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B. 情景应答。(听问题,从A ,B



听两遍。)5. A. for three years B. about twice a mon th C. I don ' t ofte n write to him.

6. A. Please look at the socks B. Could I have a look at that skirt? C. I wish I had money.





What happened to Susan?

What1II the weather be like tomorrow?

How does AArs Wang go to work?

7. A. Chi nese

8. A. Yes, you n eed.

9. A. He's tall and fat.

10. A .I like it very much

B. En glish

B. Yes, you can.

B. He likes all of us .

B. That's kind of you

C. Japanese

C. Yes, you must.

C. He teaches very well.

C. I find it..


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C. 对话理解。听下面 5段对话,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (对话听两遍)

11. A. 24 years old B. 28 years old C. 26 years old

12. A. She wants the man to see a film with her.

B. She wants the man to visit a museum.

C. She wants the man to play basketball.

13. A. He ' d like ano ther moon cake with meat in it.

B. He ' d like ano ther moon cake with nuts in it.

C. He ' d like ano ther moon cake with fruit in it.

14. A. They hurried off to catch a trai n.

B. They got up late this morning.

C. They hurried off to catch a pla ne.


A. in a hospital

B. in a shop

C. in an office

D. 短文理解。(听短文,根据短文内容,从

A 、

B 、

C 三个选项中找出正确答案。短文听

两遍) 16. What is Mrs. Smith ' s telephone number ?

A. 54688

B. 51688

C. 5688

17. What trouble does Mrs. Smith have?

A. There was someth ing wrong with her telepho ne

B. She ofte n got a wrong call

C. She had to go to the cin ema with her husba nd at ni ght

18. Who called Mrs. Smith one evening?

A. A young girl

B. A tired woma n

C. a tired man

19. How did Mrs. Smith feel whe n she heard the stra nge call ?

A. She was an gry.

B. She was stra nge.

C. She was worried

20. What would possible happe n to the man after the call ?

A. He felt surprised.

B. He had a good rest.

C. He went to the cinema with his wife at once.


21. Guo Jingming 'snew book ____________ last mon th.

A. comes out

B. comes up

C. came out 22. .Ca n it be used _________ in formati on ?


save B. to save C. to savi ng for 23. A boy ____ Tom _________ by a car yesterday.

A. called; was hit B called; is hit

C. was called; was hit D was called; hit

24. They __________ whe n the En glish teacher came in .

A. are talk ing

B.were talki ng

C. talk

D. are talked

25. I am grateful ______ y ou ________ y our kindn ess. A. to; to B. to ;for C. for ; for D.to; to

26. ______ Vegetables ________ g ood for our health. A. Eat; is B Eati ng; is C.Eat; are

D Eati ng; are D. was come up D. saves for
