



写一则最近了解的新闻英语作文(中英文版)Recently, a groundbreaking discovery in the field of artificial intelligence has been making headlines.A team of researchers from a renowned university has developed an AI system capable of generating realistic human faces, which could potentially revolutionize the entertainment and virtual reality industries.近期,一项关于人工智能领域的突破性发现成为了新闻头条。


In this English composition, I will briefly introduce this news and share my thoughts on its potential impact on society.在这篇英语作文中,我将简要介绍这则新闻,并分享我对它可能对社会产生的影响的看法。

According to the news report, the AI system uses advanced machine learning techniques to analyze countless images of human faces and learn the underlying patterns.As a result, it can generate highly realistic human faces that have never existed before.据新闻报道,该人工智能系统利用先进的机器学习方法分析无数人脸图像,并学习其中的潜在模式。



对外新闻常用语汉英翻译400例400 Examples of often-used Words & Expressions in Writing English News forAudience Abroad (For reference only)1.社会生产力、综合国力、人民生活又上了一个新的台阶:The productive forces,the overall national strength and the standard of living of the people were brought to a new stage of development.2.我国政通人和,百业俱兴,国力增强:China enjoyed political stability and unity among the people, d eveloped all businesses and increased its national strength. 3.经济发展保持良好势头:Our economy maintained a good momentum of growth. 4.国内生产总值达到74 772亿元:China’s gross domestic product (GDP) reached 7.477 2 trillion yuan.5.按可比价格计算:calculated in terms of comparable prices.6.提前实现了本世纪末国民生产总值比1980年翻两番的目标:We attained ahead of schedule the goal of quadrupling the GNP by the end of the century.7.“十五”计划的五项指导方针是:把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高人民生活水平作为根本出发点,把经济发展和社会发展结合起来:Making development the central theme, concentrating on economic restructuring, making reform and opening up and technological progress the driving force for economic growth,making improvement of the people’s living standards the prime goal, and coordinating economic development with social development —these are five guiding principles for the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (2001--2005). 8.一度出现某些领域过热、物价涨幅过高的问题:We used to have overheated growth in some fields and excessively high price rises.9.我们既克服了“九五”前期通货膨胀的影响,又抑制了中后期的通货紧缩趋势:The country controlled inflation during the initial stage of the Ninth Five-Year P1an and curbed deflation in the middle and late stages.10.我国成功实现经济“软着陆”:China achieved a successful “soft-landing.”11.这种“高增长、低通胀”的良好态势,是多年来没有过的:This favorable situation featuring a high economic growth rate with low inflation has not been witnessed for many years.12.计划的预期目标要留有余地:We have to leave some leeway when defining our target.13.农业增加值平均每年增长4.5%:The added value of agriculture increased by 4.5 percent annually on the average.14.主要工农业产品产量位居世界前列,商品短缺状况基本结束:China’s output of major industrial and agricultural products stands in the front ranks of the world’s economies, and commodity shortage were by and large eliminated in the country. 15.乡镇企业保持了较快增长的态势:Town and township enterprises maintained a good momentum of rapid growth.16.产业结构和产品结构出现了积极的变化:The industrial pattern and the product mix underwent positive changes.17.保证人民群众向更加宽裕的小康生活迈进:We must ensure a more comfortablelife for the people.18.电话交换机总容量达到1.1亿门:The total number of telephones climbed to 110 million.19.发电装机总容量达到2.5亿千瓦:The power-generating capacity reached 250 million kw.20.主要生产资料和消费品出现了供求基本平衡或供大于求的格局:The supply of main means of production and consumer goods more or less meets or exceeds the demand.21.长期以来困扰我们的商品紧缺现象已经根本改观了:The long-standing phenomenon of commodity shortages has now been fundamentally ameliorated.22.基础产业和基础设施的“瓶颈”制约。




下面是给大家整理的中英文对照新闻报道,供大家参阅!Peking University has vowed to fully support theXiongan New Area, a new economic zone about 100kilometers southwest of Beijing, including opening amedical center to train high-level professionals.雄安新区是我国的一个新经济特区,位于北京西南方向约100公里。


The move was disclosed after Zhao Kezhi, Party chiefof Hebei Province, and provincial governor Xu Qinheld talks with the prestigious university's Partychief Hao Ping.河北省省委书记赵克志、省长许勤与北京大学党委书记郝平进行了会谈,之后宣布在雄安新区建立医学中心。

Hao said the university will take advantage of its strengths in medical and educational trainingto support Xiongan's growth. The university will also make it a priority to encourage moreprofessionals to work in Hebei.郝平书记表示,北京大学将充分利用学校资源,在医疗和教育培训等方面积极支持雄安新区的发展。



英语阅读(中英文对照)文章汇总一、精选时事新闻1. 美国总统发表国情咨文President of the United States Delivers State of the Union Address近日,美国总统在国会大厦发表了国情咨文,概述了国家当前面临的挑战与机遇。

The President of the United States recently delivered the State of the Union address at the Capitol, outlining the challenges and opportunities facing the nation.2. 我国成功发射新一代通信卫星China Successfully Launches New Generation Communication Satellite二、经典文学作品1. 威廉·莎士比亚:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》William Shakespeare: "Romeo and Juliet"《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚的经典悲剧作品,讲述了两个家族间的恩怨情仇以及一对年轻恋人的悲壮爱情。

"Romeo and Juliet" is a classic tragedy Shakespeare, telling the story of the feud between two families and the tragic love of a young couple.2. 简·奥斯汀:《傲慢与偏见》Jane Austen: "Pride and Prejudice"《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀的代表作,通过讲述贝内特家族几位女儿的婚姻故事,揭示了当时英国社会的阶级矛盾和爱情观念。

"Pride and Prejudice" is a representative work Jane Austen, revealing the class contradictions and concepts of love in British society at that time through the marriage stories of several daughters of the Bennet family.三、科普知识文章1. 人类能否实现时间旅行?Can Humans Achieve Time Travel?时间旅行一直是科幻作品中的热门话题,科学家们也在积极探索其可能性。



• • • • • •
story n 新闻(消息) 新闻(消息) sub head 副标题 succinct adj 简洁 supplement n 增刊 tabloid paper 小报 theme n 主题
• • • • •
timeliness n 时效性 uniqueness of an event 事件的奇特性 urgent n 急电 adj 紧急的 wire service or news agency 通讯社 5Ws (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHAT) 译为中文即何人、何事、何处、何 译为中文即何人、何事、何处、 何故,有的还要加个“ 时、何故,有的还要加个“HOW”(怎 ( 样)。
gatekeeper 看门人(特指新闻记者对新闻的选择职能) 看门人(特指新闻记者对新闻的选择职能) hard news 硬新闻 headline n 标题 highlight n 提要 human interest 人情味
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• • • • • •
importance of an event 时间的重要性 inform v 提供信息 inverted pyramid 倒金字塔 key word 关键词 lead n 导语 v 引导 mass-communication 大众传媒
• • • • • • •
electronic media 电子媒体 entertain v 预约(人) 预约( eye-catching adj 抢眼的 features 特写 flash n 快讯 follow-up story n 后续报道 freelancer 自由撰稿人
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
news digest 新闻摘要 news feature 新闻特写 news filter 新闻过滤 news value 新闻价值 objectivity n 客观性 opinion n 言论



AIG巨亏617亿美元 创美国企业纪录英国《金融时报》弗朗西斯科?格雷拉(Francesco Guerrera)纽约报道
“AIG's results . . . were negatively affected by continued severe credit market deterioration, particularly in CMBS,” the company said.
The value of AIG's $20bn portfolio of securities backed by commercial property loans fell by nearly a quarter in the three months to December, forcing a $5bn writedown.
AIG HIT BY RECORD $61.7BN SHORTFALLBy Francesco Guerrera in New York
American International Group yesterday revealed the depth of its financial plight with a $61.7bn quarterly loss – the largest in US corporate history – and pointed to the next trouble spot for the financial sector by reporting large writedowns in commercial real estate.

新闻翻译 grape of china 参考版

新闻翻译 grape of china 参考版

原文链接:/2012/04/25/its-the-economy-the-grapes-look-to-china/译文链接:/view/2012-05/2678226.htmlST 576 words 全译1262字编译695字编译分析It’s the economy: The grapes look to ChinaRepresentatives of a handful of Hudson Valley wineries sat in a brightly lit classroom in Kingston this month, listening to a pitch that could help them reach the biggest market on the planet. New York has cachet in China, according to Yaxin Zhang, United States representative for the New York State Wine Outlet.The state initiative, sponsored by the Small Business Development Center, the New York Wine and Grape Foundation and the state departments of economic development and agriculture, seeks to connect the state’s wineries with 400 million middle-class Chinese —what it describes as the fastest-growing middle class in the world.The Kingston presentation introduced area wineries to the project. For $3000 a year, the wineries get exposure at four national trading events in China, with free extensions to the membership if no sales result from the first exhibit. The wine outlet currently occupies a 3600-square-foot storage space in Shanghai’s free-trade zone. Membership is touted as giving wineries access to what presenters described as “the door to China.”An individual winery pursuing these connections and trade shows on its own can expect经济才是关键:纽约州葡萄酒指望中国市场环球网财经频道4月26日消息据《新帕尔兹时报》报道,2几家哈德逊山谷葡萄酒厂的代表本月齐聚在金斯顿一间灯火通明的教室里,这里正在举办一场宣讲会,举办方表示可以帮助各酒厂进军全球最大的市场。



新闻英语中文翻译版篇一:新闻英语翻译新闻定义1) News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.(新闻就是针对人们读你的报道以前还不知道的事件、事实或观点的一种全新报道。

)2) News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.(凡是及时的、能引起一部分人兴趣的东西,便是新闻。


)3) News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely,that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.(新闻是指人们能及时获悉的事件、观点或见解,它能吸引或影响社会上的许多人,并能为他们所理解。

)4) News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance,use,or interest to a consi-derable number of persons in a publication audience.(新闻是对任何事物的及时报道,对于读者群体中的许多人来说,这类报道具有重要性、实用性或趣味性。

)5) If a dog bites a man, it is not news; if a man bites a dog, it’s (big) news.(狗咬人并非新闻,人咬狗才是(大)新闻。


陈佩彤 余李清
正中英文新闻标题的相同点: 在新闻报道中标题被称为整篇报道的眼睛。因此标题除了简洁、准确
,能够使读者看到标题就能理解新闻的整体意义以外,还要起到吸引读 者眼球的作用-这也是中文新闻标题与英文新闻标题最主要的相同点 。
中英文新闻语言的使用都是为了让读者快速了解新闻资讯: 英语新闻媒体遵循“ABC”的新闻规则,即报道内容准确(accuracy
中文标题时态标志不太明显,甚至有时只是暗含。因为表 示汉语时态的助动词和副词在标题中大部分都省略或被更 简短的词取代。
被动语态在英语中常见的语法现象,常用 结构被动式,少用意义被动式。而按照汉 语的习惯,如果句中无须指出施事,主动 意义与被动意义又不发生混淆,一般就不 用结构被动式,而用意义被动式。
)、语言文字简洁(brevity)和结构条理清晰(clarity)。而中国的 新闻媒体遵循的是“准确、简洁、通俗、具体”。
“新”是新闻语言的生命。为使读者 了解最新的新闻,所有反映当今热 门话题的词语都会出现在新闻报道 中。英汉新闻标题选词都会出现大 量的热门词汇。新词的产生有两种 途径,一是自创,二是从其他语言 借用
西方-情感强烈 中方-内敛
Thank you!



外研版八年级上册英语课文翻译(中英文对照更详细)Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Let's try to speak English as much as possible让我们尽可能多地讲英语Welcome back, everyone!同学们,欢迎回来!Today, we 're going to talk about good ways to learn English.今天,我们打算谈论一下学习英语的好方法。

Ready?准备好了吗?Who has some advice?谁有一些建议?We should always speak English in class.在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。

Good! Let's try to speak English as much as possible.好!让我们尽可能多地讲英语。

Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢?That's a good idea. And don't forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. What else?那是个好主意,而且不要忘记在错误旁边写上正确的答案。

还有其他的什么吗?It's a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。

Thanks a lot, Ling ling. How about listening to the radio?非常感谢你,玲玲。

听广播怎么样?Yes, that's good for our pronunciation too. But there are so many new words.是的,那也有益于我们的发音。


Deregulation of interest rates was vital to the ambitious reform agenda that Communist party leaders approved last November, which promised to give market forces a “decisive” role in capital allocation.
But with Beijing’s 7.5 per cent growth target in ever greater peril, policy makers are facing pressure to move slowly on deposit-rate reform, which is expected to lead to higher rates as banks compete for customer funds.
That would lead to higher borrowing costs for companies and local governments, adding to economic headwinds at a time when investment growth is at its weakest level in five years.



英语新闻词汇大全(中英对照)英语新闻词汇大全accredited journalist n.特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n.消息出处,消息来源back alley news n.小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。

banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt."开天窗"body n.新闻正文boil vt.压缩(篇幅)box n.花边新闻brief n.简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n.署名文章caption n.图片说明caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登cartoon n.漫画censor vt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版clipping n.剪报column n.专栏;栏目columnist n.专栏作家continued story连载故事;连载小说contributing editor特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写cover girl n.封面女郎covert coverage隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片)crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻)digest n.文摘editorial n.社论editorial office编辑部daily日报morning edition晨报evening edition晚报quality paper高级报纸popular paper大众报纸evening paper晚报government organ官报party organ党报trade paper商界报纸Chinese paper中文报纸English newspaper英文报纸vernacular paper本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news政治报纸Newspaper Week新闻周刊the front page头版,第一版bulldog edition晨版article记事headline标题banner headline头号大标题byline标题下署名之行dateline日期、发稿地之行big news头条新闻hot news最新新闻exclusive news独家新闻scoop特讯feature特写,花絮criticism评论editorial社论review,comment时评book review书评topicality时事问题city news社会新闻column栏letters读者投书栏general news column一般消息栏cartoon,comics漫画cut插图weather forecast天气预报serial story新闻小说obituary notice 讣闻public notice公告advertisement广告calssified ad分类广告flash-news大新闻extra号外the sports page运动栏literary criticism文艺评论Sunday features周日特刊newsbeat记者采访地区news blackout新闻管制press ban禁止刊行yellow sheet低俗新闻tabloid图片版新闻"Braille"edition点字版newspaper office报社publisher发行人proprieter社长bureau chief,copy chief总编辑editor-in-chief总主笔editor编辑,主笔newsman,newspaperman,journalist新闻记者cub reporter初任记者reporter采访记者war correspondent,campaign badge随军记者columnist专栏记者star reporter一流通讯员correspondent通讯员special correspondent特派员contributor投稿家news source新闻来源informed sources消息来源newspaper campaign新闻战free-lancer writer自由招待会press box记者席news conference,press conference记者招待会International Press Association国际新闻协会distribution发行circulation发行份数newsstand,kiosk报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处newsboy报童subscription(rate)报费newsprint新闻用纸Fleet Street舰队街acredited journalist n.特派记者advertisment n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair(e)n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n.消息出处,消息来源back alley news n.小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里。



标题翻译:looking back to look ahead.回首往昔展望未来america's careening foreign policy.摇摆不定的美国对外政策bill clinton assumes office in white house as us president.比尔,克林顿入主白宫,就任美国总统(或译:克林顿入主白宫,新总统始掌大权) olympics begin in style;swimmer takes 1st gold.奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌li elected cppcc head李(瑞环)当选为全国政协主席lewis,xie voted world's top two路(易斯)谢(军)当选世界最佳男女(运动员)emperor's visit a milestone in bilateral ties天皇访华:(中日)双边关系的里程碑quake death toll tops 5000(日本限神地区)地震死亡人数己逾五千young wheelers,big dealers青年摩托车手成了(保险公司)大主顾after the boom everything is gloom 繁荣过后,尽是萧条(或译:繁荣好景不再,萧条接因而来)soccer kicks off with violence 足球开踢拳打脚踢liberty mother of invention 自由是发明之母accuser accused 原告没当成反而成被告middie east:a cradle of terror 中东——恐怖主义的摇篮desperate need,desperate deed 燃眉之急非常行动1990:year of marco polo chic 1990年:中国热的一年a vow to zip his lips 誓将守口如瓶'silent' office workers demand to be heard “不闻不问”的办公室员工今后将不再不闻不问了russian reform old wine in new bottle (俄罗斯改革——新瓶装陈酒)标题语态:girl of 18 raped after threat with bread knife(=a girl of 18 raped after threat with a bread knife)餐刀威逼下,18岁少女遭强暴van goghs recovered after theft(=van goghs are recovered after the theft)梵高名画窃而复得father jailed for murder of daughter(=father is jailed for the murder of his daughter)谋杀亲生女儿父亲银档人狱标题时态:comeback gives china a sensational thomas cup win(=the comeback gave china a sensational thomas cup win )中国队反败为胜荣获汤姆斯杯street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceed(=street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceeded)和平会谈进行之际巷战依然炮声隆隆last two beiruit hostages 'to go free'(=the last two hostages inbeiruit are 'to go free')贝鲁特最后两名人质“获释在望”florida freeze to increase area produce prices(=the freeze in florida is to increase the areas produce prices)佛罗里达严寒将使该地区农产品涨价signs of rifts appearing in argentina's junta(=the signs of rifts are appearing in argentina's junta)阿根廷军人政府出现内讧迹象deposits, loans rising in shanghai(=deposits and loans are rising in shanghai)上海储蓄与贷款额见升标题省略:tenth of british mackerel catch ground into feed(=a tenth of the british mackeel catch ground into feed)英国捕获鳍鱼一成碾为饲料three g0rges flooded by 'farewell' tourists(=the three gorges flooded by 'farewell' tourists)惜别之情难以挡游客蜂拥至三峡three dead after inhaling oven gas(=three are dead after inhaling oven gas)吸入炉灶煤气三人窒息身亡clinton inauguration most expensive ever(=clinton inaugurati0n is m0st expensive ever)克氏就职典礼花费空前巨大financier killed by burglars(=a financier is killed by burglars)夜毛贼入室金融家遇害pope to visit japan in february(=pope is to visit japan in february)教皇拟于二月访日india mending fences(=india is mending fences)印度正在改善与邻国的关系us,vietnam resume talks(=us and vietnam resume talks)美越恢复会谈nbc's president robert wright seeks big acquisiti0ns,ventures for the network(=nbc's president robert wright seeks big acquistions and ventures for the network)“强有力的伙伴”+“可观的投资”——罗伯特董事长为nbc网络扩展而奔走新闻定义:1)News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story。

chinadaily经济类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备

chinadaily经济类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备

【Top News】>Daughters more popular英媒:房价削中国重男风High property prices and economic development have begun to erode China's traditional preference for sons, leading to a rise in the number of Chinese parents who say they want a daughter, the Financial Times of London reported Tuesday. The conventional wisdom - that China is a land of unwanted girls - is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons to work the fields and support parents in old age. Rising property prices are also driving the change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries. As a result, Internet chat groups have sprang up where women exchange advice on how to conceive girls.英国《金融时报》2日称,中国的高房价和经济发展开始削弱人们重男轻女的传统风气,越来越多的父母表示更喜欢女儿。




我想学新闻学英语作文(中英文版)**English Essay: My Desire to Study Journalism**Studying journalism has always been a passion of mine.The power of storytelling and the ability to convey information to a vast audience is a skill that I greatly admire.As a language enthusiast, I believe that merging my love for English with the art of journalism will not only broaden my horizons but also equip me with the tools necessary to make a meaningful impact on society.Journalism is more than just reporting facts; it"s about uncovering truths, asking tough questions, and being a voice for the voiceless.I am drawn to the idea of being a bridge between occurrences in the world and the public who seek to understand them.Through English, the global language of communication, I can reach a wider audience and tell stories that matter.Moreover, studying journalism in English will enhance my language proficiency, critical thinking, and cultural awareness.It will challenge me to express complex ideas concisely and effectively, a skill vital for any journalist.The ability to analyze information, verify sources, and present unbiased accounts is fundamental to the profession, and I am eager to develop these skills.In conclusion, my desire to study journalism in English stems frommy aspiration to not only become a proficient communicator but also to contribute to the dissemination of accurate information.It is a step towards a career that combines my love for language and the pursuit of truth.**中文作文:我想学习新闻学**我一直怀有学习新闻学的激情。



Obama Appeals to UN in Effort Against IS Militants奥巴马呼吁联合国一起努力对抗伊斯兰国武装分子President Barack Obama on Wednesday called on the world to join him in an effort to degrade and ultimately destroy“ Islamic State militants”,美国总统巴拉克・奥巴马(Barack Obama)周三呼吁世界和他一起抵制并最终摧毁“伊斯兰国家激进分子”。

Mr,Obama appealed to the world community in his address to the U・N・General Assembly in New York,The president had this to say:奥巴马呼吁国际社会在他的地址在纽约联合国大会。

奥巴马总统曾经这样说:“Mothers, sisters and daughters have been subjected to rape as a weapon of warinnocent children have been gunned down- Bodies have been dumped in mass gravesReligious minorities have been starved to death- in the most horrific crimes imaginable, innocent human beings have been beheaded, with videos of the atrocity distributed to shock the conscience of the world,"“母亲、姐妹和女儿遭受强奸作为一种战争武器。












由于食品价格持续走强,11月份的通胀率料将突破8月份和10月份的6.5%,再创新高.最新月度统计数据将于下周发布.本次经济工作会议之后发表的一份声明指出:“政府要采取有力措施抑制价格总水平过快上涨,加强……基本生活必需品和其他紧缺商品的生产."China's monetary policy from "prudent” to ”tight"Chi na has announced it has shifted its monetary policy stance from “prudent” to “tightening" in another sign that Beijing is concerned about the acceleration of an economy already growing at double—digit rates。

The decision,formally taken at an annual economic conference in Beijing this week, signals growing concern that investment, the prime driver of growth,is picking up pace again on the back of rising construction。

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Other private individuals are campaigning for transparency. After the State Council, China's cabinet, announced in 2007 that governments should publicise relevant budget information, Wu Junliang, a financial consultant, started filing requests for access to budget documents. Although most were refused, the city of Shenzhen invited him to examine its budget, although he says he was shown a book which “looked like a make-up catalogue”.
“Delegates at the NPC need to be prepared so they can discuss the budget,” he said. “Secrecy is one reason for corruption. And people want to see the money is spent properly.”
Part of the concern centres on the government's Rmb4,000bn ($584bn) stimulus plan. Although it was announced in November, it is still not clear how much of it is really new and precisely how the funds will be invested.
In early January, Mr Yan, who has launched shareholder lawsuits against listed companies, petitioned the finance ministry to release details about expenditure in 2008 and the budget for this year. He also petitioned the National Development and Reform Commission – the main economic planner – to release details of the stimulus package.
This uncertainty, combined with growing concern among Chinese citizens about waste and corruption, has prompted a vigorous internet debate and a campaign by a well-known lawyer for the release of more information.
Internet campaigns push Beijing for greater economic disclosure By Geoff Dyer in Beijiaders are facing rare public pressure to reveal more details of their public spending plans ahead of this week's opening of the annual session of the National People's Congress.
Since then, a handful of other bureaucracies have let him examine budget information.
“It is gradually getting easier,” said Mr Wu. “This is real progress for society, finding out more about how tax money is spent.”
中国网民要求政府披露更多预算信息英国《金融时报》杰夫·代尔(Geoff Dyer)北京报道 2009-03-03
上海律师严义明牵头发起了这场运动,要求官方在中国立法机构——全国人大会议前透露有关财政刺激方案及预算的更多细节。他表示:我们现在都是纳税人,所以有权利知道自己的钱是怎么花掉的…… 我们对政府给的粗略估算不满意,我们需要得到更多的细节,我们不想被忽悠。
“We are all taxpayers now so we have the right to know how our money is being spent,” said Yan Yiming, a Shanghai-based lawyer leading a campaign for more details of the fiscal stimulus and budget ahead of the meeting of the NPC, the country's legislature. “We are not satisfied with the rough estimates the government has thrown to us. We need more details. We do not want to be fooled around.”
The government has tried to head off the online criticism. Yesterday, it said more details would be forthcoming after the NPC. It also pledged to set up a hotline for citizens to request more information.