Nursing Outcomes Percutaneous Coronary Interventions




冠心病介入治疗(PCI)可有效缓解心绞痛,改 善心功能及生活质量,延长寿命,这已被20多年来 相关临床试验和大量临床践所证实。

接受PCI治疗的冠心病病人无论是在围手术期还是 术后长期,发生血栓的危险性均明显增高。 。
据报道,术后24小时急性血栓形成发生率16%,4周 内亚急性血栓发生率15%~18%,术后1年因血栓性 疾病导致AMI或死亡的发生率15%~18% 。
• 2、PCI术前给予负荷量氯吡咯雷,是否越早 越好?
PCI前3-24小时氯吡格雷 300mg预处理 给予负荷剂量的时间越早,受益越大
提前3-6小时给予负荷剂量 7.9%
38.6 % RRR
p = 0.05
提前6-24 小时给予负荷剂量
• ARMYDA-4研究是一项长期(至少10天以上) 服用氯吡格雷患者PCI术前再次负荷量能否改 善预后的多中心、前瞻性、双盲对照研究, 共纳入464例患者
• 结果表明对于长期服用氯吡格雷患者,PCI术 前再次服用负荷量不能进一步增加获益,但 也不增加出血并发症。
• 如果在行PCI前已经应用75 mg qd.的氯吡格 雷5~7天以上的患者,术前75 mg氯吡格雷 的剂量可能与应用300 mg氯吡格雷负荷剂量 的效果相似,不用再给负荷量。
术前75 mg氯吡格雷的剂量可能与应用300 mg氯吡格雷负荷 剂量的效果相似,不用再给负荷量。 • PCI前3-24小时给予氯吡格雷300mg预处理,给予负荷剂量的 时间越早,受益越大 • 150mg/d应用氯吡格雷,可减少氯吡格雷抵抗。



目次2022年4月第8卷第4期中西医结合老年慢病及管理专栏聚焦新时代老年慢病护理及管理——“中西医结合老年慢病及管理”专栏导读………………………………………………………………………邱丽艳(1)延续性护理对老年慢性病患者用药安全的影响………………………………………王华新,戴晖,唐玲,赵佳璐(2)PDCA 循环在提高老年介入治疗患者术后健康宣教知晓率中的作用………………………………………郭慧慧,邢英,金悦,方蕊(6)提高泌尿外科手术患者深静脉血栓形成预防措施落实率的品管圈实践………仇德媛,段俊芳,栗平,秦晓翠,王惠惠,张莹莹,陈孟涵(11)集束化护理预防脑出血手术患者下肢深静脉血栓形成的效果………………………………………………………………………时艳华(15)运用思维导图模式提升呼吸内科危重症患者护理交接班质量………………………………………………………………………王芳(18)有氧运动在2型糖尿病辅助治疗中的应用…………………………………………………许媛,冷梅,贾楠(22)中医护理技术在社区护理中的应用现状及思考……………………………张丽君,曹蕾,鄂海燕,唐玲,郑乃花(26)基于“互联网+”的医院-社区-家庭合作型护理服务模式的研究进展…………………………………………………冷梅,李齐,贾楠(31)呼吸训练在慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期患者中的应用进展………………………………………………………………………杨蕊(36)护理门诊人文关怀和护患沟通技巧浅谈………………………………………………………………………刘丹(41)论著老年脑卒中患者注意力水平现状及影响因素研究………………………李赛赛,李茹雪,周然,成杰,李安奕,梁亚静(44)基于格林模式的健康教育在肺癌患者围手术期功能锻炼中应用………………………………………………………………………蔡道玲(50)睡眠治疗仪辅助治疗老年睡眠障碍临床观察……………………………………………………吴念,凌慧芬,陈曦(56)中医特色护理皮内针联合耳穴压豆治疗复发性口腔溃疡的效果观察…………………………………………朱玉华,朱凤,李逗逗,孙贵凤(60)1例系统性红斑狼疮致动眼神经麻痹患者护理体会…………………………………李运翠,唐玲,胡海荣,彭丹,綦文婧(63)中医护理技术在膝关节置换术后疼痛干预中的应用进展……………………………………………………………柳菲,闫秋艳(67)ZHONGXIYI JIHEHULI主办单位中华中西医结合护理学会北京市中医护理能力提升工程办公室编辑《中西医结合护理》编辑部主编唐玲主任黄磊编辑尹佳杰吴银平编辑助理鄂海燕美术编辑王丽地址南京市龙蟠路155号联合立方广场3⁃203邮编210037电话************邮箱bjb@出版中西医结合护理杂志社社长叶振华电话************网刊http ://邮箱tg@学术推广上海乐护文化传播有限公司电话021-********本刊刊出所有文章不代表编委会以及编辑部的观点ZHONGXIYI JIHE HULI2022年4月第8卷第4期技术与方法空气闭锁肌肉注射法在新型冠状病毒灭活疫苗注射中的应用…………………………………………………………………………………………………郑雯,智慧(74)胃肠减压器在压力性损伤患者居家延续护理中的应用……………………………………………………………陈卓,刘娜,尤欣,孙红艳,李丹,赵春华(78)PCI术后合并室壁瘤和血栓的左心衰竭患者行左心室辅助装置植入的护理配合………………………………………………………………………………………付朝娟,夏叶松,邹秀芳(82)护理管理危重症专业小组在提升医院危重症护理水平中的作用探讨………………………………………………………………………………………彭金娥,王思懿,吴雪花(86)骨科外来器械及植入物精准配送的流程优化与效果评价………………………………………………………………………………………夏叶松,邹秀芳,付朝娟(90)低年资中医护理人员规范化培训现状与发展………………………………………………………………………………………李倩,周革霞,刘潇禹(94)案例分享基于医护患一体化模式护理盆底失弛缓综合征1例……………………………………………………………………汪佳婧,鄂海燕,魏永春,董玉霞,秦沙沙(99)1例肝肾联合移植术后并发卡氏肺孢子菌肺炎患者的护理体会………………………………………………………………………………………………居星星,于瑞(103)1例糖尿病合并阿尔兹海默症患者压疮护理体会…………………………………………………张艺璇,王春红,侯妮娜,徐卫红,赵欣,刘欢,唐玲(106)1例川崎病并发急性心肌梗死患者的护理体会………………………………………………………………………………………………罗芳,宋咪(110)综述体动记录仪与多导睡眠监测仪在睡眠监测应用中的一致性研究进展……………………………………………………………………………毛嘉欣,徐林燕,张艳萍,蒋梅艳(112)回顾护士在糖尿病足预防和护理中的作用…甘露,谢薇,刘青,江永红,袁铮,肖孟云,莫梅,袁丹,陈红伊,江青霞,徐腾飞,李秋林(117)行为阶段转变理论在护士标准防护中的应用研究进展…………………………………………………………………………………………………………尹红梅(121)系统性红斑狼疮患者焦虑抑郁的相关影响因素研究进展……………………………………………………………………………马海燕,王霞,张利娟,万青(126)Volume 8Number 4April 2022Focusing on the chronic disease management and nursing for the elderly in the new era ………………………………………………QIU Liyan (1)Effect of continuous nursing intervention on medication safety in elderly pa⁃tients with chronic diseases ……………WANG Huaxin ,DAI Hui ,TANG Ling ,ZHAO Jialu (2)Application of PDCA cycle in improving the awareness of postoperative health education among elderly patients with interventional therapy …………………GUO Huihui ,XING Ying ,JIN Yue ,FANG Rui (6)Application of quality control circle activities to improve the implementa⁃tion rate of prevention on deep venous thrombosis in patients undergo⁃ing urological surgery ………………QIU Deyuan ,DUAN Junfang ,LI Ping ,QIN Xiaocui ,WANG Huihui ,ZHANG Yingying ,CHEN Menghan (11)Effect of bundled care on prevention of lower extremity deep venous throm⁃bosis in patients undergoing surgery for cerebral hemorrhage ………………………………………………………SHI Yanhua (15)Application of the mind map mode in the quality improvement of nursing handovers for critically ill patients with respiratory diseases ………………………………………………………WANG Fang (18)The adjunctive effect of aerobic exercise in the treatment of type 2diabetes …………………………………XU Yuan ,LENG Mei ,JIA Nan (22)Application status and thinking of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in community -based nursing …………………………………ZHANG Lijun ,CAO Lei ,E haiyan ,TANG Ling ,ZHEN Naihua (26)Research progress on the Internet Plus -based hospital -community -family collaborative nursing service model ………………………………………LENG Mei ,LI Qi ,JIA Nan (31)Research progress of respiratory rehabilitation training in patients with sta⁃ble chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ……………YANG Rui (36)Humanistic care and nurse -patient communication in the nursing clinic …………………………………………………………LIU Dan (41)Analysis of current status and influencing factors of elderly stroke patients'attention ……………LI Saisai ,LI Ruxue ,ZHOU Ran ,CHENG Jie ,LI Anyi ,LIANG Yajing (44)Health education based on precede -proceed model in perioperative function⁃al exercise for patients with lung cancer ……………CAI Daoling (50)Clinical observation of sleep therapy instrument in the treatment of sleep dis⁃orders in the elderly …………WU Nian ,NING Huifen ,CHEN Xi (56)Effect of intradermal acupuncture combined with auricular acupoint pressingin the treatment of recurrent oral ulcers……………ZHU Yuhua ,ZHU Feng ,LI Doudou ,SUN Guifeng (60)Contents SponsorAssociationofIntegrativeNursingBeijing Traditional Chinese Med⁃icine Nursing Competence Im⁃provement Project OfficeEiditingEditorial Board of Chinese Jour⁃nal of Integrative Nursing Editor-in-ChiefTANG Ling DirectorHUANG Lei EditorsYIN Jiajie WU Yinping Editorial Assistant E Haiyan Art Editor WANG Li Address NO.155,LongpanRoad ,Nanjing ,China Post Code 210037Tel +86-25-85552880E⁃mail :bjb@PublisherIntegrative Nursing Press Founder and CEO YE Zhenhua Tel +86-25-85630967Online Publishinghttp ://E⁃mail :tg@Academic PromotionShanghai Lehu Media Co.,Ltd Tel +86-21-31262772Volume8Number4April2022Nursing management of a patient with oculomotor nerve paralysis caused by systemic lupus erythematosus ………………………………………LI Yuncui,TANG Ling,HU Hairong,PENG Dan,QI Wenjing(63)Application progress of Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing technology in pain control after total knee arthroplasty ……………………………………………………………………………………LIU Fei,YAN Qiuyan(67)Application of air-lock method in the deltoid intramuscular injection of COVID-19vaccine…………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Wen,ZHI Hui(74)Application of the gastrointestinal decompression device in home-based continuing care of patients with pressure injury …………………………CHEN Zhuo,LIU Na,YOU Xin,SUN Hongyan,LI Dan,ZHAO Chunhua(78)Nursing cooperation in left ventricular assist device implantation for a patient with ventricular aneurysm and thrombus after percutaneous coronary intervention………FU Chaojuan,XIA Yesong,ZOU Xiufang(82)Role of the professional critical care team in improving the quality of critical care in the hospital …………………………………………………………………PENG Jine,WANG Siyi,WU Xuehua(86)Optimization and evaluation of precision distribution of loaned instruments and implants for orthopedic surgery ………………………………………………………………XIA Yesong,ZOU Xiufang,FU Chaojuan(90)The present situation and development of standardized training for the Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing staff with low seniority……………………………………………LI Qian,ZHOU Gexia,LIU Xiaoyu(94)Application of doctor-nurse-patient integration mode in nursing of a patient with anismus………………………………WANG Jiajing,E Haiyan,WEI Yongchun,DONG Yuxia,QIN Shasha(99)Nursing management of a patient with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia after combined liver and kidney trans⁃plantation…………………………………………………………………………JU Xingxing,YU Rui(103)Nursing management of pressure ulcers in a patient with diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease……………………………………………ZHANG Yixuan,WANG Chunhong,HOU Nina,XU Weihong,ZHAO Xin,LIU Huan,TANG Ling(106)Nursing management of a patient with kawasaki disease complicated with acute myocardial infarction …………………………………………………………………………………LUO Fang,SONG Mi(110)Research progress of consistency between actigraphy and polysomnography in sleep monitoring …………………………………………MAO Jiaxin,XU Linyan,ZHANG Yanping,JIANG Meiyan(112)Role of nurses in prevention and nursing of diabetic foot disease…………………………GAN Lu,XIE Wei,LIU Qing,JIANG Yonghong,YUAN Zheng,XIAO Mengyun,MO Mei,YUAN Dan,CHEN Hongyi,JIANG Qingxia,XU Tengfei,LIU Qiulin(117)Research progress on application of the trans-theoretical model and stages of change in standard precautions among nurses……………………………………………………………………………YIN Hongmei(121)Research progress of anxiety and depression in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus…………………………………………………MA Haiyan,WANG Xia,ZHANG Lijuan,WAN Qin(126)。



西医介入科术语英文翻译好的,以下是常见的西医介入科术语英文翻译:1. 介入放射学:Interventional Radiology2. 血管造影术:Angiography3. 血管内治疗:Endovascular Therapy4. 腔内支架置入术:Endovascular Stenting5. 经皮腔内血管成形术:Percutaneous Angioplasty6. 溶栓治疗:Thrombolysis7. 栓塞治疗:Embolization Therapy8. 动脉瘤栓塞:Aneurysm Embolization9. 肝动脉化疗栓塞:Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE)10. 经导管动脉灌注化疗:Transarterial Catheter-directed Chemotherapy Infusion11. 动脉导管未闭封堵术:Atrial Septal Defect Closure12. 房间隔缺损封堵术:Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Closure13. 冠状动脉造影术:Coronary Angiography14. 冠状动脉介入治疗:Coronary Intervention15. 脑血管造影术:Cerebral Angiography16. 脑动脉瘤栓塞术:Cerebral Aneurysm Embolization17. 脊髓血管造影术:Spinal Angiography18. 下肢动脉造影术:Lower Extremity Angiography19. 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗:Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)20. 心脏起搏器植入术:Pacemaker Implantation21. 心脏射频消融术:Cardiac Radiofrequency Ablation22. 冠状动脉内支架置入术:Coronary Stenting23. 颈动脉支架置入术:Carotid Stenting24. 肝动脉栓塞术:Hepatic Artery Embolization25. 脾动脉栓塞术:Splenic Artery Embolization26. 经导管射频消融术:Catheter-Based Radiofrequency Ablation27. 经皮胆道引流术:Percutaneous Biliary Drainage28. 经皮肾盂引流术:Percutaneous Nephrostomy29. 经皮胃造瘘术:Percutaneous Gastrostomy30. 动脉取栓术:Thrombectomy31. 介入神经放射学:Interventional Neuroradiology32. 经导管血管内栓塞治疗:Transcatheter Embolotherapy33. 经皮穿刺活检术:Percutaneous Biopsy34. 经皮肾动脉成形术:Percutaneous Renal Artery Angioplasty35. 经导管肿瘤栓塞治疗:Transcatheter Embolotherapy for Tumors36. 经导管溶栓治疗:Catheter-directed Thrombolysis37. 主动脉夹层腔内修复术:Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (EVAR)38. 支气管动脉栓塞术:Bronchial Artery Embolization (BAE)39. 下腔静脉滤器植入术:Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement40. 肾动脉栓塞术:Renal Artery Embolization41. 经皮胆道引流及支架置入术:Percutaneous Biliary Drainage and Stenting42. 经皮胃造瘘及胃管置入术:Percutaneous Gastrostomy and Gastrotomy Tube Insertion43. 经导管肿瘤化疗灌注术:Transcatheter Chemotherapy Infusion for Tumors44. 经导管血栓清除术:Catheter-based Thrombectomy45. 血管内放射治疗:Endovascular Radiation Therapy46. 肿瘤消融治疗:Tumor Ablation Therapies47. 放射性粒子植入治疗:Radioactive Seed Implantation Therapy48. 肿瘤血管阻断治疗:Tumor Vascular Occlusion Therapy49. 经导管药物灌注治疗:Transcatheter Drug Infusion Therapies50. 心腔及血管内异物取出术:Removal of Foreign Bodies from Cardiac and Vascular Structures。
















1 心脏康复与二级预防密不可分心脏康复的定义为通过多方面、多学科合作,采取综合干预手段,包括药物、运动、营养、心理和社会支持,改变患者的不良生活方式,帮助患者培养并保持健康的行为,促进健康的生活方式,控制心血管疾病的各种危险因素,使患者生理、心理和社会功能恢复到最佳状态,延缓或逆转动脉粥样硬化进展,降低再发心血管事件和心血管死亡风险。



分叉病变Provisional术式介绍及支架选择分叉病变(bifurcation lesion)是冠状动脉疾病中常见的一种类型,其中冠状动脉血管分叉处存在狭窄或闭塞。

治疗分叉病变的主要方法之一是经皮冠脉介入术(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI),利用支架植入来扩张狭窄的血管。


在处理分叉病变时,有几种不同的PCI术式可供选择,包括Provisional术式、2叶术式和Provisional 分屈支架术式等。


Provisional术式的操作步骤如下:1. 首先,导丝(guide wire)通过冠状动脉分叉处的狭窄或闭塞段,进入较大的主动脉血管。

2. 随后,一根扩张球囊导管(balloon catheter)通过导丝进入分叉处的狭窄或闭塞段,将球囊扩张,扩张血管。


4. 此时,选择一根合适尺寸的支架导管(stent catheter)放置在主动脉血管的主干或较大分支内。





药物洗脱支架(drug-eluting stent,DES)是一种涂有药物的金属支架,通过药物释放来抑制新生血管内膜增生,减少再狭窄几率。


自膨胀支架(self-expanding stent)是一种金属支架,采用形状记忆合金材料,可自行膨胀支撑起血管,不需要球囊扩张。




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木仓医学考研复试SCI长难句循环内科第一章—二尖瓣返流Ischemic mitral regurgitation(IMR)is a frequent complication of left ventricular(LV)global or regional pathological remodeling due to chronic coronary artery disease.It is not a valve disease but represents the valvular consequences of increased tethering forces and reduced closing forces.IMR is defined as mitral regurgitation caused by chronic changes of LV structure and function due to ischemic heart disease and it worsens the prognosis.缺血性二尖瓣返流(IMR)是慢性冠脉疾病引起的左心室(LV)整体或局部病理性重塑的常见并发症。



知识点总结:①ischemic adj.缺血性的,局部缺血的②mitral adj.二尖瓣的③regurgitation n.回流,返流④ventricular n.心室/adj.心室的⑤pathological adj.病理的⑥remodeling n.重塑,重建⑦coronary artery冠状动脉⑧valve/valvular n.瓣膜/adj.瓣膜的⑨tether v.系,拴住⑩prognosis n.预后木仓医学考研复试SCI长难句循环内科第二章—急性心力衰竭A diagnosis of acute heart failure(AHF)is made when patients present acutely with signs and symptoms of heart failure,often with decompensation of pre-existing cardiomyopathy.The most current guidelines classify based on clinical features at initial presentation and are used to both risk stratify and guide the management of haemodynamic compromise.Despite this,AHF remains a diagnosis with a poor prognosis and there is no therapy proven to have long-term mortality benefits.急性心力衰竭(AHF)的诊断是基于患者突然表现出心力衰竭的体征和症状,通常伴有原有心肌病的失代偿。



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积极心理干预,采用中文版癌症病人恐惧疾病进展简化量表㊁乳腺癌病人心理弹性量表分别评估病人的癌症复发恐惧及心理弹性水平㊂结果:观察组病人癌症复发恐惧评分低于对照组(P <0.05);观察组病人心理弹性评分高于对照组(P <0.05)㊂结论:P E R MA 积极心理干预应用于青年乳腺癌病人中能缓解病人癌症复发恐惧,有助于提升病人心理弹性水平㊂关键词 乳腺癌;青年病人;P E R MA ;心理干预;癌症复发恐惧K e yw o r d s b r e a s t c a n c e r ;y o u n g p a t i e n t s ;P E R MA ;p s y c h o l o g i c a l i n t e r v e n t i o n ;f e a r o f c a n c e r r e c u r r e n c e d o i :10.12104/j.i s s n .1674-4748.2024.01.031 乳腺癌是育龄期女性中的高发性癌症,其发病率位居女性恶性肿瘤首位,随着诊疗技术的发展,乳腺癌病人生存率虽有所提升,但受疾病㊁治疗等因素影响,病人多饱受心理困扰[1-2]㊂癌症复发恐惧是乳腺癌病人中常见心理问题,王静等[3]研究显示,青年乳腺癌病人癌症复发恐惧发生率达到了41.41%,不仅会加重原有负性情绪,还对病人生活质量㊁社会功能有直接影作者简介 王娟,主管护师,本科,单位:330009,南昌市第三医(南昌市人民医院);王圆媛㊁应秀兰单位:330009,南昌市第三医(南昌市人民医院)㊂引用信息 王娟,王圆媛,应秀兰.P E R MA 积极心理干预对青年乳腺癌病人康复心理的影响[J ].全科护理,2024,22(1):132-135.响㊂而李媛媛等[4]研究发现,心理弹性对乳腺癌病人复发恐惧有直接作用,故临床应加强对青年乳腺癌病人的心理干预,以提升其心理弹性,降低癌症复发恐惧水平㊂现有研究对乳腺癌心理问题的关注度较高,围绕癌症复发恐惧㊁心理弹性开展了系列研究,明确了其现状及影响因素,但提出的护理策略多针对负性情绪,而缺乏对积极品质的正性引导,难以激发病人潜在力量[5-6]㊂P E R MA [积极情绪(P )㊁投入(E )㊁积极人际关系(R )㊁意义(M )及成就(A )]积极心理干预是基于积极心理学理论提出的心理干预模式,对幸福感影响因素进行总结,得到积极情绪㊁投入㊁人际关系㊁意义及成就,认为上述因素对积极心理形成有促进作用[7]㊂本研究在青年乳腺癌病人中应用P E R MA 积极心理㊃231㊃C H I N E S E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E N U R S I N G J a n u a r y 2024V o l .22N o .1干预,现报道如下㊂1对象与方法1.1研究对象选择我院2021年3月 2023年2月收治的110例青年乳腺癌病人为研究对象㊂纳入标准:符合 中国乳腺癌筛查与早期诊断指南 [8]中相关诊断标准;年龄18~44岁;首次发病;经手术治疗㊁放化疗病情基本稳定;既往无精神疾病或心理疾病史;认知㊁沟通能力正常;自愿加入研究,签署知情同意书㊂排除标准:合并其他恶性肿瘤;合并重要脏器功能异常;近期遭受其他应激性事件;未配合完成指标测评;临床资料缺失㊂按随机数字表法将病人分为对照组㊁观察组,每组55例㊂对照组:年龄(37.49ʃ6.28)岁;学历高中以下23例,高中及以上32例;婚姻状况已婚41例,未婚14例;职业状态在职40例,无职15例;疾病分期Ⅰ期13例,Ⅱ期㊁Ⅲ期42例;病程(1.84ʃ0.52)年;治疗方式单一治疗25例,联合治疗30例㊂观察组:年龄(38.02ʃ6.19)岁;学历高中以下20例,高中及以上35例;婚姻状况已婚44例,未婚11例;职业状态在职37例,无职18例;疾病分期Ⅰ期15例,Ⅱ期㊁Ⅲ期40例;病程(1.92ʃ0.48)年;治疗方式单一治疗22例,联合治疗33例㊂两组病人一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性㊂1.2干预方法对照组采取常规护理㊂1)常规健康教育:护理人员向青年乳腺癌病人推介乳腺癌健康教育视频,视频内容包括疾病知识㊁诊疗方法㊁康复护理㊁预后效果㊁日常生活管理,视频时长为30m i n;护理人员向病人说明视频观看的重点,即康复护理㊁预后效果㊁日常生活管理3部分,病人独立观看视频,并就相关内容提出问题,由护理人员统一解答㊂2)常规心理护理:通过 定期线上交流+不定时线上问答 模式实施常规心理护理,护理人员邀请既往收治的青年乳腺癌康复病人与在治病人一同组建 乳腺癌病友交流会 ,基于微信平台创建相应微信群,青年乳腺癌康复病人定期在群内分析康复经验帖,涉及服药㊁饮食㊁运动等多方面内容,护理人员提醒群内病人及时查看经验帖,并围绕经验帖向康复病人提问,由其逐一解答,每周1次,每次1个主题,300~500字/帖㊂同时,在治青年乳腺癌病人如有问题可随时在群内提问,由护理人员㊁康复病人回答,以消除其困惑,缓解焦虑㊁恐惧等负性情绪[9]㊂观察组在对照组基础上增加P E R MA积极心理干预,具体如下㊂1.2.1成立研究小组研究小组成员均为本科室护士,共5人,负责病人资料收集㊁P E R MA积极心理干预方案设计与实施㊁指标测评等;入选要求:工作年限超过3年,本科及以上学历,非进修护士,熟悉恐惧疾病进展简化量表㊁乳腺癌病人心理弹性量表,熟悉P E R MA积极心理相关概念及临床操作,护患沟通能力良好,保证全程参与研究,已接受研究培训,且通过考核㊂1.2.2 P E R MA积极心理干预研究根据幸福感五大影响因素确定P E R MA积极心理干预方向,包括积极情绪㊁投入㊁积极人际关系㊁意义及成就,综合相关文献成果㊁心理及康复领域专家意见,确定各方面的具体内容㊂选取12例青年乳腺癌病人开展小样本预试验,通过访谈交流收集病人意见,明确干预措施存在问题,并予以修订,即可得到P E R MA积极心理干预方案定稿㊂护理人员分4次实施P E R MA积极心理干预,每次时间控制在40m i n左右,每周1次㊂具体如下㊂1.2.2.1积极情绪(P) 情绪接种训练1)直面恐惧:护理人员通过访谈交流引导病人叙说患病㊁治疗心路历程,访谈问题有 患病后您和家人生活发生了怎样的变化? 患病后您有过哪些负性情绪? 您是否担忧此次治疗后病情复发? 围绕问题开展 3W 式提问,即W h a t(怎么样)㊁W h y(为什么会如此)㊁H o w(如何应对);以问题 您是否担忧此次治疗后病情复发? 病人自评复发恐惧程度(如轻度㊁中度或重度),分析复发恐惧原因(如自身症状㊁周围复发病例㊁复发讯息等),说明自身如何应对(持续性恐惧或探寻现实)㊂2)辩证思考:护理人员引导病人围绕相关想法或问题开展辩证思考,怎样理解癌症复发恐惧?癌症复发恐惧对自身生活的影响?此次治疗能带来的好处?此次治疗对今后病情发展的正向作用?如癌症复发恐惧的本质是恐惧疾病带来的躯体㊁经济负担;癌症复发恐惧感的存在会造成自身对康复缺乏信心,终日惶恐;此次治疗能实现对癌变组织的有效干预,阻止或减缓病情发展㊂3)积极情绪接种:引导病人从乐观角度看待乳腺癌复发问题,向病人持续性传递 乳腺癌低复发率数据 乳腺癌康复病例讯息 积极情绪对复发的抑制作用 等,护理人员整理临床乳腺癌病例数据或信息,包括 不同年份乳腺癌病人复发率 不同年龄乳腺癌病人复发率 术后3年未复发的乳腺癌病例 等,以数据图表㊁语音等形式呈现以上积极信息,持续㊁分批向病人传递以上信息,使其不断接收积极信息,从而达到积极情绪接种的目的㊂1.2.2.2投入(E) 幸福流 体验1)梳理 幸福流 :通过与病人及家属的沟通,了解其相关过往幸福感瞬间,即 幸福流 ,如子女出生㊁升迁㊁乔迁等,对 幸福流 进行编号,并确定上述幸福瞬间的诱发线索,如音乐㊁特定词语㊁特殊人物㊁特殊日期等,护理人员按 幸福流A 诱发线索A 格式对 幸福流 进行整理,每例病人8个㊂2) 幸福流 体验:选取一独立㊁安静的空间,引导病人开展 幸福流 体验,护理人员抛出诱发线索,如播放某个音乐频段㊁说出某个词汇或时间等,向病人提问 您对这个音乐片段/词汇/时间是否熟悉呢? 通过场景描述协助病人展开想象,㊃331㊃全科护理2024年1月第22卷第1期引导其详细描述该时间㊁空间下的幸福瞬间,着重表述内心感受,使其 重回 幸福瞬间;每次使用2个 幸福流 ,分4次实施㊂1.2.2.3积极人际关系(R) 亲情友情亲友说 1)构建亲友圈:护理人员在家属协助下整理青年乳腺癌病人关系图谱,包含父母㊁配偶㊁子女㊁同事㊁同学及其他亲友,以病人为中心,形成3~5个直径不一的同心圆;家属按关系亲密度㊁日常交往频次确定亲友所处圈层,并在相应圈层位置标注,圈层由内向外亲密度呈下降趋势,对应情感表达方式也趋于简化,分别为视频㊁语音㊁文字㊂2)多样化 亲友说 :家属以亲友圈为据,邀请相关亲友以相应表达方式诉说其对病人的关切,诉说内容构成为 与病人关系+健康状况关切+康复期待或祝福 ,其中视频㊁语音时长控制在1m i n 左右,文字长度控制在300字左右, 亲友说 素材共12份,其中视频㊁语音㊁文字各4份,按 1份视频+1份语音+1份文字 形成一个 亲友说 篇章,共得到4个篇章㊂护理人员指导家属向病人展现 亲友说 篇章,引导病人深入体会亲友关切,并回忆㊁讲述自身与亲友间的人际交往,时长8~10m i n㊂1.2.2.4意义(M)及成就(A) 病友主题交流护理人员组织同一批青年乳腺癌病人开展主题交流,主题有 人生价值,生命意义 当下成就,今后目标 2个,选择以独立㊁安静的空间,引导病人围圈而坐,护理人员随机选取1例病人陈述观点,如 我认为人生价值/生命意义是什么 ,顺时针接龙,另外1例病人复述前人观点,并补充自我观点,如 甲认为人生价值/生命意义是什么,而我认为还有什么 ,每个主题开展2次交流活动,共4次,每次活动40m i n㊂1.3观察指标1.3.1癌症复发恐惧干预后采用吴奇云等[10]翻译㊁修订的中文版癌症病人恐惧疾病进展简化量表测定青年乳腺癌病人癌症复发恐惧水平,量表有生理健康㊁社会家庭2个维度,分别用于测评病人因疾病对健康问题的恐惧㊁因疾病对家庭功能的恐惧,共12个条目,每个维度6个条目,条目评价采取5级评分法,分值1~5分,总分12~60分,评分越高表示病人癌症复发恐惧程度越高,量表C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.883㊂1.3.2心理弹性水平干预后采用刘卉等[11]汉化㊁修订的乳腺癌病人心理弹性量表测定青年乳腺癌病人心理弹性水平,量表有个体保护(11个条目)㊁社会保护(5个条目)2个维度,每个条目采取4级评分法, 完全不同意 到 完全同意 评1~4分,总分16~64分,评分越高表示病人心理弹性水平越高,量表C r o n b a c h'sα系数为0.930㊂1.4统计学方法采用S P S S24.0统计软件处理数据㊂符合正态分布的定量资料采用均数ʃ标准差(xʃs)表示,组间比较采用独立样本t检验;定性资料采用例数㊁百分比(%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验㊂以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果表1两组病人癌症复发恐惧情况比较(xʃs)单位:分组别例数生理健康社会家庭对照组5523.95ʃ5.1822.82ʃ4.79观察组5520.73ʃ6.4420.15ʃ5.83t值2.8892.624P0.0050.010表2两组病人心理弹性水平比较(xʃs)单位:分组别例数个体保护社会保护对照组5537.85ʃ3.4815.34ʃ2.80观察组5540.12ʃ2.2917.28ʃ1.15t值-4.041-4.753P<0.001<0.0013讨论3.1 P E R MA积极心理干预可缓解癌症复发恐惧癌症复发恐惧是青年乳腺癌病人康复期常见心理问题之一,王晶晶等[12]研究显示,疾病分期㊁焦虑㊁抑郁和痛苦自我表露程度等均属于青年女性乳腺癌病人术后癌症复发恐惧的主要影响因素,且其焦虑与病情㊁治疗效果有关㊂本研究结果显示观察组病人癌症复发恐惧评分均低于对照组(P<0.05)㊂本研究对青年乳腺癌病人实施P E R MA积极心理干预,采取情绪接种训练,引导青年乳腺癌病人直面恐惧㊁辩证思考,能强化病人对乳腺癌及复发现状的认知,纠正其错误观点,辅以积极情绪接种能增强病人康复效能,改善其心理状况,有助于缓解癌症复发恐惧㊂本研究收集青年乳腺癌病人相关幸福瞬间,据此实施 幸福流 体验,使病人沉浸于幸福氛围,转移其注意力,持续干预能淡化其对癌症复发恐惧的感知,进而缓解癌症复发恐惧[13]㊂刘会霞等[14]在老年性非小细胞肺癌病人中应用P E R MA幸福护理模式,操作步骤与本研究类似,结果显示干预组病人癌症复发恐惧水平明显低于对照组,提示P E R MA幸福护理模式降低癌症复发恐惧的有效性,能为本研究结论予以支持㊂3.2 P E R MA积极心理干预能提升心理弹性水平本研究结果显示观察组病人心理弹性评分高于对照组(P<0.05)㊂本研究针对青年乳腺癌病人实施P E R MA积极心理干预,通过情绪接种训练㊁ 幸福流 体验积极调动病人情绪,使其处于积极㊁乐观的氛围中,增强其康复信心;同时,通过 亲情友情亲友说 ㊁病友主题交流给予青年乳腺癌病人正向激励和支持,强化其对亲友㊁社会各方面支持的感知,端正其对人生价值㊁生命意义的态度,引导病人以积极行为替代消极行㊃431㊃C H I N E S E G E N E R A L P R A C T I C E N U R S I N G J a n u a r y2024V o l.22N o.1为,建立坚韧㊁乐观的心态,有助于提升其心理弹性水平㊂许慧玲等[15]在中晚期乳腺癌病人中应用幸福P E R MA 模式,促进病人形成积极情绪,结果显示干预组病人心理弹性水平明显高于对照组,提示幸福P E R MA 模式有助于提升病人心理弹性水平,与本研究结论一致㊂ 综上所述,P E R MA 积极心理干预在青年乳腺癌病人中的应用,能缓解病人癌症复发恐惧,有助于提升病人心理弹性水平㊂参考文献:[1] 李娜,徐晨雪,韩然然,等.基于随机森林模型的乳腺癌病人心理资本现况及影响因素[J ].护理研究,2023,37(8):1325-1331.[2] 江玥玥,张曦,马玉倩,等.乳腺癌改良根治术病人感知心理社会适应与生存质量的相关性分析[J ].全科护理,2023,21(7):869-873.[3] 王静,李菲菲,郑璐璐,等.青年乳腺癌患者癌症复发恐惧影响因素分析[J ].护理实践与研究,2022,19(3):351-354.[4] 李媛媛,毛毳,朱松颖,等.心理弹性对乳腺癌患者癌症复发恐惧的作用:领悟社会支持的调节效应[J ].中国实用护理杂志,2019,35(24):1846-1853.[5] 吴东芳,黄剑辉,蔡飞霞.乳腺癌化疗患者的心理状态与社会支持现状及相关性分析[J ].浙江临床医学,2021,23(10):413-415.[6] 辛民.青年乳腺癌患者癌症复发恐惧的影响因素分析[J ].齐鲁护理杂志,2022,28(23):105-108.[7] 王佳佳,方艳春,王蓉,等.基于P E RMA 模式的积极心理干预对乳腺癌患者癌症复发恐惧的影响[J ].中国实用护理杂志,2021,37(4):279-285.[8] 中国抗癌协会乳腺癌专业委员会.中国乳腺癌筛查与早期诊断指南[J ].中国癌症杂志,2022,32(4):363-372.[9] 苏晓慧.病友志愿者服务对行乳腺癌改良根治术患者心理应激㊁希望水平及生活质量的影响[J 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e -s t o p q u i c k a d m i s s i o n p r e p a r a t i o n m o d e ;c h i l d r e n 's h o s p i t a l ;d i a g n o s i s a n d t r e a t m e n t e f f i c i e n c y ;c o m p l i c a t i o n ;s a t i s f a c t i o n r a t ed o i :10.12104/j.i s s n .1674-4748.2024.01.032 儿童医院患儿涉及的疾病范围很广[1]㊂由于儿童医院的患儿数量较多,导致医生和护士的工作量较大,就诊时间会相应变长[2]㊂此外,儿童医院为了确保就诊质量,通常会对每例患儿进行详细问诊和体检,因此就诊时间较长[3]㊂然而,就诊时间过长会让患儿和家属浪费较多的时间和精力,影响生活和工作的正常秩序,增加医患矛盾[4]㊂因此,提升儿童医院就诊效率可作者简介 李景瑜,护师,本科,单位:410007,湖南省儿童医院;曹敏㊁刘佳㊁张小晴单位:410007,湖南省儿童医院㊂引用信息 李景瑜,曹敏,刘佳,等.一站式快捷入院模式对提升儿童医院诊疗效率的效果[J ].全科护理,2024,22(1):135-138.缩短患儿等待时间和加快就诊速度,减轻患儿及家属的就医焦虑感,提升患儿及其家属就诊满意度㊂一站式快捷入院模式是一种以患儿为中心的㊁便捷高效的入院准备方式[5]㊂通过该模式,患儿可以在仅一站地完成所有入院所需的检查㊁信息收集及相关手续的准备工作,减少患儿和家属的等待和奔波时间,也减轻医院工作人员的压力,提高医院的医疗服务质量[6]㊂本研究为了能更好地提升儿童医院患儿就诊质量及满意度,于2022年7月 12月对入院患儿实施一站式快捷入院模式,并获得较理想的效果㊂具体如下㊂1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料㊃531㊃全科护理2024年1月第22卷第1期。



随着科技的不断进步和医学研究的深入,PCI技术围手术期抗血小板治疗将不断 取得新的突破和进展。
未来,PCI技术围手术期抗血小板治疗将更加注重个体化、精准化治疗,同时探 索更多新型药物和方法,为心血管疾病患者带来更好的治疗效果和生活质量。
详细描述:术后患者需要定期复查,以评估抗血小板治 疗的疗效和安全性,及时发现和处理可能出现的问题。
PCI技术围手术期抗血小板治疗的临床研 究与进展
早期临床研究主要关注PCI围手术期抗血小板治疗的基本原则和常用药物,如阿司匹林、 氯吡格雷等。这些研究为后续的临床实践提供了基础。
对患者进行详细的出血风 险评估,包括病史、体格 检查和实验室检查,以确 定是否存在高风险因素。
根据患者的具体情况,选 择适当的抗血小板药物和 剂量,以降低出血风险。
提高手术技巧,减少手术 创伤和出血,例如采用微 创手术和精确的导管操作 技术。
在PCI围手术期,应采取有效的抗 血小板治疗措施,如使用阿司匹 林、氯吡格雷等抗血小板药物, 以预防血栓形成。
在术前评估时,医生会考虑患者的出血风险,以决定是 否需要调整抗血小板药物的剂量或种类。
术前应与患者充分沟通,告知其抗血小板治疗的目的、 必要性以及可能出现的风险和副作用,让患者有充分的 知情权和选择权。



通信作者:韩江莉,E·综述·急性冠脉综合征合并高出血风险患者双联抗血小板治疗研究进展吕易非 李紫凡 邵 睿 韩江莉(北京大学第三医院心内科,北京100191)【摘要】阿司匹林联合一种P2Y12受体拮抗剂双联抗血小板治疗是急性冠脉综合征患者的重要治疗措施之一。



【关键词】急性冠脉综合征;高出血风险;抗血小板治疗【DOI】10 16806/j.cnki.issn.1004 3934 2023 07 001DualAntiplateletTherapyforPatientswithAcuteCoronarySyndromeandHighBleedingRiskLYUYifei,LIZifan,SHAOQirui,HANJiangli(DepartmentofCardiology,PekingUniversityThirdHospital,Beijing100191,China)【Abstract】Dualantiplatelettherapy(aspirincombinedwithaP2Y12receptorinhibitor)isoneoftheimportanttreatmentsforpatientswithacutecoronarysyndrome(ACS).ACSpatientswithhighbleedingriskbelongtoaspecialriskgroupclinically,andtheyareoftenexcludedfromrelevantclinicalstudies.Therefore,thechoiceofdualantiplatelettherapystrategylackssufficientevidence basedmedicineforthesepatients.ThisarticlereviewstheresearchprogressofantiplatelettherapyinpatientswithACScomplicatedwithhighbleedingrisk,inordertoprovidereferenceforclinicianstochooseappropriateantiplatelettherapyforsuchpatients.【Keywords】Acutecoronarysyndrome;Highbleedingrisk;Antiplatelettherapy 急性冠脉综合征(acutecoronarysyndrome,ACS)是临床急症,尽快开通病变血管对于改善患者预后有重要意义。



经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)手术前后抑郁和(或)焦虑中医诊疗专家共识(全文)1 前言经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention,PCI)作为冠心病治疗的主要方法之一,美国约有每年100万、欧洲约有每年80万患者接受PCI,目前我国PCI手术量已超过每年50万,成功率高达91%-97%,其适应症还在不断扩大[1]。















结果:观察组患者术后1个月格拉斯哥(GOS)评分、Barthel指数及生活质量评分均优于对照组,比较差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05)。




直接经皮冠状动脉介入术(Percutaneous coronary interention,PCI)是急性ST段抬高心肌梗死(St-elevation myocardial infarction,STEMI)的主要治疗方式[2]。





1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料选取2013年1月-2015年10月于本院行直接PCI治疗的80例急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)患者作为研究对象,纳入标准:(1)STEMI 诊断符合WHO相关诊断标准;(2)急性心肌梗死经冠脉造影证实;(3)发病12 h内行直接PCI治疗;(4)临床资料完整者。



欧洲心肺复苏指南(全文)第一部分:执行摘要欧洲复苏委员会(European Resuscitation Council,ERC)推出的指南如下:①执行摘要;②成人的基本生命支持与体外自动除颤器的使用;③电生理治疗:体外自动除颤器、电除颤、心脏复律与起搏治疗;④成人的高级生命支持;⑤急性冠脉综合征的早期处理;⑥儿童的生命支持;⑦新生儿复苏;⑧心脏骤停、电解质异常、中毒、淹溺、意外性低温、过高热、哮喘、过敏性反应、心脏外科、创伤、怀孕、触电死;⑨复苏培训的原则;⑩复苏伦理学与死亡的断定。



1 基础生命支持指南中基础生命支持的主要改变包括:经过培训的调度员通过严格的程序询问呼救者得出信息。






目标是按压深度达到至少5 cm,频率为每分钟至少100次,使胸廓充分反弹,尽量减少胸部按压的中断。





2 电生理治疗:体外自动除颤器、电除颤、心脏复律与起搏治疗ERC指南对电生理治疗最重要的改变包括:早期的重要性,强调连续的胸外心脏按压贯穿于所有的指南始终。




520203962021401经导管主动脉瓣置换术(transcatheter aortic valve replacement ,TAVR )经过近20年的不断发展,目前已经成为老年主动脉瓣狭窄(aortic stenosis ,AS )患者的一线治疗方案。

2010年3月,我国首例TAVR 手术在上海中山医院成功开展,标志着我国结构性心脏病的介入治疗进入了全新阶段。

近10年来,我国TAVR 手术开展数量及人工瓣膜研发都进入了迅速发展阶段。

2015年,中国医师协会、心血管内科医师分会结构性心脏病专业委员会及中华医学会心血管病学分会结构性心脏病学共同发布了我国首个TAVR 指导性文件《经导管主动脉瓣置换术中国专家共识》[1](以下简称“2015版专家共识”),从我国AS 流行病学特点、TAVR 手术的适应证及禁忌证、术前筛查及操作要点、并发症的防治DOI :10.12124/j.issn.2095-3933.2021.1.2020-4205作者单位:310009杭州,浙江大学医学院附属第二医院心血管内科通信作者:王建安,E-mail :《经导管主动脉瓣置换术中国专家共识(2020更新版)》解读党梦秋范嘉祺朱齐丰郭宇超刘先宝王建安[摘要]经导管主动脉瓣置换术(TAVR )目前已经成为老年主动脉瓣狭窄(AS )患者的主要治疗方式。

《经导管主动脉瓣置换术中国专家共识(2020更新版)》在2015年《经导管主动脉瓣置换术中国专家共识》的基础上,对TAVR 手术的术前筛查、术中操作及术后患者的管理等方面进行了更为详细的补充和阐述,为我国TAVR 手术的规范开展提供强有力的依据。

本文将结合TAVR 的最新研究进展从以下方面对该专家共识进行解读:(1)我国AS 的流行病学特点不同于西方国家,风湿性心脏瓣膜病及二叶式主动脉瓣(BAV )是我国AS 的主要病因;(2)将外科手术中低危AS 患者(年龄≥70岁)纳入TAVR 术相对适应证;(3)对TAVR 术中球囊扩张、快速起搏频率及瓣膜置入深度进行更加详细及明确的阐释;(4)增加了关于TAVR 术后抗栓方案的建议;(5)增加了针对合并冠心病、肾功能不全等情况以及急诊TAVR 术的处理意见。


利用机器人辅助技术,提高手术的精准度和稳定 性,减少手术风险。
改进心肌保护措施,减少手术中心肌损伤和术后 并发症。
针对复杂冠状动脉病变,联合PCI和CABG手术可能取得更好的治 疗效果。
根据患者的具体情况,优化PCI和CABG的手术顺序,以提高治疗 效果和减少并发症。
年龄较大、合并其他严重疾病的 患者,CABG可能更安全,因为 手术可以更直接地解决冠状动脉 问题。
年轻、身体状况较好的患者可能 更适合PCI,因为恢复较快且创伤 较小。
患者的个人意愿和治疗期望也是选择治疗方法的重要因素。患者对手术的接受程 度、对术后生活质量的期望以及对术后护理的需求都应纳入考虑范围。
汇报人:可编辑 2024-01-11
• PCI与CABG的介绍 • PCI与CABG的治疗比较 • PCI与CABG的案例分析 • PCI与CABG的未来发展 • PCI与CABG的选择建议
PCI(Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)即经皮冠 状动脉介入治疗,是一种通过导管技术对冠状动脉狭窄或 阻塞病变进行扩张或疏通的治疗方法。
利用生物可降解材料制成的支架,在完成支撑作 用后可逐渐降解,减少长期留存可能带来的并发 症。
血管内超声技术能够更精确地评估冠状动脉的狭 窄程度和斑块性质,为PCI手术提供更准确的指 导。



CHINESE JOURNAL OF CT AND MRI, MAR. 2022, Vol.20, No.03 Total No.149Comparative Study of Summed Rest Score 【通讯作者】傅 宁Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.·55中国CT和MRI杂志 2022年03月 第20卷 第03期 总第149期参考段比值)诊断冠状动脉狭窄程度。

1.3 静息门控心肌灌注显像头SPECT仪进行检测。

显像剂使用上海欣科医药公司提供的99m锝-甲氧基异丁基异腈(99m Tc-MIBI),每次检查注射剂量约740~1110MBq,放化纯>95%。




1.4 静息心肌灌注总积分评分方法 结合心肌灌注显像,以靶心图评分系统为依据,将左心室各壁分为17节段,每段评分0~4分,有两位主治及以上职称医师算出静息心肌灌注积分(SRS)。

1.5 统计学方法 数据分析使用SPSS 17.0统计软件。




2 结 果2.1 一般资料93例研究对象中,SRS<10分组患者59例,SRS≥10分组患者34例。


肾功能损害: PCI术后血清肌酐超过2.0mg/dl或较术前超过正常 上限50%或更多,或患者需要透析治疗
死亡: 病人因PCI在住院期间死亡
CABG术: 病人由于PCI治疗需行CABG手术。
脑血管意外/卒中: 病人有脑血管意外的临床表现,至少发作24 小时内症状持续。
再狭窄: 随访时冠脉造影示原扩张血管段狭窄>50%;临床再 狭窄是指发生与再狭窄相关的临床事件,需要对靶血管再次 行血运重建治疗,多发生在术后6个月内,发生率约为20%~ 40%。
静息左室功能严重减退(LVEF﹤35%) 活动平板实验高危(积分≤-11) 运动左室功能严重减退(运动LVEF﹤35%) 负荷实验诱发大面积充盈缺损(特别在前壁) 负荷实验诱发多部位中等充盈缺损 巨大、固定的充盈缺损伴左室扩张或肺摄取增加(铊201) 负荷实验诱发中等充盈缺损伴左室扩张或肺摄取增加(铊201) 小剂量多巴酚丁胺(≤10mg/kg.min)或较低心率(﹤120bpm)时超声示室 壁运动异常(﹥2个截段) 超声负荷实验显示广泛心肌缺血
球囊扩张: 支架植入: 药物洗脱支架(DES) 切割球囊: 旋磨术: 血管内放射治疗(见图): CABG
短期: 解剖及技术成功,且无心肌缺血的症状及体征。 长期: 持续6个月以上。
解剖因素: 危险分层
局限(长度﹤10mm) 中心性 容易到达 非成角病变(﹤45) 管壁光滑 无或有轻度钙化 未完全闭塞 非开口病变 未累及大分支 无血栓
管状狭窄(长度10-20mm) 弥漫性(长度﹥20mm)


coronary artery bypass graft(CABG)
(European Society of Cardiology , Eft Coronary Artery, LCA
Left Main, LM
Left Anterior Descending, LAD
Diagonal, D
Septal, S
Left Circumflex, LCX
Obtuse Marginal, OM
(coronary stent implantation---CSI)
(Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty)
(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty,PTA)
Right Coronary Artery, RCA
Posterior Descending, PD
Posterior branches of left ventricular, PL
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346An estimated 561,000 percutaneous coronary interventional (PCI) procedures were performed in the Unites States during 2000.1In recent years,many healthcare-related groups have shown interest in outcomes of patients undergoing various proce-dures including PCI. Certifying agencies such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospital Organizations (JCAHO), business coali-tions, and third-party payors expect healthcare providers to provide care based on peer-reviewed evi-dence published in the scientific literature.In the case of acute coronary syndromes, the indica-tors (described as core measures) are based on the pub-lished guidelines from the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology.2These measures include indicators such as the time from door to elec-trocardiogram (ECG), door to needle, and door toBarbara Leeper,MN,RN,CCRNClinical Nurse Specialist, Cardiovascular Services, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Tex.Corresponding authorBarbara Leeper, MN, RN, CCRN, Cardiovascular Services, Baylor University Medical Center, 3500 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX 75246 (e-mail: bobbil@).Nursing OutcomesPercutaneous Coronary InterventionsBarbara Leeper, MN, RN, CCRNPercutaneous coronary interventional (PCI) procedures are commonly performed in the United States. The process of caring for this patient population has changed dramatically over the last 10 years, with many of the changes being driven by an evolution in the knowledge baseunderlying nursing practice. The purpose of this article is to provide a summary and critique of nurse-sensitive outcomes related to patients undergoing PCI procedures and to identify gaps in the literature to provide recommendations for future research. Nursing research on indicators related to costs of care, morbidity, symptom management, functional status, patient/family knowledge, patient responses, behavior, and home/occupational function following PCI are discussed in this review.KEY WORDS:acute coronary syndromes,coronary angioplasty,nursing outcomes,percutaneous coronary interventionsopen vessel time. Other measures address the initiation of aspirin and beta blockade within 24 hours of admis-sion and at discharge, with the addition of an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor if the patient’s left ventricular ejection fraction is less than 40%. While these are important indicators for the assessment of adherence to published guidelines, they are not necessarily specific to nursing. When one con-siders that nurses are often responsible for implement-ing processes and working through a multidisciplinary team to assure that the indicators are being addressed and thresholds are being met, the essential contribu-tions of nurses become obvious.The process of care for patients undergoing PCI has changed dramatically in the last decade, with many of the changes being driven by advances in nursing prac-tice. Fields and Thomason 3identified potential areas for the development of outcome indicators for patients undergoing coronary angioplasty procedures as part of the quality improvement (QI) program at their facility. These included, but were not limited to, elec-trocardiographic changes, hemodynamic stability,hematoma formation, artery reocclusion, patient knowledge of procedure, and patient knowledge of discharge guidelines. These and other outcomes are addressed in this review.Percutaneous Coronary Interventions347The purpose of this article is to summarize and critique the literature on nurse-sensitive outcomes in patients undergoing PCI procedures and to identify gaps in the literature to provide recommendations for future research. A nurse-sensitive o utco me was defined as a result partially or wholly influenced by nursing care. These outcomes were identified by a search of the Medline and Citations in Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) databases for the years 1990 to 2003. Relevant research articles were identified using the key words coronary angioplasty, percutaneous coronary interventions, and acute coronary syndromes linked with the term nursing outcomes. The articles produced by this procedure were reviewed to determine if they met the following criteria: (1) one or more of the authors were nurses or (2) the article referred to nursing care. This review does not include every located reference, but includes those citations that reflect outcomes likely to be nurse sensitive. The intention of this review is to pro-vide direction for those wishing to explore the relationships between nursing practice and patient outcomes following PCI procedures. Outcomes addressed in this article include cost of care, mortal-ity and morbidity, symptom management, functional status, patient and family knowledge, patient responses, and behavior.Costs of CareF ew studies addressing PCI patients’ financial out-comes affected by nursing practice were located. One reason for the paucity of research in this area is the difficulty determining where patients should be transferred following a PCI procedure. Should patients be transferred to the coronary care unit (CCU) following PCI once they have recovered, or would it be more appropriate to place them on a cardiac telemetry/progressive care unit? Outcomes related to changes in practice have often been assessed through an institution’s QI program rather than through scientific research.For example, Sullivan et al4examined the oppor-tunity to improve the process of care for patients fol-lowing a PCI, with the goal of improving utilization of their CCU beds. The standard of care for patients at this facility was to send patients to the CCU for monitoring for 24 hours and then to transfer them to the telemetry unit from which they would be dis-charged 24 hours later. After reviewing the charac-teristics of their patient population, they determined that 80% of post-PCI patients were stable enough to be transferred to the telemetry unit from the catheter-ization laboratory. F ollowing mandatory education and competency testing of the telemetry unit staff, they began sending patients to the telemetry unit fol-lowing PCI, which significantly reduced hospital length of stay (LOS) from 4.93 to 3.70 days (P=.001) and reduced costs associated with the pro-cedure. There were no significant differences in com-plication rates.4Another group reported reducing hospital costs by $1736 per uncomplicated PCI case when they imple-mented a collaborative practice team.5These are examples of how existing research can be used to change practice in a safe, cost-effective manner for this particular group of patients. An important limi-tation of these projects is that they were QI projects rather than controlled clinical studies.Time to Ambulation after PCIOther factors that have been studied by nurses also have contributed to reductions in hospital LOS and costs. Many nurse researchers have studied the rela-tionship between time to mobilizing the patient fol-lowing sheath removal and complication rates.6–10 Investigators have examined ambulation at 3 hours versus 6 hours, 4 hours versus 6 hours, and 6 hours versus 8 hours following cardiac catheterization and/or PCI. Generally, no difference in bleeding inci-dence was detected among the groups,6–10regardless of the interval between the procedure and ambula-tion. Nurses also have studied the safety and feasibil-ity of patient ambulation 2 hours after elective PCI with stenting using 6 French catheters and low-dose heparin.11The researchers concluded that ambula-tion was safe in this situation. The only factor found to influence bleeding following PCI was clotting time; there was a higher probability of patients devel-oping a hematoma the day following the procedure if the activated clotting time (ACT) was high (>200 sec-onds) (P=.0034).9Thus, it appears that checking the ACT prior to sheath removal to assure that the level is less than 180 seconds may be more important than bed rest.Limitations of these studies include small sample sizes and failure to control for additional proce-dures that were performed. Patients had a variety of procedures including balloon angioplasty, direc-tional coronary atherectomy, and/or stent deploy-ment. As coronary intervention procedures become less invasive and move from the operating suite to the cardiac catheterization laboratory, well-designed studies will be needed to examine the influence of early mobilization on postprocedure complications.Morbidity OutcomesResearch on the impact of nursing care on morbidity in patients who have undergone a PCI procedure has348Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing❘September/October 2004focused on removal of femoral sheaths, including who removes the sheaths, the technique for sheath removal, and the use of mechanical compression devices to apply pressure. In addition, monitoring for acute clo-sure and/or ischemic episodes following PCI is an important aspect of nursing care that affects morbidity. Sheath Removal IssuesArterial sheath removal was initially performed only by physicians, which delayed removal when physi-cians were not available. Unavailability of physicians resulted in patients being immobilized for a longer period of time, which placed them at greater risk for complications and thus an extended hospital LOS.Schickel et al12developed a protocol for sheath removal by nursing staff after PCI. F ollowing staff training and competency verification, 200 patients who had undergone a PCI procedure were followed. When nurses removed the sheath, 23 patients (11.5%) experienced complications: vasovagal response (8.5%), hematoma formation (4%), and a perfusion deficit to the leg, requiring femoral embolectomy and repair (n=1). Using a historical cohort for comparison, the authors concluded that there were no significant differences in complication rates when sheath removal was performed by nurses or was performed by physicians. Use of a historical comparison group represented a major limitation of their study because of the potential for sampling bias. The authors examined only the effect of sheath removal by nurses on complication rates and did not assess patient comfort, LOS, or cost implications.12 Others have reported similar QI projects with com-parable outcomes.5,13Mechanical Versus Manual CompressionThere have been many nursing studies comparing manual compression to mechanical compression and the length of time required to achieve hemosta-sis at the femoral access site.14–16These studies have included small and large samples of patients under-going a variety of PCI procedures including balloon angioplasty and directional coronary atherectomy. Various types of mechanical compression devices have been studied, including the C-clamp and the Femo-Stop®.14–16Study results suggest that the time required to achieve hemostasis is shorter with mechanical rather than manual compression. Generally, no differences in hematoma formation and bleeding events have been found when the use of manual compression and C-clamp were com-pared. However, use of the F emo-Stop device was associated with a higher incidence of hematoma for-mation when compared with the use of manual compression.16Use of Vascular Closure DevicesVascular closure devices were developed to reduce complications and decrease patient immobilization following PCI. These devices—collagen-based plugs and different types of sutures—are inserted by physi-cians following the PCI procedure. While selection and use of these devices are not nurse sensitive, nurs-ing management of these patients following the PCI procedure includes close observation of the insertion site for hematoma formation and other bleeding complications. Therefore, nurses have posed ques-tions regarding how these devices affect bleeding following PCI. Researchers have reported that com-plete hemostasis is achieved with these devices, but hemostasis may take longer in patients who have undergone a PCI procedure.17Female gender was a predictor of access site complications, suggesting that women may require pressure to be applied/ maintained at the insertion site for a longer period of time.17Impact of Platelet InhibitorsPlatelet inhibitors, including the glycoprotein IIbIIIa inhibitors (GPIIbIIIa) and other anticoagu-lant agents, are being used prior to, during, and following PCI procedures. Nurses have studied practices and outcomes (ie, femoral complications) related to the administration of one of these agents.18–21Specifically, the incidence of bleeding complications associated with the use of femoral closure devices, mechanical compression devices, and manual compression in patients receiving GPIIbIIIa inhibitors were compared.18,20Blankenship and colleagues22analyzed vascular access site bleeding from 3 major PCI trials for the purpose of quantifying the reduction in vascular bleeding complications, especially in those attributa-ble to abciximab. The incidence of major and minor vascular access site bleeding in the non-abciximab (heparin plus placebo) group progressively decreased from 8.2% to 5.8% to 1.7% (P<.001) with each successive trial.22The incidence of major bleeds at the vascular access site was greater in patients who received abciximab as compared to those who received a placebo in the initial study (odds ratio=3.2; P<.001). However, there was no differ-ence in major bleeding in patients who received abcix-imab in subsequent trials. The researchers attributed the reduction in vascular access site bleeding compli-cations to improved heparin and abciximab dosing as well as improved vascular access site management.22 An important limitation is that different doses of abciximab and heparin were used in these trials.Others have commented on the underappreci-ated hemorrhagic complications following PCI pro-cedures. Aguirre and Gill23described the incidencePercutaneous Coronary Interventions349of majo r hemo rrhage(a decrease in hemoglobin≥5g/dL) following PCI procedures as varying widely from 0.4% to 16%, stressing the importance of decreasing this complication. Limitations of many of these studies include small sample sizes, vari-ability in the intervention procedures, and the types of devices used to achieve hemostasis at the inser-tion site. Clearly, more research is needed in which the management of the femoral insertion site fol-lowing administration of platelet inhibitors and other agents that affect bleeding times are stan-dardized.Juran et al24conducted an important study, Standards of Angioplasty Nursing Techniques to Diminish Bleeding Around the Groin (SANDBAG), which examined the effects of nursing interventions following PCI. This prospective, multicenter clinical trial examined the effect of nursing interventions on bleeding at the femoral access site following PCI, with or without the administration of an antiplatelet agent along with heparin and aspirin. A secondary purpose was to recommend a standard of care to minimize bleeding complications. Nursing interven-tions included patient education regarding the use of a special mattress while the sheath was in place, inspection of the dressing postprocedure, restraint of the affected leg, removal of the femoral sheaths, and application of manual pressure or mechanical pres-sure following sheath removal. It is important to note that this nursing substudy was part of a large clinical trial, Integrilin to Manage Platelet Aggregation to Prevent Coronary Thrombosis II (IMPACT II), a study of patients who had under-gone angioplasty.The SANDBAG study was a descriptive, correla-tional study of 4010 patients.24The researchers reported minimal differences in bleeding outcomes for patients regardless of the nursing interventions that were implemented. Bleeding events were the same regardless of complete bedrest, log rolling, ele-vating the head of the bed 30°, type of wound dress-ing applied following sheath removal, frequency of assessment of the vascular access site, and adminis-tration of pain medication. Predictors of increased bleeding included removal of the sheath by nurses, followed by manual pressure; prolonged time between sheath removal and ambulation by the patient; and patients, complaints of nausea, vomit-ing, and back pain (P<.001). Removal of the sheath, while the platelet inhibitor was being infused, was associated with less bleeding (P<.001).24Recommendations for nursing practice included maintaining a nurse-to-patient ratio of 1:5 or less, removing sheaths within 4 to 6 hours or as soon as possible, and medicating patients for comfort. They concluded that the head of the bed can be raised to 30°and that patients should be allowed to ambulate 8 hours after the sheath is removed. Sandbags were not effective in minimizing bleeding and contributed to patient discomfort.24All of these studies related to morbidity demon-strate that outcomes immediately following PCI are nurse sensitive. Clearly, nursing practice impacts the potential for complications surrounding sheath removal and after sheath removal.Acute RestenosisContinuous ST-segment monitoring following PCI procedures is used to identify the onset of acute coronary artery closure. Drew and colleagues25 reported that the lead demonstrating the greatest ST-segment deviation during the PCI procedure (max ST lead) was useful for detecting ischemic events follow-ing the procedure. While the number of studies in this area is limited, there is a growing body of evi-dence regarding the important contribution of con-tinuous ST-segment monitoring.26The few studies that have been reported are well designed and care-fully conducted, lending credence to these results. Symptom ManagementPatients who undergo PCI procedures frequently expe-rience pain. Patients often complain of severe back pain caused by lying in a supine position for several hours following the procedure. Patients also experi-ence another episode of extreme pain when sheaths are removed. Nurses have studied the effects of bed position on patient comfort as well as the use of local infiltration of an anesthetic agent into the insertion site prior to sheath removal on episodic pain. Effects of Body Position on Back PainMany practitioners believe that the patient’s bed should remain flat while femoral sheaths are in place. Maintaining the patient in a supine position for pro-longed periods of time is often associated with com-plaints of severe back pain and other discomfort. A few studies have examined the effects of postproce-dure head-of-bed elevation. Nurses have studied pain and other outcomes in patients with the head of bed elevated at 15°to 60°compared to maintaining the patient in a supine position.6,27–30 No significant dif-ferences were reported regarding complaints of headache, dizziness, bleeding, diminished pulses, and hematoma formation.6,27–30Patients maintained in a supine position reported higher levels of pain.27 Other nurses have examined comfort and head-of-bed elevation in patients with flexible sheaths as com-pared to comfort associated with standard sheaths.29,30350Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing❘September/October 2004Another research group conducted a randomized controlled trial (N=100) to determine if a specifi-cally designed exercise program, or an alternating air mattress, or both were effective in alleviating back pain following PCI.31The combination of exercise and the alternating air mattress was more effective in alleviating back pain following PCI than was either measure alone.Limitations of these studies included differences in procedures (ie, some patients underwent coronary angiography while others had coronary angioplasty) limiting the generalizability of the findings. In addi-tion, the studies included small sample sizes. Although some of these studies reported only pilot-data, the results are promising. This is a fertile area for further study.Insertion Site Pain ManagementThere have been a few studies of local infiltration of an anesthetic agent to reduce pain and discomfort dur-ing the process of sheath removal. Some nurse researchers reported that the use of lidocaine locally just prior to sheath removal did not significantly reduce patient perceptions of pain.32,33Reynolds et al34suggested that some patients might require analgesics to reduce discomfort associated with removal of the introducer sheath. There is a paucity of data in this area. More randomized controlled studies are needed to assess the effect of local infiltration of the sheath site prior to sheath removal on pain.Areas for further research of care following PCI procedures include investigating the effects of alterna-tive therapies, such as music therapy, guided imagery, etc, on patient comfort levels. Another research ques-tion is who should inject the local anesthetic—nurses or physicians? There is very limited information regarding standards of practice in this area. Quality of LifeFunctional StatusSeveral studies of functional status following PCI have been conducted by nurses, including patient perceptions of complications and treatment benefits of PCI in the early postdischarge recovery period.35–37Patients reported symptoms of groin dis-comfort (pain, bruising, and swelling). Most patients reported that the PCI procedure had “made things better,” indicating that they experienced less dyspnea, less fatigue, and improved exercise tolerance, and believed their recovery was good based on the absence of chest pain. In one small study, patients (N=11) reported having low energy levels (an unexpected find-ing), which interfered with their ability to resume nor-mal activities.36Conclusions to be drawn from these studies are limited by the small sample sizes.Nurses have also studied factors related to func-tional status during the late recovery period (3.9 and 10 months following the procedure).37–39Some researchers suggest that patients undergoing PCI pro-cedures should have their functional status assessed prior to the procedure for the purpose of identifying patients at risk for poor outcomes.38This informa-tion could be used to design targeted interventions to assist patients to restore their physical and functional status following the PCI procedure.38Eastwood39studied lifestyle pattern changes in men 3 months following PCI. Study results sug-gested that a positive psychological perspective on health predicted positive lifestyle changes. Some patients reported that responsibility for care of children or elderly family members negatively affected their ability to integrate lifestyle changes. Patients also reported difficulty maintaining their exercise programs following return to work and were reluctant to participate in cardiac rehabilita-tion on the basis of their perception that exercise was not really necessary.39These studies had major limitations, including the use of a cross-sectional design and instrument bias. Patient follow-up was often early in the follow-up with a range of 2 weeks to 1 year postprocedure. The majority of the patients were male, which limits gen-eralizability, and the sample sizes were small. Longitudinal studies that include preprocedure and postprocedure assessment of patient status are needed if we are to identify patients at greater risk for problems following PCI.Home and Occupational FunctionWhile patients respond to disease processes and pro-cedures differently, the same may be said for post-procedure resumption of activities at home and return to work. Generally, research has shown that patients who undergo uncomplicated PCI can easily resume activities at home and at work. Gulanik et al40demonstrated the usefulness of a home activ-ity assessment tool that could be used to guide the tailoring of postprocedure discharge teaching on the basis of patient responses.40Psychological FunctionSeveral researchers have measured the effect of PCI on emotions, functioning, and overall quality of life. Generally, researchers have demonstrated improve-ment in health and functioning, a decrease in state anxiety, and an increase in physical functioning following PCI procedures.41–44Percutaneous Coronary Interventions351Tooth et al45measured the effect of precoronary angioplasty education and counseling on postproce-dure knowledge and psychological status in patients (n=40) and their spouses (n=40) as compared to a control group who did not receive education and counseling. Patient knowledge improved and anxiety decreased at 4 months in the intervention group as compared to the control group. At 11 months post-procedure, the spouses in the experimental group demonstrated improved quality of life while the spouses in the control group did not.45Other researchers compared quality of life in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery or PCI. In a study of uncertainty, symptoms, and the influence of social support 3 months postprocedure, White and F rasure-Smith46 found that patients who underwent a PCI procedure experienced more uncertainty than did patients who underwent CABG surgery (P<.05). Patients with high social support had less uncertainty and lower psychological stress (P<.05).46In another study of patients examined 3 months after PCI, 44% had recurring angina.47One recom-mendation from this study was that PCI patients should be educated about the potential for recurrent angina and how to manage it. Englehart48conducted a similar study comparing quality of life at 6 months in patients undergoing CABG and PCI. The PCI group experi-enced decreased angina severity and improved percep-tion of their health status than did CABG group.48 Gulanick49conducted a qualitative study to describe the angioplasty experience from the patient’s perspective. Two-hour, taped focus group interviews were conducted with 45 patients (26 males, 19 females) who had undergone PCI procedures 3 to 18 months previously. Most of the patients described positive experiences. Negative themes included anger over unmet comfort needs, and feeling dehumanized and frustrated with the lack of control in decision making about the procedure.49Although generally well designed, the studies in this area are limited by their descriptive nature and short follow-up intervals. These studies do, however, reveal important aspects of patient education that nurses should consider in clinical practice. KnowledgeWhen is the best time to teach the patient about PCI and what content should be taught? Nurses have compared outcomes in patients who received pread-mission education and counseling focusing on car-diac knowledge and cardiac risk factors to those of patients receiving usual care. In one study,50patients were assessed 4 months following their procedure. Knowledge and physical activity improved over time for both groups (P=.00), but the experimental group had a significant reduction in serum choles-terol levels (P=.02) at follow-up.50In a comprehensive review of the literature, Genz51 described perceived learning needs and patient con-cerns during the early recovery period following PCI. Learning priorities of patients prior to hospital dis-charge were informational and survival management. Patients wanted information about the outcome of the procedure, cardiac anatomy and physiology, risk factors, lifestyle changes, and medications. Regarding survival skills, patients wanted to learn how to man-age their cardiac symptoms at home.51These studies provide nurses with information about patients learn-ing needs and the potential beneficial effects of coun-seling patients during a “teachable moment.”BehaviorRisk Factor ModificationSome patients may be overly optimistic about their health status following PCI and may perceive little need to modify their coronary artery disease risk fac-tors. McKenna et al52assessed smoking and exercise habits by patient self-report before and after PCI (n=209). All risk factors (serum cholesterol, body mass index, and lack of exercise) except smoking were reduced following PCI (P<.001).52Surprisingly,smok-ing increased significantly (P<.001), including the number of cigarettes that patients smoked daily. This is an important study conducted with a large sample size that provides findings in need of further exploration. Effects of Cardiac RehabilitationAs the LOS following PCI procedures has decreased to less than 24 hours in many facilities, and in some cases, PCI has become an outpatient procedure, the opportu-nity to identify a teachable moment with the patient and family has dwindled considerably as patients recover at home. Therefore, participation in an outpatient rehabili-tation/education program might be a beneficial approach to help patients modify lifestyle, improve quality of life, and return to work, and this is exactly what Ben-Ari and colleagues53demonstrated in response to participation in a 12-week rehabilitation program. Other researchers have reported similar results.54,55Kimble56examined the relationship between patient cognitive appraisal of PCI and subsequent participation in a cardiac risk-reduction behavior program 2 weeks after discharge from the hospital. Patients reported that PCI was minimally invasive and beneficial.56Their heart disease was perceived to be only mild to moderate. In spite of a stable percep-tion of disease threat, patients reported risk-reduc-tion behaviors in the areas of diet and exercise.56。
