
2 Types & Forms
1 TYPES(4) 2 FORMS(3)
2 Types & Forms
Administrative Meeting
Business/Operation Meeting
Mass Meeting M
Ask for clarification: Could you explain that in more detail?/Am I right in thinking that...?
Present arguments: I'm convinced that.../The way I see it is...
S Social Meeting
2 Types & Forms
Round-table Conference (圆桌会议)
Video Conference (视频会议)
Teleconference (电话会议)
3 Terms
Agenda Amendments Motion Second a motion Refer to a committee Roll call Adjourn Rising vote Parliamentary Procedure Voice vote Secret ballot
Make suggestions: How about.../Why don't we...
4 Expressions——2. participants

Interactive Case Studies on Effective Business Meetings
通过实际案例研究探讨有效商务会议的关键要素和成功模式,培养问题解决 和决策能力。
Conclusion and Best Practices for Business Meetings
Handling Difficult Situations in Business Meetings
Evaluating the Success of Business Meetings
讨论如何评估商务会议的成功程度,包括收集反馈、分析数据和制定改进计 划。
Follow-up and Action Plan for Busin计划,确保会议的成果得到落实和继续推动。
Global Business Meetings and International Relations
Conflict Resolution Strategies for Business Meetings
Role of Technology in Business Meetings
Strategic Planning and Decision Making in Business Meetings
Interactive Case Studies on Effective Business Meetings
通过实际案例研究探讨有效商务会议的关键要素和成功模式,培养问题解决 和决策能力。
Conclusion and Best Practices for Business Meetings
Handling Difficult Situations in Business Meetings
Evaluating the Success of Business Meetings
讨论如何评估商务会议的成功程度,包括收集反馈、分析数据和制定改进计 划。
Follow-up and Action Plan for Busin计划,确保会议的成果得到落实和继续推动。
Global Business Meetings and International Relations
Conflict Resolution Strategies for Business Meetings
Role of Technology in Business Meetings
Strategic Planning and Decision Making in Business Meetings

Unit 5 Business Meeting
Starting Point
Task 1 Work in pairs. Here are some characteristics of successful business meetings. First rank them in the order of importance. Then compare your list with your partner’s and explain why you rank them in this way.
Unit 5 Business Meeting
Understanding the Text
Task 2 Complete the passage that summarizes the text.
To hold successful business meetings, a few things should be taken care of. Before a meeting, 1. being prepared can ensure the better results. And the organizer can show the participants the list of topics to be covered by 2. s_e_t_tin_g__a_n_a_g_e_nd_a_. During a meeting, usually two things may largely affect the meeting process. Firstly, the participants won’t feel the meeting is a waste of time if they have good 3. __tim__e_k_e_e_p_in_g___. Secondly, everyone should 4. _m__a_in_ta_i_n_fo_c_u_s__ by sticking to the point. After a meeting, the 5. __m_i_nu_t_e_s__should be circulated to all the participants for affirmation.
Starting Point
Task 1 Work in pairs. Here are some characteristics of successful business meetings. First rank them in the order of importance. Then compare your list with your partner’s and explain why you rank them in this way.
Unit 5 Business Meeting
Understanding the Text
Task 2 Complete the passage that summarizes the text.
To hold successful business meetings, a few things should be taken care of. Before a meeting, 1. being prepared can ensure the better results. And the organizer can show the participants the list of topics to be covered by 2. s_e_t_tin_g__a_n_a_g_e_nd_a_. During a meeting, usually two things may largely affect the meeting process. Firstly, the participants won’t feel the meeting is a waste of time if they have good 3. __tim__e_k_e_e_p_in_g___. Secondly, everyone should 4. _m__a_in_ta_i_n_fo_c_u_s__ by sticking to the point. After a meeting, the 5. __m_i_nu_t_e_s__should be circulated to all the participants for affirmation.
商务英语听说教程上 Unit 5Business Meeting

<Business Meetings>
Task 2 Role-play Make a role-play in groups of four with the help of the following situation.
Company X is going to have a meeting. The chairman will preside the meeting. Speaker A says that the new products has made a great success and suggests an increase in the production. Speaker B asks the chairman if it would be possible for the company to have a farewell party for the Senior Accountant who has been with the company since its formation 30 years ago and now is due to retire and if the chairman could make a speech at the dinner. Speaker C reports the progress in the company’s moving to a new building.
spare copies of the agenda on the table. Alisa: I see. I’ve already done that. David: What about the projector ? Alisa: There was something wrong with the screen but it has been repaired. David: Well done, I have come to tell you that you have to take the minutes during the meeting. Alisa: Should I write down all words that everyone says? David: No. it is unnecessary and difficult to write down all words, you just make a note of the topic which are discussed and the results of the discussion . Alisa: That’s OK. David: So everything is clear. I hope our organization of the meeting will be successful. Alisa: So do I.
Task 2 Role-play Make a role-play in groups of four with the help of the following situation.
Company X is going to have a meeting. The chairman will preside the meeting. Speaker A says that the new products has made a great success and suggests an increase in the production. Speaker B asks the chairman if it would be possible for the company to have a farewell party for the Senior Accountant who has been with the company since its formation 30 years ago and now is due to retire and if the chairman could make a speech at the dinner. Speaker C reports the progress in the company’s moving to a new building.
spare copies of the agenda on the table. Alisa: I see. I’ve already done that. David: What about the projector ? Alisa: There was something wrong with the screen but it has been repaired. David: Well done, I have come to tell you that you have to take the minutes during the meeting. Alisa: Should I write down all words that everyone says? David: No. it is unnecessary and difficult to write down all words, you just make a note of the topic which are discussed and the results of the discussion . Alisa: That’s OK. David: So everything is clear. I hope our organization of the meeting will be successful. Alisa: So do I.
商务英语教学课件chapter 5共31页PPT资料

5. Find out how much information your reader needs. Don’t waste his or her time with chatter. Readers of e-mail want only relevant, usable information, not “hype.”
2. Always include a return mail address as part of the signature, saving your reader the trouble of looking it up.
3. Use clear and specific descriptions for your subject line. Avoid vague one-word subjects
1. Do not send messages in all capital letters. This is the equivalent of shouting at your readers. Moreover , your message will be harder to read.It will not look like professional correspondence.
3. Avoid writing any comments in the margins or at the very top or bottom of a fax. Your notes might be cut off or blurred in transmission.
4. It may be permissible to
2. Always include a return mail address as part of the signature, saving your reader the trouble of looking it up.
3. Use clear and specific descriptions for your subject line. Avoid vague one-word subjects
1. Do not send messages in all capital letters. This is the equivalent of shouting at your readers. Moreover , your message will be harder to read.It will not look like professional correspondence.
3. Avoid writing any comments in the margins or at the very top or bottom of a fax. Your notes might be cut off or blurred in transmission.
4. It may be permissible to
Unit 5 Business Negotiation(课堂PPT)

to make some concessions to make the deal possible.
Task 2: Listen to the following dialogue and complete it with the missing information.
New Words and Expressions
get down to sth 开始;着手 terms of payment 付款方式 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 exchange rate 汇率;兑换率 unstable adj. 不稳的;不牢固的 prompt adj. 及时的;准时的 D/P (document against payment) 付款交单 profit margin 利润率 exchange quota 外汇限额 insufficient adj. 不足的;不够的
Unit 5 Business Negotiation
【Learning Objectives】
After finishing this unit, students should • know some useful expressions used in
negotiating. • know some techniques in negotiation. • know how to draft a contract.
a. We can give you a 10% discount. That’s the best we can do. b. Definitely. Usually, we accept payment by irrevocable L/C. c. We really can’t make any profit at this price. But for the sake of our long-term cooperation in the future, I agree with you for that price. d. Sure. I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. e. I’m afraid not. The price I am offering you is as low as I can go. We can’t set our price below cost.
Task 2: Listen to the following dialogue and complete it with the missing information.
New Words and Expressions
get down to sth 开始;着手 terms of payment 付款方式 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证 exchange rate 汇率;兑换率 unstable adj. 不稳的;不牢固的 prompt adj. 及时的;准时的 D/P (document against payment) 付款交单 profit margin 利润率 exchange quota 外汇限额 insufficient adj. 不足的;不够的
Unit 5 Business Negotiation
【Learning Objectives】
After finishing this unit, students should • know some useful expressions used in
negotiating. • know some techniques in negotiation. • know how to draft a contract.
a. We can give you a 10% discount. That’s the best we can do. b. Definitely. Usually, we accept payment by irrevocable L/C. c. We really can’t make any profit at this price. But for the sake of our long-term cooperation in the future, I agree with you for that price. d. Sure. I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. e. I’m afraid not. The price I am offering you is as low as I can go. We can’t set our price below cost.

Use the following format to structure your negotiations:
Student A
Ask a favour.
Student B
Make a tentative offer.
Make a counteroffer.
Make a firm offer.
Propose a compromise.
Our charges are amongst the lowest on the market, meaning that your business will be more profitable from day one. We provide a complete, ready-to-use website installed on your server. Please allow 30 days for development and installation. Should you encounter any difficulties, our helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist you. With more than 400 satisfied customers and several design awards, MaxiMedia is one of the top site designers in the country. I will be happy to put you in contact with other MaxiMedia customers in the area. The design fee for a ‘MaxiMedia Experience’ site is just 3,000, with monthly technical support fees of only 15. You will find full details of our terms and conditions in the attached quotation. We look forward to meeting you to discuss design options: I will call you next week to fix a date. Should you have further questions, please feel free to call me on 0800 113 647. Sincerely yours,
商务英语听说教程上 Unit 5Business Meeting

Part A - Task 1 Conversation
Listen to the following conversation and fill in the missing words.
David: Alisa, the meeting is scheduled for 1:30 this afternoon. Have you made the necessary arrangements ? Alisa: Yes, the room is ready for the meeting. I have put water, pens and name cards on the table for each participant . David: Good, I think you should prepare the minute book and some
1) What is the purpose of an agenda? The purpose of an agenda is to speed up the meeting and keep everyone to the point.
2) What are reported in minutes?
1) How do you define the term “business meeting”? 2) Why do people have business meetings? 3) What are the general procedures of holding a meeting and the necessary preparations for each step?
Part B - Task 2 Conversation
商务英语 unit5

UNIT 5 Business Meetings
• T: Thank you Chairman. I’m National Sales Director. Let me just summarize the main points of the last meeting. We began the meeting by approving the changes in our sales reporting system discussed on April 20th. After briefly revising the changes that will take place, we moved on to a brainstorming session concerning after sales service improvements. You can see a copy of the main ideas developed and discussed last time right in front of you. The meeting was declared closed at 11.30.
UNIT 5 Business Meetings
• Dialogue 3 Beginning the Meeting • (C= Chairman J= Jack) • C: Thank you Tom. So, if there is nothing else
we need to discuss, let's move on to today’s agenda. You must have read today's agenda, so without further ado, let’s move on to the item: Sales Improvement in Rural Market Areas. I’d like to open it up for discussion. Jack, let’s start with you. What’s your view? Jack? • J: OK, I’m ready.
BEC 商务英语初级 第5单元课件 module 5

New words & Expressions
human resource 人力资源 HR manager 人力资源经理 photography exhibition 摄影展 accountancy job 会计工作 passion n. 热情,激情 competitive adj 竞争的 give up sth. all together 完全放弃……
Back to the land 回归土地
Name Peter Van Der Groot
Living place
Successful stockbroker
Moving from London to the countryside
Make a living
Change of life
New words & Expressions
source of income 收入来源 olive n. 橄榄 farm products 农产品 business contact 生意场的熟人/关系 deal in 经营 make enquiries 询问 recrds & Expressions
Portugal 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家) Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家) Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克 中南部城市)
Writing 4
From: Elena Gonalez To: Synapse Date: 3 October Subject: Price quotation Could you please send us a price quotation for three designs, for both full colour and black and white? I attach two of the designs, and tomorrow I‟ll send the third one. Looking forward to your reply. Best Regards Elena Gonzalez

4.Identify the participants according to the issue.
5.Let the participants read the documents before
the meeting.
6.Keep information updated.
During the meeting
I quite agree with you, Tu. We can rIutnhisnokmweemshooreulcdhmainaksehomposrien gTesfakhtoonde.rmovmiewnerostmmtriaseeonydmrceoieueu,amnCbgth-oisvsoueiwzntethgohdiquceichrnimtpgpi.reoosrodeipnuylecoCtuchsa.inna,
sotpruraortbecgloeymmsphiasonutyhldamtbooeruetrofpamrmoadokuecsstimsnarlle pCpsroBrhomfuinifttieastiw.tibnAwhultatsihlotlqe,ceutoxfihucpsektteuyonrreuwsetir.vuilmelrn.bosrr.ienngceamxpt.oitrael.
Be punctual

Assigning and Tracking Action Items
Ensure accountability by assigning tasks and monitoring progress.
Evaluation and Review of Meeting Success
Assess the effectiveness of the meeting and identify areas for improvement.
Summarize key points, assign actions, and conclude the meeting on a positive note.
Follow-Up After Business Meeting
Documenting Meeting Outcomes
Record decisions made, action items, and any followup tasks.
Conducting a Successful Business Meeting
Opening the Meeting
Welcome participants, set the agenda, and establish meeting norms.
Running the Meeting
Facilitate discussions, manage time, and ensure everyone's participation.
Ask insightful questions to gather
information and stimulate
Persuasion and Negotiation
《服务外包英语》课件Unit 5 Business Meeting

Task Three
A---Like B---Hate 1. Every participant is offered the opportunity to speak in the meeting. ( ) 2. The host will encourage the audience to ask questions and share their opinions on the speakers' comments. ( ) 3. Having an agenda that clearly states the purpose of the meeting. ( ) 4. Every participant freely expresses his/her ideas in the meeting without agenda. ( ) 5. Participants make long and detailed presentations in the meeting. ( ) 6. The meeting is formal and the atmosphere is serious. ( )
Unit 5 Business Meeting
Listening & Speaking
Dialogue One
Dialogue Two
Listening Task
Speaking Task
Unit 5 Business Meeting
Listening & Speaking
Dialogue One Tomorrow's Meeting
Starting up-1
A to put forward a plan for consideration B to express your choice or opinion (by raising your hand, etc.) C a list of matters to be discussed D a formal suggestion E a list of things that need to be done after the meeting F the person who leads the meeting G to formally give your support to a suggestion H a written record of what was said or decided
电子商务英语教学课件Unit 5 Business Models of E-commerce

Understanding B2C E-commerce
Analysis of sentences
本句中, “using membergenerated documents and messages”是一个现在分词短语 作方式状语, 修饰谓语 “provide”。
These provide a platform for developing oneto-one relationship using member-generated documents and messages.
Business-to-Business and Consumer-to-Consumer E-commerce
Some notes
EBay, 美国一家拍卖网站, 世界上最大 的网上交易平台。 阿里巴巴, 世界上最大的B2B互联网公 司。 second-hand market 二手市场, 旧货 市场 at the end of 在……的最后 come along 出现, 进步 used items 旧货
通过互联网开展B2C业务是非常合适的,因为互联网渐变 得十分普及而且它能够帮助企业针对各种各样的潜在顾客 推出有效的产品和服务的促销策略。
is suitable for…… 对……合适 potential customers 潜在顾客
Analysis of sentences
随着消费者越来越习惯于在线购买产品,其他产品类别 将会越来越流行。
Business-to-Consumer E-commerce
Analysis of sentences
Some experts believe that, in the long term, this type of businesses should be more successful than pure e-commerce businesses.

sotpruraortbecgloeymmsphiasonutyhldamtbooeruetrofpamrmoadokuecsstimsnarlle pCpsroBrhomfuinifttieastiw.tibnAwhultatsihlotlqe,ceutoxfihucpsektteuyonrreuwsetir.vuilmelrn.bosrr.ienngceamxpt.oitrael.
Free speech • Be brief and logical • Be calm and reasonable • Pay attention to the order and rules
Other Tips
How to interrupt other people politely in a business talk?
Be punctual
Prepare carefully
Be attentive
Be calm
Encourage Break the ice
Meeting Process
Before the meeting
1.Figure the purpose of the meeting, and decide
I quite agree with you, Tu. We can rIutnhisnokmweemshooreulcdhmainaksehomposrien gTesfakhtoonde.rmovmiewnerostmmtriaseeonydmrceoieueu,amnCbgth-oisvsoueiwzntethgohdiquceichrnimtpgpi.reoosrodeipnuylecoCtuchsa.inna,
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1. Decide whether you really need to call a meeting. Can the issue be resolved by an individual or a conference call?
3. Set definite starting and stopping times. 4. Prepare an agenda. Explain the goal of the meeting; if there are many
◆ Warm-up Practice ◆ Listening Task ◆ Speaking Task ◆ Reading Task ◆ Writing Task ◆ Follow-up Practice
We need to discuss some questions
about what we are going to learn in this
2.Read the following tips for meetings
Tips for Successful Meetings a) Know the goal of the meeting. b) Pick an appropriate time. c) Set an agenda. d) Review the agenda before starting the meeting. e) Set a time limit for the meeting so people can plan accordingly. f) Stay focused on one topic, so that there are no side
or why not?
Ten Secrets of Super Successful Meeting Planners
1. Planning and organizing 2. Taking care of details 3. Practicing smart marketing 4. Being a team player 5. Knowing how to manage time 6. Negotiating skillfully 7. Applying a positive attitude 8. Evaluating results 9. Being a perpetual learner 10. Keeping a sense of humor
2. Determine who needs to attend. Try keeping the number of attendees small, as large meetings get unwieldy. Suggest that people attend only the parts of the meeting that involve them. This way you can keep the discussion more focused.
Sure, that’ll help us understand better about what we are
asked to do.
1. Business Meetings
To make a good meeting which brings people together, facilitates decision making, and assists people in taking responsibility, an agenda comes first. An agenda helps structure the meeting and keep track of what is being discussed. After a meeting, minutes, which adecision made, are usually required to record permanently the proceedings of a meeting, as well as to provide a basis for action.
conversations. g) Record resolution on any items discussed h) Solicit comments from all members. i) At the end of the meeting, summarize the decisions that have
Learning Objectives
Chairing a meeting Asking for and giving opinions
or suggestions Agreeing or disagreeing Writing a meeting agendas and
taking minutes
been made. j) End the meeting on time. Never let a meeting run long. Again,
stick to your original plan.
3. Discuss the following questions:
1) Which do you think are the five most important tips? Why? 2) Which of the tips do you disagree with? Why? 3) Can you add more tips as advice for holding meetings? 4) Why do we have meetings? 5) Discuss in pairs or groups whether you like meetings. Why