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Vehicle Standard (Australian Design
Rule 80/03 — Emission Control for Heavy Vehicles) 2006
I, JAMES ERIC LLOYD, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads, determine this vehicle standard under subsection 7 (1) of the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.
Dated 16 November 2006
Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads
Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062
0.1NAME OF STANDARD-----------------------------------------------------------------2 0.2COMMENCEMENT----------------------------------------------------------------------2 1SCOPE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 2APPLICABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION---------------------------------------2 3DEFINITIONS------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 4REQUIREMENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------3 5EXEMPTIONS AND ALTERNATIVE PROCEDURES--------------------------4 6ALTERNATIVE STANDARDS--------------------------------------------------------4
0.1.1 This Standard is the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission
Control for Heavy Vehicles) 2006.
0.1.2 This Standard may also be cited as ADR 80/03.
0.2.1 This Standard commences on the day after it is registered.
1.1 This vehicle standard prescribes the exhaust emissions requirements for engines
used in heavy vehicles in order to reduce air pollution.
2.1 This vehicle standard applies to vehicles of the M and N categories, with a GVM
greater than 3.5 tonnes, as provided in clause 2.2.
2Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control for
Heavy Vehicles) 2006
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Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control for
Heavy Vehicles) 2006 3
2.2 This vehicle standard applies:
2.2.1 from 1 January 2010 in relation to new model vehicles produced on or after
1 January 2010; and
2.2.2 from 1 January 2011 in relation to vehicles produced on or after 1 January 2011,
other than new model vehicles referred to in clause 2.2.1.
2.3 For the purposes of clause 2.2.1, a new model vehicle is a vehicle of a model
first produced with a date of manufacture on or after 1 January 2010.
2.4 To the extent of any inconsistency, the applicability dates specified in clause 2.2
apply in lieu of any dates specified in Appendix A, Appendix B or Appendix C.
3.1 For the purposes of clause 2.3, “date of manufacture” means the date the vehicle
is available in Australia in a condition which will enable an identification plate to be lawfully affixed to the vehicle.
3.2 For the purposes of clauses 6.2.5, 6.3.4 and 6.
4.3, “reagent” has the meaning
defined in section 2 (Definitions) of Annex I to Appendix B.
3.3 For the purposes of clauses 6.2.4, 6.3.5 and 6.
4.2, “defeat device” has the
meaning defined in section 2 (Definitions and Abbreviations) of Annex I to Appendix A and “defeat strategy” has the meaning defined in section 2 (Definitions) of Annex I to Appendix B, as amended by Appendix C.
Requirements for Diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines
4.1 Subject to clauses 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, engines which operate on diesel,
liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, and which comply with the technical requirements of Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C, will be accepted as complying with this vehicle standard.
4.1.1 Engines which operate on diesel shall comply with the relevant limit values in
row B2 of Table 1 to section 6.2.1 of Appendix A and with the relevant limit values in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Appendix A.
4.1.2 Engines which operate on liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall comply
with the relevant limit values in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Appendix A.
4.1.3 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, shall be
equipped with an on board diagnostics (OBD) system which complies with the Stage 2 requirements as described in sections 6.5 of Annex I and 3.3 of Annex IV of Appendix B, as amended by Appendix C.
Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062
4 Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control for Heavy Vehicles) 2006
Requirements for Petrol Engines
4.2 Subject to clause 4.2.1, vehicles which operate on petrol and which comply with
technical requirements of United Nations – Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No. 83 Uniform Provisions Concerning the Approval of Vehicles with Regard to the Emissions of Pollutants According to Engine Fuel Requirements, Revision 3, incorporating the 05 series of Amendments, and all amendments up to and including supplement 5, will be accepted as complying with this vehicle standard.
4.2.1 Vehicles shall comply with the limit values in row “B(2005)” of the table to
paragraph of the Regulation.
5.1 Any provisions related to the administrative processes for obtaining type
approval under a European Commission or Council (EC) Directive, or for obtaining an approval from the United States Environment Protection Authority or from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, do not apply to this vehicle standard.
5.2 EC, US EPA and Japanese approval certificates alone are not accepted as demonstration of compliance with this vehicle standard.
5.3 The preamble clauses (1) to (20) and Articles 1 to 12 in Appendix A, the preamble clauses (1) to (14) and Articles 1 to 5 in Appendix B, and the preamble clauses (1) to (9) and Articles 1 to 5 in Appendix C, do not apply to this vehicle standard, except for Article 3 and Article 4 of Appendix A.
The reference to “Council Directive 70/220/EEC of 20 March 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States on measures to be taken against air pollution by emissions from motor vehicles” in Part 1 (Scope) of Annex I to Appendix A, and the reference to “Council Directive 70/220/EEC” in Part 1 (Scope) of Annex I to Appendix B, are both amended to read “ADR 79/02”. 6 ALTERNATIVE STANDARDS
EC Directive (Diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines)
6.1 Subject to clauses 6.1.1, 6.1.2 and 6.1.3, for engines which operate on diesel,
liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, the technical requirements of Directive 2005/55/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 28 September 2005, together with the technical requirements of Commission Directive 2005/78/EC of 14 November 2005 and Commission Directive 2006/51/EC of 6 June 2006, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.
6.1.1 Engines which operate on diesel shall comply with the relevant limit values in
row B2 of Table 1 and in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Directive 2005/55/EC.
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Heavy Vehicles) 2006 5
6.1.2 Engines which operate on liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall comply
with the relevant limit values in row B2 of Table 2 to section 6.2.1 of Directive 2005/55/EC.
6.1.3 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall be
equipped with an OBD system which complies with the Stage 2 requirements as described in sections 6.5 of Annex I and 3.3 of Annex IV of Directive 2005/78/EC, as amended by Directive 2006/51/EC.
US EPA CFR (Diesel, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines) 6.2 Subject to clauses 6.2.1 to 6.2.5 inclusive, for engines which operate on diesel,
liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, the technical requirements of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 86 – Control of air pollution from new and in-use motor vehicles and new and in-use motor vehicle engines certification and test procedures - Subpart A 40 CFR 86.007-11 Emission standards and supplemental requirements for 2007 and later model year diesel heavy-duty engines and vehicles, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.
6.2.1 Except as provided in and, engines shall meet the emission limits
specified in 86.007-11 (a)(1), paragraphs (i)(A), (ii)(A), (iii)(A) and (iv)(A) and
86.007-11 (a)(3)SET(i). Engines need not comply with the oxides of nitrogen and particulate limits
specified in 86.007-11 (a)(1), paragraphs (i)(A) and (iv)(A), respectively, provided the emissions of oxides of nitrogen and particulates from the engine do not exceed the limits specified for the transient test under either Option 1 or Option 2 in Table 1 when tested in accordance with the transient test cycle specified in Subpart N 86.1333-2007. Engines need not comply with the weighted average emission limits specified in
86.007-11 (a)(3)SET(i), provided the emissions of oxides of nitrogen and
particulates from the engine do not exceed the limits specified for the steady state test under either Option 1 or Option 2 in Table 1 when tested to the supplemental emissions test specified in Subpart N 86.1360-2007.
Table 1 – Emission Limit Options for US Transient and Steady State Tests
Emission Limits (g/kWh)
Oxides of Nitrogen Particulates
Option 1 2.0 0.03 Transient Test
Option 2 3.0 0.01
Option 1 2.0 0.02 Steady State Test
Option 2 3.0 0.01
Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062
6.2.2 Engines shall be tested in accordance with the applicable test procedures as
specified in Subpart N 40 CFR 86.1300 series – Emission Regulations for new Otto-cycle and diesel heavy duty engines; gaseous and particulate exhaust test procedures.
6.2.3 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas shall
satisfy the relevant useful life provisions, not to exceed test requirements, and rules regarding use of auxiliary emission control devices applicable to 2007, 2008 and 2009 model year diesel heavy-duty engines and vehicles under CFR Part 86.
6.2.4 Engines shall not be equipped with a defeat device or utilise a defeat strategy.
6.2.5 Engines which operate on diesel, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas, and
which require the use of a consumable reagent in order to achieve the emission limits specified under the standards adopted in clause 6.2, shall be equipped with an OBD system meeting the requirements specified in clause 6.1.3.
Japanese MLIT Regulations (Diesel Engines)
6.3 Subject to clauses 6.3.1 to 6.3.4 inclusive, for engines which operate on diesel,
the technical requirements of Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Announcement No. 619 of 15 July 2002 (as last amended by Announcement No 872 of 16 August 2005), Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 41 (Emission Control Device), paragraph (5) [JE05-Mode Mean Value Regulations at Time of Completion Inspection, etc. for Diesel Motor Vehicles (with GVM exceeding 3.5 tons)], are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.
6.3.1 Engines shall also comply with the emission values specified under
paragraph (6) [JE05-Mode Upper Limit Value Regulations at Time of Initial Inspection, etc. for Diesel Motor Vehicles (with GVM exceeding 3.5 tons)] when tested in accordance with the Technical Standards Relating to the Safety Regulations for Road Vehicles, Attachment 36, Japanese Technical Standard for 13-Mode Exhaust Emission Measurement for Diesel-Powered Motor Vehicles. 6.3.2 Engines shall satisfy relevant useful life provisions, not to exceed test
requirements, and rules regarding use of emission control devices applicable to engines meeting the requirements of clause 6.3.
6.3.3 Engines shall not be equipped with a defeat device or utilise a defeat strategy.
6.3.4 Engines which require the use of a consumable reagent in order to achieve the
emission limits specified under the standards adopted in clause 6.3, shall be equipped with an OBD system meeting the requirements specified in clause
6Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control for
Heavy Vehicles) 2006
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Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 80/03 – Emission Control for
Heavy Vehicles) 2006 7
Japanese MLIT Regulations (Natural Gas Engines)
6.4 Subject to clauses 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.3, for engines which operate on natural
gas, the technical requirements of Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Announcement No. 619 of 15 July 2002 (as last amended by Announcement No 872 of 16 August 2005), Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 41 (Emission Control Device), paragraph (9) [JE05-Mode Mean Value Regulations at Time of Completion Inspection, etc. for Motor Vehicles Fueled by Other Fuel (with GVM exceeding 3.5 tons)], are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.
6.4.1 Engines which operate on natural gas shall satisfy relevant useful life provisions,
not to exceed test requirements, and rules regarding use of emission control devices applicable to engines meeting the requirements of clause 6.4.
6.4.2 Engines shall not be equipped with a defeat device or utilise a defeat strategy. 6.4.3 Engines which require the use of a consumable reagent in order to achieve the
emission limits specified under the standards adopted in clause 6.4, shall be equipped with an OBD system meeting the requirements specified in clause
US EPA CFR (Petrol, Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas Engines) 6.5 Subject to clauses 6.5.1 and 6.5.2, for engines which operate on petrol, liquefied
petroleum gas or natural gas, the technical requirements of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 86 - Control of air pollution from new and in-use motor vehicles and new and in-use motor vehicle engines certification and test procedures - Subpart A 40 CFR 86.008-10 Emission standards for 2008 and later model year Otto-cycle heavy-duty engines and vehicles, are deemed to be equivalent to the technical requirements of this vehicle standard.
6.5.1 Engines shall meet the exhaust emission limits specified in 86.008-10 (a)(1)
paragraphs (i)(A), (ii)(A), (iii) and (iv), and the applicable evaporative emission limits specified in 86.008-10 (b).
6.5.2 Engines shall be tested in accordance with the applicable test procedures as
specified in Subpart N 40 CFR 86.1300 series – Emission Regulations for new Otto-cycle and diesel heavy duty engines; gaseous and particulate exhaust test procedures.
Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2006L04062。
