一、英语中性别歧视的表现(一)从词汇方面反映出的性别歧视“语言的词汇就像一面镜子, 社会上各种不平等现象, 包括性别歧视, 必然反映在词汇上。
”英语作为性别歧视性的语言, 其本身就带有明显性别歧视标记的因素, 其中在词汇方面的反映尤为如此。
1.构词上的不平等现象英语中除了极少数的,如bride (新娘) - bridegroom(新郎) 外,都是阳性名词为构词主体,加后缀构成阴性名词,这种现象体现了一种所属关系。
例如: host - hostess , manager manageress,princeprincess,hero - heroine等。
第一,标记女性词后缀的使用说明该词指女性(如heroine) 或指某人的妻子(如duchess)。
第二,非标记男性词汇可指男性或全人类,而标记女性词汇却只能指女性(如author - authoress) 。
以manageress 一词为例,这个词暗示着较为次要或低下的地位。
2.词义内涵反映性别歧视英语中的woman, female 是通常用来指代成年女性的名词。
它们有各自的词义内涵和使用范围, 但相同的是, 这些词都被社会赋予了对妇女歧视的负面意义。
Woman 本是“妇女”、“女人”的泛称, 但被社会赋予了很多贬损、歧视的意义, 在很多习语中都得到体现。
关键词:性别歧视;原因;语言中性化1. 引言语言是一种社会现象。
女性长期以来被看作是the weaker sex/the second sex,是男性的陪衬和附属品。
的 从最
“ De a r S i r o r Ma d a m” “ ma n a n d wo ma n ”
性别歧 视( S e x D i s c r i m i n a t i 0 n . 或S e x i s m) 指一种性别成员对另一种性别成员的不平等 对待 在人类 的发展历程上主要表现为男性 对女性的歧 视 .这种歧视尤其是在生产力并 不发达 的原始社 会和封建社 会时尤 为突 出 随着 社会 的进 步和 工业 文 明的 阳光普 照大 地 .越来越 多的社会成员意识到男女平 等这 普世的价值观念 . 因此 . 近代各 国宪法 中也 纷纷 将男 女平 等作 为平 等权 的重 要组 成部 分 例如 . 美国1 9 7 2年国会通过的关于男女 权利平等 的第 2 7条宪法修正案.在得到 3 / 4 的多数州议 会批准后.也成 为美国宪法 的一 部分 .从而以国家根本大法的形式上消除 了 性别歧视 然而宪法 只是对性别歧视 问题仅 仅做 了原则性 的规定 .社会观念 上如何 认可 这一价值 才是根 本 . 例如 2 O 世纪7 O 年代初 . 在英国出版的 B r i t a n n i c a i u n i o r e n c y c l o p e d i a 把 me n解释 为 t h e h i g h e s t f o r m o fl i f e O f e a r t h 认 为 Ma n mu s t i n v e n t mo s t o f h i s b e h a v i o r . 可 以看 出.用 m e n来 代替所 有 的人 .故 意使 w o m a n一词不 出现 因此 . 作为社会反 映的 语言文化部分 中依然随处 可见的性 别歧视急
一 .
� 摘 要 语 言是 文化 的一 部分 , 并对 文化 起着 重要 的作 用 有些 社会 学家 认
法从 一个 侧面 反映 出旧 社会 中地 位较 高的 职业 为男 子 所垄 断, 相反 地
咸宁职业技术学院外语系 湖北省 咸宁市 � � � � � �
为 � , 没有 语言 就没 有文 化 另 一方 面, 语言 又受 文化 的影 响, 反 应文 化特 征 性 别 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , , 等 人们 一般 认为 是 女性 , 如为 男 性时 前 面要 加 歧视 的现 象作 为 一个 历史 久 远的 社会 问 题, 几 乎存 在 于每 个 语 言中 , 并 反映 了 在 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 上 或是 , 如: 这 些习 惯除 了历 史现 实情 况有 关, 也可 � 男性 统治 下的 社会 中, 女性 对男 性的 依赖 性, 以 及女 性所 受的 歧视 英 语这 门语 言 也不 例外 ,英 语语 言中 的性 别歧 视十 分普 遍 本文 介绍 了英 语中 的性 别歧 视语 的 � � � 三 谚语 习 语运 用 种种 表现 形式, 分 析这 种现 象产 生的 社会 原因 和文 化根 源, 并 总结 了在 英 语语 言
义的 色彩 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 心胸 变 化 异 常 )W , .( 女子, 4 )词 语发 展 首先 ,表 面上 对 应的 词,含义 却往 往 褒男 贬 女 在英 语 风向 与命 运,翻 天覆 地无 常态 ) 中往 往通 过对 女性 名词 的恶 化来 达到 性别 歧视 的目 的 性名 词都 带有 贬义, 如 几乎 所 有的 女 也有 少数 谚语 反映 了女 性的 重要 性, 但 此 类谚 语都 局 限于 女性 对 等, 其贬义 为 "雌猫 ", ,� , 家庭 ,丈夫 和孩 子的 责任 与义 务 着重 于女 性的 传 统角 色定 位 ,这正 是 "情 妇 ",以 及 "鸨 母 "等 , 而 与 之 对 应的 � ,� , , 等 词, 如 从另 一个 侧面 影射 了女 性的 附属 地位 如
文化长廊社会心理语言学视角下英语语言中的性别歧视姜俊楠 哈尔滨师范大学摘 要:“英语是一种有性别的语言。
关键词:社会心理语言学;性别歧视;英语[中图分类号]:H31 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2019)-26-177-01一、引言随着现代社会的迅速发展,女性的社会地位逐渐提高,与社会和男性对女性的刻板印象发生冲突,使女性在日常生活交流中更明显的感知到性别歧视,即语言对女性的歧视。
二、英语语言中性别歧视的起因1. 历史文化因素语言和文化的关系就像双胞胎,共同形成,共同成长,他们之间相互依赖也相互影响。
两人被上帝逐出伊甸园的原因是夏娃受“蛇”的诱惑偷食了禁果,所以基督教神学家认为偷食禁果是夏娃犯下的原罪,也是其它一切 罪恶的开端。
2. 社会因素这种属于社会偏见的性别歧视,是社会化过程中通过社会群体、父母、亲友、伙伴的言传身教和大众传播媒介(广播、电影、电视、网络)获得的。
Sex Discrimination In EnglishAbstractSex discrimination exists in every corner of the world. As a common social phenomenon, it is obviously reflected in English language. This paper mainly discuss the sex discrimination in English, analyses the social and historical causes of such phenonmemon and advise some brief solutions to face the sex discrimination in English speaking.Key words:English; sex discrimination; causes; solutionsIntroduction :In social life, as we all know ,the rights of men and women are supposed to be equal. But there are still various sex discrimination in society.of course, language,as a carrier of culture , is bound to reflect certain social values and ways of thinking.Gender discrimination is a social phenomenon based on sex difference, especially male prejudice against women.Here are some typical sex discrimination in English language.BodyAs for the word form, English words is quite different in different genders. Male is not used with profix in forms of words (except for a very few), while female is used in various form of words. Famale are frequently rewarded as the second sex or the appendage of male.For example: host, god, hero, bride, widow and other wordsrepresent male do not have any postfix,but hostess, goddess, heroine, widower, the words in the original basis of a-ness or-ine,-groom ,-er have such female postfix. Women are seen as a burden. From this perspective,word forms in English indeed reflects discrimination against female.Futhermore,while we expressed in some of the higher occupational status of terms, there is no such a prefix with male words.On the contrast,Female words are often carried with prefix,such as lady-, woman-, female- and so on.Ridiculously,high status occupations are seem inherently owned by men, there is only a minimal part of this occupation are female.But when it comes to lower occupations, they seems exclusively bound to female,such as nurse,secretary.While those occupations taken by male,they are added some prefix to the words,like man,male-and so on.Above all,These iconic occupational words,definitely reflect the discrimination against female.What’s more?As for order of the word,When a number of English words is expressed at the same time,Famel is always behind of the male.For example, father and mother, brother and sister,king and queen.Female will always be inferior to men, follow after the male. We rarely hear the mother and father, sister and brother or queen and king.Unfortunately,the order of the words also reflects the discrimination against women.But how comes those sex discriminations?why does female is so weak in English language?Here are two main causes of sex discrimination in language.First of all, in the Western cultural tradition, male has been considered rich in creativity. In "Bible", God created the first man Adam, being male.Afterwards, God created Adam's wife Eve.Eve is just one of Adam's ribs derived substance.In this view, since God made the first man Adam in this world, the language of its"sex" should be in the first position.As a historical result,female gradually lost its equal position in language.Besides,the root causes of gender discrimination contribute to gender roles played by men and women.Man gradually dominate more in agricultural production activities, while women are trapped in house,to give a birth of baby or do housework.In the long patriarchal society,women has low social position. They are subject to men.This concept gradually rewarded as common sense.Male even publish law to make woman more submissive.As a social result,female become more vulnerable position in language.So how can we avoid those sex discrimination in real life?Here are some brief advice.e non-sexist words instead of discriminational words,such as immigrant, coach, church member, grandparent, employee, patriot, ccivilian, politician, tutor, etc.e more second person as personal pronoun in writing3.Replace discriminational words by a synonymConclusion:Gender discrimination in language,after all, is a social problem.It is the people's minds of discrimination against women reflected in the language. We know that the language is relatively stable.Thus,in order to get over the English language gender discrimination, we must firstly get rid of gender discrimination in society.By changing social attitudes and other changes to make the language naturally, eventually equal.Only in this way, people are able to realize the truly equality of men and women.Only in this way,women can win the equal attention and respect,either society or language, gender discrimination will for the first time in forever as a past in history.。
The Sexism in English Language英语中的性别歧视Abstract Sexism in English language haslaunched along with the vigorous development of women‘ s liberation movement since the end of1960s. As a mirror reflecting the society language images the social views and values. Sexism insociety is thus inevitably reflected in the use of language. The paper based on the analysis of sexdiscrimination in English explores that it is by no means an extinction of sexist language so long asthe sexism in society exists. The causes of sexism in this thesis are the inequality between maleand female. In ancient time the thoughts that males host females and the treatment of women asinferiors to men are in vogue. Men are always at superior positions to women in the socialeconomy in t he politics as well as in the people‘ s traditional ideas so the idea of sex discriminationhas reflected in the language. The thesis summarizes the phenomena of sexism in English by usinguniversal evidence and they are shown and discussed in four aspects: English proverbs Englishexpressions English vocabulary and the meanings of English words. Lastly the thesis introducestwo feasible strategies to erase sexism in English language and they are: language reform andsocial reform. The most important one is to erase the sexist conceptions and improve women‘ sstatus respect and support them. The language transformation can be realistic on the basis of thesocial reform. Key Words Sexism female words masculine words strategies 摘要自 20 世纪 60年代起语言性别歧视已随着女性解放运动的展开而得到蓬勃发展。
根据《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》,Sexism 指的是以性别为基础的歧视,主要是对女性的歧视,是人类社会由来已久的不合理的社会现象。
语言中表现出来的性别歧视即语言性别歧视(Language sexism )。
Sexism in English LanguageLi SaDepartment of Foreign Languages bohai university Abstract: Sexism in English language has launched along with the fast development of women’s liberation movement since the end of 1960s. Since 1960s, feminists strive for the elimination of gender discrimination, for the greater recognition of women’s contributions to society and aim to change many cultural and social customs that related to value systems. Many fields of life around the world have been, or are being, affected by this movement. One of the many impacts feminism on society is its impact on language. Language was and is seen by many feminists as a powerful instrument.As a mirror reflecting the society, language images the social views and values. Sexism in society is thus inevitably reflected in the use of language. Language plays an important role in society. As a phenomenon of society, language reflects all the sides of human society naturally. Sexism is a phenomenon that takes a man comes the first attitude, trivializing, insulting or rendering women invisible. As a special social phenomenon, sexism is inevitably reflected through language.To start with, the thesis traces the reasons for the occurrence of sexism in the English language and based on the analysis of such sexism. In nature, sexism in language reflects sexism in society. The two areclosely related. Social connotations of sexism in English tell the relationship between phenomenon of sexism in language and essence of sexism in society. Then the thesis analyses sexism in terms of the generic masculine, word order and semantic derogation of women in greater detail. Finally, part of the thesis is contributed to how to change sexism in English. The author of the thesis thinks the key to the problem is: (1) solve the problem of generic pronouns; (2) neutralize lexis; (3) strive for balanced naming and addressing system; (4) create new corresponding words. The elimination of linguistic sexism lies in social change. Only by changing the social structure, that is, women and men own really equal status, can language equality be truly achieved.Key Words: sexism English language lexical neutralization feminism social status英语中的性别歧视李飒渤海大学内容摘要:英语中的性别歧视现象是伴随着十九世纪六十年代末期的女权运动而开始出现的。
英语中的性别歧视AbstractSexism in English language has launched along with the vigorous development of w omen’s liberation movement since the end of 1960s. As a mirror reflecting the socie ty, language images the social views and values. Sexism in society is thus inevitably reflected in the use of language.The paper based on the analysis of sex discrimination in English explores that it is by no means an extinction of sexist language so long as the sexism in society exist s. The causes of sexism in this thesis are the inequality between male and female. In ancient time, the thoughts that males host females and the treatment of women as inferiors to men are in vogue. Men are always at superior positions to women i n the social economy, in the politics, as well as in the people’s tradi tional ideas, so the idea of sex discrimination has reflected in the language. The thesis summarizes the phenomena of sexism in English by using universal evidence, and they are sho wn and discussed in four aspects: English proverbs, English expressions, English voc abulary and the meanings of English words. Lastly, the thesis introduces two feasibl e strategies to erase sexism in English language, and they are: language reform an d social reform. The most important one is to erase the sexist conceptions and imp rove women’s status, respect and support them. The language transformation can b e realistic on the basis of the social reform.Key WordsSexism; female words; masculine words; strategies摘要自20世纪60年代起,语言性别歧视已随着女性解放运动的展开而得到蓬勃发展。
而如果我们知道一位女性还未婚, 则用不同的称谓 Mi 。 s 也就是说, s 对于男性来说,从称呼中我们看不出其婚姻状况,但女性的称谓却 语言与性别的关系是社会语言学的一个重要研究方向, 0世 目了然,这一点本身就说明了男女性称谓反映出其在社会上的不 从2 纪6 0年代开始,国内外学者从不同角度对语言中的性别差异进行 平等状况,男性可以以统一的称呼保留一定的隐私,但女性就必须 了系统科学的研究,性别语言差异已成为社会语言学研究的一项重 完全袒露自己的婚姻状况。同时,我们也看到 Mr . 是对一位男子的 要内容。2 O世纪 7 O年代中期以来,社会语言学中的性别歧视成为 尊称,而 Mr则是对一位男子的妻子的尊称,女人离不开男人,她 s . 许多人关注的对象。这里将主要探讨英语中的性别歧视。 们不过是男性的附席,这同样表明在社会中对于男性的尊重远胜于 英语 的性别歧视 女性。 英语中充斥着性别歧视语,虽然近年来也有人对于性别歧视也 另外,大部分表示男女 的词语以男先女后的顺序排列 ,如 u b n n f o s i , O a g tr r te i r e a l n n t 有对男性的语言歧视现象展开过讨论,但我们不得不承认对于女性 h s a da dwi ,b y ndgrs S Da dd u h e ,b oh ra dsse , 的性别歧视更为典型和普遍。这里我们以英语为例,分三点更为具 f hr n o e a ead t r t m h 。如果我们把这些词的顺序颠倒过来,就不符合英 体地来谈性别歧视在社会中的表现。 语的语言习惯了。 这说明男尊女卑是一种普遍的现象, 而特例“ai le ds 1重男轻女。这一特点很典型地表现在取名以及称呼上。从取 adgnl n . n etme”仅是社交场合中常用的客套话,源于把女子看做弱 e 名字上我们能很清楚地看到重男轻女的社会特点。在男权社会中, 者 ,需 要男子扶 助。 男性才是家庭的重心,血统、亲属关系和头衔都是以男性为主。家 2忽视女性。男性词如通性名词 ma 和人身代词 h . n e的范化是 庭中只有男孩才能以父亲的名字命名,如 H n od I er Fr 沿用了父亲 忽视女性的存在的显著表现。 y I 英语语言以男性为规范, 把男性的语 H n od er F r 的名字,而女性婚前随父姓,婚后随夫姓,似乎她们本 言作为标准和主体,处于统治地位的是男性的语言 ( y 公共场合语) , 身只不过是一个附属,并无男性那股在家庭以及社会当中有着无可 而女性语言 ( 私人场合语)只是一种附属和变体。英语本身没有性 替代的作用。 (edr gne)的区别,许多职业名称,如 dc r 医生) poesr 教 ot ( o 、 rfs ( o 重男轻女的现象从称谓中也能看出端倪。我们都知道,在正式 授)等对男女都适用,可是人们却总习惯于将它们与男性联系在一
论英语语言中的性别歧视第23卷第6期2007年l1月甘肃联合大学(社会科学版)JournalofGansuLianheUniversity(SocialSciences)V o1.23,No.6NOV.2007论英语语言中的性别歧视高先丽(西北师范大学外语学院,甘肃兰州730070)【摘要】语言是反映社会的一面镜子,它可以折射出许多社会现象,而性别歧视便是其中之一.本文从社会,文化,心理三方面介绍了其产生的原因,其多种多样的表现形式以及近年来的发展变化情况.【关键词】性别歧视;性别;语言;社会【中图分类号】H313【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672—707X(2007)06—0092—03SexisminEnglishLanguageGA0Xian—li(SchoolofForeignLanguages,NorthwestNormalUniversity,Lanzhou730070,China) Abstract:Language,amirrorofoursociety,throughwhichmanysocietalphenomena,includi ngsexism,canbereflected. Thispaperattemptstointroducethecausesofsexismfromtheperspectiveofsociety,culturea ndpsychology,itsvarietyof manifestationsandsomechangesoccurringinrecentyears.Keywords:sexism;sex;language;society语言是文化的载体,是反映社会的一面镜子.社会每一阶层在社会中所处的地位都可以透过其语言得到反映.作为一种普遍的社会现象,性别歧视不同程度地存在于不同的国家中,而其最明显的外在表现形式莫过于语言性别歧视语言是一种明显表露出来的带有社会偏见的语言, 它常常按照人的性别来描述人在社会中的地位和作用.透过性别语言反映出来的一种社会现象就是性别歧视.对于性别歧视(Sexism),《朗文当代高级英语辞典》所给的解释是:"对女性性别偏见歧视";《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》的解释为:"性别评价或歧视(尤指对女性)."虽然性别歧视这个字眼并没有指明遭受歧视的某一性别,但从以上两个摘自字典的解释我们可以看出,语言中的性别歧视通常指男性对女性的歧视.根据美国语言学家RobinLa—koff1973年在其所编写的《语言和妇女的地位》(Lan- guageandWomen'SPlace)一书中所提到的,妇女在社会中的从属地位使得妇女的语言模式相应地从属化,这种从属化,在英语中进一步表现在性别语言上.英语性别语言是如何产生的?它表现在那些方面以及近况如何呢?本文拟对这些问题作一初步探讨.一,性别歧视语言产生的原因(一)社会原因人类社会在初期阶段经历了母系社会和父系社会.在母系社会,妇女从事农副业,有稳定的收入;而男性从事打猎和捕鱼,虽然冒一定的风险,但却不一定有收获,所以妇女地位比较高.随着生产力的发展,进入父系社会,由于男性对经济大权的掌握而使女性处于受支配的地位.到了近现代社会"男主外,女主内"似乎成了社会对两性分工的一贯原则.男性成了权利,地位,支配的象征;而女性则是柔软,无力的代名词,是男性的点缀和装饰.这种社会不平等现象普遍渗透到语言中,并透过语言这面镜子真实的反映出来.不同的社会分工,导致了不同的社会地位.据统计,广告片中,女性在家的场景占7O,男性仅占3O.大多数男性出现的场景都是视线开阔的地方,这与女性活动的场所形成了鲜明的对比.因而描写女性的语言也常常和一些描写家庭生活(如housewife),食品(如cookie),水果(如peach)等类的词语联系在一起.这些描写女性的词汇从一个侧面反映了女性在男性眼中所扮演的角色:她们只不过是社会的点缀和装饰,是弱者和受保护者的代名词.(二)文化因素语言是文化的一部分,文化影响着语言,所以文化中男女不平等现象也会在语言中得到充分的体现.根据《圣经》的描述,上帝先用泥土创造了第一个男人亚当,然后因【收稿日期]2007—09—25【作者简介】高先丽(1975一),女,西北师范大学硕士研究生,主要从事英语语言文学研究.一92—为亚当觉得比较孤单,上帝又用其一根肋骨创造了夏娃.从这个故事中我们或许可以推测,人类自被创造的那一天起,女性就被认定是男性的附庸.woman一词也成了Ad—am'Sribword.古英语中,woman一词便是从wifetoman变来的,意为wifeofaman.西方历史上的第一个女人Eve因违反了上帝的禁令,偷吃了智慧果树上的果实.结果被逐出伊甸园.Eve成了罪恶之源,对人类的堕落负有责任.神话中的男女形象不但反映了当时的文化和社会习俗,而且给后人的思维和生活方式带来了极大的影响,可以说是给人类社会播下了性别歧视的种子.因为语言受文化影响,基于文化意识中男女不平等思想,语言中出现性别歧视就不足为奇了.另一方面,语言也反映着其使用者的文化和思想意识.(三)心理原因女性在诸多因素(如社会,文化等)的影响下,其社会角色逐渐演变为第二性.这一社会角色不但男性认同,而且就连女性自身也接受(除女权主义者).于是,正如英国文学巨匠莎士比亚在《王子复仇记》中所写的一样,"Frail—ty,thynameiswoman."女性便成了"theweakersex,the lesser,thelowerorfemaleman".妇女除个别人外,从心理上都往往在科学,政治等领域的竞争中均让步于男性.加拿大女作家玛格丽特一阿特伍德在她的作品中反映了这样一种倾向,女性产生心理危机的原因是因为她们把自己认作是受男性主宰的社会中的受害者和牺牲品.由于她们自身的从属地位,她们不得不压抑自身的情感,放弃自己的需要来迎合男人的要求.作为对这一劣势的弥补措施之一便是她们极力使用标准的语言形式.二,英语性别歧视用语的表现形式(一)词汇英语中的性别歧视,主要表现在词汇上.英语词汇中有很多包含man这一成分的复合词.如mankind,hu—man,chairman,man—made,spokesman等等,它们反映了英语语言使用中的男性化倾向.这些于男人有关的词不但没有一点贬义,而且覆盖了一切政治活动,社会活动和户外活动,它们所构成的是一个以男性为中心的男权社会.英语中有些构词以男性词为无标记,表示女性的相应词则依赖于男性词汇,通过添加词缀而构成.如man—woman,male--female,host--hostess,actor--actress,waiter--waitress,hero--heroine等等.从这一点可以反映出英语语言在形成发展过程中受到多种因素影响,而表现出的对男性的偏爱,对女性的轻视.表示女性的词往往被附着在表示男性的词的后面.英语词汇中还有一部分反映出传统文化对妇女的偏见.同样一个词,用于男子身上和用于女子身上,意思就迥然不同.在8O年代以前,称男人为professionals时,人们会立刻想到他是一位医生或律师等有身份的人;但当一位女人被称为professionals时,她很可能被人们当成一个妓女.call用于thecallboy和thecallgirl虽都有"应召"之意,但其工作性质却大不相同.又如当easy和fast用于不同性别主语时,其意义大相径庭.请对照以下例句: Sheiseasy.她水性杨花Heiseasy.他容易相处Sheisfast.她放荡不羁Heisfast.他动作敏捷英语中还有一些表示职业,地位较高的名词如presi—dent,doctor,lawyer,judge,minister,general,scientist等,人们在使用它们的时候,大多数场合都是指男性.若要表明是女性,往往在前面加词形标志woman或female 来加以区别.英语中还有一些词,它们在形式上对应,但在语义上却不对等,而且明显贬低女性.如分别指未婚男女的bachelor和spinster两个词,前者是指出于个人意愿而不愿娶妻的"快乐的单身汉",是一个褒义词;而后者却暗指年龄偏大,性格怪僻而嫁不出去的"老姑娘",是一个贬义词.再如master和mistress这一组词,前者是褒义词,而后者暗含贬义.s和madam都是尊称,但后者也可以用来称呼开妓院的老鸨.manly用来形容一个人刚毅,果断,机警,勇敢,具有男子汉气,但如果有人说Hebehaves womanly,那这个人肯定优柔寡断,软弱无能,婆婆妈妈. (二)姓名,称呼姓名本是一种符号,它是人们相互区别的标志.除此之外,它没有任何其它社会功能.但事实上,人们在取名时却把自己的主观愿望,社会态度等自觉或不自觉地带进了姓名之中.所以,姓名不仅仅是社会成员间相互区别的符号,它反映的是一种社会文化现象,是人类思想观念的体现.因而,性别观念中的男尊女卑现象,在人物的命名及称呼上可见一斑.例如,透过英语称谓,妇女的婚姻状况被清清楚楚地反映出来.Miss指未婚姑娘,已婚女子要用Mrs.,而且必须与丈夫的姓连用,这种以丈夫的姓冠之于后的称呼方式.显然表明妇女在出嫁以后,便失去了独立性,成了丈夫的私有财产;但对成年男子的称呼语Mr.和sir是不受婚姻状况制约的,这说明男子在称谓语方面比女子享有更多的自由权.三,英语性别歧视用语的发展变化进入2O世纪以来,特别是二战以后,随着妇女解放意识的觉醒和女权运动(feministmovement)的高涨,体现在语言中的性别歧视现象引起了众多学者的关注,从而陆续出现了许多改革和消除语言性别歧视的方案,这些方案的出现使得性别歧视语言发生了许多变化,特别是书面语的变化.这些变化体现在:(一)对妇女称谓词汇的变化在对妇女的称谓上,为了体现与男子的平等,出现了其对应词Ms,它和对男子的称谓词Mr.一样,可泛指未一93—婚和已婚的女子.对于视婚姻为隐私的西方人来说,该词的出现标明了妇女地位的明显提高.另外,针对妇女婚后的姓氏问题,她们有了更多的选择余地.她们既可以保留原姓,也可以随夫姓,还可以将自己的姓和丈夫的姓合在一起形成一个复姓.这也表明妇女在语言上享有了更多的与男子平等的权利.(二)无性别特点的中性词的出现20世纪60年代以来,随着妇女解放运动的广泛开展,使得英语中的一些性别词语发生了改变,并以此来提高妇女的社会地位.如:man—kind改为people,human beings,humanrace,man—made改为artificial,tOman改为tooperate,mailman改为mailcarrier,lettercarrier, spokesman改为spokesperson,fireman改为firefighter等等(三)关于人称代词he/she在英语中,人称代词he除了用于特指男性外,还可以用作泛指(指代某一不确定的男性或女性).在正式文体中,人们常用单数代词he作为不定代词somebody,any—body,everybody,nobody等的替换词.它既可指男性,也可指女性.针对这一不平等的语言现象,出现了以复数代词they,them,their来消除性别上的矛盾,或者同时使用显示性别的代词he/she,his/her,him/her来代替男性化代词he,him,his.(四)与阳性词对应的阴性词的出现过去,在英语中,很多词汇都含有男性性别特征,如businessman,policeman,statesman,chairman,spokes—man.如今,除了有许多消除性别特征的中性词的出现外,如chairperson,也出现了与其相对应的阴性词,如businesswoman,policewoman,stateswoman,或spokes- woman.这些词的出现,也从一个侧面反映了语言中性别歧视的改革和逐渐消除.语言是一面镜子,作为社会问题之一的性别歧视可以透过语言折射出来.这种不平等的社会现象并不是由语言符号本身的自然属性所决定的,而是一种社会价值观念和思维方式在语言中的反映,它涉及心理,社会,文化等诸方面的因素.它的表现形式也是多种多样的,这也从多方面反映了妇女地位的不平等性.但令人感到欣慰的是,这一现象随着人们思想观念以及妇女在社会中角色的转变而产生了一些变化,体现在语言中的性别歧视现象正在得到日趋改革与消除.而要想从根本上消除这一不平等的现象,我们首先应该改变思想观念,给予妇女尊重与平等, 实现社会的男女平等,最终实现在语言中性别歧视现象的永远消失.【参考文献】[1]DeBeauvior,Simone."Womenandtheother."Litera—ture翻theModernWorld[M].Oxford:OxfordUni—versityPress,1990.[2]HolyBible.Nashvill,Tennessee[M].NationalPub—lishingCompany,USA.1978.[3]OxfordAdvancedDictionaryofCurrentEnglish withChineseTranslation[z].Beijing:ForeignLan—guageTeachingandResearchPress,1984.[4]白解红.性别语言文化与语用研究[M].长沙;湖南教育出版社,2000.[5]靳梅琳.社会语言学与英语学习[M].天津:南开大学出版社,2005.[6]穆凤良,李秀萍.英语中的性歧视与中性化[J].外语与外语教学,1998,(5).[7]潘建.英汉语言性别歧视的比较研究[J].外语与外语教学,2001,(3).[8]秦秀白.英语中的性别歧视现象的历时文化透视[J], 现代外语,1996,(2).[责任编辑:王小恒]。
性别歧视英语范文English:Gender discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of individuals based on their gender, often resulting in unequal opportunities and rights. This type of discrimination can manifest in various forms, such as unequal pay, limited career advancement opportunities, and biased stereotypes. It is a pervasive issue that affects both men and women, although women are disproportionately impacted. In many societies, there is a longstanding belief that certain roles and responsibilities are inherently tied to gender, leading to systematic inequality. Furthermore, gender discrimination can also intersect with other forms of discrimination, such as race, sexuality, and disability, creating additional barriers for marginalized individuals. Addressing this issue requires a collective effort from individuals, organizations, and governments to challenge ingrained stereotypes, promote equality, and create a more inclusive society where everyone is valued and respected regardless of their gender.中文翻译:性别歧视是指个人基于其性别而受到不公平对待,通常导致机会和权利的不平等。
二 、性别 歧视 的表现 1 . 称 谓 中 的性 别 歧 视 在 西方 ,女 人结 婚 后 放 弃 自己 原有 的 姓 氏而 改 用 丈夫 的姓 氏 。 “M r . / M r s . ”等 于 向 他 人 公 开 宣 布 了 他 们 的 婚 姻 状 况 , 而 “ M r .”一 词 则 不 会 暴 露 自 己 的 婚 姻 状 况 。 在 日 常 工 作 中 , 男 性 上 司 可 以 称 呼 他 们 的 女 性 下 属 “s u g a r, s we e t i e , d a r 1 i n g” , 反 过 来 , 女 性 下 属 却 不 能 用 这 些 昵 称 称 呼 她 们 的 上 司 或 男 性职 员 。 而 有 时 男人 又 会 用 “ vi x e n, h e n ,b i t c h , c a t, g o o s e” 等 词 招 呼 女 性 , 是 侮 辱 , 嘲 弄 ,甚 至 是不 怀好 意 。 2 . 构 词 方面 的性 别 歧视 在 英 语 中 阳 性 名 词 是 构 词 主 体 , 而 加 后 缀 构 成 阴性 名 词 。这 就 体 现 了一 种 所 属 关 系 。例 如 :h e r o --h e r o i n e,m a y o r 一 一m a y o r e s s , p r i n c e 一 一p r i n c e s s 等。 表 现 女 性 的 词 大 多 数 都 是 在 原 来 的 基 础 上 加 上 了一 e s s ,一 i n e, - e r ,一 e t t e 等 表 示 女 性 的标 志 。这 就 传 递 着 一 种 信 息 :女 性 从 属 于 男性 。 在 历 史 上 ,社 会 地 位 显 赫 的 人 都 是 男 性 。医 生 、律 师 、政 治 家 等 都 是 男 人 。 而 护 士 、秘 书 、保 姆 大 多 是 女 人 。 以前 那 些 上 层 领 导 只 有 男 人 。现 在 高 地 位 的 女 性 越 来 越 多 。但 是无 论 在 任 何 场 合 ,只 要 一 提 到 一位 著 名 女性 ,就 总 是 在 其 职 业 前 面 加 上 “女 ” 这 个 词 来 表 明 其 性 别 , 而 这 种 情 况 对 男 性 是 不 存 在 的 。d o c t o r ,l a w y e r, r e p o r t e r ,P i l ot ,j u d g e 等 本 来 是 中 性 词 ,没 有 任 何 性 别特 指 ,但 是 人 们 习惯 性 的 把 他 们 与 男性 联系 起 来 ,所 以 ,若 有 女 性 从 事 这 些 职业 ,则 须 在 这 些 词 前 面 加 上
作者: 刘家荣
出版物刊名: 外国语文
页码: 61-66页
主题词: 性别歧视;英语;女权运动;规范用法;二次世界大战;语言现象;男性统治;沙文主义;十九世纪;男性社会
摘要: <正> 早在十九世纪,就有人指出,在英语的传统和规范用法(Standard Use)之中存在着明显的性别歧视,而妇女总是其中的受害者。
各种激烈的口号如“男性社会”,“男性统治”,“男性沙文主义”(Male Chauvinism)不断地见诸。
1.英语中的性别歧视与大学英语教学 [J], 余艳娟
2.英语词汇中的性别歧视现象与大学英语教学 [J], 陈彦华
3.英语词汇中的性别歧视与大学英语教学 [J], 陈贺
4.英语中的性别歧视与大学英语教学 [J], 余艳娟
5.英语性别歧视语及其在大学英语教学中的应对 [J], 唐乐;籍二瑞;
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A Cognitive Analysis of Container Metaphors56 英汉同声传译技巧初探57 文化语境维度下中餐菜名的英译研究58 商务英语函电的语言和文体特征及其翻译59 动物成语的英译60 《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的灵魂救赎61 A Comparison of the English Color Terms62 A Study of the Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers63 试分析《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的爱情模式64 英汉颜色词在文化背景下的不对应性65 美国个人主义与中国集体主义的比较66 The Comparison of Symbolic Meaning of Animals in Chinese Culture and Western Culture in the Aspect of Literary works67 从汉英墓志铭看中西生命价值意识之差异68 男女生英语学习差异比较研究69 商务英语合同的翻译特点及策略研究70 好莱坞电影中中国人形象变迁的意识形态分析71 西餐命名在认知语言学中的调查与研究72 从合作原则的角度看《辛普森一家大电影》中的黑色幽默73 初中英语课堂教学现状调查74 从《竞选州长》看马克•吐温的幽默艺术75 浅谈《永别了,武器》中的感伤主义76 英语“名词+ ly”类形容词的词化分析、语义特征及句法功能77 顺应理论视角下《红楼梦》中社交指示语的英译研究78 从性别歧视浅析两位复仇女性之困境——美狄亚及莎乐美79 如何运用情景教学法进行初中英语词汇教学的探讨80 旅游英语中的跨文化交际语用失误分析81 论疯女人形象对小说简爱所作贡献82 中英寒暄语委婉语的文化差异对比83 从目的论角度分析化妆品品牌翻译84 功能对等理论在中文菜单翻译中的应用85 中美幽默的比较86 中西方婚礼礼服颜色的对比研究87 Current Status of Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System in China88 中西方礼貌用语对比分析89 《太阳照常升起》中的“女性化”研究90 解读《女勇士》中“乡村医生”里的鬼91 浅析中美幽默之差异92 从奥运菜单看中式菜肴英译名规范化程度93 英语专业听力课程教学效率的调查与分析94 《宠儿》中的女性形象分析95 从精神分析学的角度论劳伦斯小说《查泰莱夫人的情人》96 浅析《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突与融合97 如何降低英语专业学生课堂焦虑98 从文化差异比较研究中美家庭教育99 动物委婉语100 Western and Chinese Marriage Differences in Cross-cultural Communication101 Biblical Ideas on Women and Sex102 A Brief Analysis of Jack London’s Attitude towards Life Reflected in The Call of the Wild 103 英语中介语无标志被动语态的错误分析104 被压抑的堕落的人性——《包法利夫人》女主人公性格分析105 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读106 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读107 中美餐桌文化差异比较研究108 跨文化视角下研究英汉民俗词语的不等值翻译109 《夜莺与玫瑰》两中译本之比较:德国功能主义视角110 英语学习能力与风格的性别差异研究111 从文化差异角度来分析习语的翻译112 跨文化背景下广告汉英翻译策略研究113 An Analysis of Cultural Differences between China and English-Speaking Countries through Idioms114 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响115 高中英语新课标在xx中实施情况调查与分析116 《天黑前的夏天》中女主人公凯特的自我救赎之路117 Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation118 [毕业论文](日语系毕业论文)从《菊与刀》看日本人的情义119 游戏在小学英语教学中的运用120 A Study of Cultural Presupposition in Idioms121 从托妮莫里森透析世纪黑人民族意识演变122 从《哈克贝里﹒费恩历险记》看马克﹒吐温的幽默讽刺艺术123 《简爱》的女性主义视角解读124 Pecola’s Blues--A Reading of The Bluest Eye125 论西尔维娅•普拉斯诗歌中的死亡意象126 从委婉语的研究中看中西文化差异127 The Study of Symbolism in Moby Dick128 从弗洛伊德解读《好人难寻》129 商务信函中委婉语的使用策略130 析《小妇人》中的超验主义131 苔丝形象浅析132 合作原则视角下探析广告语篇中省略的会话含意133 初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策134 莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》中男主人公性格分析135 《芒果街上的小屋》中窗户意象的分析136 英语新闻标题中隐喻的应用与翻译137 英汉关于“愤怒”隐喻的分析138 论现实主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现139 《傲慢与偏见》中女性话语的言语行为理论分析140 中西谚语的文化比较研究141 高中英语写作前口语活动设计与实施建议142 An Analysis of Oscar Wilde’s Aesthetic Fairy Tale -The Happy Prince143 高中英语互动式课堂教学模式研究144 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中主流审美观对美国黑人的影响145 从审美视角分析中国古典诗词的英译146 不伦,还是不朽?--从柏拉图的哲学理论视角解读《洛丽塔》147 《尤利西斯》的象征艺术148 An Appeal for Oedipus Rex149 《快乐王子》中的唯美主义150 法国大革命对《西风颂》创作的影响151 论《简爱》中的经济意识152 A Study of the Characters and Their Influence on the Hero of The Catcher in the Rye153 从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译154 汉英招呼语的对比研究155 Doomed Tragedy out of Desire-Driven Morbid Personalities in Nabokov’s Lolita156 论《老友记》幽默字幕翻译157 浅析中英委婉语差异158 重复在儿童英语教学中的重要性159 关联理论视角下幽默的英汉翻译160 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译161 初中英语词汇教学法研究综述162 从劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》看恋母情结163 荣格原型理论下的多丽丝•莱辛《天黑前的夏天》164 A Comparative Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Chinese Renditions in Different Periods165 东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品166 Lin Yutang and his Translation of the Analects167 On cultural differences between China and America from the film The Treatment (Gua Sha) 168 从心理学角度谈中国学生英语学习中典型语法错误的产生原因及其应对策略169 从《祝福》的英译本谈文化空缺词的翻译170 杰克伦敦《野性的呼唤》中人生哲学的主题分析171 委婉语与合作原则的关系172 从尤金•奈达的功能对等理论角度论网络流行语的可译与不可译173 解析斯嘉丽的性格及其对现代社会女性的借鉴意义174 论《睡谷传奇》中的幽默元素175 从接受美学角度看儿童文学的翻译176 英雄还是魔鬼-论亚哈船长的双重性格177 用陌生化理论阐述《红色手推车》的悲剧色彩178 《献给艾米丽的玫瑰花》中的哥特情结179 优秀小学英语教师课堂词汇互动教学的运用分析180 苔丝和傲慢与偏见中的女性意识之对比研究181 汉民族节日名称英译中的文化价值取向研究182 英式英语和美式英语中的词汇差异183 试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象184 译前准备对交替传译成效的课堂研究——以礼仪祝辞类口译为例185 言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析186 浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰187 网络环境下英语自主学习模式的调查188 A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic Taboo189 《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义190 苔丝悲剧人生的起因191 《园会》中男性人物性格作用分析192 《浮生六记》翻译赏析—林语堂翻译策略研究193 Application of TPR Teaching Method in Facilitating Pupils' English V ocabulary Learning 194 从功能对等理论看儿童翻译——以《夏洛的网》两个中译本为例195 《蝇王》的现代性启示:人性的自赎196 从违反合作原则的角度解读会话含义197 从弗洛伊德精神分析视角分析亨伯特和洛丽塔的悲剧198 从功能对等理论看中西商务翻译中文化差异导致的不对等翻译199 从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编200 理解美式幽默的初步分析。
AbstractAs a phenomenon of society ,language reflects all sides of human society naturally .Sexual discrimination has been frequently observed in the use of English .Since 1960s ,sexism in English language has remained a heated topic for linguists and researchers who are interested in linguistic ,and till now it attracts a lot of linguistic learners to make progress in its study .On the basis of previous research and theories of linguistics ,the present thesis makes an attempt to analyze the linguistic features of sexual discrimination .There are three predominant factors attributing to the issue : morphological features ,semantic features and syntactic features .Through the tentative study of on the linguistic features the author find out the historical ,social and cultural reasons of this phenomenon .According to the above analysis ,the author draws the conclusion that language ,in essence ,is a reflection of society .If social inequality remains ,linguistists attempts to achieve real equality exclusively are empty talk ,and then raises some effective strategies to eliminate sexual discrimination in language.Key Words: Sexism, Linguistic features, Main Causes, Language strategiesⅠ.IntroductionAs a mirror reflecting social phenomenon as well as a communicating medium ,a language is also a description of people’s social concepts and customs .Sexism is a common social phenomenon in the western societies .Although women have achieved equal status in their society in the aspect of laws and politics ,there still exists a deep-rooted thought that women should be subject to men ,which nowadays has a profound influence on the development and application of language .This paper tries to have an analysis ,from linguistic features ,causes ,on sexism in English.1.1 Definition of Sexism in English languageThe origin of sexism is from religion .Almost all faiths assign woman a lower status .The Holy Bible infers that God had planned Adam but that Eve was created for the sole purpose of preventing him from being bored .Sexism is usually used to express men’s attitudes towards women .When applied to language .Sexism means that masculine forms and masculine marked words predominate .This biased representation of the sexes in language concerns the portrayal of men as the norm and women as the appendage or as the exception in language, which is often called linguistic sexism .1.2 Definition of linguistic featuresLinguistic features include morphological feature, semantic feature, syntactic feature and lexical feature etc. This paper will mainly focus on the morphological feature, lexical feature and syntactic feature. Morphological feature relates to the initial structure of words and of the rules by which words are formed. Lexical feature is considered to be the study of the usage of words. Syntactic feature deals with the interrelationship between elements of sentence included wordorder, naming and addressing system.1.3 The relationship between Sexism and Linguistic FeaturesThe phenomenon of sexism that is reflected in the English language should not simply be related to societies where they live, it is related to linguistic features as well. Linguistic features and sexism are closely related to each other. People created their cognition of the world through the meaning of language, and the linguistic features in return reinforce the sexism in language use. Sexism being a wrong attitude among people toward the current society must be eliminated.Ⅱ.Linguistic Features of Sexism2.1 Morphological AsymmetryWe have acquired that in this human society, although female stand for half of the world, however, female suffers discrimination in the use of language. In the morphological system, we can see that the English language has gender marking practice in human agent nouns which treats men and women differently, such as making woman invisible, secondary and trivial comparing with man.In the 1930s, the female linguist Greenberg took the lead in putting forward “the Marking Theory”. In this theory, two concept “marked” and “unmarked” were discussed, revealing the phenomena of sexism in English language. In other words, in the pair words describing the two genders of human beings, almost al l human the words connected to masculinity are “unmarked”, while feminine words are “marked” And this mark can be seen from its characteristics that a feminine is made by adding a bound morpheme to the end of a masculine word, or just it is a compound word itself.2.1.1 Sexism in the Use of SuffixesSuffix is a linguistic term referring to the addition of a morpheme to a core term which is unmarked or natural.It is not difficult to find the striking fact that considerable female terms are created by suffixation on the basis of the unmarked male terms, which might be the easiest feature to be notice among all phenomena shoeing sexism in English use.Examples are seen following:a. –ess: actress, benefactress, countess, deaconess, dictatress, duchess, empress, goddess, heiress, hostess, princess, waitressb. – ette: bachelorette, conductorette, coquette, hacktette, jockette, majorette, usherettec. – enne: comedienne, doyenne, tragedienned. – ine: concubine, heroineThe above listed suffixes are all that can be found in English used to specifically refer to the male words; these words contribute a lot to the notion that the female are always affiliated to the male, indicating a lower position for the former.2.1.2 Sexism in the Use of CompoundsEnglish is a kind of super masculine language. This can be easily seen in compound words formed by word plus man structure, such as chairman, businessman, policeman, spokesman, salesman, statesman, freshman, fireman, postman, dustman, milkman, etc. These words could not only refer to men but also refer to women.A speaker of a conference would be called “chairman” no matter whether there is a man or a woman standing on the platform. At present times, there comes a series of new words used to express the impartia lity for women, like “chairperson”, “madam chairman” ,however, they oftenoverlooked by people. Students that have just entered their colleges often say that “I am a freshman” and the speaker is not always a masculine one. The term “mankind” can be refer t o men and women when it is explained as “human beings”.Another example, in the case of salesman, there are also lots of female forms: saleswoman, salesgirl and saleslady. They seem like synonymous, but actually carry different social meanings. Salesgirl and saleslady probably works in a department store, supermarket or place like it selling goods in a kind of low position. If we want to refer to a woman who sells mainframe in a large corporation would be called saleswoman, or even salesman. It conveys an idea that the important position is more likely to be taken by woman or even man, but not girl or lady.2.1.3 Sexism in Some Special SituationAnd of course, there would be exceptions. Some feminine words are “unmarked”, while some masculine words are “marked”. Such examples could be seen from the use of “bride” and “bridegroom” .When women are get married to their husband, they will be called “bride” regarded to be a private property of the man, and this is always going with people’s traditional concep ts. Thus the word “bride” is unmarked, while its corresponding words “bridegroom” is marked. So are the pair “widow” and “widower”. Women will have widowhood when their husbands passed away, however, men might get remarried after their spouses’ death, and since this situation has taken place, men like this would no longer be titled as “widower”. Consequently, “widower” is a marked word. This special phenomenon has also reflected the sexual discrimination of the whole society towards women.2.2 Lexical Asymmetry2.2.1 Sexism in Generic PronounsGeneric pronouns are pronouns that are used to refer to, with equal likelihood, to women and men. But in linguistic reality,these generic pronouns are often represented by masculine pronouns, such as he,his, him.The sexism in English is to ignore women by allowing masculine terms to be used specifically refer to males and generically to refer to human beings in general. It is mainly shown in the pronouns: he, she, his, her, himself and herself. The pronoun system uses he, his, him, and himself both in the literal masculine sense and in the generic sense to mean a person of either sex. When such terms are used generically, misinterpretation can be resulted and females are unintentionally excluded from consideration.2.2.2 Sexually Words about SexV ocabularies concerning sex and sexual activity demenstrste better any other field in language. For examole, among the words for"untidy person",those for women outnumber those for men. Henley, who, as a part of a large study of slang managed to collect over 500 synonyms for prostitude, such as slut, slattern, frump, drab, dowdy, draggletail, trollop, bitch, But only 65 for the masculine sexual term such as client, goat, lecher, customer.Another example,though spinster/bachelor both means one who is not married, bachelor is at least a neutral term, often used as a compliment, and spinster is connected with connotation of prissiness, fussiness and so on. Examples alike are not rare in English and are constantly held up by feminist linguists: governor/governess, wizard/witch etc. according to Lakoff, the sexual definition of women, however, is but one facet of a much larger problem. In every aspect of life, a woman is identified in terms of the man she relates to, such as Mrs. John, John's wife, Harry's girl friend.From the above fact, we can infer that English has much more terms to descrrbe women than men in terms of sexuality. It is easy to conclude that sexual features of woman is a great concern of the society when describe female.2.3 Syntactic Asymmetry2.3.1Word orderSexism is also reflected in word order. Usually words denoting male sex are put in front of female terms. Some linguists made a hypothesis that in arranging word order, we are often used to following a "good to bad" sequence, such as good-bad, rich-poor, day-night, light-dark, big-little, life-death. They went further to claim that the arrangement of man-woman word order follows the same rule, which implies that men are superior and women inferior. It is not hard to find male-female word order pairs in English literature, newspaper, magazines as well as in speech, such as male and female, husband and wife, brother and sister, son and daughter, host and hostess, king and queen, Adam and Eve and so on. Such language phenomenon of making females comes second signifies that women have lower status or less importance than men and they are usually considered the weak sex in society.Particular cases in this issue exist, for example, bride and groom, and ladies and gentlemen. The former shows that marriage is important to women and the latter is influenced by notion of chivalry that men should protect women which develops to the later traditional custom of "lady first".And ironically, such interpretation of the two particular cases again leads to the interpretation of the thought that women are weaker than men, so that they should be protected,and women are born to be affiliated to men because only when it comes to marriage they become important.2.3.2 Sexism in Naming and Addressing System2.3.2.1 Sexism in naming conventionsNaming and addressing system in English language also treats women differently from men. This discriminatory practice functions as a way to mark the availability of women interims of marriage and reinforce the view that a woman is the property of a man. Therefore, the asymmetry found in the ways of naming and addressing males and females can be linked to the social imparity that exists between the two sexes.The act of naming a newborn baby is an important event marked by various kinds of traditions and rituals. Most communities, typically English-speaking societies, attach great importance to identifying an individual as male or female through naming conventions. Names which can be used for either sex are rare and usually distinguished by different spellings. As special signs indicating individuals in the society, names have some particular functions that no others can replace. With great symbolic values in most societies, forms of naming are used to reflect the social hierarchy and the bias against women.As generally considered, first names are chosen above all other considerations to reflect the child's sex. If you know someone who is expecting a baby and you ask what names are being contemplated, you will hear two lists-one for girls and one for boys. Most of the given names in English culture clearly carry feminine or masculine connotations. Such unsex names as Chris, Dana, Dale, and Lee are rarely seen.It is generally accepted one's given names which are enduringly connected with each person after his or her birth efficiently reinforce the male-female dichotomy within society. Therefore, apart from making the sex of the child, personal names for girls and boys tend to reflectstereotyped features of femininity and masculinity. Sexism in Addressing SystemIt is common in western languages that there is only one title for men, in English for example, Mr. (Monsieur in French, Herr in German, Senor in Spanish, Signore in Italian, etc.), which has nothing to do with the marital status of the man being referred to. On the contrary, titles for women are divided into two separate words, indicating the marital status of the referred woman. One can easily tell the difference between "Mrs. Darcy"and "Miss Elizabeth Bennet" is the term used for this woman named Elizabeth Bennet when she is not married, but as soon as she is married to a man surnamed "Darcy", she becomes "Mrs.Darcy". And it is interestingly enough that the married woman changes her surname into her husband's, while not vice versa. The exposure of marital status of the female and the doption of the husband's surname are usually regarded by scholars a kind of discriminatory practice.Second, the use of Ms.always brings forth another kind of discriminatory interpretation that if a woman is addressed Ms., she is likely to be thought of beingashamed of the fact of her marital status, either being unmarried, or probably beingdivorced, the reason of which might lie in her unpleasant appearance or inaffable characteristics.Ⅲ.The Main Causes of Sexism in English3.1 Historical PerspectivesThroughout history, men are dominant while women are obedient, and there has been discrimination against women. Women are not accorded the same social status as man, in spite of laws designed to prevent sex-based discrimination . To know why this happened we must look back to the old days.Thus, the origins of sexism can be traced to the sex roles that man and women occupied in prehistoric times. Because men were more muscular than women and did not bear children, they took the role of hunters.Women were engaged in food gathering and caring for children and the home. Although the sex roles of men and women were quite different, one was not valued over the other. But after animals were domesticated and the invention of the ox-drawn plow, men, the caretakers of animals, became more involved in agriculture. The status of women declined as their role of food providers diminished.In many European and other societies based on agriculture, land came to be the measure of wealth. Codes were developed to determine succession to an estate after its holder’s death. The major criterion for inheritance was whether the designated heir wastes legitimate offspring of the dead landholder. Since women bore the children, they became valuable property for their landholding husbands. To keep women in this position, laws were enacted that made them subservient to and controlled by their husbands. Further, norms that reinforced the legal status of women began to develop. For example, the negative views of women of medieval Europe probably were due that appeared in many of the religious tracts more to the isolation of women from the economic mainstream than to interpretations of the basic ideology of the church.The major breakthrough for women did not occur until the 19th century, under the impact of the Industrial Revolution. The development of industrial capitalism created the need for large numbers of workers in the newly established industries. Because women could work in factories and help their husbands accumulate capital, their status was again somewhat improved. Gradually,over a period extending well into the 20thcentury, women were permitted to make contracts, to buy and sell property, to vote and hold political office, to acquire the same education as men, and to put their education to practical use. But despite these advances, the second-class status of women had become so ingrained in society that justifications for it continued.Nineteenth century views of women persisted into the 20th century, even among women themselves. It was supposed that women, by their nature, could not take care of themselves and had to be protected by men. Women who did not need to gain an income were relegated to keeping house and raising children-functions that were not regarded as work. A woman's most important role was thought to be the moral development of her children. Although more women were being educated and entering professions, they were employed primarily as teachers, domestics, dressmakers, waitress; and laundry workers etc.Although women continued to enter the labor force in increasing numbers during the first three decades of the 20th century, public opinion remained strongly in favor of their staying at home with their families. During World War II, however, large numbers of men were taken from the civilian labor force, and women were encouraged to take their places. During this period, attitudes toward women working outside the home changed dramatically and a majority of the people in the United States thought that women could and should do so.After the war, when men returned to their original jobs, attitudes toward women as workers reverted to their former state. The percentage of women in the labor force continued to rise, but the popular image of women as homemakers remained. Female wage or salary earners were discriminated against in pay, promotion opportunities, and professional training. Discrimination against women in employment was not prohibited until the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Despite this law, the situation for female workers Thus, this has not markedly improved. Explanation of modern-day sexism proposes that it has its origins in along history of discrimination against women. Women continue to be treated poorly because of customs and social norms that developed over many centuries.3.2 Social PerspectivesSociety plays a key role in sexism in English. Both in society and family, men are put in the leading position and women are considered to be the attachment to men. Education they receive and mass media make a great different to the stereotype notion towards men and female.3.2.1 Educational InfluenceEducation is powerful in the sense that it may also serve to keep understanding our respective places in addition to its power to enable us our social position and thus empower us to act to change it. More specifically, schools are officially appealed for the responsibility of equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to fill various roles in their society, which is accomplished primarily by requiring students to study subjects such as languages, arithmetics, actual principles, etc. Schools also teach students specific values and regularities in the society, politics and economics. This instruction may be achieved in a explicit way, for example by punishing students for not handing in homework on time, but these value messages are not directly shown in the text materials used to teach traditional academic subjects. Importantly, the significance of these values and regularities do not vanish or decrease in spite that they are hidden. Through it, students learn to view the world in particular ways.Apparently, teachers would without exception claim that they treat all their students fairly without distinguishing them by their sex. However, the true situation is that teachers are foundtypically to interact differently with their male and female students. They arrange seats for girls on one side of the room and boys on the other; they ask girls and boys to draw separate lines on the desk; they may organize teams for an arithmetics competition according to sex. It is also common for teachers to assign girls and boys different classroom work. It is understandable, though, because few preparation programs for teachers do anything to prevent it. In one study of teacher-education textbooks, for instance, researchers found that the problem of sexism in the schools is rarely addressed. In fact, the authors of these texts are sometimes guilty of sexism themselves.The messages that distinguish the sexes that teachers send to students are reinforced by the traditional texts available in elementary schools. Besides the academic subjects of their school's formal courses, the students also learn a set of values and expectations of a hidden curriculum, whose importance is even greater Even a book in the easy-to-read section of the library might teach the children that:” Boys eat, girls cook; boys invent things, girls use what boys invent; boys build houses, girls keep house" (Best 1983:62). Books also teach young children that the re’re things only boys can do and things only girls can do. Some publishers of children’s reading materials have kindly made a serious effort in recent years to eliminate gender stereotyping from these texts. There is evidence that the reading materials now available have been greatly improved in the matter of gender distinguishing, although there are still unfairness’s, such as the types of roles assigned to males and females in the stories, for example girls need to be rescued more than boys and boys are more adventurous than girls. The importance of using nonsexist text materials is underlined by the evidence which indicates that children do learn their hidden lessons quite well.Entering teenagers, children are still differently educated in secondary schools. At this age, both young men and women feel that they need to be popular with their classmates and schoolmates, but the methods and tactics of their success at this purpose are somewhat different. For teenage boys, the most important source of popularity is athletic excellence. A teenage boy tends to measure himself by what he can physically surpass others of his age, and "how he stacks up determines to a great extent his social acceptance by others and his own self-esteem" It is the one who is physically excellent who is regarded as a leader, by his peers as well as by teachers and parents. And a variety of stereotypically masculine skills and values are acquired via the pursuit of athletic gloriousness: aggression, endurance, self-confidence, teamwork, and so on. On the contrary, teenage girls are taught that to beic is "unfeminine" and schools enlarge this message with less funding for girls' sports items. Physical attractions and athletic ability are not their chief sources of popularity. Ins tead, what is most important to a teenage girl is having a boyfriend.” A girl may be bright, friendly, competent, and attractive, but without a boyfriend she lacks social validation of these positive attributes. It is as though being selected by a boy tells others that a girl is worthwhile"Teenage boys and girls are also expected to formulate their career goals in this part of life, though they differ with each other to a great extent. The career aspirations of teenage girl appear to be significantly lower than those of teenage boys with similar backgrounds and abilities. Even though they can see the majority of adult women around them working full-time outside the home, they continue to expect a rather traditional career for themselves. A number of studies have shown that while many high schools girls today express a preference for an egalitarian division of labor in the household, most still favor an arrangement in which the husband is the primary breadwinnerand the wife is responsible for housework and childcare, especially when there are young children at home . These traditional expectations are reflected in the homework girls are most often assigned in preparation for their future jobs. Those not planning to attend college are typically enrolled in sex-typed vocational training courses, such as home economics, cosmetology, and secretarial programs that prepare them to be homemakers or to take jobs with salaries far lower than the skilled trades that those in advanced mathematics and science that will prepare them to pursue further study for the most highly paid and prestigious professionsEducational bias exists even in colleges and graduate schools. "What's your major" is frequently asked among college students, and the responses reveal the fact that men and women continue to be concentrated in very different fields of study, especially in areas of engineering and physics, although there has been a rise in some areas of study whose students used to be mostly male . Male students tend to pursue degrees in engineering, architecture, the physical and natural sciences, computer science, and business, while women are heavily concentrated in nursing, home economics, library science, education, the social sciences, and humanities. However, within the latter two areas, political science, criminology, philosophy, and theology have a higher percentage of male than female degree recipients. This imbalance persists and worsens at the graduate level that the graduate degrees of men and women tend to be concentrated in different fields Why there is such a difference in career aspirations between teenage boys and girls may be because of the widespread belief that girls are not as intellectually gifted as boys and, therefore, cannot do as well as boys in academic work. Research reveals that both parents and teachers tend to attribute boys' academic achievements to intellectual prowess and to explain their failures in terms of factors such as "bad luck” but they do just the opposite for girls: if they are successful, they were lucky or thetas itself was easy; if they do poorly, it is because they are not smart (beaux 1976).Consequently, teachers appear to offer male students more encouragement, to publicly praise their scholastic abilities, and to be friendlier toward them than they are toward female students.Text materials and school staff may also influence girls’ ambitions. Sexstereotyping in mathematic materials and foreign language texts and in other higher educational materials has been proved to exist. At the same time, high school guidance counselors may lead male and female students into different fields and activities. Sex stereotyping is also common among counselors and that they often exclude female students from certain college preparation courses, especially in mathematics and the sciences. Finally, although elementary school girls can at least identify with their teachers, whom we have noted are almost all women, this becomes more difficult in senior high school where 53 percent of teachers are men . High school students are especially likely to have a male teacher for their math courses and science courses.3.2.2 Influences from MediaMass media also has a wide influence on people's views about gender by reinforcing the traditional image of women enduring humiliation, attending to husband and children, and resigning themselves to unreasonable treatment. Every day people spend a lot of time watching TV and reading newspaper and few people escape exposure to the vivid and recurrent patterns of images, information and values in the world of mass media.In films and TV series, gentle, kindhearted and considerate females are highly valued. What's more, most often women are presented in terms of relationships, such as lover, wife, or mother. In。
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