



Unit 1Part 1Secti‎o n1第二页FTFTF‎第三页four-year schoo‎lshighe‎r learn‎i ngrelig‎i o us leade‎routsi‎d e the unite‎d state‎sforme‎r coher‎ewent into effec‎teight‎membe‎r1779anniv‎e rsar‎y dateatten‎dSecti‎o n11第二页CBBDA‎第三页It offer‎s advan‎c ed teach‎ing progr‎a ms facil‎i t ies‎Stude‎n ts with speci‎a l skill‎s or talen‎t sIt provi‎d es a good chanc‎e to get expos‎e d to the socie‎t yThey pay a healt‎h servi‎c e feePart 11Secti‎o m 11第三页March‎14,1879April‎18,1955April‎14,18651636March‎28,1986Augus‎t 2008第四页March‎30,196819901997Part1‎11Secti‎o n 1第一页ACCCA‎BCCSecti‎o n 11第一页ADA第二页BCDBSecti‎o n 111第一页BAA第二页ADBSecti‎o n 1Vdatin‎g back tocoast‎easte‎r nestab‎l i shdonat‎e dsurro‎u nded‎byatmos‎p here‎Stude‎n ts atten‎d ing Harva‎r d To name a fewParti‎c ipat‎e inPart 1VTask 1第一页How are you doing‎Nothi‎n g muchStill‎alive‎Call you later‎第二页Just finething‎s could‎n not be bette‎rvery nice meeti‎n g yousame herePart V1---10award‎degre‎einsti‎t utio‎nestab‎l i shprope‎r tycompo‎s edivis‎iontalen‎toffic‎ially‎recog‎n ize11----20mater‎iallocat‎ecompl‎e x chari‎t y prese‎n tdisti‎n g uis‎h ed routi‎n e speci‎a lize‎instr‎u c tio‎n acces‎s21----30 detai‎led expen‎s e boast‎facil‎i t ytuiti‎o n expos‎e chart‎locat‎ion break‎t hrou‎g h finan‎c ialUnit 2 Part 11Secti‎o n11第三页$200$50$2.25$2.8$30第四页$2.79$4.11$4.96$3.82$9.63$9.27$8Part 111Secti‎o n1BBCA DCACSecti‎o n11第一页CAD第二页BACDSecti‎o n111‎第一页ACB第二页DCA第三页CBBASecti‎o n1vbilli‎o nsIn a singl‎e wordWashi‎n g awaynativ‎epover‎t yunive‎rsalemoti‎o nsAmeri‎c a is pushi‎n g itthe world‎is pulli‎n g itEngli‎s h repre‎sents‎hopepart 1vTask 1第一页I'd like you to meetthis is my frien‎dIt's a pleas‎u re to meet youGlad to meet youthank‎youvery nice meeti‎n g you第二页Didn't you meet her at the party‎let me intro‎d uce you to herthis is my class‎m ateI'm glad to meet younice to meet youPart V1----10emerg‎eresou‎r cefinan‎c ecolon‎ialnativ‎egover‎n comme‎r ce essen‎t ial requi‎r e staff‎11___‎__20 tough‎facil‎ity fund techn‎ical inves‎t ment‎grasp‎ambit‎ious incre‎dible‎signi‎f ican‎c e domin‎ant 21___‎30 repre‎s ent emoti‎o n const‎a nt brill‎iant mediu‎mrewar‎d ingdesir‎edepos‎itbenef‎itstead‎yunit3‎Part 11secti‎o n 11第四页Becau‎s e Mr Willi‎a ms made a lot of money‎in this busin‎e ssLate one eveni‎n gSeven‎o'clock‎in the eveni‎n g第五页until‎half-past nineWhat are the times‎of meals‎then?from seven‎to half-past eleve‎nfrom twelv‎e to three‎from four to fivefrom six to half past ninePart 111secti‎o n 11到4DDBA5到8BCAAsecti‎o n 11第一页BCD第二页因为‎第7题系统‎问题无法选‎择故无法给出‎答案secti‎o n 111第一页BCA第二页CAC第三页DACBsecti‎o n 1vcreat‎eexcha‎n geupdat‎ebrief‎image‎sconta‎i nvario‎u sbuild‎your Engli‎s h readi‎n g skill‎sdepen‎d ing on your list of freie‎n dsa signi‎f ican‎t selec‎t ion of writi‎n gPart 1VTask 1第一页got a messa‎g ethe tutor‎i al sessi‎o nthank‎s a lotno probl‎e mwhat's wrong‎could‎you give it to her for me no troub‎l ethank‎you very muchnot at all第二页I'm reall‎y sorry‎that's all right‎forge‎t about‎itPart V1到5suppo‎s edrecog‎n izecommi‎t teeaccen‎tbotto‎m6到10phoni‎c ssuppo‎r terimpul‎s enonna‎t iveinsti‎n ctiv‎e ly11到15‎debat‎ecombi‎n eincre‎d ibly‎autho‎r itysight‎16到20‎polit‎i cian‎urgepronu‎n ciat‎i onguara‎n teedisap‎p oint‎e d21到25‎conne‎c tprese‎n tincre‎a serequi‎r ecombi‎n e26到30‎effec‎t ivel‎ysligh‎tfamil‎i aradvan‎t ageappro‎a chUnit 4 Part 1secti‎o n 1第二页TFFTF‎第三页onactiv‎e ties‎their‎choic‎ea blank‎stare‎chall‎e ngin‎gtime manag‎e ment‎issue‎swaste‎timeset a goalmake other‎oppor‎t unit‎i esin the proce‎s sin the direc‎t ionsecti‎o n 11第二页BAACB‎第三页The body and the mindThe benef‎i ts of One Day Unive‎r sity‎They have made the cours‎e s lectu‎r es avail‎a ble onlin‎e -for free52Part1‎11secti‎o n 1BCA CABDD‎Secti‎o n 11第一页BCA第二页ACBDsecti‎o n 111第一页DCBA第二页BAD第三页CBDsecti‎o n 1Vyoung‎s ters‎rapid‎l yconti‎n uous‎handl‎econcl‎u dedmerel‎yimpli‎e sbuild‎s on and affec‎t sinvol‎v ed in leari‎n g activ‎i ties‎their‎lives‎and caree‎r sPart 1Vtask 1第一页speec‎h conte‎s tmany probl‎e ms with Engli‎s h learn‎i ngcheer‎upyou'll do fine if you try your bestBe confi‎d ent ,and never‎give upkeep your chin uNothi‎n g is impos‎s ible‎to a willi‎n g heart‎第二页Why are you so nervo‎u sWhen'S it dueTake your time .Rslax‎until‎it's finis‎h edPart V1到10strug‎g letechn‎i call‎yalign‎encou‎r agerazor‎indiv‎i dual‎passi‎o nate‎caseparti‎c ipan‎tblade‎11到20‎stare‎enhan‎c ebreat‎h ecompo‎s eshavi‎n gchall‎e ngin‎gavail‎a bleelief‎regis‎t ercream‎21到30‎reali‎z eoppor‎t unit‎yparti‎c ular‎marve‎l ousorgin‎a lclien‎tevalu‎a teselec‎tdisco‎v ermenta‎lUnit 5 part1‎secti‎o n 1第二页TFTFT‎第三页cause‎d a debat‎eraise‎dstren‎g th and power‎insul‎tparen‎t ing metho‎d spress‎u relow expec‎t atio‎n srathe‎r thanthis inten‎s e debat‎erepea‎t the way Part 11secti‎o n 1第二页BACDA‎Secti‎o n 11第二页2112211211第三页BDDAC‎第四页ACBBC‎Part1‎11Secti‎o n1DBC BCD AB secti‎o n 11第一页DBAB第二页DBCSecti‎o n111‎第一页BDC第二页ACDA第三页CDDsecti‎o n1Vscien‎c e tests‎prepa‎r ingcreat‎i vity‎and criti‎c alcombi‎n esliber‎a l artsinqui‎r yconst‎a ntly‎innov‎a tion‎oppos‎i te direc‎t ionstron‎g inter‎e st in stand‎a rdiz‎a tion‎Part 1VTask第一页I would‎sugge‎s tlet's nothow about‎Why don't we第二页Could‎you maybe‎My sugge‎s tion‎ought‎towhy don't youwhy don't weWe'd bette‎rLet'SPart V1到10debat‎eraise‎immig‎r antrepre‎s entexcel‎l ence‎threa‎t enstuff‎e dinsul‎texpec‎t atio‎ncriti‎c ize11到20‎abuse‎extre‎m erebel‎retre‎a tassum‎egrave‎enorm‎o usstrid‎einnov‎a tion‎victi‎m21到30‎unmot‎i vate‎dessen‎t ialimita‎t ordrift‎disap‎p earcreat‎i vity‎matur‎efolkinten‎s ebloss‎o mUnit 6 part1‎secti‎o n 1第二页TFTFF‎第三页succe‎e dgradu‎a tea top grade‎a core curri‎c ulum‎distr‎i buti‎o n requi‎r emen‎t swhat they teach‎conti‎n ue to risegener‎a l educa‎t ionthe more likel‎ygloba‎l marke‎t plac‎esecti‎o n 11第二页CADBA‎part 11secti‎o n11ACCDD‎第四页ABBCD‎Part 111secti‎o n 1CDCAA‎BBDSecti‎o n 11第一页DABB第二页BDCsecti‎o n 111第一页CBAC第二页ACC第三页CADSecti‎o n 1Veffec‎t iveexper‎i ence‎drepla‎c edlectu‎r ingprepa‎r edscore‎dAtten‎d ance‎desig‎n ed to encou‎r agecriti‎c ized‎the wayevide‎n ce about‎how the brain‎learn‎sPart 1Vtask第一页Can I help youreser‎v e a roomJanua‎r y 10th to 14thhold the lineWhich‎do you prefe‎rcould‎you tell me the name of the guest‎Is that corre‎c tThank‎s for calli‎n g第二页What can I do for youI'm calli‎n gA doubl‎e oneWhen will you arriv‎eHow long will you stayhave rooms‎avail‎a bleMay I know your names‎if you have any speia‎l reque‎s tsa quiet‎room with balco‎n yconfi‎r m the booki‎n gpart V1到10econo‎m icsnonpr‎o fitliber‎a lsurve‎ycurri‎c ulum‎distr‎i buti‎o ncounc‎i lhuman‎i tydrana‎indiv‎i dual‎11到12‎guara‎n teegradu‎a tegloba‎leffic‎i entrelev‎a ntpass overadapt‎oppor‎t unit‎yaware‎take up21到30‎exten‎dfpart‎i cula‎rin terms‎ofconsi‎s tbroad‎e nrelig‎i ouscorefor one's sakeexten‎s ionspeci‎f icpart1‎secti‎o n 1第二页FTTFT‎第三页recog‎n izelinkrespo‎n ds tonarra‎t ed what she was doing‎pick up the melod‎i esin every‎wordFrenc‎h from Spani‎s hhighe‎r IQ score‎sParen‎t s and careg‎i vers‎inter‎a ctiv‎e back-and-forth‎defin‎i tely‎react‎s toSecti‎o n 11第二页由于‎系统问题3题无法选‎择Part 11secti‎o n 1me a ata in the and a in amay with your by the of thebut with them thean is half theTo in a and atoand a than forby theA is by hisis'stoand beat thesecti‎o n 11Denti‎s tWaite‎rProfe‎s sorBank telle‎r第三页caree‎r exper‎i ence‎B.A.in accou‎n ting‎accou‎n ting‎assis‎t antaccou‎n t Manag‎e rCPA(Certi‎f led Publi‎c Accou‎n tant‎)Engli‎s h tutor‎第四页a touri‎s t guide‎a touri‎s t guide‎I love my jobin a hospi‎t ala nurse‎a brain‎surge‎o na dozen‎opera‎t ions‎Not badsecti‎o n 1CBCB BCBDsecti‎o n11第一页DBA第二页BCADsecti‎o n 111第一页DCCA第二页BDA第三页CACsecti‎o n 1Vwalks‎medic‎a l caredescr‎i besexist‎e ncecompe‎t ingdog-tired‎worse‎has its dayhave to learn‎new skill‎san old dog new trick‎sPart 1VTask第一页make an appoi‎n tmen‎t witha meeti‎n g to atten‎dsuitat that time第二页my propo‎s almeet with youconve‎n ient‎forfullHow about‎sound‎s goodPart v1到10monit‎o rnarra‎t ewombmelod‎yrecip‎r ocit‎yactiv‎a teprefi‎xlitig‎a torassoc‎i atio‎ndevic‎e11到20‎careg‎i versynon‎y mboost‎e rinter‎a ctiv‎ecorpo‎r atio‎nzoonracke‎tumpir‎eoffis‎i dederai‎l21到30‎respo‎n dconcl‎u deexpre‎s sion‎liter‎a ture‎tentjourn‎a lprote‎c tion‎relig‎i onmidte‎r mawake‎Unit 8Part 11Secti‎o n1第二页TFTFT‎第三页trade‎and world‎growt‎hecono‎m ic recov‎e rygreat‎rewar‎d simbal‎a nces‎draw indevel‎o ping‎devel‎o pedinclu‎d e wealt‎h y count‎r ieshas broug‎h t atten‎t iontrade‎relat‎i onsby the year 2020secti‎o n 11第二页ACDBD‎part1‎1secti‎o n 11第二页wants‎towill surel‎yvery happy‎shoul‎d focus‎on her schoo‎l work‎第三页ACDCpart 111secti‎o n 1BDCB DACAsecti‎o n 11第一页ABD第二页DCDDSecti‎o n 111第一页CABD第二页ACB第三页AABsecti‎o n 1Vpolit‎i calaffai‎r sfreed‎o mblend‎i ngunder‎d evel‎o pedaffor‎dinflu‎e ncestar to trans‎f orm thema proce‎s s of inter‎a ctio‎nphysi‎c al well-being‎in socie‎t iesPart 1VTask 1第一页depos‎i tedcheck‎i ng accou‎n twithd‎r awcheck‎i ng accou‎n tdepos‎i tsavin‎g s accou‎n t 第二页credi‎t cardaccep‎t check‎swrite‎you a check‎ATM isPart V1到10forum‎inclu‎s ivesecre‎t aria‎tsidel‎i neimbal‎a nceaddre‎s sparti‎c ipat‎i onjusti‎c einequ‎a lity‎11到20‎thawactiv‎i stcanoe‎i ngelimi‎n atepreca‎u tion‎casua‎l tyrehea‎r salcolli‎d etamescatt‎e r21到30‎isola‎t edcapsu‎l eivory‎flamm‎a blecompl‎e xycoinc‎i dent‎a llyprogr‎e ssdecla‎r ecolla‎p se。



Language Points
■ Words and Phrases:
• physician-assisted suicide 安乐死 • mean incidence 平均概率 • amount to 总计 • ALS=amyotrophic [eɪmaɪə'trɒfɪk] lateral sclerosis [sklə'roʊsɪs] 肌
Language Points
■ Sentences:
• 5. In the current study it was found that the pain factor remained at the 25% level, showing no significant differences between the 5-year period before and after implementation of the Euthanasia Act, albeit [ˌɔːl'biːɪt] that in recent years pain as a reason for a request seemed to decrease again. (Line 66-69)
Language Points
■ Sentences:
• 4. It should be noted that implementation of the Act took place after extended political and media discussion and therefore, may have been a formalization of an already existing practice rather than a turning point in attitudes. (Line 55-57)

全新版第一册听力原文unit1-unit 4

全新版第一册听力原文unit1-unit 4

Unit 1 Part B Talking about studying EnglishAt the gathering ,students in china and some countries. Yang Weiping ,Virginia Wang ,both first year college students are talking about their learning of English.Hello, my na me is Yang Weiping. I’m a freshma n at Peking University, and my major is Chemistry. At college we have to study a foreign language .I choose English because I like to listen to English programs on the radio and TV. I also like British and American pop songs. Someday I hope to visit Britain and the United States. I started learning English several years ago and I’m getting better at it. My favorite activity is listening, especially listening to songs and stories .My big problem, is ,however, speaking. I feel nervous whenever I speak ,and I never seem to know what to say when people talk to me. But I’ve decided to overcome my shyness, and learn to speak English by speaking as much as I can.Hi, my name is Virginia Wang. I’m a library science major at the National Univers ity in Singapore. In our country, English is important. It is one of official languages and you have to be fluent in English to get a good job. I’ve studied English at high school. I’m good at reading because I like learning about new things and new ideas. There are so many books and articles written in English and our textbooks at university are written in English too. I know writing is also very important, but I find it really difficult. When I graduate from university ,I would like a job in the city library where I can read all kinds of new books. Part C 课本上有原文。


Predicting the type of answer
Before listening to the audio, try to predict the type of answer that will be given, such as a fact, opinion, or explanation. This can help you focus on relevant information and filter out irrelevant details.
• Enhance speaking skills: Students will practice speaking in different contexts, including making presentations, participating in discussions, and giving speeches.
通过模仿英语母语者的发音,提高自己的口语 流利度和准确性。
通过回答问题、复述故事、描述图片等方式, 训练口语表达能力。
Role playing and group discussions
Positioning key information and filtering irrelevant information
Identifying important details
While listening, identify important details that are relevant to the question or task. This may include specific information, names, dates, or numbers.



全新版《大学英语听说教程》第一册Unit4听力原文、答案及综合教程练习答案Unit 4Vocabulary1) wreck 2) balance 3) approaching 4) handle5) discard 6) Above all 7) diet 8) do with 9) checked on 10) cleaned up 11) weekly 12) principles 2.1) to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2) was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job travel around the world.3) for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4) express her thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her.5) will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1) for sale hunting for be amazed by2) become skilled handle their loans3)character by calling on he passed awayII Confusable words1.1) personal 2) personnel2.1) sometime 2) Sometimes 3)some time 4) sometimeIII Euphemismde hcgabfComprehensive ExercisesI Close1. Text-related1)sponsored 2)determination 3) turned away 4) assumed 5) capacity6)skilled 7)loan 8) character 9) hunting 10) for sale 11) send for2. Theme-related1)save 2)recent 3)modest 4) grow 5) dream6) immigrants 7)business 8) engineering 9)invest 10) richIII Translation1)It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan whichthey hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked bygiant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot beprevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property. 4)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurriedhome, anxious to amuse myself reading it.5)Helen lacks confidence. I’ve never known anyone so unsure ofherself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business. At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan. But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help. Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loanhim the money. Now he has become a wealthy businessman. Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.Unit 4Part A1. 1) Yeah 2) By the way 3) Who 4) Don’t you think so? 5) Yes 6) Quite well2. 1) Like what 2) Yeah 3) Hmm, let me think 4) Well 5) Come to think of it 1. 92381 2. 26083. 15404. 755. 1566. 9007. 84,2008. 1,7359. 9:40 10. 5:45 Part BTapescript Small Talk Is EasyA: Mike, guess what?B: What?A: Carol just invited me to a party at her house on Saturday.B: Carol? You mean the pretty girl in your economics class?A: Yeah.B: Great! I’m sure you’ll have a super time.A: I’m not so sure.B: What do you mean, John? I though you really liked Carol.A: I do. But I don't know her friends very well.B: So get to know them.A: But I’m no good at small talk.B: Small talk is easy. You can learn.A: By Friday?B: sure, I’ll coach you. You just have to remember a few simple sentences.A: I don't know. I have trouble remembering things. Especially when I meet people. I get nervous.B: Don’t worry, John. You can do it. You just need a few tips.A: But what if I say something stupid?B: Hey, you’re not giving a speech. You’re just having a conversation. So just talk about something you know they are interested in.A: That’s the problem. I don’t know what Carol’s friends are interested in.B: Let them tell you. If you let people talk about themselves, they’ll think you’re interesting.A: You mean something like, “So, tell me what you’re interested in.”B: Well, you don’t have to be that direct. For example, you can talk about the weather.A: You can’t be serious. The weather’s boring.B: It’s a good excuse to find out what they like to do. On a rainy day, you say, “What do you do in such terrible weather?”A: What if they just stayed home and read a book?B: Then ask them about the book. You can ask if it was good. Ask if they liked it and why. Then talk about a book you really liked.A: So that’s what small talk is about, is it? Well, I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the tips, Mike.B: You’re welcome. Have a good time at the party.Note:Small talk means light conversations on unimportant or non-serious subjects such as the weather or TV programs you saw lastnight, or little compliments on what people are wearing. In a social gathering where a lot of guests are strangers to one another, small talk can be very useful to make them feel at ease.Exercise 1: c a dExercise 2: 1. At Carol’s house on Saturday 2. He’s uncertain whether he can have a good time at the party or not 3. He’s not good at small talk 4. One should talk about something other people are interested in 5. By getting them to talk about themselvesDialogue 1: 1. My American friend…weekend 2. That’s great 3. never been to a party given by a foreigner… I won’t know how to act 4. But it’s easier said than done5. A bottle of wine or a small box of chocolates6.his American friends. What should I say to them?7. Wh y don’t you get them to talk about themselves? Won’t it be a super chance for yo u to practice your conversation skills with native speakers of English?8. I guess you’re right. Thanks.Dialogue 2: 1.a beautiful song they are playing 2.cool 3.pop music 4.O h, yeah 5.rap 6.It’s all right, but I’m not really cray about it 7. Do you often go to those big concerts 8.Sometimes…listening to CDs… I can’t stand crowds of pushing people9. I know what you meanPart CTapescript Are you Calling about the Party?Laura: Hello. This is Laura Davis speaking.Simon: Oh, hello, Laura. This is Simon here. Simon Williams.Laura: Oh, Simon. How nice to hear you. Are you calling about the party? You did get the invitation, didn’t you?Simon: Yes, thanks, I did. That’s just it. I’m afraid. You see, I’m already tied up that evening.Laura: Oh, really? That is a pity.Simon: Yes. I’m afraid it’s been planned for ages. You see, some friends of mine are coming to see me. I haven’t seen them for a long time, and you know … well…I manag ed to get some tickets for the opera, and I promised to take them out to dinner afterwards. I can’t get out of it, unfortunately.I wish I could.Laura: Oh, what a shame! We are looking forward to seeing you. Still, if you can drop in later with your friends, we’d love to see you.Simon: Thanks. Well, I’ll certainly try, but I don’t think there’s much chance. Actually I’ve sent you an e-mail to say I can’t come.Laura: Oh, have you? That’s very kind, thanks. Well, keep in touch, Simon.Simon: I will. Regards to James. And I hope the party goes well. Bye!Laura: Thanks. Bye.Note: for ages: for a long timeExercise:1. Simon is calling because he hasn’t got the invitation. (F)2. Simon will take his friends out to dinner after going to the opera. (T)3. Laura has made a promise to her friends and will not beak her promise. (F)4. Both Laura and Simon will be rather busy that evening. (T)5. Laura and Simon agree to meet daily. (F)。



大学英语听说教程1-4册Test1、2答案Book 1Test 11-5 ACCBD 6-10 DBDAC 11-15 BDBCD16-22 language, acquire, success, throughout, radio, concerts, succeed23 Listening is basically the understanding of words and the relationship between sentences.24 This is impossible even when we listen in our own language.25 he can find out his strengths and weaknesses26-30 CDCCD 31-35 DBDCDCTest 21-5 CBCDA 6-10 DCAAB 11-15 DBDBD16-22 value, fashionable, delicious, possessing, source, sake, means23 profiting at the expense of their victims24 But in my opinion the truly happy are those who make money through their work and live within their income.25 in itself it has little value if it does not give people real happiness26-30 BCCDC 31-35 CDBDCBook 2Test 11-5 BCBCB 6-10 CABDB 11-15 DCCBD16-22 stocks, exhibition, techniques, activities, research, modern, software23 Delivery time for e-mail from Europe to the USA is about 10 seconds24 What’s really extraordinary about the internet is the amount and variety of information available.25 Services are also available that allow you to do your banking, reserve airline tickets, and even shop for a Mother’s Day gift.26-30 CDCCC 31-35 ADBCATest 21-5 DCDCD 6-10 BCADD 11-15 ABCBC16-22 forecast, unusual, Fortunately, extreme, rarely, global, rush23 People enjoy discussing the snow, complaining about the cold24 Contrary to popular opinion, it does not rain all the time25 Thanks to the rain, Britain has a rich countryside, which is famous for its deep green color,Book 3Test 11-5 DDADC 6-10 ACCCB 11-15 DBCBD16-22 Research, murder, Fortunately, harmony, advantage, boxers, brains23 Even the most ordinary household items such as irons or can-openers are designed for right-handed people24 you can buy anything from left-handed pocket calculators to knives and coffee mugs25 People who buy things from the shop say it just makes their everyday life much easier.26-30 BCDBD 31-35 AABDCTest 21-5 CACBD 6-10 CBDCC 11-15 DCDBB16-22 course, prevent, technology, benefits, particular, Due, communities23 they are to be seen flying in the sky24 Recycling should be put into consideration25 consumers themselves have to be responsible for the proper disposal of their garbage26-30 CDAAD 31-35 BDCABBook 4Test 11-5 ACBCA 6-10 BCDCD 11-15 ABDBC16-22 warned, cigarette, disease, extremely, kick, attempt, quit23 They hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit24 Smokers also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors25 Americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24-hour campaign26-30 ADABD 31-35 ACACDTest 21-5 BBDDD 6-10 DCBDD 11-15 CADAB16-22 regularly, measure, range, media, preferences, appeal, strategies23 polls are used to obtain information about voters’ attitudes toward issues and candidates24 it is often possible to determine the probable winner even before the voting booths close25 The public’s attitude toward various social, economic, and international issues is also considered newsworthy26-30 CDBBC 31-35 DACDC。



新核心大学英语b版答案【篇一:新核心大学英语b版,听说教程1,unit1】t 1section1第二页ftftf第三页1 four-year schools2 higher learning3religious leader4 outside the united states5former coherge6 went into effect7 eight member8 17799 anniversary date10 attendsection11第二页 cbbda第三页1 it offers advanced teaching programs facilities2 students with special skills or talents3 it provides a good chance to get exposed to the society4 they pay a health service feepart 11sectiom 11第三页1 march 14,18792 april 18,19553 april 14,1865416365 march 28,19866august 2008第四页1 march 30,19682 19903 1997part111 section 1第一页accca bccsection 11 第一页 ada 第二页bcdbsection 111 第一页 baa 第二页 adbsection 1v 12345678910123456789101112 dating back to coast eastern establish donated surrounded by atmosphere students attending harvard to name a few participate in part 1v award degree institution establish property compose division talent officially recognize material locate14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 charity present distinguished routine specialize instruction access detailed expense boast facility tuition expose chart location breakthrough financial【篇二:新核心大学英语b版读写教程3第二单元课文翻译】s有关本底辐射的生物学效应的情况说明辐射无处不在,它天然存在于环境中,从地球产生那天起便如此。

新核心综合学术英语教程第一册 Unit 4

新核心综合学术英语教程第一册 Unit 4

Unit 4 》Part II 》Text-related information
22..Egalitarianism 平等主义
Egalitarianism (from French égal, meaning "equal")—or, rarely, equalitarianism—is a trend of thought that favors equality for all people. Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status, according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the term has two distinct definitions in modern English. It is defined either as a political doctrine that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights or as a social philosophy advocating the removal of economic inequalities among people or the decentralization of power. Some sources define egalitarianism as the point of view that equality reflects



Renaissance /'renəsɒns / n. 文艺复兴
hip-hop /'hɪphɒp / n.
snobbery /'snɒbəri / n.
geekiness /giːkinəs / n.
spark /spɑːk / v.
cast /kɑːst / v.
neuroscience /'njʊərəʊˌsaɪəns / n. 神经科学
voltage /'vəʊltɪdʒ / n.
fluctuation /ˌflʌktjʊ'eiʃən / n.
seminar /'semɪnɑː(r) / n.
(大学里由教授指导 的)研究班,研讨会
transistor /træn'zɪstə(r) / n.
comic /'kɒmɪk / n./adj.
Unit 1 》Part I 》Section I 》Word Bank
/ˌsɪməl'teɪniəsli /adv.
geek /giːk / n.
nerd /nɜːd / n.
Unit 1 》Part I 》Section I 》Task 2
Task 2 Watch the video clip for the second time and then complete the following sentences.
1. James Kakalios is a professor in School of P__h_y_si_c_s_&__A_s_tr_o_n_o_m_y_ .



Unit 4 FASHIONPART II LISTENING AND SPEAKINGLESSON A Global fashionLISTENINGScriptThe woman in the London photo is wearing a short black and white skirt, black shoes, and a black scarf. She’s carrying an orange handbag. The man walking nearby is wearing a dark suit.Look at the two young people in the photo of Tokyo. The boy on the left is wearing a black shirt, black pants, and a lot of makeup on his face. The girl is wearing a long black coat. Both of them are wearing black boots.The American teenagers in the photo of New York are wearing blue jeans, and T-shirts. The boys are all wearing caps, too.The first stop on our global tour is London, one of the world’s fashion capitals. The man and woman pictured here are in the city’s business district. Many people in this area dress stylishly.From England, we go to New York City—hip hop fashion started here. Hip hop fashion was first popular in the nineteen eighties, but this style is now common all over the world.From New York City, we go next to Tokyo. The two young people in the photo are from Japan, but the style they’re wearing is originally from the U.K.These people don’t wear this style to work, but they do on the weekends.1. global tour 环球之旅2. business district商业区3. all over the world全世界4. wear this style穿成这种风格CONVERSATIONScriptA: I love your jacket.B: Thanks.A: Is it new?B: Yeah, I bought it on Saturday.A: It looks great.B: Thanks!LESSON B Smart ClothesListening 1ScriptScientists and clothing designers at Cornell University in the United States are working on fashion’s next big thing: “wearable technology.”These clothes do many different things, and some already exist. For example, Juan Hinestroza, a scientist from Colombia, is making shirts, pants, dresses, and other clothing items. Some of these clothes warm or cool your body when the weather changes. Others change color and style. A third type never gets dirty. We can use less water, says Hinestroza, if we don’t wash clothes all the time.Other scientists and designers are working together to protect people from malaria. Frederick Ochanda, a scientist from Kenya, is making a special suit to stop malaria. The clothes have a chemical inside that stops mosquitoes. Matilda Ceesay, a clothing designer from Gambia, is working with Ochanda to make the suit fashionable. This is important, she says, because the clothes must look good or no one will buy and wear them. Scientists need to work with fashion designers so the clothes are both comfortable and stylish.1.work on从事……工作2.wearable technology可穿戴技术3.protect people from malaria保护人们免受疟疾侵害Listening 2ScriptM: What are you doing?F: I’m reading about Google Glass.M: What’s that?F: It’s a kind of wearable technology from Google. Here’s a photo.M: Hmmm. So, it’s a pair of glasses?F: No. It looks like a pair of glasses, but it’s really a computer. You wear it.M: So what does it do?F: A lot of things. You can surf the Web, take photos, and make or watch video. It’s kind of like your phone, but you can’t call people.M: But if you’re wearing it, how do you take a photo?F: You say, “Take a photo” and it does it. Same with video.M: Sounds cool. And you can surf the Web, too?F: Yeah, and then you see a page in front of you.M: Amazing.F: I guess, but I don’t think I’d like to wear them.M: Why not?F: It looks weird, not stylish at all.M: Yeah, the style isn’t great, but I still like it.1.kind of有点儿;稍微2.Same with video.录像也同样操作。



新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passage新视野大学英语听说教程第一册答案Unit 1 Click Here for Language Learning Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. A Understanding a Passage 1. A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.honored, 2.interesting 3.invitation, 4.great, 5.wise, 6.reason, 7.key, 8.sense, 9.impressions, 10. importantly Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the most commonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage program Unit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3.A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes ,9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the most commonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage programUnit 3 Give and Sacrifice Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation1.A2. B3.D4.A5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. B Understanding a Movie Speech 1.agree ,2.suggestion,3.France ,4.foreigners,5.please,6.fun,7.twice,8.hands,9.happiness, 10. peace Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2. D 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 3 1. designed, 2.show, 3.experienced anize, 5.pilot 6.observe, 7.expert, 8.emergency, 9.beating, 10.outdoorUnit 4 Making a Good Impression Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.numbers, 2.lead, 3.lifetime, 4.decides, 5.physical, 6.back, 7.career, 8.mysterious, 9.love, 10. found Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2. D 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 2 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B Task 3 1. ruled, 2.require, 3.equal 4.acceptable, 5.provides, 6.private, 7.poor quality, 8.needed, 9.supported and improved, 10.a majority ofUnit 5 The battle Against AIDS Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A Homework Listening: Task 1: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C, Task2: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B TASK3: 1.efforts 2.living 3.central, 4.extended 5.violence, 6.appears, 7.questioned, 8.culturally unacceptable, 9.media, 10.entertainmentUnit 10 Stand Up for Honesty Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A3.D4.D5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.rule, 2.possible, 3.happiness,4.hate,5.rich,6.beautiful,7.poisoned,8.shut,9.knowledge, 10.qualities Homework Listening Task 1: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C Task 2: 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D Task 3: 1.results, 2.welcomed, 3.forced, 4.theater, 5.cure, 6.painful, 7.responsibilities, 8.in person, 9.as clear as, 10.cannot be hidden11。



全新版大学英语听说教程4答案【篇一:全新版大学英语听说教程4答案】txt>unit 1part bexercisel1.a radio or tv program.2.birthday celebrations around the world.3.they run a weekly column in the toronto daily star.4.because they can’t afford the cost.5.because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy wines and drive a car.6.because girls are considered to be more mature than boys of the same age.7.turkey ,egypt, indonesia, senegal.exercise 2 1.f2.f3.t4.f5.f6.f7.f8.tpart c 1)unique 2)globe 3)simultaneously 4)terrorist 5)remembrance 6)appropriate 7)sharing 8)the material can be submitted to the project organizers in scotland. 9)it will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age.10)contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countries.unit 2part bexercise 1d c b a aexercise 2 1.smoking is banned...public places...theaters and airports...all workplaces 2.have banned smoking...parks and recreation centers...a smoke-free park...smoke-free zones...375...january1,2002...harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke...dangerous tobacco wastepart c ddaa unit 3 part b exercise 1d c a c exercise 2 were born with better memories….in different parts of the brain….idea s, words...numbers...left- hand side….images, sounds...smells...right-hand side….chemicals such as adrenaline...boost memory...context・・・recall...to remember it...lose it.part cadbunit 4 part b exercise Idbdcda exercise 2 go round,everyone individually hello ,everyone , sat down everyone in the group goodbye , left firmly quite gently your left hand ,your pocket her left hand in her pocket first , invited to , titles first name , invited to own name , a stranger how do you do part c cdbunit 5 part b exercise 1 b c a exercise 2 f t f f f f t f t t part ccdcabunit 6 part b exercise 1 addbcd exercise 2 business , economics had years of experience in , stuff they wanted to get rid of$110000 construction materials , old couches metals and electronics,over 60 percent , charities $ 3 million 130 16,80,2012 part cbcbaunit 7part b.exercise 1 d c b b a bexercise 2 1. with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing,glittering baggage, attended to2. the more snow it collects 3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master 4. and ride mankindmatch: 1. d2. a 3. b 4. c part c c a b b unit 8 part b exercise 1 b c b a dexercise 21. he was only 20 years old.2. there are 75 british cemeteries3. the name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls.4. there are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. the whole place is dark and dank. 5. it was created by an explosion. 6. it dates from medieval times part cb d c d c b unit 9 part bexercise 1 c c d c dexercise 2diana, female a zheimer’s disease ,53, four ,memory 1. recognize familiar buildings husband,s workplace 2. no idea how to get home 3. recognize her cousin4. her way round her office building made mistakespart c1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home 10) they have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies.unit 10 part b exercise 1.b d a c exercise21. 41-foot sailing boat 2. dining table 3. devised their own curriculum 4. a shuttle launch, the kennedy space center museums. 5. use a library 6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects 7. the world around them 8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivalspart c a b c cunit 11 part b exercise 1a c b b c exercise 2 1. they are too high 2. so that people can be discouraged from using cars3. she suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are from the city center. 4. because they pollute the city center. 5. use the bus or tram service.part cac c a unit 12 part bexercise 1.c b d d d dexercise 2.1. in sweden in 1997.2. on a south pacific island in may2000.3. they had to find and cook their own food.sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms. 4. nine volunteers. they were filmed 24 hoursa day for 100 days. 5. on new year,s eve 19996. $1 million for the winner of survivor and $500,000 for the winner of big brother. 7. big brother. part cab b d dunit 13part bexercise 1.1. in an expensive restaurant in london.2. no, he was brought up in england but now lives in south africa. 3. with his sister and brother-in-law.exercise 2.c a c c a apart cd c b dunit14part bexercise 1.b d d c cexercise 2.1. he wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist. 2. a cup of coffee. 3. a pistol4. a confession of his intention to poison his wife.5. one thousand dollars.6. he would mail it to a friend.7. preventing murders.part ccb b a test 1.part a1. a 2. c 3.b 4.c 5.a 6.b 7. c 8.d part b9. c 10.d 11.a 12.b 13.d 14.b 15 c part c 16). warned 17). cigarette !8). disease !9) extremely 20) kick 21) attempt 22)quit23) they hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit. 24) smoking also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors. 25) americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24- hour campaign.part d26. a 27.d 28.a 29.b 30. d 31.a 32. c 33.a 34. c 35.d test 2part a 1. b 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.d 6. d 7.c 8. b part b 9.d 10.d 11.c 12.a 3.d 14.a 15.b part c 16) regularly 17) measure 18) range 19) media 20) preferences 21) appeal 22) strategies23) polls are used to obtain information about voters, attitudes toward issues and candidates. 24) it is often possible to determine the probable winner even before the voting booths close. 25) the public's attitude toward various social, economic, and international issues is also considered newsworthy.part d26. c 27.d 28. b 29.b 30. c 31.d 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. c【篇二:新标准大学英语视听说教程4答案】xt>p3-3true statements are : 2,8p3-51. joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for lift off uk.2. andy wants joe’s job as a producer.p3-61-d 2-d 3-a 4-cp4-71. it’s not always very easy working with2. how did he end up in london3. the least experienced person4. he,s good at his job5. he is confident and very competent6. i get on with him quite wellp4-81-b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-bp6-21,2,3,4p6-41. she needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job.2. she doesn,t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview.3. she doesn,t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4. that you need to be well prepared for an interview. it boils down to preparation, presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.p7-51. professional job coach2. research on the position and the company3. having not practiced with some of the questions4. how you present yourself5. what the interviewer is actually looking for6. preparation, presentation and understanding7. in relationship to the job8. some examples in your life9. dealing with problems p7-71, 3,5,7,8,9,10,11p8-31-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-ckeys to unit 2a good readp14-2joe: 1andy: 2 janet: 3,4p14-33. it is a feature programme which reviews recently published books.4. none of them have read all of the books.5. he,s annoyed.6. it features new books that may have a london angle, but not necessarily.7. because Charles dickens, books are always on tv.8. she knows quite a lot about dickens because she is studying his work at university.9. it,s a biography which describes the london locations which are the settings for many ofdickens’ books.10. yes.p15-6place of birth: portsmouthdates: 19th century type of writing: novels setting of stories: around the law courts in the center of londonother features of writing: he describes hardship, poverty and crime in london.most famous novels: oliver twist, david copperfield p15-61-a 2-b 3-d 4-c 5-cp16-71. he wasn,t being at all fair.2. sometimes he really gets on my nerves3. keep his problems away from the studio4. he was born in portsmouth5. he set most of his stories in6. whereabouts in london are his stories set7. some of his stories take place8. cheer up9. i’ll get over itp16-81-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-ap18-227p19-41. borrow books2. look at an art exhibition3. connect to the internet4. let you borrow computer games5. with books and photographs6. in schools and universitiesp19-510. it is a national library11. you can find books and other printed materials.12. the british library adds millions of items to its collection every year.13. no, not at all, although some reading may take new forms (like reading from computerscreens or mobile phones), reading books will remain popular. p19-6 name: the british librarylocation: londonyear the new building opened: 1998items collected: books, sound recordings, music, maps, newspapers, and magazinesnumber of items added yearly: three millionp20-21. it began over 20 years ago2. about once every four or five weeks3. 104. the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5. modern novels, classics, non-fiction like history and travel writingp20-31 .-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-bp21-71. i’m not a professional literary specialist2. their close links with well-known writers3. the home of many well-known writers4. the memorial of great british writers5. rich in its literary history6. because of the recent series of films7. because it was the home of the three sisters8. also made into successful films9. around the english-speaking world10. whose work contributes keys to unit 4 money talks inside viewp38-11. janet: 136andy:2457 p38-21. what janet was doing at the market with joe.2. he is right about andy being late quite often.3. he says something unexpected has come up.4. so that he can check his schedule.5. at 2.30.6. the city of london.p39-42-5-1-4-3p39-51-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-cp40-61. what does; have to do2. so we’re not actually3. basically4. you come in here on the left5. moving through to this room6. what about this room on the left7. and this room here below contains p40-71-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-b outside viewp42-2true statements: 4567p42-31-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-b p43-54-3-5-7-1-2-6p43-61. if we’re not happy2. make all of that better3. make more choices4. still thinks about money5. of having the money6. would get solved7. g ives us more choices listening in p44-21. they were exchanging metals for goods.2. they first appeared in europe.3. coins appeared in lydia around 700 bc.4. the drachma was used as a standard form of money in large parts of asia and europe.5. around 960 ad, in china.6. they can be seen as early banks.7. i t was applied all over the world. p44-31. we exchanged things, didn,t we【篇三:全新版大学英语听说教程4听力答案】ass=txt>unit 1 one worldpart b: exercise 1:1. a radio or tv program.2. birthday celebrations around the world.3. they run a weekly column in the toronto daily star.4. because they can,t afford it.5. a couple of hundred years ago.6. because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy winesand drive a car.7. because girls are considered to be more mature than boys.8. turkey, egypt, indonesia, and senegal.1) unique2) globe3) simultaneously4) terrorist5) remembrance 6) appropriate 7) sharing. 8) the material can be submitted to the project organizers in scotland 9) it will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age.10) contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countriesunit 2 anti--smokingpart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.a exercise 2:1. smoking is bannedpublic placestheaters and airportsall workplaces.2. have banned smoking parks and recreation centers a smoke-free park smoke-free zones375 january 1, 2002 harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smokedangerous tobacco waste part c1.d2.d3.a4.aunit 3memorypart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.c exercise 2:firstly, it is a fact that some people were born with better memories. secondly, different things are kept in different parts of the brain. ideas, words and numbers arestored in the left-hand side and images, sounds and smells in the right-hand side.thirdly, unusual experiences can produce chemicals such as adrenaline in our body which can boost memory.fourthly, how well we remember something is also affected by the context in which we learn about it.finally, the more often you recall a memory, the more likelyyou are to remember it. if you don't, you’ll lose it. part cl.a 2.d 3.bunit 4dealing with cultural differencespart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a1 .c 2.d 3.bunit 5friendshippart bexercise 1: 1. b 2. c3.aexercise 2: 1. f 2. t 3. f 4.f 5. f.6.f 7.t 8.f 9.t 10.t part c1. c2. d3. c4. a5. bunit 6sucesspart bexercise 1: 1. a 2. d3.d 4.b 5.c 6.d1 .b 2.c 3.b 4.a unit 7 wealth part b.exercise 1 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b exercise 21. with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing,glittering baggage, attended to2. the more snow it collects3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master4. and ride mankind match: 1.d2.a 3.b 4.c part c 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.bunit 8 war part b exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.d exercise 2 1. he was only 20 years old.2. there are 75 british cemeteries3. the name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls.4. there are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. the whole place is dark anddank.5. it was created by an explosion.6. it dates from medieval times part c1.b2.d3.c4.d5.c6.b unit 9 aging part b exercise 1 1.c 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.d exercise 2 diana female alzheimer’s disease 53, four memory1. recognize familiar buildings husband’s workplace2. no idea how to get home3. recognize her cousin4. her way round her office building made mistakes part c1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home10) they have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies.unit 10 home schooling part bexercise 1. 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c exercise21. 41-foot sailing boat2. dining table3. devised their own curriculum4. a shuttle launch, the kennedy space center museums.5. use alibrary6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects7. the world around them8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivals part c1.a2.b3.c4.cunit 11 opinion polls part bexercise 1 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.c exercise 21. they are too high2. so that people can be discouraged from using cars3. she suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are fromthe city centre.4. because they pollute the city center.5. use the bus or tram service. part c 1.a 2.c 3.c 4.aunit 12 reality tv part bexercise 1. 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.d 6.d exercise 2.1. in sweden in 1997.2. on a south pacific island in may 2000.3. they had to find and cook their own food. sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms.4. nine volunteers. they were filmed 24 hours a day for 100 days.5. on new year,s eve 19996. $1 million for the winner of survivor and $500,000 for the winner of big brother.7. big brother. part c1 .a 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.dunit 13 that,s lifepart b exercise 1.1. in an expensive restaurant in london.2. no, he was brought up in england but now lives in south africa.3. with his sister and brother-in-law.exercise 2. 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.a part c1.d2.c3.b4.dunit14 crime and punishment part bexercise 1.1.b 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.c exercise 2.1. he wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist.。



ListeningUnderstanding Short Conversations: Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1.A. Being ready for life.B. Being agreeable.C. Having a meaningful life.D. Having a good memory.2. A. Help them as little as possible.B. Think of what to do.C. Give them aid.D. Do no less than others.3. A. His baseball coach.B. His parents.C. An unusual person.D. Someone he believes.4. A. Because the woman pushes her away.B. Because he clings to her.C. Because her parents died.D. Because he refused to push her away.5. A. Having a family.B. Learning.C. Being a mother.D. Having so much work to do.6. A. Because her father wants to meet him.B. Because her father has a lot to share.C. Because her father is very kind.D. Because her father is handicapped.7. A. Because her mother makes time to talk to her.B. Because her mother talks to her at dusk.C. Because her mother’s always busy.D. Because her mother has a lot of time.8. A. He doesn’t like to go too often.B. He doesn’t have time for it.C. He wants to go more often.D. He likes going there every evening.9. A. Because she only needs help, not worry.B. Because she cannot get help from her friends.C. Because the first person will help her.D. Because friends will help her.10. A. She interrupted her.B. She told her problems.C. She taught her the best way.D. She listened to her problems.Understanding a Long Conversations: Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1.A. A loud noise. B. Her teacher shouting.C. A student cryingD. The phone ringing.2. A. The police B. The teacherC. The studentD. The male speaker3. A. Calling for the police.B. Taking the gun away.C. Crying for the student.D. Holding the student.4.A. Crying. B. ShootingC. Trying to killD. Solving problems.5. A. Because the police took him away.B. Because the teacher promised to see him.C. Because his problems were too big.D. Because his parents were coming.Understanding a Passage: Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1.A. His popularity among students.B. Someone’s friendship.C. High school classmates.D. High school studies.2. A. He still looked very thinB. He still did not look handsomeC. Classmates still laughed at himD. Classmates still didn’t like his glasses3. A. Someone bumped into him and he dropped his booksB. Someone made him feel sad and lonely.C. A student laughed at him.D. A student dropped his books.4.A. His manners. B. Making friends.C. His studies.D. Talking to girls.5. A. His studies. B. Being social.C. His manners.D. Making girlfriends. Understanding a Movie Speech: Now listen to a speech from the movie A Beautiful Mind and fill in the blanks according to what you hear.John Nash: Thank you. I've always believed in 1 and the equations and logics that 2 to reason. But after a 3 of such pursuits, I ask, “What truly is logic? Who 4 reason?” My quest has taken me through the 5 , the metaphysical, the delusional ---- and 6 . And I have made the most important discovery of my 7 , the mostimportant discovery of my life: It is only in the 8 equations of 9 that any logic or reasons can be 10 . I’m only here tonight because of you ( Note: his wife, Alicia). You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.Thank you.。



Unit 1Optional Listening 1A. Emily is at the airport. Listen and check the correct box.Josh: Hello?Emily: Hi, Josh? It’s Emily.Josh: Hi, Em. Are you at the airport with Uncle Tim?E: Yes, I’m here, but Idon’t see Uncle Tim,tell me again--- whatdoes he look like?J: He’s tall, and he’s in his 30s. He has long brown hair.E: Ok…J: Oh, and he wears glasses E: No, I don’t see him…Optional Listening 2A. Listen to the description of a family photo. Then drag the names from the box and drop them on the right personEmilio is in his fifties. He is tall--- about 182 cm. He is average weight. He has brown eyes. He has short, curly, gray hair.Kathy is in her forties. She is short. she is slim. she has blue eyes. She has long, straight, blond hair.Michael is young. He is tall. He is average weight. He has dark, brown eyes. He has short, curly, blond hair.Alexis and Ashley are twins. They are young. They are average height. They are slim. Alexis has blue eyes, but Ashley has green eyes. They both have long, curly, red hair.B. Now listen to these people introducing themselves, Then answer the questions asked.1. I’m Carrie Brown from New York. I’m an art strdent ans I like listening to music ans playing basketball.2. Hello, everyone. My name is Ann Andrews. I come from Wellington, New Zealand. I’m a teacher and I like shopping and hanging out with friends.3. Hi, I’m Julia Sanchez. I’m a reporter from Lima, Peru. I like srufing and blogging.4. My name is Charles Horton. I live in Boston. USA. I’m a chef. In my spare time, I like painting and traveling.5. I’m George Simmel from Berlin, Germany. I’m a fashion designer. I like watching films and jogging very much.6. My name is Kevin Smith. I come from Sydney, Australia. I like cooking and reading detective stories. I’m a finance manager.Optional Listening 3A. Look at the picture and listen to the e-mail message. Then tell which one in the picture is Mr. Ryder.Dear Mr. Peters,Please meet Mr. James Ryder at the airport station at 11:00 tomorrow. His flight is UA 238 from Los Angeles. HE is a tall man in his sixties with gray hair, and he wears big glasses. His meeting with the Marketing Department is at 4:00.Thank you.Kyra GreeneMarketing DepartmentB. Listen to another e-mail message. Then tell which one in the picture is Tom.Gina---HELP! Can you meet my friend Tom at the airport tomorrow? My car has big problems and I can’t drive it. Tom is coming on flight KX 661 from Denver at 11:00. He’s average height and kind of thin, with long blond hair and a mustache. Thanks a million!ChrisOptional Listening 4: Celebrity doublesA. Now listen to the passage. Do you think Andrew Barn is happy being a celebrity double?A group of teenagers is standing outside a hair salon in Manchester, England. Many of them have cameras and are looking I the salon window. Then want to see soccer player David Beckham/ A man in the salon looks like Bechham ( he has bl ond hair and Beckham’s good looks). But the man in the salon isn’t the famous soccer player. He’s Andrew Barn--- Atwenty-two-year-old hairdresser.Barn isn’t surprised by the teenagers. People often stop him on the street and want to take his picture. Barn is a hairdresser, but he also makes money as a Beckham double. Barn travels all over Rurope as David Beckham. Newspapers often take his photo. It’s an exciting life for the hairdresser from Manchester.Today, many companies work with celebrity doubles. The most popular celebrity foubles. The most popular celebrity doubles look like famous athletes,pop singers, and actors. The companies pay doubles to go to parties and business meetings. Doubles are also on TV and in newspaper ads.Why do people want to l ook like a celebrity? An Anna Kournikova double in the U.S. says, “ I can make good money. I also make a lot of people happy./eng/nsclass2_1.html/eng/nsclass2_2.htmlBook1-Uint 2Optional Listening 1: Conversation 1Man: next, please!Woman: Hi, here’s my ticket.M: And where are you going today, Ms. Gregory?W: Berlin.M: May I see your passport, please?W: Sure, here you are.M: And how many suitcases do you have ?W: Just one.Conversation 2M: Too bad it’s our last day in New York. There’s a lot to see.W: I know. But at least we’re here at the Statue of Liberty. Isn’t it beautiful?M: Yeah, it is. Hey, we need a photo. Excuse me?M2: Yes?M: Can you take our picture, please?M2: Sure.Conversation 3W: Welcome to the Ritz Carlton, Shanghai.M: Thank you. My name is Ian Walters. I have a room for myself and my wife.W: Okey. Can I see a credit card and ID, Please?M: Of course. Here’s my card and my passport.W: Thank you. Here are your keys, Mr. Walters. Enjoy your stay.Optional Listening 2: Travel tips for ThailandThailand is a nice country in Southeast Asia, with something for every visitor. There is a lot for you to discover there.But before you go, you should make a plan to help you be better prepared. Here are some tips.Firstly, the weather in Thailand is hot and humid all year, so you should pack sunglasses, T-shirts, and sandals with you. Secondly, you should buy your plane ticket early. Thailand is a very popular place for a vacation, and the planes are very full. Thirdly, the traffic in this country is very bad and people drive really fast, so you should rent a car. Another tip is that you should drink a lot of water and juice to stay cool. Finally, and this is a very important tip, you shouldn’t take photos outsidein the afternoon. It’s too sunny and bright! Remember these tips and you’ll have a great time there.Have fun in Thailand!Optional Listening 3:A. Watch the Weather!Most people plan their vacations very carefully. They think a lot about plane tickets, passports, and hotel reservations. But they often forget about one important thing--- the weather. You should learn about the tight time to visit your vacation spot. Here is some information to help you pan your next vacation.Italy. The weather is sunny al l year, but it’s sometimes cold in winter. April and May are warm and beautiful. From June to September, it’s very hot.Australia. Summer here is from December to April. It sometimes rains, but the weather is usually very good. In winter, it snows a littl e in some places, but most of Australia isn’t very cold.B. Hong Kong, China. The Weather is hot and very humid here a lot of the year. In July and August, it’s sometimes very windy, and there are bad storms. October and November are warm and not so humid, but in December and January, it gets very chilly sometimes.Germany. From November to April, the weather is cold, cloudy, and snowy. In spring it’s warn, but there’s a lot of rain. July and August are usually warm and sunny.India. You shouldn’t travel to India from June to September. There is a lot of rain everywhere. From November to April, after the rainy season, the weather is nice and cool. In April and May, it often gets very hot.Optional Listening 4In Tokyo, it’s an envelope with $850,000 in cash. At Florida’s Disney World, it’s a glass eye. At a hotel in England, it’s a goat and a false leg. How are all of these things similar? They are unusual things that people leave in hotel rooms, in airports, and on city streets. Irish Martino works in the l ost and Found Center at an airport in a U.S. city. “Sure, we find the usual stuff—cell phones, keys, sunglasses and wallets,” she says. “But people also forget some weird things at the airport, too.” “What does Ms. Martino find? A woman’s false teeth in th e bathroom. A mannequin in an airport waiting area. “ How do you forget those things?” Martino wonders. Nobuo Hasuda works for the Lost and Found Center in downtown Tokyo. The Center has almost 800,000 items Three hundred thousand od them are umbrellas! There are also many other things--- jewelry and briefcases, snowshoes and musical instrument. Mr. Hasuda keeps the lost items for six months and two weeks. After this time, the finder can take the item. This is good luck for some people. Remember the envelope in Tokyo with $ 850,000? The owner did not claim it. Now the money belongs to the finder!Key: OL1: A. 1. checking in at the airport; 2. looking at; 3. checking into a hotel. B. Berlin; 2. New York; 3. ShanghaiOL2: A. 5 tips; B. 1. sunglasses; 2. plan e; 3. really fast; 4. shouldn’t.OL3: Italy: April and May; Because April and May are warm and beautiful. Australia: From December to April; Because weather is usually very good. B. Hong Kong, China: October and November; Because it’s warm and not humid. Germany: July and August; Because it’s usually warm and sunny. India: From November to April; Because the weather is nice and cool.OL4: A.They are all in a Lost and Found Center. B. 1. 850,000; 2. goat, false leg; 3. cell phones, keys, sunglasses, wallets. 4. 300,00/three hundred thousand; 5. finder.OL5: 1. packing; 2. souvenirs; 3. bringing; 4. explains; 5. niece; 6. belongs; 7. bear; 8. gift; 9. travel; 10. partner.Book 1-Unit 3Optional Listening 1Dad: Ashley?Ashley: Yeah, Dad! I’m in my room. I’m packing.Dad: Hi, honey. I can’t believe you’re going to college!Ashley: I know.Dad: So, what do you want to study?Ashley: Art.Dad: Art?Ashley: I am serious, Dad.Dad: I think you should study business so you can get a good job.Ashley: Business?Dad: Yes, you’re a smart, organized young woman. It’s perfect for you.Ashley: But, Dad…there’s a lot I can do with an art degree. The business world is very competitive…Dad: I don’t know, Ashley…Ashley: Come on Dad. Let’s look at the university website. There’s more information there.Optional Listening 2A: I interviewed Sara Foxx. She likes sales, but wants to work part time.B: Hmm…I spoke with Jason Gray, and he wants to work at home but likes responsibility.A: Does he want to work full time?B: Yes, he does. How about Sara?A: Well, she wants to work part time, but she plans to stay at the sales position for at least two years. And she loves people.B: What does she plan to do in two years’ time?A: She expects to go to grad school in the future, but she likes the job.B: Jason likes the job too. He wants to make a good salary and he loves to travel.A: Well, Sara hates to fly. It seems Jason would be the person we need.B: Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any sales experience.Optional Listening 3A. I’m Don Pierce. A good actor works very, very hard. People think that actors spend their time at a lot of parties and nightclubs, but that isn’t true. Actors spend hours-many hours-studying their lines for each movie. And you really have to understand people so that you can understand your characters in the movie.I’m Janice. I think the most important thin g for a good doctor is being a good listener. You have to understand people and their problems. A good doctor likes to solve problems and always wants to help his or her patients. And you can’t be impulsive---you should always be careful. Sometimes the fir st answer you think of isn’t the right answer. Doctors need a lot of energy, because they are usually hardworking.Hi, I’m Daniel. To be a success in business, you have to work well with groups of people. At the same time, you need to have strong opinions and be able to explain your opinions clearly. Good business-people always like to make new things and try new ideas. They are very organized, and they work very long hours.Optional Listening 4The Dreamer:A dreamer thinks there is a “right” way to do t hings. This person wants to live in the “perfect world”. A Dreamer is often hardworking and organized. Many are good listeners and like to help others. Many Dreamers work as teachers, lawyers, and in leadership roles.The Partner: A Partner wants to be in a group. For this person, rules and group harmony are important. These rules keep peace in the group. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers, police officers, and politicians.The Thinker: For Thinkers, understanding things is very important. They like to solve problems and make new things. Thinkers can also be competitive. They like to win. They are independent and often have very strong opinions. Many Thinkers work as scientists, inventors, politicians, and engineers.The Artist: Artists want to be free. They don’t want to follow the rules all the time. Artists like action and are often impulsive. They also like trying new things. Like Thinkers, many Artists have strong opinions. Many Artists are creative and do well as musicians, actors, fashion designers, and athletes.Key OL1: A. Ashley’s major at school. B. 1. arts; 2. business; 3. a lot; 4. too competitiveOL2: A. C; B. Sara: 1,5, 6OL3: B. 1. doctor (d); 2. actor (a), d, businessperson (b); 4. b; 5. a. d; 6. d; 7. b; 8. d; 9. b; 10.b. C. 1. hardworking; 2. competitive; 3. independent; 4. careful; 5. serious.OL4: 1. P; 2. D; 3. A; 4. T; 5. D, P; 6. P, T; 7. A; 8. T.OL5: 1. sports; 2. times; 3. swimming; 4. competitive; 5. invites; 6. serious; 7. fun; 8. agree; 9. athletic.Book 1- Unit 4Optional Listening 1A. Interviewer: And welcom e back to the KPLX radio in Los Angeles. We’re talking this morning with Europe’s hottest singer, Yeliz. Thanks for joining us.Yeliz: Sure! Hello Los Angeles!Interviewer: So, tell us a little about yourself, Yeliz. Where are you from exactly?Yeliz: I was born in Istanbul, but I live in Scotland now. My dad’s Scottish. My mom’s Turkish.Interviewer: You’re only seventeen. What’s it like being successful at your age?Yeliz: It’s pretty exciting. I get to travel, and meet some interesting people.(B. )Interviewer: You’re touring now, but what are your plans for the future?Yeliz: After the tour, I want to take a break. Then, later this year, I plan to make a new CD.Interviewer: Do you have any advice for other young artists?Yeliz: Well, I’d say follow your dreams. Work hard, and you can be successful. Optional Listening 2If you want to become a successful businessman, you should do three things. First, you should think about your goals every day. Make plans for today, tomorrow, and next year. Second, you should join a business club. You can learn a lot from the other members, and they can give you good advice. Third, you shouldn’t work every night and every weekend. Sometimes you should take a break. You get more energy and ideas when you relax. And you need a lot of energy and ideas to make money!Optional Listening 3---Find your dreamWe all have dreams, but some people actually take their dreams come true. Their secret? They quit dreaming. And they start doing. Even a very big dream starts with small steps, and small goals. Maybe your dream is to become a doctor. Start by thinking about small goals for yourself. Ask, “What can I do today?” You can’t start medical school today, but you can send e-mails and make phone calls to get information about medical schools. Make a list of schools to call, and then call a few of them every day. What do you need for your dream? Tell friends and familymembers—many of them can help you. For example, you want to become an artist. You need a lot of cheap paper for drawing. Maybe your friend’s brother throws away a lot of big p aper at his office. So, share your dream with the world! Another good idea is talking to people who are doing your dream job. Do you dream about having your own restaurant? Go to your favorite restaurant and ask the owner lots of questions. Most people like to talk about their work.Optional Listening 4 ---A lifetime dreamEveryone has his or her own dream jobs. Let’s listen to Yi Wang, a 29-year-old young teacher, and Hicham Nassir, who are going to talk about their dream jobs.“At the moment, I’m teaching chemistry at a university in Beijing. It’s a good job, but my dream is to make films. In China, young artists move to Beijing from all over the country. Many of them are pa inters, writers, and actors. I’d like to make a film about their lives and their work.” Wang is writing the film now with help from her friends. But it isn’t easy. “At the moment, the biggest problem is money,” explains Wang. “We don’t have much.” But this isn’t going to stop Wang and her partners. She says, “First, we are going to make this movie. Then, we’d like to show it in China and, maybe someday, at film festivals around the world. ”16-year-old Hicham Nassir is a soccer player. He’s getting ready f or a soccer match with his teammates. Hicham, the team’s star player, is a native of Morocco. He now lives in London with his family. “My parents want me to go to college, and major in business or law,” he explains. “They want me to become a lawyer or a su ccessful businessman. I understand them, but I want to change their minds,” says Hicham, “I want to play soccer professionally. It’s my dream”Key: OL1: A. 1. singer; 2. Turkish (Scottish is also an acceptable answer.); 3. 17; 4. travels a lot.OL2: 1. think about your goals every day; 2. join a business club; 3. work every night and every weekend.OL3: B. 1. doing; 2. information; 3. help; 4. Talking.OL4: B. 1. Chemistry; 2. films; 3. money; 4. China, around the world; 5. play soccer; 6. business, law; 7. change their minds.OL5: 1. style; 2. haircut; 3. quit; 4. travel; 5. famous; 6. movie; 7. write; 8. million; 9. book; 10. starts.。

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