无 线 电 波 式
电磁感应工作原理:利用电磁感应原理进行充电的设备, 类似于变压器。在发送和接收端各有一个线圈,发送端线 圈连接有线电源产生磁场,变化的磁场产生电压,有了电 压便产生电流,有了电流就可以给设备充电。
磁共振工作原理:与声音共振原理相同,排列好的振动频 率相同的音叉,一个发声的话,其他的也会发声,同样, 排列在磁场中的相同振动频率的线圈,也可从一个向另一 个供电。
家具产品和低能耗的家电利用,如 电熨斗,吸尘器、扫地机等
3.交通 工具
交通运输中的一些工具:电动车、 轨道交通等
未来,不仅是小功率电器,常见的家用电器设备、医疗设 备、电动工具、办公室电器、厨房电器等都可以实现无线 充电了。其实准确的说,应该叫“无线供电”,也就是一 边传输一边使用电能,不需要任何类似于电池的电量存储 设备,更不需要提前充电了。到那时,电线、插线板、电 池都可以消失了,你甚至感受不到电的存在,它就像空气 一样,让你觉得手到擒来。
概念介绍 工作原理
现实应用 未来展望
无线充电技术(Wireless charging technology)。无线充 电技术是完全不借助电线,使电能通过无线方式传输,从 而为设备充电的一种技术。
1 2 3
电 磁 感 应 式
磁 共 振 式
无线电波工作原理:主要有微波发射装置和微波接收装置 组成,发射装置发射出无线电波,接收装置接收到无线电 波并转化成直流电给设备充电。Leabharlann 工作原理工作系统框架图
直 流 电
交 流 电
System Description Wireless Power TransferVolume I: Low Power Part 1: Interface DefinitionVersion 1.0.1October 2010Wireless Power TransferVersion 1.0.1System DescriptionWireless Power TransferVolume I: Low PowerPart 1: Interface DefinitionVersion 1.0.1October 2010Wireless Power TransferVersion 1.0.1 COPYRIGHTThis System Description Wireless Power Transfer is published by the Wireless Power Consortium, and has been prepared by the Wireless Power Consortium in close co-operation with ConvenientPower Ltd., Fulton Innovation LLC, National Semiconductor Corporation, Nokia Corporation, Olympus Imaging Corporation, Research In Motion, Limited, Royal Philips Electronics, Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd., Shenzhen Sang Fei Consumer Communications Co. Ltd., and Texas Instruments Inc.. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without express and prior written permission of the Wireless Power Consortium.DISCLAIMERThe information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication. However, neither the Wireless Power Consortium, nor ConvenientPower Ltd., nor Fulton Innovation LLC, nor National Semiconductor Corporation, nor Nokia Corporation, nor Olympus Imaging Corporation, nor Research In Motion Limited, nor Royal Philips Electronics, nor Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd., nor Shenzhen Sang Fei Consumer Communications Co. Ltd., nor Texas Instruments Inc. will be liable for any damages, including indirect or consequential, from use of this System Description Wireless Power Transfer or reliance on the accuracy of this document.NOTICEFor any further explanation of the contents of this document, or in case of any perceived inconsistency or ambiguity of interpretation, or for any information regarding the associated patent license program, please contact: info@.Version 1.0.1 Table of ContentsTable of Contents1General (1)1.1Scope (1)1.2Main features (1)1.3Conformance and references (1)1.4Definitions (2)1.5Acronyms (3)1.6Symbols (3)1.7Conventions (4)1.7.1Cross references (4)1.7.2Informative text (4)1.7.3Terms in capitals (4)1.7.4Notation of numbers (4)1.7.5Units of physical quantities (4)1.7.6Bit ordering in a byte (4)1.7.7Byte numbering (5)1.7.8Multiple-bit Fields (5)1.8Operators (5)1.8.1Exclusive-OR (5)1.8.2Concatenation (5)2System Overview (Informative) (7)3Basic Power Transmitter Designs (11)3.1Introduction (11)3.2Power Transmitter designs that are based on a single Primary Coil (11)3.2.1Power Transmitter design A1 (11)3.2.2Power Transmitter design A2 (16)3.3Power Transmitter designs that are based on an array of Primary Coils (20)3.3.1Power Transmitter design B1 (20)3.3.2Power Transmitter design B2 (26)4Power Receiver Design Requirements (29)4.1Introduction (29)4.2Power Receiver design requirements (30)4.2.1Mechanical requirements (30)4.2.2Electrical requirements (31)5System Control (35)5.1Introduction (35)5.2Power Transmitter perspective (38)5.2.1Ping phase (38)5.2.2Identification & configuration phase (39)5.2.3Power transfer phase (42)5.3Power Receiver perspective (46)5.3.1Selection phase (46)5.3.2Ping phase (47)Table of Contents Version & configuration phase (47)5.3.4Power transfer phase (48)6Communications Interface (51)6.1Introduction (51)6.2Physical and data link layers (51)6.2.1Modulation scheme (51)6.2.2Bit encoding scheme (52)6.2.3Byte encoding scheme (52)6.2.4Packet structure (52)6.3Logical layer (55)6.3.1Signal Strength Packet (0x01) (55)6.3.2End Power Transfer Packet (0x02) (56)6.3.3Control Error Packet (0x03) (57)6.3.4Rectified Power Packet (0x04) (57)6.3.5Charge Status Packet (0x05) (57)6.3.6Power Control Hold-off Packet (0x06) (57)6.3.7Configuration Packet (0x51) (58)6.3.8Identification Packet (0x71) (58)6.3.9Extended Identification Packet (0x81) (60)Annex A Example Power Receiver Designs (Informative) (61)A.1Power Receiver example 1 (61)A.1.1Mechanical details (61)A.1.2Electrical details (62)A.2Power Receiver example 2 (64)A.2.1Mechanical details (64)A.2.2Electrical details (65)Annex B Object Detection (Informative) (67)B.1Resonance shift (67)B.2Capacitance change (68)Annex C Power Receiver Localization (Informative) (69)C.1Guided Positioning (69)C.2Primary Coil array based Free Positioning (69)C.2.1 A single Power Receiver covering multiple Primary Cells (69)C.2.2Two Power Receivers covering two adjacent Primary Cells (70)C.2.3Two Power Receivers covering a single Primary Cell (70)C.3Moving Primary Coil based Free Positioning (71)Annex D Metal Object Detection (Informative) (73)Annex E History of Changes (75)Version 1.0.1 Table of Contents List of FiguresFigure 1-1: Bit positions in a byte (5)Figure 1-2: Example of multiple-bit field (5)Figure 2-1: Basic system overview (8)Figure 3-1: Functional block diagram of Power Transmitter design A1 (11)Figure 3-2: Primary Coil of Power Transmitter design A1 (12)Figure 3-3: Primary Coil assembly of Power Transmitter design A1 (13)Figure 3-4: Electrical diagram (outline) of Power Transmitter design A1 (14)Figure 3-5: Functional block diagram of Power Transmitter design A2 (16)Figure 3-6: Primary Coil of Power Transmitter design A2 (17)Figure 3-7: Primary Coil assembly of Power Transmitter design A2 (18)Figure 3-8: Electrical diagram (outline) of Power Transmitter design A2 (19)Figure 3-9: Functional block diagram of Power Transmitter design B1 (20)Figure 3-10: Primary Coil array of Power Transmitter design B1 (21)Figure 3-11: Primary Coil array assembly of Power Transmitter design B1 (22)Figure 3-12: Electrical diagram (outline) of Power Transmitter design B1 (23)Figure 3-13: Multiple type B1 Power Transmitters sharing a multiplexer and Primary Coil array (25)Figure 3-14: Primary Coil array of Power Transmitter design B2 (27)Figure 4-1: Example functional block diagram of a Power Receiver (29)Figure 4-2: Secondary Coil assembly (30)Figure 4-3: Dual resonant circuit of a Power Receiver (31)Figure 4-4: Characterization of resonant frequencies (32)Figure 5-1: Power transfer phases (35)Figure 5-2: Power transfer control loop (37)Figure 5-3: Power Transmitter timing in the ping phase (39)Figure 5-4: Power Transmitter timing in the identification & configuration phase (41)Figure 5-5: Power Transmitter timing in the power transfer phase (43)Figure 5-6: PID control algorithm (44)Figure 5-7: Power Receiver timing in the selection phase (47)Figure 5-8: Power Receiver timing in the ping phase (47)Figure 5-9: Power Receiver timing in the identification & configuration phase (48)Figure 5-10: Power Receiver timing in the power transfer phase (49)Figure 6-1: Amplitude modulation of the Power Signal (51)Figure 6-2: Example of the differential bi-phase encoding (52)Figure 6-3: Example of the asynchronous serial format (52)Figure 6-4: Packet format (53)Figure A-1: Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example 1 (61)Figure A-2: Secondary Coil and Shielding assembly of Power Receiver example 1 (62)Figure A-3: Electrical details of Power Receiver example 1 (62)Figure A-4: Li-ion battery charging profile (63)Figure A-5: Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example 2 (64)Figure A-6: Secondary Coil and Shielding assembly of Power Receiver example 2 (65)Figure A-7: Electrical details of Power Receiver example 2 (66)Figure B-1: Analog ping based on a resonance shift (67)Figure C-1: Single Power Receiver covering multiple Primary Cells (70)Figure C-2: Two Power Receivers covering two adjacent Primary Cells (70)Figure C-3: Two Power Receivers covering a single Primary Cell (71)Figure C-4: Detection Coil (72)Table of Contents Version 1.0.1 List of TablesTable 3-1: Primary Coil parameters of Power Transmitter design A1 (12)Table 3-2: PID parameters for Operating Frequency control (14)Table 3-3: Operating Frequency dependent scaling factor (14)Table 3-4: PID parameters for duty cycle control (15)Table 3-5: Primary Coil parameters of Power Transmitter design A2 (17)Table 3-6: PID parameters for voltage control (19)Table 3-7: Primary Coil array parameters of Power Transmitter design B1 (22)Table 3-8: PID parameters for voltage control (24)Table 3-9: Primary Coil array parameters of Power Transmitter design B2 (26)Table 5-1: Power Transmitter timing in the ping phase (38)Table 5-2: Power Transmitter timing in the identification & configuration phase (41)Table 5-3: Power control hold-off time (41)Table 5-4: Power Transmitter timing in the power transfer phase (44)Table 5-5: Power Receiver timing in any phase (46)Table 5-6: Power Receiver timing in the selection phase (47)Table 5-7: Power Receiver timing in the identification & configuration phase (48)Table 5-8: Power Receiver timing in the power transfer phase (49)Table 6-1: Amplitude modulation of the Power Signal (52)Table 6-2: Message size (53)Table 6-3: Packet types (54)Table 6-4: Signal Strength (55)Table 6-5: End Power Transfer (56)Table 6-6: End Power Transfer values (56)Table 6-7: Control Error (57)Table 6-8: Rectified Power (57)Table 6-9: Charge Status (57)Table 6-10: Power control hold-off (58)Table 6-11: Configuration (58)Table 6-12: Identification (59)Table 6-13: Extended Identification (60)Table A-1: Secondary Coil parameters of Power Receiver example 1 (61)Table A-2: Parameters of the Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example 2 (64)Table B-1: Analog ping based on a resonance shift (67)Table E-1: Changes from Version 1.0 to Version 1.01 (75)Version 1.0.1 General1General1.1ScopeVolume I of the System Description Wireless Power Transfer consists of the following documents: ∙Part 1, Interface Definition.∙Part 2, Performance Requirements.∙Part 3, Compliance Testing.This document defines the interface between a Power Transmitter and a Power Receiver.1.2Main features∙ A method of contactless power transfer from a Base Station to a Mobile Device, which is based on near field magnetic induction between coils.∙Transfer of around 5 W of power, using an appropriate Secondary Coil (having a typical outer dimension of around 40 mm).∙Operation at frequencies in the 110…205 kHz range.∙Support for two methods of placing the Mobile Device on the surface of the Base Station: o Guided Positioning helps a user to properly place the Mobile Device on the surface of a Base Station that provides power through a single or a few fixed locations of that surface.o Free Positioning enables arbitrary placement of the Mobile Device on the surface of a Base Station that can provide power through any location of that surface.∙ A simple communications protocol enabling the Mobile Device to take full control of the power transfer.∙Considerable design flexibility for integration of the system into a Mobile Device.∙Very low stand-by power achievable (implementation dependent).1.3Conformance and referencesAll specifications in this document are mandatory, unless specifically indicated as recommended or optional or informative. To avoid any doubt, the word “shall”indicates a mandatory behavior of the specified component, i.e. it is a violation of this System Description Wireless Power Transfer if the specified component does not exhibit the behavior as defined. In addition, the word “should” indicates a recommended behavior of the specified component, i.e. it is not a violation of this System Description Wireless Power Transfer if the specified component has valid reasons to deviate from the defined behavior. And finally, the word “may” indicates an optional behavior of the specified component, i.e. it is up to the specified component whether to exhibit the defined behavior (without deviating there from) or not.In addition to the specifications provided in this document, product implementations shall also conform to the specifications provided in the System Descriptions listed below. Moreover, the relevant parts of the International Standards listed below shall apply as well. If multiple revisions exist of any System Description or International Standard listed below, the applicable revision is the one that was most recently published at the release date of this document.[Part 2] System Description Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I, Part 2, Performance Requirements.[Part 3] System Description Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I, Part 3, Compliance Testing.[PRMC] Power Receiver Manufacturer Codes, Wireless Power Consortium.General Version 1.0.1 [SI] The International System of Units (SI), Bureau International des Poids etMesures.1.4DefinitionsActive Area The part of the Interface Surface of a Base Station respectively Mobile Devicethrough which a sufficiently high magnetic flux penetrates when the BaseStation is providing power to the Mobile Device.Base Station A device that is able to provide near field inductive power as specified in thisSystem Description Wireless Power Transfer. A Base Station carries a logo tovisually indicate to a user that the Base Station complies with this SystemDescription Wireless Power Transfer.Communications and Control UnitThe functional part of a Power Transmitter respectively Power Receiver thatcontrols the power transfer. (Informative) Implementation-wise, theCommunications and Control Unit may be distributed over multiple subsystems ofthe Base Station respectively Mobile Device.Control Point The combination of voltage and current provided at the output of the PowerReceiver, and other parameters that are specific to a particular Power Receiverimplementation.Detection Unit The functional part of a Power Transmitter that detects the presence of a PowerReceiver on the Interface Surface.Digital Ping The application of a Power Signal in order to detect and identify a PowerReceiver.Free Positioning A method of positioning a Mobile Device on the Interface Surface of a BaseStation that does not require the user to align the Active Area of the MobileDevice to the Active Area of the Base Station.Guided Positioning A method of positioning a Mobile Device on the Interface Surface of a BaseStation that provides the user with feedback to properly align the Active Area ofthe Mobile Device to the Active Area of the Base Station.Interface Surface A flat part of the surface of a Base Station respectively Mobile Device that isclosest to the Primary Coil(s) respectively Secondary Coil.Mobile Device A device that is able to consume near field inductive power as specified in thisSystem Description Wireless Power Transfer. A Mobile Device carries a logo tovisually indicate to a user that the Mobile Device complies with this SystemDescription Wireless Power Transfer.Operating Frequency The oscillation frequency of the Power Signal.Operating Point The combination of the frequency, duty cycle and amplitude of the voltage thatis applied to the Primary Cell.Packet A data structure that the Power Receiver uses to communicate a message to thePower Transmitter. A Packet consists of a preamble, a header byte, a message,and a checksum. A Packet is named after the kind of message that it contains. Power Conversion Unit The functional part of a Power Transmitter that converts electrical energy to aPower Signal.Power Pick-up Unit The functional part of a Power Receiver that converts a Power Signal toelectrical energy.Power Receiver The subsystem of a Mobile Device that acquires near field inductive power andcontrols its availability at its output, as defined in this System DescriptionWireless Power Transfer. For this purpose, the Power Receiver communicatesits power requirements to the Power Transmitter.Version 1.0.1 General Power Signal The oscillating magnetic flux that is enclosed by a Primary Cell and possibly a Secondary Coil.Power Transfer Contract A set of boundary conditions on the parameters that characterize the power transfer from a Power Transmitter to a Power Receiver. Violation of any ofthese boundary conditions causes the power transfer to abort.Power Transmitter The subsystem of a Base Station that generates near field inductive power and controls its transfer to a Power Receiver, as defined in this System DescriptionWireless Power Transfer.Primary Cell A single Primary Coil or a combination of Primary Coils that are used to providea sufficiently high magnetic flux through the Active Area.Primary Coil A component of a Power Transmitter that converts electric current to magnetic flux.Secondary Coil The component of a Power Receiver that converts magnetic flux to electromotive force.Shielding A component in the Power Transmitter respectively Power Receiver that restricts magnetic fields to the appropriate parts of the Base Stationrespectively Mobile Device.1.5AcronymsAC Alternating CurrentAWG American Wire GaugeDC Direct Currentlsb least significant bitmsb most significant bitN.A. Not ApplicablePID Proportional Integral DifferentialRMS Root Mean SquareUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter1.6SymbolsC d Capacitance parallel to the Secondary Coil [nF]C m Capacitance in the impedance matching network [nF]Capacitance in series with the Primary Coil [nF]C S Capacitance in series with the Secondary Coil [nF]Distance between a coil and its Shielding [mm]Distance between a coil and the Interface Surface [mm]Communications bit rate [kHz]Resonant detection frequency [kHz]Operating Frequency [kHz]Secondary resonance frequency [kHz]Primary Coil current modulation depth [mA]Power Receiver output current [mA]Primary Coil current [mA]L m Inductance in the impedance matching network [μH]General Version 1.0.1Primary Coil self inductance [μH]Secondary Coil self inductance (Mobile Device away from Base Station) [μH]Secondary Coil self inductance (Mobile Device on top of Base Station) [μH]Total amount of power received through the Interface Surface [W]Total amount of power transmitted through the Interface Surface [W]Power Control Hold-off Time [ms]Communications clock period [μs]Maximum transition time of the communications [μs]Rectified voltage [V]Power Receiver output voltage [V]1.7ConventionsThis Section 1.7 defines the notations and conventions used in this System Description Wireless Power Transfer.1.7.1Cross referencesUnless indicated otherwise, cross references to Sections in either this document or documents listed in Section 1.3, refer to the referenced Section as well as the sub Sections contained therein.1.7.2Informative textWith the exception of Sections that are marked as informative, all informative text is set in italics.1.7.3Terms in capitalsAll terms that start with a capital are defined in Section 1.4. As an exception to this rule, Packet names and fields are defined in Section of numbersReal numbers are represented using the digits 0 to 9, a decimal point, and optionally an exponential part. In addition, a positive and/or negative tolerance may follow a real number. Real numbers that do not include an explicit tolerance, have a tolerance of half the least significant digit that is specified. (Informative) For example, a specified value of comprises the range from 1.21 through 1.24; a specified value of comprises the range from 1.23 through 1.24; a specified value of comprises the range from 1.21 through 1.23; a specified value of 1.23 comprises the range from 1.225 through 1.234999…; and a specified value of comprises the range from 1.107 through 1.353. Integer numbers in decimal notation are represented using the digits 0 to 9.Integer numbers in hexadecimal notation are represented using the hexadecimal digits 0 to 9 and A to F, and are preceded by “0x” (unless explicitly indicated otherwise).Single bit values are represented using the words ZERO and ONE.Integer numbers in binary notation and bit patterns are represented using sequences of the digits 0 and 1that are enclosed in single quotes (‘’). In a sequence of n bits, the most significant bit (msb) is bit b n–1 and the least significant bit (lsb) is bit b0; the most significant bit is shown on the left-hand side.1.7.5Units of physical quantitiesPhysical quantities are expressed in units of the International System of Units [SI].1.7.6Bit ordering in a byteThe graphical representation of a byte is such that the msb is on the left, and the lsb is on the right. Figure 1-1 defines the bit positions in a byte.Version 1.0.1 General msb lsbFigure 1-1: Bit positions in a byte1.7.7Byte numberingThe bytes in a sequence of n bytes are referred to as B0, B1, …, B n–1. Byte B0 corresponds to the first byte in the sequence; byte B n–1 corresponds to the last byte in the sequence. The graphical representation of a byte sequence is such that B0 is at the upper left-hand side, and byte B n–1 is at the lower right-hand side. 1.7.8Multiple-bit FieldsUnless indicated otherwise, a multiple bit field in a data structure represents an unsigned integer value. In a multiple-bit field that spans multiple bytes, the msb of the multiple-bit field is located in the byte with the lowest address, and the lsb of the multiple-bit field is located in the byte with the highest address. (Informative) Figure 1-2 provides an example of a 6-bit field that spans two bytes.B0B1Figure 1-2: Example of multiple-bit field1.8OperatorsThis Section 1.8 defines the operators used in this System Description Wireless Power Transfer, which are less commonly used. The commonly used operators have their usual meaning.1.8.1Exclusive-ORThe symbol ‘ ’ represents the exclusive-OR operation.1.8.2ConcatenationThe symbol ‘||’ represents concatenation of two bit strings. In the resulting concatenate d bit string, the msb of the right-hand side operand directly follows the lsb of the left-hand side operand.General Version 1.0.1This page is intentionally left blank.Version 1.0.1 System Overview (Informative)2System Overview (Informative)Operation of devices that comply with this System Description Wireless Power Transfer relies on magnetic induction between planar coils. Two kinds of devices are distinguished, namely devices that provide wireless power—referred to as Base Stations—and devices that consume wireless power—referred to as Mobile Devices. Power transfer always takes place from a Base Station to a Mobile Device. For this purpose, a Base Station contains a subsystem—referred to as a Power Transmitter—that comprises a Primary Coil,1 and a Mobile Device contains a subsystem—referred to as a Power Receiver—comprises a Secondary Coil. In fact, the Primary Coil and Secondary Coil form the two halves of a coreless resonant transformer. Appropriate Shielding at the bottom face of the Primary Coil and the top face of the Secondary Coil, as well as the close spacing of the two coils, ensures that power transfer occurs with an acceptable efficiency. In addition, this Shielding minimizes the exposure of users to the magnetic field. Typically, a Base Station has a flat surface—referred to as the Interface Surface—on top of which a user can place one or more Mobile Devices. This ensures that the vertical spacing between Primary Coil and Secondary Coil is sufficiently small. In addition, there are two concepts for horizontal alignment of the Primary Coil and Secondary Coil. In the first concept—referred to as Guided Positioning—the user must actively align the Secondary Coil to the Primary Coil, by placing the Mobile Device on the appropriate location of the Interface Surface. For this purpose, the Mobile Device provides an alignment aid that is appropriate to its size, shape and function. The second concept—referred to as Free Positioning—does not require the active participation in alignment of the Primary Coil and Secondary Coil. One implementation of Free Positioning makes use of an array of Primary Coils to generate a magnetic field at the location of the Secondary Coil only. Another implementation of Free Positioning uses mechanical means to move a single Primary Coil underneath the Secondary Coil.Figure 2-1 illustrates the basic system configuration. As shown, a Power Transmitter comprises two main functional units, namely a Power Conversion Unit and a Communications and Control Unit. The diagram explicitly shows the Primary Coil (array) as the magnetic field generating element of the Power Conversion Unit. The Control and Communications Unit regulates the transferred power to the level that the Power Receiver requests. Also shown in the diagram is that a Base Station may contain multiple Transmitters in order to serve multiple Mobile Devices simultaneously (a Power Transmitter can serve a single Power Receiver at a time only). Finally, the system unit shown in the diagram comprises all other functionality of the Base Station, such as input power provisioning, control of multiple Power Transmitters, and user interfacing.A Power Receiver comprises a Power Pick-up Unit and a Communications and Control Unit. Similar to the Power Conversion Unit of the Transmitter, Figure 2-1 explicitly shows the Secondary Coil as the magnetic field capturing element of the Power Pick-up Unit. A Power Pick-up Unit typically contains a single Secondary Coil only. Moreover, a Mobile Device typically contains a single Power Receiver. The Communications and Control Unit regulates the transferred power to the level that is appropriate for the subsystems connected to the output of the Power Receiver. These subsystems represent the main functionality of the Mobile Device. An important example subsystem is a battery that requires charging. The remainder of this document is structured as follows. Section 3 defines the basic Power Transmitter designs, which come in two basic varieties. The first type of design—type A—is based on a single Primary Coil (either fixed position or moveable). The second type of design—type B—is based on an array of Primary Coils. Note that this version 1.0.1 of the System Description Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I, Part 1, offers only limited design freedom with respect to actual Power Transmitter implementations. The reason is that Mobile Devices exhibit a much greater variety of design requirements with respect to the Power Receiver than a Base Station does to Power Transmitters—for example, a smart phone has design requirements that differ substantially from those of a wireless headset. Constraining the Power Transmitter therefore enables interoperability with the largest number of mobile devices.1Note that the Primary Coil may be a “virtual coil,” in the sense that an appropriate array of planar coils can generate a magnetic field that is similar to the field that a single coil generates.System Overview (Informative) Version 1.0.1Figure 2-1: Basic system overviewSection 4 defines the Power Receiver design requirements. In view of the wide variety of Mobile Devices, this set of requirements has been kept to a minimum. In addition to the design requirements, Section 4 is complemented with two example designs in Annex A.Section 5 defines the system control aspects of the power transfer. The interaction between a Power Transmitter and a Power Receiver comprises four phases, namely selection, ping, identification & configuration, and power transfer. In the selection phase, the Power Transmitter attempts to discover and locate objects that are placed on the Interface Surface. In addition, the Power Transmitter attempts to discriminate between Power Receivers and foreign objects and to select a Power Receiver (or object) for power transfer. For this purpose, the Power Transmitter may select an object at random and proceed to the ping phase (and subsequently to the identification & configuration phase) to collect necessary information. Note that if the Power Transmitter does not initiate power transfer to a selected Power Receiver, it should enter a low power stand-by mode of operation.2In the ping phase, the Power Transmitter attempts to discover if an object contains a Power Receiver. In the identification & configuration phase, the Power Transmitter prepares for power transfer to the Power Receiver. For this purpose, the Power Transmitter retrieves relevant information from the Power Receiver. The Power Transmitter combines this information with information that it stores internally to construct a so-called Power Transfer Contract, which comprises various limits on the power transfer. In the power transfer2A definition of such a stand-by mode is outside the scope of this version 1.0.1 System Description Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I, Part 1. However, [Part 2] provides requirements on the maximum power use of a Power Transmitter when it is not actively providing power to a Power Receiver.。
Power Conversion Unit converts electrical power to wireless power signal
Power Pickup Unit converts wireless power signal to electrical power
Base Station TTTrraraannnssmsmmiititttteteerrr
To the need of the mobile device (required power) To the desired operation point (e.g. output current, voltage)
Transmitter adapts power transfer
Disclaimer: The purpose of this information is to explain the wireless power technology – It can differ in some aspects from the specification.
Keeping the distance between coils small (flat interface surface)
Adding magnetic permeable material
(shielding)Rx Coil
AligniRnx Sgurftache e coils (next page) Distance Tx Surface
Packet Structure
b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7
❖ 磁共振方式
相比较电磁感应方式,利用共振可延长传输距离。磁共振方式不同于电磁感应 方式,无需使线圈间的位置完全吻合。
❖ 磁共振方式
❖ 电场耦合方式
电场耦合方式的无线供电技术与电磁感应方式及磁共振方式不同,电场耦合方 式利用通过沿垂直方向耦合两组非对称偶极子而产生的感应电场来传输电力, 具有抗水平错位能力较强的特点。简单来说送电电极产生强感应电场,通过电 场将电力转移到受电侧。
无线充电技术发展 ❖ 2007年,美国麻省理工学院)无线传能实验中发射谐振器和接收谐振器是半
径为3mm的铜线缠绕5.25圈、线圈半径300mm、高度200mm,具备分布式 电感和电容特性的线圈型谐振器,实验测得其谐振频率为9.90MHz。在谐振 器距离2m传输时传输效率约为40%,距离为1m时传输效率可高达90%。用 两米外的一个电源,“隔空”点亮了一盏60瓦的灯泡。
无线充电技术发展 ❖ 2008年12月17日成立无线充电联盟(
Wireless Power Consortium),2010年8月 31日,无线充电联盟在北京正式将Qi无线充 电技术引入中国。无线充电技术采用统一的 工业标准,未来几年,手提电话、PMP/MP3 播放器、数字照相机、手提电脑等产品都可 以使用全新的低能耗、高兼容的相同的无线 充电器。
无线充电技术介绍 编辑:左志刚
充 电
Prospection 发展前景
1.Traditional Rechargeable battery
Wirecharging, convert the alternating current to low v oltage direct current.
2.The trend of the future charging
Use of physics "resonance" (共振) principle--two vibration frequency of the same objects can be efficient transport energy Fujitsu ( 富士通 ) wireless charging technology used magnetic resonance in charger and equipment in the air between the transmission charge , Coil and capacitor in charger is formed between and equipment resonance。(线圈和电容 器则在充电器与设备之间形成共鸣)
Wireless charging technology 无线充电技术
The classification of charging 充电分类
2 3 4
Working Principle 工作原理 Background and present situation 背景与现状
Application 应用
无线充电技术,即Wireless charging technology,是指具有电池的装置不需要借助于电导线,利用电磁波感应原理或者其他相关的交流感应技术,在发送端和接收端用相应的设备来发送和接收产生感应的交流信号来进行充电的一项技术,源于无线电力输送技术。
但最早的无线电力传输思想是尼古拉-特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)在19世纪90年代提出的无线电力传输构想和无线输电试验,因而有人称之为无线电能传输之父。
表1 无线充电各种原理方案的比较当前最成熟、最普遍的是电磁感应式。
图1 电磁感应式无线充电原理磁共振式无线充电#e#磁共振式也称为近场谐振式,由能量发送装置,和能量接收装置组成,当两个装置调整到相同频率,或者说在一个特定的频率上共振,它们就可以交换彼此的能量,其原理与声音的共振原理相同,排列在磁场中的相同振动频率的线圈,可从一个向另一个供电,如图2。
图2 磁共振式无线充电示意图无线电波式,基本原理类似于早期使用的矿石收音机,主要有微波发射装置和微波接收装置组成。
无线充电一般指无线充电技术无线充电技术(Wireless charging technology;Wireless charge technology ),源于无线电力输送技术。
中文名外文名别名无线充电技术Wireless charging technology 感应充电1历史发展1890年,物理学家兼电气工程师尼古拉·特斯拉(NikolaTesla)就已经做了无线输电试验,实现了交流发电。
② 磁场共振
③ 电场感应
有了利用空间磁场的无线供电技术,自然而然会有人想到利用 空间电场进行无线充电。因为原本电和磁就是相互对应而又关 联的。对于电场感应的无线充电技术而言,简单点说,可以把 能量发射装置和接收装置看成电容的两个极板。在交流电场的 作用下,电容的两个极板会有交变电流流过,这样就实现了电 能的无线传递。
1 历史与发展
第三点也是最重要的一点是区域内无线充电需求的提高。随着移动互联网 技术的发展,各种智能终端设备越来越普遍。在中国2014年的智能手机 出货量达到了惊人的4亿部。而人们在要求智能设备更快的上网速度,更 快的运算速度,更清晰的显示效果的同时,各种智能设备的电能需求也在 不断的提高。受限制于电池技术,智能设备的续航时间成为困扰用户的最 大问题。在功能机时代,常见手机的使用时间可以轻松达到一个星期。而 进入智能机时代,虽然电池的容量增大了3倍以上,智能手机的续航则下 降到了一天左右。因此无线充电作为一种简易可行的智能设备充电方式受 到了越来越多的关注。 无线充电技术对于智能手机的意义如何呢?我们回顾一下智能手机的发展 历史。从 2012年小米的第一款手机发布开始,智能手机厂商开始了一轮 疯狂的配置大战,从双核CPU,1G内存一直厮杀到八核4G内存,手机摄 像头也从500万像素冲到了夸张的4000万像素。在一轮硬件配置的比拼之 后,国产智能手机的同质化也越来越严重。差异化竞争成为智能手机厂商 的必然选择。对性能参数的追求也将逐渐转移到对用户使用体验的关注上。 在这种环境下,无线充电技术还是有很大的发展机会的。 以上三个条件结合在一起,使得无线充电技术的发展成为了可能。
① 磁感应
Prospection 发展前景
1.Traditional Rechargeable battery
Wirecharging, convert the alternating current to low v oltage direct current.
2.The trend of the future charging
Wireless charging technology 无线充电技术
The classification of charging 充电分类
Working Principle 工作原理
3 Background and present situation 背景与现状
Application 应用
D: 1.Higher equipment investment, maintenance costs. 2.Higher energy consumption. 3.Big electromagnetic space loss rate.
Now, the wireless charging technology in the small power within the scope of the can still shows its superiority.But implementation of high power wireless transmission, it was more difficult.Although now wireless charging whether in the theory and technology in there are many problems, but the progress of science and technology will eventually solve them, global wireless charging is not a distant dream, ultimately, in the near future can be realized.
无线充电技术1.含义:无线充电技术(Wireless charging technology;Wireless charge technology )。
T4 时刻V2关断,
由于电感中电流i0 不能立即反向,且
能量很大,通过V1导通,Vo电压继续 降低,直到io 降为零。
根据法拉第电磁感应定律:变化的电流流过线圈会产生变化的磁场,而未通电的线圈 靠近变化的磁场就会产生电流。 无线充电就是应用了这种称为“电磁感应”的物理现象。电的传输是通过共享磁场。
原理 优点 缺点 代表厂商
控制伺服马达移动线 圈位置,达到两个线 圈高度重合
RX放在TX上充电时waveform 通信数据分析
CH1:TP6(voltage of TX coil ) CH2:COMM+ CH3:Comm2 of RXCH4:DPWM
Ping phase
Ping phase
Control Error
ping, identification & configuration, and power transfer
Bottom Coil (CRM)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
注意,一旦人用手挡住红外线,充电就会停止2018年CES消费电子产品展无线充电其他“黑科技”:易冲无线(CPS)易冲无线(CPS)携手WPC共同参展作为无线充电领域的探索者,易冲无线(CPS)此次将携手WPC 无线充电联盟共同参展。
此外,易冲无线还在美国拉斯维加斯CES展会现场展示全球首款搭载通过Qi认证的无线快充系统的中国品牌智能手机——金立M7 Plus。
CPS与富美家合作,双方将致力于研发在基础设施领域可以大规模推广的无线充电新技术,并计划于2018年向市场推出新的解决方案,随着这一解决方案的推出,无线充电设备就能在Formica Group的家具上实现即放即充!易冲无线(CPS)还宣布与安森美半导体达成战略合作,CPS将采用安森美半导体的NCV6500专用电源管理控制器设计、开发及推销车载无线充电方案,携手冲击汽车无线充电市场。
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1. Nikola Tesla , 1891, large "Tesla coil" 2. Professor XuShuYua, in recent years, developed "wireless battery platform" 3. 3. Marin Soljacic, 2007, lit up a lamp that 60 watt light bulb between two meters 4. Several companies have a wireless charging mobile phone production, mp3, portable computers (Portable Mat、 Energizer) 5.
Wireless charging , charge at anytime and anywhere where there has a set (WiTricity) to send the charge, maybe just like the wifi.
Working principle
Wireless energy conversion, the transmission:
Now, the wireless charging technology in the small power within the scope of the can still shows its superiority.But implementation of high power wireless transmission, it was more difficult.Although now wireless charging whether in the theory and technology in there are many problems, but the progress of science and technology will eventually solve them, global w ire l e ss c h a r g in g i s n ot a d i st an t dre am , ultimately, in the near future can be realized.
Advantages and disadvantages
A: 1.Device invisible,low wear rate. 2.High technical content, easy to operate. 3.public charging area relative decrease. D: 1.Higher equipment investment, maintenance costs. 2.Higher energy consumption. 3.Big electromagnetic space loss rate.
Present situation
1. Wireless Power Consortium(无线充电联 盟), 2008,12,17 2. Internarional Qi Standard took the first lead in introducing BeiJing China 3. Wireless charging technology USES unified industrial standard. 4. Various of the new wireless charging equipments have started to put into application 5.
Wireless charging technology 无线充电技术
The classification of charging 充电分类
2 3 4
Working Principle 工作原理 Background and present situation 背景与现状
Application 应用
Use of physics "resonance" (共振) principle--two vibration frequency of the same objects can be efficient transport energy Fujitsu ( 富士通 ) wireless charging technology used magnetic resonance in charger and equipment in the air between the transmission charge , Coil and capacitor in charger is formed between and equipment resonance。(线圈和电容 器则在充电器与设备之间形成共鸣)
Prospection 发展前景
1.Traditional Rechargeable battery
Wirecharging, convert the alternating current to low v oltage direct current.
2.The trend of the future charging