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Health and Safety To ensure that our products are safe and without risk to health, the following points must be noted: 1. The relevant sections of these instructions must be read carefully before proceeding. 2. Warning labels on containers and packages must be observed. 3. Installation, operation, maintenance and servicing must only be carried out by suitably trained personnel and in accordance with the information given. 4. Normal safety precautions must be taken to avoid the possibility of an accident occurring when operating in conditions of high pressure and/ or temperature. 5. Chemicals must be stored away from heat, protected from temperature extremes and powders kept dry. Normal safe handling procedures must be used. 6. When disposing of chemicals ensure that no two chemicals are mixed. Safety advice concerning the use of the equipment described in this manual or any relevant hazard data sheets (where applicable) may be obtained from the Company address on the back cover, together with servicing and spares information.
A&E Architectural and Engin eeri ng 建筑和工程BPSK Aviatio n-Biphase Shift Keying 航空两相相移键控QPSK Aviatio n-Quadriphase Shift Keying 航空四相相移键控A/G Air-to-Grou nd 空对地AAC Aeron autical Adm ini strative Communi cati on 航空行政通信AAC Airli ne Admi nistrative Control 航空公司行政管理AAC Aero nautical Advisory Cou ncil 航空咨询委员会AAIM Aircraft Auto no mous In tegrity Mo nitor 飞机自治完好性监控AARS Automatic Altitude Reporti ng System 自动高度报告系统AAS Advaneed Automated System 先进自动化系统AAS Aero nautical Advisory Statio n 航空咨询电台AAS Airborne Antenna System 机载天线系统AASR Airport and Airways Surveilla nee Radar 机场和航路监视雷达AATS Adva need Automation Trai ning System 先进自动化培训系统AAD Assig ned Altitude Deviation 指定高度偏差ABE ARINC 429 Bus Emulator ARINC 429 总线仿真器ABI Adva need Bou ndary In formation Message 高级边界信息报文ABPS airborne beacon processing system 机载信标信息处理系统ABPSK Aero nautical Bi nary Phase Shift Keyi ng 航空双相移键控A/C Aircraft 飞机AC Advisory Circular 咨询通报ACA Aero nautical Commu ni catio n Architecture 航空通信结构ACARS Aircraft Com mun icatio n Addressi ng and Reporti ng System 飞机通信寻址和报告系统ACARS ARINC Commu ni catio ns Addressi ng and Reporti ng System ARINC 通统ACAS Airborne Collisi on Avoida nee System 机载(避)防撞系统ACC Area Control Center 区域管制中心ACCC Area Con trol Computer Complex 区域管制计算机网ACCTS Aviatio n Coordi nati ng Committee for Telecommu nication Services 航委员会ACF Area Con trol Facility 区域管制设施ACID Aircraft Ide ntificatio n 飞行器识别标志ACK Ackno wledgme nt 认可ACLS Automatic Control and Lan di ng System 自动控制和着陆系统ACMF Airpla ne Con ditio n Mon itori ng Fu nction 飞机状态监视功能ACMS Aircraft Co nditio n Mo nitori ng System 飞机状态监控系统ACNSS Adva need Commu nicatio n/Naviga- tio n/Surveilla nee system先进的通信导航监视系统ACS aircraft call sig n 飞机呼号ACS Attitude Con trol System 姿态控制系统ACSE Access Con trol and Sig nali ng Equipme nt 接续控制与信令设备ACSG Aeron autical Commu ni cation Sub-Group 航空通信分组ACU Aerodrome Con trol Unit 机场控制单位(室)ACU Autopilot Con trol Unit 自动驾驶控制单元ACU An te nna Co ntrol Un it 天线控制组件ADA computer program ming Ian guage —种计算机编程语言ADAS AWOS Data Acquisiti on System 自动气象观察系统数据采集系统ADC airborne data computer 机载数据计算机ADDI Automated Digital Data In tercha nge 自动化数字数据交换ADEP Airport of Departure 起飞机场ADES Airport of Dest in ation 目标机场ADFE Automatic Direction-Finding Equipme nt 自动定向仪设备ADI Aggregate Dema nd In dicator 综合指令指示器ADI Attitude Direction In dicator 姿态方向指示器ADIRS Air Data In ertial Refere nee System 大气数据惯性基准系统ADIRU Air Data In ertial Refere nee Unit 大气数据惯性基准单元ADIS-B Automatic Data Interchange System, service B 自动数据交换系统,B 类服务ADLOC ARINC Data Link Operatio ns Ce nter ARINC 数据链运行中心ADLP Airborne Data Link Processor 机载数据链处理器ADM Air Data Module 大气数据模块ADMS Airli ne Data Man ageme nt System 航空公司数据管理系统ADNS ARINC Data Network Service ARINC 数据网服务ADP Automated Data Processing 自动数据处理ADPCM Adaptive Differe ntial Pulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉码调制ADS Automatic Depe ndent Surveilla nee 自动相关监视ADS Air Data System 大气数据系统ADS Satellite ADS via AMSS 一种通过航空移动卫星系统运行的AD SADS-I ADS capability provided by the comb in ati on of FANS 1 avion ics and gro und automati on 采用FANS-I机载设备和地面自动化系统组合提供的ADS能力ADS —A Automatic Depe nde nt Surveilla nee Addressi ng 选址式自动相关监视ADS-B Automatic Depe nde nt Surveilla nee Broadcast Mode 广播式自动相关监视ADS-B Mode S ADS-Broadcast based on Mode S Squitter 基于S 模式应答机随机自发报告的广播式自动相关监视ADS-B VHF ADS-Broadcast based on VHF datalink 基于VHF数据链的自动化相关监视广播ADSEL Address Selective 寻址ADSF Automatic Depe nde nt Surveilla nee Fun ction 自动相关监视功能ADSP (ICAO) Automatic Dependent Surveillanee Panel (国际民航组织)自动相关监视专家组ADSU ADS Study Group (ICAO)(国际民航组织)自动相关监视研究组ADSU Automatic Depe ndent Surveilla nee Un it or ADS Unit 自动相关监视单元AECU Audio Electro nic Co ntrol Un it 音频电子控制单元AEEC Airli nes Electro nic Engin eeri ng Committee 航空公司电子工程委员会AEL Aircraft Equipme nt List 飞机装备清单AERA Automated En Route Air Traffic 自动化航路空中交通管制AES Aircraft Earth Stati on 飞机地球站AF Airway Facilities 航路设施AFC ATC Frequency Change service空中交通管制改(换)频服务AFCAS Automatic Flight Con trol Augme ntatio n System 自动飞行控制增强系统AFCS Automatic Flight Con trol System 自动飞行控制系统AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer 自动驾驶飞行指示计算机AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System 自动驾驶飞行指示系统AFEPS ACARS Front End Processing System ACARS 前端处理系统AFIS Aerodrome Flight In formation Service 机场航行情报服务AFIS Airborne Flight In formation System 机载飞行情报系统AFL Actual Flight Level 实际飞行高度AFLS Automated Flight In spection System 自动飞行检查系统AFN ATS Facilities Notificati on 空中交通服务设备通告AFS Aero nautical Fixed Service 航空固定通信业务AFSS Automated Flight Service Statio n 自动化飞行服务站AFTN Aero nautical Fixed Telecom mun icatio n Network 航空固定电信网AFTRCC Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council 宇航和飞行测试无线电协调委员会AGCS Air Grou nd Commu nication System 空地通信系统AGDLS Air-Grou nd Data Link System 空地数据链系统AGL Above Grou nd Level 离地高度AGMCS Airport Grou nd Moveme nt Control System 机场地面交通管制系统AGSS ACARS Ground System Standard(AEEC) ACARS 地面系统标准(AEEC)AGSVP A/G Service Pla nning 空地(通信)业务规划AGVS Air Grou nd VHF Sub network 空地VHF 子网AI Artificial In tellige nee 人工智能AI Alternative In terrogator 可选择询问器AI Aeron autical In formati on 航空情报AIC Aero nautical In formation Circular 航空情报通报AIDC ATC In terfacility Data Com mun icatio ns 空中交通管制设施间数据通信AIDS airborne integrated data system 机载综合数据系统AIDS airborne in tegrated display system 机载综合显示系统AIED Aeron autical In dustry Engin eeri ng and Developme nt 航空工业工程口开发AIEE American In stitute Electrical Engin eers 美国电气工程师学会AIEM Airli nes In ternatio nal Electro nic Meeti ng 航空公司国际电子会议AILAS Automatic In strume nt Landing Approach System 自动仪表着陆进近系统AIM-FANS Airbus Interoperable Modular FANS 空中客车FANS可运行模块(空中客车公司设计的一种FANS系统结构模块)AIMS Aircraft In formation Man ageme nt System 飞机信息管理系统AIP Aero nautical In formation Publicatio n 航行资料汇编AIP Airport Improveme nt Program 航空港改进计划AIRCOM digital air/ground communications services provided by SITA 由SITA 提供的数字空地通信服务AIRAC Aero nautical In formation Regulation And Co ntrol 航行资料规划和管制,定期制航行通告AIREP Air Report 空中报告AIRMET Airme n's Meteorological in formatio n 飞行员的气象资料AIS Aero nautical In formation Service(s)航空情报服务AKN Ackno wledgme nt 认可A/L Autola nd 自动着陆AL Alerti ng Service 告警服务ALC Asynchron ous Link Co ntrol 异步链路控制ALS Automatic Lan di ng System 自动着陆系统ALSF Approach Light System with Seque need Flashi ng lights 顺序闪光的进近灯光系统ALSIP Approach Light System Improveme nt Program 进近灯光系统改进计划ALT Airborne Link Term in al 机载链路终端ALT Altitude 高度ALTS Altitude Select 高度选择AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMC Avio nics Mai ntenance Co nference 机载电子设备维护维修大会AME Amplitude Modulation Equivale nt 等效调幅AMCP (ICAO) Aero nautical Mobile Commu nicati ons Pan el (国际民航组织)航空移动通信专家组AMJ Advisory Material-Joi nt 联合咨询资料AMP ARINC Message Processor(ADNS) ARINC 报文处理器AMS Aero nautical Mobile Service 航空移动服务AMSS Aeron autical Mobile-Satellite Service 航空移动卫星业务AMSSP (ICAO)Aero nautical Mobile-Satellite Service Pan el (国际民航组织)航空移动卫星业务专家组AMTS Aero nautical Message Tran sfer Service 航空报文移交业务AMU Audio Ma nageme nt Unit 话音管理单元AMUX Audio Multiplexer 音频复用器A/N Alpha nu meric 按字母顺序ANC ICAO Air Navigation Commission 国际民航组织航行委员会ANICS ALASKAN NAS In terfacility Com mun icatio n System 阿拉斯加美国国家空域系统设施间通信系统ANLP ARINC Network Layer Protocol ARINC 网络层规程ANP Air Navigation Pla n 空中航行规划ANP Actual Navigation Performa nee 实际导航性能ANS Air Navigation System 空中航行系统ANS Area Navigation System 区域导航系统ANSI American Natio nal Sta ndards In stitute 美国国家标准学会AOA Aerodrome Owners Association 机场企业主协会AOC Aero nautical Operatio nal Co ntrol 航空运营管理AOC Aerodrome obstacle chart 机场障碍物图AOC Aircraft Operatio nal Center 飞行运行中心AOC Airli ne Operatio nal Commu ni catio ns System 航空公司运营通信系统AOCI Airport Operators Cou ncil In ternatio nal 机场经营与国际协会AOP Aerodrome Operations 机场运营AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 航空器企业主与驾驶员协会AOR Atla ntic Ocean Regio n 大西洋区域AORE Atla ntic Ocean Regi on East 东大西洋区域AORW Atla ntic Ocean Regi on West 西大西洋区域A/P Autopilot自动驾驶APANPIRG ASIA/PAC Air Navigation Pla nning and Impleme ntati on Regional Group航行规划和实施小组APC Autopilot Computer自动驾驶计算机APC Aeronautical Passenger Communications 航空旅客通信APC Aero nautical Public Correspo nde nee 航空公用通信APIRG AFI Pla nning and Impleme ntatio n Regio nal Group 非洲地区规划和实施小组APIWP Approach In tercept Waypoi nt 进近切入点APL Abbreviated Flight Pla n 简略飞行计划APP Approach Control 进近管制APP(APPR)Approach 进近APS Airway Planning Standard 航路设计标准APSR Airport Surveilla nee Radar 机场监视雷达AQP Avio nics Qualificati on Policy 机载电子设备资格QPSK Aero nautical Quadrature Phase Shift Keyi ng 航空四相相移键控AR Arrival Route 到达航路ARCW ADS Route Conformance Warni ng 自动相关监视航路一致性警告ARF Airport Reservation Fu nction 航空港预定功能ARINC Aero nautical Radio Inc. 航空无线电公司ARP Aerodrome reference point 机场基准点ARR Arrival message 到达信息ARS Automated Radar Summary chart 自动雷达综合图ARSA Airport Radar Service Area 机场雷达服务区ARSR Air Route Surveilla nee Radar 航路监视雷达ARTAS ATC Radar Tracker and Server空中交通管制雷达跟踪和服务器ARTCCS Air Route Traffic Con trol Ce nters 航路交通管制中心ARTS Automated Radar Terminal System 自动化雷达终端系统AS Autonomy Sensor自主式机载传感器ASCPC Air Supply and Cabi n Pressure Con trollers 空气供给和机舱压力控制器ASCII America sta ndard Code for In formation In tercha nge 美国信息交换标准码ASD Aircraft Situation Display 飞机状态显示器ASDE Airport Surface Detectio n Equipme nt 机场场面探测设备ASDL Aero nautical Satellite Data Link 航空卫星数据链ASECNA Age ncy for the Security of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar 非洲和马达加斯加航行安全局ASG ARINC Sig nal Gateway ARINC 信号网关ASI Avio nics System In tegration 航空电子仪表系统集成ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅移位键控AM (ASM)Airspace Management 空域管理SMGCS Adva need Surface Moveme nt Guida nee and Con trol System 先进场面活动引导和控制系统ASOS Automated Surface Observi ng System 自动场面观测系统ASP Arrival Sequencing Program 进场顺序计划ASP Aeron autical com muni cati on Service Processor 航空通信业务处理器ASPP (ICAO ) Aero nautical Fixed Service (AFS) System Pla nning for Data In tercha nge Panel(国际民航组织)航空固定电信业务系统数据交换规划专家组ASR Airport Surveilla nee Radar 机场监视雷达ASRS Aviatio n Safety Reporti ng System 航空安全报告系统ASTERIX All- purpose Structured Euroc on trol Radar In formatio n Excha ngeASTA Airport Surface Traffic Automatio n 机场场面交通自动化A/T Auto throttlt 自动油门AT Air Traffic 空中交通AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph 美国电话电报公司ATA Air Tran sport Association of American 美国航空运输协会ATAG Air Tran sport Actio n Group 航空运输行动小组ATAR Automatic Air Report ing 航空自动报告ATAR Automatic Air Reporti ng Study Group 航空自动报告研究组ATC Air Traffic Co ntrol 空中交通管制ATCC Air Traffic Con trol Ce nter 空中交通管制中心ATCBI Air Traffic Con trol Beacon In terrogator 空中交通管制信标询问器ATCComm Air Traffic Con trol Commu nicatio ns System(Hardware & Software) 空中交通管制通信系统(硬件和软件)ATCRBS Air Traffic Con trol Radar Beacon System 空中交通管制雷达信标系统ATCS Air Traffic Con trol Services 空中交通管制服务ATCT Airport Traffic Control Tower 机场交通管制塔台ATCU ATC unit空中交通管制单位ATD Alo ng-Track Dista nee 沿航线距离ATE Automatic Test Equipme nt 自动测试设备ATFM Air Traffic Flow Ma nageme nt 空中交通流量管理ATIS Air Traffic In formation Service 空中交通信息服务ATIS Airport Termi nal In formation Service 机场终端信息服务ATIS Automated(automatic) Term inal In formation Service 自动终端情报服务ATM Air Traffic Man ageme nt 空中交通管理ATN Aeron autical Telecom mun icati ons Network 航空电信网ATNP ( ICAO)Aero nautical Telecom mun icati on Network Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组ATO Actual Time Over 实际经过时间ATRK Alo ng-Track Error 沿航线误差ATS Air Traffic Services 空中交通服务ATSC Air Traffic Services Commu nicati on 空中交通服务通信ATT Attitude 姿态AUSSAT Australia n Satellite 澳大利亚卫星AUTODIN Automated Digital Network 自动化数字网络AUTOVON Automatic V oice Network 自动化话音网络AUX Auxiliary 辅助AVOL Aerodrome Visibility Operatio nal Level 机场能见度运行等级AVPAC Aviatio n VHF Packet Commu ni catio ns 航空甚高频分组通信AVS Aviation Standards 航空标准AWANS Aviatio n Weather And NOTAM System 航空气象和航行通告系统AWOP (ICAO )All Weather Operatio ns Pan el (国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组AWOS Automated Weather Observi ng System 自动化气象观测系统AWP Aviation Weather Processor 航空气象处理器AWS Aviation Weather Service 航空气象服务AZ Azimuth tran smitter 方位台BBARO Barometric 气压BAZ Back Azimuth 后方位,背航道BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则BER Bit Error Rate 误码率BIT Built-I n-Test 机内测试BITE Built-I n-Test Equipme nt 机内测试设备BOP Bit Orie nted Protocol 面向位的协议BPS bits per seco nd每秒传送位数;每秒比特数BPSK Biphase Shift Keying 两相相移键控BRITE Bright Radar In dicator Tower Equipme nt 塔台高亮度雷达显示设备BRL Beari ng Range Li ne 方位距离线BSU Beam Steering Unit天线方位控制组件BUEC Backup Emerge ncy Com mun icatio ns 备用紧急通信C通信Band Approx. 5,000MHz C 波段C/A (CA) Code Course Acquisiti on Code 粗获码(民用的)C/I Carrier-to-I nterfere nee Ratio 信号干扰比C/N Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比CA Conflict Alert 冲突告警CA GPS Course- Acquisition Code 粗捕获码(民用码)CA/MSAW Conflict Alert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 冲突告警/最民航低安全高度警告CAA Civil Aviatio n Admi nistratio n, Civil Aero nautical Authority, Civil Aviatio n Authority局CAAC Gen eral Admi nistratio n of Civil Aviatio n of Ch ina 中国民用航空总局CAASD Cen ter for Adva need Aviatio n System Developme nt(The MITRE Corporati on)(MITRE 公司)高级航行系统开发中心CAB Civil Aero nautical Bureau 民航局CARF Cen tral Altitude Reservation Fun ction 中央飞行高度保留功能CARs Civil Air Regulatio ns 民用航空规则CASITAF CNS/ATM impleme ntatio n task force 新航行系统实施特别工作组CAT Category仪表着陆等级CAT I Category I 一类仪表着陆CAT n Category n二类仪表着陆CAT川a Category川a三类a级仪表着陆CAT川b Category川b三类b级仪表着陆CAT川c Category川c三类c级仪表着陆CATC Civil Aviatio n Trai ning Ce nter 民航培训中心CATMAC Co-operative Air Traffic Ma nageme nt Co ncept 空中交通管理合作方案CBA Cost/Be nefit An alysis 成本效益分析BAND The frequency range between 4000 and 8000MHz 4000 至U8000MHz 频段CBI Computer Based In structio n 计算机基本指令CBT Computer-Based Trai ning 计算机辅助训练CC Co nn ection Confirm 联接确认CCA Continen tal Co ntrol Area 大陆管制区CCC蜂窝式CNS概念CCD Con solidated Cab Display 综合机舱显示器CCIR In ternatio nal Radio Co nsultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT In ternatio nal Telegraph and Telepho ne Con sultative Committee 国际电报会CCP Contin ge ncy Comma nd Post 应急指挥站CCWS Com mon con troller workstatio n 通用管制员工作站CD Com mon Digitizer 通用数字化仪设备CDC Computer Display Cha nnel 计算机显示通道CDI Course Deviatio n In dicator 偏航指示器CDM Code divisio n multiplex 码分复用CDM Contin uous Delta Modulation 连续增量调制CDMA Code Divisio n Multiple Access 码分多址CDT Con trolled Departure Times 管制离场时间CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic In formatio n 驾驶舱交通信息显示CDU Co ntrol Display Un it 控制显示组件CEP Circular error probability 圆概率误差CERAC Combi ned Center Radar Approach Co ntrol 雷达进近管制联合中心CFCC Ce ntral Flow Co ntrol Computer 中央流量管制计算机CFCF Central Flow Control Facility 中央流量管制设施(功能)CFDPS Compact Flight Data Processing System 小型飞行数据处理系统CFWP Central Flow Weather Processor 中央流量气象处理机CFWSU Cen tral Flow Weather Service Un it 中央流量气象服务单元(组件)CHI Computer Human In terface 机人接口CIDIN Com mon ICAO Data In tercha nge Network 国际民航组织公用数据交换网CIS Cooperative independent surveillanee 合作式独立监视CLAM Cleared Level Adhere nee Mo nitori ng 放行高度保持监视CLB Climb 爬升CLK Clock 时钟CLNP Conn ectio nl ess Network Protocol 无连接网络规程(协议)CLR Clear 清除CMC Central Mai nte nance Computer 中央维护计算机CMD Comma nd 命令CMS Cabin Management System 机舱管理系统CMU Com mun icatio ns Man ageme nt Unit 通信管理单元CNDB Customized Navigation Database 用户导航数据库CNS Con solidated NOTAM System 综合航行通告系统CNS/ATM Communication Navigation, Surveillance/Air TrafficManagement 通中交通管理CODEC Coder/Decoder 编码器/解码器COM/MET/OPS Commu nicatio n/ Meteorology/ Operatio ns 通信/ 气象/运行COMLO Compass Locator罗盘定位器;罗盘示位信标COMM Commu ni cati on 通信COMP Compressor 压缩器COMSEC Commu ni cati ons Security 通信保安CON Continuous 连续CONUS Con ti nen tal, Con tiguous, or Con term in ous Uni ted States 美国大陆本部(四十八州)COP Change Over Point 转换点COP Character Oriented Protocol 面向字符协议COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf 商业货架产品供应CPDLC Con troller Pilot Data Link Commu ni catio ns 管制员驾驶员数据链通信CPFSK Co ntin uous Phase Freque ncy Shift Keying 连续相位频移键控CR Connection Request 联接申请CRA Conflict Resolution Advisory 冲突解脱咨询CRC Cyclic Redundant Check 循环冗余校验CRCO Central Route Charges Office 中央航路收征费办公室CRM C Referenee Model C 参考模式CRM Collisi on Risk Model ing 碰撞危险模型CRM Crew Resource Management 机组人员安排CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CSA Standard Accurate Channel 标准精度通道CSE Course Setting Error 航线设定误差CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access (datali nk protocol)载波侦听多址访问C/SOIT Commu nicati on/ Surveilla nee Operati on al Impleme ntati on Team 通信监视运行实施小组(美国)CTA Calculated Time of Arrival 计算到达时间CTA Control Area 管制区CTAS Cen tral Tracon Automation System 中央终端雷达进近管制自动系统CTL Co ntrol 控制CTMO Central traffic Man ageme nt Orga ni zatio n 中央交通流量管理组织CTMO Cen tralized Traffic Ma nageme nt Orga ni zation 中央交通管理组织CTOL Co nven tio nal Take Off and Lan di ng 常规起飞着陆CTR Control zone 管制地带CTS Control Tracki ng Statio n 控制跟踪站CU Control Unit 控制单元C§W Control and Warning 控制和告警CW Carrier Wave 载波CWI Co nti nuous Wave In terfere nee 连续波干扰CWP Central Weather Processor 中央气象处理器CWSU Center Weather Service Unit 中央气象服务单元DD/A Digital-to-A nalog 数/ 模转换DABS Discrete Addressable Beacon System 离散寻址信标系统DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字大气数据计算机ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal In formation Service 数字自动终端信息服务DA Decision Addressing beacon system 决断寻址信标系统DA Dema nd Assig nment 按需分配DA/H Decisi on Altitude(Height)决断高度DARC Direct Access Radar Channel 直接存取雷达信道DARP Dy namic Air Route Pla nning 动态航线计划DARPS Dyn amic Aircraft (Air) Route Pla nning Study 动态飞机航线计划研究DC Departure Clearanee 离场放行许可DC Direct Current 直流(电)DCC Display Cha nnel Complex 显示通道组合DCIU Data Control In terface Un it 数据控制接口单元DCL Departure Cleara nee Delivery 起飞许可传送DCPC Direct Con troller Pilot Com mun icatio n 管制员驾驶员直接通信DES Data Encryption Standard 数据加密标准DF Direction Finder 测向器DFCS Digital Flight Con trol System 数字飞行控制系统DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisiti on Unit 数字飞行数据采集单元DGCA Director-Ge neral Civil Aviation 民航局长DGNSS Differe ntial Global Navigation Satellite System 差分全球导航卫星系统DGPS Differe ntial Global Positio ning System 差分全球定位系统DH Decisi on Height 决断高度DIP Diplexer 双工器DL Data Link 数据链DLAC Data Link Applicatio ns Codi ng 数据链应用编码DLAS Differential GNSS Instrument Approach System 差分GNSS 仪表进近系统DLK data link 数据链DLORT FAA Data Link Operatio nal Requireme nts Team FAA 数据链运行要求工作组DMAP ICAO Data Link Mobile Applications Panel(proposed)国际民航组织数据链移动应用专家组(建议)DME Dista nee Measuri ng Equipme nt 测距设备DME/N Dista nee Measuri ng Equipme nt/Normal 标准测距设备DME/P Dista nee Measuri ng Equipme nt/Precisio n 精密测距设备DMU Data Ma nageme nt Un it 数据管理单元DO (DOC)Document 记录(文件)DOD Department of Defense (美国)国防部DOP Dilution of Precisio n 精度扩散因子DOT Department of Transportation (美国)运输部DOTS Dyn amic Ocean Tracki ng System 动态海洋跟踪系统DP Disconnect Request 分离拆线请求DPF Data Processing Function 数据处理功能D8PSK Differential Eight-Phase Shift Keying 差分8 相移键控DPSK Differe ntial Phase Shift Keyi ng 差分相移键控DRMS Distanee Root Mean Square 距离均方根值DRN Document Release Notice 文件发放通告DSB —AM Double Sideba nd Amplitude 双边带调幅DSDU Data Sig nal Display Un it 数据信号显示单元DSP Departure Sequencing Program 起飞排序计划;离港排序计划DT Data数据DTE Data Terminal Equipment 数据终端设备DT&E Developme nt Test and Evaluatio n 开发测试和评估DTF Data Test Facility 数据检测设备DTG待飞距离DTN Data Tran sport Network 数据传输网络DUAT Direct User Access Termi nal 用户直接存取终端DVOR Doppler Very high freque ncy Omn i-directio nal Ra nge 多普勒甚高频全向信标EEANPG European Air Navigation Pla nning Group 欧洲航行规划小组DARC En ha need Direct Access Radar Cha nnel 增强的直接存取雷达信道EARTS En route Automated Radar Track ing System 航路自动化雷达跟踪系统EASIE En ha need ATM and Mode S Impleme ntation in Europe 欧洲S 模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目EATCHIP European ATC Harmo nization Impleme ntation Program 欧洲空中交通管制协调实施计划EATMS European Air Traffic Man ageme nt System 欧洲空中交通管理系统ECAC European Civil Aviatio n Co nference 欧洲民航会议ECEF地心地固坐标EDCT Estimated Departure Clearanee Time 预计离港起飞放行时间EET Estimated Elapsed Time 预计经过时间EFAS En route Flight Advisory Service 航路飞行咨询服务EFAS Extended Final Approach Segment 扩展最后进近段EFIS Electro nic Flight In strume nt System 电子飞行仪表系统EFC Expect Further Clearanee 预期进一步放行许可EFIS Electro nic Flight In formation System 电子飞行情报系统EGNOS European global navigation overlay system 欧洲全球导航重迭系统EHSI Electro nic Horiz on tal Situation In dicator 电子平面状态显示器EIRP Equivale nt Isotropic Radiate Power 等效各向同性辐射功率EISA Exte nded In dustry Stan dard Architecture 扩展的工业标准结构EL Elevation Transmitter 仰角台ELOD En route sector Load 航路扇区负载管制飞机数量ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter 紧急示位发射机EMC Electromag netic Compatibility 电磁兼容EMI Electromag netic In terfere nee 电磁干扰ENRI Electro nic Navigation Research In stitute (日本)电子导航研究所EOF Emerge ncy Operati ons Facility 应急运行设施EPA Environmen tal Protection Age ncy 环境保护署ER Error 误差ERL Environmental Research Laboratories 环境研究实验室ERM En Route Meteri ng 航路计量管制ERN Earth Refere need Navigatio n 大地参考导航ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效幅射功率ES End System终端系统ESA European Space Agency 欧洲航天局ESCAN Electro nic Scannin g(radar antenna)ESMMC En ha need SMMC 增强的系统维护监视台ESP En route Spaci ng Program 航路间隔计划EST Estimated message 预计信息ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间ETB Estimated Time of Bou ndary 预计边界时间ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预计离港时间ETG En ha need Target Gen erator增强的显示目标产生器ETN Estimated Time of En try 预计进入时间ETO Estimated Time Over 预计飞越时间ETSI Europea n Telecom muni cati ons Stan dards In stitute 欧洲电信标准学会EU European Union 欧洲联盟EURATN European ATN 欧洲航空电信网EUROCAE European Orga ni zation for Civil Aviatio n Electro nics 欧洲民用航空电子学组织EUROCONTROL European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation 欧洲航行安全组织(欧安局)EVS En ha need Visio n System 增强视景系统EWAS En-route Weather Advisory Service 航路气象咨询服务FF&E Facilities and Equipme nt 设施和设备F,E&D Facilities, Engin eeri ng, and Developme nt 设施、工程和开发FAA Federal Aviation Administration (美国)联邦航空局FAATC FAA Technical Center (美国)联邦航空局技术中心FAF Fi nal Approach Fix 最终进近坐标。
软件工程英文参考文献(优秀范文105个)软件工程英文参考文献一:[1]Carine Khalil,Sabine Khalil. Exploring knowledge management in agile software developmentorganizations[J]. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,2020,16(4).[2]Kevin A. Gary,Ruben Acuna,Alexandra Mehlhase,Robert Heinrichs,Sohum Sohoni. SCALING TO MEET THE ONLINE DEMAND IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING[J]. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education,2020,4(1).[3]Hosseini Hadi,Zirakjou Abbas,GoodarziVahabodin,Mousavi Seyyed Mohammad,Khonakdar Hossein Ali,Zamanlui Soheila. Lightweight aerogels based on bacterial cellulose/silver nanoparticles/polyaniline with tuning morphology of polyaniline and application in soft tissue engineering.[J]. International journal of biological macromolecules,2020,152.[4]Dylan G. Kelly,Patrick Seeling. Introducing underrepresented high school students to software engineering: Using the micro:bit microcontroller to program connected autonomous cars[J]. Computer Applications in Engineering Education,2020,28(3).[5]. Soft Computing; Research Conducted at School of Computing Science and Engineering Has Updated OurKnowledge about Soft Computing (Indeterminate Likert scale: feedback based on neutrosophy, its distance measures and clustering algorithm)[J]. News of Science,2020.[6]. Engineering; New Engineering Findings from Hanyang University Outlined (Can-based Aging Monitoring Technique for Automotive Asics With Efficient Soft Error Resilience)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[7]. Engineering - Software Engineering; New Findings from University of Michigan in the Area of Software Engineering Reported (Multi-criteria Test Cases Selection for Model Transformations)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[8]Tamas Galli,Francisco Chiclana,Francois Siewe. Software Product Quality Models, Developments, Trends, and Evaluation[J]. SN Computer Science,2020,1(2).[9]. Infotech; Infotech Joins BIM for Bridges and Structures Transportation Pooled Fund Project as an Official Software Advisor[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[10]. Engineering; Study Findings from Beijing Jiaotong University Provide New Insights into Engineering (Analyzing Software Rejuvenation Techniques In a Virtualized System: Service Provider and User Views)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[11]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Reported by Researchers at Sakarya University (An exponential jerk system, its fractional-order form with dynamical analysis and engineering application)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[12]. Engineering; Studies from Henan University Yield New Data on Engineering (Extracting Phrases As Software Features From Overlapping Sentence Clusters In Product Descriptions)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[13]. Engineering; Data from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Provide New Insights into Engineering (A Systematic Study to Improve the Requirements Engineering Process in the Domain of Global Software Development)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[14]. Soft Computing; Investigators at Air Force Engineering University Report Findings in Soft Computing (Evidential model for intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision making)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[15]. Engineering; Researchers from COMSATS University Islamabad Describe Findings in Engineering (A Deep CNN Ensemble Framework for Efficient DDoS Attack Detection in Software Defined Networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[16]Pedro Delgado-Pérez,Francisco Chicano. An Experimental and Practical Study on the EquivalentMutant Connection: An Evolutionary Approach[J]. Information and Software Technology,2020.[17]Koehler Leman Julia,Weitzner Brian D,Renfrew P Douglas,Lewis Steven M,Moretti Rocco,Watkins Andrew M,Mulligan Vikram Khipple,Lyskov Sergey,Adolf-Bryfogle Jared,Labonte Jason W,Krys Justyna,Bystroff Christopher,Schief William,Gront Dominik,Schueler-Furman Ora,Baker David,Bradley Philip,Dunbrack Roland,Kortemme Tanja,Leaver-Fay Andrew,StraussCharlie E M,Meiler Jens,Kuhlman Brian,Gray JeffreyJ,Bonneau Richard. Better together: Elements of successful scientific software development in a distributed collaborative munity.[J]. PLoS putational biology,2020,16(5).[18]. Mathematics; Data on Mathematics Reported by Researchers at Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (Algorithms Based on COPRAS and Aggregation Operators with New Information Measures forPossibility Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Decision-Making)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[19]. Engineering - Medical and Biological Engineering; Reports from Heriot-Watt University Describe Recent Advances in Medical and Biological Engineering (ANovel Palpation-based Method for Tumor Nodule Quantification In Soft Tissue-putational Framework and Experimental Validation)[J]. Journal ofEngineering,2020.[20]. Engineering - Industrial Engineering; Studies from Xi'an Jiaotong University Have Provided New Data on Industrial Engineering (Dc Voltage Control Strategy of Three-terminal Medium-voltage Power Electronic Transformer-based Soft Normally Open Points)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[21]. Engineering; Reports from Hohai University Add New Data to Findings in Engineering (Soft Error Resilience of Deep Residual Networks for Object Recognition)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[22]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; Study Data from K.N. Toosi University of Technology Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (Coupled Directional Dilation-Damage Approach to Model the Cyclic-Undrained Response of Soft Clay under Pure Principal Stress Axes Rotation)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[23]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Abes Engineering College Report Details of New Studies and Findings in the Area of Soft Computing (An intelligent personalized web blog searching technique using fuzzy-based feedback recurrent neural network)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[24]. Engineering; Studies from University of Alexandria in the Area of Engineering Reported (Software Defined Network-Based Management for Enhanced 5G Network Services)[J]. Network Weekly News,2020.[25]. Soft Computing; Data on Soft Computing Discussed by Researchers at Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering [A metaheuristicoptimization model for spectral allocation incognitive networks based on ant colony algorithm (M-ACO)][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[26]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Complutense University Madrid Reports Findings in Software Engineering (Recolibry Suite: a Set of Intelligent Tools for the Development of Remender Systems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[27]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Data on Software Engineering Reported by Researchers at Gautam Buddha University (A novel quality prediction modelfor ponent based software system using ACO-NM optimized extreme learning machine)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[28]. Soft Computing; New Soft Computing Study Findings Recently Were Reported by Researchers at University College of Engineering (A novel QIM-DCT based fusion approach for classification of remote sensing images via PSO and SVM models)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[29]Morshedloo Fatemeh,Khoshfetrat Ali Baradar,Kazemi Davoud,Ahmadian Mehri. Gelatin improves peroxidase-mediated alginate hydrogel characteristics as a potential injectable hydrogel for soft tissueengineering applications.[J]. Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials,2020.[30]Jung-Chieh Lee,Chung-Yang Chen. Exploring the team dynamic learning process in software process tailoring performance[J]. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,2020,33(3).[31]. Soft Computing; Study Results from Velammal Engineering College in the Area of Soft Computing Reported (Efficient routing in UASN during the thermohaline environment condition to improve the propagation delay and throughput)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[32]. Soft Matter; Findings from School of Materials Science and Engineering Provide New Insights into Soft Matter (A practical guide to active colloids: choosing synthetic model systems for soft matter physics research)[J]. Physics Week,2020.[33]Julio César Puche-Regaliza,Alfredo Jiménez,Pablo Arranz-Val. Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model[J]. Systemic Practice and Action Research,2020,33(1).[34]Meinert Edward,Milne-Ives Madison,Surodina Svitlana,Lam Ching. Agile requirements engineering and software planning for a digital health platform to engage the effects of isolation caused by social distancing: A case study and feasibility study protocol.[J]. JMIR public health and surveillance,2020.[35]. Engineering - Civil Engineering; Studies Conducted at Shandong Jianzhu University on Civil Engineering Recently Published (Seismic Response Analysis and Control of Frame Structures with Soft First Storey under Near-Fault Ground Motions)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.软件工程英文参考文献二:[36]Chao-ze Lu,Guo-sun Zeng,Ying-jie Xie. Bigraph specification of software architecture and evolution analysis in mobile puting environment[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2020,108.[37]Ompal Singh, Saurabh Panwar, P. K. Kapur.. Determining Software Time-to-Market and Testing Stop Time when Release Time is a Change-Point[J]. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences,2020,5(2).[38]Ayushi Verma,Neetu Sardana,Sangeeta Lal. Developer Remendation for Stack Exchange Software EngineeringQ&A Website based on K-Means clustering and Developer Social Network Metric[J]. Procedia ComputerScience,2020,167.[39]Jagdeep Singh,Sachin Bagga,Ranjodh Kaur. Software-based Prediction of Liver Disease with Feature Selection and Classification Techniques[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2020,167.[40]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Studies from Concordia University Update Current Data on SoftwareEngineering (On the impact of using trivial packages: an empirical case study on npm and PyPI)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[41]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Findings from University of Alberta Broaden Understanding of Software Engineering (Building the perfect game - an empirical study of game modifications)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[42]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Investigators at National Research Council (CNR) Detail Findings in Software Engineering [A Framework for Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Highly (Re)Configurable Systems][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[43]. Engineering - Knowledge Engineering; Data from University of Paris Saclay Provide New Insights into Knowledge Engineering (Dynamic monitoring of software use with recurrent neural networks)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[44]. Engineering - Circuits Research; Findings from Federal University Santa Maria Yields New Data on Circuits Research (A New Cpfsk Demodulation Approach for Software Defined Radio)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[45]. Soft Computing; Investigators from Lovely Professional University Release New Data on Soft Computing (An intensify Harris Hawks optimizer fornumerical and engineering optimization problems)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[46]. GlobalLogic Inc.; GlobalLogic Acquires Meelogic Consulting AG, a European Healthcare and Automotive-Focused Software Engineering Services Firm[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[47]. Engineering - Circuits and Systems Research; Data on Circuits and Systems Research Described by Researchers at Northeastern University (Softcharge: Software Defined Multi-device Wireless Charging Over Large Surfaces)[J]. Telemunications Weekly,2020.[48]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Report on Findings in Soft Computing (Dynamic Histogram Equalization for contrast enhancement for digital images)[J]. Technology News Focus,2020.[49]Mohamed Ellithey Barghoth,Akram Salah,Manal A. Ismail. A Comprehensive Software Project Management Framework[J]. Journal of Computer and Communications,2020,08(03).[50]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Air Force Engineering University Describe Findings in Soft Computing (Random orthocenter strategy in interior search algorithm and its engineering application)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[51]. Soft Computing; Study Findings on Soft Computing Are Outlined in Reports from Department of MechanicalEngineering (Constrained design optimization of selected mechanical system ponents using Rao algorithms)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[52]Iqbal Javed,Ahmad Rodina B,Khan Muzafar,Fazal-E-Amin,Alyahya Sultan,Nizam Nasir Mohd Hairul,Akhunzada Adnan,Shoaib Muhammad. Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure.[J]. PloS one,2020,15(4).[53]Raymond C.Z. Cohen,Simon M. Harrison,Paul W. Cleary. Dive Mechanic: Bringing 3D virtual experimentation using biomechanical modelling to elite level diving with the Workspace workflow engine[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,2020,175.[54]Emelie Engstr?m,Margaret-Anne Storey,Per Runeson,Martin H?st,Maria Teresa Baldassarre. How software engineering research aligns with design science: a review[J]. Empirical SoftwareEngineering,2020(prepublish).[55]Christian Lettner,Michael Moser,Josef Pichler. An integrated approach for power transformer modeling and manufacturing[J]. Procedia Manufacturing,2020,42.[56]. Engineering - Mechanical Engineering; New Findings from Leibniz University Hannover Update Understanding of Mechanical Engineering (A finite element for soft tissue deformation based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[57]. Science - Social Science; Studies fromUniversity of Burgos Yield New Information about Social Science (Diagnosis of Software Projects Based on the Viable System Model)[J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[58]. Technology - Powder Technology; Investigators at Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH Discuss Findings in Powder Technology [Extended Validation and Verification of Xps/avl-fire (Tm), a Computational Cfd-dem Software Platform][J]. Computer Technology Journal,2020.[59]Guadalupe-Isaura Trujillo-Tzanahua,Ulises Juárez-Martínez,Alberto-Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre,María-Karen Cortés-Verdín,Catherine Azzaro-Pantel.Multiple software product lines to configure applications of internet of things[J]. IETSoftware,2020,14(2).[60]Eduardo Juárez,Rocio Aldeco-Pérez,Jose.Manuel Velázquez. Academic approach to transform organisations: one engineer at a time[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[61]Dennys García-López,Marco Segura-Morales,Edson Loza-Aguirre. Improving the quality and quantity of functional and non-functional requirements obtained during requirements elicitation stage for the development of e-merce mobile applications: an alternative reference process model[J]. IETSoftware,2020,14(2).[62]. Guest Editorial: Software Engineering Applications to Solve Organisations Issues[J]. IET Software,2020,14(2).[63]?,?. Engine ControlUnit ? ? ?[J]. ,2020,47(4).[64]. Engineering - Software Engineering; Study Data from Nanjing University Update Understanding of Software Engineering (Identifying Failure-causing Schemas In the Presence of Multiple Faults)[J]. Mathematics Week,2020.[65]. Energy - Renewable Energy; Researchers from Institute of Electrical Engineering Detail New Studies and Findings in the Area of Renewable Energy (A Local Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Fluctuation Suppression Based on Soft Open Point)[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2020.[66]Ahmed Zeraoui,Mahfoud Benzerzour,WalidMaherzi,Raid Mansi,Nor-Edine Abriak. New software for the optimization of the formulation and the treatment of dredged sediments for utilization in civil engineering[J]. Journal of Soils andSediments,2020(prepublish).[67]. Engineering - Concurrent Engineering; Reports from Delhi Technological University Add New Data to Findings in Concurrent Engineering (Systematic literature review of sentiment analysis on Twitter using soft puting techniques)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[68]. Engineering; New Findings from Future University in Egypt in the Area of Engineering Reported (Decision support system for optimum soft clay improvement technique for highway construction projects)[J]. Journal of Engineering,2020.[69]Erica Mour?o,Jo?o Felipe Pimentel,LeonardoMurta,Marcos Kalinowski,Emilia Mendes,Claes Wohlin. On the performance of hybrid search strategies for systematic literature reviews in softwareengineering[J]. Information and SoftwareTechnology,2020,123.[70]. Soft Computing; Researchers from Anna University Discuss Findings in Soft Computing (A novel fuzzy mechanism for risk assessment in software projects)[J]. News of Science,2020.软件工程英文参考文献三:[71]. Software and Systems Research; New Software and Systems Research Study Results from ChalmersUniversity of Technology Described (Why and How To Balance Alignment and Diversity of Requirements Engineering Practices In Automotive)[J]. Journal of Transportation,2020.[72]Anupama Kaushik,Devendra Kr. Tayal,Kalpana Yadav.A Comparative Analysis on Effort Estimation for Agile and Non-agile Software Projects Using DBN-ALO[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,2020,45(6).[73]Subhrata Das,Adarsh Anand,Mohini Agarwal,Mangey Ram. Release Time Problem Incorporating the Effect of Imperfect Debugging and Fault Generation: An Analysis for Multi-Upgraded Software System[J]. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering,2020,27(02).[74]Saerom Lee,Hyunmi Baek,Sehwan Oh. 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Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system a
MODELING,IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL,2006,VOL.27,N O.0,000–000Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system aRAMBABU KANDEPU*†,LARS IMSLAND❡,CHRISTOPHSTILLER‡,BJARNE A.FOSS†and VINAY KARIWALA§Keywords:SOFC,GT,control relevant,fuel cells,modeling,PIcontroller.In this paper,control-relevant models of the most important components in aSOFC-GT hybrid system are described.Dynamic simulations are performed on theoverall hybrid system.The model is used to develop a simple control structure,butthe simulations show that more elaborate control is needed.1.IntroductionSolid Oxide Fuel Cells(SOFC)integrated in Gas Turbine(GT)cycles(often denoted as hybrid systems)is a promising concept for production of efficient and low-polluting electrical power.The SOFC can produce electric power at an electrical efficiency of about55%,and when it is combined with a GT,studies show that the net electrical efficiency can be increased up to70%Pa˚lsson et al.(2000).The hybrid system uses natural gas as fuel and the percentage of pollutantflue gases is low compared to conventional power production from fossil fuels.Due to the tight integration between the SOFC and the GT in a hybrid system, dynamic operability(and hence control)of the process is a challenge.It is important not only to design a good control system,but also to choose a process design that together with the appropriate control structure allows satisfying disturbance rejection and part load operation.Such a design procedure is usually called an integrated process design, see eg.van Schijndel&Pistikopoulos(1999).To be able to design control structures and analyze dynamic behavior,it is very beneficial to have low complexity models of the components of the hybrid system.Such models are also valuable for online optimization. The aim of this article is to develop a low complexity hybrid system model which includes the relevant dynamics for controllability analysis and control design.The paper is outlined as follows:The models of the components of the hybrid system are described.Dynamic simulations and the motivation for developing a control system is presented.The control structure and simulation results with the control structure are reported.A nomenclature can be found at the end of the paper.Corresponding author.†Department of Engineering Cybernetics,Norwegian University of Science and Technology7491 Trondheim,Norway.{Rambabu.Kandepu,Bjarne.A.Foss}‡Department of Process Engineering,Norwegian University of Science and Technology7491 Trondheim,§Department of Chemical Engineering,Norwegian University of Science and Technology7491 Trondheim,❡SINTEF ICT,7465,Trondheim,rs.Imsland@sintef.noa An early version of this paper was presented at SIMS2005,the46th Conference on Simulation and Modeling,Trondheim,Norway,October13–14,2005.Rambabu Kandepu et al.2Figure1.Hybrid system:double shaft configuration.2.Process descriptionThe hybrid system using a double shaft GT configuration(one gas turbine connected to a compressor and one power turbine connected to a generator)is shown in Figure1. In the hybrid system the SOFC stack is coupled with a compressor-turbine setup. Methane is used as the fuel.It is mixed with a part of anodeflue gas and is supplied to a pre-reformer.A part of the methane is steam reformed and hydrogen is generated.The remaining part of the methane is reformed in the anode volume of the SOFC.As the steam reformation is endothermic heat must be supplied.The pre-reformer receives radiation heat from the SOFC stack.The gas mixture from the pre-reformer goes to the anode volume of the SOFC.Air from atmosphere is compressed and heated in a recuperative heat exchanger before it goes to the cathode volume of the SOFC. Electrochemical reactions take place in the SOFC and voltage is developed across the cell.The rate of the electrochemical reactions depend on the current.A part of the anode flue gas is recycled to supply steam to the pre-reformer.The remaining part of the anode flue gas and cathodeflue gas are supplied to a combustion chamber where the unused fuel is burnt.The combusted gas mixture is then expanded in a high pressure turbine (HPT)with variable shaft speed,which supplies the power needed by the compressor. The HPTflue gas is then expanded to atmospheric pressure in a low pressure turbine (LPT)with constant shaft speed,which is coupled to a generator producing AC electric power.The expanded gas mixture is used to heat up the compressed air in the heat exchanger.3.ModelingAll the components of the hybrid system are modeled in the modular modeling environment gPROMS(2004).In a material stream from/to any component in the hybrid system,the following components can be present;Nitrogen(N2),Oxygen(O2),Hydro-gen(H2),Methane(CH4),Steam(H2O),Carbonmonoxide(CO),and Carbondioxide (CO2).A number is assigned to each of these components to simplify the notation:Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system3i1234567comp.N 2O 2H 2CH 4H 2O CO CO 23.1.SOFC stackThere are several dynamic,distributed SOFC models reported in the literature.For example,Achenbach (1994)developed a three dimensional,dynamic,distributed model for a planar SOFC stack.Chan et al.(2003),Chan et al.(2002),Thorud et al .(2004),Stiller et al .(2005)and Magistri et al .(2004)all developed distributed,dynamic tubular SOFC models for designs similar to that of Siemens Westinghouse,for use in hybrid systems.The SOFC is a device which converts chemical energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy.The basic components of the SOFC are anode,cathode and electrolyte.Fuel is supplied to the anode and air is supplied to the cathode.At the cathode-electrolyte interface,oxygen molecules accept electrons coming from the external circuit to form oxide ions;see Table 1for reactions.The electrolyte layer allows only oxide ions to pass through and at the anode-electrolyte interface,hydrogen molecules present in the fuel react with oxide ions to form steam and electrons get released.These electrons pass through the external circuit and reach the cathode-electrolyte layer,and thus the circuit is closed.Table 1gives the list of reactions that take place at anode and cathode and the corresponding reaction rates notation.In practice,a number of cells are connected either in series or in parallel or in both ways according to voltage requirement and the number of cells in the stack depends on the power demand.In this paper,we assume that all the SOFCs in the SOFC stack operate at identical conditions.In addition,the following main assumptions have been made in developing the model.1.All the physical variables are assumed to be uniform over the SOFC,resulting in a lumped model.2.There is sufficient turbulence and diffusion within the anode and the cathode for perfect mixing to occur (CSTR).3.The gas temperatures within the SOFC are assumed to be the same as the solid;i.e.the thermal inertia of the gases is neglected.4.For the energy balance,pressure changes within the SOFC are neglected.5.All gases are assumed to be ideal.Table 1.Reactions at anode and cathode At anodeReaction Reaction rate (r an j )H 2ϩO 2Ϫ→H 2O ϩ2e Ϫr an 1CH 4ϩH 2O ⇔CO ϩ3H 2r an 2CO ϩH 2O ⇔CO 2ϩH 2r an 3CH 4ϩ2H 2O ⇔CO 2ϩ4H 2r an 4At cathode Reaction Reaction rate (r an j )1O 2ϩ2e Ϫ→O 2Ϫr ca 1Rambabu Kandepu et al.4The dynamic model of a single SOFC is developed using two mass balances;one for anode volume and the other for cathode volume,and one overall energy balance.The two mass balances are;dN an i dt ϭN˙in,aniϪN˙out,aniϩn an rx jϭ1a an ij r an j,iϭ1,…,7,n an rxϭ4(1)dN ca i dt ϭN˙in,ca iϪN˙out,caiϩn ca rx jϭ1a ca ij r ca j,iϭ1,…,7,n ca rxϭ1(2)The reaction rates corresponding to the electrochemical reactions(r ca1,r an1)are directly related by the current,r an1ϭI/(2F)ϭr ca1(3) and the reaction rates corresponding to the reforming reactions are calculated as proposed by Xu&Froment(1989).It is assumed that the exhaustflows at the anode and cathode outlets can be described by the choked exhaustflow equation.This means that the massflow rate of the exhaustflow at the anode(cathode)depends on the pressure difference between the pressure inside the anode(cathode)and the pressure at the outlet Padulles et al.(2000):m˙out,anϭ͙k an(p anϪp out,an)(4)m˙out,caϭ͙k ca(p caϪp out,ca)The partial pressures,volume,and temperature are assumed to be related by the ideal gas equation,for instance at the anode,p an i V anϭN an i RT(5) The energy balance accounts for the whole SOFC volume,and is given by Thomas (1999),Lukas et al.(2001):C S dTdtϭN iϭ1N˙in,an i( h¯in,an iϪ h¯i)ϩN iϭ1(N˙in,ca i( h¯in,ca iϪ h¯i)ϪM jϭ1 h¯rx j r an jϪP DCϪP rad(6)In this equation,the temperature changes of gases are neglected as they are fast compared to the temperature changes of the solid and by assuming that these fast changes of gas temperatures do not influence the dynamics of the overall process.Hence the energy balance gives a dynamic equation for the temperature changes of the SOFC solid.In(6),P DC represents the amount of DC power produced by the SOFC and P rad represents the amount of radiation heat given from the SOFC.As the SOFC operating temperature is higher than that of the surroundings,there is always some loss due to radiation.The operating cell voltage is given byVϭE OCVϪV loss(7)Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system5 where the open circuit voltage of the cell is given by the Nernst equation Larminie& Dicks(2003),E OCVϭE oϩRT2Flnͩp an H2p an0.5O2p an H2Oͪ(8)where E o is the EMF at standard pressure.V loss is the voltage loss calculated by a semi-emperical function in terms of current and temperature.Air Utilization(AU)and Fuel Utilization(FU)are defined asAUϭ1ϪN˙out O2 N˙in O2FUϭ1ϪN˙out H2 N˙in H2Recycle ratio is defined as the ratio of the fuelflow recycled to the fuelflow at the anode outlet.The developed low complexity SOFC model is evaluated against a detailed model Thorud et al.(2004),Stiller et al.(2005).The conclusion is that the low complexity model is good enough to approximate important dynamics of the SOFC and can be used for operability and control studies Kandepu et al.(2005).3.2.ReformerA reformer is used to convert methane into hydrogen by steam reforming.It is a fixed volume reactor having two inlets;one for methane and the other for steam and one outlet.Three reformation reactions are considered which are given in Table1.The reformation is a highly endothermic process,so heat must to be supplied to the reactor. As the SOFC operates at a high temperature,there is radiation from the SOFC stack and this can be supplied to the reformer by using a suitable mechanical design Thorud et al. (2004).The operating temperature of the reactor is in the range500°C–700°C.The following assumptions were made:1.The model is lumped.In practice,a reformer reactor is a tubular reactor Xu&Froment(1989).Hence all the variables are distributed.However,all variables are assumed to be uniform over the reactor volume.2.There is sufficient turbulence and diffusion within the reactor for perfect mixingto occur.3.The pressure losses are neglected within the reactor.4.All gases are assumed to obey the ideal gas equation within the reactor volume.The dynamic mode is developed by using one mass balance and one energy balance for the reformer.The mass balance equation isdN i dt ϭN˙in,fueliϩN˙in,steamiϪN˙outiϩn rx jϭ1a ij r j,iϭ1…7,n rxϭ3(9)where r j,the reaction rates are calculated as proposed by Xu&Froment(1989).The energy balance is given byRambabu Kandepu et al. 6C S dTdtϭN iϭ1(N˙in,fuel i( h¯in,fuel iϪ h¯i)(10)ϩN iϭ1(N˙in,steam i( h¯in,steam iϪ h¯i)ϪM jϭ1 h¯rx j r jϩP heat,Nϭ7,Mϭ3where P heat represents the amount of heat power supplied to the reactor.3.3.Heat exchangerA very simple model of a counter-flow heat exchanger is used,in which the amount of the heat exchanged depends on the heat transfer coefficient of the exchanger wall and also the average temperature difference between the hot and cold streams.Afirst order time delay is introduced to temperatures of both streams.The following assumptions were made in the model,1.The model is lumped.All the physical parameters are assumed to be uniformover the heat exchanger.2.There is no pressure loss within the heat exchanger.bustion chamberThe combustion chamber has n in inlet streams and one outlet stream.It burns the fuel coming from all the inletflows in the presence of oxygen.The requirement is that enough oxygen should be supplied to the combustor.In this model,the fuel can be methane,hydrogen or carbonmonoxide or a mixture of these fuels.The following reactions are being considered during the combustion.2H2ϩO2→2H2OCH4ϩ2O2→2H2OϩCO2(11)2COϩO2→2CO2The following are the assumptions made in the combustor model.1.The pressure of all the inletflows is the same.2.As the combustion process is very rapid,it is modeled as an instantaneousprocess.Also complete combustion is assumed.3.The model is a bulk model;all the physical variables are assumed to be uniformover the combustion chamber.4.There is a2%pressure loss in combustor volume.A mass and energy balance for the whole control volume is used:n in kϭ1N˙in,k iϩn rx jϭ1a ij r jϭN˙out i,iϭ1…7,n rxϭ3(12)n in kϭ1Niϭ1(N˙in,k i h¯in,k i)ϪN iϭ1(N˙in i h¯i)ϪM jϭ1 h¯rx j rjϭ0,Nϭ7,Mϭ3(13)where n in represents the number of inlets.Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system73.5.Gas turbineCompressor and turbine models are based on steady state performance map charac-teristics Stiller et al.(2005).The map is modeled using polynomials of4th and5th order for reduced massflow,pressure and efficiency as functions of reduced shaft speed and operation line.The following are the assumption made in both the compressor and turbine models:1.The model assumes constant isentropic efficiency.2.The workingfluid is assumed to satisfy the ideal gas equation.A shaft model accounts for the dynamics of the rotating mass in the gas turbine system which is modeled by using the equation,˙ϭP b/(I )(14) where P b is the power balance across the shaft,I is the moment of inertia of the rotating mass and is the angular velocity of the shaft.4.SimulationNominal values of the states for the hybrid system are given in Table2.In the SOFC stack there are1160single cells.The fuel massflow rate is varied in the simulations to study the hybrid system dynamics.The fuelflow rate is changed in steps at different time instants and the details are given in Table3.During the simulation,FU is kept constant at0.85,here it is assumedTable2.Nominal states of the hybrid systemVariable Valuecurrent255Afuelflow rate0.007kg/sSOFC temperature1203KTIT1305Kcathode inlet temperature1068Kexhaust temperature502Kvoltage0.74VSOFC stack power219kWgenerator power70kWair massflow rate0.426kg/sHPT shaft speed68,588rpmAU25%FU85%recycle ratio0.54reforming degree29%steam/methane ratio2Table3.Simulation details for fuelflow changesTime Change100fuelflow rate is decreased by20%200fuelflow rate is increased back to100%300fuelflow rate is increased by20%400fuelflow rate is decreased back to100%Rambabu Kandepu et al.8that FU can be estimated using a perfect observer.The changes in the fuelflow rate effect important system variables and the effect is explained below.The simulated temperature and power profiles are shown in Figure3and voltage and air utilization(AU)profiles are shown in Figure4.When fuelflow rate is decreased by 20%at constant FU and the current drawn from SOFC is decreased.Since the electrochemical reaction rate is decreased,the amount of heat generated from electro-chemical reactions is decreased.This makes the SOFC temperature and voltage to decrease.As both the current and voltage are decreased at the new steady state,so is the SOFC stack power.As the fuelflow is decreased,the amount of unused fuel to the combustor decreases,hence Turbine Inlet Temperature(TIT)is decreased.This would decrease the power generated from LPT.As both the stack power and power from LPT are decreased the total power from the hybrid system is decreased.Figure2.Control structure.Figure3.Temperature and power profiles during fuelflow changes.Control-relevant modeling and simulation of a SOFC-GT hybrid system9Figure4.Voltage and AU profiles during fuelflow changes.Since the electrochemical reaction rate is decreased the amount of air used is lower and hence AU is decreased.At300min.,the fuelflow rate is increased by20%from the nominal value,and the changes in the variables are as expected in the opposite direction to that when fuelflow rate is decreased.One of the applications of the hybrid system is remote area power supply where instantaneous power changes can be expected.Then the hybrid system has to supply the power according to the need.From the simulation results,note that the dynamics of the power due to changes in fuelflow rate is very slow.Thus,for satisfying the power demand quickly a control system is needed.From the simulation results,it is also clear that when there is a change in fuelflow the SOFC temperature is changing which could cause damage of the SOFC material.The SOFC temperature should not vary beyond certain limits which is a constraint on the SOFC material.To accomplish this,the SOFC temperature is to be controlled by some means when there is a disturbance in the system. In the next section,a preliminary control structure is proposed using Proportional Integral(PI)controllers Skogestad(2005).5.Control5.1.Control structureThe manipulated variables available for control purpose are fuel massflow,current, and recycle ratio.Some possible choices of controlled variables are total power,SOFC temperature,FU,AU,voltage,Turbine Inlet Temperature(TIT),steam/methane ratio at pre-reformer inlet.In the present case total power,SOFC temperature,FU and steam/ methane ratio are considered as the controlled variables.Steam/methane ratio is con-trolled by recycle ratio,and FU is controlled by current.Then there are two outputs to be controlled by one input.Hence one more manipulated variable is needed.Three possible choices for the extra input are additional fuel source at combustor,air bypass across SOFC stack,and air blow-off after the compression.After some investigations,airRambabu Kandepu et al.10Table4.Simulation details for set point changesTime Change120–125Set point is decreased to55%in a ramp245–250Set point is increased to82.5%in a rampFigure5.Output power and SOFC temperature during power set point changes.Figure6.Output power during power set point changes in zoom.Figure7.Plant inputs during power set point changes.Figure8.AU profile during power set point changes.blow-off after the compression is chosen as the static gain from air blow-off to the SOFC temperature is higher compared to the other choices.The control structure is shown in Figure2.The non-linear system is linearized at a nominal state and the controller design is done on the resulting linear system.The linear system has2inputs and2outputs and is a stable system.RGA analysis Skoggestad&Postlethwaite(1996)is done to select input-output pair for the control structure.It suggests that power is to be controlled by fuelflow and SOFC temperature is to be controlled by air blow-off.Clearly,thesepairings are also consistent with our physical understanding of the process.Two SISOsystems are derived from the system according to the input-output pairs chosen above.A PI controller is designed for each SISO system by following the steps given by Skogestad(2005).Each loop is designed independently,thus resulting in a decentralized PI controller design.5.2.SimulationThe PI controllers designed above for the SISO linear systems are implemented for the non-linear system with the same tuning parameters.Simulations are performed on the non-linear system with set point changes in the power.The details are given in Table4.The power output and SOFC temperature profiles for the set point change during the simulation are shown in Figure5.The power profile zoomed in during the set point decrease is shown in Figure6.The plant inputs,the fuel massflow and air blow-offflow profiles are shown in Figure7.From the power and SOFC temperature plots it is quite clear that the power from the hybrid system satisfactorily follows the power set point and the SOFC temperature is maintained constant at the reference value.But some other system variables,for example,the AU whose profile is shown in Figure8,vary too much,which may degrade the SOFC performance.6.Conclusions and further workA control relevant SOFC-GT hybrid system model is developed.Simulations are performed on the system and some motivation for designing a control structure is presented from the simulation results.A preliminary control structure is proposed using an extra input,air blow-off.PI controllers are designed and simulations with the control structure show that even though the power and temperature are controlled in a desired manner some other system variables of interest show undesirably large deviations.Also, the extra input considered,air blow-off,would decrease the system efficiency.Further work will focus on the design of a more effective control structure which should take care of all the variables of interest for the hybrid system.Furthermore,other process designs(eg.single-shaft GT)will be considered.7.Nomenclaturea ij stoichiometric matrixA SOFC surface areaA ki,A K ads pre-exp.factors for k iC s solid heat capacityDEN denominatorE activation energyE o EMF at standard temperature and pressureE OCV open circuit voltageF Faraday’s constantI currentk2,k3,k4rate coefficients for reforming reactionsk an,k ca chokedflow constantsK j equilibrium constant for reaction jK ads i adsorption constant for component im˙massflow raten rx number of reactionsN number of molesp pressureP powerr j reaction rate of reaction jR universal gas constantT temperatureV an,V ca volumesV voltageh¯molar specific enthalpyh¯rx molar specific enthalpy change of reactionh¯ads enthalpy change of adsorptionshaping factorSubscripts and superscriptsi chemical componentj reactionan anodeca cathodein inletout outletrad radiationcond conductionReferencesA CHENBACH,E.(1994).Three-dimensional and time-dependent simulation of a planar solid oxidefuel cell stack.Journal of Power Sources.C HAN,S.H.,H 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Decay Constants $f_{D_s^}$ and $f_{D_s}$ from ${bar{B}}^0to D^+ l^- {bar{nu}}$ and ${bar{B}
form factor.
PACS index : 12.15.-y, 13.20.-v, 13.25.Hw, 14.40.Nd, 14.65.Fy Keywards : Factorization, Non-leptonic Decays, Decay Constant, Penguin Effects
∗ experimentally from leptonic B and Ds decays. For instance, determine fB , fBs fDs and fDs
+ the decay rate for Ds is given by [1]
+ Γ(Ds
m2 G2 2 2 l 1 − m M → ℓ ν ) = F fD D s 2 8π s ℓ MD s
In the zero lepton-mass limit, 0 ≤ q 2 ≤ (mB − mD )2 .
For the q 2 dependence of the form factors, Wirbel et al. [8] assumed a simple pole formula for both F1 (q 2 ) and F0 (q 2 ) (we designate this scenario ’pole/pole’): q2 F1 (q ) = F1 (0) /(1 − 2 ), mF1
∗ amount to about 11 % for B → DDs and 5 % for B → DDs , which have been mentioned in
Adaptive tracking control of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with input constraints
In this paper, adaptive tracking control is proposed for a class of uncertain multi-input and multi-output nonlinear systems with non-symmetric input constraints. The auxiliary design system is introduced to analyze the effect of input constraints, and its states are used to adaptive tracking control design. The spectral radius of the control coefficient matrix is used to relax the nonsingular assumption of the control coefficient matrix. Subsequently, the constrained adaptive control is presented, where command filters are adopted to implement the emulate of actuator physical constraints on the control law and virtual control laws and avoid the tedious analytic computations of time derivatives of virtual control laws in the backstepping procedure. Under the proposed control techniques, the closed-loop semi-global uniformly ultimate bounded stability is achieved via Lyapunov synthesis. Finally, simulation studies are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive tracking control. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Package‘NACHO’August7,2023Type PackageTitle NanoString Quality Control DashboardVersion2.0.5Description NanoString nCounter data are gene expression assayswhere there is no need for the use of enzymes or amplificationprotocols and work withfluorescent barcodes(Geiss et al.(2018)<doi:10.1038/nbt1385>).Each barcode is assigned amessenger-RNA/micro-RNA(mRNA/miRNA)which after bonding with itstarget can be counted.As a result each count of a specific barcoderepresents the presence of its target mRNA/miRNA.'NACHO'(NAnoStringquality Control dasHbOard)is able to analyse the exported NanoStringnCounter data and facilitates the user in performing a qualitycontrol.'NACHO'does this by visualising quality control metrics,expression of control genes,principal components and sample specificsize factors in an interactive web application.License GPL-3URL https:///mcanouil/NACHO/, BugReports https:///mcanouil/NACHO/issuesDepends R(>=3.6.0)Imports utils,data.table,ggplot2(>=3.3.0),ggforce(>=0.3.1),ggrepel(>=0.8.1),knitr(>=1.25),rmarkdown(>=1.16),shiny(>=1.4.0),shinyWidgets(>=0.4.9)Suggests roxygen2(>=7.2.0),testthat(>=2.2.1),covr(>=3.3.2),Biobase,GEOquery,limmaVignetteBuilder knitrEncoding UTF-8LazyData trueRoxygenNote7.2.3SystemRequirements pandoc(>=1.12.3),pandoc-citeprocConfig/testthat/edition31NeedsCompilation noAuthor Mickaël Canouil[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0002-3396-4549>), Roderick Slieker[aut](<https:///0000-0003-0961-9152>),Gerard Bouland[aut]Maintainer Mickaël Canouil<*******************.dev>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-08-0719:30:09UTCR topics documented:autoplot.nacho (2)check_outliers (4)deploy (4)GSE74821 (5)load_rcc (5)normalise (7)print.nacho (10)render (12)visualise (13)Index15 autoplot.nacho Plot quality-control metrics and thresholds of a"nacho"objectDescriptionThis function allows to plot any qualit-controlfigures available within the shiny app using visualise() or in the HTML report from render().Usage##S3method for class nachoautoplot(object,x,colour="CartridgeID",size=0.5,show_legend=TRUE,show_outliers=TRUE,outliers_factor=1,outliers_labels=NULL,...)Argumentsobject[list]List obtained from load_rcc()or normalise().x[character]Character string naming the quality-control metrics to plot from nacho_object.The possible values are:•"BD"(Binding Density)•"FoV"(Imaging)•"PCL"(Positive Control Linearity)•"LoD"(Limit of Detection)•"Positive"(Positive Controls)•"Negative"(Negative Controls)•"Housekeeping"(Housekeeping Genes)•"PN"(Positive Controls vs.Negative Controls)•"ACBD"(Average Counts vs.Binding Density)•"ACMC"(Average Counts vs.Median Counts)•"PCA12"(Principal Component1vs.2)•"PCAi"(Principal Component scree plot)•"PCA"(Principal Components planes)•"PFNF"(Positive Factor vs.Negative Factor)•"HF"(Housekeeping Factor)•"NORM"(Normalisation Factor)colour[character]Character string of the column in ssheet_csv or more generally in nacho_object$nacho to be used as grouping colour.size[numeric]A numeric controlling point size(ggplot2::geom_point()or line size(ggplot2::geom_line()).show_legend[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the plot legends should be plotted(TRUE) or not(FALSE).Default is TRUE.show_outliers[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the outliers should be highlighted in red (TRUE)or not(FALSE).Default is TRUE.outliers_factor[numeric]Size factor for outliers compared to size.Default is1.outliers_labels[character]Character to indicate which column in nacho_object$nacho shouldbe used to be printed as the labels for outliers or not.Default is NULL....Other arguments(Not used).Examplesdata(GSE74821)autoplot(GSE74821,x="BD")4deploy check_outliers Annotate a"nacho"object for outliersDescriptionAdd or update"is_outlier"column in the"nacho"field of an object from a call to load_rcc() or normalise()(nacho_object$nacho),using the current quality-control thresholds.Usagecheck_outliers(nacho_object)Argumentsnacho_object[list]A list object of class"nacho"obtained from load_rcc()or normalise(). ValueA[list]object of class"nacho".Examplesdata(GSE74821)nacho_object<-check_outliers(GSE74821)head(nacho_object$nacho)deploy Deploy(copy)the shiny application to the specified directoryDescriptionDeploy(copy)the shiny application to the specified directoryUsagedeploy(directory="/srv/shiny-server",app_name="NACHO")Argumentsdirectory[character]A character vector of one path to the new location.app_name[character]A character vector defining the shiny application name in the new location.GSE748215 Value[logical]A logical indicating whether the deployment is successfull(TRUE)or not(FALSE). Examplesdeploy(directory=".")if(interactive()){shiny::runApp("NACHO")}GSE74821A"nacho"object containing20samples of GSE74821datasetDescriptionNanoString nCounter RUO-PAM50Gene Expression Custom CodeSetUsageGSE74821FormatA[list]object of class"nacho".SourceGSE74821load_rcc Produce a"nacho"object from RCC NanoStringfilesDescriptionThis function is used to preprocess the data from NanoString nCounter.6load_rccUsageload_rcc(data_directory,ssheet_csv,id_colname=NULL,housekeeping_genes=NULL,housekeeping_predict=FALSE,housekeeping_norm=TRUE,normalisation_method="GEO",n_comp=10)Argumentsdata_directory[character]A character string of the directory where the data are stored.ssheet_csv[character]or[data.frame]Either a string with the name of the CSV of the sam-plesheet or the samplesheet as a data.frame.Should contain a column thatmatches thefile names in the folder.id_colname[character]Character string of the column in ssheet_csv that matches thefile names in data_directory.housekeeping_genes[character]A vector of names of the miRNAs/mRNAs that should be used ashousekeeping genes.Default is NULL.housekeeping_predict[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the housekeeping genes should be pre-dicted(TRUE)or not(FALSE).Default is FALSE.housekeeping_norm[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the housekeeping normalisation should beperformed.Default is TRUE.normalisation_method[character]Either"GEO"or"GLM".Character string to indicate normalisation us-ing the geometric mean("GEO")or a generalized linear model("GLM").Defaultis"GEO".n_comp[numeric]Number indicating the number of principal components to compute.Cannot be more than n-1samples.Default is10.Value[list]A list object of class"nacho":access[character]Value passed to load_rcc()in id_colname.housekeeping_genes[character]Value passed to load_rcc().housekeeping_predict[logical]Value passed to load_rcc().housekeeping_norm[logical]Value passed to load_rcc().normalisation_method[character]Value passed to load_rcc().remove_outliers[logical]FALSE.n_comp[numeric]Value passed to load_rcc().data_directory[character]Value passed to load_rcc().pc_sum[data.frame]A data.frame with n_comp rows and four columns:"Standard deviation", "Proportion of Variance","Cumulative Proportion"and"PC".nacho[data.frame]A data.frame with all columns from the sample sheet ssheet_csv and all computed columns,i.e.,quality-control metrics and counts,with one sample per row.outliers_thresholds[list]A list of the(default)quality-control thresholds used. Examplesif(interactive()){library(GEOquery)library(NACHO)#Import data from GEOgse<-GEOquery::getGEO(GEO="GSE74821")targets<-Biobase::pData(Biobase::phenoData(gse[[1]]))GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO="GSE74821",baseDir=tempdir())utils::untar(tarfile=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","GSE74821_RAW.tar"),exdir=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"))targets$IDFILE<-list.files(path=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"),pattern=".RCC.gz$")targets[]<-lapply(X=targets,FUN=iconv,from="latin1",to="ASCII")utils::write.csv(x=targets,file=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","Samplesheet.csv"))#Read RCC files and formatnacho<-load_rcc(data_directory=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"),ssheet_csv=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","Samplesheet.csv"),id_colname="IDFILE")}normalise(re)Normalise a"nacho"objectDescriptionThis function creates a list in which your settings,the raw counts and normalised counts are stored, using the result from a call to load_rcc().Usagenormalise(nacho_object,housekeeping_genes=nacho_object[["housekeeping_genes"]],housekeeping_predict=nacho_object[["housekeeping_predict"]],housekeeping_norm=nacho_object[["housekeeping_norm"]],normalisation_method=nacho_object[["normalisation_method"]],n_comp=nacho_object[["n_comp"]],remove_outliers=nacho_object[["remove_outliers"]],outliers_thresholds=nacho_object[["outliers_thresholds"]])Argumentsnacho_object[list]A list object of class"nacho"obtained from load_rcc()or normalise().housekeeping_genes[character]A vector of names of the miRNAs/mRNAs that should be used ashousekeeping genes.Default is NULL.housekeeping_predict[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the housekeeping genes should be pre-dicted(TRUE)or not(FALSE).Default is FALSE.housekeeping_norm[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the housekeeping normalisation should beperformed.Default is TRUE.normalisation_method[character]Either"GEO"or"GLM".Character string to indicate normalisation us-ing the geometric mean("GEO")or a generalized linear model("GLM").Defaultis"GEO".n_comp[numeric]Number indicating the number of principal components to compute.Cannot be more than n-1samples.Default is10.remove_outliers[logical]A boolean to indicate if outliers should be excluded.outliers_thresholds[list]List of thresholds to exclude outliers.DetailsOutliers definition(remove_outliers=TRUE):•Binding Density(BD)<0.1•Binding Density(BD)>2.25•Field of View(FoV)<75•Positive Control Linearity(PCL)<0.95•Limit of Detection(LoD)<2•Positive normalisation factor(Positive_factor)<0.25•Positive normalisation factor(Positive_factor)>4•Housekeeping normalisation factor(house_factor)<1/11•Housekeeping normalisation factor(house_factor)>11Value[list]A list containing parameters and data.access[character]Value passed to load_rcc()in id_colname.housekeeping_genes[character]Value passed to load_rcc()or normalise().housekeeping_predict[logical]Value passed to load_rcc().housekeeping_norm[logical]Value passed to load_rcc()or normalise().normalisation_method[character]Value passed to load_rcc()or normalise().remove_outliers[logical]Value passed to normalise().n_comp[numeric]Value passed to load_rcc().data_directory[character]Value passed to load_rcc().pc_sum[data.frame]A data.frame with n_comp rows and four columns:"Standard deviation", "Proportion of Variance","Cumulative Proportion"and"PC".nacho[data.frame]A data.frame with all columns from the sample sheet ssheet_csv and all computed columns,i.e.,quality-control metrics and counts,with one sample per row.outliers_thresholds[list]A list of the quality-control thresholds used.raw_counts[data.frame]Raw counts with probes as rows and samples as columns.With"CodeClass"(first column),the type of the probes and"Name"(second column),the Name of the probes.normalised_counts[data.frame]Normalised counts with probes as rows and samples as columns.With"CodeClass"(first column)),the type of the probes and"Name"(second column),thename of the probes.Examplesdata(GSE74821)GSE74821_norm<-normalise(nacho_object=GSE74821,housekeeping_norm=TRUE,normalisation_method="GEO",remove_outliers=TRUE)if(interactive()){library(GEOquery)library(NACHO)#Import data from GEOgse<-GEOquery::getGEO(GEO="GSE74821")targets<-Biobase::pData(Biobase::phenoData(gse[[1]]))GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO="GSE74821",baseDir=tempdir())10print.nacho utils::untar(tarfile=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","GSE74821_RAW.tar"),exdir=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"))targets$IDFILE<-list.files(path=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"),pattern=".RCC.gz$")targets[]<-lapply(X=targets,FUN=iconv,from="latin1",to="ASCII")utils::write.csv(x=targets,file=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","Samplesheet.csv"))#Read RCC files and formatnacho<-load_rcc(data_directory=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"),ssheet_csv=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","Samplesheet.csv"),id_colname="IDFILE")#(re)Normalise data by removing outliersnacho_norm<-normalise(nacho_object=nacho,remove_outliers=TRUE)#(re)Normalise data with"GLM"method and removing outliersnacho_norm<-normalise(nacho_object=nacho,normalisation_method="GLM",remove_outliers=TRUE)}print.nacho Print method for"nacho"objectDescriptionThis function allows to print text andfigures from the results of a call to load_rcc()or normalise().It is intended to be used in a Rmarkdown chunk.Usage##S3method for class nachoprint(x,colour="CartridgeID",print.nacho11 size=0.5,show_legend=FALSE,show_outliers=TRUE,outliers_factor=1,outliers_labels=NULL,echo=FALSE,title_level=1,xaringan=FALSE,...)Argumentsx[list]A list object of class"nacho"obtained from load_rcc()or normalise().colour[character]Character string of the column in ssheet_csv or more generally in nacho_object$nacho to be used as grouping colour.size[numeric]A numeric controlling point size(ggplot2::geom_point()or line size(ggplot2::geom_line()).show_legend[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the plot legends should be plotted(TRUE) or not(FALSE).Default is TRUE.show_outliers[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the outliers should be highlighted in red (TRUE)or not(FALSE).Default is TRUE.outliers_factor[numeric]Size factor for outliers compared to size.Default is1.outliers_labels[character]Character to indicate which column in nacho_object$nacho shouldbe used to be printed as the labels for outliers or not.Default is NULL.echo[logical]A boolean to indicate whether text and plots should be printed.Mainly for use within a Rmarkdown chunk.title_level[numeric]A numeric to indicate the title level to start with,using markdown style,i.e.,the number of"#".xaringan[logical]A boolean to format output for Xaringan slides....Other arguments(Not used).Examplesdata(GSE74821)print(GSE74821)12render render Render a HTML report of a"nacho"objectDescriptionThis function create a Rmarkdown script and render it as a HTML document.The HTML document is a quality-control report using all the metrics from visualise()based on recommendations from NanoString.Usagerender(nacho_object,colour="CartridgeID",output_file="NACHO_QC.html",output_dir=".",size=1,show_legend=TRUE,show_outliers=TRUE,outliers_factor=1,outliers_labels=NULL,clean=TRUE)Argumentsnacho_object[list]A list object of class"nacho"obtained from load_rcc()or normalise().colour[character]Character string of the column in ssheet_csv or more generally in nacho_object$nacho to be used as grouping colour.output_file[character]The name of the outputfile.output_dir[character]The output directory for the rendered output_file.This allows for a choice of an alternate directory to which the outputfile should be written(thedefault output directory is the working directory,i.e.,.).If a path is providedwith afilename in output_file the directory specified here will take prece-dence.Please note that any directory path provided will create any necessarydirectories if they do not exist.size[numeric]A numeric controlling point size(ggplot2::geom_point()or line size(ggplot2::geom_line()).show_legend[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the plot legends should be plotted(TRUE) or not(FALSE).Default is TRUE.show_outliers[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the outliers should be highlighted in red (TRUE)or not(FALSE).Default is TRUE.outliers_factor[numeric]Size factor for outliers compared to size.Default is1.outliers_labels[character]Character to indicate which column in nacho_object$nacho shouldbe used to be printed as the labels for outliers or not.Default is NULL.clean[logical]Boolean to indicate whether the Rmd and Rdatafile used to produce the HTML report are removed from output_dir.Default is TRUE.Examplesif(interactive()){data(GSE74821)render(GSE74821)}visualise Visualise quality-control metrics of a"nacho"objectDescriptionThis function allows to visualise results from load_rcc()or normalise()several quality-control metrics in an interactive shiny application,in which thresholds can be customised and exported.Usagevisualise(nacho_object)Argumentsnacho_object[list]A list object of class"nacho"obtained from load_rcc()or normalise(). Examplesif(interactive()){data(GSE74821)#Must be run in an interactive R session!visualise(GSE74821)}if(interactive()){library(GEOquery)library(NACHO)#Import data from GEOgse<-GEOquery::getGEO(GEO="GSE74821")targets<-Biobase::pData(Biobase::phenoData(gse[[1]]))GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO="GSE74821",baseDir=tempdir())utils::untar(tarfile=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","GSE74821_RAW.tar"),exdir=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"))targets$IDFILE<-list.files(path=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"),pattern=".RCC.gz$")targets[]<-lapply(X=targets,FUN=iconv,from="latin1",to="ASCII") utils::write.csv(x=targets,file=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","Samplesheet.csv"))#Read RCC files and formatnacho<-load_rcc(data_directory=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821"),ssheet_csv=file.path(tempdir(),"GSE74821","Samplesheet.csv"),id_colname="IDFILE")visualise(nacho)#(re)Normalise data by removing outliersnacho_norm<-normalise(nacho_object=nacho,remove_outliers=TRUE)visualise(nacho_norm)#(re)Normalise data with"GLM"method and removing outliersnacho_norm<-normalise(nacho_object=nacho,normalisation_method="GLM",remove_outliers=TRUE)visualise(nacho_norm)}Index∗datasetsGSE74821,5autoplot.nacho,2character,3,4,6–9,11–13check_outliers,4data.frame,6,7,9deploy,4ggplot2::geom_line(),3,11,12ggplot2::geom_point(),3,11,12GSE74821,5list,3–9,11–13load_rcc,5load_rcc(),3,4,6–13logical,3,5,6,8,9,11–13normalise,7normalise(),3,4,8–13normalize(normalise),7numeric,3,6–9,11,12print.nacho,10render,12render(),2visualise,13visualise(),2,12visualize(visualise),1315。
Control Strategy for Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System
Control Strategy for Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage SystemF. S. Garcia*, A. A. Ferreira**, and J. A. Pomilio**** University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. Email: ** Federal University of Pampa, Alegrete, Brazil. Email: andre.cta.unipampa@*** University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil. Email: antenor@dsce.fee.unicamp.brAbstract—Hybrid energy storage systems have been investigated with the objective of improving the storage of electrical energy. In these systems, two (or more) energy sources work together to create a superior device in comparison with a single source. In particular, batteries and ultracapacitors have complementary characteristics that make them attractive for a hybrid energy storage system. But the result of this combination is fundamentally related to how the sources are interconnect and controlled. The present work reviews the advantages of battery-ultracapacitor hybridization, some existing solutions to coordinate the power flow, and proposes a new control strategy, designed for the improvement of performance and energy efficiency, while also extending the battery life. The control strategy uses classical controllers and provides good results with low computational cost. Experimental results are presented. Keywords—Battery; Control systems; Power electronics; Road vehicle electric propulsion; Ultracapacitor.N OMENCLATUREBattery terminal voltageUltracapacitor terminal voltageBattery converter output currentUltracapacitor converter output currentBattery converter input currentUltracapacitor converter input currentLoad current ("motor")Total current entering DC linkOutput voltageAbove variables are functions of time. When they appear in uppercase, Laplace transform is indicated. When they are followed by an asterisk, a reference value is represented.Battery series resistanceInput capacitor of battery converterInductance of battery converter inductorResistence of battery converter inductorUltracapacitor capacitanceUltracapacitor series resistanceInput capacitor of ultracapacitor converterInductance of ultracapacitor converter inductorResistence of ultracapacitor converter inductorOutput capacitorI.I NTRODUCTION"Energy is central to achieving the interrelated economic, social and environmental aims of sustainable human development. But if we are to realise this important goal, the kinds of energy we produce and the ways we use them will have to change [1]."The great advance in battery technology, fueled by nanotechnology [2-5], and economical and environmental pressures, have opened a road to commercially viable battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), as indicated by the growing investment of established and start-up automotive companies [6-8]. This movement represents an important step toward a sustainable transportation system.Still, further improvement of the energy storage system (ESS) is a key factor for the wide adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). In order to accomplish this goal, it has been investigated the impacts of the integration of two (or more) energy sources, with the objective of attaining the best characteristics of each, producing a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) [9]. However, the degree of improvement of a HESS, compared to a single-source ESS, depends intrinsically on how the sources are combined to exploit the strengths and avoid the weaknesses of each source.As batteries, ultracapacitors are evolving rapidly and costs are declining [10-12]. A promising path is using ultracapacitors to complement the action of batteries [9, 13]. Commercial scale products have already started to consider this combination [14-15].II.R EASONS FOR B ATTERY-U LTRACAPACITORH YBRIDIZATIONA.Power versus EnergyThe power demanded by an EV is very variable. Peak power occurs at acceleration and braking, which happens for a short time, compared to the whole driving cycle. The ratio of the peak power to average power can be over 10:1 [13].Within the available technology, there is a trade-off between specific energy and specific power, as shown in Ragone plot of Fig, 1. Even for a given battery chemistry, it is usually possible to optimize the cell design for better specific energy or for better specific power.Combining batteries and ultracapacitors can create, for applications with high peak-to-average power, a virtual source with high specific energy and high specific power.S p e c i f i c E n e r g y (W h /k g)Figure 1: Ragone plotB. Higher Energy Efficiency"Delivering high power for a short period of time is deadly to batteries, but it is the ultracapacitor strongest suit [16]." As the ultracapacitor is able to deliver or receive energy in peak power situations, it can act as a load-leveling device for the battery. If this is done, the battery demand would become closer to the average power demand, thus reducing its RMS and peak currents.The relationship of the discharge time and discharge current in a battery can be modeled by Peukert capacity [17],T(1)In (1), is the Peukert capacity (which is a characteristicof the battery being analyzed), I is the discharge current, T is the discharge time, and is the Peukert coefficient (usually1.1-1.3 for lead acid, and 1.05-1.2 for nickel metal hydride and lithium ion [18]).As a consequence of (1), battery delivers less charge (the integral of current) when discharged faster. As the terminal voltage is lower for higher current – on account of the internalresistance – the energy delivered is still reduced. Reference [19] compares the reduction of energy with increased discharge current for different lithium-ion chemistries. Reference [20] relates the reduction of energy efficiency of a lithium battery with increased discharge current. Reference [21] shows that pulsed discharge profile results in increased cell temperature, considering the same average current. C. Regenerative braking According to [13], the energy involved in the acceleration and deceleration transients is roughly two thirds of the totalamount of energy over the entire mission in urban driving. Therefore, increasing the energy recovered by regenerative braking has a great potential to extend the range of an electrical vehicle. Charge current in batteries are limited to a smaller value compared to discharge current. This characteristic limits the energy that can be recovered by regenerative braking. Ultracapacitors may have an important role in braking situation, because they can be charged very fast and their life is, to a much higher degree in comparison with batteries, insensitive to charge/discharge profile.D. Batteries lifeUltracapacitors have a very long life, significantly higher than batteries. As the battery cost is significant in the price of the whole car, the life of batteries is very important to customer acceptance of EVs. High charge or discharge rates shorten the battery life, including high current-rate lithium-ion batteries [22, 23]. Reference [24] analyses the life reduction of cobalt-based lithium-ion cells for high charge or discharge current.E. Temperature RangeUltracapacitors can operate under a wider temperature range than batteries [14]. When used together, ultracapacitors can attenuate the reduction in the power available from batteries in extreme temperature conditions.III. R EVIEW OF S OME E XISTING S OLUTIONSA. Parallel ConnectionA simple solution to integrate a battery and an ultracapacitor is to connect them in parallel. The different dinamic behavior of battery and ultracapacitor will determine the current distribution between sources. This connection results in a reduction of current peaks in the battery [25, 26], and improvement of battery life and efficiency is expected [27]. Nonetheless, these results can be improved when the ultracapacitor is connected through a converter and its voltage is allowed to a much wider range. If voltage is restricted by battery most stored energy becomes unavailable [9, 28].B. Rules and Reference TablesMany variations of control strategies that uses rules or reference curves and tables have been proposed.Reference [29] proposes to calculate the total power demand and, with this information, use a set of rules to dividethe power between battery and ultracapacitor. For example, in a given situation, all the power demand exceding a threshold would be supplied by the ultracapacitor.In [30], the ultracapacitor state of charge (SoC) is determined by the speed of the vehicle and the battery SoC. This strategy is designed so the ultracapacitor is discharged as the vehicle accelerates (and vice-versa), reducing the peaks in power demand related to accelaration and braking. Reference [31] concludes that an battery-ultracapacitor HESS using a similar strategy is not viable from a lifecycle cost perspective. In [32] the different rules (for example, battery suppliespower to the load and to rechage the ultracapacitor) areselected by the use of a flowchart that takes into consideration the state of charge of the sources and the load demand. C. Fuzzy Logic Control Fuzzy logic control was used to the specific problem of controlling a hybrid energy storage system with good results in [33]. It does not demand a precise model of the plant because it is based on designer's knowledge on it, what is an important advantage when a model is not available. Reference [34] applies fuzzy logic control together with management methodology to the problem of controlling a battery-ultracapacitor HESS.IV.P ROPOSED S OLUTIONA.TopologyThe battery and ultracapacitor are interconnected using electronic converters with bidirectional current capability, as shown in Fig. 2. The same topology is used in other works, for example in [35]. Reference [36] compares this topology with others.Figure 2: Connection of battery and ultracapacitorB.Current Inner LoopThe first step is to control the input current of the converterswith an inner control loop (as done in current mode controlconverters [37]). For this, it is needed a model relating theinput current of each converter and the control variable (forexample, the duty cycle for a PWM converter).In Fig. 3, the model of the plant that relates the input currentof the ultracapacitor converter with the control variable of thisconverter is . The current controller of ultracapacitorconverter is . This closed loop current control is inregion 1 and, when necessary, the closed loop response of thisregion is represented by .Again in Fig. 3, the model of the plant that relatesthe input current of the battery converter with thecontrol variable of this converter is . Thecurrent controller of battery converter is . Thisclosed loop control is in region 2 and, whennecessary, the closed loop response of this region isrepresented by .C.Output Voltage ControlThe following step is to implement the outputvoltage controller ( ). The ultracapacitorconverter input current reference () is used toregulate the output voltage ( ) at the reference level( ).In this step, the load current ( ) and the battery-converter output current ( ) are treated asperturbations. The control diagram for outputvoltage control is shown in Fig. 3, region 3.The use of the ultracapacitor current to control theoutput voltage results in a fast response and stableDC-link voltage for inverter. Because of thiscontroller action, the ultracapacitor current canchange very fast to supply load demand. This samecontrol loop was used in [33] and [35].D.Ultracapacitor Voltage ControlThe control of the battery converter input current reference(i) is done based on the ultracapacitor voltage. For this,the complete control diagram of the system presented in Fig. 3is used. At this point, only the load current (i ) is treated aperturbation and all other variables become part of the model.Based in the control diagram of Fig. 3, the transfer functionthat relates the ultracapacitor voltage with the reference ofcurrent in the battery is, as demonstrated in Appendix I,12The transfer function of (2) expresses how the battery-converter input-current reference affects the ultracapacitorvoltage. But it is interesting to notice that there is not a "direct"influence: these variables are linked by the action of thecontrollers previously implemented, as can be understood bythe control diagram of Fig. 3.This transfer function allows the synthesis of a controller forultracapacitor voltage ( ). This controller is responsiblefor restoring the ultracapacitor voltage to the reference level( ). Its bandwidth is limited to a frequency much lower thanthe output voltage controller ( ), consequently theultracapacitor is the first device to be affected by a change inload demand. Only after the ultracapacitor voltage is disturbed,battery current will be adjusted to restore ultracapacitorvoltage to the reference level ( ).This difference in the bandwidth of the voltage controllersresults in a rejection of power peaks by the battery. As thecontrol action restores ultracapacitor voltage, ultracapacitoroperates in a charge-sustaining mode, that is, it can be chargedor discharged until its limits, but after transients its voltagewill be brought back to the reference level ( ).Figure 3: Control diagramV.R ESULTSFig. 4 shows the experimental set-up. The control algorithm is implemented in an Analog Devices 16-bit DSP (ADSP-21992). The DSP and signal conditioning boards are in position A. The hardware (B) used to implement the converter is a Semikron four-leg (each leg composed by a SKM50GB123D IGBT module) inverter bridge module. One leg is used for battery converter, another for ultracapacitor converter, another for overvoltage protection and the other one is not used.Inductors are enclosed in a metal box (C), for reduction of EMI. A resistive load (D) is used to simulate the load. Twelve series-connected lead-acid batteries, rated 12V, 2.2Ah each, totaling 144V, 2.2Ah and five series-connected ultracapacitors modules made by Maxwell Technologies, rated 42V, 150F each, totaling 210V, 30F were used (E).Figure 4: Experimental set-upFor the modeling, simulation and experimental implementation a half bridge topology (also called bidirectional boost or buck-boost in literature) was used, as show in Fig. 5. The converters operate with PWM modulation and the switching frequency was set to 10 kHz. The driving of the power switches of each converter is complementary; consequently the converters are always in continuous conduction mode.Figure 5: Converters topologyExcept for the modeling of the converters, the control strategy presented in this paper is applicable to other converter topologies. Reference [38] presents alternatives and compares some topologies.In Fig. 5, the battery is modeled as an ideal voltage source with a series resistance, and the ultracapacitor is modeled as an ideal capacitor with a series resistance. The values ofFor the modeling of converters, state space averaging technique was used, which consists in writing the state space equations of the circuit for each possible configuration of the switches, than average the matrices of the system pondered by the time spent in each state [39].The modeling of these converters indicates a non-minimum phase system (that is, with a zero on the right-half plane). Current mode control attenuates this characteristic, because the output loop has a smaller bandwidth than the current-control loop, and the order of the system is reduced.The two current controllers (with bandwidth of 1 kHz) and the output voltage controller (with bandwidth of 100 Hz) were designed using the k-factor method [40]. At this point only this three of the four controllers presented in Fig. 3 are active on the DSP.To validate the correction of the model, the transfer function of (2) was experimentally measured. This measurement was accomplished using a signal generator (F) to generate a sinusoid acquired by the DSP and used as battery current reference. In this experiment, all controllers are active, except for . Magnitude and phase of reference and of consequent perturbation in ultracapacitor voltage were measured using an oscilloscope. The experimental result is compared to model prediction in Fig. 6.Figure 6: Model validation with experimental dataThe agreement of mathematical modeling and experimental data indicates accuracy of the model and also that the three active controllers are behaving as expected.With the model of Fig. 3 validated, a controller for ultracapacitor voltage was designed, using the transfer function of (2). Its bandwidth was set to 0.1Hz, much below than the output voltage controller bandwidth, which operates at 100Hz.Besides regulating the output voltage and restoring ultracapacitor voltage, it is very important to determine how the power demand is distributed between the sources. For this, the transfer functions relating output current of converters and load current were calculated based on control diagram of Fig.3 (as shown in Appendix II), and their magnitude are presented in Fig. 7. Now, all four controllers are operating.Figure 7: Transfer function of selected currents to load current Transfer functions plotted in Fig. 7 demonstrates that low-frequency (up to ultracapacitor-voltage-controller cutoff frequency) components of load current are supplied by the battery while high frequencies (from ultracapacitor-voltage-controller cutoff frequency to output-voltage-controller cutoff frequency) are supplied by the ultracapacitor.With all controllers implemented on the DSP, the system was tested with a resistive load. In the experiment shown in Fig. 8, the resistive load was turned on for about 4 seconds (its current is shown in channel 2). The output voltage remained stable (channel 1) by the fast action of the ultracapacitor current (channel 4). The current on battery (channel 3) changes slowly, as expected by low-pass-filtering action demonstrated in Fig. 7.Figure 8: Experimental waveformsIn the experiment shown in Fig. 9, the load was turned on and off several times in cycles of about 2 seconds (channel 2). If there was only a battery, its current would have to repeat the same pattern. But, as the ultracapacitor supplies high frequency components (channel 4), the current supplied by the battery corresponds roughly to the necessary to supply the average power (channel 3). The output voltage remained stable (channel 1).Figure 9: More experimental waveformsAs a limitation of the experiments performed, it should be noted that the use of a resistive load does not allow the emulation of a driving cycle neither the recovery of energy as it happens in regenerative braking.VI.C ONCLUSIONSThe battery-ultracapacitor hybridization can bring significant benefits to electric vehicles, due to the high peak-to-average power demand of this application and the complementary characteristics of batteries and ultracapacitors.A new control strategy to coordinate the power flow was presented. The strategy can be implemented with low computational cost.In a nutshell, the proposed control strategy regulates the output voltage and restores ultracapacitor voltage after transients. It divides the power demand into low-frequency components and high-frequency components. The low-frequency components are supplied by the battery, while high-frequency components are supplied by the ultracapacitor. The sum of the power supplied by both sources at each instant of time is virtually equal to the power demand, as necessary to keep the output voltage stable.As the system acts as a low pass filter for the battery current, the RMS current on battery is reduced (in comparison with a system with battery only), and higher efficiency on storage is expected. Also, lower discharge rates and attenuation of high frequency components in battery current should result in longer battery life.A PPENDIX IDerivation of (2), based on control diagram of Fig. 3, with the ultracapacitor voltage controller ( ) removed.When convenient, the DC level was removed. As the system is supposed to be linear and stable, this does not change the frequency response.11111111 11 11 1 1 11A PPENDIX IIDerivation of ultracapacitor current over load current transfer function, based on control diagram of Fig 3.1A PPENDIX IIIDerivation of battery current over load current transfer function, based on control diagram of Fig 3.1A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors thank to Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho, Edson Adriano Vendrusculo, Fábio Benjovengo, and José Claudio Geromel for the revision of original manuscript and useful suggestions.R EFERENCES[1]J. Goldemberg (Editor), World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability. United Nations Development Programme,2000. Available: /energy/weapub2000.htm[Accessed: July 12, 2008].[2] M. Armand and J.-M. Tarascon, “Building Better Batteries,” Nature,vol. 451, pp. 652–657, February 2008.[3]A. S. Arico, P. Bruce,B. Scrosati, J. M. Tarascon, and W. V. 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Accurate Reactive Power Sharing in an Islanded Microgrid Using Adaptive Virtual Impedances
Accurate Reactive Power Sharing in an IslandedMicrogrid Using Adaptive Virtual Impedances Hisham Mahmood,Student Member,IEEE,Dennis Michaelson,Member,IEEE,and Jin Jiang,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—In this paper,a reactive power sharing strategy that employs communication and the virtual impedance concept is pro-posed to enhance the accuracy of reactive power sharing in an is-landed munication is utilized to facilitate the tuning of adaptive virtual impedances in order to compensate for the mis-match in voltage drops across feeders.Once the virtual impedances are tuned for a given load operating point,the strategy will result in accurate reactive power sharing even if communication is dis-rupted.If the load changes while communication is unavailable, the sharing accuracy is reduced,but the proposed strategy will still outperform the conventional droop control method.In addition, the reactive power sharing accuracy based on the proposed strat-egy is immune to the time delay in the communication channel. The sensitivity of the tuned controller parameters to changes in the system operating point is also explored.The control strategy is straightforward to implement and does not require knowledge of the feeder impedances.The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed strategy are validated using simulation and experimental results from a2-kV A microgrid.Index Terms—Droop control,microgrid control,reactive power control,virtual impedance.I.I NTRODUCTIONDistributed generation(DG)has recently received a great deal of attention as a potential solution to meet the increased demand for electricity,to reduce stress on the existing transmission sys-tem,and to incorporate more renewable and alternative energy sources.Subsequently,the microgrid concept has emerged as a promising approach to coordinate different types of distributed energy resources effectively by using local power management systems.A microgrid also allows the DG units to work in an islanded configuration,and therefore improves the availability and quality of power supplied to customers[1].However,is-landed microgrids exhibit challenging control problems,such as the difficulty of maintaining generation/load power balance and reactive power sharing.When a microgrid is operating in the islanded mode each DG unit should be able to supply its share of the total load in propor-tion to its rating.To achieve this,frequency and voltage droop control techniques that mimic the behavior of synchronous ma-Manuscript received November3,2013;revised February17,2014;accepted March17,2014.Date of publication April1,2014;date of current version October15,2014.Recommended for publication by Associate Editor Y.Sozer. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-ing,University of Western Ontario,London,ON N6A5B9,Canada(e-mail:;; versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TPEL.2014.2314721chines in conventional power systems are widely adopted in the literature[2]–[8].The reason for the popularity of the droop control technique is that it provides a decentralized control ca-pability that does not depend on external communication links in the control strategy—this enables“plug-and-play”interfac-ing[3]and enhances the reliability of the muni-cation can,however,be used in addition to the droop control method to enhance the system performance without reducing reliability[9]–[15].Although the frequency droop technique can achieve accu-rate real power sharing,the voltage droop technique typically results in poor reactive power sharing due to the mismatch in the impedances of the DG unit feeders and,also,due to the differ-ent ratings of the DG units[16].Consequently,the problem of reactive power sharing in islanded microgrids has received con-siderable attention in the literature and many control techniques have been developed to address this issue[17]–[30].A comprehensive treatment of the virtual impedance con-cept to mitigate errors in reactive power sharing is presented in[17]–[19].The focus has been on the mismatch in the output impedances of the closed-loop controlled inverters that are used to interface the DG units.With proper design of the voltage con-troller,the closed-loop output impedances must be negligible at steady state around the nominal operating frequency.Therefore, the virtual impedance is dominant,which results in accurate re-active power sharing.However,the analysis in[17]–[19]did not consider the mismatch in the physical impedance of the feed-ers,including transformers,cables,and the interface inductors associated with each unit.A unique approach is proposed in[20]to achieve accurate reactive power sharing.The proposed strategy requires injection of a small ac voltage signal in the system.Overlaying such an ac voltage signal may reduce the quality of the output voltage and line current[21],[24].Also,extracting and processing this signal may result in a complicated implementation,particularly in a noisy environment.A control strategy employing an inductive virtual impedance is developed in[21]to ensure accurate reactive power sharing. The proposed analysis and design is based on the assumption that the feeder impedance is small and dominated by the virtual impedance,which is a known parameter.Moreover,the feeder physical impedance is estimated to improve the accuracy,and to include the effect of the impedance resistive component.The estimation technique requires the system to operate in grid con-nected modefirst,before islanding.The technique is validated for a system with different virtual impedances,but with identical feeder physical impedances.On the other hand,the analysis and the control strategy introduced in[22]requires that the feeder0885-8993©2014IEEE.Personal use is permitted,but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See /publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.impedances are resistive.The analysis and the control strategy results in accurate power sharing if this condition is satisfied. In practice,however,the feeders may have both nonnegligible inductive and resistive components[17].Control strategies are proposed in[23]and[29]to achieve ac-curate power sharing among the inverters in an islanded micro-grid.When the inverters are in close proximity an instantaneous control interconnection becomes feasible and can be used as an essential component to achieve accurate sharing.In practice, the DG units might be located in different geographic locations making this approach ineffective.An interesting control strategy is proposed in[24].The con-trol strategy is composed of two stages:An initial conventional droop-based control stage and a synchronized compensation stage.During the synchronized compensation stage,the fre-quency droop is used to control the reactive power sharing. Since this action will also disturb the real power sharing,an integral control term is added to the voltage droop to main-tain real power sharing accuracy.However,load changes during the compensation period or between compensation periods may result in poor power sharing.Communication is used in[25]to facilitate the estimation of the feeder impedances which are then used to set the vir-tual impedances to ensure accurate reactive power sharing.The feeder impedance is estimated at the local DG controller by uti-lizing the point of common coupling(PCC)voltage harmonic data transferred via a communication link.This is based on the assumption that the phase angle difference between the voltages at the PCC and at the inverter output is negligible.This assump-tion may not hold for long feeders or for higher power levels. The same technique is used in[26]under the same assumption. Communication links are also used in[27]to enhance the performance of conventional droop control.The proposed tech-nique can reduce the sharing error but cannot eliminate it com-pletely.For example,it reduces the maximum sharing error from5.02%to3.05%.Also,the performance of the technique is sensitive to delays in communication;e.g.,a delay of16ms degrades the sharing accuracy significantly.A new droop control is proposed in[28]to reduce the power sharing error.As in[27], the sharing error can be reduced but not completely eliminated and the improvement in performance is not significant if local loads are connected at the output of each unit.A distributed secondary control technique is proposed in[30] to restore the frequency and the voltage,and also to ensure accurate reactive power sharing.In this technique,the controller is implemented in each DG unit instead of implementing it in the microgrid central energy management munication data drop-outs/packet losses are briefly discussed in the paper, however the scenario of a complete communication failure is not investigated.In this paper,a control strategy that employs communication is proposed to enhance reactive power sharing -munication is utilized to tune the adaptive virtual impedances in order to compensate for the mismatch in voltage drops across feeders.Once the virtual impedances are tuned for a given load operating point,the strategy will result in accurate reactive power sharing even if the communication is disrupted.Ifthe Fig.1.Islanded microgrid with communication links to an energy manage-ment system(EMS).load changes while communication is unavailable,the proposed strategy will still outperform conventional droop control.The control strategy is straightforward to implement and does not require knowledge of the feeder impedances.Also,the reac-tive power sharing accuracy based on the proposed strategy is immune to time delays in the communication channel.In Section II of this paper,an overview of the system structure is presented along with an explanation of how reactive power is conventionally shared.The proposed controller is in-troduced in Section III along with a discussion of the controller sensitivity to the operating point and discussion of the commu-nication mechanism.Simulation and experimental results based on the proposed strategy are presented in Sections IV and V, respectively,followed by concluding remarks in Section VI.II.I SLANDED M ICROGRID S TRUCTURE AND C ONTROL A.Islanded Microgrid StructureThe structure of an islanded microgrid is shown in Fig.1.The microgrid considered in this paper operates at the low-voltage power distribution level(208V l−l).Each DG unit is connected to the microgrid bus through a feeder.The loads connected to the microgrid bus are lumped into a single load.The focus in this paper is on the fundamental real and reactive power sharing,as in[24]and[28],and therefore only linear loads are considered. Each DG unit consists of a primary energy source,a three-phase inverter,and an LCfilter.The feeder impedance includes the impedances of the interface inductor,isolation transformer, and the impedance of the feeder cables.The local controllers can communicate information,such as real power and reactive power measured at the DG unit output, to the central energy management system(EMS)over a com-munication link.Since the proposed strategy only requires that the local controllers exchange data periodically at a slow rate, low-bandwidth communication links are considered adequate for this application.The local controller consists of the powerMAHMOOD et al.:ACCURATE REACTIVE POWER SHARING IN AN ISLANDED MICROGRID USING ADAPTIVE VIRTUAL IMPEDANCES1607Fig.2.Simplified model of the microgrid with two inverters. controller,which generates the output voltage reference,and the voltage controller to track the voltage reference.Conven-tional frequency and voltage droop control is implemented in the controller as follows:ω=ωo−mP m(1)V∗=V o−nQ m(2) whereωand V∗are the frequency and voltage magnitude refer-ences,respectively.P m and Q m are the real and reactive powers measured at the output of the DG unit,respectively,and arefil-tered to extract the fundamental power components.m is the frequency droop coefficient and n is the voltage droop coeffi-cient.It is worth mentioning that to facilitate the utilization of the droop control concept in low-voltage distribution networks, a physical and/or a virtual interface inductor is commonly added in line at the output of the DG unit in an attempt to reduce the coupling between the real and the reactive powerflows.B.Reactive Power Sharing AnalysisThe effect of the feeder impedance mismatch on the reactive power sharing is examined in this section by analyzing the volt-age drop across the feeders.The voltage drop across the feeder impedance can be approximated as in[24]and[21]ΔV≈XQ+RPV o(3)where X and R represent the feeder reactance and resistance, P and Q represent the real and reactive powerflowing through the feeder,respectively,and V o is the DG unit nominal output voltage.Without loss of generality,a two unit microgrid as shown in Fig.2is used as a case study in this section.The voltage drops across Feeder1and Feeder2in Fig.2can be approximated byΔV1≈X1Q1+R1P1V o(4)ΔV2≈X2Q2+R2P2V o.(5)The mismatch in the feeder impedances is given byΔX=X1−X2(6)ΔR=R1−R2.(7)Fig.3.Detailed network model as seen from DG1.Considering(6)and(7),the network as seen from DG1is shown in Fig.3,where V∗1and V∗2represent the voltage refer-ences generated by the conventional droop controllers.X and R are the reactance and resistance of Feeder2(X2and R2),respec-tively,that are chosen as references to calculate the mismatch between feeder impedances.X v and R v stand for the effect of any virtual impedance that might be implemented in the con-troller.δV∗1represents the net change in the voltage reference that could be added by the controller,as will be seen later,to en-hance the performance of the conventional droop control.Note that with proper design of the voltage controller,the voltages controlled and measured at the outputfilter capacitors of the DG units are assumed to match the references V∗1+δV∗1and V∗2at the steady state.P1,Q1,P2,and Q2are the powers that can be measured at the outputs of the DG units.Based on Fig.3and(3)ΔV1≈(X+ΔX)Q1+(R+ΔR)P1V o=XQ1+RP1V o+ΔXQ1+ΔRP1V o=ΔV1+δV1(8) where as shown in Fig.3,ΔV1is the total voltage drop across the Feeder1impedance represented by X+ΔX and R+ΔR.ΔV1is the voltage drop across Feeder1due to the reference reactance and resistance,X and R.δV1indicates the voltage drop mismatch between Feeder1and Feeder2 due to the mismatch in feeder impedances,ΔX andΔR.This voltage will cause unequal reactive power sharing between the DG units[16],[21],[22],[24].One solution to this problem is to match the feeder impedances by using a virtual impedance of X v=−ΔX and R v=−ΔR,which would result in Q pcc1=Q pcc2.It is important to mention that if the DG units have different ratings then the feeder reactance and resistance must be modified to be inversely proportional to the Q and P ratings,respectively,in order to achieve proper proportional reactive power sharing[16],[25],[26].The drawback of this technique is that it requires knowledge of the feeder impedances which is often not readily available.The other way to resolve this issue,as proposed in this pa-per,is to employ voltage drop compensation instead of match-ing impedances.Without loss of generality,the case where both units have the same rating is considered in this analysis.1608IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,VOL.30,NO.3,MARCH2015 When using conventional droop control only,V∗1and V∗2can berepresented asV∗1=V pcc+ΔV1+δV1(9)V∗2=V pcc+ΔV2.(10)The effect of the voltage drop mismatch due toΔX andΔRon reactive power sharing can be compensated by modifyingthe voltage reference V∗1as follows:V∗1+δV∗1=V pcc+ΔV1+δV1(11)assuming that a controller can be designed such that at any timeδV∗1=δV1.(12)Consequently,(11)can be reduced toV∗1=V pcc+ΔV1.(13)AlthoughΔV1will still not be equal toΔV2,the effect ofδV1on the reactive power sharing will be compensated.For exam-ple,every timeδV1increases due to an increase in load,the con-troller will increaseδV∗1accordingly.This can be implementedby using an adaptive virtual impedance and communication asproposed in the next section.III.P ROPOSED C ONTROL S TRATEGYA.Proposed ControllerThe feasibility of the condition in(12)can be further in-vestigated by using the principle of virtual impedance and theapproximation in(3).Considering the use of a virtual impedanceto generate the voltageδV∗1,from Fig.3−δV v=δV∗1.(14)Using the approximation in(3),the condition in(12)can beapproximated by−X v Q1+R v P1V o ≈ΔXQ1+ΔRP1V o.(15)Satisfying(15)by matching the impedances is not practical as stated in Section II.However,(15)can be simplified by setting˜Kv=X v=R v(16) where˜K v is called the virtual impedance variable.The condition in(16)will result in a feasible controller as will be shown later in this section.Substituting(16)in(15)and rearranging˜Kv≈−ΔXQ1+ΔRP1Q1+P1.(17)As can be seen from(17),for any given values ofΔX,ΔR, P1,and Q1,there is a corresponding˜K v that matches the volt-ages to meet the condition in(12).However,(17)still cannot be used to implement the controller because the feeder discrepan-cies(ΔX andΔR)are unknown.Nevertheless,the main goal of(17)is to show that one value for the virtual reactance and resistance can satisfy the condition in(12).If the proper reference for Q1is available to the local con-troller,the variable˜K v can be tuned to the required virtual impedance value as proposed in this paper.To achieve this,each Fig.4.Proposed adaptive virtual impedance controller.unit shares its actual reactive power load with the microgrid EMS over the communication link.The EMS calculates the proper share for each unit based on its rating and the total load and sends it back to each unit,along with a controller enable signal(EN).Note that the communication link is not used here within the closed loop of the tuning control,but instead it is used to set the reactive power reference that will be used in the tuning process.Therefore,the sharing accuracy at steady state is unaffected by time delays in the communication channels. Consequently,each unit will utilize the received reactive power share reference Q∗to adaptively tune˜K v.The received Q∗value will not vary with transients in the reactive power of each unit caused by the tuning process,since it is calculated based on the total reactive power load.Therefore,Q∗will be a fixed reference until the total reactive power load changes. Once˜K v is tuned for a given load condition,accurate reactive power sharing will continue even if the communication channel becomes unavailable,as long as the load does not change.Even if the load changes while communication is disrupted,there will be a smaller sharing error in comparison to the conventional droop control case,as will be shown in Sections IV and V. The proposed controller to tune the virtual impedance variable ˜Kvis shown in Fig.4.A simple integral control loop can be used to tune˜K v by regulating Q indirectly to match Q∗.The virtual impedance is implemented in the dq-frame whereθrepresents the phase angle of the unit output voltage.Note that the objective of the controller is not to regulate the reactive power directly but to tune the virtual impedance to a value that compensates for the effect of the feeder mismatch on the reactive power sharing.Therefore,once the virtual impedance is tuned for the current load conditions it will result in accurate sharing,and in reasonable sharing if the load changes and communication is disrupted.More details regarding the communication loss and delay will be discussed in Sections III-C,IV,and V.For a microgrid of two DG units,the controller can be im-plemented in one unit only or in both units.A similar analysis to that presented in Section II-B can be developed for DG2 considering that the network seen by the second unit can be rep-resented similarly to that in Fig.3.In general,for a microgrid with two or more DG units,the controller implemented at each unit tunes the virtual impedance in the same way as described previously for DG1.MAHMOOD et al.:ACCURATE REACTIVE POWER SHARING IN AN ISLANDED MICROGRID USING ADAPTIVE VIRTUAL IMPEDANCES1609Fig.5.˜Kv sensitivity based on the parameters of DG units 1and 2from Table I (ΔX =0.94Ω,ΔR =0.5Ω).(a)˜K v as a function of the load operating point.(b)S v in the considered operating range.TABLE 1S YSTEM PARAMETERSThe integral control is chosen such that the integration time is much longer than the information update period,e.g.,the integration time T i =1/K i is chosen to be 200s ·var/Ω,versus an information update period of 0.2s (see Table I).Therefore,the time delay in the received Q ∗sample,due to the fact that reference Q ∗is updated periodically,will have no effect on the reactive power sharing at steady state.This time delay is called the information update delay.Moreover,the tuning loop is slow enough that the interaction is negligible with the mi-crogrid dynamics,which are dominated by the power low-pass filter dynamics [31],[32].A detailed small-signal model of the virtual impedance tuning loop is developed and presented in the Appendix.Note that the reference Q ∗is calculated by the EMS based on the total reactive power load in the microgrid,therefore Q ∗stays unchanged during the tuning action unless the total load changes.This part of the strategy can be considered to be a supervisory control system,which reacts only when the total load in the microgrid changes (a disturbance).B.Tuned Controller Sensitivity to Operating PointsThe proposed controller is designed so that the tuned virtual impedance is held at its most recent value after a communication failure occurs,as will be illustrated in the following section.Ifthe operating point remains unchanged after the communication failure,the sharing error will remain zero since the controller is already tuned for that operating point.However,an operatingpoint change will result in a sharing error because ˜Kv can no longer adapt to the new operating point.The change needed in ˜Kv to adapt to the new operating point defines the sensitivity of ˜Kv with respect to the change in the operating point.To gain insight into the ˜Kv sensitivity,the approximated relation in (17)is used.Rearranging the terms in (17)˜Kv ≈−ΔX +ΔR (P/Q )1+(P/Q ).(18)It is clear from (18)that ˜Kv depends on the ratio P/Q rather than on the value of P or Q separately.Therefore,any new operating point with the same ratio P/Q (the same power factor)will result in the same ˜Kv .Define the variable K P Q as P/Q .The nonlinear relation in (18)can be linearized around the operating point as follows:˜K v ≈˜K v o +∂˜K v ∂K P Q K P Q oΔK P Q (19)where ˜Kv o is the virtual impedance variable tuned at the oper-ating point and K P Qo is the associated P/Q ratio.The slope of ˜Kv in (19)is defined as the sensitivity S v around the operating point.Therefore,S v can be written asS v =−∂∂K P Q ΔX +ΔRK P Q 1+K P QK P Q o =−(1+K P Qo )ΔR +(ΔX +ΔRK P Qo )(1+K P Qo )2.(20)To gain insight into the sensitivity of ˜Kv to the operating point,feeders 1and 2from Table I are considered,where ΔX =0.94Ωand ΔR =0.5Ω.As can be seen from Fig.5(a)and (18)when K P Q is zero (PF =0)then ˜Kv equals −ΔX .However,when K P Q approaches infinity (PF =1)˜Kv equals −ΔR .Consequently,for high K P Q values (high power factors)the sensitivity of ˜Kv is low as shown in Fig.5(b).From Fig.5(b),|S v |is less than 0.1for power factors higher than 0.74and ˜Kv1610IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,VOL.30,NO.3,MARCH2015Fig.6.Sensitivity of ˜Kv for different values of ΔR (ΔX =0.94Ω).Fig.7.Reactive power setpoint enable logic in each local controller.changes from −0.646Ωto −0.521Ωwhen K P Q changes from2(PF =0.89)to 20(PF =0.998).To examine the effect of different impedance pairs,ΔX is fixed at 0.94Ωand ΔR is changed as shown in Fig.6.Again,Fig.6shows low sensitivity for high K P Q (high PF),e.g.,|S v |is less than 0.1for K P Q higher than 1.65(PF =0.85)rmation Management StructureThe EMS periodically polls the inverters for their internally measured reactive power output.The update rate for the reac-tive power data can be chosen based on the specifications of the available communication link.The collected reactive power measurements are then summed and weighted such that each inverter is responsible for sharing the reactive power in propor-tion to its rating.The resulting values are then passed back to the inverters as setpoints for the tuning control loop.The receiver is capable of detecting a communication time out,in which case the control loop is disabled and the integra-tor output will remain constant until a valid setpoint is again received.The timeout/enable logic is shown in Fig.7.Note that when the EMS detects a communication timeout from one DG unit it blocks further setpoint updates to all the DG units until communication is restored.Since the updates are not sent to the remaining DG units their timeout/enable logic disables the tun-ing control loops until communication is restored.A binary EN is also sent along with the setpoint to allow for remote enabling and disabling of the tuning control loop.IV .S IMULATION R ESULTSA microgrid with three DG units is simulated in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment to validate the proposed con-trol strategy,and to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed controller for microgrids with more than two units.The micro-grid system parameters are shown in Table I.The three DG units are identical in rating and filter parameters to highlight the ac-curacy of the proposed strategy in the presence of mismatched feeder impedances.The discrepancy in the feeder impedances is chosen to be significant in comparison to values used in the existing literature [23],[24],[28].To evaluate the performance of the proposed system a per-centage accuracy measure Q er is defined as in [28]Q er,i %=Q i −Q ∗iQ ∗i×100(21)where Q i is the reactive power measured at the output of unit i and Q ∗i is the desired reactive power share of unit i .Simu-lation scenarios that validate the performance of the proposed controller are presented in the following sections.1)Performance of Conventional Controller:The performance of the system using only conventional droop control is illustrated in Fig.8for two different loads.The total reactive power load is changed between 1030and 388var while the real power load is changed between 1215and 910W.These load settings represent a larger change in reactive power load as compared to the change in the real power load to show the low sensitivity of the tuned virtual impedance to the P/Q ratio factor (K P Q )of the operating point as discussed in Section III-B.Also,this will help to evaluate the control strategy for a wide range of load power factors,from 0.76for the higher load to 0.92for the lower load.From Fig.8,the reactive power sharing accuracy under con-ventional droop control is as poor as 45%for Unit 3and 44%for Unit 1while it is 2.9%for Unit 2,calculated at the higher load operating point.2)Performance of the Proposed Controller:The perfor-mance of the proposed controller is demonstrated in Fig.9.The controller is enabled at t =1s which reduces the re-active power sharing error to zero in 2s as can be seen in Fig.9(b).Also,Fig.9(a)shows that the controller action has only a small transient effect on the real power supplied by each unit.Moreover,Fig.9(c)illustrates the low sensitivity of the tuned virtual impedances to a change in the operating point.The behavior of the microgrid bus voltage V pcc ,when the controller is enabled at t =1s,is shown in Fig.10.As can be seen,the voltage drop introduced by the proposed controller is negligible (0.0015pu).This is due to the fact that controllers reduce the total feeder impedance for the unit with the higher physical impedance (Unit 1),and increase it for the unit with the lower physical impedance (Units 2and 3),as can be noticed from Fig.9(c).The latter voltage change,when the load stepped down,is mainly due to the change in the voltage drop across the feeders and the conventional voltage droop action,since the virtual impedances did not change significantly [see Fig.9(c)]when the load changed.Fig.11demonstrates the enhancement in the current sharing accuracy provided by the proposed control strategy as compared to the conventional droop control.。
Proceedings of ICEPAG 2006 International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power GenerationSeptember 5-8, 2006, Newport Beach, CaliforniaICEPAG2006-24001 MODELING AND CONTROL OF A SOFC-GT HYBRID SYSTEM WITH SINGLESHAFT CONFIGURATIONRambabu Kandepu1 Rambabu.Kandepu@ntnu.noLars Imsland2Lars.Imsland@sintef.noBjarne Foss1Bjarne.Foss@ntnu.no1Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Trondheim, 7491, Norway2SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, 7491, NorwayABSTRACTThis article focuses on issues related to control and operability of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) - Gas Turbine (GT) hybrid system with single-shaft GT configuration. The models of all the components of the hybrid system are developed and integrated to constitute the hybrid system. An autonomous power grid is modeled as load. The main control objectives considered are control of Fuel Utilization (FU) in the SOFC and SOFC solid temperature during dynamic operation of the hybrid system.INTRODUCTIONIn the foreseeable future, fossil fuels including natural gas will be a major source of energy. With today’s increasing concern about global warming and climate change, there is an incentive to investigate natural gas power processes that operate efficiently, thus emitting less per kWh produced, and also power production processes with CO2 capture capabilities. It is widely accepted that fuel cells are power sources that will become increasingly important, due to high efficiency, low levels of pollution and noise, and high reliability. One of the most promising fuel cell technologies is the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), due to its solid state design and internal reforming of gaseous fuels, in addition to its high efficiency [1]. The SOFC converts the chemical energy of a fuel directly to electrical energy. Since SOFCs operate at high temperatures (about 10000 C), natural gas can be used directly as fuel. The electrical efficiency of a SOFC can reach 55%. Another significant advantage of the SOFC is that since it operates at high temperature and its efficiency increases when pressurized, and it naturally lends itself as a heat source for a gas turbine (GT) cycle. The combined (hybrid) cycle can theoretically have an overall electrical efficiency of up to 70% with a power range from a few hundred kWs to a few MWs. The main applications of the hybrid system include remote area power supply and distributed power generation.There are several models available in literature for the SOFC-GT hybrid system [2], [3], [4], [5]. In [6], a dynamic model of grid connected SOFC model is developed. However, the SOFC-GT hybrid system with single shaft configuration is integrated in an autonomous power system. The reason for procuring an integrated model is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the operability of the system which has close dynamic interactions between the power generation system and the local grid. Further, the hybrid system consists of tightly integrated dynamic subsystems with strict operating criteria making the control design more challenging in terms of disturbance rejection, part load operation and in particular start-up, shut down and load shedding. Suitable system actuation must be chosen, good control structures must be devised, and good controllers must be designed. As a basis for all these tasks, control relevant models must be developed for the subsystems, and for the total system. Such models should have limited complexity to allow for the necessary analysis, and at the same time should include the important dynamic interactions.In this paper we present an integrated model of a SOFC-GT hybrid system with a power grid connecting to an electrical load. The process is described on a system level and modeling of each component is discussed briefly. The model is subsequently used to perform analysis of system dynamics andoptimize system design. A simple control design is proposed and assessed through a set of simulation scenarios. PROCESS DESCRIPTIONA schematic diagram of the integrated system where the hybrid system is connected to the load by a bus bar is shown in Figure 1. Methane (fuel) is mixed with a part of anode flue gas and is partially steam reformed in pre-reformer generating hydrogen. The heat required for endothermic reformation reactions in the pre-reformer is supplied from the SOFC stack through radiation. The gas mixture from the pre-reformer is fed to the anode volume of the SOFC, where the remaining part of the methane is reformed. Compressed atmospheric air is heated in a recuperative heat exchanger and is used as an oxygen source at the cathode side of the SOFC. In the SOFC, electrochemical reactions take place and DC voltage is produced. The rate of the electrochemical reactions depends on the current. A part of the anode flue gas is recycled to supply steam to the pre-reformer. The remaining part of the anode and cathode flue gases is supplied to a combustion chamber where the unused fuel is combusted.The hybrid system considered here uses a single shaft GT configuration. The combusted gas mixture is expanded in a gas turbine which is coupled to a compressor and an alternator through a shaft. The expanded gas mixture is used to heat up the compressed air in a heat exchanger. The DC power from the SOFC stack is fed to an inverter which converts DC to AC with a fixed frequency. The inverter and the generator are connected to a local grid, which is connected to a six branch electric load. Both the SOFC stack and the generator supply the electric load demand on the grid. The load sharing between the SOFC stack and the generator cannot be controlled when there is a load change on the grid. Typically 60-70% of the total power is supplied by the SOFC stack. MODELINGAll the models of the system are modeled in the modular modeling environment gPROMS [7]. The detailed modeling of each component of the system can be found in [8], [9]. A brief description of the each model is presented below.SOFC stackIt is assumed that all the SOFCs in the stack operate at identical conditions. A zero-dimensional SOFC model is developed with no regard to the geometry of the cell. The model developed is a lumped one, which includes dynamic molar balances of all the species both in anode and cathode volumes separately. It includes an energy balance treating the whole SOFC as a single volume to model the temperature dynamics of the SOFC solid mean temperature. There is a radiation from the SOFC to the pre-reformer. The voltage developed across the cell is modeled using Nernst equation, the operating cell voltage is calculated by considering both ohmic and activation losses.In [10], the low complexity SOFC model is evaluated against a detailed model developed in [5], [11]. The comparisons indicate that the low complexity model is good enough to approximate the important dynamics of the SOFC and can hence be used for operability and control studies.Pre-reformerThe pre-reformer is modeled as a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). Mass balances of all the species are included dynamically and energy balance is implemented to model the pre-reformer temperature dynamics. The steam required for the steam-reforming is provided by the recycle flow of the anode flue gas. The heat required for the endothermic reforming reaction is obtained by the radiation heat from the SOFC stack.CombustorIn the combustor, the unused fuel is burnt in presence of oxygen coming from the cathode outlet. The operating conditions will always be such that there is surplus oxygen available for complete combustion due to the fact that air mass flow rate is much larger than the fuel mass flow rate. In the combustor, the fuel can be methane, hydrogen or carbon monoxide or a mixture of these fuels. As the combustion process is rapid it is modeled as an instantaneous process. Heat exchangerA very simple model of a counter-flow heat exchanger is used, in which the amount of the heat exchanged depends on the heat transfer coefficient of the exchanger wall and also on the average temperature difference between the hot and cold streams. A first order transfer function describes the dynamics of the temperatures of both the streams.Gas turbine cycleThe compressor and turbine models are based on steady state performance map characteristics [12]. The map is modeled using polynomials of 4th and 5th order for reduced mass flow, pressure and efficiency as functions of reduced shaft speed and operation line. A shaft model accounts for the dynamics of the rotating mass in the gas turbine system. Electrical componentsA simple model of inverter is used to convert DC electric power from the SOFC stack to AC, which is given to an autonomous grid. The grid side voltage is maintained constant at 230V by using the inverter controllers and the dynamics of these controllers are neglected. An AC-AC frequency converter with 95% efficiency is assumed to be connected to the alternator to convert the varying frequency of the alternator to the grid frequency. The operating voltage of the alternator is controlled to the grid voltage by controlling the field current in the alternator. The electric load connected to the gird is represented by six parallel branches with different components in each branch. It is categorized into 4 types of loads; constant impedance, constant current, constant power and induction motor load. The constant impedance, constant current and constant power load represent the residential loads such as lights, water heaters, ovens etc. The induction motor load is considered to represent an industrial load. The constant impedance load is represented by the first three branches with resistive, inductive and capacitive loads. The fourth and fifth branches represent the constant current and constant power loads respectively. The sixth branch represents the induction motor load. The total load current is the sum of the currents from the inverter and the alternator.CONTROL DESIGNThe nominal state of the system is given in Table 1. At the steady state if there is any disturbance in any of the variables in the system, then it would disturb the power balance across the shaft in the GT cycle. Further the shaft speed will either accelerate or decelerate depending on the disturbance and it would make the system unstable. In order to make the system stable the shaft speed is to be controlled. The alternator current is manipulated in order to make the power balance satisfied, thus making the system stable. This is accomplished by using Proportional and Integral (PI) controller 1 as shown in Figure 2. Generally there are two ways of operating the hybrid system; constant shaft speed operation and variable shaft speed operation. Here variable shaft speed operation is considered as it has got advantages [13].Table 1: Nominal state of the systemVariable ValueSOFC current 263 AFuel flow rate 0.0072 kg/sSOFC temperature 1206 KSOFC voltage 0.67 VStack power 205 kWGenerator power 76.8 kWAir flow rate 0.462 kg/sAU 0.235FU 0.85Recycle ratio 0.53Reforming degree 0.29tI1248 AtV222 VInduction motor slip 0.1As the hybrid system is connected to an autonomous power grid, it is to be operated in part load operation, as the electric load changes with time. During the part load operation, the hybrid system has to supply the power exactly needed by the grid. As the main source of the power in the hybrid system is the fuel flow, fuel flow must be controlled to match the power demand in case of any load changes. Since itis not always possible to know the load in advance, any load change is treated as a disturbance. As the bus bar voltage is fixed when there is a load change, the current and the FU in SOFC vary. The FU cannot be varied too much since it may cause uneven temperature and voltage distributions inside thecell [12]. Hence FU is taken as a controlled variable, where itis assumed that a perfect observer is available to estimate FU,as it cannot be measured directly during the dynamic changes.PI controller 2 is designed to control the FU using fuel massflow as input, in case of any load change as shown in Figure2.A load change can affect the SOFC temperature to change beyond the material constraints [1] [12]. Hence the SOFC temperature should be controlled during the load changes. The SOFC temperature can be controlled by varying the air massflow entering the cathode. The air mass flow entering thecathode can be varied by varying the shaft speed. All these things are accomplished using the cascade controller as shown in Figure 2. The PI controller 3 is used to control the SOFC temperature to a reference point by varying the shaft speed reference point to the PI controller 2. The PI controller 2 varies the alternator current to make the shaft speed equal to the reference point set by the PI controller 3.IFigure 2: Control structureSIMULATIONTo evaluate the proposed control structure, the following scenario is used. The system is run at steady state for two minutes. After two minutes the following disturbances are given in the different elements of the electric load on the grid is decreased from 100% to 60% in a ramp fashion for 10 sec duration. After 30 minutes, the load is increased by 8% in a step. During the simulation different power profiles are shown in Figure 3. The FU, Air Utilization (AU) and cell voltage profiles during the simulation are shown in Figure 4. Also, different temperature profiles during the simulation are shown in Figure 5.When there is a load decrease of 40% from the nominal state, both the SOFC stack and the alternator power are decreased at the new steady state value. From Figure 3, it is clear that the stack reacts faster compared to the alternator, as the fuel flow to the stack is decreased by the PI controller 2. At the nominal state the alternator power share is approximately 27.1% in the total power and when the load is decreased, it is maintained at 27% at the new steady state as well. When the load decreased, the fuel flow rate is decreased as in Figure 5, the current is decreased, hence the number of electrochemical reactions that take place decrease. Hence less oxygen is required and the AU is decreased (see Figure 4), even though the air mass flow rate is decreased (see Figure 5), as the former effect dominates. The FU is maintained at 0.85 (see Figure 4) by the PI controller 2 by manipulating the fuel flow rate, though there is a dip for a small time due to sudden change in the SOFC current due to the load disturbance.time (min)Totalpower(kW)time (min)Stackpower(kW)time (min)Generatorpower(kW)Figure 3: Different power profiles during the simulationtime (min)FUtime (min)AUtime (min)Voltage(V)Figure 4: FU, AU and voltage profiles during the simulationSince the current is decreased, the ohmic loss is reduced. But the open circuit voltage is reduced as the partial pressure of hydrogen is reduced in the cell. As the current is reduced a lot, this effect is dominated and the cell voltage is increased at the new steady state (see Figure 4).time (min)A i r m a s s f l o w (k g /s )time (min)F u e l m a s s f l o w (g /s )time (min)S h a f t s p e e d (r a d /s )Figure 5: Air and fuel mass flow rates and shaft speed profiles during the simulationAs the fuel flow rate is decreased, the quantity of the fuel burnt in the combustor is decreased and TIT is reduced at the new steady state value (see Figure 6). When the power is reduced, which will have an effect on SOFC temperature to decrease, and PI controller 3 acts to decrease the air mass flow rate by reducing the shaft speed (see Figure 5). The SOFC temperature is varied by only a maximum of 80C during the dynamic change and at the steady state it is controlled at the nominal value.time (min)S O F C s o l i d t e m p e r a t u r e (K )time (min)T I T (K )time (min)R e f o r m e r t e m p e r a t u r e (K )Figure 6: Different temperature profiles during the simulationFor a small step increase after 30 minutes, all the variables act in the opposite direction compared to the case where there is decrease in the load.CONCLUSIONSAn integrated model of a SOFC-GT hybrid system in an autonomous power system is developed with a relatively low complexity, but including the important dynamics required for a control design. A simple control design is proposed which would stabilize the system and includes controls for FU and SOFC temperature in case of any disturbance in the load connected to the hybrid system.Future work will focus on the optimization of set points for the all the PI controllers during part load operation by minimizing the fuel input into the system. Also an extension of the proposed control structure for start up and shut down operations of the hybrid system.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFinancial support from The Gas Technology Center, NTNU-SINTEF and NFR is acknowledged.REFERENCES[1] Larminie J, Dicks A, “Fuel Cell Systems Explained”,Wiley, 2003. [2] Magistri L, Trasino F, Costamagna P, “Transientanalysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell hybrids part A: fuel cell models”, In proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, 2004. [3] Chan SH, Ho HK, Tian Y, “Multi-level modeling ofSOFC-Gas Turbine hybrid system” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2003, 28(8), 889-900.[4] Pålsson J, Selimovic A, Sjunnesson L, “Combined SolidOxide Fuel Cell and Gas Turbine systems for efficient power and heat generation”, Journal of Power Sources, 2000, 86, 442-448.[5] Thorud B, Stiller C, Weydahl T, Bolland O, KaroliussenH, “Part-load and load change simulation of tubular SOFC system”, Proceedings of Fuel Cell Forum, Lucerne, 28 June-2 July, 2004.[6] Hatziadoniu CJ, Lobo AA, Pourboghart F, DaneshdoostM, “A simplified dynamic model of grid-connected fuel-cell generators, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2002, 17(2), 467-473.[7] gPROMS (2004), “gPROMS introductory user guide”,Process Systems Enterprise Ltd, 2004.[8] Kandepu R, Imsland L, Foss B, Stiller C, Thorud B,Bolland O, “Modeling and Control of a SOFC-GT based autonomous power system”, Accepted for publication in Energy.[9] Kandepu R, Foss B, Imsland L, “Integrated modelingand control of a load-connected SOFC-GT autonomous power system”, Proceeding of ACC, Minneapolis, June, 2006[10] Kandepu R, Imsland L, Foss B, Stiller C, Thorud B,Bolland O, “Control-relevant SOFC modeling and model evaluation”, Proceedings of ECOS, 2005.[11] Stiller C, Thorud B, SeljebøS, Mathisen O, KaroliussenH, Bolland O, ”Finite-volume modeling and hybrid-cycle performance of planar and tubular solid oxide fuel cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 2005, 141, 227-240.[12] Christoph S, Thorud B, Bolland O, Kandepu R, ImslandL, “Control strategy for a solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine hybrid system” Accepted for publication in the Journal of Power Sources, 2005.[13] Costamagna P, Magistri L, Massardo AF, “Design andpart load performance of a hybrid system based on a solid oxide fuel cell reactor and a micro gas turbine”, Journal of Power Sources, 2001, 352-268.。
To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................
First-principles study of the structural, vibrational, phonon and thermodynamic
1. Introduction Ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) with melting temperatures in excess of 3000 K are usually composed by the refractory borides, carbides and nitrides of early transition metals [1–7]. Among the UHTCs, transition metal carbides (TMC) such as TiC, ZrC and HfC are metallic compounds with unique physical and chemical properties including an extremely high melting point and hardness, chemical stability, corrosion resistance combined with metallic electrical and thermal conductivities [5–10]. These features give transition metal carbides the capability to withstand high temperatures in oxidizing environments, making them candidates for applications in the atmosphere of extreme thermal and chemical environments [6,7]. The structural, vibrational, phonon and thermodynamic properties of IVb group transition metal carbides have been investigated experimentally [10–17] and theoretically [13,18–28] in the earlier reports. In the 1970s, the phonon dispersion relations of TiC, ZrC and HfC were measured using inelastic neutron scattering by Pintschovius et al. [10] and Smith et al. [15–17]. Lattice dynamics calculation and the phonon dispersion relations of transition metal carbides such as ZrC and HfC were reported using a phenomenological ‘‘double-shell’’ model theory [18] where long-range interatomic interactions were taken into account in order to get a
review comments
A sequenced aerated membrane bioreactor was applied in laboratory scale to treat synthetic Chinese household wastewater characterized with low C/N. Results showed that the nitrogen removal efficiency was good. However, the expatiations of the results were inadequate. Furthermore, it is written in poor English. Many expressions are redundant. We don't know what the authors really mean in many sentences. Specific comments are listed below.(1) The abstract should be rewritten. Some description is redundant. Furthermore, “hydraulic residence time” should be “hydraulic retention time”.(2) Introduction is not well organized for the readers to recognize the importance of the study. The title of the manuscript contained the term nitrogen removal. The authors should describe something about mechanism of nitrogen removal as well as the effect of C/N ratio on nitrogen removal in introduction. Furthermore, where are the references 2, 3 and 4? The blanks in the last paragraph should be deleted. Is the description of “anoxic/anaerobic submerged MBR” right?(3) In section 2.1. Please add the measure method and the value of sub-critical flux. How did the author get the 12 L·h-1·m-2 permeate flux? It seems to 12.5 L·h-1·m-2 ?“2.2” should be added before “Wastewater and seed sludge”.(4) In section 3.1. The sentences “These results showed clearly ---- mineral components”and“Actually, an increase of --- polysaccharides” were perplexing. What do you really mean? “Defavorable” might be “unfavorable”.It seems that the author consider that the operation condition (the 60 min non-aeration time) resulted in a serious membrane fouling. Then, why not prolong aeration time in the membrane zone?(5) In section 3.2. “As shown in Fig.5, COD removal--” must be “As shown in Fig.4, COD removal--”. Move “During the MBR operation --- absence of urea.” to section 2.1. The author should add the DO concentration changes in a cycle before 40 days, for “the system had a poor performance of nitrogen removal mainly because of high DO level in the reactor “. “due of”must be “due to”. What is “Talc”?(6) In section 3.3. Please add the formula of NR and DNR. It seems that there are not membrane fouling control methods in this experiment? Hence, I don’t agree that “most of membrane fouling control methods lead to smaller sludge particles comparing with conventional activated sludge particles which make oxygen transfer easily and a high nitrifying capability”. “It can be see”must be “It can be seen”. “more”should be delete from “more higher MLSS concentration, more lower DO level, and more longer anoxic period with more better nitrogen removal”.。
Excel G-Logic 说明书
ExcelTable of contents1. Introduction 42. General information53. Technical specifications of the Excel G-Logic64. Safety regulations75. Crash test86. Operation and propulsion97. Disassembly and folding108. Folding back mechanism & brake operation119. Attendant brakes1210. Legrest operation1311. Using the stepper tube1412. Care and maintenance1513. Warranty1614. Identification18IntroductionBefore you use your new Excel G-Logic, you and your attendant must fully read and understand this user manual. Also, as you have this user manual, you agree to the conditions mentioned within. We want to thank you for the confidence in our Excel ® products.The policy of Van Os Medical is to focus on continuously improving the quality and reliability of our products. We therefore reserve the right without further notice to make any changes to this user manual.It is important you read this user manual very carefully, before you use your wheelchair. This user manual contains important information about the safe use and maintenance of your wheelchair. We recommend you keep this user manual, because it is also your proof of warranty.The safety instructions within are general guidelines, which must be seen as overall guidelines. It is possible that you will develop your own way to make common movements. However, we advise you to consult a professional for assistance in developing safe and effective techniques, regarding your daily activities within your physical capabilities.Your new wheelchair requires frequent maintenance, much of which you can do yourself. We advise you to take your wheelchair to a professional for a check at least once a year. You will find a maintenance schedule further on in this user manual.Attention!In this user manual you will find tips and warnings. These are clearly identified by the symbols and display of the text, like you can see below.WarningThe warnings mentioned in this user manual must always be followed, in order to prevent damage to the Excel G-Logic wheelchair or injury to yourself.TipThe tips mentioned in this user manual are meant to help you make better use of your Excel G-Logic wheelchair.General informationYour wheelchair is equipped with various components and parts. You should know these components and parts before proceeding with reading of this user manual. Designs and specifications could be changed without further notice.1. Push handles with attendant brakes2. Foldable backrest3. Armrests4. 24” rear wheels (Quick-Release)5. Seat6. Legrests7. Brake8. Stepper9. Footplates 10. 7” front wheels (castors)Your new Excel G-Logic wheelchair is a lightweight wheelchair. The wheelchair is equipped with attendant brakes on the push handles as standard, so your attendant can easily push and control the wheelchair. The armrests of the wheelchair are height adjustable. The leg supports of the Excel G-Logic are swing away and removable. In addition, the foot plates are adjustable in height, however, this is only possible with the supplied Allen key. Finally, thewheelchair is equipped with 7 “front wheels and 24” rear wheels. The 24 “rear wheels are quick-release. This means that you can easily remove the rear wheels for transportation.12348671095Technical specifications of the Excel G-Logic Total length 108 cm (incl. footrests)Total width Seat width + 20 cmTotal height 95 cmTotal weight 11,5 kgUser weight Max. 113 kgSeat width 40, 45 and 50 cmSeat depth 42 cmSeat height 54 cmBack height 42 cmSafety regulationsVan Os Medical B.V. specifically disclaims responsibility for anybody’s injuries or property damage. This may occur when the recommendations and warnings described in this user manual are not followed.The Excel G-Logic is a very safe and stable product when used correctly, it is possible if you use the wheelchair incorrectly that dangerous situations may occur.General safetyProtect your wheelchair by checking it regularly. When a part of your Excel G-Logic doesn’t function correctly, a dangerous situation could occur. Therefore, you must keep your wheelchair in perfect condition, to ensure safe use. Periodical inspection, correct adjustment and replacement of broken or worn parts by a qualified Excel dealer in quick time will result in use for years without any problems.Warnings for safe useTo prevent any damage to your property, the wheelchair or the user of the wheelchair, you must read the following warnings. Van Os Medical B.V. is not responsible for any damage, provided that the warnings are heeded. After reading the warnings, you agree with the regulations, mentioned in this user manual.• When you get your wheelchair, always check if all components are present and if there is any damage. If components are missing or if there is any damage, you must contact your supplier immediately;• Do not use your wheelchair in sand, rough areas, wet and slippery surfaces or surfaces with little grip;• Do not lean on the push handles of the wheelchair. This can result in the chair tipping backwards or cause the handles to snap;• Never go on or off an increase in height without help of your attendant;• Do not stand on the footrests, they are not designed to be stood on, these are only to be used as footrests when seated. Standing on the footrests will cause damage to your chair and potentially to yourself;• Place the wheelchair on a stable, flat surface before you get in or out;• The lowest point of the footrests should be a minimum of 7 cm above the ground;• Engage the brakes when you use the wheelchair in a lift or in a wheelchair lift, also apply the brakes when you want to get out of the wheelchair;• If you want to transport your chair, we recommend you use a certified tie down system that is appropriate for your situation;• The maximum user weight capacity has been indicated on your frame label. Do not exceed it;• The wheelchair is suitable for one person at a time. Also, do not take anybody on your lap while using the wheelchair;• A sudden change of direction may cause the wheelchair to tip over;• Never go up a slope that is steeper than 10 degrees. You should only go up an increase or slope this big when you are with an attendant;• Unauthorised modification or use of unofficial Van Os Medical parts will void the warranty of the chair and may lead to injury to the user or damage to the chair.Crash testThe Excel G-Logic has been crash tested and approved for travelling inside a moving vehicle.To be certain for sure that this chair is 100% safe, you must make sure the chair is fixated correctly at the indicated tie-down points. The image below shows the crash test certificate.Operation and propulsionBefore using your new Excel G-Logic, please make sure you have read and understood the Safety Regulations.The transit wheelchair can only be propelled by an attendant. The attendant should push the wheelchair from behind using the push handles.The self-propel version of this wheelchair can be propelled by an attendant or by the wheelchair user. The user can propel themselves by pushing on the hand rims attached to the side of the rear wheels, to slow yourself, simply apply slight pressure.When stationary, the brakes should always be applied.EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 1EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 2Disassembly and foldingTransporting the wheelchairYour Excel G-Logic is designed to be easily transported by car. Your wheelchair is foldable so the total width is limited to an average width of 30-35 cm. Furthermore your wheelchair is equipped with swing-away and detachable footrests. As well as the footrests, some other components are removable for transportation. The rear wheels can be detached by using the quick-release system.Folding and unfoldingTo fold the wheelchair, please follow the following operations:• Before you fold the wheelchair, remove the back and seat cushion;• To completely fold your wheelchair the footrests need to be in the correct position as per photo 4;• To fold the wheelchair you have to stand adjacent to it. Hold and pull the seat like shown on photo 5;• The wheelchair can be made smaller and lighter for transportation purposes. To remove the rear wheels you need to use the quick release axle system as per photo 6.EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 3EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 4EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 5EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 6To unfold your Excel G-Logic, please follow the above steps in reverse order.EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 7EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 8EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 9Folding back mechanism & brake operationThe backrestThe backrest of the G-Logic is attached to the tubes of the push handles. The backrest is foldable. To fold the backrest, please follow the following steps;•Stand behind the wheelchair;• Squeeze both black handles on the back of the chair at the same time (see photo 10);• The folding mechanism is unlocked, you can now fold down the back (see photo 11).The brakesYour G-Logic comes with brakes on the self-propelling wheels and also on the push handles. We recommend you engage the brakes when going in and/or going out of the wheelchair, but also when you are stationary. If you want to engage the brakes, please follow the following steps;• When sitting in the wheelchair with the brakes disengaged, you will see the situation as it is on photo 12;• To apply the brakes, push the brake lever forward (photo 13);• The brakes are now applied (photo 14);EXCEL G-LOGIC |PHOTO 10EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 11EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 12EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 13EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 14Attendant brakesThe push handles of your G-Logic are designed with attendant brakes as standard (photo 15). As a result, the attendant can safely control the speed of the wheelchair, as well as simply apply the parking brake when necessary. The parking brake can be applied by pulling the big lever and nudging the little clip with your index finger. They will now lock into place, keeping the brake applied even when you let go of the lever. Squeeze the big lever again to release the brake.EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 15EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 16Legrest operationThe legrests of the Excel G-Logic are both foldable and removable. To remove them, you should follow the steps described below.• The Legrests of the wheelchair are shown on photo 17;• By pulling the black lever up (photo 18), you can swing away the legrests and remove them;• In photo 19 you can see the legrests swung away;• To remove the legrests, simply pull upwards after the above steps are completed;• To replace the legrests, follow the steps for removal in reverse order. A click will confirm when the legrests are fitted properly.It is also possible to adjust the height of the footplates, however an Allen key is required to do so (your Allen key can be found in the tool kit supplied with your chair). Please see below steps on how to do this.For easy adjustments, remove leg rests as stated above;• Undo the black grub screw at the bottom of the legrest hanger;• Fully remove the screw;•Line the hanger and the footplate up with the pre-drilled holes to the desired length;•Tighten the grub screw back up.EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 17EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 18EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 19EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 20Using the stepper tubeThe Excel G-Logic is equipped with two steppers (photo 21). An attendant can use the stepper tube to raise the front castors (when mounting a kerb for example). To use, push down on the stepper tube with your foot. Do not raise the front castors by pushing down on the push handles as this could result in damage to the wheelchair.To mount a kerb, approach it head on. Then the attendant uses the stepper tube to raise the front castors, and lowers the front castors on the raised kerb. Finally the attendant should push the wheelchair forward, lifting it up slightly to mount the kerb if required.To go down a kerb, line up the front castors with the edge of the kerb. The attendant uses the stepper tube to raise the front castors and tip the user slightly back. Keeping the castors raised, slowly lower the wheelchair down the kerb.EXCEL G-LOGIC | PHOTO 21Care and maintenanceYour G-Logic wheelchair needs periodical maintenance. This is necessary for the upkeep of moving components. A badly maintained wheelchair will give you technical problems, make it harder to steer and it won’t be covered by the warranty. Preventative maintenance is very important. We advise that you take your wheelchair to a qualified Van Os Medical dealer to be checked over at least once a year. These annual inspections will make sure your wheelchair can function correctly for years.Before each use of the wheelchair, the brakes and tyres should be checked. The wheelchair should be stored in a dry environment, away from direct sunlight. The wheelchair should be kept clean and dust free. This can be done with a duster or damp cloth.Please make sure you check the following items regularly, if you have any issues please refer back to the Van Os Medical dealer that supplied you your wheelchair;• Tyre wear;• Wheel bearings;• Castors;• Brakes;• Legrest locking mechanism;• Seat upholstery;• Back upholstery;• Arm pads;• Rear wheel quick-release pin;• Half folding back mechanism.WarrantyYour Excel branded product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. This device was built to exacting standards and carefully inspected prior to shipment. This warranty is an expression of our confidence in the materials and workmanship of our products and our assurance to the customer.This warranty does not cover device failure due to owner misuse or negligence, or normal wear and tear. The warranty does not extend to non-durable components, such as rubber accessories, castors or grips, which are subject to normal wear and tear and needs periodic replacements. The wheelchair side frames and cross frame have a warranty period of 10 years.Warranty conditionsAs mentioned above, the warranty period is for 12 months only and starts on the date in which you purchased your wheelchair from the dealer. If within the warranty period your wheelchair develops a manufacturers defect, it will be repaired or replaced with genuine Excel parts.Repairs and replacement must be fitted by an authorised Van Os Medical service agent. This warranty does not include any labour charges incurred by replacements. Replaced or repaired parts fall under the same warranty conditions as the original wheelchair. Worn parts are not guaranteed, unless these parts are worn as a direct result of an original manufacturer defect. Please see above for an example of which parts this applies to.Please note:This warranty lies with the wheelchair. Our warranties are non-transferable between shops or persons.Under normal circumstances, no responsibility is accepted when the wheelchair needs replacement parts or repairs as a direct result from:•Not maintaining the wheelchair and parts according to the recommendations of the manufacturer, or not using the specific original parts;• Damaging the wheelchair or parts by inattentive use, accident or misuse;•Adjusting the wheelchair or parts, different from the specifications of the manufacturer, or reparations done before the service agent is warned;• If the product is not equipped with an original factory frame number and identification label as described below.WarningVan Os Medical B.V. cannot be liable for any consequent or individual damage whatsoever. While this manual is created with care, it is not exclusive. If your wheelchair does not comply with the rules contained in this user manual, you will first go to an authorised Van Os Medical dealer to discuss the problem. The warranty is only valid during the indicated period. If adjustments are made to the G-Logic wheelchair, which have structural impact on the product, the warranty will expire completely.TipMaintenance is not covered under warranty. Your dealer may deviate from the maintenance interval.IdentificationYour wheelchair is equipped with a unique serial number. You will find this number on the frame of your wheelchair. Below, you can see an example of the frame label, where you can find the identification number. Furthermore, you will find the explanation of the various data stored on the frame label listed below.1. Production dateThe date of manufacture. 2. Serial number Every wheelchair has its own unique serial number. You need this number if you have any technical questions or if you want to order any warranty parts for the wheelchair.3. Maximum weightThe maximum weight allowed on the wheelchair. 4. Model number This number indicates which model of wheelchair you have. You need this number when you have any technical questions or you want to order any parts of the wheelchair.5. Model nameThe model name of your wheelchair starts with the brand name Excel. The brand name Excel, followed by the additional model description forms the model name of the wheelchair. You need the model name if you have any technical questions or if you want to order any parts for the wheelchair, in this case the G-Logic. 6. DescriptionThe intended use of your wheelchair is described here. 7. WarrantyHere, the warranty period of your wheelchair is reflected. Page 16 describes the warranty conditions in further detail.Declaration of Conformity Product identification Product group: Manual wheelchairBrand: Excel Model: G-Logic Number: VOS.TCF.EC.3373 Manufacturer Name Van Os Medical B.V. Address Koperslagerij 3 4651 SK Steenbergen Country The Netherlands Means of Conformity The product is in conformity with Directive 93/42/EEC based on the use of a Technical construction file in accordance with Article 9 (Class I products) of the Directive.Signature of EU Representative EU Representative: Wijnand van Os Function: Director Place: Steenbergen Date: 01-06-2016Van Os Medical B.V. Koperslagerij 34651 SK, Steenbergen (NB) NederlandT: +31 (0) 167 57 30 20。
足球英文专业术语first half 上半场internal中场休息second half 下半场allowa nee 补时extra time 力叩寸choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin 掷币挑边^口开球kick off 开球kick-off-time 开赛时间close game with long forward passes 长传急攻short pass 短传comb in ati on passed 短传配合double pass 二过一drive down the side-lines before centering the ball 沉底传中pass-a nd receive comb in ati ons 传接配合center传中cross pass 横传one-touch pass 一脚球ground pass地面传球scissors kick 倒钩球lofted ball 高吊球head ball 顶球ferocious tackle 拼抢block堵截support 策应side tackle侧面抢截dash forward 插上excessive dribbling 盘带过多pincers movement 两翼包抄playmaker进攻组织者outfla nk边路进攻fast break 快攻volley shot凌空射门man-for-man marking 盯人防守fill gap 补位balancing defense 防守补位“ blanket defense 密集防守off side 越位trip opponent 绊人charge opponet 冲撞charge opponent from behind 背后铲人fair charge合理冲撞send off the field of play将球员驱逐出场tackl铲球pen alty-mark 罚点球点take kick主罚点球sudden death突然死亡法determine the winner by penalty kicks 以点球决胜负make space制造空档off-side trap造越位战术total play全攻全过打法Football, soccer, Association football 足球杯赛Cup杯FIFA国际足联arch-rival 主要对手defending champi on 卫冕冠军qualify for the next round 出线elimi nate 淘汰final eight 前八强favourists 夺标热门dark horse 黑马、爆冷门Underdog -黑马group round rob in 小组循环赛group prelim in aries 小组预赛联赛league 联赛ranking 排名次,名次aggregate score 总积分league table 联赛积分表away ground 客场场地away match 客场比赛on a home and away basis 主客场制home team 主队visiters team 客队promoti on 升级relegati on 降级first division team 甲级队second division 乙级队golden ball 金球golde n boots 金靴奖top scorer得分最高的队员transfer 转会其它比赛warming up competition 热身赛charity soccer match 慈善足球赛return leg 回访赛exhibition match 表演赛frie ndly match 友谊比赛in vitati onal tourn ame nt 邀请赛场地stadium 体育场stands 看台field, pitch 足球场midfied 中场center fieldhalf-way line 中线halfway flag 中线旗byline 边线by-line 边线end line 底线back line卫线、端线kick-off circle中圈,开球区corner area 角球区corner flag 角球旗penalty area 禁区penalty box 禁区penalty mark (点球)发球点goal球门,进球数goal area 球门区goal line 球门线goal net球门网crossbar球门横杆、门楣goal post 球门柱base of post 柱脚locker room (运动员)休息室、更衣室Boardroom 会议室Changin g-room 更衣室Corporate boxes 团体席Dugout 教练席Bench替补席Clubshop 俱乐部店Runnin g-track 跑道Scoreboard 记分牌Hoardi ngs 广告牌Tannoy 广播Ticket-office 售票厅Treatme nt room 治疗室Trophy room 纪念品展室Tunnel球员通道Turnstiles球场旋转门赛程Fixture list 赛程表half, halftime 半场first half上半场half-time break 中场休息second half 下半场injury time伤停补时extra time加时赛first leg第一回合full time全场比赛时间time out 暂停Warm-dow n 赛后休息Teamtalk教练训话时间Press conference 记者招待会裁判referee 主裁判assistant助理裁判lineman 巡边员,边裁final whistle 终场哨声球员1professional soccer player 职业球员uniform nu mber 球衣号码in red strip 身穿红色条衫fitness身体素质stamina 体力、耐力in great form 竞技状态极佳football, eleven 足球队captain, leader 队长football player足球运动员key player 主力队员player in上场队员substitute ,reserve players 替补队员goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员back 后卫defender 后卫full back 后卫left左后卫right back右后卫centre half back 中卫midfield 中场half back 前卫downfield 前卫left half back 左前卫right half back 右前卫forward 前锋striker centre forward, centre 中锋in side left forward, in side left 左内锋in side right forward, in side right 右内锋outside left forward, outside left 左边锋outside right forward, outside right 右边锋球员2后卫:Back前卫:Midfielder前锋:中锋:Striker自由人:libero中后卫:Center Back全能选手:utility player守门员:Goalkeeper, Goalie左(右)后卫:Left (Right) Back清道夫,拖后中卫:Sweeper左(右)前卫:Left (Right) Midfielder攻击型前卫,前腰:Attacking Midfielder 防守型前卫,后腰:Defending Midfielder球员3freema n 自由人sweeper 自由中卫march in列队入场encoun ter 交锋winger锋线队员offensive player 进攻队员striker攻击手playmaker 组织进攻者supporting player 接应队员goal-buster 杰出射手up-rising star 后起之秀budding star初露锋芒的明星star-studded 明星荟萃的观众fan 球迷aficionado (球)迷、狂热爱好者spectator 观众Crowd -观众cheering squad 拉拉队cheering team 啦啦队football hooliga n 足球流氓rioter 骚乱者capacity crowd 观众满座VIP box重要人物席Supporters 支持者教练head coach 主教练coach 教练instructor skipper 领队guide train er助理教练其他人员soccer commentator 足球评论员Grou ndsman 修理草皮人员Ballboys -捡球者Mascots -滑嵇小丑判罚kick-off 开球goal kick球门球corner ball, corner 角球corner kick 发角球goal kick球门球header 头球hand ball 手球penalty kick 点球spot kick penalty for a foul犯规罚点球free kick任意球direct freekick直接任意球in direct free kick 间接任意球defensive wall 防守人墙line up a wall 筑人墙to set a wall 筑人墙place kick定位球kick-out 踢出界throw-in 掷界外球offside 越位off-side 越位red card红牌(表示判罚出场)yellow card黄牌(表示警告)penalise 处罚banish罚出场sending-off 罚下场send-off 罚下场send a player off 判罚出场match ban禁赛命令suspend 停赛、禁赛to cheat 作弊violent conduct 粗鲁行为foul犯规foul marker犯规指示旗to breaks the rules 矛犯规foul play严重犯规The goal is disallowed 进球无效deny a goal 判射无效delay the game 拖延比赛refuse obedienee to the referee 不服裁判score 得分goals射中次数Substitute 换人技术long pass 长传close pass, short pass 短传flank pass边线传球high lobbing pass 高吊传球scissor pass 交叉传球volley pass凌空传球hook pass弧形传球triangular pass 三角传球rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球back pass转身传球steep forward pass 大脚直传cross传中send in a cross from the left 左路传中send in a cross from the right 右路传中line pass 横传back-heel pass脚后跟传球flick-on header 头球摆渡back pass转身传球ball playing skill 控救技术deceptive moveme nt 彳假动作bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 平胸球ground ball, grounder 地面球,地滚球ball handling 控制球block tackle正面抢截in terceptio n 拦截body check身体阻挡fair charge合理冲撞chest ing 胸部挡球close-mark ing defence 钉人防守consecutive passes 连续传球diving header 鱼跃顶球flying headar跳起顶球dribbling 盘球,带球beat an opponent 过人、越过对手slide tackle 铲球steal a ball 断球bullt球门前混战clearanee kick解除危险的球make a powerful clearanee kick 大脚解围goalkeep ing 守门fin ger-tip save (守门员)托救球clean catchi ng (守门员)跳球抓好,接高球beat out a shot将球击出(守门员)to shoot 射门course of action 球路rebo und 反弹球banana shot弧线射门、香蕉球volley shot凌空射门grazing shot贴地射门close-range shot 近射long drive 远射mishit未射中own goal踢入本方球门(对方得分),乌龙球equalizer造成平分的射门free shot射空门tap in the ball轻拨入网open net 空门solo drive 单刀直入wall pass 二过一to pass the ball 传球runing off the ball 跑位support 接应to take a pass 接球trapp ing 停球spot pass球传到位make a spot pass 传球至U位to trap脚底停球to intercept 截球to break through, to beat 带球过人to break loose 摆脱shake off 摆脱break through 突破dow n-the-middle thrust 中路突破empty space 空档make space制造空档blanket defenee 密集防守man to man defence 人盯人防守mark space 区域联防offensive on the wings 从两翼进攻aerial duel向前场推进fast break 快攻fast counterattack 快速反攻be level with与 ..... 站在一条线上beat the offside trap 反越位成功drop-ball (足球中的)争球to control the midfield 控制中场to disorganize the defence 破坏防守to fall back 退回to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏tempo of the game 比赛节奏to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势one-sided game 一边倒的比赛close game比分接近的比赛an incident-packed game 一场事故叠出的比赛tie-breaker 平分决胜的比赛rough play粗野的比赛level the score 将比分扳平solid defenee 防守坚固break the deadlock 打破僵局goal drought 进球荒战术all-out attaeki ng 全攻型打法total football 全攻全守足球战术open football拉开的足球战术off-side trap越位战术wing play边锋战术shoot-on-sight tactics积极的抢射战术time wasting tactics 拖延战术阵法formatio n 阵型lin e-up 阵容back line 卫线、端线forward line 锋线Brazilian formation 巴西阵式,4-2-4 阵式four backs system 四后卫制four-three-three formatio n 4-3-3 阵式four-two-four formatio n 4-2-4 阵式赛制competiti on regulati ons 比赛条例disqualificati on 取消比赛资格extra time加时赛golden goal, sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法pen alty shoot-out 罚点球决胜负the away goals rule 客场进球规则draw, sortition 扌由签drawing lots 扌由签group ing 分组eighth-fi nals 八分之一决赛quarterfi nal 四分之一决赛semi-fi nal 半决赛roun d-rob in 循环赛five-a-side-football 五人制室内足球结果goalless draw 未得分,不分胜负a hat trick帽子戏法,连中三元Draw -平局装备Ball 球Gloves手套knee pads 护膝Socks袜子Shin guards 护具Tracksuit 运动套装Studs鞋钉Adaptor 转拉器Boots足球鞋Cycli ng-shorts 自行车短型紧身裤First-aid kit 急救包Nets网兜Notebook 小笔记本Pump气筒Shi nguards/Shi npads 护胫Shirts足球上衣Shorts短裤Socks短袜Stopwatch 秒表Strips服装。
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The data has large dynamic range and 2D diffraction information. Compared to one-dimensional diffraction profiles measured with a conventional diffraction system, a 2D image collected with GADDS contains far more information for various applications. By introduction of the innovative twodimensional X-ray diffraction (XRD 2 ) theory, GADDS has opened a new dimension in X-ray powder diffraction.
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Control of H-and J-Aggregate Formation via Host -GuestComplexation using Cucurbituril HostsSuresh Gadde,Elizabeth K.Batchelor,Joshua P.Weiss,Yonghua Ling,andAngel E.Kaifer*Department of Chemistry and Center for Supramolecular Science,Uni V ersity of Miami,CoralGables,Florida 33124-0431Received September 10,2008;E-mail:akaifer@Abstract:The binding interactions between two cyanine dyes,pseudoisocyanine (PIC)and pinacyanol (PIN),and the cucurbit[n ]uril hosts,cucurbit[7]uril (CB7)and cucurbit[6]uril (CB6),were investigated by electronic absorption spectroscopy and DFT computational methods.The CB7host forms more stable complexes with both dyes than CB6and the computational studies suggest that the cavity of the smaller host CB6is not threaded by the dyes.The equilibrium association constants (K )for complexation by CB7were measured and found to be 2.05×104and 3.84×105M -1for PIC and PIN,respectively,in aqueous media at 23°C.CB7complexation was found to effectively disrupt the intermolecular forces responsible for the aggregation of both dyes.Thus,CB7completely disrupts the J-aggregates formed by PIC and the H-aggregates (as well as lower concentrations of J-aggregates)formed by PIN.In both cases a competing guest,1-aminoadamantane (AD),could be used to adjust the extent of aggregation of the cyanine dye.AD regulates aggregate formation because it forms an extremely stable complex with CB7(K ≈1012M -1)and exerts a tight control on the CB7concentration available to interact and bind with the dye.IntroductionThe aggregation of organic dyes is often observed in aqueous solution due to the development of short-range noncovalent forces,such as van der Waals or π-πstacking interactions,among the dye molecules.1Aggregate formation may have a strong effect on the electronic absorption and emission spectra of dyesolutions.One of the most extensively investigated classes of dye aggregates,the so-called J-aggregates,2exhibit red-shifted and very sharp absorption bands (as compared to monomer and dimer absorptions),which result from exciton delocalization over a large number of molecular building blocks in the noncovalent aggregate.While our knowledge of the structure of J-aggregates in the solution phase is limited,they are of considerable technological interest because of theirapplications in photography,and potential uses in photodynamic therapy,optoelectronics,and photoelectric cells.3In contrast to J-aggregates,H-aggregates 4give rise to blue-shifted absorption bands.A second important difference between these two classes of aggregates is that H-aggregates are usually poor emitters,whereas J-aggregates typically show efficient luminescence.It is widely accepted that both types of aggregates result from the parallel stacking of dye molecules.While in H-aggregates the dye molecules align face-to-face giving rise to a sandwich-like arrangement,J-aggregates are composed of dye molecules staggered in an edge-to-edge configuration (Figure 1).5At this time,our understanding of aggregate size or average number of dye molecules associated in J-or H-aggregates is very limited.In the solution phase,the extent of aggregation depends on the temperature,medium composition and the structural features of the dye molecule,6but only scattered attempts to control dye aggregation have been reported.Recently Kim,Whitten and co-workers 7have shown that the presence of excess carboxymethyl amylose leads to enhanced J-aggregation of a cyanine dye and formation of superhelical assemblies between amylose and the cyanine J-aggregates.Other(1)Mishra,A.;Behera,R.K.;Behera,P.K.;Mishra,B.K.;Behera,G.B.Chem.Re V .2000,100,1973.(2)(a)Scheibe,G.Angew.Chem.1936,49,563.(b)Scheibe,G.Angew.Chem.1937,50,51.(c)Jelly,E.E.Nature 1936,138,1009.(d)Jelly,E.E.Nature 1937,139,631.(e)Wang,M.;Silva,G.L.;Armitage,B.A.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2000,122,9977.(f)Peyratout,C.S.;Mo ¨hwald,H.;Da ¨hne,L.Ad V 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2006,110,7527.(4)(a)West,W.;Pearce,S.J.Phys.Chem.1965,69,1894.(b)West,W.;Geddes,A.L.J.Phys.Chem.1964,68,837.(c)Eisfeld,A.;Briggs,J.S.Chem.Phys.2006,324,376.(d)Kostarelos,K.;Luckham,P.F.;Tadros,Th.T.J.Colloid Interface Sci.1997,191,341.(5)Peyratout,C.;Donath,E.;Daehne,L.J.Photochem.Photobiol.A 2001,142,51.(6)(a)Kamalov,V.;Struganova,I.;Yoshihara,K.J.Phys.Chem.1996,100,8640.(b)Struganova,I.A.;Morgan,S.;Lim,H.J.Phys.Chem.B 2002,106,11047.(7)Kim,O-K.;Je,J.;Jernigan,G.;Buckley,L.;Whitten,D.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2006,128,510.Published on Web 11/13/200810.1021/ja807197c CCC:$40.75 2008American Chemical Society171149J.AM.CHEM.SOC.2008,130,17114–17119examples of enhanced J-aggregation driven by various additives in solution have been reported.8Interest in the family of the cucurbit[n ]uril hosts (CBn,see Figure 1A for structures)has been increasing rapidly in the past few years.9There is growing interest in the stabilization of organic dyes in solution by CB complexation.10Halterman and co-workers have recently prepared rhodamine B dimers and shown that H-dimer aggregation could be decreased by com-plexation with CB7.11In this work,we show that two cyanine dyes,pseudoisocyanine (PIC)and pinacyanol (PIN),form stable inclusion complexes with the CB7host and that these binding interactions disrupt the formation of PIC J-aggregates and PIN H-aggregates.Furthermore,the extent of formation of the aggregates can be controlled using the host -guest association equilibrium between CB7and a competing guest (1-aminoada-mantane,AD).Results and DiscussionIn aqueous solution,the monomer form of the cyanine dye PIC exhibits absorption maxima at 485and 525nm.12The formation of J-aggregates is generally favored by increasing the dye concentration or by lowering the solution temperature.The ionic strength of the solution also has an effect on the aggregation,and increasing salt concentrations tend to foster the formation of J-aggregates.13The presence of PIC J-aggregates is highlighted by a sharp absorption band at 575nm.In order to investigate the binding interactions between PIC and the hosts CB7and CB6,it is important to ensure that the experimental conditions are such that no dye aggregation takes place.In solutions containing 0.2M NaCl and 8.0µM PIC,we observe absorption spectra corresponding to the monomeric form,with no indication of a narrow absorption band at 575nm.As observed with other included guests,14addition of increasing concentrations of CB7gradually depresses the intensity of the monomer absorption bands (Figure 2A).We can thus follow the absorbance of either band as a function of added CB7concentration and fit the observed variation to a 1:1binding isotherm.From the optimization of the fit (Figure 2B),we can obtain the corresponding equilibrium association constant (K ),which in this case was determined to be 2.1×104M -1.The monomeric form of PIN shows absorption maxima 15at 548and 600nm and CB7additions depress the molar absorp-tivity coefficients (ε)of both absorption bands (Figure 2C),which allows the use of the same method for the determination of the corresponding K value (3.8×105M -1)for the formation of the PIN•CB7complex.Similar experiments were carried out with the smaller cavity host CB6and Job plots were obtained in all cases to confirm the 1:1stoichiometry of the complexes (see Supporting Information).Table 1gives the parameters describing the complexation between these two dyes and the hosts CB7and CB6.Notice that for both dyes,the K value with CB7is higher than the corresponding value with CB6.This is probably a reflection of the cross section of both dyes,which facilitates interactions with the larger cavity host,CB7,while restricting CB6to shallower binding modes.However,the differences in the K values from the CB7to the CB6complex are relatively small for both dyes,a finding which is not well understood at this time (see discussion of the computational results below).Furthermore,the dye PIN was found to give rise to more stable complexes than PIC,which should be related to the presence of the longer unsaturated bridge between the aromatic groups in PIN.The limited aqueous solubility of both dyes,as well as their tendency to aggregate even at submillimolar concentrations,has hampered our attempts to investigate binding interactions with CB hosts using NMR spectroscopy.In order to determine the best binding sites on the dye structures for each of the CB hosts,we have used computational methods.We used an ONIOM-type 16approach in which the supramolecular complex was divided into two components:(1)the CB host,described by a simple molecular mechanics field (UFF),and (2)the guest (dye),treated with more sophisticated DFT methodology (B3LYP/3-21G*).The host and the dye were manually positioned relative to each other in at least five starting positions,typically(8)(a)Birkan,B.;Gu ¨len,D.;Ozcelik,S.J.Phys.Chem.B 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host slides along the dye molecule,but the overall energy of interaction was negative,suggesting that a true inclusion complex is formed in which the dye threads through the host cavity.The complex structure corresponding to the absolute energy minimum obtained by this procedure is shown in Figure 3C and D.The distortion of the CB7cavity,which is clearly seen in this complex,has been previously observed by us in an X-ray crystal structures of a stable CB8inclusion complex,14d as well as in the energy-minimized structure of a CB7inclusion complex,14c which was found to be stable by experimental means.Similar procedures led to the structure of the PIC•CB7complex shown in Figure 3A and B,in which the distortion of the CB7cavity is minimal,since the penetration of the guest in the cavity is less pronounced.The binding energies obtained (-38.3kcal/mol for PIC and -89.4kcal/mol for PIN)cor-respond well with the respective K values obtained in the solution phase (Table 1),in spite of the fact that solvent molecules were not considered in the computational studies.Similar computational procedures with CB6yield large positive binding energies for any complex configuration in whichthe main axis of the guest penetrates inside the host cavity.Clearly,the smaller cavity of CB6does not support guest threading.For both dyes,energy minimization leads to complex structures in which the CB6host exhibits a shallow interaction with one of the two N -ethyl groups adjacent to points of substantial positive charge density on the guest (see Supporting Information).In order to prepare solutions of PIC with significant content of J-aggregates,18we dissolved enough PIC (as its iodide salt)to make 0.3mM solutions in hot (80°C)0.2M NaCl and cool down the solutions to a final temperature of 10°C.The spectra of the resulting solutions exhibit an intense,sharp band centered at 575nm,which corresponds to the absorption of the J-aggregates (Figure 4A).Upon addition of two equiv of CB7(0.6mM)to this solution,we observed the complete disappear-(17)Seok Oh,K.;Yoon,J.;Kim,K.S.J.Phys.Chem.B 2001,105,9726.(18)(a)Struganova,I.J.Phys.Chem.A 2000,104,9670.(b)Kopansky,B.;Hallermeier,J.K.;Kaiser,W.Chem.Phys.Lett.1981,83,498.Figure 2.Effect of CB7additions on the visible spectra of (A)PIC (8.0µM)and (C)PIN (6.0µM).Variation of the absorbance of (B)PIC and (D)PIN,at the specified wavelengths as a function of the CB7concentration.The line through the experimental data points (filled circles)corresponds to the optimum fit using a 1:1binding isotherm (see Table 1for fitting parameters).Table 1.Equilibrium Constants (K )and Molar AbsorptivityCoefficients (εcomp )of the Complexes Formed by the Association of the Dyes PIC and PIN with the Hosts CB6and CB7at 23°C in Aqueous SolutionCB6CB7K (M -1)εcomp (M -1cm -1)K (M -1)εcomp (M -1cm -1)PIC 9.8×103 2.7×104 2.1×104 6.1×104PIN 2.1×105 3.0×104 3.8×105 3.6×104Figure 3.Minimized structures of the CB7complexes with PIC (A and B)and PIN (C and D).The binding energies obtained using B3LYP/6-31G*methods are -38.3and -89.4kcal/mol,respectively.17116J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.130,NO.50,2008A R T I C L E S Gadde et al.ance of the J-band with a slight increase in monomer absorbance.Clearly,this finding reveals that the formation of the PIC•CB7complexes in the solution disrupts the noncovalent interactions between the dye molecules and prevents the formation of J-aggregates under these conditions.The presence or absence of J-aggregates in these solutions can easily be detected by the naked eye,as evidenced by the pictures shown in Figure 4D.Having established that CB7complexation of PIC effectively disrupts the formation of J-aggregates by the dye molecules,we set out to re-establish J-aggregation in a controlled fashion by gradually removing the CB7host from its complex with PIC.In order to accomplish this,we used AD as a competing guest.This compound was selected because it forms a highly stable complex with CB7,which favors host removal from the complex with PIC.The reported K value for the AD•CB7complex 19[(4.23(1.00)×1012M -1in 50mM sodium acetate buffer]is about 8orders of magnitude higher than that measured in this work between PIC and CB7.Even taking into account that we use a medium of higher ionic strength (0.2M NaCl),where the K value between AD and CB7is probably about 1order of magnitude lower,20the difference in the binding constants is so large in favor of AD that the removal of CB7from its PIC•CB7complex is essentially quantitative at the submillimolar concentrations used in this work and should follow,equivalent by equivalent,the amount of AD added to the solution.This is strongly supported by the data in Figure 4.In the absence of CB7,a solution containing 0.3mM PIC shows extensive J-aggregation (Figure 4A).As mentioned before,upon addition of 0.6mM CB7,the J-aggregates are dissolved and theabsorption band at 575nm is completely lost.Further addition of 0.6mM AD (1.0equiv in relation to the CB7present in the solution)fully regenerates the J-band,with a maximum absor-bance very similar to that exhibited before the addition of the CB7host (Figure 4A).Furthermore,gradual addition of AD to a solution containing 0.3mM PIC and 0.6mM CB7leads to the progressive growth of the J-aggregate band (Figure 4B).In fact,the maximum absorbance of the J-band seems to linearly increase with the added concentration of the competing guest AD,until 1.0equiv is reached,at which point further additions of AD have no effect on the absorbance recorded at 575nm (Figure 4C).Control experiments,in which AD was added to solutions containing PIC J-aggregates and no CB7,showed that the intensity of the J-band was unaffected by AD (in the absence of CB7).Therefore,our data unequivocally show that the formation of PIC J-aggregates can be controlled by the relative amounts of CB7and AD present in the solution.We also conducted experiments with CB6,but this host was much less effective than CB7at preventing the formation of PIC J-aggregates,that is,higher concentrations of CB6were needed to achieve similar reductions in aggregate formation.Therefore,we only carried out minimal experimentation with the smaller cavity host.Similar results were obtained using fluorescence measure-ments.The PIC J-aggregates exhibit a sharp,intense fluores-cence emission band at 581nm upon excitation at 532nm,whereas the PIC monomer does not show any fluorescence emission.21Addition of 2.0equiv.of CB7to a solution containing PIC J-aggregates quenches the fluorescence of the(19)Liu,S.;Ruspic,C.;Mukhopadhyay,P.;Chakrabarti,S.;Zavalij,P.Y.;Isaacs,L.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2005,127,15959.(20)Ong,W.;Kaifer,.Chem.2004,69,1383.(21)(a)Tanaka,Y.;Yoshikawa,H.;Masuhara,H.J.Phys.Chem.B 2006,110,17906.(b)Sanchez,E.J.;Novotny,L;Xie,X.S.Phys.Re V .Lett.1999,82,4014.Figure 4.(A)Visible spectra (1.0mm cell,10°C)of 0.3mM PIC (green),0.3mM PIC +0.6mM CB7(red),and 0.3mM PIC +0.6mM AD (discontinuousblue).(B)Regeneration of the J-band at 573nm as AD is added to a solution containing 0.3mM PIC and 0.6mM CB7.(C)Absorbance at 573nm as a function of the added AD concentration to a solution initially containing 0.3mM PIC +0.6mM CB7.The blue line was calculated by linear regression of all the points in the range [AD]<0.7mM (correlation coefficient:0.983).(D)Color comparison:(I)0.3mM PIC at ca.80°C (II)0.3mM PIC at 23°C,(III)0.3mM PIC +0.6mM CB7at 23°C (IV)0.3mM PIC +0.6mM CB7+0.6mM AD at 23°C.All solutions were prepared in 0.2M NaCl.J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.130,NO.50,200817117Control of H-and J-Aggregate Formation A R T I C L E SJ-aggregates (Figure 5),providing additional confirmation that CB7forms a complex with PIC and disrupts the noncovalent interactions leading to J-aggregation.However,we must point out that the fluorescence emission of the PIC•CB7complex,although still weak,shows a ca.10-fold enhancement compared to that of free,monomeric PIC as seen in Figure 5.Addition of increasing AD concentrations to a solution containing PIC and CB7results in increased fluorescence intensity as the competing guest complexes the host,releasing PIC for J-aggregation.The relevant equilibria involved in these phenomena are given below:n PIC a J-aggregates (1)PIC +CB7a PIC ·CB7(2)AD +CB7a AD ·CB7(3)The PIN aggregation experiments were all conducted in aqueous solutions -also containing 1.0%(v/v)of methanol and 0.05M NaCl-that were prepared as described in the Experi-mental Section.The small volume of methanol present in these solutions was necessary to solubilize the PIN dye and the salt at the required concentration levels to drive aggregate formation as described below.The electronic absorption spectrum of a 0.2mM solution of PIN exhibits several visible absorption peaks (Figure 6A).The highest energy absorption (λmax )473nm)corresponds to H-aggregates,22since it is not detected at lower concentrations and it is blue-shifted from the monomer absorp-tions.At this concentration level,the main monomer band has its maximum at 600nm and a smaller,red-shifted absorption at 640nm,which is ascribed to the formation of J-aggregates.22b Addition of excess CB7(0.8mM)results in pronounced changes on the absorption spectrum,which is now dominated by absorption bands corresponding to monomer absorptions (550and 607nm).The absorption bands corresponding to H-and J-aggregates are not detected under these conditions (Figure 6A -B).Again,we must conclude that the formation of PIN•CB7complexes disrupts the noncovalent interactions that give rise to both types of dye aggregates.In spite of its higher binding affinity for PIN (Table 1),CB7seems to be less effective at breaking up PIN H-aggregates than PIC J-aggregates,as we must add a larger stoichiometric excess of the host to completely disrupt aggregation in the PIN solution than in the PIC solution (4equiv with PIN vs 2equiv CB7for PIC).In this regard,we must point out that the aggregation of PIN is more complex than that observed with PIC.While the latter only forms J-aggregates,the former gives rise to H-aggregates,J-aggregates and even well-defined dimers,depending on the experimental conditions.In addition to this complexity in its aggregation,the extent of intermolecular contacts in H-ag-gregates is certainly larger than in J-aggregates,thus making their dissociation thermodynamically more costly.All these factors play a role in the case of PIN aggregation and are useful to rationalize the lower efficiency of CB7to break down PIN aggregates,in spite of the fact that the PIN•CB7complex is thermodynamically more stable than the PIC•CB7complex.As with PIC,CB6was found to be considerably less effective at preventing PIN aggregation.In the absence of CB7addition of AD has no effect on the absorption spectrum of PIN solutions (Figure 6A).However,when AD is added to solutions containing PIN and excess CB7,AD is expected to compete effectively for the host molecules in the solution,reducing the concentration of CB7available to disrupt PIN aggregation.This is indeed the case,as evidenced by the data shown in Figure 6B -C.Increasing AD concentra-tions result in a clear regeneration of the H-and J-aggregate bands at 473and 640nm,respectively.Specifically,the plot in Figure 6C shows that the absorbance at 473nm grows linearly with the added concentration of AD,in analogy to our previous observations with the PIC J-aggregate band (Figure 4C).However,it is surprising that more than 1.0equiv of AD (in relation to the CB7present)has to be added in this case to fully regenerate the original level of aggregation.The contrast with the results obtained with PIC (Figure 4)is interesting.The reasons for this behavior are not fully understood,but we must note that the stability of the PIN•CB7complex is higher than that of the PIC•CB7complex,so the former may compete more effectively with the AD•CB7complex.However,the H-aggregate absorbance still grows linearly with the added concentration of AD in the range 0<[AD]<1.6mM (Figure 6C),and effective competition between AD and PIN for the CB7host would give rise to substantial curvature in this plot.Perhaps a more important factor at play here is the complexity in the aggregation of PIN,which includes the possible formation of dimers,J-aggregates and H-aggregates.Regardless of this(22)(a)Sabate ´,R.;Gallardo,M.;Estelrich,J.J.Colloid Interface Sc.2001,233,205.(b)Merrill,R.C.;Spencer,R.W;Getty,R.J.Am.Chem.Soc.1948,70,2460.(c)Barazzouk,S.;Lee,H.;Hotchandani,S.;Kamat,P.V.J.Phys.Chem.B 2000,104,3616.Figure 5.Fluorescence emission spectra (excitation wavelength:532nm)of 0.3mM PIC (black,recorded at 10°C),0.3mM PIC +0.6mM of CB7(red,at 10°C),0.3mM of PIC monomer (green,at 80°C).All solutions were prepared in 0.2M NaCl.Scheme 1.Pictorial Representation of the Competition for the CB7Host between the Two Competing Guests PIC and AD,Which Allows the Fine Control of PIC J-AggregateFormation17118J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.130,NO.50,2008A R T I C L E S Gadde et al.complex aggregation landscape for PIN,its aggregation at these concentrations can be detected by the naked eye (Figure 6D),as was the case with PIC.All the spectroscopic changes observed with PIN solutions can be explained with a series of chemical equilibria similar to those given in eqs 1–3.The more complicated nature of PIN association may require additional equilibria,but the overall scheme would be similar to that presented with PIC.In conclusion,this work has demonstrated that it is possible to shift the equilibrium between monomeric cyanine dyes and their aggregated forms (J aggregates for PIC and mostly H-aggregates for PIN)in a controlled fashion,taking advantage of the binding properties of the CB7host.The PIC•CB7complex has moderate stability,but it does interfere effectively with the formation of J-aggregates (Scheme 1).Connecting this equilibrium with the association equilibrium between CB7and AD (an excellent guest for CB7which gives rise to a highly stable inclusion complex)allows us to fine-tune the extent of J-aggregate formation in the solution.Similar arguments apply to the CB7-controlled,H-aggregate formation by PIN,but this system is more complex due to the possible formation of PIN dimers and J-aggregates,in addition to the predominant H-aggregates.As a result of this additional complexity,control of PIN aggregation requires relatively larger amounts of CB7and competitive guest (AD).These phenomena may find applica-tions,for instance,in the development of new sensors based on the intense absorption and/or fluorescence properties of J-aggregates.Further investigation of these phenomena may alsocontribute to increasing our still poor understanding of J-aggregate and H-aggregate structures in the solution phase.Experimental SectionAll solutions were made fresh daily.PIN solutions (2.00×10-4M with 0.05M NaCl and 1%MeOH (v/v))were prepared by dissolving 7.76mg PIN in 1mL methanol and diluting with deionized water.3.31g NaCl was dissolved in a small amount of water and both solutions were heated to 80°C.The NaCl solution was added dropwise to the PIN solution,sonicated and diluted to near 100mL.The solution was protected from light and allowed to cool down to room temperature,at which point the volume was taken to exactly 100mL by adding pure water.A second solution containing 8.00×10-4M CB7was prepared by dissolving 6.37mg CB7in 5mL of the 0.2mM solution of PIN.A third solution containing 2.4×10-3M AD was prepared by dissolving 18.20mg of AD in 50mL of the 0.2mM solution of PIN.All solutions were heated to 80°C and cooled to 1°C in an ice bath before analysis.PIC solutions (3×10-4M)were made by adding 13.14mg of PIC to 1.17g NaCl (0.2M)and heated at 80°C with stirring.After complete dissolution of the dye,the solution was cooled in a water bath held at 10°C.CB7and AD solutions of PIC made by dissolving appropriate amounts of CB7and AD in 0.3mM solution of PIC.Acknowledgment.The authors are grateful to the NSF (to A.E.K.,CHE-0600795)for the generous support of this work.Supporting Information Available:Job plots for all com-plexes and structures of the CB6-dye complexes obtained from the computational work.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .JA807197CFigure 6.(A)Visible spectra (1.0-mm cell,1°C)of 0.2mM PIN (black),0.2mM PIN +0.8mM CB7(red)and 0.2mM PIN +2.4mM AD (discontinuousgreen).(B)Visible spectra of 0.2mM PIN in the absence (black)and in the presence of 0.8mM CB7(red)and after addition of 0.4mM (green),0.8mM (blue)and 1.6mM (light blue)AD.(C)Absorbance at 473nm as a function of added AD concentration in a solution initially containing 0.2mM PIN and 0.8mM CB7.The blue line was obtained by linear regression of all the points in the range [AD]<2mM (correlation coefficient:0.995).(D)Color comparison:(I)0.2mM PIN at 80°C,(II)0.2mM PIN at 1°C,(III)0.2mM PIN +0.8mM CB7at 1°C,(IV)0.2mM PIN +0.8mM CB7+2.4mM AD at 1°C.J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.130,NO.50,200817119Control of H-and J-Aggregate Formation A R T I C L E S。