China Rare Earth Market Review
Rare earth is the richest strategic resource of China. As of 2009,China’s reserves of rare earth have reached 36 million tons,representing 36.4% of the world’s total. China also boasts the largest rare earth output in the world,accounting for 129,000 tons or 97% of the world’s total output in 2009. The overexploitation of rare earth resources has posed a grave challenge to the sustainable development of China’s rare earth industry.In response to the problem in the exploitation of rare earth resources,the Chinese Government has intensified the policy control in recent years,implementing a mandatory production and export quota system. The rare earth exploitation of China is capped at 89,200 tons in 2010,up 8.4% year-on-year,while the export quota stands at 30,300 tons,down 39.5% year-on-year.Since 2009,China has strengthened its control over rare earth export,pushing up a new round of price hike of rare earth resource worldwide because of the shortage of supply. A case in point is neodymium,the spot market price of which in Shanghai reached RMB 316,500/ton as of September 30th,2010,an increase of 224.6% compared with the RMB 97,500/ton in December 2008.中国特色社会主义法律体系形成,总体解决了有法可依的问题。
第10卷 第5期中 国 地 质 调 查Vol.10 No.52023年10月GEOLOGICALSURVEYOFCHINAOct.2023doi:10.19388/j.zgdzdc.2023.05.01引用格式:王登红,刘善宝,王成辉,等.我国三稀矿产找矿进展述评与新一轮找矿建议[J].中国地质调查,2023,10(5):1-8.(WangDH,LiuSB,WangCH,etal.ReviewontheprogressofprospectingforthreetypesofraremineralresourcesinChinaandsuggestionsforthenewroundofprospecting[J].GeologicalSurveyofChina,2023,10(5):1-8.)我国三稀矿产找矿进展述评与新一轮找矿建议王登红,刘善宝,王成辉,于扬,赵芝,代鸿章(自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所,北京 100037)摘要:三稀矿产资源包括稀土、稀有和稀散矿产资源,其安全供应关系到我国战略性新兴产业的发展壮大。
关键词:稀土产品;出口营销;竞争力;出口贸易;策略和措施Abstract:The export of rare earth products is an important partof China's import and export trade and has important economic significance. The export marketing strategy and measures of rare earth products are of great significance in improvingthe competitiveness of China's rare earth products in the international market, protecting rare earth resources, and improving the quality and efficiency of export trade. Through investigation, research and analysis, this paper explores the export marketing strategy and measures of China's rare earth products, points out the main problems faced by China's rare earth products, and proposes countermeasures, aiming toprovide useful reference and reference for the export marketing of China's rare earth products.Keywords: Rare earth products; export marketing; competitiveness; export trade; strategy and measures1.前言稀土元素是一组具有特殊化学性质、物理性质和磁性和光学特性的元素,广泛应用于军事、工业和新能源等领域。
【关键词】稀土出口过度竞争垄断博弈AbstractWith the development of science and technology, more and more attention is paid to rare earth. What’s more, it has been ranked as a kind of strategic resources by many countries. Nowadays, it has also been widely applied to the high-tech industry, such as the electron, the communication and the automobile. China plays an indispensable role in international rare earth trade since she is abundant in rare earth. However, what she has received is not equivalent to her monopoly sources superiority. Coupled with the increase in the rare earth’s value is the decrease in the rare earth’s price. That contributes to the threat which Chinese rare earth industry is facing. From the perspective of market structure, rare earth’s market should have been a monopoly market, but today it is in a situation that it is filled with excessive competition and low-price sales instead. This thesis discusses the basic reasons for such a low price, including natural, economic and policy aspects. And on a basis of comparison and analysis on the price patterns of the general scarce mineral resources, we conclude that the main reasons for the low price are the excessive production, the fierce price game originated from excessive competition among rare earth enterprises and over-concentrated destination of export. Eventually, we put forward some suggestions on how to realize the value of Chinese rare earth, such as controlling the quantity of export, founding an international cartel organization, avoiding monopoly and performing the function of the industry association.【Key Words】Rare earth export; Excessive competition; Monopoly; Game目录1 引论 (4)1.1论文选题的背景及意义 (4)1.2核心概念解释 (5)1.3相关文献综述 (6)1.4思路和研究方法 (7)2稀土国际贸易与中国地位 (8)2.1稀土国际贸易概况 (8)2.2中国在稀土国际贸易中的地位 (9)3稀土低价出口形成的原因 (11)3.1我国稀土价格形成模式 (11)3.2稀土低价格形成的基础成因 (14)3.3稀土低价格的形成机理分析 (15)4稀土出口如何实现价格回归 (21)4.1稀土开采的管理问题 (21)4.2稀土出口总量的控制 (22)4.3稀土出口价格的管理与协调问题 (22)5结论及展望 (24)参考文献 (25)致谢 (26)稀土低价出口形成的原因分析1引论1.1论文选题的背景及意义稀土——在某些方面可与石油相媲美的人类最为宝贵的自然资源之一,随着科学技术的发展,被广泛应用于电子、通讯、能源、军事、农业及环保等各个方面,其巨大的价值正日益显现出来。
Rare Earth Market Review August 20-31
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根据《2023年稀土出口政策》,我国将进一步调整稀土出口配额管理机制,旨在更加科学合理地管 理稀土资源的出口。
. TEAM Analysis of Export Policies and Influencing Factors in the Rare Earth Industry
2.2022 年 我 国 稀 土 出 口 配 额 总 量 为 XXXX 吨 , 2023年将适度减少以实现平衡
根据数据统计,2022年我国稀土出口配额总量为XXXX吨,其中XXXX吨为包括镧系、钕系和铈系稀 土的配额,XXXX吨为包括钕铁硼稀土的配额。而根据新政策,2023年稀土出口配额总量将适度减 少,以实现稀土资源的合理利用与出口控制的平衡。
Increased market share of competitors
自2016年起,我国稀土行业实施了一 系列严格的环保政策,包括提高排污许 可证要求、加强污染控制设施建设等。 数据显示,截至2021年底,稀土行业 的主要污染物排放量已减少了约30%。
我国稀土行业积极推动清洁生产技术的 应用,以减少对环境的影响。根据最新 统计,截至2021年底,超过70%的稀 土企业已实施清洁生产技术,其中应用 了先进的尾矿处理、废气治理等技术手 段。
China Rare Earth Industry Report,210-2011
Market Price Rise of Major Rare Earth Products in China, H1 2011
In 2010, the actual rare earth output approximated 120 thousand tons in China, a slight decline compared to 2009. The integration of rare earth industry in the main producing areas including Inner Mongolia and Jiangxi province has been accelerated. For instance, rare earth resources in Inner Mongolia will be monopolized by Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-earth (Group) High-Tech; major rare earth mines in Ganzhou (Jiangxi province) have stopped production for consolidation. It is expected that the disordered
Operating Income and YoY Growth Rate of Rare Earth Upstream Enterprises (RMB mln)
Source: ResearchInChina
Table of contents
4. China’s Rare Earth Industry Market Supply and Demand 4.1 Supply & Demand 4.1.1 Rare Earth Ore Production 2. Development Environment of China’s Rare 4.1.2 Rare Earth Smelting and Separation Earth Industry 4.1.3 Demand 2.1 Global Rare Earth Industry Development 4.2 Export 2.1.1 Reserves and Distribution 4.2.1 Export Quota 2.1.2 Development of Rare Earth Mining Overseas 4.2.2 Export Scale 2.1.3 Supply 4.2.3 Export Structure 2.1.4 Demand 4.3 Market Price 2.2 China’s Rare Earth Industry Policy Adjustment 4.3.1 Prices of Major Middle & Heavy Rare Earth Metals 2.2.1 Production Policy 4.3.2 Prices of Major Light Rare Earth Metals 2.2.2 Foreign Investment Policy 2.2.3 Export Policy 5. Application of Rare Earth Metals 2.2.4 Industrial Integration Policy 5.1 Traditional Application Fields 2.2.5 Policy Adjustment Target 5.2 Magnetic Materials 5.2.1 Major Application Fields 3. China’s Rare Earth Industry Development 5.2.2 Supply & Demand 3.1 Reserves and Distribution 5.2.3 Market Competition 3.2 Development in Major Regions 5.3 Hydrogen Storage Material 3.2.1 Inner Mongolia 5.3.1 Market Scale 3.2.2 Sichuan 5.3.2 Market Competition 3.2.3 Shandong 5.4 Polishing Material 3.2.4 Jiangxi 5.5 Luminescent Material 3.2.5 Guangdong 3.2.6 Fujian 6. Key Enterprises 3.2.7 Guangxi 6.1 Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-earth (Group) High-Tech Co., Ltd. 6.1.1 Profile 1. Overview of Rare Earth Industry 1.1 Definition & Classification 1.2 Industry Chain
China Rare EarthInfonnationPrefaceChina is well known for rich rare earth resources.It draws great concern of the world for its dominant rare earth production and application.China Rare Earth Information is the only English journal covering rare earth information in China.The magazine is sponsored by Chinese Society of Rare Earths and published by the Infbrmation Center of Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths delivering worldwide.Since first published in1985,China Rare Earth Information is a window for the world to observe Chinese rare earth industry, application and supply.For over30years,CREI has been focusing on reporting the latest information about Chinese rare earth policies,market trends,industry situation,technical development and global demand for the readers from more than20countries.2020is the35th year since China Rare Earth Information fbunded.Here,we would like to extend our sincerest appreciation and wishes to the readers all over the world who accompany us along the way.And we are grateful to the editors,experts and authors for their supporting.In the days ahead,we insist on reporting the development in China rare earth technology and industry.To make the journal more valuable than ever,China Rare Earth Information,from2020on,will intensify the depth and breadth on the covering content.We are commencing reposition the journal to all-sided reports and in-depth analysis with thicker pages. China Rare Earth Information will cover the entire rare earth production and application chains including policy,minerals production analysis,price and market analysis,downstream application prediction etc.and research papers.So if you concern about Chinese and global rare earth industry,please eye on the revision of China Rare Earth Information.If you have opinion or expertise in the fields,we are looking forward to your article and papers.China has a saying,t4A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step;a ship of ten thousand miles may be accomplished by a compass.We are marching on the way of bracing a new era.All the colleges are anticipating to read your words and hear your voice.■。
Rare earth market analysis in May 2018
The weathered material included in the inferred resource estimate is a soft oxide that occurs from surface over a large area;Rift Valley believes it may be possible to mine the deposit via a conventional shallow open pit with a low waste-to-feed ratio.Angola has become increasingly attractive to international mining companies in recent years due to its stable and peaceful government and citizens,untapped mineral resource potential and its recent agreement to be a party to the New York foreign arbitration convention.Longonjo also benefits from being close to established infrastructure,and Rift Valley believes it secured a first-mover advantage in Angola when it purchased its70-percent interest in the project.The remaining30 percent is owned by a state-led company and another local miner.The company is hopeful that it will become"a leading supplier of the magnet metals in time for the predicted surge in demand from the impending change to electric vehicle technology."Magnet metals like neodymium and praseodymium are used in the surging electric vehicle sector.While exploration in Angola is ramping up,Rift Valley has been divesting its Tanzania-based projects over the last few months.The company expects to bring in an additional US$650,000when it sells its Kitongo gold project and Canuck prospecting license over the coming months.arket analysis in May2018Rare earth marketmSource:Association of China Rare Earth Industry1.Rare earth marketPrices of rare earth products kept weak in May.Although stimulated by the news that total production control quotas released at the end of April,there were more inquiries in the market but few transactions were done. However,during the last week of May,rare earth market became active and signs of price rising appeared. That was because rare earth producers increase the selling price after a long time of depressed price to maintain cost efficiency.The downstream market showed subdued reaction and we forecasted that the overall rare earth market would kept stable in future.2.Rare earth price(1)Rare earth price indexRare earth price index was like"V-shapes"in May,decreasing from138.3points at the beginning of the month to135.7points at the month-middle and then increasing to136.9points at the mongh-end.(2)Yttrium-medium and europium-rich mineralListed price of yttrium-medium and europium-rich minerals averaged175,000yuan/ton in May.(3)Light rare earth oxidesEditor B o ard:Y ang Zhanfeng:Deputy chief engineer ,Baotou Iron &steel(Group)Company Lin DongLu:Secretary General,Chinese Society of Rare Earths Song Hongfang:Director ,China Rare Earth Information Center Edito Chief Editor r :Yang ZhanfengEdit Deputy Editor-in-or-in-chief chief:LIU Yue WANG Yan Editor Editor:Zhao Wenjing ConsultantConsultant:Prof.LI Bingrong,Director ,Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Department Mr.WANG Deyong,Deputy Secretary-General,Association of China Rare Earth Industry Prof.Xiong Jiaqi,Metallurgist &EconomistProf.Dudley J.Kingsnorth,Leader:Critical Materials Initiative,CGSB,Curtin UniversityMajor SponsorsBaotou Research Institute of Rare EarthsPresident:Dr .Yang ZhanfengT el:00864725179253Fax:00864725152008Chinese Society of Rare Earths Director General:Mr .Gan YongT el:00861062182748Fax:00861062173501Treibacher Industrie AGMember of the Board:Mr .Alexander Bouvier Business Unit Director:Mr .Anton Auer T el:00434262505570Fax:004342625058570Solvay (Shanghai)Vice President:Mr .Zhu MingyueT el:00862154422630Fax:00862154422302Molycorp,IncChairman:Constantine KarayannopoulosPresident &CEO:Geoff BedfordSales Manager:Robert E Noll T el:0013038438043Arafura Resources Limited Managing Director:Mr .Gavin Lockyer T el:(618)62107666Fax:(618)92217966Baotou Xinyuan Rare Earth Hi-T ech New Material Co.LtdPresident:Mr .Ji DaiyuT el:00864725154366/5154399Fax:00864725154099China Rare Earth Holdings Limited President:Mr .Jiang QuanlongT el:00865107456666Fax:00865107454730Baotou Hongbo T e T echnology Co.,Ltd General Manager:Mr .Liu JiangangT el:00864725216500/5216503Fax:00864725216501/5216504Baotou Rare Earth Hi-T ech Industrial Development ZoneT el:00864725160918or 5163128China Rare Earth Information Centerorganization Host organization:Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths organization Competent organization:The Chinese Society of Rare Earths AddressAddress:No.36,RE Development Zone,Baotou,Inner Mongolia,China,014030el T el:00864725179253FaxFax:00864725152008EmailEmail:cnreinfo@ price Unit price:USD 27VOL.CREIC NEWS VOL.2424No.No.66,20182018//6/25CN CN1515--11471147/TF M /TFPUBLISHED MONTHL ONTHL YCOPYRIGHT:The information carried on CREI Newsletter is exclu-sive and may be cited in other publications with the indication of the source of the information.Other action of citation is illegal without the written permission of Chief Editor .Listed price of didymium oxide was 334,900yuan/ton,down 4.59%.Price of didymium metal averaged 426,100yuan/ton,down 5.14%.Mainstream price of praseodymium oxide averaged 437,200yuan/ton in May,down 2.13%over last month.Mainstream price of lanthanum oxide (99.9%)averaged 15,500yuan/ton in May,keeping the same.Mainstream price of europium oxide (99.99%)was 394,400yuan/ton,down 1.43%.(4)Heavy rare earth oxidesMainstream price of dysprosium oxide was 1,157k yuan/ton,down 2.64%.Mainstream price of DyFe was 1,187.8k yuan/ton,down 2.36%.Mainstream price of terbium oxide (99.99%)averaged 2,957.8k yuan/ton in May,down 6.23%.Average listed price of yttrium oxide (99.999%)was 21,000yuan/ton in May,keeping the same with the price in April.Mainstream price of erbium oxide averaged 175,000yuan/ton in May,down 2.29%.。
Roskill's Backeberg also sees 2019 as an influential year for the sector, especially if EVs are able to grow the market significantly.In fact if EVand hybrid EVgrowth hits the 20-percent-per-year growth mark forecast by Roskill, there willbe a simultaneous 5-percent-per-year uptick in demand for REEs."The key growth area for the rare earths industry is the use of permanent magnets in the drivetrains of EVs," said Backeberg."Motors using rare earth permanent magnets, predominantly NdFeB magnets, exhibit greater effic and are less demanding on the batteries than competing technologies whilst providing the same performance. Each EV uses r oughly 1to 3 kilograms of RE permanent magnets, of which 33 percent is contained rare earth oxides."Brief n ews♦Rare earth cobalt permanent magnetic materials are used in Chang _e-4 probeThe 9th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation presented a high performance rare earth cobalt permanent magnet material at a product launch ceremony Such rare earth cobalt permanent magnet had been applied in Chang'e-4 lunar probe launched recently.It is known that the high performance rare earth cobalt permanent magnetic material has the characteristicsof extremely wide temperature, long life span and high coercivity. It can be widely used in aerospace and other fields for it can work at the lowest temperature of minus 225 degrees Celsius. This kind of permanent magnet material is widely used in motors. Compared with non-permanent magnet motors, such rare earth cobalt permanent magnet motor is more efficient and can improve the working efficiency to 97%. At the same time, the permanent magnet motor can save 30% energy because the coil needs not to energize to generate magnetic field.This rare earth cobalt permanent magnet product has also been put into trial operation on Changsha subway. In thefuture, such pe r manent magnet can be used in high-speed railway traction, ship propulsion and othe r fields, and the whole market size can r each 10 billion yuan.♦C hina' rare earth export volume increased in December 2018According to data from General Administration of Customs, China exported 5,421.4 tons of rare earths in December 2018, up 5.1 percent year-on-year. Exports amounts totaled US $44.6 million, up 15.8 percent year-on-year. The average export price was US $ 8.2 / kg, up 10.2 percent year-on-year.♦The operation of rare earth permanent magnet material industry in 2018Source: Association of China Rare Earth IndustryRare earth permanent magnetic materials industry developed well in 2018 for supports from new energy vehicles, energy-saving appliances, powe r tools, industrial robots and othe r industries. The industry has been continuously developed; the output has been steadily increased; the key enterprises have maintained good performance; the grain boundary diffusion and other advanced technologies have been further promoted; and new application fields such as high-speed railway traction motor have been expanded. Among them, production of sintered NdFeB r eached about 155,000 tons, a year-on-yea r growth of 5%〇;output of bonded6CREI V25N2。
China, as a climate leader, should work out a blueprint for a carbon-neutral alliance. China has made remarkable progress in green energy and low-carbon development. For example, in photovoltaic power generation, China accounts for 45 percent of the global production. As for wind energy, China accounts for 35 percent of the potential global supply. Hence, China's clean energy technology is best suited to meet the needs of the emerging market. Green and low-carbon transformation is part of socioeconomic transformation that conforms to the trend of global development. ■
China Rare Earth InformationVol.27, IMo.l, 2021PrefaceThe year 2020 was an extraordinary year in the history of the world and China.Facing the combined adverse and severe impact of a sudden coronavirus epidemic and a deep global economicrecession, China responded with tremendous tenacity and achieved major strategic success in the response to Covid-19.China emerged from the global headwinds to become the only major economy to register positive growths in GDP and foreign trade in goods, thanks to its effective anti-epidemic measures. China's GDP increased by 2.3 percent year-on-year to cross the 100-trillion-yuan (about US$15.35 trillion) threshold, while its imports and exports of goods expanded 1.9 percent.The year 2021 is the first year of China's the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), which was unveiled the draft onMarch 5 and outlined the national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year2035, specifying policy priorities and major social and economic goals for the next five years and beyond.In the draft outline of its new Five-Year Plan, China has pledged to further lower tariffs and institutional transaction costs, and expand imports of quality consumer products, advanced technologies, key equipment and energy resources, allowing global firms to further tap into the immense purchasing power of the world's most populous market.China will emphasis on "Dual circulation" of boosting domestic consumption and overseas markets reinforce eachother with the domestic market as the mainstay. The country will continue to open its doors wider, improve its businessenvironment, and participate in international cooperation in broader areas and at a deeper level.The draft plan sends a reassuring message to the world by reaffirming China's commitment to a high-level opening- up. Keywords of the plan, such as "reduced import tariffs" and "shortened negative lists for foreign investment,M have been deemed by analysts as measures conducive to the global recovery from the pandemic-induced recession.It is believed that China is the main global economic engine for recovery from the COVID-19 economic downturn.Therefore, the entire world will be affected by the targets set in China's new Five-Year Plan and its success in achieving these.China's new Five-Year blueprint will unleash opportunities for world. ■。
The Chinese Society of Rare Earths
The Chinese Society of Rare Earths Founded in November, 1979, the Chinese Society of Rare Earths (hereinafter referred to as CSRE) is a social organization approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, which is one of the national societies of China Association for Science and Technology. In 2011, CSRE was assessed as an AAAA- level social group by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.CSRE insists the tenets: to implement SS l J as the first productivity, to adhere to innovation as the first driving force to the development of rare earth industry, to take talents as the first resource to support the development of rare earth industry, and to put innovation as the core of the overall development of rare earth industry; to fulfill the responsibility of serving for scientists and technicians, innovation-driven development, improving the public understanding in science, and scientific decision-making of the party and the government; to implement the strategy of national independent innovation, key projects leapfrogging, supporting development and guide the future of science and technology to promote respect for labor, knowledge, talent and creativity, and advocate a scientific spirit of innovation, reality, collaboration and contribution; closely combined with the needs of rare earth science and technology, production & construction and application, to promote the prosperity and development of rare earth science and technology, the popularization and generalization of rare earth science and technology, cultivation and improvement of the rare earth science and technology talents, the effective combination of science and technology with economic development reflecting demands and suggestions and maintaining the lawful rights and interests of members and rare earth scientists technicians, improving scientific ethics and style of study construction, to operate in accordance with laws and regulations.CSRE has 174 directors and 54 executive directors in the Sixth Council and 5000 individual members, 90 group members and 18 professional committees, covering all RE-related subjects of geological and mineral processing, chemistry and hydrometallurgy, pyro-metallurgy, rare earth steel, casting alloy, physical and chemical inspection, solid science and new materials, agriculture and medicine, catalysis, glass 8i ceramics, environmental protection, luminescence, permanent magnet, information, technical economy, rare earth crystal, rare earth environmental economy and strategy.CSRE hosts an international conference on rare earth development and applicationin every three years, annual conference, as well as a number of professional academic conferences. It has the right to recommend academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and some national awards such as China Youth S&T A ward, China Guanghua Engineering Award, National Excellent S&T workers etc.As the sponsors, CSRE publishes 3 journals including China Rare Earth Information (Quarterly in English), Journal of Rare Earth (bimonthly in Chinese and English), Chinese Rare Earth (bimonthly in Chinese), and Yearbook of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths.Address: No.76, Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District, BeijingPostcode: 100081Tel: 010-******** 010-******** Fax: ************Email: **************.cnWebsite: 。
The Chinese Society of Rare Earths
The Chinese Societyof Rare EarthsFounded in November,1979,the Chinese Society of Rare Earths(hereinafter referred to as CSRE)is a social organization approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China,which is one of the national societies of China Association for Science and Technology.In2011,CSRE was assessed as an AAAA-level social group by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.CSRE insists the tenets:to implement S&T as the first productivity,to adhere to innovation as the first driving force to the development of rare earth industry,to take talents as the first resource to support the development of rare earth industry,and to put innovation as the core of the overall development of rare earth industry;to fulfill the responsibility of serving for scientists and technicians,innovatiodriven development,improving the public understanding in science,and scientific decision-making of the party and the government;to implement the strategy of national independent innovation,key projects leapfrogging,supporting development and guide the future of science and technology to promote respect for labor,knowledge,talent and creativity,and advocate a scientific spirit of innovation,reality,collaboration and contribution;closely combined with the needs of rare earth science and technology,production&construction and application,to promote the prosperity and development of rare earth science and technology,the popularization and generalization of rare earth science and technology,cultivation and improvement of the rare earth science and technology talents,the effective combination of science and technology with economic development,reflecting demands and suggestions and maintaining the lawful rights and interests of members and rare earth scientists&technicians,improving scientific ethics and style of study construction,to operate in accordance with laws and regulations.CSRE has174directors and54executive directors in the Sixth Council and5000individual members,90group members and18professional committees,covering all RE-related subjects of geological and mineral processing,chemistry and hydrometallurgy,pyro-metallurgy,rare earth steel,casting alloy,physical and chemical inspection,solid science and new materials,agriculture and medicine,catalysis,glass&ceramics,environmental protection,luminescence,permanent magnet,information,technical economy,rare earth crystal,rare earth environmental economy and strategy.CSRE hosts an international conference on rare earth development and applicationin every three years,annual conference,as well as a number of professional academic conferences.It has the right to recommend academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the Chinese Academy of Engineering,and some national awards such as China Youth S&T A ward,China Guanghua Engineering Award,National Excellent S&T workers etc.As the sponsors,CSRE publishes3journals including China Rare Earth Information(Quarterly in English),Journal of Rare Earth(bimonthly in Chinese and English),Chinese Rare Earth (bimonthly in Chinese),and Yearbook of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths.Address:No.76,Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,BeijingPost code:100081Tel:************************Fax:************Email:CS************.cnWebsite:。