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Book4 Unit2 知识点


1. grow into长成(grow---grew---grown)

Eg. The boy has grown into a man.

2. lend sb. sth=lend sth. to sb把…借给… (lend---lent---lent)

Eg. He lent me his bike.= He lent his book to me.

3. forget to do忘记干某事Eg. Don’t forget to bring your homework here tomorrow.

4. cover …with…(强调动作) 用…覆盖…

Eg. I cover the seed with soil 我用土覆盖住种子。

be covered with(强调状态) 覆盖着…

Eg: The ground is covered with snow after snowing.下过雪之后,地面上覆盖着雪。

The desks are covered with dust/dirt. 课桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。


fill A with B(强调动作) 给A中装满B.

Eg: Please fill the glass with water. 请给杯子里装满水。

be filled with = be full of (强调状态) 充满着…

Eg: The basket is filled with eggs=The basket is full of eggs 篮子里装满着鸡蛋。

6. its(它的)---itself(它本身)

Eg: A plant makes food in its leaves for itself. 植物在它的叶子里为它自身合成养分。

The film itself isn’t interesting, but the music is wonderful. 电影本身没意思,但音乐很美。

7. Would you please (not) do sth? 请(别)做某事好吗?

Eg:Would you please lend me your green marker?

Would you please not close the door?

8. make a poster做海报

Eg: Let’s make a poster and put it up (张贴)on the wall.


1. bring… to…把…..带到Eg. Roots bring water from the ground to the plant..

2. carry… to 把……运输到Eg:The stem carries water from the roots to the leaves and flowers.

3. hold (v支撑) Eg: The stem holds the leaves and flowers in the sunlight.

4.①feed sb/sth喂养…(feed---fed---fed)

Eg. Have you fed your cat yet? 你喂过猫了吗?

The seeds of the rice plant feed billions of people.水稻的种子养活了数十亿的人

②feed on…以…为食

Eg: Pandas feed on bamboo. Big pandas eat eighteen kilograms of bamboo every day.

5. What is sth for …用来干什么?

Eg. What is the tool for? 这个工具是干什么用的?

Lesson11 Look After Your Plant

1. look after ··· (well) = take(good) care of 好好照顾,照料…

Eg. My sister is very young, but she can look after herself.

2. You give it what it needs. what…译为“所…的.

Eg: What he does makes me very sorry. 他所做的使我很痛心。

Don’t talk. I can’t hear what the teacher is saying clearly.


3. be made of/from 由…制作Eg: The wine is made from grapes.

be made into …被制成Eg: Corn and wheat are made into wine.

be made in …产于某地Eg: Where is it made? It’s made in Shanghai.

4. cover(n盖子,封面)

Eg: The covers are special boxes made of glass.

Look at the book. How beautiful its cover!

5.①keep sb. /sth. +adj.(形容词)表示“使某人或某物处于某种状态”

Eg. Please keep the room clean and tidy. 情保持饭剪干净整洁。

②keep sth in sp 把某物保存在某处

Eg: Some plants keep water in their stems. 有些植物把水保存在他们的茎里。

6.without 介词“没有“后跟名词,代词或动名词。

Eg. I can’t finish the work without your help.

He passed me without saying anything.


1. need to do 需要..做.. Eg. I need some paints to colour the picture.

2. use… to do…用…做… Eg: Plants use water and sunlight to make food.

3. everywhere=in every place=here and there= all around 到处

4.pretty---prettier---the prettiest 漂亮的Eg:Lucy is the prettiest girl in her class.


1.The reason why…“…的原因”

Eg: Please tell me the reason why you didn’t do your homework.


2. help do sth “帮着做某事Eg: Trees help clean the air.

3. pleased(adj sb高兴的) ---pleasant(adj令人愉快的sth)

Eg: The teacher is pleased with my work. 老师很满意我的作业。

I had a pleasant trip last summer. 去年夏天,我度过了一次愉快的旅行

It’s pleasant to walk among the flowers. 在花丛中散步很令人愉悦。

4. sit under a tree in the shade 坐在在树荫下

in the sunlight/ in the light 在阳光下/ 在灯光下

5. carry …away …把…带走

The wind and water can’t carry the soil away because of plants.


6.on the tree/on trees 在树上(生长的原有物) Eg:There are many apples on the tree.

in the tree/in trees在树上(外来物) Eg:There are some bird singing in the tree.

7. dig---dug---dug (v挖) Eg: They dug a hole big enough and planted a tree. Lesson14 短语

1.in many ways .在很多方面Eg: People use plants in many ways .

in many different ways .用很多不同的方法

Eg: Plants and animals get their food in many different ways

2. without a way to get energy, they would die.没有获得能量的方式,他们将会死亡。

3.half of 一半的

Eg. Half of the world’s food comes from only three plants.

Half of the grass is eaten by the sheep.

4.make sth. from sth. 用某物做某事Eg. People make paper from grass .
