Uniqueness of construction industry Calculation and evaluation of matrices
高自密实堆石混凝土在重力坝的应用———以龙海市九九坑水库工程为例Application of the High Self-Compacting Rock-Filled Concrete in Gravity Dam———Taking Jiujiukeng Reservoir Engineering in Longhai City as an Example邹书鹏(福建云荣建筑有限公司,福建漳州363000)ZOU Shu-peng(Fujian Yunrong Construction Co.,Ltd.,Zhangzhou 363000,China)【摘要】随着社会经济的迅猛发展与科技水平的不断提高,国家对建筑行业的质量要求越来越高。
建筑学专业英语翻译1.1 新建筑时代的文化融合Since the 1990s, China has obviously speeded up its steps to open the architectural field to the outside world. That is fully testified by its extensive adoption of the competition mechanism,introducing international bidding for some important constructions. As a result, visions of domestic architects have been expanded, their mentality updated, and a number of prominent masterworks created.The successful bidding for quite a few major projects by foreign architects marks the beginning of China's accession into the international community in the architectural sector. 自20世纪90年代开始,中国明显加快了向世界开放建筑领域的步伐,此事通过中国广泛采纳竞争机制,为一些重要建筑引入国际招标可以得到充分证实。
Just like the country's accession into the World Trade Organization, which originally provoked controversies among some Chinese people who worried aboutabout the fate of the domestic en- terprises, only a temporary sacrifice of domestic architectural sectors can create chances for theirfuture success in ever-increasing international competitions. 正如中国加入世界贸易组织一样,一些中国人担心国内企业的命运,只是暂时牺牲国内建筑行业,在不断增加的国际竞争中创造未来的成功几会。
竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除《建设工程项目管理规范》最新版篇一:建设工程项目管理规范建设工程项目管理规范gb/t50326-20xx第1章总则第1.0.1条为了提高建设工程施工项目管理水平,促进施工项目管理的科学化,规范化和法制化,适应市场经济发展的需要,与国际惯例接轨,制定本规范.第1.0.2条本规范适用于新建,扩建等建设工程的施工项目管理.本规范是规范建设工程施工项目管理行为,明确企业各层次与人员的职责和相关工作关系,考核评价项目经理和项目经理部的基本依据.第1.0.3条建设工程施工项目管理应实行项目制和项目责任制和项目成本算制.第1.0.4条建设工程施工项目管理,除应遵循本规范外,还应符合国家法律,行政法规及有关强制性标准的规定.建设工程项目管理规范gb/t50326-20xx第2章术语第2.0.1条施工项目constrctionproiject企业自工程施工投标开始修期满为止的全过程中完成的项目.第2.0.2条施工项目管理constructionprojectmanagmentbyenterprisesof constructionindustry企业运用系统的观点,理论和科学技术对施工项目进行的计划,组织,监督,控制,协调等全过程管理.第2.0.3条项目发包人employer在协议书中约定,具有项目了包人接受的具有项目施工承包主体资格的当事人,或取得该当事人资格的合法继承人.第2.0.4条项目承包人contractor在协议书中约定,被项目了包人受的具有项目施工承包主体资格的当事人资格的合法继承人.第2.0.5条项目分包人subcontractor项目承包人根据施工合同的约定,将承包的项目部分发包给具有相应资质的当事人.第2.0.6条项目经理constuctionprojectmanmager企业法定代表人在承包的建设工程施工项目上和委托代理人.第2.0.7条项目经理部constructionprojectmanagerteam由项目经理在企业的支持下组建并领导,进行项目管理的组织机构.第2.0.8条矩阵式项目管理组织matrixtypeorganizationofprojectmanagement结构形式呈阵状的组织,项目管理人员由企业有关职能部门派出并进行业务指导,受项目经理的直接领导.第2.0.9条直线职能式项目管理组织straighlineandfunctiontypeorganizationofprojectmana gement结构形式呈直线状且设有职能部门或职能人员的组织,每个成员(或部门)只受一位直领导人指挥.第2.0.10条事业部式项目管理组织feseralstructureofdecentralizedpowertypeorganizatio nofprojectmanagement在企业内作为派往项目的管理班子,对企业外具有独立法人资格的项目管理组织.第2.0.11条项目经理责任制responsibilitysystemofconstructionprojectmanager 以项目经理为责任主体的施工项目管理目标责任制度.第2.0.12条项目管理目标责任书responsibilitydocumentsofconstructionprojectmanagem ent由企业法定代表人根据施工合同和经营管理目标要求明确规定项目经理部应达到的成本,质量,进度和安全等控制目标的文件.第2.0.13条项目管理规划大纲planningoutlineforconstructionprojectmanagement 由企业管理层在投标之前编制的,旨在作为役标依据,满足招标文件要求及签订合同要求的文件.第2.0.14条项目管理实施规划executionplanningforconstructionprojectmanagement 在开工之前由项目经理主持编制的,旨在指导施工项目实施阶段管理文件.第2.0.15条项目目标控制objectcontrolforconstructionproject为实现项目管理目标而实施的收集数据,与计划目标对比分析,采取措施纠正偏差等活动,包括项目进度控制,项目质量控制,项目安全控制和项目成本控制.第2.0.16条项目风险constractioonprojectrisk通过调查,分析,论证,预测其发生概率,后果很可能使项目产生损失的未来不确定性因素.第2.0.17条项目风险管理riskmangaementofconstructionproject项目风险的识别,评估,管理规划实施与检查等过程.第2.0.18条项目成本核算制costcalculationsystemofconstructionproject有关项目成本核算原则,范围,程序,方法,内容,责任及要求的管理制度.第2.0.19条项目生产要素管理productiveelementmanagemntforconstructionproject 对项目的人力资源,材料,机械设备,资金,技术,信息等进行的管理.第2.0.20条项目合同管理contractmanagementforconstructionproject对施工合同的订立,履行,变更,终止,违约,索赔,争议处理等进行的管理.第2.0.21条项目信息管理informationmanagementforconstructionproject施工项目实施过程中,对信息收集,整理,处理,储存,传递与应用等进行的管理.第2.0.22条项目现场管理sitemanagementforconstructionproject对施工现场内的活动及空间使用所进行的管理.第2.0.23条项目竣工验收completionanddeliveryofconstructionproject项目竣工验收completionanddeliveryofconstructionproject 第2.0.24条项目回访保修returnvisitandguaranteeforrepairofconstructionproje ct承包人在施工项目竣工验收后使用状况和质量问题向用户访问了解,并按照有关规定及"工程质量保修书"的约定,在保修期内对发生的质量问题进行修理并承担相应经济责任的过程.第2.0.25条项目组织协调organizationforconstructionproject以一定的组织形式,手段和方法,对项目管理中产生的关系进行通,对产生的干扰和障碍予以排除的过程.第2.0.26条项目考核评价examinationandevaluationofconstructionprojectmanage ment由项目考核评价主体对考核评价客体和项目管理行为,水平及成果进行考核并做出评价的过程.建设工程项目管理规范gb/t50326-20xx第3章项目管理内容与程序第3.0.1条项目管理的内容与程序应体现企业管理层和项目管理层参与的项目管理活动.第3.0.2条项目管理的每一过程,都应体现计划,实施,体查,处理(pdca)的持续改进过程.第3.0.3条项目经理部的管理内容应由企业法定代表人向项目经理下达的"项目管理目标责任书"确定,并应由项目经理负责组织实施.在项目管理期间,由包发人或其委托的监理工程师或企业管理层按规定程序提出的,以施工指形式下达的工程变更导致和额外施工任务或工作,均应列入项目管理范围.第3.0.4条项目管理应体现管理的规律,企业应利用制度保证项目管理按规定程序运行.第3.0.5条项目管理部应按监理机构提供的"监理规划"和"监理实施细则"的要求,接受并配合监理工作.第3.0.6条项目管理的内容应包笑:编制"项目管理规划大纲"和项目管理实施规划",项目进度控制项目质量控制,项目安全控制,项目成本控制,项目人力管理,项目材料管理,项目机械设备管理,项目技术管理,项目资金管理,项目合同管理,项目信息管理,项目现场管理,项目组织协调,项目竣工验收,项目考核评价,项目访问保修.第3.0.7条项目管理和程序应依次为:编制项目管理规划大纲,编制项目管理规划大纲,编制投标书并进行投标,签订施工合同,选定项目经理,项目经理接受企业法定代表人的委托组建项目经理部,企定法定代表人与项目经理签订:项目管理目标责任书",项目经理部编制"项目管理实施规划"进行项目开工前的准备,施工期间按"项目管理实施规划"进行管理,在项目竣工验收阶段进行竣工结算,清理各种债权债务,移交资料和工程,进行经济分析,做出项目管理总结报告并送企业管理层有关职能部门,企业管理层组织考核委员会对项目管理工作进行考核评价并兑现"项目管理目标责任书"中和奖罚承诺,项目经理部解体,在保修期满前企业管理层根据"工程质量保修书"和约定进行项目回访保修.第4章项目管理规划4.1一般规定第4.1.1条项目管理规划应分为项目管理规划大纲和项目管理实施规划.第4.1.2条当承包人以编制施工组织设计代替项目管理规划时,施工组织设计应满足项目管理规划的要求.4.2项目管理规划大纲第4.2.1条项目管理规划大纲应由企业管理层依据下列资料编制:1.招标文件及发包人对招标文件的解释.2.企业管理层对招标文件的分析研究结果.3.工程现场情况.4.发包人提供的信息的资料.5.有关市场信息.6.企业法定代表人的投标决策意见.第4.2.2条项目管理规划大纲应包括下列内容:1.项目概况.2.项目实施条件分析.3.项目投标活动及签订施工合同的策略.4.项目管理目标.5.项目组织结构.6.质量目标和施工总进度计划.7.质量目标和施工方案.8.成本目标.9.项目风险预测和安全目标.10.项目现场管理和施工平面图.11.投标和签订施工合同.12.文明施工及环境保护.4.3项目管理实施规划第4.3.1条项目管理实施规划必须由项目经理组织项目经理部在工程开工之前编制完成.第4.3.2条项目管理实施规划应依据下列资料编制:1.项目管理规划大纲.2."项目管理目标责任书".3.施工合同.第4.3.3条项目管理实施规划应包括下列内容:1.工程概况.2.施工部署.3.施工方案.4.施工进度计划.5.资源供应计划.6.施工准备工作计划.7.施工平面图.8.技术组织措施计划.9.项目风险管理.10.信息管理.11.技术经济指标分析.第4.3.4条编制项目管理实施规划应遵循下列程序:1.对施工合同和施工条件进行分析;2.对项目管理目标责任书进行分析;3.编写目录及框架;4.分工编写;5.汇总协调;6.统一审查;7.修改定稿;8.报批.第4.3.5条工程概况应包括下列内容:1.工程特点.篇二:17建设工程施工项目管理规范gbt50326-20xx 《建设工程项目管理规范》(gb/t50326-20xx)整理人:jiaozhenhong第1章:总则---------------------------------------------0 第2章:术语---------------------------------------------0 第3章:项目管理内容与程序-------------------------------0第4章:项目管理规划-------------------------------------04.1一般规定-----------------(《建设工程项目管理规范》最新版)------------------------04.2项目管理规划大纲---------------------------------04.3项目管理实施规划---------------------------------0第5章:项目经理责任制-----------------------------------05.1一般规定-----------------------------------------05.2项目经理-----------------------------------------05.3项目经理的责,权,利-------------------------------0第6章:项目经理部---------------------------------------06.1一般规定-----------------------------------------06.2项目经理部的设立---------------------------------06.3项目经理部的运行---------------------------------0第7章:项目进度控制-------------------------------------07.1一般规定-----------------------------------------07.2施工进度计划。
Reviewing workLessone 1, 2, 7Cost Planning of Buildings:Chapter 1 and 3course ppt. contentAbbreviations:DBB:Design-Bid-Build设计-招标-建造ACM:Agency Construction Manager代理型项目经理CM-at-Risk:Construction Managers-at-Risk风险型项目经理DB:Design-build设计-建造DBOT:Design-build-Operate-Transfer设计-建造-营运-移交DBOM:Design-build-Operate-Maintain设计-建造-营运-维护DBOOT:Design-build-Own-Operate-Transfer金融-设计-建造-拥有-营运-移交FDBOT:Finance-Design-build-Operate-Transfer 金融-设计-建造-营运-移交‘TPC:Total Project Cost工程总造价CPR:Capital Project Request资本项目需求HV AC:Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning采暖通风与空调ISDN:Integrated Services Digital Network综合业务数字网AutoCAD:Auto Computer Aided Design计算机辅助设计RPR:TBM:Tunnel Boring Machine 隧道掘进机BIM:Building Information Modeling建筑信息模型BQs:QS:Quantity Surveyor估算师;估料师WLCC:BS:British standard英国标准CIOB:The Chartered Institute of Building英国皇家特许建造学会ASCE:The American Society of Civil Engineers美国土木工程师学会OGC:NDPBs:BCIS:NAO:Professional terms and expressions:●Physical products:实体产品●Labor organizations:劳工组织Organizations of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions.●Shop drawings:施工图The shop drawing is the manufacturer’s or the contractor’s drawn version of information shown in the construction documents.●Surface topography:表面地形学Surface Topography is the local deviations of a surface from a perfectly flat plane.●Specialty construction contractors:专业建筑承包商●Government regulatory agencies:政府部门的管理机构A government regulatory agency is a government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity.●Budgetary constraints:预算限制●Modular homes:组合式家居Modular buildings and modular homes are sectional prefabricated buildings, or houses, that consist of multiple sections called modules.●Storm water:雨水Storm water is water that originates during precipitation events. It may also be used to apply to water that originates with snowmelt that enters the stormwater system.●Water distribution systems:配水系统A water distribution system is a system of engineered hydrologic(水文的)and hydraulic (水力的,水压的)components which provide water supply.●Equipment-intensive:装备密集的●Tax exempt revenue:免税收入(exempt:vt.(from)免除,豁免a.被豁免的r evenue:收入)●Working capital:流动资金the money that a business has available for immediate use(capital:此处表资金)●Operating revenues:营业额,营业收入Earnings before interest and taxes●Fast-tracking:边设计边施工Fast-track construction reduces the project time by overlapping the project design and construction phases.●Domino effect:多米诺效应a situation in which one event causes a whole series of events to happen one after the other.●Internal capabilities:内部能力●Appropriation estimates:概算●Contingency allowance:应急准备金The contingency allowance is the money allocated during planning for unscheduled events.●Field Procedure Manual:现场施工程序手册●Upset price:开拍底价●Sketch scheme:初步方案●Iron fist in velvet glove:外柔内刚"iron fist in a velvet glove," referring to a person who appears gentle but is determined and often inflexible underneath.●Capital project: 投资方案●Revenue streams:收入来源、收益流A revenue stream is a form of revenue. Revenue streams refer specifically to the individual methods by which money comes into a company.[citation needed]Revenue streams may be characterized. For example, a revenue stream has volatility, predictability, risk, and return.●Cost parameter:成本参数●Cost optimisation programme:成本优化方案●Performance measurement indicators:绩效考核(衡量)指标An organization may use them to evaluate its success, or to evaluate the success of a particular activity in which it is engaged.●Client brief:设计纲要●Refined cost:细化成本●Decision-tree analysis:决策树分析A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. The decision-tree analysis is the application of it.●Quality of cost:质量成本The Nature/feature/Characteristics of Construction Industry⏹One of the pillar industries of a country国家支柱产业之一⏹Labour-intensive劳动力密集型⏹Capital-intensive (资金密集型)⏹Equipment- intensive设备密集型⏹Long project cycle (工程周期长, time-consuming)⏹Highly restrained(受控制的)by weather conditions and the environmentsince working in the open⏹All projects by contract⏹Teamwork including owner, architects, engineers, contractors (subcontractors ),regulators, material suppliers etc.团队包括业主、建筑师、工程师、承包商(分包方)、监管者、材料供应商等。
国家机关英文名称1.全国人民代表大会[National People' s Congress (NPC)]主席团Presidium常务委员会Standing Committee办公厅General Office秘书处Secretariat代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee法律委员会Law Committee财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Com mittee内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution2.中华人民共和国主席[President of the People' s Republic of China]3. 中央军事委员会[Central Military Commission]4. 最高人民法院[Supreme People' s Court]5. 最高人民检察院[Supreme People' s Procuratorate]国务院部委6. 国务院[State Council](1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defence国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for Nat ional De-fence国家民族事物委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security国家安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Public Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People' s Bank of China国家审计署State Auditing Administration国务院办事机构(2)国务院办事机构Offices under the State Council国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs港澳台办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs经济体制改革办公室Office for Economic Restructuring国务院研究室Research Office of the State Council新闻办公室Information Office国务院直属机构(3)国务院直属机构Departments Directly under the State Council海关总署General Administration of Customs国家税务总局State Taxation Administration国家环境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration中国民用航空总局Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)国家广播电影电视总局State Administration of Radio, Film and Television国家体育总局State Sport General Administration国家统计局State Statistics Bureau国家工商行政管理局State Administration of Industry and Commerce新闻出版署Press and Publication Administration国家版权局State Copyright Bureau国家林业局State Forestry Bureau国家质量技术监督局State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision国家药品监督管理局State Drug Administration (SDA)国家知识产权局State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)国家旅游局National Tourism Administration国家宗教事物局State Bureau of Religious Affairs国务院参事办Counsellors' Office of the State Council国务院机关事物管理局Government Offices Administration of the State Council 国务院直属机构事业单位(4)国务院直属事业单位Institutions Directly under the State Council新华通讯社Xinhua News Agency中国科学院Chinese Academy of Sciences中国社会科学院Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中国工程院Chinese Academy of Engineering国务院发展研究中心Development Research Centre of the State Council国家行政学院National School of Administration中国地震局China Seismological Bureau中国气象局China Meteorological Bureau中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)部委管理的国家局(5)部委管理的国家局State Bureaux Administrated by Ministries or Commissions国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)State Bureau of Grain Reserve (under the State Development Planning Commission)国家国内贸易局State Bureau of Internal Trade国家煤炭工业局State Bureau of Coal Industry国家机械工业局State Bureau of Machine-Building Industry国家冶金工业局State Bureau of Metallurgical Industry国家石油和化学工业局State Bureau of Petroleum and Chemical Industries国家轻工业局State Bureau of Light Industry国家纺织工业局State Bureau of Textile Industry国家建筑材料工业局State Bureau of Building Materials Industry国家烟草专卖局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau国家有色金属工业局State Bureau of Nonferrous Metal Industry[以上由国家经贸委管理][all under the State Economic and Trade Commission]国家外国专家局(人事部)State Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs (under the Mini stry of Personnel)国家海洋局(国土资源部)State Oceanic Administration (under the Ministry of La nd and resources)国家测绘局(国土资源部)State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (under the Mi nistry of Land and Resources)国家邮政局(信息产业部)State Post Bureau (under the Ministry of Information I ndustry)国家文物局(文化部)State Cultural Relics Bureau (under the Ministry of Culture)国家中医药管理局(卫生部)State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(u nder the Ministry of Public Health)国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行)State Administration of Foreign Exchange (u nder the People' s Bank of China)国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署)State Administration for Entry-Exit Inspection a nd Quarantine (under the General Administration of Customs)。
Construction project management is concerned with planning, scheduling, and controlling nonroutine activities within certain time and resource constrains. If a construction project is to be constructed within its established budget and time schedule, close management control of field operations is a necessity. Construction project conditions include technical complexity, importance of timely completion, resource limitations, and control of construction operations. Unfortunately, the construction process once it is set into motion is not a self-regulating mechanism and requires expert guidance if events are to conform to plans.
高三英语艺术批评标准练习题30题1.In the painting, the colors are vivid and the brushstrokes are bold. The artist's use of ______ is remarkable.A.techniqueB.styleC.methodD.way答案:A。
2.The sculpture is known for its delicate ______.A.detailB.patternC.shapeD.form答案:A。
3.The music piece is full of emotional ______.A.expressionB.feelingC.sensationD.impression答案:A。
4.The dance performance shows great ______ of movement.A.graceB.beautyC.eleganceD.fluidity答案:D。
5.The play is praised for its powerful ______.A.dialogueB.plotC.characterD.theme答案:D。
德胜洋楼【简介】德胜(苏州)洋楼有限公司(以下简称德胜公司)成立于1997年,注册地址为苏州工业园区娄葑东区淞江路3号,是美国联邦德胜公司(FEDERAL TECSUN,INC.)在中国苏州工业园区设立的全资子公司,它的前身是美国联邦德胜公司在中国上海设立的代表处。
Construction projects are unique and complex endeavors that require careful planning, execution, and management to ensure successful completion. The construction industry encompasses a wide range of activities, including building infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and tunnels, as well as constructing residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. The following paragraphs will discuss the key characteristics of construction projects and the challenges that contractors and project managers face in delivering successful projects.One of the primary characteristics of construction projects is their size and complexity. Construction projects can vary significantly in size and scope, from small-scale renovations to large-scale developments that require extensive planning and coordination. The complexity of construction projects is further compounded by the numerous stakeholders involved, including contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, architects, engineers, and clients. Each stakeholder has their own expectations, requirements, and constraints, which must be carefully managed to ensure the successful completion of the project.Another characteristic of construction projects is their time-sensitive nature. Construction projects are often subject to strict deadlines, which must be met to ensure timely completion and avoid costly delays. Contractors and project managers must carefully plan and schedule the project activities, taking into account factors such as weather conditions, resource availability, and regulatory compliance. Effective time management is crucial to keeping the project on track and ensuring that all milestones are met.Cost management is another critical aspect of construction projects. Construction projects require significant financial resources, and managing the project budget is essential to achieving financial success. Contractors and project managers must accurately estimate the costs associated with labor, materials, equipment, and other resources, and closely monitor expenses to avoid cost overruns. Effective cost management also involves mitigating risks and uncertainties, such as changes in material prices and labor costs, which can impact the project budget.Safety is a paramount concern in construction projects. Constructionsites are inherently dangerous, and accidents can result in injuries, property damage, and financial loss. Contractors and project managers must prioritize safety and implement robust safety measures, such as providing proper training, enforcing safe work practices, andmaintaining safe working conditions. Compliance with regulatory requirements, such as OSHA standards, is also essential to ensuring a safe construction site.Quality control is another critical aspect of construction projects. Contractors and project managers must ensure that the workmanship and materials used in the construction process meet the specified standards and requirements. This involves conducting regular inspections, testing, and quality assurance activities to ensure that the project is built to specifications and meets the client's expectations.In conclusion, construction projects are complex and challenging endeavors that require careful planning, execution, and management to ensure successful completion. The characteristics of construction projects, such as size and complexity, time sensitivity, cost management, safety, and quality control, present unique challenges that contractors and project managers must overcome to deliver successful projects. By effectively managing these characteristics and stakeholders, contractors and project managers can achieve successful project outcomes and contribute to the growth and development of the construction industry.。
四个相同的字叠在一起的所有的字英文版Have you ever noticed that there are certain words in the English language that have four of the same letters stacked on top of each other? It's quite fascinating to see these words and realize how unique they are.One example of this is the word "bookkeeper." In this word, we have four consecutive letters "o" stacked on top of each other. It's quite rare to see this kind of repetition in a word, but it definitely makes "bookkeeper" stand out.Another example is the word "successes." In this word, we have four consecutive letters "s" stacked on top of each other. It's interesting to see how these letters are repeated in such a pattern, creating a visually appealing word.There are other words like "committee" and "possession" that also have four of the same letters stacked on top of each other. It's quite amazing to see how these words are constructed and how they create a unique visual impact.In conclusion, it's intriguing to see words in the English language that have four of the same letters stacked on top of each other. These words are not only visually appealing but also quite rare in the language. Next time you come across one of these words, take a moment to appreciate the uniqueness of their construction.四个相同的字叠在一起的所有的字你有没有注意到英语中有一些单词,其中有四个相同的字母叠在一起?看到这些单词并意识到它们有多独特是非常迷人的。
四川建筑英语作文**The Charm and Heritage of Sichuan Architecture**Sichuan, a province rich in history and culture, is renowned for its unique architectural styles that have stood the test of time. From ancient temples to modern skyscrapers, Sichuan architecture embodies the essence of the region's rich heritage and continuing innovation.The ancient temples of Sichuan, such as the Dujiangyan Irrigation System and the Leshan Giant Buddha, are prime examples of the province's architectural genius. These structures, with their intricate details and harmonious blend of nature and manmade elements, tell tales of ancient wisdom and craftsmanship. The Dujiangyan Irrigation System, an ancient engineering marvel, is a testament to thepeople's profound understanding of water management and agriculture. The Leshan Giant Buddha, on the other hand, is a symbol of peace and tranquility, reflecting the Buddhist influence in Sichuan.Modern Sichuan architecture, on the other hand, is a testament to the province's forward-thinking and innovativespirit. Skyscrapers like the Chengdu IFC and the Chongqing World Financial Center not only boast state-of-the-art design but also reflect the city's booming economy and cultural diversity. These buildings, with their glass and steel exteriors and eco-friendly features, are a stark contrast to the ancient temples but are no less beautiful and captivating.The blend of traditional and modern elements in Sichuan architecture is what makes it truly unique. Architects in the province have successfully incorporated traditional motifs and designs into modern structures, creating a harmonious blend of old and new. This approach not only preserves the region's cultural heritage but also makes it relevant and appealing to the modern eye.Furthermore, Sichuan architecture is also known for its use of local materials and sustainable practices. Many buildings in the province are constructed using bamboo, wood, and stone, which are not only abundant in the region but also environmentally friendly. This approach not only reduces the carbon footprint of construction but alsocontributes to the region's economic growth and sustainability.In conclusion, Sichuan architecture is a testament to the province's rich history, cultural heritage, and innovative spirit. From ancient temples to modern skyscrapers, each structure tells a story of the region's wisdom, craftsmanship, and forward-thinking. As we move forward, it is important to preserve and continue this legacy, ensuring that the beauty and uniqueness of Sichuan architecture are preserved for future generations to enjoy. **四川建筑的魅力与传承**四川,这个充满历史和文化底蕴的省份,以其独特的建筑风格闻名于世。
Nanjing Zifeng Building, also known as Greenland Square ·Zifeng Building, formerly known as Nanjing Greenland Financial Center, is located on Zhongshan North Road in Gulou District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. It is the tallest building in Jiangsu Province and one of the landmarks of Nanjing City.紫峰大厦于2004年动工兴建,至2009年完工,高达450米,共有89层。
The Zifeng Building started construction in 2004 and was completed in 2009, with a height of 450 meters and a total of 89 floors. Its design is full of modernity, with a large area of glass curtain wall and dark gray stone on the exterior, simple and elegant yet noble. The architectural form presents a huge triangular pyramid, consisting of three towers of different heights, symbolizing the trend of "three mountains gathering at the top". The highest main tower is 450 meters high, which corresponds to the elevation of the landmark of Nanjing City - Zijin Mountain.紫峰大厦内部功能复合多样,既有商业区,又有写字楼,也有高级酒店。
紫禁城介绍英文版1The Forbidden City, a magnificent and mysterious masterpiece, stands as a testament to China's rich history and profound culture. It was first built during the Ming Dynasty and underwent numerous expansions and renovations throughout the years. Can you imagine the grandeur and meticulous planning that went into its construction?During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it served as the imperial palace, the heart of political power and cultural hub. It was a place where emperors made momentous decisions that shaped the destiny of the nation. How awe-inspiring is that?The architecture of the Forbidden City is a symphony of beauty and precision. The elaborate palaces, the splendid gardens, and the intricate decorations all speak volumes about the craftsmanship and artistry of that era. But why has it endured through the ages and still captivates our hearts today?It became a World Heritage Site, recognized globally for its unparalleled historical and cultural value. This is not just a title but a validation of its significance. How fortunate we are to have such a treasure!The Forbidden City is not just a collection of buildings; it is a living chronicle of China's past. It reminds us of the glory and wisdom of ourancestors. Isn't it a source of pride and inspiration for us all? Let us cherish and protect this precious heritage for generations to come.2The Forbidden City, a magnificent masterpiece of architecture, stands as a glorious symbol of China's rich history and profound culture! It is a place that evokes awe and wonder.The layout of the palaces within the Forbidden City is truly remarkable. The orderly arrangement of various buildings showcases a sense of grandeur and harmony. The main halls are placed in a strategic sequence, creating a solemn and imposing atmosphere. How magnificent it is!The architectural style is a blend of elegance and strength. The delicate carvings on the pillars and the elaborate rooftops adorned with glazed tiles are simply breathtaking! And the use of traditional colors like red and yellow adds to the splendor.The traditional cultural elements within are fascinating. The dragon and phoenix patterns, symbols of power and auspiciousness, can be seen everywhere. Isn't it a wonder how these elements have been incorporated so seamlessly?The Forbidden City is not just a collection of buildings; it is a living testament to the wisdom and creativity of the ancient Chinese. It is a place that makes us ponder over the past and appreciate the beauty of our heritage.What an extraordinary place it is!3The Forbidden City, a remarkable symbol of China's rich history and culture, holds within its walls a treasure trove of precious artifacts. Oh, what a wonder it is! Among these treasures are exquisite paintings and calligraphy that showcase the masterful skills of ancient artists. The strokes and colors seem to tell tales of bygone eras. There are also delicate porcelain works, each one a masterpiece of craftsmanship. How astonishing!To protect these invaluable relics, numerous measures have been taken. Advanced climate control systems have been installed to maintain a stable environment. This ensures that the temperature and humidity levels are just right to prevent damage. Security systems have been enhanced to safeguard against theft and vandalism. Isn't it wonderful that such efforts are made?Special conservation labs have been established where experts painstakingly restore and preserve damaged artifacts. They use their expertise and modern techniques to bring these treasures back to life. The dedication and passion of these conservators are truly inspiring!The protection of the Forbidden City's cultural relics is not only a responsibility but also a commitment to preserving our heritage for future generations. How important and meaningful it is! Let us all appreciate andsupport these efforts to keep the splendor of the Forbidden City alive.4The Forbidden City, a magnificent and historic masterpiece, stands as a testament to the glorious past of China. When tourists step into this grand palace complex, they are immediately overwhelmed by its sheer scale and splendor. The towering palaces, with their elaborate rooftops and intricately carved details, draw gasps of awe and admiration. "Oh, what a sight to behold!" they exclaim.The rich history and profound culture embedded within the walls of the Forbidden City leave a deep impression on every visitor. As they walk along the ancient corridors and gaze at the precious artifacts, they can't help but wonder about the lives of the emperors and their courts. "How did they live in such opulence and power?"The beautiful gardens and peaceful courtyards offer a moment of tranquility amidst the grandeur. Tourists find themselves lost in thought, reflecting on the passage of time and the significance of this heritage. "Isn't it amazing how this place has survived through the ages?"The Forbidden City is not just a collection of buildings; it is a living museum that tells stories of a bygone era. It is a place where one can truly immerse themselves in history and feel the pulse of the past. Every corner, every brick, and every artifact has a tale to tell. "What a remarkable journey it is to explore this place!"Visiting the Forbidden City is an experience that lingers in the hearts and minds of tourists long after they have left. It is a journey that combines wonder, inspiration, and a profound appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of China.5The Forbidden City, standing majestically in the heart of Beijing, China, is a wonder that has left an indelible mark on the world's architectural and cultural landscape. Oh, what a remarkable place it is!When we compare it with other famous palace buildings around the world, its uniqueness becomes strikingly apparent. Take, for instance, the Palace of Versailles in France. While both are symbols of power and opulence, the Forbidden City has a distinct charm. Its layout, with its symmetrical design and vast courtyards, creates a sense of order and harmony that is truly awe-inspiring. How could one not be amazed by its intricate architecture and the profound meaning embedded in every detail?The Forbidden City is not just a collection of buildings; it is a living testament to China's rich history and cultural traditions. It has witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties, and its walls hold countless stories. Isn't it astonishing how such a place has endured through the ages, still captivating the hearts and minds of people from all corners of the world?It has contributed greatly to the world's architectural heritage. Its influence can be seen in the design of palaces and buildings in othercountries. The use of traditional materials and construction techniques showcases the ingenuity of ancient Chinese architects. How remarkable it is that this masterpiece continues to inspire and influence modern architecture!In conclusion, the Forbidden City is not only a treasure of China but also a precious gem for the entire world. Its significance will forever shine brightly in the annals of human history.。
上海建工 英语介绍 -回复
上海建工英语介绍-回复Shanghai Construction Group (SCG), also known as 上海建工集团有限公司in Chinese, is one of the largest and most influential construction companies in China. With a rich history spanning over six decades, SCG has contributed significantly to the development and modernization of Shanghai and other major cities in China.Founded in 1950, Shanghai Construction Group has grown from a small local builder to a global construction and engineering conglomerate. The company has been involved in numerous landmark projects, including the Shanghai World Financial Center, Shanghai Tower, and the Beijing Olympic Stadium, commonly known as the Bird's Nest. These iconic structures showcase SCG's commitment to architectural innovation and engineering excellence.SCG's success can be attributed to its comprehensive range of services. The company is involved in various sectors such as civil engineering, urban development, infrastructure construction, real estate development, and international contracting. SCG has a diverse portfolio, including residential buildings, office complexes,airports, bridges, highways, and railway systems.One of SCG's core strengths is its expertise in project management. The company adopts a systematic and meticulous approach to ensure timely completion and high-quality delivery of projects. SCG's project management team consists of experienced professionals who oversee the entire construction process, from planning and design to procurement and construction. Stringent quality control measures are implemented at every stage to ensure compliance with international standards and client requirements.SCG is also committed to sustainable development and has integrated environmental protection practices into its operations. The company actively promotes green building technologies and practices, aiming to minimize the environmental impact of its projects. SCG has been involved in the construction of several eco-friendly buildings, which have received certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). These certifications highlight SCG's dedication to creating environmentally friendly and energy-efficient structures.In recent years, Shanghai Construction Group has expanded its international presence and undertaken overseas projects. The company has completed projects in various countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Singapore. SCG's international projects reflect its ability to adapt to different cultural and regulatory environments while maintaining its commitment to quality and professionalism.With its proven track record and strong financial position, Shanghai Construction Group continues to be a trusted partner for clients worldwide. The company's extensive experience, technical expertise, and commitment to excellence have earned it numerous accolades and recognition in the construction industry.In conclusion, Shanghai Construction Group is a leading construction and engineering company with a rich history and a global presence. Its ability to undertake complex and innovative projects, combined with its commitment to sustainable development and project management excellence, has positioned SCG as a key player in the construction industry. As Shanghai and China as a whole continue to develop and urbanize, ShanghaiConstruction Group will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping the built environment of the future.。
建筑工程施工员的英文缩写Key Responsibilities:1. Conduct regular inspections of construction sites to ensure compliance with building codes, specifications, and safety regulations.2. Review project plans and specifications to verify that the work is being completed according to the standards set forth.3. Document and report any deficiencies or issues observed during inspections, and work with the project team to rectify them promptly.4. Monitor construction progress to ensure that timelines are being met and that work is being completed within budget.5. Conduct material testing and quality control checks to ensure that all materials used meet the required standards.6. Communicate effectively with contractors, architects, engineers, and other stakeholders to address any concerns or issues that may arise during the construction process.7. Provide guidance and support to the construction team to ensure that best practices are being followed and that work is being performed safely and efficiently.8. Conduct final inspections and complete necessary paperwork to close out the project and obtain the necessary approvals.Qualifications:1. A bachelor's degree in civil engineering, construction management, or a related field is typically required.2. Previous experience working in the construction industry, preferably in a quality control or inspection role, is highly desirable.3. Knowledge of construction codes, regulations, and safety standards is essential.4. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are necessary to effectively collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders.5. The ability to work independently and make critical decisions is crucial for success in this role.6. Proficiency in computer applications such as Microsoft Office and construction management software is beneficial.7. Certification as a Certified Construction Manager (CCM) or a Certified Construction Inspector (CCI) may be preferred by some employers.Overall, a Construction Inspector plays a vital role in ensuring the safety, quality, and compliance of a construction project from start to finish. By conducting thorough inspections, monitoring progress, and communicating effectively with all parties involved, this individual helps to ensure the successful completion of the project while upholding the highest standards of excellence.。
Fujian, a province located in the southeast of China, is renowned for its unique architectural styles that blend traditional Chinese elements with local characteristics. The architectural industry in Fujian has a long history and rich cultural heritage, which is evident in the variety of structures found across the region.One of the most iconic architectural features of Fujian is the Tulou, or earthen buildings. These circular or rectangular structures are made primarily of clay, sand, and wood, and are known for their robustness and resistance to natural disasters. The Tulou is a symbol of communal living, with multiple families living together under one roof, reflecting the strong sense of community and kinship among the Fujian people.Another distinctive architectural style in Fujian is the Minnan architecture, which is characterized by its intricate wood carvings, stone sculptures, and ceramic decorations. Minnan buildings often feature sloping roofs, curving eaves, and colorful paintings, which add a vibrant and dynamic touch to the structures. These buildings are typically found in the southern part of Fujian and are a testament to the regions rich cultural and artistic traditions.The construction techniques used in Fujians architectural industry are also noteworthy. Traditional methods such as rammed earth, wood joinery, and tilemaking are still widely used, showcasing the regions commitment to preserving its cultural heritage. These techniques not only contribute to the unique aesthetic of Fujian architecture but also ensure the sustainability and durability of the structures.In recent years, the architectural industry in Fujian has also embraced modernization and innovation. Many new buildings incorporate contemporary design elements while still paying homage to traditional styles. This fusion of old and new has led to the creation of unique and visually striking structures that continue to shape the landscape of Fujian.Moreover, the architectural industry in Fujian has played a significant role in the regions economic development. The construction of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings has provided employment opportunities and contributed to the growth of the local economy. Additionally, the preservation and restoration of historical buildings have attracted tourists and boosted the tourism industry.In conclusion, the architectural industry in Fujian is a vibrant and dynamic sector that combines traditional techniques with modern innovation. The regions unique architectural styles, such as the Tulou and Minnan architecture, reflect the rich cultural heritage of the province. As the industry continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly play acrucial role in shaping the future of Fujian and preserving its architectural legacy for generations to come.。
沥青的作用 英文作文
The Role of AsphaltAsphalt, also known as bitumen, serves a crucial role in various industrial and construction applications due to its unique properties and versatility.Introduction:In industrial and construction contexts, asphalt refers to a viscous, black liquid or semi-solid material derived from petroleum. It is widely utilized for paving roads, waterproofing structures, and in the manufacturing of roofing materials.Body Paragraphs:1.Paving and Road Construction:o Asphalt is primarily used as a binder in road construction and paving. Asphalt concrete, a mixture of asphalt binder and aggregates, forms the surface layer of roads. It provides durability, smoothness, and resistance to wear and tear, essential for high-traffic roadways.1.Waterproofing and Sealing:o Due to its waterproofing properties, asphalt is employed in various applications such as roofing shingles, waterproof membranes for foundations, and as a sealant for joints in pavements. Its ability to form a resilient barrier against water ingress contributes to the longevity and structural integrity of buildings and infrastructure.1.Industrial and Manufacturing Applications:o Beyond construction, asphalt finds use in industrial settings for manufacturing adhesives, coatings, and in the production of asphalt shingles used in roofing. Its adhesive qualities and resistance to weathering make it an ideal material for diverse industrial applications.1.Environmental Considerations and Sustainability:o As the construction industry focuses more on sustainability, asphalt has evolved with advancements in recycling technologies. Recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) allows for the reuse of existing materials, reducing the demand for virgin asphalt and lowering environmental impact.Conclusion:In conclusion, asphalt plays a multifaceted role in modern construction and industrial sectors, contributing to infrastructure development, waterproofing solutions, and sustainable practices. Its versatility and enduring performance make it a cornerstone material in enhancing the functionality and longevity of various structures worldwide.Understanding the diverse applications and benefits of asphalt underscores its significance in supporting infrastructure growth and environmental stewardship across global industries.。
关键字户外建构游戏安全幼儿Research on the Safety and Countermeasures of Outdoor ConstructionGames in KindergartensAbstract Outdoor construction games are welcomed by children because of their freedom, diversity of materials and challenges. However, people are worried because of the uniqueness of outdoor construction games. How to ensure children's safety in outdoor construction games? In this regard, the researchers conducted in-depth research through interviews with kindergarten teachers and the issuance of questionnaires. The research found that the current kindergarten has problems such as low frequency of cleaning outdoor construction game materials, insufficient protective equipment, teachers' difficulty in grasping the "degree" of intervention, insufficient safety awareness of children themselves, and single form of safety education for outdoor construction games organized by teachers. In this regard, the researchers also put forward some countermeasures. That is, to improve the frequency of cleaning and replacing materials, to increase the protective equipment in outdoor construction games, to strengthen teachers' awareness of improving their own related abilities, to improve children's self-protection ability, and to carry out various forms of outdoor construction games safety education activities.Key words Outdoor Construction Game Safety Child绪论(一)研究源起户外建构游戏是近年来很多幼儿园都开展的一种游戏形式,相较于室内的建构游戏,户外建构游戏的空间更为广阔,游戏材料的大小、材质、种类等也比室内建构游戏更为多样,游戏方法也更为丰富,具有难度,需要幼儿之间的相互合作。
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The awareness and practice of value management by South African consulting engineers: Preliminary research survey findings Original Research Article International Journal of Project ManagementThe awareness of value management (VM) and the nature and extent of its practice by professional civil, electrical and mechanical engineers in the South African construction industry are investigated using a web-based, online questionnaire survey as the first part of a more extensive investigation. A primary objective of the early study is to test the UK-based assertion of Kelly et al. [Kelly, J., Male, S., Graham, D., 2004. Value Management of Construction Projects. Blackwell, Oxford] that VM is an established service with commonly understood tools, techniques and styles. The survey findings suggest that, while awareness of VM is reasonably prevalent among South African engineers, its practice is considerably less extensive. Where VM is undertaken, almost no attempt is made to benchmark VM activities against international standards nor does its use appear to conform to any standard methodology. Engineers prefer other ways of delivering value to projects, and do not generally employ VM to facilitate the client briefing process. The findings are important given the increasing globalization of construction services, especially given the international ties between designers, project managers and other professionals. Professional engineering associations in South Africa should adopt a proactive role in promoting the use of VM by engineers, possibly through continuing professional development programmes.A rticle Outline1. Introduction2. Value management and its application to the construction industry3. Consulting engineers and value management4. Questionnaire design5. Method of data collection6. Analysis of the data6.1. Sample profile6.2. Awareness and use of value management6.3. Nature and use of value management6.3.1. Reasons why VM is used6.3.2. Importance of client value system variables6.3.3. Client objectives for VM6.3.4. Outcomes of VM6.3.5. VM team dynamics6.3.6. VM methods and tools6.3.7. Benchmarking VM6.3.8. Integrating VM with risk and quality management7. Discussion of the results8. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesA review and outlook for a ‘Building Information Model’ (BIM): A multi-standpoint framework for technological development Original Research ArticleAdvanced Engineering InformaticsIntegrating VM with risk and quality managementAutomation in Construction深圳市虹茂国际货运代理有限责任公司是具有国家一级货代资格的货运代理企业,总部设于深圳。
Impacts of multi-layer chain subcontracting on project management performance Original Research ArticleInternational Journal of Project ManagementThis paper investigates the impacts of applying the multi-layer chain subcontracting system on project management performance with reference to Hong Kong construction industry. Multi-layer chain subcontracting system is widely used within construction industry as it is considered advantageous in many aspects such as better efficiency of subcontractors’ operation due to thei r unique skills. However, the fact of poor quality products in construction practice raises the doubt about the effectiveness of the chain system. Accordingly, the reasons why the applications of the system contribute to poor project performance are examined. A survey conducted in the Hong Kong construction industry demonstrates that the multi-layer chain subcontracting system, while widely adopted, is largely flawed. Based on the survey results, application of multi-layer chain subcontracting system contributes largely to the poor performance across the all major aspects including quality and time management, cost control, and communication and coordination performance. The association exists between poor project management performance and the increase of the number of layers in the chain of the subcontracting arrangement. The long communication chain because of the increasing layers of subcontractors results in various problems such as communication errors, poor supervision on the bottom-layer contractors. Consequently overruns in cost and time, and abortive and remedial works are common. Recommendations for improving the practice are suggested and explored, including change the practice of the “lowest bid” to an approach which incorporate both price and technical performance, limit the number of subcontracting layers, restrain the use of “supply-and-fix” subcontracting arrangement, and enforce the implementation of government regulations. The findings of this study provide useful references in examining the practice of subcontracting system in other construction industries and identifying the areas where the improvements can be made for gaining the benefits of using the system.A rticle Outline1. Introduction2. Research methodologies3. Results and discussion3.1. Impacts of multi-layer chain subcontracting to project quality performance3.2. Impacts of multi-layer chain subcontracting to project time management performance3.3. Impacts of multi-layer chain subcontracting to project cost control performance3.4. Impacts of multi-layer chain subcontracting to project communication and coordination4. Improvement methods4.1. Changing the practice of the “lowest bid” to an approach w hich incorporate both price and technical performance4.2. Limit the number of subcontracting layers4.3. Restrain the use of “supply-and-fix” subcontracting arrangement4.4. Enforce the implementation of governmental regulations5. ConclusionAppendix A. Interview questionsReferences。