



第五章齿轮箱油润滑与冷却系统5.1 润滑与冷却系统的作用齿轮箱的润滑十分重要,良好的润滑能够对齿轮和轴承起到足够的保护作用。

此外还具有如下性能:1) 减小摩擦和磨损,具有高的承载能力,防止胶合。





系统采用Mobilgear SHC XMP 320合成润滑油,它在极低温度状况下具有较好的流动性;在高温时的化学稳定性好并可抑制黏度较低。

5.2 润滑与冷却系统的组成(1)泵单元:这部分主要由电机泵和过滤器两部分组成。






5.3 原理图5.4工作过程系统要求在每次开机工作前,必须先启动润滑与冷却系统,待各润滑点充分得到润滑后在启动齿轮箱工作。



当温度在-15°C--+45°C 时,油泵装置要求保证40 [l/min]油流量,用于齿轮箱润滑。









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图为ZF WG210ZF—AS Tronic 3D剖视图1 档位功能电液控制换档机构采用电液换档控制系统,变速箱内有一套包含泵、电磁阀、液压阀、离合器控制油缸在内的液压控制系统。



液力变矩有两种力矩工况、三种状态(液力变矩,液力偶合和机械连接),其闭锁离合器WK的锁闭是用速度传感器和电子控制程序组件自动操作的,只有涡轮转速降到1 400 r/min以下且传动比i≤0·65时,方可降低档位,否则,换档选择器被锁定,目的是防止变矩器涡轮速度过高时降档造成发动机飞车,所以降速时,应先降低发动机转速并必要时施加风制动,当变矩器闭锁离合器和换档选择器的自动控制锁闭机构被释放后,才可降低档位。


表1WG型四挡机械动力换挡变速箱各挡位电磁阀及离合器工况表2大型养路机械4WG-65B2型变速箱挡位与速度最佳匹配标准二变速箱档位转换电气控制过程1 E模块功能的说明控制E模块有六个脚,其功能见图1 ZF控制系统。

1脚是输出挂档盒锁闭电磁铁信号,此信号由28U1内部电路产生; 2脚是接地; 3脚是由挂档盒输出一个信号到这里,此信号为一个确定目前档位的信号,由28U1内部电路控制,该信号与接到28U1第4脚的涡轮转速信号1f35进行比较,确定28U1的1脚输出为+24 V或0 V; 4脚是由1f35输入ZF所接受的涡轮转速变化信号,是一个脉冲信号; 5脚是输出G39变换离合信号,控制ZF变换离合器的动作,此脚的输出完全由28U1的4脚输入信号经28U1的内部电路识别后决定输出+24 V还是0 V; 6脚是由转档盒输出一个变换离合电源到这里。



★变速箱各工况的发热量主要根据变速箱的传动效率(相当的功率损失) 进行匹配计算。 ★变速箱润滑液最大流量发生在变速箱闭锁时或变速箱设定值 最终:结合变速箱标定文件,通过对以上 最终:结合变速箱标定文件,通过对以上1.2.3三种情况的散热量及流 三种情况的散热量及流 量的的计算对比,来选定散热器的主要散热参数。 量的的计算对比,来选定散热器的主要散热参数。 ★变速箱冷却系统的理想匹配目标: 1,满足整车在低档运行过程中的极限工况:最高车速,最大扭矩,功率点 2,满足变速箱在整车高档运行过程中车速达到闭锁条件以前,不因温度达 到闭锁条件闭锁 3,在最高的适应环境温度(国内43度,国外55度)下,满足1,2目标
冷却系统----变速箱油冷系统 冷却系统 变速箱油冷系统
1,手动挡变速箱(MT):传动效率一般在95%以上,其余能量以摩擦 发热, 克服零部件之间阻力的形式消耗掉,因此其中的润滑油主要作 用就是对各零部件进行润滑,减小摩擦阻力,提高传动效率。不需要专 门进行散热设计。 2,自动挡变速箱根据传动模式的不同分为: ★机械传动:AMT,DCT。这两种变速箱的传动模式与手动挡变速 箱相同,只是在换挡模式上进行了自动化的设计。因此其中的润 滑液的作用于手动挡变速箱中的一样。无需专门散热设计
★工作原理: 1,在自动变速箱未闭锁时:见图三:自动变速箱内部润滑油工作示意图 此时变速箱内部润滑油从油底壳经过油泵一部分流至系统各零部 件进行润滑并带走摩擦产生的热量最后返回油底壳完成一个循环,一 部分流至液力变矩器进行动力传递,同时会吸收动力传动过程中产生 的大量热量,然后经过散热器降温后,流至油底壳完成循环。润滑油 流量与发动机转速成正比,见图四:变速箱润滑油流量变化曲线(变 速箱出油流量) 注:变速箱的最大发热量发生在变速箱闭锁前或满足闭锁功能实 现的工况,此时的变速箱及发动机工况为变速箱冷却系统设计匹配的 关键考核点。


(2.3T~7T 前轴总成)
东风德纳车桥有限公司 二○○八年六月

1 / 87
东风德纳车桥有限公司生产的 2.3-7 吨系列转向桥具有工艺先进、承载能
力强、制动性能好、适用范围广等特点。同时可根据用户要求,选装 ABS 防抱
2) 从主销的上下端拆下油封和关联零件。
3) 拧松主销锁销螺母,直到螺母外面与 锁销端部平齐。
4) 用铜锤子敲打螺母,将锁销与主销之 间敲松。
拆除锁销螺母和锁销。 5) 使用铜锤和铜棒将主销从上向下敲出。
6) 拆下转向节,止推轴承和调整垫片。 9 / 87
1) 拆下横拉杆臂和横拉杆接头的槽形螺 母。 2) 用拉力器将横拉杆臂与横拉杆分离。 3) 拆下横拉杆夹紧螺栓。 4) 从横拉杆上拆下横拉杆端头。 注意:横拉杆右头为右螺纹,左头为左螺纹。

C270+32000_training PDF

C270+32000_training PDF

2012年德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统2012年engine converter transmission propshaft•R or RTE•The R series is a remote mounted transmission with an engine mounted converter.•This assembly allows for flexibility of transmission installation.德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统2012年engine converter transmissionpropshaftC270内部的 机油分布德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统© Dana Limited2012年11Lay-Out C5000 with Lock-Up德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统© Dana Limited2012年12R32000变速箱德纳动力换挡/静液传动变速箱产品表0 KwT12000 PSR08 PS08 T16000 PSR09 PS09 T20000 HSE07 24000 TE10 HSE09 TE13 32000 T33000 HSE2+3 TE17 36000 TE27 T40000 TE32 8000 1600010020030040050060070080093-168kw 125-225 hp德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统© Dana Limited2012年1432000变速箱的多种形式中置, 中置,与发动机间接连接形式与发动机直连形式长轴降© Dana Limited短轴降长轴降德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统 2012年15铭牌标识变速箱型号 变速箱出厂日期 序列号德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统© Dana Limited2012年16型号标识的含义R32 4 20 - 642特定编号 与客户相关发动机连接形式 HR=直接连接速比代号 偶数: 长降距 奇数 :短降距挡位数,4=4挡变速箱基本型号.32=32000德纳C270变矩器+R32000变速箱系统© Dana Limited2012年17变速箱机油标准德纳Spicer 32000 变速箱所用机油必须满足以下之一的公司标准。





输入法兰旋向--> 前进档时: (面向法兰看)

客户提供的转向油缸参数: 转向油缸直径 转向油缸工作压力
是否用螺栓连接在转向臂上? 转向角度

转向梯形: 铰接式车架 2前轮转向 2后轮转向 蟹形转向 全转向

空载 @ @

转/ 满载额定转速 转 分/ 总功率额定转速 分 最大总扭矩

空载 @ @

转/ 转分/

Spicer Clark-Hurth certifies the units recommended herein will give satisficatory service when properly applied, used and maintenanced, and the standard warranty shall apply to any sale thereof. The recommendation for the particular application herein described is, however, based on specifications and data supplied by the OEM and Spicer Clark-Hurth shall ot be held responsible for the application or operation of the recommended units in the event all necessary, pertinent and relvant information or data concerning the vehicle or installation of data concerning the vehicle or installation, including anticipated method of use, is not supplied in writing to Spicer Clark-Hurth by the OEM, whether or not such information or data is requested by Spicer Clark-Hurth or not specificallt provided in the specification.

Eaton PS-386 下一代 Eaton 变速箱润滑油说明说明书

Eaton PS-386 下一代 Eaton 变速箱润滑油说明说明书

Eaton ® Lubricant PS-386Next generation Eaton transmission lube PS-386Superior performance for greater fuel efficiency and long life.S U P P O R TB AC K ED B Y* Tested against the previous Eaton synthetic transmission spec PS-164 Rev 7. SAE J1321 Fuel Consumption testing conducted by an independent fleet confirmed up to 1.5% fuel economy improvement.Lubrication: an integrated transmission component Proper lubrication is the key to a sound and effective maintenance program. By recognizing lubricants as an integrated component in transmission performance, and as truck fleets continue to increase in sophistication, Eaton is doing its part to improvetransmission efficiency, reliability and durability over the long haul. PS-386 is the factory fill at all OEMs now, and will be available from all of the standard market channels that are used for current fluids.PS-386 lowers viscosity for improved fuel economy Eaton’s newest synthetictransmission lubricant, PS-386, features lower viscosity properties that promote better fuel efficiency, heat management improvements that lower sump temperatures, enhanced low temperature start properties, and higher oxidation stability that allows extended drain intervals of up to 500,000 miles.*®See back page to determine yourpayback by switching to PS-386.Eaton ® Lubricant PS-386S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YNote: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capa-bilities of the software and products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.Eaton, Fuller, Roadranger, Solo, UltraShift and Fuller Advantage are registered trademarks of Eaton. All trademarks, logos and copyrights are those of their respective owners.For spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadranger . In Mexico, call 001-800-826-4357.Roadranger: Eaton and trusted partnersproviding the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.EatonVehicle Group13100 E. Michigan Ave.Kalamazoo, MI 49053 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2016 EatonAll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.APSL0901 1116Payback estimates are based on diesel cost of $2.45 per gallon, current MPG of 6.5, and a 1.5% fuel economy increase by switching to PS-386.PS-386 Payback PeriodAdvanced Gear Wear T est•PS-386 lubricant excelled in one of the industry’s toughest gear wear test. Oils weretested in a rigorous gear wear test that simulates 250,000 miles.•The gears pictured show the actual gears after the test. The PS-386 lubricant (left gear photo) shows four times less wear than the standardmineral oil (right gear photo).Enhanced Copper Corrosion Protection• PS-386 lubricant excels inpreventing copper corrosion. Oils were tested in anadvanced 7 day accelerated copper corrosion test that simulates 500,000 miles.• The copper tubing picturedshows actual copper tubing from a transmission cooler. The PS-386 lubricant (left tubing photo) shows no corrosion while a standard mineral oil (right tubing photo) shows severe coppercorrosion.PS-386 is specificallyengineered to improve fuel economy. Independent fleet tests have shown a 1.5% fuel economy increase. What does that mean for you? See table.。



zf和dana变速箱原理电控机械液压ZF变速箱 WG系列的工作原理ZF系类变速箱的档位转换采用ZF公司独立设计的E模块,接受液力变矩器涡轮转速和档位信号,进而控制液力变矩器动力传动方式转换,即由液力传动转换为机械传动,使其提速和动力传动非常平稳,又能提高传动效率。


图为 ZF WG2101 档位功能电液控制换档机构采用电液换档控制系统,变速箱内有一套包含泵、电磁阀、液压阀、离合器控制油缸在内的液压控制系统。



液力变矩有两种力矩工况、三种状态(液力变矩,液力偶合和机械连接),其闭锁离合器WK的锁闭是用速度传感器和电子控制程序组件自动操作的,只有涡轮转速降到1 400 r/min以下且传动比i?0?65时,方可降低档位,否则,换档选择器被锁定,目的是防止变矩器涡轮速度过高时降档造成发动机飞车,所以降速时,应先降低发动机转速并必要时施加风制动,当变矩器闭锁离合器和换档选择器的自动控制锁闭机构被释放后,才可降低档位。


二变速箱档位转换电气控制过程1 E模块功能的说明控制E模块有六个脚,其功能见图1 ZF控制系统。

1脚是输出挂档盒锁闭电磁铁信号,此信号由28U1内部电路产生; 2脚是接地; 3脚是由挂档盒输出一个信号到这里,此信号为一个确定目前档位的信号,由28U1内部电路控制,该信号与接到28U1第4脚的涡轮转速信号1f35进行比较,确定28U1的1脚输出为+24 V或0 V; 4脚是由1f35输入ZF所接受的涡轮转速变化信号,是一个脉冲信号; 5脚是输出G39变换离合信号,控制ZF变换离合器的动作,此脚的输出完全由28U1的4脚输入信号经28U1的内部电路识别后决定输出+24 V还是0 V; 6脚是由转档盒输出一个变换离合电源到这里。

德纳 Thermal 产品简介

德纳 Thermal 产品简介

Thermal Products
Using Proven Technology To Create Custom Solutions
Wh at Can Dana Do For You?
Dana provides high quality automotive product solutions in four core areas of the vehicle — drivetrain, structural, sealing, and thermal systems. This lineup of technologies from one source is designed to offer flexibility to vehicle manufacturers around the world —whether in automotive centers or emerging markets — and ensures that customers get the latest state-ofthe-art technologies, as well as products adjusted for specific local markets. With more than 20 technology centers strategically located throughout the world, Dana engineers have the superior resources to develop, design, test, and manufacture to suit individual customer needs. This close collaboration allows Dana to create everything from advanced single components to fully integrated mooach

Fuller UltraShift HV 自动变速箱产品介绍说明书

Fuller UltraShift HV 自动变速箱产品介绍说明书

Fuller ®Automated T ransmissionsFO-5406B-DM3FO-6406B-DM3More time on the road ™Spend More Time on the Road... Less Timeat the Pump.The Fuller UltraShift ®Highway V alue (HV) T ransmissionDelivers up to 19% Better Fuel Economy* and Lower Operating Costs vs.a Conventional AutomaticUltraShift HV is the fully automated solution that really improves your bottom line. It provides the best overall value of any automated transmission on the market today.Why should you spec an UltraShift HV in your next medium-duty truck? Five reasons:•Fuel Savings•Reduced Maintenance Costs •Safety & Convenience Features •Easy to Operate•Park Pawl Models AvailableUltraShift HV transmissions can help your fleet with greater driver satisfaction and productivity,safer and more efficient operations, and reduced overall business costs.FO-5506B-DM3FO-6506B-DM3F-5405B-DM3F-6405B-DM3F-5505B-DM3F-6505B-DM3Fuller ®UltraShift ®HVSignificant Fuel SavingsThe UltraShift HV provides better fuel economy than a conventional automatic transmission. Fleets across the United States have put the HV to the test, with overwhelmingly positive results.The UltraShift HV is fuel efficient from the start. A conventional automatic wastes fuel until “lock-up”occurs at approximately 24 miles-per -hour. The UltraShift HV delivers fuel efficiency from the start at approximately 3 miles-per -hour and up. That saves you significant fuel costs.Reduced Maintenance CostsThe UltraShift HV offers lower operating costs than a conventional automatic transmission.The UltraShift HV also saves you money with less maintenance requirements. Conventional automat-ics require an initial filter change at 5,000 miles,with additional filter changes every 50,000 miles.They also require a lube change every 100,000miles or 4 years.The UltraShift HV is factory-filled with Roadranger -approved full-synthetic lube and requires no changes of lube or filter for 500,000 miles.Because no scheduled maintenance is required with the HV , you can save up to $130 per year on each truck on maintenance costs alone… and less maintenance means more time on the road. The UltraShift HV is equipped with a standard PTO opening at no additional cost. This can mean extra money in your pocket while offering greater application flexibility.Safety & Convenience FeaturesThe UltraShift HV comes standard with the“Hill-Assist” feature which automatically minimizes rollback and roll-forward on grades from 3% to 10% while the operator makes the transition from the brake pedal to the accelerator.Plus, the two-pedal design eliminates manual clutching and mechanical lever shifting, creating a simpler, safer, more comfortable driving experience.Fuller ®UltraShift ®HVEasy to OperateThe automated two-pedal design is simple to operate. There is no clutch pedal, so you just put it in Drive and go.The automated design, eliminates manualclutching and mechanical lever shifting, creating a simpler, safer, more comfortable driving experience.The Fuller medium-duty automated transmission communicates with an electronic engine utilizing the SAE-J1939 protocol for precise control of the engine and transmission functions.Standard UltraShift HVUltraShift ®HV with Park PawlWhen the shift selector is placed in the Park position, the parking pawl engages – locking the transmission mainshaft in place. This ensures that the transmission and thus the vehicle driven wheels will not turn.The park pawl models require an OEM-supplied shifter which replaces the standard pushbutton shift console. It features the ability for Hold modein any gear for continuous operation on grades.R - Reverse N - NeutralD - Drive –Automatic Gear Selection Manual –Manual Gear Selection LowT op View of Pushbutton Shift Console:ServiceIndicator LampPTO Indicator Gear Selection Indicator Lamps Manual Gear Selection ButtonsHand shifters are also available.Availability and position of shift controls may vary. Contact OEMdealer for details.Gear SelectionButtonsUltraShift HV with Park PawlGear Selections P- Park R - Reverse N - Neutral D - Drive H - Hold 1 - LowFor spec’ing or service assistance,call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) 24 hours a day,7 days a week (Mexico:001-800-826-4357),for more time on the road.Or visit our web site at www.roadranger .com.Eaton Corporation • Truck Components Operations • P .O. Box 4013 • Kalamazoo, MI 49003 • U.S.A. • Roadranger: Eaton, Dana and other trusted partners providing the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.©2008 Eaton Corporation · All rights reserved.Printed in USA · TRSL0315 0708 · 2M/WPRatios and Steps:GEARRATIO% STEPFuller ®UltraShift ®HVSpecifications:PTO Openings:Right, 6-bolt PTO standard. Rear, extended countershaft PTO standard.Right side operates off 5th speed countershaft gear. 48-tooth gear, 7.00 pitch, 26°Helix Angle, 23°Pressure Angle. Right and extended countershaft gears turn at .667of engine speed.The HV is equipped with a standard PTO opening at no additional cost.This can mean extra money in your customer’s pocket while offering greater application flexibility.。

Schneider Electric ATV71HU40N4变速驱动器产品数据手册说明书

Schneider Electric ATV71HU40N4变速驱动器产品数据手册说明书

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsATV71HU40N4variable speed drive ATV71 - 4kW-5HP - 480V- EMC filter-graphic terminalProduct availability: Non-Stock - Not normally stocked in distribution facilityMainRange of product Altivar 71Product or component typeVariable speed driveProduct specific applica-tionComplex, high-power machines Component name ATV71Motor power kW 4 kW, 3 phase 380...480 V Maximum Horse Power Rating5 hp, 3 phase 380...480 V Maximum motor cable length164.04 Ft (50 m) shielded cable 328.08 ft (100 m) unshielded cable Power supply voltage 380...480 V - 15...10 %Phase 3 phaseLine current 11.5 A 480 V 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp 14.1 A 380 V 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp EMC filter Integrated Assembly style With heat sinkApparent power 9.3 kVA 380 V 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp Prospective line Isc 5 kA 3 phaseNominal output current 10.5 A 4 kHz 380 V 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp 7.6 A 4 kHz 460 V 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp Maximum transient cur-rent15.8 A 60 s 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp 17.3 A 2 s 3 phase 4 kW / 5 hp Output frequency 0.1…599 Hz Nominal switching fre-quency4 kHzSwitching frequency 1...16 kHz adjustable4...16 kHz with derating factorAsynchronous motor control profileFlux vector control (FVC) with sensor (current vec-tor)ENA (Energy adaptation) system for unbalanced loadsSensorless flux vector control (SFVC) (voltage or current vector)Voltage/frequency ratio (2 or 5 points)Type of polarizationNo impedance ModbusComplementaryProduct destination Asynchronous motors Synchronous motors Power supply voltage limits 323…528 V Power supply frequency 50...60 Hz - 5...5 %Power supply frequency limits 47.5...63 HzSpeed range1…100 asynchronous motor in open-loop mode, without speed feedback 1…1000 asynchronous motor in closed-loop mode with encoder feedback 1…50 synchronous motor in open-loop mode, without speed feedbackSpeed accuracy+/- 0.01 % of nominal speed in closed-loop mode with encoder feedback 0.2 Tn to Tn+/- 10 % of nominal slip without speed feedback 0.2 Tn to Tn Torque accuracy+/- 15 % in open-loop mode, without speed feedback +/- 5 % in closed-loop mode with encoder feedbackTransient overtorque170 % +/- 10 % 60 s every 10 minutes220 % +/- 10 % 2 sBraking torque<= 150 % with braking or hoist resistor30 % without braking resistorSynchronous motor control profile Vector control without speed feedbackRegulation loop Adjustable PI regulatorMotor slip compensation Automatic whatever the loadSuppressableNot available in voltage/frequency ratio (2 or 5 points)AdjustableDiagnostic Drive voltage 1 LED red)Output voltage<= power supply voltageInsulation Electrical between power and controlType of cable for mounting in an enclosure With a NEMA Type1 kit 3 UL 508 cable 104 °F (40 °C), copper 75 °C / PVCWith an IP21 or an IP31 kit 3 IEC cable 104 °F (40 °C), copper 70 °C / PVCWithout mounting kit 1 IEC cable 113 °F (45 °C), copper 70 °C / PVCWithout mounting kit 1 IEC cable 113 °F (45 °C), copper 90 °C / XLPE/EPR Electrical connection Terminal 2.5 mm², AWG 14 AI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B,LI1...LI6, PWR)Terminal 4 mm², AWG 10 L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO, PA/+,PA, PB)Tightening torque 5.31 Lbf.In (0.6 N.m) AI1-/AI1+, AI2, AO1, R1A, R1B, R1C, R2A, R2B, LI1 (I6)PWR)12.39 lbf.in (1.4 N.m), 12.3 lb.in L1/R, L2/S, L3/T, U/T1, V/T2, W/T3, PC/-, PO,PA/+, PA, PB)Supply Internal supply for reference potentiometer (1 to 10 kOhm) 10.5 V DC +/- 5 %,<10 mA overload and short-circuit protectionInternal supply 24 V DC 21…27 V), <200 mA overload and short-circuit protection Analogue input number2Analogue input type AI1-/Al1+ bipolar differential voltage +/- 10 V DC 24 V max 11 bits + signAI2 software-configurable current 0...20 mA 242 Ohm 11 bitsAI2 software-configurable voltage 0...10 V DC 24 V max 30000 Ohm 11 bits Input sampling time2 Ms +/- 0.5 ms AI1-/Al1+) - analog2 Ms +/- 0.5 ms Al2) - analog2 Ms +/- 0.5 ms LI1...LI5) - discrete2 ms +/- 0.5 ms LI6)if configured as logic input - discreteResponse time<= 100 ms in STO (Safe Torque Off)AO1 2 ms +/- 0.5 ms analogR1A, R1B, R1C 7 ms +/- 0.5 ms discreteR2A, R2B 7 ms +/- 0.5 ms discreteAbsolute accuracy precision+/- 0.6 % AI1-/Al1+) for a temperature variation 60 °C+/- 0.6 % AI2) for a temperature variation 60 °C+/- 1 % AO1) for a temperature variation 60 °CLinearity error+/- 0.15 % of maximum value AI1-/Al1+, AI2)+/- 0.2 % AO1)Analogue output number1Analogue output type AO1 software-configurable logic output 10 V 20 mAAO1 software-configurable current 0...20 mA 500 Ohm 10 bitsAO1 software-configurable voltage 0...10 V DC 470 Ohm 10 bitsDiscrete output number2Discrete output type Configurable relay logic R1A, R1B, R1C) NO/NC - 100000 cyclesConfigurable relay logic R2A, R2B) NO - 100000 cyclesMinimum switching current3 mA 24 V DC configurable relay logicMaximum switching current R1, R2 2 A 250 V AC inductive, cos phi = 0.4R1, R2 2 A 30 V DC inductive, cos phi = 0.4R1, R2 5 A 250 V AC resistive, cos phi = 1R1, R2 5 A 30 V DC resistive, cos phi = 1Discrete input number7Discrete input type LI1...LI5 programmable 24 V DC level 1 PLC 3500 OhmLI6 switch-configurable 24 V DC level 1 PLC 3500 OhmLI6 switch-configurable PTC probe 0…6 1500 OhmPWR safety input 24 V DC 1500 Ohm ISO 13849-1 level dDiscrete input logic Negative logic (sink) LI1...LI5), > 16 V, < 10 VPositive logic (source) LI1...LI5), < 5 V, > 11 VNegative logic (sink) LI6)if configured as logic input, > 16 V, < 10 VPositive logic (source) LI6)if configured as logic input, < 5 V, > 11 VAcceleration and deceleration ramps S, U or customizedLinear adjustable separately from 0.01 to 9000 sAutomatic adaptation of ramp if braking capacity exceeded, by using resistor Braking to standstill By DC injectionProtection type Against exceeding limit speed driveAgainst input phase loss driveBreak on the control circuit driveInput phase breaks driveLine supply overvoltage driveLine supply undervoltage driveOvercurrent between output phases and earth driveOverheating protection driveOvervoltages on the DC bus driveShort-circuit between motor phases driveThermal protection driveMotor phase break motorPower removal motorThermal protection motorInsulation resistance> 1 mOhm 500 V DC for 1 minute to earthFrequency resolution Analog input 0.024/50 HzDisplay unit 0.1 HzCommunication port protocol CANopenModbusConnector type 1 RJ45 on front face)Modbus1 RJ45 on terminal)ModbusMale SUB-D 9 on RJ45CANopenPhysical interface2-wire RS 485 ModbusTransmission frame RTU ModbusTransmission rate4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps, 38.4 Kbps Modbus on terminal9600 bps, 19200 bps Modbus on front face20 kbps, 50 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps, 500 kbps, 1 Mbps CANopenData format8 bits, 1 stop, even parity Modbus on front face8 bits, odd even or no configurable parity Modbus on terminalNumber of addresses1…127 CANopen1…247 ModbusMethod of access Slave CANopenMarking CEOperating position Vertical +/- 10 degreeHeight10.24 in (260 mm)Depth7.36 in (187 mm)Width 6.10 in (155 mm)Net weight8.82 lb(US) (4 kg)Functionality FullSpecific application Other applicationsOption card Communication card CC-LinkController inside programmable cardCommunication card DeviceNetCommunication card Ethernet/IPCommunication card FipioI/O extension cardCommunication card Interbus-SInterface card for encoderCommunication card Modbus PlusCommunication card Modbus TCPCommunication card Modbus/Uni-TelwayOverhead crane cardCommunication card Profibus DPCommunication card Profibus DP V1EnvironmentNoise level54.5 dB 86/188/EECDielectric strength3535 V DC between earth and power terminals5092 V DC between control and power terminalsElectromagnetic compatibility 1.2/50 µs - 8/20 µs surge immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-5Conducted radio-frequency immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-6Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test level 4 IEC 61000-4-4Electrostatic discharge immunity test level 3 IEC 61000-4-2Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test level 3 IEC61000-4-3Voltage dips and interruptions immunity test IEC 61000-4-11Standards EN/IEC 61800-5-1IEC 60721-3-3 class 3C1IEC 60721-3-3 class 3S2EN 61800-3 environments 2 category C2EN 61800-3 environments 1 category C2EN/IEC 61800-3UL Type 1EN 55011 class A group 1Product certifications GOSTNOM 117ULC-TickCSAPollution degree 2 EN/IEC 61800-5-1IP degree of protection IP20Vibration resistance 1 gn 13…200 Hz)EN/IEC 60068-2-61.5 mm peak to peak 3…13 Hz)EN/IEC 60068-2-6Shock resistance15 gn 11 ms EN/IEC 60068-2-27Relative humidity5…95 % without condensation IEC 60068-2-35…95 % without dripping water IEC 60068-2-3Ambient air temperature for operation14…122 °F (-10…50 °C) without)Ambient air temperature for storage-13…158 °F (-25…70 °C)Operating altitude<= 3280.84 ft (1000 m) without3280.84...9842.52 ft (1000...3000 m) with current derating 1 % per 100 m Ordering and shipping detailsCategory22130 - ATV71 - 1/2 THRU 5HP DRIVESDiscount Schedule CP4CGTIN00785901691679Package weight(Lbs) 6.03 kg (13.3 lb(US))Returnability NoCountry of origin IDOffer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productCalifornia proposition 65WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including: Lead and leadcompounds which is known to the State of California to cause Carcinogen & Re-productive harm. For more information go to REACh Regulation REACh DeclarationEU RoHS Directive Pro-active compliance (Product out of EU RoHS legal scope)EU RoHS Decla-rationMercury free YesRoHS exemption information YesChina RoHS Regulation China RoHS DeclarationEnvironmental Disclosure Product Environmental ProfileCircularity Profile End Of Life InformationWEEE The product must be disposed on European Union markets following specificwaste collection and never end up in rubbish bins.Contractual warrantyWarranty18 monthsProduct data sheetDimensions DrawingsATV71HU40N4UL Type 1/IP 20 DrivesDimensions without Option CardDimensions in mmDimensions in in.Dimensions with 1 Option Card (1)Dimensions in mmDimensions with 2 Option Cards (1)Dimensions in mm Dimensions in in.(1) Option cards: I/O extension cards, communication cards or "Controller Inside” programmable card.Product data sheetATV71HU40N4Mounting and ClearanceMounting RecommendationsDepending on the conditions in which the drive is to be used, its installation will require certain precautions and the use of appropriate accessories.Install the unit vertically:●Avoid placing it close to heating elements●Leave sufficient free space to ensure that the air required for cooling purposes can circulate from the bottom to the top of the unit.ClearanceMounting TypesType A MountingType B MountingType C MountingBy removing the protective blanking cover from the top of the drive, the degree of protection for the drive becomes IP 20.The protective blanking cover may vary according to the drive model (refer to the user guide).The protective blanking cover must be removed from ATV 71P•••N4Z drives when they are mounted in a dust and damp proof enclosure. Specific Recommendations for Mounting the Drive in an EnclosureVentilationTo ensure proper air circulation in the drive:●Fit ventilation grilles.●Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation. If there is not, install a forced ventilation unit with a filter. The openings and/or fans must providea flow rate at least equal to that of the drive fans (refer to the product characteristics).●Use special filters with IP 54 protection.●Remove the blanking cover from the top of the drive.Dust and Damp Proof Metal Enclosure (IP 54)The drive must be mounted in a dust and damp proof enclosure in certain environmental conditions: dust, corrosive gases, high humidity with risk of condensation and dripping water, splashing liquid, etc.This enables the drive to be used in an enclosure where the maximum internal temperature reaches 50°C.Product data sheetConnections and SchemaATV71HU40N4Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 1, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply with Upstream Breaking via ContactorA1ATV71 drive KM1Contactor L1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerQ2GV2 L rated at twice the nominal primary current of T1Q3GB2CB05S1,S2XB4 B or XB5 A pushbuttonsT1100 VA transformer 220 V secondary(1)Line choke (three-phase); mandatory for ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(2)For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kW motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y…HC63Y, refer to the power terminal connections diagram.(3)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(4)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internal power supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(5)There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives.(6)Optional DC choke for ATV71H•••M3, ATV71HD11M3X…HD45M3X, ATV71•075N4…•D75N4 and ATV71P•••N4Z drives. Connected in place of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4…HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it.(7)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(8)Reference potentiometer.All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 1, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL1, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply with Downstream Breaking via Switch DisconnectorA1ATV71 driveL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerQ2Switch disconnector (Vario)(1)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(2)For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kW motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y…HC63Y, refer to the power terminalconnections diagram.(3)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(4)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(5)There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives.(6)Optional DC choke for ATV71H•••M3, ATV71HD11M3X…HD45M3X, ATV71•075N4…•D75N4 and ATV71P•••N4Z drives. Connected inplace of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4…HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it.(7)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(8)Reference potentiometer.All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 3, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 0 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply, Low Inertia Machine, Vertical MovementA1ATV71 driveA2Preventa XPS AC safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the “Power Removal”function for several drives on the same machine. In this case, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS AC module. These contacts are independent for each drive.F1FuseL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerS1Emergency stop button with 2 contactsS2XB4 B or XB5 A pushbutton(1)Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 48 Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac.(2)S2: resets XPS AC module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions.(3)Requests freewheel stopping of the movement and activates the “Power Removal” safety function.(4)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for and ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(5)The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe stop state.(6)For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kW motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y…HC63Y, refer to the power terminalconnections diagram.(7)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(8)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(9)Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C 93-550, external diameter2.54 mm /0.09 in., maximum length 15 m / 49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed.(10)There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives.(11)Optional DC choke for ATV71H•••M3, ATV71HD11M3X…HD45M3X, ATV71•075N4…•D75N4 and ATV71P•••N4Z drives. Connected inplace of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4…HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it.(12)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(13)Reference potentiometer.All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Wiring Diagram Conforming to Standards EN 954-1 Category 3, IEC/EN 61508 Capacity SIL2, in Stopping Category 1 According to IEC/EN 60204-1Three-Phase Power Supply, High Inertia MachineA1ATV71 driveA2 (5)Preventa XPS ATE safety module for monitoring emergency stops and switches. One safety module can manage the "Power Removal”safety function for several drives on the same machine. In this case the time delay must be adjusted on the drive controlling the motor that requires the longest stopping time. In addition, each drive must connect its PWR terminal to its + 24 V via the safety contacts on the XPS ATE module. These contacts are independent for each drive.F1FuseL1DC chokeQ1Circuit-breakerS1Emergency stop button with 2 N/C contactsS2Run button(1)Power supply: 24 Vdc or Vac, 115 Vac, 230 Vac.(2)Requests controlled stopping of the movement and activates the “Power Removal” safety function.(3)Line choke (three-phase), mandatory for ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives (except when a special transformer is used (12-pulse)).(4)S2: resets XPS ATE module on power-up or after an emergency stop. ESC can be used to set external starting conditions.(5)For stopping times requiring more than 30 seconds in category 1, use a Preventa XPS AV safety module which can provide amaximum time delay of 300 seconds.(6)The logic output can be used to signal that the machine is in a safe state.(7)For ATV71HC40N4 drives combined with a 400 kW motor, ATV71HC50N4 and ATV71HC40Y…HC63Y, refer to the power terminalconnections diagram.(8)Fault relay contacts. Used for remote signalling of the drive status.(9)Connection of the common for the logic inputs depends on the positioning of the SW1 switch. The above diagram shows the internalpower supply switched to the “source” position (for other connection types, refer to the user guide).(10)Standardized coaxial cable, type RG174/U according to MIL-C17 or KX3B according to NF C 93-550, external diameter2.54 mm/0.09 in., maximum length 15 m/49.21 ft. The cable shielding must be earthed.(11)Logic inputs LI1 and LI2 must be assigned to the direction of rotation: LI1 in the forward direction and LI2 in the reverse direction.(12)There is no PO terminal on ATV71HC11Y…HC63Y drives.(13)Optional DC choke for ATV71H•••M3, ATV71HD11M3X…HD45M3X, ATV71•075N4…•D75N4 and ATV71P•••N4Z drives. Connected inplace of the strap between the PO and PA/+ terminals. For ATV71HD55M3X, HD75M3X, ATV71HD90N4…HC50N4 drives, the choke is supplied with the drive; the customer is responsible for connecting it.(14)Software-configurable current (0…20 mA) or voltage (0…10 V) analog input.(15)Reference potentiometer.All terminals are located at the bottom of the drive. Fit interference suppressors on all inductive circuits near the drive or connected on the same circuit, such as relays, contactors, solenoid valves, fluorescent lighting, etc.Product data sheetATV71HU40N4Performance CurvesDerating CurvesThe derating curves for the drive nominal current (In) depend on the temperature, the switching frequency and the mounting type. For intermediate temperatures (e.g. 55°C), interpolate between 2 curves.X Switching frequency(1)Mounting type。

Eaton UltraShift HV自动变速箱产品介绍说明书

Eaton UltraShift HV自动变速箱产品介绍说明书

Fleet Manager, Paclease Dealer Agree UltraShift® HV Transmissions Are the Right MoveLocation Details:Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Segment Details:Moving & Delivery Trucks Challenge:Needed a transmission that would endure driver behavior, as well as help reduce the need for repairs and maintenence.Solution:Eaton’s UltraShift HV automated transmission.Results:Eliminated maintenence needs because drivers cannot be as aggressive when operating an automated transmission.Contact Information:Eaton CorporationVehicle GroupP.O. Box 4013Kalamazoo, MI 490031-800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger “With the UltraShifttransmissions, the elec-tronics are doing theshifting for you, and thetransitions from gear togear are always smooth.That has effectivelyeliminated maintenanceissues.”Cameron Quinn (left), driver, Two Amigosshown with Brad Prociuk, fl eet manager,Two Amigos.BackgroundTwo Amigos, a furniture deliveryfleet and moving company, takesits name from a storefront signthat co-owner Larry Calen sawwhile vacationing in Mexico. Theother co-owner, or co-Amigo, isDoug Creighton. Together thepair has built a business thatis “muy bueno,” with facilitiesthroughout Canada and a fleetthat now includes roughly 52trucks and highway tractors.Brad Prociuk is fleet manager atthe Winnipeg location. He hasbeen with Two Amigos for morethan 14 years and has the bulkof the company’s trucks underhis care in Winnipeg. His vehi-cles typically operate up to 12hours a day, making anywherefrom 10 to 16 daily deliveries.Prociuk leases his vehicles fromCTS Lease & Rental, his localPaclease representative, as partof a full service lease agree-ment. Kelly Whyte is the CTSservice manager.ChallengesProciuk and Whyte both workto assure that the Two Amigosvehicles are on the road mak-ing money, not in the shop forunnecessary repairs.“We have been using standardtransmissions for a long time,but no one wants to drive themthe way you are supposed todrive them,” says Prociuk. “Wewere going through way toomany clutches and synchroniz-ers. I had one driver who burnedout a clutch in six months. Itwas unbelievable.”Says Whyte, “As part of thelease agreement with TwoAmigos, we are responsiblefor maintenance on the newvehicles. We have a fixed ratefor the lease and a fixed rate tolook after the maintenance. Soif we are seeing, for example,excess tire wear or brake wearsooner than we projected, we’respending more money maintain-ing them than we are bringinginto the company.”Whyte adds that CTS doesn’tlike having to bill anything backto its customers. “So if we canadd components into the pow-ertrain that help eliminate driverabuse, it’s good for everyone.We are going to be able to keepthose trucks on the road longer,only coming in for scheduledpreventative maintenance.”S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YNote: Features and specifications listed in this document are subject to change without notice and represent the maximum capa-bilities of the software and products with all options installed. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained within, Eaton makes no representation about the completeness, correctness or accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions.Features and functionality may vary depending on selected options.UltraShift is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.SolutionsLocal Roadranger representa-tive Ken Moodie suggested that CTS Lease specify Eaton auto-mated transmissions with two new trucks he was ordering for Prociuk.Prociuk soon took delivery of two new Kenworth T370 medium-duty straight trucks with Eaton UltraShift HV trans-missions, a fully automateddesign for Class 6 and 7 vehicles with diesel engines in the 195-260 horsepower range. Capable of handling torque capacities up to 660 pounds per foot and loads up to 33,000 pounds gross vehicle weight, the UltraShift HV transmission is ideally suited for pickup-and-delivery applications.Other key features and benefits of the UltraShift HV transmis-sion include Hill-Assist, which automatically minimizes rollback on up to 10 percent grades while the operator makes the transition from the brake pedal to the accelerator. This feature benefits the driver in both uphill and downhill stop and start situations. Additionally, theUltraShift HV transmission’s two-pedal design eliminates manual shifting, allowing operators to keep both hands on the wheel for safer, less stressful vehicle operation.Results“We were told that theUltraShift transmissions were pretty much bulletproof in terms of potential driver abuse,” says Prociuk. “So far, that has cer-tainly been the case.“With the UltraShift transmis-sions, the electronics are doing the shifting for you, and thetransitions from gear to gear are always smooth. That has effec-tively eliminated maintenance issues.” Whyte attributes that to the fact that the drivers cannot be too aggressive when operating an automated transmission. “The transmission helps slow them down,” says Whyte. “It’s a win/win situation for us and for the customer.“I’m excited, as the transmis-sions are definitely going to show some savings. Plus the reliability of the equipment is going to benefit Brad and Two Amigos. The trucks are going to be working instead of in the shop. Everyone wins with these transmissions.”lKelly Whyte, CTS lease and rental service managerS U P P O R TB AC K ED B YFor spec’ing or service assistance, call 1-800-826-HELP (4357) or visit /roadranger . In Mexico, call 001-800-826-4357.Roadranger: Eaton and trusted partnersproviding the best products and services in the industry, ensuring more time on the road.Eaton Corporation Vehicle Group P .O. Box 4013Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2012 Eaton CorporationAll Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.TRSL2509 0512。

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