




在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 已知,,则的值为( )A.B.C.D.参考答案:A2. 在区间和分别取一个数,记为,则方程表示焦点在轴上且离心率小于的椭圆的概率为()....参考答案:B【知识点】椭圆的简单性质H5 K3解析:∵表示焦点在x轴上且离心率小于,∴a>b>0,a<2b,它对应的平面区域如图中阴影部分所示:则方程表示焦点在x轴上且离心率小于的椭圆的概率为P==,故选B.【思路点拨】表示焦点在x轴上且离心率小于的椭圆时,(a,b)点对应的平面图形的面积大小和区间[1,5]和[2,4]分别各取一个数(a,b)点对应的平面图形的面积大小,并将他们一齐代入几何概型计算公式进行求解.3. 已知实数满足的约束条件则的最大值为()A. 20 B. 24 C. 16D. 12参考答案:B4. 若集合,且,则集合可能是()A. B. C.D.参考答案:A.试题分析:∵,∴,故只有A符合题意,故选A.考点:集合的关系及其运算.5. 执行如图的程序框图,若输入k的值为3,则输出S的值为()A.10 B.15 C.18 D.21参考答案:B【考点】程序框图.【分析】模拟执行程序框图,依次写出每次循环得到的n,S的值,当n=5,S=15时,不满足条件S<kn=15,退出循环,输出S的值为15,即可得解.【解答】解:模拟程序的运行,可得k=3,n=1,S=1满足条件S<kn,执行循环体,n=2,S=3满足条件S<kn,执行循环体,n=3,S=6满足条件S<kn,执行循环体,n=4,S=10满足条件S<kn,执行循环体,n=5,S=15此时,不满足条件S<kn=15,退出循环,输出S的值为15.故选:B.6. 用[a]表示不大于实数a的最大整数,如[1.68]=1,设分别是方程及的根,则A.3 B.4C.5 D.6参考答案:A7. 已知函数,则关于x的不等式的解集为()A.(-∞,1) B.(1,+∞) C.(1,2) D.(1,4)参考答案:A由题意易知:为奇函数且在上单调递增, ∴,即∴∴∴不等式的解集为故选:A8. 已知复数,则“”是“为纯虚数”的 ( )A.充分非必要条件B.必要非充分条件C.充要条件 D.既非充分又非必要条件参考答案:A时, 是纯虚数; 为纯虚数时=0,解出.选A.9. 设x,y满足,则()A.有最小值2,无最大值B.有最小值-1,无最大值C.有最大值2,无最小值D.既无最小值,又无最大值参考答案:B10. 已知双曲线﹣=1(a>0,b>0)与抛物线y2=4x有一个公共的焦点F,且两曲线的一个交点为P.若|PF|=,则双曲线的渐近线方程为()A.y=±x B.y=±2x C.y=±x D.y=±x参考答案:C【考点】双曲线的简单性质.【专题】圆锥曲线的定义、性质与方程.【分析】根据抛物线和双曲线有相同的焦点求得p和c的关系,根据抛物线的定义可以求出P的坐标,代入双曲线方程与p=2c,b2=c2﹣a2,解得a,b,得到渐近线方程.【解答】解:∵抛物线y2=4x的焦点坐标F(1,0),p=2,抛物线的焦点和双曲线的焦点相同,∴p=2c,即c=1,∵设P(m,n),由抛物线定义知:|PF|=m+=m+1=,∴m=.∴P点的坐标为(,±)∴解得:,则渐近线方程为y=±x,故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查了双曲线,抛物线的简单性质.考查了学生综合分析问题和基本的运算能力.解答关键是利用性质列出方程组.二、填空题:本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分11. 若复数(为虚数单位)的实部与虚部相等,则实数的值为 .参考答案:212. 曲线在点P(2,-3)处的切线方程为_________参考答案:13. 设函数(),将的图像向右平移个单位长度后,所得的图像与原图像重合,则的最小值等于.参考答案:614. 已知等差数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,且a1+a11=3a6-4,则则S n= 。

2023-2024学年广东省东莞市万江中学 石龙中学等学校高一上学期三校联考化学试题

2023-2024学年广东省东莞市万江中学 石龙中学等学校高一上学期三校联考化学试题


下列化学知识解读错误的是2.澳大利亚科学家发现了纯碳新材料“碳纳米泡沫”,每个泡沫含有约4000个碳原子,直径约6-9 nm,在低于-183℃时,泡沫具有永久磁性。

下列说法正确的是A.“碳纳米泡沫”是一种新型的化合物B.“碳纳米泡沫”与石墨互为同素异形体C.石墨转化为“碳纳米泡沫”的反应是氧化还原反应D.用激光笔照射“碳纳米泡沫”,光线通过时出现明亮的光路3.依据下列相关实验,所得结论正确的是实验装置或观图实铜丝可以导干燥的氯化钠不导电,NaCl在水中的电熔融的NaCl能导4.对下列物质进行的分类正确的是A.酸性氧化物都是非金属氧化物B.CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O属于纯净物C.凡能电离出H +的化合物均属于酸D.盐类物质一定含有金属阳离子5.下列化学用语正确的是A.碳酸氢钠在水中的电离方程式:NaHCO 3 =Na + +H + +B.氯气和石灰乳反应制备漂白粉的离子方程式:C.钠与水反应的化学方程式:2Na+2H 2 O=2NaOH+H 2↑D.氯气与水反应的离子方程式:6.菜谱中记载:河虾不宜与西红柿同食。


下列说法不正确的是A.维生素C具有还原性B.上述过程中砷元素发生还原反应C.上述过程中+5价砷类物质作氧化剂D.上述过程中+3价砷类化合物是氧化产物7.下列各组离子一定能大量共存的是A.在透明溶液中:Na +、Cu 2+、Cl -、B.在含大量Ba 2+的溶液中:Na +、K +、、OH -C.在强碱溶液中:Na +、K +、、D.滴加紫色石蕊溶液显红色的溶液中:K +、Na +、Cl -、8.下列物质间的转化中,不能一步实现的是A.Na 2O→NaOH→NaClO B.Cl 2→HClO→CO 2C.Na 2 CO 3→NaHCO 3→NaCl D.Na→Na 2 O 2→NaOH9.钠和氯及其化合物与生活、生产密切相关,下列说法不正确的是A.小苏打可用于治疗胃酸过多B.氯气可以使鲜花褪色C.工业上可以利用H 2和Cl 2直接化合制成HCl,若HCl发生泄漏,车间里将会弥漫白烟D.钠着火时不可用泡沫灭火器灭火,应用干燥的沙土来灭火10.下列装置完成相关实验,合理的是排空气收集法制备氢氧化铁胶除去粗盐水中的比较Na CO 和NaHCO 热11.某课外小组为了鉴别和两种白色固体,设计了如下几种实验方法。

















广东省东莞市万江中学,石龙中学,常平中学三校联考2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Kemira Boyd had just jumped in the shower when she heard her stepmother, Tammy Boyd, knocking on the door. Kemira’s 12-day-old daughter Ryleigh was choking. Kemira tried everything, but she still couldn’t breathe. Kemira knew Ryleigh needed to get to the hospital fast.They had barely driven out of their neighborhood when a police car appeared behind them. Deputy Will Kimbro figured that the speeding driver was either too distracted to notice him or unconcerned. Kimbro soon found out it was a frightening combination of the two.Once she’d pulled over, Kemira handed the baby to Kimbro. He put a hand on her little chest. Ryleigh’s heart was barely beating. Kimbro radioed for an ambulance. At that time Ryleigh’s lips were already blue.The fact that Kimbro was there was a miracle. He had recently completed a CPR class and knew how to treat a child.“Although I was shocked, my training kicked in, and I went to work to keep that child alive,” said Kimbro. Then he began tapping Ryleigh’s chest, hoping to press her heart back into action. Thanks to the CPR class, Kimbro knew the choking child didn’t have a chance if there was a blockage, and he used one finger to clear her airway. That was a magic touch. Twenty seconds later, Ryleigh began to cry. “If she’s crying like that, she’s breathing,” said Kimbro.But they still had five more minutes until the ambulance would arrive, and Kimbro worried that Ryleigh would choke again. He continued with delicate chest compression and clearing her airway.After transferring Ryleigh to the ambulance, Kimbro drove away. At the hospital, Ryleigh recovered quickly thanks to a determined police officer who was in the right place at the right time.1.Why did Kemira stop her car outside her neighborhood?A.She wanted to ask for help.B.She had broken traffic rules.C.She needed to care for the child.D.She planned to talk with Kimbro.2.What was Kimbro like when he dealt with the emergency?A.Nervous.B.Frightened.C.Calm.D.Shocked 3.What may be the best title for the text?A.An encounter saved a life B.A CPR class is importantC.A clever and brave policeman D.A mother’s experienceMusa Haidar holds a coconut (椰子) to his ear and shakes it from side to side. Its sound pleases the market trader, who puts the large brown fruit back on the pile at his market stand in the suburb of Zanzibar, a city on the East African Island.His customers are less happy, however. A coconut going for 500 shillings a few years ago today sells for 1,500 shillings. That makes it more expensive to cook curries or other dishes using coconut milk. “The prices are not normal,” says Mr. Haidar. “Coconuts have become expensive for local people.”Why have prices gone nuts? “People are chopping (砍), chopping,” he explains. A count in 2014 found just 3.4 million coconut trees, down from 5.7 million in the late 1990s. Since hungry Zanzibaris still demand creamy fish curries and beans baked in coconut milk, falling supply has led to higher prices. Coconuts from the mainland are pricier because of high transport costs.The logging of coconut trees reflects the urbanization wave in Zanzibar and the rest of Africa where urban sprawl is the most striking feature, cities extending outwards rather than growing upwards. Because of that, when people move to a new land, they chop down the coconut trees to make space for their new homes.Moreover, some houses and island hotels have furniture made from coconut wood. Emmanuel Elias, a woodworker, explains that it is cheaper than the imported one. By law farmers cannot chop down fruit-bearing trees for furniture; in practice it is hard to stop them. Even if they obey the rules, many do not plant new trees, since these take at least six years to produce fruits, and fifteen years to reach maximum production levels. State subsidies (补贴) for seeds have proved no match for urban population growth.In his workshop, Mr. Elias dusts off a solid dressing table he is selling for 400,000 shillings. He points out that it is made of coconut wood. “This is the land of coconut trees,”he says. But for how much longer?4.What does the underlined word “sprawl” in paragraph 4 mean?A.Structure.B.Capacity.C.Expansion.D.Management. 5.Why are farmers in Zanzibar unwilling to plant coconut trees?A.They can’t get the state subsides.B.They can’t afford to wait for fruits.C.They are following the existing regulations.D.They have switched to the furniture industry.6.What can we infer about the author’s opinion on coconut trees from the text?A.He worries about their future.B.He expects their faster growth.C.He takes pride in their number.D.He doubts their value for furnitureIn the late 1990s, a scientist named Mark Blumberg stood in a lab at the University of Iowa watching a few sleeping newlyborn rats. He found that the baby rats kept making small, sharp movements in their sleep, and that their closed eyes moved from side to side in a phenomenon known as rapid eye movement (REM). Blumberg knew that the rats were fine, because he knew people do the same during REM sleep. And scientists have long had an explanation for the twitches (抽动) and REM: They are dreaming about their waking life.However, as he dug deeper, he wondered why adult rats spend only about two hours of each night in REM sleep, while baby rats spend an unusual amount of time in REM, often sleeping for sixteen hours a day and dreaming for eight.“If dreams are hints of waking life, adult rats who have more experiences should spend more time in REM sleep. Why do baby rats, whose eyes are still shut, spend so much time in REM sleep when they have too little to dream about?” he wondered. “Why do their eyes, their legs, tails and whiskers move hundreds of thousands of times during their sleep?”In the end, Blumberg concluded that it might be the other way around — perhaps the movements were sending signals to the brain to help it learn about the body.“You wouldn’t think that the body is something a brain needs to learn,” he wrote in a paper. “But we aren’t born with maps of our bodies. We can’t be, because our bodies change by the day. But in waking life, we cannot move only a single muscle. Even the simplest act ofswallowing (吞咽) employs more than thirty pairs of nerves and muscles working together. Our small and sharp movements in sleep, by contrast, are exact and precise: They involve muscles one at a time. In other words, such movements allow the muscles and nerves to form one-to-one connections that otherwise would be impossible. It’s a process that’s most important for the brain to learn about the body as we grow, suffer injuries and learn new skills.7.What was the previous explanation for REM?A.It was just an outward sign of dreams.B.It showed the difficulty in sleeping.C.It was an indicator of terrible dreams.D.It only occured to sleeping baby rats.8.What can be learned from paragraph 2?A.Baby rats have to spend all night in REM sleep.B.REM sleep just accounts for part of the sleeping time.C.It is unnecessary for baby rats to sleep 16 hours a day.D.It is not enough for adults to have two hours of REM sleep.9.What is a feature of the movements in REM sleep according to Mark Blumberg?A.They teach the brain new skills and heal injuries.B.Muscles have to work together to start the movements.C.Each of them just involves a muscle and a nerve at a time.D.They are less exact and precise than our daily movements.10.What is the text mainly about?A.The importance of REM sleep.B.The latest discoveries about dreaming.C.The relationship between dreams and waking life.D.A different explanation for the twitches during sleep.二、七选五There are hundreds of worthy destinations in the country catering to all tastes. At the top of that list is Chengdu, the perfect jumping-off point for those in search of a mix of stunning natural scenery, wildlife and some of most incredible food on the planet. In recent years thecity has expanded its offerings, including a number of new projects tourists will want to experience. 11It’s the happiest city in China.If visiting a place with happy locals is a priority for you, there’s no better city to hit than Chengdu. It has been voted the happiest city in China for 12 continuous years by an annual survey conducted by Oriental Outlook. 12It has got one most beautiful bookstore in China.The new location in Dujiangyan is the second Zhongshuge bookstore in the provincial capital. 13 Inspired by Dujiangyan’s ancient irrigation system, the new bookstore has its own features. The beautiful environment of the bookstore can attract more people who do not love books, and awaken their interest and memory in reading.There’s a spectacular new massive airport.One of the world’s most eye-catching new airports, Chengdu’s Tianfu International Airport is as modern as it gets. Beginning operations in 2021, Thantu Airport is the largest civil airport. 14 Travelers can experience a series of cutting-edge technologies at Tianfu, including facial recognition software and self-check-in booth.15There’re plans to turn Chengdu into a “Western China Science City”. Travelers visiting the “Science City” can expect to see many examples of eco-conscious and new wave architecture created by some of the most famous firms in the world. Among these is the world’s first “Unicorn Island”, the country’s next high-tech unicorn. There will also be a low-carbon Future Science and Technology City.A.The arts scene is taking off.B.It’s also a city focused on the future.C.There’s no harm in starting to dream about your next visit now.D.It’s expected to handle up to 60 million passengers per year by 2025.E.Its results combine big data, questionnaires, site visits and expert opinions.F.The first, which opened in 2017 in central Chengdu, is modeled after terrace fields.G.Whether you’re dreaming of business travel or just post-pandemic trip, here are some reasons.三、完形填空After ten years in the same company, I found my job was no longer fun. However, I didn’t have the confidence to apply for new jobs due to lack of experience. I felt 16 .A friend suggested another path— 17 . I had toyed with the idea of studying for a master’s degree but 18 stood in my way. Yet I found a course at London College of Communication, 19 my job and enrolled.During the 18 months that followed, I began to flourish (茁壮成长). Not only had I found the courage to take my 20 forward in a new, exciting direction, but the self-doubt that had followed me around like a 21 began to disappear gradually. My classmates and I treated each other as 22 . Younger students 23 my experience and knowledge when it came to group work. I made new friends and joined committees.I also decided to move out of home. Living in student halls was a(n) 24 . The halls life added to my sense of 25 and, with it, confidence. I was 26 new things every day. Even making myself a meal or 27 my small living space felt rewarding.Soon after completing my master’s, I made my way back through the university gates—this time to 28 . I am now a lecturer on the same course that I took. I 29 the person I was before and smile—she didn’t yet know her 30 . 16.A.guilty B.stuck C.relieved D.amazed 17.A.communication B.management C.educationD.employment18.A.self-doubt B.poverty C.health D.self-respect 19.A.lost B.did C.quit D.changed 20.A.course B.interest C.belief D.life 21.A.shadow B.fire C.dream D.rainbow 22.A.opponents B.relatives C.equals D.servants 23.A.valued B.questioned C.ignored D.polished 24.A.success B.experience C.embarrassment D.failure 25.A.freedom B.safety C.justice D.independence 26.A.copying B.missing C.learning D.ordering 27.A.expanding B.occupying C.deserting D.managing28.A.visit B.teach C.learn D.interview 29.A.look back on B.keep away from C.catch up with D.hold on to 30.A.image B.worth C.duty D.career四、用单词的适当形式完成句子understanding as well as remembering.(用所给词的适当形式填空)32.Sometimes, it is quite difficult to reach a compromise between parents’ (expect) and their kids’ desires. (用所给词的适当形式填空)33.He finally succeeded in gaining the qualification, and he owed his success those who had helped him.(用适当的词填空)34.Millions of people died in the early 19th century, an outbreak of cholera hit Europe. (用适当的词填空)35.The speaker, (interrupt) rudely by the audience during his speech, felt a little embarrassed. (用所给词的适当形式填空)36.depressed the doctor a lot that no one knew how to prevent or treat the disease. (用适当的词填空)37.The victim (suffer) from second or third-degree burns should be sent to the nearby hospital without any delay. (用所给词的适当形式填空)38.Many well-known people attended the international meeting in Wuhan, including astronomer and some physicists from Australia. (用适当的词填空)39.The fire spread through the house quickly and the firefighters tried (desperate) to put it out. (用所给词的适当形式填空)40.Mobile phones have changed the way we communicate, but people hold different opinions on they are useful tools for education. (用适当的词填空)五、根据所给汉语提示填空六、句型转换43.He is in favor of the idea that studying abroad helps students gain a global perspective.(同七、汉译英(整句)47.直到妈妈过来安慰她,她才停止了哭泣。



1.东莞市常平镇振兴中学17.东莞市茶山中学常平镇板石茶山镇上元村东园路38号2.东莞市华侨中学18.东莞市横沥中学凤岗镇永和街17号横沥镇新埠街3.东莞市万江中学19.东莞市企石镇宝石中学万江区万福路237号企石镇湖滨路4.东莞市新湾中学20.东莞市东华初级中学虎门镇新湾中学东城区莞长路立新路段市交通局旁5.清溪中学东莞校友联谊会21.东莞市长安实验中学城区市侨办长安路长青路6.东莞市常平中学22.东莞市望牛墩中学常平镇振兴路159号望牛墩镇望联芳草路1号7.东莞市石碣镇崇焕中学23.东莞市清溪镇第二中学石碣镇清溪镇育才路清溪镇第二中学8.东莞市中堂镇潢涌中学24.东莞市寮步中学中堂镇潢涌村教育大街18号寮步大宝岭9.东莞市黄江中学25.东莞市长安中学黄江镇长安镇莲峰路4号10.东莞市济川中学26.东莞市虎门第三中学道 镇振兴路虎门镇环城路1号11.东莞市石龙中学27.东莞市厚街镇沙溪中学石龙镇绿化东路100号厚街镇宝塘村12.东莞市石碣中学28.东莞市职工业余中学石碣镇沿江路莞太大道篁村路段7号三楼13.东莞市虎门镇职工业余中学29.东莞市大岭山中学虎门镇中心路大岭山镇教育路14.东莞市厚街镇松筠中学30.东莞市谢岗中学厚街镇新塘村新塘三路38号谢岗镇育贤路12号15.东莞市虎门白沙中学31.东莞市虎门第四中学虎门镇白沙管理区虎门镇虎门大道23号16.东莞市万江区第二中学32.东莞市沙田中学万江区汾溪路沙田镇横流区东莞市虎门中学校友会 / 虎门镇虎门中学内 / 55111321东莞市麻涌中学 / 麻涌镇 / 88211022东莞市石碣中学 / 石碣镇沿江路 / 66313973东莞市塘厦中学 / 塘厦镇塘新街46号 / 77254404东莞市高 中学 / 高 镇横 头村 / 87871335东莞市寮步宏伟初级中学 / 寮步镇泉塘村 / 138023839066东莞市中堂中学 / 中堂镇新兴路53号 / 88118207东莞市长安镇东安初级中学 / 长安镇街口增田村 / 53552288东莞市茶山中学 / 茶山镇上元村东园路38号 / 66415729东莞市石排中学 / 石排镇太和中路230号 / 665633110东莞市东城中学 / 东城区东城南路 / 247139511东莞市麻涌镇川槎联办中学 / 麻涌镇川槎村 / 882197612东莞市长安镇东安初级中学 / 长安镇街口增田村 / 535522813东莞市麻涌镇漳澎中学 / 麻涌镇漳澎村 / 882143614东莞市清溪镇第二中学 / 清溪镇育才路清溪镇第二中学 / 773901315东莞市竹溪中学 / 厚街镇厚街大道西18号 / 558156216东莞市厚街镇桥溪中学 / 厚街镇桥头村 / 559154917东莞市寮步中学 / 寮步大宝岭 / 332130218东莞市东华初级中学 / 东城区莞长路立新路段市交通局旁 / 269699319东莞市大岭山镇新风中学 / 大岭山镇九龙头 / 335456520东莞市虎门第四中学 / 虎门镇虎门大道23号 / 551210921东莞市新湾中学 / 虎门镇新湾中学 / 571181522东莞市东莞中学求佳制衣厂 / 城区东正路40号 / 211887223东莞市大朗镇第二中学 / 大朗镇长富路 / 331155424东莞市大岭山中学 / 大岭山镇教育路 / 335111725东莞市虎门镇职工业余中学 / 虎门镇中心路 / 551112926东莞市茶山镇茶山中学 / 茶山镇环市路11号 / 664140827东莞市万江中学 / 万江区万福路237号 / 227355028东莞市大朗第一中学 / 大朗镇金朗路434号 / 331531129东莞实验中学 / 东城东路 / 261756330东莞市厚街中学 / 厚街镇珊瑚路 / 581729231东莞市黄江中学 / 黄江镇 / 336148732东莞市厚街镇沙溪中学 / 厚街镇宝塘村 / 559152433东莞市莞城第三中学 / 城区陈屋坊1号 / 224835534东莞市常平中学 / 常平镇振兴路159号 / 333507035东莞市石龙中学 / 石龙镇绿化东路100号 / 662361736东莞市桥头中学 / 桥头镇工业大道南303号 / 334437837东莞市中堂镇潢涌中学 / 中堂镇潢涌村教育大街18号 / 889977238东莞市常平镇振兴中学 / 常平镇板石 / 391519039东莞市厚街镇松筠中学 / 厚街镇新塘村新塘三路38号 / 591289940东莞市厚街镇肇彝中学 / 厚街镇河田村 / 558140741东莞市虎门则徐中学 / 虎门镇金碧路8号 / 512734542东莞市塘厦镇第二中学 / 塘厦镇塘厦大道 / 791672143东莞市万江区第二中学 / 万江区汾溪路 / 227173444东莞市凤岗镇雁田中学 / 凤岗镇雁田管理区镇田北路 / 777126145东莞市华侨中学 / 凤岗镇永和街17号 / 775156146东莞市长安实验中学 / 长安路长青路 / 553860147东莞市附城中学 / 附城区主山大井头附城中学 / 229301648东莞市大朗中学 / 大朗镇美景一路229号 / 318039949东莞市石龙第三中学 / 石龙镇育才街3号 / 660436250东莞市寮步中学冰室 / 寮步镇大宝岭 / 332130251东莞市东莞中学校友总会 / 城区东正路40号东莞中学内 / 222340852东莞市东坑中学 / 东坑镇东兴路231号 / 338120853东莞市石碣镇崇焕中学 / 石碣镇 / 632923854东莞市企石镇宝石中学 / 企石镇湖滨路 / 672227855东莞市长安中学 / 长安镇莲峰路4号 / 553547156东莞市高 中学 / 高 镇横 头村 / 878713357东莞市茶山镇茶山第二中学 / 茶山镇环城路14号 / 664157258东莞市虎门第三中学 / 虎门镇环城路1号 / 518045659东莞市谢岗中学 / 谢岗镇育贤路12号 / 776282160东莞市万江第三中学 / 万江区 / 227880161东莞市沙田镇广荣中学 / 沙田镇民田村 / 886545162东莞市济川中学 / 道 镇振兴路 / 883137963东莞市清溪中学 / 清溪镇清溪中学 / 773101064东莞市虎门第二中学 / 虎门镇则徐路130号 / 551113265东莞市横沥中学 / 横沥镇新埠街 / 337118066东莞市麻涌镇第一中学 / 麻涌镇第一中学 / 882625267清溪中学东莞校友联谊会 / 城区市侨办 / 222803168东莞市桥头镇文德中学 / 桥头镇文德路 / 334131369东莞市南城中学 / 南城区育才路13号 / 240458170东莞市莞城第二中学 / 城区运河东一路157号 / 211300971东莞市东莞中学 / 城区东正路62号 / 222340872东莞市石龙镇职工业余中学 / 石龙镇联合街 / 661218073东莞市沙田中学 / 沙田镇横流区 / 886123574东莞市虎门白沙中学 / 虎门镇白沙管理区 / 551267475东莞市职工业余中学 / 莞太大道篁村路段7号三楼 / 248072976东莞市低涌中学 / 高 镇低涌管理区 / 887130277东莞市道 中学 / 道 镇 / 883133478东莞市东华初级中学 / 东城区莞长路立新路段市交通局旁 / 269699379东莞市石龙第二中学 / 石龙镇聚龙里32号 / 662549980东莞市万江大汾中学 / 万江区大汾村 / 217901181东莞市寮步镇第二中学 / 寮步镇良益市 / 330307982东莞市莞城第一中学 / 城区学院路 / 220896083东莞市企石中学 / 企石镇 / 666138684东莞市虎门中学 / 虎门镇金碧路8号 / 518281585东莞市望牛墩中学 / 望牛墩镇望联芳草路1号 / 885258786东莞市洪梅中学 / 洪梅镇文卫路 / 884154587东莞市樟木头中学 / 樟木头镇 / 77161908833.东莞市沙田镇广荣中学49.东莞市虎门中学沙田镇民田村虎门镇金碧路8号34.东莞市石龙镇职工业余中学50.东莞市厚街镇肇彝中学石龙镇联合街厚街镇河田村35.东莞市中堂中学51.东莞市万江第三中学中堂镇新兴路53号万江区36.东莞市寮步宏伟初级中学52.东莞市附城中学寮步镇泉塘村附城区主山大井头附城中学37.东莞市虎门第二中学53.东莞市大朗镇第二中学虎门镇则徐路130号大朗镇长富路38.东莞市寮步镇第二中学54.东莞实验中学寮步镇良益市东城东路39.东莞市东莞中学55.东莞市低涌中学城区东正路62号高 镇低涌管理区40.东莞市麻涌镇漳澎中学56.东莞市樟木头中学麻涌镇漳澎村樟木头镇41.东莞市东莞中学求佳制衣厂57.东莞市万江大汾中学城区东正路40号万江区大汾村42.东莞市大朗第一中学58.东莞市虎门则徐中学大朗镇金朗路434号虎门镇金碧路8号43.东莞市厚街镇桥溪中学59.东莞市高 中学厚街镇桥头村高 镇横 头村44.东莞市大朗中学60.东莞市寮步中学冰室大朗镇美景一路229号寮步镇大宝岭45.东莞市石龙第三中学61.东莞市桥头中学石龙镇育才街3号桥头镇工业大道南303号46.东莞市东坑中学62.东莞市企石中学东坑镇东兴路231号企石镇47.东莞市凤岗镇雁田中学63.东莞市石排中学凤岗镇雁田管理区镇田北路石排镇太和中路230号48.东莞市麻涌中学64.东莞市东城中学麻涌镇东城区东城南路。























2023-2024学年广东省东莞市万江中学高二上学期1月月考英语试题In 2019, Wang Jibing, a food delivery rider, had an unpleasant experience due to the wrong address left by a customer. Wang searched three buildings and climbed 18 floors before he finally managed to deliver the food to the customer, who rudely scolded Wang for arriving late. Wang was sad and frustrated. As a husband and father of three children, who shouldered the majority of the financial responsibility in his family, he had to bear all silently. On his way home that day, Wang wrote a poem, Man in a Hurry, expressing his feelings. Since then, Wang has been writing poems inspired by his daily life, including a poem New Temple, which occurred to him after he delivered food to construction workers repairing an old temple, and Forgive, based on his observation of a young couple fighting.Wang’s poems, simple yet real, are seen as a tool to process his emotions, especially the personal experiences he has during his work. His heart is healed by writing the poems and he has shared them with his friends. In 2022, one of his friends posted Man in a Hurry online. It quickly went viral and was viewed for over 20 million times. The same year, Wang published a collection of more than 180 poems under the same title. So far, Wang has written about 4,000 poems. This April, Wang published his second poetry collection, titled I Love This World Clumsily, featuring about 130 poems he has written since July 2022.“Poetry is like a distraction from stress and an opportunity to record my life. Whether it’s coping with pain, dealing with stressful situations or coming to terms with life’s struggles, poetry makes me confident and happy,” says Wang.“The feedback from the readers is a big encouragement to me. Those poems came to me naturally and I enjoyed writing them very much. However, the priority is to look after my family, so I will keep my regular job delivering food,” says Wang.1. What can we know from paragraph 1?A.Wang was in a hurry for the bad weather.B.Wang released his feelings by writing a poem.C.Wang lost his job for an unpleasant experience.D.Wang misunderstood the customer’s need.2. What does “went viral” mean in paragraph 3?A.Became a hit. B.Got updated.C.Disappeared online. D.Received criticism.3. What kind of person is Wang according to the passage?A.Talented and responsible. B.Creative and generous.C.Ambitious and considerate. D.Intelligent and humorous.People trained to detect lies often rely on multiple signs, such as eye contact, length of responses and the details in what people say, but studies have shown that assessing a wide range of behavioral information can make it harder to decide if someone is lying. Instead, Bruno Verschuere at the University of Amsterdam and his colleagues have found that focusing on the detail in what people say, while ignoring all other signs, is the most successful method to identify lies.To figure it out, the researchers asked 44 students to either go for a walk or steal from a postbox in a mock (模拟的) crime. The team then conducted recorded interviews with the students, who were told to lie if they had committed the mock theft or to tell the truth if not.Next, the researchers asked 171 people to watch six truthful and six deceptive (骗人的) interviews from these recordings. The team asked half of the participants to rate how much the interviewees avoided eye contact, which is widely believed to indicate lying. The other participants ranked the level of detail in interview statements. It showed that both truth-tellers and liars broke eye contact a similar amount, but truthful statements were much more detailed than deceptive ones, suggesting the latter is a more useful way to tell that someone is lying.The researchers then asked 405 people to judge the true nature of six truthful and six deceptive statements chosen from written records of the interviews. The half of the participants relying on multiple signs accurately judged lies from the truth just 59% of the time, while the other half relying on level of detail alone identified the right answer 66% of the time.“Our take is that using just one sign can provide a much simpler way to judge lies from the truth,” says Verschuere. Nevertheless, in the real world, you would probably want to check the truthfulness of statements through further investigations or follow-up questions, he says.4. What did the researchers ask the students to do?A.Lie about their mock theft. B.Record their own behaviors.C.Describe their behaviors in detail. D.Avoid eye contact in the interview.5. How did the researchers draw their conclusion?A.By comparing data. B.By watching interviews.C.By analyzing statements. D.By observing participants.6. What’s the best title of this passage?A.The Secrets Behind Lies B.The Best Way to Spot LiarsC.The Importance of Eye Contact D.Multiple Signs in Detecting LiesChatGPT, an artificial intelligence(AI)-powered chat robot that creates surprisingly intelligent-sounding text in response to user prompts(提示), including homework assignments and exam-style questions. The replies are so clear, well-researched and properly referenced that some academics are calling ChatGPT the death ring for conventional forms of educational assessment. How worried should professors and lecturers be? Dan Gillmor, a journalism researcher at Arizona State University in Tempe, told The Guardian that he had fed ChatGPT a homework question that he often assigns his students, and the article it produced in response would have earned a student a good grade.ChatGPT is the brainchild of AI firm OpenAI, based in San Francisco, California. In 2020, the company unleashed GPT-3, a type of AI known as a large language model that creates text by scanning through billions of words of training data and learning how words and phrases relate to each other. GPT-3 is in the vanguard(先锋)of a revolution in AI, raising philosophical questions about its limits and prompting a host of potential applications, from summarizing legal documents to aiding computer programmers. ChatGPT is fine-tuned from an advanced version of GPT-3 and is optimized(优化)to engage in dialogue with users.“Essays are used to test both a student’s knowledge and their writing skills. ChatGPT is going to make it hard to co mbine these two into one form of written assignment,” says Arvind Narayanan, a computer scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey. “But academics could respond by reworking written assessments to prioritize critical thinking or reasoning that ChatGPT can’t yet do. This might ultimately encourage students to think for themselves more, rather than to try and answer essay prompts,” he says.The situation both worries and excites Sandra Wachter, who studies technology and regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute, UK. She’s hopeful that education providers will adapt. “Whenever there’s a new technology, there’s a panic around it,” she says. “It’s the responsibility of academics to have a healthy amount of distrust—but I don’t feel like this is an undefeatable challenge.”7. What did Dan Gillmor do with ChatGPT?A.He criticized it on newspaper.B.He encouraged his students to use it.C.He tested it with one of his assignments.D.He used it to grade his students’ homework.8. What advantage does ChatGPT have over GPT-3?A.It can built a large language model.B.It can make conversations with its users.C.It can offer a host of potential applications.D.It can look through a large number of documents.9. What does ChatGPT lack according to Arvind?A.Writing skills. B.Critical thinking.C.Answering essay prompts. D.Testing professional essays.10. What is Sandra’s attitude to students’ using ChatGPT?A.Favorable. B.Doubtful. C.Discouraged. D.Indifferent.If you’re always comparing yourself to your peers, you might be low in confidence and unsure of yourself. Here are some tips on how to stop comparing yourself to others.Write down your positive traits. When you ignore your abilities, it becomes easier to compare yourself to others. You might focus on their strengths and ignore your own completely. 11 By being aware of your best qualities, you can learn to love yourself and build up your self﹣confidence.Keep a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal helps you recognize the things you may take for granted so you can fully appreciate them. To start journaling, reflect on the little things that bring you joy. 12 Explain how they influence your life in detail. For example, if you jog in the park every day, you might express how you’re grateful fo r your health and how jogging helps you overcome stress at work.13 Instead of focusing on your “weaknesses”, reflect on the areas you can improve. Take advantage of all chances to improve your skills and techniques. Don’t be afraid to ask other people f or help along the way. Only by making efforts to improve your abilities can you make yourself happy. Compete against yourself. 14 Instead, use comparison to become an improved version of yourself. Set goals for yourself and try to improve your own personal best. When you set a goal for yourself, track your progress so that you can see how you are moving toward that goal. That wayOvercoming comparison is a continuous process, but it is possible! 15I was born with a cleft lip and palate (唇腭裂) and all my life I’ve had to accept people staring at me. When you have a visible _________, you can certainly feel that. In secondary school it really started _________ me. I would have bad names shouted at me. Even outside school, adults would sometimes shout _________.I was lucky to have two older sisters who looked out for me, but I still struggled with anxiety, putting myself out there and being _________. Things started to change six months ago when my sister ran the online art club, Fat Life Drawing, to praise _________ bodies and reclaim the word “fat”. I saw what a(n) _________ atmosphere it was and how our participants were seein g themselves as they are, which is the _________ part of it—to accept yourself as you are. I thought our models were _________ and I loved drawing them; why was I not seeing myself in the same positive light?Then, about three months ago, when a _________ couldn’t show up for my sister’s drawing class, I thought: I’ll just do it. It worked out fine. After this modeling experience, I began to enjoy being__________. Putting myself in front of people was a really big __________ for me. As a life modelin front of a group of people, I felt like I was inviting these artists to look at me, but with positivity and respect rather than __________. I’ve become more confident about how I __________. I can go out without makeup. I’m 26 now and __________ with putting m yself out there-I don’t want to__________.16.A.difference B.injury C.change D.disease17.A.affecting B.failing C.inspiring D.comforting18.A.orders B.greetings C.abuse D.warning19.A.criticized B.remembered C.attacked D.seen20.A.younger B.prettier C.larger D.healthier21.A.positive B.intense C.lively D.competitive 22.A.funny B.key C.basic D.last23.A.talented B.beautiful C.devoted D.intelligent24.A.student B.painter C.teacher D.model25.A.drawn B.needed C.admired D.invited26.A.chance B.surprise C.step D.challenge27.A.doubt B.hate C.disbelief D.embarrassment 28.A.speak B.pose C.behave D.look29.A.careful B.concerned C.bored D.comfortable30.A.lose B.give up C.hide D.dress up31. Millions of people have tried __________ (repeat) to quit smoking and failed miserably.(用所给词的适当形式填空)32. In the proposals __________ (submit) so far, members mainly focus on issues relating to people's daily life, such as health care and education. (用所给词的适当形式填空)33. The patient may have seen many skilled specialists, none of __________ can cure him of the rare disease. (用适当的词填空)34. The thing is, machines still have limitations when it comes to facial ________(recognize).(所给词的适当形式填空)35. The Southern Metropolis Daily is __________ influential newspaper in our city.(用适当的词填空)36. The company is planning to gain __________ (it) reputation by improving its customer service. (用所给词的适当形式填空)37. In the 1970s and 1980s, cities __________ (criticise) for being too exclusive and uncompetitive. (用所给词的适当形式填空)38. There is little doubt ________ those who have made great contributions to science are worthy of being respected.(用适当的词填空)39. In the last several years, public transportation in America __________ (undergo) a renaissance.(用所给词的适当形式填空)40. When I was young, they taught me to be friendly to others and do things kindly, which had a great effect __________ me.(用适当的词填空)41. He asked, “Have you decided on your final topic for the composition?”(用间接引语改写)He asked __________ __________ __________ decided on my final topic for the composition. 42. He had a deep voice, which made him different from others in our small town.(同义句改写)He had a deep voice, which __________ __________ __________ __________ others in our small town.43. The ancient city is thought to be the birthplace of civilization. (同义句改写)It __________ __________ __________ the ancient city is the birthplace of civilization.44. She is such a lovely girl that all of us like her.(同义句改写)She is __________ __________ __________ __________ that all of us like her.45. We should make a poster for the Science and Art Festival. This is our task.(合并为动词不定式作表语的句子)_____________________________________________________________________________46. After she took a great weight off her mind, she passed all the tests successfully.(用with复合结构改写句子)_____________________________________________________________________________47. 他下定决心要恢复这个花瓶原来的美丽,这是明智的。



广东省东莞市市万江中学2022年高二英语月考试题含解析一、选择题1. The London 2012 Olympic Games marked the third time that London ______ the right to host the modern Olympic.A. had hadB. hasC. hadD. has had参考答案:A2. It is pleasure for us to make a graduate address in presence of thousands of students in the graduation ceremony.A. 不填; aB. the; 不填C. a; theD. the; the参考答案:C3. He was so________ for the job to support his big family that he could do anything.A. hopefulB. desperateC. confidentD. tired参考答案:B4. Maybe if I ________ science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help.A. studiedB. would studyC. had studiedD. was studying参考答案:C5. Who would you like _______ the classroom?A. to have cleanB. having cleanedC. to have cleanedD. having to clean参考答案:A6. We the job five parts and each man did one part.A. divided, intoB. separated, intoC. divided, fromD. separated, from 参考答案:A7. He always brings me a pretty gift ____ he comes to visit me.A. by the timeB. sometimesC. every timeD. at times参考答案:C略32.I was walking along the stream _____ I met my Chinese teacher .A. asB. whileC. whenD. since参考答案:C略9. I wish I ___ able to tell him all about it last night.A. should beB. wereC. had beenD. was参考答案:C10. He didn’t come on time, it impossible for us to hold such an important meeting.A. madeB. having madeC. to makeD. making 参考答案:D11. The flowers he bought will die unless every day.A. wateredB. wateringC. being wateredD. to water参考答案:A考查省略形式。




















在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有是一个符合题目要求的1. 若复数(m2-3m-4)+(m2-5m-6)是虚数,则实数m满足()(A)m≠-1 ;(B)m≠6 ; (C) m≠-1或m≠6; (D) m≠-1且m≠6参考答案:C2. 已知A(2,4)与B(3,3)关于直线l对称,则直线l的方程为( )A.x+y=0 B.x﹣y=0 C.x+y﹣6=0 D.x﹣y+1=0参考答案:D【考点】与直线关于点、直线对称的直线方程.【专题】计算题.【分析】先求出线段AB的中点坐标,线段AB的斜率,可得直线l的斜率,用点斜式求得直线l的方程.【解答】解:由题意得直线l是线段AB的中垂线.线段AB的中点为D(,),线段AB的斜率为k==﹣1,故直线l的斜率等于1,则直线l的方程为 y﹣=1×(x﹣),即x﹣y+1=0,故选 D.【点评】本题考查求线段的中垂线所在的直线方程的方法,求出所求直线的斜率,是解题的关键.3. 某数学老师在分析上期末考试成绩时发现:本班的数学成绩(x)与总成绩(y)之间满足线性回归方程:,则下列说法中正确的是()A.某同学数学成绩好,则总成绩一定也好B.若该班的数学平均分为110分,则总成绩平均分一定为530分C.若某同学的数学成绩为110分,则他的总成绩一定为530分D.本次统计中的相关系数为1.8参考答案:B【考点】BK:线性回归方程.【分析】根据两个变量之间线性回归方程的定义与性质,对选项中的命题判断正误即可.【解答】解:对于A,某同学数学成绩好,根据回归方程预测他的总成绩可能也好,∴A错误;对于B,根据回归直线过样本中心点,当=110时,=1.8×110+332=530,∴B正确;对于C,某同学的数学成绩为110分时,预测他的总成绩可能为530分,∴C正确;对于D,在线性回归方程中,相关系数r∈(0,1),不是1.8,∴D错误.故选:B.【点评】本题考查了线性回归方程的定义与应用问题,是基础题.4. 不等式﹣2x2+x+1<0的解集是( )A.(﹣,1)B.(1,+∞)C.(﹣∞,1)∪(2,+∞)D.(﹣∞,﹣)∪(1,+∞)参考答案:D【考点】一元二次不等式的解法.【专题】转化思想;转化法;不等式的解法及应用.【分析】把不等式﹣2x2+x+1<0化为(2x+1)(x﹣1)>0,求出它的解集即可.【解答】解:不等式﹣2x2+x+1<0可化为2x2﹣x﹣1>0,即(2x+1)(x﹣1)>0,该不等式对应方程的两根为﹣和1,所以该不等式的解集为(﹣∞,﹣)∪(1,+∞).故选:D.【点评】本题考查了一元二次不等式的解法与应用问题,是基础题目.5. 两个等差数列{a n}和{b n},其前n项和分别为S n,T n,且,则等于()A.B.C.D.参考答案:D【考点】等差数列的性质.【分析】由已知,根据等差数列的性质,把转化为求解.【解答】解:因为: =====.故选:D.【点评】本题主要考查等差数列的性质、等差数列的前n项和公式以及等差中项的综合应用,以及计算能力.6. 在平面直角坐标系中,分别为椭圆的左、右焦点,B,C分别为椭圆的上、下顶点,直线与椭圆的另一个交点为D,若,则直线CD的斜率为()A. B. C D.参考答案:B略7. 已知,,则“”是“表示椭圆”的()A. 充分不必要条件B. 必要不充分条件C. 充要条件D. 既不充分也不必要条件参考答案:B【分析】先要理解椭圆方程的基本形式,再利用两个命题的关系即可得出必要不充分。








广东省东莞市万江中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Best royal palaces in Europe you can visitThere are some royal palaces in Europe that they often open their doors to the public.Drottningholm Palace, SwedenThis breathtaking 17th century palace in Drottningholm is not only the residence of the Swedish royal family, but it’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to its impressively preserved castle and theatre. The palace and park are open to the public year-round.Royal Palace of Oslo, NorwayThe official royal residence for the Norwegian royals, this beautiful palace boasts neoclassical architecture and landscaped gardens complete with ponds and eye-catching statues. During the summer months the palace opens to the public on guided tours, which include beautiful staterooms (会客厅), the Bird Room, the Great Hall and the Family Dining Room.Royal Palace of Madrid, SpainWhile the Palacio Real is officially the royal residence, nowadays the Spanish royals choose to live in the Zarzuela Palace instead, with the Madrid palace used mainly for state ceremonies. There are over 3, 000 rooms in this breathtaking palace making it one of the largest palaces in the world. Highlights include the royal kitchens and the painting gallery, while the Changing of the Guard ceremony never fails to be a hit with tourists.Palace of Versailles, FranceIf you seek after a palace that’s luxurious (豪华的), then the Palace of Versailles needs to be on your list. France hasn’t had a royal family since the French Revolution in 1789, but this palace offers a glimpse into how the former royals lived, as well as serving as a museum paying tribute to France’s rich history.1.What is special about Drottningholm Palace?A.It is open to the public.B.It is redecorated.C.It’s the residence of French royal family.D.It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2.What do the attractions of Royal Palace of Madrid include?A.The painting gallery.B.A history museum.C.Beautiful staterooms.D.An impressive castle.3.What can we learn about Palace of Versailles?A.The changing of the Guard ceremony.B.The process of French Revolution.C.The history of Spanish royals.D.The way of the former royals’ life.Born in Potsdam (in the Kingdom of Prussia) in 1821, Helmholtz was one of the 19th century’s most knowledgeable scientists, whose name turns up in the history of multiple scientific fields and specialties. As a youngster, he had an interest in physics, but that seemed a financially unwise career choice. He went to medical school and studied physiology instead, because he was drawn to others who promoted the point that physiology should be based on the principles of chemistry and physics, not the vital forces that had been popularly emphasized previously.After earning his medical degree, Helmholtz served as an army surgeon before becoming professor of physiology at the University of Konigsberg. During that time, he composed a groundbreaking paper on the conservation of energy, which made him a good reputation in science community. His main argument is that all science can be reduced to mechanics. It is emphasized that Newtonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics are mathematically equivalent, so a force can be measured by the Laplace method in terms of the energy transferred by the force or the work done by the force. All of this energy is conserved. While at Konigsberg, he studied the nervous system, optics (光学) and acoustics (声学), especially with regard to the physiology of the senses. Then he moved on to the University of Bonn as professor of anatomy (解剖学) and physiology.After some time at the University of Heidelberg, where he became interested in philosophy, in 1871 he was awarded the physics chair at the University of Berlin. At last he could focus on physics, emphasizing the importance of the principle of least action for explaining physical phenomena. He also explored the branches of Maxwell’s new theory. By this time, he was recognized as one of Germany’s premier scientists, until his death in 1894. 4.Why did Helmholtz choose to study physiology?A.He made the choice for economic difficulty.B.He would like to make himself have more skills.C.He was attracted by a different viewpoint.D.He preferred physiology to chemistry and physics.5.What made Helmholtz popular among scientists?A.His degree in medical science.B.His paper on the conservation of energy.C.His talent in chemistry and physics.D.His achievements as an army surgeon.6.What can be inferred about Helmholtz from the last paragraph?A.He was a famous philosopher.B.He proved Maxwell’s new theory.C.He was a physics professor at Konigsberg.D.He devoted his rest life to physical research.People who frequently eat fruit are more likely to report greater positive mental health and are less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who do not, according to new research from the College of Health and Life Sciences, Aston University. The team also found that people who eat savoury (咸味的) snacks such as crisps (薯片), which are low in nutrients (营养) , are more likely to report greater levels of anxiety.Published in the British Journal of Nutrition, the study surveyed 428 adults from across the UK and looked at the relationship between their consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet and savoury snacks, and their psychological(心理的) health. The research found that both nutrient-rich fruit and nutrient-poor savoury snacks appeared to be linked to psychological health. They also found that there was no direct association between eating vegetables and psychological health. Based on the survey, the more often people ate fruit, the lower they scored for depression and the higher for mental health, independent of the overall quantity of fruit intake. By contrast, there was no link between these everyday memory lapses (差错) and fruit and vegetables intake or sweet snacks, suggesting a unique relationship between these nutrient-poor savoury snacks, everyday mental lapses, and psychological health.Lead author, PhD student Nicola-Jayne Tuck commented, “Very little is known about how diet may affect mental health, and while we did not directly examine causality here, our findings could suggest that frequently snacking on nutrient-poor savoury foods may increase everyday mental loss, which in tum reduces psychological health.”“It is possible that changing what we snack on could be a really simple way to improveour mental health. It is also possible that the future limit of processed (特殊处理的) snacks at checkouts, could not only improve the country’s physical health, but mental health too.”“Overall, it’s definitely worth trying to get into the habit of reaching for the fruit bowl.”7.Which may lead to greater level of anxiety?A.Savoury snacks.B.Fruit.C.Vegetables.D.Grain. 8.What can we learn from paragraph 2?A.Rich fruit appears not to be linked to psychological healthB.The more fruit people eat, the lower they score for depressionC.There is a relation between the nutrient-poor snacks and mental health.D.There is a direct link between eating vegetables and psychological health9.What does the underlined word “causality” in paragraph 3 refer to?A.The relation between fruit and vegetables.B.The relation between exercise and health.C.The relation between snacks and mental health.D.The relation between diet and mental health.10.Which is the most suitable title for the text?A.Eating habits can prevent diseaseB.Eating unhealthy snacks often is harmful to healthC.Eating vegetables often can improve mental healthD.Eating fruit often may contribute to mental health二、七选五Why do some people enjoy more health and happiness than others? It seems that they are able to realize their dreams rapidly. The good news is that you can be one of those people.Your Happy.Make themselves available to success. Happy people are great goal setters. 12 . This allows them to stand out in different areas of their life. Ask yourself if you are open for opportunities and setting big goals.Don’t use the word luck. When you look at an exceptionally happy person, you may say, “They are so lucky.” But a conversation with them will reveal that luck is not in theirvocabulary. Instead, they believe that passion and persistence equals great results.13 . Exceptionally happy people are busy making their goals come true. They understand that spending time arguing with others takes them away from what they care about most. They love hearing people talk about their views, but happy people won’t spend time trying to convince you to adopt their beliefs.Walk out of their comfort zone and seek risk often. 14 . So they ask for adventure and satisfaction through seeking new experiences. They see risk as growth and are happier because they live a life with no regrets.Realize there is more to life than being happy. Happy people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about happiness. 15 . Happy people still experience setbacks, but they look at those setbacks as a way to learn more about themselves and to grow. Happiness is not something they seek, as it is a daily practice that never leaves them.A.Try to be more patient.B.Don’t try to make you win over with debates.C.They live in the moment and enjoy the ups and downs of life.D.I know this is true from personal experience.E.They work toward their goals daily and see opportunities in everything.F.Happy people have learned that settling in any area of life will hold them back.G.Happiness is available, especially when you understand what happiness is.三、完形填空different reasons.Yang Lin says she was a tea drinker when she was back in China. But she likes coffee and tea 24 now. Drinking coffee for her is a social event. She and her co-workers like to sit in a café and talk over a cup of coffee. Tea, she says, is more about family 25 . She grew up in Fujian province -- an area known for its tea. Ms. Yang says that as a child, her family would 26 together in the evening and talk about the day's events over a steaming pot of tea. So now, 27 the smell of Fujian tea brings back these28 family memories.29 a person in China drinks about five cups of coffee a year. This information comes from the China Coffee Association Beijing. That amount is far below the world average of 240 cups a year. But the association says the amount of coffee that Chinese drink is 30 by about 15 percent every year.16.A.business B.exception C.attitude D.custom 17.A.fundamentally B.severely C.thoroughly D.increasingly 18.A.huge B.ancient C.remote D.initial 19.A.cities B.companies C.shops D.foreigners 20.A.producing B.earning C.operating D.strengthening 21.A.optimistically B.passively C.elegantly D.socially 22.A.famous B.appropriate C.ambitious D.beneficial 23.A.seldom B.only C.often D.never 24.A.completely B.gradually C.equally D.eventually 25.A.memories B.values C.concepts D.traditions 26.A.work B.gather C.cook D.participate 27.A.even B.still C.somewhat D.hardly 28.A.rare B.tough C.brilliant D.warm 29.A.Above all B.In summary C.On average D.On the whole 30.A.decreasing B.growing C.casting D.engaging四、用单词的适当形式完成句子(所给词的适当形式填空)32.Some experts recommend that parents shouldn’t make their children (expose) to too much violence in any form.(所给词的适当形式填空)33.Motivated by the inspiring presentation, the student made up his mind to beambitious astronomer.(用适当的词填空)34.depressed the scientist was that his theory was proved wrong.(用适当的词填空)35.There is no (deny) that the driver was to blame for the accident.(所给词的适当形式填空)36.It was the first time that the baby (come) down with the flu, causing severe symptoms.(所给词的适当形式填空)37.Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave (they). (所给词的适当形式填空)38.The debate between them was it was worthwhile to afford the extra expense of hiring an expensive apartment.(用适当的词填空)39.All the countries in the zone (sincere) appreciated the Belt and Road Initiative that Chairman Xi had put forward.(所给词的适当形式填空)40.The number of people who subscribed the magazine saw a substantial decrease because of the decline of economy.(用适当的词填空)五、句型转换41.The delicious cuisine is made up of many exceptional ingredients, including some rare六、汉译英(整句)47.一般来说,乐观的人更可能会快速地适应新的环境。















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