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【摘要】视觉词典法是当前广泛使用的一种图像表示方法,针对传统视觉词典法存在的表示误差大、空间信息丢失以及判别性弱等问题,提出一种基于 Fisher 判别稀疏编码的图像场景分类算法。



%Bag of visual word (BoVW) is widely utilized as an image representation model. However, con-ventional BoVW construction methods usually cause large representation errors, lack of spatial information and weak discrimination. In order to overcome these drawbacks, this paper proposes an image scene classi-fication algorithm based on fisher discriminative analysis and sparse coding. Firstly, the non-negative sparse locally linear coding is constructed to encode the local features with their neighbor visual vocabularies, thus to make full use of images’ spatial information. Secondly, fisher discriminative analysis is added to construct a non-negative sparse locally linear coding model with
fisher discriminative criterion constraint, thus to ob-tain the discriminative sparse representation of images. The novel model can promote the spatial separability of sparse coefficients and enforce the classification capability of images’ sparse representation. Finally, support vector machine (SVM) classifier is combined to perform scene classification. Experimental results show that our algorithm efficiently utilizes spatial information of images and incline to seek images’ dis-crimination representations, thus improves the classification performance and is more suitable for image classification.
【作者单位】解放军信息工程大学四院郑州 450002; 数学工程与先进计算国家重点实验室郑州 450002;解放军信息工程大学四院郑州 450002; 数学工程与先进计算国家重点实验室郑州 450002
1.一种新的结合稀疏编码的红外图像聚类分割算法 [J], 宋长新
2.结合稀疏编码模型的多帧图像超分辨率重建 [J], 卢健;孙怡
3.全卷积网络结合改进的条件随机场-循环神经网络用于SAR图像场景分类 [J], 汤浩;何楚
4.结合场景分类数据的高分遥感图像语义分割方法 [J], 秦亿青; 池明旻
5.结合Shortcut Connections结构的卷积稀疏编码图像去噪算法 [J], 张膑;张运杰;白明明
