天鹰 4X 现场应用指南
天鹰4X 现场应用指南——基于XCell 传感器平台1感谢您花费宝贵的时间来了解ALTAIR 4X 多气体检测仪,以及令人兴奋的Xcell传感器平台。
MSA一直致力于支持客户提高专业知识水平,如果您有任何疑问可访问以下网址: 或者联系MSA当地的分支机构获取帮助。
ALTAIR 4X日常维护和使用1. 防护等级IPALTAIR 4X经第三方机构核准、测试,获得IP67防尘、防水的防护等级证书。
ALTAIR 4X 设计的防护性能为完全密尘,防水等级为1米深度下30分钟,我们在ALTAIR 4X产品标签上可以看到IP67字样,表示该仪表通过测试的防护等级。
图1: IP防护等级天鹰4X 现场应用指南——基于XCell 传感器平台22. 检测仪清洁因为检测仪防护等级是IP67,所以我们没必要担心清洁过程中会有水侵入到仪表内部。
但请注意ALTAIR 4X清洗过程中需要使用干净的清水,用软毛刷子刷洗或使用毛巾、软布擦拭除污即可。
注意:不要使用肥皂或洗涤剂清洗ALTAIR 4X,因为这些物质里面含有大量的硅化物,会伤害到可燃气体传感器(Ex Sensor);不要使用蜡状物质或抛光剂维护检测仪,这些物质中也含有大量的硅化物;不要使用工业清洁剂清洁检测仪,这类试剂可能包含大量的醇类物质,会导致CO传感器有读数反应;3. 电池护理ALTAIR 4X使用了高聚合锂电池,该类电池与镍氢电池不同,不会有记忆效应,不用定期做充放电维护。
4. MSA Link软件MSA Link软件是一个功能强大的应用软件,可通过一个红外转换头与ALTAIR 4X 检测仪通信。
其实1年半前还在AFWING混时就想写Tail Code了,也做了2年多的仔细观察,查了些资料这些内容基本上都是我通过大量图片的反复对比得出的结论,因此基本敢保证一个比较高的准确性当然也肯定有不对的地方,毕竟有很多东西只是通过不断地观察得出的结论缺乏可靠地官方证据,所以也请看出问题的看官指点下。
第1部分:垂尾码的基本内容Tail Code 包括3大部分:垂尾码、财年号、流水号A.垂尾码垂尾码是两位大写字母,一般情况下是其所属空军基地所在州名、城市名的缩写比如NY是纽约、AK是阿拉斯加、HH是夏威夷等的但也有少数例外,比如FF(第一战斗机联队)、WA(第57联队,拉斯维加斯)等等所以具体是什么的缩写,必须查表下面的表我已经用了1年多了,应该是近几年的统计结果,很可靠,目前没发现有错的垂尾识别码.rar (3.07 KB)下面这个表更完整,包括了那些已经消失的联队、中队,而且有海军的,喜欢历史的可以好好看看Tail Code.rar (8.38 KB)疑问1:一对垂尾码只代表一个联队?我也没法查这个,因为这涉及到部队编制问题,不是我的强项但从目前的观察结果来看,现阶段绝的单位中我还没发现有例外疑问2:每个联队下属的各个中队都是同一家族的飞机?每个联队下属的中队数量各不相同,但这些中队一般都是用的同一家族的机种比如 AV、SW、WW、SP、LF、NY 等都是清一色的16除非该联队处于机种更新换代的过渡时期,才可能出现多机种混装的情况比如现在的FF,虽然基本上都是22了,但仍然有很少部分的15存在B.数字码数字码是我个人对财年号(A) + 流水号(B)的统一合称财年号是什么?财年号代表该机交付时的财年(和“年”不一样)的前两年流水号是什么?我目前倾向于个人做的下面的推断:流水号表示该机在财年的订单序列里的总的出厂顺序比如1架F-4E在空军的1966财年计划里是第1023架出厂的,不管之前出厂的那1022架都是些什么飞机这架F-4E的流水号就是1023所以流水号不是按同机型、同财年排的出厂顺序,而是当时那个财年总的出厂顺序(只算空军的飞机)要不然下面的 B-2 没法解释,它的流水号已经达到41,B-2加上原型机1共才造了21架更何况全部21架B-2不可能在1982财年就全部生产了目前我们看到的数字码是5位,前两位小字体,后3位大字体,既 2A3B 模式(见1楼第1图)为什么前小后大在后面讲完整的数字码其实是8位, 4A + 4B但8位数字显然太长,只有把字体弄得很小才能全部刷在垂尾,很不方便一眼就能看清的目地所以,前两小数字代表财年号(A),后3位大数字代表流水号(B)。
Agilent E4406A 矢量信号分析仪商品说明书
1981Agilent E4406AVector Signal AnalyzerAccuracyS p e e d2Fast and accurate measurements To stay competitive, wireless equipment manufacturers need flexible test equipment capable of testing different formats with little change in set-up. The Agilent E4406A vector signal analyzer (VSA) is the perfect fit, offering the best combination of speed and accuracy for making one-button,standards-based measurements.2.5G and 3G formatsFor engineers developing next-generation wireless components and systems, the E4406A provides W-CDMA, cdma2000,1xEV-DO and EDGE/GSM formats. Using one-button measurements, engineers can quickly verify conformance to these new formats. As the standards have evolved, we have continued to enhance existing measurement personalities, and add new ones. The modular architecture of the E4406A makes it simple for you to upgrade and be ready for the latest standards.You develop the wireless future…Easy to useMulti-format3…we provide the signal analysis.An investment for your future The number of wireless technologies deployed around the world is growing and the demand for any particular format can change quickly. The E4406A offers format and frequency flexibility.Comprehensive signal analysis Speeding up production means being ready to manufacture anything and lose no time doing it. The E4406A easily adapts to virtually any popular format:•W-CDMA •cdma2000•1xEV-DO •cdmaOne •EDGE •GSM •NADC •PDC •iDEN •Spectrum •Waveform“We have decreased the (transmitter power calibration)test time by 25%.”–T est Systems Designer4Built for speed…Fast standards-based measurements As a wireless system or componentmanufacturer, you are under pressure to increase throughput while minimizing capital investments. Long test times can severely limit your manufacturing throughput, so we designed the E4406A.Since its introduction, progressive enhancements to the E4406A ensure its performance keeps pace with the ever-increasing need for speed.Today's E4406A is faster than ever. For example, the W-CDMA adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) measurement is now nearly eight times faster than it used to be.Output radio frequency spectrum (ORFS) is two times faster, W-CDMA code domain power (CDP) is five times faster, and other measurements have improved as well.The E4406A transmitter power calibration uses time record data and built-in algorithms to provide complete transmitter level calibration with incredible speed – with all the accuracy you expect from the affordably-priced E4406A.In addition to high-speed throughput and accuracy in the manufacturing environment,the E4406A is designed to allow research and development engineers to quickly obtain results with minimal keystrokes.The E4406A delivers a logical user interface and a wealth of quick “one button” measurments, enabling designers to quickly try multiple test without getting bogged down in crypitic menus. The E4406A interface provides the edge needed to expediently evaluate new designs and successfully meet the demands of today's competitive environment.Base station transceiver suite of testsTypical spectrum analyzerNow even faster…without giving up accuracy.Fast spectrum measurementsThe E4406A features pre-configured, one-button measurements for many cellular standards and can also be used for narrowband spectrum measurements. Manufacturers can expect to make inter-modulation distortion and other amplitude measurements up to three times faster using the E4406A. AccuracyYou don’t need to reduce measurementspeed to get accurate results. Superiorabsolute level accuracy of ±0.6 dB(±0.4 dB typical) provides unmatchedperformance and minimizes test uncertainty.Combined with a linearity of ±0.25 dBover a 76 dB range, the E4406A is astate-of-the-art measurement tool.Absolute level accuracyNarrow span spectrum measurement over GPIB E4406A VSA spectrum analyzer25 updates/second Typicalspectrumanalyzer56The E4406A VSA…Focused applications including EDGE, GSM,W-CDMA, cdma2000, 1xEV-DO, cdmaOne,and NADC as well as narrow-span spectrum and waveform analysisBaseband measurements with balanced/unbalanced multiple impedance inputsLarge,high-resolution, color display makes viewing multiple traces easyZoomfeature allows users to display selected measurement windowsAutomatic alignment ensures accurate measurement resultsOne-button,standards-based measurements7…comprehensive signal analysis.High-speed LAN, parallel, and GPIB ports provide speed and flexibility whenIntuitive key strokesBuilt-in floppy disk drive provides PC compatibility and data archivingManufacturing8Standards complianceIn manufacturing, you need straightforward pass/fail verification of critical specifications.With built-in test limits you don ’t have to keep track of every standard. The E4406A performs tests to the requirements of current industry standards with free, easy-to-install, firmware updates.Speed and throughputIn the world of high-speed manufacturing every millisecond counts. Identify your throughput restrictions and if measurement speed is creating a bottleneck, consider the significant speed advantage of the E4406A.Transmitter and receiver testingIn combination with the Agilent E4438C ESG vector signal generator, the E4406A offers base station receiver and transmitter testing for major 2G, 2.5G, and 3G wireless formats.The E4406A combined with an E4438C is a test solution that provides the required flexibility, without compromising accuracy, for maximum throughput in base station production with the ability to migrate to new formats.Designed for manufacturing…Development9Verify next-generation designs For R&D engineers developing next-generation wireless components and systems, the E4406A is a low-cost tool that quickly verifies conformance. Your investment is secure because the E4406A has a modular architecture – making it easy to upgrade to the latest standards.Characterize using leading test methodsDigital modulation presents new challenges to amplifier manufacturers.Designers need effective methods to quickly characterize digital signals. The E4406A ’s complementary cumulative-distribution function (CCDF) is useful for determining a signal ’s power statistics,revealing the power peaks relative to the average power for assessing linearity requirements.Flexible power measurements Multicarrier power amplifier (MCPA)designers are faced with new measurement challenges. Designers must characterize intermodulation distortion at many frequency offsets and evaluate the effects of different modulation formats over a wide dynamic range. The E4406A features a fully-configurable ACP measurement that can test up to five frequency offsets and be optimized for dynamic range or speed.…and product development.10GSM with EDGE (Option 202)The EDGE measurement personality performs the latest standards-based measurements, including:•Error vector magnitude (EVM)•Multi-slot power versus time (PvT)•ORFS •IQ offset•Channel plans for 400, 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz•GSM measurements from Option BAH The EVM measurement features a unique algorithm to simultaneously display the EVM numerical results and the EDGE constellation diagram using the industry-specified measurement filter.GSM (Option BAH)The GSM measurement personality lets you quickly perform measurements to the latest ETSI standards:•Mean transmitter carrier power •Multi-slot PvT •ORFS•Phase and frequency error (PFER)•IQ offset•Transmitter band spurious•Channel plans for 400, 700, 800, 900, 1800, 1900 MHzThe personality features easy channel and timeslot selections, configurable PvT masks,and a typical ORFS dynamic range of 90 dB.NADC and PDC (Option BAE)Both the North American Digital Cellular (NADC) and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC)measurement personalities are included in this option. The NADC measurements are structured according to the IS-136 TDMA standard. Measurements included in this option are:•ACP •EVM•Occupied bandwidth (for PDC)The personalities feature base station and mobile radio mode set-ups, as well as sync word search capability.iDEN (Option HN1)The iDEN measurement personality performs measurements to the Motorola iDEN specialized mobile radio format. •Occupied bandwidth (OBW)•ACPR•Transmitter bit error rate (BER)TDMA measurement personalities…11W-CDMA (Option BAF)The complexity of W-CDMA demands the flexibility and depth of demodulation capability provided by this personality.Perform the following measurements on the HPSK uplink or downlink QPSK signals:•Code domain •QPSK EVM•Modulation accuracy (composite rho and EVM)•Channel power•Adjacent channel power leakage ratio (ACLR)•Power control •PvT•Intermodulation distortion •Multicarrier power•Spectrum emission mask •OBW •CCDFThis personality has the ability toautomatically determine active channels,to synchronize with any W-CDMA channel,to display code domain power in a multi-rate view, and to demodulate down to the symbol level. Variable capture intervals and pre-defined test models enable the user to perform fast, accurate measurements for manufacturing or in-depth analysis for R&D.cdma2000 (Option B78)The cdma2000 measurement personality offers the logical upgrade path from IS-95 to IS-2000 testing. Measurements support the forward and reverse links.•Code domain •QPSK EVM•Modulation accuracy (composite rho and EVM)•Channel power •ACPR•Intermodulation distortion •Spectrum emission mask •OBW •CCDFAdvanced code domain analysis algorithms display Walch codes for either Hadamard or OVSF coding schemes in a multi-rate view. Other capability includes code domain power error, symbol EVM,symbol power versus time, active channel identification, variable PN offset, quasi-orthogonal functions and demodulated symbol bit displays after de-spreading.… and CDMA measurement personalities.12Expanding measurement potential…cdmaOne (Option BAC)Built on Agilent ’s pioneering efforts in CDMA measurement techniques,this personality provides quick and easy measurement set-ups for the TIA/EIA-95, J-STD-008,IS-97D, and IS-98D band classes:•Modulation accuracy (rho)•Code domain •Channel power •ACPR•Close-in spuriousAlong with the world ’s fastest ACPR measurements, this personality features PN (pseudo-noise sequence) search, time offset, and carrier feed-through analysis.1xEV-DO (Option 204)With digital demodulation analysis, the 1xEV-DO measurement personality provides the most comprehensive, easy-to-use,1xEV-DO measurement solution available in an analyzer. This personality, which performs measurements for both forward link and reverse link signals, provides key transmitter measurements for analyzing systems based on the 3GPP2 and TIA/EIA/IS-856 standards.Forward link•Channel power•Power versus time mask •Spurious emissions and ACP •Intermodulation distortion •OBW•Code domain•Modulation accuracy (composite rho)•QPSK EVM•Power statistics (CCDF)Reverse link •Code domain•Modulation accuracy (composite rho)For forward link, the PvT mask and spurious emissions/ACP measurements support both the idle slot (burst signal) and active slot (full power signal). With the auto-burst search function, you can see the standard-based time mask for the 1xEV-DO idle slot in PvT. Code domain, modulation accuracy (composite rho), and QPSK EVM can also measure for each channel ’s Pilot, MAC, and Data in QPSK/8PSK/16QAM. Designed with flexibility in mind, this personality supports the unique 1xEV-DO forward link signals ’feature of time divisions multiplex (TDM). For reverse link, code domain, and modulation accuracy provide powerful modulation analysis functions for transmitter tests.13IQ inputs (Option B7C)Capitalize on the E4406A ’s demodulation capabilities by extending the measurement range to baseband. The baseband IQ input option enables engineers to measure the complete signal path of a receiver or transmitter and directly compare signals both before and after frequency conversion and IQ (de)modulation.Ideally suited for R&D engineers and manufacturing environments, this option allows measurement of baseband I and Q signals in either balanced or unbalanced systems. Input configurations include 50-ohm unbalanced, 600-ohm balanced, and 1-Mohm balanced or unbalanced –enabling a variety of systems to be directly tested without cumbersome and error-inducing conversion networks.Applicable in-band 3GPP W-CDMA,cdma2000, EDGE/GSM, and Basic mode measurements are supported via RF and IQ inputs, enabling engineers to track down signal degradation both before and after RF/IF conversion.Additional features include auto calibration of input signals, variable dc offsets and a dc to 5-MHz input frequency range (10 MHz in I + jQ mode)....tailored to user requirements.14E4406A VSA/89601Asoftware combinationThe standards-based, one-button test capabilities of the E4406A can be expanded with the flexible digital demodulation and analysis capabilities of the Agilent 89601A PC software. This teaming provides fast and accurate data acquisition with powerful,flexible modulation analysis tools for, both common and evolving communications standards.The 89601A vector signal analysis software is the heart of the Agilent 89600 series of vector signal analyzers. This software provides flexible tools for demodulating and analyzing even the most advanced digital modulations, whether or not they are contained in an established standard. Features include variable block size signal acquisition with user-selectable pulse search and synch words, and a user-con-trollable adaptive equalizer. Filter types include cosine (raised and square-root raised), Gaussian, and low-pass – all with configurable alpha/BT. Supported modula-tion formats for both continuous and burst carriers include FSK (2, 4, 8, and 16 level),BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, DQPSK, p/4DQPSK,8PSK, QAM (16 to 256 level), VSB (8 and 16 level), EDGE, and MSK.The software also provides signal capture and analysis features, such as the capability to download signal capture files for playback through signal generators,and display high-speed spectrograms.The 89601A software runs on a PC connected to the E4406A, via LAN or GPIB,and provides hardware control and results displays along with modulation analysis.Coupling speed and power…15/find/vsa…with Agilent’s tradition of excellence.Service and supportThe speed and accuracy of the E4406A VSA is only a small part of what you get from Agilent. We strive to provide complete solutions that go beyond our customers ’expectations. Only Agilent offers the depth and breadth of enhancements, software, services, connectivity, accessibility, and support to help you reach your measurement objectives. For more information on the E4406A VSA, including product and application literature, visit our Web site at /find/vsaPre-sales service• rentals, leasing, and financing • application engineering services Post-sales service• standard 3-year global warranty • Worldwide Call Center and Service Center support network • one-year calibration intervals • firmware upgrades downloadable from the Web PC connectivity • 10 baseT LAN port • floppy disk drive • GPIB interface• VXI Plug and Play driversPeripheral and product interfaces • parallel printer port • printer support • VGA monitor output• Agilent E4438C ESG vector signal generator•Agilent 89601A vector signal analysis softwareTraining and access to information • on-site user training • factory service training• Web-based support of frequently asked questions• manuals on CD-ROM and on the Web Software• programming examples on CD-ROM • SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)• PC-based performance verification and adjustment softwareOrdering Array informationE4406A vector signal analyzerModel DescriptionE4406A7 MHz to 4 GHzOption DescriptionDigital Demodulation MeasurementsE4406A-202EDGE with GSM measurementpersonalityE4406A-2041xEV-DO measurementpersonalityE4406A-B78cdma2000 measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAC cdmaOne measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAE NADC, PDC measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAF W-CDMA measurementpersonalityE4406A-BAH GSM measurement personality E4406A-HN1IDEN measurementpersonalityInputs and outputsE4406A-300321.4 MHz IF outputBBIQE4406A-B7C I/Q inputsCalibration documentationE4406A-UK6Commercial calibrationcertificate with test data AccessoriesE4406A-1CM Rack mount kitE4406A-1CN Handle kitE4406A-1CP Rack mount and handle kitE4406A-1CR Rack slide kit* Includes English manual set.。
天鹰-200型装备机续航时间25分钟,最大任务载荷200克,飞行半径1000m ,飞行高度400m,工作海拔3000m。
Onan 6000E 汽油发电机产品说明书
Pro 6000E GenSetGasoline 6 kW 60 Hz• Onan Portable GenSet® EliteTM14 hp Overhead Valve Engine• Full-Featured Control Panel • Electric Start• Low Oil Pressure Shutdown with Indicator Light • 9-gal, 10-hr Fuel Tank • Idlematic with SwitchModels and RatingsModel Starter Hz Voltage MaxWatts Max Amps Rated Watts RatedAmpsAC Receptacles 6.0 EGHEB/38018* Electric/Recoil60120/240600050/25 550045.8/22.9 (1) Duplex 120V/15A GFI(2) Duplex 120V/30A TL (1) Duplex 120V/30A TL*CSA-approved.Ratings apply to altitudes up to 500 ft (152.4 m), 85o F (29.4oC).Derating: Power output will decrease 3.5% for each 1000 ft (305 m) above sea level and 1% for each 10oF(5.5o C) increase in ambient temperature about 85o F (29oC).Weight, Size and Sound Level• Dry Weight: 205 lb (94 kg)• Length: 29.2 in (743 mm); Width: 22.5 in (572 mm); Height: 28.0 in (711 mm) • Sound Levels- Idlematic:, 65 dB(A) at 7 m, 79 dB(A) at 1 m- Full Load, 60Hz: 79 dB(A) at 7 m, 92 dB(A) at 1 m© 2003 Cummins Power Generation Specifications subject to change without notice A-1398a (10/03)Standard Features • Onan® Elite TM 14-hp overhead valveengine• Low oil pressure shutdown• Electronic ignition• AC and DC manual reset circuitbreakers• Dual element air cleaner• Wrap-around protective cradle of 1-in steel tubing• USDA spark-arresting muffler• Vibration isolator frame mountings• Electric and recoil start• 9-gal, 10-hr fuel tank at rated load• Solid state automatic voltageregulator• Full-featured control panel• Idlematic with switch• Full-flow oil filter• VoltmeterReceptacles• 6.0 EGHEB/38018, (CSA-approved)(60 Hz)- (1) Duplex, 120V/15A GFI (AC),(NEMA 5-15R)- (2) 120V/30A Twistlock (AC),(NEMA L5-30R)- (1) 120/240V/20A Twistlock (AC)(NEMA L14-30R- (1) 12V/10A, 120W (DC)• Full-power switch• Simultaneous AC and 12 VDC• 12 VDC battery charging with cables• Battery tray (battery not included.Recommended 180 cca minimum @40o F, 300 cca @ -20o FAccessories • Two wheel dolly kit - (part #410-1166)• Twistlock plug 120 V/30 A, NEMAL5-30P (part #323-0862)• Twistlock plug 120/240 V/20 A,NEMA L14-20P (part #323-0857)Engine and Performance Detail Design: 4-cycle gasolineCylinders: 1Bore: 3.31 in (84.2 mm)Stroke: 2.76 in (70 mm)Displacement: 23.8 in3 (390 cm3)Power: 14 bhp maxCylinder liner: Cast ironValves: Overhead valve configuration.Premium valve materials, replaceableguides and seats and intake stem seals.Lubrication system: Positivedisplacement oil pump (full-pressurelubrication) with filterLube oil capacity: 1.0 qt (0.9 L) withfilterStarting system: Electric/recoilApproximate run time: 10 hr at ratedloadFuel tank capacity: 9 gal (34 L)Automatic decompression releasesystemTypical fuel consumptionGasoline, gph (Lph)No load Half load Full load60 Hz (est.) NA 0.51 (1.9) 0.92 (3.5)Alternator Detail Design: 2-pole AC alternatorExciter system: Self-excited, permanentmagnet provides instant voltage build up.Cooling: Air-cooledVoltage regulator: AutomaticNo load to full load Constant loadGenSetDetail Voltage regulationFrequency regulation ±3%±4%±2%±2%BasicDimensionsThis outline drawing is provided for general reference only and is not intended for design or installation. See installation manual and obtian outline drawing 500-2653 for more information (available from you Distributor/Dealer).Warranty Policy Onan Pro Series Portable GenSets are backed by Onan's standard three-year limited warranty, with an optional five-year extended warranty. See your local Distributor/Dealer for details.After Sale SupportGENUINE ONAN MAINTENANCE PARTS AND PRODUCTSFor your ongoing satisfaction and the dependability of your Onan genset, Onan offers a complete line of replacement and tune-up parts, oil and maintenance chemicals specifically designed for gensets. Easy to find at Onan service and parts dealers coast-to-coast, Onan Green Label TM parts are packaged for correct selection and convenient storage.EASY TO LOCATE CERTIFIED ONAN SERVICE AND PARTS DEALERS Onan has over 400 certified commercial service dealers covering most majormetropolitan areas in the U.S. and Canada. To locate Onan service dealers in your area, call 1-800-888-ONAN and request a commercial service and parts dealer directory (F-1060).Standards and TestingTested at extremes of temperature -20o F to +120o F for starting and operation.60 Hz models (120/240V only) listed by Nationwide Consumer Testing Institute, Inc. per ANSI/EGS-1 and CSA certified per electrical Bulletin 946. Tested in high humidity conditions. Tested in salt spray conditions.Tested in heavy air borne dust conditions. Field Test Program.This product meets US. EPA Phase 1 and 1995-1999 California Regulations for utility and lawn and garden equipment engines.Do not use this genset on a boat. Such use may violate U.S. Coast Guardregulations, and can result in severe personal injury or death from fire, explosion, electrocution, or carbon monoxide poisoning.Contact your Distributor/Dealer for more information:To easily locate the nearest Onan Distributor/Dealer, or for more information, contact Onan at 1-800-888-ONAN or 763-574-5000; 1400 73rd Avenue N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55432 U.S.A.;fax 763-574-5298; .Onan is a subsidiary of Cummins Engine Company. Onan is a registered trademark of Onan Corporation.Cummins is a registered trademark of Cummins Engine Company.WARNING: Backfeed to utility systems can cause electrocution or property damage. Do not connect to building electrical except through approved device and after building main breaker is opened.。
S000A Dummy-SALAPAS001A 国家规格不作为包裹控制S0BV A 加满油箱S0BW A 油箱部分加油S100A 负载提高设备S102A 行走机构官方S102A 加强型制动器S103A Ao 防护板S103A 全天候轮胎S104A Nahost 版本S105A 任务控制"Bund"S106A 防弹车辆S107A 准备工作行驶记录器S108A 发动机继续运转电路S109A SECURITY PLUSS110A Vorbereitung Montage NotarztschildS112A Beklebung leuchtrot RAL 3024S113A Beklebung Polizei Bayern minzgrün hell S114A 粘贴标签警察局德国北部S114A 粘贴标签Polizei minzgruenS115A 粘贴标签消防队NRWS115A 粘贴件Notarzt NRWS116A 国旗支座左S117A 国旗支座右S118A 减小最高车速S119A 电气系统附加模块S120A 基本装备S121A 支架停车指示牌S122A 支架压杆S123A 辅助车内后视镜S124A 车顶内衬官方S125A 车内装备官方已开启S126A 车内装备官方掩蔽的S127A 前座乘客侧车门上的枪架S129A 枪架车顶里前部S130A 武器箱S130A 枪架中部扶手里后部S130A 武器箱S131A 枪架S139A 回旋式警示灯blauS140A 1 RKLE 130,音调序列,警笛S141A 电话设备S142A 两盏旋转式标志灯blauS143A 报警开关及警局电路S144A RKLE 可拆卸电话设备警方S145A 报警开关带消防队电路S146A 辅助电源供应S147A 旋转式标志灯可拆卸S148A iDrive 操作特殊信号装置S149A 双闪光灯可拆下S150A 装配RTK-4 带送受话器S151A Sondersignalanlage Hella RTK-6S152A 特殊信号装置S153A 天窗,无特殊信号装置S155A 装配Top-4 带送受话器S159A 装配空气动力装置S160A 装配Becker 信号装置LU 322S161A 废气排放标准EU5S162A 准备工作装配MartinshornS163A 废气排放标准EU6S163A BMW 柴油发动机带蓝色性能S165A 惯性定时开关头部安全气囊惰性化S166A 准备工作停车信号后部杂物架S167A 废气标准欧规4S168A 减少废气排放EU 2S169A 废气触媒转换器柴油机S169A 减少废气排放EU 3S170A 安装FuG AEG Teledux 预留接口S170A Vorb. Fug 2m-4m Bd,AEG(BKA)S171A 准备工作安装Fug AscomS172A 准备工作Fug 7B 完整手套箱S172A 匹配含乙醇的燃油S173A 准备工作Fug 7B/8B/9C 手套箱S174A Vorb. Fug 8B/9C 手套箱S175A Vorb. FuG 8B/9CS176A Vorb. Fug 8B/9C 降下S178A 支架便携式收音机S179A 刺激性毒气传感器S180A 准备工作车顶天线S180A 车顶天线S181A 准备工作/装配车尾天线S182A 灭火设备S183A 准备工作用于主动防卫S184A 紧急出口挡风玻璃S185A 全套汽车已开启S186A 警车已伪装S187A 底板护件S188A 车门窗玻璃可降低前部左侧+ 后侧S189A 车门窗玻璃可降低前部+ 后部S190A 双向通话装置S191A 车门窗玻璃可降低前部右侧S192A 车门窗玻璃可降低前部左侧S193A 取消加热式前车窗和侧车窗S194A 遥控起动装置S195A 辅助地面装甲S196A 燃油箱制止排放的S197A 声音和光报警装置S198A 辅助新鲜空气通风装置S199A 损坏废气触媒转换器S199A 车型使用含铅燃油S1A1A Ausst. Kraftstoffe mit Verkokungsneigung S1AAA 55 kW 发动机型号S1AEA Flexible FuelS1AFA 大号燃油加注管S1AGA 更大的燃油箱S1AKA 外侧燃油滤清器S1CAA 选择COP 相关车辆S1CBA CO2 范围S1CCA Auto start/stop functionS1CDA Brake Energy RegenerationS200A 损坏废气触媒转换器S200A 柴油微粒过滤器S201A 菜籽油甲基酯适用性(RME)S202A 带手动换档模式的自动变速箱S203A 四轮驱动S204A 驱动设计用于出口S204A 更短的HAG传动比S205A 自动变速箱S206A Sequential manual transmission (SMG)S207A 第6 档位变速箱S208A 无动态稳定控制IIIS209A 可锁式差速器S210A 动态稳定控制S211A 动态稳定控制S212A 无防抱死系统S212A 装备制动系统国家S213A 下坡行驶控制(下坡行驶辅助)S213A 自动稳定控制S214A 自动稳定控制系统(ASC+T)S215A 助力转向,与转速相关S216A 助力转向电子伺服转向系统S217A 方向盘皮革S217A D SteeringS218A 跑车皮方向盘IIS219A 跑车皮方向盘380 mmS220A 高度调节S221A 2 车桥高度调节包括电子减震控制系统S222A 电子减震控制系统S223A 电子减震控制系统S224A 行驶动态控制S225A 标准底盘S226A 运动型底座调整S227A 运动型底盘+深度调节+高度调节S228A 运动型底盘调整加S228A 舒适型底盘S229A 动态行驶稳定装置S230A 附加范围欧规专用S230A 运动型底盘及深度调节S231A 取消250 km/h 限制S232A BMW 轻质合金轮辋径向轮幅50S233A 挂车负荷升高S234A 挂车挂钩高度可调S235A 可拆卸挂车挂钩S236A BMW 轻质合金轮辋带轮胎混装S238A BMW 轻质合金轮辋双轮幅93S239A BMW 轻质合金轮辋多轮幅94S240A 方向盘皮革安全气囊S241A 驾驶员和前座乘客安全气囊S242A 方向盘安全气囊S243A 安全气囊前座乘客S244A 转向柱手动可调S245A 转向柱电动可调S246A 转向柱手动可调S247A 方向盘轴向调整机械的S248A 方向盘加热S249A 多功能方向盘S250A 多功能方向盘S250A 侧面安全气囊为后座区乘客设置S251A 轮胎失压显示S252A 主动式护膝驾驶员/ 前乘客S253A 真皮方向盘Cooper SS253A 多功能方向盘木S254A 跑车方向盘带木质轮缘S254A 方向盘木S255A 跑车皮革方向盘安全气囊S256A 跑车/MFL方向盘/车速调节S257A 后部侧面安全气囊退出工作S258A 轮胎带紧急运行特性S259A 无侧面安全气囊S260A 侧面安全气囊为驾驶员/前座乘客设置S261A 侧面安全气囊为后座区乘客设置S262A ITS 头部安全气囊S263A 在后座区的ITS 头部安全气囊S263A 轻质合金轮辋及轮胎混装S264A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅55S265A 轮胎压力监控(RDC)S266A BMW 轻质合金轮辋径向轮幅48S267A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅49S268A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅95S269A BMW 轻质合金轮辋径向轮幅32S270A 车轮带宽轮胎S271A BMW 轻质合金轮辋Z 线形S272A BMW 轻质合金轮辋Z 星形S273A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅43S274A BMW 轻质合金轮辋双轮幅53S274A BMW 轻质合金轮辋平星样式S275A BMW 轻质合金轮辋镀铬的/Z 星形S276A BMW 轻质合金轮辋圆轮幅样式S277A BMW 轻质合金轮辋双轮幅S278A BMW 轻质合金轮辋带轮胎混装S278A BMW 轻质合金轮辋BMW 式样S279A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅45S279A BMW 轻质合金轮辋无紧急运行特性S280A BMW 轻合金车轮轮辐式样S281A BMW 轻质合金轮辋镀铬的/圆轮幅S282A BMW 轻质合金轮辋运动轮幅样式II S283A BMW 轻质合金轮辋BMW 式样IIS284A BMW 轻质合金轮辋椭圆样式46S284A BMW 轻质合金轮辋BMW 式样S285A BMW 轻质合金轮辋BMW 式样S286A BMW 轻质合金轮辋BMW 式样S287A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅64S288A BMW 轻质合金轮辋十字轮幅29S289A BMW 轻质合金轮辋BMW 式样S290A BMW 轻质合金轮辋星形轮幅44S291A BMW 轻质合金轮辋十字轮幅2部分S292A BMW 轻质合金轮辋十字轮幅29S293A BMW 轻质合金轮辋带紧急运行特性。
Finnoff Aviation Products PT6A-67P引擎安装说明书
0201-51302 DETAILS, C/B MTG BRKT
Chris Finnoff Member/Manager Finnoff Aviation Products, LLC 185 Bellevue Drive Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 444-0552 chris@
Item Description
Drip Shield Assy.
Part Number 0201-51301-105
Part Type Modification Part
McFalane is authorized to use Finnoff Aviation Product’s part number and part marking methods. Design changes to this part will be per Finnoff Aviation Product’s quality system. Disposition of non-conforming articles will be per McFarlane’s Quality Assurance Manual. Design change information shall be forwarded to McFarlane from Finnoff Aviation Products, when applicable. This part is neither life limited nor subject to any airworthiness limitations.
航空英语 飞机机型acft_classifications
60-70 m/s
Vortex Wake
Virginia Tech
7 of 18
Typical VLCA Aircraft Specifications
Parameter Passenger Capacity Desired Range Speed Runway Length Remarks 650 passengers in a three-class layout plus crew 13,000 Kilometers with 1.50 hour reserve Mach 0.85 at 11.0 km Use of conventional runways (i.e., 3,300 m at MTOW and Sea Level ISA)
Critical Engines for foreign object damage Shoulder
61 m
31 m
Shoulder Shoulder VLCA on Design Group VI Runway VLCA on Design Group VI Taxiway
Virginia Tech
Saab 230B
Bombardier Regional Jet
Virginia Tech
15 of 18
Short-Haul Transport Aircraft
Fokker F100
Airbus A-320
Boeing 737-300
McDonnellDouglas MD 82
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech
10 of 18
Tangential Velocity Profiles
• 美国A-4攻击机“天鹰”(Skyhawk)是美国道格拉斯飞机公 美国道格拉斯 美国道格拉斯 司(现已被兼并)为美国海军研制的舰载攻击机 舰载攻击机,主要用 舰载攻击机 于对海上和近岸目标实施核或常规打击,执行近距离和浅 纵深遮断攻击任务。美国海军原本想开发一种全新的主力 型舰载攻击机(可兼战术核攻击),道格拉斯飞机公司提 仪将招标要求中的重量指标减半,发展一种飞行性能好的 轻小型喷气攻击机。1952年6月获海军 海军同意,于是诞生了 海军 A-4型飞机。1954年6月原型机试飞,1955年10月26日, 一架早期生产型A-4A在爱德华 爱德华空军基地上空500千米圆周 爱德华 航线上飞出了时速1118.67千米的世界速度纪录。1956年 10月,海军第72舰载攻击中队(VA-72)最早装备A-4攻 击机。每个美国航母舰载机联队配备15-20架
AMX攻击机 攻击机
• • • 美洲虎是英、法两国合作研制的双发超音速攻击 / 教练机,该机的单座型 攻击 美洲虎 执行近距离支援任务,双座型执行教练任务。 1965 年 5 月开始研制 ,1971 年首架生产型试飞, 1975 年 5 月 和 1973 年 6 月分别开始装备法国空军和英国空军。美洲虎 美洲虎的生产量达573架, 美洲虎 其中英国 203 架,法国 200 架,厄瓜多尔12架,阿曼 24 架,尼日利 亚 18 架 , 印度 116架。 性能特点: ①多用途。英国空军将美洲虎 美洲虎用于对舰攻击 攻击、在欧洲大陆的对敌空军基 美洲虎 攻击 地轰炸敌军地面的近距离支援等各种战术任务。法国则将其用于压制敌方雷 达和防空兵器,并担任为核轰炸机开路的任务。 ②电子对抗能力较弱。该机是 60 年代末研制的攻击机 , 机载电子设备的 攻击机 抗电子干扰能力较差 , 它只有在压制敌方地面防空火力条件下和对敌防空系 统实施了可靠电子压制的情况下,才能有效实
DYVRP2 DYVRPL DYY32 DYY32-P DYY33 DYY33-P DYYQ02 DYYQ03 DYYQ22 DYYQ23 EISC-S EISC-S22 EISC-SS EISC-SS22 EX-G EX-GS EX-H EX-HS F46R F46R-1 F46R-2 F46V22-T F46V32-T F46VP F46VP2-22 F46VP2-32 F46V-T FF FF40-1 FF40H10-1 FF40J-1 FF40J-1Q FF40J-2 FF40J-2Q FF40JH10-1 FF40JH10-1Q FF40JH11-1 FF40JH11-1Q FF40JH11-2 FF40JH11-2Q FF40JH3-1 FF40JH3-1Q FF40JH9-2 FF40JH9-2Q FF40JP11-1 FF40JP11-1Q FF40JP11H10-1
FF45P11H3-6 FF45P11H8-1 FF45P11H8-6 FF45P13H10-1 FF45P13H10-6 FF45P13H3-1 FF45P13H3-6 FF45P13H8-1 FF45P13H8-6 FF46-1 FF46-2 FF46-2Q FF46-7 FF46H10-1 FF46H3-1 FF46H3-2 FF46H3-2Q FF46H3-7 FF46H6-2 FF46H6-2Q FF46H6-7 FF46P11-1 FF46P11H10-1 FF46P11H3-1 FF46P13H10-1 FF46P13H3-1 FF46P21-2 FF46P21-2Q FF46P21-7 FF46P21H3-2 FF46P21H3-2Q FF46P21H3-7 FF46P21H6-2 FF46P21H6-2Q FF46P21H6-7 FF46P23H3-2 FF46P23H3-2Q FF46P23H3-7 FF46P23H6-2 FF46P23H6-2Q FF46P23H6-7 FF46P31-2 FF46P31-2Q FF46P31-7 FF46P31H3-2 FF46P31H3-2Q FF46P31H3-7
GPS卫星定位应用系统车载终端HK-G05系列 GPS终端操作使用说明书目录一. 概述 (3)二. 技术指标 (3)三. 外观、组成 (3)四、主要功能及操作 (4)全天候定位功能 (4)多种跟踪功能 (4)防劫报警功能 (5)报警监听功能 (5)报警提示功能 (5)主动监听功能(此功能需向监控中心订制) (5)断电报警功能 (5)远程遥控熄火功能 (5)通话功能(选购件) (5)超速报警功能 (5)区域报警功能 (6)盲区补偿功能 (6)里程统计功能 (6)偏移路线报警功能 (6)像头取图像功能(选购件) (6)汽车电瓶保护功能 (6)远程更新功能 (6)连接防盗器功能(选购件) (6)六、安装调试说明 (7)6.1.SIM卡的安装 (7)6.2. GPS天线安装和通信天线的安装 (7)6.3. 报警开关安装 (7)6.4. 车台安装 (7)6.5. 车机引线端子功能说明接线表(表1) (7)6.6. 车机安装接线图 (8)6.7. 车机初始化设置与调试 (8)七、使用维护常识 (9)八、保修服务说明 (11)一.概述本GPS车载设备集GPS 定位系统技术、GSM 通讯技术、智能自动化控制技术、防盗、防报警技术于一体,可对移动目标的位置、安全、运行、技术状态进行全天候的的监控,能够提供实时定位、车队管理、车辆防盗、求助、故障维护、资讯查询等多项服务。
功 的攻 山机 .A 4 多 个国 家服 彼 .E也 参 代军 机 毗而. 微 难再 拽到一 盅槌 能 临有 : 东 争和马 此精 崔 的. 迪星 A  ̄ 定 版毫 勾 。 说 一4 : l j 岛战每 等等 .井 其机动 性 良好 生存 能 j 由 1裔件车 身 当1 秀 ,昕 谜 浓就 j n .
是 1 世纪 5 年代到 7年 代 美国空 中 扣击 力 . 个 O 0 蛩 的中 。在 官所有 的型 号 中.部 配 备自
]2mm机 是 炮, 另外它 还 可以 在 日使可 0
车 头 J. 让我 们做 槌 型来纪 鲁它吧 !我 恳 横 中提 供 了 片仪丧 饭的 蚀剖 片 . 凡 】敬 制作 是乍 辞川 登训 庄 20 立 04年新摊 卅的 使川 了 + 是 在上 色 的时候 性 现他 丧板 的
轻巧天鹰一 A 4 - 攻击机
@ 制作 撰文 摄影 刘斌
陆有使 l任 何补 品 制 怍过程 如下 : l 】 I 先做 蠼 帖 先 喷上 3 号 轭包 .然后 1 7
A— 4是 种轻 型 单引擎 攻 山机 . 上 世 强而 著称 在A 已绛从 凡 舒罔 家退 { , 现 4 殳 纪 5 年 代狮研 壁 .其主要 任务 是剥 海上 和近 0
舱 刻 在 月 时 g 考 待 日 白 件
了 。 择垂 直尾冀 上熊 行星 错寨 的鄂 款 黜 选
2 4
处理垂直尾 l 一 贴纸的时候.一定要用月了
在 凹 凸起 协址将 r 切开 . 然后上 一些 软 化 纸 利 . 贴纸 彻麝 帖服 在模 表面 . 让 这样 在随
使用 的时 候避 是 哥考 证一 I 十正 确 2 2 后矸 蜻组 裔机 身. 精 也噩组 装上 、 机 甫求 曜翼 鹄 惴 起悟 犟 睫 惋 盖, 受汕 罐 . 菁舰钧 等 部升碡 廿 矸上 包. 后 然
道格拉斯 A-4 天鹰A-4 天鹰攻击机是二战后最成功的军机之一,1956 年末进入美国海军服役并开始了漫长的军旅生涯,随即参加越战,并贯穿战争始终。
越战期间,A-4 出动的架次超过美军任何一种飞机,仅 1966 年,A-4 的飞行次数即占美国海军全部轰炸攻击任务的 60%。
A-4 战斗机经常保持 95% 的飞机数量可供使用,在执行任务时损失率很低。
尽管如此,在越南由于各种原因,美国海军和陆战队也损失了 362 架 A-4/TA-4F 。
在从美国海军和陆战队退役之后,一部分 A-4 在美军中还担负一些辅助性任务,如空中拖靶和扮演假想敌机直到 2001 年。
现在一些国家 A-4 然担负作战任务,天鹰像道格拉斯的另一名机 C-47 达科他一样创下军机服役时间的惊人纪录。
最后的天鹰型号 A-4M在天鹰被美国海军新一代舰载攻击机取代后很久,双座型天鹰还一直担负着美国海军高级教练机的任务,直到 1999 年才退役。
越战中美国海军成立了著名的海军战斗机武器学校,俗称 TOPGUN ,目的是教会菜鸟飞行员如何与苏制战斗机空战。
于是天鹰被扒去航电与机载武器,大大提高了敏捷性,可以用来模拟米格-17 的飞行特性。
1974~1987 年间天鹰还成为“蓝天使”飞行表演队用机,曾在全世界无数场航展的数百万航空迷面前献技。
蓝天使使用了 6 架经过改装的 A-4F天鹰持续生产了 27 年,总生产数量接近 3,000 架,中 555 架是双座型。
历史在面对同时代战斗机不断上涨的重量趋势(如美国空军的 F-86 和海军 F9F ),道格拉斯的首席设计师爱德华.海尼曼博士(Edward Henry Heinemann )成立了一个团队用公司投资研究是否能扭转这一趋势,减重在降低成本与提高性能上的好处是不言而喻的。
Chroma-Q 空船力量保护镜头
Quick Start GuideChroma-Q®Space Force™Protective Lens KitFor a full product manual please visit Part Number: CHSPFPL, CQ647-9080, CQ1512-9080 Model: 650-9080, 647-9080, 1512-9080For use withPart Number: CHSPF[XXXX], CQ647-XXXX, CQ1512-XXXX Model: 650-XXXX, 647-XXXX, 1512-XXXX1. OverviewThe Chroma-Q® Space Force™ Protective Lens Kit protects the expensive diffuser from scratches, fingerprint, dirt. For a complete list of accessories please visit.2. Kit ContentsItems Model Qty. Protective Lens Acrylic 650-0208, 647-0601, 1512-0512 1* Screw M3x10 Ultra Low HH Zn 430-1310-2 8* Available in only 650-9080 Kit (for Space Force TM octo, NOT included in 647-9080 (for Space Force onebytwo TM) or 1512-9080 (for Space Force twobyfour TM). Use the same screws that are installed in the Space Force onebytwo TM and Space Force twobyfour TM light fixture.3. Tools RequiredTorx T6 x 70mm Screwdriver (maximum torque: 0.62nm/5.5in‐lb.)4. Procedure1. Place the light fixture horizontally on a clean rigid surface.2. Remove the screws that hold Diffuser and Protective Lensi. For Space Force TM octo: Remove the existing 8 – M3x8 Ultra Low Torx Screwsfrom Space Force TM unit using Torx T6 x 70mm screw driver. These screws will not be needed anymore.M3 UltraLow ScrewProtectiveLensDiffuserSpace ForceChassisii. For Space Force onebytwo TM and twobyfour TM : Remove the M3x10 Ultra LowTorx Screws from Space Force TM unit using Torx T6 x 70mm screw driver. Keep them in a secure location. These screws will be used to install the new protective lens.3. If a Protective Lens was already installed, remove the old Protective Lens. Keepthe Space Force TM Diffuser Lens as it is; align the new Protective Lens to match the retaining screw holes.4. Install the M3x10 ULTRA LOW HH ZN screws using Torx T6 x 70mm screwdriver.Note : DO NOT tighten the screws with high torque. This might damage the Protective Lens and/or the threads of the stand-off.5. Further InformationPlease refer to the Chroma-Q ® Space Force TM manual for more detailed information. A copy of the manual can be found at the Chroma-Q ® website – /support/downloadsDiffuserSpace Force Chassis Protective LensM3 Ultra Low ScrewApprovals & DisclaimerThe information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer's tests to ensure that Chroma-Q ® products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Chroma-Q ® sole warranty is that the product will meet the Chroma-Q ® sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted.Chroma-Q ® reserves the right to change or make alteration to devices and their functionality without notice due to on-going research and development.The Chroma-Q ® Space Force TM has been designed specifically for the lighting industry. Regular maintenance should be performed to ensure that the products perform well in the entertainment environment.If you experience any difficulties with any Chroma-Q ® products please contact your selling dealer. If your selling dealer is unable to help, please contact ********************.Ifthesellingdealerisunabletosatisfyyourservicingneeds,please contact the following for full factory service:Outside North America: Tel: +44 (0)1494 446000 Fax: +44 (0)1494 461024 ******************** North America: Tel: +1 416-255-9494 Fax: +1 416-255-3514 ********************For further information please visit the Chroma-Q ® website at .Chroma-Q ® is a trademark, for more information on this visit /trademarks.The rights and ownership of all trademarks are recognized。
美国海军名机A-4“天鹰”攻击机赏析“天鹰攻击机”是⼀种⾮常有趣的飞机,“组装玩具”(Tinkertoy) 、“⼉童滑板车”(Scooter)、“矮脚轰炸机”(Bantam Bomber)、“强悍的侏儒”( Mighty Midget)、“强悍的⼩家伙”( Mighty Mite)、“海尼曼的改装汽车”( Heinemann’s Hot Rod)等等,都是A-4“天鹰”攻击机的雅号。
最⼤时速:1077公⾥/⼩时图1 TA-4J“天鹰”教练机从“华盛顿”号上弹射起飞。
图2 VF-126中队的两架TA-4飞机正在扮演“假想敌”图3 第13合成中队,TA-4F攻击机曾经同F-14“雄猫”⼀起服役。
1962年,⼀架属于VA-81中队的A4D-2在福莱斯特号上解密档案 UNCOVERED FILE⽓动布局:后掠翼发动机数量:单发飞⾏速度:亚⾳速A-4C正着陆在航空母舰⼩鹰号上机长:12.22⽶翼展:8.38⽶机⾼:4.57⽶新加坡空军的A-4SU “超级天鹰”实⽤性强A-4“空中之鹰”攻击机不仅配备有低空轰炸系统、⽕控雷达、脉冲多普勒导航系统、塔康导航系统、导航计算机、武器投放系统和敌我识别装置等设备,还安装有2门20毫⽶的机炮。
64- 84
69- 74
20- 40
38- 64
75- 88
88- 94
法国宇航公司SE.210 CARAVELLE