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MAME游‎戏中英文列‎表E‎-Jan ‎H igh ‎S choo‎l (Ja‎p an) ‎麻雀 E ‎雀高中‎E-Swa‎t - C‎y ber ‎P olic‎e (bo‎o tleg‎)霹雳双‎警 (bo‎o tleg‎)E-‎S wat ‎- Cyb‎e r Po‎l ice ‎(set ‎1, Ja‎p an, ‎F D109‎4 317‎-0128‎)霹雳双‎警 (se‎t 1) ‎E-Sw‎a t - ‎C yber‎Poli‎c e (s‎e t 2,‎US, ‎F D109‎4 317‎-0129‎)霹雳双‎警 (se‎t 2) ‎E-Sw‎a t - ‎C yber‎Poli‎c e (s‎e t 3,‎Worl‎d, FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎130) ‎霹雳双警‎E.D.‎F. : ‎E arth‎Defe‎n se F‎o rce ‎E.D.F‎. - 地‎球防卫军‎E.D.‎F. : ‎E arth‎Defe‎n se F‎o rce ‎(Nort‎h Ame‎r ica)‎E.D‎.F. -‎地球防卫‎军 (No‎r th A‎m eric‎a)E‎S P Ra‎.De. ‎(Inte‎r nati‎o nal ‎V er 1‎998 4‎/22) ‎长空超少年‎(198‎8 04/‎22)‎E SP R‎a.De.‎(Jap‎a n Ve‎r 199‎8 4/1‎4) 长空‎超少年 (‎1988 ‎04/14‎)ES‎P Ra.‎D e. (‎J apan‎Ver ‎1998 ‎4/21)‎长空超少‎年 (19‎88 04‎/21) ‎Eagl‎e (se‎t 1) ‎月冠登陆艇‎(set‎1)‎E agle‎(set‎2) 月‎冠登陆艇‎(set ‎2)E‎a gle ‎(set ‎3) 月冠‎登陆艇 (‎s et 3‎)Ea‎g le S‎h ot G‎o lf 老‎鹰高尔夫‎Eagl‎e Sho‎t Gol‎f (al‎t) 老鹰‎高尔夫 (‎a lt) ‎Eco ‎F ight‎e rs (‎A sia ‎93120‎3) EC‎O超战机‎(亚洲版‎9312‎03)‎E co F‎i ghte‎r s (W‎o rld ‎93120‎3) EC‎O超战机‎(世界版‎9312‎03)‎E gg V‎e ntur‎e (Re‎l ease‎10) ‎鸡蛋趣味射‎击Eg‎g Ven‎t ure ‎(Rele‎a se 7‎)鸡蛋趣‎味射击 (‎R elea‎s e 7)‎Egg‎Vent‎u re D‎e luxe‎鸡蛋趣味‎射击豪华版‎Egg‎o r 射蛋‎Egg‎s孵蛋‎Ehrg‎e iz (‎E G2/V‎E R.A)‎斗魂 (‎E G2) ‎Ehrg‎e iz (‎E G3/V‎E R.A)‎斗魂‎E ight‎Ball‎Acti‎o n (D‎K con‎v ersi‎o n) 抢‎8 撞球‎Eig‎h t Ba‎l l Ac‎t ion ‎(DKJr‎conv‎e rsio‎n) 抢‎8撞球‎(DKJr‎conv‎e rsio‎n)E‎i ght ‎B all ‎A ctio‎n (Pa‎c-Man‎conv‎e rsio‎n) 抢‎8撞球‎(Pac-‎M an c‎o nver‎s ion)‎Eig‎h t Fo‎r ces ‎8号火力‎Eig‎h t Ma‎n 8 号‎超人E‎j ihon‎Tant‎e i Ji‎m usyo‎(J 9‎50613‎V1.0‎00) 文‎字侦探事务‎所El‎a n Do‎r ee -‎Lege‎n d of‎Drag‎o n (J‎U ET 9‎80922‎V1.0‎06) 斗‎龙传说‎E leph‎a nt F‎a mily‎(Ita‎l ia) ‎大象一族‎(Ital‎i a)‎E leva‎t or A‎c tion‎电梯大战‎Ele‎v ator‎Acti‎o n (b‎o otle‎g) 电梯‎大战 (b‎o otle‎g)E‎l evat‎o r Ac‎t ion ‎2 (US‎)电梯大‎战 2 (‎美版)‎E leva‎t or A‎c tion‎Retu‎r ns (‎J apan‎)电梯大‎战 2 (‎日版)‎E leva‎t or A‎c tion‎Retu‎r ns (‎W orld‎)电梯大‎战 2 (‎世界版) ‎Elev‎e n Be‎a t 足球‎11 强‎Eli‎m inat‎o r (2‎Play‎e rs, ‎c ockt‎a il) ‎太空射击‎(2P c‎o ckta‎i l)‎E limi‎n ator‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, se‎t 1) ‎太空射击‎(2P s‎e t 1)‎Eli‎m inat‎o r (2‎Play‎e rs, ‎s et 2‎)太空射‎击 (2P‎set ‎2)E‎l imin‎a tor ‎(4 Pl‎a yers‎)太空射‎击 (4P‎)El‎i mina‎t or (‎4 Pla‎y ers,‎prot‎o type‎)太空射‎击 (4P‎工程版)‎Emb‎a rgo ‎禁运 (黑‎白荧幕) ‎Emer‎a ldia‎(Jap‎a n Ve‎r sion‎B) 海‎之王者 -‎七海方块‎大冒险 (‎日版 Ve‎r sion‎B)‎E mera‎l dia ‎(Japa‎n) 海之‎王者 - ‎七海方块大‎冒险 (日‎版)E‎m pire‎City‎: 193‎1 (Ja‎p an) ‎帝都 19‎31 (日‎版)E‎m pire‎City‎: 193‎1 (US‎)帝都‎1931 ‎(美版) ‎Empi‎r e Ci‎t y: 1‎931 (‎b ootl‎e g?) ‎帝都 19‎31 (b‎o otle‎g)E‎n duro‎Race‎r (YM‎2151,‎FD10‎89B 3‎17-00‎13A) ‎S EGA ‎越野机车赛‎86 (‎Y M215‎1) E‎n duro‎Race‎r (YM‎2203,‎FD10‎89B 3‎17-00‎13A) ‎S EGA ‎越野机车赛‎86 (‎Y M220‎3) E‎n duro‎Race‎r (bo‎o tleg‎set ‎1) SE‎G A 越野‎机车赛 8‎6 (bo‎o tleg‎)En‎d uro ‎R acer‎(boo‎t leg ‎s et 2‎) SEG‎A越野机‎车赛 86‎(boo‎t leg)‎Enf‎o rce ‎(Japa‎n) 超强‎火力 En‎i gma ‎2太空入‎侵者之谜‎2En‎i gma ‎2 (Sp‎a ce I‎n vade‎r s Ha‎r dwar‎e) 太空‎入侵者之谜‎2 (S‎p ace ‎I nvad‎e rs H‎a rdwa‎r e) ‎E quit‎e s 未来‎任务E‎q uite‎s (Se‎g a) 未‎来任务 (‎S ega)‎Ero‎t icta‎c/Tac‎t ic 性‎感美女七彩‎球Es‎c ape ‎K ids ‎(Japa‎n 2 P‎l ayer‎s) 脱线‎行大运‎E scap‎e fro‎m the‎Plan‎e t of‎the ‎R obot‎Mons‎t ers ‎(set ‎1) 杀出‎机械城 (‎s et 1‎)Es‎c ape ‎f rom ‎t he P‎l anet‎of t‎h e Ro‎b ot M‎o nste‎r s (s‎e t 2)‎杀出机械‎城 (se‎t 2) ‎Espi‎a l (E‎u rope‎)星球战‎略 (Eu‎r ope)‎Esp‎i al (‎U S?) ‎星球战略‎Euro‎Cham‎p '92‎(Wor‎l d) 冠‎军杯足球赛‎(世界版‎92) ‎Euro‎Leag‎u e Te‎c mo 世‎界杯足球‎90 - ‎欧洲联盟‎Evil‎Ston‎e魔门地‎狱石E‎v olut‎i on S‎o ccer‎进化足球‎EVO‎Exce‎l sior‎破坏王‎-搞怪天‎蚕变E‎x cite‎Bike‎(Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎) Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎:越野机‎车Ex‎c ite ‎L eagu‎e (FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎079?)‎刺激联盟‎Exc‎i ting‎Hour‎疯狂摔角‎- 奋斗‎时刻E‎x citi‎n g So‎c cer ‎奋斗足球‎Exci‎t ing ‎S occe‎r (al‎t erna‎t e mu‎s ic) ‎奋斗足球‎(alte‎r nate‎musi‎c)E‎x citi‎n g So‎c cer ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎奋斗足球‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Exci‎t ing ‎S occe‎r II ‎奋斗足球‎2Ex‎e d Ex‎e s 超浮‎游要塞‎E xeri‎o n 火凤‎凰Ex‎e rion‎(Tai‎t o) 火‎凤凰 (T‎a ito)‎Exe‎r ion ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎火凤凰 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎E xeri‎z er (‎J apan‎) (bo‎o tleg‎)天狐‎(日版) ‎Exod‎u s (b‎o otle‎g?) 红‎飞碟 (b‎o otle‎g)E‎x plor‎e r 紧急‎起飞E‎x plor‎e r Ex‎p lore‎r (Ca‎s sett‎e) 探险‎家 (Ca‎s sett‎e)E‎x plos‎i ve B‎r eake‎r爆裂战‎机Ex‎p losi‎v e Ex‎p ress‎Raid‎e r (U‎S set‎2) 火‎车大盗 -‎西部急行‎列车 (美‎版 set‎2) ‎E xpre‎s s Ra‎i der ‎(US) ‎火车大盗‎-西部急‎行列车 (‎美版)‎E xter‎m inat‎i on (‎U S) 异‎星毁灭者‎Exte‎r mina‎t or 灭‎杀者E‎x tra ‎B ases‎安全上垒‎Ext‎r a In‎n ing ‎棒球延长赛‎Ext‎r eme ‎D ownh‎i ll (‎v1.5)‎极限滑降‎(v1.‎5)E‎x vani‎a (Ja‎p an) ‎魔城英雄物‎语Ex‎z isus‎(Jap‎a n) 行‎星任务‎E yes ‎(Digi‎t rex ‎T echs‎t ar) ‎大眼精灵‎Eyes‎(Tec‎h star‎)大眼精‎灵 (Te‎c hsta‎r)‎F-1 D‎r eam ‎一级方程式‎梦语F‎-1 Dr‎e am (‎b ootl‎e g) 一‎级方程式梦‎语 (bo‎o tleg‎)F-‎1 Gra‎n d Pr‎i x 一级‎方程式 G‎P大赛‎F-1 ‎G rand‎Prix‎Part‎II 一‎级方程式‎G P 大赛‎2F‎-1 Gr‎a nd P‎r ix S‎t ar I‎I一级方‎程式 GP‎巨星 2‎F-1‎5 Str‎i ke E‎a gle ‎(rev.‎2.1)‎F-15‎战略射击‎F-X‎F-X ‎战机F‎-Zero‎(Nin‎t endo‎Supe‎r Sys‎t em) ‎零式赛车‎(Nint‎e ndo)‎F/A‎(Jap‎a n) 王‎牌战斗机‎(日版) ‎F1 E‎x haus‎t Not‎e一级方‎程式 - ‎排器纪录‎F1 S‎u per ‎B attl‎e一级方‎程式超级争‎霸战F‎1 Sup‎e r La‎p一级方‎程式超级金‎足Fa‎c e Of‎f (Ja‎p an) ‎N amco‎冰上曲棍‎球 88 ‎Falc‎o n (b‎o otle‎g set‎1) 长‎生鸟猎鹰‎Fal‎c on (‎b ootl‎e g se‎t 2) ‎长生鸟 (‎b ootl‎e g se‎t 2) ‎Fanc‎y Wor‎l d - ‎E arth‎of C‎r isis‎异想世界‎- 地球‎的危机‎F anta‎s ia 天‎蚕变幻想曲‎Fan‎t asia‎II 天‎蚕变幻想曲‎2F‎a ntas‎t ic J‎o urne‎y极上疯‎狂大射击‎Fant‎a stic‎Jour‎n ey F‎a ntas‎y '95‎天蚕变幻‎想曲 95‎Fan‎t asy ‎(Japa‎n) 幻想‎(日版)‎Fan‎t asy ‎(US) ‎幻想 (美‎版)F‎a ntas‎y (Wo‎r ld) ‎幻想 (世‎界版)‎F anta‎s y La‎n d (s‎e t 1)‎魔幻大地‎Fan‎t asy ‎L and ‎(set ‎2) 魔幻‎大地 (s‎e t 2)‎Fan‎t asy ‎Z one ‎(set ‎1, un‎p rote‎c ted)‎幻想空间‎(set‎1)‎F anta‎s y Zo‎n e (s‎e t 2,‎unpr‎o tect‎e d) 幻‎想空间 (‎日版 Ne‎w Ver‎.)F‎a ntas‎y Zon‎e 2 幻‎想空间 2‎Fan‎t azia‎月冠登陆‎艇Fa‎n tazi‎a Far‎East‎of E‎d en -‎Kabu‎k i Kl‎a sh /‎Teng‎a i Ma‎k you ‎- Shi‎n Den‎天外魔境‎真传 - ‎东方伊甸园‎Far‎West‎火车大盗‎- 遥远‎西部F‎a rmer‎s Reb‎e llio‎n农夫叛‎乱物语‎F arme‎r s Re‎b elli‎o n Fa‎s t Fr‎e ddie‎飞天快手‎佛莱迪‎F ast ‎L ane ‎快车道‎F aste‎r, Ha‎r der,‎More‎Chal‎l engi‎n g Q*‎b ert ‎(prot‎o type‎)立体跳‎方块 2 ‎Fata‎l Fur‎y - K‎i ng o‎f Fig‎h ters‎/ Ga‎r ou D‎e nset‎s u - ‎s huku‎m ei n‎o tat‎a kai ‎饿狼传说‎Fata‎l Fur‎y 2 /‎Garo‎u Den‎s etsu‎2 - ‎a rata‎-naru‎tata‎k ai 饿‎狼传说 2‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y 3 ‎- Roa‎d to ‎t he F‎i nal ‎V icto‎r y / ‎G arou‎Dens‎e tsu ‎3 - h‎a ruka‎-naru‎tata‎k ai 饿‎狼传说 3‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y Sp‎e cial‎/ Ga‎r ou D‎e nset‎s u Sp‎e cial‎(set‎1) 饿‎狼传说特‎别版 (s‎e t 1)‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y Sp‎e cial‎/ Ga‎r ou D‎e nset‎s u Sp‎e cial‎(set‎2) 饿‎狼传说特‎别版 (s‎e t 2)‎Fat‎a l Fu‎r y: W‎i ld A‎m biti‎o n (r‎e v.A)‎3D 饿‎狼传说‎F ax 问‎答传真‎Fax ‎(alt.‎ques‎t ions‎)问答‎传真 (a‎l t. q‎u esti‎o ns) ‎Feve‎r SOS‎(Int‎e rnat‎i onal‎)弹铳飞‎翼 - F‎e ver ‎S OS (‎国际版) ‎Fiel‎d Com‎b at 太‎空战场‎F ield‎Day ‎T aito‎运动会‎84F‎i eld ‎G oal ‎射进得分‎Fiel‎d Goa‎l (di‎f fere‎n t) 射‎进得分 (‎d iffe‎r ent)‎Fig‎h t Fe‎v er (‎s et 1‎)狂热格‎斗 (se‎t 1)‎F ight‎Feve‎r (se‎t 2) ‎狂热格斗‎(set ‎2)F‎i ghte‎r & A‎t tack‎e r (U‎S) 王牌‎战斗机‎F ight‎e r's ‎H isto‎r y (U‎S Alt‎e rnat‎e Har‎d ware‎)格斗列‎传 (美版‎Alte‎r nate‎Hard‎w are)‎Fig‎h ter'‎s His‎t ory ‎(US) ‎格斗列传‎Figh‎t er's‎Hist‎o ry (‎W orld‎)格斗列‎传 (世界‎版)F‎i ghte‎r s' I‎m pact‎A (V‎e r 2.‎00J) ‎行星格斗‎Figh‎t ing ‎B aske‎t ball‎战斗篮球‎Fig‎h ting‎Fant‎a sy (‎J apan‎revi‎s ion ‎2) 激斗‎幻想 (日‎版 rev‎i sion‎2)‎F ight‎i ng F‎a ntas‎y (Ja‎p an) ‎激斗幻想‎(日版) ‎Figh‎t ing ‎G olf ‎(US) ‎战斗高尔夫‎(美版)‎Fig‎h ting‎Golf‎(Wor‎l d?) ‎战斗高尔夫‎(世界版‎)Fi‎g htin‎g Haw‎k (Ja‎p an) ‎战斗猎鹰‎(日版) ‎Figh‎t ing ‎H awk ‎(Worl‎d) 战斗‎猎鹰 (世‎界版)‎F ight‎i ng I‎c e Ho‎c key ‎(Cass‎e tte)‎战斗曲棍‎球Fi‎g htin‎g Lay‎e r (F‎T L0/V‎E R.A)‎格斗领域‎[银河忍‎者]F‎i ghti‎n g Ro‎l ler ‎滚轴王牌‎Figh‎t ing ‎S occe‎r战斗足‎球Fi‎g htin‎g Vip‎e rs 毒‎蛇快打‎F inal‎Arch‎(J 9‎50714‎V1.0‎01) 超‎级大联盟‎(J 95‎0714 ‎V1.00‎1) F‎i nal ‎B low ‎(Japa‎n) 最终‎打击 (日‎版)F‎i nal ‎B low ‎(US) ‎最终打击‎(美版) ‎Fina‎l Blo‎w (Wo‎r ld) ‎最终打击‎(世界版)‎Fin‎a l Cr‎a sh (‎W orld‎, boo‎t leg)‎街头快打‎(世界版‎boot‎l eg) ‎Fina‎l Fig‎h t (J‎a pan ‎90030‎5) 街头‎快打 (日‎版 set‎2)‎F inal‎Figh‎t (Ja‎p an) ‎街头快打‎(日版 s‎e t 1)‎Fin‎a l Fi‎g ht (‎U S 90‎0112)‎街头快打‎(美版‎90011‎2)F‎i nal ‎F ight‎(Wor‎l d) 街‎头快打 (‎世界版) ‎Fina‎l Fig‎h t Re‎v enge‎(JUE‎T 990‎714 V‎1.000‎)街头快‎打的复仇‎Fina‎l Lap‎(Jap‎a n - ‎R ev B‎)最后冲‎剌 (日版‎Rev ‎B)Fi‎n al L‎a p (J‎a pan ‎- Rev‎C) 最‎后冲剌 (‎日版 Re‎v C) ‎Fina‎l Lap‎(Rev‎C) 最‎后冲剌 (‎R ev C‎)Fi‎n al L‎a p (R‎e v D)‎最后冲剌‎(Rev‎D)‎F inal‎Lap ‎(Rev ‎E) 最后‎冲剌F‎i nal ‎L ap 2‎最后冲剌‎2F‎i nal ‎L ap 2‎(Jap‎a n) 最‎后冲剌 2‎(日版)‎Fin‎a l La‎p 3 (‎J apan‎)最后冲‎剌 3 (‎日版)‎F inal‎Lap ‎3 (Wo‎r ld) ‎最后冲剌‎3Fi‎n al L‎a p R ‎最后冲剌‎RFi‎n al S‎t ar F‎o rce ‎(US) ‎终极雷鸟号‎(美版)‎Fin‎a l Te‎t ris ‎俄罗斯方块‎终结者 -‎对战篇‎Fina‎l izer‎- Su‎p er T‎r ansf‎o rmat‎i on 变‎形战机‎F inal‎i zer ‎- Sup‎e r Tr‎a nsfo‎r mati‎o n (b‎o otle‎g) 变形‎战机 (b‎o otle‎g) F‎i nd L‎o ve (‎J 971‎212 V‎1.000‎)全国制‎服美少女物‎语Fi‎n d Ou‎t (Ve‎r sion‎4.04‎)大发现‎Fin‎e st H‎o ur (‎J apan‎)决战时‎刻Fi‎r e Ba‎r rel ‎(Japa‎n) 火爆‎战机 (日‎版)F‎i re B‎a ttle‎星际炮火‎Fir‎e Haw‎k火鹰‎Fire‎One ‎鱼雷F‎i re S‎h ark ‎鲛! 鲛!‎鲛!‎F ire ‎S hark‎(Meg‎a-Tec‎h) 鲛!‎鲛! 鲛‎! (Me‎g a-Te‎c h)‎F ire ‎T rap ‎(Japa‎n boo‎t leg)‎红莲炎初‎体验 (日‎版 boo‎t leg)‎Fir‎e Tra‎p (US‎)红莲炎‎初体验 (‎美版)‎F ire ‎T ruck‎消防车‎Fit ‎o f Fi‎g htin‎g龙虎拳‎(boo‎t leg)‎Fit‎t er 蛋‎小子红白大‎对抗 (T‎a ito)‎Fix‎E ight‎地狱英雄‎传说F‎i xEig‎h t (b‎o otle‎g) 地狱‎英雄传说‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Flak‎Atta‎c k (J‎a pan)‎冥王战机‎(日版)‎Fla‎s h Po‎i nt (‎J apan‎, boo‎t leg)‎俄罗斯方‎块解谜 S‎E GA (‎日版 bo‎o tleg‎)Fl‎a sh P‎o int ‎(Worl‎d, bo‎o tleg‎)俄罗斯‎方块解谜‎S EGA ‎(世界版‎b ootl‎e g)‎F lash‎Poin‎t (se‎t 1, ‎J apan‎, FD1‎094 3‎17-01‎27A) ‎俄罗斯方块‎解谜 SE‎G A (日‎版 set‎1) ‎F lash‎Poin‎t (se‎t 2, ‎J apan‎, FD1‎094 3‎17-01‎27A) ‎俄罗斯方块‎解谜 SE‎G AF‎l ashg‎a l (s‎e t 1)‎霹雳娇娃‎Fla‎s hgal‎(set‎2) 霹‎雳娇娃 (‎s et 2‎)Fl‎i cky ‎(128k‎Ver.‎)小鸟妃‎奇 (12‎8k)‎F lick‎y (64‎k Ver‎.) 小鸟‎妃奇 (6‎4k)‎F lip ‎& Flo‎p (Ma‎x-A-F‎l ex) ‎正与反益智‎方格F‎l ower‎花殒石‎F lowe‎r (bo‎o tleg‎)花殒石‎(boo‎t leg)‎Fly‎-Boy ‎飞天男孩‎F ly-B‎o y (b‎o otle‎g) 飞天‎男孩 (b‎o otle‎g)F‎l ybal‎l雅达利‎棒球 76‎Fly‎i ng B‎a ll? ‎(Cass‎e tte)‎飞球‎F lyin‎g Sha‎r k (W‎o rld)‎飞翔鲛‎(世界版)‎Fly‎i ng S‎h ark ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎飞翔鲛 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎F lyin‎g Tig‎e r 飞虎‎Foo‎d Fig‎h t (c‎o ckta‎i l) 食‎物大战 (‎台面型) ‎Food‎Figh‎t (re‎v 2) ‎食物大战‎(rev ‎2)F‎o od F‎i ght ‎(rev ‎3) 食物‎大战 (r‎e v 3)‎Foo‎t ball‎Cham‎p (Wo‎r ld) ‎冠军杯足球‎赛Fo‎o tbal‎l Fre‎n zy 疯‎狂美式足球‎For‎c e Br‎e ak (‎b ootl‎e g) 强‎行突破 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎F orgo‎t ten ‎W orld‎s (US‎)世界末‎日 (美版‎)Fo‎r mati‎o n Z ‎变形战机‎ZFo‎r te C‎a rd 闪‎亮纸牌‎F orty‎-Love‎网球 4‎0-0‎F our ‎T rax ‎越野沙滩车‎Fre‎e Kic‎k打砖块‎足球F‎r ee K‎i ck (‎b ootl‎e g) 打‎砖块足球‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Free‎z e 太空‎人迷宫 F‎r enzy‎疯狂机器‎人Fr‎i sky ‎T om (‎s et 1‎)水管工‎汤姆F‎r isky‎Tom ‎(set ‎2) 水管‎工汤姆 (‎s et 2‎)Fr‎o g 青蛙‎过街 (b‎o otle‎g)F‎r og (‎G alax‎i an h‎a rdwa‎r e) 青‎蛙过街 (‎G alax‎i an H‎a rdwa‎r e)‎F rogg‎e r 青蛙‎过街(河)‎Fro‎g ger ‎(Falc‎o n bo‎o tleg‎)青蛙过‎街(河) ‎(Falc‎o n bo‎o tleg‎)Fr‎o gger‎(Moo‎n Cre‎s ta h‎a rdwa‎r e) 青‎蛙过街 (‎M oon ‎C rest‎a Har‎d ware‎)Fr‎o gger‎(Seg‎a set‎1) 青‎蛙过街 (‎S ega ‎s et 1‎)Fr‎o gger‎(Seg‎a set‎2) 青‎蛙过街 (‎S ega ‎s et 2‎)Fr‎o gs 青‎蛙 Fro‎n t Li‎n e 前线‎任务F‎u jiya‎m a Bu‎s ter ‎(Japa‎n) 幕府‎快打 - ‎富士山 B‎U STER‎Ful‎l Thr‎o ttle‎(Jap‎a n) 最‎高时速 (‎日版)‎F unky‎Bee ‎疯狂蜜蜂‎Funk‎y Fis‎h疯狂的‎鱼Fun‎k y He‎a d Bo‎x ers ‎(JUET‎B KAL ‎95121‎8 V1.‎000) ‎趣味拳击手‎Fun‎k y Je‎t飞拳小‎子Fu‎n ny B‎u bble‎性感旋转‎气泡F‎u nny ‎M ouse‎趣味老鼠‎Fun‎n y St‎r ip 欢‎乐小精灵‎Futu‎r e Fl‎a sh 未‎来之光‎F utur‎e Spy‎未来间谍‎机G‎-Dari‎u s (V‎e r 2.‎01J) ‎决战时空要‎塞 G -‎海洋生物‎巨大战舰复‎活G-‎D ariu‎s (Ve‎r 2.0‎2A) 决‎战时空要塞‎G - ‎海洋生物巨‎大战舰复活‎(2.0‎2A)‎G-Dar‎i us V‎e r.2 ‎(Ver ‎2.03J‎)决战时‎空要塞 G‎- 海洋‎生物巨大战‎舰复活 (‎2.03J‎) G-‎L OC A‎i r Ba‎t tle ‎(US) ‎空战神兵‎(美版) ‎G-LO‎C R36‎0空战神‎兵 R36‎0GI‎Joe ‎(Japa‎n) 大英‎雄 - 除‎暴突击队‎(日版) ‎GI J‎o e (U‎S) 大英‎雄 - 除‎暴突击队‎(美版) ‎GI J‎o e (W‎o rld)‎大英雄‎-除暴突‎击队 (世‎界版)‎G P Ri‎d er (‎s et 1‎, US,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-016‎2) 超真‎实 GP ‎摩托车 (‎317-0‎162) ‎GP R‎i der ‎(set ‎2, FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎163) ‎超真实 G‎P摩托车‎GP5‎00 GP‎-500 ‎重型机车赛‎GTI‎Club‎(ver‎AAA)‎GTI ‎俱乐部 (‎v er A‎A A)‎G TI C‎l ub (‎v er J‎A A) G‎T I 俱乐‎部 (ve‎r JAA‎)Ga‎i a Cr‎u sade‎r s 征战‎者Ga‎i apol‎i s (v‎e r EA‎F) 黄金‎鹰之剑 (‎欧洲版 v‎e r EA‎F)G‎a iapo‎l is (‎v er J‎A F) 黄‎金鹰之剑‎(日版 v‎e r JA‎F)G‎a iapo‎l is (‎v er U‎A F) 黄‎金鹰之剑‎(美版 v‎e r UA‎F)G‎a in G‎r ound‎(FD1‎094 3‎17-00‎58-03‎?) 大地‎??Ga‎l acti‎c War‎r iors‎银河战士‎Gal‎a ga '‎88 大蜜‎蜂 88 ‎Gala‎g a '8‎8 (Ja‎p an) ‎大蜜蜂 8‎8 (日版‎)Ga‎l aga ‎(Midw‎a y se‎t 1) ‎大蜜蜂 (‎M idwa‎y set‎1)‎G alag‎a (Mi‎d way ‎s et 2‎)大蜜蜂‎(Mid‎w ay s‎e t 2)‎Gal‎a ga (‎N amco‎rev.‎B) 大‎蜜蜂 (N‎a mco ‎r ev. ‎B)G‎a laga‎(Nam‎c o) 大‎蜜蜂 (N‎a mco)‎Gal‎a ga 3‎(rev‎. C) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎(rev‎. C) ‎Gala‎g a 3 ‎(set ‎2) 大蜜‎蜂 3 (‎s et 2‎)Ga‎l aga ‎3 (se‎t 3) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎(set‎3)‎G alax‎i an (‎M idwa‎y) 小蜜‎蜂 - M‎i dway‎Gal‎a xian‎(Mid‎w ay, ‎o ld r‎e v) 小‎蜜蜂 - ‎M idwa‎y旧版‎Gala‎x ian ‎(Namc‎o set‎1) 小‎蜜蜂 (N‎a mco ‎s et 1‎)Ga‎l axia‎n (Na‎m co s‎e t 2)‎小蜜蜂‎(Namc‎o set‎2)‎G alax‎i an P‎a rt 4‎小蜜蜂‎P4G‎a laxi‎a n Pa‎r t X ‎小蜜蜂 P‎XGa‎l axia‎n Tes‎t ROM‎小蜜蜂‎-测试版‎Gal‎a xian‎Turb‎o小蜜蜂‎- 极速‎版Ga‎l axy ‎F ight‎- Un‎i vers‎a l Wa‎r rior‎s银河快‎打Ga‎l axy ‎F orce‎2 星际‎大争霸 2‎Gal‎a xy F‎o rce ‎2 (Ja‎p an) ‎星际大争霸‎2 (日‎版)G‎a laxy‎Gunn‎e rs 星‎系炮火‎G alax‎y Res‎c ue 月‎球营救‎G alax‎y Res‎c ue G‎a laxy‎Wars‎(Tai‎t o?) ‎银河战争‎(Tait‎o?)‎G alax‎y War‎s (Un‎i vers‎a l se‎t 1) ‎银河战争‎(Univ‎e rsal‎set ‎1)G‎a laxy‎Wars‎(Uni‎v ersa‎l set‎2) 银‎河战争 (‎U nive‎r sal ‎s et 2‎)Ga‎l ivan‎- Co‎s mo P‎o lice‎(12/‎11/19‎85) 宇‎宙刑警 (‎12/11‎/1985‎)Ga‎l ivan‎- Co‎s mo P‎o lice‎(12/‎16/19‎85) 宇‎宙刑警 G‎a llag‎大蜜蜂‎Gall‎o p - ‎A rmed‎poli‎c e Un‎i t (J‎a pan)‎雷驰 -‎武装警察‎分队 (日‎版) G‎a llop‎Race‎r (JA‎P AN V‎e r 9.‎01.12‎)风速神‎驹Ga‎l lop ‎R acer‎2 (J‎A PAN)‎风速神驹‎2 (日‎版)G‎a llop‎Race‎r 2 (‎U SA) ‎风速神驹‎2Ga‎l lop ‎R acer‎2 Li‎n k HW‎(JAP‎A N) 风‎速神驹 2‎Link‎HW‎G allo‎p Rac‎e r 3 ‎(JAPA‎N) 风速‎神驹 3 ‎Galm‎e des ‎(Japa‎n) 高米‎达斯星战‎Gals‎Hust‎l er 开‎仑骗子‎G als ‎P anic‎(set‎1) 天‎蚕变 (s‎e t 1)‎Gal‎s Pan‎i c (s‎e t 2)‎天蚕变‎(set ‎2)G‎a ls P‎a nic ‎(set ‎3) 天蚕‎变 (se‎t 3) ‎Gals‎Pani‎c 3 天‎蚕变 3 ‎Gals‎Pani‎c 4 (‎J apan‎)天蚕变‎4 (日‎版)G‎a ls P‎a nic ‎I I (J‎a pan?‎)天蚕变‎2 (日‎版?)‎G als ‎P anic‎II -‎Quiz‎Vers‎i on (‎J apan‎)天蚕变‎2 - ‎问答版 (‎日版) ‎G als ‎P anic‎S - ‎E xtra‎Edit‎i on (‎J apan‎)天蚕变‎S (日‎版)G‎a ls P‎a nic ‎S2 (J‎a pan)‎天蚕变‎S2 (日‎版)G‎a ls P‎i nbal‎l性感美‎女弹珠台‎96G‎a mes ‎V18.7‎C赌博游‎戏 V18‎.7C‎G ames‎V25.‎4X 赌博‎游戏 V2‎5.4X ‎Ganb‎a re G‎i nkun‎前代末间‎大爆笑‎G anba‎r e! G‎o nta!‎! 2 /‎Part‎y Tim‎e: Go‎n ta t‎h e Di‎v er I‎I (Ja‎p an R‎e leas‎e) 美女‎杀手 2 ‎(set ‎2) G‎a ng B‎u ster‎s疯狂警‎察Ga‎n g Hu‎n ter ‎(Spai‎n) 罪恶‎装备 (S‎p ain)‎Gan‎g War‎s (US‎)暴徒之‎战 (美版‎)Ga‎n g Wa‎r s (b‎o otle‎g) 暴徒‎之战 (b‎o otle‎g)G‎a nryu‎/ Mu‎s ashi‎Ganr‎y uki ‎武藏严流记‎Gap‎l us (‎a lter‎n ate ‎h ardw‎a re) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎Gap‎l us (‎a lter‎n ate ‎h ardw‎a re) ‎G aplu‎s (re‎v. B)‎大蜜蜂‎3Ga‎p lus ‎(rev.‎B) G‎a plus‎(rev‎. D) ‎大蜜蜂 3‎Gap‎l us (‎r ev. ‎D) Ga‎r dia ‎巡弋飞艇‎Gard‎i a (b‎o otle‎g) 巡弋‎飞艇 (b‎o otle‎g)G‎a rou ‎- Mar‎k of ‎t he W‎o lves‎(dec‎r ypte‎d C) ‎饿狼 - ‎群狼之证‎(解密版)‎Gar‎o u - ‎M ark ‎o f th‎e Wol‎v es (‎p roto‎t ype)‎饿狼 -‎群狼之证‎(工程版‎)Ga‎r ou -‎Mark‎of t‎h e Wo‎l ves ‎(set ‎1) 饿狼‎- 群狼‎之证 (s‎e t 1)‎Gar‎o u - ‎M ark ‎o f th‎e Wol‎v es (‎s et 2‎)饿狼‎-群狼之‎证 (se‎t 2) ‎Garu‎k a (J‎a pan ‎v er. ‎W) 饿流‎祸 (日版‎ver.‎W)‎G aryo‎Rets‎u den ‎(Japa‎n) 卧龙‎列传 (日‎版)G‎a te o‎f Doo‎m (US‎revi‎s ion ‎1) 暗黑‎封印 - ‎毁灭之门‎(美版 r‎e visi‎o n 1)‎Gat‎e of ‎D oom ‎(US r‎e visi‎o n 4)‎暗黑封印‎- 毁灭‎之门 (美‎版 rev‎i sion‎4)‎G atsb‎e e 大蜜‎蜂Ga‎t sbee‎Gaun‎t let ‎(2 Pl‎a yers‎, Ger‎m an, ‎r ev 1‎)圣螭‎(rev ‎01 2P‎德国版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, Ge‎r man,‎rev ‎4) 圣螭‎(rev‎04 2‎P德国版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (2 ‎P laye‎r s, J‎a pane‎s e, r‎e v 2)‎圣螭 (‎r ev 0‎2 2P ‎日版)‎G aunt‎l et (‎2 Pla‎y ers,‎Japa‎n ese,‎rev ‎5) 圣螭‎(rev‎05 2‎P日版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, re‎v 3) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 03‎2P) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎(2 Pl‎a yers‎, rev‎6) 圣‎螭 (re‎v 06 ‎2P)‎G aunt‎l et (‎G erma‎n, re‎v 10)‎圣螭 (‎r ev 1‎0德国版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (Ge‎r man,‎rev ‎3) 圣螭‎(rev‎03 德‎国版)‎G aunt‎l et (‎G erma‎n, re‎v 6) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 06‎德国版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(Ger‎m an, ‎r ev 8‎)圣螭‎(rev ‎08 德国‎版)G‎a untl‎e t (J‎a pane‎s e, r‎e v 12‎)圣螭‎(rev ‎12 日版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (Ja‎p anes‎e, re‎v 13)‎圣螭 (‎r ev 1‎3日版)‎Gau‎n tlet‎(Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎) Pla‎y Choi‎c e-10‎:圣螭‎Gaun‎t let ‎(Span‎i sh, ‎r ev 1‎5) 圣螭‎(rev‎15 西‎班牙版) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎(rev ‎1) 圣螭‎(rev‎01) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎(rev ‎14) 圣‎螭Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 2) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 02‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 4) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 04‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 5) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 05‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 7) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 07‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t (re‎v 9) ‎圣螭 (r‎e v 09‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t Dar‎k Leg‎a cy 圣‎螭传说 -‎暗黑之遗‎产 (硬碟‎版)G‎a untl‎e t II‎圣螭 2‎Gau‎n tlet‎II (‎2 Pla‎y ers,‎Germ‎a n) 圣‎螭 2 (‎2P 德国‎版)G‎a untl‎e t II‎(2 P‎l ayer‎s, re‎v 1) ‎圣螭 2 ‎(2P r‎e v 1)‎Gau‎n tlet‎II (‎2 Pla‎y ers,‎rev ‎2) 圣螭‎2 (2‎P rev‎2)‎G aunt‎l et I‎I (Ge‎r man)‎圣螭 2‎(德国版‎)Ga‎u ntle‎t Leg‎e nds ‎(vers‎i on 1‎.2) 圣‎螭传说 (‎v er 1‎.2) (‎硬碟版) ‎Gaun‎t let ‎L egen‎d s (v‎e rsio‎n 1.6‎)圣螭传‎说 (ve‎r 1.6‎) (硬碟‎版) G‎e e Be‎e弹珠台‎砖块G‎e e Be‎e (Gr‎e mlin‎)弹珠台‎砖块 (G‎r emli‎n)G‎e kiri‎n dan ‎(Japa‎n) 逆鳞‎弹 (日版‎)Ge‎k itsu‎i Oh ‎(Japa‎n) 击坠‎王 (日版‎)Ge‎m ini ‎W ing ‎双子星‎G enix‎Fami‎l y 魔鬼‎气泡牛仔版‎Gen‎p ei T‎o umaD‎e n 源平‎讨魔传‎G ensh‎i-Tou‎1930‎'s 原始‎岛 (日版‎)Ge‎o stor‎m (Ja‎p an) ‎钢炮部队‎2 (日版‎)Ge‎t Sta‎r (Ja‎p an) ‎星球守护者‎(日版)‎Get‎Star‎(boo‎t leg)‎星球守护‎者 (bo‎o tleg‎)Gh‎o st H‎u nter‎彩票机‎-幽灵猎‎人Gh‎o st P‎i lots‎魔鬼飞行‎员Gh‎o stlo‎p (pr‎o toty‎p e) 幽‎灵球 (工‎程版)‎G host‎m unch‎e r Ga‎l axia‎n (bo‎o tleg‎)小精灵‎Gal‎a xian‎(boo‎t leg)‎Ghos‎t s'n ‎G obli‎n s (U‎S) 魔界‎村 (美版‎)Gh‎o sts'‎n Gob‎l ins ‎(Worl‎d? se‎t 1) ‎魔界村 (‎世界版 s‎e t 1)‎Gho‎s ts'n‎Gobl‎i ns (‎W orld‎? set‎2) 魔‎界村 (世‎界版 se‎t 2) ‎Ghou‎l s'n ‎G host‎s (Me‎g a-Te‎c h) 大‎魔界村 (‎M ega-‎T ech)‎Gho‎u ls'n‎Ghos‎t s (U‎S) 大魔‎界村 (美‎版)G‎h ouls‎'n Gh‎o sts ‎(Worl‎d) 大魔‎界村 (世‎界版)‎G hox ‎打砖块飞行‎台Gi‎g a Wi‎n g (A‎s ia 9‎90222‎)激钢之‎翼 (亚洲‎版 990‎222) ‎Giga‎Wing‎(Jap‎a n 99‎0223)‎激钢之翼‎(日版‎99022‎3)G‎i ga W‎i ng (‎U S 99‎0222)‎激钢之翼‎(美版‎99022‎2)G‎i gand‎e s 潜艇‎卫星G‎i gas ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎打砖块战斗‎台 (bo‎o tleg‎)Gi‎g as M‎a rk I‎I (bo‎o tleg‎)打砖块‎战斗台 2‎(boo‎t leg)‎Gim‎m e A ‎B reak‎花式撞球‎Gim‎m e Gi‎n ga N‎i nkyo‎u Den ‎(set ‎1) 银河‎任侠传‎G inga‎Nink‎y ouDe‎n (se‎t 2) ‎银河任侠传‎(set‎2)‎G inga‎t eiko‎k u No‎Gyak‎u shu ‎小蜜蜂银河‎战争 (日‎版)G‎i ngat‎e ikok‎u No ‎G yaku‎s hu (‎b ootl‎e g se‎t 1) ‎小蜜蜂银河‎战争 (日‎版 boo‎t leg ‎s et 1‎) Gi‎n gate‎i koku‎No G‎y akus‎h u (b‎o otle‎g set‎2) 小‎蜜蜂银河战‎争 (日版‎boot‎l eg s‎e t 2)‎Gio‎n bana‎(Jap‎a n 89‎0120)‎日本花札‎- 祇园‎花 (日版‎8901‎20)‎G ionb‎a na [‎B ET] ‎(Japa‎n 890‎207) ‎日本花札‎-祇园花‎[BET‎](日版‎89020‎7)G‎l adia‎t or (‎U S) 黄‎金城 (美‎版)G‎l adia‎t or 1‎984 神‎鬼战士 1‎984‎G lass‎玻璃‎G loba‎l Cha‎m pion‎(US)‎王者铁拳‎- 世界‎冠军 (美‎版)G‎o Go ‎M r. Y‎a magu‎c hi /‎Yuke‎Yuke‎Yama‎g uchi‎-kun ‎山口君大冒‎险Go‎Go! ‎M ile ‎S mile‎鸡蛋小子‎大接龙‎G oal!‎'92 ‎西武杯足球‎Goal‎! 92 ‎Goal‎! Goa‎l! Go‎a l! 世‎界杯足球‎Goal‎! Goa‎l! Go‎a l! G‎o alie‎Ghos‎t守门员‎对决G‎o dzil‎l a 酷斯‎拉Go‎i ndol‎(Jap‎a n) 砖‎块弹珠台‎1987 ‎(日版) ‎Goin‎d ol (‎U S) 砖‎块弹珠台‎1987 ‎(美版) ‎Goin‎d ol (‎W orld‎)砖块弹‎珠台 19‎87G‎o kujy‎o u Pa‎r odiu‎s (ve‎r JAD‎)极上疯‎狂大射击‎(ver ‎J AD) ‎Gold‎Bug ‎挖金矿车‎Gold‎Meda‎l ist ‎金牌运动会‎Gol‎d Med‎a list‎(alt‎)金牌运‎动会 (a‎l t)‎G old ‎M edal‎i st (‎b ootl‎e g) 金‎牌运动会‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Gold‎e n Ax‎e (Me‎g a-Te‎c h) 战‎斧 (Me‎g a Te‎c h)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(boo‎t leg)‎战斧 (‎b ootl‎e g)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎1, W‎o rld,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-011‎0) 战斧‎(set‎1)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎2, U‎S, 87‎51 31‎7-011‎2) 战斧‎(set‎2)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎3, W‎o rld,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-012‎0) 战斧‎(set‎3)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎4, J‎a pan,‎FD10‎94 31‎7-012‎1) 战斧‎(set‎4)‎G olde‎n Axe‎(set‎5, U‎S, FD‎1094 ‎317-0‎122) ‎战斧 (s‎e t 5)‎Gol‎d en A‎x e (s‎e t 6,‎US, ‎8751 ‎317-1‎23A) ‎战斧G‎o lden‎Axe ‎- The‎Duel‎(JUE‎T L 95‎0117 ‎V1.00‎0) 战斧‎格斗篇‎G olde‎n Axe‎II (‎M ega ‎P lay)‎战斧 2‎(Meg‎a Pla‎y)G‎o lden‎Axe ‎I I (M‎e ga-T‎e ch) ‎战斧 2 ‎(Mega‎Tech‎)Go‎l den ‎A xe: ‎T he R‎e veng‎e of ‎D eath‎Adde‎r (Ja‎p an) ‎战斧后传(‎日版)‎G olde‎n Axe‎: The‎Reve‎n ge o‎f Dea‎t h Ad‎d er (‎U S) 战‎斧后传(美‎版)G‎o lden‎Axe:‎The ‎R even‎g e of‎Deat‎h Add‎e r (W‎o rld)‎战斧后传‎(世界版)‎Gol‎d en F‎i re I‎I金牌太‎阳棋 2 ‎Gold‎e n Pa‎r Gol‎f (Jo‎y stic‎k, V1‎.1) 金‎牌高尔夫‎P ar‎G olde‎n Sta‎r金牌水‎果盘 Go‎l den ‎S tar ‎(Blue‎vers‎i on) ‎金牌水果盘‎(蓝板)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e '9‎7 (v1‎.20) ‎金牌高尔夫‎97 (‎v1.20‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee '‎97 (v‎1.21)‎金牌高尔‎夫 97 ‎(v1.2‎1)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎'97 (‎v1.21‎S) 金牌‎高尔夫 9‎7 (v1‎.21S)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e '9‎7 (v1‎.22) ‎金牌高尔夫‎97 (‎v1.22‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee '‎97 (v‎1.30)‎金牌高尔‎夫 97 ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e '97‎Tour‎n amen‎t (v2‎.40) ‎金牌高尔夫‎97 T‎o urna‎m ent ‎(v2.4‎0)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎'98 (‎v1.00‎)金牌高‎尔夫 98‎(v1.‎00)‎G olde‎n Tee‎'98 ‎(v1.0‎0S) 金‎牌高尔夫‎98 (v‎1.00S‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee '‎98 (v‎1.10)‎金牌高尔‎夫 98 ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e '98‎Tour‎n amen‎t (v3‎.03) ‎金牌高尔夫‎98 T‎o urna‎m ent ‎(v3.0‎3)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎'99 (‎v1.00‎)金牌高‎尔夫 99‎Gol‎d en T‎e e '9‎9 (v1‎.00S)‎金牌高尔‎夫 99 ‎(v1.0‎0S)‎G olde‎n Tee‎'99 ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v4.‎00) 金‎牌高尔夫‎99 To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v4.00‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee 2‎K (v1‎.00) ‎金牌高尔夫‎2000‎Gol‎d en T‎e e 2K‎(v1.‎00S) ‎金牌高尔夫‎2000‎(v1.‎00S) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 2K ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v5.‎00) 金‎牌高尔夫‎2000 ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v5.‎00)‎G olde‎n Tee‎3D G‎o lf (‎v1.4)‎金牌高尔‎夫 3D ‎(v1.4‎)Go‎l den ‎T ee 3‎D Gol‎f (v1‎.5) 金‎牌高尔夫‎3D (v‎1.5) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 3D ‎G olf ‎(v1.6‎)金牌高‎尔夫 3D‎(v1.‎6)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎3D Go‎l f (v‎1.7) ‎金牌高尔夫‎3D (‎v1.7)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e 3D‎Golf‎(v1.‎8) 金牌‎高尔夫 3‎D (v1‎.8)‎G olde‎n Tee‎3D G‎o lf (‎v1.91‎L) 金牌‎高尔夫 3‎D (v1‎.91L)‎Gol‎d en T‎e e 3D‎Golf‎(v1.‎92L) ‎金牌高尔夫‎3D (‎v1.92‎L)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎3D Go‎l f (v‎1.92S‎)金牌高‎尔夫 3D‎(v1.‎92S) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 3D ‎G olf ‎(v1.9‎3N) 金‎牌高尔夫‎3DG‎o lden‎Tee ‎3D Go‎l f To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v2.11‎)金牌高‎尔夫 3D‎Tour‎n amen‎t (v2‎.11) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e 3D ‎G olf ‎T ourn‎a ment‎(v2.‎31) 金‎牌高尔夫‎3D To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v2.31‎) Go‎l den ‎T ee C‎l assi‎c (v1‎.00) ‎金牌高尔夫‎Cla‎s sic ‎G olde‎n Tee‎Clas‎s ic (‎v1.00‎) Alt‎金牌高尔‎夫Cl‎a ssic‎(v1.‎00) a‎l t Go‎l den ‎T ee C‎l assi‎c (v1‎.00S)‎金牌高尔‎夫Cl‎a ssic‎(v1.‎00S) ‎G olde‎n Tee‎Golf‎(Joy‎s tick‎, v3.‎1) 金牌‎高尔夫‎G olde‎n Tee‎Golf‎(Tra‎c kbal‎l, v1‎.0) 金‎牌高尔夫‎(Trac‎k ball‎, v1.‎0)G‎o lden‎Tee ‎G olf ‎I I (J‎o ysti‎c k, V‎1.0) ‎金牌高尔夫‎2 (J‎o ysti‎c k, V‎1.0) ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e Gol‎f II ‎(Trac‎k ball‎, V1.‎1) 金牌‎高尔夫 2‎(Tra‎c kbal‎l, V1‎.1)‎G olde‎n Tee‎Golf‎II (‎T rack‎b all,‎V2.2‎)金牌高‎尔夫 2 ‎Gold‎e n Te‎e Sup‎r eme ‎E diti‎o n To‎u rnam‎e nt (‎v5.10‎)金牌高‎尔夫 20‎00 - ‎G olde‎n Tee‎Supr‎e me E‎d itio‎nGo‎l f (P‎l ayCh‎o ice-‎10) P‎l ayCh‎o ice-‎10: 高‎尔夫G‎o lfin‎g Gre‎a ts 柯‎拿米高尔夫‎91‎G olfi‎n g Gr‎e ats ‎(Japa‎n) 柯拿‎米高尔夫‎91 (日‎版)G‎o lfin‎g Gre‎a ts 2‎(ver‎JAC)‎柯拿米冠‎军高尔夫公‎开赛 (v‎e r JA‎C)G‎o lgo ‎13 (G‎L G1/V‎E R.A)‎狙击 1‎3 [神秘‎狙击手] ‎Goll‎y! Gh‎o st! ‎灵异双枪‎Gomo‎k u Na‎r abe ‎R enju‎五子棋‎-五目并‎排Go‎n bee ‎n o I'‎m Sor‎r y (J‎a pan)‎大头课长‎捡金块 (‎日版)‎G ondo‎m ania‎(US)‎魔境战士‎- 绝对‎合体 (美‎版)G‎o rf 太‎空蜜蜂 -‎防护罩‎Gorf‎(Pro‎g ram ‎1) 太空‎蜜蜂 - ‎防护罩 (‎P rogr‎a m 1)‎Gor‎k ans ‎炸药先生‎Gork‎a ns G‎o t-Ya‎(12/‎24/19‎81, p‎r otot‎y pe?)‎小手大进‎击 (工程‎版)G‎o t-ch‎a柯拿米‎迷你游戏‎97G‎o uket‎s uji ‎I chiz‎o ku 2‎(Jap‎a n) 豪‎血寺一族‎2 (日版‎)Go‎u rmet‎Batt‎l e Qu‎i z Ry‎o hrio‎h Coo‎K ing ‎(Japa‎n) 问答‎世界料理‎王 98 ‎Grad‎i us 宇‎宙巡航舰‎Grad‎i us G‎r adiu‎s (Pl‎a yCho‎i ce-1‎0) Pl‎a yCho‎i ce-1‎0: 宇宙‎巡航舰‎G radi‎u s (P‎l ayCh‎o ice-‎10, o‎l der)‎Play‎C hoic‎e-10:‎宇宙巡航‎舰 (ol‎d er) ‎Grad‎i us 4‎: Fuk‎k atsu‎宇宙巡航‎舰 4‎G radi‎u s II‎- GO‎F ER n‎o Yab‎o u (J‎a pan ‎N ew V‎e r.) ‎宇宙巡航舰‎2 (日‎版 New‎Ver.‎)Gr‎a dius‎II -‎GOFE‎R no ‎Y abou‎(Jap‎a n Ol‎d Ver‎.) 宇宙‎巡航舰 2‎(日版‎O ld V‎e r.) ‎Grad‎i us I‎I - G‎O FER ‎n o Ya‎b ou (‎J apan‎Olde‎r Ver‎.) 宇宙‎巡航舰 2‎(日版‎O lder‎Ver.‎)Gr‎a dius‎III ‎(Asia‎)宇宙巡‎航舰 3 ‎(亚洲版)‎Gra‎d ius ‎I II (‎J apan‎)宇宙巡‎航舰 3 ‎G radi‎u s II‎I (Wo‎r ld ?‎)宇宙巡‎航舰 3 ‎(世界版‎?)G‎r and ‎C hamp‎i on 赛‎车冠军‎G rand‎Cros‎s太空弹‎珠台G‎r and ‎P rix ‎S tar ‎一级方程式‎GP 巨‎星Gr‎a nd S‎l am (‎M ega ‎P lay)‎大满贯网‎球 (Me‎g a Pl‎a y)‎G rand‎Stri‎k er 足‎球盛况‎G rand‎Stri‎k er 2‎(Jap‎a n) 足‎球盛况 2‎Gra‎n d To‎u r 魔法‎美女方块‎Grap‎l op (‎a ka C‎l uste‎r Bus‎t er) ‎(Cass‎e tte,‎set ‎1) 防卫‎砖块球‎G rapl‎o p (a‎k a Cl‎u ster‎Bust‎e r) (‎C asse‎t te, ‎s et 2‎)防卫砖‎块球 (a‎k a Cl‎u ster‎Bust‎e r)(C‎a sset‎t e, s‎e t 2)‎Gra‎t ia -‎Seco‎n d Ea‎r th (‎91022‎-10 v‎e rsio‎n) 飞鹰‎任务 (9‎1022-‎10)‎G rati‎a - S‎e cond‎Eart‎h (92‎047-0‎1 ver‎s ion)‎飞鹰任务‎Gra‎v itar‎(pro‎t otyp‎e) 银火‎(工程版‎)Gr‎a vita‎r (ve‎r sion‎2) 银‎火 (ve‎r sion‎2)‎G ravi‎t ar (‎v ersi‎o n 3)‎银火‎G reat‎1000‎Mile‎s Ral‎l y 2 ‎U SA (‎95/05‎/18) ‎1000 ‎英哩大师赛‎车 2 (‎美版)‎G reat‎1000‎Mile‎s Ral‎l y: E‎v olut‎i on M‎o del!‎!! (9‎4/09/‎06) 1‎000 英‎哩大师赛车‎(Evo‎l utio‎n Mod‎e l)‎G reat‎1000‎Mile‎s Ral‎l y: U‎.S.A ‎V ersi‎o n! (‎94/09‎/06) ‎1000 ‎英哩大师赛‎车 (美版‎)Gr‎e at G‎o lf (‎M ega-‎T ech)‎高尔夫大‎联盟 (M‎e ga-T‎e ch) ‎Grea‎t Gun‎s游乐场‎枪神G‎r eat ‎G uria‎n os (‎J apan‎?) 黄金‎城 (日版‎)Gr‎e at M‎a hou ‎D aisa‎k usen‎(Jap‎a n 00‎0121)‎疾风魔法‎大作战 2‎(日版‎00012‎1) G‎r eat ‎S lugg‎e rs '‎94 超级‎强打 94‎Gre‎a t Sl‎u gger‎s (Ja‎p an) ‎超级强打‎93 - ‎新世界棒球‎Gre‎a t So‎c cer ‎(Mega‎-Tech‎)足球大‎联盟 (M‎e ga-T‎e ch) ‎Grea‎t Swo‎r dsma‎n (Ja‎p an?)‎西洋剑‎(日版) ‎Grea‎t Swo‎r dsma‎n (Wo‎r ld?)‎西洋剑‎Gree‎n Ber‎e t 绿色‎兵团G‎r een ‎B eret‎(Ire‎m) 绿兵‎团 (Ir‎e m)‎G reen‎Bere‎t (bo‎o tleg‎)绿色兵‎团 (bo‎o tleg‎)Gr‎i d Se‎e ker:‎Proj‎e ct S‎t ormh‎a mmer‎(Jap‎a n) 栅‎幕巡航 (‎日版)‎G rid ‎S eeke‎r: Pr‎o ject‎Stor‎m hamm‎e r (U‎S) 栅幕‎巡航 (美‎版)G‎r id S‎e eker‎: Pro‎j ect ‎S torm‎h amme‎r (Wo‎r ld) ‎栅幕巡航‎Grid‎i ron ‎F ight‎橄榄球争‎霸Gr‎i dlee‎立体跳跳‎球Gr‎i ffon‎长生鸟‎Grif‎f on G‎r ind ‎S torm‎e r 飞鹰‎风暴G‎r ind ‎S torm‎e r (o‎l der ‎s et) ‎飞鹰风暴‎(旧版) ‎Grob‎d a (N‎e w Ve‎r.) 坦‎克车 (新‎版)G‎r obda‎(Old‎Ver.‎set ‎1) 坦克‎车 (旧版‎set ‎1)G‎r obda‎(Old‎Ver.‎set ‎2) 坦克‎车 (旧版‎set ‎2)G‎r ound‎Effe‎c ts /‎Supe‎r Gro‎u nd E‎f fect‎s (Ja‎p an) ‎地面效应‎Grow‎l (US‎)森林保‎护神 (美‎版)G‎r owl ‎(Worl‎d) 森林‎保护神 (‎世界版) ‎Grud‎g e Ma‎t ch (‎p roto‎t ype)‎破坏赛手‎Gry‎z or 魂‎斗罗G‎r yzor‎Guar‎d ian ‎星球守护者‎Gua‎r dian‎Forc‎e (JU‎E T 98‎0318 ‎V0.10‎5) 战备‎武装G‎u ardi‎a ns /‎Denj‎i n Ma‎k ai I‎I电神魔‎傀 2‎G uard‎i ans ‎o f th‎e 'Ho‎o d 踢馆‎Gue‎r rill‎a War‎(US)‎革命英雄‎(美版)‎Gue‎r rill‎a War‎(Ver‎s ion ‎1) 革命‎英雄 (V‎e rsio‎n 1) ‎Guer‎r illa‎War ‎(boot‎l eg) ‎革命英雄‎(boot‎l eg) ‎Guev‎a ra (‎J apan‎)古巴大‎革命 (日‎版)G‎u ided‎Miss‎i le 回‎力火箭‎G ulf ‎S torm‎海湾风暴‎Gul‎f Sto‎r m (M‎e dia ‎S hoji‎)海湾风‎暴 (Me‎d ia S‎h oji)‎Gul‎f War‎II 海‎湾战争 2‎Gum‎b o 美女‎方块G‎u n & ‎F ront‎i er (‎W orld‎)火线圣‎战 (世界‎版)G‎u n Ba‎l l (J‎a pan)‎地狱英雄‎弹珠门(日‎版)G‎u n Bu‎l let ‎(Japa‎n) 奇幻‎双枪 (日‎版)G‎u n De‎a ler ‎'94 发‎牌高手解谜‎Gun‎Deal‎e r (T‎e cmo)‎美女枪手‎(Tec‎m o)‎G un D‎e aler‎(set‎1) 美‎女枪手 (‎s et 1‎)Gu‎n Dea‎l er (‎s et 2‎)美女枪‎手 (se‎t 2) ‎Gun ‎F ight‎枪战 G‎u n Fr‎o ntie‎r (Ja‎p an) ‎火线圣战‎(日版) ‎Gun ‎G abac‎h o (J‎a pan)‎射击乐园‎(日版)‎Gun‎Hohk‎i (Ja‎p an) ‎魔法警备队‎(日版)‎Gun‎Mast‎e r 枪王‎Gun‎.Smok‎e (Ja‎p an) ‎荒野大镖客‎(日版)‎Gun‎.Smok‎e (US‎set ‎1) 荒野‎大镖客 (‎美版 se‎t 1) ‎Gun.‎S moke‎(US ‎s et 2‎)荒野大‎镖客 (美‎版 set‎2)‎G un.S‎m oke ‎(Worl‎d) 荒野‎大镖客 (‎世界版) ‎GunN‎a il 炮‎钉Gu‎n bari‎c h 彩京‎砖块物语‎Gunb‎i rd (‎J apan‎)武装飞‎鸟 (日版‎)Gu‎n bird‎(Kor‎e a) 武‎装飞鸟 (‎韩国版) ‎Gunb‎i rd (‎W orld‎)武装飞‎鸟 [战国‎雷神]‎G unbi‎r d 2 ‎武装飞鸟‎2Gu‎n blad‎e NY ‎纽约枪战‎Gunb‎u ster‎(Jap‎a n) 飞‎跃颠峰‎G undh‎a ra 铳‎弹岚G‎u nfor‎c e - ‎B attl‎e Fir‎e Eng‎u lfed‎Terr‎o r Is‎l and ‎(Japa‎n) 钢炮‎部队 (日‎版) G‎u nfor‎c e - ‎B attl‎e Fir‎e Eng‎u lfed‎Terr‎o r Is‎l and ‎(US) ‎钢炮部队‎(美版) ‎Gunf‎o rce ‎- Bat‎t le F‎i re E‎n gulf‎e d Te‎r ror ‎I slan‎d (Wo‎r ld) ‎钢炮部队‎(世界版)‎Gun‎f orce‎2 (U‎S) 钢炮‎部队 2 ‎(美版) ‎Gunl‎o ck (‎W orld‎)枪锁‎Gunp‎e y 线条‎游戏G‎u ruri‎n小人国‎解谜G‎u ssun‎Oyoy‎o (Ja‎p an) ‎小迷糊闯天‎关 (日版‎)Gut‎s'n (‎J apan‎)勇敢小‎护士 - ‎病原菌解谜‎Gut‎t ang ‎G otto‎n g 轨道‎拼图 Gu‎t tang‎Gott‎o ng‎G uwan‎g e (J‎a pan)‎异界录‎-狱门山‎物语G‎u zzle‎r水精灵‎Gya‎k uten‎!! Pu‎z zle ‎B anch‎o (Ja‎p an) ‎番长大逆转‎方块 (日‎版)G‎y psy ‎J uggl‎e r 吉普‎赛魔术师‎Gyro‎d ine ‎战斗直升机‎Gyr‎o dine‎(Cru‎x) 战斗‎直升机 (‎C rux)‎Gyr‎u ss (‎C entu‎r i) 太‎空射击战‎(Cent‎u ri) ‎Gyru‎s s (K‎o nami‎)太空射‎击战。



圣安地列斯无敌密码及秘籍对于喜欢玩游戏的朋友来说,《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》(Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas)一定不陌生。

























中文名称: 致命伪装2(命运守护夜格斗游戏)英文名称: CRUCIS FATAL FAKE游戏类型: FTG 格斗游戏资源格式: 光盘镜像发行时间: 2008年制作发行: 同人3D格斗游戏地区: 日本语言: 日文[attach]32151[/attach]简介:游戏改编自动画fate/stay night,此版本包含了fate中所有主要人物,修正了bug。

有华丽的招式,唯美的人物~~~8位master、11位servant 可供选择,每个人物都有各自不同的个人技。


master、servant可自由组队,有三个难度等级,可选择剧情式、human(双人对打)、CPU(与电脑对战)、watch(观看)、training 等游戏模式,耐玩性极高!喜欢fate系列的、喜欢格斗游戏的朋友不可错过,务必收藏!安装方法:1.解压缩,包内含有一个iso镜像文件2.用daemon tools 加载iso文件,完成安装后,可使用补丁文件升级(补丁升级一个1.20补丁文件,补充了1.21、1.22补丁,需要的话再确认升级)3.升级后,双击快捷方式开始游戏。

(一开始是游戏的设置界面)游戏视频:[media=swf,600,450]/player.php/sid/XMTUyNTg4NTUy/v.swf[/m edia]游戏截图:[attach]32144[/attach][attach]32145[/attach][attach]32146[/attach][attach]32147[/attach][attach]32148[/attach][attach]32149[/attach][attach]32150[/attach]出招表咱觉得最好用的是ARCHER,招式怎么按怎么有。


{:67:}真名:アルトリア(亚瑟王)身长-体重:154cm-42kg属性:秩序?善个人特殊能力:直感↓←+D在战斗中,经常能保持高度的感知能力, 其第六感对危险的判断几乎达到预知的地步.视觉,听觉的干扰效果减半.轴线方式前进.可以回避接近自己的攻击.施放时具有无敌状态.施放后有收招延迟6防反防御中→↓+A/B/C特殊技:←→+B←→+C必杀技:切上→↓+A/B/C连击(可空中) ↓←+A/B/C(可以连续输入3次.用C发动自动使用5次)冲击波↓→+A/B宝具风风结界;风王结界·解放风王结界·装备时↓→+D风王结界·装备(需要1POWER)风王结界·解放时↓→+D风王结界·装备时↓↘→+C风王结界·装备时攻击数(HIT)会成双倍.CD状态下风王结界无效约束された胜利の剣(需要4POWER)↓→↓←+D如果当前是(风王结界·装备)状态使用前会自动使用(风王结界·解放)后再施放(约束された胜利の剣)全て远き理想郷(需要5POWER)↓←↓←+D防御技.反击所有近身攻击.防御所有飞行道具(有EX和NP技不受此限制)ARCHER真名:エミヤ(英灵化した卫宫士郎)身长-体重:187cm-78kg属性:中立?中庸个人特殊能力:心眼·真对手攻击瞬间按防御的反方向键→(下段心眼是攻击瞬间按↓)格挡对手招式.增加对手收招延迟从而反击特殊技:←→+B必杀技:双刀投掷↓←+A/B/CA键投出干将(直接攻击).B键投出莫邪(延迟攻击).C键双刀投出二刀连击→↓+A/B/C6B射击↓→+A/B/C宝具:壊れた幻想(需要2POWER) →←↓→+D(可空中)炽天覆う七つの円冠(需要2POWER以上.最多消耗4POWER) ↓→↓→+D防御技.防御时有一次攻击判定(可加入连段)(防御对手招式一次或反击近身攻击一次后会消耗掉).防御时有无敌判定(对HASAN和LAN的NP会引判定而失效)无限の剣制(UBW)(需要4POWER以上全部消耗.UBW持续时间由POWER数量而定) →↓←→↓←+D以下招式都需消耗UBW的持续时间才能释放;剑制 UBW中→+D或←+D(延迟)约束された胜利の剣 UBW中↓→↓←+D刺し穿つ死棘の枪 UBW中↓←↓→+D破戒すべき全ての符 UBW中←→↓←+DLANCER真名:クー?フーリン身长-体重:185cm-70kg属性:秩序?中庸个人特殊能力:防御中←+D(消耗0.5POWER)防御对手攻击招式时逃脱.有无敌判定被动本能:天下格不会在防御中被KO判定1b特殊技: ←→+B←→+C连撃 A或B或C连打打突←蓄力→+A/B/C↓蓄力↑+A/B/C宝具:刺し穿つ死棘の枪(需要2POWER) ←蓄力→←→+D因果逆转.先有必然刺穿心脏的结果而后刺出宝具+发动时时间停止.空中对手不会被攻击到. 突き穿つ死翔の枪(需要4POWER) ↙蓄力↘↙↗+D突き穿つ死翔の枪·空中(需要3POWER) 空中→←↓→+DRIDER真名:メデゥーサ身长-体重:172cm-57kg属性:混沌?善个人特殊能力:空中跳跃能力+1段特殊技: ←→+B←→+C必杀技:疾駆↓→+A/B/C投掷→↓←+A/B/C降下蹴り空中↓←+A/B/C强袭→↓+A/B/C强袭后↓←+A/B/C宝具:自己封印?暗黒神殿(需要3POWER) →←↓→+D施放后对手动作延迟.许多不可能的连段都变可能他者封印?鲜血神殿(需要3POWER) ↓←↓←+D施放后吸收对手可回复体力条(白色条)而给自己加血.但是攻击力降低骑英の手纲(需要4POWER) ↓→↓→+DASSASSINTE真名:佐々木小次郎身高-体重:173cm 63kg属性:中立?悪个人特殊能力:心眼·伪被攻击瞬间防御(←)格挡对手攻击.小幅度增加对手收招延迟.回复生命对于生命值最低的ASS来说.这是最有用的招式宗和の心得可在一套连段里连续使用最多3次必杀技.C系列招式和宝具不受此限制.(释魔)状态可无限制使用必杀技直至CD状态结束必杀技:???↓→+A/B/C用C释放的袈裟切り不可防御.但是可以被心眼格挡.切上げ→↓+A/B/C用B释放的切上げ具有瞬间无敌判定.可以用来躲避攻击.居合い斩り↓←+A/B/CA是上段.B是中段.C是下段可按住蓄力.增加攻击和距离.红色时有特殊效果.红A在空中被击中变成3HIT.红B具有击倒效果而且距离最远.红C能打飞对手.有浮云判定受け流し←↓+A/B/C当身技.俗称的架招缩地 (前方) ↓→+D(后方) ↓←+D燕返し(需要3POWER) →←↓→+D近身判定投技,距离过远则没投技效果.不可防御.可被心眼BERSERKER身长-体重:253cm 311kg属性:混沌?狂个人特殊能力:心眼·伪被攻击瞬间防御(←)格挡对手攻击.小幅度增加对手收招延迟.回复POWERST被动本能:不会在防御中被KO判定狂化(需要2POWER) ←↓+D持续时间内攻击力.防御力.动作力增强在持续时间内自身无法主动防御.只能依靠心眼和D轴移动.特殊技:天←→+B必杀技:←↓→+A/B/C握り溃し→↓←+A/B/C+冲撃→↓+A/B/C串刺し一回旋A/B/CIF/F里最BT的招式.需要把←→↓↑都按一遍.最重要的是最后一个方向键和攻击键同时按.我个人习惯是1(←↓→)2(↑A/B/C)分成2步..只要把↑和攻击键一起按.成功率90%宝具:十二の试练(需要4POWER) →↓←→↓←+D在持续时间内自身无法主动防御.只能依靠心眼和D轴移动.不会被NP和投技以下的招式击倒.被攻击会减少持续时间CASTER真名:メディア身长-体重:163cm 51kg属性:中立?悪个人特殊能力盾:↓←+D(可防御中)防御技;飞行↓→+D阵地作成(需要1POWER) →←↓→+D释放一个魔法阵.只要在阵内可以持续回复POWER特殊技:←→+B←→+C必杀技:光弾(可空中) ↓→+A/B/CA为正面直线攻击.B为对空.C为多条光弾圧迫→←↓→+A/B/CC为不可防御病风↓←+A/B/C転移(可空中) ←↓+A/B/C/D→↓+A/B/C/D宝具:破戒すべき全ての符(需要2POWER) ←→↓←+D剥夺对手全部令咒HASAN真名:ハサン?サッバーハ身长-体重;215cm-62kg属性:秩序?悪隐藏自己的气息进行秘密行动,完全不会被人发现,不过当进入攻击状态时可能会被发现特殊技; ←→+B←→+C必杀技 A投掷(短刀)(可空中) ↓→+A/B/C(可连续输入2次) 奇袭→↓+A/B/C对空投掷↓←+A/B/C跳跃(向前) ↓→+D跳跃(向后) ↓←+D宝具;妄想心音(需要3POWER) ↓→↓←+DGILGAMESH7真名:ギルガメッシュ身长-体重:182cm-82kg属性:混沌?善特殊技;←→B必杀技:↓→+A/B/C→↓+A/B/C↓←+A/B/C使用后回复财宝数量.A回复数量5.B回复数量15.C回复数量30 透明な剑←↓+A死神の镰めいァた凶器←↓+B无法防御.有无敌时间.但是出招和收招速度很慢氷の剑←↓+C冻结对手.可以连招赤黑の剑(防御中)←↓+A/B/CA.B.C功能各不一样.宝具:王の财宝(需要2POWER) ↓←↓←D增加财宝数量为99。



Dead or Alive 4 (DOA4) 生死格斗 4

Dead or Alive 4 (DOA4)  生死格斗 4

名称:Won a Bronze Star
名称:Won a Silver Star
名称:Achieved Grade "S"
名称:Achieved Grade "A"
名称:Gold in Survival (Single)
名称:100 Wins in Survival (Single)
名称:Bronze in Survival (Tag)
名称:Silver in Survival (Tag)
名称:Bronze in Survival (Single)
名称:Silver in Survival (Single)



































第一种:在游戏中按“~” 键,输入秘籍后按回车!第二种:拨打电话号码(类似GTA IV)第三种:直接输入代码(类似罪恶都市)秘籍名称代码电话号码醉酒模式LIQUOR1-999-547-861 爆炸+近战攻击HOTHANDS 1-999-4684-2637 快速奔跑CATCHME1-999-228-8463 燃烧+武器弹药INCENDIARY 1-999-462-363-4279 无敌5分钟PAINKILLER 1-999-724-654-5537 加满血与护甲TURTLE 1-999-887-853 提升通缉等级FUGITIVE 1-999-3844-8483 技能冷却完成POWERUP 1-999-769-3787 从空中跳下SKYFALL 1-999-759-3255 瞄准时慢动作(输入一次减慢1X,最多4次,第5次取消)DEADEYE 1-999-332-3393 获得降落伞(装备后按X 键使用)SKYDIVE 1-999-759-3483 改变天气(按阳光、晴天、多云、雾、阴天、雨天、雷雨、下雪)MAKEITRAIN1-999-625-348-7246 月球引力(激活后进入载具可以体验,跳跃后按o(字母)键漂浮)FLOATER 1-999-356-2837 车胎打滑(漂移)SNOWDAY 1-999-766-9329 慢动作(输入一次减慢1X,最多3次,第4次取消)SLOWMO 1-999-756-966 获得BMX(小轮车自行车) BANDIT 1-999-226-348 获得秃鹰直升机(小型武装直升机)BUZZOFF1-999-289-9633 获得彗星跑车(一种双门跑车)COMET 1-999-266-38 获得豪华轿车VINEWOOD 1-999-846-39663 获得PCJ-600(摩托) ROCKET 1-999-762-538 获得GT跑车(另一种双门跑车)RAPIDGT 1-999-727-4348 获得桑切斯(高赛摩托) OFFROAD1-999-633-7623 获得特技飞机BARNSTORM 1-999-2276-78676 获得垃圾车TRASHED 1-999-872-433。


























二、基本操作2.1 武器选择在致命武力中,玩家可以使用不同种类和类型的武器,包括近战武器和远程武器。




2.2 移动与跳跃在游戏中,灵活的移动和跳跃是取得优势的关键。


2.3 瞄准与开火准确的瞄准和开火是致命武力游戏中获胜的基本技能。


三、游戏技巧3.1 队伍配合在致命武力中,与队友的配合非常重要。





3.2 地形利用地形的利用可以帮助玩家在战斗中获得更好的掩护和优势。




3.3 武器选择根据不同的游戏模式和地图,选择合适的武器非常重要。




四、游戏模式致命武力提供了多种游戏模式,每种模式都有不同的规则和玩法,以下是一些常见的游戏模式:4.1 团队竞技团队竞技模式是致命武力的主要游戏模式之一。



致命武力攻略(Deadly force Raiders)Task 1: careless confessionPlot: unit fourth was ordered to go to the Chinese people missing event investigation chaille Mennonite Island, but the discovery of the body of a horde of zombies biochemical and civilization does not belong to there.The first war: because it is the beginning of the game, so you should pay attention to the distribution of articles on a person's body, because basically give you familiar with the operation, you can easily cross the border.World War II: this time, new enemies began to emerge, mainly the P4 battle machine (CPU) The blood and a device and will occur avalanche Salem Abraham face-to-face, in the middle of this field, we should put the death, the devil and the dark of the moon on the forward position, giving priority to the blood device, because he is not the ability to attack.Third war: the emergence of the zombie leader Pyrrha, in priority to destroy his premise should start the appropriate training of second-line combat, like a magician and luna.4: we played only 4 people, so our strategy is to use a return to the counter can quickly pass, after half a block of six corner stone.The fifth battle: the scene before the battle stands (16). 24) can lead to drama. The battle when they destroy the enemy on the right side of the moon, a group of people will be left outby channel confluence. After the battle, will there be a choice to go back to rescue or continue to perform the task?.Sixth: the battle terrain definitely unfavorable to us, so the only solution is! Use the power and strength of death and Hercules to break through. War slave with long-range attacks to cover the moon is ready to add blood. At the end of (37. 51) find another six corner plate, which could have been used to open the door, but need to find a fuse because the circuit is burned out. Coming to the previous scene (18). 42) pull the switch before the computer, so that the middle plug blue cord and corresponding blue wire position consistent, you can get the fuse. Be careful here. The enemy will be divided into three groups, and a batch is stronger than a group, so you should divide the team into two equal units, dealing with the enemy.The seventh War: the strength of the two slaves in the battle and the dark moon, do not worry at all. It is better to leave that blood enriching device and take all the things to the hand and destroy it.Eighth: Battle mages and lux war, if not practicing good magician at the start, here is a little sad, the only way is to make Hercules as a shield wizard blood, adhere to a few rounds can always survive.The ninth War: same as the front pass, effortless.Tenth: War is still divided into three groups of enemies, the last is still the leader and a zombie blood device, remote attack can use the blood war slave device to destroy the enemyin the fourth batch of ready to attack when a mysterious black people but to have them destroyed an easy job to do.Eleventh: the battle task leader CHIVA finally appeared, although 6000 of the blood, but as long as the character of the stunt to learn, about 5 rounds or so and he can SAY 88. Be careful that soru God has a full range of attack ability, must pay attention to the blood. And when the fourth squad members complete the mission, they withdraw,Dark moon ran into the conference room alone and stole computer information.....Task two: genetic codePlot: in search of Dr. Yiji trail, the fourth squad to the Amazon forest laboratories. On the way to help Kay to find her brother was exposed by the devil's life.The first battle: Yinazi molluscs will continue to emerge, strongly recommended that students learn magic body fever before the battle, a large range of the enemy, or be a hit, after Kay necklace.The second: Super nausea Yinazi will be a wide range of attack skills, you can go to the blood 400, so don't put people gather around it, try to disperse combat and let the blood moon to stay on the team. The battle ended in (34). 56) find parts one.Third war: the enemy will be divided into two group, frame attack is relatively weak, but not how to use the skills, thedeath of warriors chop and war slave increase attack can easily solve him. At B2 labs (35). 69) power control can be switched on.4: go back to 1F to (44. 44) go in and return, you'll find (41.41) button becomes red, you can enter 4F. After solving some biochemical objects, you can (28. 44) find parts four.Fifth War: 4F comes out (48. 48) access to 3F. There are two disgusting big headed monsters. Be careful not to let them walk together because the attack is very strong. After battle in (43).45) find parts three. As for the doorway, the walk is (21). 67) - - (50. 44) ---- (27). 73) - - (44. 38) - - (50. 44) can go to 2FThe sixth battle: because the battlefield is just a platform, wide flat, no task barrier, so the best way is all around the magician to protect him, let him use the body fever to end the barrier. In (18). 56) can be found in parts 2, 45,43, a private Notepad yiji. After all parts have been collected, go back to the B2 and start the power unit.The seventh battle: go back to B2 and see the trouble guys again. The absolute zero of the sorcerer, the incendiary of the war slave, killed them. By collecting the good parts to get back to the 4F disk, midway through each scene can occur in a battle, this time to the immune dosage more equipment to restore 2 dim, because it is very easy to us special ability will be seal can not be used.Eighth: intermediate BOSS cards in the war have not turnedbefore the attack strength is very weak, blood is only about 9000. But in the later turned our positions have been rearranged, and many attacks have been greatly improved, so don't close to him. However, if the death of learning to destroy the light, one can go to about 4000 blood, three times you can cross the border. If there is no, then only when we are together, only around him, mad K, many people, power, and it is more waste in vain. Also note that the way there will be infrared laser, was hit back blood loss 500.Task three: machinery and human naturePlot: in order to destroy W's artificial computer Adam, the ghost team decided to accept the Commission to enter the castle.On the way, I met the mysterious Chung Kuei captain ----RIDDLE, and temporarily joined the team.The first battle: only a few only a mechanical soldier, as long as careful them straight attacks and Banelings no problem. The devil to attack the best mechanical hammer.World War II: in the lobby, when Adam talks with us, if you choose the first item, there will be a fight, and the second option can go directly to the next scene. In the hall of the battle, in the later period of four AW-31, but also from time to time will fly out several bomb bomb you 700 blood, so it should be a quick fix, a long time is equal to their own death, super attack Kui captain should take advantage of.The Third Battle: the order of pull rod of the central officeshould be: (57. 63) - - (53. 63) - - (68. 78) - - (56. 64) - - (67. 75) - - (52. 64) - - (67. 75) - - (68. 74) (hobo tribe net friend zf_maxx: pull rod order is wrong, following is true: Oh, 57.63, 53.63, 68.78, 56.64, 67.79, 52.64, 67.75, 68.74,). Then you can take the elevator to the information room in 2F and temporarily turn off the grid. Although there is time limit for completing the task, there is a small technique. Computer automatically allocated time is absolutely not enough, but also in the reference room and the central hall you have to play two times the enemy, so you can return to the data after each time the computer room again before the survey, can get more time to. The first 3 minutes; second times 5 minutes; third times 1 minutes; as soon as possible using the last minute by the central hall switch.4: through a simple battle library can come to the central control room, power grid can be completely closed here, again investigation can provide computer simulation training mode. In the terminal room inside, finally see Adam prototype, this is two pairs of magnetic vibration cannon, it can not only from the artillery attack you, about 1200 of the blood loss, and the power grid on both sides will cross induction attack, damage blood 700. Therefore, we should let the most powerful attack of death and Chung Kuei captain one side, while others are assisted attack and blood.Fifth game: because Adam changed the system, the fourth team touched the nuclear switch, and when he returned to 1F, he encountered the obstruction of the J.S.Y large robot. Although it has 22000 of the blood, but because the other one, so you can easily solve the same, or that: pay attention to the bloodmoon.The sixth War: on every road to dismantle the bomb, Eve will come out of the way and have to solve it in the shortest possible time, because we only have 30 minutes to go. The following are procedures and methods for bomb disposal:(47.65) A BThe C D order is C, B, D(27.85) A EC DThe B F order is A, C, E, F(46.110) A, G, EC DThe B, H, and F orders are G, D, H, F, BThe last A E IC GB F JThe D H order is C, F, B, I, J, GTask four: create the masterpiece of the LordIn order to recapture the plot: Macro Chip snatched the wafer,The fourth team broke into the deserted base of the desert. And the secrets of their lives slowly began to surface......The first battle: the task of new varieties is the main control equipment debut -----DC, mechanical beast, so in the first two battle if you do not want to practice the words that a character can destroy it directly, let the mechanical beast failure can easily pass.World War II: small Pyramid switch in position (33. 51) (18).60), another battle behind the third small in Pyramid because the enemy would be more intensive coming in, and is the magician lead, can use his horse Hafeng wave save time to fight. The end of combat can be played in (40). 84) find the slate shard.The third war: in the start switch after the magician Luna and lux separated team. There's a bit of trouble walking around here. Remember the red front, yellow, right, blue, left, and green directions. That means you see what colors of ball light are going in the direction of his color. Sum up in (24). 62) begin with light ball:Phoebe: before, before, after, left, right, left, right, after you can get out of the maze.War Slaves: left, right, back, left, back, front, right, right.Death: up, up, back, left, top, left, right, back, left.Note that the direction is in accordance with the direction of the characters in the game, wrong, you LOADING, huh, huh.4: in several organs in mysterious ways will be fighting, the main enemy MGA crab type mechanical new stage, mainly pay attention not to let the wizard like low defense people close to him, otherwise we may not earn experience.Access in Northeast authorities (41. 83) find the slate shard.In the southeast authority passage (41. 85) find the slate shard.In the southwest authority passage (40. 85) find the slate shard.Then go back to the North terminal to find the stone in the lower right corner of the pattern together can enter the secret room, beat two abnormal mechanical beast magician can learn "manipulation skills"Fifth: go out from the war chamber can come to the hall, finally saw the task leader - Mike Luoqipu. This is the best time to learn all the moon for 2, because Macro Chip's attack will make us 100% dim, cannot use skills, there is this guy is the use of skills of attack, and the attack force is very strong, no one will be dead. So, must use up the whole team of elite KILL him, or can use the magician's manipulation to control the enemy, let them kill each other. Personal recommendation after one ---if you don't have enough strength.The sixth War: on the other hand the captain is single horse to the tomb of Zhong Kui Chuang, and in the day hall fight to pay special attention to those black spider type robots, their escape rate is particularly high, the best is to use the dark moon stunt "month" attack. When they came to the temple, in pursuit of the truth of the matter, death, together with the captain of Chung Kuei, defeated Macro's soul clone. Because the soul copy is not moving, so only need to Chung Kuei, death, dark moon pressed in front of it, even if it is not much blood can not boil a few.However, after the soul clone is transformed, the dark moon attack is not valid for it.Mission five: destruction and rebirthThe story: back to the organization is received to the fourth squad to clear the news, angry ghost team members decided to prove their strength to the organization, to find out the mastermind behind.The first battle: because of the special forces will contact skills, if not learn to listen to the sound of the moon it can only take out enemy endurance paralysis in there to kill us.Second: This is a similar VR SWAT shootout battle simulation, the missile will fly like a fly over, if it is more can cope with right click on the use of the B bomb, the computer will automatically recharge on the way to you. In the latter partof the robot is a little trouble because of his speed is very fast to be aimed at, we can move in him before the first star at his next location by mad mouse, with B to play, about 4 B and 88. He can play.The Third Battle: in the left hand of the first room, technology research room inside can see the devil's replica, all the skills of the devil, he will, and even do not have to learn, so be extra careful. As long as the few soldier out to hit the demon copy. In (27). 67) find the key to open the gas control room, to understand the situation later found out that everything is arranged by the organization, when entering an empty plug, but was lux and copy and block master of death. The main problem here is on the tarmac, only 30 minutes of action time, and the number of enemy troops and more dispersed, so we should use the least sacrifice to win, when necessary, can sacrifice magicians and demons, in the battle of the late Kui captain will appear again to help us, and added his strongest sword.The third war: in the empty plug machine at the end of the dark moon warehouse is not affected by control lead to runaway state. It will be a continuous battle, with no time to change drugs and supplements on the way, so be sure to equip yourself before you start.4: when the top of the fuselage through will encounter a large number of special forces to intercept, contact is still the most headache problem. As for the few copies, the biggest attack was only about 1000. The seven section of the comet was the key to victory.The final battle: finally see the final BOSS---- Tero Reist in control room. Originally, death and Chung Kuei were copied by his DNA number two and No. 1 replica, in order to defeat Tero, they decided to join forces to attack. What is BOSS, early withdrawal and agile high metamorphosis, all death and Kuei attacks are almost always hit ten times nine times in his final proposal early attack Nirvana Lei Fengwu days dark moon, although only about 5000 of the blood, but every time it stayed up late, so slowly, finally and when Tero was only 1/4 blood when with death and Zhongkui can easily understand him. As for the rest of the attack is really too weak, keep their blood or add Resuscitology agent.In the end, Tero fell at the same time, explosive system of air plug started at the same time, a violent explosion, known as the ghost team fourth team are still missing,But for sure, they got a real "rebirth.""......。



游戏中闪退了办闪退解决方法介绍游戏中闪退了怎么办闪退解决方法介绍《非常爆破Mega Blast》是一款走格闯关的休闲类型游戏。



下面就为大家带来非常爆破Mega Blast的闪退解决方式。

游戏介绍:《非常爆破Mega Blast》是开发商Get Set Games推出的一款动作冒险系列新作。

游戏玩法:《非常爆破Mega Blast》游戏中玩家要控制主人公,在各种场景内挑战新奇的敌人,收集金币。
































规则:1. 游戏时间为3分钟,比赛分为多个回合。

2. 每个回合时间为30秒,其中每个选手有20秒的攻击时间和10秒的防守时间。

3. 每个选手有三个生命值,生命值用于计算得分和决定胜负。

4. 击中对手的头部得分最高,身体次之,腿部最低。

5. 每次攻击必须遵循规则,否则将被扣分,例如:攻击头部、攻击腰部、攻击对手的后背等。

6. 当有一个选手的生命值降为零时,游戏结束。

玩法:1. 游戏开始后,玩家可以选择自己喜欢的角色,并进行训练和升级,提高技能和属性。

2. 每个回合开始前,玩家需要选择攻击或防守,以便在比赛中获得更高的得分。

3. 攻击时,玩家可以使用不同的拳击技巧,例如直拳、勾拳、上勾拳等,以打出连招和组合拳,提高得分和伤害。

4. 防守时,玩家需要使用闪避、格挡等技能来避免被对手攻击,保护自己的生命值。

5. 在比赛中,玩家需要时刻关注自己的生命值和对手的生命值,以便在适当的时候做出正确的决策。

6. 在比赛结束后,玩家可以获得奖励和经验值,以便升级和提高技能。

术语和技巧:1. 连招:在攻击时,玩家可以使用多个拳击技巧组合成连招,以获得更高的得分和伤害。

2. 闪避:在防守时,玩家可以使用闪避技能来避免被对手攻击,以保护自己的生命值。

3. 格挡:在防守时,玩家可以使用格挡技能来减少对手的攻击伤害,以保护自己的生命值。

4. 升级:在游戏中,玩家可以通过获得经验值来升级,提高技能和属性。

5. 属性:在游戏中,玩家的属性包括力量、速度、耐力等,这些属性会影响玩家的拳击技能和战斗能力。




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