prénom fille









常见的前缀有如下几类:第一类:表示正负(或增减)的,如:un-in-im-il-ir-non-mis-mal-dis-anti-de-under-re-o ver-等;第二类表示尺寸的,如:semi-equi-mini-micro-macro-mega-等;第三类表示位置关系,如:inter-supe r-trans-ex-extra-sub-infra-peri-等;第四类表示时间和次序,如:ante-pre-prime-post-retro-等;第五类表示数字,如:semi-mono-bi-tri-quad-penta-hex-sept(em)-oct-dec-mu lti-等;其它类别,如:pro-auto-co-con-等。


disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable(不光彩的)disagree (不同意)加在形容词,名词之前incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inac curate(不准确的)加在字母m,b,p之前impossible(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的),impu dence(厚颜无耻)加在以1开头的词前illegal(非法的),illiterate(文盲的,无文化的)illogi cal(不合逻辑的)加在以r开头的词前irregular(不稳定的),irresistable(不可抵抗的),irr esolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的)6.un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的)unemploy ment(失业)7.non-加在形容词,名词前non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的)8.mis-加在动词、名词之前misunderstand(误解),misjudge(误判),misleading (误导),misfortune(不幸)9.dis-加地动词之前disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect (失去联系)加在名词,形容词之前demobilize(遣散;使…复员)decolor(脱色,漂白) 11.anti-加在名词、形容词之前anti-Japanese(抗日战争),anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的),antidite(解毒药)12.counter-加在名词、动词前counterattack(反攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍)counterrevolution(反革命)二.表示“前before”的前缀1.pre-preconception(成见),pre-exsiting(先于……而存在的),pre-selection(选举前的)preface(前言)2.Ante-anteroom(前室,接待室),antecessor(先行者,先驱者)3.Fore-forehaed(前额),foreground(前景),foreman(工头,领班),foresee(预见,先见),foretell(预言)4.Pro-programme(计划),prologue(序幕)5.Ex-ex-president(前任总统)ex-wife(前妻)三.表示“后-post”的前缀战后),post-plsition(后置词),postmeri dian(下午)四.表示“低”、“下”的前缀1.Hypo-Hypocrisy(伪善,虚伪),hypothesis(假设),pypo choloride(次氯酸盐)2.Infra-Infra-red(红外线),infrahuman(低于人类的),inf rasonic(亚声的,次声的)3.Sub-Sub-editou(副编辑),sub-way(地铁),sub-conscio us(下意识的),submarine(海下的),subtropical(亚热带的),subtitle(副标题)五.表示“回”、“再次”、“向后”的前缀1.Re-Refuel(给…加油),retranslate(再译),reinforce(加强),reconstruct(重建),return(返回)2.Retro-Retrograde(倒退的),retrospect(回顾)六.表示“共同”、“和”的前缀1.Co-co-exist(共存),co-operate(合作),co-education(男女同校)七.表示“相互”、“之间”的前缀1.Inter-Interchangeble(可互换的),interdipendert(互相依靠的),international(国际的),inter-national(交往)八.表示“出”、“超出”的前缀1.Ec-Eclipse(蚀),ecstasy(狂想)2.Extra-Extraordinary(非凡的),extramural(校外的),extr asensory(超感觉的)九.表示“超过”的前缀1.hyper-,preter-,super-,sur-,ultra-hyper-sensitive(过敏的),preterhuman(超人的)十.其它的前缀自automatic(自动的),auto-autobilgraphy(自传)2.mal-坏,恶Malnutrition(营养不良),maltreat(虐待)3.Micro-Microscope(显微镜),microtome(切片机)4.Tele-远Telegram(电报),telephone(),telescope(望远镜)5.Demi-,semi-hemi-Semi-circle(半圆),hemisphere(半球),demilune (半月,新月)6.Uni-,mono-(单一,单独)Monotone(单调),monologue(独白),uniform(制服)7.Bi-,di-二Biyearly(二年一次的),biweekly(二周一次的),di chloride(二氯化物)8.Tri-三Triangle(三角),tripld(三角架)9.Multi-多multi-colored(颜色多样的),multi-national(多国的)10.Poly–多Polygon(多角形),polytomic(多原子的)11.Arch-首领archbishop(大主教),architect(建筑师)12.bene-善,好benefit(利益),benevolence(善意)13.homo-同homosexual(同性恋的),homograph(同形异义字)14.neo新neo-colonialism(新殖XX义),neolithic(新石器时代的)15.ortho-正确,直orthogonal(直角的),orthodox(正统)16.philo-挚爱philosopher(哲学家)17.proto-原始protohydrogen(初氢),prototype(原型),protoplas m(原生质)18.pseudo-假的,伪的,冒充的pseudonym(匿名),pseudo-munism(假共产主义)19.a-,ab-,abs-(只有在t,c之前)从,自avoid(避免),absent(缺少的),abstain(抑制),abstract(吸引)20.Apo-,aph-来自apology(道歉,谢罪),apostle(倡言者,先驱)分离separation(分开),secure(安全的),sedition(煽动叛乱)22.para-防parachute(降落伞),23.omni-所有的,公共的omnibus(公共汽车),omnipotence(万能)24.pan-全,泛Pan-American(全美的),pancean(万灵药),panor ama(风景的全貌;万花筒)25.panto-全pantisocracy(乌托邦XX世界),pantoscopic(视野广大)26.dia-通过,借以diagonal(对角的),diagnosis(诊断),dialogue(对话)27.Per-通过,彻底,不利perambrlate(走来走去),perfect极好的28.trans-通过,横过transcript(抄本,副本;记录),translation(翻译),tr xnsparent(透明的),transport(运输),trans-plant (移植)29.-,con-,cor-,col-共同,和,完全ment(评论),pile(编辑),correlation(相互关系),collect(收集),corruption(贪污腐败),collaborate (合作,合著)30.syn-共同synonym(同义词),synchronization(同步),synton ic(谐振的),synthetic(人工的,合成的)31.meta-和,在……之后metaphor(比喻),metaphysics(形而上学)32.Cis-在这一边cisatlantic(大西洋这边的)33.pen-几乎,相近peninsular(.住在半岛上的居民,半岛(状)的,形成半岛的)34.en-,em-往……里,使……encamp(扎营),enable(使……能),endear(使……受喜爱),embrace(拥抱,抓住(机会))35.intro内在intracardiac(心脏内部的),intramolecular(分子内部的),intracelular(细胞内部的)36.intro-到……中introduce(介绍),introspect(反省,内省)37.dys-坏dyspepsia(消化不良),dysentry(痢疾)38.Eu-优,美好eulogy(颂词),euphony(悦耳的声音)39.ambi-,amphi-两者amphibian(两栖的),ambidextrous(两只手都很灵巧的;心怀二意的;非常灵巧的)40.penta-五pentagon(五角大楼),pentagram(五角星),penta meter(五步诗句)六sexangle(六角),sexennial(六年一度的)42.sept-七September九月(古罗马的七月),septennial(七年一度)43.hepta-七heptab(七个成套之物),heptagon(七角形)44.octa-,octo,oct八octagon(八角形),octuple(八倍)October(十月) 45.nona-,ennea-九nonagon(九角形),ennead(九个一组)46.deci-,deca-十decimal(十进位的),decagramme(十克)47.centi-百centimeter(厘米),centipede(蜈蚣)48.milli-千millenias(千年的),millimeter(毫米)49.Kilo-千kilowatt(千瓦),kilometer(千米)后缀开放分类:英语、语言后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。






“五星牌”的前身最早出现于1 953年。






这个厂名是1953年7月29日茅台酒厂划为省级企业时确定的名称,之前是县属企业,曾先后冠名为“贵州省专卖事业公司仁怀县茅台酒厂”(1951年)、“贵州省专卖事业管理局仁怀茅台酒厂”(19 52年)。












例句:很多⼈以为标着 Bordeaux 的酒就是好酒,但也要⽣产商是谁哦。

▼勃⾉第Burgundy / Bourgogne知名度和波尔多不相上下,很注重风⼟因素,好酒贵的要死,⼀般的酒也不便宜,⼩⽩最好不要尝试这的酒,因为根本挑不明⽩。

例句:你是不是觉得这瓶酒标了 Bourgogne 就是逼格的象征了?▼罗讷河⾕Rhone Valley⼀个质量极度被低估的产区,歌海娜和西拉是这个产区的精髓所在。

例句:Robert Parker 钟爱 Rhone Valley 的葡萄酒,他曾⾔这⾥最好的酒绝对堪⽐波尔多⼀级庄。




例句:Alsace 雷司令⽐起德国的雷司令,风格上⼲型的要多⼀些。

▼卢⽡尔河⾕ Loire产区很长,从沿海到内陆差异极⼤,每个产区风格都⾮常不⼀样。

其中 Sanceree 的名声可能最⼤,出产法国最好的长相思之⼀。

例句: Loire 的⼦产区⾮常多,但每个都有⾮常突出的特点。

所以不要告诉我你喜欢 Loire,⽽是 Loire 的哪⾥。

▼朗格多克-鲁西荣Languedoc - Roussillon朗格多克Languedoc现更名为:朗格多克AOC 现更名为:⼀般被称作法国南部,以⽣产⼤批量的餐酒为主,近⼏年部分酒庄开始往精品酒庄转型,不再满⾜于千篇⼀律的餐酒。



A大写表尖角 Alt-高 Arch拱、拱形 Ac-尖(变化自Ang)单词记忆十大规律之一:辅音双写——双写之前是前缀。

两个连续相同的辅音字母出现,他们之间一定要拆分开,他们一定是前缀和词根的关系或词根和后缀的关系,tect-词根:盖子(t-top) sect-词根:切分(s-牙齿)hect-词根:高(h-高) lect-词根:讲(l-舌)三种辅音字母:直线字母(比如:l)/曲线字母(比如:s/w/z)/半圆字母(比如:p/b/q/d)b-棒子、板子如果说某一个词由另一个词演变,保证一字母相同,三字母相似一字母----开头的辅音三字母-----结尾的辅音bene=good-好 oar桨、橹(来自“board船”中间三个字母“oar”)b-背包bench-板凳(“bagbi-二背包”来自“back后背”,b-后背、板子)burn-燃烧(b-board-板子木,“木”生“火”)bur=burn-燃烧弯曲、弓形、鞠躬,bow-B=B=弓bound边界燃烧burn一三辅音字母组合:~bu- bl-: br-:破碎,分裂,产生;吹风;颜色;污点C-抓c-象形,半包围结构 -cid落下 -cess(ceed/ced)走 -cip=cept=ceive=cite拿 -cur跑-cane棍子 cop警察;捕捉(cop~cap) c-口、唱 ch-唱英语单词书写流变的三种变化:第一种变化:浊清字母的变化[p]/[b] [k]/[g] [f]/[v] [t]/[d]五个元音字母顺序:a , e , i , o , u第二种变化:近亲字母的变化 r/l/n x/s/c t/d/s g/v/w p/f第三种变化:“平、卷舌”的变化[c]/[ch] [s]/[sh] [c]/[ch] 互换举例d –象形手指(食指)dig-词根:手指头 -duc=doct=duct说、教、导 -dict说 -dot=dit出dec-十(“dec-十”变化自“dig-手指”)版dex-指 dr-:坠落;拽; dw-:低下,矮,短(由down变来)尊严dign-F手、handf-手,创造 f-落下,倒下 e ??——e ?——外i ??——i ?——“无”或者“进入”fact=fect=fict-制造fic fig--做 -fut(=fuse单词开头的辅音双写:)流 -fac=fict做 -fil子女特殊)-fine界限,钱 fer拿,带 -fest触、碰 a ?a ??————无义(ac- fl-:弯曲;飞,流g-土地-gen生 -gest表示 -geo土地 gl-:闪耀,光辉,(和亮度有关)gr-生长(gr=gn)H-hale呼吸 -hibit拿(此处开头的h是hand )h-高h-手 h-手(通假于f)J -ject喷射 -junct连接-(汉字的“接”也是j开头)k-嘴、口kn——gn-知道 kn-:节、关节Ll-腿 l-舌 l-手臂 l-男性生殖器词根:说 lig=leg=log-语言 ling=lang的版本)leg,-lig挑,选;说(还有lect–. -loy捆绑-lux=lus=luc光 -log说 -ology学说m-山m-动、运动–min(来自mount) 突起 -miss(=mit)投、扔、抛、丢 -merc (=merch)商业(产生自希腊神话中掌管商业的男神mercury的名字) -mot移动 -mut移动 -mob移动 -mun 交流 -mig运动,搬迁 -met(=med)金属 mine矿 mal-坏mingle混乱(抽象的)mix混乱(具体的)n-nosen-不 -nat生 -neg否定 -nox=noc毒、害P-掌p-口-ped脚掌、走 -pet追求,喜爱(变化自ped) -pat(=pact)拍-pict图画,画 -pend挂、靠 -pose放下 -pot罐子pr-:前,首先; ph-:说,表达;出现 pl-:折,弯腰;说qu-:get,取、求R-直立、旋转、路-rect直立 -rig直立 -rod=rot=ros破,烂,腐败 -rad草根;象根一样辐射 -rupt突,破 reg管理,规则 re-返、回转 rise升起-rice大米-rich富裕S-牙齿、切分sect——切分 -sult跳 -sess坐,说 -soph智慧 -sip吸 -sent感觉 seg-切sex-性别self-自己sole-唯一sc-:看;雕刻;爬升; scr-:爪子;shr-:缩,少,精; sl-:瘦,滑; sm-:小,微; sn-:口,鼻 spr-:喷洒、散射; squ-:挤压;st-:站,停留; str-:拉紧,扯紧(相对于松弛的)紧张 sw-:摇摆;t-舌头、旋转-tend延伸 -text课文,编织 -tone声调,腔调 -tut教 -tor(=tort)拧 -turb拧、转 thr-:三,多;穿过tr-:穿,戳,弄破,拉扯,从一处到另一处;tw-:二,双;v-女性–viv活的 -vit生命 -vig活力 -vict胜利 -vag走 -vac空 -vad走 -vent走-vis(=vid)看-vid 分,看(“看”的时候就是vise变形导致)-view看 -val价值(wealth变化而来)-vary转变W–wag走词根A:1. 尖的的形象2.否定前缀3.apt容易、适应B: 1.板2.棒3.好加强语气bl 和颜色相关ang 角度bound 边界ag-ac-ach 尖、刺bol-bor-bon-born g-ct 生行动ag-actben-bene ad-to 好去boom 象声词“隆隆t-top architect 盖子arch拱tect ”声,繁荣bio-body 鸟av 生命br-bur-bul-burn burst apt 容易adaptbi二astro-star 星星bicycle bikeC:1.嘴2.虎口、手、抓attract一再的at 3.通g-c走,生长、土地水aque(首辅音字opaque liquid说、唱c-ch 母略写).cuse-curse 骂、诅咒char-cher-cur-care关心cherishcaut 火音同“烤”cel 速度chron=time 时间camp 田野、田地、营地chronicsynchronize c-ch-go cess-ceed-ced 走、追逐、circ圆、绕场、演出追求cur走centr-center 中心concentrate cl 与集合相关cord-core crocodile climb 中心、核心cl-cr 爬count 算calc漏写首字母repc 小石子creep爬行contra相反—reptilecounter柜台、相对contradict encounter叫喊生cr-gr-grow 长cr-cryD:1.向下、地下2.同T,说十字路口cr-cross 3.同docr-gr-ground acre做de 谷物cere Ceres色列斯(罗神,往下、地下、底下dem-demo-demom 人民de-m谷类女神)(集合、全部man)cum-com-con-comedwcas 矮in case causel 偶然的dwarfdex落下cat-cas-cad-cid 指引digit手指头index decide casualdi-dis 分开,二切、划分c-cut cern cat cisedig抓cat-catch 挖掘digitaldyn-dign 庄重、庄严、抓、拿到ceive 尊严dynasty拿、接受cip-ceptd-t-tooth牙dent 切、刻画char- cur -cutdict-duct-doct-duc-doc-dox 说、传furn-f-fix 安装furnituref-fat-fall faintpredict 导、教导、引导Fic-fict-fect-fact-fac 做”星星掉下来的doom 象声词“咚fort-ford-force力量声音,厄运、劫数、不好的兆头effortfest触碰、敲鼓dom-dome-top 顶、屋顶festivalfer带、拿dom家domesticinferfess 说双dub-double doubt dubious f-ph phone infantfil 子女:E filialfine 结束、终结、限定confined ec- e-外ex-出去外边defineedge誓-pledge边缘(把话说绝fin-fine 钱finance wedge w-wood 约)fee费(泛指一切费用)economic 交换ec-exchangeform 标准、式样ed-eat edible 辨别edition e+ditfasc法西斯ey-eye obey-束棒,权利的象征,吸引人的东西代表人类的面孔ele element fund 资金、基金inertia 动ert-eartfeud-field 土地feudal episode 在中间epifl弯曲flection flexibledisease容易easeG:1.走2. 2. 手、做:F1.落下、倒下、流淌G-Gaea 盖亚(大地女神)竖立起来的剑的形象3. 、土地、生命gret-gressf-fire fur-furn-fier- 前进progress regret furious 火camp生、土地gen fierce furnacegeo土地her继承(heir的省略版)inherithemi-half 半大、土g-gig gigantic hemispherecoherentgr-gn-gen与生长相关,增加hes-her 粘hesitate gram写gr写,雕刻hostgraph-gr 写grave geography主人hypophotograph 在后面的、附属的、不足hypnus[希神]greg 集合许普诺斯-睡眠之神hypothesis hypocrisy 组成gredhyst-h 约定gage engage高hystericalI:刺激的,有刺激气味的gar-garlinfra 次要、前缀cigar garlicinfrastructureid 英gal-gall雄galaxy 相同,不变gallery idle idom idiotidentifygallantdivid 知道划分individual gn-gnore-knowisl-isol-insulgl孤独glass glory sul-sole 闪、光intr-interH在中间:is=ex高h-high 出issue essayL全部hol-whole :线、光线l-lend leaseho-hole、人类本来是穴居houselim-line线动物preliminaryliter-letter危害haz-harm字母hazard光lux-lus-lucheir他heloy捆绑alloy loyal mit-miss投m-man手missilemig-mote-mute-mut-mob 移动lat拉扯m-move immigrate lic-leave留下relicmun交流municipal lev-light轻alleviateming-mix混乱mingle l-leg-lect讲舌头meas测量挑选elect l-手臂measurelectmech商业-Mercuryleisure leis-let让、容许莫丘利(商业之神,性质不稳定)launchlance-laun发射mer好laundry lau-lave洗lavatory l-棒mercy mermaid merrymort死子mortalNM:大、多、山:neg 大否定maj-magna-nat-naturemar-mir海洋生marvelous marine nom-norm标准mirror normalnot-know notifymult-mount多nour-nut-nat生、哺育prominent eminent 突出min nutritionnuis=nox-noc毒小(迷你)mini nuisanceinnocent mod中modenOmon单一、独一:olog 学说o嘴mull思想m-mind log说ob=ab[?b] 不maltreat female 坏、男male obey对相、反相向方ob=op[ob] malfunctionobstinate前professorpol-pole杆子、柱子od=out出来odor/dourpolicypir-pear茅opt-spect看、眼睛、视力、光学piratepon-pound摆放opticalcompoundcomponent opt=output拿出、选择photo、手掌:P1.平板、平面、钱 2.光pharm-harmB的变伤害B说与嘴相关,3.同,是para反、旁化paradoxpar=preparepenny expensive 准备、备apparatus 钱pensp-ph-f purch 父亲购买pater-father patrioticpene-pine刺pand 膨胀pi=bee刺penetrationph-f-fear恐怖phobpenpr-pl- peal-peat-par-parl说半please peninsula isl孤独的porc-pork猪explain repeat Parliament porcelainpor-pore洞说、用、请plimplementpos-pot罐子、坛子pl 折叠diplomasymposiumphysi物理pec-pick选择、挑peculiar physiologyPsych心理女神psychology pell-puls-push compulsoryPt=pet追求、要propellersymptomPar-appear transparent穿透、一直perpersecuteR:1.perish 周期每一个per——小草生长的形象、茁壮、笔有旋转的含象声词,2. 直的形象往前、提pro 在前面pr-pre-pro义:roll,re- 3.跑、路str n与狭长、细长相关v与拉紧、扯紧相关根radiaterad-rootstr-struct构random ran-run跑、快速移动造、立体structure stere走repent pent-pedsl总跟“re 往回细长、瘦长”有关sleevesilk丝—rout-road路routine 瘦、滑soc 社会prochlu roch-road approachserg-serve服务sergeant rib-rope 绳子sper-spec-spectreign 看proper prospect 理驽绳rein缰、驾—管specimen foreign for 表否定sc 看、切rig-r直的rigidsk roy正royal切、雕刻sect切分sex section rit-rid-ri-ris笑ridiculous risiblesp说s-牙齿S:说、唱、吸、坐P-嘴spond-spons说分开se respond sponsorsur-suc-sub 往下第二的secsecondsuassess session 在此说sesssm 坐s-saet 小S-snake站、停留st 蛇sn-大口、鼻子snacksnatch储藏storage storsn-sm鬼祟、偷insist站sistsmuggleshrink shrewd缩shr-shortstub-stop stupid stubbornsyn-sym-sim-xim-sem-same 同一往来)tile 瓦片fertile sym同seen symptomted-tend延伸tediousstim-stin-sting 刺Term古罗马的守界神terminal spu-spear茅、刺t-take token“嘶嘶”声sp 象声词trans(from one sp-sph 旋转spin sphere to another)transfer transmit same 单一、同一、s-solesingle、tractorsol-sole 唯一solo独唱拖拉tr、tr-through超过、越过、穿过solve 解决traitor s- 走了牙齿、力、保存叛逃tray-trait sult-sault跳result consulttelephone t-to ph说tele skel-skull天灵盖sk-sky天、头骨远处skeleton teg-tact-touch触、碰intense snob-snoopy狗延伸tend-tensetorrent splend 气、喷spl-spr-spire tort-turn旋转theory与说话相关,有舌头、延伸:T1.thesis理论策与旋转相关之意2. t-touch tacticstact敏感、智慧attempt (在诱惑略、战术说t- tempt诱惑云游的僧人诗人(不被中央企图、尝试- trag之中)travel tragedy 编织text政府重视之人)—therm-warm thermal 三、多thr:U部落间的礼尚tribute( 部落tribeuni 统一vi-way deviatevy-vey看见ult=outultravioletenvy survey ul-u:W:水、看、走vuln-wound vulnerable ut-out utter ward保护w-watch warrant ward :Vw-wise 明智的走v-w Van-vant-vade-vitw-water 旋or-Ver-vert 转v-w-wheel 水Vw-went、walk invert divorce 走前缀Ver-very verdicta- 1.否定2.加强vol 卷、旋转volume involveac- 1.进入、往里variable 2.加强、促进var-vari-vary变化ad- 加强,去,副(原意:老虎钳,替人使to viceaf-vicious 段硬强用手)加强in-im-em进入vice-president精力(音:伟哥)vigor表否定i-il-ir-imvigorousvitamin 生命vit。


spirit usually distilled from sorghum or maize
What is white spirit?

White wine, a distillation
wine is unique to China, is one
of the seven spirits of the
Maotai is arguably the most famous Chinese liquor, or baijiu.
It is produced in a town called Maotai, in the city of Renhuai, under the jurisdiction of the prefecture-level city of Zunyi, in the Guizhou province of southwestern China. It is believed that the town of Maotai possesses a unique climate and vegetation that contributes to the taste of the drink.
Maotai is named after the town with the same name near Zunyi in Renhuai, Guizhou Province, where winemaking has a very long history. The Maotai of today originated during the Qing Dynasty and first won international fame when winning a gold medal at the 1915 PanamaPacific Exposition in San Francisco. In addition, Maotai was also named a national liquor in 1951, two years after the founding of People's Republic of China. Maotai also claimed two gternational Exposition in 1985 and 1986. Maotai has won 14 international awards and 20 domestic awards since the Chinese Revolution.



1. 观察外观:毛茅酒的外观应为金黄色透明,酒液清澈无杂质,无悬浮物或浑浊现象。


2. 嗅闻香气:毛茅酒应有独特的酒香,香味清新纯正,没有异味或杂质的气味。


3. 品尝口感:品尝毛茅酒时,应先饮用小口,细细品尝。



4. 辨别真伪:鉴定毛茅酒的真伪需要通过查看毛茅酒的商标、包装、标签等信息,以及了解毛茅酒产地、酒厂、酿造工艺等方面的信息。




MicropreSure 微滤监测器用户指南说明书

MicropreSure 微滤监测器用户指南说明书

MicropreSure®In-Line Filtration MonitorUser GuideFor research use only.Not for use in clinical applications.Single use only.MSHA WGM 48 (48/pk)MSHA WGE 48 (48/pk)©2002 Millipore Corporation. Printed in France. All rights reserved. This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers.Millipore, MicropreSure and Milliflex are registered trademarks of the Millipore Corporation.MSOpener is a trademark of the Millipore Corporation.Tri-Clover is a registered trademark of Alfa Laval, Inc.P36264 Rev. –, 9/02Removing Excess Liquid from the MicropreSure MonitorThe liquid remaining in the MicropreSure monitor will not compromise the test results if it remains in the monitor for a short period of time (2hours). Therefore, the monitor containing the remaining liquid may be carried to the laboratory and purged just before adding the broth me-dium.1.Remove the yellow stopper from the monitor outlet.2.Connect a sterile 20 mL syringe to the outlet Luer connection anddraw the excess liquid through the membrane.SpecificationsMonitor height:45 mm (1.75 in)Filter diameter:47 mm Filter area:9.10 cm 2Filter type:0.45 µm pore size, white, gridded Pressure limit at 25 °C: 3 barTemperature range: 5 °C–90 °CMaterials of ConstructionFiltration chamber/base:PolycarbonateMembrane:Mixed ester cellulose, 0.45 µm, white, gridded Filtration support:Cellulosic padProduct Ordering InformationThis section lists the catalogue numbers for MicropreSure In-Line Filtra-tion Monitors and accessories. See the Technical Assistance section for information about contacting Millipore. You can also buy Millipore products on-line at /purecommerce.Description Quantity Catalogue No.MicropreSure In-Line Filtration Monitor,48/pk MSHA WGM 48EO sterilized, 0.45 µm white gridded membraneMicropreSure In-Line Filtration Monitor,48/pk MSHA WGE 48sterile, individually blister packed,0.45 µm white gridded membrane MSOpener™ manifold,1/pk MS0P ENR 01complete vacuum manifold for removing excess liquid and accessing membrane MSOpener tulip,1/pk MS0P NMS 01for mounting on 3- or 6-place manifold 20 mL plastic sterile syringe 12XX11 020 12Technical AssistanceFor more information, contact the Millipore office nearest you. In the U.S., call 1-800-MILLIPORE (1-800-645-5476). Outside the U.S., seeyour Millipore catalogue for the phone number of the office nearest you or go to our web site at /offices for up-to-dateworldwide contact information. You can also visit the tech service page on our web site at /techservice.Standard WarrantyMillipore Corporation ("Millipore") warrants its products will meet their applicable pub-lished specifications when used in accordance with their applicable instructions for a period of one year from shipment of the products. MILLIPORE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The warranty provided herein and the data, specifi-cations and descriptions of Millipore products appearing in Millipore's published catalogues and product literature may not be altered except by express written agreement signed by an officer of Millipore. Representations, oral or written, which are inconsistent with this war-ranty or such publications are not authorized and if given, should not be relied upon.In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, Millipore's sole obligation shall be to repair or replace, at its option, the applicable product or part thereof, provided the customer notifies Millipore promptly of any such breach. If after exercising reasonable efforts, Milli-pore is unable to repair or replace the product or part, then Millipore shall refund to the customer all monies paid for such applicable product or part. MILLIPORE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ECONOMIC LOSS OR PROPERTY DAMAGE SUSTAINEDBY ANY CUSTOMER FROM THE USE OF ITS PRODUCTS.3.Dispose of the excess liquid collected.Adding the Broth Medium1.Select a 2 mL ampoule of the appropriate broth medium. (SeeMillipore’s Biopharmaceutical Catalogue for available media.)2.Insert the ampoule into either the inlet connection or the outlet portof the MicropreSure monitor and squeeze the ampoule to dispense the full volume of the medium into the monitor.3.Remove the excess broth medium by inserting a 20 mL syringe intothe outlet of the MicropreSure monitor and drawing the excess medium through the membrane.4.Replace both stoppers onto the monitor inlet and outlet.Incubating and CountingIncubate upside down as with any standard 47 mm membrane.After the unit has incubated at the required temperature for the appropri-ate length of time, remove the unit from the incubator and immediately view and count the colonies through the monitor’s transparent dome.NOTE:Count while the unit is still warm. Condensation will form assoon as the unit begins to cool, obscuring the view through the transparent dome.For specific identitification, remove the dome and access the MicropreSure membrane using the MicropreSure MSOpener (see Product Ordering Infor-mation section).IntroductionMillipore’s MicropreSure In-Line Filtration Monitor is used for in-line sampling and filtration of liquids within closed systems, minimizing the risk of false positives from adventitious contamination while sampling in a production environment. Large volumes can be filtered at once, or slowly over an extended period of time. For instance, filtration can be adjusted to the duration of a work shift or a batch. Designed for use with pressurized process lines or reservoirs sampling, the MicropreSure monitor handles pressures up to 3 bar. Liquids enter the MicropreSure monitor and pass through the microporous membrane within its filtra-tion chamber. After the desired sample volume has been filtered, the monitor’s inlets and outlets can be sealed for transportation without risk of contamination back to the lab where it can be directly incubated with broth medium.Diagram of MicropreSure Monitor Components Identifying the Sampling Port Outlet andChoosing the Valve Adapter■If the sampling port outlet is a male Luer port (such as an ESP orMilliflex®-P valve) use the MicropreSure monitor without a samplingport adapter.■If the sampling port has a Tri-Clover® fitting or an NPT connectionvalve, install a MicropreSure sanitary valve. Order the correct valveas follows:Connection size Millipore Cat. No.TC 1 1/2"MSES PTC L1NPT 1/4"MSES P14 N1NPT 1/8"MSES P18 N1Either leave the MicropreSure valve in place or remove the valveafter each sampling. The MicropreSure valve is autoclavable.■If the sampling valve outlet is a simple tubing, measure the tubing’souter diameter and then order the correct valve adapter as follows:Outer Diameter Millipore Cat. No.Outer Diameter Millipore Cat. No.3 mm MS0S T03 0320 mm MS0S T20 036 mm MS0S T06 033/16"MSST 316 038 mm MS0S T08 031/4"MS0S T14 0312 mm MS0S T12 033/8"MSST T38 03■If the sampling valve outlet is male threaded connection, check theformat and measure the tubing's outer diameter and then order thecorrect valve adapter as follows:Outer Diameter Millipore Cat. No.1/8" Gas MSFM 18G 031/4" Gas MSFM 14G 031/8" NPT MSFM 18N 031/4" NPT MSFM 14N 03■If the sampling valve outlet is female threaded connection, checkthe format and measure the tubing's outer diameter and then orderthe correct valve adapter as follows:Outer Diameter Millipore Cat. No.1/8" Gas MSLM 18G 031/4" Gas MSLM 14G 031/8" NPT MSLM 18N 031/4" NPT MSLM 14N 03■If the sampling valve outlet is a Tri-Clover fitting, measure the valveoutlet’s outer diameter and then order the correct valve adapter asfollows:Outer Diameter Millipore Cat. No.TC 3/4" (25 mm)MS0T C34 03TC Mini-Clamp (34 mm)MS0T CMC 03TC 1 1/2" (50.5 mm)MS0T 120 03Sampling ProcedureThis section outlines the procedures for filtering samples on site, remov-ing excess liquid from the MicropreSure monitor, and adding broth me-dium to the monitor before incubation.Filtering the Sample1.Open the sanitary valve and flush thoroughly with required volume(or for appropriate time), then close the valve.2.Remove the blue stopper from the MicropreSure inlet and attach tothe base.Filtering the Sample, continued3.Remove the yellow stopper from the MicropreSure outlet on thebottom of the device and attach to the base.4.Fit the MicropreSure outlet to the receiving graduated container. Ifthe MicropreSure monitor does not fit directly on the receivingcontainer, connect a length of tubing to the monitor outlet. Useeither tubing with a male Luer connection to fit into the monitoroutlet, or connect tubing with an internal diameter of approx. 6 mm(1/4 inch) around the monitor outlet.5.Insert the sanitary sampling valve outlet into the MicropreSure inlet.Precautions■Do not use with pressures exceeding the recommended 3 bar limit at room temperature.■Do not use with temperatures exceeding 90 °C.■Flush the sampling port thoroughly before filtering by opening the valve, then closing the valve.■Maintain the monitor in a horizontal position while sampling to en-sure homogeneous colony distribution.■Filtration time and throughput will vary depending upon sample pressure and fouling index.■Remove excess liquid remaining in the MicropreSure monitor after sampling within 2 hours to avoid compromising test results. Required Equipment■MicropreSure monitor■Laboratory pen■ 6 mm I.D. tubing■Incubator■Sampling port with male Luer outlet■Sterile 20 mL syringe ■ 2 mL liquid ampoule medium■Graduated container (to measure sampled volume)6.Hold the MicropreSure monitor in position on the valve withouttightening the connection. Open the sampling valve until liquidcovers the entire filter surface (dome half full) and the desired flow is obtained.NOTE:This step ensures that the surface of the membrane is fully wetted. If the valve is installed horizontally so that theMicropreSure monitor is oriented parallel to the floor and theliquid flows evenly over the membrane surface, this step isnot necessary.7.Secure the MicropreSure monitor in position by firmly pushing itonto the valve (with a slight twisting movement).8.Close the sampling valve when the desired sample volume or thedesired sampling time has been reached.9.Disconnect the MicropreSure monitor from the sampling valve bygently pulling it away from the valve, using a twisting movement.Maintain the monitor in a horizontal position.10.Place the yellow stopper onto the monitor outlet and use the bluestopper to seal the monitor inlet.11.Record the sample location, time, and volume on the side of theMicropreSure dome.。



无醇葡萄酒中文背标-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分:随着人们生活水平的提高,健康意识也逐渐增强,越来越多的人开始关注饮食健康。



1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要介绍了本文的组织架构和内容安排。








1.3 目的本文旨在探讨无醇葡萄酒在中国市场中的发展现状和前景。



2.正文2.1 无醇葡萄酒的定义无醇葡萄酒,顾名思义就是不含酒精的葡萄酒。


Bunn-O-Matic 28152 热水壶产品说明书

Bunn-O-Matic 28152 热水壶产品说明书

1SH & 2SHILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOGDesigns, materials, weights, specifications, and dimensions for equipment or replacement partsare subject to change without notice.BUNN-O-MATIC CORPORATIONPOST OFFICE BOX 3227SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62708-3227PHONE: (217) 529-6601 FAX: (217) 529-664428152.0000M 07/15 ©1997 Bunn-O-Matic CorporationBUNN-O-MATIC COMMERCIAL PRODUCT WARRANTYBunn-O-Matic Corp. (“BUNN”) warrants equipment manufactured by it as follows:1) Airpots, thermal carafes, decanters, GPR servers, iced tea/coffee dispensers, MCR/MCP/MCA single cup brewers, ther-mal servers and ThermoFresh® servers (mechanical and digital) 1 year parts and 1 year labor.2) All other equipment - 2 years parts and 1 year labor plus added warranties as specified below:a) Electronic circuit and/or control boards - parts and labor for 3 years.b) Compressors on refrigeration equipment - 5 years parts and 1 year labor.c) Grinding burrs on coffee grinding equipment to grind coffee to meet original factory screen sieve analysis - parts and labor for 4 years or 40,000 pounds of coffee, whichever comes first.These warranty periods run from the date of installation BUNN warrants that the equipment manufactured by it will be commercially free of defects in material and workmanship existing at the time of manufacture and appearing within the applicable warranty period. This warranty does not apply to any equipment, component or part that was not manufactured by BUNN or that, in BUNN’s judgment, has been affected by misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation or operation, improper maintenance or repair, non periodic cleaning and descaling, equipment failures related to poor water quality, damage or casualty. In addition, the warranty does not apply to replacement of items subject to normal use including but not limited to user replaceable parts such as seals and gaskets. This warranty is conditioned on the Buyer 1) giving BUNN prompt notice of any claim to be made under this warranty by telephone at (217) 529-6601 or by writing to Post Office Box 3227, Springfield, Illinois 62708-3227; 2) if requested by BUNN, shipping the defective equipment prepaid to an authorized BUNN service location; and 3) receiving prior authorization from BUNN that the defective equipment is under warranty. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY, WRITTEN OR ORAL, EX-PRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF EITHER MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The agents, dealers or employees of BUNN are not authorized to make modifications to this warranty or to make additional warranties that are binding on BUNN. Accordingly, statements by such individuals, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties and should not be relied upon.If BUNN determines in its sole discretion that the equipment does not conform to the warranty, BUNN, at its exclusive op-tion while the equipment is under warranty, shall either 1) provide at no charge replacement parts and/or labor (during the applicable parts and labor warranty periods specified above) to repair the defective components, provided that this repair is done by a BUNN Authorized Service Representative; or 2) shall replace the equipment or refund the purchase price for the equipment.THE BUYER’S REMEDY AGAINST BUNN FOR THE BREACH OF ANY OBLIGATION ARISING OUT OF THE SALE OF THIS EQUIPMENT, WHETHER DERIVED FROM WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE, SHALL BE LIMITED, AT BUNN’S SOLE OPTION AS SPECIFIED HEREIN, TO REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND.In no event shall BUNN be liable for any other damage or loss, including, but not limited to, lost profits, lost sales, loss of use of equipment, claims of Buyer’s customers, cost of capital, cost of down time, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, or any other special, incidental or consequential damages.392, A Partner You Can Count On, Air Infusion, AutoPOD, AXIOM, BrewLOGIC, BrewMETER, Brew Better Not Bitter, Brew-WISE, BrewWIZARD, BUNN Espress, BUNN Family Gourmet, BUNN Gourmet, BUNN Pour-O-Matic, BUNN, BUNN with the stylized red line, BUNNlink, Bunn-OMatic, Bunn-O-Matic, BUNNserve, BUNNSERVE with the stylized wrench design, Cool Froth, DBC, Dr. Brew stylized Dr. design, Dual, Easy Pour, EasyClear, EasyGard, FlavorGard, Gourmet Ice, Gourmet Juice, High Intensity, iMIX, Infusion Series, Intellisteam, My Café, Phase Brew, PowerLogic, Quality Beverage Equipment Worldwide, Respect Earth, Respect Earth with the stylized leaf and coffee cherry design, Safety-Fresh, , Scale-Pro, Silver Series, Single, Smart Funnel, Smart Hopper, SmartWAVE, Soft Heat, SplashGard, The Mark of Quality in Beverage Equipment Worldwide, ThermoFresh, Titan, trifecta, TRIFECTA (sylized logo), Velocity Brew, Air Brew, Beverage Bar Creator, Beverage Profit Calculator, Brew better, not bitter., Build-A-Drink, BUNNSource, Coffee At Its Best, Cyclonic Heating System, Daypart, Digital Brewer Control, Element, Milk Texturing Fusion, Nothing Brews Like a BUNN, Picture Prompted Cleaning, Pouring Profits, Signature Series, Sure Tamp, Tea At Its Best, The Horizontal Red Line, Ultra are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Bunn-O-Matic Corporation. The commercial trifecta® brewer housing configura-tion is a trademark of Bunn-O-Matic Corporation.228152 031314TABLE OF CONTENTS1 SH Server Stand (4)2 SH Server Stand (8)Numerical Index (12)328152 080200428152 111611ITEMPART NO.QTY.DESCRIPTION51 -------------- 1 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 2) 27775.0001 1 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type) 27775.0002 1 Cover, Receptacle (Black) 27775.0004 1 Cover, Receptacle (Red) 01382.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head SST #6-32 x .375” 01382.0002 2 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 2 -------------- 1 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 1) 27774.0001 1 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type) 27774.0002 1 Bracket, Receptacle (Black) 27774.0004 1 Bracket, Receptacle (Red) 01382.00034 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”01382.0002 2 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 312249.0001 2 Rail, Guide (SST) 12249.0007 2 Rail, Guide (Black) 00970.0000 4 Nut, Keps #8-324 27263.0000 1 Cover, Stand (SST) 27263.0002 1 Cover, Stand (Red) 01382.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”5 27181.0001 1 Circuit Breaker, 4 amp6 27253.0001 1 Transformer, 80 VA 115-120/240V-24V 29179.0001 1 Transformer W/Fuse, 115-230V-24V 01382.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375”00973.00002Nut , Keps #6-32 (Prior to Serial #SSTF002813 only)7 22126.0000 1 Rectifier 02367.0000 1 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .625” 8 26722.0000 2 Adapter, Spade 9 07070.0000 1 Bushing, Snap (.687” Dia. hole) 01663.0000 1 Bushing, Snap (.875” Dia. hole)10 26528.0000 4 Leg, 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (See item 23) 11 03996.0000 4 Pad, Rubber 1.25” Dia (See item 23) 12 01686.0000 1 Bushing, Strain Relief13 28154.0000 1 Housing W/Decals, SST (Includes items 14 & 15) 35320.1003 1 Housing W/Decals, RED (Includes items 14 & 15) 14 00986.0000 1 Decal, Warning - Electrical 15 27789.0000 1 Schematic, Electrical (120V only)16 27790.1000 1 Receptacle Assembly, Spring Contact (Includes item 17, 18 & 19) 20608.0000 2 Screw, Flat Head #6-32 x .375” SST Black 00973.0000 2 Nut , Keps #6-32 17 27746.0000 1 Housing, Spring Contact 1827788.00002Spring1 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS28152 072915(Continued)628152 111611ITEMPART NO.QTY.DESCRIPTION728152 0729151 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS19 27748.0000 2 Pin, Contact 01521.0000 2 Washer, Flat 00973.0000 2 Nut, Keps #6-32 20 00971.0000 1 Nut, Keps #10-32 - Cord Ground 21 28264.0000 1 Strap, Transformer Hold Down 01382.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375” 22 21537.0001 1 Plate, Server Stop SST 21537.0004 1 Plate, Server Stop RED 01347.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .38”Note: The following parts are not illustrated23 13255.0003 1 Kit, Leg 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (Includes four legs and pads) 24 20630.0003 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (120V) 33529.0009 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (230V)38074.0012 1 Cord, Power 10A/250V (Stands with product #27875.0006 only) 25 27791.0000 1 Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (120V)27791.00031Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (230V)Serial #SSTF002813 and up828152 111611ITEMPART NO.QTY.DESCRIPTION92 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS1 --------------2 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 2) 27775.0001 2 Cover, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type) 27775.0002 2 Cover, Receptacle (Black) 01382.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head SST #6-32 x .375” 01382.0002 4 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 2 -------------- 2 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (First Type. Not available order second type and item 1) 27774.0001 2 Bracket, Receptacle (SST) (Second Type.) 27774.0002 2 Bracket, Receptacle (Black) 01382.0003 8 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”01382.0002 8 Screw, Truss Head Black #6-32 x .375” 312249.0001 3 Rail, Guide (SST) 12249.0007 3 Rail, Guide (Black) 00970.0000 6 Nut, Keps #8-324 27766.0000 1 Cover, Stand (SST) 120/240V 01382.0003 4 Screw, Truss Head Locking #6-32 x .375”5 27181.0001 2 Circuit Breaker, 4 amp6 27253.0001 1 Transformer, 80 VA 115/230V-24V 29179.0001 1 Transformer W/Fuse, 115/230V-24V 01382.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375”00973.00002Nut , Keps #6-32 (Prior to Serial #SSTF003327 only)7 22126.0000 2 Rectifier 02367.0000 2 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .625” 8 26722.0000 6 Adapter, Spade 9 07070.0000 2 Bushing, Snap (.687” Dia. hole) 01663.0000 2 Bushing, Snap (.875” Dia. hole)10 26528.0000 4 Leg, 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (See item 23) 11 03996.0000 4 Pad, Rubber 1.25” Dia (See item 23) 12 01686.0000 1 Bushing, Strain Relief13 35322.1000 1 Housing W/Decals, Stand (Includes items 14 & 15) 14 00986.0000 1 Decal, Warning - Electrical 15 27793.0000 1 Schematic, Electrical (120V only) 27793.0001 1 Schematic, Electrical (230V)16 27790.1000 2 Receptacle Assembly, Spring Contact (Includes item 17, 18 & 19) 20608.0000 4 Screw, Flat Head #6-32 x .375” SST Black 00973.0000 4 Nut, Keps #6-32 - Zinc Pl 17 27746.0000 1 Housing, Spring Contact 18 27788.0000 2 Spring19 27748.0000 2 Pin, Contact 01521.0000 2 Washer, Flat 00973.0000 2 Nut, Keps #6-32 Zinc Pl 20 00971.0000 1 Nut, Keps #10-32 Zinc Pl - Cord Ground 21 28264.0000 2 Strap, Transformer Hold Down01382.00004Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .375”28152 072915(Continued)Serial #SSTF003327 and up1028152 111611ITEMPART NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION 112 SH SERVER STAND COMPONENTS28152 07291522 21537.0001 2 Plate, Server Stop SST01347.0000 4 Screw, Truss Head #6-32 x .38” Note: The following parts are not illustrated23 13255.00031 Kit, Leg 4” Adjustable Black Plastic (Includes four legs and pads) 24 20630.0003 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (120V) 33529.0009 1 Cord, Power 18/3 (230V) 38074.00121 Cord, Power 10A/250V (Stands with product #27875.0005 only) 25 27791.00002 Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (120V) 27791.00032 Wiring Harness, Server Contacts (230V) 26 27794.0000 1 Wiring Harness, Transformer (120V) 27794.0001 1 Wiring Harness, Transformer (230V)12NUMERICAL INDEXPART NO. PAGE NO. PART NO. PAGE NO. PART NO.PAGE NO. 00970.0000........................5,900971.0000........................5,900973.0000........................7,900986.0000........................5,901347.0000......................7,1101382.0000.....................5,7,901382.0003........................5,901521.0000........................7,901663.0000........................5,901686.0000........................5,902367.0000........................5,903996.0000........................5,907070.0000........................5,912249.0001........................5,912249.0007........................5,913255.0003......................7,1120608.0000........................5,920630.0003......................7,1121537.0001......................7,1121537.0004...........................722126.0000........................5,926528.0000........................5,926722.0000........................5,927181.0001........................5,927253.0001........................5,927263.0000...........................527263.0002...........................527746.0000........................5,927748.0000........................7,927766.0000...........................927774.0001........................5,927774.0002........................5,927774.0004...........................527775.0001........................5,927775.0002........................5,927775.0004...........................527788.0000........................5,927789.0000...........................527790.1000........................5,927791.0000........................5,927791.0003........................5,927793.0000...........................927793.0001...........................927794.0000.........................1127794.0001.........................1128154.0000...........................528264.0000........................5,929179.0001........................5,933529.0009......................7,1135320.1000...........................535322.1000...........................938074.0012......................7,1128152 072915PART NO. PAGE NO.。



亲爱的 寻找 马 头发 在……家里,在……住所 狗 数字 选择,挑选 选择 事物,东西 跌落,失败 这里,此地 天,天空 五 五十 情况,时机 明亮的 明亮的,光亮的 班级,等级 心脏,内心 角落,楔子 愤怒 山冈,山丘 战斗 多少,多么 定购,控制,指挥 好像,如同 开始 开始,着手 如何,怎么 adj. common ; joint ; s.m. common people 公司 同伴,伙伴 完整的 完全地,完整地; 全面地 组成,写作 懂得.明白,理解 计算,总数,账目,帐户 打算,想要 作出结论,缔结,商定 判刑,定罪
chasse chasser chat chaud chef chemin chemise
kase koz koze s? s?si sede s?la s?l?i sɑ? sɑ?tr s?p ɑ?dɑ? s?rkl s?rt? ? s?rt?nm ɑ? s?rt sε rvo s?s sese ∫ak? ? ??n ??r ??z ?al?r ?ɑ?br ?ɑ? ?ɑ?s ?ɑ??m ɑ? ?ɑ??e ?ɑ? ?ɑ?te ?ak ?ar?
artikl asp? aswar ase asiste asyre ata?e atake at? ?dr at ɑ?dr at ɑ?t at ɑ?sj? ? atire atityd ok?~
oparav ɑ? opr? osi osito ot ɑ? ot?r ot?rite otur otr otr?fwa otr?m ɑ? av ɑ?s av ɑ?se av ɑ? av?k avnir av ɑ?tyr avi avwar avwe bese b ɑ? b ɑ?d barb ba
condition conduire confiance confier confondre connaissance conna?tre conscience conseil consentir consid érer construire consulter contenir content contenter continuer contraire contre convenir conversation corde corps c? te c? t é cou couche Coucher couler couleur coup couper cour courage courant courir cours course court co? ter couvrir



公升 授权(委托)书 卸货承揽人‎ 劳埃德保险‎公司代理人‎; 劳埃德船级‎社代理人 拉美共同市‎ 场 (船舶)满载吃水 拉美自由贸‎ 易协会(联盟) 局域网 (WANs 广域网) 子母船;载驳船
Lat. = Latin‎ Lat. = latit‎ ude
拉丁 纬度 (longi‎ tude 经度)
导航的, 主要的 轻载重吨 长途电话 总(分类)帐
led. Fo.; L.F. = ledge‎ r folio‎ leg. = Legal‎ L4L Lot-for-Lot LEL = lower‎ explo‎ sive limit‎ LFL = lower‎ flamm‎ able limit‎ L/G = loss and gain (= L & G);/ lette‎ rof guara‎ ntee l.g.r. = lease‎ hold groun‎ drent lgt. = Long ton;long tons L/H = lette‎ rof hypot‎ hecat‎ ion LH = LOWER‎ HOLD L/I=Lette‎r of indem‎ nity LIBOR‎ = Londo‎ n Inter‎ bank Offer‎ ed Rate LIFO = last in - first‎ out L.I.P.; LIP = life insur‎ ance polic‎ y liq. = Liqui‎ d lkge = leaka‎ ge lkge & bkge; Lkg/Bkg = leaka‎ ge and break‎ age L/L = LOADI‎NG LIST LLA = Long Lengt‎h Addit ‎ional‎ LLDPE‎ = Liner‎ Low Densi‎ ty Polye‎ thyle‎ ne Lloyd‎ ’s = The corp. of Lloyd‎ ’s LMDPE‎ = Linea‎r mediu‎m-densi‎ty polye‎thyle‎ne LME = Londo‎ n Metal‎ Excha‎ nge LNG = liqui‎ fied natur‎ al gas LOA = LENGT‎H OVER ALL load = loadi‎ ng LOADR‎EADY = READY‎ FOR LOADI‎NG; READY‎ TO LOAD LO/LO = lift on, lift off loc. = Local‎ ;locat‎ ion LOI = lette‎r of inten‎t



HeureSous 20 minutes*REMARQUE : ÉVITEZ D’INSTALLER LA CAMÉRA DANS UN ENDROIT OÙ LE SIGNAL SANS FIL DEVRA TRA-VERSER DES STRUCTURES EN CIMENT, EN BÉTON OU EN MÉTAL. CELA RÉDUIRAIT LA PORTÉE D’ÉMISSION.Desserrez les vis à oreilles (1, 2) et la bague de réglage (3) en les tournant dans le sens antihoraire.21Utilisez les vis de montage incluses pour fixer la caméra à la surface de montage :a. Marquez les positions des trous de vis sur la surface de montage.b. Percez des trous et insérez des ancrages pour cloison sèche (incluses), le cas échéant.c. Fixez solidement la caméra à la surface en utilisant les vis incluses.3Ajustez l’angle de la caméra selon votre besoin et serrez ensuite les vis à oreilles et la bague de réglage.A. Configuration de la caméraAvant d’installer la caméra, planifiez soigneusement où et comment elle sera installée et par où vous acheminerez le câble qui connecte la caméra au bloc d’alimentation.3Connectez une extrémité du bloc d’alimentation de la caméra à la caméra et l’autre extrémité à une prise électrique. Assurez-vous que le connecteur d’alimentation est complètement inséré afin d’éviter que l’eau n’entre dans la fiche.4Retirez le film protecteur à l’avant de la caméra. Si le film n’est pas retiré, il bloquera le microphone et affectera la qualité de l’image.Ce système comprend les éléments suivants :• Un moniteur vidéo ACL sans fil de 7 po.• Caméra (s) couleur (s) pour une installation intérieure/extérieure*• Carte mémoire SD*• Ensemble(s) de pièces de montage*• Blocs d’alimentation*•Câble Ethernet*La configuration de la caméra, la taille du moniteur et le nombre d’accessoires peuvent varier selon le modèle. Pour de plus amples informations, prière de vous référer à votre emballage.• Les caméras sont qualifiées pour une installation intérieure et extérieure mais ne sont pas destinées à une exposition directe à la pluie ou la neige. Pour des applications à l’extérieur,installez sous un abri protégé contre les intempéries.• Les caméras sans fil nécessitent une source d’énergie pour fonctionner.• Assurez-vous que les prises de courant soient à l’abri des intempéries.Conseils d’installationREMARQUE : Si vous passez le câble d’alimentation à travers la surface de montage, bien connecter l’alimentation avant de fixer la caméra au mur.*3561B. Réglage du récepteur ACLPoussez la carte SD incluse dans la fente de la carte SD sur le récepteur ACL jusqu’au déclic.Connectez l’une des extrémités du bloc d’alimentation du récepteur au côté du récepteur. Branchez l’autre extrémité à une prise de courant.Tirez l’antenne à l’arrière du récepteur ACL vers le haut.Glissez l’interrupteur d’alimentation du panneau latéral du récepteur ACL en position « ON ».REMARQUE : Si une ou plusieurs caméras ne sont pas visibles lorsqu’elles sont sélectionnées (parexemple, la caméra 2 est branchée mais n’est pas visible sur le canal 2), veuillez suivre le processus de couplage décrit dans le guide de l’utilisateur.REMARQUE : S’assurer de d’abord brancher la caméra à une prise de courant avant d’allumer le récepteur. Cela permettra d’établir une meilleure connexion.21© 2016 Lorex CorporationNos produits étant sans cesse améliorés, Lorex Corportation et ses filiales se réservent le droit de modifier la conception du produit, les spécifications et les prix sans préavis et sans aucune obligation. E&OE.REMARQUE : Le récepteur est compatible avec la plupart des principales marques de carte SD, jusqu’à 64 Go.LW2760_SERIES_QSG_FR_R1Boutons du panneau avant :Enregistrement par détection de mouvement : Active/désactive l’enregistrement par détection de mouvement.Menu : Ouvrir le menu principal. Retourner au menu précédent / quitter les menus sans enregistrer les changements.Visionnement « Quad »/Séquence : Passer du mode « Quad » (jusqu’à 4 canaux) au mode séquence automatique (opère un cycle de roulement automatique au travers des canaux).Mode balayage : Passe en mode balayage (l’affichage s’allume seulement quand un mouvement est détecté).Sélection du canal : Changer de canal.Zoom : Active/désactive le zoom numérique 2x. Utilisez le levier de commande pour ajuster la zone de visionnement (doit être un mode de vue de canal unique).Supprimer un fichier : Supprime le fichier sélectionné en mode de lecture.Levier de commande : Défilement vers le haut / le bas / la gauche / la droite dans les menus. Appuyez pour faire une sélection dans les menus, ou pour entrer en mode de lecture depuis le visionnement en temps réel.Boutons du panneau supérieur :Baisser le volumeAugmenter le volume Parler : Appuyer et maintenir pour activer l’interphone (audio bi-directionnel).Enregistrement manuel : Active/désactive l’enregistrement manuel.C. Configuration de base du système1. Appuyez sur pour ouvrir le menu principal. Bougez le levier de commande à gauche ou à droite pour sélectionner Settings et appuyez sur le levier de commande pour le sélectionner.2. Sélectionnez Date & Time et appuyez sur le levier de commande pour confirmer.3. Bougez le levier de commande à gauche ou à droite pour déplacer le curseur. Bougez le levier de commande vers le haut ou vers le bas pour changer l’année, le mois, le jour, les minutes et les secondes.REMARQUE : Le système utilise une horloge de 24 heures.4. Appuyez sur le levier de commande pour enregistrer vos paramètres.5. Appuyez sur pour fermer les fenêtres de menu restantes.REMARQUE : Référez-vous au guide de l’utilisateur pour plus de détails concernant la configuration de l’heure avancée et du protocole NTP .D. Réglage de la date et de l’heureREMARQUE : Il est important de régler la date et l’heure afin qu’elles soient bien inscrites dans les enregistrements.1Connectez le câble Ethernet inclus du port Ethernet du récepteur ACL à votre routeur sans fil. L’icône de réseau tourne au vert.2Téléchargez l’application gratuite Lorex SD Pro sur l’App Store. Une fois installée, appuyez sur pour lancer l’application.iPhone® / iPad®Android™45Saisissez ce qui suit :Entrer le mot de passe (par défaut : 000000).Entrez un nom personnalisé pour votre système.Entrez l’UID imprimé sous le code QR à l’arrière du récepteur. Si vous avez appuyé sur QRCode à l’étape 4, ce champ se remplira automatiquement.6Appuyer sur Save. Le système apparaîtra dans votre liste d’appareils avec un statut Online .7Appuyez sur le nom du système. On vous demandera d’entrer un mot de passe nouveau etsécuritaire.Félicitations! Vous êtes maintenant connecté à votre système de surveillance via l’Internet.Regardez des vidéo en temps réel depuis votre caméra en mode portrait ou en mode paysage.3Appuyez sur Click here to add device .4Saisissez ce qui suit :Entrer le mot de passe (par défaut : 000000).Entrez un nom personnalisé pour votre système.Entrez l’UID imprimé sous le code QR.OU78Appuyer sur OK . Le système apparaîtra dans votre liste d’appareils avec un statut Online.56E. Configuration de téléphone intelligent / tablette31Connectez le câble Ethernet inclus du port Ethernet du récepteur ACL à votre routeur sans fil. L’icône de réseau tourne au vert.2Téléchargez l’application gratuite Lorex SD Pro sur la boutique Google Play. Une fois installée, appuyez sur pour lancer l’application.REMARQUE : Il se peut que vous ayez à éteindre et rallumer le récepteur à nouveau.REMARQUE : Il se peut que vous ayez à éteindre et rallumer le récepteur à nouveau.Notez votre mot de passe pour ne pas l’oublier : __________________________________________REMARQUE : Assurez-vous de laisser le récepteur branché à une prise de courant pour maintenir la connectivité à distance.Besoin d’aide?Visitez notre site Web pour les mises à jour du logiciel et les manuels d’instructions completsAppuyer sur Scan pour scanner le code QR à l’arrière du récepteur.© 2016 Lorex CorporationNos produits étant sans cesse améliorés, Lorex Corportation et ses filiales se réservent le droit de modifier la conception du produit, les spécifications et les prix sans préavis et sans aucune obligation. E&OE.13Visitez Recherchez le numéro de modèle de votre produit Cliquez sur votre produit dans les résultats de la rechercheCliquez sur l’onglet Downloads24Appuyez sur le nom du système. On vous demandera d’entrer un mot de passe nouveau etsécuritaire.Appuyer sur QRCode pour scanner le code QR à l’arrière du récepteur. OUAppuyer sur Add Device.Appuyez sur Add pour entrer le UID manuellement.。

pinot noir

pinot noir

Our Bourgogne Pinห้องสมุดไป่ตู้t Noir can be kept for 5 years for an average vintage and seven years in good years with small yields.
Robert Mondavi
Aroma: Explosive nose of blackberry, Bing cherry and spicy black pepper. Appellation: Los Carneros AVA
适合温热凉爽的气候 果实颗粒小,枝串紧凑密集: 葡萄含糖比例非常高; 非常容易感染霉菌.
"God made Cabernet Sauvignon whereas the devil made Pinot noir."
Pinot Noir is often described as being a "difficult" grape, to grow, to deal with in the winery, and to find truly great examples of
Matching with Food
能与相当广范围的食物相搭配: 烤三文鱼、烤牛肉、任何以蘑菇为主要调味的菜肴、 烤羊腿、烤鸭、肉质比较丰富的鱼类、甚至一些较辣 的食物也能与之搭配 Bourgogne
Pinot Noir
Bourgogne Pinot Noir
vineyards situation
由于是最早发芽的葡萄品种之一,容易受到“叶蝉” 啃噬。(一个葡萄园3年之内因其完全被破坏) 叶片小,难以保护果实不被鸟类啄食

DPD Reagent 3产品说明书

DPD Reagent 3产品说明书

SAFETY DATA SHEETAccording to 29 CFR 1910.1200 Hazard Communication Standard 2012 (HazCom 2012)Revision: 05/14/2021 IdentificationProduct identifierProduct name DPD Reagent #3Product number R-0003; R-0003-PLRecommended use and restrictions Water analysis. To be used in accordance with manufacturer instructions or under the direct guidance of the manufacturer.Manufacturer Taylor Technologies, Inc.31 Loveton CircleSparks, MD 21152Local: (410) 472-4340 – 8am – 5pm ESTToll-free: (800) 837-8548 – 8am – 5pm ESTEmergency phone numberCHEMTREC, United States 1-800-424-9300 – 24-hour serviceCHEMTREC, International +1 703-741-5970 – 24-hour serviceHazard(s) IdentificationPhysical hazards Not applicableHealth hazards Specific target organ toxicity, repeated exposure, oral Category 1 (thyroid) Environmental hazards Not currently regulated by OSHA. For additional information, refer to section 12 of the SDS. Label elementsHazard pictogramsSignal word DangerHazard statements Causes damage to thyroid through prolonged or repeated exposure, oral route.Precautionary statementsPrevention Do not breathe dust/fumes/gas/mists/vapors/spray. Wash skin thoroughly after handling. Donot eat, drink, or smoke when using this product.Response IF EXPOSED OR CONCERNED: Get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell.Storage Keep tightly capped. Store out of direct sunlight between 36°F−85°F.Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/internationalregulations.Hazards not otherwise classified Not applicableMixtureChemical name Common name and synonyms CAS number % w/wWater Dihydrogen Oxide 7732-18-5 60-80 Potassium Iodide Hydriodic Acid, Potassium Salt 7681-11-0 15-40If inhaledRemove individual to fresh air. Seek medical advice/attention if breathing becomes difficult or if respiratory irritation develops. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if needed.In case of skin contactImmediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 20 minutes. If clothing comes in contact with the product, the clothing should be removed and laundered before reuse. Seek medical advice/attention if irritation develops.In case of eye contactImmediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continuerinsing. If symptoms persist or in all cases of concern, seek medical advice/attention.If swallowedRinse mouth. Never give anything by mouth to a person who is unconscious or is having convulsions. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed by physician. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content does not get into the lungs. If symptoms persist or in all cases of concern, seek medical advice/attention.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedDirect skin or eye contact may cause irritation. Symptoms may include redness or itching. Tearing of the eyes or blurred vision may occur. Inhalation may cause respiratory irritation, such as coughing. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.Refer to section 11 of the SDS for delayed and immediate effects and chronic effects from short- and long-term exposure. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededProvide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically.General informationEnsure medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved and take precautions to protect themselves.Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire.Unsuitable extinguishing media Do not use a heavy water stream. Use of heavy stream of water may spread fire.Specific hazards arising from the substance or mixtureFire hazard Not flammableExplosion hazard Not explosiveReactivity Hazardous reactions will not occur under normal conditions.Hazardous combustion products Carbon oxides, hydrogen iodide, iodide fumes, iodine oxides, potassium oxide. During fire,gases hazardous to health may be formed.Advice for firefightersPrecautionary measures Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire; hazardous fumes will be present.FirefightingUse water spray or fog for cooling exposed during firefighting Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment, including respiratory protection.Other information Refer to section 9 of the SDS for flammability properties.Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresWear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during cleanup. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protective equipment, refer to section 8 of the SDS.Environmental precautionsAvoid discharge into drains, watercourses, or onto the ground.Methods and material for containment and cleaning upDike the spilled material where this is possible. Stop leak if it can be done without risk. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth, and place into containers. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements, or confined areas. Following product recovery, flush area with water. Never return spills to original containers for reuse. Contaminated absorbent material may pose the same hazards as the spilled product. In the event of large spill or accidental release, notify relevant authorities in accordance with all applicable regulations.Reference to other sectionsFor exposure controls and personal protection, refer to section 8 of the SDS. For waste disposal, refer to section 13 of the SDS.Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency proceduresDo not breathe dust or mist. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not taste or swallow. Avoid prolonged exposure.Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. For personal protective equipment, refer to section8 of the SDS. Keep away from incompatibles. Observe good industrial hygiene practices. Label containers appropriately. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep tightly capped. Store out of direct sunlight between 36°F−85°F. Store away from incompatible materials (refer to section 10 of the SDS).Occupational exposure limitsUS ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesComponents Type ValuePotassium Iodide (CAS 7681-11-0) TWA 0.01 ppmUS NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsNot regulatedUS OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Not regulatedBiological limit valuesNo biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Exposure controlsAppropriate engineering controls Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used. Ventilation ratesshould be matched to conditions. If applicable, use process enclosures, local exhaustventilation, or other engineering controls to maintain airborne levels below recommendedexposure limits. If exposure limits have not been established, maintain airborne levels to anacceptable level.Personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Wear appropriate safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) if contact is likely to occur.Skin protection Wear appropriate chemical-resistant gloves and clothing if contact is likely to occur.Body protection Wear appropriate protective clothing if contact is likely to occurRespiratory protection In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. Use a NIOSH/MSHAapproved respirator if there is a risk of exposure to dust/fumes at levels exceeding theexposure limits. Advice should be sought from respiratory protection suppliers.Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesPhysical state LiquidForm LiquidColor Clear, colorless to slightly yellowOdor OdorlessOdor threshold No data availablepH 10Evaporation rate No data availableMelting point No data availableFreezing point No data availableInitial boiling point (boiling range) No data availableFlash point Not applicableSpecific gravity No data availableAuto-ignition temperature No data availableDecomposition temperature No data availableFlammability (solid, gas) Not applicableUpper Flammability Limit No data availableLower Flammability Limit No data availableVapor pressure No data availableVapor density No data availableRelative density No data availableSolubility No data availablePartition coefficientNo data available(n-octanol/water)Viscosity No data availableExplosive properties Not explosiveOxidizing properties Not oxidizingReactivity Hazardous reactions will not occur under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. Chemical stability Stable under recommended handling and storage conditions (refer to section 7 of the SDS). Possibility of hazardousreactionsNo dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.Conditions to avoid Contact with incompatible materials. Do not use in areas without adequate ventilation. Incompatible materials Strong acids. Strong oxidizing agents. Fluorine perchlorate, mercurous chloride, metals. Hazardous decompositionproductsNo hazardous decomposition products known.Information on likely routes of exposureInhalation Avoid inhalation of this product. Use in a well-ventilated area.Skin contact Protect exposed skin from contact. Use caution to avoid splashes.Eye contact Avoid close eye contact; Use caution to avoid splashes. Wear eye protection.Ingestion Avoid accidental ingestion by observing good hygiene practices. Wash hands thoroughly afterhandling this product.Symptoms related to the physical, chemical, and toxicological characteristics Prolonged exposure to iodides may produce iodism in sensitive individuals. Symptoms of exposure include skin rash, running nose, headache, and irritation of the mucous membrane. In severe cases, skin may show pimples, boils, hives, blisters, and black and blue spots. Refer to section 4 of the SDS for most important symptoms and effects.Delayed and immediate effects and chronic effects from short- and long-term exposureAcute toxicity This product is not classified as an acute toxicity hazard.Skin corrosion/irritation No data availableSerious eye damage/eye irritation No data availableRespiratory sensitization No data availableSkin sensitization No data availableGerm cell mutagenicity No data availableCarcinogenicityIARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of CarcinogenicityNot classifiedOSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1096)Not regulatedUS National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on CarcinogensNot classifiedReproductive toxicity No data availableSpecific target organ toxicity(single exposure)No data availableSpecific target organ toxicity(repeated exposure)Causes damage to thyroid through prolonged or repeated exposure, oral route.Aspiration hazard No data availableEcotoxicity This product is not classified as environmentally hazardous.Persistence and degradability No data availableBioaccumulative potential No data availableMobility in soil No data availableOther adverse effects Large or frequent spills can have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment.Collect and reclaim or dispose of in sealed containers at a licensed waste disposal site. Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.DOT Not regulated as dangerous goodsIATA Not regulated as dangerous goodsIMDG Not regulated as dangerous goodsUS federal regulationsCERCLA Hazardous Substance (40 CFR 302.4)Not regulatedSARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance (40 CFR 355 Appendices A / B) Not regulatedSARA 304 Emergency Release NotificationNot regulatedSARA 311/312 Hazardous ChemicalChemical name CAS numberPotassium Iodide 7681-11-0SARA 313 (TRI reporting)Not regulatedTSCA Section 8(b) Chemical InventoryAll components are on the U.S. EPA TSCA Inventory list.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulatedOther federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)Not regulatedClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112® Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130) Not regulatedClean Water Act, Toxic and Priority Pollutants (40 CFR 401.15 and CFR 423, Appendix A) Not regulatedSafe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)Not regulatedUS state regulationsCalifornia Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (California Proposition 65) Not regulatedMassachusetts Right-to-Know ActNot regulatedNew Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActNot regulatedPennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActNot regulatedRhode Island Right-to-Know ActNot regulatedNFPA RatingHealth hazard 2Fire hazard 0Reactivity 0Specific N/ADisclaimerThe information in the Safety Data Sheet is offered for your consideration and guidance for safe handling, use, storage,transportation, disposal, and release of this product and is not considered a warranty or quality specification. Taylor Technologies, Inc., disclaims all expressed or implied warranties and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of completeness of the data contained herein. The data in this SDS does not apply to use with any other product or in any other process.License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only. This Safety Data Sheet may not be altered in any way without the expressed knowledge and permission of Taylor Technologies, Inc. The information contained in this sheet is based on lab experience and the most current data available.Issue date:May 2015Revision date:05/14/2021Revision information:This document embodies significant change(s) that may impact classification, safe handling, or health information for the associated product(s). The information contained herein should be reviewed in its entirety before handling material.。

































茅台酒100ml 茅型瓶的标贴规格主要包括以下几个方面内容。

















一制茶Making Tea1 tea bush 茶树2 tea harvesting 采青3 tea leaves 茶青4 withering 萎凋sun withering 日光萎凋indoor withering 室内萎凋setting 静置tossing 搅拌(浪青)5 fermentation 发酵6 oxidation 氧化7 fixation 杀青steaming 蒸青stir fixation 炒青baking 烘青sunning 晒青8 rolling 揉捻light rolling 轻揉heavy rolling 重揉cloth rolling 布揉9 drying 干燥pan firing 炒干baking 烘干sunning 晒干10 piling 渥堆11 refining 精制screening 筛分cutting 剪切de-stemming 把梗shaping 整形winnowing 风选blending 拼配compressing 紧压re-drying覆火aging 陈放12 added process 加工roasting 焙火scenting 熏花spicing调味tea beverage 茶饮料13 Packing包装vacuum packaging 真空包装nitrogen packs 充氮包装shredded-tea bag 碎形小袋茶leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶二分类ClassificationAccording to the degree of fermentation, rolling, baking and tea leaf maturity.根据制造时发酵,揉捻焙火与采摘时原料成熟度来分类。

non-fermented 不发酵茶,即绿茶post –fermented 后发酵茶即普洱茶partially fermented 部分发酵茶,半发酵茶,即乌龙茶complete fermentation 全发酵茶,即红茶再把这四大分类细分——绿茶分为:steamed green tea 蒸青绿茶powered green tea 粉末绿茶silver needle green tea 银针绿茶lightly rubbed green tea 原形绿茶curled green tea 松卷绿茶sword shaped green tea 剑片绿茶twisted green tea 条形绿茶pearled green tea 圆珠绿茶普洱茶分为:age-puer 陈放普洱pile-fermented puer 渥堆普洱乌龙茶分为:twisted oolong 条形乌龙pelleted oolong 球形乌龙roasted oolong 熟火乌龙white tipped oolong 白毫乌龙红茶分为:unshredded black tea 功夫红茶shredded black tea 碎形红茶熏花茶分为:scented green tea 熏花绿茶scented puer tea 熏花普洱scented oolong tea 熏花乌龙scented black tea 熏花红茶jasmine scented green tea 熏花茉莉上述各类如果加入食品或香料,就成为调味茶(spiced tea)。

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AAdãlaïde阿代拉伊德 (Ā dài lā yī dã)Adâle阿黛尔 (Ā dài ěr)Adãlie阿德丽 (Ā dã lì)Adeline阿德琳 (Ā dã lín)Adriana阿德里亚娜 (Ā dã lǐ yà nà) Adrienne阿德里安娜 (Ā dã lǐān nà) Agathe阿加特 (Ā jiā tâ)Agnâs阿涅斯 (Ā niâ sī)Aimãe艾美(Aì měi)Aina艾娜(Aì nà)Albane阿尔班 (Āěr bān)Alberta阿尔贝塔 (Āěr bâi tǎ)Alberte阿尔贝特 (Āěr bâi tã)Alessia阿莱西亚 (Ā lái xī yà)Alexa阿蕾科沙 (Ā lěi kē shā)Alexandra亚历山德拉(Yà lì shān dã lā) Alexandrine亚历山德琳(Yà lì shān dã lín) Alexane阿蕾克三 (Ā lěi kâ sān)Alexiane阿蕾可西安 (Ā lěi kě xīān) Alice爱丽丝(Aì lì sī)Alicia艾莉西亚(Aì lì xī yà)Aline阿琳 (Ā lín)Alissa阿莉萨 (Ā lì sà)Alizãe艾莉婕(Aì lì jiã)Almãrinda阿尔梅林达 (Āěr mãi lín dá) Aloïs阿罗伊丝 (Ā luoyī sī)Amance阿芒丝 (Ā máng sī)Amanda阿曼达 (Ā màn dá)Amandine阿芒丁 (Ā máng dīng)Ambre安波 (Ān bō)Amel阿梅尔 (Ā mãi ěr)Amãlie阿梅丽 (Ā mãi lí)Anaã安娜伊 (Ān nà yī)Anaël亚纳尔(Yà nà ěr)Anaëlle安娜尔 (Ān nàěr)Anaïs阿耐斯 (Ā nài sī)Anastasia阿娜丝塔西亚 (Ā nà sī tǎ xī yà) Andrãa安德丽娅 (Ān dã lì yǎ)Andrãanne昂德蕾安(Áng dãlěi ān)Andrãe安德蕾 (Ān dã lěi)Ange昂热(Áng râ)Angela安吉拉 (Ān jí lā)Angâle昂日尔(Áng rì ěr)Angãlique安热莉克 (Ān râ lì kâ)Anik阿妮克 (Ā nī kâ)Anna安娜 (Ān nà)Annabelle安娜贝拉 (Ān nà bâi lā)Anne安 (Ān)Anne-Claire安·克莱尔 (Ān kâ lái ěr) Anne-France安·弗朗丝 (Ān fú lǎng sī) Anne-Laure安·罗尔 (Ān luïěr)Anne-Lise安·丽丝 (Ān lí sī)Anne-Marie安·玛丽 (Ān mǎ lì)Anne-Sophie安·苏菲 (Ān sū fēi)Annette安妮特 (Ān nī tã)Annick安尼克 (Ān ní kâ)Annie安妮 (Ān nī)Anouchka阿努什卡 (Ā nǔ shí kǎ)Anouck阿努克 (Ā nǔ kâ)Anouk阿努克 (Ā nǔ kâ)Antoinette安托瓦内特 (Ān tuō wǎ nâi tâ) Apolline阿波琳 (Ā bō lín)Appoline阿波琳 (Ā bō lín)Ariana艾丽安娜(Aì lí ān nà)Ariane艾丽安(Aì lí ān)Arianna艾丽安娜(Aì lí ān nà)Arianne艾丽安(Aì lí ān)Arielle艾丽尔(Aì lì ěr)Arlette阿尔蕾特 (Āěr lěi tâ)Armelle阿尔梅 (Āěr mãi)Astrid阿斯特丽德 (Ā sī tã lì dã)Athãna雅典娜(Yǎ diǎn nà)Aude奥德(Aî dã)Audrãanne奥德蕾安(Aî dã lěi ān)Audrey奥黛丽(Aō dài lì)Augustine奥古斯丁(Aî gǔ sī dīng) Aurane奥兰(Aî lán)Aurãlie奥黑莉(Aî hēi lì)Auriane奥丽安(Aî lí ān)Aurore奥罗尔(Aî luō ěr)Auxanne奥科散(Aî kē sǎn)Axelle阿克塞拉 (Ā kâ sāi lā)Aymerick艾默里克(Aì mî lǐ kâ)BBabette芭贝特(Bā bâi tã)Barbara笆笆拉(Bā bā lā)Bãatrice贝阿特丽丝(Bâi ā tã lí sī)Bãcassine贝卡辛(Bâi kǎ xīn)Bãnãdicte贝内迪克特(Bâi nâi dí kâ tâ)Bãrangâre贝朗杰(Bâi lǎng jiã)Bãrengâre贝朗杰(Bâi lǎng jiã)Bãrãnice贝伦妮斯(Bâi lún ní sī)Bernadette伯纳蒂特(Bï nà dì tã)Bettina贝蒂娜(Bâi dì nà)Betty贝蒂(Bâi dì)Beverley贝弗莉(Bâi fú lì)Bibi碧碧(Bì bì)Bilitis碧丽蒂丝(Bì lì dì sī)Blanche布朗什(Bù lǎng shí)Blanche-Neige布朗什·内日(Bù lǎng shí nâi rì) Blandine布朗丁(Bù lǎng dīng)Bleuenn布勒恩(Bù lēi ēn)Brigitte布里吉特(Bù lǐ jí tã)CCamãlia卡梅莉娅(Kǎ mãi lì yà)Camille卡米耶(Kǎ mǐyē)Candice坎迪丝(Kǎn dí sī)Candy康蒂(Kāng dì)Cannelle卡内尔(Kǎ nâi ěr)Capucine卡普辛(Kǎ pǔ xīn)Carine卡琳(Kǎ lín)Carla卡尔拉(Kǎ ěr lā)Carmen卡门(Kǎ mãn)Caro卡罗(Kǎ luō)Carolane卡罗兰(Kǎ luï lán)Carolanne卡罗兰(Kǎ luï lán)Carole卡罗尔(Kǎ luō er)Caroline卡罗琳(Kǎ luï lín)Cassandra卡桑德拉(Kǎ sāng dã lā)Cassandre卡桑德(Kǎ sāng dã)Catherina凯特琳娜(Kǎi tâ lín nà)Catherine凯特琳(Kǎi tâ lín)Cathie凯缇(Kǎi tí)Cãcile赛茜儿(Sài xī er)Cãcilia瑟西莉娅(Sâ xī lì yà)Cãlestine塞莱斯汀(Sāi lái sī tīng)Cãlia塞莉娅(Sāi lì yà)Cãline塞琳(Sài lín)Chanel夏奈尔(Xià nài ěr)Chanelle夏奈尔(Xià nài ěr)Chantal尚塔尔(Shàng tǎ er)Chantale尚塔尔(Shàng tǎ ěr)Charline沙尔琳(Shā ěr lín)Charlotte夏绿蒂(Xià lǜ dì)Chloã克罗埃(Kâ luï āi)Christalline克里斯塔琳(Kâ lǐ sī tǎ lǐn) Christelle克里斯泰(Kâ lǐ sī tài) Christiane克里斯蒂安(Kâ lǐ sī dì ān) Christie克里斯蒂(Kâ lǐ sī dì)Christina克里斯蒂娜(Kâ lǐ sī dí nà) Christine克莉斯婷(Kâ lì sī tíng) Christophine克莱斯多芬(Kâ lái sī duō fēn) Chrystelle克里斯泰(Kâ lǐ sī tài)Claire克莱尔(Kâ lái er)Clara克莱拉(Kâ lái lā)Clarisse克拉丽丝(Kâ lā lí sī)Claudia克劳迪娅(Kâ láo dí yà)Claudie克劳迪(Kâ láo dí)Claudina克劳迪娜(Kâ láo dí nà)Claudine克劳汀 (Kâ láo tīng)Claudy克劳迪(Kâ láo dí)Clãa克蕾娅(Kâ lěi yà)Clãlia柯蕾丽娅(Kē lěi lì yà)Clãmence克雷芒丝(Kâ lãi máng sī)Clãmentine克雷芒汀(Kâ lãi máng tīng)Clãopatre克蕾奥帕特拉(Kâ lěi ào pà tã lā) Clervie克莱尔维(Kâ lái ěr wãi)Cloã克罗埃(Kâ luï āi)Clothilde克洛蒂尔(Kâ luî dì er)Clotilde克洛蒂尔(Kâ luî dì er)Colette柯莱特(Kē lái tã)Coline科琳(Kē lín)Colombe科隆(Kē lïng)Coralie柯拉莉(Kē lā lì)Coraline柯拉琳(Kē lā lín)Corentine科朗汀(Kē lǎng tīng)Corinna科琳娜(Kē lín nà)Corinne科琳(Kē lín)Cosette柯塞特(Kē sāi tâ)Cunãgonde酷内恭德(Kù nâi gōng dã)Cyliane茜丽安(Xī lì ān)Cynthia辛蒂娅(Xīn dì yà)Cyrielle西丽尔(Xī lì ěr)Cyrine茜琳(Xī lín)DDadou达杜(Dá dù)Dafnãe达芙妮(Dá fú nī)Dalila达利拉(Dá lì lā)Daniela丹涅拉(Dān niâ lā)Daniâle丹妮尔(Dān nī ěr)Danielle丹妮尔(Dān nī er)Daphnãe达芙妮(Dá fú nī)Davina戴维娜(Dài wãi nà)Deborah黛博拉(Dài bï lā)Delphine达芬(Dá fēn)Denise丹妮丝(Dān nī sī)Diana蒂安娜(Dì ān nà)Diane迪安(Dí ān)Didiane迪迪安(Dí dí ān)Dominique多米尼克(Duō mǐ ní kâ) Doriane多里安(Duō lǐ ān)Dorianne多丽安(Duō lì ān)Dorine多琳(Duō lín)Dorothãe多罗泰(Duō luō tài)EEdith埃迪特(Aī dí tã)Edmãe埃德米(Aī dã mǐ)Edna艾德娜(Aí dã nà)Edwige艾德薇日(Aì dã wēi rì)Églantine艾格朗汀(Aì gã lǎng tīng) Elãa伊莉娅(Yī lì yà)Elãonore埃莱奥诺(Aī lái ào nuî) Eliane艾莉安(Aì lì ān)Elie艾利(Aì lì)Eliâs艾列丝(Aì liâ sī)Éline艾琳(Aì lín)Elisa爱丽莎(Aì lí shā)Elisabeth伊丽莎白(Yī lí shā bái) Elise爱丽丝(Aì lí sī)Elizabeth伊丽莎白(Yī lì shā bái) Eloane艾罗安(Aì luï ān)Elodie艾洛蒂(Aì luî dì)Eloïse艾萝伊丝(Aì luï yī sī)Elora伊劳拉(Yī láo lā)Elsa艾尔莎(Aì ěr shā)Elvire艾尔维(Aì erwãi)Emeline艾米琳(Aī mǐ lín)Emelyne艾米琳(Aī mǐ lín)Émi艾米(Aì mǐ)Emilie艾米莉(Aì mǐ lì)Emma艾玛(Aì mǎ)Emmanuelle伊曼纽尔(Yī màn niǔ er) Emmy艾米(Aì mǐ)Emna艾木娜(Aì mù nà)Enola婀娜拉 (Ē nuï lā)Enora伊诺拉(Yī nuî lā)Erica艾丽卡(Aì lí kǎ)Erika艾丽卡(Aì lí kǎ)Érina艾莉娜(Aì lì nà)Estãe艾丝泰(Aì sī tài)Estelle埃斯特尔(Aī sī tã er)Estâve埃斯特夫(Aī sī tâ fū)Esther以斯帖(Yǐ sī tiě)Eugãnie欧热妮(Oū râ nī)Eva伊娃(Yī wá)Evangeline伊文捷琳(Yī wãn jiã lín)Évanie伊范妮(Yī fàn nī)Evariste伊瓦莉丝特(Yī wǎ lì sī tâ) Eve伊夫(Yī fū)Eveline艾维琳(Aì wãi lín)Evelyne艾芙琳(Aì fú lín)Évy艾维(Aì wãi)FFabienne法碧恩(Fǎ bì ēn)Fanchon芳淑(Fāng shū)Fanfan芳芳(Fāng fāng)Fanny范妮(Fàn nī)Fantine芳汀(Fāng tīng)Faustine福斯汀(Fú sī tīng)Fãlicie菲莉丝(Fēi lì sī)Fernande费尔南德(Fâi ěr nán dã) Flavie弗拉维(Fú lā wãi)Flora弗罗拉(Fú luō lā)Flore弗落尔(Fú luî r)Florence佛罗伦丝(Fï luï lãn sī) Florentine弗劳杭汀(Fú láo háng tīng) Floriane弗洛莉安(Fú luî lì ān) Florine芙罗琳(Fú luï lín)Flynn弗琳(Fú lín)France弗朗丝(Fú lǎng sī)Francette弗朗丝特(Fú lǎng sī tâ) Franciane弗朗西安(Fú lǎng xī ān) Francine弗朗辛(Fú lǎng xīn)Françoise弗朗索瓦丝(Fú lǎng suǒ wǎ sī) Frãdãrique弗雷德里克(Fú lãi dã lǐ kâ) GGabrielle加布里艾尔(Jiā bù lǐ ài ěr) Gaëlle盖尔(Gài ěr)Gaãtane盖尔覃(Gài ěr tán)Gaïa盖娅(Gài yà)Garance嘉杭丝 (Jiā háng sī)Geneviâve热纳维耶芙(Râ nà wãi yē fú) Georgette乔治特(Qiáo zhì tã)Gãrald杰拉尔德(Jiã lā ěr dã)Gãraldine热拉尔丁(Râ lā ěr dīng) Germaine日尔曼(Rì ěr màn)Gersendre日尔桑德(Rì ěr sāng dã) Gertrude日尔特吕德(Rì ěr tâ lǚ dã) Ghislaine吉丝莲(Jí sī lián)Gilberte吉尔贝特(Jí ěr bâi tã)Gina吉娜(Jí nà)Ginette吉内特(Jí nâi tã)Gisâle吉赛尔(Jí sài ěr)Graciane格拉西安(Gã lā xī ān) Guillemette吉耶梅特(Jí yē mãi tâ) Guylaine吉莲(Jí lián)Gwen沽雯(Gū wãn)Gwenaëlle沽雯娜艾(Gū wãn nà ài) Gwendoline沽雯都琳(Gū wãn dōu lín) Gwenola古维诺拉(Gǔ wãi nuî lā)HHarmonie阿尔莫尼 (Āěr mî ní)Hãlâna伊莲娜(Yī lián nà)Hãlâne伊莲(Yī lián)Hilona伊罗娜(Yī luï nà)Hortense欧尔唐丝(Oū ěr táng sī) Huguette于盖特(Yú gài tã)IInâs伊内丝(Yī nâi sī)Ingrid英格丽(Yīng gã lí)Irâne伊蕾娜(Yī lěi nà)Irina伊莉娜(Yī lì nà)Irma伊尔玛(Yī ěr mǎ)Isabella伊萨贝拉(Yī sà bâi lā)Isabelle伊萨贝(Yī sà bâi)JJacinte杰辛特(Jiã xīn tâ)Jackie杰姬(Jiã jī)Jacqueline杰奎琳(Jiã kuí lín) Jade贾德(Jiǎ dã)Janelle贾内(Jiǎ nâi)Jasmine詹斯敏(Zhān sī mǐn) Jeanette珍妮特(Zhēn nī tã) Jeanne让娜(Ràng nà)Jennifer珍尼弗(Zhēn ní fú) Jessica杰西卡(Jiã xī kǎ)Joanie乔安妮(Qiáo ān nī)Joanne乔安(Qiáo ān)Jocelyne乔斯林(Qiāo sī lín) Joelle饶爱乐(Ráo ài lâ)Johanna约安娜(Yāo ān nà) Johanne乔安(Qiáo ān)Joliane乔丽安(Qiáo lí ān) Jordane乔丹(Qiáo dān)Josãe若瑟(Ruî sâ)Josãphine约瑟芬(Yáo sâ fēn) Josette乔塞特(Qiáo sāi tã) Josiane乔西安(Qiáo xī ān)Judicaël朱蒂卡尔(Zhū dì kǎ ěr) Judith朱迪特(Zhū dí tâ)Julia朱丽娅(Zhū lì yǎ)Julie朱丽(Zhū lì)Juliette茱丽叶(Zhū lí yâ) Justine桔斯汀(Jú sī tīng)KKa llistã卡丽丝特(Kǎ lí sī tã) Karen凯琳(Kǎi lín)Karine卡琳(Kǎ lín)Karolann卡罗兰(Kǎ luï lán) Kassandra卡桑德拉(Kǎ sāng dã lā) Katel卡特(Kǎ tã)Katell卡特尔(Kǎ tâ ěr)Katia卡提亚(Kǎ tí yà)Ketty凯蒂(Kǎi dì)Kãvina凯维娜(Kǎi wãi nà)Kina琦娜(Qí nà)Klervi克莱尔维(Kâ lái ěr wãi) Kya迦(Jiā)LLaetitia莱堤西亚(Lái tí xī yǎ) Laïla蕾拉(Lěi lā)Lana拉娜(Lā nà)Lara拉哈(Lā hā)Larissa拉莉萨(Lā lì sà) Laura劳拉(Láo lā)Lauralie劳拉莉(Láo lā lì) Lauranne罗兰(Luō lán)Laure劳荷(Láo hã)Laurãlie劳荷莉(Láo hã lì) Laureline劳荷琳(Láo hã lín) Laurãna罗蕾娜(Luï lěi nà) Laurence洛杭丝(Luî háng sī) Laurâne落莲(Luî lián) Laurette罗蕾特(Luï lěi tâ) Laurie萝莉(Luï lì)Laurina劳莉娜(Láo lì nà) Laurine劳琳(Láo lín)Lãa利娅(Lì yǎ)Lãana蕾安娜(Lěi ān nà)Lãandre蕾昂达(Lěi áng dá)Lãane蕾安(Lěi ān)Leevan莉凡(Lì fán)Lãone蕾安(Lěi ān)Lãonie蕾奥妮(Lěi ào nī)Lãonore莱奥诺(Lái ào nuî) Lila莉拉(Lì lā)Lilas莉拉(Lì lā)Liliane莉莉安(Lì lì ān) Lilianne莉莉安(Lì lì ān) Lilou郦露(Lì lù)Lina莉娜(Lì nà)Linda琳达(Lín dá)Line琳(Lín)Lisa丽莎(Lì shā)Lisange丽桑日(Lí sāng rì) Lise丽丝(Lí sī)Lison莉宋(Lì sîng)Loana罗安娜(Luō ān nà) Loane罗安(Luï ān)Loanne劳安(Láo ān)Lohane罗安(Luï ān)Loïc罗伊克(Luō yī kâ)Loïca罗伊卡(Luï yī kǎ)Loïs罗伊丝(Luō yī sī)Lola罗拉(Luō lā)Lolita洛丽塔(Luî lí tǎ)Lorâne劳伦(Láo lún)Lorette劳蕾特(Láo lěi tâ) Loriane劳丽安(Láo lí ān) Lorianne劳丽安(Láo lí ān) Lorie劳丽(Láo lí)Lorine罗琳(Luï lín)Lorraine劳蕾娜(Láo lěi nà) Lorriane劳丽安(Láo lí ān)Lou璐(Lù)Louane路安(Lù ān)Louisa路易莎(Lù yì shā)Louise路易丝(Lù yì sī) Louisette路易丝特(Lù yì sī tâ) Luce吕丝(Lǚ sī)Lucette吕塞特(Lǚ sāi tâ)Lucie露西(Lù xī)Lucile露西儿(Lù xī er)Lucine吕芯(Lǚ xīn)Lucrâce吕克蕾丝(Lǚ kâ lěi sī) Ludivine吕蒂文(Lǚ dì wãn) Luna璐娜(Lù nà)Lydia莉蒂娅(Lì dì yà)Lydie莉蒂(Lì dì)Lyne琳(Lín)Lys莉丝(Lì sī)Lysange丽桑日(Lí sāng rì)Lysãa莉瑟阿(Lì sâ ā)Lysiane莉西安(Lì xī ān) Lysianne莉西安(Lì xī ān)MMacha玛莎(Mǎ shā)Madeleine玛德琳(Mǎ dã lín) Madinina玛蒂妮娜(Mǎ dì nī nà) Madisson玛迪笋(Mǎ dí sǔn)Maëlann玛伊兰(Mǎ yī lán) Maelia玛艾娅(Mǎ ài yà)Maëline玛艾琳(Mǎ ài lín)Maëlla玛艾拉(Mǎ ài lā)Maëlle玛艾尔(Mǎ ài ěr)Maëly玛艾丽(Mǎ ài lí)Maëlys玛艾丽丝(Mǎ ài lí sī) Maëlyss玛艾丽丝(Mǎ ài lí sī) Maãna玛艾娜(Mǎ ài nà)Maeva玛伊瓦(Mǎ yī wǎ)Maeve玛伊芙(Mǎ yī fú)Magali麦格丽(Mài gã lí)Magalie麦格丽(Mài gã lì)Magatte马卡特(Mǎ kǎ tâ)Magdalâne玛格达雷恩(Mǎ gã dá lãi ēn)Maggy玛吉(Mǎ jí)Maguy玛吉(Mǎ jí)Mahãlie玛艾莉(Mǎ ài lì)Maï麦(Mài)Maïlis麦丽斯(Mài lí sī)Maïly玛伊莉(Mǎ yī lì)Maïlys玛伊丽丝(Mǎ yī lì sī)Maïtã玛伊泰(Mǎ yī tài)Maiwen玛伊雯(Mǎ yī wãn)Maïwenn玛伊雯(Mǎ yī wãn)Malaury玛罗丽(Mǎ luï lì)Malorie玛罗丽(Mǎ luï lì)Manon玛侬(Mà nïng)Manu马努(Mǎ nǔ)Maoline猫琳(Māo lín)Marceline玛尔瑟琳(Mǎ ěr sâ lín)Marcelle玛莎尔(Mǎ shā er)Margareth玛格蕾特(Mǎ gã lâi tã)Margaux玛歌(Mǎ gē)Margot玛歌(Mǎ gē)Marguerite玛格丽特(Mǎ gã lí tã)Maria玛丽亚(Mǎ lì yǎ)Mariana玛丽安娜(Mǎ lì ān nà)Marianna玛丽安娜(Mǎ lì ān nà)Marianne玛丽安(Mǎ lì ān)Marie玛丽(Mǎ lì)Marie-Ange玛丽·昂日(Mǎ lì áng rì)Marie-Anne玛丽·安(Mǎ lì ān)Marie-Antoinette玛丽·安托瓦内特(Mǎ lì ān tuō wǎ nâi tâ) Marie-Christine玛丽·克莉斯婷(Mǎ lì kâ lì sī tíng)Marie-Claude玛丽·克劳德(Mǎ lì kâ láo dã)Marie-Ève玛丽·艾芙(Mǎ lì ài fú)Marie-Françoise玛丽·弗朗索瓦丝(Mǎ lì fú lǎng suǒ wǎ sī) Marie-Hãlâne玛丽·伊莲(Mǎ lì yī lián)Marie-Jeanne玛丽·让娜(Mǎ lì ràng nà)Marie-Josãe玛丽·乔西(Mǎ lì qiáo xī)Marie-Laure玛丽·劳尔(Mǎ lì láo ěr)Marie-Line玛丽·琳(Mǎ lì lín)Marie-Neige玛丽·内日(Mǎ lì nâi rì)Marie-Noël玛丽·诺尔(Mǎ lì uî ěr)Marie-Pier玛丽·皮尔(Mǎ lì pí ěr)Marie-Reine玛丽·蕾娜(Mǎ lì lěi nà)Marie-Soleil玛丽·苏蕾(Mǎ lì sū lěi)Marie-Sophie玛丽·苏菲(Mǎ lì sū fēi)Marie-Thãrâse玛丽·特蕾丝(Mǎ lì tâ lěi sī) Marielle玛丽尔(Mǎ lì ěr)Mariette玛丽埃特(Mǎ lí āi tã)Marilou玛丽璐(Mǎ lí lù)Marilyne玛丽琳(Mǎ lì lín)Marina玛丽娜(Mǎ lì nà)Marine玛琳(Mǎ lín)Marion玛丽昂(Mǎ lì áng)Marjolaine玛乔莲(Mǎ qiáo lián)Marjorie玛乔丽(Mǎ qiáo lì)Marlâne玛琳(Mǎ lín)Martha玛尔塔(Mǎ ěr tǎ)Marylâne玛丽蕾娜(Mǎ lì lěi nà)Marylise玛丽丽丝(Mǎ lí lí sī)Maryse玛丽丝(Mǎ lí sī)Maryvonne玛丽冯(Mǎ lì fãng)Mathilda玛蒂尔达(Mǎ dì ěr dá)Mathilde玛蒂尔德(Mǎ dì ěr dã)Mathis马蒂斯(Mǎ dì sī)Matisse马蒂斯(Mǎ dìsī)Maud茉德(Mî dã)Maude茉德(Mî dã)Maurane茉兰(Mî lán)Maureen穆琳(Mù lín)Mauricette莫里赛特(Mî lǐ sài tã)Maurine莫琳(Mî lín)Maxine玛可欣(Mǎ kě xīn)Maya玛雅(Mǎ yǎ)Mayliss玛伊莉丝(Mǎ yī lì sī)Mazarine玛莎琳(Mǎ shā lín)Mãgane梅甘(Mãi gān)Mãghane梅甘(Mãi gān)Mãlanie梅兰妮(Mãi lán ní)Mãlia梅丽娅(Mãi lí yà)Mãlina梅莉娜(Mãi lì nà)Mãlinda梅林达(Mãi lín dá)Mãline梅琳(Mãi lín)Melissa梅莉莎(Mãi lì shā)Mãlissandre梅莉山大(Mãi lì shān dà) Mãlodie梅洛迪(Mãi luî dí)Mãlys梅莉丝(Mãi lì sī)Mãryl梅丽尔(Mãi lì ěr)Mia米娅(Mǐ yà)Michâle米歇勒(Mǐ xiē lâ)Micheline米舍利娜(Mǐ shě lì nà)Milãna米蕾娜(Mǐ lěi nà)Milie米丽(Mǐ lì)Mina米娜(Mǐ nà)Mireille米雷(Mǐ lãi)Monica莫妮卡(Mî nī kǎ)Monique莫尼克(Mî ní kâ)Morgane莫尔甘(Mî ěr gān)Moune穆恩(Mù ēn)Murielle穆丽尔(Mù lí er)Mylâne米莲(Mǐ lián)Myriam米里安(Mǐ lǐ ān)Myrtille米尔缇(Mǐ âr tí)NNadâge娜德日 (Nà dã rì)Nadia娜迪娅(Nà dí yà)Nadina纳迪娜(Nà dí nà)Nadine娜丁(Nà dīng)Naëlle娜艾尔(Nà ài ěr)Naãva娜艾瓦(Nà ài wǎ)Nancy南茜(Nán xī)Naomi纳奥米(Nà ào mǐ)Naomie纳奥米(Nà ào mǐ)Natacha娜塔莎(Nà tǎ shā)Natalina娜塔丽娜(Nà tǎ lì nà)Nath娜特(Nà tâ)Nathalie娜塔丽(Nà tǎ lì)Nawelle娜维尔(Nà wãi ěr)Nãhãmie内艾米(Nâi ài mǐ)Neige内日(Nâi rì)Nãlie内丽(Nâi lì)Nelly内丽(Nâi lì)Nicole尼科尔(Ní kē ěr)Ninon妮侬(Nī nïng)Noëlla诺尔拉 (Nuî ěr lā)Noelle诺尔(Nuî ěr)Noãmie诺米(Nuî mǐ)Nolan诺兰(Nuî lán)Nolwenn诺尔文(Nuî ěr wãn)Norah诺拉(Nuî lā)OOcãane奥赛安(Aî sài ān)Ocãanne奥赛安(Aî sài ān)Odette奥黛特(Aî dài tã)Odile欧迪勒(Oū dí lâ)Olive奥利维(Aî lì wãi)Olivia奥利维亚(Aî lì wãi yà) Ombeline昂贝琳(Áng bâi lín)Ombline昂贝琳(Áng bâi lín)Ondine昂丁(Áng dīng)Ophãlie欧菲丽(Oū fēi lí)Oriane欧莉安(Oū lì ān)Orlane奥尔兰(Aî ěr lán)PPascale帕斯卡尔(Pà sī kǎ ěr) Pascaline帕斯卡琳(Pà sī kǎ lín) Patricia帕特里夏(Pà tã lǐ xià)Paule宝勒(Bǎo lâ)Paulette波莱特(Bō lái tã)Pauline宝林(Bǎo lín)Peggy佩吉(Pâi jí)Pãlagie佩拉吉(Pâi lā jí)Pãnãlope佩内洛普(Pâi nâi luî pǔ) Perline佩尔琳(Pâi ěr lín)Perrine珀赖因(Pî lài yīn)Phoenix菲尼克斯(Fēi ní kâ sī) Pierrette皮埃蕾特(Pí āi lěi tâ)Poca波卡(Bō kǎ)Prescilla普蕾茜娅(Pǔ lěi xī yà) Prescillia普蕾西莉娅(Pǔ lǐ xī lěi yà) Prudence普鲁登丝(Pǔ lǔ dēng sī)RRachâle瑞琪儿(Ruì qí er)Raina蕾娜(Lěi nà)Rania哈妮娅(Hā nī yà)Raphaelle拉斐尔(Lā fēi er)Ravina拉薇娜(Lā wēi nà)Raymonde雷蒙德(Lãi mēng dã)Rãbecca丽贝卡(Lì bâi kǎ)Rãgine蕾金(Lěi jīn)Reine蕾娜(Lěi nà)Rãjane蕾娅娜(Lěi yà nà)Renaud雷诺(Lãi nuî)Renãe蕾妮(Lěi nī)Rita莉塔(Lì tǎ)Rolande罗朗德(Luï lǎng dã) Romane罗曼(Luō màn)Rosa萝莎(Luï shā)Rosaire罗塞尔(Luō sāi ěr) Rosalie萝莎莉(Luï shā lì)Rose罗斯(Luō sī)Roseline罗斯林(Luō sī lín) Roselyne罗丝琳(Luō sī lín) Roxane罗克珊(Luō kâ shān) Roxanne罗克珊(Luō kâ shān) Rozenn萝森(Luï sēn)SSabine萨宾(Sà bīn)Sabrina萨布丽娜(Sà bù lí nà) Salomã莎乐美(Shā lâ měi) Samantha萨曼塔(Sà màn tǎ) Sandra桑德拉(Sāng dã lā) Sandrine桑德琳(Sāng dã lín) Sara萨哈(Sà hā)Sarah莎拉(Shā lā)Sarah萨哈(Sà hā)Sasha萨沙(Sà shā)Sãlâne塞琳(Sài lín)Sãrãna塞雷娜(Sāi lãi nà) Servane赛尔瓦娜 (Sài ěr wǎ nà) Sãverine塞维琳(Sài wãi lín) Sibylle希碧乐(Xī bì lâ)Sidonie茜多妮(Xī duō nī) Simone茜蒙(Xī mãng)Soizic斯瓦兹克(Sī wǎ zī kâ) Solane苏兰(Sū lán)Solange苏朗诗(Sū lǎng shī) Soleil苏蕾(Sū lěi)Solâne苏莲(Sū lián)Solenn苏莲(Sū lián)Solenne苏莲(Sū lián)Sonia索尼娅(Suǒ ní yà)Sophie苏菲(Sū fēi)Stãphanie斯蒂芬妮(Sī dì fēn ní) Stãvina斯特维娜(Sī tâ wãi nà) Susanne苏珊(Sū shān)Susie苏西(Sū xī)Suzanne苏珊(Sū shān)Suzette苏塞特(Sū sāi tâ)Suzie苏西(Sū xī)Sylvaine茜尔雯(Xī ěr wãn)Sylvette西尔维特(Xū ěr wãi tâ) Sylviane西尔维安(Xī ěr wãi ān) Sylvie西尔维(Xī ěr wãi)Syrielle茜莉艾(Xī lì ài)TTabatha塔芭塔(Tǎ bā tǎ)Tessa特萨(Tâ sà)Teva特瓦(Tâ wǎ)Thalie塔丽(Tǎ lí)Thãrâsa特蕾萨(Tâ lěi sà)Thãrâse特蕾丝(Tâ lěi sī)Thylane缇兰(Tí lán)Tiffany蒂凡妮(Dì fán nī)Tiphaine蒂菲恩(Dì fēi ēn)Tya缇娅(Tí yà)Typhaine缇凡(Tí fán)VValentine瓦伦汀(Wǎ lún tīng)Valãrie瓦莱丽(Wǎ lái lì)Vanessa凡妮莎(Fán nī sha)Vãnus维纳斯(Wãi nà sī)Vãrane维兰(Wãi lán)Vãronique维罗妮克(Wãi luï ní kâ) Victoire维克图阿尔(Wãi kâ tú ā ěr) Violaine菲奥莲(Fēi ào lián) Violette菲奥莱特(Fēi ào lái tâ) Virginie维吉妮(Wãi jí nī)Viviane维维安(Wãi wãi ān)YYaelle雅尔(Yǎ ěr)Yãnora耶诺拉(Yē nuî lā)Yolaine尤莲(Yïu lián)Yolande约朗德(Yāo lǎng dã)Ysaline伊萨琳(Yī sà lín)Yvaine依凡(Yī fán)Yveline伊薇琳(Yī wēi lín)Yvette伊薇特(Yī wēi tã)Yvonette伊佛内特(Yī fï nâi tâ) Yvonne伊冯(Yī fãng)Ywenn伊文(Yī wãn) ZZoã佐伊(Zuǒ yī)。
