这表明,好生在我规划和管理能力上比差生强,而且能更好的管理自己的学习,更多的意识到制定计划和自评估的重要性,如:有自已的英语学习单词计划(A=,A=;对改进自己的英语单词学习有明确的要求(A=, A=;评价个人学习英语单词进步的情况,并相应的做出调整(A=,A=。
中外教育研 完 ・
20 年 1 月 N l 09 0 Oi 0
初 中生英语词 汇学 习策 略与成绩 的关系研 究
刘 茜 吕耀 中 青岛科技 大 学外 国语 学院
【 要 】自 2 摘 从 0世纪 7 0年代 以来 , 如何优化和提高学习策略逐渐成为众多学者研究的焦点。 探讨和研究外语学 习策略是顺应 当
【 关键词 】 中生 初
英语成绩 【 文献标识码 】 A 【 文章编号 】10 —9 8 20 )1 —06 —0 06 6 2( 0 9 0 07 3
Hale Waihona Puke 【 中图分类号 】 6 2 G 3
【 b ta t pi z ga di p o igl rigs a ge a ega u l eo e o u f t n o y may a t r s c 9 0 . A s c 】O t i n rv an rt i h v rd al b c met c s t t nb n h s i e 1 7 ’ r mi n m n e n t e s y h f o ae i u o n S
Re e r h n D ic s in n f r in la nig srtgisc n o m o t ede lp e tlte n e a d o ure tf r i a u g e c i g s a c a d s u so o o eg e r n tae e o f r t veo m n a rnd a d d m n fc rn o eg lng a et a h n h n
( ) 究工具 三 研
二 、 果 与 讨 论 结
( ) 一 英语词 汇 学 习策略 的 总体 情 况
1 汇 学 习 策 略 问卷 。问 卷 改 编 于 G n .词策略中选择性注意和 自 我调控 的使用频率都达 3 以上 , 这说明学生能够从 宏观 上调 控 自己 的学 习进程 , 有效 组 织和 安排 词汇 学习。 在认知策略中高中学生最普遍使用的是查字 典 , 次 是重 复i忆 、 其 己 做笔 记 、 测 、 猜 分类 、 构词 法 和
( 州师 范学 院 漳 外语 系,福 建 漳 州 330) 600
要: 二语 习得是一个认知过程 , 学习者 自身的因素对语言学习起着决定性的作 用。 r 词;是语言的 -
建筑材料 , 没有词汇就没有语言本 身。 因此 , 词汇学习策略对英语学*起 着重要的作用。 - 7 笔者使 用问卷和访
三、 结论与 启示
选 择 性 注 意 元认 知策略 自 我调控 猜 测 查 字典 做笔记
31 .7
39 . 4 31 . 8 35 . 5
Jh s ono n的词汇学习策略问卷 , 分为两部分。 第一部 学 中起 着举 足 轻 重 的作用 。英 国著 名 的语 言 学 家 分为个人基本情况 , 包括班级 、 年龄和性别。 第二部 Wi is l n 曾说 :没有 语法 ,人 们 可 以表 达 的东西 寥 分包括 3 项词汇学习策略内容 , k “ 9 涉及元认知策略、 寥无几, 而没有词 汇 , 人们 则无 法 表达任 何 东西 。 ” 认 知策 略 和社 会 情 感策 略 。 问卷 采用 了五级 选 项 近年 来 , 越来 越意 识到学 生 的 自主性 在外语 学 法 , 人们 即让 学生 在一个 五级 刻度表 上从 “ 全 同意 ” 完 到 完全不同意”来选择与 自己观点或情况最接近的 习中所起的作用 , 对词汇的研究也逐步转移到研究 “ 学 习者 的词 汇学 习策 略上来 。 国内外不少 学者 的相 选项 。 2 . 词汇学习访谈。 完成词汇学习策略问卷调查 关研究一般都是在高校 中进行的, 研究对象多为高 后, 立即从参加调查的学生中随机抽出两名高分组 校的英语专业或非英语专业 的学生 , 而对基础阶段 你学 高中学生的学习策略则涉猎很少 。 英语词汇学习一 学 生 和两名低 分 组学生 进行访 谈 。问题 包括 “ 、老 直是中国学生特别是中学生感到头痛 的问题 , 他们 习词 汇有长期 的计 划 吗 ”“ 师教 了什 么词 汇学 习 、你 等等 。 访谈对 象 普遍 感 到词 汇学 习是英 语 学 习中 的一 大难 点 。 因此 策略 ” “ 怎样评 价你 的词 汇学 习” 本 文 旨在探讨 高 中学生 英语 词 汇学 习策 略运 用 的 的数 据 只用 于定 性分 析 。 ( ) 四 实验 步骤 特征 , 帮助学生培养词汇学 习策略意识 , 提高英语 20 0 7年 3月 对 10名 学 生进 行 了 问卷 调 查 , 2 学 习效 率 。 在 发放 调 查 问卷 前 告诉 学 生本 次 调查 结 果仅 用 于 研 究设计 实验 , 要求 学生 在 3 0分钟 内独立 完 成问卷 调查 题 。 ( ) 究问题 一 研 本 研究 主要 回答 以下 问题 :1 ( )高 中学 生在 英 完 成 问卷 调查 后 马 上根 据访 谈 提 纲对 4名 学生 进 语学习过程 中有怎样的词汇学习策略?( ) 2 高分组 行访谈 以进一步了解两组学生之间的差异和共 同 所有 的 定量数 据都用 S S 1. 行统计 分析 : PS 0进 1 和低 分组学 生之 间在词 汇学 习策 略上有 什么 不 同? 点。 描述性统计分析表明了高 中学生词汇学 习策略的 ( ) 究对 象 二 研 比较研究 分 析 了高分组 学生 和低 分 江 西 兴 国一 中 的 10名 高 三学 生 参 加 了本 项 总体使 用情 况 ; 2 研究 , 他们来 自高三年级随机抽 出的 4 个班级 。根 组学生 的词汇学习策略使用情况。
1. 创造联想联想记忆是一种常用的词汇记忆法,通过将新词汇与已有的知识和经验联系起来,达到记忆的目的。
学生可以尝试以下方法来创造联想:a) 图像联想法:将新词汇与具体的图像关联起来,并形成记忆。
b) 情景联想法:将新词汇置于一个具体的情景中,通过联想情景中的事物与词汇建立联系。
2. 制作词汇卡片制作词汇卡片是一种常用的记忆法,利用反复记忆卡片上的词汇来巩固记忆。
学生可以采取以下步骤:a) 写出新词汇的单词和词义,并在卡片正面进行标注。
b) 在卡片背面写出该词的释义、例句和发音等相关信息,以便学生进行复习。
c) 反复翻看和复习词汇卡片,以加深记忆。
3. 制定记忆计划学生可以制定一个记忆计划,将词汇分为不同的难易程度或主题,并制定相应的记忆策略。
例如:a) 初学者可以按照层次分组,先记忆基础词汇,如颜色、数字等,然后逐渐添加更多的词汇。
b) 根据具体主题,如动物、食物、家庭等,将相关的词汇组合在一起,帮助学生更好地记忆和联想。
4. 创设英语学习环境创设一个良好的英语学习环境有助于词汇记忆。
以下是一些建议:a) 用英语标记物品:在物品上黏贴标签,标明该物品的英文名称,增加学生接触英语的机会。
b) 创造英语交流环境:与同学进行英语对话练习,通过交流来加深对词汇的记忆。
c) 阅读英语原版书籍:鼓励学生阅读适合自己水平的英语书籍,尝试理解上下文中的词汇。
策 略 已经成 为 第二 语 言 习得 研 究 和外语 教学研究 的一个 重要领 域 。 O’ l y C a t Ma e和 hmo两位 研 究 者 根 据 l 认知过程 和认 知活动的类别 对学 习 策略进行 了分类 :认 知策略 、元认 知策 略、情感 策略和交 际策略。 1认 知策 略是 指学 习者为了更 .
比加 深 学 生 对 生 词 的 理 解 与 记 忆 ,
就是对认 知的认 知。因为不同的学 习者对不 同的学习活动有不同的认
识 ,这 属 于 元 认 知 ,在 元 认 知 的指
wi h oi e u k l , i t t e p l .L c i h s h c y mo h r te wa ey p t n n i n t gv p s v r a i t a d d d ’ ie u e
定。 2 利 用联 想记 单 词 .
渠道 的畅通 、保证信息 的传递 以及 交际遇到 困难时设法维持交 际而采 取的各种策略 ,又 叫社交策略 。
二 、学生学 习策略的运 用情 况
调 查
了解 ,而且有 助于扩 大词汇 量 。 同 时 ,我在教学过程 中尽量鼓励学生
通过预习预先查找资料来辅助课 堂 教学 , 固和提高记单词 的能力 。 巩
2 元 认 知 策 略 方 面 , 元 认 知 .
教师在教学过程 中,可利用构
词规律 ,引导学生科学地记单词 。
同义 词与 反义词 对 比学习法 。 如 反 义 词 组 hp y sd hg —o a p — a , ih l w, cep ep ni 等 。通过词 义 的对 h a— x es e v
远 比孤立地学 习词汇要好得多 。
记住,才知道用法。〞由此可见语境教学法可使学生通过语境更加深刻地 了让学生能够在阅读中学会单词,我们需要找到合适的阅读材料。合适的
在同学、教师面前有好表现,甚至见到外国人也能说上两句。直观教学是 可以用。这样学生不但兴致勃勃地学学问,让他们多参加,既能说,又能听,
接受如图片、实物、玩具、幻灯片等一系列帮助教具及手势、动作、表情 还能激发他们的英语学习的主动性。当然使用语境教学法,教师的工作量
开展的手段,对于一些表示具体事物的名词、表示具体动作的动词、表示 是比较大,而且对教师的自身素养要求较高。首先课前预备要充分,所使用
3.接受类推方式。如学生已学过 car,在学习 farm, lark,hard 这些
词时, 先让学生复习 car,然 后让学生尝试读 farm, lark,hard 这些词。 4.拼读训练是一个长期的过程,如前所述,教师首先要了解学生的拼
根据我国九年制义务教育英语教学大纲的要求,在初 中年级,特殊是 一年级,肯定要贯彻“听说领先〞的教学原则。因此,词汇教学也肯定要首 先是“听〞。即教师在教单词时,先让学生听,让学生去“辨音〞,每个词 是由几个音素 、几个音节构成,重音在什么地方,这样才能从听的意义上
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教 师应 该 帮 助 学 生 养 成 归 纳 比较 的 词 汇 学 习 习惯 。如 同 义词辨析 、 反 义 词 比较 , 同音异形词归纳 、 词类 转换 词 比 较 等 , 以新带 旧、 以 旧学 新 。 以加 深 对 单 词 的 理 解 和记 忆 , 最 终 构 建 起 脉 络 清 晰 的词 汇知 识 体 系 。 8 . 引 导 学 生利 用上 下 文猜 测 词 义 阅读文章 中经常会遇 到没有把握 的单词 . 这 时教 师 应 该 引 导 学 生结 合 文 章 语 境 和 上 下 文 猜 测 生 词 的含 义 .根 据 个 人 体 验 和 生 活 常识 理 解 词 义 .根 据 特 定 上 下 文 中 某 种 对 照 、 转 折、 比较 或 递 进 关 系 猜 词 , 等等 。 9 . 融入 积极 高 效 的体 验 “ 不 管 用 什 么 方法 来 学 习 词 汇 , 都 要 学 以 致用 。只 有 在 语 言使用 ( 包括 听 、 说、 读、 写) 中才 能 深 化 和巩 固词 汇 知 识 ” 。词 汇教学必须 结合课程标 准及真实英语 应用场合 的需要 , 鼓 励 学生肯用英 语 。 帮助学生创造或 融人一个敢 说 、 会说 、 爱 说 的 实际英语表 达环境 . 让 他 们 愿 意 主 动 在 必 要 的场 景 中 用 所 学 词汇作 为交 流媒介 . 做 到时刻 运用 , 体 现 学 习 价 值 。 只有 融 人积极 高效 的英语 环境体 验 , 所学 的词 汇才不 容易遗 忘 , 掌 握 才 扎 实 。例 如 教 师 可 以 鼓 励 学 生 记 日记 、 写 作文 , 在 这 个 过程 中 。 学生所 学词 汇的词 汇得到 了巩 固 , 英 语 表 达 能 力 也 提高 了。
生 课后 思考 总结 所 学 词 汇 , 在 头 脑 记忆 里 形 成 及 时 反 馈 。
1. 研究对象:高中英语学生。
2. 研究方法:本研究将采用问卷调查和个别访谈相结合的方式进行。
3. 研究内容:
学科 教
初中英语词汇学 习策略研究
夏小利 ( 浙江省杭州市萧山区坎山镇初级 中学 3 10 ) 120
摘要 :本 文 以优 化初 中英语 词 汇教 学为 切入 点 ,从 分析 词 汇 三 、教 学策 略探 讨 针 对 新课 程标 准提 出的要 求和 初 中英 语词 汇教 学 中存在 的问 教 学的 现状 入手 引发 思 考 ,探 讨词 汇教 学策 略 。在教 学 实践 中对 学生进 行 学 习方 法指 导 ,加 强 词汇 记 忆的 效果 ,对 学生进 行 学 习 题 ,教 师一 定要 有清 醒 的认识 ,要认 识 到其重 要性 和 严重 性 。教 师只 有在 平 时 的课堂 教 学中 重视 词汇 教学 ,鼓 励 学生 学好 词汇 , 渠道拓展 ,提 高词 汇 学 习效率 。 关键 词 :词 汇 ; 词 汇教 学 ; 词 汇教 学 策略 才能 使学 生在 学习 中信心 十足 ,游 刃有余 。 1改 变观 念 ,充分重 视词 汇教 学 . 英语 词汇 教 学是 个系 统 工程 ,具 有持 续性 ,高 中阶段 学 生学 引 言 词 汇 是 构 成 语 言 的 三 大 要 素之 一 。人 类 的思 维 活 动 是 借 助 习 的词汇 属 于基 础词 汇 ,使 用频 率较 高 ,英语 词汇 学 习任 务 又很 词 汇 进 行 的 ,人 类 的 思想 交 流 也 是 通 过 由词构 成 的 句 子来 实 现 重 ,因此 ,为 了有 效促进 学 生 的词汇 学 习, 教师 必须 树立 正 确 的 的 ,没有词 汇 ,任 何语 言都 是 不可 想 象 的。 因此词 汇 的 学习对 英 词 汇教 学观 ,坚 持在 教 学实 践 中通过 精心 策划 、巧妙 地设 计教 学 语 水平 的提 高 是至 关重 要 的 。离开 了词 汇 ,就 谈不 上 语 言 ,更谈 活动 提 高学 生 的词汇 学 习能 力 ,通过 运用 有 效 的教学 策 略帮 助学 不 上对 语 言 的运用 。对 于 语言 学 习者 而言 ,没 有足 够 的 词汇 就不 生 熟练地 掌 握词 汇 ,使他 们 形成 良好 的英 语 学 习习惯 ,从 而 为英 能 有效 地进 行 听 、说 、读 、写 ,无 法有 效 地运 用语 言 进行 交 际 。 语学 习打 下坚 实的基 础 。 《 英语 课程 标 准 》词汇 五 级 目标对 初 中学 生 的词汇 学习 和掌 握作 2指 导方 法 ,加 强词汇记忆 效果 . 出 了具体 明确 的规 定 : 了解英 语 词汇 包括 单 词 、短语 、习惯 用语 词汇 的记忆不 能仅仅停 留在掌握词 汇本身 ,教师还应 指导学 生 和 固定答 配等 形 式 ;理解 和领 悟 词语 的基 本 含义 以及在 特定 语境 学 习记忆词汇 的方法 ,以减轻学 生的负担 ,达到事 半功倍 的效果 。 ( )构 词法 1 中 的意义 ;运 用 词汇 描述 事 物、行 为和特 征 、说 明 概念 等 ;学会 使 用 10 -6 0 50 10 个的 单词 和2 0 30 习惯用 语或 固 定搭 配 。 由此 0-0个 学会 构词 法 能够帮 助学 生达 到词汇 记忆 举一 反三 的效 果 。 可见 ,英 语 的词 汇学 习 的 目的远 非记 忆 和背 诵单 词 ,而 是在 理解 派 生法 :只 要 在记 住词 根 的基 础上 ,记 准所 加 的前 缀 、后缀 词汇 的基 础之 上运 用 词汇 进行 表 达 ,从 而达 到交 际 的 目的 。词汇 的意思 ,那 么可 以帮助 学生 同 时记 住 几个单 词 。如 : H p - ha pi y u h pp - u ha y u a pi es a py p - na y l n ppi - nh p n s l 教学 被看 作 是一个 发 展学 生 交际 能 力的过 程 ,它 强 调学 生 自主学 C r - q r f l cf f l y c r l s- c r l s n s a e a e u - a e u l- a e e s a e e s e s 习 ,让学 生在 活 动 中、在 交流 中运用 所 学词 汇 ,在 使用 语言 的过 程 中掌握 语 言知 识 、形 成语 言能 力 。需 要教 师在 教 学实 践 中寻求 合 成法 :合 成 词可 以帮 助 学生 根据 构成 它 的几 个词 的意 思 来 和探 索新 的词汇 教 学的策 略和 方法 , 以达 到 良好 的教 学效 果 。 推 想 出该词 的意 思 。如 : Fri endShi P, hometown, toothb rus h, Pl ayground, 二 、现 状 与思考 c b r , g o — p ki — a t up oa d r wn u , nd he r ed 1教 师方 面 . ( )教 师对 词 汇 的 处理 过 于 简单 ,或走 马观 花 , 只将 生 词 1 转 化法 :有些 相 同 的单 词 在不 同的语境 中,可 以转 化 为另 一 写在 黑 板或 投影 上 让学 生跟 读 ,没 有对 词汇 进行 合 理 的教 学 ,更 种 的词 性 。如 : 谈 不上 设计 情境 加 强学 生对 词汇 的 运用 与巩 周 , 因此对 学 生来 说 C l r(。v ) o o n . 要 掌握这 些词 汇 的难度 很大 ,更影 响 了后 续的教 学环 节 。 W a ’ S y u a o i e c l r (. h t o r f v r o o ? n ) t C l r i e , p e s !v ) o o t r d l a e (. ( )有 些 教 师 对 词汇 的 处 理 形 式过 于 单 一 ,或 忽 略 了生 2 词 ,尤 其是 在 阅读 课 的教学 中, 由于生 词 多而直 接 开展 与 课文 阅 B o (.v ) okn . 读有 关 的问题 。 I h v o k (. a eab o .n) ( )教 师 虽然 创 设 了一 定 的情 境 ,也 能 以 旧带 新 , 引 出新 3 1 w u d 1 k t o k a t c e o a h l a e v ) o l i e o b o i k t t a 1 g m .(. 词 汇 ,但在 词汇 教 学 中仍然 存在 着 孤立 讲解 词义 现 象 ,没有 引导 E p y(d . v ) m t a j . 学 生从 不 同语境 去 理解 词义 ,以及 在听 、说 、读 、写 的实 践 中应 T a o t e S e p y ( d . h t b t l i m t . a j ) 用 词汇 。学生 要记 忆一 大堆 互 不联 系 的词和 例 旬 ,难 度 很大 ,于 T e m t e h i o s e t r a .(. . hy ep id ter hu ey se dy v) 是 在实 际语 言运用 中就 显得 无所 适从 ,无 法学 以致 用 。 ( ) 图样 法 2 2 学生方 面 . 有些 单词 的用 法 比较抽 象 ,如 “ ew e ” “ mn ”, 教师 b t en ao g ( )学 生 更 多 的是 把 自己的 精力 放 在 机械 、枯 燥 的 简单 记 只用 文字 解释 会 让 学生 一头 雾水 ,而 举例 解释 还 是让 学 生一 知半 1 忆 上 ,不讲 究词 汇 学 习方法 和记 忆 策 略 ,效果 很 差 ,记 了这个 , 解 ,但如 果运 用 图样 法 加 以比较 ,再 辅之 以句 例 阐述 ,那 么 学生 又 忘 了那个 ,今 天 记住 了, 明天 又 忘 了 ,每 天 疲 于应 付 老师 的听 就会 有豁 然开 朗的 体验 。 写 ,效 率很 低 ,根 本没 时 间去巩 固词汇 ,或运 用 词汇 进行 交 际 , 从 而对 词汇 学习 失去 了兴趣 。 ( )有 的 学 生在 平 时 的词 汇 学 习过 程 中 只注 意机 械地 记 忆 2 词 汇 的拼 写和 中文 意义 ,而忽 视 了词汇 在 具体 的 语言 环境 中 的运 用 , 导致 了 日常交 际 能力和 写作 水平 的低 下 。 从 以上 现状 折 射 出初 中英 语词 汇 教学 问题 的 主要 症 结在 于 : 词 汇 教学 活动 形 式单 一 ;词汇 教 学脱 离 了具 体的 语言 环 境 ,只是 机 械 的储 存 。因此 ,解 决初 中学 生词 汇 学习 的 问题成 了中学 英语 教师 的 当务之 急 。初 中英 语教 师 应该 重视 词 汇教 学 ,力 求 改进词 说 明 :b t e n 般 指 “ ewe- 两者 之 间 ”, a o g 般指 “ mn- - 三 汇 教 法 、加 强对 学生 进行 词汇 学 习的 方法 指 导和 鼓励 学 生拓 展词 或 三者 以上 之间 ” 。 汇 学 习的渠 道 ,以优化 英 语词 汇教 学 。 例 :T e o t h p s 因此 ,通 过有 效 的 、切 实可行 的 词汇 教 学策 略教 会 学生 学 习 f ui s p. r t ho I o nd f u hi a o t c w . m m ng he ro d 词汇 已经 成 为减 轻学 生 的负担 , 提高 学 生英 语学 习效 率 和提 高教 学质量 的有 效举 措 。 又 如用 i ,O ,t 来表 示位 置 关系 的 时候 ,学 生看 着 下 图 n i o l
2 1 年 7月 2 01 0日
英语词汇学习 策略、 趋势及其与词汇量关系的 研究
◎河 南省 安 阳工学 院 邹 红
l 其 中调查 问卷分三个部 分 : 生个人 简况 、 学 词汇 l 观念和词汇学习策略。词汇量测试卷利用等距抽样
{ , 法 从新《 英语课程标准》 中抽取 10 0 个单词或词组组
出版社 .9 7 19 .
I 量试绩 0R - 词 测成 1。车 0 0 08 l 【1吴霞, 非英语专业本科 学生词汇学 习策 汇 ‘ 4 9 I 。 王蔷. 略. 外语教 学与研 究。9 8 1 . 19 ( ) I l 说词 过学汇通写词I 通 学汇 通读词 过学汇i 过 【】张萍.硕士研究 生基础英语和专业英语 词汇 5 1 量试绩 o8 o3 o6 【 习策略研 究. 词 成{ . 汇 4 3 .¨ . I 5 5 o 2 学 外语教学与研究 ,0 1 1 ) 20 ( . 1
是一个 不断积累 的过程 , 需要长期 坚持 , 能否鼓励 自
己 断克服困难 , 持之以恒地学习词汇, 也与学生掌
握词汇量的多少有极大关 系。 由于 中学生的知识 水平 和词汇量测试卷存在局限性 , 反复读写 、 查词典 , 与学
生 的词汇量测试成绩在不同程度上存在着正相关。 但
使用双语词汇表与词汇测试成绩 间存在着负相关 , 这 说 明只利用单词表记忆 生词 ,有碍学生对词汇意义 、 用法 的全面 了解 , 不利于词汇学习。 但值得注意 的是 : 通过说 、 、 读 写学 习词 汇这些策略 , 分别 在 0 0 显著 .1 0 水平上与词汇量测试成绩间存在 正相关 (= . 8r rO5 ,= 3 :
过训 练获得 。词汇学习方 面, 中学生较少使 用元认 知
类 和论述 , 且 更 多 的 是 对 某 些 特 定 策 略 运 用 或 揭 示
不 同层次 学 习者 策 略 的 研究 。在 我 国 , 也 出 现 了 不 少 对 词 汇 学 习 策 略 的 研 究 者 ,如 Wu 8 L Wa n g
进行各 种分 类 。Wo n g Fi l l mo r e ( 1 9 8 5 ) 区分 了社 会
Vo 1 . 1 1 No . 1 0
Ma y 2 0 1 3
2 0 1 3年 5月
DOI : l 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 2 0 9 5 — 3 3 3 X. 2 0 1 3 . 1 0 . 0 3 9
英 语 词 汇 学 习 策 略 研 究 综 述
第 l 1 卷
第 l O期
淮 海 工 学 院学 报 ( 人文社会科学版)
J ou r n a l o f Hu a i h a i] n s t i t u t e o f Te c h n o l o g y ( Hu ma n i 6 e s& . S o c i a l S c i e n c e s E d i t i o n )
马 辉 , 梁程 琳
( 烟 台职 业 学 院 基 础 教 学 部 , 山东 烟 台 2 6 4 6 7 0 )
摘 要 : 词 汇 学 习对 于 二 语 习得 的 重要 性 不 言 而 喻 。 词 汇 是 交 流 的基 础 , 也 常 常 是 学 习 者 学 习过 程
中感 到 的 最 大 困扰 。 虽 然说 学 习者 的 词 汇 学 习策 略 并 没 有 一 致 的 或 整 体 的 模 式 , 但 是 策 略 的 运 用 的确有 益 于词 汇的 学 习, 并 可 以提 高 整 个语 言 水 平 。 关键词 : 英语 ; 词 汇 学 习; 策略 ; 研 究 中 图分类 号 : H3 1 3 文献标 识码 : A 文章编 号 : 2 0 9 5 — 3 3 3 X( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 0 - 0 1 2 2 — 0 3
读 与
写 杂 志
Re a d a n d Wr i t e P e r i o d i c a l
2 0 1 3年 2月 Fe b r u a r y 2 01 3
试论初 中生 英语 词汇 学 习策 略
学 生 学 习英 语 的 拼读 能力 。现行 英语 新 教 材是 在学 完 音 标 2 6
联想 到 t a k e, p a y和 s p e n d , 并 将 这 些 单 词 的 相 对 的意 义 、 相 同 的词 形 或 相 同 的读 音 的 词 的各 自用 法 进 行 条 理 的 系 统 比较 。
( 瘦) 一( 胖) , s o u t h ( 南 )一 n o r 【 h ( 北) 等。
同义词 :g o o d / i f n e / w e l L /n i c e ( 好 的) , d o o r / g a t e ( 1 ' 3 ) 等。 同音词 : t o o ( 也 )一t w 0 ( 二) , f o r ( 为)—响u 四) , r i g h t ( i E 确)一 w r i t e ( 写) , b y ( 乘)一b u y ( 买) , b l u e ( 蓝 色 的)- - -  ̄ b l e w ( b l o w 的过 去 式) , s e a ( 海 洋)一 十 s e e ( 看 见) , s o n ( J L 子) 一s u n ( 太 阳) ,w h e t h e r ( 是 否)  ̄w e a t h e r ( 天气 ) 单词 的形 相近 的比如 : w a n t ( 想要) w a i t ( 等 待) , r e a d ( 读) 一r e a d y ( 准备好 的) , w a l l ( 墙) 一w a l k ( 走) , q u i t e ( 很) 一 q u i e t (  ̄静的) , p r e s e n t ( ¥ L 物) 一p a r e n t ( 父母) 等放到一起对 比记忆 。
霞, 王蔷 ( 1 9 9 8 ) I 1 6 1 ( 嘟 ) , 杨 金锋 和龚 育 尔 ( 2 0 0 4 ) 1 1 7 1 ( [ - ' 4 0 -
张萍 ( 2 0 0 4) 等 对 词 汇 学 习 策 略 与 英 语 成 绩 之 问
的 关 系做 了 研 究 l l S l ( ) 。 其 中 , 杨 金 锋 和 龚 育 尔
Vo 1 . 3 2 NO . 2
第 3 2卷 第 2期
锡 伯 族 中学 生 英 语 词 汇 学 习 策 略 研 究
文 静
( 伊 犁 师 范 学 院 外 语 系。 新疆 伊 宁 8 3 5 0 0 0 )
要: 通过 问卷调 查 、 个案 访谈 、 课 堂 观 察 等 研 究 方 法 对 新 疆 锡 伯 族 中 学 生在 英 语 词 汇 学 习
研 究 大 多 都 是 针 对 大 学 生 , 原 因是 研 究 者 多 数 都 在
I l l (
; E l l i s和 B e a t o n ( 1 9 9 3 ) 1 2 1 , Hu l s t i j n
高校 , 便 于进 行资料 收集 、 测试 、 数据 分 析等研 究 , 而
研究 并发 现成 功学 习者与不 成 功学 习者之 间存 在差
异 l 8 J (
。 范琳 和王 庆 华 ( 2 0 0 2 ) I l (
) ,丰玉 芳
( 2 0 0 3 ) I t 0 1 , 高越( 2 0 0 4 ) t “ 】 , 赵继 正 ( 2 0 0 5 ) 等对 大 学 生
2 0世 纪 7 0年 代 以 来 。许 多专 家 学 者 对 词 汇 学 习 策 略 进 行 了 研 究 ,代 表 人 物 有 C o h e n ( 1 9 9 0 ) , N a . t i o n ( 1 9 9 0 ) , O x f o r d ( 1 9 9 0 ) 等 。有些 学 者 对具 体 的策
一、教师教学策略1. 意义解析策略:在讲解生词时,教师应让学生通过上下文理解单词的意义,通过语境理解单词更容易记忆,更加自然地运用,提高词汇积累效率。
2. 形近词比较策略:教师将类似词汇列在一起,让学生比较它们的不同之处,辨析词汇的用法,加深记忆印象,这种方法不仅能加快词汇积累速度,还能提高语言敏感度。
3. 词根词缀记忆策略:通过一些常见的词根和词缀,结合词性、前缀、后缀等,分析词的构成和含义,让学生辨析和记忆同源、异词、同义词等,深化词汇的认知和理解。
4. 语境运用策略:在词汇的教学中,教师应该设计出不同的语境,让学生运用所学词汇进行交际,并指导学生在语境中灵活运用所学单词,培养学生口语交流能力。
二、学生学习策略1. 细心阅读策略:学生在听课、阅读时,应该细心地注意生词,特别是上下文有助于词义理解,还应该做到一词多义、多音字等好奇心强,积极地寻找和学习新的词汇。
2. 记忆应用策略:要想记忆词汇,学生应该采用多种方式,如联想方法、词根词缀分析方法、写模拟试卷、用所学单词编故事等等。
3. 比较对照策略:学生在学习词汇时,应该多做一词多义、同根词、同义词、近义词等比较和对照,通过这种方式感知和把握语言规律,树立学习的自信心。
1. 录音听音策略:在英语听力课程中,教师可以通过播放录音让学生进行听力训练,并且将生词抓住重点,针对所学内容再次巩固词汇运用技能。
2. 电影音乐策略:在日常课外活动和学校文艺活动中,教师可以组织学生看英语电影或听英语音乐,学习生动的语言表达和词语发音,让学生积极主动地学习英语词汇。
3. 口语互动策略:在课堂上,教师可以组织学生进行小组讨论或进行角色扮演,让学生在语境中积累英语词汇,提高英语口语交流能力。
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中学生英语词汇学习策略研究Research on the English Vocabulary Learning Strategies for Students in junior SchoolsXu Jing (许靖)摘要词汇是语言的三大要素之一,语言习得都是从词汇开始的。
采用SPSS软件分析数据,结果表明: 1)在词汇学习观念方面,大部分学生仍然认为词汇来自背诵记忆而不是从上下文或通过使用获得的2)初中生能运用包括元认知策略、认知策略和社交情感策略在内的多种策略来进行词汇的学习,但各策略的运用处于中等水平。
关键词:词汇,词汇学习策略,词汇教学,英语教学AbstractVocabulary is one of the three elements of a language. What' more, language learning begins with vocabulary. Of course it plays an important part in language study. In this thesis, it is argued that learning English vocabulary makes great contribution to the development of grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing, and to the enrichment of English culture knowledge. Vocabulary even has effect on being more intelligent in students' life as well as in education.In English teaching, especially in junior schools, if vocabulary is centered and emphasized, the problem of "time-consuming and poorly-efficient" English teaching will be solved because qualified learning of the vocabulary of students absolutely wipe off the biggest obstacle-vocabulary. The more vocabulary students acquire at primary stage of English study, the more easily and faster students develop other aspects of English study in future years. This way, it is easier for teachers to conduct classroom instructions if students reach the level of vocabulary. Emphasis on vocabulary is reasonable and feasible. However, vocabulary study has long been ignored both by students and schools. Teachers think it is impossible and unnecessary to give vocabulary teaching and students themselves should be responsible for their increase in vocabulary. Students put it aside because they are not scored according to the amount of vocabulary. This practice causes to make slow progress in English learning.Based on the classification of the foreign language learning strategies, the vocabulary learning strategies this paper tries to study include beliefs on English vocabulary learning, meta-cognitive strategies,cognitive strategies and social/ affective strategies. According to the factors that influence the use of learning strategies and the facts of English vocabulary teaching and learning in junior school, this research focuses on the following research questions:1)What are the general beliefs of vocabulary learning strategies held by junior school students?2)What vocabulary learning strategies are used by the students in their language learning?3)Are there differences on beliefs and strategies using between the high-score students and the low-score students in English studies?Then the writer used SPSS 13.0 to analyze the data and drew the conclusion:1)The vocabulary learning beliefs "words should be memorized" is more preferable than the belief "words sh ould be learned through context” and"words should be learned through use" among the investigated students. 2) The current situation of using vocabulary learning strategies by those junior school students is not satisfactory, with the mean range of 2.06-3.87 (on a five-point scale), which suggests their use is at the medium level.3) Beliefs and meta-cognitive strategies were different significantly between the high-score and low-score groups. But there are no significant differences on cognitive and social strategies between the two groups. Finally,according to the results of the present study and writer‟s experience, some suggestions are made.Key words: vocabulary, vocabulary learning strategies, vocabulary teaching, English learning and teachingI.Introduction1.1 Importance of Vocabulary LearningIn the trend of globalization, internationalization of language is unavoidable.English will undoubtedly play the most important role. The better mastery of English at earlier ages has become the common concerns of linguists, teachers, parents and students in China. Researches on language teaching and learning are now blooming. As the researches further, the mastery of vocabulary is attracting more and more attention of all levels of researchers. As we all know, language is the instrument of communication. A language involves three elements: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. It is obvious that vocabulary is the most essential and liveliest part of the three elements. The famous linguist Wilkins (1978:111) comments: "Without grammar, little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed".Word knowledge is an essential component of communicative competence, and it is important for production and comprehension in a second language (Coady&Huckin, 1997). On the importance of vocabulary in communication, M. Mc Carthy(1990) indicates, "No matter how good one's grammar is and how beautiful one's pronunciation is, but if one has no adequate vocabulary to express one's own feelings or to understand others' opinions, one still cannot communicate with others in this language". As an essential and fundamental building block of language, vocabulary learning is a key aspect of language learning, whichever curriculum or syllabus we are following, and whichever model of language we are applying. The four traditional basic language skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are all based upon the students' vocabulary knowledge.1.2 Current conditions of vocabulary learning in junior schoolIn China, English is a compulsory subject for middle school students, and expanding English vocabulary knowledge is one of the fundamental goals for Chinese students learning English. .According to the New Standard on the English Course of Junior Middle School (2003), the students are expected to master about 1500-1600 words, 200-300 phrases productively, and 100-400 extra words receptively after graduating from junior school. Besides, a great increase of vocabulary in the new English textbook Go for it! has made learning of vocabulary a more important role in English learning and teaching in junior school.However, present vocabulary teaching and learning generally follow the traditional pattern of word lists. V ocabulary learning becomes the most difficult part for most language learners and hinders the improvement of other language skills. Many junior school students feel it is difficult to learn and remember vocabulary. They often feel frustrated in remembering the pronunciation, spelling and meaning of English words. And they often forget the words quickly again. Even though they are able to remember some words, they often use them incorrectly or inappropriately. This results in their weakness in listening, speaking,reading and writing. Some even give up English learning because of difficulty of learning vocabulary. Why do students have problems with vocabulary learning? What vocabulary learning strategies are they using and are their strategies effective and appropriate? Teachers should help students to be aware of the vocabulary learning strategies and develop more suitable and effective vocabulary learning strategies. It is also useful for the teacher to be aware of the variety of methods used by students to cope with words, to introduce some of these through teaching and to encourage students to apply effective strategies.1.3 The purpose of the studyThe current study is concerned with the question: Why do students have problems with vocabulary learning? These learning problems may result from a lack of adequate and effective vocabulary learning strategies. When studying vocabulary learning strategies as a unified concept,consider our students' feelings, and take note of what they think of the various learning strategies (Horwitz, 1988; Wenden. 1987). In addition, Hosenfeld (1976) notes that, “Too often our focus has been on what students should be doing; we must begin by asking what students are doing”(p. 128). Before we tell students what to do with their vocabulary learning, we must know what they are doing, that is to say, which vocabulary learning strategies they are using. The current study is undertaken for this purpose. The researcher tries to find the reason why students have problems with their vocabulary learning by investigating the strategy use of students in junior school and discussing the characteristics in their strategy use. The researcher also tries to get some information about vocabulary learning strategy use of junior school students in order to make some suggestions about vocabulary strategy training in junior school.1.4 Significance of the studyV ocabulary is the basic component of language, and a fundamentally important aspect of language development. Evidence indicates that the early development of an extensive vocabulary can enable students to “out perform their competence”(Nunan, 2001).So, to some extent, the improvement on vocabulary can activate the whole language learning.To students, effective learning strategies can not only maximize their vocabulary size to make learning meaningful, but also enhance students‟ learning autonomy. Consequently, students build up self-confidence and self-study ability, which is beneficial to their life-long study capacity.To teachers, results of the present study can provide teachers in middle schools with data on students‟ vocabulary learning. It is far better to spe nd time on strategies that the students can use to deal with these words than to spend time on individual words (Nation, 1990: 159). So it is clear that if a teacher wants to help students cope with vocabulary, particularly in their reading, s/he'd better teach them some strategies first. According to these data, teachers can have a general idea of students‟ vocabulary learning strategies, and moreover, they can help and train students to develop their vocabulary learning strategies based on their individual factors.To researchers, the study can make up limitation of current research, that is, few studies on middle school students‟ vocabulary learning strategies. Though many studies have been conducted on vocabulary learning of college students in China, researches on that of middle school students are seldom concerned. The study on middle school students can not only directly promote the primary English teaching but also provide information for college teaching more or less as well. 1.5The layout of the thesisThe present thesis has five chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) Literature review; (3) Research design;(4) Result and analysis; (5) conclusions and suggestions.Chapter One raises the basic question and presents the purpose and significance of the present study.Chapter Two reviews the literatures relating to the present study and relevant theories. It introduces studies on vocabulary learning strategies abroad and in China. Then a survey is made of language learning strategies in terms of its definition and classificationChapter Three presents the research method for investigation. At the very beginning, the research purpose and questions are put forward. Then, the author introduces the subjects, instruments and procedure.Chapter Four reports the results for the research questions mentioned above and draws some conclusions.Chapter Five gives some suggestions to the teachers in junior schoolⅡ. Literature review about vocabulary learning strategies2.1.1 Studies on vocabulary learning strategies abroadBy the late 1970s and early 1980s more and more voices began to challenge this view with the shift from teacher-center to learner-center. “During the last decade, there has been a growing interest in vocabulary acquisition among second language researchers.” (Coady&Huckin, 2001).In most of the research on language learning strategies, the primary concern has been on “identifying what good language learners report they do to learn a second or foreign language, or, in some case, are observed doing while learning a second or foreign language” (Wende and Rubin, 1987:19). Hence, many of the earlier studies of learning strategies were exploratory, aiming at identifying and describing a broad range of strategies. Some researchers wanted to find strategies used by successful language learners. (Reiss 1985, Rubin 1975, Naiman et al 1978). For example, Rubin‟s (1975)study suggested that “attention to form‟and …monitoring one‟s own and other‟s speech”are key strategies used by good language learners. Naiman (1978) found that good language learners treat language as a system by making effective cross-lingual comparisons, analyzing the target language, and using reference books. Evidence showed that good language learners use more and better learning strategies than poor learners do.Since late 1980s most researchers have focused on various methods of vocabulary presentation, and their effects on retention. They were interested in vocabulary repetition (Rundns, 1977; Gairns & Redman, 1986); imagery techniques (Montague, Adams&Kiess, 1966; Bower, 1972); keyword techniques (Atkinson&Raugh, 1975; Merry, 1980); semantic encoding techniques (Craik&Tulving, 1975, Eed&Cockrum, 1985) and context techniques (Sternberg, 1987; Cohen&Aphek, 1980). Some other researchers attempted to compare different vocabulary strategies in L2 acquisition (Brown&Perry, 1991). Some described various vocabulary teaching strategies in particular (Cohen, 1990; Nation, 1990; Oxford, 1990).In the process of identifying and categorizing language strategies, many studies dealt with indirectly with strategies specifically applicable to vocabulary learning. The combination of the results from general learning strategy research with those from more vocabulary-specific studies aroused the emergence of general conclusions about vocabulary learning strategies. Meanwhile, a lot of researchers focus on the use of cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. According to O'Malley and Chamot (1990), cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies are often used together, supporting each other. The assumption is that using a combination of strategies often has more impact than single strategies.Besides, some researchers confirm that individual learner differences are a crucial aspect in vocabulary learning strategies, as learners in particular vary enormously in their choice of strategies and tend to use a wide variety of strategies in combination (Ahmed, 1989; Gu&Johnson, 1996; Ridley&Singleton, 1995); Anderson (2002) believes that developing meta-cognitive awareness may also lead to the development of stronger cognitive skills.Most recent research on vocabulary learning strategies has focused on various methods of vocabulary presentation, and their effects on retention, i.e. the most studied vocabulary learning strategies are memory strategies (Gu&Johnson, 1996).2.1.2 Studies on vocabulary learning strategies in ChinaWestern-based research does not in principle tell us anything about the learning of English vocabulary by Chinese learners (Melton, 1990). We need research in a Chinese cultural context. Empirical studies on English learning strategies conducted by Mainland Chinese scholars started at the beginning of the 1980s. Before that, only some vocabulary learning tips based on the experience of instructors were offered (Hu 1990.etc). From 1990 to 2000, studies of L2/FL learning strategiesforeign language VLS started in China with the appearance of Gu's two papers. He investigated VLS of 850 non-major English students in Beijing Normal University. From then on, more and more Chinese researchers have made striking contributions to the exploration of English vocabulary. For example, Wen Qiufang (1996), in her book On English Learning Strategies, expounds learning strategy system, the innate factors of the system as well as how to coordinate and control other factors affecting strategies selection. Wang Wenyu(1998)researches into Chinese school students‟English vocabulary learning strategies at Nanjing University, using a questionnaire and a vocabulary test. From his result, he concluded that their vocabulary size was significantly associated with their vocabulary learning strategies. Dong Y anping(2001) deals with the direct and indirect L2 vocabulary learning in the communicative approach. At the same time, various useful approaches to English vocabulary teaching, such as teaching words in natural and authentic environment, association, etc. are proposed by Liu Liqun (2004). Ge Wenshan claims that memory chunks are greatly connected with English vocabulary instruction (2005). Jin Zhe(2006)argues about the connection between systematical vocabulary teaching and vocabulary learning strategies in the colleges, etc. In fact, early in 2000,Y ao Meilin (2000)had a summary of current research trends in the teaching of foreign vocabulary learning strategies and divided them into three stages---its definition and classification, exploration of effective approaches to strategies teaching, and the establishment of models for teaching strategies.However, despite the increasing number of research in vocabulary learning, most of the previous related studies were conducted among the western learners, few dealing with the Chinese learners. What‟s more, the subjects of their research in China are mainly college students. And the researches whose subjects are aimed to middle school students mainly concentrate on vocabulary teaching techniques and learning methods, such as Wang En’qing(2002),Gan Bingrong(2001),Zhou Hesong(2006),etc. As for studies of vocabulary learning and teaching strategies adopted by senior students, little has been considered. On the other hand, most of the current researches emphasize on theory analysis and only some of them deal with empirical research.2.2 Definition of vocabulary learning strategiesAmong the definitions of language learning strategies, there are differences in opinions about whether they are to be perceived of as behavioral (and, therefore, observable) or as mental, or as both; what the precise nature of the behaviors that are to count as learning strategies is, e.g. the distinction between strategies and techniques; whether learning strategies are to be seen as conscious and intentional or as subconscious; whether they are seen as having a direct or an indirect effect on language development and what motivates the use of learning strategies.The concept of learning strategies is a somewhat fuzzy one and not easy to tie down. To date there is no consensus on what learning strategies is, table 1 presents various definitions of learning strategies.The above-cited definitions show diverse opinions about language learning strategies. The definition of learning strategy used in this chapter is adopted from Wen Qiufang (1996). She defined learning strategies as `behaviors or actions which learners use to make learning more effective'. The definition stresses that the aim to use strategies is to make learning more effective; strategies are learners' behaviors or actions, not thoughts; they are both behavioral and mental. In this way, vocabulary learning strategies can be defined as 'behaviors or actions which learners use to make vocabulary learning more effective'.2.3 Classification of vocabulary learning strategiesAs there are diverse ways of defining strategies, there are also various ways of categorizing strategies. Different figures offered different ways of classifications. V ocabulary learning strategies have been classified by different researchers and scholars in different perspectives. Much of the earlier researches on learning strategies concentrated on listing strategies which learners were observed to use or reported to use. So far, considerable progress has been made in classifying learning strategies, which are comprehensive, multi-leveled, and the theoretically-motivated. In the following section, the taxonomies widely influenced and used abroad and at home will be presented.2.3.1 Classification of vocabulary learning strategies abroad2.3.1.1 Rubin’s (1987) Classification of Language Learning StrategiesRubin, who pioneered much of the work in the field of strategies, makes the distinction between strategies contributing directly to learning and those contributing indirectly to learning. Accordingto Rubin, there are three types of strategies used by learners that contribute directly or indirectly to language learning. These are: Learning Strategies, Communication Strategies and Social Strategies. Learning Strategies “contribute to the development of the language system…and affect learning directly”.Communication Strategies are those used by a learner to promote communication with others. They are strategies used by speakers when they come across a difficulty in their communication because of a lack of adequate knowledge of the language. Activities affording them opportunities to be exposed to and practice their knowledge belong to Social Strategies.As Rubin‟s framework lacks a clear description of meta-cognitive component, and is neither systematic nor satisfactory in terms of minimizing overlap between categories, O‟Malley and Chamot‟s typology can be considered a define improvement. Using the information-processing theoretical framework, O‟Malley and Chamot distinguished three major types of strategies: Meta-cognitive Strategies, Cognitive Strategies and Social/affective Strategies. Meta-cognitive strategies refer to learners‟ knowledge about cognitive processes used to regulate language learning by means of planning, monitoring and evaluating. They have an executive function (Ellis, 1994).Among the main meta-cognitive strategies, advance organizers, directed attention, selective attention, self-management, advance preparation, self-monitoring, delayed production, and self-evaluation are included. Cognitive strategies exhibit the common function of …manipulation or transformation of the target language by the learners‟ (cited from Schmitt&McCarthy,2004:205).Social/affective strategies are related with interacting and transacting with other people to improve language learning. Table 3 is the description of O‟Malley and Chamot‟s str ategy classification.Perhaps the most comprehensive classification of learning strategies to date is that provided by Oxford. Based on most of the features of the previous classification, Oxford has developed a somewhat system of categorization of learning strategies which is more detailed. According to the relationship between strategies and language materials, Oxford (1990) divided learning strategies into two main groups: direct and indirect strategies. The categories of direct and indirect strategies are subdivided into three subcategories respectively. Direct strategies consist of strategies that directly involve the target language in the sense that they require mental processing of the language.Indirect strategies provide indirect support for language learning through focusing, planning, evaluating, seeking opportunities, controlling anxiety , increasing cooperation and empathy and other means.Schmitt proposes his own taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies. His classification is partly based on Oxford's general strategy system. He distinguishes the strategies which learners use to discover the meaning of new words when they first encounter them from the ones they use to consolidate meanings when they encounter the words again. The former is named as discovery strategies which include determination strategies and social strategies; and the latter isnamed as consolidation strategies which include social, memory , cognitive and meta-cognitive strategies. The social strategies are included in the two categories because they can be used for both purposes. At home, Wen Qiufang‟s and the one in the newly issued English Curriculum Standards are representative. W en’s (2003) classification of LLSBased on the views of Skehan (1979), Wen, one of the key figures in the field of learning strategies, thinks that English learning strategies are composed of two sub-systems including learning concept and learning strategies. Learning concept is the learner‟s view of “how to learn English well”. For example, some student thinks the key to learning English is to master vocabulary . Different from learning concept, learning strategies refer to the action taken by learners in order to learn English well. And learning strategies include strategies of management and strategies of language learning. Management strategies are connected with the learning process, including goal-setting, making plans, choosing strategies, self-monitoring, self-evaluation, searching forcontribute directly to language learning strategies. They can only be used to learn languages.In newly issued English CurriculumStandards for senior middle schools, English learning strategies include cognitive strategy , monitor strategy , social strategy and resource strategy . Cognitive strategy refers to the steps and means that students take to fulfill their learning tasks. Monitor strategy means the way in which students plan, carry out, reflect, evaluate and adapt their study . Social strategy is used to create more communicative chances, maintain communication and improve the result of communication. And resource strategy is the one that students adopt diverse medias properly and effectively to develop learning and to use English. In the English curriculum standards, feeling attitude (including motivation, interest, self-belief, cooperation, etc.) is independent from learning strategies. Nevertheless, here, when we refer to English learning strategies in Chinese middle schools, feeling attitude is also included as one sub-strategy .3.1 The purpose and research questions of this studyThe primary aim of the study was to investigate the strategies used by Chinese junior school students. The focus was on the relationship among vocabulary learning beliefs, vocabulary learning strategies and scores. The second aim was to provide empirical data about strategies that are especially useful to junior school students and to probe into the underlying factors that stimulated them to use these strategies. Particularly, the study set out to seek answers to the following research questions:1. What are the general beliefs of vocabulary learning strategies held by junior school students?2. What vocabulary learning strategies are used by the students in their language learning?3. Are there differences on beliefs and strategies using between the high-score students and the low-score students in English studies?3.2 SubjectsI sampled students from Grade Four as subjects of the investigation. Students in Grade Four are chosen because they have learnt English for about 7 years, so most of them have formed quite fixed learning vocabulary habits and their learning state is stable. And the students will have high school entrance exam soon,so they hope to be aware of their own learning strategies and develop more suitable and effective vocabulary learning strategies. This will help them do well in their English exam. 108 students from two classes were given a vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire to complete. Then the high-score students and low-score students are divided according to their performance in the high school entrance examination. The first ten students were selected as the high-score group. In the same way, the last ten were classified into the low-score group. Their questionnaires of learning strategies were also changed into scores to find their correlations.3.3 InstrumentsThe vocabulary strategy questionnaire is based on the previous researches on vocabulary learning strategies (Naiman, 1978; Rubin, 1981; O'Malley& Chamot, 1990; Oxford, 1990), especially on Gu&Johnson's V ocabulary Learning Questionnaire V ersion 5 (Gu&Johnson, 1996; Gu, 2003), on information collected from interviews with students of different levels in the junior school. The questionnaire is written in Chinese in order to make the students understand correctly the statements and avoid the possibility of misunderstanding. The detailed strategies were listed in Appendix 1. It is composed of 3 sections:Section 1 Instructions and individual informationIn the instructions, it was stressed that the students should respond truthfully since their answer would not be marked and would play no part in the assessment of their work. Individual information included name, age, class and marks.Section 2 Beliefs about vocabulary learningIt includes10 statements representing three dimensions of beliefs on vocabulary learning task: the belief that vocabulary should be memorized, the belief that words should be acquired in context and the belief that words should be learned and used.Section 3 V ocabulary-Cognitive StrategiesIt was the main body of the questionnaire with 33 items, which represented various word learning strategies that could be grouped into three categories: (1) meta-cognitive strategies (2) cognitive strategies (3) social/ affective strategiesThe questionnaire adopts a 5-point Likert scale rating system instead of Gu& Johnson‟s 7-point scale rating system. Among the 5 points, “1”stands for“Absolutely Disagree”;“2”stands for “Basically Disagree”;“3”stands for “Hard to Sa y”which means “sometimes yes and sometimes no”;“4” stands for “Basically Agree”; and “5” stands for “Absolutely Agree”. These categories are assigned values of 1,2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively, thus higher scores indicate higher degree of agreement. If the mean value is above 3, it indicates the corresponding statement is approved at a relatively high level.3.4 ProcedureIn order to guarantee the validity and reliability of the investigation, filling in the questionnaires was carried out by two classes‟ head teachers. The questionnaire was first distributed for students in their normal classes to complete in about 30 minutes. To avoid unvalued information, it was highlighted there are no right or wrong responses to each item, and that their responses will just used for reference of English teachers‟ instructions so as to improve English learning.The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 11.5) was used to deal with the questionnaire for data collection and statistic analysis. Descriptive statistics was first employed to。