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Family problems…ﻫﻫTwo men, one Americanand an Indian were sitting in a bardrinking shot aftershot.ﻫﻫThe Indianman said to the American, 'You know my pa rents are forcing me togetmarried to this socalled h omely girl from a village whom I haven'teven met once.'We call this arranged marriage.I don't want t o marry aﻫ

woman whom I don't love... I told them that openly and nowhave a hell lot of family problems.'ﻫﻫThe American said, Talking about love marriages... I'll tell you my story. ﻫI married a widowwhom I deeply loved and dated for 3 years. 'After acouple of years, my father fell inlov ewith my step-daughter and married her, so my fatherbecame my son-in-lawand I became my father's father-in-law.ﻫﻫLegally now my daughter is my mother and my wife m ygrandmother.ﻫ

More problemsoccurredwhen Ihadason. My son ismy father's brother and so he is my uncle.

ﻫSituations turned worse when my father had a son. No w my father's son i.e. my brother is my grandson. Ultimate ly, I have becomemy own grand father and I ammy ow n grandson.. And you say you have family problems..

1.Count toone HundredBeforeYou Speak

Inclass,theteacher,with hisback leaning againstthestove,said to thestudents,"Before you speak,you should think andcounttoatleast 50,andfor important matters to 100."ﻫﻫNosooner had the teacher stopped talking than thestudentsbegan to count.

ﻫﻫatlast all the studentsshouted together,"1...98,99,100.teacher,your clothes are onfire."


ﻫ老师的话音刚落,学生立刻从“1”开始数起来。最后一起喊:“98,99,100!老师,您的衣服着火了。”2ﻫﻫ.The Advantage ofAlcoholﻫﻫInorderto prove the harmful effect of alcohol,the teacherput a bug intoa glassfilledwit halcohol,soon thebugdied.The teacheraskedastudent,"what doesthisshow?"

ﻫThe studentanswered,"It shows thatpeoplewon't get parasitesi ftheydrink morealcohol."ﻫﻫ酒的好处ﻫﻫ为了证明酒精对生物的危害,老师把一只虫子放入装有酒精的杯子里,虫子很快就死了。老师问一个学生:“这说明了什么?”

ﻫ学生答道:“说明人多喝酒,就不会长虫子。”ﻫﻫ3.Exchange the Tortoise for the


ﻫTeacher:Some students arebecoming arrogant.Do you remember the storyabout race betweenthe hare andthe tortoise?Now,Xiaoming,will you please tell us why theharewasdefeated by thetortoise?ﻫ

Xiaoming:Because the hare fell asleep.

ﻫTeacher:Absolutelyright!Whatshould we do sothatthe hare won'tfall asleep?ﻫﻫXiaoming:Exchange the tortoisefor thewolf.ﻫ





Computer help desks areused tofielding oddball requests but somet imes the questionsleave even the bestof themstumped.ﻫﻫSuch a s: "Why isn't mywireless mouse connected tothecomputer?"ﻫﻫOr:"Can you reset the Internet forme?"ﻫﻫThen there wasthe questionerwhoasked:"WherecanIget softwareto track UFOs?"

ﻫRobert Half Technology,a providerof informationtechnology professio nals basedinMenlo Park, California, asked1,400 chiefinformation officers from companiesacross the United States tocomeup withthe mostbafflingquestions their helpdesksor technical support teams hadever received. Among the moreunusual were:

-- "My computer is tellingme to press anykey to continue.Wher eisthe'any'key?"ﻫ

--"Canyou rearrange thekeyboard alphabetically?"ﻫﻫ-- "My daughter islocked in thebathroom,can you pick the lock?"ﻫﻫ--"Can you tell me the weather forecast for next year?"ﻫﻫ--"Canyou install cable TV on my PC?"ﻫ

Then there was thecomputer user who confused theCD-ROM drive with adrinkholderandasked:"HowdoI getmy compute r's coffee-cupholder to comeout again?"ﻫﻫKatherineSpencerLee,executivedirector ofRobertHalfTechnology, said such queries were atestofthe skills of thehelp andtechnical supportde sks.ﻫﻫ"These unusual requests highlight theneedfor technical support personnel toalso demonstrate patience,empathy and a sen seof humor,"she said.ﻫﻫ帮用户解决电脑问题是电脑技术支持的主要职责,但有时用户提的问题甚至把IT精英们都给难倒了。


