第四章 安装规范
正转 反转 点动 保留
端子控制模式下,正转输入指令 端子控制模式下,反转输入指令 点动输入指令,默认正转
多段速 1~3
三个端子组合成 1~7 段速输入指 令
率 给 定 电 流 信 号
拟 信 号 地
馈 输 入 电 压 信 号
馈 输 入 电 流 信 号
率 表 输 出
正 转
反 转
控 制 信 号 地
点 动
保 留
多 段 速
多 段 速
多 段 速
复 位
加 减 速 时 间 选 择
加 减 速 时 间 选 择
行 频 率 水 平 检 测
行 频 率 水 平 检 测
制 辅 助 电 源
键盘、键盘电位器、端子 VA(0~5V、0~10V)端 子 IA(0~20mA、4~20mA)
端子 VF(0~5V、0~10V)、
端子 IF(0~20mA、4~20mA)
故障继电器输出 2A/240VAC 辅助控制信号 OT1、OT2(开集电极输出) 频率表输出(0~5V)
公司缩写 开发序列
系列标示 G:泛用型
内置制动单元 输出容量
第二章 标准规范
二、LP-100G 系列额定输出一览表
电压等级(V) 功率(kW)
BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元 产品样本说明书
MAKING MODERN LIVING POSSIBLE产品样本BD系列闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-2版本说明版本历史B D 系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-3BD 系列静液传动单元 .............................................................................................................................9-5BDU-10 S ,原理图 ....................................................................................................................................9-6BDU-21 L ,原理图.....................................................................................................................................9-7系统示意图, BDU-06/10S ........................................................................................................................9-8系统示意图, BDU-06/10S ........................................................................................................................9-8系统示意图, BDU-10L/21L/21H ............................................................................................................9-9系统示意图, BDU-10L/21L/21H, BDP-10L..........................................................................................9-9特征及可选项............................................................................................................................................9-10工作参数 .....................................................................................................................................................9-11传动油规格 ................................................................................................................................................9-11效率曲线 , BDU-06S, 10S ........................................................................................................................9-12效率曲线 , BDU-10L/21L, 21H, BDP-10L ...........................................................................................9-13概况 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-14输入速度 .....................................................................................................................................................9-14系统压力 .....................................................................................................................................................9-14补油压力 .....................................................................................................................................................9-15补油入口压力............................................................................................................................................9-15壳体压力 .....................................................................................................................................................9-15液压油 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-15温度及粘度 ................................................................................................................................................9-16液压油及过滤器.......................................................................................................................................9-17油箱 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-17控制轴作用力............................................................................................................................................9-17独立刹车系统............................................................................................................................................9-17主轴负载 .....................................................................................................................................................9-18轴选项 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-19旁通阀 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-21高压溢流阀(HPRV)及补油单向阀 (过压保护) ..............................................................................9-21带阻尼孔补油单向阀 .............................................................................................................................9-22可选集成油箱............................................................................................................................................9-24过滤器 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-24风扇 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-24概述工作参数系统设计参数特征及可选项技术规格目录产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-4元件选型型号代码推荐安装及保养维护安装图纸最高系统压力............................................................................................................................................9-25 输入功率 .....................................................................................................................................................9-26 元件寿命 .....................................................................................................................................................9-27BDU 型号代码 ...........................................................................................................................................9-29 BDP 型号代码............................................................................................................................................9-31 壳体安装 .....................................................................................................................................................9-32 轴安装 ..........................................................................................................................................................9-32样机调试程序............................................................................................................................................9-32操作 ...............................................................................................................................................................9-32保养维护 .....................................................................................................................................................9-32BDU-06S .......................................................................................................................................................9-33 BDU-10S .......................................................................................................................................................9-35BDU-10L .......................................................................................................................................................9-35BDU-21L .......................................................................................................................................................9-39BDU-21H ......................................................................................................................................................9-39BDP-10L .......................................................................................................................................................9-43可选风扇 .....................................................................................................................................................9-43目录B D 系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元产品样本BD系列 闭式回路轴向柱塞传动单元11012499 • AC • Jul 20109-5BD 系列静液传动单元适应用于能量的传递及控制。
爱普生(中国)有限公司北京市朝阳区建国路 号华贸中心 号楼 层爱普生官方天猫旗舰店:官方网站: 服务导购热线:400-810-997781 1 4官方微信/微博:爱普生中国ESS201107ADPP -50II/100III/100NII 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机● BD(蓝光)/DVD/CD 多媒体高速光盘刻录与盘面印刷● 爱普生微压电喷墨打印技术,精准色彩控制● 6色分体墨水系统,影像级盘面效果● AcuGrip 机械手确保光盘生产安全可靠●一次性批量生产高达100张光盘PP-100III 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机● BD (蓝光)/DVD/CD 多媒体高速光盘刻录与盘面印刷● 爱普生微压电喷墨打印技术,精准色彩控制● 6色分体墨水系统,影像级盘面效果● 提供以太网接口,实现网络管理功能● 自带主机和硬盘,加快数据处理速度●一次性批量生产高达100张光盘PP-100NII 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机● BD(蓝光)/DVD/CD 多媒体高速光盘刻录与盘面印刷● 爱普生微压电喷墨打印技术,精准色彩控制● 6色分体墨水系统,影像级盘面效果● AcuGrip 机械手确保光盘生产安全可靠●一次性批量生产高达50张光盘PP-50II 爱普生光盘印刷刻录机备注:PP-50I I 一次批量生产高达50张光盘,PP-100III 与PP-100NII 一次批量生产高达100张光盘在爱普生实验室选择的特定光盘介质进行测试,测试数据容量: 600MB(CD), 3.8GB(DVD),23.8GB(BD)纯打印时间,不包括完成50张以后添加光盘的时间*1*2*3Discproducer 系列刻录机是爱普生全新开发的用于刻录和印刷光盘的专业设备。
PP 系列光盘印刷刻录机,以便捷可靠、高品质、低成本完成光盘生产、复制等,满足各行业光盘制作的需求。
感谢您选择MPD100系列产品,为了人身和设备的安全,对本设备进行连 接之前,请务必仔细阅读本说明书并务必注意以下几点。 ² 装置电源为85~265Vac(50/60Hz),或100~280Vdc ² 装置的引出线端子和显示界面按照最大功能设定, 但您的产品可能因 为订货的原因而不具备某些功能 ² 注意电流互感器一次电缆引线方向 ² 电压电流额定值是否和实际互感器一致 ² 电机起动方式、开关量输入输出设置是否和电动机一、二次接线一致 ² 禁止带电通断通讯线 打开包装,请检查以下几项 : ² 运输中产品未被损坏 ² 产品编号与订货相符 ² 按照本说明书附录A核对随机附件
INT 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 8 9
MPD100 电动机保护控制器 热过载保护 ............................................................................................................35 电流速断保护.........................................................................................................36 过流(定子绕组过负荷)保护.............................................................................36 堵转保护 ................................................................................................................36 欠流保护 ................................................................................................................36 不平衡(负序)电流保护.....................................................................................36 接地保护/漏电保护 ...............................................................................................36 过电压保护 ............................................................................................................37 低电压保护 ............................................................................................................37 欠功率保护 ............................................................................................................37 电机预埋热敏电阻检测保护.................................................................................37 显示页面结构与基本操作.....................................................................................38 测量数据的显示.....................................................................................................38 电机状态 ................................................................................................................39 事件记录 ................................................................................................................40 单元型号 ................................................................................................................40 系统自检 ................................................................................................................41 控制器设置 ............................................................................................................41 保护整定 ................................................................................................................47 历史记录 ................................................................................................................51 时间日期 ................................................................................................................51
石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版)(石油软件下载)序号缩写英文中文1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会8 BD Business Director 商务主任9 BD Business Development 市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水12 BL Battery limits 界区13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据14 BM Bill of Material 材料表15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点18 BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯23 C Construction 施工24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数31 CL Center line 中心线32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计41 GB GUO BIAO 国标42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GW Gross weight 毛重49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60 HO Home Office 总部61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油64 HR Human Resource 人力资源65 HP High pressure 高压66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) 界区内72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点73 IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工委员会74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) 界区内80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织81 IS&T/IT Information System and Technology (same as IT) 信息系统和技术82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书83 JV Joint Venture 合营者84 KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documentsused for control of total scope 项目计划195 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level 项目计划296 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划397 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书99 LP Low Pressure 低气压100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价102 LS Low sulfur 低硫103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油108 LTFT Low-temperature flow test 低温流动性试验109 LTRS Low-temperature recovery system 低温回收系统110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi-Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值121 MP Medium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化123 MR Material Requisition 请购单124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) 请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单127 MTO Material Take-Off 材料表128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压129 MW Mega-Watt 兆瓦130 MW Molecular weight 分子量131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的132 N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £®same as OSBL 界区外143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) 界区外145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 项目计划管理146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project Automation Group 项目自动化团队148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表149 P&ID Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置155 PE Project Engineer 项目工程师156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 项目设计经理158 PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图160 PFE Project Field Engineer 项目现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P&ID) 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram) 工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PM Project Manager 项目经理166 PMC Project Management Contractor 项目管理承包商167 PMM Project Material Manager 项目材料经理168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃170 PO Procurement Order 采购订单171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 项目采购经理174 PQP Project Quality Plan 项目质量计划175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 项目质量保证经理176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理177 PR Procedure 程序178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国179 PRS Power recovery system 能量回收系统180 PSA Pressure swing adsorption 变压吸附181 PSM Project Site Manager 项目现场经理182 PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡184 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证185 QC Quality Control 质量控制186 QM Quality Management 质量管理187 RDS Resid desulfurization 渣油(加氢)脱硫188 RFCC Resid FCC 渣油催化裂化189 RFG Reformulated gasoline 新配方汽油190 RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization 渣油加氢脱硫192 RIS Refinery information system 炼油厂信息系统193 RMP Risk management plan 风险管理计划194 RON Research octane number 研究法辛烷值195 RONC Research octane number clear 不加铅研究法辛烷值196 ROSE Resid oil supercritical extraction 渣油超临界抽提197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油198 SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡199 SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施200 RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车201 S/C Subcontractor 分包商202 SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体203 SOR Start of run 运转初期204 SR Semi-regenerative 半再生的205 SR Straight run 直馏206 SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置207 SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢208 SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化209 STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机210 TAN Total acid number 总酸值211 TBD To be Determined 待定212 TBN Total base number 总碱值213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要214 T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采购) 215 TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期216 TGCU Tail gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置217 TGTU Tail gas treating unit 尾气处理装置218 TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用219 T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通与后勤管理220 TS Technical Specialist 技术专家221 TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议222 TF Tank Farm 罐区223 UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图224 ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油225 UK United Kingdom 英国226 UR Unit Rate 单价227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国228 VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置229 VE Value Engineering 价值工程230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油231 VI Viscosity index 粘度指数232 VL Vendor List 制造厂表233 VP Vendor Print 厂商资料234 VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料管理系统235 VPTL Vendor Print Transmittal Letter 厂商资料传送236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油237 VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫238 VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油239 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网240 WHSV Weight hourly space velocity 重时空速241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会242 WT Weight 重量243 WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统244 VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯245 VIP Value Improvement Practices 价值工程实践246 WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构247 XHVI Extra high viscosity index 超高粘度指数。
1 编制目的为了在工程设计文件中正确使用英文缩写词和理解英文缩写词表达的涵义,特编制本文件.2 适用范围英文缩写词可以在英文注释的给排水专业图纸和设计文件中使用。
用中文注释的图纸和设计文件除特殊情况外, 一般不采用。
在绘制工程设计图纸时, 英文缩写词一律采用大写字母.3 给排水专业英文缩写词3.1 配管另部件类:序号缩写词英文名称中文名称3。
1.1 P Pipe 管子3。
2 EL Elbow 弯头3。
1.3 MEL Mitre elbow 虾米腰弯头3.1.4 REL Reducing elbow 导径弯头3。
5 T Tee 三通3.1.6 LT Lateral tee 斜三通3.1。
7 RT Reducing tee 导径三通3。
8 R Reducer 导径管(大小头)3。
1.9 CR Concentric reducer 同心异径管(同心大小头)3.1。
10 ER Eccentric reducer 偏心异径管(偏心大小头)3.1。
11 CPL Coupling 管箍3.1.12 ECPL Full coupling 双头管箍3.1。
13 HCPL Half coupling 单头管箍3.1.14 RCPL Reducing coupling 异径管箍3.1。
15 BU Bushing 内外螺纹接头3。
16 UN Union 活接头3。
1.17 HC Hose coupler 软管接头3。
1.18 NIP Nipple 短节3.1。
19 CP Cap 管帽(封头)3。
1.20 PL Plug 管堵(丝堵)3。
21 BLK Blank 盲板3。
22 SB Spectacle blank(blind) 8字盲板3.1.23 MH Metallic hose 金属软管3。
24 RP Reinforcing pad 补强板3.1。
25 FLG Flange 法兰3。
26 WNF Welding neck flange 对焊法兰3.1。
石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版)序号缩写英文中文1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域工程工程师5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会8 BD Business Director 商务主任9 BD Business Development 市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水12 BL Battery limits 界区13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据14 BM Bill of Material 材料表15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点18 BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国规范协会20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯23 C Construction 施工24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数31 CL Center line 中心线32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计41 GB GUO BIAO 国标42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GW Gross weight 毛重49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60 HO Home Office 总部61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油64 HR Human Resource 人力资源65 HP High pressure 高压66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) 界区内72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点73 IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工委员会74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) 界区内80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际规范化组织81 IS&T/IT Information System and Technology (same as IT) 信息系统和技术82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书83 JV Joint Venture 合营者84 KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documentsused for control of total scope 工程计划195 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level 工程计划296 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 工程计划397 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书99 LP Low Pressure 低气压100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价102 LS Low sulfur 低硫103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油108 LTFT Low-temperature flow test 低温流动性实验109 LTRS Low-temperature recovery system 低温回收系统110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi-Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值121 MP Medium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化123 MR Material Requisition 请购单124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) 请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单127 MTO Material Take-Off 材料表128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压129 MW Mega-Watt 兆瓦130 MW Molecular weight 分子量131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的132 N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £®same as OSBL 界区外143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) 界区外145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 工程计划经管146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project Automation Group 工程自动化团队148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表149 P&ID Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置155 PE Project Engineer 工程工程师156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 工程设计经理158 PET Project Execution Team 工程执行组159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图160 PFE Project Field Engineer 工程现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 工程现场采购经理162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P&ID) 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram) 工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PM Project Manager 工程经理166 PMC Project Management Contractor 工程经管承包商167 PMM Project Material Manager 工程材料经理168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃170 PO Procurement Order 采购订单171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 工程采购经理174 PQP Project Quality Plan 工程质量计划175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 工程质量保证经理176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 工程质量控制经理177 PR Procedure 程序178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国179 PRS Power recovery system 能量回收系统180 PSA Pressure swing adsorption 变压吸附181 PSM Project Site Manager 工程现场经理182 PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡184 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证185 QC Quality Control 质量控制186 QM Quality Management 质量经管187 RDS Resid desulfurization 渣油(加氢)脱硫188 RFCC Resid FCC 渣油催化裂化189 RFG Reformulated gasoline 新配方汽油190 RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization 渣油加氢脱硫192 RIS Refinery information system 炼油厂信息系统193 RMP Risk management plan 风险经管计划194 RON Research octane number 研究法辛烷值195 RONC Research octane number clear 不加铅研究法辛烷值196 ROSE Resid oil supercritical extraction 渣油超临界抽提197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油198 SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡199 SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施200 RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车201 S/C Subcontractor 分包商202 SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体203 SOR Start of run 运转初期204 SR Semi-regenerative 半再生的205 SR Straight run 直馏206 SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置207 SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢208 SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化209 STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机210 TAN Total acid number 总酸值211 TBD To be Determined 待定212 TBN Total base number 总碱值213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要214 T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采购) 215 TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期216 TGCU Tail gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置217 TGTU Tail gas treating unit 尾气处理装置218 TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用219 T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通与后勤经管220 TS Technical Specialist 技术专家221 TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议222 TF Tank Farm 罐区223 UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图224 ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油225 UK United Kingdom 英国226 UR Unit Rate 单价227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国228 VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置229 VE Value Engineering 价值工程230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油231 VI Viscosity index 粘度指数232 VL Vendor List 制造厂表233 VP Vendor Print 厂商资料234 VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料经管系统235 VPTL Vendor Print Transmittal Letter 厂商资料传送236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油237 VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫238 VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油239 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网240 WHSV Weight hourly space velocity 重时空速241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会242 WT Weight 重量243 WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统244 VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯245 VIP Value Improvement Practices 价值工程实践246 WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构247 XHVI Extra high viscosity index 超高粘度指数。
As easy as A-1-cAutomatically re-testrejected resultsThe D-100™ system includes an onboard Advisor that providesa consistent, thorough review of every result . Normal resultsmay be released automatically, while flagged results are held forfurther review . The Advisor helps to ensure nothing is missedwhile dramatically reducing hands-on time .Work smarterThe D-100™ system delivers high-quality results quickly and efficiently . All consumables are RFID-tagged for fully automated traceability and convenience . And, when it comes time, you can replace reagents without stopping the run .Get more done10,000-testanalytical column with RFID tag 80 results/hourBe confidentThe D-100™ system generates gold-standard HPLC results every 45 seconds with variant detection and no interference from common variants . This means you can have complete confidence in your results .The future of A1c testing Ordering InformationCatalog No. Description290-1000 D-100™ Hemoglobin Testing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each 290-1004 D-100™ HbA 1c Analytical Cartridge/Calibrator Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each 290-1006 D-100™ HbA 1c Calibrator Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each 290-1007 D-100™ Prefilters (5-pack) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each290-1008 D-100™ Cleaning Tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each 290-1009 D-100™ Sample Diluent, 1L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each 290-1010 D-100™ HbA 1c Elution Buffer A, 2600 mL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each 290-1011 D-100™ HbA 1c Elution Buffer B, 1400 mL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each290-1012 D-100™ Wash Solution, 3300 mL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 each With over 30 years of experience in HPLC testing, Bio-Rad has developed the most advanced solution for A1c analysis . The D-100™ system simplifies high throughput A1c testing without sacrificing the high-quality results that are critical to patient care .Contact your Bio-Rad representative for a look at the future of A1c testing, today .Hemoglobin Interferences • No interference from hemoglobins S, C, D, and E • No interference from carbamylated Hb and labile HbA 1c • No interference from fetal Hb up to 30%Performance SpecificationsTotal Precision* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .≤1 .7% CV (NGSP units)Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Total error < 6%Linear Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 .5 to 20% HbA 1cSample Concentration Range . . . . . . .50,000–350,000 mAUHbA 1c Units Reported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFCC and NGSPFor further information, please contact the Bio-Rad office nearest you or visit our website at /diagnostics Clinical Diagnostics Group Web site /diagnostics USA 180****6723Australia 61 2 9914 2800 Austria 43 1 877 8901 Belgium 32 03 710 53 00 Brazil 55 31 3689 6600 Canada 151****4372China 86 21 61698500 Czech Republic 420 241 430 532 Denmark 45 4452 1000 Finland 358 9 804 22 00 France 33 1 47 95 60 00 Germany 49 0 89 318 840 Greece 30 210 7774396 Hong Kong 852 2789 3300 Hungary 36 1 459 6100 India 180****1224Israel 972 3 9636050 Italy 39 02 216091 Japan 81 3 6361 7070 Korea 82 2 3473 4460 Mexico 52 55 5488 7670 The Netherlands 31 318 540666 New Zealand 64 9 415 2280 Norway 47 23 38 41 30 Poland 48 22 3319999 Portugal 351 21 472-7700 Russia 7 495 721 1404 Singapore 65 6415 3170 South Africa 27 11 442 85 08 Spain 34 91 590 5200 Sweden 46 8 555 127 00 Switzerland 41 0 26 674 55 05 06 Taiwan 886 2 2578 7189 Thailand 662 651 8311 United Kingdom 44 0 20 8328 2000Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.© 2016 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Printed in USA DG16-0007 A-320 Rev. 02/2016Printed on recycled paperwith soy-based inks * Total precision is based on a 3-instrument, 60-day precision study using 3 lots of reagents to generate a total of 720 data points per sample . Itincludes the following sources of variation: within-run (repeatability), between-run, between-day, between-instrument, and between-lot .。
石油化工英语常用缩写序号 缩写 英文 中文1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会8 BD Business Director 商务主任9 BD Business Development 市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水12 BL Battery limits 界区13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据14 BM Bill of Material 材料表15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点18 BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯23 C Construction 施工24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数31 CL Center line 中心线32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计41 GB GUO BIAO 国标42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GW Gross weight 毛重49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60 HO Home Office 总部61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油64 HR Human Resource 人力资源65 HP High pressure 高压66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) 界区内72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点73 IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工委员会74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) 界区内80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织81 IS&T/IT Information System and Technology (same as IT) 信息系统和技术82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书83 JV Joint Venture 合营者84 KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documentsused for control of total scope 项目计划195 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level 项目计划296 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划397 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书99 LP Low Pressure 低气压100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价102 LS Low sulfur 低硫103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油108 LTFT Low-temperature flow test 低温流动性试验109 LTRS Low-temperature recovery system 低温回收系统110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi-Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议 120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值121 MP Medium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化123 MR Material Requisition 请购单124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) 请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单127 MTO Material Take-Off 材料表128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压129 MW Mega-Watt 兆瓦130 MW Molecular weight 分子量131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的132 N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会 136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £®same as OSBL 界区外143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) 界区外145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 项目计划管理146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project Automation Group 项目自动化团队148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表149 P&ID Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图 150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置155 PE Project Engineer 项目工程师156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 项目设计经理158 PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图160 PFE Project Field Engineer 项目现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理 162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P&ID) 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram) 工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PM Project Manager 项目经理166 PMC Project Management Contractor 项目管理承包商167 PMM Project Material Manager 项目材料经理168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃 170 PO Procurement Order 采购订单171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 项目采购经理174 PQP Project Quality Plan 项目质量计划175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 项目质量保证经理 176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理 177 PR Procedure 程序178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国179 PRS Power recovery system 能量回收系统180 PSA Pressure swing adsorption 变压吸附181 PSM Project Site Manager 项目现场经理182 PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡184 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证185 QC Quality Control 质量控制186 QM Quality Management 质量管理187 RDS Resid desulfurization 渣油(加氢)脱硫188 RFCC Resid FCC 渣油催化裂化189 RFG Reformulated gasoline 新配方汽油190 RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization 渣油加氢脱硫192 RIS Refinery information system 炼油厂信息系统193 RMP Risk management plan 风险管理计划194 RON Research octane number 研究法辛烷值195 RONC Research octane number clear 不加铅研究法辛烷值 196 ROSE Resid oil supercritical extraction 渣油超临界抽提 197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油198 SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡199 SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施200 RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车201 S/C Subcontractor 分包商202 SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体203 SOR Start of run 运转初期204 SR Semi-regenerative 半再生的205 SR Straight run 直馏206 SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置207 SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢208 SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化 209 STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机210 TAN Total acid number 总酸值211 TBD To be Determined 待定212 TBN Total base number 总碱值213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要214 T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采购)215 TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期216 TGCU Tail gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置217 TGTU Tail gas treating unit 尾气处理装置218 TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用219 T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通与后勤管理220 TS Technical Specialist 技术专家221 TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议222 TF Tank Farm 罐区223 UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图224 ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油225 UK United Kingdom 英国226 UR Unit Rate 单价227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国228 VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置229 VE Value Engineering 价值工程230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油231 VI Viscosity index 粘度指数232 VL Vendor List 制造厂表233 VP Vendor Print 厂商资料234 VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料管理系统 235 VPTL Vendor Print Transmittal Letter 厂商资料传送 236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油237 VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫 238 VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油239 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网240 WHSV Weight hourly space velocity 重时空速241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会242 WT Weight 重量243 WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统 244 VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯245 VIP Value Improvement Practices 价值工程实践 246 WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构247 XHVI Extra high viscosity index 超高粘度指数。
(BD100国标)2)它既可以用作燃料(符合柴油机燃料调合用生物柴油国家标准的为生物柴油B D100),也可以用作化工产品的原料或中间体。
不生长 = 抗生素抑制细菌生长 生长 = 抗生素无法抑制细菌生长
Increasing Antibiotic Conc.
MIC = 8
2 4
MIC (最小抑菌浓度) = 抗生素可抑制细菌生长的最小 浓度。
Format: NMIC/ID-4 Format: PMIC/ID-55 Standard: NCCLS Standard: NCCLS / BSAC Standard: Format: SMIC/ID-2 NCCLS
Cefpodoxime 头孢泊肟
Ceftazidime 头孢他啶
Ceftriaxone 头孢曲松 Clavulanate 克拉维酸
not ESBL Ceftriaxone 头孢曲松 Clavulanate 克拉维酸
not ESBL
抑制 生长
Ceftazidime 头孢他啶
凤凰全自动细菌鉴定/药敏检测系统 最大的标本容量: 对100个标本同时进 行鉴定与药敏测试!
• 2000年
– 欧洲正式上市,113 Units, FY01 – 在中国上市准备 – 中国技术人员在美国培训
• 2002年
– – – – – 苏州培训基地建立 为香港临床评估提供技术支援 中文软件设计完毕 为代理商提供操作培训 为美国提供中国用户反馈及技术 改进意见
• 2001年
– 根据SDA/FDA认可的方案在 中国实验点评估完毕 – 在中国完成仪器注册 – BD工程师培训完毕 – 在中国上市
HD74LV1G04AInverterREJ03D0064-0800Rev.8.00 Mar 21, 2008DescriptionThe HD74LV1G04A has an inverter in a 5 pin package. Low voltage and high-speed operation is suitable for the battery powered products (e.g., notebook computers), and the low power consumption extends the battery life.Features• The basic gate function is lined up as Renesas uni logic series. • Supplied on emboss taping for high-speed automatic mounting. • Electrical characteristics equivalent to the HD74LV04A Supply voltage range : 1.65 to 5.5 VOperating temperature range : –40 to +85°C• All inputs V IH (Max.) = 5.5 V (@V CC = 0 V to 5.5 V) All outputs V O (Max.) = 5.5 V (@V CC = 0 V)• Output current ±6 mA (@V CC = 3.0 V to 3.6 V), ±12 mA (@V CC = 4.5 V to 5.5 V) • All the logical input has hysteresis voltage for the slow transition. • Ordering InformationPart NamePackage TypePackage Code (Previous Code) Package AbbreviationTaping Abbreviation(Quantity) HD74LV1G04ACME CMPAK–5 pinPTSP0005ZC-A(CMPAK-5V) CM E (3000 pcs/reel) HD74LV1G04AVSE VSON–5 pinPUSN0005KA-A(TNP-5DV)VSE (3000 pcs/reel)Note: Please consult the sales office for the above package availability.Outline and Article IndicationOutline and Article IndicationFunction TableInput A Output YH LL H H : High levelL : Low levelPin ArrangementAbsolute Maximum RatingsItem Symbol Ratings Unit Test ConditionsSupply voltage range V CC –0.5 to 7.0 VInput voltage range *1V I –0.5 to 7.0 V–0.5 to V CC + 0.5 Output : H or LOutput voltage range *1, 2 V O –0.5 to 7.0 VV CC : OFFInput clamp current I IK –20 mA V I < 0 Output clamp current I OK ±50 mA V O < 0 or V O > V CC Continuous output current I O ±25 mA V O = 0 to V CC Continuous current through V CC or GNDI CC or I GND ±50 mAMaximum power dissipationat Ta = 25°C (in still air) *3P T 200 mW Storage temperature Tstg–65 to 150°CNotes: The absolute maximum ratings are values, which must not individually be exceeded, and furthermore no twoof which may be realized at the same time.1. The input and output voltage ratings may be exceeded if the input and output clamp-current ratings areobserved.2. This value is limited to 5.5 V maximum.3. The maximum package power dissipation was calculated using a junction temperature of 150°C.Recommended Operating ConditionsItem Symbol Min Max Unit ConditionsSupply voltage range V CC 1.65 5.5 V Input voltage range V I 0 5.5 V Output voltage range V O 0 V CC V— 1 V CC = 1.65 to 1.95 V — 2 V CC = 2.3 to 2.7 V— 6 V CC = 3.0 to 3.6 V I OL— 12 V CC = 4.5 to 5.5 V— –1 V CC = 1.65 to 1.95 V — –2 V CC = 2.3 to 2.7 V— –6 V CC = 3.0 to 3.6 V Output current I OH— –12 mAV CC = 4.5 to 5.5 V 0 300 V CC = 1.65 to 1.95 V 0 200 V CC = 2.3 to 2.7 V0 100 V CC = 3.0 to 3.6 V Input transition rise or fall rate ∆t / ∆v 0 20 ns / VV CC = 4.5 to 5.5 V Operating free-air temperatureT a –40 85 °CNote: Unused or floating inputs must be held high or low.• Ta = –40 to 85°CItem Symbol V CC (V) * Min Typ Max Unit Test condition1.65 to 1.95 V CC ×0.75 — —2.3 to 2.7 V CC ×0.7 — —3.0 to 3.6 V CC ×0.7 — — V IH4.5 to5.5 V CC ×0.7 — —1.65 to 1.95 — — V CC ×0.252.3 to 2.7 — — V CC ×0.33.0 to 3.6 — — V CC ×0.3 Input voltage V IL4.5 to5.5 — — V CC ×0.3 V1.8 — 0.25 —2.5 — 0.30 —3.3 — 0.35 —Hysteresis voltage V H 5.0 — 0.45 — V V T + – V T –Min to Max V CC –0.1 — — I OH = –50 µA1.65 1.4 — — I OH = –1 mA2.3 2.0 — —I OH = –2 mA 3.0 2.48 — —I OH = –6 mA V OH4.5 3.8 — —I OH = –12 mAMin to Max — — 0.1I OL = 50 µA 1.65 — — 0.3 I OL = 1 mA 2.3 — — 0.4 I OL = 2 mA 3.0 — — 0.44I OL = 6 mAOutput voltageV OL4.5 — — 0.55 VI OL = 12 mA Input current I IN0 to 5.5 — — ±1 µA V IN = 5.5 V or GNDQuiescent supply current I CC 5.5 — — 10 µAV IN = V CC or GND,I O = 0Output leakage currentI OFF 0 — — 5 µA V IN or V O = 0 to 5.5 V Input capacitanceC IN 3.3 — 3.0 — pF V IN = V CC or GNDNote: For conditions shown as Min or Max, use the appropriate values under recommended operating conditions.• V CC = 1.8 ± 0.15 VTa = 25°C Ta = –40 to 85°CItem Symbol Min Typ Max Min Max UnitTestConditions FROM (Input) TO (Output)— 12.6 22.0 1.0 24.0 C L = 15 pF Propagation delay time t PLHt PHL — 19.7 33.0 1.0 36.0 nsC L = 50 pFAY• V CC = 2.5 ± 0.2 VTa = 25°C Ta = –40 to 85°CItem Symbol Min Typ Max Min Max UnitTestConditions FROM (Input) TO (Output)— 7.0 11.7 1.0 14.0 C L = 15 pF Propagation delay time t PLHt PHL — 10.5 15.5 1.0 18.0 nsC L = 50 pFAY• V CC = 3.3 ± 0.3 VTa = 25°C Ta = –40 to 85°CItem Symbol Min Typ Max Min Max UnitTestConditions FROM (Input) TO (Output)— 5.0 7.1 1.0 8.5 C L = 15 pF Propagation delay time t PLHt PHL — 7.5 10.6 1.0 12.0 nsC L = 50 pFAY• V CC = 5.0 ± 0.5 VTa = 25°C Ta = –40 to 85°CItem Symbol Min Typ Max Min Max UnitTestConditions FROM (Input) TO (Output)— 3.8 5.5 1.0 6.5C L = 15 pF Propagation delay time t PLH t PHL— 5.3 7.5 1.0 8.5nsC L = 50 pFAYOperating Characteristics• C L = 50 pFTa = 25°CItem Symbol V CC (V)Min Typ MaxUnit Test Conditions3.3 — 8.5 —Power dissipationcapacitanceC PD5.0 — 10.0 —pFf = 10 MHzTest CircuitWaveformsPackage DimensionsRefer to "/en/network " for the latest and detailed information.Renesas Technology America, Inc.450 Holger Way, San Jose, CA 95134-1368, U.S.A Tel: <1> (408) 382-7500, Fax: <1> (408) 382-7501Renesas Technology Europe LimitedDukes Meadow, Millboard Road, Bourne End, Buckinghamshire, SL8 5FH, U.K.Tel: <44> (1628) 585-100, Fax: <44> (1628) 585-900Renesas Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Unit 204, 205, AZIACenter, No.1233 Lujiazui Ring Rd, Pudong District, Shanghai, China 200120Tel: <86> (21) 5877-1818, Fax: <86> (21) 6887-7858/7898Renesas Technology Hong Kong Ltd.7th Floor, North Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> 2265-6688, Fax: <852> 2377-3473Renesas Technology Taiwan Co., Ltd.10th Floor, No.99, Fushing North Road, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: <886> (2) 2715-2888, Fax: <886> (2) 3518-3399Renesas Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.1 Harbour Front Avenue, #06-10, Keppel Bay Tower, Singapore 098632 Tel: <65> 6213-0200, Fax: <65> 6278-8001Renesas Technology Korea Co., Ltd.Kukje Center Bldg. 18th Fl., 191, 2-ka, Hangang-ro, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-702, Korea Tel: <82> (2) 796-3115, Fax: <82> (2) 796-2145Renesas Technology Malaysia Sdn. BhdUnit 906, Block B, Menara Amcorp, Amcorp Trade Centre, No.18, Jln Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: <603> 7955-9390, Fax: <603> 7955-9510RENESAS SALES OFFICES。
危险货物一览表联合国编号名称和说明类别或次要危险性联合国包装特殊规定有限数量容器和中型散货箱便携式罐体和散装货箱项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)0004 苦味酸铵,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于10%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)PP260005 武器弹药筒,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300006 武器弹药筒,带有爆炸装药g 1.1E 无P130LP101 PP67 L10007 武器弹药筒,带有爆炸装药g 1.2F 无P1300009 燃烧弹药,带有或不带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.2G 无P130LP101PP67L10010 燃烧弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.3G 无P130LP101PP67L10012 武器弹药筒,带惰性射弹或轻武器弹药筒g1.4S 无P1300014 武器弹药筒,无弹头或轻武器弹药筒,无弹头g1.4S 无P1300015 发烟弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.2G 204 无P130LP101PP67L10016 发烟弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.3G 204 无P130LP101PP67L10018 催泪弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.2G 6.18无P130LP101PP67L10019 催泪弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.3G 6.18无P130LP101PP67L10020 毒性弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g1.2K 6.1 274 无P1010021 毒性弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g1.3K 6.1 274 无P101 0027 黑火药(火药),颗粒状或粉状g 1.1D 无P113 PP50 0028 压缩黑火药(火药)或丸状黑火药(火药)g1.1D 无P113 PP51 0029 非电引爆雷管,爆破用g 1.1B 无P131 PP68 0030 电引爆雷管,爆破用g 1.1B 无P131 0033 炸弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300034 炸弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10035 炸弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.2D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10037 摄影闪光弹g 1.1F 无P1300038 摄影闪光弹g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L1项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)0039 摄影闪光弹g 1.2G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10042 助爆管,不带雷管g 1.1D 无P132 (a)or (b)0043 起爆装置,爆炸性g 1.1D 无P133 PP69 0044 帽型起爆器g 1.4S 无P1330048 爆破炸药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10049 闪光弹药筒g 1.1G 无P135 0050 闪光弹药筒g 1.3G 无P135 0054 信号弹药筒g 1.3G 无P135 0055 空弹药筒壳,带有起爆器g 1.4S 无P1360056 深水炸药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10059 聚能装药,不带雷管g 1.1D 无P137 PP70 0060 补助性爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P132 (a)or (b)0065 导爆索,软的g 1.1D 无P139 PP71PP720066 点燃导火索g 1.4G 无P140 0070 爆炸式电缆切割器g 1.4S 无P134LP1020072 环三亚甲基三硝胺(旋风炸药,黑索金,RDX),湿的,按重量含水不低于15%g1.1D 266 无P112 (a) PP450073 弹药用雷管g 1.1B 无P1330074 二硝基重氮苯酚,湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于40%g 1.1A 266 无P110 (a) or(b)PP420075 二甘醇二硝酸酯,减敏的,按重量含有不低于25%不挥发、不溶于水的减敏剂g 1.1D 266 无P115 PP53PP54PP57PP580076 二硝基苯酚,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15%g 1.1D 6.1 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)PP260077 二硝基苯酚的碱金属盐,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15%g 1.3C 6.1 无P114 (a)or (b)PP260078 二硝基间苯二酚,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)PP260079 六硝基二苯胺(二苦胺;六硝炸药) g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0081 A型爆破炸药g 1.1D 无P116 PP63PP660082 B型爆破炸药g 1.1D 无P116IBC100 PP61 PP62 PP65 B90083 C型爆破炸药g 1.1D 267 无P116 0084 D型爆破炸药g 1.1D 无P116 0092 地面照明弹g 1.3G 无P135 0093 空投照明弹g 1.3G 无P135 0094 闪光粉g 1.1G 无P113 PP490099 爆炸式压裂装置,不带雷管,油井用1.1D 无P134LP1020101 非起爆导火索g 1.3G 无P140 PP74PP750102 导爆索(信管),包金属的g 1.2D 无P139 PP71 0103 点火管,包金属的g 1.4G 无P140 0104 弱效应导爆索(信管),包金属的g1.4D 无P139 PP71 0105 安全导火索g 1.4S 无P140 PP73 0106 起爆引信g 1.1B 无P141 0107 起爆引信g 1.2B 无P141 0110 练习用手榴弹或枪榴弹g 1.4S 无P1410113 脒基·亚硝氨亚脒基肼,湿的,按重量含水不低于30%g 1.1A 266 无P110 (a)or (b)PP420114 脒基·亚硝氨脒基四氮烯(四氮烯),湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于30%g 1.1A 266 无P110 (a)or (b)PP420118 黑克索利特炸药(HEXOTOL),干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0121 点火器g 1.1G 无P142 0124 装药的喷射式钻孔枪,油井用,不带雷管g1.1D 无P1010129 叠氮化铅,湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于20%g 1.1A 266 无P110 (a)or (b)PP420130 收敛酸铅(三硝基间苯二酚铅),湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于20%g 1.1A 266 无P110 (a)or (b)PP420131 引信点火器g 1.4S 无P1420132 芬香族硝基衍生物的爆燃性金属盐,未另作规定的g 1.3C 无P114 (a)or (b)PP26项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0133 甘露糖醇六硝酸酯(硝化甘露醇),湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于40%g1.1D 266 无P112 (a)0135 雷酸汞,湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于20%g 1.1A 266 无P110 (a)or (b)PP420136 地雷或水雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300137 地雷或水雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10138 地雷或水雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.2D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10143 减敏硝化甘油,按重量含有不低于40%不挥发、不溶于水的减敏剂g 1.1D 6.1 266271无P115 PP53PP54PP57PP580144 硝化甘油酒精溶液,含硝化甘油1% - 10%g 1.1D 无P115 PP45PP55PP56PP59PP600146 硝化淀粉,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于20%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0147 硝基脲g 1.1D 无P112 (b)0150 季戊四醇四硝酸酯(季戊炸药),湿的,按重量含水不低于25%,或季戊四醇四硝酸酯(季戊炸药)减敏的,按重量含有不低于15%的减敏剂g 1.1D 266 无P112 (a)or (b)0151 喷妥炸药,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0153 三硝基苯胺(苦基胺) g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0154 三硝基苯酚(苦味酸),干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于30%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)PP260155 三硝基氯苯(苦基氯) g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0159 块状火药(糊状火药),湿的,按重量含水不低于25%g1.3C 266 无P111 PP430160 无烟火药g 1.1C 无P114 (b) PP50PP520161 无烟火药g 1.3C 无P114 (b) PP50PP520167 射弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300168 射弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10169 射弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.2D 无P130LP101 PP67 L1项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)0171 照明弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.2G 无P130LP101PP67L10173 爆炸式释放装置g 1.4S 无P134LP1020174 爆炸式铆钉g 1.4S 无P134LP1020180 火箭,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300181 火箭,带有爆炸装药g 1.1E 无P130LP101 PP67 L10182 火箭,带有爆炸装药g 1.2E 无P130LP101 PP67 L10183 火箭,带有惰性弹头g 1.3C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10186 火箭发动机g 1.3C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10190 爆炸性物质样品,引爆炸药除外g 16274P1010191 手提信号装置g 1.4G 无P135 0192 爆炸式铁路轨道信号器g 1.1G 无P135 0193 爆炸式铁路轨道信号器g 1.4S 无P135 0194 遇险求救信号器,船舶用g 1.1G 无P135 0195 遇险求救信号器,船舶用g 1.3G 无P135 0196 发烟信号器g 1.1G 无P135 0197 发烟信号器g 1.4G 无P135 0204 爆炸式声测装置g 1.2F 无P134LP1020207 四硝基苯胺g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0208 三硝基苯基甲硝胺(特屈儿炸药). g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0209 三硝基甲苯(梯恩梯),干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于30%g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)PP460212 弹药曳光剂g 1.3G 无P133 PP69 0213 三硝基苯甲醚g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0214 三硝基苯,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于30%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0215 三硝基苯甲酸,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于30%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0216 三硝基间甲苯酚g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)PP260217 三硝基萘g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0218 三硝基苯乙醚g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0219 三硝基间苯二酚(收敛酸),干的,或湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物低于20%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)PP260220 硝酸脲,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于20%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0221 鱼雷弹头,带有爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10222 硝酸铵,含可燃物质大于0.2%,包括以碳计算的任何有机物质,但不包括任何其他添加物质g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)PP470224 叠氮化钡,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于50%g 1.1A 6.1 无P110 (a)or (b)PP420225 带有雷管的助爆管g 1.1B 无P133 PP690226 环四亚甲基四硝胺(HMX,奥克托金炸药),湿的,按重量含水不低于15%g1.1D 266 无P112 (a) PP450234 二硝基邻甲苯酚钠,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15% 1.3C 无P114 (a)or (b)PP260235 苦胺酸钠,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于20%g 1.3C 无P114 (a)or (b)PP260236 苦胺酸锆,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于20%g 1.3C 无P114 (a)or (b)PP260237 柔软线状聚能装药g 1.4D 无P138 0238 抛绳用火箭g 1.2G 无P130 0240 抛绳用火箭g 1.3G 无P1300241 E型爆破炸药g 1.1D 无P116IBC100 PP61 PP62 PP65 B100242 火炮发射药g 1.3C 无P1300243 白磷燃烧弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.2H 无P130LP101PP67L10244 白磷燃烧弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.3H 无P130LP101PP67L10245 白磷发烟弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.2H 无P130LP101PP67L10246 白磷发烟弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.3H 无P130LP101PP67L10247 燃烧弹药,液体或胶体,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g1.3J 无P101项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0248 水激活装置,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g1.2L 274 无P144 PP770249 水激活装置,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g1.3L 274 无P144 PP770250 火箭发动机,装有双组分液体燃料,带有或不带发射剂g1.3L 无P1010254 照明弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.3G 无P130LP101PP67L10255 电引爆雷管,爆破用g 1.4B 无P131 0257 起爆引信g 1.4B 无P1410266 奥克托利特炸药(奥克托尔炸药),干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于15%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0267 非电引爆雷管,爆破用g 1.4B 无P131 PP68 0268 带有雷管的助爆器g 1.2B 无P133 PP69 0271 推进剂g 1.1C 无P143 PP76 0272 推进剂g 1.3C 无P143 PP76 0275 动力装置用弹药筒g 1.3C 无P134LP1020276 动力装置用弹药筒g 1.4C 无P134LP1020277 油井用弹药筒g 1.3C 无P134LP1020278 油井用弹药筒g 1.4C 无P134LP1020279 火炮发射药g 1.1C 无P1300280 火箭发动机g 1.1C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10281 火箭发动机g 1.2C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10282 硝基胍(橄苦岩),干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于20%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)0283 助爆管,不带雷管g 1.2D 无P132 (a)or (b)0284 手榴弹或枪榴弹,带有爆炸装药g1.1D 无P1410285 手榴弹或枪榴弹,带有爆炸装药g1.2D 无P1410286 火箭弹头,带有爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10287 火箭弹头,带有爆炸装药g 1.2D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10288 柔软线状聚能装药g 1.1D 无P138项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0289 导爆索,软的g 1.4D 无P139 PP71PP720290 导爆索(信管),包金属的g 1.1D 无P139 PP710291 炸弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.2F 无P1300292 手榴弹或枪榴弹,带有爆炸装药g1.1F 无P1410293 手榴弹或枪榴弹,带有爆炸装药g1.2F 无P1410294 地雷或水雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.2F 无P1300295 火箭,带有爆炸装药g 1.2F 无P1300296 爆炸式声测装置g 1.1F 无P134LP1020297 照明弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.4G 无P130LP101PP67L10299 摄影闪光弹g 1.3G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10300 燃烧弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.4G 无P130LP101PP67L10301 催泪弹药,带有起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.4G 6.18无P130LP101PP67L10303 发烟弹药,带有或不带起爆装置、发射剂或推进剂g 1.4G 204 无P130LP101PP67L10305 闪光粉g 1.3G 无P113 PP49 0306 弹药曳光剂g 1.4G 无P133 PP69 0312 信号弹药筒g 1.4G 无P135 0313 发烟信号器g 1.2G 无P135 0314 点火器g 1.2G 无P142 0315 点火器g 1.3G 无P142 0316 点火引信g 1.3G 无P141 0317 点火引信g 1.4G 无P141 0318 练习用手榴弹或枪榴弹g 1.3G 无P141 0319 管状起爆器g 1.3G 无P133 0320 管状起爆器g 1.4G 无P1330321 武器弹药筒,带有爆炸装药g 1.2E 无P130LP101 PP67 L10322 火箭发动机,装有双组分液体燃料,带有或不带发射剂g1.2L 无P1010323 动力装置用弹药筒g 1.4S 无P134LP1020324 射弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.2F 无P130 0325 点火器g 1.4G 无P142 0326 武器弹药筒,无弹头g 1.1C 无P130项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0327 武器弹药筒,无弹头或轻武器弹药筒,无弹头g1.3C 无P1300328 武器弹药筒,带惰性射弹g 1.2C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10329 鱼雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.1E 无P130LP101 PP67 L10330 鱼雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300331 B型爆破炸药g(B型爆炸剂) 1.5D 无P116IBC100PP61PP62PP64PP65T1 TP1TP17TP320332 E型爆破炸药g(E型爆炸剂) 1.5D 无P116IBC100PP61PP62PP65T1 TP1TP17TP320333 烟火g 1.1G 无P1350334 烟火g 1.2G 无P135 0335 烟火g 1.3G 无P135 0336 烟火g 1.4G 无P135 0337 烟火g 1.4S 无P1350338 武器弹药筒,无弹头或轻武器弹药筒,无弹头g1.4C 无P1300339 武器弹药筒,带惰性射弹或轻武器弹药筒g1.4C 无P1300340 硝化纤维素,干的,或湿的,按重量含水(或酒精)低于25%g 1.1D 无P112 (a)or (b)0341 硝化纤维素,未改型的,或增塑的,按重量含有低于18%的增塑剂g1.1D 无P112 (b)0342 硝化纤维素,湿的,按重量含有不少于25%的酒精g1.3C 105 无P114 (a) PP430343 增塑硝化纤维素,按重量含有不低于18%的增塑剂g1.3C 105 无P1110344 射弹,带有爆炸装药g 1.4D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10345 射弹,惰性带曳光剂g 1.4S 无P130LP101 PP67 L10346 射弹,带起爆装置或发射剂g 1.2D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10347 射弹,带起爆装置或发射剂g 1.4D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10348 武器弹药筒,带爆炸装药g 1.4F 无P130 0349 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4S 178274无P1010350 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4B 178274无P101项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0351 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4C 178274无P1010352 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4D 178274无P1010353 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4G 178274无P1010354 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.1L 178274无P1010355 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.2L 178274无P1010356 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.3L 178274无P1010357 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.1L 178274无P1010358 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.2L 178274无P1010359 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.3L 178274无P1010360 非电引爆雷管组件,爆破用g 1.1B 无P1310361 非电引爆雷管组件,爆破用g 1.4B 无P1310362 练习用弹药g 1.4G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10363 测试用弹药g 1.4G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10364 弹药用雷管g 1.2B 无P133 0365 弹药用雷管g 1.4B 无P133 0366 弹药用雷管g 1.4S 无P133 0367 起爆引信g 1.4S 无P141 0368 点火引信g 1.4S 无P141 0369 火箭弹头,带有爆炸装药g 1.1F 无P1300370 火箭弹头,带有起爆装置或发射剂g 1.4D 无P130LP101PP67L10371 火箭弹头,带有起爆装置或发射剂g1.4F 无P130 0372 练习用手榴弹或枪榴弹g 1.2G 无P141 0373 手提信号装置g 1.4S 无P135 0374 爆炸式声测装置g 1.1D 无P134LP1020375 爆炸式声测装置g 1.2D 无P134LP1020376 管状起爆器g 1.4S 无P133 0377 帽型起爆器g 1.1B 无P133 0378 帽型起爆器g 1.4B 无P133 0379 空弹药筒壳,带有起爆器g 1.4C 无P136 0380 发火物品g 1.2L 无P101 0381 动力装置用弹药筒g 1.2C 无P134LP102项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0382 火药系部件,未另作规定的g 1.2B 178274无P1010383 火药系部件,未另作规定的g 1.4B 178274无P1010384 火药系部件,未另作规定的g 1.4S 178274无P1010385 5-硝基苯并三唑g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0386 三硝基苯磺酸g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)PP260387 三硝基芴酮g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0388 三硝基甲苯(梯恩梯)和三硝基苯混合物或三硝基甲苯(梯恩梯)和六硝基芪混合物g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0389 含有三硝基苯和六硝基芪的三硝基甲苯(梯恩梯)混合物g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0390 特里托纳尔炸药g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0391 环三亚甲基三硝胺(旋风炸药;黑索金;RDX)与环四亚甲基四硝胺(HMX;奥克托金炸药)的混合物,湿的,按重量含水不低于15%;或环三亚甲基三硝胺(旋风炸药;黑索金;RDX)与环四亚甲基四硝胺(HMX;奥克托金炸药)的混合物,减敏的,按重量含减敏剂不低于10%g 1.1D 266 无P112 (a)or (b)0392 六硝基芪g 1.1D 无P112 (b)or (c)0393 黑沙托纳炸药g 1.1D 无P112 (b)0394 三硝基间苯二酚(收敛酸),湿的,按重量含水或酒精和水的混合物不低于20%g1.1D 无P112 (a) PP260395 液体燃料火箭发动机g 1.2J 无P101 0396 液体燃料火箭发动机g 1.3J 无P101 0397 液体燃料火箭, 带有爆炸装药g1.1J 无P1010398 液体燃料火箭, 带有爆炸装药g1.2J 无P1010399 装有易燃液体的炸弹,带有爆炸装药g1.1J 无P1010400 装有易燃液体的炸弹,带有爆炸装药g1.2J 无P1010401 二苦硫,干的,或湿的,按重量含水低于10%g 1.1D 无P112 (a), (b)or (c)项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0402 高氯酸铵g 1.1D 152 无P112 (b)or (c)0403 空投照明弹g 1.4G 无P1350404 空投照明弹g 1.4S 无P1350405 信号弹药筒g 1.4S 无P1350406 二亚硝基苯g 1.3C 无P114 (b)0407 四唑-1-乙酸g 1.4C 无P114 (b)0408 起爆引信,带有保险装置g 1.1D 无P1410409 起爆引信,带有保险装置g 1.2D 无P1410410 起爆引信,带有保险装置g 1.4D 无P1410411 季戊四醇四硝酸酯(季戊炸药),按重量含蜡不低于7%g 1.1D 131 无P112 (b)or (c)0412 武器弹药筒,带有爆炸装药g 1.4E 无P130LP101 PP67 L10413 武器弹药筒,无弹头g 1.2C 无P1300414 火炮发射药g 1.2C 无P130 0415 推进剂g 1.2C 无P143 PP760417 武器弹药筒,带惰性射弹或轻武器弹药筒g1.3C 无P130 0418 地面照明弹g 1.1G 无P135 0419 地面照明弹g 1.2G 无P135 0420 空投照明弹g 1.1G 无P135 0421 空投照明弹g 1.2G 无P1350424 射弹,惰性带曳光剂g 1.3G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10425 射弹,惰性带曳光剂g 1.4G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10426 射弹, 带有起爆装置或发射剂g1.2F 无P1300427 射弹, 带有起爆装置或发射剂g1.4F 无P130 0428 专用烟火制品g 1.1G 无P135 0429 专用烟火制品g 1.2G 无P135 0430 专用烟火制品g 1.3G 无P135 0431 专用烟火制品g 1.4G 无P135 0432 专用烟火制品g 1.4S 无P135 0433 块状火药(糊状火药),湿的,按重量含酒精不低于17%g1.1C 266 无P1110434 射弹, 带有起爆装置或发射剂g 1.2G 无P130LP101PP67L1项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)0435 射弹, 带有起爆装置或发射剂g 1.4G 无P130LP101PP67L10436 火箭,带有发射剂g 1.2C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10437 火箭,带有发射剂g 1.3C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10438 火箭,带有发射剂g 1.4C 无P130LP101 PP67 L10439 聚能装药,不带雷管g 1.2D 无P137 PP70 0440 聚能装药,不带雷管g 1.4D 无P137 PP70 0441 聚能装药,不带雷管g 1.4S 无P137 PP70 0442 商品爆炸装药,不带雷管g 1.1D 无P137 0443 商品爆炸装药,不带雷管g 1.2D 无P137 0444 商品爆炸装药,不带雷管g 1.4D 无P137 0445 商品爆炸装药,不带雷管g 1.4S 无P137 0446 可燃空弹壳,无起爆器g 1.4C 无P136 0447 可燃空弹壳,无起爆器g 1.3C 无P136 0448 5-巯基四唑-1-乙酸g 1.4C 无P114 (b)0449 液体燃料鱼雷,带有或不带爆炸装药g1.1J 无P101 0450 液体燃料鱼雷,带惰性弹头g 1.3J 无P1010451 鱼雷,带有爆炸装药g 1.1D 无P130LP101 PP67 L10452 练习用手榴弹或枪榴弹g 1.4G 无P141 0453 抛绳用火箭g 1.4G 无P130 0454 点火器g 1.4S 无P142 0455 非电引爆雷管,爆破用g 1.4S 无P131 PP68 0456 电引爆雷管,爆破用g 1.4S 无P131 0457 塑料胶粘爆炸装药 1.1D 无P130 0458 塑料胶粘爆炸装药 1.2D 无P130 0459 塑料胶粘爆炸装药 1.4D 无P130 0460 塑料胶粘爆炸装药 1.4S 无P130 0461 火药系部件,未另作规定的g 1.1B 178274无P1010462 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.1C 178274无P1010463 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.1D 178274无P1010464 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.1E 178274无P1010465 爆炸性物品,未另作规定 1.1F 178274无P101项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 0466 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.2C 178274无P1010467 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.2D 178274无P1010468 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.2E 178274无P1010469 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.2F 178274无P1010470 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.3C 178274无P1010471 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4E 178274无P1010472 爆炸性物品,未另作规定的 1.4F 178274无P1010473 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.1A 178274无P1010474 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.1C 178274无P1010475 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.1D 178274无P1010476 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.1G 178274无P1010477 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.3C 178274无P1010478 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.3G 178274无P1010479 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.4C 178274无P1010480 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.4D 178274无P1010481 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.4S 178274无P1010482 非常不敏感爆炸性物质,未另作规定的g 1.5D 178274无P1010483 环三亚甲基三硝胺(旋风炸药;黑索金;RDX),减敏的1.1D 无P112 (b)或 (c)0484 环四亚甲基四硝胺(奥克托金炸药,HMX),减敏的1.1D 无P112 (b)或 (c)0485 爆炸性物质,未另作规定的 1.4G 178274无P101 0486 极端不敏感爆炸性物品g 1.6N 无P101 0487 发烟信号器g 1.3G 无P1350488 练习用弹药g 1.3G 无P130LP101 PP67 L10489 二硝基甘脲(DINGU) g 1.1D 无P112 (b)或 (c)项别 类别包装 规范 特殊规定 规范特殊规定 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 0490 硝基三唑酮(NTO ) g 1.1D 无 P112 (b) 或 (c)0491 推进剂g1.4C 无 P143 PP76 0492 爆炸式铁路轨道信号器g 1.3G 无 P135 0493 爆炸式铁路轨道信号器g1.4G无 P135 0494 装药喷射式钻孔枪,油井用,不带雷管g 1.4D无P101 0495 液态推进剂g1.3C224 无P115PP53PP54 PP57 PP580496 奥克托纳g 1.1D 无P112 (b) 或 (c) 0497 液态推进剂g1.1C224 无P115PP53 PP54 PP57 PP580498 固态推进剂g 1.1C 无 P114 (b) 0499 固态推进剂g1.3C 无 P114 (b)0500 非电引爆雷管组件,爆破用g 1.4S 无 P131 0501 固态推进剂g1.4C 无 P114 (b) 0502 火箭,带有惰性弹头g1.2C无 P130 LP101PP67 L10503 气袋充气器,或气袋模件,或安全带预拉装置, 1.4G235 289 无 P135 0504 1H -四唑 1.1D P112 (c) PP481001 溶解乙炔 2.1无P200 1002 压缩空气 2.2 292 120毫升 P200 1003 冷冻液态空气 2.2 5.1 无 P203 T75 TP5TP22 1005 无水氨 2.3 8 23无P200 T50 1006 压缩氩 2.2 120毫升 P200 1008 三氟化硼2.3 8无P200 1009 溴三氟甲烷(制冷气体R 13B1) 2.2 120毫升 P200 T50 1010 丁二烯,稳定的或丁二烯和碳氢混合物,稳定的, 含丁二烯40%以上 2.1无P200 T501011 丁烷 2.1 无 P200 T50 1012 丁烯 2.1无P200 T50 1013 二氧化碳 2.2 120毫升 P200 1016 压缩一氧化碳2.3 2.1无P200项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 1017 氯 2.3 8 无P200 T50TP191018 二氟氯甲烷(制冷气体R22) 2.2 120毫升P200 T501020 五氟氯乙烷(制冷气体R115) 2.2 120毫升P200 T501021 1-氯-1,2,2,2-四氟乙烷(制冷气体R124)2.2 120毫升P200 T501022 三氟氯甲烷(制冷气体R13) 2.2 120毫升P2001023 压缩煤气 2.3 2.1 无P2001026 氰 2.3 2.1 无P2001027 环丙烷 2.1 无P200 T501028 二氯二氟甲烷(制冷气体R12) 2.2 120毫升P200 T501029 二氯氟甲烷(制冷气体R21) 2.2 120毫升P200 T501030 1,1-二氟乙烷(制冷气体R152a)2.1 无P200 T501032 无水二甲胺 2.1 无P200 T501033 二甲醚 2.1 无P200 T501035 乙烷 2.1 无P2001036 乙胺 2.1 无P200 T501037 乙基氯 2.1 无P200 T501038 冷冻液态乙烯 2.1 无P203 T75TP51039 甲乙醚 2.1 无P2001040 环氧乙烷,或含氮环氧乙烷,在50℃时最高总压力为1兆帕(10巴) 2.3 2.1 无P200 T50TP201041 环氧乙烷和二氧化碳混合物,环氧乙烷含量9% - 87%2.1 无P200 T501043 充氨溶液化肥,含有游离氨 2.2 120毫升P2001044 灭火器,装有压缩或液化气体 2.2 225 120毫升P0031045 压缩氟 2.3 5.18无P2001046 压缩氦 2.2 120毫升P2001048 无水溴化氢 2.3 8 无P2001049 压缩氢 2.1 无P2001050 无水氯化氢 2.3 8 无P2001051 氰化氢,稳定的,含水少于3% 6.1 3 I 无P2001052 无水氟化氢8 6.1 I 无P200 T10TP2 1053 硫化氢 2.3 2.1 无P2001055 异丁烯 2.1 无P200 T501056 压缩氪 2.2 120毫升P200项别 类别包装 规范特殊 规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1057 打火机或打火机加油器,装有易燃气体 2.1 201 无 P002 PP84 1058 液化气体,非易燃,充有氮、二氧化碳或空气 2.2 120毫升 P200 1060 甲基乙炔和丙二烯混合物,稳定的 2.1 无 P200 T50 1061 无水甲胺2.1无P200 T50 1062 甲基溴,含有不大于2%的三氯硝基甲烷 2.3 23 无 P200 T50 1063 甲基氯(制冷气体R 40) 2.1 无 P200 T50 1064 甲硫醇 2.3 2.1无P200 T50 1065 压缩氖 2.2 120毫升 P200 1066 压缩氮2.2 120毫升 P200 1067 四氧化二氮(二氧化氮) 2.35.1 8无 P200 T50 TP21 1069 氯化亚硝酰 2.3 8 无 P200 1070 氧化亚氮 2.2 5.1 无 P200 1071 压缩油气 2.3 2.1 无 P200 1072 压缩氧 2.2 5.1 无 P200 1073 冷冻液态氧 2.2 5.1 无 P203 T75 TP5TP22 1075 液化石油气 2.1 无 P200 T50 1076 光气 2.3 8 无 P200 1077 丙烯2.1无P200 T50 1078 制冷气体,未另作规定的 2.2 274 120毫升 P200 T50 1079 二氧化硫 2.3 8无P200 T50 TP19 1080 六氟化硫 2.2 120毫升 P200 1081 四氟乙烯,稳定的 2.1 无 P200 1082 三氟氯乙烯,稳定的 2.3 2.1 无 P200 T50 1083 无水三甲胺 2.1 无 P200 T50 1085 乙烯基溴,稳定的 2.1 无 P200 T50 1086 乙烯基氯,稳定的 2.1 无 P200 T50 1087 乙烯基·甲基醚,稳定的 2.1无P200 T50 1088 乙缩醛 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11089 乙醛 3 I无P001 T11 TP2TP7 1090 丙酮3 II 1升P001 IBC02T4 TP1项别 类别包装 规范 特殊 规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1091 丙酮油 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP1TP81092 丙烯醛,稳定的6.1 3I无P601 T14 TP2TP7 TP13 1093 丙烯腈,稳定的 3 6.1 I 无 P001 T14 TP2TP13 1098 烯丙醇 6.1 3I无 P602 T14 TP2TP13 1099 烯丙基溴 3 6.1 I 无 P001 T14 TP2TP13 1100 烯丙基氯 3 6.1 I无P001 T14 TP2TP13 1104 乙酸戊酯3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11105 戊醇 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1TP293 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11106 戊胺 3 8 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP13 8 III 223 5升 P001 IBC03 T4 TP1 1107 戊基氯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11108 1-戊烯(正戊烯) 3 I无P001 T11 TP2 1109 甲酸戊酯3 III 5升P001IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11110 正甲基·戊基酮 3 III 5升 P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11111 戊硫醇 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1112 硝酸戊酯3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11113 亚硝酸戊酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1114 苯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1120 丁醇 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1TP293 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01T2 TP1项别 类别包装 规范 特殊 规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1123 乙酸丁酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP13 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11125 正丁胺 3 8 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1126 1-溴丁烷 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1127 氯丁烷 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1128 甲酸正丁酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1129 丁醛 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1130 樟脑油3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01T2 TP11131 二硫化碳3 6.1 I 无P001 PP31 T14 TP2TP7 TP13 1133 粘合剂,含易燃液体 3 I 500毫升P001T11TP1 TP8 TP273 II 5升 P001IBC02 PP1 T4 TP1TP83 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 PP1 T2 TP11134 氯苯 3 III 5升 P001 IBC03 LP01T2 TP11135 2-氯乙醇6.1 3 I 无P001 T14 TP2TP13 1136 煤焦油馏出物,易燃 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP13 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01T4 TP1TP291139 3 I 500毫升P001 T11 TP1TP8 TP27 3 II 5升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1TP8涂料溶液(包括用于工业或其他用途的表面处理剂或涂料, 例如车辆的底漆、圆桶或琵琶桶的面料) 3 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01T2 TP1项别 类别包装 规范特殊 规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1143 丁烯醛,或丁烯醛,稳定的 6.1 3I 324 无P001 T14 TP2TP13 1144 巴豆炔 3 I无P001 T11 TP2 1145 环己烷 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1146 环戊烷 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1147 十氢化萘3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11148 双丙酮醇 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP13 III 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11149 二丁醚 3 III 5升 P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11150 1,2-二氯乙烯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP2 1152 二氯戊烷3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11153 乙二醇二乙醚 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP13 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11154 二乙胺 3 8 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1155 二乙醚(乙醚) 3 I无P001T11TP21156 二乙酮 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1157 二异丁酮3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11158 二异丙胺 3 8 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1159 二异丙醚 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1160 二甲胺水溶液 3 8 II1升P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1161 碳酸二甲酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1162 二甲基二氯硅烷 3 8 II 无P001 IBC02T7 TP2TP131163 不对称二甲肼6.13 8I 无P602 T14 TP2TP13项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 1164 二甲硫 3 II 1升P001IBC02 B8T7 TP21165 二恶烷 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11166 二氧戊环 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11167 二乙烯基醚,稳定的 3 I 无P001 T11TP21169 液态萃取香料 3 II 5升P001IBC02 T4TP1TP83 III 223 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11170 3 II 144330 1升P001IBC02T4TP1乙醇(酒精)或乙醇溶液(酒精溶液)3 III 144223330 5升P001IBC03LP01T2TP11171 乙二醇一乙醚 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11172 乙酸乙二醇一乙醚酯 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11173 乙酸乙酯 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11175 乙苯 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11176 硼酸乙酯 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11177 乙酸-2-乙基丁酯 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11178 2-乙基丁醛 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11179 乙基·丁基醚 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11180 丁酸乙酯 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11181 氯乙酸乙酯 6.1 3 II 100毫升P001IBC02 T7TP21182 氯甲酸乙酯 6.1 38 I 无P602 T14TP2TP131183 乙基二氯硅烷 4.3 38 I 无P401 T10TP2TP7TP131184 二氯化乙烯 3 6.1 II 1升P001IBC02 T7TP1项别类别包装规范特殊规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11) 1185 乙撑亚胺,稳定的 6.1 3 I 无P6011188 乙二醇一甲醚 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11189 乙酸乙二醇一甲醚酯 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11190 甲酸乙酯 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11191 辛醛 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11192 乳酸乙酯 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11193 乙基·甲基酮(甲乙酮) 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11194 亚硝酸乙酯溶液 3 6.1 I 无P0991195 丙酸乙酯 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11196 乙基三氯硅烷 3 8 II 无P001IBC02 T7TP2TP131197 液态萃取调味剂 3 II 5升P001IBC02 T4TP1TP83 III 223 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11198 甲醛溶液,易燃 3 8 III 5升P001IBC03 T4TP11199 糠醛 6.1 3 II 100毫升P001IBC02 T7TP21201 杂醇油 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP13 III 223 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11202 瓦斯油或柴油或轻质燃料油 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP11203 车用汽油或汽油 3 II 243 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11204 硝化甘油酒精溶液,含硝化甘油不大于1% 3 II 1升P001IBC02PP51206 庚烷 3 II 1升P001IBC02 T4TP11207 己醛 3 III 5升P001IBC03LP01 T2TP1项别 类别包装 规范特殊 规定规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1208 己烷3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP1 1210 3 I 163 500毫升 P001 T11 TP1TP8 印刷油墨,易燃,或印刷油墨相关材料(包括印刷油墨稀释剂或还原剂),易燃 3 II 163 5升 P001 IBC02 PP1 T4 TP1TP83 III 163 223 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 PP1 T2 TP11212 异丁醇3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11213 乙酸异丁酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1214 异丁胺 3 8 II1升P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1216 异辛烯3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11218 异戊二烯,稳定的 3 I无P001 T11 TP2 1219 异丙醇 3 II 1升 P001IBC02 T4 TP1 1220 乙酸异丙酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11221 异丙胺 3 8 I无P001 T11 TP2 1222 硝酸异丙酯 3 II 26 1升 P099IBC02 B71223 煤油3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP21224 液态酮类,未另作规定的 3 II 274 1升P001 IBC02 T7 TP1TP8 TP283 III 2232745升P001 IBC03 LP01 T4 TP1TP29 1228 3 6.1 II 274 1升 P001 IBC02 T11 TP2TP27液态硫醇,易燃,毒性,未另作规定的,或液态硫醇混合物,易燃,毒性,未另作规定的 3 6.1 III 2232745升P001 IBC03 T7 TP1TP28 1229 异丙叉丙酮(基化氧)3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01 T2 TP11230 甲醇 3 6.1 II 279 1升 P001 IBC02 T7 TP2 1231 乙酸甲酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1233 乙酸甲基戊酯3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01T2 TP1项别 类别包装 规范 特殊 规定 规范特殊规定(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1234 甲醛缩二甲醇(甲缩醛) 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 B8T7 TP21235 甲胺水溶液 3 8 II1升P001 IBC02 T7 TP1 1237 丁酸甲酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11238 氯甲酸甲酯 6.1 38 I 无 P602 T14 TP2TP13 1239 甲基·氯甲基醚 6.1 3 I无P602 T14 TP2 1242 甲基二氯硅烷4.3 38I 无P401 T10 TP2TP7 TP13 1243 甲酸甲酯 3 I 无P001 T11 TP2 1244 甲基肼 6.1 38I 无P602 T14 TP2TP13 1245 甲基·异丁基酮3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1246 甲基·异丙烯基酮,稳定的 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1247 单体丙烯酸甲酯,稳定的 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1248 丙酸甲酯 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02 T4 TP1 1249 甲基·丙基酮 3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11250 甲基三氯硅烷3 8 I无P001 T11 TP2TP13 1251 甲基·乙烯基酮,稳定的 6.13 8I 无 P601 T14 TP2TP13 1259 羰基镍 6.1 3I无P601 1261 硝基甲烷 3 II 26 1升 P099 1262 辛烷3 II 1升 P001 IBC02T4 TP11263 3 I 163 500毫升P001 T11 TP1TP8 TP273 II 163 5升P001 IBC02 PP1 T4 TP1TP8 TP28涂料(包括色漆、喷漆、搪瓷、着色剂、虫胶、清漆、抛光剂、液态填料和液态喷漆基料) 或涂料的相关材料(包括涂料稀释剂或冲淡剂) 3 III 1632235升P001 IBC03 LP01 PP1 T2 TP1TP29 1264 仲乙醛(三聚乙醛) 3 III 5升P001 IBC03 LP01T2 TP1。
2004 Semtech Corp.
Ordering Information
Device(1) LP2951CM.TR LP2951CMTRT(2) 5V/ADJ SO-8 Output Voltage P ackag e
Fixed 5.0V or Adjustable 100mA Voltage Regulator
The LP2951 low power voltage regulator has low quiescent current and low dropout voltage. The quiescent current increases minimally during dropout conditions thereby extending battery life.
Parameter Output Voltage Line Regulation Load Regulation Dropout Voltage
Conditions VIN = 6V, IOUT = 100µA VIN = 2.235V to 30V, IOUT = 100µA VIN = 2.235V, IOUT = 100µA to 100mA IOUT = 100µA IOUT = 100mA
R1 VOUT = VREF 1 + R2
C2 3.3uF
1 2
• 3.3V to 12V input voltage 1•20A maximum load capability, with no derating up to T PCB = 90°C • 5 bit DAC settable, 0.925V to 2V output voltage range 2•Configurable down to 3.3Vin & up to 3.3Vout with simple external circuit 3•200kHz or 300kHz nominal switching frequency •Optimized for very low power losses •Over & undervoltage protection •Adjustable lossless current limit•Internal features minimize layout sensitivity *•Very small outline 14mm x 14mm x 3mmFull Function Synchronous Buck Power BlockIntegrated Power Semiconductors, Control IC & PassivesThe iP1001 is a fully optimized solution for high current synchronous buck applications requiring up to 20A.The iP1001 is optimized for single-phase applications, and includes a full function fast transient response PWM control, with an optimized power semiconductor chip-set and associated passives, achieving benchmark power density. Very few external components are required, including output inductor, input & output capacitors.Further range of operation to 3.3Vin can be achieved with the addition of a simple external boost circuit, and operation up to 3.3Vout can be achieved with a simple external voltage divider.iPOWIR technology offers designers an innovative board space-saving solution for applications requiring high power densities. iPOWIR technology eases design for applications where component integration offers benefits in performance and functionality. iPOWIR technology solutions are also optimized internally for layout,heat transfer and component selection.DescriptioniP1001 Power BlockFeatures* Although, all of the difficult PCB layout and bypassing issues have been addressed with the internal design of the iPOWIR block, proper layout techniques should be applied for the design of the power supply board. There are no concerns about unwanted shutdowns common to switching power supplies, if operated as specified. TheiPOWIR block will function normally, but not optimally without any additional input decoupling capacitors. Input decoupling capacitors should be added at Vin pin for stable and reliable long term operation. No additional bypassing is required on the Vdd pin. See layout guidelines in datasheet for more detailed information.PD - 94336c05/20/03iP1001 1iP1001Absolute Maximum Ratings Recommended Operating ConditionsElectrical Specifications @ VDD = 5V & TPCB0°C - 90°C (Unless otherwise specified)All specifications @ 25°C (unless otherwise specified) 2 3iP1001Electrical Specifications (continued)Notes :1 For Vin less than 4.5V requires external 5V DD supply.2 Can be modified to operate up to 3.3V OUT , outside of DAC settable range. See Design Guidelines on how to setoutput voltage greater than 2V.3 See design guidelines.4 See Fig.5 for Recommended Operating Area4iP1001Fig 1. Power Loss vs CurrentFig 2. Safe Operating Area (SOA) vs T PCBAdjusting the Power Loss and SOA curves for different operating conditionsTo make adjustments to the power loss curves in Fig. 1, multiply the normalized value obtained from the curves in Figs. 3,or 4 by the value indicated on the power loss curve in Fig. 1. If multiple adjustments are required, multiply all of the normalized values together, then multiply that product by the value indicated on the power loss curve in Fig. 1. The resulting product is the final power loss based on all factors.To make adjustments to the SOA curve in Fig. 2, determine the maximum allowed PCB temperature in Fig. 2 at the required operating current. Then, add the correction temperature from the normalized curves in Figs. 3 or 4 to find the final maximum allowable PCB temperature. When multiple adjustments are required, add all of the temperatures together, then add the sum to the PCB temperature indicated on the SOA graph to determine the final maximum allowable PCB temperature based on all factors.Note: If input voltage <5Vin nominal operation is required then first see Fig. 5 for maximum current capability limit.Operating Conditions for the examples below:Output Current = 20A Input Voltage = 7VOutput Voltage = 2.5VAdjusting for Maximum Power Loss:(Fig. 1)Maximum power loss =5 W(Fig. 3)Normalized power loss for output voltage ≈1.14(Fig. 4)Normalized power loss for input voltage ≈0.89Adjusted Power Loss = 5W x 0.89 x 1.14 ≈ 5.07WAdjusting for SOA Temperature:(Fig. 2)SOA PCB Temperature = 90°C(Fig. 3)Normalized SOA PCB Temperature for output voltage ≈ -4.5°C (Fig. 4)Normalized SOA PCB Temperature for input voltage ≈ 4°C Adjusted SOA PCB Temperature = 90°C + 4°C -4.5°C ≈ 89.5°CGuaranteed Performance Curves0. Current (A)P o w e r L o s s (W )2468101214161820220102030405060708090100110120130PCB Temperature (°C)O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A ) 5iP1001Fig 4. Normalized Power Loss vs V INFig 3. Normalized Power Loss vs V OUTFig 5. Recommended Operating AreaFor 200kHz frequency setting there will be a 10% power loss reduction and a positive PCB temperature adjustment of 3°C.Typical Performance CurvesOutput Voltage (V)05101520250. Voltage (V)SOA PCB Temperature Adjustmentltage (°C)SOA PCB Temperature Adjustmentltage (°C)P o w e r L o s s (N o r m a l i z e d )P o w e r L o s s (N o r m a l i z e d )Output Voltage (V)L o a d C u r r e n t (A )0.880.941. 1.72.1 2.5 2.93.3-13-11-9-6-4-20240.830.860.890.910.940.971.00345678910111201234566iP1001D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 OUTPUTVOLTAGE(V)0 0 0 0 0 2.00 0 0 0 0 1 1.95 0 0 0 1 0 1.90 0 0 0 1 1 1.85 0 0 1 0 0 1.80 0 0 1 0 1 1.750 0 1 1 0 1.70 0 0 1 1 1 1.65 0 1 0 0 0 1.60 0 1 0 0 1 1.55 0 1 0 1 0 1.50 0 1 0 1 1 1.45 0 1 1 0 0 1.40 0 1 1 0 1 1.35 0 1 1 1 0 1.30 0 1 1 1 1 Shutdown* 1 0 0 0 0 1.275 1 0 0 0 1 1.250 1 0 0 1 0 1.225 1 0 0 1 1 1.200 1 0 1 0 0 1.175 1 0 1 0 1 1.150 1 0 1 1 0 1.125 1 0 1 1 1 1.100 1 1 0 0 0 1.075 1 1 0 0 1 1.050 1 1 0 1 0 1.025 1 1 0 1 1 1.000 1 1 1 0 0 0.975 1 1 1 0 1 0.950 1 1 1 1 0 0.925 1 1 1 1 1Shutdown** Shutdown : Upon receipt of the shutdown code (per VID code table above), both FET s are turned OFF and the output is discharged as the undervoltage protection is activated.Table 1. VID Code Table 2Fig 6. Overcurrent adjustment settings using R LIM7iP1001Table 2. Pin DescriptioniP100189iP1001Fig 8. Recommended PCB Footprint (Top View)NCNC NC NC NC NC NCNC NC NCNC NCNC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NCNC NC NCNCNC NC NC NC NCNC NCNCENABLEPGOOD D0D1D2D3D4 V DDV SWPGNDPGNDV ING N D SSGND FREQ ILIMV FNC V FSiP1001iP1001 User’s Design GuidelinesThe iP1001 is a 20A power block that consists of optimized power semiconductors, PWM control and its associated passive components. It is based on a synchronous buck topology and offers an optimized solution where space, efficiency and noise caused by stray parasitics are of concern. The iP1001 com-ponents are integrated in a ball grid array (BGA) pack-age where the electrical and thermal conduction is accomplished through solder balls. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONVINThe standard iP1001 operating input voltage range is 5V to 12V. The input voltage can also be easily configured to run at voltages down to 3.3V.FREQThe PWM control is pseudo current mode. The ESR of the output filter capacitor is used for current sens-ing and the output voltage ripple developed across the ESR provides the PWM ramp signal.iP1001 offers two switching frequency settings, 200kHz and 300kHz. At a given setting the switching frequency will remain relatively constant indepen-dent of load current.VDD(+5V bias)An external 5V bias supply is required to operate the iP1001. In applications where input voltages are lower than 4.5V, and where 5V is not available, aspecial boost circuit is required to supply VDD with 5V(as shown in the reference design). Soft Start, VDDUndervoltage LockoutWhen VDD rises above 4.2V a soft start is initiated byramping the maximum allowable current limit. The ramp time is typically 1.8ms. An external capacitor can be added across the current limit resistor from ILIM to PGND to provide up to 5ms ramp time. Select the capacitor according to the 10nf/ms rule. PGOODThe PGOOD comparator constantly monitors VFfor undervoltage. A 5% drop in output voltage can cause PGOOD to go low. PGOOD pin is internally pulled-up to VDDthrough a 100K, 5% resistor. If it is desired to use the PGOOD signal to enable another stage using iP1001, then it is recommended to filter and buffer PGOOD to prevent transients appearing at the output from pulling PGOOD low.OVP (Output Overvoltage Protection)If the overvoltage trip 2.25V threshold is reached, the OVP is triggered, the circuit is shutdown and the bottom FET is latched on discharging the output filter capacitor. Pulling ENABLE low resets the latch. The overvoltage trip threshold is scaled accordingly, if output voltages greater than 2V are set through voltage dividers.UVP (Output Undervoltage Protection)The Output Undervoltage Protection trip threshold is fixed at 0.8V. If ENABLE is pulled up and VFis below 0.8V for a duration of 10-20ms, the PWM will be in a latched state, with the bottom FET latched on, and will not restart until ENABLE is recycled.DAC Converter (D0-D4)The output voltage is programmed through a 5-bit DAC (see the VID code in table 1). The output volt-age can be programmed from 0.925V to 2V. To elimi-nate external resistors, the DAC pins are internally pulled up. To set for output voltages above 2V, the DAC must be set to 2V and a resistor divider,R3 & R4 (see Fig 10.), is used. The values of the resistors are selected using equation 1.Equation 1 : Vout = VFx (1 + R3/R4)where VFis equal to the DAC settingand R4 is recommended to be ~1kΩTable 3 - iP1001 Operating Truth Table10 11iP1001DESIGN PROCEDUREInductor SelectionThe inductor is selected according to the following expression.L = V OUT x (1-D) / (fsw x ∆I L )where, D = VOUT/ VINV OUT is the output voltage in Volts,fsw is the switching frequency in kHz,∆I L is the output inductor ripple current.The inductor value should be selected from 0.8µH to 2.0µH range.Output Capacitor SelectionUse tantalum or POSCAP type capacitors for iP1001.Selection of the output capacitors depends on several factors.•Low effective ESR for ripple and load transient requirements.•Stability.To support the load transients and to stay within a specified voltage dip ∆V due to the transients, ESR selection should satisfy the following equation:R ESR ≤ ∆V/∆Iwhere, ∆I is the transient load stepIf output voltage ripple is required to be maintained at specified levels then, the following expression should be used to select the output capacitors.R ESR ≤ V p-p / ∆I Lwhere, V p-p is the peak to peak output voltage ripple.The value of the output capacitor ESR zero frequency also determines stability. The value of the ESR zero frequency is calculated by the expression:R ESR = 1 / (2π x f ESR x C OUT )A 470µF POSCAP capacitor has a maximum 35m Ωof ESR which provides 9.7kHz zero frequency.The ESR zero frequency must be set below 12kHz.This value is calculated assuming the capacitor datasheet maximum ESR value.Example:To determine the amount of capacitance to meet a 30mVp-p output ripple, with 4A inductor current ripple requirement.The calculated ESR will be = 30mV/4A =7.5m Ω. This will require 5 x 470uF POSCAP capacitors. The total ESR will result in a 9.7kHz zero frequency.For stable operation:• Set the resonant frequency f o of the output inductor and capacitor between 2kHz and 4kHz.The resonant frequency is calculated using the following expression:f o = 1/ (2π x (√LC))• Select the output inductor value between 0.8µHto 2.0µH and the output capacitance between 1880µF (4x 470µF) and 5600µF (12x470µF)• Set the minimum output ripple voltage to begreater than 0.5% of the output voltage. Select the capacitor by ESR and by voltage rating rather than capacitance.External Input Capacitor SelectionThe switching currents impose RMS current requirements on the input capacitors. The following expression allows the selection of the input capacitors, based on the input RMS current:I RMS = I LOAD x ( √D x (1-D))where, D = V OUT /V IN12iP1001Application IssuesSetting V OUT above 2VIn certain applications where the output voltage is required to be set higher than the maximum DAC code setting of 2V, it is possible to use an external resistive voltage divider which, for accuracy, needs to have 1% or better tolerance. The switching frequency should be set at 200kHz by connecting the FREQ pin to V DD . Also, the output voltage should never be set higher than 3.3V with a V IN minimum of 5V, or 2.5V with a V IN minimum of 3.3V. The DAC code should be set to 2V and the following equation used to select the resistors:V OUT = V F x (1 + R3/R4)See the reference design for reference designators.Note that the impedance at V F is 180K Ω ±35%. It is recommended that R3 be calculated assuming a value of 1k Ω for R4. Connect V FS to V F and GNDS to PGND.Duty Cycle D = V OUT / V IN >50%For duty cycles >50% the switching frequency should be set at 200kHz. 300kHz switching frequency can be selected if the output is less than 2V and the duty cycle is <50%.For duty cycles >50%, add external compensation ramp from the Vsw terminal of the iP1001 device as shown in the reference design through R9 resistor and C21 capacitor (Fig 10a.). For optimum perfor-mance maintain a RC time constant of approximately 5µs. 13iP1001For stable and noise free operation of the whole power system it is recommended that the designer uses to the following guidelines.1. Follow the layout scheme presented in Fig.9.Make sure that the output inductor L1 is placed as close to the iP1001 as possible to prevent noise propagation that can be caused by switching of power at the switching node V SW , to sensitive circuits.2. Provide a mid-layer solid ground with connections to the top layer through vias. The two PGND pads of the iP1001 also need to be connected to the same ground plane through vias.3. Do not connect SGND pins of the iP1001 to PGND.4. To increase power supply noise immunity, place input and output capacitors close to one another, as shown in the layout diagram. This will provide short high current paths that are essential at the ground terminals.Fig 9. iP1001 suggested layout5. Although there is a certain degree of V IN bypassing inside the iP1001, the external input decoupling capacitors should be as close to the device as possible.6. In situations where the load is located at an appreciable distance from the iP1001 block, it is recommended that at least one or two capacitors be placed close to the iP1001 to derive the V F signal.7. The V F connection to the output capacitors should be as short as possible and should be routed as far away from noise generating traces as possible.8. V FS & GNDS pins need to be connected at the load for remote sensing. If remote sensing is not used connect V FS to V F and GNDS to PGND.9. Refer to IR application note AN-1029 to determine what size vias and what copper weight and thickness to use when designing the PCB.Layout GuidelinesInput TerminalLoad T erminalV OUTOutput Caps (C OUT )Input Caps (C IN )V INPGNDV SWOutput Inductor (L 1)PGNDiP1001 BlockiP1001The schematics in Fig.10a & 10b and complete Bill of Materials in Table 4 are provided as a reference design to enable a preliminary evaluation of iP1001. They represent a simple method of applying the iP1001 solution in a synchronous buck topology. Fig. 10a shows the implementation for <5VIN nominal applications, and Fig. 10b shows theimplementation for 5VIN - 12VINnominalapplications.The connection pins are provided through the solder balls on the bottom layer of the package. A total power supply solution is presented with the addition of inductor L1 and the output capacitors C11-C14. Input capacitors C1-C10 are for bypassing in the5VIN - 12VINapplication, but only C1-C3 are requiredfor <5VIN applications (refer to the BOM for values).Switches 1-5 of SW1 are used to program the output voltage. Refer to the VID table provided in this datasheet for the code that corresponds to the desired output voltage. Resistors R2 & R4 need to be removed for operation at standard VID levels (0.925V - 2.0V, leave R3 = 0Ω). Switch 8 of SW1 enables the output when floating (internally pulledhigh). The 5V VDD power terminal and input powerterminals are provided as separate inputs. They can be connected together if the application requires only 5V nominal input voltage.The reference design also offers a higher output voltage option for greater than 2.0V, up to 3.3V. For output voltages above 2V, the DAC setting must be set to 2V, and then select resistors R3 & R4 per Equation 1 on page 10 for the desired output volt-age. Remove R5 and connect VF to VFSthrough R2,where R2=0Ω. In this case, GNDS should be refer-enced to PGND. Tighter regulation can be achieved by using resistors with less than 1% tolerance. For Vin < 5V and Vout > 2V, the frequency select pin (FREQ) must be set to 200kHz (connected to VDD).For applications with VIN < 5V and where there is noauxiliary 5V available, connections JP2 and JP3 must be provided in order to enable the boost cir-cuit. This will provide 5V VDD necessary for theiP1001 internal logic to function. The boost circuit will convert 3.3V input voltage to 5V, to power theVDD , and will provide enough power to supply theinternal logic for up to five iP1001 power blocks.iP1001 Reference Design 1415iP1001Fig 10a. - Reference Design Schematic For <4.5V INFig 10b. - Reference Design Schematic For 5V IN - 12V IN Nominal16iP1001Table 4 - Reference Design Bill of MaterialsIRDCiP1001-A (For operation <4.5V IN )Designator Value Part TypeFootprint Mfr.Mfr. P/N C1, C3, C5100uFCapacitor, 6.3V, 20%, X5R1812TDK C4532X5R0J107MT C2, C4, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C15-Not Installed---C11, C12, C13, C14470uFCapacitor, 6.3V, 20%, Tantalum 7343Sanyo 6TPB470M C16, C190.100uF Capacitor, 50V, 10%, X7R 1206Novacap 1206B104K500N C17, C1810.0uF Capacitor, 16V, 10%, X5R 1210TDK C3225X5R1C106KT C20 1.00uF Capacitor, 10V, 10%, X7R 0805MuRata GRM40X7R105K010C2147.0pF Capacitor, 50V, 5%, C0G 1206MuRata GRM42-6C0G470J050AD140V Schottky Diode, 40V, 2.1AD-64International Rectifier 10MQ040NJP1, JP2, JP3-Test Point -Samtec TSW-102-07-LS JP1-1, JP2-1, JP3-1-Shunt-Samtec SNT-100-BKT L1 1.06uHInductor, 16A, 20%, Ferrite SMT Panasonic ETQP6F1R1BFA L222uH Inductor, 0.68A, 20%, FerriteSMT Sumida CR43-220R10:Resistor, 0:Jumper 2716Isotek Corp SMT-R000R2-For <2Vout, Not installed For >2Vout, Resistor, 0:Jumper SMT --R3-For <2Vout, Resistor, 0: Jumper For >2Vout see formula for valueSMT --R4-For <2Vout, Not installed For >2Vout recommend 1k :see formula for detailSMT --R5-For <2Vout, Resistor, 0: JumperFor >2Vout, Not installed 1206PanasonicERJ-8GEY0R00R60:Resistor, 0:Jumper 1206--R7340k :Resistor, 340k :, 1%340k : sets for 20A limit.See ILIM formula for other values1206ROHMMCR18EZHF3403R8100k :Resistor, 100k :, 5%1206ROHM MCR18EZHJ104R991k :Resistor, 91k :, 5%1206ROHM MCR18EZHJ913SW1-8-position DIP switchSMT C&K Components SD08H0SKTP1, TP3-Not Installed ---TP2, TP4, TP5-Test Point-Keystone1502-2U1-Power BlockSSBGA14mmx14mm International RectifieriP1001U2-IC, Step-Up DC-DC Converter, 0.5A8uMAX MaximMAX1675EUAIRDCiP1001-B (For operation 5V IN to 12V IN )DesignatorValuePart TypeFootprint Mfr.Mfr. P/NC1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C1010.0uF Capacitor, 25V, 10%, X5R 1812MuRata GRM43-2X5R106K25A C11 C12 C13 C14470uF Capacitor, 6.3V, 20%, Tantalum7343Sanyo 6TPB470M C160.100uFCapacitor, 50V, 10%, X7R1206Novacap1206B104K500NC15, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21-Not Installed---D140V Schottky Diode, 40V, 2.1AD-64International Rectifier10MQ040NJP1, JP2, JP3-Not Installed ---JP1-1, JP2-1, JP3-1-Not Installed---L1 1.06uH Inductor, 16A, 20%, FerriteSMT PanasonicETQP6F1R1BFAL2-Not Installed ---R10:Resistor, 0:Jumper 2716Isotek CorpSMT-R000R2-For <2Vout, Not installed For >2Vout, Resistor, 0:Jumper SMT --R3-For <2Vout, Resistor, 0: Jumper For >2Vout see formula for valueSMT --R4-For <2Vout, Not installed For >2Vout recommend 1k :see formula for detailSMT --R5-For <2Vout, Resistor, 0: JumperFor >2Vout, Not installed 1206PanasonicERJ-8GEY0R00R60:Resistor, 0:Jumper 1206--R7340k :Resistor, 340k :, 1%340k : sets for 20A limit.See ILIM formula for other values1206ROHM MCR18EZHF3403R8, R9-Not Installed ---SW1-8-position DIP switchSMT C&K ComponentsSD08H0SK TP1 TP2 TP4 TP5-Test Point -Keystone1502-2TP3-Not Installed---U1-Power Block SSBGA14mmx14mmInternational RectifieriP1001U2-Not Installed---17iP1001iPOWIR Technology products:AN-1028: Recommended Design, Integration and Rework Guidelines for International Rectifier’s iPOWIR Technology BGA PackagesThis paper discusses the assembly considerations that need to be taken when mounting iPOWIR BGA’s on printed circuit boards. This includes soldering, pick and place, reflow, inspection, cleaning and reworking recommendations.AN-1029: Optimizing a PCB Layout for an iPOWIR Technology DesignThis paper describes how to optimize the PCB layout design for both thermal and electrical performance.This includes placement, routing, and via interconnect suggestions.AN-1030: Applying iPOWIR Products in Your Thermal EnvironmentThis paper explains how to use the Power Loss and SOA curves in the data sheet to validate if theoperating conditions and thermal environment are within the Safe Operating Area of the iPOWIR product.。
BDM100 系列低压电动机微机保护监控装置技术资料北京北斗银河科技有限公司版本号:V2.6技术不断创新,请随时联系,证实本版资料目录1概述 (1)2产品选型 (2)2.1功能详表 (2)2.2产品选型表 (3)2.3订货须知 (3)3产品系列 (4)3.1BDM100-B系列 (5)3.1.1操作面板 (5)3.1.2端子示意 (5)3.1.3端子定义 (5)3.2BDM100-C系列 (6)3.2.1操作面板 (6)3.2.2端子示意 (6)3.2.3端子定义 (6)3.3BDM100-M系列 (7)3.3.1操作面板 (7)3.3.2端子示意 (7)3.3.3端子定义 (8)3.4BDM100-E系列 (9)3.4.1操作面板 (9)3.4.2端子示意 (9)3.4.3端子定义 (9)3.5BDM100-T系列 (10)3.5.1操作面板 (10)3.5.2端子示意 (10)3.5.3端子定义 (10)3.6外形尺寸 (11)3.6.1BDM100-C/B系列外形尺寸 (11)3.6.2BDM100-M+内置外形尺寸 (11)3.6.3BDM100-T/E/M系列外形尺寸 (11)4应用说明 (12)4.1专用外置互感器 (12)4.1.1BDCTAD-00外置式电流互感器 (12)4.1.2BDCTAD-01外置式电流电压互感器 (13)4.1.3BDCTL外置式漏电流互感器 (14)4.2模拟量 (15)4.2.1电流输入方式 (15)4.2.2电流输入接线图 (15)4.2.3零序电流与漏电流 (16)4.2.4电压输入方式 (16)4.2.5模拟量输出 (16)4.3开关量 (17)4.3.1开关量输入 (17)4.3.2开关量输出 (17)4.4事件记录 (17)4.5面板控制功能 (17)4.6通信与系统 (18)5技术说明 (20)5.1电机保护功能 (20)5.1.1热过载保护 (20)5.1.2防爆电机EExe热过载保护(t E时间保护) (21)5.1.3断相保护 (22)5.1.4三相电流不平衡保护 (23)5.1.5堵转保护 (24)5.1.6起动时间过长保护 (24)5.1.7零序过流保护 (25)5.1.8自动再起动 (25)5.1.9欠电流保护 (26)5.1.10欠功率保护 (27)5.1.11低电压保护 (28)5.1.12过压保护 (28)5.1.13漏电保护 (29)5.1.14工艺联锁分闸 (29)5.1.15工艺联锁合闸 (30)5.1.16溢出分断 (30)5.1.17速断保护 (31)5.1.18开关量输入信号控制定义 (31)5.1.19PT断线检测 (32)5.2电机运行监测功能 (32)6性能参数 (33)6.1电气参数 (33)6.2环境条件 (34)6.3电磁兼容等级 (34)6.4检验标准 (34)附录: (35)BDM100-B系列典型应用图 (35)BDM100-C系列典型应用图 (36)BDM100-M内置典型应用图 (37)BDM100-M+内置典型应用图 (38)BDM100-M外置典型应用图 (39)BDM100-M+外置典型应用图 (40)BDM100-E典型应用图 (41)BDM100-E+典型应用图 (42)BDM100-T典型应用图 (43)BDM100-T+典型应用图 (44)BDM100-T系列正反转控制典型应用图 (45)1概述BDM100低压电动机微机保护监控综合装置(简称低压综保)是基于微处理器技术开发研制的电动机智能管理装置。
什么是GP、LP、VC、PE、IB、FOF、TOT、MOM一、首先是GP , LP普通合伙人(General Partner , GP ):大多数时候,GP , LP是同时存在的。
而且他们主要存在在一些需要大额度资金投资的公司里,比如私募基金(PE , Private Equity ),对冲基金(Hedge Fund ),风险投资(Venture Capital )这些公司。
举个例子:现在投资公司A共有GP1 , GP2 , GP3 , GP4四个普通合伙人,他们共同拥有投资公司A的100%股份。
有限合伙人(Limited Partner f LP ):我们可以简单的理解为出资人。
(大多数投资公司,旗下都会有很多个不同的项目)而投资公司的GP 们并没有如此多的金钱一一或者他们为了分摊风险,因此不愿意将那么多的公司资金投资在一个项目上面。
当然现在也有个趋势是local pay0前几天在水木的投行版看到UBS在大陆招的quant analyst , base也就税后1W。
所以现在外资投行在大陆做的大部分都是国内企业在HK或者其他国家上市的项目,以及针对这些类型的上市公司撰写英文版的研究报告(前几天看到有篇新闻写UBS 开始写中文报告了,但是上面对UBS的大陆研究团队也是毁誉参半)。
Total Device Dissipation 50 Watts Junction to Case Thermal Resistance o 3.40 C/W Maximum Junction Temperature o 200 C Storage Temperature o o -65 C to 150 C DC Drain Current Drain to Gate Voltage 70 V Drain to Source Voltage 70 V Gate to Source Voltage 20 V
Ciss Coss
Efficiency = 58%
8.00 3
LP801 POUT VS PIN F=1000 MHZ; IDQ=0.2A;VDS=28V
24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
POUT 0.1
Relative Idq = 0.40 A, Vds = 28.0 V, F = 1,000 MHz
温度对臂旁外侧核神经元胞外放电活动的影响叶梦萍;綦黄鹏;薛雅文;詹瑜;林友胜;王念;张洁【摘要】Objective To investigate the temperature-sensitive properties of rat lateral parabrachial (LPB) neurons.Methods The spontaneous firing rate and amplitude of LPB neurons in rat brainstem slices during changes in temperature was extracellularly monitored by loose-seal cell-attached patch clamp recordings,and the location,morphological,and electrophysiological properties of temperature-sensitive neurons in LPB were analysed.Results LPB neurons were classified into three types including warm-sensitive,cold-sensitive and temperature-insensitive neurons according to the temperature coefficients of their firing rate in response to temperature changes.In warm-sensitive neurons,warming increased their firing rate.On the contrary,warming decreased the firing rate of cold-sensitive neurons.The temperature-sensitive neurons were located in LPBel,LPBc and LPBd,the three LPB subnuclei responsible for the transmission of cutaneous feedforward signals,and the percentages of warm-and cold-neurons within the three LPB subnuclei were not significantly different(P > 0.05).The spontaneous firing rate of the warm-sensitive neurons was all significantly greater than that of the temperature-insensitive neurons at 32℃,36℃ and 39℃ (P <0.05).Temperature coefficients,for the warm-sensitive neurons in the LPB,ranged from 0.8 to 3.4imp/(s · ℃);for the cold-sensitiveneurons,ranged from-0.6 to-4.2imp/(s · ℃).Although the three types of LPBneurons appeared to have different cell morphology,there was,in fact,no significant difference in the proportions of the fusiform,oval,triangular,and round neurons(P > 0.05).In addition,temperature had no effects on the firing amplitude of rat LPB neurons(P > 0.05).Conclusion Some neuronsare inherently temperature sensitive in their spontaneous firing activity in the LPB.%目的研究臂旁外侧核(LPB)自发放电神经元的温敏特性.方法采用红外可视脑片膜片钳胞外记录技术,观察温度对LPB神经元自发放电频率和幅度的影响,分析LPB热敏、冷敏神经元的分布、形态学和电生理学特点.结果温度变化对LPB不同类型神经元放电频率的影响不同,热敏神经元放电频率随温度升高明显加快;冷敏神经元放电频率随温度升高明显减慢.在参与前馈调节的3个亚核即LPBel、LPBc和LPBd,热敏和冷敏神经元均有分布,但其分布百分比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).LPB热敏神经元的温敏系数范围为0.8~3.4imp/(s·℃),冷敏神经元的温敏系数范围为-0.6~-4.2imp/(s·℃);在32℃、36℃和39℃3个温度条件下,热敏神经元放电频率均快于温度不敏感神经元(P <0.05);LPB神经元胞体形态呈椭圆形、梭形、三角形或圆形,虽然LPB 3类神经元胞体形态有所不同,但4种形态神经元的比例差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);温度变化对三类神经元的放电幅度均无明显影响(P>0.05).结论 LPB部分神经元的自发放电活动具有温度敏感度,存在内在温度感受机制.【期刊名称】《医学研究杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(046)009【总页数】5页(P84-87,90)【关键词】臂旁外侧核;温度;胞外放电活动【作者】叶梦萍;綦黄鹏;薛雅文;詹瑜;林友胜;王念;张洁【作者单位】610500 成都医学院生理学教研室;610500 成都医学院生理学教研室;610500 成都医学院生理学教研室;610500 成都医学院生理学教研室;610500成都医学院生理学教研室;610500 成都医学院生理学教研室;610500 成都医学院生理学教研室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R3最近,Nakamura等研究发现,臂旁外侧核(lateral parabrachial nucleus, LPB)不但是前馈体温调节上传通路的重要中继站,且不同亚核在前馈体温调节中的作用也不同,外亚核(LPBel)/中央亚核(LPBc)和背亚核(LPBd)分别上传由脊髓传入的皮肤冷、热信号至体温中枢视前区,视前区提前从LPB获取皮肤温度感受器传来的前馈信号,在环境温度变化引起体核温度变化前,引发冷、热防御反应,维持体温相对稳定[1~3]。
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(800) 284-7007 •
Series LPBD100
OUTPUT (LOAD) SPECIFICATION Min Load Voltage Rating Load Current Range (See Figure 5) Transient Blocking Voltage Output Capacitance@ 25Vdc On-State Voltage Drop (See Figure 4) On Resistance Off-State Leakage Current (100 Vdc) Turn-On Time Turn-Off Time Max 100 0.25 200 120 1.25 5.0 10 0.5 2.5 Units Vdc Adc Vdc pF Vdc Ohm µAdc ms ms OUTPUT CURRENT VS. VOLTAGE DROP Figure 4
0.180 MIN (4.572)
WEIGHT: 0.07 oz. (2g) 0.700 (17.78)
0.025 (±.003) (0.6035 ±.076)
0.025 ±.003 (0.635 ±0.0762) 0.045 ±.005 (1.143 ±0.127) .100 ±.005 (2.54 ±0.127)
0.79 (20.07) 0.140 ±.005 (3.556 ±0.127)
0.370 MAX (9.398) 0.020 MIN (0.508)
RELAY A OUT + IN - + -
0.330 ±.005 (8.382 ±0.127)
Series LPBD100
250mA, 100Vdc Normally Closed Dual Relay
Part Number LPBD100 Description .25A, 100Vdc dual solid-state relay MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION
Output Current (mA)
350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Output Voltage Drop (V)
ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATION Min Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Thermal Resistance (Junction to Ambient) each relay Shock Vibration Dielectric Strength Insulation Resistance (@500 Vdc) Input to Output Capacitance Resistance to Soldering Heat Solderability Thermal Shock Altitude HAST MIL STD 202, method 210 MIL STD 202, method 208 MIL STD 202, method 107 55,000 JDEC Test Method A110 130°C 85% RH, no power applied, 50 hours ft 109 5 Ohm pF 500 120 1500 100 °C/W g g Vac –40 –55 Max +85 +100 125 Units °C °C
14 12
Input Current (mA)
PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Max 7.0 12 0.8
Units Vdc mAdc Vdc Vdc µAdc Vdc
4.0 50 7
10 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Input Voltage (Vdc)
FEATURES/BENEFITS • Compact SIP plastic package • Dual output: two relays in one package • Normally closed output • Low voltage drop DESCRIPTION The LPBD100 is a dual-output 100Vdc plastic relay. The relay output-switch contacts are normally closed and will conduct the load current until a voltage is applied to the relay input. With 4 volts or more at the relay input, the output-switch contacts open and the relay no longer conducts. The LPBD100 assembly contains two independent relays, completely isolated from each other, in a single in-line package (SIP). The relays provide optical isolation between input and output terminals. Each relay output circuit uses a pair of depletion-mode MOSFETs for reliable operation. APPLICATIONS • Interface applications • Aircraft flight control systems • A.T.E • 28Vdc aircraft instrumentation systems
Load Current (A)
0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Ambient Temperature (°C)
NOTES: 1. For input voltages greater than 7 volts, use an external resistor in series with the relay input. Rext. = (Vin–7 Vdc)/0.012 Amps 2. Unless otherwise specified: conformance testing is at room temperature; the input voltage is 5Vdc or zero volts as required; the output load is 48Vdc, 0.25 amp. 3. Relay input voltage transitions should be less than 1.0 millisecond. 4. Maximum load current ratings are with the relay in free air and soldered to a printed circuit board. 5. Timing is measured from the input voltage transition to the 10% or 90% point on the output voltage off-to-on or on-to-off transition. Rise and fall times are from the 10% to 90% points on the output voltage transition.
Load A +V Load B +V +5Vdc
V supply 24–48 Vdc Typical
LPBD100 29
+IN Resistor/LED input –IN Optical Isolation
Turn-on Timing Circuit
Output Switch Depletion Mode MOSFETs
LPBD100 30
Figure 1 – LPBD100 relay; dimensions in inches (mm)
INPUT (CONTROL) SPECIFICATIONS Min Control Voltage Range (See Note 1) Input Current @ 5 Vdc (See Figure 2) Must Turn-On Voltage Must Turn-Off Voltage Must Turn-On Current Reverse Voltage