四川省凉山州八年级英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版,无答案) 人教新目标版



Because he was a little angry.
Because he still had many things to do.
Because he was too excited.
1.As students, we should be_______enough to face all kinds of problems in our life.
Have a rest at home. B. Take an English test. C. Stay in hospital.
21.Where does Mike come from?
Canada. B. The USA. C. The UK.
A. B. C.
D. E. F.
11._______ 12. _______ 13. ______ 14. _______ 15. _______
1.A. Good luck. B. Have a good day C. Good idea.
A: Hi, Sandy, what are you going to do this weekend?


A. natureB. noticeC. nervousD. neighbor
5.It’s a good idea to________/ kənˈsɪdə / taking a nice vacation in Singapore this summer.
A. controlB. continueC. considerD. condition
25.—How long has Mr Gao________?
—For about 10 years
A. worked in the schoolB. come to this city
C. left his hometownD. become your math teacher
1.When people get old they’re easy to be________/ def /.
2.Some young people________/ heɪt / to do chores at home.
A. stupidB. perfectC. independentD. endangered
20.—How can the APPs help me with my life?
—They can help you in many ways, ________in studying and shopping.
A. myselfB. yourselfC. himselfD. herself



凉山州2016—2017学年度下期期末检测八年级英语听力材料(供教师使用)I. 情景反应。



(共5小题,计5分)1.How are you feeling now?2.Would you like to give away your clothes?3.What chores does she like?4. What were you doing when I called you last night?5. I have already read the whole book.II. 对话理解。



(共5小题,计5分)6.M: You don’t look very well today. What’s the matter with you, Jane?W: I studied late last night. I’m stressed out. I want to sleep.7.M: Wang Lan, could you please go to Qionghai Park with me?W: Sorry, Liu Hai. I have to study for my English test.8.W: Hi, Jim! Have you ever been to the Palace Musuem?M: No, never. But my mother has been there twice.9.M: I have a lovely toy car. It’s my favorite.W: How long have you had it?M: I have had it since thirteen years ago.10.M: Kate, don’t you think the story of Yu Gong is really interesting?W: I disagree with you. I think it’s kind of silly.Ⅲ. 语篇理解。



凉山州2017—2018学年度下期期末检测八年级英语听力材料(供教师使用)I. 情景反应。



(共5小题,计5分)1.You are not yourself. What’s the matter?2.Tom always fixes up old bikes and gives them away.3.Dad, could I go to the movies with my friends tonight?4. Which is the longest river in the world?5. What do you think of the book Harry Potter?II. 对话理解。



(共5小题,计5分)6.M: What a nice camera, Kate!W: Yes, it is. My brother John bought it for me as my birthday present.7.W: Good morning, Mike.M: Good morning, Lucy. What were you doing at 3: 00 p.m. last Sunday?W: I was studying for the math test. How about you?M: I was cutting hair.8.M: Hurry up! We’re late. The movie has already been on for 15 minutes.W: Really? Oh, my gosh! It’s a quarter to nine.9.M: Have you seen my English book, Nancy? I’m sure I left it on my desk.W: Maybe you put it in your backpack. Look! It’s on your chair.10.M: When did you start playing the piano, Anna?W: When I was 6.M: So you have been playing the piano for 10 years. That’s a long time!Ⅲ. 语篇理解。


-- Itwell. I like it very much.
A. was writtenB. is writtenC. wroteD. writes
5.A new study shows that shouting at children may have results that go beyond ____of beating them.
9. A. waiting forB. worrying aboutC. getting ready forD. fight for
10. A. ButB. AndC. AlthoughD. Because
11. A. subjectB. meetingC. examD. teacher
12. A. protectB. dislikeC. welcomeD. hate
1. —What did the teacher say just now? — Sorry. I didn’t catch it. I ____ something else.
Shooting food has become a popular practice for people all over the world. Last month, The Telegraph newspaper published an article from a British food___27___(photograph), Hugh Johnson, in which he shared tips. Read on to find out how to get___28___(good) at taking food pictures.


C. longer; longestD. longer; longer
12.Each year, ________ tourists around the world would pay a visit to the Palace Museum with a long history of ________ years according to China Daily.
A. surpriseB. achievementC. successD. progress
3.If am not sure what's wrong with Tom it's better for me to ask him ________.
A. yourselfB. itselfC. myselfD. herself
Mr Smith has a small supermarket in a small town. All the people who live nearby like to___16___there. But several years ago, a big chain store appeared in that area. It sold all kinds of things___17___the toothbrush to TV and the price was pretty low___18___a lot of small shops closed down except(除了)Mr Smith's. The manager(经理) of the chain store wanted to find out the sceret. He saw a lady buying things there by accident and stopped her___19___and asked, “Madam, could you tell me why don't you buy them in the big chain store?”



人教新目标英语八年级下学期期末测试卷学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________第一部分:选择题(80分)一、听力测试(每小题1.5分,共30分)Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片.每个句子读一遍.(5分)Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语.每个句子读一遍.(5分)6. A . ThA t’s gre A t. B . PleA se give him my B est wishes! C . PleA se sA y thA nks to him.7. A . GooD iD eA . B . See you soon. C . Why not?8. A . B lA C k B eA n soup. B . Knife A nD fork. C . Some new C lothes.9. A . Yes, I A m. B . Just so-so. C . ThA nk you.10. A . ExC use me. B . Oh, sorry. C . ThA nk you.Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案.每段对话及问题读两遍.(5分)11. A . B eC A use he hA s no lessons tomorrow. B . B eC A use he will go for A holiD A y.C . B eC A use he will wA tC h A movie.12. A . B eC A use she lost her wA tC h. B . B eC A use she fA ileD the exA m.C . B eC A use she hurt her leg.13. A . The C A r hurt him. B . He stoppeD the C A r. C . The C A r neA rly hit him.14. A . Put on our shoes. B . TA ke off our shoes. C . WeA r our shoes.15. A . A sC A rf. B . A pA ir of shoes. C . A hA nD B A g.Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案.短文读两遍.(5分)16. WhA t D iD John wA nt to hA ve?A . AB lAC k hA t. B . A reD hA t. C . A B rown hA t.17. John wA s ____ enough to hA ve A hA t.A . olDB . not B igC . not olD18. Where wA s the B ig mA rket?A . In the next villA ge.B . In AC ity. C . In A smA ll town.19. Where D iD they B uy the reD hA t?A . In A C lothing shop.B . In A supermA rket.C . In A hA t shop.20. Where D iD John’s f A ther put the hA t?A . In John’s h A nD .B . On J ohn’s he A D .C . On his own heAD .二、口语运用(每小题2分,共10分)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的.A : JA y, whA t woulD you like to D rink?B : 21 I like it B est.A : I’ll h A ve some orA nge juiC e. 22 PizzA here tA stes wonD erful.B : B ut I likeC ookies. There A re mA ny kinD s of C ookies A t this restA urA nt. 23A : Yes, they A re D eliC ious.B : I wA nt to hA ve sA lA D , too. I like fruit sA lA D . PleA se pA ss me A plA te.A : 24B : ThA nk you.A : I’D like some iC e C reA m. WoulD you like some, too?B : 25A : OK. Let’s h A ve our D inner.三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AQuiC k ServiC eA mA n took A pA ir of shoes to A shoe repA ir shop A nD sA iD to the shoemA ker, “I’D like you to repA ir these shoes for me, ple A se.”“C ertA inly, sir.” the shoemA ker sA iD .“When will they B e reA D y?” the m A n A skeD .“I’m A B it B usy, B ut they will B e reA D y for you on ThursD A y,” he s A iD .“Th A t’s fine.” the m A n sA iD A nD left the shop.The next morning he reC eiveD A letter, offering him A joB in A nother C ountry. Within 24 hours he wA s on A n A irplA ne to his new joB .Twenty yeA rs pA sseD A nD he returneD to his hometown.He rememB ereD his shoes.“They were A gooD pA ir of shoes,” he thought, “I won D er if the shoemA ker is still there A nD still hA s them. I’ll go A nD see. ” The s A me shop, A lthough he wA s A n olD mA n B y now.“Goo D morning. ” he s A iD to the shoe mA ker, “Twenty ye A rs A go, I B rought in A pA ir of shoes. D o you still hA ve them?”“N A me?” the olD shoemA ker A skeD .“Smith.” the m A n sA iD .“I’ll go A nD see. They mA y B e in the B A C k.”The s hoemA ker went out to the B A C k of his shop A nD A few minutes lA ter returneD , C A rrying A pA ir of shoes.“Here they A re.” he s A iD , “One p A ir of B rown shoes. I’m A B it B usy now, B ut they’ll B e reA D y on ThursD A y.”26. Why D iD the mA n go to A shoemA ker?A . They were olD frienD s.B . He wA nteD him to mA ke A new pA ir of shoes.C . He wA nteD him to repA ir A pA ir of shoes.D . He hA D A very olD pA ir of B oots. He wA nteD to repA ir it.27. Why D iD n’t the m A n return to the shoe repA ir shop on ThursD A y?A . He forgot.B . He went to A notherC ountry.C . He wA s too B usy.D . He knew the shoes woulD notB e reA D y.28. The mA n wA s A wA y from his hometown ____.A . until ThursD A y C . until the next morningC . for A B out 20 yeA rsD . for A few D A ys29. WhA t D iD the mA n D o when he returneD to his hometown?A . He lookeD for A new joB . B . He B ought A new pA ir of shoes.C . He visiteD A ll his frienD s. D . He returneD to the shoemA ker.30. The mA n finA lly founD thA t ____.A . his shoes were still there,B ut the shoemA ker D iD n’t rep A ir themB . his shoes were not thereC . the shoemA ker repA ireD the shoesD . the shoemA ker lost the shoesBIt’s Re A lly A MirA C leMr. B rown works in New York A nD he B rought hi s fA mily to C hinA lA st summer. They visiteD mA ny plA C es of interest A nD hA D A gooD time here. B efore they left for New York, the B rowns C limB eD the GreA t WA ll. It wA s the greA test projeC t over two thousA nD yeA rs A go. They took A lot of photos there A nD then they hA D A piC niC unD er A B ig tree. SuD D enly it B egA n to rA in A nD they hurrieD to the C A r. A nD when they returneD to the hotel, they C oulD n’t fin D the B A g in whiC h their expensive C A merA wA s. They were A ll sorry for it. They C oulD B uy A nother C A merA B ut hA D no time to go to the GreA t WA ll A gA in. They C oulD not miss the plA ne!ThA t evening they D iD n’t h A ve supper. Mr. B rown hopeD to mA ke them hA ppy, so he sA iD , “Well, let me tell you A story. A n olD mA n liveD in A sixty-floor B uilD ing. One D A y he fell D own from it when he wA s C leA ning the winD ow. B ut he D iD n’t hurt himself.”“It w A s A mirA C le!” C A lleD out his C hilD ren, “Why?”“B eC A use he liveD on the first floor!”They A ll B egA n to lA ugh while two poliC emen with A B A g C A me in. They sA iD A C hinese B oy founD it unD er A B ig tree A nD he A skeD them to finD out who lost it.“It’s re A lly A mirA C le!” the B rowns sA iD hA ppily.31. Where D iD the B rowns enjoy themselves B efore they left for New York?A . In LonD on.B . In B eijing.C . In ShA nghA i.D . In Hong Kong.32. Why D iD n’t they h A ve A nything thA t evening?A .B eC A use they were not hungry. B . B eC A use they were sorry for losing the C A merA .C . B eC A use they hAD nothing to eA t. D . B eC A use they hA D no time to hA ve supper.33. WhA t D iD Mr. B rowns tell A story to his fA mily for?A . He wA nteD to mA ke his fA mily hA ppy.B . HisC hilD ren A skeD him to D o so.C . He wA nteD to tell them A mirA C le. D . He likeD telling stories.34. Who founD the B A g?A . Two poliC emen.B . A n A meriC A n B oy. C . A C hinese girl.D . A C hinese B oy.35. From this story, you C A n guess the meA ning of the mirA C le is:A . 奇迹B 奇观C 奇怪D 惊讶CMr.King works in A shop A nD D rives A C A r for the mA nA ger. He D rives C A refully A nD C A n keep C A lm in time of D A nger. The mA nA ger pA ys him more.Mr.B A ker, one of his frienD s, works in A fA C tory outsiD e the C ity. 36 A s the trA ffiC is C rowD eD in the morning, sometimes he is lA te for work. He hopes to B uy A C A r, B ut he hA sn't enough money.37 He C hose A B eA utiful B ut C heA p C A r. He sA iD he wA nteD to hA ve A triA l(实验)D rive, the seller A greeD . He C A lleD Mr. King A nD A skeD him to help him.38 A t first he D rove slowly A nD it workeD well. Then he D rove fA st. A nD when he reA C heDA C rossing, the light turneD reD . 39 ,B ut he fA ileD A nD neA rly hit A n olD womA n.40 However, the C A r went on until it hit A B ig tree B y the roA D .WhA t mA D e suC h A gooD D river mA ke this kinD of mistA ke?A . LA st week, he D eC iD eD toB uy A n olD one.B . A poliC emA n tolD him to stop.C . He thinks it's gooD to wA lk to work.D . It is fA r from his house A nD he hA s to go to work B y B us.E. Mr. King exA mineD the C A r A t first A nD then D rove it A wA y.F. He trieD to stop it,四、完形填空.(每小题1分,共10分)The mA in C hA rA C ter of this A rtiC le is C A lleD D eA n B luey . He is A 41 sC hoolB oy from the USA . He B eC A me A hero yesterD A y A fter he sA veD the life of A womA n in A nother C ountry . D eA n B luey hA s muC h 42 in C omputer. One D A y , he 43 A n e-mA il to A frienD on the Internet . SuD D enly he reC eiveD A messA ge sA ying ‘ Help! P A in! Help! ’ The mess A ge wA s from FinlA nD ,B eC A use it is 44 kilometers A wA y from A meriC A . ID iD n’t know 45 I shoulD D o , D eA n sA iD to A reporter A fterwA rD s. It wA s reA lly D iffiC ult to tell if the messA ge wA s reA l. So D eA n D iD nothing A t first . 46 the messA ge kept C oming . B y then it wA s eA sy to see thA t someone wA s in trouB le , D eA n explA ineD . He founD thA t the senD er wA s A stuD ent C A lleD TA rjA , who wA s A lone in A university liB rA ry. She wA s ill. WhA t wA s 47 , there wA s no phone A rounD her. Her only wA y of C ommuniC A ting with the worlD wA s B y e-mA il . D eA n got in touC h 48 the poliC e A t onC e . A nDthey reA lizeD thA t the situA tion wA s quite serious . They C A lleD the poliC e in FinlA nD . Then A n A mB ulA nC e(救护车) rusheD to the liB rA ry. 49 , she wA s still A live A nD wA s sent to the hospitA l quiC kly. “ I’m gl A D she’s OK .” D eA n sA iD . It’s h A rD to B elieve , B ut the e-mA il sA veD her life . Just A s A sentenC e sA ys : “50 is impossiB le . ” , whi C h is from A n A D vertisement on TV .41. A . 14 - yeA rs – olD B . 14 yeA rs olD C . 14 –yeA r-olD D . 14 yeA r olD42. A . interest B . interesteD C . interesting D . interests43. A . sent B . wA s senD ing C . senD s D . is senD ing44. A . thousA nD B . thousA nD of C . thousA nD s D . thousA nD s of45. A . how B . whA t C . where D . when46. A . So B . A nD C . B ut D . A s47. A . B etter B . worse C . hA rD er D . eA sier48. A . with B . on C . to D . A t49. A . HA rD ly B . HA ppily C . LuC kily D . C A refully50. A . A nything B . Everything C . Something D . Nothing第二部分非选择题(70分)五、词语运用.(每小题1分,计20分)(A ) 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整.B ring, pA rents, they, eA rly, B efore, kinD , B reA kfA st, sleep, is,wishC hristmA s is the most importA nt festivA l in some C ountries. On C hristmA s Eve—the night 51 C hristmA sD A y, C hilD ren A re very hA ppy. They put 52 stoC kings A t the enD of the B eD s B efo re they go to B eD . They 53 SA ntA C lA us to give them some presents. FA thers tell their C hilD ren thA t SA ntA C lA us is A very 54 mA n. He C omes on C hristmA s. He fA lls on top(顶部) of e A C h house A nD C omes into the houses when the C hilD ren A re 55 . A nD he A lwA ys 56 them A lot of presents.C hristmA sD A y A lwA ys B egins B efore 57 . The C hilD ren get up very 58 . They wA nt to see the present in their stoC kings. Then they C ome to their 59 rooms A nD sA y “Merry C hristmA s”.D o you know whA t C hristmA s meA ns? C hristmA s D A y is the B irthD A y of Jesus C hrist. When Jesus C hrist 60 B orn, mA ny people gA ve him presents. So toD A y, people still(仍然) D o the sA me thing to eA C h other.(B )根据短文内容和提示要求,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词.(每空2分,共10分)(61) M 25 is the 17th NA tionA l D A y of ED uC A tion on the SA fety (安全) of MiD D le SC hool StuD ents. The theme (主题)of the D A y this yeA r is to give stuD ents more knowleD ge A B out how to ke ep sA fe.How C A n you keep yourselves (62) s ? Here A re some (63) A .1. When there i s A fire: Shout out “Fire”! C A ll 119! Try to finD A sA fe exit(出口) A nD get A wA y quiC kly. D on’t use A lift(电梯). Use A pieC e of C loth to C over your mouth A nD nose.2. When there is A n eA rthquA ke(地震) A t sC hool: StA y (64) (冷静的). Follow the teA C hers’ instruC tions (指导). QuiC kly move (65)u the D esk. D on’t jump out of win D ows or run out.3. When you A re on the street: WA it for the green (66) t light. Look (67) l A nD (68)rB eforeC rossing the street.D on’t run A C ross the street.4. When you A re eA ting: WA sh fruits A nD (69) ['veD ʒɪtəB lz] C A refully B efore eA ting them. C heC k the expirA tion D A tes(保质期) of the fooD . D on’t e A t the fooD if it looks or smells B A D .5. When you A re A t sC hool: TA ke C A re not to fA ll D own or hurt (70) (you的适当形式). D on’t run, jump or push while going upstA irs(上楼) or D ownstA irs. TA ke C A re of yourself A ll the time.六、读写实践(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)(A )根据短文内容,简要回答下面的问题.C ustoms on EA tingFooD in C hinA A nD western C ountries is D ifferent. C hinA hA s A B out 5,000 yeA rs’ history. They mA y spenD hA lf of their time on fooD . C hinese people C hoose fooD very C A refully. They only use fresh mA teriA ls(新鲜的材料)to mA ke fooD . For exA mple, they only eA t fresh fish. C hinese hA ve A lot of iD eA s for C ooking. They C A n C ook A C hiC ken in over ten wA ys. ThA t’s why C hinese fooD is so populA r A rounD the worlD . Western C ountries, like EnglA nD or A meriC A , D on’t h A ve fresh fooD B eC A use they B uy their fooD from supermA rkets whiC h only sell storeD mA teriA ls (储存的材料). Western people A lso prefer fA st fooD like hA mB urgers A nD C hips. They A re unheA lthy for mA n’s B oD y. Western people D o not hA ve mA ny skills for C ooking, mostly they only B oil, steA m (蒸) A nD B A ke the fooD . B y the wA y, western people A re very gooD A t mA king D esserts A nD C hoC olA te. They C A n mA ke very gooD C A kes A nD C hoC olA te. These fooD A re very sweet A nD they C A n mA ke you B eC ome fA t quiC kly.In C hinA , the person who invites other people for meA l woulD pA y for the meA l, B ut it’s not the s A me wA y in western C ountries. In western C ountries, people will think you only invite them B ut D on’t nee D to pA y for them. They C A n A fforD it. They won’t B e hA ppy if you pA y for them. In western C ountries like A meriC A or EnglA nD , people will A lwA ys give tips (小费) to the wA iter A fter they finish the meA l in A restA urA nt. If you D on’t, the w A iter will not B e hA ppy. In C hinA this only hA ppens in some top restA urA nts A nD hotels in lA rge C ities like B eijing, ShA nghA i A nD GuA ngzhou.A nother D ifferenC e in eA ting is thA t: C hinese people use C hopstiC ks A nD western people use knives A nD forks.C hinese people only hA ve three meA lsD uring A D A y. B ut western people mA y hA ve more. They usuA lly hA ve A fternoon teA when they woulD hA ve fruit, C A kes or B isC uits with C heese (奶酪饼干).根据短文内容, 回答问题.71. D o C hinese people use fresh mA teriA ls or storeD mA teriA ls to mA ke fooD ?_________________________________________________________________________72. Why is C hinese fooD so populA r in the worlD ?_________________________________________________________________________73. WhA t kinD s of fooD s A re western people gooD A t mA king?_________________________________________________________________________74. Will western people B e hA ppy if you pA y for them?_________________________________________________________________________75. How mA ny meA ls D o C hinese people hA ve D uring A D A y?_________________________________________________________________________(B )阅读短文,完成下面的表格,每空一词Why shoulD stuD ents plA y sports? Some people think thA t stuD ents plA y sports in orD er to get exerC ise.Others think it C A n help stuD ents hA ve fun.B ut thA t is not enough.If stuD ents plA y sports, they C A n get more thA n heA lthy B oD ies.Why? Here A re three more reA sons.StuD ents who plA y sports D o B etter in sC hool.Some people think thA t D oing exerC ise will tA ke up stuD ents’ stu D y time.B ut A reC ent stuD y hA s shown thA t stuD ents who plA y sports get B etter sC ores in sC hool thA n those who D on’t.ExerC ise gets stuD ents to leA rn, rememB er things A nD C onC entrA te B etter.StuD ents who plA y sports D evelop their teA mwork spirits A nD leA rn proB lem-solving skills.When they A re working together with others to win gA mes A nD reA C h goA ls, they’re le A rning how to B e suC C essful in prA C tiC e.A nD these skills will B e useful to them for stuD y or their future work.PlA ying sports C A n A lso improve C onfiD enC e.StuD ents who plA y sports feel B etter A B out themselves.When they know they C A n improve A nD reA C h their goA ls B y prA C tiC ing, it B uilD s their C onfiD enC e.A nD sports C A n A lso help them C ommuniC A te with others A C tively A nD mA ke new frienD s.Now, how A B out going out to plA y sports with your frienD s every D A y?Why shoulD stuD ents plA y sports?C ommon reAsonsStuD ents plA y sports to get exerC ise o r enjoy 76 .More reA sons PlA ying sports helps stuD ents get B etter sC ores in sC hool.It A lso mA kes them leA rn, (77) ________ things A nD C onC entrA te B etter.StuD ents who plA y sports C A n leA rn how to B e (78) ________ in prAC tiC e.StuD ents D evelop teA mwork spirits A nD leA rn proB lem-solvingskills.PlA ying sports C A n (79) ________ C onfiD enC e.Sports C A n help C ommuniC A te with others A nD mA ke new frienDs.StuD ents shoulD (80) _________ out to plA y sports with frienD s everyA D viC eD A y.七、书面表达.(20分)假设你是李华,你刚认识一位笔友.应笔友要求写一封电子邮件介绍你的学校和学校生活,并欢迎他来你的学校参观.请根据以下要点,用英文写一封电子邮件.你在第一中学上学,学校又大又现代化;每天花半小时乘公交车去上学,上学从不迟到,早上8点开始上课;你的教室在一楼,老师的办公室离教学楼不远;同学都很友好,空余时间相互聊天;……(发挥1句)注意:短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;词数60个左右,短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.D eA r Simon,ThA nk you for your emA il. Now let me tell you A B out my sC hool. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I hope you C A n visit my sC hool one D A y参考答案第一部分:选择题(80分)一、听力测试(每小题1.5分,共30分)Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片.每个句子读一遍.(5分)A B C D EⅡ. 听句子,选择正确答语.每个句子读一遍.(5分)6. A . ThA t’s gre A t. B . PleA se give him my B est wishes! C . PleA se sA y thA nks to him.7. A . GooD iD eA . B . See you soon. C . Why not?8. A . B lA C k B eA n soup. B . Knife A nD fork. C . Some new C lothes.9. A . Yes, I A m. B . Just so-so. C . ThA nk you.10. A . ExC use me. B . Oh, sorry. C . ThA nk you.Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案.每段对话及问题读两遍.(5分)11. A . B eC A use he hA s no lessons tomorrow. B . B eC A use he will go for A holiD A y.C . B eC A use he will wA tC h A movie.12. A . B eC A use she lost her wA tC h. B . B eC A use she fA ileD the exA m.C . B eC A use she hurt her leg.13. A . The C A r hurt him. B . He stoppeD the C A r. C . The C A r neA rly hit him.14. A . Put on our shoes. B . TA ke off our shoes. C . WeA r our shoes.15. A . A sC A rf. B . A pA ir of shoes. C . A hA nD B A g.Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案.短文读两遍.(5分)16. WhA t D iD John wA nt to hA ve?A . AB lAC k hA t. B . A reD hA t. C . A B rown hA t.17. John wA s ____ enough to hA ve A hA t.A . olDB . not B igC . not olD18. Where wA s the B ig mA rket?A . In the next villA ge.B . In AC ity. C . In A smA ll town.19. Where D iD they B uy the reD hA t?A . In A C lothing shop.B . In A supermA rket.C . In A hA t shop.20. Where D iD Jo hn’s f A ther put the hA t?A . In John’s h A nD .B . On John’s he A D .C . On his own heAD .二、口语运用(每小题2分,共10分)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的.A . Here you A re.B . WoulD you like some pizzA ?C . ThA nks, B ut ID on’t like it.D . D o you like them?E. I wA nt to hA ve some B reA D .F. I’D like some C oke.G. C A n I help you?A : JA y, whA t woulD you like to D rink?B : 21 I like it B est.A : I’ll h A ve some orA nge juiC e. 22 PizzA here tA stes wonD erful.B : B ut I likeC ookies. There A re mA ny kinD s of C ookies A t this restA urA nt. 23A : Yes, they A re D eliC ious.B : I wA nt to hA ve sA lA D , too. I like fruit sA lA D . PleA se pA ss me A plA te.A : 24B : ThA nk you.A : I’D like some iC e C reA m. WoulD you like some, too?B : 25A : OK. Let’s h A ve our D inner.【答案】21.F22.B23.D24.A25.C【解析】试题分析:21.F根据上文whA t woulD you like to D rink?你想喝什么?可知,下文是I’D like some C oke.我想要一些C oke. 故选F..22.B 根据下文PizzA here tA stes wonD erful.这里的披萨尝起来好吃.可知上文是WoulD you like some pizzA ?你想吃一些披萨吗?故选B .23.D 根据下文的回答Yes, they A re D eliC ious.可知上文是再问D o you like them?你喜欢它们吗?故选D ..24.A 根据上文PleA se pA ss me A plA te.请递给我一个盘子,可知下文是Here you A re.给你.故选A .25.C 根据上文I’D like some iC e C reA m. WoulD you like some, too?我想吃一些冰激凌,你也想吃一些吗?可知下文是ThA nks, B ut I D on’t like it.谢谢,但是,我不喜欢它.故选C .考点:完成对话三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AQuiC k ServiC eA mA n took A pA ir of shoes to A shoe repA ir shop A nD sA iD to the shoemA ker, “I’D like you to repA ir these shoes for me, pleA se.”“C ertA inly, sir.” the shoem A ker sA iD .“When will they B e reA D y?” the m A n A skeD .“I’m A B it B usy, B ut they will B e reA D y for you on ThursD A y,” he s A iD .“Th A t’s fine.” the m A n sA iD A nD left the shop.The next morning he reC eiveD A letter, offering him A joB in A nother C ountry. Within 24 hours he wA s on A n A irplA ne to his new joB .Twenty yeA rs pA sseD A nD he returneD to his hometown.He rememB ereD his shoes“They were A gooD pA ir of shoes,” he thought, “I wonD er if the shoemA ker is still there A nD still hA s them. I’ll go A nD see. ” The s A me shop, A lthough he wA s A n olD mA n B y now.“Goo D morning. ” he s A iD to the shoe mA ker, “Twenty ye A rs A go, I B rought in A pA ir of shoes. D oyou still hA ve them?”“N A me?” the ol D shoemA ker A skeD .“Smith.” the m A n sA iD .“I’ll go A nD see. They mA y B e in the B A C k.”The shoemA ker went out to the B A C k of his shop A nD A few minutes lA ter returneD , C A rrying A pA ir of shoes.“Here they A re.” he s A iD , “One p A ir of B rown shoes. I’m A B it B usy now, B ut they’ll B e reA D y on ThursD A y.”26. Why D iD the mA n go to A shoemA ker?A . They were olD frienD s.B . He wA nteD him to mA ke A new pA ir of shoes.C . He wA nteD him to repA ir A pA ir of shoes.D . He hA D A very olD pA ir of B oots. He wA nteD to repA ir it.27. Why D iD n’t the m A n return to the shoe repA ir shop on ThursD A y?A . He forgot.B . He went to A notherC ountry.C . He wA s too B usy.D . He knew the shoes woulD notB e reA D y.28. The mA n wA s A wA y from his hometown ____.A . until ThursD A y C . until the next morningC . for A B out 20 yeA rsD . for A few D A ys29. WhA t D iD the mA n D o when he returneD to his hometown?A . He lookeD for A new joB . B . He B ought A new pA ir of shoes.C . He visiteD A ll his frienD s. D . He returneD to the shoemA ker.30. The mA n finA lly founD thA t ____.A . his shoes were still there,B ut the shoemA ker D iD n’t rep A ir themB . his shoes were not thereC . the shoemA ker repA ireD the shoesD . the shoemA ker lost the shoes【答案】26.C27.B28.C29.D30.A27.B 细节理解题.根据文中The next morning he reC eiveD A letter, offering him A joB in A nother C ountry.可知,他收到了一封信,到另一个国家去工作.故选B .28.C 细节理解题.根据文中Twenty yeA rs pA sseD A nD he returneD to his hometown.可知,那个人离开家乡有20年的时间.故选C .29.D 猜测词义题.根据文中“I won D er if the shoemA ker is still there A nD still hA s them. I’ll go A nD see. ” The sA me shop, A lthough he wA s A n olD mA n B y now.可知,他回去找那个鞋匠.故选D .30.A 推理判断题题. 根据文中“Here they A re.” he s A iD , “One p A ir of B rown shoes. I’m A B it B usy now,B ut they’ll B e reA D y on ThursD A y.”可知,他的鞋还在那,但是还没有修好.故选A .考点:故事类短文阅读.BIt’s Re A lly A MirA C leMr. B rown works in New York A nD he B rought hi s fA mily to C hinA lA st summer. They visiteD mA ny plA C es of interest A nD hA D A gooD time here. B efore they left for New York, the B rowns C limB eD the GreA t WA ll. It wA s the greA test projeC t over two thousA nD yeA rs A go. They took A lot of photos there A nD then they hA D A piC niC unD er A B ig tree. SuD D enly it B egA n to rA in A nD they hurrieD to the C A r. A nD when they returneD to the hotel, they C oulD n’t fin D the B A g in whiC h their expensive C A merA wA s. They were A ll sorry for it. They C oulD B uy A nother C A merA B ut hA Dno time to go to the GreA t WA ll A gA in. They C oulD not miss the plA ne!ThA t evening they D iD n’t h A ve supper. Mr. B rown hopeD to mA ke them hA ppy, so he sA iD , “Well, let me tell you A story. A n olD mA n liveD in A sixty-floor B uilD ing. One D A y he fell D own from it when he wA s C leA ning the winD ow. B ut he D iD n’t hurt himself.”“It w A s A mirA C le!” C A lle D out his C hilD ren, “Why?”“B eC A use he liveD on the first floor!”They A ll B egA n to lA ugh while two poliC emen with A B A g C A me in. They sA iD A C hinese B oy founD it unD er A B ig tree A nD he A skeD them to finD out who lost it.“It’s re A lly A mirA C le!” the B rowns sA iD hA ppily.31. Wh ere D iD the B rowns enjoy themselves B efore they left for New York?A . In LonD on.B . In B eijing.C . In ShA nghA i.D . In Hong Kong.32. Why D iD n’t they h A ve A nything thA t evening?A .B eC A use they were not hungry. B . B eC A use they were sorry for losing the C A merA .C . B eC A use they hAD nothing to eA t. D . B eC A use they hA D no time to hA ve supper.33. WhA t D iD Mr. B rowns tell A story to his fA mily for?A . He wA nteD to mA ke his fA mily hA ppy.B . HisC hilD ren A skeD him to D o so.C . He wA nteD to tell them A mirA C le. D . He likeD telling stories.34. Who founD the B A g?A . Two poliC emen.B . A n A meriC A n B oy. C . A C hinese girl.D . A C hinese B oy.35. From this story, you C A n guess the meA ning of the mirA C le is:A . 奇迹B 奇观C 奇怪D 惊讶【答案】31.B32.B33.A34.D35.A【解析】试题分析:本文主要讲述了Mr. B rown一家到北京旅行,拍了许多照片,却将照相机丢失了,后来又失而复得的故事.31.B 细节理解题.根据B efore they left for New York, the C lA rkes C limB eD the GreA t WA ll.可知,他们应该是在北京.故选B .32.B 细节理解题.通读整篇短文可知,他们把相机弄丢了,所以很不开心,没有吃晚饭.故选B .33.A 细节理解题.根据文章的意思和Mr. B rown hopeD to mA ke them hA ppy可知他想让家人高兴起来.故选A .34.D 细节理解题.根据They sA iD A C hinese B oy founD it unD er A B ig tree可知,是一个中国男孩发现的包.故选D .35.A 词义猜测题. 通读整篇短文可知,Mr. B rown以为相机丢了,没想到一个中国小男孩能找到,所以Mr.B rown认为这是一个奇迹.故选A .考点:故事类短文阅读.CMr.King works in A shop A nD D rives A C A r for the mA nA ger. He D rives C A refully A nD C A n keep C A lm in time of D A nger. The mA nA ger pA ys him more.Mr.B A ker, one of his frienD s, works in A fA C tory outsiD e the C ity. 36 A s the trA ffiC is C rowD eD in the morning, sometimes he is lA te for work. He hopes to B uy A C A r, B ut he hA sn't enough money.37 He C hose A B eA utiful B ut C heA p C A r. He sA iD he wA nteD to hA ve A triA l(实验)D rive, the seller A greeD . He C A lleD Mr. King A nD A skeD him to help him.38 A t first he D rove slowly A nD it workeD well. Then he D rove fA st. A nD when he reA C heDA C rossing, the light turneD reD . 39 ,B ut he fA ileD A nD neA rly hit A n olD womA n.40 However, the C A r went on until it hit A B ig tree B y the roA D .WhA t mA D e suC h A gooD D river mA ke this kinD of mistA ke?【答案】36.D37.A38.E39.B40.F【解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了金先生是个开车技术很好的司机.一次朋友买了一辆二手车让他帮忙试驾.可是车子出了故障,直到撞到一棵树上才停下来.警察责怪他时,他说车子都听不到他的话,难道它能听到警察的话.36.D 根据上文Mr.B A ker, one of his frienD s, works in A fA C tory outsiD e the C ity他的一个朋友在城市郊外工作.可知下文是It is fA r from his house A nD he hA s to go to work B y B us.离他家很远,他不得乘公共汽车去工作,故选D .37.A 根据上文He hopes to B uy A C A r, B ut he hA sn't enough money.他希望买一辆小汽车,但是他没有足够的钱,可知下文是LA st week, he D eC iD eD to B uy A n olD one.上周,他决定买一辆旧的.故选A . 38.E根据下文A t first he D rove slowly A nD it workeD well.刚开始他开得很慢,汽车跑的很好.可知上文是Mr. King exA mineD the C A r A t first A nD then D rove it A wA y.Mr. King首先检查了车,然后开走了,故选E.39.B 根据上文A nD when he reA C heD A C r ossing, the light turneD reD 当他到达十字路口的时候,灯变成了红色.可知下文是A poliC emA n tolD him to stop.警察让他停下来.故选B .40.F根据下文However, the C A r went on until it hit A B ig tree B y the roA D .然而,这辆车继续走,直到它撞到路旁的一棵大树.可知上文是He trieD to stop it,他设法停下来.故选F.考点:故事类短文阅读.四、完形填空.(每小题1分,共10分)The mA in C hA rA C ter of this A rtiC le is C A lleD D eA n B luey . He is A 41 sC hoolB oy from the USA . He B eC A me A hero yesterD A y A fter he sA veD the life of A womA n in A nother C ountry . D eA n B luey hA s muC h 42 in C omputer. One D A y , he 43 A n e-mA il to A frienD on the Internet . SuD D enly he reC eiveD A messA ge sA ying ‘ Help! P A in! Help! ’ The mess A ge wA s from FinlA nD ,B eC A use it is 44 kilometers A wA y from A meriC A . ID iD n’t know 45 I shoulD D o , D eA n sA iD to A reporter A fterwA rD s. It wA s reA lly D iffiC ult to tell if the messA ge wA s reA l. So D eA n D iD nothing A t first . 46 the messA ge kept C oming . B y then it wA s eA sy to see thA t someone wA s in trouB le , D eA n explA ineD . He founD thA t the senD er wA s A stuD ent C A lleD TA rjA , who wA s A lone in A university liB rA ry. She wA s ill. WhA t wA s 47 , there wA s no phone A rounD her. Her only wA y of C ommuniC A ting with the worlD wA s B y e-mA il . D eA n got in touC h 48 the poliC e A t onC e . A nD。

凉山州 2023—2024 学年度下期期末检测试卷八年级英语答案

凉山州 2023—2024 学年度下期期末检测试卷八年级英语答案


(共5小题,计5分)66.excited67.century68.opposite69.returned70.herself II.短文填空。

(共10小题,计10分)71.from72.friendly73.taken74.sunshine75.but 76.people’s77.important78.her79.discussion80.Such III.阅读表达。

(共10小题,计10分)test82.feelings/stories83.China/Jiangsu84.several/some85.Nobody 86.like87.2488.brings89.expressing90.before IV.书面表达。

(10分)Protect Ourselves at School(1分)These days,there is some bad behavior at some schools.Some students beat and hurt others,some students laugh at others,some don’t allow somebody to play in a group and some even ask their friends not to talk with someone.They sometimes say something bad about others and take away others’things without permission.(3分)These bad behaviors have a very bad influence.They make us feel unsafe and afraid.We don’t want to go to school sometimes.What’s worse,sometimes we don’t dare to make friends with others.(3分)How can we protect ourselves at school?Here are some ways to help us.We can’t fight with others at school.What’s more,we should try to make friends,so we can go home with them and try not to be alone.If others hurt us,we should ask our parents and teachers for help.The last but not least,remember to call the police if it’s serious.(3分)Hope everyone can stay away from such bad behaviors.。


That night, I told my___18___what I saw.
"You know," my mom told me, "if we lived anywhere else, we wouldn't be able to___19___any of this." Ithought about it for a few moments, and thought she was right.
1. What will Linda wear to the party?
A. B. C.
2. When will the girl's brother arrive?
A. B. C.
3. Which book has Steven finished reading?
12. When might the boy watch the movie?
A. This evening.B. This weekend.C. Next week.
13. What does David like now?
A. Both sports and music.B. Both drawing and music.C. Both art and sports.


A.Summer holiday activities.
B.Weekend plans.
C.Favorite movies.
17、What are they going to do fist when they meet on Saturday ?
A.Have dinner.
B.Do shopping.
They felt like old friends at the first sight. Both sides
___14___right away. After he finished teaching a group, he went to teach another, and___15___taught them some fishing skills. He asked one for every 10 fish the tourists
However,___20___fisherman didn’t have much fun. When the others circled around his camp, he became even more
___21___. After fishing for a whole day alone, he looked into the fish basket,and found he had___22___fish than his friend.
At the___17___of the day, the fisherman who kindly helped others received a(n)___18___basket of fish, and also got to know a large group of new friends. At the same time, he was respected(尊重)as a(n)___19___.


The doctor looked over her___70___. At last he said, “___71___serious, but I’m afraid you are eating too much.”
“I don’t understand. What do you mean?” asked Mary.
45.—________ you ________ London before?
—No, never, but I went to England last year.
A. Have; been toB. Have; gone toC. Did; go toD. Will; go to
46.____Mary____ Lucy has joined the art club because they have no time.
43.You will fail ________ you work hard.
A. ifB. as soon asC. unlessD. until
44.Shanghai is bigger than ________ in Australia.
A. any cityB. any citiesC. any other cityD. any other cities
25. The old man had to fight with the hunger and the ___________ (疾病)
26. It is raining_____________ (heavy) outside.
27. The baby pandas are __________(wake) very early in the morning.



四川省凉山州2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末英语试题(PDF版,含答案及听力原文,无音频)凉山州2022—2023 学年度下期期末检测试卷八年级英语全卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。

注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座位号、准考证号用0.5 毫米的黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上,并检查条形码粘贴是否正确。

2. 选择题使用2B 铅笔涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上;非选择题用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。

3. 考试结束后,将答题卡收回。

第玉卷选择题(65分)听力部分(20分)I. 情景反应。



(共5小题,计5分)1. A. He should rest. B. He has a cold. C. She is well.2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Clean up the park.3. A. Yes, I could. B. No, I couldn’t. C. Sure, I’d love to.4. A. Good idea. B. Well done. C. See you.5. A. It’s very short. B. It’s 8,848.86 meters high. C. It’s beautiful.域. 听下面5段短对话。



(共5小题,计5分)6. What was Peter doing at this time yesterdayA. B. C.7. What did the boy talk aboutA. B. C.8. When did Sandy go to HangzhouA. Last week.B. Last month.C. Last year.八年级英语试题卷第1 页(共8 页){#{ABSAogAgABIAABBCQwUCCkCQkgGAAIgGREAcsEAAyAFABCA=}#}9. Why hasn’t Ruby handed in her homeworkA. She can’t find it.B. She hasn’t finished it.C. She left it at home.10. How much food does the elephant eat one dayA. 10 kilos.B. 100 kilos.C. 150 kilos.芋. 听下面三材料,每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

八年级英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版) 人教新目标版

八年级英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版) 人教新目标版

八年级英语下学期期末考试试题(扫描版)人教新目标版鞍山市2012—2013学年度第二学期期末考试八年英语试卷参考答案听力部分I. 1-5 AABBCII. 6-10 ABCABIII. 11-15 ACBACIV. 16-20 BBACA笔试部分V. 21-25 CACCD 26-30 BDADBVI. 31-35 DACBD 36-40 BDACDVII. (A) 41-43 BDC (B) 44-45 CD (C) 46-50 CDBDC(D) 51. afraid/terrified/frightened 52. was knocking53. 我太害怕了,直到声音停止才敢睁开眼睛,才敢动。

54. If 55. Because she was afraid that something would happen to her mother.VIII. 56. given away 57. take off 58. saw, playing 59. encourages, to60. happened to 61. come true 62. make friends withIX. One possible example:Mother’s loveThere is a lot of love around us. A mother’s love is the breakfast in the morning, the naggin g after school, the encouragement when you succeed and the help when you’re in trouble.My mother helps me a lot. When I have a difficult problem in my studies, my mom always teaches me how to do it. She is very patient. If I still don’t understand it, she’ll explain it again and again until I get it.One day, we ate beef noodles in a small r estaurant. My mom put all the beef in my bowl. She said: “You’re growing, so eat more meat. I’m already full.” They were the best noodles that I had ever had, because they were full of my mother’s love.Love is everywhere. If we try to feel it, we’ll find it.。



2022-2023学年四川省眉山市八年级下学期期末英语试题Sansu Temple Museum and Memorial HallOpening hoursTuesday—Sunday: 9: 00 a. m. —6: 00 p. m.Monday: Memorial Hall is closed except(除了)on holidaysVisitors are not allowed to go into after 5: 3 0 p. m. !TicketsTickets: ¥40Tickets for students: 50%offTickets for the disabled, soldiers(士兵), the old over 60 and children under 6: freeIf you are a student, please show your school ID card. If you are the disabled, please show your disability certificate(残疾证). If you are a soldier, please show your soldier card. If you are over 60 or under 6, please show your ID card or residence booklet(户口本)Getting to the museumBus: No. 1, 2, 3, 11, 16, 19Car: Parking lot(停车场)We provide 100 free parking spaces. The parking lot is open from 9: 00 a. m. to 6: 00 p. m.every day.1. You can’t go to the Memorial Hall on ________ except holidays.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Friday D.Sunday2. If Miss Li, an English teacher, with her 62﹣year﹣old mother and 9﹣year﹣old so n wants to visit it, they will pay ________.A.¥40 B.¥60 C.¥80 D.¥1203. Which of the following is TRUE?A.Visitors can go into the museum at 5: 40 p. m.B.If you are a soldier, you can go to the museum for ¥20.C.There are six bus lines to get to the museum.D.Visitors can park their cars in the parking lot at any time.What are your plans for a vacation? Do you want to visit hutongs in Beijing, or would you like to fly to Hong Kong for a shopping trip? And what about spending a week or two on the beaches in Hainan?Well, none of these plans seem like a good idea right now. However, if you do need to get out to have some fun during the holiday, you can go camping.Camping is always popular. One survey by Visit Britain found around 4, 380, 000 people go camping in Britain every year. With nothing but food, water, a tent, and a sleeping bag, you can enjoy an exciting experience—putting up a tent on your own, learning to make a fire, and even cooking for yourself. You’re free from rules, away from other people.Camping is also a great way to relax and improve your health. When you are camping, you let go of all your problems in your day﹣to﹣day life, and the smell of dinner cooking over an open fire can help you to put your worries behind. And you can finally make peace with yourself.So, if you really want to take time away from your studies and life, why don’t you spend a few peaceful nights under the moon and the stars in the countryside? With any luck, you may even see a few cute animals!4. How does the writer introduce the topic in Paragraph 1?A.By making jokes. B.By giving facts.C.By asking questions. D.By telling stories.5. What does the underlined word “survey” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A.方式B.展示C.问题D.调查6. What can we learn from Paragraph 4?A.When the best time for camping is. B.Why camping is a good idea forvacation.C.Where the best place for camping is. D.Who you can go camping with.7. What is the purpose of the passage?A.To introduce a great place for camping. B.To talk about the best time for camping.D.To share an idea for spending a vacation.C.To ask for advice on holidaycelebrations.Big data(大数据) is a term that describes the large volume of data. It can be used in all kinds of ways. For example, the government uses it to know about how many people travel on buses or trains. The information is then used to make bus or train systems better. Companies(公司) use big data, too. It helps them to know about who buys their products (产品).Big data can be used for good reasons. Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick. The hospital can then take some other steps to take care of that baby so he orshe does not get sick. Big data can also be used for bad reasons. It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others, even if they have not done anything wrong.How can big data be used for good and bad things? It is because the computer programs are written by people. People think in a certain way. Because they think in a certain way, they build a model of those ideas. These ideas are then used to look at the data. Sometimes, these ideas are helpful for people or businesses. Other times, bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.8. What is big data?A.It is a term that people can’t live without.B.It is a term that describes the large volume of data.C.It is a way the government uses to know about all things.D.It is the only way to help businessmen to know about products.9. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?A.Big data can be used for bad reasons.B.Big data can be used to treat(治疗) the sick.C.Big data can help to know about what you want.D.Big data can be used for both good and bad reasons.10. The key to making good use of big data is ________.A.data B.ideas C.people D.programs11. What is the best title of the passage?A.Big Data and Our Life B.The Development of Big DataD.Big Data and New Technology C.The Good Points and Bad Points of BigDataLast summer brought extreme heat(极端高温) and droughts(干旱) to places around the world. From the US to China, record temperatures and low rainfall(降水量)had caused many problems.In the US, many states that use water from the Colorado River fought with low water levels. The country’s two largest lakes, Lake Mead and Lake Powell, are fed by the Colorado River. But they were at record low levels. Farmers in California and Arizona were hit especially hard. California put limits(限制) on water use across the state. Soon water was also limited in other places. When there were water limits, farmers weren’t able to grow as many crops. So the food prices rose because of that.China met similar problems. It was also hit by a terrible drought last summer with temperatures as high as 45℃. The drought dried up much of the water in the Yangtze River, China’s longest river. That cut the number of energy produced by the world’s largest dam by 40%. China hasn’t been ableto produce enough energy, since millions of people used electricity to keep cool. In Sichuan Province, the government closed some factories down because there was not enough energy.There are no easy ways for any of these droughts. So we must do something to save our earth. We can’t put off anymor e.12. In California, food prices rose last summer because ________.A.there weren’t enough land to grow cropsB.there weren’t enough people to grow cropsC.farmers wanted to make more money by selling foodD.farmers couldn’t grow as many crops without enough water.13. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.China B.Drought C.Problem D.Temperature14. The structure of the passage may be ________.A.B.C.D.15. In which part of a magazine can we probably read the passage?A.History. B.Nature. C.Travel. D.Health.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。




Has this ever happened to you? You want to do something and ask your parents. When you say, “I want to…”, your parents answer, “No, you can’t.” Teenagers often complain that their parents do not ___1___ them. When something goes wrong, most parents don’t believe in their children. Without asking why, they think their kids are ____2____. And not many parents____3____ their kids to choose for themselves.Yes, it is true that your parents sometimes: think of you as a ___4___ child. But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the mistakes you used to ___5___. They want to ____6____ you though you don’t want them to do so.So, if you want to get more freedom(自由), please try to ___7___ your parents and don’t lie(撒谎) to them. Try a more___8___ way. If you want them to let you stay out ___9___, don’t just say, “All the other ____10____ can stay out late.” Tell them what you will d o and where you’ll be and why it’s important for you to stay out late. Then they might say “Yes”.1. A. enjoy B. see C. understand D. help2. A. wrong B. right C. happy D. awake3. A. suppose B. allow C. push D. notice4. A. little B. tall C. strong D. perfect5. A. make B. eat C. cheat D. hold6. A. protect B. smile C. offer D. part7. A. hit B. fold C. understand D. control8. A. brave B. friendly C. common D. strange9. A. late B. early C. excited D. bright10. A. brothers B. parents C. teachers D. kids二、短文填空(10分)2、下面的材料A—F是对六个俱乐部的简单介绍,请根据五位学生的兴趣,帮助选出他们最感兴趣的俱乐部,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。



四川省眉山市东坡区2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试题一、阅读理解From May to July, the Meishan Culture and Art Center (MCAC) will provide 11 night school courses in English for foreigners. Below are four of the courses. All four will be held in the Dong Po Building of the MCAC.Each course has 12 lessons.1.If you want to learn how to make dumplings, which course can you attend?A.Chinese Snacks.B.Calligraphy.C.Traditional Bamboo weaving.D.Dongpo Pickled Vegetables.2.Which of the four courses is the cheapest one?A.Chinese Snacks.B.Dongpo Pickled Vegetables.C.Calligraphy.D.Traditional Bamboo weaving.3.What can you learn in the Traditional Bamboo Weaving Course?A.How to plant bamboo.B.How to use bamboo to write.C.How to weave bamboo artworks.D.How to weave bamboo articles (物品) for daily use.Once, a fox was walking around in the dark. Unluckily, he fell into a well (水井). He tried his best to come out but he failed. So, he had no other choice but to remain there till the next morning. The next day, a goat (山羊) came that way. She peeped (瞥见) into the well and saw the fox there. The goat asked, “What are you doing there, Mr. Fox?”The fox replied, “I came here to drink water. It is the best that I have ever tasted. Come and see for yourself.”The goat was really thirsty, so without thinking even for a while, she jumped into the well. The water was really good, and she drank a lot. When she tried to look for a way to get out, she also found herself helpless to come out.Then the fox said, “I have an idea. You stand on your hind (后部的) legs. I’ll climb on your head and get out. Then I shall help you come out too.” The goat didn’t think too much and did as the fox said and helped him get out of the well.While walking away, the fox said, “Had you been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out.”4.When did the fox most probably fall into the well?A.In the morning.B.At noon.C.In the afternoon.D.At night.5.Why did the goat jump into the well?A.Because she wanted to see what happened in the well.B.Because she wanted to help the fox out of the well.C.Because she wanted to make friends with the fox in the well.D.Because she wanted to have a taste of the water in the well.6.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The fox stayed in the well for more than two days.B.The fox came out of the well with the help of the goat.C.The goat jumped into the well but she didn’t drink water.D.The fox thanked the goat and then walked away.7.What can we learn from the passage?A.Don’t walk around at night by yourself.B.Do not just believe anything without thinking.C.Don’t try to talk to anyone you don’t know.D.Wait for other people to help when you are in danger.BMI is a measure (测量方法) that uses your height and weight to work out if you are fit.Some cities in China have included BMI in the PE test for the high school entrance examination, or zhongkao. For example, Beijing declared that BMI became a subject of the PE test for the zhongkao. Chengdu and Shanghai have also started similar actions.Zhang Yanshu is an eighth-grader from Beijing Chaoyang Foreign Language School. He started by running with his dad, and soon took training classes. “I think BMI and the events for the exam go well together. When I practice the events, my BMI gets better; when my BMI gets better, I feel more energetic doing the events.”Zhang also paid much attention to his food. “I ate brown rice instead of white rice, and chicken for meat most of the time,” he said. “It was for sure sad.” His BMI reached a good level after four months of effort.Chen Kaifei, 14, also from Beijing said that BMI is also a problem for students who are too thin, and has caused some “figure anxiety (身材焦虑)” among students. “However, mostly I think it has a good influence,” Chen said. “Everyone has a better understanding of their body and health conditions, and I started to care about my lifestyle every day, simply to keep my BMI at a good level.”8.What does the underlined word “declared” mean?A.Doubted.B.Announced.C.Cancelled.D.Found.9.To improve his BMI, Zhang Yanshu ________.a. ran with his dadb. didn’t eat any ricec. didn’t eat any meatd. took training classese. practiced the exam eventsA.abc B.bcd C.ade D.cde10.Which of the following is Chen Kaifei’s worry about the rule?A.It will only be helpful to thin students.B.It brings more disadvantages than advantages.C.It might make students worry about their body shape.D.It will greatly influence students’ scores in the zhongkao.11.What’s the best title for the passage?A.Keeping fit for exams B.Studying hard for zhongkaoC.Paying attention to your food D.Learning something about BMIWukong, Tiangong, Tianwen…Do you know where the names of Chinese space programs come from?Wukong, the Dark Matter Particle Explorer satellite (暗物质粒子探测卫星), is named after Chinese superhero of Monkey King. According to Journey to the West, Monkey King has a pair of sharp eyes which can tell the difference between good and evil. The Wukong satellite is just as sharp-eyed as Monkey King to help scientists search for dark matter in space.The name of the space station, Tiangong, means “Heavenly Palace”. In Chinese myths, this is the home of Tian Di. Now Tiangong Space Station is a home for Chinese astronauts in space. And China welcomes foreign astronauts to Tiangong so that they can work together.Tianwen, China’s Mars missions (任务), gets its name from the poem Tianwen by Qu Yuan. Qu Y uan is a well-known poet from ancient China. In Tianwen, he had the questions about the sky, stars, nature, myths and the real world, showing his hunger for truth. Perhaps the Tianwen missions will end up answering some of Qu Yuan’s questions.If you look into more names of Chinese space programs, you will find that they all have beautiful meanings. We, the Chinese people, have a long space dream. So the naming of Chinese space programs is treated very importantly.12.What is the Wukong satellite used for?A.Answering some of Qu Yuan’s questions.B.Finding the difference between good and evil.C.Helping scientists search for dark matter in space.D.Welcoming foreign astronauts to the space station.13.What does the underlined word “myths” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A.成语B.神话C.谚语D.传记14.The name of China’s Mars missions is from ________.A.Qu Yuan’s poem Tianwen B.a Chinese traditional storyC.ancient Chinese myths D.a novel called Journey to the West 15.Why do Chinese people treat naming of space programs importantly?A.Because we want to land on Mars.B.Because we have a dream for space.C.Because we want to protect the earth.D.Because we have the hunger for truth.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。






(共5小题,计5分)1.(1分)A.She hurt herself.B.She should get an X﹣ray.C.She is drinking water.2.(1分)A.Thank you.B.Yes,I do.C.It doesn't matter.3.(1分)A.I agree with you.B.I want to do it.C.I hope so.4.(1分)A.Sorry,you can't.B.I think so.C.Good idea.5.(1分)A.I was in my room.B.I cooked dinner.C.I was reading the book.Ⅱ.听下面5段短对话。



(共5小题,计5分)6.(1分)What's George's favorite book?A.B.C.7.(1分)Where's Gina going?A.B.C.8.(1分)What's the flight number?A.MU 5735.B.MU 5398.C.MU 8633.9.(1分)What will Jenny do on Saturday morning?A.Visit the old people's home.B.Teach kids.C.Clean up the city parks.10.(1分)Why does Jimmy look unhappy?A.Because his parents aren't happy.B.Because he worries about the final exams.C.Because his parents give him much pressure.Ⅲ.听下面3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。



2024届四川省眉山市八年级英语第二学期期末学业质量监测模拟试题满分120分,时间90分钟一、单项选择(共10小题,满分10分)1、—Do you think ________ is polite to ask someone’s age in China?—Er, most people don’t mind it.A. thatB. itC. this2、— Could I borrow a pencil?— ________. Here you are.A. Yes, you couldB. Of course you canC. No, you can’tD. No, you couldn’t3、—My father’s new mobile phone can be used ________ emails.—Is he used _______ on such a small screen?A. to send, to writeB. to send, to writingC. for sending, to writeD. to sending, to writing4、—Why isn’t your grandmother able to read or write?—Because she couldn’t __________ to go to school at that time.A. dependB. spreadC. afford5、— What________ the number of the students in your school?—About two thousand. A number of them ________ from the country.A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. are; are6、I’ve made ________ 120 dumplings in the last one hour.A. at lessB. at moreC. at leastD. at last7、From the notice, we know that Ms Smith ________.A. never uses the handbagB. paid 80 dollars for the handbagC. keeps her handbag in good conditionsD. would like to get a new handbag8、—I have ________ in learning math and I am so worried.—Take it easy, I can help you.A. funB. interestC. problemsD. progress9、The film was so wonderful that all of the tickets were ________ within two hours.A. cut outB. put outC. took outD. sold out10、________ great success that _________ Shenzhou-14 manned spaceship was launched into space!A. What a; aB. How; theC. How; aD. What a; the二、补全对话(10分)11、通读下面对话,根据对话内容,从下面的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。

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