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SAE J1100 JUL2002机动车辆尺寸
SAE J1100 JUL2002——机动车辆尺寸1.范围——此SAE工业标准为汽车尺寸定义了一系列测量方法和标准程序。
除非另有说明,所有的尺寸测量都是垂直于三维参考系统(见SAE J182),除了地面相关尺寸是垂直于地面。
2.1.1 SAE出版物——Available from SAE,400 Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale,PA,15096-0001。
SAE J182——机动车辆标准号SAE J287——驾驶员手部控制区域SAE J826——定义和测量汽车座椅的使用设备SAE J941——机动车辆驾驶员眼睛范围SAE J1052——机动车辆驾驶员和乘客头部位置SAE J1516——设备工具参考点SAE J1517——选择驾驶员座椅位置2.1.2 ISO 出版物——Available ANSI ,NY 10036-8002.ISO 3832——乘用车——测量参考体积的方法。
2.2 相关出版物——以下提供的出版物仅作信息目的,并不是此规格的要求部分。
2.2.1 ISO出版物——Available from ANSI,25 West 43rd Street,New York,NY 10036-8002。
Maximum Junction Temperature 125°C (Note2) Operating Temperature Range -40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range -65°C to 125°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) 300°C
Cellular and Smart Phones Battery-Powered Equipment Laptop, Palmtops, Notebook Computers
Package: RN: SOT-23-5 URN: SC-70-5 Features P: Standard (default, lead free) C: Customized Enable Option: A: active high with internal 8 MΩ pull down B: active low with internal 8 MΩ pull up Output Voltage Accuracy A: ±1% B: ±2% Output Voltage: 12: 1.2V 13:1.3V 15: 1.5V 18:1.8V 25:2.5V 27:2.7V 28:2.8V 285: 2.85V 30: 3.0V 32:3.2V 33:3.3V 50:5.0V CT: custom fixed output (50mV step)
ӨJC 130°C/W 170°C/W
1罕见UL规格和用途1.1UL1007,300V 80°,电子线32AWG -16AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝,尺度UL758 -。
电子电器设备内部连接线,1.2UL1015,600V 105°电子线32AWG -10AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝,尺度UL758 。
电子电器设备内部连接线,1.3UL1032 ,1000V 90°电子线30AWG -4AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝,尺度UL758 。
电子电器设备内部连接线1.4UL1061,300V 80°电子线30AWG -16AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝,尺度UL758 。
电子电器设备内部连接线1.5UL1185,300V 80°单芯屏蔽线,30-4AWG 单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝,用于录放音系统,电子电路等1.6UL1429,150V 80°交联PVC 线30-16AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝尺度UL758 电子电器设备内部连接线1.7UL1430,300V 105°交联PVC 线30-16AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝尺度UL758 电子电器设备内部连接线1.8UL1431 600V 105 交联PVC 线30-16AWG ,单根或者裸铜,镀锡铜丝尺度UL758 电子电器设备内部连接线1.9UL1704,300V 150°32-10AWG 镀银,镀锡,镀镍软铜丝,铁氟龙线航空冶金石油仪器仪表,变压器电机引出线1.10UL2096 多芯屏蔽电线300V 80度30-16AWG 绞合裸铜,2-8芯,镀锡铜丝,电器电子内部连接器,UL7581.11UL2405 双芯屏蔽电线,300V 80度,30-16AWG 电脑,视听设备内部线1.12UL2464,300V 80°电脑线,无屏蔽,单屏蔽,双屏蔽,30AWG-18AWG 绞合裸铜,镀锡铜丝,电子电器内外部连接线1.13UL2468,300V 80°排线,30WAG-16AWG 单根,绞合铜丝,电器电脑内部连接线1.14UL2517/2464/20276-SSS,300V 105°28-16AWG 移动线缆,电子电器,通用线缆,机器人用线缆1.15UL2547,80°多芯屏蔽线缆80度,30-16AWG 2-3芯,录放音响电子系统1.16UL2651 排线300V 105度灰排彩排线,用于IDC 连接器配合PICH1.17UL2678 ATA300V 105 度灰排线,用于ATA 连接器配合PICH 0.635MM1.18UL2725,30V 80°30-28AWG 2-13芯,用于2类系统视听电子设备内外部连接线1.19UL2835 30V 60度,屏蔽,无屏蔽,32-22AWG 用于2级电路电子设备内部连接线,游戏机线1.20UL2851 30V 80度1.21UL3854 30V 80度1.22UL2919,30V 80°低电压电脑线,1+4,3+4、5、6、7,,,RGB 显示器,电子计算机,商用计算机1.23UL2960 30V 60度低压电脑线1.24UL2969 30V 80度1.25UL20276,30V 80°多芯电脑线,25P 用于2类电子设备内外部连接线1.26UL3173 600V 125度无卤交联线电气设备内部连接1.27UL3265 150V 125 度,无卤交联线,电子电器内部连接线线1.28UL3266,300V 125°无卤交联线,32-10AWG 电子电器内部连接线1.29UL3271 600V 125度,无卤交联线,汽车或者电器、设备内部连接线1.30UL3275 无卤交联线,1000V 105度,电器设备内部连接线26AWG-9AWG 1.31UL3302 无卤交联线,30V105度电子电器内部2类电路连接线1.32UL3363 无卤加强交联线,300V 125度,电子电器设备内部连接线1.33UL3385 无卤交联线,300V 105 度电子电器内部连接线1.34UL3386 无卤交联线600V 105度电子电器内部连接线1.35UL20851 无卤HDMI 多媒体连接线30V 80度1.36UL20855 无卤DVI 电缆1.37UL21088 无卤IEEE1394 高速介面链接线1.38CAT-3E 三类局部区域网络电缆1.39CAT-5E 超五类局部区域网络电缆UTP/FTP/STP1.40CAT-6E 超六类局部区域网络电缆1.41CAT-7 七类局部区域网络电缆AV1.42AVS 特薄心汽车花线1.43AVSS。
Badger 18 电子管电钢棒电钢棒放大器用户指南说明书
Tube-Buffered Effects Loop: Performs equally well with pedals and line-level rack gear. For best results ensure that the effects unit is set to unity gain.
Outputs: " " " Dual speaker outputs: 4Ω, 8Ω & 16Ω impedance
Cabinet: " " " Void free Baltic birch ply
Dimensions: " " Head: 20.5" wide x 9.25" high x 8.25" deep, Combo: 20.5" wide x 24.75" high x 11.0" deep
Tubes: The Badger 18 tube compliment consists of two EL84 power tubes, three 12AX7 preamp tubes and one 5Y3GT* rectifier tube. * When replacing the rectifier tube, we require you change it with a new 5Y3GT. Using the 5Y3GT will ensure your Badger’s internal voltages operate properly.
Max Clean Headroom: Power: 10, Drive: 10, Treble: 5, Middle: 5, Bass: 5, Gain: 2-3
Vodafone GigaCube (Huawei B528s-23a) In First Test
Vodafone GigaCube (Huawei B528) In First TestTag: Vodafone B528, Huawei B528, Gigacube B528, Vodafone GigaCube B528, Vodafone Cube B528, Huawei B528s-23aVodafone GigaCube (Huawei B528s-23a): https:///huawei-b528-cube-4g-lte-router.htmlLast month, Vodafone has presented the GigaCube for a package of routers and mobile phone rates. The router is the Huawei B528, which is also without Vodafone branding. Only the outer packaging carries the design of the telecommunication service provider. The GigaCube itself has the manufacturer Huawei's logo and there is no indication of Vodafone. Now we have the opportunity to have closer look at the GigaCube router.Not suitable for mobile useThe Vodafone GigaCube is 105 x 105 x 181 millimeters in size. The body is not in small size, so you may not take it in hand like Huawei E5787 mobile WiFi hotspots. For this reason alone, the GigaCube is not suitable for mobile use, but it’s cool for the weekend house, the caravan, the hotel room or the apartment. In addition, there is no inserted battery or replacable battery in the Huawei B528 GigaCube. Instead, the unit is powered only by the included power supply.As an alternative to WLAN, a notebook can also be connected to the router via a network cable. Such a cable is included with the GigaCube. The connector is located on the back of the device. There is also the socket with which the power supply is connected to the mobile hotspot. Under one flap there are also jacks, via which external antennas can be connected to the GigaCube. The connection for a VoIP telephone, which is also located on the back of the router, has been deactivated according to Vodafone specifications. We could not test this so far.On the front, we can see not only the on/off switch and the WPS button, but also four light-emitting diodes. These indicate whether the B528 GigaCube is powered, whether the WLAN hotspot is available and whether the LAN port is being used. The fourth LED indicates whether the router is connected to the mobile network.Easy SetupThe GigaCube can be configured via a connected computer, a smartphone or a tablet. The Internet address to configure the router is giga.cube, user need enter it in the Internet browser. The default password for the web front-end is located on the bottom of the router. Here is also the SSID and WLAN password specified. In addition, the SIM card (micro SIM format) slot is located on the underside.After the SIM card is inserted directly and the GigaCube is switched on, the LED for the mobile radio reception is initially red. Reason: The SIM PIN must be entered via the web-based menu if the PIN search on the SIM card has not been switched off, which is at least partly the case with the operator cards defined for the GigaCube. After this, the initial setting can be made. A personalized SSID can be assigned, which can be connected with a special password.On page 2, you can read about the function in the configuration menu, and to what extent, the GigaCube also allows the use of SIM cards from other networks. During the initial setup, the access data for the router menu can also be adjusted. In addition to own WLAN data for the hotspot on 2.4 GHz, the individualization for 5 GHz is also integrated. The settings can be changed subsequently. Furthermore, the user can decide whether to operate parallel to 2.4 and 5 GHz or only on one of these frequency ranges. In principle, the WLAN function can also be switched off completely if, for example, only a device via a network cable is connected to the router for the Internet access.SIM free & UnlockedWe have also used a SIM card from other network provider such as O2, which has worked smoothly in the GigaCube. Say: The Vodafone GigaCube router was not equipped with a SIM lock or Netlock and it can be used with any operator cards. The access data for foreign networks may not be recognized automatically.To do this, a new profile must only be created in the Connection Setup - Profile Management menu.What Interesting is the possibility to set up a VPN directly on the Huawei B528 router. The WLAN channels can be selected manually. These are automatically assigned by default. The user interface is very similar to Huawei's other mobile hotspots. The WLAN range is significantly higher than the Huawei E5776 mobile hotspot, which we had tested for comparison.Fast Wireless Internet ConnectionThe GigaCube supports speeds of up to 300 MBit/s in the downstream via LTE, especially on the LTE-Advanced networks. Also Internet connections can be established with the router via UMTS/HSPA and GPRS/EDGE. In the first test, the Huawei B528 sold by Vodafone GigaCube left a good impression. The setup is intuitively possible (can be seen from the fact that the access data for the 5 GHz, WLAN area must be adjusted later) and the WiFi range is quite comparable to that of a FRITZ! Box 7490, which we had tested at the same Place.The Vodafone GigaCube could serve as a DSL replacement, but less suitable for the more extensive file exchange and intensive streaming. Exciting is the possibility to use any SIM card. Thus, the Huawei B528 GigaCube can also be bought at the comparatively low price from , for example on a holiday abroad, where the GigaCube tariff is not available, can also be used with a local SIM card. And there is newer model Huawei B618 LTE CPE Cube available now, which supports higher level LTE networks.If you would like to know more Huawei 4G LTE Routers, welcome to checkhttps:///4g-wireless-router/huawei-4g-lte-wifi-router.html。
Fluke Calibration 8588A 8558A数字多功能仪器说明书
The 8588A Reference Multimeter is the world’s most stable digitizing multi-meter. Designed for calibration laboratories, this long-scale high-precision reference multi-meter features superior accuracy and long-term stability over a wide measurement range, with an intuitive user interface and a color display.The 8588A delivers reliable and reproducible measurements with exceptional performance suitable for primary levellaboratories. With more than 12 measurement functions, includ-ing the new digitize voltage, digitize current, capacitance, RF power, and external shunts for dc and ac current, the 8588A helps you consolidate your lab’s cost of test into a single mea-surement instrument. Its superb analog performance is aug-mented by Fluke Calibration’s new high-speed system design and the industry’s fastest direct digitizing capability, enabling significant throughput increase for many automated systems demanding a combination of the highest speed and best accuracy.The 8588A holds the indus-try’s best one-year dc voltage accuracy of 2.7 uV/V at 95 % confidence interval, or3.5 uV /V at 99 %, and best 24-hour stability of 0.5 uV/V (95 %) or 0.65 uV/V (99 %),enabling it to outperform other long-scale reference multimeters on the market. The 8588A fur-ther pushes the speed envelope by producing a stable 8.5 digits reading in a mere one second.The 8588A platform consists of two models. The 8588A and 8558A both feature a common intuitive user interface with an easy-to-navigate menu struc-ture for all configurations and a set of matching SCPI-compliantcommands for automated envi-ronments. In addition, both models support a minimum of 100,000 readings per second at 4.5 digits across GPIB, USB or Ethernet.8588A Reference Multimeter8558A 8.5-Digit Multimeter8588A: The world’s most stable digitizing multimeterThe 8588A is designed for calibration and metrology laboratories that require the highest stability for the most accurate measurements to maintain maximum confidence in traceability.8558A: The industry’s fastest direct 5 mega-samples-per-second digitizing for system automation in labs and manufacturing test environmentsThe 8558A offers a subset of 8588A functions and features at an extremely competitive accuracy and speed performance.8588A key features and performanceDC voltage• 100 mV to 1000 V, (1050 V max)• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 1 nV • 2.7 μV/V (95 %) 3.5 µV/V (99 %), 1 year• 0.5 μV/V (95 %) 0.65 µV/V (99 %), 24 hour stability • 0 to 10 s reading aperture (200 ns resolution)DC current• 10 uA to 30 A• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 1 pA • 6.5 µA/V (95 %), 8.4 µA/V (99 %), 1 year• 0 to 10 s reading aperture (200 ns resolution)AC voltage• 10 mV to 1000 V, 1 Hz to 10 MHz, (1050 Vrms max)• 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1.2x full scale Vrms• Maximum resolution: 1 nV • 60 µV/V (95 %), 77 µV/V (99 %), 1 yearAC current• 10 uA to 30 A• 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1 Hz to 100 kHz 1.2x FS Vrms• Maximum resolution: 1 pA • 250 µA/V (95 %), 323 µA/V (99 %), 1 year Resistance• 1Ω to 10 GΩ (20 GΩ max) • 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 10 nΩ• 7 µΩ/Ω (95 %), 9 µΩ/Ω (99 %), 1 year• Low current mode,high voltage mode and current-reversal Tru Ohms™Digitize V• 100 mV to 1000 V, (1050 Vmax)• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 18 bits• 5 mega-samples per secondsample rate• Up to 20 MHz bandwidthDigitize I• 10 µA to 30 A• 2.02x full scale• Maximum resolution: 18 bits• 5 mega-samples per secondsample rate• Up to 4 MHz bandwidthFrequency or period• Voltage, up to 10 MHz• Current, up to 100 kHz• Frequency up to 100 MHzon BNC• 0.5 µHz/Hz, 1 yearCapacitance• 1 nF to 100 mF• 400 µF/F, 1 yearTemperature• PRT and thermocouple• 5 mK PRT, 25 mK TC, 1 yearRF power• Rhode & Schwarz NRP seriesDC I and AC I external shunt• A40B and any other externalshuntReading speed• 1reading/**************memory• 100,000readings/*****digit into memory• Up to 5,000,000 (5 MS/s)readings /s into volatilememory in digitize V and I• Up to 500,000 readings/stransfer through USB inbinary formatMeasurement memory• 15 million readings volitile• 7.5 million readings volitilewith time stamp* 16 GB non-volitileGPIB, USBTMC, Ethernet• Native SCPI compliant remotecommands• 8508A and 3458A emulationmode• Fully support MET/CAL™ cali-bration procedures library inFluke 8508A emulation• IVI driver• USB thumb drive for conve-nient data transfer in .csvformatTrigger mechanisms• Manual trigger• External BNC Trig In andTrig Out• Internal or level trigger• Timer trigger• Epoch trigger• Line trigger• BUS triggerCE and CSA compliantComparing the 8588A and the 8558AComparing the 8588A and the 8558AStability, simplicity and performance by design The 8588A incorporates excep-tional linearity, low noise and stability in the design. This best-in-class long-scale digital reference multimeter guarantees superior 3.5 ppm one-year dc voltage relative accuracy at99 % confidence level and long-term stability over awide measurement range and functions.The 8588A contains the world’s most stable voltage references and attenuators custom crafted at Fluke Cali-bration. These precision components eliminate the need for daily internal self-calibration to compensate for drift when less-precise components are used. Autozeroing also becomes unnecessary because the ampli-fier offsets are ultra-stable. The 8588A achieves an exceptional 8.5-digit resolution reading in one second, two times shorter than the next best in class, which amounts to considerable productivity improvements.The 8588A is easy and intui-tive to use. It is the ideal lab multimeter for metrologists and calibration laboratory manag-ers who expect and appreciate a straightforward setup that quickly achieves the maximum performance of the instrument.• 3.5 µV/V (99 %), 1 year relative accuracy, dc voltage, without internal self-calibra-tion or auto-adjustments • 0.65 µV/V (99 %), 24 hour stability, dc voltage• 9 µΩ/Ω (99 %), 1 year, resistance• 2.02x full scale stretches lower noise floor to higher signal levels to maximize higher accuracies from the instrument• 0 ns to 100 s aperture setting allows the industry’s widest flexibility to control data capture window Accuracy, offset andstability provide excellentac performanceThe 8588A provides the mostaccurate true ac rms mea-surement available in a FlukeCalibration multimeter.With a 5 mega-sam-ples-per-second samplinganalog-to-digital converterand an extraordinarily stabledc analog path, the 8588Aachieves remarkable ac rmsmeasurement performance thatis ten times faster, two timesless noisy, and more sensitivefor low level signals than otherinstruments in this class. Itutilizes digital rms calculationsto maintain full resolution of awide dynamic range of digitizedsignals.Rapid digital filters are moreeffective than their analogequivalents for faster settling.The digital filters eliminate thedielectric absorption on analogfilters, commonly associatedwith residual slow-tail char-acteristics. The digital filterseffectively shorten settling timeto within 6 cycles of the filterfrequency and less than 1 ppmof the fully settled value. This isup to 10 times faster than otherlong-scale precision digital mul-timeters at low frequencies.Low noise is achieved fromaveraging the collected high-resolution digitized data andthe inherently stable signalpath. De-coupling low levelsignal sensitivity from tempera-ture drift enables the 8588A tomake high accuracy low-levelac measurements. Therefore,temperature drift, offsets, andlong-term instability typicallyassociated with an analog rmsconverter are eliminated.• 77 µV/V (99 %), 1 yearrelative accuracy, for themost accurate ac voltagemeasurement• 323 µA/A (99 %), 1 yearrelative accuracy, ac current• 15 ms settling time at1 kHz ac filter accom-plishes 10x faster ac voltagemeasurement• 2.02x full scale Vpp, 1.2x fullscale Vrms• Up to 30 A for peak accurrent greatly extends accurrent measurement rangeAC voltage measurementAC voltage measurement settingsSoft menu keysLarge, bright full color display30 A terminal™ terminalsThe intuitive user interface and flatmenu structure makes it easy to access configurations and view trend plots,waveforms, FFT, histogram and statistics.easy to learn.Enables industry's widest current measurement range through a single terminal.Multi-language selectionChoice of English, Chinese, French,Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish.and easily to a flash drive.Run/Stop triggerToggles the continuous, or free run, measurement state.easily to a flash drive.Usability designed for metrologists by metrologistsThe 8588A is the ideal lab multimeter. It streamlines the measurement process while eliminating misunderstandings, with an easy-to-access user interface in English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Spanish. An intuitive graphical display lets you easily visualize trends, histograms, complex waveforms, and statistics and perform routine metrology tasks quickly. You can perform both real-time and post-capture analysis for short-term and long-term stabil-ity, identifying and quantifying drifts, run-around noise and uncertainty analysis without the need for an external com-puter or software. You can also quickly visualize post-processed frequency domain signals of fundamental and harmonic amplitude and phase content.Some popular system mul-timeters have complex menustructures and unintuitive com-mands, while others lack anyuser interface, presenting bar-riers to training and operation.By contrast, the 8588A/8558A feature an easy-to-access con-figuration menu that makes it easy to train new users.The front panel features many new usability improve-ments. Visual ConnectionManagement™ output terminals light up to show which termi-nals are active, guiding the user to make the correct connections. The handles are over-molded for comfort and easy transport. USB host ports are placed both on the front and rear of the instrument. Use the ports to export data to external memory devices or simplify firmware updates. For remote communi-cation with a PC, choose from Ethernet, GPIB or USBTMC con-nectors on the rear panel.The 8558A/8558A provide full emulation of the Fluke8508A Reference Multimeter and command compatibility of the Keysight 3458A Digital Multimeter via SCPI commands, making it an ideal replacement for these older instruments.• Graphical display thatenables instantaneousvisualization of trend plot, Trend plotAnalyze: Histogramstatistical analysis, histogramand FFT.• GPIB, USBTMC, Ethernetallows industry standard selection of remote interface.• USB thumb drive enablesquick and easy data transfer to PC in .csv format.• SCPI compliant commandswith 8508A and 3458A emulation mode sim-plifies and accelerates system upgrade process to 8588A/8558A• Programmable front/rearinput switching with scan measurement allows ratio, difference and deviationmeasurements between front and rear terminals in dc voltage and resistance, func-tions with state-of-the-art linearity, noise performance, superb transfer uncertainties. • Capacitance and RF powermeter readout from Rohde & Schwarz NRP Seriesexpands the utility of 8588A in calibrating multi-product calibrators for improved pro-ductivity in calibration labs.Accurate data, delivered amazingly fastShorter test time on the8588A/8558A high-speed digital platform enables you to increase throughput, improve yield and realize a greater return on your investment.The 8588A/8558A digitizesto memory at 200 nanosec-onds per reading and delivers 4.5 digit data to a PC via USB, Ethernet and GPIB at 100,000 readings per second. Fast, high resolution data capture gives you the quantity and quality of information you need to make timely, correct decisions affect-ing system throughput and efficiency.• 0 ns to 100 s aperture setting allows industry’s widest flex-ibility to control data capture window• Reading speed: 1 reading /s @ 8.5 digits to 100,000 reading/***********• Data transfer from memory to PC: up to 500,000 readings /s in binary format through USB, up to 200,000 through Ethernet and GPIBDebug and perfect your device under testThe 8588A/8558A features a5 mega-sample digitizing rate with up to 20 MHz analog band-width, making it the first and only instrument on the market that can characterize extremely low level transient signals at 18-bit resolution. This capabil-ity makes it easier to debug designs, uncover anomalies and perfect your devices under test for use in real life environments.• Voltage sensitivity to hun-dreds of nV and current sensitivity to hundreds of pA allows you uncover ultra-low level transient signals• Up to 20 MHz bandwidth for voltage and 4 MHz for current retains high bandwidth con-tent of the signal measured • 18-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter that achieves 5 mega-samples per second • 5 mega-samples per secondsample rate, into buffer,for capturing complex, fastchanging waveforms• 15 million readings memoryallows large amount of datastorage eliminating theimmediate need to transferdata to a PC• Graphical waveform displayenables real-time visualiza-tion of complex waveforms,increased productivity withfaster access to results andanswersFast, reliable and accuratesystem compatibilityInserting a new instrument intoa tightly synchronized systemcan create overhead and incom-patibility. The 8588A/8558A’sdigital platform includescommon connectivity interfacesplus precise triggering that letsit digitize and transfer data toanywhere in the system foranalysis, with minimal effortand the highest reliability.• GPIB, USBTMC, Ethernetallows industry standardselection of remote interface• USB thumb drive enablequick and easy data transferto PC in .csv format• SCPI compliant commandswith 8508A and 3458A emu-lation mode simplifies andaccelerates system upgradeprocess to 8588A/8558A• Fully supports MET/CALcalibration procedures librarythat commands the Fluke8508A• IVI Driver for industrystandard control of DMM on8588A/8558A• Trigger Mechanisms: ExternalBNC Trigger Trig In and TrigOut, Internal or level trigger,Timer trigger, Epoch trigger,Line trigger, Bus Trigger• Less than 100 ns triggerlatency with external BNCtrigger for digitize voltageand currentTrend PlotAnalyze: FFTTrigger SystemThe MET/CAL™ Calibration Management Software advantageBoth 8588A and 8558A work with Fluke CalibrationMET/CAL™ Calibration Software. With native MET/CAL support or using 8508A emulation mode, you can increase throughput up to four times that of traditional manual and multi-product meth-ods while ensuring calibrations are performed consistently every time. This powerful software documents calibra-tion procedures, processes and results for ease in complying with ISO 17025 and similar quality standards.Support and services when you need them Fluke Calibration offers testing,repair and calibration servicesto meet your needs quickly andat a fair cost while maintainingthe high level of quality that youexpect. Our electrical calibrationlaboratories are accredited forconformance to ISO Guide 17025and we maintain global calibra-tion and repair facilities.Get peace of mind anduptime with a Gold Care-Plan service packageThe 8588A/8558A multimeterscome with a standard one-year factory warranty. You canenhance warranty protectionwith a Priority Gold InstrumentCarePlan service package.A Priority Gold InstrumentCarePlan includes an expe-dited annual calibration toreduce downtime by a weekand extended warranty to helpensure the best long-term per-formance from your instruments.Choose from one-year, three-year or five-year CarePlans.(Note: Priority shipping timesvary by country. Contact yourlocal Fluke Calibration salesrepresentative for details.)Ordering informationModels Description8588A Reference Multimeter8558A8.5 Digit MultimeterStandard accessories Description8588A-LEAD KIT-OSP General purpose probe kit & pouch with 2x 4-way shorting PCBOptional accessories DescriptionY8588Rack mount kit (2U – 3.5 in)Y8588S Slide rack mount kit8588A/CASE Transit case8588A-LEAD Comprehensive measurement lead kitIncludes:• 1x 8588A-LEAD KIT-OSP, general purpose probe kit• 1x 1 m screened 322/0.1 copper (30 Amp Rating) with 6 mm gold plated copperspade terminals• 4x 8588A-LEAD/THERMAL, 1.5 m two core screened low thermal cable with 6 mmgold plated copper spade terminals• 2x Locking adaptor 4 mm binding post to safety8588A-SHORT4-way shorting PCB8588A-LEAD/THERMAL Low thermal lead cable, 1.5 m two core screened low thermal cable with6 mm gold plated copper spade terminals8588A-7000K Cal kit with 1 GOhm standard and connecting leads96000SNS R&S power sensor8588A Reference Multimeter / 8558A 8.5-Digit Multimeter Fluke Calibration 1112 Fluke Calibration 8588A Reference Multimeter / 8558A 8.5-Digit Multimeter Fluke Calibration PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V. PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The Netherlands Web access: http://www.flukecal.eu Fluke Calibration. Precision, performance, confidence.™For more information call: In the U.S.A. (877) 355-3225 or Fax (425) 446-5716 In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222 In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866 From other countries +1 (425) 446-6110 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5716 Web access: ©2019, 2020 Fluke Calibration. Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.A. 2/2020 6011948b-en Modification of this document is not permitted without written permissionfrom Fluke Calibration.。
大总结L298N的详细资料驱动直流电机和步进电机电机驱动电路;电机转速控制电路(PWM信号)主要采用L298N,通过单片机的I/O输入改变芯片控制端的电平,即可以对电机进行正反转,停止的操作,输入引脚与输出引脚的逻辑关系图为驱动原理图--------------------------------------------------------L298N电机驱动模块图••1.1 实物图••1.2 原理图•••1.3 各种电机实物接线图•••1.4 各种电机原理图•••1.5 模块接口说明•••L298N电机驱动模块图1.1 实物图正面背面1.2 原理图1.3 各种电机实物接线图直流电机实物接线图4相步进电机实物接线图3相步进电机实物接线图1.4各种电机原理图直流电机原理图步进电机原理图1.5 模块接口说明+5V:芯片电压5V。
A~D+ :为步进电机公共端,模块上接了VCC。
IN1~ IN4:输入端,输入端电平和输出端电平是对应的。
我正在用L298N驱动我的小车的两个直流减速电机,其实它很好用,1和15和8引脚直接接地,4管脚VS接2.5到46的电压,它是用来驱动电机的,9引脚是用来接4.5到7V的电压的,它是用来驱动L298芯片的,记住,L298需要从外部接两个电压,一个是给电机的,另一个给L298芯片的6和11引脚是它的使能端,一个使能端控制一个电机,至于那个控制那个你自己焊接,你可以把它理解为总开关,只有当它们都是高电平的时候两个电机才有可能工作,5,7,10,12是298的信号输入端和单片机的IO口相连,2,3,13,14是输出端,输入5和7控制输出2和3, 输入的10,12控制输出的13,14L298N型驱动器的原理及应用L298N是SGS公司的产品,内部包含4通道逻辑驱动电路。
1. 基本信息HX8279芯片采用先进的触控技术,支持多点触控,可实现流畅的触摸操作。
2. 分辨率和像素密度HX8279芯片支持高分辨率显示,可达到1080 x 1920像素。
3. 显示模式HX8279芯片可支持全彩模式和灰度模式,用户可以根据需要选择适合的显示模式。
4. 触摸功能HX8279芯片支持多点触控功能,最高可以识别十指触摸。
5. 功耗和散热HX8279芯片采用低功耗设计,能够有效降低设备的能耗,延长电池寿命。
6. 电源管理HX8279芯片内部集成了先进的电源管理机制,能够精确控制电源供应,实现高效节能。
7. 接口和兼容性HX8279芯片支持多种接口类型,包括SPI和I2C等。
8. 温度范围HX8279芯片具有广泛适用的温度范围,工作温度为-20°至70°C,存储温度为-30°至80°C。
9. 技术支持HX8279芯片的供应商提供全面的技术支持,包括技术文档、驱动程序和示例代码等。
2.2.J18连接器的命名2.2.1 J18混装连接器分为:1、不含低频接触件的J18混装连接器2、含低频接触件的J18混装连接器其余代码同不含低频接触件的产品命名方式2.2.2 J18产品的一般结构:J18产品一般由外壳、基座、接触件及附件组成,附件包括螺钉、螺母、绝缘体、簧片、套筒、音叉等小零件2.2.3.J18产品按外壳规格可分为5类,A、B、C、D、E型2.2.4接触件类型冲制(stamping)车制(Machine)接触件形式:主要有焊接式、直(弯)插印制板式、压配式H W L I(1) PH——表示大电流,另外有同轴、高压等类型;W——表示尾端形式为弯插印制板结构,尾端端接与印制板焊接;缺省时,尾端为普通焊接结构,尾端为直接焊接电缆;“Y”表示压配式,即尾端端接与印制板压配安装;N表示直插印制板结构,尾端端接与印制板焊接。
一+资料来源 患者登记信息来源于)中国疾病预防控制信息 系统*的子系统)结核病管理信息系统*%收集活动性 肺结核患者登记数据%主要包括肺结核患者实验室
关键词结核%肺$利福平$抗药性$核酸扩增技术$对比研究 !"#!"$?"@@#'.A3.BB4?"$$$(11'"?'$'2$2'" 中图分类号C&'"
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HYSTER H8-18XD系列重型货运车说明书
H8-18XD SERIES= Centre of gravity of unladen truckA ST = Wa+ x + l6+ a (if b12/2 < b13)A ST = Wa+ ((l6+x)^2 + (b12/2-b13)^0.5 + a (if b12/2 > b13and Wa> b13+b12/2)A ST = b13+ b12/2((l6+x)^2 + (b12/2-b13)^0.5 + a (if b12/2 > b13and Wa< b13+b12/2)a = Minimum operating clearance = 10% of AST(VDI standard = 200 mm BITA recommendation = 300 mm)l6= load lengthsb 12= load width23(1) Truck models based on Stage-V engine and Standard pin-type carriage w/o fork positioning (2)Travel speed laden/unladen limited at 25 km/h as factory default4(1)Truck models based on Stage-V engine and Standard pin-type carriage w/o fork positioning(2)Travel speed laden/unladen limited at 25 km/h as factory default(1)Truck models based on Stage-V engine and Standard pin-type carriage w/o fork positioning(2)Travel speed laden/unladen limited at 25 km/h as factory default56(1)Truck models based on Stage-V engine and Standard pin carriage w/o fork positioning(2)Travel speed laden/unladen limited at 25 km/h as factory default78-9T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600 MM LOAD CENTRE10-12T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600 MM LOAD CENTRE8-12T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600 MM LOAD CENTRECapacity calculated with 1,220mm forks. *DFSSFP QD carriage has 455mm sideshift. Smaller derate applicable with less backtilt. Note: addition of header hoses will add 17mm to OLH (h1) and OEH (h4).Capacity calculated with 1,220mm forksCapacity calculated with 1220mm forks. Note: addition of header hoses will add 16.5mm to OLH (h1) and OEH (h4).RATED CAPACITIES13-16T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600MM LOAD CENTRE / 10-12T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 1200MM LOAD CENTRE, STANDARD PIN TYPE CARRIAGE13-16T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600MM LOAD CENTRE / 10-12T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 1200MM LOAD CENTRE, SIDESHIFT FRAME PIN TYPE CARRIAGE13-16T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600MM LOAD CENTRE / 10-12T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 1200MM LOAD CENTRE, QD DFSSFP CARRIAGE13-16T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 600MM LOAD CENTRE / 10-12T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 1200MM LOAD CENTRE, SIDESHIFT FRAME PIN TYPE CARRIAGECapacity calculated with bias tyres, radial tyres will give a higher derate for DFSSFP carriage above 5000 mm Lift HeightCapacity calculated with 1,830mm forksNote: addition of header hoses will add 17mm to OLH (h1) and OEH (h4)891016-18T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 900 AND 1200 MM LOAD CENTRE, STANDARD PIN TYPE CARRIAGE16-18T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 900 AND 1200 MM LOAD CENTRE, SIDESHIFT FRAME PIN TYPE CARRIAGE16-18T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 900 AND 1200 MM LOAD CENTRE, QD DFSSFP CARRIAGE16-18T RATED CAPACITY KG @ 900 AND 1200 MM LOAD CENTRE, QD DFSSFP CARRIAGE INTEGRATED FORKSCapacity calculated with bias tyres, radial tyres will give a higher derate for DFSSFP carriage above 5000 mm Lift Height Capacity calculated with 2,440mm forks. Note: addition of header hoses will add 17mm to OLH (h1) and OEH (h4)RATED CAPACITIES111213* S tandard or optional in selected markets. Other options available through Special Products Engineering Department (SPED).Contact Hyster for details.14。
LF198LF298LF398, LF198ALF398A
LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A Monolithic Sample-and-Hold CircuitsGeneral DescriptionThe LF198/LF298/LF398are monolithic sample-and-hold circuits which utilize BI-FET technology to obtain ultra-high dc accuracy with fast acquisition of signal and low droop rate.Operating as a unity gain follower,dc gain accuracy is 0.002%typical and acquisition time is as low as 6µs to 0.01%.A bipolar input stage is used to achieve low offset voltage and wide bandwidth.Input offset adjust is accom-plished with a single pin,and does not degrade input offset drift.The wide bandwidth allows the LF198to be included in-side the feedback loop of 1MHz op amps without having sta-bility problems.Input impedance of 1010Ωallows high source impedances to be used without degrading accuracy.P-channel junction FET’s are combined with bipolar devices in the output amplifier to give droop rates as low as 5mV/min with a 1µF hold capacitor.The JFET’s have much lower noise than MOS devices used in previous designs and do not exhibit high temperature instabilities.The overall design guarantees no feed-through from input to output in the hold mode,even for input signals equal to the supply voltages.Featuresn Operates from ±5V to ±18V supplies n Less than 10µs acquisition timen TTL,PMOS,CMOS compatible logic input n 0.5mV typical hold step at C h =0.01µF n Low input offsetn 0.002%gain accuracyn Low output noise in hold moden Input characteristics do not change during hold mode n High supply rejection ratio in sample or hold n Wide bandwidthn Space qualified,JM38510Logic inputs on the LF198are fully differential with low input current,allowing direct connection to TTL,PMOS,and CMOS.Differential threshold is 1.4V.The LF198will operate from ±5V to ±18V supplies.An “A”version is available with tightened electrical specifications.Typical Connection and Performance CurveFunctional DiagramDS005692-32Acquisition TimeDS005692-16DS005692-1July 2000LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A Monolithic Sample-and-Hold Circuits©2000National Semiconductor Corporation 查询LF198供应商Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.Supply Voltage±18V Power Dissipation (Package Limitation)(Note 2)500mW Operating Ambient Temperature Range LF198/LF198A −55˚C to +125˚C LF298−25˚C to +85˚C LF398/LF398A 0˚C to +70˚C Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚C Input Voltage Equal to Supply Voltage Logic To Logic Reference Differential Voltage (Note 3)+7V,−30V Output Short Circuit Duration IndefiniteHold Capacitor ShortCircuit Duration10sec Lead Temperature (Note 4)H package (Soldering,10sec.)260˚C N package (Soldering,10sec.)260˚C M package:Vapor Phase (60sec.)215˚C Infrared (15sec.)220˚CThermal Resistance (θJA )(typicals)H package 215˚C/W (Board mount in still air)85˚C/W (Board mount in 400LF/min air flow)N package 115˚C/W M package 106˚C/WθJC (H package,typical)20˚C/WElectrical CharacteristicsThe following specifcations apply for −V S +3.5V ≤V IN ≤+V S −3.5V,+V S =+15V,−V S =−15V,T A =T j =25˚C,C h =0.01µF,R L =10k Ω,LOGIC REFERENCE =0V,LOGIC HIGH =2.5V,LOGIC LOW =0V unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsLF198/LF298LF398UnitsMinTyp Max MinTyp Max Input Offset Voltage,(Note 5)T j =25˚C1327mV Full Temperature Range 510mV Input Bias Current,(Note 5)T j =25˚C5251050nA Full Temperature Range 75100nA Input Impedance T j =25˚C10101010ΩGain ErrorT j =25˚C,R L =10k 0.0020.0050.0040.01%Full Temperature Range 0.020.02%Feedthrough Attenuation Ratio T j =25˚C,C h =0.01µF86968090dBat 1kHzOutput Impedance T j =25˚C,“HOLD”mode 0.520.54ΩFull Temperature Range46Ω“HOLD”Step,(Note 6)T j =25˚C,C h =0.01µF,V OUT =00.5 2.0 1.0 2.5mV Supply Current,(Note 5)T j ≥25˚C 4.5 5.5 4.5 6.5mA Logic and Logic Reference Input T j =25˚C210210µACurrentLeakage Current into Hold T j =25˚C,(Note 7)3010030200pACapacitor (Note 5)Hold ModeAcquisition Time to 0.1%∆V OUT =10V,C h =1000pF 44µs C h =0.01µF 2020µs Hold Capacitor Charging Current V IN −V OUT =2V 55mA Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio V OUT =08011080110dB Differential Logic Threshold T j =25˚C Input Offset Voltage,(Note 5)T j =25˚C1122mV Full Temperature Range 23mV Input Bias Current,(Note 5)T j =25˚C5251025nA Full Temperature Range7550nAL F 198/L F 298/L F 398,L F 198A /L F 398A 2Electrical CharacteristicsThe following specifcations apply for −V S +3.5V ≤V IN ≤+V S −3.5V,+V S =+15V,−V S =−15V,T A =T j =25˚C,C h =0.01µF,R L =10k Ω,LOGIC REFERENCE =0V,LOGIC HIGH =2.5V,LOGIC LOW =0V unless otherwise specified.ParameterConditionsLF198A LF398AUnitsMinTyp Max MinTyp MaxInput Impedance T j =25˚C10101010ΩGain ErrorT j =25˚C,R L =10k 0.0020.0050.0040.005%Full Temperature Range 0.010.01%Feedthrough Attenuation Ratio T j =25˚C,C h =0.01µF86968690dBat 1kHzOutput Impedance T j =25˚C,“HOLD”mode 0.510.51ΩFull Temperature Range46Ω“HOLD”Step,(Note 6)T j =25˚C,C h =0.01µF,V OUT =00.51 1.01mV Supply Current,(Note 5)T j ≥25˚C 4.5 5.5 4.5 6.5mA Logic and Logic Reference Input T j =25˚C210210µACurrentLeakage Current into Hold T j =25˚C,(Note 7)3010030100pACapacitor (Note 5)Hold ModeAcquisition Time to 0.1%∆V OUT =10V,C h =1000pF 4646µs C h =0.01µF 20252025µs Hold Capacitor Charging Current V IN −V OUT =2V 55mA Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio V OUT =0901*******dB Differential Logic ThresholdT j =25˚C0. 1:“Absolute Maximum Ratings”indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.Note 2:The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T JMAX ,θJA ,and the ambient temperature,T A .The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is P D =(T JMAX −T A )/θJA ,or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.The maximum junction temperature,T JMAX ,for the LF198/LF198A is 150˚C;for the LF298,115˚C;and for the LF398/LF398A,100˚C.Note 3:Although the differential voltage may not exceed the limits given,the common-mode voltage on the logic pins may be equal to the supply voltages without causing damage to the circuit.For proper logic operation,however,one of the logic pins must always be at least 2V below the positive supply and 3V above the nega-tive supply.Note 4:See AN-450“Surface Mounting Methods and their effects on Product Reliability”for other methods of soldering surface mount devices.Note 5:These parameters guaranteed over a supply voltage range of ±5to ±18V,and an input range of −V S +3.5V ≤V IN ≤+V S −3.5V.Note 6:Hold step is sensitive to stray capacitive coupling between input logic signals and the hold capacitor.1pF,for instance,will create an additional 0.5mV step with a 5V logic swing and a 0.01µF hold capacitor.Magnitude of the hold step is inversely proportional to hold capacitor value.Note 7:Leakage current is measured at a junction temperature of 25˚C.The effects of junction temperature rise due to power dissipation or elevated ambient can be calculated by doubling the 25˚C value for each 11˚C increase in chip temperature.Leakage is guaranteed over full input signal range.Note 8:A military RETS electrical test specification is available on request.The LF198may also be procured to Standard Military Drawing #5962-8760801GA or to MIL-STD-38510part ID JM38510/12501SGA.Typical Performance CharacteristicsNote 9:See Definition of TermsAperture Time (Note 9)DS005692-17Dielectric Absorption Error in Hold CapacitorDS005692-18Dynamic Sampling ErrorDS005692-19LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A3Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Note 10:See DefinitionOutput Droop RateDS005692-20Hold StepDS005692-21“Hold”Settling Time (Note 10)DS005692-22Leakage Current into Hold CapacitorDS005692-23Phase and Gain (Input to Output,Small Signal)DS005692-24Gain ErrorDS005692-25Power Supply Rejection DS005692-26Output Short Circuit Current DS005692-27Output NoiseDS005692-28L F 198/L F 298/L F 398,L F 198A /L F 398A 4Typical Performance Characteristics(Continued)Logic Input ConfigurationsInput Bias CurrentDS005692-29Feedthrough Rejection Ratio(Hold Mode)DS005692-30Hold Step vs Input VoltageDS005692-31Output Transient at Startof Sample ModeDS005692-12Output Transient at Startof Hold ModeDS005692-13TTL&CMOS3V≤V LOGIC(Hi State)≤7VDS005692-33Threshold=1.4VDS005692-34Threshold=1.4V*Select for2.8V at pin8LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A5Logic Input Configurations(Continued)Application HintsHold CapacitorHold step,acquisition time,and droop rate are the major trade-offs in the selection of a hold capacitor value.Size and cost may also become important for larger e of the curves included with this data sheet should be helpful in se-lecting a reasonable value of capacitance.Keep in mind that for fast repetition rates or tracking fast signals,the capacitor drive currents may cause a significant temperature rise in the LF198.A significant source of error in an accurate sample and hold circuit is dielectric absorption in the hold capacitor.A mylar cap,for instance,may “sag back”up to 0.2%after a quick change in voltage.A long sample time is required before the circuit can be put back into the hold mode with this type of capacitor.Dielectrics with very low hysteresis are polysty-rene,polypropylene,and Teflon.Other types such as mica and polycarbonate are not nearly as good.The advantage of polypropylene over polystyrene is that it extends the maxi-mum ambient temperature from 85˚C to 100˚C.Most ce-ramic capacitors are unusable with >1%hysteresis.Ce-ramic “NPO”or “COG”capacitors are now available for 125˚C operation and also have low dielectric absorption.For more exact data,see the curve Dielectric Absorption Error.The hysteresis numbers on the curve are final values,taken after full relaxation.The hysteresis error can be significantlyreduced if the output of the LF198is digitized quickly after the hold mode is initiated.The hysteresis relaxation time constant in polypropylene,for instance,is 10—50ms.If A-to-D conversion can be made within 1ms,hysteresis error will be reduced by a factor of ten.DC and AC ZeroingDC zeroing is accomplished by connecting the offset adjust pin to the wiper of a 1k Ωpotentiometer which has one end tied to V +and the other end tied through a resistor to ground.The resistor should be selected to give ≈0.6mA through the 1k potentiometer.AC zeroing (hold step zeroing)can be obtained by adding an inverter with the adjustment pot tied input to output.A 10pF capacitor from the wiper to the hold capacitor will give ±4mV hold step adjustment with a 0.01µF hold capacitor and 5V logic supply.For larger logic swings,a smaller capacitor (<10pF)may be used.Logic Rise TimeFor proper operation,logic signals into the LF198must have a minimum dV/dt of 1.0V/µs.Slower signals will cause ex-cessive hold step.If a R/C network is used in front of theCMOS7V ≤V LOGIC (Hi State)≤15VDS005692-35Threshold =0.6(V +)+1.4VDS005692-36Threshold =0.6(V +)−1.4VOp Amp DriveDS005692-37Threshold ≈+4VDS005692-38Threshold =−4VL F 198/L F 298/L F 398,L F 198A /L F 398A6Application Hints(Continued)logic input for signal delay,calculate the slope of the wave-form at the threshold point to ensure that it is at least 1.0V/µs.Sampling Dynamic SignalsSample error to moving input signals probably causes more confusion among sample-and-hold users than any other pa-rameter.The primary reason for this is that many users make the assumption that the sample and hold amplifier is truly locked on to the input signal while in the sample mode.In ac-tuality,there are finite phase delays through the circuit creat-ing an input-output differential for fast moving signals.In ad-dition,although the output may have settled,the hold capacitor has an additional lag due to the300Ωseries resis-tor on the chip.This means that at the moment the“hold”command arrives,the hold capacitor voltage may be some-what different than the actual analog input.The effect of these delays is opposite to the effect created by delays in the logic which switches the circuit from sample to hold.For ex-ample,consider an analog input of20Vp-p at10kHz.Maxi-mum dV/dt is0.6V/µs.With no analog phase delay and100 ns logic delay,one could expect up to(0.1µs)(0.6V/µs) =60mVerror if the“hold”signal arrived near maximum dV/dt of the input.A positive-going input would give a+60mV er-ror.Now assume a1MHz(3dB)bandwidth for the overall analog loop.This generates a phase delay of160ns.If the hold capacitor sees this exact delay,then error due to analog delay will be(0.16µs)(0.6V/µs)=−96mV.Total output error is+60mV(digital)−96mV(analog)for a total of−36mV.To add to the confusion,analog delay is proportioned to hold capacitor value while digital delay remains constant.A family of curves(dynamic sampling error)is included to help esti-mate errors.A curve labeled Aperture Time has been included for sam-pling conditions where the input is steady during the sam-pling period,but may experience a sudden change nearly coincident with the“hold”command.This curve is based on a1mV error fed into the output.A second curve,Hold Settling Time indicates the time re-quired for the output to settle to1mV after the“hold”com-mand.Digital FeedthroughFast rise time logic signals can cause hold errors by feeding externally into the analog input at the same time the amplifier is put into the hold mode.To minimize this problem,board layout should keep logic lines as far as possible from the analog input and the C h pin.Grounded guarding traces may also be used around the input line,especially if it is driven from a high impedance source.Reducing high amplitude logic signals to2.5V will also help.Guarding TechniqueDS005692-5Use10-pin layout.Guard around C h is tied to output.LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A7Typical ApplicationsX1000Sample&HoldDS005692-39*For lower gains,the LM108must be frequency compensatedSample and Difference Circuit(Output Follows Input in HoldMode)DS005692-40V OUT=V B+∆V IN(HOLD MODE) Ramp Generator with Variable Reset LevelDS005692-42Integrator with Programmable Reset LevelDS005692-43LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A8Typical Applications(Continued)Output Holds at Average of Sampled InputDS005692-46Increased Slew CurrentDS005692-47Reset Stabilized Amplifier(Gain of1000)DS005692-49Fast Acquisition,Low Droop Sample&HoldDS005692-50LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A9Typical Applications(Continued)Synchronous Correlator for RecoveringSignals Below Noise LevelDS005692-522–Channel SwitchDS005692-53AB Gain 1±0.02%1±0.2%Z IN 1010Ω47k ΩBW .1MHz .400kHz Crosstalk−90dB −90dB @1kHzOffset≤6mV≤75mVDC &AC Zeroing DS005692-59Staircase GeneratorDS005692-55*Select for step height 50k →≅1V StepL F 198/L F 298/L F 398,L F 198A /L F 398A 10Typical Applications(Continued)Definition of TermsHold Step:The voltage step at the output of the sample andhold when switching from sample mode to hold mode with asteady(dc)analog input voltage.Logic swing is5V.Acquisition Time:The time required to acquire a new ana-log input voltage with an output step of10V.Note that acqui-sition time is not just the time required for the output to settle,but also includes the time required for all internal nodes tosettle so that the output assumes the proper value whenswitched to the hold mode.Gain Error:The ratio of output voltage swing to input volt-age swing in the sample mode expressed as a per cent dif-ference.Hold Settling Time:The time required for the output tosettle within1mV of final value after the“hold”logic com-mand.Dynamic Sampling Error:The error introduced into theheld output due to a changing analog input at the time thehold command is given.Error is expressed in mV with agiven hold capacitor value and input slew rate.Note that thiserror term occurs even for long sample times.Aperture Time:The delay required between“Hold”com-mand and an input analog transition,so that the transitiondoes not affect the held output.Connection DiagramsDifferential HoldDS005692-57Capacitor Hysteresis CompensationDS005692-56**Adjust for amplitudeDual-In-Line PackageDS005692-11Order Number LF398Nor LF398ANSee NS Package Number N08ESmall-Outline PackageDS005692-15Order Number LF298M or LF398MSee NS Package Number M14AMetal Can PackageDS005692-14Order Number LF198H,LF198H/883,LF298H,LF398H,LF198AH or LF398AHSee NS Package Number H08C(Note8)LF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398A11Physical Dimensionsinches (millimeters)unless otherwise notedMolded Small-Outline Package (M)Order Number LF298M or LF398MNS Package Number M14AL F 198/L F 298/L F 398,L F 198A /L F 398A 12Physical Dimensions inches(millimeters)unless otherwise noted(Continued)LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices orsystems which,(a)are intended for surgical implantinto the body,or(b)support or sustain life,andwhose failure to perform when properly used inaccordance with instructions for use provided in thelabeling,can be reasonably expected to result in asignificant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a lifesupport device or system whose failure to performcan be reasonably expected to cause the failure ofthe life support device or system,or to affect itssafety or effectiveness.National SemiconductorCorporationAmericasTel:1-800-272-9959Fax:1-800-737-7018Email:support@National SemiconductorEuropeFax:+49(0)180-5308586Email:europe.support@Deutsch Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National SemiconductorAsia Pacific CustomerResponse GroupTel:65-2544466Fax:65-2504466Email:ap.support@National SemiconductorJapan Ltd.Tel:81-3-5639-7560Fax:81-3-5639-7507 Molded Dual-In-Line Package(N)Order Number LF398N or LF398ANNS Package Number N08ELF198/LF298/LF398,LF198A/LF398AMonolithicSample-and-HoldCircuits National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.。
1 lb•ft2=0.042 1401kg•m2
1 lb•in2=2.926 40×10-4kg•m2
动 量
1 m/min=0.016 6667m/s
1 ft/s2=0.3048m/s2
1 den=0.111 112×10-6kb/m
1 1b/ft=1.48816kg/m
1 P=10-1Pa•s
1 cP=10-3pA•S
1 kgf•s/m2=9.806 65Pa•s
1 lbf•s/ft2=47.880 3Pa•s
1 lbf•s/in2=6 894.76Pa•s
1 ton=1016.05kg
1 sh ton=907.185kg
1 oz=28.3495g
1 qr=12.7006kg
一、A型三角带A 559 A560.A550 A 584 A580 A 600 A 612 A610 A 635 A630 A 660 A 686 A680) A 700A 711 A710A 737 A 750 A 762 A 787 A 800 A 813 A 825 A 838 A 864 A 875 A 889 A880 A900 A 914 A 940 A 950 A 965A 975 A980 A 991 A1000 A1016 A1020 A1041 A1050 A1067 A 1092 A1100 A1118 A1120A1143 A1150 A 1168 A1194 A1200 A1219 A1245 A1250 A 1270 A 1295 A1300 A 1321 A1346A1350 A1372 A 1397 A1400 A1422 A1448 A1450 A 473 A1499 1500 A1524 A 1549 A1550 A 1575 A1600 A1626 A 1651 A1650 A1676 A1702 A1700 A1727 A1753 A1750 A1778 A1803A1800 A1829 A1854 A1850 A 1880A 1905 A1930 A 1956 A1950 A1981 A2007 A2000 A2032 A 2057 A2050 A2083 A 2108A2100A 2134A 2159 A2159 A2184 A2210A2200 A2235 A2240 A2261 A2286 A2311 A2300 A2337 A2350 A 2362A 2388 A 2413 A2400 A2438 A2450 A2464 A2489 A2500 A2540 A2500 A2591 A2600 A2642 A2650 A2667 A2650 A2692 A2700 A 2718 A 2743 A2750 A 2794 A2800 A2845 A2850 A 2896A2900A 2946 A2950 A 2997 A3000 A 3048 A3050 A3150 A3251 A3250 A3353 A3350 A3454A3450 A 3556 A3550A 3658 A3650 A 3759 A3750 A3810 A3800备注:1、长度为内周长,2、可根据客户要求定做长度(550mm-3810mm)二、B型三角带B700 B 711 B 737 B750 B 762 B 787 B780 B813 B800 B 838 B830 B850 B 864 B 889 B880B 914 B900B940 B950 B965 B975 B980 B991 B1000 B 1016 B1020) B1041 B1050 B1067 B1080 B1092 B1100 B1118 B1120 B 1143 B1120 B1168 B1180 B1194 B1200 B1219 B245 B1250 B1270B1280 B1295 B1300 B1321 B1346 B1350 B 372 B1397 B1400) B422 B1448 B1450 B1473B1499 B1500 B 1524B 1549 B1550 B1575 B1600 B1626 B1651 B1650 B1676 B1702 B1700 B1727 B1753 B1750 B1778B1803 B1800 B1829 B1854 B1850 B880 B 1905 B1900 B1930 B1956 B1950 B1981 B2007B2000B 2032 B 2057 B2050 B2083 B2108 B2100 B2134 B2159 B2150 B 2184 B 2210 B2200B2235 B2240B2388 B2413 B2400 B2438 B2450 B2464 B2489 B2500 B2515 B2520 B 2540 B2550 B 2565 B2580B 2591 B2600 B2616 B2620 B2642 B2650 B2667 B2680 B2692 B2700 B2718 B2743B2750B 2794B2800 B2820 B 2845 B2850 B 2896 B2900 B 2921 B2920 B 2946 B2950 B 2997 B3000 B 3048 B3050B 3099 B3080 B3100B 3150 B3175B 3200 B 3251 B3250 B 3302 B3300 B 3353 B3350 B 3404 B3400B 3454 B345 B3505 B3500 B 3556 B3550 B 3607 B3600 B 3658 B3650 B 3708 B3700B 3759 B3750B 3810 B3800 B 3861 B3850 B 3912 B3900 B 3937 B3950 B 3962 B3988 B 4013 B4000 B 4064 B4039B2261 B2286 B2300 B2311 B2337 B2350 B2362 B 4115 B4100 B 4191 B4200 B 4242 B4250 B 4394 B4400 B 4445 B4450 B 4496 B4500 B 4572 B 4750 B 4953 B4950 B 5004 B5000 B 5283 B 5334B 5588B 5994 B6000 B 6096 B6100 B 6299 B6300 B 6706 B 7010 B7000 B7112 B7200 B7300B7350 B7400 B7500 B7600 B7700 B7800 B7900 B8000 B8100 B8200 B8300 B8400 B8500B8600 B8700 B8800 B8900 B9000 B9100 B9200 B9300 B9400 B9500 B9600 B9700 B9800B9900 B10000 B11000备注:1、长度为内周长,2、可根据客户要求定做长度(700mm-11000mm)三、 C型三角带C 1000 C 1016 C 1041 C 1067 C 1092 C 1100 C 1118 C 1143 C 1168 C 1194 C 1200 C 1219 C 1245C 1270 C 1295 C 1300 C 1321 C 1346 C 1350 C 1372 C 1397 C 1400 C 1422 C 1448 C 1450 C 1473C 1499 C 1500 C 1524 C 1549 C1 550 C 1575 C 1600 C 1626 C 1650 C 1651 C 1676 C 1700 C 1702C 1727 C 1750 C 1753 C 1778 C 1800 C 1803 C 1829 C 1850 C 1854 C 1880 C 1900 C 1905 C 1930C 1950 C 1956 C 1981 C 2000 C 2007 C 2032 C 2050 C 2057 C 2083 C 2100 C 2108 C 2134 C 2150C 2159 C 2184 C 2200 C 2210 C 2235 C 2240 C 2261 C 2286 C 2300 C 2337 C 2350 C 2362 C 2388C 2400 C 2413 C 2438 C 2450 C 2464 C 2489 C 2500 C 2515 C 2540 C 2550 C 2565 C 2580 C 2591C 2600 C 2616 C 2620 C 2642 C 2650 C 2667 C 2692 C 2700 C 2718 C 2743 C 2750 C 2794 C 2800C 2819 C 2820 C 2845 C 2850 C 2860 C 2870 C 2880 C 2896 C 2900 C 2920 C 2921 C 2946 C 2950C 2960 C 2972 C 2997 C 3000 C 3020 C 3048 C 3099 C 3100 C 3120 C 3150 C 3175 C 3200 C 3251C 3300 C 3302 C 3350 C 3353 C 3400 C 3404 C 3420 C 3429 C 3450 C 3454 C 3500 C 3505 C 3515C 3520 C 3550 C 3556 C 3600 C 3607 C 3632 C 3650 C 3658 C 3700 C3708 C 3734 C3750 C 3759C 3800 C3810 C 3850 C 3861 C 3900 C 3912 C 3937 C 3950 C 3962 C 3988 C 4000 C 4013 C 4039C 4064 C 4089 C 4100 C 4115 C 4150 C 4166 C 4200 C4216 C 4242 C 4250 C 4267 C 4300 C 4318C 4350 C 4369 C 4394 C 4400 C 4420 C 4445 C 4450 C 4496 C 4500 C 4521 C 4550 C 4572 C 4750C4800 C 4826 C 4848 C 4850 C 4900 C 4950 C 4953 C 5000 C 5004 C5080 C 5100 C 5131C5200C 5231 C 5250 C 5283 C 5300 C 5334 C 5350 C 5400 C 5450 C 5500 C 5588 C 5600 C 5700 C 5800C 5842 C 5850 C 5900 C 5950 C 5994 C 6000 C 6050 C 6096 C 6100 C 6150 C 6200 C 6250 C 6299C 6300 C 6350 C 6400 C 6450 C 6500 C 6550 C 6700 C 6750 C 6800 C 6850 C 6858 C 7000 C 7050C 7057 C 7100 C 7112 C 7200 C 7250 C 7300 C 7350 C 7400 C 7500 C 7550 C 7600 C 7620 C 7700C 7800 C 7850 C 7900 C 8000 C 8100 C 8200 C 8250 C 8300 C 8400 C 8500 C 8600 C 8700 C 8800C 8900 C 9000 C 8100 C 9144 C 9200 C 9300 C 9400 C 9500 C 9600 C 9700 C 9800 C 9900 C 10000C 11000 C 11200 C 12000 C12500注:1、长度为内周长,2、可根据客户要求定做长度(1000mm-12000mm)四、D型三角带D2000 D2100 D2200 D2240 D2300 D2350 D2400 D2450 D2489 D2500 D2515 D2520 D2530D2540 D2550 D2565 D2580 D2591 D2600 D2616 D2620 D2642 D2650 D2667 D2680 D2692D2700 D2718 D2730 D2743 D2750 D2769 D2794 D2800 D2819 D2820 D2830 D2845 D2850 D2870 D2896 D2900 D2920 D2946 D2950 D2997 D3000 D3020 D3048 D3050 D3060 D3100D3150 D3175 D3200 D3250 D3251 D3300 D3302 D3350 D3353 D3400 D3404 D3420 D3429D3440 D3450 D3454 D3500 D3505 D3515 D3520 D3530 D3550 D3556 D3600 D3607 D3618 D3632 D3650 D3658 D3700 D3708 D3734 D3750 D3759 D3800 D3810 D3820 D3840 D3850D3861 D3900 D3912 D3937 D3950 D3962 D3988 D4000 D4013 D4039 D4064 D4100 D4115D4166 D4200 D4216 D4250 D4260 D4267 D4300 D4318 D4350 D4394 D4400 D4445 D4450D4496 D4500 D4521 D4550 D4570 D4572 D4600 D4623 D4650 D4700 D4724 D4750 D4775D4788 D4800 D4826 D4887 D4890 D4900 D4950 D4953 D5000 D5004 D5029 D5040 D5050D5060 D5080 D5100 D5150 D5200 D5230 D5250 D5300 D5334 D5350 D5400 D5450 D5470D5500 D5520 D5588 D5600 D5638 D5660 D5690 D5700 D5750 D5800 D5850 D5900 D5950 D5994 D6000 D6045 D6050 D6096 D6100 D6120 D6140 D6200 D6250 D6299 D6300 D6350D6400 D6450 D6500 D6550 D6600 D6650 D6700 D6750 D6800 D6850 D6858 D6900 D6958D6985 D7000 D7050 D7057 D7100 D7112 D7150 D7200 D7250 D7300 D7350 D7400 D7470D7500 D7550 D7600 D7620 D7650 D7700 D7750 D7800 D7900 D7950 D8000 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E9300 E9400 E9500 E9525 E9300 E9400E9500 E9600 E9700 E9760 E9800 E9900 E10000 E10160 E10130 E10400 E10500 E10730E10900 E11176 E11200 E11557 E12000 E12500 E13000 E13200 E13750 E13500 E14000E14500 E15000 E16000备注:1、长度为内周长,单位为:mm2、长度也可定做:3400mm-16000mm主要用于矿山机械(球磨机、破碎机等),造纸机械,建材机械,水泥机械,化工机械,石油机械、陶瓷机械等大功率设备上!六、 5V窄V带.5V三角带5V 670 5V 710 5V 750 5V 800 5V 850 5V 900 5V 950 5V 1000 5V 1060 5V 1120 5V 12505V 1400 5V 1500 5V 1600 5V 1700 5V 1800 5V 1900 5V 2000 5V 2120 5V 2240 5V 2360 5V 25005V 2650 5V 2800 5V 3000 5V 3150 5V 3350 5V 355015N 1702 15N 1803 15N 1905 15N 2032 15N 2159 15N 2286 15N 2413 15N 2540 15N 2692 15N 284515N 3175 15N 3556 15N 3810 15N 4064 15N 4318 15N 4572 15N 4826 15N 508015N 5325 15N 569015N 5994 15N 6350 15N 6731 15N 7112 15N 7620 15N 8001 15N 8509 15N 90175V1180 5V1250 5V1320 5V1346 5V1500 5V1524 5V1600 5V1700 5V1750 5V1778 5V1800 5V1803 5V1900 5V1905 5V1950 5V2000 5V2030 5V2032 5V2038 5V2039 5V2134 5V20805V2134 5V2159 5V2180 5V2200 5V2235 5V2286 5V2413 5V2500 5V2540 5V2600 5V26905V2692 5V2840 5V2875 5V2900 V2921 5V2946 5V2950 5V2960 5V2997 5V3000 5V31505V3175 5V3180 5V3277 5V3302 5V3350 5V3353 5V3380 5V3429 5V3550 5V3556 5V35605V3727 5V3730 5V3750 5V3766 5V3810 5V3850 5V3855 5V4000 5V4060 5V4064 5V40745V4100 5V4164 5V4318 5V4320 5V4380 5V4400 5V4500 5V4570 5V4572 5V4600 5V46465V4650 5V4670 5V4700 5V4750 5V4826 5V4880 5V5000 5V5080 5V5100 5V5179 5V53805V5385 5V5600 5V5690 5V6400 5V6550 5V6700 5V7100 5V7112 5V7350 5V8000备注:1、长度为外周长长,2、可根据客户要求定做长度(1700mm-11000mm)七、 8V联组带橡胶联组窄V带联组三角带联组V带联体三角带联组皮带并联三角带8V4L3353 8V5L3353 8V3L3550 8V4L3550 8V5L3550 8V7L3550 8V8L3550 8V10L35508V3L3556 8V9L3556 8V3L3600 8V4L3800 8V8L3800 8V4L3940 8V5L4000 8V3L40658V5L4150 8V7L4320 8V4L4500 8V5L4500 8V4L4826 8V7L4826 8V8L4826 8V3L48308V8L4830 8V4L5080 8V8L5080 8V10L5080 8V4L5340 8V8L5380 8V2L5500 8V3L55008V6L5500 8V8L5500 8V2L5600 8V5L5600 8V8L5600 8V10L5600 8V3L6730 8V6L67308V9L6730 8V2L6731 8V4L7620 8V8L7620 8V7L7650 8V4L7660 8V8L7660 8V8L79008V10L7900 8V2L8000 8V3L8000 8V7L8000 8V8L8500 8V10L8500 8V2L9000 8V3L90008V4L9000 8V6L9000 8V5L9017 8V10L9017 8V8L9500 8V4L9525 8V5L8000 8V4L101608V6L10160 8V8L10160 8V5L101605L8V5380 5L8V5080 6ZV25J5080 5L8V8000 8ZV25J5080 8ZV25J5380 5ZV25J35508ZV25J4830 8ZV25J8500 5ZV25J8000 4L8V-4320 6ZV25J10160 8ZV25J8000 3ZV25J80008ZV25J10160 5ZV25J10160备注:1、长度为外周长,单位为:mm2、长度也可定做:3300mm-11000mm主要用于石油机械(抽油机等)、造纸机械、建材机械、化工机械、造纸机械、化工机械、矿山机械、水泥机械等大功率机械上!。
Ditaudu PH118B是一款单18"大功率超低音音箱,安装有1只18",4"耐高温音圈的大功率单元,为环境的需要提供优秀的低频下潜和强劲的冲击力。
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2005-02-24 14:51:39 作者:网友提供 来源:======
11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁
12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒
6、抽Pall Mall 香烟的子的人喝牛奶
9、 挪威人住第一间房