汽车美容连锁店管理系统操作说明书V1.0目录车主端车主端 (4)1.注册 (4)1.1会员卡 (4)1.2扫码支付 (5)1.3微信充值 (6)1.4交易记录 (7)1.5预存余额 (8)2.空位查询 (9)3.个人中心 (11)3.1个人信息 (12)3.2我的积分 (12)3.3我的优惠券 (14)3.4支付密码 (15)门店端 (17)1.登录 (17)2.登录首页 (18)3.扫码关注 (18)4.扫码核销 (19)5.向我付款 (20)6.空位设置 (21)7.营收流水 (22)8.申请提现 (23)车主端1.注册功能描述:新用户首次进入车主端时需要进行注册,以便在门店端消费使用。
图1.21.3 微信充值功能描述:用于微信充值,充值不同金额,可变为不同的等级。
1.4 交易记录功能描述:用于查看车主的交易记录,从交易记录中可以查看当前交易的状态,分为可申请退款、退款申请中、退款成功、退款失败,并可以进行时间的选择,查看当天以外的交易记录。
1.5 预存余额功能描述:用于查看车主当前所剩的余额。
2.2.运行环境2.3.条件与限制§3.数据描述3.1.静态数据3.2.数据库描述本系统采用Microsoft® SqlServer 2005作为数据库。
3、Vehicle_ID (车辆编号):共10位数字,顺序编号,如0000000001,0000000002……。
5、Package_ID (套餐编号):共12位数字,取当前时间,前8位为年月日,后4位为顺序编号,如200*********1,表示2008年9月1日第一个。
§4.功能需求4.1.功能划分4.2.功能描述4.2.1 功能概述Admin用户负责在系统初始化时应输入用户信息和美容项目信息。
二、设备组成本款汽车保养设备由以下几个部分组成:1. 主控台:设备的核心部分,用于控制和调整保养参数;2. 维修工具:包括扳手、螺丝刀、多功能钳等,用于拆卸和安装汽车零部件;3. 电源供应器:提供设备所需的电能;4. 润滑剂:用于润滑汽车零部件,减少磨损;5. 清洁剂:用于清洁汽车表面、发动机等部件;6. 其他辅助配件:如电线、油管等。
三、使用方法1. 开启设备插入电源供应器并将其连接到主控台的电源接口上。
2. 选择保养模式主控台上设有多种保养模式,根据您的实际需求选择相应的模式。
3. 调整参数在进入具体保养模式后,根据设备的显示屏提示进行参数调整。
4. 进行保养操作根据设备和车辆的实际情况,进行相应的保养操作。
5. 清洁与整理保养操作完成后,及时清洁设备上的工具和零部件。
四、注意事项在使用汽车保养设备过程中,请注意以下几点:1. 安全第一:使用设备前,请确保车辆处于停车状态,并拔下车辆电源;2. 了解车辆:在选择保养模式前,对车辆的结构和问题有一定的了解,以便正确选择操作模式;3. 调整稳定:在调整参数时,遵循设备的提示进行调整,请勿随意变动参数;4. 保持清洁:设备在保养过程中可能会产生污物,请及时清理和保持设备的清洁;5. 维修工具使用:使用维修工具时,请遵循正确的使用方法,避免损坏设备或汽车部件;6. 润滑剂使用:在使用润滑剂时,请按照说明进行使用,避免使用过量或不足;7. 禁止违规使用:请严禁使用该设备进行非法操作或违规维修。
博优商业管理系统迷你版使用说明书深圳博优思创科技博优商业管理系统说明书2目录第一章软件安装 (8)运行环境要求 (8)系统硬件准备 (8)系统软件准备 (8)软件产品准备 (9)安装步骤 (9)安装操作系统。
(9)安装博优商业管理系统迷你版 (10)博优软件注册 (12)后台第一次使用 (13)3前台第一次使用 (14)第二章基本档案 (15)商品分类与商品档案 (15)多单位商品 (24)辅助条码商品 (25)特价打包商品 (47)同码系列商品 (26)货商分类与货商档案 (27)操作员档案 (30)数据导入 (33)第三章采购管理 (33)采购入库单 (34)采购退货单 (36)货商结算单 (38)采购报表查询 (39)第四章零售管理 (45)POS收银实时监控 (45)前台销售明细表 (49)促销调价单 (51)收银结款单 (53)收银管理报表 (54)4第五章库存管理 (63)报损单 (63)盘点单 (64)商品库存查询 (66)库存管理报表 (67)第六章会员管理 (72)金卡档案 (72)金卡分类 (74)金卡制作 (74)金卡充值 (75)金卡冲减积分 (76)会员管理报表 (77)报表中心要点 (81)第七章系统功能 (86)系统功能 (86)参数设置 (87)促销注意 (95)操作日志 (95)数据备份与恢复 (96)数据清除 (98)初始密码............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5修改密码 (101)权限设置 (102)第八章前台 (104)前台操作 (104)第九章附件(要点) (114)1、第一次使用博优软件应该设置哪些期初项目 (114)2、一品多码、一码多品分别有那些方面的知识 (115)3、什么情况下有可能是错价商品 (117)4、普通商品编码的两种类型 (118)5、条(编)码的四种自动生成 (119)6、如何进行盘点 (120)7、盘点的四种方法 (120)8、列操作 (122)9、列设定 (124)10、万能查询器 (127)11、电子称数据导出 (129)12、右击设定 (130)13、系统中一包烟和一条烟是如何处理的 (133)15、权限控制的四种方法 (135)16、打印报表的自定义设计 (137)17、批量生成金卡用户 (139)618、博优软件操作方面的几大特点 (140)7第一章软件安装运行环境要求类型需求最低要求建议配置硬件工作站CPU:P3 400HzCPU:P4 1.6GHz内存:256MB 内存:1024MB硬盘:20GB 硬盘:40GB软件工作站WINDOWS2000/XPWINDOWS2000/XP系统硬件准备在安装“博优商业管理系统迷你版”软件产品之前,您必须按照第一章的“运行环境要求”准备好所有的硬件。
3rd International Conference on Management, Education, Information and Control (MEICI 2015)Web-based Automobile Sales Management SystemHuabo XiaoCollege of Information Engineering, Jiangxi University of Technology, Jiangxi NanchangKeywords: Sales management system; Logic management; Tomcat; PracticabilityAbstract. The purpose of designing the system is to make the users manage their own sales network only through the internet, change traditional business model and achieve online sales management. The system adopted JSP to write online car sales management system, used Tomcat as the JSP server, connected the system by database SQLServer2000, compiled JavaBean for the logic management of back-office business, which meant to complete the entire design work by JSP + JavaBean + SQLServer2000, and achieved the vehicle management, vehicle classification, car type queries, trading, users order processing, and the administrator system. Practice has proved that this system has strong practicability and value of practical application.OverviewWith the rapid development of economy in our country, the car has gradually appeared in the family, and the ratio of private car ownership is becoming bigger. The rapid development of auto industry has brought new requirements to the sales management, and a new kind of advanced management mode is urgently needed. Increasingly fierce market competition requires enterprises to improve information processing speed, timely and accurately grasp business situation, and make quick business decisions. At present, most of the auto sales management mode is old, and there are many problems in the sales management, which restrict the development and take-off of auto industry. In the traditional auto industry management model, the paper documents and manual management are the mainstream; the problems of this model is poor data reliability, low operation efficiency, difficult for statistical analysis, and remote possibility of extracting useful information for the enterprise. Clearly, how can these shortcomings bring capital and ability to compete with foreign auto industry? The traditional management pattern cannot adapt to the development trend of present auto industry; especially with the arrival of information age, it is practical and important for auto industry members to strengthen their ability, adopt advanced management mode and meet the information revolution.The system adopted JSP to write web-based car sales management system, connected the system by database SQLServer2000, and compiled JavaBean for the logic management of back-office business, which meant to complete the entire design work by JSP + JavaBean + SQLServer2000. Based on Internet, this system developed the website by JSP language, and paid attention to the interaction ability of users and website. Under such background, web-based auto sales management system has become the preferred architecture in applied software in view of the current development trend of internet.System analysisFeasibility research. Technical feasibility analysisThe development of online auto management system is complicated system engineering. In order to guarantee the successful development of this system, engineered system development method must be adopted, and some development methods in accord with engineered standards must be studied. These methods are to guide developers for engineered system development so as to accelerate the system development, ensure the quality and reduce development costs. Engineered system development methods have obtained a good result in the practice of development. In the development, JSP was adopted as the development language; Servlet technology was adopted and Tomcat5.0 was the Web server.Analysis on operation feasibility:With the popularization and promotion of computer knowledge, more and more people have mastered the basic usage and skills of computer. Along with the development of the Internet, users are familiar with the use of software under the environment of internet and Windows, and show great interest and enthusiasm in new things.Analysis on economic feasibility:Online auto system has brought convenience to people, and becomes the brand new business model. Therefore, the new fashion of online home shopping has arrived, and it is completely feasible to construct one online auto management system economically.According to the above analysis, it’s completely feasible to develop online auto management system.Demand analysis. The task of demand analysis is to make detailed investigation into the objects to be processed in the real world, fully understand the overview of system, clarify various requirements of users, and determine the functions of new system on the basis. The new system must consider the possible extension and changes in future.Demand analysis on users:1. User registration2. User log in3. Vehicle model browse4. Vehicle model query5. Password settings6. Personal information settings7. Comment content8. AdministratorAnalysis on system performance:The requirement of data security and integrity: confidentiality on user information, which can be seen or searched by administrator, but not be arbitrarily changed. Make sure the security of online payment, and integrity of commodity information and user information; prevent malicious corrections and deletions.1. High accuracy and reliability2. Friendly page, complete functions and can be used3. The system is easy to be maintained and upgraded.4. High efficiency of access to databaseFunction analysis. from the aspect of users:Through online registration, users can have the following functions: auto model browse, password retrieval, personal information modification, auto overview. After successful registration, users can leave a message on the message board.From the aspect of website:1. Website should contain commodity search function: inquire according to the auto fuzzily.2. Administrator management:Check user information, and send commodity according to user information and user order.3. Auto model browsea).automobile b).manufacturer c).model d). price e).specification f).unit g).quantityh).explanation4. Vote for good autoCheck the vote information and score from users.3.5 Overall structure diagram of systemSeparate the manager and client, and make the function more clearThe function of the system is divided into client and manager; the advantages of this division are that the thought is clear and it is convenient for development.2. three-layer structureSend requests to business logic layer through uniform interface by adopting three-layer structure user interface layer; business logic layer makes database operation according to its logic rules after processing the requirement, and returns the data returned by database in the form of encapsulating into class to the user interface. User interface only interacts with middle-business logic layer; the database needs no direct operation, and it only needs to maintain the interface with middle-business logic layer. This way improves the database security and maintainability to some extent, and reduces the demand to the developers in the user interface layer.The division of specific overall system structure diagram is shown in Fig. 1:System designWhether to establish enterprise internal website to provide service for staffs, commercial website to provide products and service to partners or suppliers, retailing website to sell products or provide service for consumers, or to establish media and entertainment website to release news and other multimedia information, the successful program design should possess good expandability, high-efficiency concurrent processing ability, powerful management tools, integration of existing enterprise information, guarantee of 24-hour service, good fault-tolerance performance, support to a variety of client terminal and safe operation environment.Design objective. The theoretical design objectives of system function are as follows:1. Strong practicality: try to make the system be in accordance with the habit of practical operation process,reduce the input of users, make the user interface friendly and easy to learn and use, satisfy the demand of use for each layer;2. Advanced program structure: the application of contemporary advanced software programming can extend the life cycle, be easy to maintain and management;3. High security and reliability: complete functions for background maintenance; according to the service condition of the platform in different stages, manager can set corresponding operating authorization, add system registration, distribute the administration privilege of each column, achieve the system maintenance, and guarantee the safety and reliability of the system;4. The method of using modular design: make the system have good expandability in order to adapt to the development demand of different stages, and be convenient for later analysis and maintenance;5. Simple operation and convenient maintenance: every sub-system has relatively independent system maintenance function for changeable project;6. Strong query function: query the basic information on auto and user; query the auto comment information, and make the manager timely and accurately master the basic information of users and commodities.Module division. According to the demand analysis and design objective of system function and combining with the reality, the function module design of the system can be divided into:1. Homepage: the main functions and information of the system are shown2. User registration: register the basic information, in which the phone number and email are important as we process the information for users’ payment and mail-order service.3. User log in: in order to make it convenient for users’payment, mail-order service and management, we can consume only after becoming the member.4. Auto model browse: after successful log in, users can achieve tabbed browsing of auto model, and submit the satisfied auto into the order page. If the users enter pages directly when they haven’t registered or logged in successfully, they will be linked to the “user log in page”.5. Auto model query: users can query the auto they need on the page after successful log-in. If the users enter pages directly when they haven’t registered or logged in successfully, they will be linked to the “user log in page”.6. Password retrieval: users can change their password on the page after successful log-in. If the users enter pages directly when they haven’t registered or logged in successfully, they will be linked to the “user log in page”.7. Personal information modification: users can modify the original registration information after successful log-in. If the users enter pages directly when they haven’t registered or logged in successfully, they will be linked to the “user log in page”.8. Administrator: check user information and send the commodity according to the us ers’ information.Database designConceptual structure design of database. Conceptual structure is abstract of real world, namely the artificial process to the real people, object, things and concept; extract the common character concerned by people, neglect the non-essential details and describe accurately these characteristics with various concepts.According to the above design, the entities include administrator, auto information, and users.Each entity is the abstract of real objects in reality, and there might be certain relationship among every two or more entities.The database of the system includes auto model Figure, administrator Figure, guide Figure, comment Figure, individual member Figure. See the details in the following database Figure.The cross structure of database in JSP. There is standard database access interface similar to the one formulated by Microsoft in JSP; it uses the database access method of Java, which is JDBC, short for Java DataBase Connectivity. JDBC is the platform-independent and standard API of database provided by Sun; it encapsulates the database access into the few methods, and makes the users very convenient to query the database, insert new data and even call stored procedures. In fact, JDBC is a kind of specification; most database vendors provide JDBC driver at present, and the micro-database like Microsoft SQLServer2000 also has several JDBC drivers for choice, which makes the Java application can independently operate in various database. Using the JDBC-ODBC driver developed by Sun, Java can also access the database by ODBC.The main interfaces provided by JDBC are:1. java.sql.DriverManager and Drivermanager are similar to the call-in of processing the driver and provide support to new database link.2. java.sql.Connection means the connection between applications and specific database.3. java.sql.Statement is used for common SQL statement execution; SQL statement can query statement, update statement, even create database and execute stored procedures.4. java.sql.ResultSet queries the returned results and stores in the object, by which the record in the database can be browsed and stored.If users directly access database in the JSP, java.sql.* has to be introduced before the access. For example, %@page import="java.sql.*"%, in this way, JSP can find corresponding SQL interface function.Establish connection with database. Establish connection with DBMS, the two things must be done: load driver and establish connection.Load driver:The code is needed to load driver. If driven by JDBC driver bridge, the code is as follows: Class.forName(“jdbc.driver_class_name”);When call the Class.forName, it has been automatically loaded. After loading driver, it can be connected with DBMS.Establish connection:The second step is to establish connection with DBMS. See the following codes:Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(url,“user”,“Password”)If use JDBC bridge driver, the URL of JDBC should be jdbc, then the name of data source or database. If the name of database accessed by ODBC is qcgl, the URL of JDBC should be written as jdbc:xjgl. The user name of logging in DBMS should be typed in “myLogin”, the latter “myPassword” is the password. The codes are as follows:Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/xjgl","root","123");System implementationModule analysis. Make program design according to the previous demand analysis and overall system design content. The system is developed based on Java language. The module is mainly developed and achieved by adopting JSP technology+JavaBeans+ SQLServer2000. All are designed and achieved by the object-oriented means.In the program design, the following definitions are used and the explanations are as follows:Page is to define some properties and the value of these properties in the whole JSP page.The function of Page import is to introduce the class in the JAVA core package and use the class in the program slices part, variable and function declaration part and expression part. The property can be assigned with many values, and the value of the property can be all the classes or one specific class of certain package in JAVA.Include file means to statically insert one file.Module division of each function. The home page moduleThe upside of the home page includes1. Enterprise member login and registration as well as individual member login and registration2. Password recovery of enterprise member and individual member3. Sales information.4. Buying guide.5. Website introduction.6. Auto type and price query.7. Browse the latest auto type and price.User registration moduleUser registration is designed for the users who log in the website for the first time. Users can access other pages of the website only after registration, which includes enterprise member registration and individual member registration.1. Enterprise member registration includes: login name, password setting, cooperate name, business scope, contact number, etc.2. Individual member registration includes: login name, password setting, sex, age, etc.3. Upon successful registration, users can access other pages of the website.User login module1. User login includes: login name, password.2. Administrator check if the name and password are correct after the users log in; if they are correct, users can directly access other pages of the website.Auto information release moduleBrowse the auto type: upon successful login, users can receive the latest auto model and price through tabbed browsing.Shopping help pageDon’t worry about having no idea on shopping. The Shopping help page will give you a hand.Functions module diagram.Fig. 2 Figure of system function module of interfaceAcknowledgementsThis work was financially supported by project of Jiangxi University of Technology [No.XJXT1403] and Nature of Jiangxi University of Technology [No. ZR14YB03].The project of Technology Department of Jiangxi Province [No 20143BBM26048] also give us a lot of help.References[1] Wu Yue, Weng Jingnong. Build Web application development strategy with JSP+JavaBean. Volume 42. Year of 2004. The 7th issue. 1181~1193[2] Zhang Yueping. JSP practical course. Tsinghua University press, March of 2001, 167~182[3] Liu Yongbo, Liu Xuemei, Zhao Changhai. JSP application development technology. Posts and Telecom Press, Sep, 2005. 21~33[4] FECIT Technological Product Research Center. JSP application development explained in detail. Electronic Industry Press, May of 2005. 32~36[5] Liu Yabing, Yang Hong. Be proficient in Eclipse. 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汽车美容操作技术手册目录汽车美容操作技术手册章节一、前期准备1.1 清洁准备1.1.1 清洁工具准备1.1.2 清洁剂选择及使用方法1.1.3 车身表面清洁步骤1.1.4 内饰清洁步骤章节二、车身美容技术2.1 漆面修复技术2.1.1 去除轻微划痕技术2.1.2 涂层修复技术2.1.3 漆面重整技术2.2 抛光技术2.2.1 选择抛光机和研磨剂2.2.2 抛光步骤及技巧2.3 车身贴膜技术2.3.1 膜材选择及预处理2.3.2 贴膜步骤及技巧2.4 防晒膜安装技术2.4.1 膜材选择及预处理2.4.2 安装步骤及技巧章节三、内饰美容技术3.1 室内空气净化技术3.1.1 空气净化器的选择与使用3.1.2 空调系统清洁技术3.1.3 去味技术3.2 座椅清洁技术3.2.1 座椅材质分类及清洁方法3.2.2 座椅修复技术3.3 仪表台及内饰零件清洁技术3.3.1 清洁工具准备3.3.2 清洁剂选择及使用方法3.3.3 清洁步骤及技巧3.4 地板及脚垫清洁技术3.4.1 清洁工具准备3.4.2 清洁剂选择及使用方法3.4.3 清洁步骤及技巧章节四、玻璃美容技术4.1 玻璃清洁技术4.1.1 玻璃清洁工具准备4.1.2 玻璃清洁剂选择及使用方法4.1.3 清洁步骤及技巧4.2 玻璃防雾技术4.2.1 防雾液选择及使用方法4.2.2 喷涂技巧4.3 玻璃修复技术4.3.1 去除刮痕技术4.3.2 玻璃磨光技术附件:详细示意图和照片说明附件一、清洁工具示意图附件二、车身漆面修复示意图附件三、车身抛光示意图附件四、车身贴膜示意图附件五、内饰座椅清洁示意图附件六、玻璃清洁工具示意图法律名词及注释:1、汽车美容:指对汽车外观和内饰进行清洁、修复、保养等工作的综合性服务。
三千尺车保姆汽车美容维修管理软件使用说明书一 . 项目管理 . (4)1.1 概述:........................................................................................................................................4 1.2 模块:........................................................................................................................................4 1.3 图示:........................................................................................................................................4 1.4 功能说明 : (5)1.4.1 前台接车 . ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.4.2 前台接车汇总表 . ...................................................................................................... 9 1.4.3 前台接车明细表 . .................................................................................................... 11 二 . 进销存管理 . ............................................................................................................................. 13 2.1 概述:......................................................................................................................................13 2.2 功能模块:. ............................................................................................................................. 13 2.3 功能说明 : (13)2.3.1 采购管理 . ...................................................................................................................... 13 .采购入库 . ........................................................................................................... 13 .采购退货 . ........................................................................................................... 16 采购付款 . ........................................................................................................... 16 应付查询 . ........................................................................................................... 19 2.3.2销售管理 . (20) 销售出库 . ............................................................................................................20 销售退货 . ...........................................................................................................23 销售收款 . ...........................................................................................................23 应收查询 . ..........................................................................................................26 2.3.3. 库存管理 . ..................................................................................................................... 27 库存查询 . .......................................................................................................... 27 仓库调拨 . ........................................................................................................... 28 库存盘点 . ........................................................................................................... 31 盘盈入库 . ........................................................................................................... 33 盘亏出库 . ........................................................................................................... 36 三 . 会员管理 : ................................................................................................................................39 3.1 概述:...................................................................................................................................... 39 3.2 功能模块:. ............................................................................................................................. 39 3.3 功能说明 : (39)3.3.1. 会员信息 . ...................................................................................................................39 3.3.2. 积分盘点 . .................................................................................................................... 41 3.3.3. 会员充值明细表 . (43)3.3.4. 会员消费情况表 . ......................................................................................................... 45 3.3.5. 会员余额汇总表 . ......................................................................................................... 47 3.3.6. 会员充值汇总表 . (49)3.3.6. 会员消费汇总表 . ......................................................................................................... 51 四 . 基础信息 : (53)4.1 概述:......................................................................................................................................53 4.2 功能模块:. ............................................................................................................................. 54 4.3 功能说明 : (54)4.3.1. 基本信息 . ....................................................................................................................... 54 4.3.2. 仓库信息 . .. (56)4.3.3. 人员信息 . ....................................................................................................................... 58 4.3.4. 客户信息 . .. (61)4.3.5. 供应商信息 . ................................................................................................................... 63 4.3.6. 商品信息 . .. (65)4.3.7. 维修项目信息 . ............................................................................................................... 67 4.3.8. 车辆信息 . ....................................................................................................................... 70 4.3.9. 权限管理 . .. (73)4.3.10. 参数信息 . ..................................................................................................................... 76 五 . 报表中心 : ................................................................................................................................82 5.1 概述:......................................................................................................................................82 5.2 功能模块:. ............................................................................................................................. 82 5.3 功能说明 : (82)5.3.1. 采购报表 . ....................................................................................................................... 82 商品采购明细表 . ................................................................................................ 82 商品采购统计表 . ................................................................................................ 85 5.3.2. 销售报表 . .. (87) 商品销售排行榜 . ................................................................................................ 87 商品销售明细表 . ................................................................................................90 业务员销售汇总表 . ............................................................................................92 业务员销售明细表 . ............................................................................................95 商品销售统计表 . ................................................................................................98 5.3.3. 库存报表 . ..................................................................................................................... 100 仓库入库明细 . .................................................................................................. 100 仓库出库明细表 . .............................................................................................. 102 进出库汇总表 . .................................................................................................. 105 进出库明细表 . .................................................................................................. 107 商品类别库存表 . .............................................................................................. 109 调拨明细表 . ...................................................................................................... 111 商品库存分布情况表 . ...................................................................................... 113 5.3.4. 财务报表 . (116) 员工提成明细表 . .............................................................................................. 116 员工提成汇总表 . .............................................................................................. 118 供应商应付款明细表 . ...................................................................................... 121 客户应收款明细表 . .......................................................................................... 123 六 . 辅助功能 : (126)6.1 概述:.................................................................................................................................... 126 6.2 功能模块:. (126)6.3 功能说明 : (126)6.3.1. 库存报警 . ..................................................................................................................... 126 6.3.2. 客户关怀 . (127)6.3.3. 现金银行 . (131)三千尺车保姆汽车美容维修管理软件使用说明书一 . 项目管理1.1 概述:管理所有登记过的修理单或者美容单 , 可以对这些单进行查看、新增、修改、作废、删除、结算、反结算等功能,通过项目管理解决汽车服务机构在前台接车业务流程。
DSP 5 洗车系统部件说明书
DSP 5 - ed. 03/20061GRUPPO LAVAGGIO2GRUPPO RISCIACQUO3QUADRO ELETTRICO4GRUPPO POMPA SCARICO5GRUPPO SOLLEVAMENTO6CARROZZERIA7DOSATORE DETERSIVOCodice Descrizione0200025Filtro d.2150200056OR 144 pilette 1" 1/40200069Fascetta 40-600200080Ghiera 1"1/421900200097Guarnizione gomma 105x45x3 4F Rif.167 0200098Guarnizione gomma 134x65x2,5 4F Rif.154 0200099Guarnizione Nyltite M80200112Tubo scarico d.28 DIR.C/3170200113Piletta scarico 007 Rif.180200114Dado piletta scarico 2" 21900200116Flangia a manicotto d.1400200117Flangia a manicotto d.1100200118Flangia a manicotto 1"1/4 d.1100200164Fascetta 32-500200173Guarnizione gomma 75x58x2 Rif.19 0200180Troppopieno EFFE/ELLE 12800200232Manicotto aspirante 01F/075F 1583-93 0200298Fascetta 25-400200403Guarnizione piana 38x27x2 37940201815Asta lavaggio L20 risciacquo rot.2761 0201919Manicotto ridotto ELLE 4666 60x43x150 0202101Testina lavaggio d.18 2F NSF0202113Testina lavaggio M8 4F NSF0221302Raccordo scarico diritto 1"1/4x320300303Termostato unipolare fisso 55º BN0D 0301204Elettropompa Hp 0,75 ZF3200303042Resistenza vasca 2400W/3 1"1/4230/400V 0400152Filtro cassetto L21-015/24L-L25 1812-94 0406250Squadretta termostato/contatto 50º 6428 0500500Braccio di lavaggio 540/6F NSF0500505Braccio di lavaggio 380/6F NSF0800009Vite inox TEM8x150800052Rondella teflon 57x41x20800053Rondella nylon 50x8x2 Rif. 1490800061Disco inox mulinello 259-83-A d.80800066Rondella grower inox diam.60800093Dado autobloccante M8 zincato0800107Rondella piana OT diam.80800163Vite inox POELIER M6X100800185Rondella piana inox diam.10x300800186Dado inox cieco M60800626Vite inox TEM8x350200038Perno risciacquo inox 12050200040Nipplo risciacquo inox 3/8"-1/4" 492-97 0200041OR 6225 resistenza boiler0200086Testina mulinello risciacquo 12060200088Ugello risciacquo0200089Diffusore ugello risciacquo0200091Tubo cristallo PP 4x60200096Collettore mulinello risciacquo 793 0200140Fascetta collare 17x190200147Portagomma M12x4 90º 1821-940200181Dado bicono inox 3/8"x12 1040-91 0200182Bicono OT 3/8"x12 1311-920200186Ugello risciacquo 1/8" foro 0,90200187Ugello risciacquo 1/8" foro 1,8 Rif.39 0200188Guarnizione gomma 25x16x20200190Fascetta collare benzina 13x150200196Guarnizione Nyltite M30200239OR 2031 supporto ugello risciacquo 0200249Supporto ugello risciacquo0200268Bicono TEFLON 3/8"x120200295Guarnizione Nyltite M120200300Fascetta collare benzina 15x170200315Cavallotto ugello risciacquo0200385Braccio risciacquo dx DSP5 6887 0200386Braccio risciacquo sx DSP5 6887 0200443Filtro fondo dos.idrico 30000200499Tubo gomma 12x19,5 food quality 0200515Tubo pressostato 4,2x10,40200814Mulinello risciacquo inferiore DSP5 7066 0201376Asta risciacquo interno infer.DSP5 7229 0201377Asta risciacquo interno super.DSP5 7229 0201455Trappola d'aria anteriore L=85 mm 0201951Tubo dos./boiler silicone inox L=35cm 0300002Resistenza 4500W/3 230/400V flangia inox 0300011Resistenza 3000W/3 Rif.76 flangia inox 0300025Elettrovalvola 1 via 3290690300302Termostato unipolare riarmo 105º BN5 0400023Boiler 5lt d.140 L20-L210406377Piastrina termostato boiler DSP 7267 0500006Fascetta SNP2/CLIC 11,5-13,50500057**SOSTITUITO DA 0599999**0500605Valvola rompivuoto DVGW GD0800001Vite inox ATFTCTCR 3,9x15-Supp.Ug.Risc. 0800205Dado inox M12x1 E16S50800652Dado inox autobloccante M30800673Dado bicono ottone 3/8"x12 0900001Tubo carico gomma 90ºC VDECodice Descrizione0200515Tubo pressostato 4,2x10,40300005Termostato 90ºC c.2000 1NONC boiler IMIT 0300026Pressostato 60/30 16A 1NONC0300059Contattore 16A 4NO V230-LS07.10 AEG 0300081Condensatore 12,5 óf0300138Micro contatto magnetico 1NO +0800142 0300143Timer 120"0300193Fissacavo PA 268 + vite 3,5X250300900Filtro antidisturbo 4111350010301003Interruttore bipolare lum. arancio IP65 0301009**SOSTITUITO DA 0301018**0301747***SOSTITUITO DA 0301745 Relé0500005Termometro Rif.1330500006Fascetta SNP2/CLIC 11,5-13,5Codice Descrizione0200164Fascetta 32-500200299Fascetta 20-320200403Guarnizione piana 38x27x2 3794 0200526Manicotto aspirazione pompa scarico 0221302Raccordo scarico diritto 1"1/4x32 0300068Elettropompa scarico 40W/230/50 FILTRO 0300821Timer 120sec c/cam PS0301003Interruttore bipolare lum. arancio IP65 0301009**SOSTITUITO DA 0301018**0301018Pulsante unipolare luminoso blu IP65 0406376Supporto pompa scarico DSP 2139 0500258Targa PCB DSP-PS LAMBER0900006Tubo scarico d.19,5 per pompa scaricoCodice Descrizione0200099Guarnizione Nyltite M80200650Piatto FE-ZN 20x10x40 M10 ELLE 5024 0800010Cuscinetto 6002 asta sollevamento 0800028Rondella piana inox d.80800048Cuscinetto RDP 23/9,4/8 per sollevamento 0800093Dado autobloccante M8 zincato0800106Dado FE M10 zincato0800108Inserto tubo sollevamento 8x13x31 252-83 0800109Distanziale OT M8x16x31 capot ELLE 5091 0800110Distanziale OT 8x16x36 capot ELLE 5091 0800115Perno asta sollevamento 254-830800116Tubo sollevamento ELLE0800117Perno maniglione 015/24L0800144Dado autobloccante M10 zincato0800211Vite tirante con gancio M10x120 (fil.70) 0800228Vite FE 8,8 M10x350800241Maniglione inox L210800244Rullino capot PP 35x12 856-890800418Distanziale rullino ELLE 4511/980800420Distanziale maniglione M16x18 349 0800497Bussola perno maniglione0800626Vite inox TEM8x350800642Vite inox TEM8x100800661Vite FE-ZN 8.8 M10x400800699Vite inox TEM8x10 testa h.2,20800701Asta sollevamento L20-210800705Supporto sollevamento L20 46100800711Molla sollevamento L23..L25 gancio lungo GA0150007Gruppo gabbia cuscinetti ELLECodice Descrizione0200099Guarnizione Nyltite M80300138Micro contatto magnetico 1NO +0800142 0300751Fissacavo esterno PA223 6 poli0400045Piastra v.risc.L20/L23/L25 0400046Piastra lav.risc. ELLE0400077Supporto anteriore filtri ELLE0400117Supporto guide ELLE 2062/940400206Piastra cablaggio EFFE 2198-950400209Supporto laterale filtri a cassetto L21 0400286Basamento L20-210400359Pannello retro L20-L21 29040400361Guida cestello L20-L21 1442/1578 0400368Supporto cestello guida angolo ELLE 7438 0400370Fermo cestello ELLE0400378Copritubi capot L20/21 14410400390Supporto intermedio filtri ELLE0402000Colonna L20/210402004Capot L20/210402006Cassone L20/210500049**SOSTITUITO DA 0500045**0800009Vite inox TEM8x150800049Piedino inox 1"1/2x130 100x85x2,5 0800142Magnete rett. NEODIMIO M303NA "L25" 0800173Cerniera pannello anteriore ELLE0800400Tirante sportello M5x305 7950800402Fermo tirante sportello0800653Dado inox autobloccante M5Codice Descrizione0200178Guarnizione piana 19x12x2 Rif.121 0200511Tubo PVC cristallo 4x6 rosso (detersivo) 0201460Filtro inox di fondo dosatore lavaggio 0500060Dosatore detersivo tempo pausa F92 0500071Croce portarullini peristaltica 1PRL001 0500072Tubo SANTOPRENE peris.ET. new model 0500076Manopola trimmer dostore 403307 0500077Coperchio peristaltica PDP F ET. 0500092Portagomma dosatore lavaggio DSP 0800091Dado inox M12。
UV-A1 系统汽车修复说明说明书
Spot Repair on vehicle with the UV-A1 systemWorking process and instructions to obtain excellent results with the UV-A1 spot repair system from HBC System.StepsPolish carefully the surface to be repaired to create optimal adhesionEst. time needed1 minEst. time needed1 minDegrease to eliminate impurities using Silicone removerStepsUse P150 - P280 to sand the surface to be repairedEst. time needed1 minDegrease to eliminate impurities using Silicone removerEst. time needed1 minStepsFill the damaged area with the UV-A1 Filler (L19009)Est. time needed1 minExpose to the UV lamp rays for 3-4min depending on the thickness 10 cm distance (400W UV lamp)Est. time needed3 minStepsSand the filled surface with P180 – P280 Refinish with P360 – P400Est. time needed1 minDegrease to eliminate impurities using Silicone removerEst. time needed1 minStepsMask the surface to be treated with the primer (L19008)Est. time needed1 minApply the UV-A1 Primer (L19008) In normal conditions, 1 single coat is enough to obtain a thickness of 80 - 100Pressure of application between 1,5 and 2 barsEst. time needed1 minStepsExpose to the UV lamp rays for 3-4 min depending on the thickness 10 cm distanceEst. time needed3 minDegrease to eliminate impurities using Silicone removerEst. time needed1 minStepsSand the surface (treated with the UV-A1 Primer) with P400Refinish with P500 or with P600 – P800 in case of metallic paintRefinish only the surface to be treated with the mat baseEst. time needed1 minDegrease to eliminate impurities using Silicone removerEst. time needed1 minStepsMask the surface for the finishingEst. time needed2 minApply the water based base coatEst. time needed2 minStepsWait for the paint to be completely curedIt is of utmost importance that the waterbased color is completely dryEst. time needed1 minApply a light coat of the UV-A1 clear coat (L19010) thinned at 10% with the UV-A1 Thinner (L19007) by Paintgun or by Aerosol (19010)Pressure of application of the clear-coat by using a Paintgun is between 1,5 and 2 barsEst. time needed1 minStepsWait 1 min (solvent base) or 2 min (water base), and expose to the UV lamp for 1 min.20 cm (400W UV lamp) distanceEst. time needed2 minApply the second coat of the UV-A1 clear coat (L19010) thinned at 10% with the UV-A1 Thinner (L19007) by Paintgun or Aerosol (L19010) Thanks to the UV-A1 clear coat fast drying, it is possible to eliminate small impurities with sanding paper P-1500Est. time needed1 minStepsWait 15 min and expose to the UV lamp for 2 min10 cm (400W UV lamp) distance. Pay attention to the mist coat dryingEst. time needed2 minSand the surface with P1500 – P3000 Considering the high UV-A1 clear coat hardness, we suggest this step to facilitate the following polishingEst. time needed1 minStepsPolish the surface to totally eliminate the repair markingsEst. time needed2 minPolish the whole surface with handpolish to uniform the shineEst. time needed1 minHBC System - Hobrovej 963, DK9530 Støvring, DenmarkTel.: +45 7022 7070 Fax: +45 7022 7272Email:**********************A professional Spot repairfrom start till finish in。
课程设计Ⅱ课程设计说明书汽车美容服务管理系统数据库设计和数据操作课设Ⅱ课程设计评阅课程设计任务书2012—2013学年第1学期专业:信息管理与信息系统学号: 1021024007 姓名:王鲜宁课程设计名称:课程设计Ⅱ设计题目:汽车美容服务管理系统的数据库设计和数据操作完成期限:自 2012 年 8 月 26 日至 2012 年 9 月 7 日共 2 周设计依据、要求及主要内容(可另加附页):通过实际考察我市汽车美容服务公司,设计汽车美容服务管理系统。
3系统管理3.1系统参数设置3.1.1基础参数设置点[系统设置\基础参数设置]进入[基础参数设置] 屏,选择[仓库]选项。
系统默认有两个仓库,如需要添加,在屏幕右下角录入[仓库代码],[仓库名称],点[新增] 按钮新建仓库。
仓库建立完毕,点[确定] 按钮保存仓库信息。
选择[工时单价],在屏幕右下角录入工时单价,点[新增] 按钮添加,添加完毕,点[确定]按钮保存。
3.1.2默认参数设置点[系统设置\默认参数设置]进入[默认参数设置] 屏,选择[维修站信息] 页框,设置维修站的基本信息,在此设置的维修站个性信息可以在委托书和结算单上打印出来,比如站名称联系电话,银行帐号等。
选择[缺省设置] 页框,设置默认参数,设置完毕,点[保存按钮] 保存。
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序言 (2)一、系统安装 (5)1、运行环境要求 (5)2、软件安装 (6)二、信息档案 (9)1、商品分类 (9)2、商品档案 (10)3、服务项目 (11)4、货商档案 (11)5、会员单位资料 (12)6、分店档案 (13)7、职员档案 (13)8、其它资料 (14)9、条码标签设计 (14)10、条码标签打印 (15)11、数据导入 (15)12、今天职员生日 (16)三、会员管理 (16)1、会员卡分类 (16)2、会员卡设置 (17)3、会员卡制作 (17)4、会员卡发行 (19)5、会员档案 (19)6、会员卡充值 (20)7、会员积分奖励 (20)8、会员续卡 (21)9、会员赠送 (21)10、会员报表 (21)四、采购管理 (24)1、采购订货单 (24)2、采购入库单 (25)3、采购退货单 (25)4、货商结算单 (25)5、采购订货查询 (26)6、采购入库查询 (26)7、采购退货查询 (27)8、货商应付款查询 (27)8、货商付款明细 (27)五、库存管理 (28)1、商品调拨单 (28)2、商品库存查询 (28)3、领用单 (28)4、盘点单 (29)5、商品调拨查询 (29)7、盘点分析报表 (30)8、库存不足和库存积压报表 (30)9、商品进销存报表 (31)六、系统功能 (31)1、工作站设置 (31)2、参数设置 (32)3、销售单据打印设置 (33)4、其它参数 (33)5、操作日志 (34)6、员工考勤 (34)7、数据备份 (35)8、数据清除 (35)9、操作员档案 (36)10、员工考勤报表 (36)11、初始密码 (36)12、修改密码 (37)七、销售开单 (37)1、会员档案 (37)2、销售单 (38)3、会员结算单 (38)4、会员保养录入 (39)5、商品销售报表 (39)6、类别销售报表 (40)7、会员销售报表 (40)8、商品日经营报表 (41)9、员工提成统计 (41)10、会员应收款查询 (41)11、业务员业绩报表 (42)八、财务管理 (42)1、会员结算单 (42)2、单位结算单 (42)3、货商结算单 (43)4、会员应收款查询 (43)5、单位应收款查询 (43)6、货商应付款查询 (43)7、货商付款明细 (44)8、收银员收款报表 (44)9、日营业报表 (44)九、商品价格管理 (45)1、商品调价单 (45)2、促销调价单 (45)3、分店价格管理 (45)4、商品调价明细 (46)6、促销商品查询 (46)九、短信设置 (46)1、短信账号设置 (47)2、手机短信 (47)3、短信模板设置 (47)4、日营业额短信发送设置 (48)5、短信发送历史 (48)一、系统安装1、运行环境要求如要博优汽车美容管理系统能正常的稳定的使用,请确保您的电脑系统及网络能满足以下条件:运行环境要求类型需求最低要求建议配置硬件工作站CPU:P3 400 Hz CPU:P4 1.6G Hz 内存:256MB内存:1024MB 硬盘:20GB硬盘:40GB软件工作站WINDOWS 2000/XP WINDOWS 2000/XP系统硬件准备在安装“博优汽车美容管理系统”软件产品之前,您必须按照“运行环境要求”准备好所有的硬件。
B.安装SQL Server 2000(Win 2000 以上系统需要打SQL SP3以上补丁)C.安装博优汽车美容管理系统D.安装博优软件产品加密狗。
据系统的配置要求安装相应的操作系统(如:Microsoft Windows 2000简体中文版)2、软件安装安装博优汽车美容管理系统在电脑中安装了操作系统后,将“博优汽车美容管理系统”软件产品光盘放入光驱中,运行光盘中的程序:博优汽车美容管理系统安装程序,运行SETUP.EXE程序后出现如下界面:点击安装界面中的”下一步”按钮,会出现以下界面:请认真阅读“博优汽车美容馆管理系统安装用户许可协议”,选择“我同意此协议”,再点“下一步”按钮,出现以下界面。
安装博优科技软件产品加密狗“博优汽车美容管理系统”配套的还有一个硬件的设备,叫加密狗,外形跟普通的U 盘类似,外壳颜色为紫色。
【字段说明】●编码(条码):是指商品本身的条码或者您自己编的条码;●名称:是指商品的全称;●单位:个、包等●规格:g,ml 等●分类:商品类别●进价:商品的进货价●零售价:商品的零售价●货商:商品的供应商●库存上下限:如果有做库存预警的话,可以填,否则不用填●积分方式:分为按金额积分和按次数积分,主要是针对会员●积分比例:如果积分方式选金额积分,积分比例填2 ,那就是一块钱积2分,如果是按次数积分就是消费一次积2 分●上锁:勾选上之后就不能修改商品档案的信息,取消勾选就能够修改●能否折价销售:商品可不可以打折●是否管理库存:勾选上就是商品必须做入库,不勾选就是不用做入库,库存不会增减●是否停止销售:勾选上就是商品不做销售,前台检索的时候不会检索到这个商品●成本单价:这个价格是根据移动加权平均算法算出来的成本,公式=(这个商品现有库存金额/这个商品现有库存数量)【流程说明】:选择商品分类,然后点新增辅助条码:商品的另一个条码,扫描这个条码也可以扫描这个商品,新增后,设置,点保存3、服务项目记录服务收费项目的基本信息,跟商品档案里面的用法一样。
【流程说明】在导入前阅读下面的说明,将基础资料按照图中的格式排好顺序,整理成TXT 格式,然后点导入,选择你要导入的文本,最后点保存。