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Today we mainly want to discuss “love and marriage ”,As young college students ,we have right to love somebody ,on this topic ,we really have much to talk about.

I :So please tell me what you think about love and marriage in China? 你怎么看待中国人的爱情和婚姻?

You:I think love and marriage is very traditional in China. People who have known each other some time, get married, whereas in other countries, they can live together without marrying.


I :Yeah, in the United States, the concept of love and marriage has adopted modern ideas. I think in traditional China people don’t have a choice of who they would marry sometimes. 对。美国人对爱情和婚姻的理解源自现代观念;我觉得在中国古代,人们没有选择婚姻的自由。

You:Because at that time The teenagers are Very difficult to know each other因为那时候,青年男女很少有机会交流。

I :Very difficult to know each other? Why?很难相互了解?为什么?

You:Because there were some rules, for example, boys and girls couldn’t be alone in the same place and they needed chaperons if they went out on a date. Girls had to stay at home and learn how to be good wives, while their parents arranged their marriages.因为有规定。男孩和女孩是不能单独约会的。如果有约会的话,都会由侍女陪同。女孩子应该规规矩矩呆在家里并学会怎样做一个好妻子,而她的婚姻是由父母包办的。

I :Arranged marriages?包办婚姻?


I :But now people have more choice in who they get married to.但现在人们有婚姻自由了。

You:确实是这样的。但我觉得要找一个称心如意的对象是很难的。Yeah, but I have a feeling that it’s really hard to find a good spouse..

I:it depends on whether we fall in love with each other .We should both like something ;and he is a man after my own heart.

You: I agree with you. Good luck to you!

I :Thank you very much.
