DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Participation RFx杜邦电子采购–供应商参与公司
供应商资料英文IntroductionIn this document, you will find a summary of the information and details related to our suppliers. This document aims to provide an overview of the suppliers and their important details in English.Supplier InformationSupplier NameThe supplier name refers to the name of the company or individual that supplies the products or services to our organization.LocationThe location of the supplier is an important detail that identifies the physical address or addresses where the supplier conducts its business operations.Contact InformationThe contact information includes various details through which we can get in touch with the supplier. This typically includes the following:•Phone number: The telephone number that can be used to contact the supplier.•Email address: The email address of the supplier for communication purposes.•Website: The website of the supplier, if applicable.Products/Services ProvidedThis section provides an overview of the products or services offered by the supplier. It includes the following information:•Products: A list of the products supplied by the supplier, along with their brief descriptions.•Services: If the supplier offers services, a description of the services provided.Quality Control MeasuresThis section outlines the quality control measures implemented by the supplier to ensure the products or services meet the required standards. It includes information such as:•Certifications: Any relevant certifications or standards that the supplier adheres to.•Inspection Procedures: Details of the inspection procedures followed by the supplier to ensure the quality of the products or services.•Quality Testing: Information on any specific quality testing processes carried out by the supplier.Pricing and Payment TermsThis section provides details on the pricing and payment terms agreed upon with the supplier. It includes information such as:•Pricing Structure: An overview of the pricing structure followed by the supplier, including any discounts or bulk pricing options available.•Payment Terms: The agreed-upon terms and conditions related to payment, such as payment methods, due dates, and any late payment penalties.Delivery TermsThe delivery terms refer to the conditions under which the products or services are delivered by the supplier. This section includes information such as: •Shipping Methods: The methods used for shipping the products, including any specific shipping providers or options available.•Delivery Timeframe: The estimated timeframe for the delivery of the products or services.•Return Policy: Information on the supplier’s policy regarding product returns or exchanges.Supplier Performance EvaluationThis section provides details on the evaluation of the supplier’s performance based on various parameters. It includes information such as:•On-Time Delivery: Evaluation of the supplier’s ability to deliver products or services on time.•Quality of Products/Services: Assessment of the quality of the supplied products or services.•Communi cation and Responsiveness: Evaluation of the supplier’s communication and responsiveness.ConclusionThis document serves as a comprehensive summary of the supplier information in English. It covers various aspects such as supplier details, products/services offered, quality control measures, pricing/payment terms, delivery terms, and supplier performance evaluation. By having this information documented, we can effectively manage our relationship with suppliers and ensure the smooth operation of our business.。
为商品零售商成功定位 Chicago, Illinois
在过去7年中,我们聘用了在物流战略和需求链运营方面非常有经验的专业人员。这些 专业人员分别来自: - 专业物流咨询公司 - 主要行业 - 著名的大学和商学院
American Honda Motor Co. 降低北美业务物流成本的举措,及跨所有业务单位和
Thames Water / Connect 2020 建立一个由Thames Water 和Accenture合资的物流公
司 - Connect 2020
Fiat New Holland (欧洲) 建立一个由New Holland 和Accenture合资的公司 -
Chicago San Francisco
Los Angeles
Paris Boston New York Atlanta Washington, D.C.
60 42
0 1995
53 1996
66 1997
83 1998
93 1999
103 2000
全球领先的管理及信息技术 咨询公司
在全球48个国家中设有约150 家分公司
开始施工 , 预计装置 2 1 00年末建成投产 , 并 马上投入满负荷运转。受材料价格高涨的影 响, 预计 工 程 费 用 要 比当 初 的预 算 增 加 5 %, 0 总投资额达到 75 . 亿美元 。 计划在泰国的 7 少7 、 卜 。 o 工业区内建 / '
丙烷法 20 ta A 0 k/ 的 N生产装置和丙酮合氰 化氢 ( C 法 7k/ A H) 0 ta的 MMA 生产装 置。 20t 的 A 0 k/ a N产品中 7 ~8 1/ 供应旭化 0 0 ta 【 成化学公司, 其余产品供应泰国以外的国家。
旭化成化学公司决定在 泰 国新建 A N及 MMA生产装置
石 油化 学新报( ,08 (2 2 : 日)20 ;4 3 )1 2 日本旭化 成化 学公司正式决 定与泰国 石油天然气大公司 P 公 司和 日本 丸红公 1 司合资新建丙烯腈 ( N) 甲基丙烯酸 甲酯 A 和 ( A 生产装置。该计划将于 2 0 年夏季 ) 08
产能力的扩增是为了适应环氧树脂固化剂 和 纸力增强剂对乙胺需求的不断扩大 , 及加强乙
胺生产在亚洲成为最大生产商的地位 。 乙胺被广泛用于生产环氧树脂 固化剂 、 纸力增强剂 、 表面活性剂 、 润滑油添加剂 、 医
日 本东曹公司计划在其南阳生产厂增设 第三套乙胺生产装置。增设分两阶段进行 , 在 21 年 3月之前增设 2h/ 的装置, 00 6 a 使其生 产能力达到 7k/ , 9 t 然后到 21 a 02年 3月之前 扩增剩余 的能力 , 构成 乙胺总生产能力达 到 8h/。投资额为 20 日元 以上。乙胺生 9 a 0亿
始就感到苯酚的供应紧张 。 计亚洲将会持续以两位数增长。
20 年对苯 酚的需求 动 向, 07 由于 P C树 20 07年苯酚 的供 应能力 只有新 加坡三 井 苯酚公 司 ( S 增 加 5 k , MP ) 0 t年末 全 球 苯 酚 脂及环 氧树脂需 求 的好 转 , 于生 产 B A对 用 P . 5 。装置 的开工率达 苯酚 的需求增加 6 2 另外 中国奥运会需 的总生产能力 为 9 0 Mt . %,
®杜邦公司注册商标杜邦中国集团有限公司工程塑料部地址200021电话021 –6385 3155网址®杜邦公司注册商标特灵®聚甲醛特灵®聚甲醛是由聚甲醛是由杜邦公司于上世纪50年代末发明的均聚高分子材料共聚聚甲醛由Celanese公司在2年后发明Formaldehyde moleculeHydrogen atomHydrogen bondingOxygen atomCarbon atom®杜邦公司注册商标聚甲醛的改性品种n抗紫外线n耐摩擦和低磨损n增韧剂n挤出级别n玻璃纤维n抗静电处理相互摩擦时抗摩擦®杜邦公司注册商标n燃油系统n夹子n门把手n摇窗手柄n音响隔栅特灵®汽车工业的应用特灵®主要应用n运输带n齿轮n小型轮子n夹子n弹簧n轴承支架n空气阀门n录象带带座n滑雪板n点火机n泵体n拉链n照射系统n厨房家电n气枪n图章®DuPont’s registered trade name®杜邦公司注册商标特灵®标准牌号牌号类型特灵®100, 100P高韧级特灵®500, 500P, 511P中流动级特灵®900P, 911P低流动级特灵®127UV, 527UV耐侯级特灵®100ST, 100T, 500T冲击改性特灵®500AF, DE9156特氟龙®-改性特灵®500CL耐磨损如果您需要聚甲醛您需要聚酰胺是由杜邦公司于1920年发明的®杜邦公司注册商标PA 66, (120/180Zytel ®/ Minlon ®汽车工业的应用®杜邦公司注册商标n 连接器n 风扇n 风扇罩n后视镜n 阀门罩子n 进气歧管n 水箱n车轮盖Zytel ®/ Minlon ®电子/电器工业的应用®杜邦公司注册商标n 连接器n 扎带n 短路开关n线圈骨架n 插座n 封装马达n 电动工具n焊接工具Zytel ®/ Minlon ®主要应用®杜邦公司注册商标n 小型锯部件n 自行车轮子n 运动器械n 滑雪鞋n滑雪撬n 家具部件n 火车绝缘器n 焊接头盔n 热水泵n厨房器具Zytel®HTN 是杜邦开发的一种新型聚合物®杜邦公司注册商标优势:硬度(玻纤增强)低吸水性高的尺寸稳定性高的使用温度(150/200 ®杜邦公司注册商标如果您需要尼龙塑料,您需要®杜邦公司注册商标Crastin®Crastin®是杜邦公司热塑性PBT聚酯塑料的商品名杜邦公司在1993年收购了汽巴嘉技的PBT业务后在很大程度上扩展了自己的PBT销售规格®杜邦公司注册商标PBT改性l冲击改性l阻燃改性l ASA (丙烯晴-苯乙烯–丙稀酸) l PET –合金l增强类型:m玻纤增强m玻璃珠增强m矿物增强. (130 / 180如果您需要PBT聚酯塑料,您需要®杜邦公司注册商标Rynite®-PETRynite®是杜邦公司热塑性PET聚酯塑料的商品名Rynite®都是用玻纤或矿物增强的PET工程塑料. (155 / 200Rynite®主要应用®DuPont’s registered trade namen 烤炉手柄n 灯座n 封装马达n 线圈骨架n刮雨器n 变压器壳体n 连接器n 盖子n 熨斗裙角n烤饼机®杜邦公司注册商标Zenite®是杜邦公司液晶高分子聚合物的商品名这种材料是一种属于芳香族共聚物优势:同时具备较高的硬度, 强度和韧性.低吸水性尺寸稳定性高的使用温度(240®杜邦公司注册商标。
启动前安全检查对于新的和改造后的设备提供一个 最后核查点,以确认所有工艺安全管理相关的要素 皆符合要求,可以安全投料(输送能量),启动和 操作。
Slide 5
Copyright ©2015 E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, and The miracles of science™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates.
检验装置的设备、管道、阀 门、电气、仪表、计算机等 的性能和质量是否符合设计 与规范的要求;
一般应先从单系统开始,然 后扩大到几个系统或全装置 的联运。如可能,尽量使用 液体而非气体进行试运行。
整体PSSR, 回顾、签署 并确认开车
Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Document
Microsoft Word Document
开车前安全评审根据需要由生产部门(包括操作人员)、技术、维修,以 及设计和安全代表组成的多专业小组来进行。
开车前安全评估文件,参加做PSSR小组的每个成员要签字,业主要授权签 字。文件存档。
PSSR成员要做出以下结论: PSSR 组得出结论,即在完成了开车前要求完成的建议之后,设备符合当前 的监管要求和工厂或单元操作许可声明的允许范围,并且设备开车是安全 的。
美國杜邦在中國全部公司名稱1. 杜邦中國集團有限公司Du Pont China Holding Co.,Ltd.2. 杜邦中國集團有限公司北京分公司Du Pont China Holding Co.,Ltd. Beijing Branch3. 杜邦中國集團有限公司北京第二分公司Du Pont China Holding Co.,Ltd. Beijing No.2 Branch4. 杜邦中國集團有限公司上海分公司Du Pont China Holding Co.,Ltd. Shanghai Branch5. 杜邦中國集團有限公司广州分公司Du Pont China Holding Co.,Ltd.Guangzhou Branch6. 上海高性能塗料分公司Shanghai Performance Coatings Branch7. 東莞杜邦電子材料有限公司Electronic Materials DuPont Dongguan Co., Ltd.8.杜邦高性能塗料(長春)有限公司DuPont Performance Coatings (Changchun) Co., Ltd.9.杜邦貿易(上海)有限公司DuPont Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.10.鐵嶺先鋒種子研究有限公司Tieling Pioneer Seed Research Co., Ltd.11. 杜邦鈦白科技(上海)有限公司DuPont Titanium Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.12.杜邦鄭州蛋白有限公司DuPont Zhengzhou Protein Co., Ltd.13.杜邦(上海)採購中心有限公司DuPont (Shanghai) Sourcing Center Co., Ltd.14.杜邦(中國)研發管理有限公司DuPont (China) Research & Development and Management Co., Ltd.15.杜邦安全評價(深圳)有限公司DuPont Safety Assessment Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.16.杜邦應用面材(廣州)有限公司DuPont Surfaces (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.17.杜邦(深圳)實業有限公司DuPont (Shenzhen) Industrial Co., Ltd.18.杜邦高性能塗料(上海)有限公司DuPont Performance Coatings (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.19.杜邦(常熟)氟化物科技有限公司DuPont (Changshu) Fluoro Technology Co., Ltd.20.杜邦高性能彈性體貿易(上海)有限公司DuPont Performance Elastomers Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.21.杜邦太陽能(深圳)有限公司DuPont Apollo (Shenzhen) Limited。
美国Purdue Pharma制药公司采用RFID技术确保供应链安全
C s t d 『 aeS u y 案例
美 国P u h r a l u Pam  ̄ 药公 司 re d j 采用 R 技术确保供应链 安全 F I D
口 Unss 司供 稿 i - y'  ̄
P ru h r 采 用 的 R I 签 上 的 数 ud eP ama F D标
据可通 过 N r enA e ot r p x读取 器 以及 S mb l h y o 天线读取。数据可转换为 X ML信息并发送到
P ru 司 的 S P自动 l 础 架 构( l) 。 ud e公 A D基 A1 上
解决 方案 :创行业之先
为 了 创 建 e e ire 用 于 运 输 其领 先 的 P dge s 处 方 止 痛 药 O y o t ,P ru h r x C ni n ud eP ama聘 请 了 U i s 司来 提 供 项 目管理 和 支 持 系 统 试 ns 公 y 运 行 所 需 的集 成 服 务 。 这 是 在 技 术 实验 室 之
S P交 换 接 口 ( I A x )会 将 X ML文 档 转 换 为 S P事件管理器 ( M ) A E 可识 别的 IO S格式。 D C 电子履历 e e ire信息可通过 S P I P dge A 收集 , X 并发送给 S p l cp u py a e软件 ,该软件再创建 、 S 存储 和发送 e e ire 到 P ru h r P dge s ud eP ama的 贸易合作伙伴—— 总部 位于伊利诺伊 州 的批
验 证和鉴别所 有的药物。此外 ,制 药企 业在 每个运作流程都要 面对骤增的成本压 力 ,沃
杜邦在财富500 家美国最大的工业/服务公司排行榜 上名列第73 位。
杜邦财团与洛克菲勒财团、摩根财团、第一花旗银 行财团、波士顿财团、梅隆财团、克利夫兰财团、芝加 哥财团、加利福尼亚财团、得克萨斯财团同为美国十大 财团。
美国商业周刊 Business Week 选为「绿色企业」 的首位。又被气候控制协会Climate Control Group 以 下的 Pew Center 的Ceres 报告气候变化类环保奖:美 国第一名,世界第二名;评选为温室气体「降低地球碳 含量企业 Carbon Cutter」美国第一名,世界第二名。
杜邦营养与健康 (DuPont Nutrition Health)
杜邦大豆蛋白业务——Solae 50 多年来,Solae 一直致力于为食品、肉制品和营 养品行业开发创新的豆基技术。 杜邦微生物检测,食品安全及品质管理服务—— DuPont Qualicon 致力于为全球的食品和药品市场提供最佳价值的,以 科学为基础的,可以满足用户各种诊断需求的产品/系统。
美国「财富杂志」 「美国最受赞赏的公司 」排行 榜 – 化学公司类第一名。
该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab) 编制的2006 年度《世界品牌500 强》排行榜中名列第 一百九十七。该企业在2007 年度《财富》全球最大五 百家公司排名中名列第二百二十五。
杜邦公司为了实现对客户、可持续发展以及通过面 向市场的科学技术创造收入与盈利增长的承诺,将高度 集中其创新能力于四大新兴发展趋势和不断增长的需求, 即:粮食供应、保护人类自身安全与环境、减少对化石 燃料的依赖,以及把握新兴市场中的机遇。
杜邦还将加强与客户和市场需求的契合度;直接根 据市场需要开展有序的科研创新活动;精简组织架构以 增强管理透明度和与业绩关联的责任担当,并继续高度 关注提高生产力。
GCLSolar Energy保利协鑫太阳能SUPPLIER :供应商Assessment Team :供应物名称ASSESSMENT DATE: 供应时间SARSupplier AuditReport供应商审核报告SUPPLIER ASSESSMENTGUIDELINE供应商评估指南2010SUPPLIER ASSESSEMENTMANUFACTURING制造类供应商评估INTRODUCTION引言GCL Solar Energy is committed to product excellence in the markets we serve. We intend to continuously demonstrate this commitment by providing defect-free products on time and at competitive prices.协鑫光伏能源致力于对产品精益求精,在我们服务的市场,我们将不断证明这一承诺,并提供有竞争力的价格,无缺陷的产品。
This requires that we exercise every possible means to assure quality and consistent on-time delivery of purchased goods, which in-turn, contributes to continuous Quality improvement. Through the application of Statistical Process Control (SPC) combined with the cooperation and commitment of our Suppliers and Supply Chain Teams, GCL Solar Energy will drive continuous improvement both in Technical and Commercial aspects of business.这就要求我们千方百计保证质量和购进一致好的部件,不断提高服务质量。
Purchasing Management:采购管理
All activities that are required to manage supplier relationships.所有需要的供应商关系的 活动
Supply Chain Management:供应链管理
The management of all activities, information, knowledge and financial resources associated with the flow and transformation of goods and services up from the raw materials suppliers, component suppliers and other suppliers in such a way that the expectations of the end users of the company are being met or surpassed所有与商品和 服务流相关的活动、信息、知识和金融资源的管理,从原材料供应商,零部件供应商和其 他供应商,该公司的最终用户的期望正在以这样的方式达到或超过
Procurement 采购 Technology development 技术发展 Human resources management 人力资源管理 Firm infrastructure 企业基础设施
Procurement activities may be also related to supplying products and services for the other support functions.
firm infrastructure Support Activities 支持性的活动 human resource management technology development
然而,杜邦交通运输与先进材料事业部近日发现市场上出现很多假冒产品,其中包含全系列的产品牌号:Zytel®, Zytel® HTN, Crastin®, Rynite®, Delrin®, Hytrel®, Vamac®,Minlon®等。
东莞市XXXXXX有限公司致﹕ Fax No.﹕收件人﹕副本呈﹕关于要求供应商满足C-TPAT最低安全要求的通知尊敬的供应商﹕首先感谢贵公司长期以来对我司的大力支持﹗为回应全球各界反恐怖行动,满足美国海关的C-TPAT安全要求,确保货物财产/人员安全,确保货物,交通工具快速付运;我司愿与各供应商一起为满足C-TPAT的要求而努力,为此我公司对各供应商作出如下要求:一、对供应商C-TPAT的基本要求:1) C-TPAT的遵守--供应商有责任去履行C-TPAT的要求。
2) 供应商需要在本公司的产品上执行预防遗失和报告的程序。
3) 供应商需要允许本公司的审核员在其工厂执行安全和品质方面的审核。
4) 供应商有责任去确保跟随C-TPAT指引的变更以及符合所进行的变更。
5) 供应商有责任去进行C-TPAT方面的自我评估,并向本公司报告在C-TPAT方面未能完全符合的事项,我们会视乎实际需要给予供应商一个有限度的改善期限。
(请参见附件-《供应商C-TPAT 评价表》)二、管理职责和支持:1.供应商需要指派一个或多个安全经理去负责联络本公司,了解和推行C-TPAT,并负责在其内部执行自我评估、审核和调查,并制定相应的改善措施。
3.实际现场的安全:1) 供应商的厂房必须装设必需的消防警报和灭火系统,以便一旦发生火警可以即时监测和有灭火能力。
2) 供应商的厂房必须有坚固的围墙/围栏保护,围墙/围栏大约高2米(6尺)。
3) 对于进出货仓、装运区域的人员和车辆,必须实行出入管制措施。
D P n 公 司开发 出一种 由可代替石油 u ot
基成 分 的 8 %~10 0 0 %可再 生 物 质生 产 的新
型聚 合 物 , 成 品 不损 失 性 能。商 品名为 且
C rn l eeo 的多 元醇 是 D P n 公 司首 次完 全 由 u ot
与蒸汽接触 而实质上不受影响。相 比而言 ,
S】 基 T E E P 。这种 新 型 专用 牌 号适 合 于 挤
在空气 中的最大容许长期使用温度。此外 , 该 阻燃材料不含氯或溴并满足几个关键的环
境要求 。 最 初 的加 工试 验 显示 该材 料可有 效地用
于生产高尺寸稳定性和低扭 曲倾向的复杂部
件。该材料另一优点是释放 出可能的挥发性 物质低且 在 同样低 释放气体 水平下非增强 P / B 掺混料没有阻燃性。 CA S 潜 在 的应 用 包 括 旋 转 式 洗 衣 干燥 机 、 洗
德 国 B yr材料 科学公 司开 发 出一 种 抗 ae
水解分子降解 ( 在温暖和潮湿的环境 中会发 生) 的阻燃 P 懈 C 掺混 料 。
在该 公 司进 行 的加 速 老 化试 验 中 , 材 该 料一 通 称 B y l d D 08 HR( 水 解 abe P 30 n 抗 剂 ) 置于 8 ℃ 的水浴 6 一 0 0天 , 至是 永 久 的 甚
第 3 卷 6 (07 7 期 20 )
・ 2 7
到 了热塑性塑料性能 的 良好平衡 。B yr ae 材
E xn bl 司推 出用于 x oMo i公 饮用水 包装的 S no rn P a tpee E T
Eu . ls . ws 0 / 6, 0 7 r P a t Ne . 1 0 , 0 ' 2
的切片 , 当停留时间为 2 5S , . 时 可控制切片进入结 晶区的温度在 10℃左右, 8 使后续结晶工序的结晶 温度最佳化。
参 考 文 献
考虑到切片与水分离后 , 消耗一部分热量用于干 需
燥切片表面的水分 , 切片进入结 晶区的温度可控制
化 工
20 0 7年第 3 6卷
5 ・ 8
P1 】限DC MIA E H OL GY 巳 腿 C L1 C N 0
结晶速率最快 , J其半结晶时间为 6r n i 左右 。对 a 直径为 4 0m 的切片 , . m 采用 9 5℃的热水冷却 , 当
JnC e Wek 20 4 ( 9 ) 3 p hm e ,0 6,7 23 1 :
较高辛烷值汽油, 因为它不裂化带有多个支链的高辛烷值
组分 。
Du o t P n 公司等开发生物 乙醇技术
Cha g.0 6 一l en En 2 0 l
日本林业 和林业产 品研究所 开发 出一 种采用 超临 界水 高效生 产糖化物 的实验室工艺 , 该糖 化物是生产 生物乙醇的 原料。将 流量为 6 o一6 / i 5g r n的超临界水 在 30~ 2 a 1 3 0℃ 、 2 a , 5MP 下 加入 到含 2g粉状杉木的反应器 中。粉状杉木转 化 成葡 萄糖 的收率几乎达 到了 7 % 。 0
白20 年 以来 , 究小 组一直 在一 套 中试 装置 上进 05 该研
行 较大 规模 的试验 。研究 人员相 信这种方 法提炼 出的糖 化 物很可 能通 过采用纤维素酶和酵母 同时发生糖化/ 发酵 的工
Viton® ETP-500/ETP-900T echnical Information○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○IntroductionViton ETP-500 and ETP-900 fluoroelastomers are premium peroxide curable fluoroelastomers that exhibit the broadest fluids resistance of any Viton fluoroelastomer. They are designed for severe service applications that require outstanding resistance to strong bases and amines, and good resistance to polar solvents.Compared to standard peroxide-curable Viton fluoroelastomers, Viton ETP-500 and ETP-900 feature:•Good processibility, including– good mold flow– good mold release•High-temperature resistance equivalent to standard fluoroelastomers•Good low-temperature properties •Outstanding fluids resistance to strong bases and amines, and good resistance to polar solvents Applications•Viton ETP-500 and ETP-900 are recommended for sealing applications that require outstanding fluids resistance to a broad range of fluids.•Injection, transfer and compression molding ofO-rings, gaskets and seals•Extrusion– hose and tubing– O-ring cord•Calendered goods Uses of Viton ETP-500/ETP-900These polymers are formulated and processed using the same techniques applied to other peroxide-curable types of Viton. Table 1 compares compounds of Viton ETP-500 to Viton A401C and Viton GF. Table 2 compares the fluids resistance of VtionETP-500 to A, B, and F type Viton polymers. Product DescriptionChemical Composition Terpolymer ofethylene, tetrafluoroethylene,and perfluoromethylvinyl ether pluscure site monomer Physical Form SlabColor White to off white Odor NoneSpecific Gravity 1.82Storage Stability ExcellentMooney Viscosity(ML 1+10 at 121°C [250°F])(ETP-500)50(ETP-900)90Safety and HandlingBefore handling or processing Viton ETP-500 or ETP-900, read and follow the recommendationsin DuPont Dow Elastomers technical bulletinH-71129-02, “Handling Precautions for Viton® and Related Chemicals.”These materials should be handled like other typesof Viton. Keep off skin and wash well after handling. For the safe handling of other compounding ingredi-ents, please refer to the respective manufacturers data sheets.ETP-500 was formerly known as VTR-6186. ETP-900 was formerly known as VTR-6279.Table 1The Performance of Viton® ETP-500 in Typical CompoundsViton Viton VitonETP-500A401C GFViton ETP-500100——Viton A401C—100—Viton GF——100Zinc Oxide 1.5—3High-Activity MgO—3—Calcium Hydroxide—6—N990 Carbon Black303030Carnauba Wax0.50.50.5Armeen®* 18D0.5—0.5Diak™ No. 73—3Luperco®** 101XL3—3Stock PropertiesMooney Scorch, MS at 121°C (250°F)Minimum, in·lb4340282-unit rise, min18.815.818.25-unit rise, min24.8>3023.4ODR at 177°C (350°F), Microdie, 3° Arc, 12 minM L, in·lb191313T s2, min 1.1 1.9 1.2T c90, min 6.1 3.6 6.9M H, in·lb7410276 Vulcanizate PropertiesSlabs Cured: 10 min at 177°C (350°F)Post-Cured: 16 hr at 232°C (450°F)Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—Original, Post-Cured100% Modulus, MPa (psi)7.4 (1,080)7.6 (1,100)7.4 (1,080) Tensile Strength, MPa (psi)15.4 (2,235)16.3 (2,360)19.8 (2,870) Elongation at Break, %205190215 Hardness, Durometer A, pts827779Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—After aging 70 hr at 250°C (428°F)100% Modulus, MPa change– Strength, MPa15.515.720.7% change0.6–3.7 4.5 Elongation at Break, %240185215% change17.1–2.60.0 Hardness, Durometer A, pts827880Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—After aging 168 hr at 150°C (302°F)/80W-90 EP Gear Lubricant100% Modulus, MPa 5.9—% change–20.3——Tensile Strength, MPa14.510.39.3% change–5.8–36.8–53.0 Elongation at Break, %2358095% change14.6–57.9–55.8 Hardness, Durometer A, pts.818481Volume change, %313(continued) *Akzo Chemicals**Elf Atochem2Table 1(continued)The Performance of Viton® ETP-500 in Typical CompoundsViton Viton VitonETP-500A401C GF Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—After aging 168 hr at 40°C (104°F)/Toulene100% Modulus, MPa 4.6 5.8 4.7 % change–37.8–23.7–36.5 Tensile Strength, MPa12.29.714.5 % change–20.8–40.5–26.8 Elongation at Break, %220150210 % change7.3–21.1–2.3 Hardness, Durometer A, pts746769 Volume change, %92311 Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—After aging 168 hr at 23°C (73°F)/MTBE (92%) Toluene (8%)100% Modulus, MPa 3.8— 4.7 % change–48.8—–36.5 Tensile Strength, MPa9.3 4.9 5.6 % change–39.6–69.9–71.7 Elongation at Break, %19070110 % change–7.3–63.2–48.8 Hardness, Durometer A, pts676353 Volume change, %2012167 Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—After aging 168 hr at 23°C (73°F)/Methyl Ethyl Ketone100% Modulus, MPa 3.6——% change–51.4——Tensile Strength, MPa10.2 1.4 2.7 % change–33.8–91.4–86.4 Elongation at Break, %2154050 % change 4.9–78.9–76.7 Hardness, Durometer A, pts653541 Volume change, %19222183 Stress/Strain at 23°C (73°F)—After aging 168 hr at 100°C (212°F)/30% Potassium Hydroxide100% Modulus, MPa 6.0— 1.0 % change–18.9—–86.5 Tensile Strength, MPa14.20.9 1.4 % change–7.8–94.5–92.9 Elongation at Break, %26580120 % change29.3–57.9–44.2 Hardness, Durometer A, pts793030 Volume change, %6132*12* Low-Temperature PropertiesDSC (glass transition temperature)Inflection, °C (°F)–11 (12)–15 (5)–7 (19) TR-10, °C (°F)–11 (12)–17 (1)–7 (19) *Samples were dissolvingNote: 1 MPa is equal to 145 psi3Table 2Comparative Fluids ResistanceViton Viton Viton VitonETP-500A-type B-type GF Fluid Resistance, Volume Swell, %Acids and BasesAcetic Acid, Glacial, 70 hr at 118°C (244°F)27110n.t.26 Nitric Acid (60%), 70 hr at 86°C (187°F)1150n.t.19 Potassium Hydroxide (sat.)7 days at 100°C (212°F)3dissolved n.t.n.t. Potassium Hydroxide (30%),70 hr at 150°C (302°F)12n.t.n.t.dissolved Sodium Hydroxide (30%)70 hr at 100°C (212°F)0n.t.n.t.cracked Sulfuric Acid (90%)7 days at 95°C (203°F)312n.t.n.t.SolventsAcetone7 days at 20°C (68°F)25181n.t.n.t. Butyl Acetate70 hr at 125°C (257°F)31300+n.t.70 Ethyl Acetate70 hr at 20°C (68°F)25280n.t.n.t. Methylene Chloride7 days at 20°C (68°F)12252016 Methy Ethyl Ketone7 days at 20°C (68°F)25458313n.t. Methyl t-Butyl Ether70 hr at 23°C (73°F)2612210074 MEK/Toluene (50/50)70 hr at 23°C (73°F)1616612787 Tetrahydrofuran7 days at 20°C (68°F)40380281n.t. Toluene70 hr at 23°C (73°F)41152Hydraulic Fluids and LubricantsSkydrol® 500B70 hr at 125°C (257°F)10n.t.n.t.25 Skydrol 500B7 days at 125°C (257°F)2017115145 Skydrol LD70 hr at 121°C (250°F)1119614980Other Aggressive FluidsDimethyl Formamide7 days at 20°C (68°F)8250+n.t.n.t. Ethylenediamine70 hr at 90°C (194°F)60n.t.n.t.dissolved Water/Nalcool 2000/PotassiumHydroxide (80/10/10)70 hr at 70°C (158°F)1761 (Sample Appearance)no cracks cracks cracks slight(v. hard)cracksn.t. (not tested)4Test ProceduresProperty Measured Test ProcedureHardness ASTM D2240-91, Durometer AMoooney Scorch ASTM D1646-95, using small rotor. Minimum viscosity andtime to a 1-, 2-, 5-, and 10-unit rise are reported.Mooney Viscosity ASTM D1646-95, ten pass 121°C (250°F)ODR (vulcanization characteristics ASTM D2084-93measured with an oscillating disk cure meter)Property Change After Oven Heat-Aging ASTM D573-88Stress/Strain Properties100% Modulus ASTM D412-92, pulled at 8.5 mm/sTensile Strength(20 in/min)Elongation at BreakVolume Change in Fluids ASTM D471-95Temperature Retraction ASTM D1329-88Test measured is 24°C (75°F) except where specified otherwiseProprietary MaterialsSources of compounding ingredients used in developing the information in this technical bulletin are listed below. This is not to imply that comparable ingedients from other sources might not be equally usable.Material Composition SupplierArmeen® 18D Octadecyl amine Akzo ChemicalsChicago, IL 60606Skydrol®Hydraulic fluid/lubricant Monsanto ChemicalsSt. Louis, MODiak™ No. 7 Curing Agent Organic trizine (TAIC)DuPont Dow Elastomers L.L.C.Wilmington, DE 19809Luperco® 101-XL2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis (t-butyl Atochem North America Inc. Organic Peroxide peroxyul hexane, 45% active Buffalo, NY 14240ingredient on inert carrier5(12/98)301743A Printed in U.S.A. [Replaces: H-77662]Reorder No.: H-77662-01Viton Business Center DuPont Dow Elastomers L.L.C. P.O. Box 306Elkton, MD 21922-0306Tel. 410-392-2500Fax. 410-392-2540For more information on Viton®(800) 853-5515 (U.S. & Canada) or other elastomers:(302) 792-4000Global Headquarters DuPont Dow Elastomers L.L.C. 300 Bellevue Parkway, Suite 300 Wilmington, DE 19809 USA Tel. 302-792-4000Fax. 302-892-7390European RegionalHeadquartersDuPont Dow Elastomers S.A.2, chemin du PavillonCH-1218 Le Grand-SaconnexGeneva, SwitzerlandTel. +41-22-717-4000Fax. +41-22-717-4001Asia Pacific RegionalHeadquartersDuPont Dow Elastomers Pte Ltd.1 Maritime Square #10-54World Trade CentreSingapore 099253Tel. +65-275-9383Fax. +65-275-9395South & Central AmericaRegional HeadquartersDuPont Dow Elastomers Ltda.Rua Henrique Monteiro, 905: andar – Pinheiros05423-912São Paulo – SPBrazilTel. +55-11-816-0256Fax. +55-11-814-6845The information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and is based on technical data that DuPont Dow Elastomers believes to be reliable. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. The handling precaution information contained herein is given with the understanding that those using it will satisfy themselves that their particular conditions of use present no health or safety hazards. Because conditions of product use and disposal are outside our control, we make no warranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. As with any material, evaluation of any compound under end-use conditions prior to specification is essential. Nothing herein is to be taken as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe on any patents.CAUTION: Do not use in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications, discuss with your DuPont Dow Elastomers customer service representative, and read Medical Caution Statement, H69237.Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont Dow Elastomers.Copyright ©1997, 1998 DuPont Dow Elastomers.All Rights Reserved.。
s.t.dupontS.T. Dupont: A Legacy of Excellence and EleganceIntroductionRenowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and timeless elegance, S.T. Dupont is a prestigious brand that has been at the forefront of luxury accessories since its inception in 1872. With its rich heritage and commitment to exceptional quality, the brand has become synonymous with sophistication and exclusivity. This document will explore the history, products, and brand values of S.T. Dupont, showcasing why it continues to captivate discerning individuals worldwide.Chapter 1: A Storied Heritage1.1 The Birth of an Icon: Origins and FoundingS.T. Dupont was founded by Simon Tissot Dupont in 1872, initially as a luxury leather goods company. His impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail quickly gained recognition, establishing the brand's reputation for excellence.1.2 Designing for Kings and EmperorsIn the early 20th century, S.T. Dupont's exceptional craftsmanship caught the attention of royal families and elite individuals. These affluent clients included the Maharaja of Patiala, King Farouk of Egypt, and even the famous Russian Tsar Nicholas II.Chapter 2: Exquisite Products2.1 Writing Instruments: The Art of EleganceS.T. Dupont stands out for its exquisite range of writing instruments, including fountain pens, rollerballs, and ballpoint pens. Meticulously crafted from the finest materials, each pen is meticulously designed to provide a luxurious writing experience.2.2 Luxury Lighters: A Flame of PerfectionThe brand's iconic luxury lighters have become a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Renowned for their reliability and precision, S.T. Dupont lighters are crafted to perfection, often using precious metals and lacquer finishes.2.3 Leather Goods: Timeless BeautyContinuing its tradition of excellence, S.T. Dupont's range of leather goods encompasses wallets, briefcases, bags, and accessories. The brand's skilled artisans create masterpieces by combining traditional techniques with contemporary design elements.Chapter 3: The S.T. Dupont Experience3.1 Craftsmanship: A Testament to PerfectionBehind every S.T. Dupont product lies the outstanding craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations. The brand's commitment to meticulous attention to detail ensures that each item is a true work of art.3.2 Innovation: Redefining LuxuryS.T. Dupont constantly pushes the boundaries of innovation and brings new technologies and materials into its designs. This blend of traditional craftsmanship and innovation creates products that are both timeless and contemporary.3.3 Brand Values: Elegance and ExclusivityS.T. Dupont represents the pinnacle of elegance and exclusivity. With a focus on quality, craftsmanship, andattention to detail, the brand continues to maintain its position as a symbol of luxury and sophistication.Chapter 4: Global Recognition4.1 A Worldwide PresenceS.T. Dupont's dedication to excellence and elegance has resulted in a global presence, with boutiques and authorized retailers in prestigious locations around the world. Its products are sought after by collectors and luxury enthusiasts in every corner of the globe.4.2 Celebrity Style and PartnershipsThe brand's legacy of excellence has attracted numerous celebrities and influential individuals, who are often seen using S.T. Dupont products. Additionally, the brand has collaborated with renowned designers, artists, and luxury brands, further enhancing its reputation.ConclusionS.T. Dupont's legacy of excellence and elegance spans over a century. From its humble beginnings as a leather goodscompany to becoming a globally recognized luxury brand, S.T. Dupont's commitment to exceptional craftsmanship and timeless design continues to captivate discerning individuals worldwide. Its range of exquisite products, dedication to innovation, and uncompromising brand values have solidified its position as a symbol of luxury and sophistication. S.T. Dupont is truly an exceptional brand that represents the epitome of elegance and exclusivity.。
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E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
Accessing DuPont E-Sourcing
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 6
DuPont E-Sourcing – Accessing the E-Sourcing System
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
DuPont E-Sourcing – What is an RFx?
What is an RFx? RFx is a generic term referring to a sourcing event of any type in eSourcing. This term may be applied to Request for Information (RFI), Proposal (RFP), or Quotation (RFQ.)
Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6 Slide 10 Slide 12 Slide 16 Slide 27
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Participation Introduction
E-Sourcing is a web-based application that allows DuPont Buyers and select suppliers to collaborate electronically (on-line) and expedite the sourcing process.
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Registration
Accessing DuPont E-Sourcing
The supplier must first gain access to the DuPont extranet, where E-Sourcing is located. The Buyer must initiate the process by pre-registering the supplier on the DuPont E-Sourcing application.
Click on the title of the event to access the details.
The Supplier Alerts section provides updates on actions taБайду номын сангаасen.
What to Expect for Registration
The Buyer will send the supplier contact a form to complete that will request basic information about the company and the specific contact who will participating in the event.
An RFX can be thought of as a general mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to conduct business: often the exchange of specific items for a specific price, but also the exchange of information, such as capabilities or willingness.
DuPont requires all suppliers to agree to DuPont On-Line Site Terms and Conditions, Confidentiality Information Agreement and a Bidder’s Agreement. The supplier contact must accept all of the terms in order to proceed. The acceptance of the terms is only required upon the initial log-in. If the supplier contact has previously agreed to the Terms & Conditions, Confidentiality Agreement, and Bidder’s Agreement the system will bypass this process and go directly to the users’ Workbench.
The event or document types RFI, RFP and RFQ are also referred to RFX, a Request for X.
This document will focus on how suppliers should respond to RFx’s.
DuPont E-Sourcing Supplier Participation RFX
January 2012
Table of Contents
Introduction Definitions Supplier Registration Accessing DuPont E-Sourcing Terms and Conditions of System Use Supplier Workbench RFX – RFI; RFP; RFQ Tool Functionality
Once log-on is successful, and the terms have been accepted, the supplier workbench will appear. Below is an example of the top portion of workbench.
Click on the date in the calendar to view the events due for a specific date.
There are several different types of events (Markets) that a Buyer can create:
a Request for Information (RFI) a Request for Proposal (RFP) a Request for Quote (RFQ) an Auction an eNegotiation
The second log-on screen will appear.
Enter Username and Password again.
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
DuPont E-Sourcing – Conditions Acceptance
DuPont E-Sourcing – Conditions Acceptance (example)
This screen is for DuPont Terms and Conditions.
Supplier must click on Accept to continue.
Connect to E-Sourcing by clicking on the hyperlink within the email invitation or via https:// The following screen will appear:
DuPont E-Sourcing – Conditions Acceptance (example)
Supplier must click on Accept to continue.
This screen is for SAP Terms and Conditions.
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
Accessing the Event
The simplest way to find an event is to follow the hyperlink included in the email invitation; however the event can also be accessed through https://
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide
Supplier Workbench
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide 13
DuPont E-Sourcing – Supplier Workbench
Enter Username and Password.
Click here to return to slide 30. Click here to return to slide 40.
E-Sourcing Supplier Participation Guide