



重庆2024年04版小学3年级英语第3单元全练全测考试时间:90分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The sky is ___. (blue)2、What do we call the part of the plant that grows underground?A. StemB. LeafC. RootD. Flower答案:C3、填空题:I love my _____ (玩具车) collection.4、填空题:She is a historian, ______ (她是一名历史学家), who loves ancient cultures.5、听力题:My friend enjoys ____ (playing) video games with me.6、Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. TreeB. CarC. HouseD. Book答案:B7、听力题:I have a _____ (篮球) for practice.8、What is the term for the study of fish?A. IchthyologyB. ZoologyC. EcologyD. Marine Biology答案:A9、填空题:They are _______ in the classroom.10、What do you call the first book in the Bible?A. GenesisB. ExodusC. LeviticusD. Numbers答案:A11、What do we call a young lion?A. CubB. CalfC. PupD. Kitten答案:A12、听力题:__________ is a gas that we breathe in.13、填空题:A diverse garden can attract a wide variety of ______.(多样化的花园可以吸引各种动物。



小学下册英语第一单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The turtle can withdraw into its _______ (壳).2.What is the name of the famous clock in London?A. Big BenB. Eiffel TowerC. Statue of LibertyD. ColosseumA3.I can ______ (展示) my talents.4.What is the color of a typical pumpkin?A. GreenB. YellowC. OrangeD. PurpleC5.I like to ______ (关心) the environment.6.The chemical symbol for krypton is ______.7.The ancient Greeks laid the foundations for ________ (现代科学).8. A mixture is made of two or more ______.9. A ____ is known for its bright colors and beautiful plumage.10.The ancient Romans built _____ for their games.11.The ______ (饲料) can come from plants.12.I have a ________ that I take everywhere.13.The historian studies _____ (历史) and teaches others.14.The ______ (蛇) can be found in many different colors.15.How many wings does a butterfly have?A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 8B16.Recycling helps reduce waste and conserve _____.17.We have ___ (fun) at the party.18.What is 20 - 10?A. 5B. 10C. 15D. 20B19.My favorite school event is _______ (运动会).20.Solar _______ can affect technology on Earth.21.The Boston Tea Party was a protest against _______ taxes.22.The stars are _____ (twinkling/shining) in the sky.23.What do we call the large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth?A. LakeB. RiverC. OceanD. PondC Ocean24.She has a red ___. (bike)25.I like to learn about ______ (科学技术) and how it shapes our lives. It’s essential in today’s w orld.26.The chemical symbol for radium is ______.27.The kitten is ______ on my lap. (sitting)28.The field is full of ______.29.What is the capital city of Sweden?A. OsloB. CopenhagenC. StockholmD. Helsinki30.We have a _______ (家庭聚会) this Saturday.31. A ______ can be defined as a substance that has mass and occupies space.32. A ________ (青蛙) can jump high and lives near water.33.The first successful heart surgery was performed by _______. (克里斯托弗·里德)34.The __________ (历史的反射) illuminates truths.35.How many legs does an ant have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10B36. A ______ (海星) can regenerate lost arms.37.I can create a new world with my toy ________ (玩具名称).38.I love to ___ (read).39. A bee is busy collecting ______ (花蜜).40.The _____ (小马) gallops across the field.41.The ancient Greeks created works of ________ that are still studied today.42.The grasshopper jumps on the ______.43.What do you call a vehicle that flies in the air?A. CarB. TrainC. AirplaneD. BoatC44.What is the largest land animal?A. RhinoB. GiraffeC. ElephantD. HippoC45.They are _____ (playing) hopscotch.46.I have a _____ (便当盒) for my lunch at school. 我有一个便当盒,装我在学校的午餐。



小学下册英语第一单元自测题(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.__________ change involves a change in state, not in composition.2.The _______ of a light bulb can be measured in watts.3.He is an _____ (企业家) starting new ventures.4.I believe that everyone has a talent. My talent is __________.5.The _____ (植物故事) connects culture and nature.6.My favorite _________ (玩具) helps me learn new words.7.What do you call the lines on a graph?A. AxesB. CurvesC. PointsD. Grids答案: A8. A __________ (灌木) can provide privacy in a garden.9.The _______ (猴子) is curious and playful.10.The Emancipation Proclamation freed ________ in the United States.11.My sister loves to learn about ____.12.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. TwoB. FourC. ThreeD. One答案: A13. A ________ (植物生态系统) supports varied life.14.The ancient Romans celebrated games in honor of the god ______ (朱庇特).15.The __________ is a famous area known for its oil production.16.What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. Rome答案:C17.n Rainforest is often called the ________ (地球之肺). The Amaz18.The main ingredient in aspirin is ______.19. A turtle can live in both ______ (淡水) and saltwater.20.The Cold War involved a space race between the USA and the ________ Union.21.I want to join a _______ (组织) to help my community. It’s great to give back.22.The _____ (植物传播途径) can influence agriculture practices.23.The capital city of Angola is ________ (安哥拉的首都城市是________).24.We should ________ our environment.25.The _____ (树木) provide shade on hot days.26.My uncle plays __________. (乐器)27.What do you call a story written in verse?A. NovelB. PoemC. EssayD. Short story答案:B28.The capital of Liberia is ________ (蒙罗维亚).va is molten rock that comes out of a ______ during an eruption.30.I have a lot of ______ friends.31.I want to _____ (write) a letter.32. A ______ is a large area of flat land with few trees.33.The __________ is famous for its cherry blossoms.34.The _____ (grapevine) produces delicious fruit.35. A goldfish swims _______ in its bowl.36. A ________ likes to dig in the dirt.37.The ______ (树木的年龄) can be determined by growth rings.38.The process of ______ can lead to the alteration of the Earth's surface.39.The rain is ___ (pouring) down.40.What do you call a person who repairs watches?A. BakerB. JewelerC. MechanicD. Carpenter答案: B41.What is the name of the famous British author who wrote "Harry Potter"?A. J.R.R. TolkienB.C.S. Lewis C. J.K. RowlingD. Roald Dahl答案:C42.We are going to ___ a trip. (take)43.The _______ can be a great way to bond with family.44.My favorite type of food is ______.45.The ________ (农业循环) enhances productivity.46.The boiling point of water is ________ degrees Celsius.47.We are going to _______ (参加) a festival.48. A __________ can indicate the potential for natural disasters.49.What do we call the process of making a picture using ink?A. DrawingB. PaintingC. PrintingD. Sculpting答案: C50.Queen Elizabeth I ruled England during the ______ (文艺复兴).51.I enjoy _______ (和朋友一起) outdoor activities。



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ2021/7/22
安哥拉国旗启用于1975年11月 11日。国旗呈长方形,长与宽 之比为3∶2。旗地由红、黑两个 平行长方形构成。旗面中间是 相互交叉的金色弧形齿轮和柴
刀。在弧形齿轮和柴刀之间有 一颗金色五角星。
根据安哥拉宪法说明,红色代表了“安哥拉人民在殖民压迫下 所流的鲜血、民族自由斗争与国防。”黑色表达了对“非洲大 陆”的颂扬;五角星表示国际主义和进步事业,五个角象征团 结、自由、正义、民主与进步。齿轮和砍刀象征着工农劳动者 和军队的团结,并表示对早年起来进行武装斗争的农民和战士 的纪念。而国旗中的齿轮、星与柴刀的黄色比喻为国家的财富, 齿轮有“工人与工业生产”之意,星代表了团结和进步,而柴 刀就象征著“农业生产与武装抗争”。
• 自然气候
• 全国大部分地区属热带草原气候,南部属 亚热带气候。安哥拉虽靠近赤道,但由于 地势高耸,又有大西洋寒流的影响,使得 其最高气温不超过摄氏28度,年平均气温 摄氏22度,有“春天国度”的美称。
姆苏鲁岛(MUSSULO)位于安哥拉首都罗安达以南,乘坐 机动快艇约15分钟即可到达,是安哥拉著名的旅游景点和国 内外游客周末休闲度假的胜地。小岛系由宽扎河与海水交汇、 经年冲积而成的水上沙洲组成,四面环水,拥有全国最好的 沙滩,部分地段的海滩呈银白色,在阳光下熠熠闪光,宛如 镶嵌在罗安达海滨的一串宝石。岛上植物茂密,椰树、木瓜 和芒果树果实累累,一片热带风光。沿岛遍布各色建筑,既 有现代化的度假别墅,也有造型各异的非洲茅草小屋。游人 可乘机动快艇登岛一游,在海滩散步、垂钓或从事水上运动, 去特色餐馆烧烤、品尝海味,也可乘艇环岛观光,欣赏姆苏 鲁湾景色。在小岛附近还有著名的月亮谷和奴隶博物馆等旅 游项目。


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Lu e ca
Tiaputo 35
218 CAMATAMBO Mabunde Quicanga
Hu e
16 25
32 60
+ ++
15 5
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3 13
Cazanga Pombuige Utenda Quissecula Cassamba Nh ia
Jungue Cossulo
Chambanda Cito Doué
120 59
55 15
19 210
10 3

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PEDRA do FEITIÇO + + 19 LULENDO Quiela 6
33 29
++++++++ NOQUI
8 3 Mamarosa 7
Malele ++++++++++++++++++ +++ + + + + Béu +++++ + + +++ + +++ Quimbata 8 BUELA 14 14 18Banza



小学上册英语第1单元期末试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The capital of Angola is __________.2. A ________ (石头) can be found in mountains.3.I want to _____ (buy) a new game.4.What do you call the person who cuts hair?A. BarberB. BakerC. MechanicD. Painter答案:A5.What do we call a scientist who studies birds?A. OrnithologistB. ZoologistC. BiologistD. Ecologist答案:A.Ornithologist6.In winter, the rivers sometimes __________ over. (结冰)7.看图片,写单词。

8.What do you call a book of maps?A. DictionaryB. AtlasC. NovelD. Journal答案: B9.The invention of the internet has transformed global _____.10.My favorite game involves ________.11. A _____ is a natural barrier that separates areas.12.The flowers are ________ in the vase.13.The ancient Romans built roads that connected __________ (城市).14.What is the name of the famous American civil rights leader?A. Malcolm XB. Martin Luther King Jr.C. Rosa ParksD. Nelson Mandela答案:B15.The basic unit of life is the ______.16.I enjoy playing with my _______ in the evening (我喜欢在晚上和我的_______玩).17.The Amazon Rainforest is located in _______.18.The roots of plants anchor them securely in the ______. (植物的根部将它们牢牢固定在土壤中。



初一上册英语练习题及答案Ⅰ.找出每组词中不同类的一个1.A.pen B.pencil C.ruler D.ring2.A.key C.notebook D.dictionary3.A.the B.ofC.a D.an4.A.this B.that C.please D.it5.A.your B.her C.his D.IⅡ.词和词组A)看图写单词6.b ________7.r ________9.e ________B)翻译下列词组11.用英语________12.卷笔刀________ 13.电子游戏________14.一套、一副________ 15.失物招领________ Ⅲ.排列下列国家参加运动会入场式的先后顺序FinlandAngola ItalyCanadaHollandEnglandFrance Japan Germany Brazil16.________ 17.________ 18.________19.________ 0.________21.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________Ⅳ.单项选择26.Tom is his ________ D.Chinese27.Is this your backpack? ________.A.Yes, it’sB.Yes, it is C.No, it not D.No, its not28.How do you spell pen? ________.A.This is a pen B.It’s a pen C.P—E—ND.Yes. P— E— N29.Is that your watch? ________.A.Yes, I am B.No, I’m not C.Yes, that isD.No, it isn’t30.Please call me B.of D.on31.This is ________ eraser and that’s ________ gold ring.A.a,, an C.a,, a32.What’s this ________ Chinese? It is“Dian shi” B.of C.atD.for33.________ Gina, this is ________ book.A.I’m, my B.I’m, an C.She’s, hisD.He’s, her34.This is ________ apple. It’s ________ red apple.A.a, a B.a, an,, an35.Sorry, this is not ________ a B.a myC.anD.my36.Kate is ________ English. She is ________ English, an B.×, ×, × D.×, an37.________ you Miss Read? Yes. My name ________ Sue Read.A.Are, am B.Are, is C.Is, areD.Is, is38.Tom and I ________ good friends.He ________ twelve.A.are, is, is, areD.are, are39.Your watch is very nice. ________.A.No, it isn’t B.Yes C.Thank you D.Sorry 40.________ , I’m late. That’s all right. A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.I sorry D.I’m wrongⅤ.选用所给的词填空how, am, are, his, your, her, my, is, an, what 41.She is a student and ________ name is Maria. 42.Wang Hong,this is ________ bag. Here you are. 43.Where is ________ eraser? I can’t find it. 44.Peter is English. Mr Zhang is ________ Chinese teacher.45.Excuse me! ________ this your gold ring?46.________ you Lucy? Yes,I am.47.This is ________ old watch.48.I ________ a Chinese boy.49.________ is that in English? It’s a watch. 50.________ do you spell computer? C—O—M—P—U—T—E—R.Ⅵ.指出并纠正句中的一处错误Ⅶ.按要求转换句型56.This is an ID card.57.That is a notebook.58.Is this his backpack?59.It is Lucy’s dictionary.60.Is that her nice watch?Ⅷ.连词成句,注意所给的标点符号61.Think, I, pencil, it, his, is,62.know, you, do, how, him,63.boy, friend, the, your, is,64.not, it, this, gold, ring, my,, the, that, your, and, lost, found, case, key, is,能力训练Ⅸ.用所给选项完成对话, 将序号填在对话下面的横线上A.How are you B.Hello C.How old are you D.What’s your name E.YesF.Thanks G.I’m fine H.Goodbye I.Excuse me J.It’s a pencilA:6!7?B: My name is Liu Ying.A:8?B: Fine.9. And you?A:0, too.1, what’s this in English?B:.A: Can you spell it, please?B:3. P— E— N— C— I— L, pencil.A: Thank you.4?B: I’m thirteen.A: Goodbye!B:5!Ⅹ.完形填空A: Excuse76, what’s77, please?B: My name is Ann Read. And78?A: Wei Hua,79you do?B: How do you do?A:0in the bag? Is it a pear?B: No, It’s81orange.A: What82that in English?B: It’s a bus, a83bus.A:4. Can you85“bus”?B: Yes, I can. b-u-s, C.I D.you77.A.that C.this D.your name78.A.are you B.your D.your name 79.A.How B.How do C.How are D.How old80.A.What B.Is C.What’s D.How81.A.× B.a B.are D.be83.A.chinese B.Chinese C.China D.English84.A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Good D.No85.A.say B.look D.spellⅪ.阅读理解A)阅读下面对话,判断正误A: Hello!B: Hello! What’s your name?A: My name is Wang Lin. What about you?B: My name is Wei Hua. How are you?A: I’m fine, thank you. And you?B: I’m fine, too. What grade are you in, Wang Lin? A: I’m in Grade One. Are you in Grade One,too? B: No, I’m in Grade Two. How old are you?A: I’m eleven. What about you?B: I’m one year older than you.A: Oh! What is in your hand?B: It is an orange.A: Can you spell it?B: Yes, O—R—A—N—G—E, orange.86.Wang Lin is in Grade Two. 7.Wei Hua is in Grade one.88.Wang Lin is eleven.9.Wei Hua is twelve.90.There is an orange in Wang Lin’s hand.B)阅读下列短文,选择正确答案Peter and I are good friends. Peter is an American boy. I am a Japanese girl. He is thirteen. I am twelve. We are in the same class,Class Two.Peter has a nice clock. He likes it very much. He puts it on his desk. Every morning it wakes him up. I have a new watch. It looks beautiful. I wearit everyday. It tells me thetime. It helpsme a lot in my daily life. I can not live without it.91.Peter and I are ________.A.friendsB.teachersC.sisters D.brothers92.Peter is English boy B.a Japanese American boy English girl93.I have ________.A.a beautiful clock old watchC.a new watchD.a nice clock94.Peter ________.A.wears his clock everyday B.puts his clock on his deskC.wears his new watch every dayD.likes his newwatch very much95.Peter and I are different classes the same Class AmericaⅫ.书面表达完成下列招领启事和寻物启事。



小学上册英语第一单元期末试卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.We have a ______ (丰富的) schedule for school events.2.I enjoy watching ______ with my family. (我喜欢和家人一起看______。

)3.What is the capital of Angola?A. LuandaB. BenguelaC. HuamboD. LubangoA4.What do we call a person who studies the origins of words?A. EtymologistB. LinguistC. LexicographerD. PhilologistA5.What is the term for a baby rabbit?A. KittenB. PuppyC. BunnyD. FawnC6.The armadillo curls up into a _______ for safety.7. A ______ is used to measure temperature.8.I enjoy drawing ________ (漫画) in my notebook.9.The main function of lipids is to store _____.10.What is the primary purpose of a refrigerator?A. CookingB. HeatingC. CoolingD. FreezingC11.The capital of Greece is __________.12.The weather is _____ (sunny/cloudy) today.13.The ______ (生命周期) of a plant is fascinating to study.14.I have a toy _______ that dances and sings songs.15.The ______ is a type of bird that can swim.16.Which fruit is yellow?A. AppleB. BananaC. CherryD. GrapeB17.The turtle moves very ______ (慢) on the ground.18.We have a _____ (庆典) for the festival.19.I saw a beautiful __________ (瀑布) in the forest.20.What is the capital of Mexico?A. CancunB. GuadalajaraC. Mexico CityD. TijuanaC Mexico City21.What is the opposite of hot?A. WarmB. CoolC. ColdD. Freezing22.My grandma is a fantastic ____.23.What do you call a person who cooks food?A. ChefB. WaiterC. FarmerD. BakerA24.I enjoy playing ______ during the holidays.25.What is the value of 10 ÷ 5 + 2?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5B26.Which shape is round?A. SquareB. RectangleC. CircleD. Triangle27.The bond formed between two atoms is called a _______.28.What is the capital of Saudi Arabia?A. RiyadhB. JeddahC. MeccaD. MedinaA29.We have ___ (English/Math) class today.30.The chemical formula for iron(II) chloride is ______.31.When I finish my homework, I reward myself with some time to play with my _________ (玩具).32.I see many _____ (树木) in the park.33.What is the primary color of the sun?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. RedB34.I like to ______ (参与) in community projects.35.What do you call the process of cooking food in water?A. BoilingB. BakingC. FryingD. Grilling36.The ________ is a natural barrier that protects a coastline.37.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington D.C. C. Los AngelesD. Chicago38.The ice cream is ________ cold.39.What do you call a group of rabbits?A. WarrenB. HerdC. PackD. School40.The _____ (植物探索之旅) can educate and inspire future generations.41.What is the capital of the USA?A. Los AngelesB. WashingtonC. New YorkD. ChicagoB42.What do we call the process of creating a plan?A. OrganizingB. PlanningC. StrategizingD. Arranging43.The ________ (树林) is home to many animals and plants.44.I can ________ my bike to school.45.What is the main ingredient in hummus?A. ChickpeasB. LentilsC. BeansD. PeasA Chickpeas46.The __________ (历史的丰厚底蕴) inform practices.47.The ______ (小鸡) is learning to walk.48.What is the capital of Tunisia?A. TunisB. SfaxC. BizerteD. KairouanA49.My cousin, ______ (我的表妹), loves to act in school plays.50.I love to eat fruit from the _____ (果园). It is fresh and delicious. 我喜欢吃果园里的水果。



有几个国家的缩写比较特殊,在开头列出(补充中)荷兰 - NL (Netherlands)西班牙 - ES (Spain)南斯拉夫 - YU (Yugoslavia)下面的排列顺序为按照国家英文全名以字典顺序排列检索时找“ - ”后面的英文全名,字母顺序AF - Afghanistan 阿富汗AL - Albania 阿尔巴尼亚DZ - Algeria 阿尔及利亚AS - American Samoa 东萨摩亚AD - Andorra 安道尔AO - Angola 安哥拉Av - Anguilla 安圭拉岛AQ - Antarctica 南极洲AG - Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达AR - Argentina 阿根廷AM - Armenia 亚美尼亚AA - Aruba 阿鲁巴AU - Australia 澳大利亚AT - Austria 奥地利AZ - Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆BF - Bahamas 巴哈马BH - Bahrain 巴林BB - Barbados 巴巴多斯BD - Bangladesh 孟加拉BY - Belarus 白俄罗斯BE - Belgium 比利时BZ - Belize 伯里兹BJ - Benin 贝宁BM - Bermuda 百慕大BS - Bahamas 巴哈马BT - Bhutan 不丹BW - Botswana 博茨瓦纳BO - Bolivia 玻利维亚BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑BV - Bouvet Island 布韦岛BR - Brazil 巴西IO - British Indian Ocean Territory 英属印度洋领地BN - Brunei Darussalam 文莱布鲁萨兰BG - Bulgaria 保加利亚BF - Burkina Faso 布基纳法索BI - Burundi 布隆迪KH - Cambodia (Internet) 柬埔寨CB - Cambodia (CIA World Fact Book) 柬埔寨CM - Cameroon 喀麦隆CA - Canada 加拿大CV - Cape Verde 佛得角KY - Cayman Islands 开曼群岛CF - Central African Republic 中非TD - Chad 乍得CL - Chile 智利CN - China 中国CX - Christmas Island 圣诞岛CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands 可可斯群岛CO - Colombia 哥伦比亚KM - Comoros 科摩罗CG - Congo 刚果CD - Congo, Democratic Republic 刚果CK - Cook Islands 库克群岛CR - Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加CI - Cote DIvoire (Ivory Coast) 象牙海岸HR - Croatia (Hrvatska) 克罗地亚CU - Cuba 古巴CY - Cyprus 塞普路斯CZ - Czech Republic 捷克CS - Czechoslovakia (former) 捷克斯洛伐克DK - Denmark 丹麦DJ - Djibouti 吉布提DM - Dominica 多米尼加共和国DO - Dominican Republic 多米尼加联邦TP - East Timor 东帝汶EC - Ecuador 厄瓜多尔EG - Egypt 埃及SV - El Salvador 萨尔瓦多GQ - Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚ER - EritreaEE - Estonia 爱沙尼亚ET - Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 福兰克群岛FO - Faroe Islands 法罗群岛FJ - Fiji 斐济FI - Finland 芬兰FR - France 法国FX - France, MetropolitanGF - French Guiana 法属圭亚那PF - French Polynesia 法属玻里尼西亚TF - French Southern Territories 法国南部领地MK - F.Y.R.O.M. (Macedonia)GA - Gabon 加蓬GM - Gambia 冈比亚GE - Georgia 格鲁吉亚DE - Germany 德国GH - Ghana 加纳GI - Gibraltar 直布罗陀GB - Great Britain (UK) 英国GR - Greece 希腊GL - Greenland 格陵兰岛GD - Grenada 格林纳达GP - Guadeloupe 法属德洛普群岛GU - Guam 关岛GT - Guatemala 危地马拉GN - Guinea 几内亚GW - Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍GY - Guyana 圭亚那HT - Haiti 海地HM - Heard and McDonald Islands 赫德和麦克唐纳群岛HN - Honduras 洪都拉斯HK - Hong Kong 中国香港特区HU - Hungary 匈牙利IS - Iceland 冰岛IN - India 印度ID - Indonesia 印度尼西亚IR - Iran 伊朗IQ - Iraq 伊拉克IE - Ireland 爱尔兰IL - Israel 以色列IT - Italy 意大利JM - Jamaica 牙买加JP - Japan 日本JO - Jordan 约旦KZ - Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦KE - Kenya 肯尼亚KI - Kiribati 基里巴斯KP - Korea (North) 韩国KR - Korea (South) 朝鲜KW - Kuwait 科威特KG - Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦LA - Laos 老挝LV - Latvia 拉托维亚LB - Lebanon 黎巴嫩LI - Liechtenstein 列支顿士登LR - Liberia 利比里亚LY - Libya 利比亚LS - Lesotho 莱索托LT - Lithuania 立陶宛LU - Luxembourg 卢森堡MO - Macau 中国澳门特区MG - Madagascar 马达加斯加MW - Malawi 马拉维MY - Malaysia 马来西亚MV - Maldives 马尔代夫ML - Mali 马里MT - Malta 马耳他MH - Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛MQ - Martinique 法属马提尼克群岛MR - Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚MU - Mauritius 毛里求斯YT - MayotteMX - Mexico 墨西哥FM - Micronesia 米克罗尼西亚MC - Monaco 摩纳哥MD - Moldova 摩尔多瓦MA - Morocco 摩洛哥MN - Mongolia 蒙古MS - Montserrat 蒙塞拉特岛MZ - Mozambique 莫桑比克MM - Myanmar 缅甸NA - Namibia 纳米比亚NR - Nauru 瑙鲁NP - Nepal 尼泊尔NL - Netherlands 荷兰AN - Netherlands Antilles 荷属安德列斯NT - Neutral Zone 中立区(沙特-伊拉克间)NC - New Caledonia 新卡里多尼亚NZ - New Zealand (Aotearoa) 新西兰NI - Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜NE - Niger 尼日尔NG - Nigeria 尼日利亚NU - Niue 纽爱NF - Norfolk Island 诺福克岛MP - Northern Mariana Islands 北马里亚纳群岛NO - Norway 挪威OM - Oman 阿曼PK - Pakistan 巴基斯坦PW - Palau 帕劳PA - Panama 巴拿马PG - Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚PY - Paraguay 巴拉圭PE - Peru 秘鲁PH - Philippines 菲律宾PN - Pitcairn 皮特克恩岛PL - Poland 波兰PT - Portugal 葡萄牙PR - Puerto Rico 波多黎各QA - Qatar 卡塔尔RE - Reunion 法属尼留旺岛RO - Romania 罗马尼亚RU - Russian Federation 俄罗斯RW - Rwanda 卢旺达GS - S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls. KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯LC - Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格陵纳丁斯WS - Samoa 西萨摩亚SM - San Marino 圣马力诺ST - Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比SA - Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯SN - Senegal 塞内加尔SC - Seychelles 塞舌尔SL - Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂SG - Singapore 新加坡SI - Slovenia 斯罗文尼亚SK - Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克Sb - Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛SO - Somalia 索马里ZA - South Africa 南非ES - Spain 西班牙LK - Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡SH - St. HelenaPM - St. Pierre and Miquelon 圣皮艾尔和密克隆群岛SD - Sudan 苏丹SR - Suriname 苏里南SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 斯瓦尔巴特和扬马延岛SZ - Swaziland 斯威士兰SE - Sweden 瑞典CH - Switzerland 瑞士SY - Syria 叙利亚TW - Taiwan 中国台湾省TJ - Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦TZ - Tanzania 坦桑尼亚TH - Thailand 泰国TG - Togo 多哥TK - Tokelau 托克劳群岛TO - Tonga 汤加TT - Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥TN - Tunisia 突尼斯TR - Turkey 土尔其TM - Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦TC - Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛TV - Tuvalu 图瓦卢UG - Uganda 乌干达UA - Ukraine 乌克兰AE - United Arab Emirates 阿联酋UK - United Kingdom 英国US - United States 美国UM - US Minor Outlying Islands 美国海外领地UY - Uruguay 乌拉圭SU - USSR (former) 前苏联UZ - Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦VU - Vanuatu 瓦努阿鲁VA - Vatican City State (Holy See) 梵蒂岗VE - Venezuela 委内瑞拉VN - Viet Nam 越南VG - Virgin Islands (British) 英属维京群岛VI - Virgin Islands (U.S.) 美属维京群岛WF - Wallis and Futuna Islands 瓦里斯和福图纳群岛EH - Western Sahara 西撒哈拉YE - Yemen 也门YU - Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫ZM - Zambia 赞比亚(ZR - Zaire) - See CD Congo, Democratic Republic 扎伊尔ZW - Zimbabwe 津巴布韦。



世界各国国家图书馆藏书大全(2010-03-26 20:56:53| 分类:在线服务|字号订阅本文转载自难得糊涂《世界各国国家图书馆藏书大全(建议收藏)》世界各国国家图书馆亚洲阿拉伯联合酋长国国家图书馆(National Library of The United ArabEmirates)阿塞拜疆国家图书馆(State Library of Azerbaijan)巴基斯坦国家图书馆(National Library of Pakistan)不丹国家图书馆(National Library of Bhutan)朝鲜人民大学习堂(The Grand People's Study House DPRK)菲律宾国家图书馆(National Library of Philippines)格鲁吉亚国立公共图书馆(Georgian State Pulbic Library)哈萨克斯坦国家图书馆(National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan)韩国国立中央图书馆(National Library of Korea)吉尔吉斯斯坦国立公共图书馆(State Public Library of Kyrgyzstan)柬埔寨国家图书馆(National Library of Cambodia)卡塔尔国家图书馆(Qatar National Library)科威特中央图书馆(Kuwait Central Library)老挝国家图书馆(National Library of Laos)黎巴嫩国家图书馆(National Library of Lebanon)马尔代夫国家图书馆(National Library of Maldives)蒙古国立中央图书馆(State Central Library of Mongolia)孟加拉国家图书馆与档案馆(Bangladesh National Library & Archives)缅甸国家图书馆(National Library of Myanmar (Burma))尼泊尔国家图书馆(Nepal National Library)日本国立国会图书馆(National Diet Library)塞浦路斯图书馆(Cyprus Library)沙特阿拉伯法赫德国王国家图书馆(King Fahd National Library)斯里兰卡国家图书馆与文献中心(National Library of Sri Lanka)塔吉克斯坦国家图书馆(Firdousi Tajik National Library)泰国国家图书馆(Ho Samut Haeng Chat = National Library of Thailand)土耳其国家图书馆(Milli Kutuphane = National Library of Turkey)土库曼斯坦国立巴沙尔图书馆(National Library of Turkmenistan)文莱国家图书馆(The National Library of Brunei)乌兹别克斯坦国立阿利舍尔·纳沃伊图书馆(Alisher Navoi State Libraryof Uzbekistan)新加坡国家图书馆(National Library of Singapore)叙利亚阿萨德国家图书馆(Assad National Library)亚美尼亚国家图书馆(National Library of Armenia)伊拉克国家图书馆(National Library of Iraq)伊朗国家图书馆(National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran)以色列犹太国家与大学图书馆(The Jewish National &University Library)印度国家图书馆(National Library of India)印度尼西亚国家图书馆(National Library of Indonesia)约旦国家图书馆(National Library of Jordan)越南国家图书馆(National Library of Vietnam)世界各国国家图书馆欧洲阿尔巴尼亚国家图书馆(Biblioteka Kombetare=National Library of theRepublic of Albania)爱尔兰国家图书馆(National Library of Ireland)爱沙尼亚国家图书馆(Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu = The National Library ofEstonia)安道尔国家图书馆(Biblioteca Naciona l d’Andorra=Andorra NationalLibrary)奥地利国家图书馆(Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek=AustrianNational Library)白俄罗斯国家图书馆(National Library of Belarus)保加利亚圣·西里尔与圣·美多迪乌斯国家图书馆(St. Cyrill & St.Methodius National Library)比利时皇家图书馆(Royal Library of Belgium)冰岛国家与大学图书馆(The National and University Library ofIceland=Landsbokasafn Islands – Haskolabokasafn)波兰国家图书馆(Biblioteka Narodowa = The National Library)波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那国家与大学图书馆(National & University Library,Bosnia & Herzegovinia)丹麦皇家图书馆(Det Kongelige Bibliotek = The Royal Library)德国柏林国立普鲁士文化基金会图书馆(Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin–Preuβ ischer Kulturbesitz = State Library of Berlin—Prussian Cultural Foundation)德国国家图书馆(Die Deutsche Bibliothek = The National Library of Germany)俄罗斯国家图书馆(Российскаянациональнаябиблиотека= The National Library of Russia)俄罗斯国立图书馆(The Russian State Library)法国国家图书馆(Bibliotheque nationale de France(BNF)= French National Library)梵蒂冈图书馆(Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana = Vatican Library)芬兰赫尔辛基大学图书馆—芬兰国家图书馆(Helsinki University Library – the National Library of Finland)立陶宛马蒂纳斯·马齐达斯国立图书馆(Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania)列支敦士登国家图书馆(Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek= Liechtenstein National Library)卢森堡国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale de Luxembourg = The National Library of Luxembourg)马耳他国家图书馆(Bibljoteka Nazzjonali t a’ Malta= National Library of Malta)摩尔多瓦共和国国家图书馆(National Library of the Republic of Moldova)摩纳哥路易斯·诺塔里图书馆(Bibliotheque Louis Notari)南斯拉夫塞尔维亚国家图书馆(Narodna Biblioteka Srbije = National Library of Serbia)瑞典皇家图书馆(Kungl. Biblioteket = The Royal Library or Sweden)瑞士国家图书馆(Swiss National Library)圣马力诺国家图书馆与图书遗产馆(Biblioteca di Stato e BeniLibrari=National Library and Book Patrimony)斯洛伐克国家图书馆(Slovenska nnarodna kniznica v matici slovenska=The Slovak National Library in Matica slovenska)斯洛文尼亚国家与大学图书馆(Slovenian National and UniversityLibrary)乌克兰国家图书馆(The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine)西班牙国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional de Espana = National Library ofSpain)希腊国家图书馆(National Library of Greece)匈牙利国立塞切尼图书馆(National Szechenyi Library)英国图书馆(The British Library)世界各国国家图书馆非洲阿尔及利亚国家图书馆(The National Library of Algeria)埃及国家图书馆与档案馆(National Library & Archives of Egypt)埃及亚历山大图书馆(Bibliotheca Alexandrian – The Library ofAlexandria, Egypt)埃塞俄比亚国家图书馆与档案馆(National Library and Archives ofEthiopia)安哥拉国家图书馆(Angola National Library )贝宁国家图书馆(National Library of Benin)博茨瓦纳国家图书馆服务处(The Botswana National Library Service)冈比亚国家图书馆(Gambia National Library)刚果人民共和国国家图书馆(The People's National Library of Congo)吉布提国家图书档案馆(National Library and Archives of Kiribati)几内亚比绍国家图书馆(National Library of Guinea-Bissau)几内亚国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)加纳图书馆理事会(Ghana Library Board)加蓬国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)津巴布韦国家图书馆(National Library of Zimbabwe)喀麦隆国家图书馆(National Library of Cameroon)科特迪瓦国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale = National Library)莱索托国家图书馆(Lesotho National Library Service)卢旺达国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale)马达加斯加国家图书馆(Bibliotheque National)马拉维国家图书馆服务处(National Library Service)毛里塔尼亚国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale =National Library)莫桑比克国家图书馆(National Library of Mozambique)纳米比亚国家图书馆(National Libraries of Namibia)南非国家图书馆(South African Library)尼日利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Nigeria)塞拉里昂国家图书馆理事会(Sierra Leone Library Board)塞舌尔国家图书馆(Seychelles National Library)斯威士兰国家图书馆服务处(Swaziland National Library Service)索马里国家图书馆(National Library of Somalia)坦桑尼亚图书馆服务董事会(Tanzania Library Services Board)突尼斯国家图书馆(Biblitheque Nationale)扎伊尔国家图书馆(Bibliotheque Nationale of Zaire)世界各国国家图书馆美洲阿根廷共和国国家图书馆(The National Library of Argentina)巴拉圭国家图书馆与档案馆(Biblioteca y Archivo Nacional)巴拿马国家图书馆(National Library of Panama)巴西国家图书馆(Fundacao Biblioteca Nacional = Brazilian NationalLibrary)玻利维亚国家图书馆(Bolivia National Library & Archives)多米尼加共和国国家图书馆(National Library of Dominican Republic)哥伦比亚国家图书馆(National Library of Colombia)哥斯达黎加国家图书馆(National Library of Costa Rica)古巴约瑟·马丁国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional ‘Jose Marti’=National Library of Cuba)圭亚那国家图书馆(National Library)加拿大国家图书馆(The National Library of Canada)美国国会图书馆(Library of Congress)秘鲁国家图书馆(National Library of Peru)墨西哥国家图书馆(National Library of Mexico)尼加拉瓜鲁文·达里奥国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional Ruben Dario=TheRuben Dario National Library of Nicaragua)萨尔瓦多国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional)危地马拉国家图书馆(Bibliotecan Nacional de Guatemala = NationalLibrary of Guatemala)委内瑞拉(Biblioteca Nacional de Venezuela =National Library ofVenezuela)乌拉圭国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional del Uruguar = National Libraryof Uruguay)智利国家图书馆(Biblioteca Nacional de Chile = National Library ofChile)世界各国国家图书馆大洋洲澳大利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Australia)巴布亚新几内亚国家图书馆服务处(The National Library Service of PapuaNew Guinea)基里巴斯国家图书馆与档案馆(Kiribati National Library and Archives)库克群岛国家图书馆(Cook Islands National Library)所罗门群岛国家图书馆服务处(National Library Service)瓦努阿图国家图书馆(National Library of Vanuatu)新西兰国家图书馆(National Library of New Zealand)。



全球各国国名的英文缩写大全标准化管理部编码-[99968T-6889628-J68568-1689N]有几个国家的缩写比较特殊,在开头列出(补充中)荷兰 - NL (Netherlands)西班牙 - ES (Spain)南斯拉夫 - YU (Yugoslavia)下面的排列顺序为按照国家英文全名以字典顺序排列检索时找“ - ” 后面的英文全名,字母顺序AF - Afghanistan 阿富汗AL - Albania 阿尔巴尼亚DZ - Algeria 阿尔及利亚AS - American Samoa 东萨摩亚AD - Andorra 安道尔AO - Angola 安哥拉Av - Anguilla 安圭拉岛AQ - Antarctica 南极洲AG - Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达AR - Argentina 阿根廷AM - Armenia 亚美尼亚AA - Aruba 阿鲁巴AU - Australia 澳大利亚AT - Austria 奥地利AZ - Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆BF - Bahamas 巴哈马BH - Bahrain 巴林BB - Barbados 巴巴多斯BD - Bangladesh 孟加拉BY - Belarus 白俄罗斯BE - Belgium 比利时BZ - Belize 伯里兹BJ - Benin 贝宁BM - Bermuda 百慕大BS - Bahamas 巴哈马BT - Bhutan 不丹BW - Botswana 博茨瓦纳BO - Bolivia 玻利维亚BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina 波黑BV - Bouvet Island 布韦岛BR - Brazil 巴西IO - British Indian Ocean Territory 英属印度洋领地BN - Brunei Darussalam 文莱布鲁萨兰BG - Bulgaria 保加利亚BF - Burkina Faso 布基纳法索BI - Burundi 布隆迪KH - Cambodia (Internet) 柬埔寨CB - Cambodia (CIA World Fact Book) 柬埔寨CM - Cameroon 喀麦隆CA - Canada 加拿大CV - Cape Verde 佛得角KY - Cayman Islands 开曼群岛CF - Central African Republic 中非TD - Chad 乍得CL - Chile 智利CN - China 中国CX - Christmas Island 圣诞岛CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands 可可斯群岛CO - Colombia 哥伦比亚KM - Comoros 科摩罗CG - Congo 刚果CD - Congo, Democratic Republic 刚果CK - Cook Islands 库克群岛CR - Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加CI - Cote DIvoire (Ivory Coast) 象牙海岸HR - Croatia (Hrvatska) 克罗地亚CU - Cuba 古巴CY - Cyprus 塞普路斯CZ - Czech Republic 捷克CS - Czechoslovakia (former) 捷克斯洛伐克DK - Denmark 丹麦DJ - Djibouti 吉布提DM - Dominica 多米尼加共和国DO - Dominican Republic 多米尼加联邦TP - East Timor 东帝汶EC - Ecuador 厄瓜多尔EG - Egypt 埃及SV - El Salvador 萨尔瓦多GQ - Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚ER - EritreaEE - Estonia 爱沙尼亚ET - Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 福兰克群岛FO - Faroe Islands 法罗群岛FJ - Fiji 斐济FI - Finland 芬兰FR - France 法国FX - France, MetropolitanGF - French Guiana 法属圭亚那PF - French Polynesia 法属玻里尼西亚TF - French Southern Territories 法国南部领地GA - Gabon 加蓬GM - Gambia 冈比亚GE - Georgia 格鲁吉亚DE - Germany 德国GH - Ghana 加纳GI - Gibraltar 直布罗陀GB - Great Britain (UK) 英国GR - Greece 希腊GL - Greenland 格陵兰岛GD - Grenada 格林纳达GP - Guadeloupe 法属德洛普群岛GU - Guam 关岛GT - Guatemala 危地马拉GN - Guinea 几内亚GW - Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍GY - Guyana 圭亚那HT - Haiti 海地HM - Heard and McDonald Islands 赫德和麦克唐纳群岛HN - Honduras 洪都拉斯HK - Hong Kong 中国香港特区HU - Hungary 匈牙利IS - Iceland 冰岛IN - India 印度ID - Indonesia 印度尼西亚IR - Iran 伊朗IQ - Iraq 伊拉克IE - Ireland 爱尔兰IL - Israel 以色列IT - Italy 意大利JM - Jamaica 牙买加JP - Japan 日本JO - Jordan 约旦KZ - Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦KE - Kenya 肯尼亚KI - Kiribati 基里巴斯KP - Korea (North) 韩国KR - Korea (South) 朝鲜KW - Kuwait 科威特KG - Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦LA - Laos 老挝LV - Latvia 拉托维亚LB - Lebanon 黎巴嫩LI - Liechtenstein 列支顿士登LR - Liberia 利比里亚LY - Libya 利比亚LS - Lesotho 莱索托LT - Lithuania 立陶宛LU - Luxembourg 卢森堡MO - Macau 中国澳门特区MG - Madagascar 马达加斯加MW - Malawi 马拉维MY - Malaysia 马来西亚MV - Maldives 马尔代夫ML - Mali 马里MT - Malta 马耳他MH - Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛MQ - Martinique 法属马提尼克群岛MR - Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚MU - Mauritius 毛里求斯YT - MayotteMX - Mexico 墨西哥FM - Micronesia 米克罗尼西亚MC - Monaco 摩纳哥MD - Moldova 摩尔多瓦MA - Morocco 摩洛哥MN - Mongolia 蒙古MS - Montserrat 蒙塞拉特岛MZ - Mozambique 莫桑比克MM - Myanmar 缅甸NA - Namibia 纳米比亚NR - Nauru 瑙鲁NP - Nepal 尼泊尔NL - Netherlands 荷兰AN - Netherlands Antilles 荷属安德列斯NT - Neutral Zone 中立区(沙特-伊拉克间)NC - New Caledonia 新卡里多尼亚NZ - New Zealand (Aotearoa) 新西兰NI - Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜NE - Niger 尼日尔NG - Nigeria 尼日利亚NU - Niue 纽爱NF - Norfolk Island 诺福克岛MP - Northern Mariana Islands 北马里亚纳群岛NO - Norway 挪威OM - Oman 阿曼PK - Pakistan 巴基斯坦PW - Palau 帕劳PA - Panama 巴拿马PG - Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚PY - Paraguay 巴拉圭PE - Peru 秘鲁PH - Philippines 菲律宾PN - Pitcairn 皮特克恩岛PL - Poland 波兰PT - Portugal 葡萄牙PR - Puerto Rico 波多黎各QA - Qatar 卡塔尔RE - Reunion 法属尼留旺岛RO - Romania 罗马尼亚RU - Russian Federation 俄罗斯RW - Rwanda 卢旺达GS - S. Georgia and S. Sandwich Isls.KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯LC - Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格陵纳丁斯WS - Samoa 西萨摩亚SM - San Marino 圣马力诺ST - Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美和普林西比SA - Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯SN - Senegal 塞内加尔SC - Seychelles 塞舌尔SL - Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂SG - Singapore 新加坡SI - Slovenia 斯罗文尼亚SK - Slovak Republic 斯洛伐克Sb - Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛SO - Somalia 索马里ZA - South Africa 南非ES - Spain 西班牙LK - Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡SH - St. HelenaPM - St. Pierre and Miquelon 圣皮艾尔和密克隆群岛SD - Sudan 苏丹SR - Suriname 苏里南SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands 斯瓦尔巴特和扬马延岛SZ - Swaziland 斯威士兰SE - Sweden 瑞典CH - Switzerland 瑞士SY - Syria 叙利亚TW - Taiwan 中国台湾省TJ - Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦TZ - Tanzania 坦桑尼亚TH - Thailand 泰国TG - Togo 多哥TK - Tokelau 托克劳群岛TO - Tonga 汤加TT - Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥TN - Tunisia 突尼斯TR - Turkey 土尔其TM - Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦TC - Turks and Caicos Islands 特克斯和凯科斯群岛TV - Tuvalu 图瓦卢UG - Uganda 乌干达UA - Ukraine 乌克兰AE - United Arab Emirates 阿联酋UK - United Kingdom 英国US - United States 美国UM - US Minor Outlying Islands 美国海外领地UY - Uruguay 乌拉圭SU - USSR (former) 前苏联UZ - Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦VU - Vanuatu 瓦努阿鲁VA - Vatican City State (Holy See) 梵蒂岗VE - Venezuela 委内瑞拉VN - Viet Nam 越南VG - Virgin Islands (British) 英属维京群岛VI - Virgin Islands .) 美属维京群岛WF - Wallis and Futuna Islands 瓦里斯和福图纳群岛EH - Western Sahara 西撒哈拉YE - Yemen 也门YU - Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫ZM - Zambia 赞比亚(ZR - Zaire) - See CD Congo, Democratic Republic 扎伊尔ZW - Zimbabwe 津巴布韦。



小学上册英语第五单元暑期作业(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The clock shows ______ (three) o'clock.2.Many plants are ______ (药用) and can help cure illnesses.3.What is the name of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?A. The Starry NightB. The Last SupperC. Mona LisaD. Girl with a Pearl Earring答案:C4.We should ________ the environment.5.He is reading a ______. (book)6.The _______ of an object can be tested using a pressure gauge.7.I want to ________ (save) money for a bike.8.My guinea pig loves to eat _______ (新鲜的) vegetables.9.The Earth's crust is primarily composed of ______ and silica minerals.10.What is the capital of Haiti?A. Port-au-PrinceB. Santo DomingoC. NassauD. San Juan答案: A. Port-au-Prince11.The _____ (mountain/valley) is high.12.I have a green ___. (ball)13.The ant's teamwork allows it to carry objects many times its ________________ (重量).14.The ________ was a prominent figure in the women's suffrage movement.15.The _____ (向日葵) turns towards the sun.16.The raccoon washes its food in _________. (水)17.Metals are usually ______ at room temperature.18.My _______ (金鱼) has shiny scales.19.The ________ is a very fast animal.20.The first written language was developed by the ________ civilization.21.The invention of ________ has reshaped modern communication.22.I love to ______ (与家人一起) cook dinner.23.在古代,________ (scripts) 用于记录重要事件。



小学下册英语第三单元测验卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A _____ (土地利用) impacts plant diversity in regions.2.The ________ is very friendly.3.She likes to eat ___ for breakfast. (pancakes)4.The train goes _____ (fast/slow) on the tracks.5. A ____ is a small creature that loves to play in the grass.6.The Crab Nebula is a famous ______ remnant.7.What do you call the time when the sun is highest in the sky?A. MorningB. NoonC. EveningD. Night8.Which tool do you use to write?A. BrushB. PencilC. RulerD. Scissors9.I read a _______ (book/newspaper) every night.10.The kitten is very _____. (cute)11.The scientist, ______ (科学家), conducts important experiments.12.What do we call the famous wall in China?A. Great WallB. Berlin WallC. Hadrian's WallD. Wall of JerichoA13.My favorite color is _______ (我最喜欢的颜色是_______).14.The __________ (历史的重要事件) shape our understanding of the world.15. A chemical reaction may release or absorb ______.16.The owl has a ______ (敏锐的) sense of hearing.17.The ancient Romans built ________ for public entertainment.18.The chemical symbol for technetium is _____.19.The sun rises in the ________.20.The capital of Angola is __________.21.What do you call the person who teaches students?A. DoctorB. TeacherC. LawyerD. ChefB22.What do you use to cut paper?A. GlueB. ScissorsC. TapeD. Ruler23.His favorite food is ________.24. A firefly lights up at ________________ (夜晚).25.The girl likes to play ________.26.We have ______ (很多) decorations for the party.27.I like to _____ (swim) in the pool.28.I have a pet cat. I call her __________. (小猫的名字)29.I think art is a wonderful way to express emotions. I love visiting art exhibits and seeing different styles. My favorite artist is __________ because his/her work is amazing.30.What is 3 x 3?A. 6B. 8C. 9D. 12C31.My grandma enjoys sewing ____ (clothes).32.What do we call the act of traveling to a foreign country for leisure?A. VacationingB. TouringC. TravelingD. ExploringA33.What do you call a person who makes food?A. CookB. BakerC. ChefD. All of the aboveD34.What shape is a basketball?A. SquareB. OvalC. CircleD. TriangleC Circle35.The fish is _____ (swimming/flying).36. A _____ (狼) howls to communicate with its pack.37.What do you call a person who plays a sport professionally?A. AmateurB. ProfessionalC. CoachD. RefereeB38.Solar flares are bursts of ______ from the sun.39. A space shuttle is used to carry astronauts to ______.40.The garden is _______ (充满生机的)。



小学上册英语第五单元综合卷英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1. A _______ is a tool that helps to determine the height of an object.2.The rain is ______ on the roof. (falling)3.What do we call the movement of the Earth around the sun?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. OrbitD. Cycle4.What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. JupiterC. EarthD. Venus5.What do we call the sound a rooster makes?A. CluckB. Cock-a-doodle-dooC. QuackD. Moo6.The invention of ________ has altered the landscape of commerce.7. A ____ is a small, agile creature that loves to explore.8.My cousin is a ______. She loves to swim.9.What do you call a written account of someone’s life?A. BiographyB. AutobiographyC. MemoirD. Journal10. A ______ is a chemical change that produces gas.11.The _______ (The Ottoman Empire) was a powerful empire that lasted for centuries.12. A ______ (花卉展) showcases beautiful blooms.13.Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"?A. TigerB. LionC. BearD. Elephant14.I like to play ________ games.15.My goldfish swims in circles in its ______ (鱼缸).16.The chemical symbol for cobalt is ______.17.The clock is ________ on the wall.18. (Mayan) civilization was known for its advanced calendar. The ____19.The _______ has many branches and leaves.20.I think that being open-minded helps us understand __________.21.The fish swims gracefully in its _________. (水中)22. A ______ is an animal that can swim very fast.23.The capital of Barbados is ________ (布里奇敦).24.ts are known for their ______ leaves, which can trap moisture. (一些植物以其厚重的叶子而闻名,这些叶子可以捕捉水分。



小学下册英语第4单元自测题英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The teacher is ___ the children. (guiding)2.The __________ is a famous city known for its theaters and performances. (伦敦)3.How do you say "car" in Spanish?A. CocheB. AutoC. WagenD. Voiture4.The ancient Chinese philosopher _____ founded Confucianism.5.I have a _____ (bookmark) in my book.6.I think each person has something valuable to contribute. Everyone's perspective is unique and important. I try to listen to others and learn from their experiences.7.We have a ______ (有趣的) day planned for next month.8.The _______ (Arab Spring) led to protests and uprisings in several countries.9.The goldfish swims in _______ (清澈的) water.10. A ___ (小刺猬) curls up into a ball when scared.11.What is the capital of France?A. BerlinB. MadridC. ParisD. RomeC12.What is the tallest mountain in the world?A. K2B. Mount EverestC. KilimanjaroD. DenaliB13.The rabbit has big ______.14.The _____ is the path that planets take around the sun.15.Bases feel _____ and can be slippery.16. A cat catches ______ (老鼠) with its paws.17.What do you call a young monkey?A. InfantB. KidC. PupD. Cub18.What is the name of the first artificial satellite launched into space?A. VoyagerB. SputnikC. ApolloD. HubbleB19.Which beverage is made from leaves?A. JuiceB. CoffeeC. TeaD. SodaC20.What do you call a baby hamster?A. PupB. KitC. CubD. Calf21.What do we call a scientist who studies the interactions between living things and their environment?A. EcologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. GeologistA22.I see a big ___ (tree/car) in the park.23.Did you ever find a _______ (小虫子) in your garden?24.What do you call the distance around a circle?A. DiameterB. RadiusC. CircumferenceD. AreaC25.I like to _____ (制作) handmade gifts.26.The chemical formula for calcium nitrate is __________.27.I love _______ (骑自行车) in the park.28.What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide?A. CO2B. COC. C2OD. O229.What do we call the largest mammal in the ocean?A. SharkB. WhaleC. DolphinD. Seal30. A _______ is a solution that does not conduct electricity.31.My uncle is a __________ (音乐家).32.The jellybeans are ______ (colorful) and sweet.33.The flower pot is full of ______.34.We need to ______ our homework. (finish)35.The dog is ________ in the yard.36.My brother is my silly _______ who makes jokes.37.I can ________ (做) math problems.38.What color are strawberries?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. YellowB39.We have a ______ (快乐的) family dinner every Sunday.40.Did you see a _______ (小壁虎) climbing on the wall?41.I want to _______ (学习) how to create a website.42.What do we call the study of living things?A. ChemistryB. BiologyC. PhysicsD. GeographyB43.What do cows give us?A. MilkB. EggsC. MeatD. WoolA44.I like to eat _____ for lunch. (sandwiches)45.What is the capital of Switzerland?A. ZurichB. GenevaC. BernD. BaselC46.The process of sedimentation allows particles to ______ out of a solution.47.What do you call a collection of maps?A. AtlasB. DictionaryC. EncyclopediaD. GazetteerA48.Many _______ can be enjoyed in various forms.49.What is the capital city of the Maldives?A. MaléB. Addu CityC. FuvahmulahD. DhidhdhooA50.What is the capital city of Senegal?A. DakarB. ThièsC. Saint-LouisD. Kaolack51.What instrument do you use to measure temperature?A. BarometerB. ThermometerC. AltimeterD. RulerB52.Vikings are known for their _______ and exploration.53.In the garden, I saw a _______ (小鸟) singing happily on a branch.54.The ________ (生态系统服务评估方法) informs practices.55.The ______ (小鸭) loves to splash in the water.56.The sun is shining ________.57.I love to explore ______ (国家公园) to see wildlife.58.I can ______ (bake) cookies for my friends.59.The ________ is very busy.60.I like to learn new games that I can play with my ________ (玩具名).61.I love to ___ (travel/study) languages.62.Ionic bonds form between metals and _____ (nonmetals).63.The capital city of Angola is __________.64.Who is the author of "Harry Potter"?A. J.R.R. TolkienB. J.K. RowlingC. Roald DahlD. C.S. Lewis65.Astronomers classify galaxies based on their _______.66.What is the term for a story that explains how something came to be?A. MythB. FableC. LegendD. Fairy taleA67.The chipmunk stores food in its _________. (脸颊)68.We go to _____ (school/home) every day.69.The ______ (水果园) is full of apples.70.My friend’s mom, ______ (我朋友的妈妈), is a nurse.71.What is the name of the famous building in Paris that has a glass pyramid?A. Louvre MuseumB. Eiffel TowerC. Arc de TriompheD. Notre-Dame CathedralA72.What do you call a house made of ice?A. IglooB. CabinC. CottageD. Palace答案:A73.What do you call a story with magical elements?A. MysteryB. FictionC. FantasyD. BiographyC74.The _____ (小鹿) is very graceful.75.Did you see a _______ (小猴子) swinging from a branch?76.What is the term for a planet's year?A. OrbitB. RotationC. RevolutionD. Cycle77.The clock is ___ (fast/slow).78.My grandma loves to __________ (照顾) her pets.79.How many players are on a baseball team?A. NineB. TenC. ElevenD. Twelve80.The __________ (历史的对照) highlights differences.81.My _____ (姑姑) has a lovely collection of flower pots. 我姑姑有一个美丽的花盆收藏。



小学下册英语基本全练全测(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.My favorite subject is ______ (英语).2.What is the term for the process of drying fruits and vegetables?A. DehydrationB. FermentationC. PreservationD. Canning答案:A3.The ______ is a layer of gases surrounding the Earth.4.The _______ (鸭子) quacks loudly.5.My favorite class is ______.6.What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. BreadB. RiceC. PastaD. Cereal答案:A7.The _____ (香味) of jasmine is very soothing.8.The ocean is home to a variety of ______ ecosystems.9. A dilute solution contains a small amount of ______.10.What do you call a place where you can watch movies?A. TheaterB. LibraryC. SchoolD. Museum答案: A11. A mixture can often be ______ by physical means.12.My uncle works at a ____.13.The chemical symbol for scandium is ______.14.What is the name of the famous mouse created by Walt Disney?A. Donald DuckB. Mickey MouseC. GoofyD. Pluto答案:B15.Pumice is a light, ______ rock that can float on water.16.I have a favorite ________ to play with.17.What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?A. Big BenB. The ShardC. The Eiffel TowerD. The Colosseum 答案: A18. A __________ is a large body of saltwater. (海洋)19.The lizard can shed its _________ (尾巴) to escape predators.20.What do we call a person who studies the effects of climate on human health?A. Environmental Health ScientistB. BiologistC. SociologistD. Anthropologist答案: A21.Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of ______ (三月).22.The ______ (鱼儿) swim gracefully in the water.23.The _______ (Pharaoh) was considered a god in ancient Egypt.24.The chemical formula for lithium hydroxide is ______.25.My friend can play the _______ (乐器). 她弹得很 _______ (形容词).26.The ______ is known for her culinary skills.27.I send letters to my __________. (表妹)28.The _____ (bamboo) grows very quickly.29.The ______ (灌溉) system helps water plants.30.The ancient Egyptians used ________ (象形文字) for communication.31.The book is ________ (有趣的).32.What is the largest mammal on Earth?A. ElephantB. WhaleC. GiraffeD. Hippo答案:B.Whale33.The _____ (植物体验设计) can foster creativity and learning.34.The element with the symbol Au is ______.35.The element with the symbol N is __________.36.What do we call a large area of flat land?A. MountainB. PlainC. PlateauD. Valley答案:B.Plain37.What do we call a person who studies ancient cultures?A. ArchaeologistB. HistorianC. AnthropologistD. Sociologist答案: A38. A ____ has a long tail and is often seen playing.39.My birthday is in _____ (January/July).40.The Earth is the ______ planet from the sun.41.Plants release _______ into the air.42.The _______ is great for attracting bees.43.The chemical formula for sodium chloride is ________.44. A ____ has soft fur and likes to cuddle.45.What do we call the system of government led by kings and queens?A. DemocracyB. MonarchyC. RepublicD. Oligarchy答案: B46.What do we call the distance from the center of the Earth to the surface?A. RadiusB. DiameterC. CircumferenceD. Altitude答案:A. Radius47.An extinct volcano is one that has not erupted for ______ years.48.I like swimming in the _____ (pool/desk).49.We enjoy watching ________ together.50. A __________ is an area that is prone to flooding.51.The __________ (生态系统) includes many different plants.52.The ______ helps us understand math.53.My mom loves to teach me __________ (生活技能).54.My brother loves __________ (参与团队活动).55.The __________ (历史事件) impact our lives even today.56.I see a _____ (小鸟) in the tree.57.Evaporation occurs at any temperature but boiling occurs at a ______.58.The __________ (历史的启迪) guides our path.59.My dad is a great __________ (听众) when I talk.60.The bicycle is ___ (new/old).61.The __________ (历史的冲击) prompts reflection.62.The ________ was a key event in the history of democracy.63.My dog likes to bark at the ______ (镜子).64.The __________ is where rocks are recycled back into the Earth.65.What do we call the process of using the sun's energy to generate electricity?A. Solar heatingB. Solar powerC. Solar panelsD. Solar batteries答案:B66.The __________ (历史遗迹) are often tourist attractions.67.He is a _____ (作家) who writes poetry.68. A planet is a large _____ that moves around a star.69.What do we call the process of making something stronger by adding materials?A. ReinforcementB. ConstructionC. FabricationD. Assembly答案: A. Reinforcement70.The ancient Egyptians wrote on _______.71._____ (plantations) can impact local ecosystems.72.We have ______ during the break. (snacks)73.We go ______ (购物) for groceries every week.74. A _____ (植物) can be a houseplant or a garden plant.75.The sunset is _______ (美丽的).76.He likes to play ___. (video games)77.The rain is ______ on the roof. (falling)78.The first photograph was taken in the ______ (19世纪).79.What do you call a place where books are kept?A. LibraryB. MuseumC. ClassroomD. Theater答案: A80.The iguana basks in the ______ (阳光) to stay warm.81.I enjoy ________ at the beach.82.The __________ (古代王国) often waged wars for territory.83.The Earth's surface is shaped by both ______ and geological processes.84.My grandma loves to share her __________ (传统).85.Different plants have different ______ (生长条件).86.They are ___ a picture. (taking)87.We plant ________ (trees) in the garden.88.Sediments can be carried away by wind and __________.89.The first man on the moon was __________ (尼尔·阿姆斯特朗) in 1969.90.Which shape has three sides?A. SquareB. CircleC. TriangleD. Rectangle答案: C91.We play hide and ______ (找) in the garden.92.I have ________ toys at home.93.The _____ (狮子) is known for its impressive roar.94.I have a pet ______ (乌龟) that moves very ______ (慢).95.The __________ (历史的传递) conveys lessons.96.The clock is ___. (ticking)97.Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?A. LeopardB. ZebraC. PandaD. Skunk答案: B98.What is the capital of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. LimaD. Caracas答案: A99.The capital city of Angola is ________ (安哥拉的首都城市是________). 100.The ______ is home to many species.。



小学下册英语第3单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the name of the famous children's book character who travels to a chocolate factory?A. AliceB. CharlieC. PeterD. Matilda2. A _______ (蜥蜴) can be seen basking in the sun.3.ts can improve water ______ and soil quality. (某些植物可以改善土壤质量和水分保持能力。

) Some pla4. A solution is formed when a solute dissolves in a _____.5.What is the main ingredient in salad?A. RiceB. LettuceC. BreadD. Pasta6.My ________ (玩具名称) brings joy to my day.7.What is the currency used in the United States?A. EuroB. DollarC. PoundD. YenB8. A rabbit has big _______ to help it hear everything around it.9. A __________ is a large piece of rock that has broken away from a larger mass.10.The ______ (秋风) can cause leaves to fall.11.My dad is a __________ (警察) and helps keep us safe.12.The Earth's ______ is a dynamic and ever-changing environment.13.We can ___ the rainbow. (see)14.She wears a _____ dress. (red/quick/small)15.In winter, I like to go ______ (滑冰).16.The chemical symbol for silicon is ______.17.What is the boiling point of water?A. 0°CB. 50°CC. 100°CD. 200°CC18.My brother is my best _______ (我哥哥是我最好的_______).19.I have a _____ (question/answer) for you.20. A ______ is a geological feature that attracts scientists and researchers.21.What do you call the process of removing hair?A. ShavingB. WaxingC. PluckingD. All of the above22.What is the main ingredient in bread?A. SugarB. FlourC. RiceD. SaltB23.What do we call the act of encouraging community involvement?A. EngagementB. ParticipationC. VolunteerismD. All of the AboveD24.What do we call the study of living organisms?A. BiologyB. AstronomyC. ChemistryD. Physics25.The sloth hangs from branches with its _______ (爪子).26.I have a pet ______.27.What is the opposite of fast?A. SlowB. QuickC. RapidD. Swift28.The ______ (鸭子) quacks when it swims.29.The teacher is ______ (helping) us with homework.30.The mosquito bites _______ (人) for blood.31.Which planet is known as the Red Planet?A. EarthB. VenusC. MarsD. JupiterC Mars32.My favorite color is ________.33.__________ are used in the production of cosmetics.34.The _____ (花园) is full of colorful plants.35.ts can grow in _____ (沙土). Some pla36. A lion's mane indicates its ________________ (健康) and dominance.37.What is the term for a baby horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. LambB38.I have a toy _______ that can bounce high.39.The ______ teaches us about modern technology.40.Which of these is a vegetable?A. BananaB. TomatoC. GrapeD. MangoB41.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. Fish42.What is the name of the famous wizarding school in Harry Potter?A. HogwartsB. BeauxbatonsC. DurmstrangD. IlvermornyA43.The main component of the atmosphere is _____.44.What is the name of the first manned moon mission?A. Apollo 11B. Gemini 12C. Mercury 7D. Voyager 1A Apollo 1145.What is the name of the currency used in Japan?A. YenB. YuanC. WonD. DollarA46.The chemical symbol for barium is ______.47.What is the name of the famous artist who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?A. RaphaelB. MichelangeloC. Leonardo da VinciD. Titian48.The ______ is a popular aquarium fish.49.What is the capital city of Malta?A. VallettaB. MdinaC. SliemaD. Birkirkara50.What is the capital of South Africa?A. JohannesburgB. PretoriaC. Cape TownD. DurbanB51.What do we call the process of creating a plan?A. OrganizingB. PlanningC. StrategizingD. Arranging52.The __________ (历史的交汇) enriches our understanding.53.The ________ (食物链) begins with plants.54.Reading books about _________ (玩具) can spark my _________ (想象力).55.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CoreB. MantleC. CrustD. ShellC56.What sound does a cow make?A. MeowB. BarkC. MooD. Quack57.The _______ (The Harlem Renaissance) was a cultural movement in the 1920s.58.The __________ can be very hot during July. (天气)59.The sun sets and the sky is ______. (beautiful)60. A mixture that has a uniform appearance is called a ______ mixture.61.What do you call a story that is not true?A. FactB. FictionC. RealityD. TruthB62.What is the opposite of ‘big’?A. LargeB. SmallC. HugeD. Tall63.The _______ can help create a welcoming atmosphere.64.What is the capital of Indonesia?A. ManilaB. JakartaC. HanoiD. Bangkok65.The study of landforms is an important part of ______ science.66.The ancient Romans were renowned for their ________ and public works.67. A ______ can develop into various forms.68.We bake _____ (bread/cake) for the festival.69.What do we call the time when the sun rises?A. SunsetB. SunriseC. NoonD. Midnight70.The cat loves to explore the _____ backyard.71. A rock can become a metamorphic rock through heat and ______.72.The __________ (历史的思维模式) inspires innovation.73.My dad inspires me to be __________ (勇敢的) in life.74.The pig loves to roll in ______ (泥).75.Chemical bonds can be ionic or ________.76.What do we call a large, slow-moving animal with a shell?A. TurtleB. TortoiseC. SnailD. SlugB77.The _____ (小猪) loves to roll in the mud. It is very funny! 小猪喜欢在泥里打滚。



成都2024年09版小学6年级下册英语第5单元寒假试卷考试时间:100分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、What is the main function of a space telescope?A. To observe celestial objects without atmospheric interferenceB. To communicate with EarthC. To send astronauts into spaceD. To monitor weather patterns2、填空题:The kangaroo carries its baby in a _______ (袋子).3、填空题:The capital city of Angola is ________ (安哥拉的首都城市是________).4、What is the color of a stop sign?A. GreenB. YellowC. BlueD. Red5、填空题:A ___ (小象) sprays water with its trunk.6、选择题:Which gas do we breathe in?A. Carbon DioxideB. NitrogenC. OxygenD. Helium7、填空题:The __________ is known for its unique wildlife and natural beauty. (新西兰)8、What do we call a group of ants?A. ColonyB. SwarmC. FlockD. Pack答案:A. Colony9、选择题:How many sides does a square have?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 610、How many days are there in a week?A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 811、选择题:What is the capital of Hungary?A. BudapestB. PragueC. ViennaD. Bratislava12、What do we call the art of folding paper into shapes?A. OrigamiB. PaintingC. SculptingD. Drawing答案:A13、填空题:A ____(reservation) is land set aside for indigenous peoples.14、听力题:We seek ________ (collaboration) with partners.15、 are always searching for ______ (食物). 填空题:Squirrel16、填空题:I enjoy visiting the ________ (海洋馆) to see sea creatures.17、听力题:The capital of the Czech Republic is __________.18、听力题:A _______ change results in the formation of new substances.19、听力题:The Great Lakes are located in _______.20、听力题:He is ___ his shoes. (tying)21、What is the name of the famous statue in New York Harbor?A. DavidB. Christ the RedeemerC. LibertyD. Lincoln答案:C22、填空题:The ferret is very _________ (好奇).23、听力题:My uncle has a ____ (farm) with many animals.24、填空题:The __________ is a major agricultural area in the United States. (中西部)25、听力题:Galaxies can collide and form larger ______.26、What do we call the study of the properties of matter?A. ChemistryB. PhysicsC. BiologyD. Geology答案: A27、听力题:I want to ______ a new game. (try)28、What is the name of the process of making ice cream?A. WhippingB. ChurningC. StirringD. Cooking答案:B29、填空题:The ostrich cannot ________________ (飞).30、What do you call a baby horse?A. CalfB. FoalC. KidD. Lamb31、ai were warriors in ________ (日本). 填空题:The Silk32、选择题:What is the name of the famous horror author who wrote "Dracula"?A. H.P. LovecraftB. Stephen KingC. Bram StokerD. Edgar Allan Poe33、ts can grow in ______ (水) like water lilies. 填空题:Some pla34、听力题:A __________ is a mixture where one substance is evenly dispersed in another.35、填空题:Certain plants can help ______ (防止) soil erosion.36、选择题:What do we call the study of weather?A. GeologyB. AstronomyC. MeteorologyD. Biology37、填空题:I like to draw ______ in my sketchbook.38、听力题:She has a _____ (colorful) backpack.39、听力题:My ______ loves to explore new technologies.40、填空题:The fish has beautiful _______ (鳞片).41、填空题:A ________ (花) blooms in the spring.42、听力题:A __________ is a deep hole in the ground made by mining.43、填空题:My favorite food is _______ (披萨), and I can eat it every _______ (天).44、听力题:The study of how rocks and minerals interact is called ______ geology.45、填空题:The _____ (植物研究) helps improve agricultural practices.46、填空题:A ________ (植物观察课程) encourages exploration.47、填空题:I have a big collection of _____ (乐高).48、What is 25 ÷ 5?A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 6答案:C49、听力题:Chemical reactions may require catalysts to proceed at a reasonable ______.50、听力题:A solid has a definite shape and __________.51、听力题:A lunar eclipse can only occur during a ______ Moon.52、听力题:The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be _______ or created.53、填空题:Gorillas are very _________ (强壮).54、What is the fastest land animal?A. ElephantB. CheetahC. HorseD. Kangaroo答案: B55、选择题:What is the opposite of wet?A. DryB. MoistC. HumidD. Damp56、填空题:The butterfly is colorful and _______ (蝴蝶色彩鲜艳且_______).57、听力题:My brother is interested in ____ (photography).58、听力题:An ecosystem includes living and non-living ______.59、填空题:The ancient Egyptians celebrated ________ to honor their deities.60、How many legs does a typical insect have?A. 4B. 6C. 8D. 10答案:B61、填空题:The ________ was a significant battle during the American Revolutionary War.62、听力题:The symbol for phosphorus is _______.63、选择题:What do we call the movement of the Earth around the sun?A. RotationB. RevolutionC. CirculationD. OrbitChemical reactions can be classified as ______ or exothermic.65、听力题:We are going to the ________ today.66、选择题:How many days are there in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight67、Which gas do we breathe in?A. Carbon DioxideB. OxygenC. NitrogenD. Hydrogen68、填空题:The first written language came from _____.69、Which country is known for the kangaroo?A. CanadaB. AustraliaC. ChinaD. Brazil答案: B70、填空题:When it rains, I use my ________.71、听力题:A ____ is known for its speed and can run very fast.72、听力题:A solution that contains very little solute is called ______.73、选择题:What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. EarthB. MarsC. JupiterD. SaturnThe ________ (forum) encourages dialogue.75、填空题:My mother is a _____ (作家) and publishes books.76、填空题:My sister is a _____ (作家) who publishes short stories.77、听力题:The chemical formula for lithium bromide is _______.78、听力题:The cake is very ___. (tasty)79、填空题:A wild boar has sharp ______ (牙齿).80、What is the largest organ inside the human body?A. HeartB. LiverC. BrainD. Skin答案:B. Liver81、听力题:The ______ is a plant that can grow without soil.82、What shape has four equal sides?A. TriangleB. CircleC. SquareD. Rectangle83、What is the main purpose of a refrigerator?A. To cook foodB. To freeze foodC. To keep food coldD. To heat food答案:C84、填空题:My favorite fruit is a _______ (我最喜欢的水果是_______).Did you hear the _____ (小狗) yapping excitedly?86、听力题:The flowers are ______ in the garden. (blooming)87、What is the capital of South Africa?A. PretoriaB. Cape TownC. JohannesburgD. Bloemfontein88、听力题:The cake is _____ with sprinkles. (topped)89、What is the smallest prime number?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 5答案:B. 290、What do you call a person who studies the weather?A. GeologistB. MeteorologistC. AstronomerD. Biologist91、听力题:The boy likes ________.92、填空题:The __________ is a famous city known for its temples. (清迈)93、听力题:A frog can live on land and in ______.94、听力题:My favorite subject is ______. (science)95、What do we use to see under the water?A. BinocularsB. TelescopeC. Diving gogglesD. Glasses答案:CThe _______ (The Treaty of Versailles) ended World War I and reshaped Europe.97、 Fire of London occurred in the year __________. (1666年) 填空题:The Grea98、听力题:The capital of Czech Republic is __________.99、听力题:A __________ is a type of reaction that produces solid.100、What is the capital city of Brunei?A. Bandar Seri BegawanB. Kuala BelaitC. TutongD. Seria。








如果有哪句不清楚该在何时用,别不好意思,要问哦!Enjoy your reading!P.S(postscript附录):如果你知道还有什么很常用的英文缩写,记得留言给我们分享哦!★Others & Numbers@TEOTD –At the end of the day 最后121 –One-to-one 一对一10X –Thanks 谢谢10Q –Thank you 谢谢你1CE –Once 从前1DR –I wonder 我想1NAM –One in a million 100个里头的一个2–Meaning ‘to’in SMS 英文的“to”2EZ –Too easy 太简单了2moro –Tomorrow 明天2nite –Tonight 今晚4 –Short for ‘for’in SMS 英文的“for”411 –Information 信息4COL –For crying out loud 搞什么名堂;哎呀4EAE –Forever and ever 永永远远4EVER –Forever 永远4Q –F***k you 脏话,飘过,只供旁观……–High-five 击掌6Y –Sexy 性感7K –Sick 生病★A A3 –Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成AAP –Always a pleasure 很高兴AAR –At any rate 任何价格AB/ ABT –About 关于ABT2 –Meaning ‘about to’将……ACC –Anyone can come 谁都能来ACK –Acknowledgement 感谢ADBB –All done, bye-bye 完了,再见ADD/ ADR –Address 地址ADMIN –Administrator 管理员ADVD –Advertised 被广告的AEAP –As early as possible 越早越好AFAIC –As far as I concerned 我觉得……AFAIK –As far as I know 我只知道……AFAIUI –As far as I understand it 我明白……AFAP –As far as possible 越远越好AH –At home 在家AISB –As it should be 它应该专业……AISB –As I said before 像我之前说的AISI –As I see it 我看……AKA –Also known as 还叫……ALOL –Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑AMAP –As much as possible 越多越好AMBW –All my best wishes 最好的祝愿AML –All my love 我所有的爱AMOF –As a matter of fact 事实是……APP –Application 应用程序AQAP –As quick as possible 越快越好ATB –All the Best 最好的ATM –At the moment 现在ATEOTD –At the end of the day 最后ASAP –As soon as possible 越快越好AWESO –Awesome 真棒AYDY –Are you done yet? 你完事了没?AYEC –At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候AYOR –At your own risk 由自己负责AYSOS –Are you stupid or something? 你傻啊还是什么别的?AYS –Are you serious? 你说正经的呢?AYT –Are you there? 你在吗?AYTMTB –And you’re telling me this because 你跟我说这个是因为……AYW –As you wish 如你所愿AZN –Asian 亚洲人(别忘了是主要指印度人哦!)★B B2W –Back to work 回去上班BF –Boyfriend 男朋友BG –Background 背景B4 –Before 之前B4N –Bye for now 先这样BAU –Business as usual 正常营业BB –Be back 马上回来BBIAB –Be back in a bit 马上回来BBIAM –Beback in a minute 马上回来BBIAS –Be back in a second 马上回来BBL –Be back later 一会回来BBQ –Barbeque 烧烤!!!好想吃!BBS –Be back soon 一会回来BBT –Be back tomorrow 明天回来BCOS –Because 因为BDAY/ B-DAY –Birthday 生日BF –Best friend 最好的朋友BFF –Best friend forever 永远的好朋友BFFL –Best friend for life 一辈子的好朋友BFFLNMW –Best friends for life, no matter what 不管怎样都是一辈子的朋友BFFN –Best friend for now 暂时最好的朋友BFN –Bye for now 暂时拜拜BHL8 –Be home late 会晚回家BIF –Before I forget 在我忘记之前BION –Believe it or not 爱相信不相信BLNT –Better luck next time 下次再试吧!BM –Bite me 寓意是就这样了,咋招?不是咬我的意思。

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ANGOLA 2012Consulate General of the Republic of AngolaHong Kong Special Administrative RegionProduction制作Macaolink News and Information ServicesCo-ordination统筹Carine KialaGonçalo César de SáText 内容Courtesy of National Commission for the Expo 2010 Shanghai China António EscobarCarine KialaPhotos图片Agence France PressEric LafforgueGetty ImagesNeil Breslin JrNuno MartinsXinhua News AgencyTranslation翻译Alison QuCatarina AleixoXie ChenMap地图United NationsDepartment of Field SupportCartographic Section - U.N.Editing编辑Louise do RosárioMark O´NeillGraphic Design平面设计Kautim Productive CreationsMafalda Botelho - Rita FerreiraPrinting印刷Welfare Printing-MacauCover封面Statue of the King Chibinda Ilunga-Angola ChokwéEthnological Museum of BerlinPrint Run印刷数量1000Sponsors赞助者China Sonangol International Holding Ltd. Sonangol Sinopec International Ltd.China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group Co. Ltd. Pan China Construction Corporation Ltd.Hong Kong11 November 2012TABLE OF CONTENTFOREwORD | 07From the Consul Generalof the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong SARINTRODuCTION | 08The Republic of AngolaTHE NORTH | 10LuandaBengoCabindaUígeZaireMalanjeKwanza NorteLunda Norte and Lunda SulTHE CENTRE | 56Kwanza SulBiéHuamboBenguelaMoxicoTHE SOuTH | 80HuílaNamibeCuneneKuando Kubango 目录序言| 07安哥拉共和国驻香港总领事馆总领事介绍| 09安哥拉共和国北部诸省| 10罗安达本戈卡宾达威热扎伊尔马兰热北宽扎北隆达和南隆达中部诸省| 56南宽扎比耶万博本格拉莫希科南部诸省| 80威拉纳米贝库内内宽多—库帮戈值此安哥拉共和国独立三十七周年之际,安哥拉驻香港特别行政区领事馆非常荣幸地向读者奉送这本安哥拉国家介绍——《安哥拉》。






铁诺.库佩蒂诺安哥拉共和国驻香港特别行政区领事馆总领事前言It is a great honour for the Consulate General of the Republic of Angola in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to commemorate the 37th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Angola with the release of this publication.The book is a product of our mission to inform the Hong Kong community of our beautiful Angola. We believe it will encourage greater dialogue and cooperation between Angola and Hong Kong (SAR).This illustrative hardcover provides a presentation of Angola, incorporating elements of tourism and the promotion of business development. It celebrates the cultural richness of all 18 provinces, as well as provides an overview of the main sectors of industry.Through this book “ANGOLA”, we hope to provide a real glimpse of our part of the world to the readers. We also trust that some of these readers will feel inspired to learn more about Angola.Cupertino GourgelConsul General of the Republic of AngolaHong Kong Special Administrative RegionFOREwORD7The Republic of Angola, located in southern Africa, has a total area of over 1.2 million square kilometres. With the west coast against the Atlantic Ocean, the country is bordered on the north by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Congo-Brazzaville, on the east by Zambia, and on the south by Namibia. Angola consists of 18 provinces and has an estimated population of 18 million, of which more than 50 percent live in the country’s major cities. The capital Luanda is home to approximately 5 million residents, just over one fourth of the country´s population. Portuguese is the official language, with the main indigenous languages being Umbundu, Kimbundu, Kikongo, Tchokwe, Ibinda and Cuanhama.Angola can be divided into two geographical regions, the coast and the interior. The coast is characterized by heavy rainfall with an average annual temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. The interior, meanwhile, has a more diverse landscape with three climatic areas. The north experiences heavy rainfall and tropical temperatures, while the central plateau is much drier and cooler. The third climatic area, the south, is subject to severe temperature variations as a result of its proximity to the Kalahari Desert and the presence of tropical air currents. Angola experiences two seasons, the rainy season, which lasts from September to April, and the briefer dry season, or the cacimbo, which occurs between May and August.There are three main rivers that flow across Angola. The Kwanza River, almost 1,000 kilometres long, runs to the northern coast. The Cunene River, 800 kilometres, runs to the southern coast and the Kubango River, 975 kilometres, runs south to the Angola-Namibian border.Angola’s geology is diverse with oil, natural gas, diamonds, phosphate, bitumen, iron, copper, magnesium, gold, and ornamental stones. There are also a number of sedimentary rocks and minerals, including sand, sandstone, quartzite, gravel and clay.The wildlife in Angola includes some of the world’s rarest animals, such as the Palanca Negra, which is a giant sable antelope that exists only in the province of Malange. The rest of the country contains nearly all the most prominent animal species of sub-Saharan Africa. The lion, the leopard, the hyena, the hippopotamus and the red sable are common. Elephants, zebras, giraffes, buffalo, cheetahs, springbok antelopes, gemsbok, gnus, and impalas can be found in the driest regions, while the golungo antelopes, duikers and elephants live in humid areas in the north, centre, and east. The Maiombe Forest in Cabinda provides a habitat for gorillas, chimpanzees and parrots, and marine life abounds off the Atlantic coast.The current territory of Angola has likely been inhabited since the Lower Paleolithic Age.According to historians, in the sixth century BC Bantu-speaking people arrived from thenorth of Africa but the most important political union in the region, the Kingdom of Kongo,was only established in the 13th century AD.The first contacts of the Kingdom of Kongo with Europeans took place in 1482 withPortuguese navigator Diogo Cão who later established links also in the south with theKingdom of Ndongo, a tributary to the Kingdom of Kongo.Angola’s name derives from the word n’gola, the Ndongo word for a king or ruler. Overthe centuries, the pronunciation of n’gola changed to Angola.After a long war of liberation against the Portuguese colonial government, Angolaproclaimed independence from Portugal on November 11, 1975 with the name ofPeople´s Republic of Angola headed by late president António Agostinho Neto.General elections were held on August 31, 2012, which the ruling party MPLA (MovimentoPopular de Libertação de Angola) won a majority vote and nominated José Eduardo dosSantos for another term in office as President of the Republic of Angola.The book presents the country through illustrations of three main areas: the north, thecentre and the south. It includes some historical background of main cities, as well as anoverview of key sectors of industry.安哥拉共和国,位于非洲南部,土地面积超过120万平方公里,西临大西洋,北邻刚果(金)和刚果(布),东接赞比亚,南连纳米比亚。
