
配有多媒体设备,上课时老师经常使用它们。学校有一个很大的操场, 正文
祝 身体健康!
日期(写在右下角) 202X年11月25日
称呼顶格打冒号,先向亲友问个好。 正文每段空两格,一件一件不乱套。 事情谈完写祝福,健康快乐常说到。 署名日期别漏掉,工整写在右下角。
书信曾经是人们和远方的亲人朋友互通消息、交流感情的主要方 式,现在仍然是重要的联络手段。请给你的亲友或者其他人写一封信, 可以通过邮局寄给对方,也可以通过电子邮件发给对方。
您好久没回来了,家里人都很想您。今年过年,您会回来吗? 祝 身体健康!
侄儿小杰 202X年11月25日
书信和留言条的开头都要顶格写称呼,正文都要 空两格来写,最后都要先署名,再写上日期。
书信在称呼下面增加了问候语,正文写完后要加 祝福语,留言条的署名和日期要右对齐书写,而 书信则写在右下方。
小芳: 我来找你,但是你家里没
楼活动室有书法小组的活动,ຫໍສະໝຸດ 要求自带笔记本和字帖,请你
亲爱的叔叔: 您好! 您寄来的书我已经收到了,我很喜欢。谢谢您! 告知您一个好消息,我们学校搬进了新的校园。新教室宽阔明亮,

想想你在很想一 个人的时候,你会 用什么方式来和他
学一学 画一画
说 “ 信 ” 表 达 情 感
注意观察书本上的信! 并找出表示人物、动作、 食物、动物、其他的画!
3.结尾 4.署名
称呼、正文、 具名、日期 、
学一学 ——学生作品
赏 “ 信 ” , 提 升 审 美 情 趣
析 ” 信 , 了 解 格 式
学一学 ——学生作品
画 一 画
学一学 ——学生作品
• 作业要求:( 用画来写信 )
பைடு நூலகம்
信, 悄悄地告诉你的爸
画 一 画
先淡后浓,先疏后密,先远后近,交友之道也。 在你发怒的时候,要紧闭你的嘴,免得增加你的怒气。——苏格拉底 不敢生气的是懦夫,不去生气的才是智者。 世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。 并非神仙才能烧陶器,有志的人总可以学得精手艺。 一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 不要刻意去曲解别人的善意,你应当往好的地方想。 痛苦源于欲望。

小学六年的学习就要结束了。在这漫长的学习生 活中,老师诲人不倦的形象一定给你留下了难忘的记忆。 此时此刻,你一定有很多话要对老师说。打开记忆的闸 门,重温六年来那一幕幕动人的情景,给你的老师写一 封信吧。
1. 激发写作欲望。自主回忆、创设场景,挖掘细微感 人之处,回忆六年来与老师相处的点点滴滴,产生自发 倾诉的欲望。多思考——为什么写,写中,自 然会产生非同寻常的效果。
老师,您用您的一生教我们懂得为何要有追求,为何要有理想,为何要超越自己。老师,您把 最美的笑容留给这精彩的世界,您是我们心中最美的神话。
祝您工作顺利! 您的学生:XXX X年X月X日
敬爱的凌老师: 您好! 您是我心目中最敬爱的好老师,您虽然十分严厉,但是您把一颗心扑在我们身上。您起早贪黑,琢磨
着更好的教学方法。您就像蜡烛一样,让我们感到前途无限的光明,却燃烧了自己。 树木的成长,离不开阳光雨露,只有他们无私的施舍,才会有生机勃勃。花朵的生活,离不开大地,
您就像花园的园丁一样,培育我们这些祖国的花朵。就像一粒花种一样,在您辛勤的培育下,花种长 出了嫩芽,结了花苞,将要开花,为人们献出美丽的色彩,为人们献出新鲜的空气,为人们献出美丽的景 色!啊,老师,您是美的耕耘者,您是美的传播者,有了您才会有这个美丽的世界。您瞧,桃李在对您致 敬,春色在对您微笑;老师,您的爱像太阳一样温暖,像泉水一样甘甜,像宝石一样璀璨!加减乘除也算 不尽您为我做出的奉献,诗词歌赋也赞不完对您的崇敬!有人说师恩比山高,有人说师恩比金子贵重,我 说师恩比大海更宽阔!
老师,您是天上最亮的北斗星,而我却是红尘中迷失方向的黑鸭子,每当我迷失方向时,只要一看 见你耀眼的光芒,就能让我找回回家的路途。还记得在您刚接我的时候,把我从一个充满着天真的孩子 变成一个有理想,有作为的小学生时,您为我们付出了多少,我们在享受着自己的成功,享受自己的快 乐时,却不能忘掉老师,您是山间最清凉的山泉,您用您的博学多才让我们了解这个广阔无垠的世界, 让我们看到这个世界的大,您就像是我们的望远镜,让我们看得更远,看得更清,就像山泉水一样,清 晰得能让你看到底层。老师,你教我们要勇于与困难做斗争,不要被困难压倒,我还记得你常说的那句 话,“不经历风雨,怎么能见彩虹,没有人随随便便成功。”是啊,成功与困难是相对存在的,如果没 有了困难,成功又何从谈起呢。

❹最后署名和日期的格 式要规范。
总评:本文作者选择的写信对象是老师,信的内容是自 己遇到了一个难题,想向老师请教解决的办法。从整体上来 看,信的格式规范,问题也叙述得很清楚,重点突出了自己 和好朋友闹别扭以后真实的内心感受。
谢 谢 大 家ຫໍສະໝຸດ 现代社会的电子邮件、短信、微信等都是书 信的变体,促进人们信息的沟通,情感的传递。
“写信”要求我们懂得写信的实用价值和一般知识。 要学会给亲友或者其他人写信,格式正确,要把想告知对 方的事情写得具体、清楚,还要会写信封,会寄信。
第一明确书信的实用意义和一般知识。 其次要动笔写信,选择好写信的对象,写信的内 容,格式正确,叙述的事情要清楚。
❶书信的格式规范: 称 呼在第一行顶格写,后 加冒号,表示后面有话 要说。
好受。我几次想对她开口,却欲言又止。您说我 该怎么办?❷
祝 身体健康!❸
张小兰 11 月14 日❹
❷正文。这是信的主要 部分。正文的开头空两 格,先问候“您好”, 然后直接说明写信的目 的是向老师请教难题, 再具体写自己遇到了怎 样的难题。
(1)懂得写信的实用意义。 (2)要知道书信的格式和信封的格式。 (3)学写书信,选择好对象和要写的事情。
对于关系密切的人,可称呼:亲爱的 对于德高望重的人,可称呼:敬爱的
称呼顶格打冒号,先向亲友问个好。 正文每段空两格,一件一件不乱套。 事情谈完写祝福,健康快乐常说道。 署名日期别漏掉,工整写在右下角。

生字学习 会认的字
重 chónɡ(重合)(山重水复) zhònɡ(体重)(语重心长) cháo(朝向)(朝见)
4.“妈妈说:‘请爸爸告诉我们,螺丝刀放在哪儿 了。’”这一句话属于什么描写? 从中你受到了什么启示? 语言描写。要学会自己解决生活
5.妈妈为什么要提议去看电影? 因为妈妈知道露西想爸爸了,为了让露西开心,
也为了让爸爸放心,所以妈妈提议去看电影。 6.结尾段表达了什么?
“亲爱的爸爸,”,露西写道,“你不在,我 们很不开心。以前每天早上你一边刮胡子,一边 逗我玩。还有,家里的台灯坏了,我们修不好。 从早到晚,家里总是很冷清。”
“我们过得挺好。”妈妈接着露西的话说。 露西写完这一句,想到了小狗希比希,写道: “太阳闪闪发光。阳光下,我们的希比希又蹦又 跳。” 露西笑了,她记下妈妈的话,接着写道:“这 样,我们就能自己修台灯了。” 朗读指导:要读出开心、快乐的语气。
灯(dēng) 灯火 张灯结彩 叮(dīng) 叮咛 叮嘱 电(diàn) 电话 电闪雷鸣 申(shēn) 申请 三令五申
冷清:冷静而凄凉。 造句:街上十分冷清,一个人也没有。
重新:再一次。 造句:这件事你再重新考虑一下。
告诉:说给人,使人知道。 造句:请你告诉他,今天晚上七点钟开会。
露西前后写的两封信,你更喜欢哪一封?为什 么?

亲爱的爸爸…… 我们过得挺好好…… 太阳发光,阳光下,我们的希比又蹦又跳…… 请您告诉我们,螺丝刀放在哪里了?这样我们自己就能修台 灯了。 还有,下个星期天我们去看电影。 老爸,我们天天想你。
比较露西前后写的两封信,你更喜欢哪 一封,为什么?
第三单元 · 第六课
同学们,你有给过你的爸爸、妈妈或者同学 写过书信吗?你都在信中写了什么?
一封信 一沓纸 又蹦又跳 星期天
削土豆 冷清 一束 重写
刮胡子 肩膀 鲜花
想一想,露西在给爸爸的后一封信里都写了 什么?找出相关语句,试着把这封信读出来。
妈妈对露西情绪的引导作用: 当露西重新写下“亲爱的爸爸”时,
母亲便插言道:“我们过得很好。” 露西的情绪瞬间又低落变得积极起
来。母亲继续引导:“请告诉我螺丝起 子在哪儿……”
1、把这篇课文的内容讲给父母听; 2、在生活中你遇到类似的问题?你是怎样处理的?
我们很容易遭遇逆境,也很容易被一次次的失败打垮。但是人生不容许我们停留在失败的瞬间,如果不前进,不会自我激励的话,就注定只能被这个世界抛弃。自我激励能力是人自我调节系统中重要 的组成部分,主要表现在对于在压力或者困境中,个体自我安慰、自我积极暗示、自我调节的能力,在个体克服困难、顶住压力、勇对挑战等情况下,都发挥着关键性的作用。具备自我激励能力的人, 富有弹性,经常表现出反败为胜、后来居上、东山再起的倾向,而缺乏这种能力的人,在逆境中的表现就大打折扣,表现为过分依赖外界的鼓励和支持。一个小男孩在自家的后院练习棒球。在挥动球 棒前,对自己大喊:“我是世界上最棒的棒球手!”然后扔出棒球,挥动……但是没有击中。接着,他又对自己喊:“我是世界上最棒的棒球手!”扔出棒球,挥动依旧没有击中。男孩子停下来,检查了球 棒和球,然后用更大的力气对自己喊:“我是世界上最棒的棒球手!”可是接下来的结果,并未如愿。男孩子似乎有些气馁,可是转念一想:我抛球这么刁,一定是个很棒的挥球手。接着男孩子又对自 己喊:“我是世界上最棒的挥球手!”其实,大多数情况下,很多人做不到这看似荒谬的自我鼓励,可是,这故事却深深反映了这个男孩子自我鼓励下的执著,而这执著是很多人并不具备的……而许多奇 迹往往是执著者造成的。许多人惊奇地发现,他们之所以达不到自己孜孜以求的目标,是因为他们的主要目标太小、而且太模糊不清,使自己失去动力。如果你的主要目标不能激发你的想象力,目标 的实现就会遥遥无期。因此,真正能激励你奋发向上的是确立一个既宏伟又具体的远大目标。实现目标的道路绝不是坦途。它总是呈现出一条波浪线,有起也有落,但你可以安排自己的休整点。事先 看看你的时间表,框出你放松、调整、恢复元气的时间。即使你现在感觉不错,也要做好调整计划。这才是明智之举。在自己的事业波峰时,要给自己安排休整点。安排出一大段时间让自己隐退一下, 即使是离开自己挚爱的工作也要如此。只有这样,在你重新投入工作时才能更富激情。困难对于脑力运动者来说,不过是一场场艰辛的比赛。真正的运动者总是盼望比赛。如果把困难看作对自己的诅 咒,就很难在生活中找到动力,如果学会了把握困难带来的机遇,你自然会动力陡生。所以,困难不可怕,可怕的是回避困难。大多数人通过别人对自己的印象和看法来看自己。获得别人对自己的反 映很不错,尤其正面反馈。但是,仅凭别人的一面之辞,把自己的个人形象建立在别人身上,就会面临严重束缚自己的。因此,只把这些溢美之词当作自己生活中的点缀。人生的棋局该由自己来摆。 不要从别人身上找寻自己,应该经常自省。有时候我们不做一件事,是因为我们没有把握做好。我们感到自己“状态不佳”或精力不足时,往往会把必须做的事放在一边,或静等灵感的降临。你可不要 这样。如果有些事你知道需要做却又提不起劲,尽管去做,不要怕犯错。给自己一点自嘲式幽默。抱一种打趣的心情来对待自己做不好的事情,一旦做起来了尽管乐在其中。所以,这次犯错,是为了 下次接受挑战后,要尽量放松。在脑电波开始平和你的中枢神经系统时,你可感受到自己的内在动力在不断增加。你很快会知道自己有何收获。自己能做的事,放松可以产生迎接挑战的勇气。事过境 迁,面对人生,面对社会,面对工作,一切的未来都需要自己去把握。人一定要靠自己。命运如何眷顾,都不会去怜惜一个不努力的人,更不会去同情一个懒惰的人,一切都需要自己去努力。谁都不 可能一生一世的帮你,一时的享受也只不过是过眼云烟,成功需要自己去努力。当今社会的快速发展,各行各业的疲软,再加上每年几百万毕业生涌向社会,社会生存压力太大,以至于所有稍微有点 意识的年轻人都想努力提高自己。看着身边一个个同龄人那么优秀,看着朋友圈的老同学个个事业有成、买房买车,我们心急如梵,害怕被这个社会抛弃。所以努力、焦躁、急迫这些名词缠绕着越来 越多的年轻人,我们太想改变自己,太想早一日成为自己梦想中的那个自己。收藏各种技能学习资料,塞满了电脑各大硬盘;报名流行的各种付费社群,忙的人仰马翻;于是科比看四点钟的洛杉矶成 为大家励志的手段,纷纷开始早起打卡行动。其实……其实我们不觉得太心急了吗?这是有一次自己疲于奔命,病倒了,在医院打点滴时想到的。我时常恐慌,害怕自己浪费时间,就连在医院打点滴的 时候,都觉得是对时间的一种浪费。想快点结束,所以乘着护士不在,自己偷偷的拨快了点滴速度。刚开始自己还能勉强受得了,过了差不多十分钟,真心忍不住了,只好叫护士帮我调到合适的速度。 打完点滴走在回家的路上,我就在想,平时做事和打点滴何尝不是一样,都是有一个度,你太急躁了、太想赶超,身体是受不了的。身体是革命的本钱,我们还年轻,还有大把的时间够我们改变,够 我们学习成长。身体就像是1000前面的那个若是1都不存在了,后面再多的0又有什么用?我是一个急性子,做事风风火火的,所以对于想改变自己,是比任何人都要心急。这次病倒了,个人感觉完全 是没有方向、不分主次的一通乱忙乎才导致的,病倒换来的努力根本是一钱不值。生病的那几天,我跟自己的大学老师打了一个电话,想让老师帮我解惑一下,自己到底是怎么了。别人也很努力啊, 而且他们取得的成就远远超过我了,为啥他们反到身体倍棒而一无所获的自己却病倒了?老师开着电脑,给我分享了两个小故事讲的第一个故事是“保龄球效应”,保龄球投掷对象是10个瓶子,你如果 每次砸倒9个瓶子,最终得分是90分,而你如果每次能砸倒10个瓶子,最终得分是240分。故事讲完,老师问我明白啥意思没?我说大概猜到一点,你让我再努力点,对吗?不对!你已经够努力了,都 累病了,我讲这个故事是告诉你,你现在就是那个每次砸倒9个瓶子的人。你累倒的原因是因为你同时在几个场馆玩,每一个场馆得分都是90分,而有些人,则是只在一个场馆玩,玩多了,他就能砸倒 10个瓶子,他就能比你轻松十倍,得分却还是远远超过你。老师讲的第二故事是“挖水井”,一个人选择好一处地基,就在那里一直坚持不懈的挖下去,而另一个人则是到处选地基,这边挖几米,那边 挖几米。第一个人早早的就挖出水来了,而另一个人则是直到累死也没有挖出一滴水。首先,你必须承认努力是必须的,只要你比别人努力了那么一点,你确实能超过一些人。只是人的精力也是有限 的,你这样分散精力去努力,最终得到的结果只会是永远装不满水桶的半桶水。和老师通完电话后,我调整了几天,也对自己手头上的事物做一些大改变。将目前摆在面前的计划一一列出来,挑出最 重要的、最必须的,写在第一行,再以此类推,排完手中所有的计划。对于那些不是很急的,对目前生活和工作不是特别重要的,先果断放弃。我现在最迫切的目标是什么?当然是七月份的转行新媒 体咯,那么学习历练新媒体技能就是第一位。而新媒体所需学习的技能又有很多,那怎么办呢?先挑自己有点底子的,有点基础的,把巩固持续加强。个人感觉自己写还是有点小基础的,所以就给自 己一个小目标,每周必须持续输出几篇文字,加强文案方面的训练。而另外PS也是做运营的必备条件之一,所以在训练文案的同时,还得练习PS,给自己的要求是每天练习PS半小时。还有别的吗?不 敢有了,两样训练加上还要上班已经差不多了。一直很喜欢作家刘瑜的一段话:每当我一天什么也没干的时候,我就开始焦虑。每当我两天什么都没干的时候,我就开始烦躁。每当我三天什么都没干 的时候,我就开始抓狂。不行啊,不行了,我三天什么都没干啊,我寝食难安……这正是我三个月前的真实写照。多年来,我已经养成一种习惯,绝不让任何一分钟死有余辜:我在堵车的时候听日语, 在等人的时候写文章,在上厕所的时候看书,在任意两件事的衔接点那里扒出细缝,用来回邮件、回短信……我以为这就是所谓的勤奋,也心安理得地享受着同伴的钦佩。但我很快就发现,我的工作时 间越来越长,我的休息时间越来越短,我的情绪越来越焦躁,只要有十分钟的无作为,我就会变得非常慌张!而我的社交时间也不得不尽量地缩短,我甚至不再有功夫交朋友。更可怕的是,我的工作 量明明没有变化,可看起来每一天它都在成倍地递增。我开始害怕夜幕降临的那一刻,因为那意味着这一天有更多的事情被贴上了“没完成”的标签。我责备那是自己“无能”的表现,直到我意识到问题的 关键“没有效率的勤奋,就是懒惰。”

五年级下册第三单元英语作文加思维导图简单全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My English Journey in Grade 5 Unit 3IntroductionIn Grade 5, Unit 3 of our English textbook has been a very interesting and engaging topic for me. This unit covers a wide range of vocabulary related to professions and occupations, as well as grammar points such as present continuous tense and comparative adjectives. In this essay, I will share my learning experience in this unit and how I have applied it in my daily life.Learning VocabularyOne of the highlights of this unit was learning new vocabulary related to professions. I learned about various occupations such as doctor, teacher, engineer, and chef. By studying and memorizing these words, I was able to expand my English vocabulary and improve my communication skills. I also found it helpful to create a mind map to organize and visualize these new words. This visual aid helped me to better remember and recall the vocabulary when I needed it.Using Present Continuous TenseAnother important aspect of Unit 3 was learning how to use the present continuous tense to talk about actions happening now. By understanding the rules and patterns of this tense, I was able to form sentences like "I am studying English" or "She is cooking dinner." Practicing this tense in various exercises and activities helped me to become more confident in using it in my conversations with others.Comparative AdjectivesIn addition to learning about professions and verb tenses, Unit 3 also introduced us to comparative adjectives. I learned how to compare two things using words like "bigger," "smaller," "faster," and "slower." This concept was fun to learn, and I enjoyed practicing it by comparing different objects and people around me. It was interesting to see how these adjectives helped me describe things more accurately and vividly.Applying What I LearnedThroughout this unit, I have been able to apply my learning in real-life situations. For example, I used the vocabulary I learned to describe my dream job to my classmates during a speaking activity. I also practiced using the present continuoustense to talk about my daily routine and activities. Additionally, I have been comparing different aspects of my life using comparative adjectives to express my preferences and opinions.ConclusionIn conclusion, Grade 5 Unit 3 has been a valuable learning experience for me. By studying professions vocabulary, practicing present continuous tense, and mastering comparative adjectives, I have been able to enhance my English skills and gain confidence in using the language. I look forward to continuing my English journey and applying what I have learned in future units and conversations. Thank you for reading about my English adventure in Grade 5 Unit 3!篇2Title: My Thoughts on Unit Three of the Fifth Grade English TextbookUnit Three of the fifth grade English textbook covers a variety of topics, including daily routines, hobbies, and expressing likes and dislikes. In this unit, students are introduced to new vocabulary, grammar rules, and sentence structures to help them communicate effectively in English.The unit starts with learning common daily routines, such as getting up, brushing teeth, having breakfast, going to school, and doing homework. Students are encouraged to write about their own daily routines and compare them with those of their classmates. This not only helps improve their writing skills but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among the students.Next, the unit explores different hobbies and leisure activities, such as playing sports, painting, dancing, and reading. Students are asked to talk about their favorite hobbies and explain why they enjoy them. This not only expands their vocabulary but also encourages them to express their thoughts and feelings in English.One of the key focuses of this unit is expressing likes and dislikes. Students learn how to use expressions such as "I like", "I love", "I enjoy", "I don't like", and "I hate" to talk about their preferences. They also practice using adjectives to describe things they like and dislike. This helps them develop their communication skills and become more fluent in English.In addition to vocabulary and grammar, the unit also incorporates listening and speaking activities to enhance students' listening comprehension and oral communication skills.Students listen to dialogues, answer questions, and participate in role-playing activities to practice using the language in real-life situations.Overall, Unit Three of the fifth grade English textbook provides a comprehensive overview of daily routines, hobbies, and expressing likes and dislikes. By engaging students in a variety of activities, the unit helps them build their English proficiency and confidence. It is a valuable resource for both teachers and students, and I look forward to seeing how it will continue to benefit students in the future.思维导图:Daily Routines- Getting up- Brushing teeth- Having breakfast- Going to school- Doing homeworkHobbies- Playing sports- Painting- Dancing- ReadingExpressing Likes and Dislikes- I like- I love- I enjoy- I don't like- I hateListening and Speaking Activities- Dialogues- Answering questions- Role-playing activities篇3Unit 3 of the fifth grade English textbook covers various topics such as animals, food, and hobbies. In this unit, students are exposed to different vocabulary related to these topics and are encouraged to practice their speaking and writing skills.One of the key components of Unit 3 is writing a composition about their favorite animal, food, or hobby. In this essay, I will provide a sample composition about my favorite animal, along with a simple mind map to help organize my thoughts.My Favorite Animal: DogsDogs are my favorite animals because they are loyal, friendly, and loving. They make great companions and are always there to cheer me up when I'm feeling down. I have a pet dog named Max, who is a golden retriever. He is the most adorable and playful dog I have ever seen.One of the reasons I love dogs is because of their loyalty. They will always stay by your side no matter what and will never leave you when you need them the most. Max is always there to greet me with a wagging tail and sloppy kisses whenever I come home from school. His unconditional love makes me feel happy and loved.Dogs are also known for their friendliness. They are always eager to make new friends and are very sociable animals. Max loves to play with the neighborhood kids and is always the center of attention at the park. He is gentle and loving towardseveryone he meets, which makes him a popular dog in the community.In addition, dogs are very loving animals. They will always show their affection towards their owners and will do anything to make them happy. Max loves to cuddle with me on the couch and lick my face to show his love. He is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him.In conclusion, dogs are amazing animals that bring joy and happiness into our lives. They are loyal, friendly, and loving creatures that deserve all the love and care in the world. I am thankful to have Max as my pet and I cherish every moment I spend with him.Mind Map:- My Favorite Animal: Dogs- Loyal- Friendly- Loving- Reasons I Love Dogs- Loyalty- Friendliness- Affection- My Pet Dog: Max- Golden Retriever- Playful- Loving- Conclusion- Dogs bring joy and happiness- Deserve love and care- Thankful for my pet dog MaxOverall, Unit 3 of the fifth grade English textbook is a great way for students to practice their writing skills and express their thoughts and ideas. Writing compositions about their favorite animals, food, or hobbies allows students to explore their interests and share them with others. I hope this essay and mind map provide some inspiration for students to write their own compositions in Unit 3.。

4. 表 述要真诚。 说心里话,把自己心里最想说的倾吐 给对方。对老师说的话不一定是感激的话,也可以是你 对他(她)的一些意见或建议。不用担心老师会因此而 生气,因为你是用一种真诚的口吻去说发自内心的话。 相信你的情真意切一定能够感动老师,让对方成为你的 朋友和知心人。
祝凌老师: 事业有成,桃李满天下!
您的学生 |陈芊卉 2012年1月27日
小朋友,请你仔细阅读下面的文段,看看有没有可能将它修改 得更好。
常受到老师的青睐和信任,而坏学生常常得到的是老师的不 理解和讨厌。您可不同,对于那些差生,您从不“另眼相待”。 您总是一视同仁,无论好学生和坏学生都同样给予关心和爱
小学六年的学习就要结束了。在这漫长的学习生活 中,老师诲人不倦的形象一定给你留下了难忘的记忆。 此时此刻,你一定有很多话要对老师说。打开记忆的闸 门,重温六年来那一幕幕动人的情景,给你的老师写一 封信吧。
一般书信可分为称呼、 问候语、正文、祝福语、署 名日期五个部分,每个部分 都有一定的格式。
称呼顶格打 冒号
先署名日期不颠倒 工整写在右下角
tave a
你好!你在新学校的生活还习惯吧,可 别忘记了老同学哟!
最近我们准备开一次同学聚会,不知你 有时间回来参加没有。
另外,请你帮我到新华书店买一本语文 学习资料,阅读方面的。
★ 表示赞美: 老师,您有一颗爱生如子的心,您用平等的眼光看待 每一名学生,无微不至地关怀、爱护我们。

4.露西在这封信中写了三件事:①_爸__爸__不__在__,__她____ 们__很__不__开__心_____;②___台__灯_坏__了__,__她__们__修__不__好______; ③___家__里__很__冷__清___。她的心情是___很__不__开__心______。
图画上的小朋友在做什么?她又会和妈妈说些什么 呢?请你写一个小片段,注意小朋友和妈妈说的话要用 上引号。150字左右。
这句话是文章的总起句,告诉我们露西想给爸 爸写信。
2.“妈妈还在厂里,露西早早回到家。她打开空调,又 洗了一些土豆,削好后放进锅里。她朝窗外望了一眼。 好了,现在可以写信了。她拿出一沓纸,一支圆珠 笔。”这段中有一连串的动作描写,你从中体会到了 什么?
从这一连串的动作描写中,我们可以看到露西 是个很懂事的孩子。露西回到家知道先干什么,再 干什么?
核心问题: 从露西写信中,你看出她是个什么样的孩子?
串珠问题: 1.露西为什么给爸爸写信? 2.第一封信写了什么? 3.第二封信写了什么? 4.你更喜欢哪一封?为什么?
边听 边想 从露西写信中,你看出她是个什么样的孩子?
1.“爸爸出国了,要过半年才能回来。今天,露西想给 爸爸写一封信。” 这句话在文中的作用是什么?
一( ② )钢笔
一( ① )信
一( ⑥ )鲜花
又.蹦又.跳 拍.拍.肩膀 叫.了起来
__又__哭__又__闹____ ___看__看___电影 ___哭___了起来
___又_说__又__笑____ ___修__修___台灯 ___笑___了起来
五、补充标点,并选择填空。 ①语言描写 ②动作描写 ③心理描写
四、比较两封信。 5.判断,对的打“√”。 (1)第一封信写出了露西过得不好。( √ ) (2)第二封信写出了露西过得挺好。( √ ) 6.我的见解。

正巧,您看到了,扶我坐到后面,亲切地问我哪里 难受,我指了指肚子,您就帮我这里捶捶,那里揉 揉,使我不再难受了。然后,您又脱下了自己的衣 服,帮我披在肩上,我想说:老师您不冷吗?
亲爱的老师,您似春蚕,似蜡 烛,把自己的每一根丝、每一份热, 毫不保留地献给祖国,献给人民, 献给了千千万万像我一样的学生。 您的精神将激励着我们勤奋学习、 努力向上。
要求:1.运用正确的书信格式; 2.条理清楚,表达准确; 3.有真情实感,避免空洞,矫揉造作; 4.恰当使用抒情、议论方法。
同学们,这节课我们学习了如何写信,又了解了信封的 写法,老师希望你们能把写好的信放到信封里寄到收信人的 手中。同时,也希望你们多运用“写信”这种联系方式很好 地与你的亲人或者好朋友进行沟通交流,增进彼此的感情, 你们能做到吗?习作课,我们学习了怎样写景物地点的文章, 要抓住特点,详略得当,做到中心突出,写出真实感受。
◆我们虽然没有见过面,但我愿将一颗 真诚的、渴望友情的心献给你——远方 的朋友。
◆请原谅,我今年不能回家乡,并不是 不愿意看望你们,正相反,我多么想看 见你们天真的笑脸,多么想听见你们歌 唱般的话语,但是,我没有体力和精力 支持这样一次长途的旅行。那么,就让 这封信代替我同你们见面吧。
你知道古代书信有 哪些别称吗?
这个典故出自汉乐府诗 《饮马长城窟行》:“客从远 方来,遗我双鲤鱼。呼儿烹鲤 鱼,中有尺素书。”以鲤鱼代 称书信有几种说法,有“双 鱼”“双鲤”“鱼书”等,而 且古代还常常把书信结成鲤鱼 形状。
古代传说鸿雁能传 书,这个典故出自《汉 书﹒苏武传》:“言天 子射上林中,得雁,足 有系帛书,言武等在某 泽中。”所以,后来用 鸿雁代称书信。

祝· 身体健康!
2018年11月25日· 日期
称呼顶格写,后面用冒号。 问候空两格,谦虚有礼貌。 正文空两格,内容最重要。 结尾另起段,祝福不可少。 署名右下方,不要太潦草。 日期写精确,标于右下角。
请给你的亲友或者其他人写一封信,可 以通过邮局寄给对方,也可以通过电子邮件 发给对方。
收信人地址 收信人姓名 寄信人地址 及姓名
如果通过电子邮件发送信件,又该怎么办? 进入邮箱,点击“写信”
正确填写收件人的邮箱地址和邮件主题 正文写信的内容,或以附件形式添加
范文点评 写给姑妈的一封信
亲爱的姑妈: 您好!①
①开头的称呼 和问候语符合 书信的格式。
写信人的姓名写在结尾 下一行的右边。
校学有一个很大的操场,我每天都会去踢足球。搬进新校园, 同学们天天都很开心。
回来吗? 祝
信写好了还要装进信封,才能 放进邮筒,信封要怎么写呢?
收信人的 邮政编码
收信人 的地址
25 31 00
某某市某某县 XXX 收
某某市某某县 XXX
收信人 的姓名
四年级语文上册素材-《习作:写信》知识点精讲 图文解读 人教部编版

思维导图-写作 (1)


• 绘图工具:白纸、笔 • 绘图助理:你的大脑
思维导图想画好,三个一定要承诺。 画纸一定没有格,彩笔一定勾轮廓。 宠物一定笑容多,叫好鼓掌乐呵呵。 谁不按照要求做,五十大板伺候着。
这是本学期的最后一次习作。这次习作不限 定内容、范围,无论是见闻、感受还是想象,只要 是自己想写的内容都可以写。在写之前,先想清楚 自己要写什么,再回忆一下这学期学习了哪些表达 方法,并试着把一些方法运用到这次习作中。习作 内容要具体,感情要真实,语句要通顺,最好不少 于400字。
他打开小笼子的栅栏门,“看我跟老鼠亲密接触!” 说完,他拿起那只鼠,抱在怀里,轻轻用手抚摸着 它。他一边摸一边说:“小老鼠,我待你这么好, 你一定会给我一个惊喜吧!”
好 段
我在花丛中跑来跑去,真想变成一条小 鱼,快活地在这花海中畅游。一片片圆圆 的花瓣中间是许多条细细长长的花蕊,金 黄色的花蕊看上去娇嫩可人,还不时散发 着清香。
我是一棵小小的蒲公英。我的妈妈是大地土 壤。我的叶子绿绿的,细细的,是二月的风伯
好 段

五年级下册英语第一单元思维导图加作文Title: Mind Map and Essay on Fifth Grade English Unit One Mind Map:- Unit One: My School Routine- Vocabulary:- wake up- brush teeth- have breakfast- go to school- have classes- have lunch- do homework- play games- watch TV- go to bed- Sentences:- I wake up at 7 o'clock.- I brush my teeth before breakfast.- I go to school by bus.- I have English class in the morning.- I eat lunch in the cafeteria.- I do my homework after school.- I play games with my friends.- I watch cartoons on TV.- I go to bed at 9 o'clock.Essay:In Unit One of my fifth-grade English textbook, we learned about daily routines and activities related to school. We were introduced to various vocabulary words such as "wake up," "brush teeth," "have breakfast," "go to school," "have classes," "have lunch," "do homework," "play games," "watch TV," and "go to bed." These words helped us to describe our daily activities and routines in English.One of the key sentences we practiced was "I wake up at 7 o'clock." This sentence helped us talk about what time we wake up in the morning. We also learned how to use time-relatedexpressions such as "before breakfast," "in the morning," "after school," and "at night" to talk about our routines throughout the day.Another important sentence we learned was "I go to school by bus." This sentence taught us how to talk about our transportation to school. We also practiced sentences like "I have English class in the morning" and "I eat lunch in the cafeteria" to describe our schedule and activities at school.Overall, Unit One was a great introduction to talking about our school routines and daily activities in English. It helped us build our vocabulary and sentence structures related to our everyday lives. I look forward to learning more about different topics in English and improving my language skills throughout the fifth grade.。

五年级下册英语第四单元的思维导图和作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Mind Map and Composition for Grade 5 Unit 4 EnglishHey everyone! Today, I'm going to share with you my mind map and composition for Grade 5 Unit 4 English. I hope you enjoy reading it!First, let me introduce my mind map for this unit. In the center, I wrote the main topic "My Dream School". Then, I drew branches for different areas like subjects, teachers, facilities, and activities. For subjects, I listed English, Math, Science, and Art. I also included branches for my favorite teachers, like Mr. Smith for Math and Miss Johnson for English. I added branches for cool facilities like a science lab and an art studio. And finally, I included branches for activities like sports, music, and drama club. This mind map helped me organize my thoughts and ideas for the composition.Now, let's move on to my composition about my dream school. In my dream school, I have the best teachers who arefriendly and supportive. They make learning fun and interesting.I also have a variety of subjects to choose from, including my favorites like English and Art. The school has amazing facilities like a library, computer lab, and even a swimming pool! I can't wait to explore all these areas and learn new things.In my dream school, I also have the opportunity to participate in different activities like sports, music, and drama club. I love playing soccer with my friends and performing in school plays. It's so much fun to be involved in these activities and meet new people.Overall, my dream school is a place where I can learn, grow, and have a great time. I hope one day my dream will come true and I can attend a school just like this. Thank you for reading my composition and I hope you enjoyed learning about my dream school!That's all for now! I had so much fun writing this composition and creating my mind map. I can't wait to share more of my work with you in the future. Bye for now!篇2Title: My Thoughts on the Fourth Unit of Fifth Grade EnglishHello everyone! Today I want to share with you all about what I have learned in the fourth unit of our fifth-grade English class. This unit is all about different types of jobs and careers, and it was really interesting to learn about all the possibilities for our future.First, we learned about different professions such as doctors, teachers, firefighters, and chefs. We discussed what each job entails and what skills are needed to be successful in that profession. It was cool to think about what we might want to be when we grow up!Next, we talked about the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. We learned that no matter what we want to be when we grow up, we need to work hard in school and never give up on our dreams. It was inspiring to hear about all the successful people who followed their dreams and achieved great things.We also learned about the different ways people can work, such as full-time jobs, part-time jobs, and freelance work. It was interesting to see that there are so many different options for how we can earn a living. It got me thinking about what kind of work I might want to do when I get older.In conclusion, the fourth unit of our fifth-grade English class has been really fun and informative. I feel more prepared to think about my future and what I want to do with my life. I can't wait to see what other exciting things we will learn in the next unit!篇3Title: My Mind Map and Essay on Unit 4 of Grade 5 EnglishHello everyone! Today I want to share with you my mind map and essay on Unit 4 of our Grade 5 English book. This unit is all about animals and their habitats, and I had so much fun learning about different animals and the places where they live.Let me first show you my mind map. At the center, I put the title "Animals and Habitats", and then I drew branches for different topics like "Types of Habitats", "Polar Animals", "Desert Animals", "Rainforest Animals", and "Ocean Animals". Under each topic, I wrote down the key points and important information we learned in class. It was so helpful to have all the information organized like this!Now, let me tell you about my essay on Unit 4. I started by introducing the topic of animals and habitats, and then I talked about each type of habitat in detail. For example, I described how polar animals like polar bears and penguins are adapted toliving in cold environments, while desert animals like camels and scorpions have special adaptations to survive in hot and dry places.I also wrote about the importance of protecting animal habitats and how we can help endangered species. I included some facts and interesting details about different animals, like how rainforest animals like sloths and toucans live in the canopy layer of the forest.In conclusion, I shared my thoughts on what I learned in this unit and how it made me more aware of the importance of preserving animal habitats. I hope you enjoyed reading my essay and learning more about animals and their habitats. Thank you for listening!篇4Title: My Mind Map and Essay for Grade 5 Unit 4Hi everyone! I want to share my mind map and essay for Grade 5 Unit 4 in English class. This unit is all about different countries and cultures around the world. It's super interesting and I learned a lot from it.First, let me show you my mind map. At the center, I put "Different Countries" and then I divided it into four sections: Asia, Europe, Africa, and The Americas. Under each section, I wrote down the names of some countries and their famous landmarks. For example, under Asia, I wrote China and the Great Wall, Japan and Mount Fuji, and India and the Taj Mahal. It was so much fun to brainstorm and organize all this information.Now, let me tell you about my essay. I wrote about Japan because I think it's a really cool country. I talked about the cherry blossoms, the traditional tea ceremony, and sumo wrestling. I also mentioned how polite and respectful the Japanese people are. I even included some fun facts like how it's rude to tip in Japan and how it's common to slurp noodles. I had a blast writing this essay and sharing my knowledge with my classmates.Overall, I really enjoyed studying Grade 5 Unit 4. I learned so much about the world and I can't wait to keep exploring new countries and cultures. Thanks for reading my mind map and essay! Bye!篇5Title: My Thoughts on Unit 4 of Grade 5 EnglishHi everyone! Today I want to share my thoughts on Unit 4 of Grade 5 English with you all. This unit is all about different countries and cultures, and I had so much fun learning about them!First, let me tell you about the mind map I made for this unit. In the center, I put "Countries and Cultures" because that's the main topic. Then, I branched out into different sections like "Greetings," "Food," "Holidays," and "Traditions." I wrote down all the new words and phrases I learned in each section, and I also drew some cute little pictures to help me remember them better.One of my favorite parts of this unit was learning how to greet people in different languages. Did you know that in Japan, people bow to greet each other? And in Spain, they kiss on the cheek! I thought that was so cool. I also loved learning about the different foods people eat in different countries. I would love to try sushi from Japan, paella from Spain, and pasta from Italy. They all sound so yummy!Another interesting thing I learned about was the different holidays people celebrate around the world. In China, they celebrate the Lunar New Year with dragon dances and lantern festivals. In America, they celebrate Thanksgiving by eating a bigturkey dinner with their families. I think it's so cool how every country has its own unique traditions and customs.Overall, I had a blast learning about different countries and cultures in Unit 4. It really opened my eyes to the amazing diversity of our world. I can't wait to continue learning more about other countries and their traditions. Thanks for reading my thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed them too! Bye for now!篇6Title: My Mind Map and Essay for Grade 5 Unit 4 EnglishHey everyone! Today I want to share with you my mind map and essay for the fourth unit of Grade 5 English. This unit is all about animals and their habitats, and I had so much fun learning about them!First, let me tell you about my mind map. In the center, I wrote "Animals and Their Habitats" in big letters. Then, I drew branches going out to different sections. One section was about polar animals like polar bears and penguins. Another section was about jungle animals like tigers and monkeys. I also had sections for desert animals, farm animals, and pets. Each section had little drawings and fun facts about the animals and their homes.Now, let me tell you about my essay. I wrote about my favorite animal, the panda. Pandas are black and white bears that live in China. They eat bamboo and love to play in the snow. I also wrote about their habitat, which is the bamboo forests in the mountains. I described how they climb trees and take naps in the shade. I even included a funny story about a panda I saw at the zoo once.I had so much fun writing this essay and making my mind map. I learned a lot about different animals and where they live. I hope you enjoyed reading about it too! Thanks for listening, and stay curious about the world around you!篇7Title: My Mind Map and Essay on Unit Four of Grade Five EnglishHi everyone! Today I’m going to share with you my mind map and essay on the fourth unit of grade five English. Let’s get started!First, let me show you my mind map. In this unit, we learned about different places in a city, like the post office, the library, the hospital, and the park. I drew a big circle in the middle of the page and wrote “City” in the center. Then I drew lines comingout from the circle with the names of the places in the city. I also wrote down key words and phrases related to each place. For example, under “Library” I wrote “books, reading, quiet” and under “Park” I wrote “playground, trees, picnic.”Now, let me tell you about my essay. I started by introducing the topic of the unit and why it is important to know about different places in a city. Then I wrote a paragraph about each place, describing what you can do there and why it is a good place to visit. I used lots of adjectives to make my writing more interesting, like “beautiful, fun, and interesting.”In the conclusion, I talked about my favorite place in the city and why I like it so much. I also included a final thought about the importance of exploring your city and discovering new places.Overall, I had a lot of fun creating my mind map and writing my essay. I hope you enjoyed reading about my thoughts on unit four of grade five English. Thanks for listening!篇8Oh wow, talking about the fourth unit in our fifth grade English textbook, it's all about thinking maps and writing essays.It's kind of like a super fun adventure to explore our thoughts and put them into words!First off, let's talk about the thinking map. It's like a big colorful picture with different branches and ideas all connected together. We learned about different types of thinking maps like a circle map, tree map, flow map, and more. Each map helps us organize our thoughts in a cool and visual way.Next, we have to write an essay based on the thinking map we made. We get to choose a topic like our favorite animal, a memorable trip, or a special person in our life. Then we use the thinking map to plan out our essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. We make sure to use transition words like first, next, then, and finally to connect our ideas smoothly.When we're done writing, we can share our essays with our classmates and even perform them in front of the whole class.It's so cool to see how everyone has different thoughts and ideas, but we all learn from each other.So yeah, that's the fun and creative way we learn about thinking maps and writing essays in our fifth grade English class. It's like a journey of words and ideas that we get to exploretogether. It's super awesome and I can't wait to write more essays and make more thinking maps in the future!篇9Title: My Mind Map and Essay for Grade 5 Unit 4Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you my mind map and essay for Grade 5 Unit 4 in English class. This unit is all about animals, their habitats, and how we can protect them. Let's dive in!Mind Map:In the center of my mind map, I drew a big heart to represent my love for animals. Then, I drew branches for different topics such as different habitats like forests, oceans, and grasslands. I also included animals like tigers, dolphins, and elephants. On each branch, I wrote key words and phrases to help me remember important information.Essay:Animals are amazing creatures that share our planet with us. They come in all shapes and sizes, and they live in different habitats all around the world. Some animals, like tigers, live in forests. They are beautiful and powerful, but their homes arebeing destroyed by deforestation. We must work together to protect their homes and ensure their survival.Other animals, like dolphins, live in the oceans. They are intelligent and playful, but they are facing threats like pollution and overfishing. We need to take action to keep our oceans clean and safe for these amazing creatures.Lastly, animals like elephants live in grasslands. They are gentle giants, but they are being hunted for their ivory tusks. We must stop poaching and protect these majestic animals for future generations to enjoy.In conclusion, we all have a responsibility to protect animals and their habitats. We can make a difference by learning more about animals, raising awareness, and taking action to preserve their homes. Together, we can create a better world for all living beings.I hope you enjoyed reading my mind map and essay for Grade 5 Unit 4. Let's continue to learn and care for our animal friends! Thanks for listening!篇10Title: My Thoughts on Unit 4 of Fifth Grade EnglishHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my thoughts on the fourth unit of English in the fifth grade. This unit is all about animals and the environment, and I learned a lot of interesting things from it.First, let's talk about the mind map I created for this unit. I divided it into two main parts: animals and the environment. Under the animals section, I listed different kinds of animals such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. I also included information about their habitats and what they eat. In the environment section, I wrote about different ecosystems like forests, deserts, oceans, and grasslands. I also discussed the importance of protecting the environment and how we can help.Now, let me tell you about the essay I wrote for this unit. In my essay, I talked about the impact of human activities on animals and the environment. I explained how deforestation, pollution, and climate change are harming wildlife and their habitats. I also shared some ways we can help, like recycling, conserving water, and planting trees.Overall, I really enjoyed learning about animals and the environment in this unit. I hope we can all work together to protect our planet and the amazing creatures that live on it. Thank you for listening to my thoughts!。

1. 感谢信
感谢信是向帮助、关心和支持过自己的集体或个人表示感谢 的信件。一般包括三个部分:1.表达感激之情。 2.说明要感谢的事由。 3.再次表示真诚的感谢, 向对方表达自己真诚的祝福, 有时 可向对方发出邀请。
1.express my sincere gratitude/thanksfor
பைடு நூலகம்
14.enables b.todos th. 使某人能够...... 15.constructive and instructive help
问 How are you doing? 候
写信 背景
knowing that...
题 句
to me.
It was your encouragement that built up my confidence when I had trouble in learning English
正 文
感谢的具 体内容
It was your professional assistance and practical advice that enable me to make sucessful.
主 I would like you to know how much you mean
题 句
to me
It is really kind and generous of you
篇 中 句
感谢具 体内容 的句式
It was you who.who./It was your professional a ractical advice that enable me to do sth. Without/ But for your help, I could not have done
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
我觉得开展 “手拉手”活动可以拉 近我们之间的距离,让我们从陌生 人变成好朋友,了解彼此的生活,增长知识, 开阔视野。我们可以写信、打电话,还可以发“伊妹儿”, 定期交流学习方法、学习体会,还可以谈理想、兴趣、爱好,互相倾 诉自己的心事。当然,我真诚地欢迎你到我家来做客,我要让你 尝尝我妈妈的厨艺,可是很不错的!我们还可以到 衡水湖划船呢!
• 在这篇作文中,小作者回忆小学时期的事情,运用了大量的排比 句进行描写,有力突出小作者心中对同学们的感情。排比句是本 篇文章最亮点的地方。文末发出的希冀,希望大家都可以金榜题 名。文中语句优美,情感流露细腻真挚,言语间流露出对同学们 的珍惜友爱之情。
★ 作文提纲分析 (写信作文)
• 再回首,是一串充满酸甜苦辣的昨天。昨天,有我们在课堂上的 争论;昨天,有我们在考场上的奋斗;昨天,有我们在操场上的 奔跑。是啊,昨天多么美好,多么值得回忆!
希望,我们都能带着这份美好,迈进中学、大学、社会的大门! 祝你们
菲 15日
你们的好朋友 曾 2016年5月
• 选取两三个典型案例 • 叙述情感,真情流露 • 注意细节、心理描写
在祖国的东西南北,在海外的睦邻友邦,有许 许多多我们的同龄人,大家彼此建立联系,交上朋 友;也有在我们身边一起上学、一起学习的同学, 选取你最想给他写信的小伙伴或家人,把你最真挚 的感情表达出来。
1. 我是天河小学的小明,今年也上五年级了。 2. 我是一个活泼好动的男孩,我最喜欢和伙伴们在野 外一起玩战斗游戏了。 3. 你知道吗?我喜欢读书,不论是古今中外的名著, 还是漫画网文,我都喜欢看。
把你的想写的人 物也用导图简单 的绘制出来吧!
选取“我的同学” 作为描写对象
从中选出2个你认为最有东西可以写, 最想与他对话的人
1. 和远方的小伙伴们交流学习经验,共同进步; 2. 了解远方的小伙伴家乡的情况; 3. 交流日常生活中感兴趣的话题。
你想要和远方的小朋友交流什么呢? 请写下来吧!
好 段
刘向说:"书犹药也.善读之可以医愚." 卡莱尔说:"书籍-当代真正的大学."书籍是 改造灵魂的工具,它是滋补光明的养料,是 我们的朋友.所以,我想,以自己优异的成 绩和良好的表现给您最大的欣慰.
开展 “手拉手”活动 可以拉近我们之间的距 离,让我们从陌生人变成好朋友, 了解彼此。我们可以用各种方式来跨越 千山万水进行交流。当然,我真诚地欢迎你到我 家来做客,我可以带你去很多地方玩,去吃很 多好吃的 东西。
下洋中心小学 六(1)班 曾菲 亲爱的同学们:
在这六年的小学生活,因为有你们,我的小学生活才 多姿多彩,充满乐趣,也是因为你们,让我度过了一个愉 快且难以忘怀的六年时光。都说“光阴似箭,日月如梭” 六年的小学生活一眨眼就临近“期 限”了。
• 当那个无知.幼稚.胆小的我来到这里时,只感觉眼前的一切都是 陌生的。陌生的面孔、陌生的教学楼、陌生的学习环境、陌生的 一草一木、陌生的操场、陌生的……一切的一切在我眼里都显得 那么的陌生。
我是逍林镇中心小学五(4)班的岑帅。我是 一个性格开朗、活泼可爱的小男孩。让我们交个朋 友吧! (《给远方小朋友的一封信》)
非常感谢这次“手拉手”活动,它把远隔千里的我们紧紧地联 系在一起,相信我们在它的帮助下一定能成为知心的好朋友。你 还可以让你的朋友加入到我们的活动中,结识更多的朋友。让这 份友谊成为推动我们学习和思想进步的巨大动力,让我们在同一 片蓝天下共同成长,共同进步!我期待着你的回信。(《给远方 小朋友的一封信》)
思维导图快速作文 ——写信
• 绘图工具:白纸、笔 • 绘图助理:你的大脑
思维导图想画好,三个一定要承诺。 画纸一定没有格,彩笔一定勾轮廓。 宠物一定笑容多,叫好鼓掌乐呵呵。 谁不按照要求做,五十大板伺候着。
1.人物:肖像、语言、动作 心理、神态
2.事件:通过事件细节描写 表达感情
★ 好段公式
根据自己绘制的导图 写出一个20字左右的开头
自我介绍:活泼开朗 身手敏捷 落落大方 交流沟通:从未谋面 心意相通 心心相连 祝福问候:友谊长青 诚挚问候 祝福万千
好 句
自我介绍: 首先,让我来介绍一下自己吧!我是一个活泼开
朗的女孩,是我们班的学习委员。 (用简短的文字介绍自己最主要的特点。 )
对远方朋友的提问: 你们那里住校吗?你们的课余时间都在做什么?
远方的朋友,我真心希望能与你交朋友。不管你是男孩还是 女孩,不管你在何方,我都希望能和你成为好朋友,成为知心伙 伴。你是否已经感受到我诚挚的心?如果你愿意,就请回信,让 我们用信交流。请你记住,有个远方的朋友在等着你的回信! (《给远方小伙伴的一封信》)
爸爸,您知道吗?每当我看到别的孩子的爸爸、妈妈有说 有笑,和睦相处时,我真的很羡慕呀!这种幸福为什么我偏 偏得不到呢?我心里越想越难过,常常感到自己非常可怜。 有时竟在睡觉的时候,偷偷地哭泣,辛酸的泪水湿透了被子 和枕头……(《回来吧!爸爸》)
开头篇 给同学的一封信
书信包括称呼、问候、正文、结尾、具名、日期六部分,每部 分都有习惯性的格式和写法上较为固定的限制。
1.称呼。写在第一行,顶格,后面用冒号。 2.问候。相当于见面礼。写在下一行,空两格,要单独写为一节。 3.正文。这是书信的主体。按照内容的不同,要一件事写为一节,以方便收信人 理解和复信。切忌事件连写,发生混淆。表达要具体、清楚,交代要明确、简洁。 4.祝颂。一般把“祝”字写在正文后,祝语另起一行顶格写,表示对收信者的尊 重,这样既醒目,又使正文与祝语粘连。 5.具名。也称署名。写在结尾的右下方,与称呼遥相呼应。
你有什么兴趣和爱好?你们那里有什么好玩的去处 吗?来信一定要告诉我哟! (询问远方的朋友,表达自己的关心,同时问题不涉 及隐私,不会让对方尴尬。)
表达善意: 成真波同学,我从你身上懂得了什么是真正的坚强,
我想我还会从你身上学到更多东西的。所以,如果你愿 意的话,我想和你结成“手拉手小伙伴”。 (表达自己对对方的尊敬,表达善意。)
6.日期。写在具名的下行,与其相对或错后一些。一般只写月、日,重要的信件 可再写上年份。
写书信,表达出真实的情感是最重要的。让真情充满在你习作的字里行 间,让读到的人能够与你产生情感的共鸣,这才达到了写作的真正目的。 比如,在写给妈妈的生日贺信中,一位同学详细写了爸爸给自己看了一张 母亲当时在产房生育自己的光碟的事情,之后,这位同学对妈妈的爱和感 激之情如火山爆发般喷涌而出,而读者也会更好地理解“母爱是人间最伟 大的情感”。又比如下面的一段话:
• 可当我结识了这些活泼、可爱、调皮的同学们时,我的小学生活 无形的增添了许多色彩。
• 我们在操场上一起散步;我们在竞争中不断地进步;我们在课堂 上激烈地争论;我们在考试中的奋笔疾书;我们在„„遇到了难题 是你耐心地给我讲答,直到我懂了为止;当我哭了,是你在一直 安慰我,知道我释怀;我遇到了烦心事,你总是静静地听着„„也 许这些你们都忘记了,但我却依旧清清楚楚地记着。友情是你们 给我的礼物,我们的友情定将比天还要长,比地还要久。
和我同桌的莱佐从他叔叔的商店里拿来了一 些粘鞋用的胶,我趁坐在前面的同学站起来回答老 师问题的时候,把这团胶悄悄地放在他的椅子上。 这个同学名叫马里奥·贝蒂,我们叫他小脏鬼。因为 他穿的那套英国式的衣服虽然很体面,可脖子和耳 朵都很脏,好像一个化了装的清道夫一样。(万巴 《捣蛋鬼日记》)
好 段
既然生命如此庄重,就需要自己心地的一份虔 诚,去践行生命的温暖和光明,让活着成为一种对 生命的敬仰,而不是对光阴的一种敷衍。
• 绘图要求: 两个圆圈,一大一小, 小圆圈大主题,大圆圈小主题
格式 希望 对象