V 浪涌电压冲击。 四、 可扩展液晶显示,或触摸按键控制,或磁控旋钮开关控制。常
五、 本模块最大控制三相电机功率为 800W。如超出功率范 围可扩展大功率固态继电器,或交流接触器控制。
LRT‐T‐3 三相电动执行器智能控制模块
操 作 说 明 书
注意:1 接入限位开关为常闭点接入,也可电子限位, 这时需短接模块限位接入端口。温度开关不接时需短接 模块温度输入端。 注意:2 限位开关和电机转向接线电位器两端接线,需 要一致,否则不能正常控制或标定。
突破 1、集成一体化控制,无需外接交流接触器、固态继电器等
驱动配件。内部一体化三相电机正反转厚膜电路直接驱动三相电动机 无触点无火花通断控制,具有寿命长、无干扰等优点,简化接线方式。
突破 2、内部具有相序识别纠正功能,外部接线无需考虑相序。
突破 3、该模块具有扩展功能,可扩展液晶显示屏,霍尔操作旋
(5) 按 SEL 键数码管显示闪烁的 L5‐l 符号表示反馈信号低端 4mA 设定菜
单项。按上翻或下翻键进入低端反馈 4mA 信号设定。这时按上翻键一次反
馈信号 4mA 会以 0.02mA 增加,按下翻键一次会以 0.02mA 减小。直至满


TW-2 型驼峰自动控制系统 操作手册
北京全路通信信号研究设计院 北京 2000.3

1Байду номын сангаас
前言 ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 调车计划的储存 .................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.2 调车计划的检查和修改 ...................................................................................................... 9
2.3 调车作业办理 ....................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.1 与溜放作业的冲突 ............................................................................................................ 14 2.3.2 以调车线为始终端的情况 ................................................................................................ 15 2.3.3 进路上的减速器 ................................................................................................................ 15 2.3.4 仅可办理长调车进路的情况 ............................................................................................ 15 2.3.5 分路道岔区调车进路的特点 ............................................................................................ 15 2.3.6 调车线出岔........................................................................................................................ 15

ZEISS i.Terminal 2 快速指南说明书

ZEISS i.Terminal 2 快速指南说明书

// SOFTWAREMADE BY ZEISSi.Terminal® 2 – Quick Guide Software applicationfor acquisition of the centration datafor precision lenses.Contents1Preparation of measurement (2)2Measurement / image capture (3)2.1Commencing measurement (3)2.2Positioning the customer (4)2.3Taking the front image (4)2.4Taking side image (5)3Centration data acquisition (6)3.1Measuring back vertex distance and mounting lens angle (6)3.2Determining the centration point position (7)3.3Selection of the lens type, the frame type and activation of theautocorrect mode (7)3.4Saving, post-processing and printing results ........................................... 91Preparation of measurement•If possible, remove the demo lenses from the selected frame to avoid reflections. •Adapt the selected frame anatomically.•Place the calibration tool on the frame and center it.Calibration tool with frame•Ask the customer to put on the frame.•Check that the calibration tool is still centered on the frame.Calibration tool centered Calibration tool displacedEN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal® 2 | 22Measurement / image capture2.1Commencing measurement•Start mobile on the iPad and touch the Customer tile in the main menu. •Select the customer from the overview (2) or create a new customer (1).Customer Menu•Create a new container (1) for the consultation or, if necessary, use an existing one (2).21Customer module The module appears.•Touch in the menu bar.Summary moduleThe module appears.1Centration moduleHint:Touch the i.Terminal 2 tile (1) in order to change over to Image capture modefrom i.Terminal 2 via iPad.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal® 2 | 3EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 42.2 Positioning the customer• First, carefully fit the customer with the selected frame.• Ask the customer to put on his/her frame together with the centered calibration tool such ashe/she would do so later.The customer must be located in a visual distance from 50 cm to 100 cm from the i.Terminal 2 in a straight line in front of the device.Natural posture, as usualUnnatural postureHint:Show the customer how to assume a natural, relaxed posture in front of i.Terminal 2. If the customer has difficulties in assuming a natural posture, ask him/her to standnext to the device and look straight ahead while you adjust the height of the device.•Adjust the height of the camera by means of the button until the customer's eyes focusthe center of the rectangle. Accordingly, the frame and the calibration tool appear on thescreen in the highlighted area.•If the customer turns his/her head in an unnatural fashion, reposition the customer.Correct head postureIncorrect head postureHint:Use the floor marking supplied with the equipment to correctly position and align the customer.Watch the customer and ensure that he/she assumes his/her habitual head and body posture during the measurement.2.3 Taking the front image• Ask the customer to focus the red cross.• Touch Image capture to record the front image.After capture has been triggered, an image or a series of images is captured automatically. • Select the best of the photos taken and touch.Front imageEN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 5Checking the quality of the measurement• Check that the red crosses coincide with the black-and-white calibration marks. Otherwise,take a new photo.Hint:Touch Cancel to discard the photos and return to image capture mode.Correct front image with calibration marks.•To measure the additional parameters Back Vertex Distance and Mounting Lens Angle, touchoptionally Side image. • If you do not want to perform this measurement on the side image, touch.• Specify the manually measured back vertex distance (BVD) or accept a suggested value.Acknowledge by touching Apply .Adjusting BVD2.4 Taking side image• Ask the customer to turn by 90° so that the calibration tool is visible and not covered by thewhite rectangle.• Touch Image capture to record the side image.Once recording has been triggered, a photo is taken automatically. • Touch.Side imageChecking the quality of the measurement• Check that the red crosses coincide with the black-and-white calibration marks. Otherwise,take a new photo. Hint:Touch Cancel to discard the photos and return to image capture mode.Now you have completed the image capture process.Correct side image with calibration marks.Now, i.Terminal 2 prepares the front and side images for acquisition of the centration data and changes over to Centration data acquisition mode.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 63 Centration data acquisition• Now you can start to evaluate the captured images to determine the individual centrationdata. Hint:The handleis used in all steps to position the measuring marks.3.1Measuring back vertex distance and mounting lens angle• Position the red mark on the front of the cornea using the handle.• If the cornea is covered by the frame side piece, measure the back vertex distance manually.Measuring back vertex distanceMeasuring mark positioned• To measure the mounting lens angle, touch Wrap angle .• Position the red measuring mark on the front side of the outer rim of the frame.Measuring mounting lens angleMeasuring mark positioned• Touch to continue.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 73.2Determining the centration point positionHint:For evaluation, commence with the right eye.To facilitate detection of the pupil during centration, you can use the zoom and contrast feature (rotation feature), if required.• Adjust the auxiliary frame for the frame via the handles so that all four lines are in contactwith the inner edge of the frame.Adjusting auxiliary frame for spectacle frameAuxiliary frame adjusted• To continue, touch.•Move the handleto adjust the measuring outline so that the circles are concentric to thepupil center (centration point).Right-hand centration point positionTracking right-hand centration point position and frame• To continue, touch .• Repeat positioning of the auxiliary frames and the pupil center for the left-hand side.• To continue, touch .• Adjust the pupil center analogously for the left-hand eye.• You can record the shape of the lens at choice on the left or right side. To this effect, touchFrame tracing . • Use the handle to adjust the form element to the inner contour of the lens shape.Recording the lens shapeLens shape recordedThe Auto-y dialog appears.• In the following dialog, transfer the measured mounting lens angle or correct it manually.Transfer or correct measured mounting lens angle.Hint: The Auto-y dialog is only visible if the function Auto-y is activated.• Acknowledge the appropriate position by touching Apply .3.3Selection of the lens type, the frame type and activation of the autocorrect mode• Select in the dropdown list Lens type or Frame the type of lens or frame.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal ® 2 | 8• Using the handles displayed , correct, if necessary, the setting for the fitting height (y)and the progression length (Framefit).Select lens type and lens frame and activateautocorrect feature Auto Correction .• A slight rotation of the customer's head during image capture can be compensated via theautocorrect feature Auto Correction . To this effect, tick off.Activating autocorrect feature• To continue, tap .• Select the raw glass shape via the dropdown list Type .Determining the raw glass diameter• Select the size of the raw glass via the Table Size . The selected size is symbolized by greenrings. • To continue, tap.The complete centering data are displayed.Summary of centration data and frame dataHint: Tap Back in order to perform any necessary corrections.3.4Saving, post-processing and printing results•In the summary of the centration and frame acquisition data, tap Save and exit to save thecentration data.The data is saved and mobile returns to the Centration module.Centration is thus complete.Centration module with an overview of the centration and frame dataHint: Tap the Centration pictures tile to re-start centration for the picture takenpreviously (front image).Hint: For all subsequent steps and supplementary explanations, please refer to theQuick Guide mobile.EN_20_070_7300I i.Terminal® 2 | 9E N _20_070_7300I i .T e r m i n a l ® 2 S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d a s a r e s u l t o f o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t .Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH Turnstrasse 27 73430 Aalen GermanyPhone: +49 7361 598 5000 Fax: +49 7361 591 480Email:********************.com /vision。









表1 带速、宽度与输送能力的匹配关系2.5、输送机允许输送的物料块度取决于带宽、带速、槽角和倾角,也取决于大块物料出现的频率。


当输送硬岩时,带宽超过1200 mm后,一般应限制在350 mm。






3S Lift助爬器操作使用说明书Operation Instruction Manual of 3S Lift Climbing Aid System中际联合工业技术(北京)有限公司3S Lift, Division of Ficont Industry Inc.3S Lift助爬器操作使用说明书Operation Instruction Manual of 3S Lift Climbing Aid System中际联合工业技术(北京)有限公司3S Lift , Division of Ficont Industry Inc.地址:北京市通州区宋庄佰富苑工业区6号邮编:101118Add:No.6 Baifuyuan Industry Zone, Songzhuang, Tong Zhou District, Beijing, China, 101118电话Tel:86 010-********传真Fax:86 010-********网址Web:邮箱E-mail:sales@24小时服务热线24-Hour service hotline:40000-24580 版本Version:F3S Lift助爬器操作使用说明书中际联合工业技术(北京)有限公司目录1. 符号说明 (2)2. 注意事项 (4)3. 产品描述 (8)3.1产品概述 (9)3.2产品原理及使用 (10)3.3特点 (11)3.4产品技术参数 (12)3.5助爬器的组成 (13)4. 操作方法 (18)5. 保护身体的安全设备 (20)6. 日常检测与维护 (20)6.1日常检查 (20)6.2保养 (21)7. 故障与维修 (23)8. 包装 (24)第1页/ 共24页3S Lift助爬器操作使用说明书中际联合工业技术(北京)有限公司1. 符号说明符号关键词意义造成的后果注意潜在的危险受伤或设备损坏安全保护穿安全服严重受伤安全手套戴安全手套严重受伤安全帽戴安全帽严重受伤第2页/ 共24页3S Lift助爬器操作使用说明书中际联合工业技术(北京)有限公司符号关键词意义造成的后果安全带系安全带严重受伤危险可能的危险受伤或设备损坏重要工作中的有效建议无有关说明第3页/ 共24页3S Lift助爬器操作使用说明书中际联合工业技术(北京)有限公司2. 注意事项危险!助爬器不适用于低于18岁或少于50公斤体重的人员,为避免发生意外,请仔细阅读操作说明书后进行操作!a)有专业设备操作技术资格的人员才能安装、操作和维护助爬器及安全设备。



| ── USB- 文件管理
FlexLine, 266
| ── | | | | ── | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ──
传输 | ── 输出数据
| ── 输入数据
| ── 概述
| ─ 对比度 , 触发键 1, 触发键 2, 自定义键 1, ຫໍສະໝຸດ 定义键 2, 倾斜改正 , 水平角改
附录 A
| ── 测量
| ── 应用程序
| ── 测量
| ── 放样
| ── 自由设站
| ── 参考元素
| ── 对边测量
| ── 面积 & 体积
| ── 悬高测量
软按键通过对应的 F1 到 F4 功能键来选择。这一节描述了系统中所使用的公共软按键的 功能。更多特定软按键会在它们出现的应用程序章节进行说明。
FlexLine, 23
用户界面 公共软按键功能
按键 -> ABC -> 012 测存 测距 EDM 坐标 退出 查找 输入 P/NP 列表 确定
后退 记录 重置 查看
对中界面会出现。否则,按 FNC 键选择整平 / 对中。 4. 移动脚架腿 (1),并转动基座脚螺旋 (6),使激光 (4) 对准地面点。 5. 伸缩脚架腿 (5) 整平圆水准器 (7)。 6. 根据电子水准器的指示,转动基座脚螺旋 (6) 以精确整平仪器。参照 " 使用电子气

TAZ II计轴设备调试手册V1.1

TAZ II计轴设备调试手册V1.1
2 室外设备调试 ...............................................................................................................................................- 8 2.1 工具准备...........................................................................................................................................- 8 2.1.1 传感器调整工具 ...................................................................................................................- 8 2.1.2 传感器测试仪 .......................................................................................................................- 9 2.1.3 其它工具 .............................................................................................................................- 10 2.2 轮缘感应高度调试.........................................................................................................................- 10 2.2.1 设置轮缘感应高度 .............................................................................................................- 10 2.2.2 放置传感器调整板 .............................................................................................................- 11 2.2.3 连接传感器测试仪 .............................................................................................................- 12 2.2.4 查看 LED 指示灯状态........................................................................................................- 13 2.2.5 取下车轮传感器网纹螺母 .................................................................................................- 14 2.2.6 EW1 使用说明 ....................................................................................................................- 16 2.2.7 调试 .....................................................................................................................................- 17 2.2.8 复查 .....................................................................................................................................- 19 2.2.9 其它调试方案 .....................................................................................................................- 20 2.2.10 各种调试方案总结 .............................................................................................................- 21 2.3 环路电阻测试.................................................................................................................................- 22 2.4 绝缘测试.........................................................................................................................................- 23 2.4.1 芯线间绝缘测试 .................................................................................................................- 25 2.4.2 芯线与地之间绝缘测试 .....................................................................................................- 25 -





1.2.输送物料的松散密度为500~2500kg/m3,输送块度见表1表1 mm注:块度系指物料最大线性尺寸1.3.工作环境温度,一般为-25℃~+40℃,对于有特殊要求的工作场所,如高温、寒冷、防爆、防腐蚀、耐酸碱、防水等条件,应采取相应的防护措施。





2.主要参数(常用规格设计范围)2.1.带宽:500 650 800 1000 1200 1400mm2.2.带强:棉帆布带56N/mm·层、尼龙、聚酯帆布100~300N/mm·层,钢绳芯带st630~st2000N/mm2.3.带速:0.8、1.0、1.25、1.6、2.0、2.5、3.15、4.0、5.0m/s2.4.最大输送能力:见表2表2 带速V、带宽B与输送能力I V的匹配关系注:1)输送能力I V值系按水平运输,动堆积角θ为200,托辊槽角入350计算的。






D T I I型固定式带式输送机产品使用说明书目录一、用途、特点、使用范围1二、主要参数1三、整机的典型布置2四、部件概述 44.1、输送带4 4.2、驱动装置4 4.3、滚筒6 4.4、托辊7 4.5、拉紧装置11 4.6、机架11 4.7、头部漏斗12 4.8、导料槽12 4.9、清扫器12 4.10、卸料器134.11、电气及安全保护装置13五、安装、调试与试运转15六、操作规程与维护、保养23七、润滑24八、胀套的调整25九、随机携带文件25附件1: 滚筒用胀套参数25附件2: 滚柱逆止器用弹簧参数 26附件3: 滚筒用轴承型号 27 附件4: 缓冲托辊组的维护 28一、用途、特点、使用范围1.1 DTⅡ型固定式输送机是通用型系列产品,是以棉帆布、尼龙、聚酯帆布及钢绳芯输送带作曳引构件的连续输送设备,可广泛用于煤炭、冶金、电力、矿山、港口、化工、轻工、石油及机械等行业,输送各种散状物料及成件物品。


1.2 输送物料的松散密度为500~2500kg/m3。


注:块度系指物料最大线性尺寸1.3 工作环境温度:一般为-25℃~+40℃,对于有特殊要求的工作场所,如高温、寒冷、防爆、阻燃、防腐蚀、耐酸碱、防水等条件,应采取相应的防护措施。

1.4 DTⅡ型固定式带式输送机均按部件系列进行设计。




1.5 输送机应尽量安装在通廊内。


1.6 本系列产品能满足水平、提升、下运等条件。


二、主要参数(常用规格设计范围)2.1 带宽:500、650、800、1000、1200、1400mm2.2 带强:棉帆布带56N/mm·层;尼龙,聚酯帆布带100~300N/mm·层;钢绳芯带st630~st2000N/mm。

通用汽车公司 Tech 2扫描工具 说明书

通用汽车公司 Tech 2扫描工具 说明书
第I 节 简介
当电池同时与车辆的12伏点烟器或电源相连时,不要将电池的两个接线端同时接上.因为此时点烟 器中的正负极可能倒置,这将会对Tech 2或车辆造成损害. 如果Tech 2的电源已接通,而显示屏仍为空白,此时点烟器中的正负极可能倒置,这将对Tech 2造 成损害.不要将DLC电缆接到车辆上.确定车辆点烟器的中心触点的电压值高于12伏且外部触点已 接地. 插入或取出PCMCIA卡之前请先关闭电源.建议不要连续取出或重复插入PCMCIA卡. 插入Tech 2之前,请将所有的卡和元件都仔细对齐. 开始使用Tech 2之前,确信所有的电缆和连接器都已连接牢固. 尝试新的程序之前,请仔细阅读说明书. RS-232和RS-485端口不能接到直流电话线上,因为Tech 2的设计不支持这种通讯方式. 放置Tech 2时不要让倾斜支架与车辆电池的接线端接触,这会造成电池短路.
1. 使用:客户只可以在最初安装该软件的计算机系统上使用此软件.未经法律授权,客户不得对该软件进行反汇编或反编译. 2. 所有权:客户同意除了物理介质所有权外,不拥有软件的任何题名或所有权.客户承认并同意该软件的版权归属及其所受的版权法 保护.客户承认并同意该软件可能由版权公告中的第三方软件供应商开发,后者有权要求客户对其任何违反和侵犯版权的行为承担 责任. 3. 终止:当通用汽车公司要求客户遵守协议中的条款,而客户在接到通知后30日内仍未做到时,公司可以终止该软件的授权许可.
图 I-4 T e c h 2 电源和电缆部件编号列表(见第四节)
Tech 2会提示您通过键盘输入以下命令: 获取并查看诊断信息 选择自检 执行车辆诊断程序
Tech 2附带一种名为PCMCIA(个人计算机存储卡业联盟)的卡,用来存储诊断程序.随着车型的不断变 化,重新编写PCMCIA卡的程序并通过RS-232连接器可以随时升级Tech 2的软件.

Raymarine TZT2BB 产品说明书

Raymarine TZT2BB 产品说明书

Q Optional remote controllers available for the TZT2BB?Optional remote controllers are the MCU002, MCU004 and MCU005.The MCU002 and MCU004 USB remote controllers as well as the MCU005Ethernet remote controller are compatible with the TZT2BB as well asTZTL12F/15F MFDs with software v6.21 and above. More than one MCU004/5can be connected to a single TZT2BB. Once connected to the TZT2BB or aTZTL12F/15F, the MCU004/5 can control any TZtouch2 MFD in the system. The MCU002 can only control the unit that it is connected to. In the case of theTZT2BB, you would have to have 2ea MCU002s to control both displays of theTZT2BB. Alternatively, the Android Controller App is freely available for download and can be used with any TZtouch2 MFD using a Wi-Fi connection.Click here for more information on optional controllers, MCU002/4/5.Q How many MCU remote controllers can I have on a network.MCU004s and MCU005s are limited to a max of four MCUs or combination of, per network. The MCU002 does not count towards this limit.Q Can a single monitor be used with the TZT2BB?Yes. Click here for more information.Q Can the TZT2BB use monitors with different resolutions?Yes, each processor is configurable to the connected display. For example, you can have one 24” wide screen monitor and the other could be a 17”or 19” 4:3 monitor.Q Which screen resolutions are compatible with NavNet TZT2BB?Each side is fully independent.1920 x 1080 (16:9, FHD)1280 x 1024 (5:4, SXGA)1024 x 768 (4:3, XGA)Q Do I need to use only touch screen monitors?No. Non-touch monitors can be used along with an optional remote controller,MCU002/4/5. Click here for more information.Q Can standard PC monitors be used with TZtouch2 MFDs for remote displays?Yes. While standard monitors can be used, it is recommended that the monitor be tested with the TZT2BB before it is mounted to see if it is compatible or not.The TZT2BB does not support proprietary drivers, such as 10-point touchfeatures. The TZT2BB supports dual point touch only. Any touch monitor thatrequires that a driver be loaded into the TZT2BB will not work. The TZT2BB can use standard 4:3 or widescreen PC monitors that are either HDMI or DVI (with an adapter plug) compatible. Non-marine monitors are not recommended foroutside installations or in high bright areas. Also consider night time viewing for installations using non-marine grade monitors.Q How many NavNet TZtouch2 MFDs are allowed in one network?At this time, any combination of up to six (6) TZtouch2 (v6.21 and higher) MFDs are allowed in one network. One TZT2BB counts as two MFDs. If a MaxseaExplorer or Nobeltec PC is included, it is counted as one MFD in the network.Q Does the TZT2BB have a built in GPS antenna?No. The TZT2BB does not have a built in GPS receiver/antenna since it will be mounted in a location that would not reliably pick up GPS signals. It will benecessary to add a NMEA2000 sensor, such as the GP330B to the network.Q What type of connections does the TZT2BB have?Q What connections are available on the Multi-cable port?The Multi-cable has connections for an optional power switch, NMEA0183 output, external buzzer and event switch. It has 11 color coded wires.Q Does NavNet TZtouch2 have built in NMEA0183 functionality?Yes. TZT2BB has a single NMEA0183 output port. TZT2BB does not have anNMEA0183 input port.Q What NMEA 0813 Sentences can the TZT2BB output?The TZT2BB can output the following NMEA0183 sentences. All sentences use GP as the talker.Q How many Ethernet ports does the TZT2BB have?Three external Ethernet ports are available.Q Can I also add additional Ethernet Hubs/switches as well? What about a generic off the shelf switch.The TZT2BB does not require a special Ethernet Hub. While we recommend the Furuno HUB101, any standard 100MB Ethernet Hub/Switch is compatible withthe network. If a HUB101 is not used, a Gigabit Switch is recommended.Q How many Ethernet hub/switches can I have on my network?Max number of Ethernet Hubs or switches on a NavNet network is three. TheTZT2BB counts as one switch if more than one (1) port is used.Q I have limited dash space. Do I have to install the PSD003 switch box?No. You can utilize the power on switch wires of the Multi-cable. Connect thepurple and brown wires to a momentary contact switch (not provided). You could also mount the PSD003 in an out-of-the-way location and still install amomentary contact switch in a more convenient location.QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Are standard Microsoft USB Mice and Pointing Devices compatible with theTZT2BB?Yes, as long as a special driver is not required. You cannot load any drivers into the TZT2BB. You can perform almost every function using a mouse trackball and wheel. The only function that is not supported is pan and tilting the plotter in 3D mode. That is only supported by the two-finger touch operation.Can I use a standard USB keyboard?No. TZT2BB does not support a USB keyboard.Can additional USB devices be connected using a generic USB Hub?Yes.What video inputs are available on the TZT2BB?The TZT2BB has one (1) HDMI IN, two (2) Analog "PAL" inputs and up to four (4) Axis IP cameras are supported.TZT2BB also supports two Axis Quad Video servers.What IP Cameras is the TZT2BB compatible with?TZT2BB is currently compatible with most Axis (H.264) IP Cameras or cameras that also support the Axis IP camera CODEC. TZT2BB also supports two Axis Quad Video servers.Does the TZT2BB offer FLIR camera integration?Yes. Further information on compatible models can be found here.Can FLIR M-Series Cameras be controlled from the TZT2BB?Yes. Configuration information can be found in a dedicated document on TZtouch2 product pages at or by clicking here.I currently have a NavNet 3D MFDBB system on my boat and I would like to upgrade to the TZT2BB. What items of my current system can I reuse?Radar SensorsThe DRS radar sensor that was connected to your NavNet 3D system is compatible with the TZT2BB. The DRS software might need to be updated for it to work with a TZtouch/2 MFD. We recommend that this is done while still connected to the NavNet 3D MFD. Current software can be found under the software tab for the DRS radar sensor. If the DRS radar sensor was powered via the MFD, a DRS power supply needs to be added. Depending on the DRS model this will be either a PSU017 or PSU012.SoundersThe DFF1 and DFF3D are compatible with the TZT2BB. The dip switch settings of the DFF1 or DFF3 will have to be changed to a static IP address.MCU001 (MFDBB Controller)The MCU001 needs a modification kit to be compatible with the TZT2BB or any TZtouch2 MFD. This kit includes software for the MCU001, new rubber keypad, new bezel, two 5m Ethernet cables and a POE injector. Part # for the kit is 001-506-900-00Q Overview of procedures to update a NavNet 3D MFD system to a TZT2BB system •Check that legacy DRS software is at V1.16 or higher•If the DRS radar sensor is powered from the NavNet 3D MFD than anappropriate external DRS power supply must be added.•PSU012/013 must have XH connector jumper installed on J7. This sends power to radar without using power-sync•Change IP address mode switches on sounders to Down/Up/Up/Down for TZT2BB connections.•MUST turn off all Power-sync switches in the HUB101. Power-sync was only required in NN3D architecture. Leaving this on WILL cause problems.•Chart licenses do not transfer to upgraded systems. New chart unlock codes need to be purchased for any “For pay” charts. You cannot transfer chartunlock codes from the NavNet 3D system to a TZtouch2 system.•Convert MCU001 to MCU005 using mod kit part # 001-506-900-00Q Which charts are pre-installed on the 256GB Micro SD-Card in the TZT2BB?The 256GB Micro SD-Card included with the TZT2BB card contains every NOAA Raster, NOAA Vector, C-MAP Vector, and Navionics Vector chart file in the entire Mapmedia Library for all of North, Central and South America. The entireWestern Hemisphere chart file is preloaded. Only customers wishing to accessadditional satellite photo areas or charts on the other side of the world will need to add more chart files to their system. Locked chart areas will need to bepurchased from an Authorized Furuno Dealer. Once chart areas are purchased, they can be automatically unlocked by connecting the TZT2BB to the Internet.Alternatively, the charts can be manually unlocked by entering the chart license unlock codes.Q Does the TZT2BB have a built in sounder?Yes. The TZT2BB has the same built-in RezBoost sounder as a TZTL12F/15F. You may also add a DFF1-UHD TruEcho CHIRP Fish Finder, DFF3D, BBDS1 or DFF3. Q Does the TZT2BB support the new BBWX4 Sirius/XM marine weather/audio receiver?Yes. Both weather and entertainment audio. Click here for more info.Q Does the TZT2BB have a built-in operator’s manual?Yes. TZT2BB has a built-in operator’s guide called “eGuide.” The “eGuide” can be accessed from the home screen and is fully indexed.Q Which Smart phone/Tablet Apps are compatible with the TZT2BB?TZT2BB is compatible with the Android/Apple Controller App, Android/Apple iOS Viewer Apps, and the Android/Apple iOS remote app.Q Does the TZT2BB have an internal LAN antenna for Wi-Fi?Yes, while the TZT2BB does not have an internal GPS antenna it does have aninternal LAN Wi-Fi antenna. Depending on location of the TZT2BB, an externalWi-Fi router might be required for extended ranges and better connectivity.Q Are NavNet 3D networks compatible with NavNet TZtouch2?No. TZT2BB and TZtouch2 MFDs are not compatible with NavNet 3D. NavNet 3D and TZtouch2 MFDs cannot exist together on the same network.Q Can Furuno commercial radars be connected to a TZT2BB?Yes. The FAR2XX7, FR15X8 and FR15X3 Depending on software versions) arecompatible with the TZT2BB and TZtouch2 MFDs with software version 6.21 and above. There are some feature limitations, but basic functions are available on the TZtouch2 MFDs. Contact Furuno Tech support for more information.Q Is the TZT2BB and TZtouch2 MFDs compatible with Nobeltec TZ?TZ Professional and TZ Navigator (with Radar module) can be connected to aTZtouch2 network. The following features are available:•Chart License sharing (link a TZtouch2 System ID with Nobeltec TZ Serial Number)•Navigation Data from the TZtouch2 network (GPS, Speed, Heading, etc.)•Radar WorkSpace and Radar Overlay (with full control of the DRS Radar)•DFF1, BBDS1, DFF1-UHD or DFF3 compatibility with optional Sounder module•DFF-3D compatibility with optional PBG and DFF-3D module (requires Satellite Compass for stabilization)•Active Route and Waypoint with TZ software• A Nobeltec TimeZero PC counts as one MFD in any network of up to six (6) MFDsAlso, with the TZT2BB you can utilize the HDMI IN port along with the USBpassthrough port to view and control a Nobeltec PC using the same monitor that is connected to the TZT2BB. You can also view and control the Nobeltec PC in a quarter screen.Q Is the TZT2BB compatible with CZone Digital Switching Systems?Yes. Click here for more info on CZone and TZtouch2.Q Is TZtouch2 compatible with the Active Captain POI database?Yes. However, at this time, you can only view Active Captain POI information.You cannot login to update the POI data base or provide updates to thedatabase.Q Does the TZT2BB have to be opened during installation to attach cables, set switches, etc.?No. All connections are made using pigtail cables and are external to theTZT2BB. No switches need to be changed inside the TZT2BB.Q Can a Fusion radio be connected to the TZT2BB?Yes. The following models are compatible with the TZT2BB and all TZtouch2MFDs with software v6.21 and higher. Fusion models 700, 750, 755 and Apollo.TZtouch2 MFDs connect to Fusion radios via an Ethernet connection, not viaNMEA2000.Q If I have two DRS radar sensors in my TZT2BB system, can I display dual range radar video on both screens?Yes. You can view a different radar on a different monitor. You can also show the different DRS radar sensors in dual mode.Q TZT2BB has two different weather options. It has the built in free NavCenter weather and an optional BBWX4 SiriusXM weather receiver can be added. Can I view NavCenter weather on one display and SiriusXM weather on the otherdisplay?Yes. You can set the displays up independently of each other. You can also set both sides to display SiriusXM weather information.Rev 3-4-19。

























目录一.开机前准备-------------------------------------- 二.功能按键----------------------------------------- 1.高度测量模式--------------------------------- 2.圆测量模式------------------------------------ 3.角度测量模式--------------------------------- 4.极值测量模式--------------------------------- 5.单位转换--------------------------------------- 6.参考点------------------------------------------ 7.偏差测量模式--------------------------------- 8.复位及清零------------------------------------ 9.测针校准--------------------------------------- 10.计算-------------------------------------------- 11.其它按键--------------------------------------三.2D测量模式-------------------------------------- 1.2D坐标获取----------------------------------- 2.坐标平移---------------------------------------- 3.坐标旋转---------------------------------------- 4.拟合圆------------------------------------------- 5.拟合直线---------------------------------------- 6.极坐标系统------------------------------------- 7.直角坐标系统---------------------------------- 8.建造虚拟点------------------------------------- 9.返回原始坐标---------------------------------- 10.圆心-圆心距离------------------------------- 11.圆心-原点-X轴角度------------------------ 12.圆心-圆心-圆心角度------------------------ 13.圆心-圆心-X轴角度------------------------ 14.计算结果列表-------------------------------- 15.原测量值列表-------------------------------- 16.保存计算结果-------------------------------- 17.退出2D----------------------------------------四.常见问题及解决方法--------------------------- 五.保修卡--------------------------------------------- 六.各地维修点---------------------------------------一.开机准备1. 当您打开包装箱时,请您按以下清单清点物品:Pioneer高度测量仪主机1台控制器1台说明书1本测针(直径4mm) 1支工具2把校准训练块1个充电器1个M6螺丝2只以上附件如有缺少,请与您的经销商接洽。



T3ZC(602)SB073-2006激光对中仪操作维护规程一、产品介绍1、应用程序符号概览下列符号(在显示屏上)对应程序是Fixturlaser 对中仪(常用)的应用程序。


2、功能元件符号概览下列符号(在显示屏上)对应功能是Fixturlaser 对中仪(常用)设置功能元件。


3、设备概览下列设备是Fixturlaser 对中仪(常用)设备。

DU100显示器;系统打印机;TD-M100激光发射器;TD-S100激光发射器;二、安全与维护1、电源Fixturlaser 对中仪用四节LR 20型碱性电池供电,显示单元也可以用任意外接电源供电。











外部电源是将在显示单元串行口旁边的计算机终端与110 – 240伏墙壁开关连接一起的。

2、安全Fixturlaser 对中仪用的是激光二极管,功率输出小于1.0 mW。




WTZJ-II型机车综合无线通信设备 使用说明书V2.0杭州创联电子技术有限公司地址:杭州市西湖区万塘路30号电话:4006798001,0571‐85023055,85023155传真:0571‐85026055邮编:310013WTZJ-II型机车综合无线通信设备使用说明书 V2.0目录一、设备功能介绍 (1)二、操作显示面板介绍 (1)三、GSMR调度通信功能 (4)四、450MHz调度通信功能 (5)五、调度命令功能 (6)六、列尾连接功能 (7)七、设置和调节功能 (7)7.1、车次功能号设置、注册(或车次功能号注销) (8)7.2、运行区段选择 (9)7.3、查询通信录 (10)7.4、扬声器音量调整 (11)7.5、听筒音量调整 (12)7.6、输入客车列尾装置ID (12)7.7、维护界面 (13)7.8、状态查询 (14)7.9、屏幕亮度调整 (15)7.10、出入库检测 (16)八、手动复位功能 (22)九、打印机维护操作 (22)一、设备功能介绍WTZJ-II型机车综合无线通信设备是主机小型化的机车综合无线通信设备(以下简称“小型化CIR”),主要是针对既有机车安装空间紧张而作的小型化改进,小型化CIR在设备结构上取消了标准型机车综合无线通信设备内部集成的800MHz列尾和列车安全预警系统机车电台以及高速数据传送单元。










第三章 产品结构和工作原理
1 输送机的传动系统: 输送机的传动系统包括双速电动机、减速器、刮板链等。双速电动机将动力传递给
减速器输入轴;通过减速器由减速器输出轴再将动力传递给链轮组件;链轮驱动封闭的 刮板链按需要的方向运行,完成输送煤炭的任务。
2 输送机组成: SGZ900/1050 型输送机主要由机头传动部、机尾传动部、机头推移部、机尾推移部、

SGZ1000/1050 型输送机使用说明书
链 规 格---------------------------------------------34*126-D 紧凑链 型 式---------------------------------------------------中双链 链中心距---------------------------------------------------200mm l 卸载方式--------------------------------------------------端卸 l 紧链方式------------------------液压马达紧链、液压伸缩机尾辅助紧链
警告提示是使您引起对危险性的警惕,否则将导致受伤或死亡,如果不采取合适的预 防措施,事故将会发生。 1.3 小心!
小心提示是使您引起对危险性的小心,否则将导致人身伤害或设备损坏。这类危险性 通常是不严重的,但发展下去后果是可怕的。如果不采取合适的预防措施,甚至会发生致 命伤害。
2 提示内容 2.1 危险! 2.1.1 在输送机运行中,任何人不得跨越输送机,否则将导致受伤或死亡。 2.1.2 在采煤过程中,任何人不得站在输送机的煤壁侧,否则将导致受伤或死亡。

SGZ1000/1050 型输送机使用说明书



调试说明一. 安装注意事项1.1探杆安装探杆的插入深度务必超过管道中心线25mm,见下图.1.2 接线1.2.1电气端接线步骤:a. 打开接线盒外盖(见下图)b. 将电源线通过电气接口引入接线盒;c. 将正确电源接到TB1 端子(要确认该仪表的使用电源) ;1.) 如电源为120VAC,火线接到L1 端子,零线火线接到L2/N 端子,2.) 如电源为240VAC,一根线接到L1 端子,另一根线接到L2/N 端子,3.) 如电源为24DC,正端接到+端子,负端接到- 端子d. 将4~20mA 信号线接到TB2 端子,将正端接到A+,负端接到A- 端e. 盖好接线盒2.一体化探头端接线步骤:a. 确认电源断开;b. 将PC 板端外盖打开,参考操作手册页31 图8;c. 拧松显示板的固定螺丝,拔出显示板;d. 用1/4” 内六角扳手松开探头和变送器连接出的两个内六角固定螺 丝。

此时可以取出逻辑板和电源板;3.分体式探头端接线步骤:a. 确认电源断开;b. 将PC 板端外盖打开,c. 拧松显示板的固定螺丝,拔出显示板;d. 用1/4” 内六角扳手松开探头和变送器连接出的两个内六角固定螺 丝。

此时可以取出逻辑板和电源板;e. 探头的引出的五根线将连接到探头接线盒内分体PC 板上。

看下表 五个接线端子序号 探头引出线颜色1 白色2 兰色3 黑色4 棕色5 桔黄色线 端子 探头白色 1 温度探头兰色 2 流量探头黑色 3 接地棕色 4 加热接地橙色 5 加热f. 探头接线盒内分体PC 板上八个接线端子将与变送器内TB3 板上8 个 接线端子连接,按各电路板上端子号如下接线:分体式探头内端子序号 TB3 板上接线端子号线 远传端子 TB3接线端绿/白 线1 1白/绿 线2 2兰/白 线3 3白/兰 线4 4棕/白 线5 5白/棕 线6 6橙/白 线7 7白/橙 线7 7屏蔽线 线8 84.简单参数设置由于TA2流量计已经按照客户技术规格书的要求,在出厂前进行标定后再发往客户处.如需改变原有的量程,或者用于其它安装位置必须返厂重新进行标定.TA2的操作界面是菜单式,分为主菜单和子菜单,其中主菜单大致分为以下几个窗口,通过”上”或”下”箭头切换.第一次通电后,需要等待3~5分钟,等仪表初始化后,液晶屏显示瞬时流量时,就可以修改相关参数.如需进入子菜单请按”回车”键4.1 System Config 参数设置主要可以修改流量单位;质量流量单位;温度单位;密度单位;管径单位;面积单位;其中”flow area”是自动计算的流通面积,不需要修改.4.2 I/O Config 参数修改要修改其中的参数,需要输入密码”200”.在这个子菜单内可以修改4mA,20mA对应的值.电流输出按照”体积流量”或”质量流量”输出.4.3 Adv Config(高级设置) 默认修改密码为”200”.高级设置菜单里面可能用的参数为”install Factors”.具体公式为:A+Bv+Cv~2=实际流量 A.B.C为修正系数,v为表头显示的流量 一般把公式简化为 Bv=实际流量 所以, A.C默认为0.通过修改B就可以使得表头的读数接近实际流量值.4.4 Diagnostics(诊断菜单) 默认修改密码为”200”. 该菜单用于诊断表头和探头是否工作在正常状态.4.5 Factory Config(工厂配置参数) 默认修改密码:2005 HART 通讯菜单6.检查TA2的流量特性是否在工作范围之内目的:当TA2热式质量流量计使用一段时间后,用户总会怀疑自己的流量计还准不准,由于以前需要特殊的设备来标定,才能确定精度是否满足要求.现在可以把流量计放在办公室内,进行相关测试,从而知道流量计是否在正常工作范围内.TA2测量热传感器,并且在标定的时候热传感器和质量流量建立一定的关系.检查TA2的标定情况的一种方法是检查探头的热传感器特性是否还在控制范围内.接下来的步骤是在没有流量和模拟高流量两种情况下,检查热传感器.需要的设备:热水盆或桶(容量大约为1升),水温在20~25度之间..热水盆必须非常牢固的固定,没有任何振动.步骤:先把探头原始的热传感器特性记录下来,以便将来检查它的特性.1.没有流量的情况:a.TA2通电.用干净的纸把TA2的探头缠绕包好并确认稳定.从TA2菜单中选择Diagnostics/Signal Values,记录它的读数(mW).b.这是反应零点流量信号(Zero Flow Signal),要记录下来.2.高流量的情况:a.从TA2菜单中选择Factory Config/Ctrl Parameters/Set Point.记录下看到的值.改变这个Set Point到15℃(需要输入密码”2200”).液晶板可能显示”Initializing”(初始化),这不会影响标定程序.在室温的情况下(15℃~26℃),把缠绕的纸移开,垂直的把探杆伸入热水盆中,并确保探头完全浸没在水中.这个热水盆必须保持相当的稳定没有任何振动或晃动.为最可能的降低对探头热流的对流影响,探杆保持垂直的位置是非常关键的.如果是整体式的探头,也必须完全浸没在水中,或者把管道的末端堵住,确保所有的水充满管道.每次进行标定的时候,必须注意探头上的箭头流向标志.b.从菜单中选择Diagnostics/Delta Temp,等到液晶板上Delta Temp的读数已经稳定(在正负0.3℃范围内波动).这表明了热传感器和参考传感器的温度之差.把数据记录下来.c.关键:数据记录完成后,从菜单中返回到Factory Config/Ctrl Parameters/SetPoint窗口,把Set point 改回到原来的数值(这个值在出厂的校验报告中也记录下来).检验步骤重复步骤记录Zero Flow Signal 和Delta Temp的数值.1.比较Zero Flow Signal新的数值和原来的值,两者之差应该在5mW.2.Delta Temp新的数值和初始值,两者之差应该在0.125℃.3.如果以上两个比较都在范围之内,说明探头的测量特性没有改变.4.如果以上两个比较超出规定范围之内,则需要a.清洗探头和探杆,并重新进行标定.b.检查探针有无变形.联系工厂,需要送回工厂重新进行标定.7 故障排除7.1 报错信息由于TA2具备自诊断功能,所以如有异常情况,可以在液晶屏上看到相关信息.信息 功能Usr Passwd Req’d 用户密码输入错误Prb Passwd Req’d 密码输入错误Err New Pwd Failed 此信息说明新密码输入第二次与第一次不一样No Probe Signals或者显示”Probe Hdwr Fault” 没有探杆信号,检查探杆的接线端子是否松动,再到”Diagnostics”菜单查看Probe的状态,如有异常,需要返厂维修.Initializing TA2 正在初始化 Module cal Req’d 需要重新标定 Prb Params Reset 重新输入探头校验数据Usr Params Reset 根据流量面积重新组态仪表和4~20mA 设定7.2 检查端口电阻值:a. 一体式在逻辑电路板上有J6 端口,断开电源,拔出J6,可以看到7 个引脚,其 编号为1,3,5,7,9,11,13。

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按确认键进入高端反馈20mA 信号设定,这时按上翻键一次反馈信号20mA会以0.02mA增加,按下翻键一次会以0.02mA减小。

































12,红色数码管显示闪烁的DEFT 符号,表示恢复出厂默认参数菜单项。











© © © ©
- + 保持开阀关阀控制方式24VDC
开公共关 3 2 1 限位开关电位器
正公共反L N 电机接线电源
参数参数功能默认值C1 丢信动作(0,关 1开 2保持 2
C2 正反作用 0正作用 1反作用0
C3 控制信号低端设定4mA
C4 控制信号高端设定20mA C5 反馈信号低端设定4mA
C6 反馈信号低端设定20mA C7 灵敏度设定12
C12 恢复出厂默认参数 0否 1.是0
C13 退出参数设置 0不保存 1保存0 按上翻键+设定键3s开始自动标定开关位置
