铝塑复合板composited aluminum and plastic decking
护拦、栏杆和扶手railings & handrails
办公室家具office furniture
室外家具outdoor furniture
住宅家具residential furniture
座椅及桌子配件seat and table accessories
特殊用途装饰品special use/decorative furnishings
衣帽架及附件10914-hat & coat racks & accessories
建筑古玩architectural antiques
墙面装饰品wall decorations
通用工程机械与设备ordinary engineering devices
施工机械与机具construction devices and controls
工程钻探和掘进机械engineering boring and drilling devices
吊车、升降机及卷扬机construction cranes, elevators & hoists
The contemporary cement cycle of the United StatesIntroductionHydraulic cement is one of the most important construction materials in modern society in terms of both value and volume. Portland cement, the most common type of hydraulic cement, is produced by heating limestone and other raw materials in a rotary kiln to produce an intermediate product called clinker. The clinker is then ground, along with about 5% (by weight) of gypsum, into a fine powder. When combined with water, cement forms a paste that binds sand and gravel (or other coarse aggregates) into a solid compound material known as concrete. Concrete usually contains about 11%–14% by weight of (dry) cement powder. Concrete is the most widely used manufactured material in buildings, bridges, streets, and highways.Cement production, especially to form clinker, is highly energy intensive;in the United States the average unit energy consumption for cement plants in 2000 was about 5.2 GJ per metric ton of cement. The critical environmental concerns associated with cement production are the large amount of raw materials required to make clinker, and the particulate and gaseous emissions (especially carbon dioxide which is a major greenhouse gas) from the clinker kilns. With respect to carbon dioxide, the cement industry is one of the two largest manufacturing industry sources in the United States, the other being the iron and steel industry.Concrete use in the United States reflects population growth and urbanization trends. Much of the concrete in use today (within buildings, roads, bridges, and other infrastructure) was installed several decades ago during early phases of growth and urbanization, and there are growing concerns about the condition and performance of this concrete. Various categories of infrastructure in the United States scored an overall grade of D (i.e., poor) in a recent assessment, and it was estimated that necessary replacement, rehabilitation, or both of infrastructure will require an investment of US$1.6 trillion by 2010.This work wil increase demand for cement. Apart from the environmental issues related to producing this extra cement, repair, replacement, or both of deteriorated infrastructure also commonly results in societal inconveniences and secondary environmental effects. For example, repair of transportation infra structure commonly causes delays and detours for vehicular traffic that may lead to greater fuel use and increased vehicular exhaust.To enhance the performance of concrete infrastructure in the United States and reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with deteriorating infrastructure, efforts are underway to develop advanced composite materials or concretes with greater strength and durability. A comparative evaluation of life-cycle costs and environmental management issues for conventional concrete and alternative materials can aid in the selection of the best building materials for repairing or replacing existing infrastructure. Material flow analysis of the cement cycle is a critical c omponent of such a comparative assessment and provides an understanding of resource supply, use, recovery, and recycling at a regional or national scale. Cement is chosen for the direct analysis instead of concrete itself because data on cement production and use are far more abundant and complete than those for concrete.This article undertakes a preliminary material flow anaysis of the contemporary cement cycle of the United State The objective is to characterize stocks and flows of cement(as a proxy for concrete) over its life cycle and to analyze the underlying environmental and resource use implictions. Material flow analysis is based on the universalla of mass conservation and is used to assess the current an future state of material flows and accumulation in the economy and in the environment. Many examples of material flow analysis models can be found in the literature.The present study is a component of the National Science Foundation MUSES Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure Materials and Systems project at the Center for Sustainable Systems, University of Michigan. This study provides an assessment of the flows of cement in the United States over the complete life cycle as characterized by three stages:production, use, and end-of-life disposal (see below for a detailed description of each life cycle stage). The intended purpose of this study to quantify cement flows is to understand the type and amount of raw materials extracted and consumed to produce cement and to estimate how much cement is added as new in-use stock every year, how much is discarded, and how much is disposed of in landfills. Previous material flow studies analyzing cement flows in the United Stateshave mainly focused on production-relatedflows, whereas this study provides a more integrated assess-ment, emphasizing the material flows for cement at the “end of life” of infrastructure systems.Production of cementRaw materials for the manufacture of cement are selected to provide the compositional requirements for modern portland cement clinker. Clinker is composed mainly of four oxides:calcium oxide (CaO – about 65% by weight), silica (SiO2 – about 22%), alumina (Al2O3 – about 6%), and iron oxide (Fe2O3 – about 3%). Raw materials for cement manufacture are mostly products from the mining industry. The calcium oxide is provided mostly by calcareous rocks such as limestone and marble. The alumina and silica are commonly provided by clay or shale;iron oxide by shale, iron ore, or mill scale;and silica sand is commonly used to remedy any remaining silica shortfalls in the other raw materials. Increasingly, industrial by-products such as ferrous slag and coal combustion fly ash are also being used as raw materials. The contemporary nonfuel raw materials consumption for the manufacture of cement and clinker in the United States is summarized in Table 1. Although Table does not distinguish between raw materials used to make clinker and those used subsequently in the finish mill to make finished cement, overall, about 1.7 metric tons of raw materials are required to produce 1 metric ton of clinker or portland cement. The majority of the apparent loss in mass is due to the emission of carbon dioxide, as will be discussed later. Not shown in Table 1 is the fact that about 0.2 metric tons of (mainly fossil) fuels are consumed per metric ton of clinker manufactured. Overall, cement manufacture also consumes about 100–160 kWh of electricity per metric ton of cement;in the United States, the vast majority of this electricity is purchased from the national grid.To minimize transportation costs, cement plants are generally located close to their limestone quarries. The limestone is transported from the quarry to the mill of the cement plant, where it is crushed and ground and then proportioned and mixed with vari ous other ground raw materials (as needed) to form the raw mix or feed for the kiln. At the high temperatures reached in the kiln, the rawmaterials react to produce several cement minerals, chiefly tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate, within a semifused nodular intermediate product called clinker.From an environmental standpoint, and that of the mass balance, the key reaction in the kiln is the highly energy intensive calcination (typically at about 750°–1000°C) break-down of the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the limestone to form calcium oxide (CaO) plus carbon dioxide (CO2). The subsequent formation of the actual clinker minerals and the clinker nodules typically requires yet higher temperatures, but the reactions actually require less thermal energy than does calcination, and there is little further change to the mass balance.The resulting clinker is interground with gypsum in the finishing mill to produce portland cement;the gypsum is added to control the setting rate of the concrete during cement hydration. More detailed descriptions of cement manufacture are given in the literature.In order to improve the performance of concrete and, increasingly, to minimize the environmental impacts of the manufacture of concrete, supplementary cementitious ma terials (SCM), such as fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume, and pozzolana (a reactive volcanic ash), may be substituted for some of the portland cement in the finished cement (i.e., to make a blended cement) or in concrete. The extent to which SCM can substitute for portland cement depends mainly on the desired strength, durability, and other properties of the concrete, but substi-tution rates of 10%–30% or more are common. Apart from potentially improving the quality of the concrete, reducing the portland cement component of the concrete through incorporation of industrial by-products (fly ash and slag) as SCM also reduces the demand for virgin raw materials and the emissions associated with a given volume or mass of concrete. Likewise, the use of industrial by-product SCM in concrete decreases the need for disposal of these by-products, which conserves landfill space.Use of cementMost of the cement produced in the United States is portland cement (approximately 87 million metric tons per year). Portland cement is primarily utilized to make concrete, which has a wide spectrum of uses, including construction storage tanks. Compared to that of portland cement, the cement is primarily used in the construction of buildings. Detailed cement usage data are available only from the United States Geological Survey (USGS)and from the Portland Cement Association (PCA);the former provides data on the distribution of portland cement shipments to different customer types, and the latter provides data on the end uses of cement. During the period 2000–2004, approximately 90% of portland cement shipments were made to ready-mixed concrete and concrete product producers, The data from the PCA averaged over the period 2000–2004 show that the cement end-use market was dominated by buildings (residential – 33%, commercial – 7%, public – 8%, and industrial – 4%) and streets and highways (29%), followed by water and waste management (6%) and other miscellaneous uses (12%).End-of-life management of cementConcrete in each of its uses has a certain useful lifespan. For example, streets and highways in the United States are expected to last 45 years, whereas residential buildings have an average lifetime of 80 years. The difference reflects thefact that streets and highways deteriorate more rapidly owing to their high degree of environmental exposure (to moisture, freezing and thawing, and chemicals such salt and sulfate) and the exposure to vehicular traffic. During the lifespan of each concrete structure, there are typically several cycles of repair and renovation. At their end of life, concrete structures are usually demolished. The further reuse of concrete construction and demolition debris depends on a number of factors such as its physical characteristics (porosity, density), the economic viability, and construction and material standards. The average material composition of construction and demolition debris fraction is higher in nonresidential buildings because the wall material in many of the residential bu ildings in the United States is not concrete. The amount of concrete debris from construction of new buildings is low because the amount of concrete to be poured is usually closely estimated using standard mix designs, and the amount of losses onsite are relatively small.In terms of reuse, it is more difficult to recover and recycle individual C&D materials from the demolition of buildings than from streets and highways because the debris from buildings is more heterogeneous. There are a number of advantages of in-place recycling of crushed concrete aggregate at highway sites, and a number of States in the United States are promoting such recycling. The reuse of crushed concrete aggregate from the existing pavement simplifies construction of new pavement at existing grade on highways. However,the specifications for construction materials do not promote reuse of materials already in use in the infrastructure.The concepts of material flow analysis were used to construct the contemporary cement cycle. The spatial boundary chosen for this study was the United States excluding Puerto Rico (so as to maintain data consistency as per USGS data). For the cement cycle, annual flow magnitudes for the production reservoir were averaged for the period 2000–2004 (data for use and end-of-life reservoirs are for 2002). The net cement flow can also be called the apparent consumption of cement. The flows to and from the production reservoir were broken down to three subreservoirs (mine mill complex, kiln, and finishing mill) to characterize the production and net trade (= import–export) flows of raw materials, clinker, and cement. Within the production reservoir, there could be net depletion or addition of material to clinker and cement stockpiles, depending on changes in inventory over the calendar year.Production residues consist of mine overburden (generally minor);crushed limestone screenings (also known as stone dust or fines and are commonly used as a raw material for clinker production);cement kiln dust (CKD);carbon dioxide emissions from the calcination phase of the clinker production process;and other, volumetrically lesser, amounts of gaseous emissions from the kiln such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and water vapor. In addition, there are carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion during clinker production. Mine overburden is the material moved during the extraction of the cement raw materials that is not used either for cement manufacture or for other purposes (e.g., sold as aggregates). Rock fines are materia l that passes through the smallest screen used in the raw materials processing circuits;of issue here are any fines not used as a raw material. CKD comprises fine particulate matter or dust that is generated in the kiln line;the material is essentially captured, but it may or may not be recycled to the kiln. If CKD is not recycled, it is generally land filled, although it can be used as a soil liming agent or as a fill material.This material flow analysis accounts for the flows and transformation of only the nonfuel materials used to make clinker and cement;the flows of energy resources and emissions related to fuel combustion are not evaluated in this study. Fuel tonnages and carbon dioxide emissions related to fuel combustion are discussed by van Oss andPado vani. Integrated assessment of energy and material flows are more data intensive and methodologically challenging and therefore the scope of this study is limited to material flows only.Estimates for cement cycle flow parametersFor this study, mine overbur den and (unused) stone fines were estimated as 6% and 1%, respectively, of crushed rock production from limestone quarries, following the findings of Matthews et al. Output of CKD was estimated at 0.2 metric ton per metric ton of clinker, based on the discussion by van Oss and Padovani;as noted by these authors, CKD data are subject to high uncertainties. Carbon dioxide emissions from calcination were estimated to be 0.51 metric ton of carbon dioxide per metric ton of clinker and are based on straightforward stoichiometric considerations. The data on production, imports, exports, and changes in stockpiles of clinker and cement are from USGS assessment of the cement industry and official trade data;The cement produced in the United States, as well as the net imports of cement, enter the use reservoir, and the cement flow within the use reservoir is divided into subflows:additions to stock (i.e., new construction);repair/renovation;and retirement. Direct data on the breakout of cement sales (consumption) into new construction and repair/renovation are not available from USGS data on cement consumption;however, the PCA has developed indices that relate the tonnage of cement to the dollars spent, but mostly in terms of types of construction. The PCA’s tonnage rat io for new versus renovation residential construction (for the 5-year average of the period 2000–2004) is 75%–25%. Alternatively, this breakout between new and renovation construction can also be estimated by using the real dollar value of construction data and estimates of the cement intensity (tons per million dollars of spending) of different types of construction (Sullivan 2006, personal communication). The Construction Expenditures Branch of the U.S. Census Bureau (USCB) reports the annual total value of construction. However, only the data for private residential construction (current US$2200 billion total over the period 2000–2004) has any breakout for repair or renovation, i.e., new housing units (new single family current US$1400 billion;new multi family – current US$200 billion) and improvements (currentUS$600 billion). As part of its annual highway finance statistics, the FederalHighway Administration (FHWA) reported Federal and State funding for highways and bridges as totaling current US$279 billion for the period 2000–2004, split out as about 60% for new construction (current US$162 billion over 2000–2004) and about 40% for repair and rehabilitation (current US$117 billion over 2000–2004). Based on the weighted average of the USCB and FHWA data over the period 2000–2004, 70% of the total consumption tonnage of cement in the United States is estimated to have been used for new construction and the remaining 30% for repair and renovation activities. Although adoption of PCA or USCB/FHWA breakout ratios of cement consumption for new and renovation construction are significantly different, the likely error in using any one of the approximations would be in the range 5%–10%. Therefore, for this study, we assume that the breakout ratio between new and renovation construction is 65 :35. It also can be anticipated the repair and rehabilitation of deteriorating highways currently in use would push the renovation component o cement consumption to a higher value. It is important to note that new construction projects are expected to consume more concrete overall than repair and renovation work, andthat unit prices for concrete will generally be lower for large.New construction, repair/renovation activities, and demolition of old infrastructure all generate C&D debris. Estimates of C&D debris from residential and nonresidential buildings were derived from a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) reportand modeling by Kapur et al.;the latter study also models roads, bridges, highways, and other civil infrastructure. The in-use cement stock was estimated as the difference between cement entering the use reservoir and cement discards in the form of C&D debris exiting the use reservoir. The net trade flows of cement within finished products (e.g., concrete tiles) were excluded owing to the lack of data on the cement content of these products.In the end-of-life reservoir, concrete can be either recycled to the use reservoir or disposed of to the environment (landfills). There also could be net import–export flows (likely minor) of C&D debris containing cement discards. Data on recycling of C&D debris are limited. The USGS reports that 9.5 million metric tons of concrete were recycled in the United States in 2000, but these data are likely to be incomplete. For ons ite C&D debris, the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) conducted in 2004 a survey on the recycling practices of about 300 contractors. This survey showed that, depending onthe type of the project (building, highway, utility, or demolition), t he recycling rate for the concrete fraction of the C&D debris generated varied from 33% to 100% 。
建筑词汇英语翻译(A-B) 发布日期:2007-9-7 访问502次a block 空心块a frame a 型框架a line 支座反力影响线abaciscus 嵌饰abacus 栏杆小柱顶abamurus 扶壁abat jour 灯罩abat vent 遮阳帘abbrasive wheel 磨盘aberration 偏差ability 能力ablation 磨蚀酌abode 住宅above ground structure 地面建筑物abrasion 磨耗abrasion concrete 磨蚀性混凝土abrasion hardness 耐磨硬度abrasion proof 耐磨的abrasion resistance 耐磨性abrasion test 磨耗试验abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion value 磨耗值abrasive 磨料abrasive aggregates 耐磨骨料abrasive disk 磨盘abrasive paper 研磨纸abrasive tile 粗面瓷砖abridged notation 简化符号abs plastic abs塑料absolute deformation 绝对变形absolute displacement 绝对位移absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute value 绝对值absolute viscosity 绝对粘度absolute weight 绝对重量absorbed water 吸附水absorbent 吸收剂absorbent filter 吸收剂滤器absorber 吸收器absorbing ability 吸收能力absorbing ceiling 吸声天花板absorbing medium 吸收性介质absorbing well 吸渗水井absorption 吸收absorption basin 消力池absorption chamber 吸声室absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption factor 吸收率absorption index 吸收指数absorption of heat radiations 热辐射的吸收absorption of sound 声音吸收absorption spectrum 吸收频谱absorption test 吸收试验absorptive capacity 吸收能力absorptive forms 吸收性模壳abstraction of heat 散热abutment 桥台;拱座;对接接斗abutment wall 桥台墙abutting buildings 邻接房屋abutting joint 对接abutting tenon 毗连榫舌abyssinien well 管井ac circuit 交羚路academic city 科学城academy 研究院academy of architecture 建筑学会acanthus 叶形装饰accelerant 促进剂accelerated ageing 加速老化accelerated curing of concrete 混凝土的加速养护accelerated test 加速试验accelerated weathering 加速风蚀accelerating admixture 速凝剂accelerating curing 加速养护accelerating test 加速试验accelerator 促进剂acceptance of work 工程验收access 入口access balcony 过道access door 检修门access hole 检查孔access ramp 接坡道access road 进路access tunnel 进口隧道accessory building 辅助建筑物accident prevention 事故预防accident prevention regulations 技术安全规程accidental loading 偶然荷载accommodations 居住设施accordion door 折迭门accordion partition 折隔屏accumulation 积蓄accumulation of heat 蓄热accuracy 准确度accuracy of fixing 固定准确度accuracy of measuring 计量准确度accurate adjustment 准确蝶accurate ajusting 准确蝶accurate measurement 准确测量acetylene cutting machine 氧割机acetylene welding 乙炔焊achromatic color 无彩色acid 酸acid brick 酸性砖acid proof brick 耐酸砖acid proof cement 耐酸水泥acid proof floortile 耐酸地板瓷砖acid proof paint 耐酸涂料acid proof paper 耐酸纸acid proofing mortar 耐酸灰浆acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant brick 耐酸砖acid resistant floor 耐酸地板acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting concrete 耐酸混凝土acid resisting mortar 耐酸灰浆acidproof concrete 耐酸混凝土acidproof construction 耐酸构造acoustic absorptivity 吸声率acoustic analysis 声学分析acoustic conductivity 声导率acoustic design 声学计算acoustic dispersion 声射散acoustic disturbance 声干扰acoustic field 声场acoustic filter 滤声器acoustic frequency 声频acoustic instrument 声学仪器acoustic investigation 声学研究acoustic lens 声透镜acoustic load 声负载acoustic material 吸声材料acoustic measurement 声学测量acoustic power 声功率acoustic pressure 声压acoustic radiator 声辐射体acoustic resistance 声阻acoustic resonance 声共振acoustic shadow 声影区acoustic signal 声信号acoustic sounding 回声测深acoustic velocity 声速acoustic wave 声波acoustical board 吸声板acoustical ceiling 吸声天花板acoustical fiberboard 吸声纤维板acoustical insulation 隔声acoustical lining 吸音隔板acoustical plaster 吸声灰膏acoustical resistance 声阻acoustical screen 隔音板acoustical tile 吸声砖acoustics 声学acoustics of building 建筑声学acryl resin 丙烯酸尸acrylic rubber 丙烯酸橡胶actinic glass 光化玻璃actinograph 日光能量测定器actinometer 露光计actinometry 光能测定action principle 酌原理activated adsorption 活化吸附activated alumina 活性氧化铝activated carbon filter 活性炭滤池activated mortar 活化灰浆砂activated sludge 活性污泥activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activator 活化剂active carbon 活性炭active earth pressure 织土压力active material 活性材料active residential solar heating system 能动式住宅太阳热取暖系统activity 活性activity duration 工字续时间activity of cement 水泥活性activity time 工字续时间actual construction time 实际建筑期限actual damage 实际损坏actual dimension 实际尺寸actual load 有效载荷actual size 实际大小actual strength 实际强度acute angle 锐角acute arch 尖拱addition compound 掺加化合物additional building 附加房屋additional load 附加载荷additional services 追加供给additive 掺合料additive cement 附加物水泥additive method 加色法adhesion 附着adhesion agent 粘结剂adhesion factor 粘着系数adhesion stress 粘结力adhesive 粘着剂adhesive ability 附着能力adhesive failure 脱胶adhesive force 附着力adhesive power 附着力adhesiveness 粘着性adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic curing 绝热养护adit opening 平洞口adjacent accommodation 厢房adjacent of window 窗棂adjoining building 邻屋adjustable ball hinge 可第球铰链adjustable grille 可雕子窗adjustable spanner 可靛手adjustable wrench 可靛手adjusted net fill 已蝶的净填土adjuster 蝶器adjuster for window 窗开关蝶器adjusting device 蝶装置adjusting valve 第阀adjusting wedge 蝶楔块adjustment 蝶adjustment of mixture 混合物组份的第administration building 行政办公楼admissible concentration 容许浓度admissible value 容许值admission pipe 吸气管admission valve 进气阀admixture 掺合料admixture effects 掺合剂效应adobe brick 风干砖坯adobe construction 干打垒结构adsorbate 吸附物adsorbed water 吸附水adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adverse slope 反坡advisory engineer 顾问工程师adz 手斧ae concret 加气混凝土aerated cement block 充气水泥块aerated concrete 加气混凝土aerated spillway 真空式溢吝aeration 通气aeration basin 曝气池aeration skylight 通风天窗aeration tank 曝气池aerial cableway 架空死aerial mast 天线杆aerial pipe crossing 架空管横越aerial survey 航空测量aerobic treatment 好气处理aerocrete 加气混凝土aerodrome 飞机场aerodynamic instability 空气动力不稳定性aerodynamic resistance 空气动力阻力aerofilter 空气过滤器aerograph 喷涂器aeroport 机场aerosol paint 气溶胶涂料afflux 岭afforestation construction 造林工程afforestation of city 城市绿化after air filter 二次空气过滤器after cooler 二次冷却器after hardening 后期硬化after heater 后热器after purification 后净化age hardening 时效硬化age strength relation 龄期强度关系ageing 老化ageing test 老化试验agent 附加剂agglomerate foam concrete 烧结矿渣泡沫混凝土agglomerating furnace 烧结炉agglomeration 烧结aggloporite 烧结骨料aggregate 骨料aggregate base 骨料基层aggregate batcher 骨料计量机aggregate batching plant 集料计量装置aggregate bin 集料斗aggregate blending 集料拌合aggregate cement ratio 集料水泥比aggregate coated panel 骨料涂层的镶板aggregate exposure 骨料外露aggregate gradation 骨料级配aggregate preparation plant 集料配备厂aggregate production plant 集料配备厂aggregate size 集料粒度aggregate weighing batcher 集料重量配料器aggregation 凝聚aggressive water 侵蚀性水aging proof agent 防老化剂agitating truck 混凝土搅拌汽车agitation 搅拌agitation tank 搅拌槽agitator 混合器搅拌装置;循环泵agreement 一致agreement for construction 建筑合同agreement of lease 租赁契约agricultural buildings 农业建筑agricultural town 农业城镇agro cement batcher 集料水泥配料器air blast 鼓风air breakwater 气动防波堤air brick 空心砖air brush 气刷air bubble 气泡air bulking 空气胀air change 换气air change rate 换气率air channel 风道air chimney 通风管air chute 通风道air circulation 空气循环air cleaner 空气净化器air cock 气开关air collector 空气收集器air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioned building 设有空气第的房屋air conditioner 空气第机air conditioning 空气第air conditioning load 空气第负荷air conditioning plant 空气第设备air conditioning room 空气第室air conditioning unit 空气第装置air conditions 空气状态air content 含气量air conveying 风力输送air cooled condenser 空冷式冷凝器air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling 空气冷却air curtain 空气帘air damper 空气第阀air dehumidification 空气干燥air demand 需要风量air detraining admixture 去除空气外加剂air diffuser 空气扩散器air diffusion 空气扩散air diffusion aeration 空气扩散式曝气air digger 空气式挖掘机air discharge grille 排气格栅air distribution 配风air door 通气门air draft 吸风air drain 气槽air dried lumber 气干材air drill hammer 风锥钻air drying 空气干燥air duct 通气管道air entrained agent 加气剂air entrained concrete 加气混凝土air entraining admixture 加气掺合剂air entraining cement 掺加气剂的水泥air entrainment 夹杂空气air entrainment test 夹杂空气量试验air exhaust 排气air exhaust opening 排气口air filter 空气过滤器air filtration 空气过滤air float 气动泥刀air flow 气流air flow meter 空气量计air flow switch 气撂电器air free concrete 密实混凝土air gap 空隙air hammer 空气锤air handling unit 空气第装置air hardening mortar 气硬灰浆air hardening of cement 水泥空气硬化air heater 空气加热器air heating 热风供热air hoist 气压提升机air humidification 空气加湿air humidifier 空气湿润器air humidity 空气湿度air hydraulic jack 气液千斤顶air infiltration 气渗air inflow 进气air inlet 进气孔air insulation 空气绝缘air intake shaft 进气竖井air jacket 空气套air leakage 漏气air leakage factor 漏气系数air lift 压缩空气杨水泵air lift pump 压缩空气杨水泵air lock 气闸air monitoring 大气监测air mortar 加气灰浆air outlet 排风口air output 送风量air permeability factor 空气渗透因数air pipe line 空气管路air placed concrete 喷注混凝土air placer 混凝土气力压送机air placing machine 混凝土气力压送机air pollution control 大气污染控制air preheater 空气预热器air pressure 空气压力air purification 空气净化air purifier 空气净化器air receiver 压缩空气箱air register 电器air requirement 需要风量air resistance 空气阻力air riveting hammer 空气铆锤air sampling 空气采样air setting refractory cement 气凝性耐火水泥air setting refractory mortar 气凝性耐火灰浆air space ratio 空隙比air supply 供给空气air supply grille 送风格栅air supply plant 送气装置air supply system 送风系统air supported structure 气璃承结构物air tamper 风动打夯机air temperature 气温air test 气压试验air throw 气炼射距离air tight concrete 气密混凝土air tight construction 气密构造air tight door 气密门air tight seal 气密air tight test 气密性试验air to air heat recovery unit 空气空气热交换式热回收组合机组air to air system 空气空气式空档统air to water heat exchanger 空气水热交换器air to water system 空气水第系统air tool 气动工具air treatment 空气处理air trowel 气动泥刀air ventilator 通风孔air vessel 压缩空气箱air voids 孔隙air volume control 风量第air water heat pump 空气水热力泵air winch 风动绞车airborne noise 空传噪声airless spray unit 真空喷涂装置airless spraying 真空喷涂airport facilities 飞机场设施airslide conveyor 气滑式输送机airstrip 飞机跑道airview 鸟瞰图aisle 通道alabaster 雪花石膏alarm system 警报系统alarming apparatus 警报装置aligning 对准alignment 对准alkali aggregate expansion 碱脱色alkali discoloration 因碱脱色alkali resistance 耐碱性alkali resistant glass fiber 抗碱玻璃纤维alkaline soil 碱性土壤alkaliproof paint 耐碱油漆alkyd paint 醇酸涂料all air heat pump 全空气式热力泵all air system 全空气式系统all brick building 全砖建筑all concrete frame 全混凝土框架all flanged tee 法兰三通all glass facade 全玻璃门面all in aggregate 天然混合集料all metal building 全金属建筑物all metal construction 全金属结构all outside air system 全外部空气第系统all position electrode 全位置焊条all purpose excavator 万能挖土机all purpose insulation 万能绝缘材料all purpose road 混合交通道路all purpose room 多用途房all socket cross 全带承窝的十字接头all veneer construction 全胶合板构造all welded steel structure 全焊接钢结构all wood construction 全木的建筑物allege 墙的较薄部分alley 狭径alligator shears 杠杆式剪床alligator wrench 管扳手alligatoring 龟皱裂allowable bearing pressure 容许支承压力allowable bearing value 容许承载力allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许荷载allowable noise level 容许噪声电平allowable pile bearing load 单桩容许荷载allowable preressure 容许承载力allowable pressure 容许压力allowable stress 容许应力allowable stress design 容许应力计算allowable stresses method 容许应力法allowance 容差alloy 合金alloy steel 合金钢alluvial deposit 冲积物alteration 更迭alteration work 改建工程alternate bay construction 隔仓施工法alternate bending strength 交变弯曲强度alternate depths 共轭深度alternate design 比较设计alternate strength 交变荷重强度alternating bending test 反复弯曲实验alternating load 更迭载荷alternating load test 交替荷载试验alternating loading 更迭载荷alternating stress cycle 交变应力周期alternating stresses 交变应力altitude 高度altitude valve 水位控制阀alumina 氧化铝alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminium 铝aluminium alloy plate 铝合金板aluminium alloys 铝合金aluminium coated fabric 镀铝结构aluminium coated sheet steel 镀铝薄钢板aluminium foil 铝箔aluminium paint 铝涂料aluminium powder 铝粉aluminium trim 铝材装饰aluminized coating 铝涂层aluminizing 镀铝aluminous fire brick 铝质耐火砖aluminous sand 铝土砂amber 琥珀ambetti 装饰窗玻璃ambient air 周围空气ambient conditions 环境条件ambient medium 周围介质ambient noise 环境噪声ambient temperature 周围温度amendment 校正amenities 舒适ammonia 氨amorphous materials 无定形材料amorphous structure 无定形结构amortization 折旧amount 总值amount of evaporation 蒸发量amount of precipitation 降水量amount of rainfall 雨水量ampere 安培amphibious shovel 两栖铲土机amphibious site 水陆建筑场地amphitheater 半圆形露天剧场amplification 增幅amplitude 振幅amplitude of ground motion 地面地震振动振幅amplitude of stress 应力幅度amplitude of vibration 振幅amusement center 娱乐中心amusement park 公共游乐场analyser 分析器analysis 分析analysis by successive approximations 逐步渐近法分析analysis of sections 截面解析analysis of structures 结构分析analysis of truss joints 桁架结点分析analysis of trusses 桁架解析analysis of water 水质分析analysis table 分析项目表analytic method 解析方法anchor 锚固anchor bearing plate 锚承压板anchor block 锚块anchor bolt 锚定螺栓anchor cone 锚锥anchor device 锚固装置anchor ice 底水anchor male cone 锚式套管anchor nut 地脚螺母anchor pile 锚桩anchor plate 锚板anchor rod 锚杆anchor tie 锚拉杆anchor wall 锚定墙anchorage bond stress 锚定粘结应力anchorage by bond 靠粘接锚固anchorage device 锚具anchorage length 锚固长度anchorage of reinforcement 钢筋锚具anchorage pier 锚墩anchorage zone 锚固区域anchored bulkhead 锚定挡土板anchored retaining wall 锚固挡土墙anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板桩墙anchored type ceramic veneer 锚固型陶瓷面砖anchoring 锚固ancient architecture 古代建筑ancillary building 辅助建筑物ancone 托架anechoic chamber 消声室anemograph 自动风速计anemometer 风速计anemoscope 风向计angle 角angle bar 角铁angle bead 角条angle bending machine 弯曲机angle brace 角撑angle bracket 角铁托angle brick 角砖angle buttress 转角扶壁angle capital 角柱柱头angle cleat 角钢夹板angle clip 角钢夹板angle collar 环套角钢angle fillet 三角形盖板angle float 角镘刀angle hiptile 屋脊瓦angle iron 角钢angle iron frame 角钢构架angle joint 隅接angle lighting luminaire 斜照型照闷angle loads method 角荷载法angle of a roof 屋顶角angle of alteration 偏离角angle of bank 倾斜角angle of bend 弯头角度angle of curvature 曲率角angle of deviation 偏差角angle of displacement 位移角angle of external friction 外摩擦角angle of fall 塌落角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of internal friction 内磨擦角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of repose 自然倾斜角angle of roof 屋顶斜角angle of rotation 转动角angle of scattering 散射角angle of shear 剪切角angle of slide 滑动角angle of slope 倾斜角angle of torsion 扭转角angle post 角支柱angle rafter 角椽angle tee y 型分支angle valve 角阀angledozer 斜铲推土机angular aggregate 棱角骨料angular deformation 角变形anhydrite 无水石膏anhydrite cement 无水石膏水泥anhydrous gypsum 无水石膏animal glue 动物胶annex 附属建筑annual flood 年最大量annual mean 年平均annual range of temperature 全年气温变化annual runoff 年径流annual storage reservoir 年第水库annular girder 环形梁annular vault 筒形拱顶annulet 圆箍线anodic coating 阳极敷层anta 壁角柱ante chamber 前厅antefix 瓦檐饰antenna 天线antenna mast 天线杆anteport 外大门anti drumming coating 隔声盖层anti skinning agent 防结皮剂anti vibration mounting 抗振机座anticorrosion additive 抗腐添加剂anticorrosive agent 防腐剂anticorrosive coating 防腐涂饰anticorrosive compound 防腐剂anticorrosive paint 防蚀涂料anticorrosive protection 腐蚀防止antidazzle visor 遮阳板antifoam additive 抗泡添加剂antifouling paint 防污涂料antifreeze admixture 防冻附加剂antinoise paint 消声涂料antioxidant 抗氧化剂antireflective coating 抗反射涂层antirusting agent 防锈剂antirusting paint 防锈油漆antisag agent 抗垂剂antiseepage cofferdam 防渗围堰antiseismic construction 抗震结构antiseptic 防腐剂antiseptic paper 防腐纸antislip paint 防滑漆antisymmetrical load 反对称荷载anvil 铁砧apartment 公寓apartment area 公寓式住宅区apartment building 公寓大楼apartment hotel 公寓式旅馆apartment house 公共住宅apartment house of corridor access 走廊通路公寓房屋aperture 孔口aperture of door 门口aperture of window 窗口apex 顶点apex block 顶石apex stone 顶石apparatus 仪器装置apparent cohesion 假凝聚力apparent density 表观密度apparent elastic limit 表观弹性极限apparent elastic range 表观弹性范围appearance 外貌application consistency 使用稠度application life 使用寿命application of a force 施力application of load 加载application of roofing felt 屋顶油毡涂装application of solar energy 太阳能的利用application point 酌点application techniques 涂装技术applied column 半柱applied load 外施荷载applied moment 外施力矩approach channel 进港航道approach road 引道approach span 引跨approximate analysis 近似分析appurtenances 附件apron 窗底裙墙apron wall 前护墙aquatorium 水域aqueduct 渡槽aquifer 含水层arabesque 阿拉伯式花饰arc 弧arc boutant 飞拱arc welding 电弧焊arcade 列拱arch 拱arch abutment 拱台arch apex 拱顶石arch bar 拱杆arch block 拱面石arch brick 楔形砖arch bridge 拱桥arch buttress 飞拱arch camber 拱翘起arch center 拱圈中心arch covering 拱形屋面arch dam 拱坝arch door 拱门arch falsework 楔形砖arch gravity dam 重力拱坝arch key 拱顶石arch of triumph 凯旋门arch stone 楔形砖arch structure 拱结构arch thrust 拱推力arch truss 拱形桁架arch without articulation 无铰拱arched barrel roof 筒形屋顶arched beam 拱形梁arched ceiling 穹窿arched floor 拱形楼板arched girder 拱形梁arched retaining wall 拱形挡土墙arched roof 拱形屋顶arched spillway 弧形溢吝arched window 拱窗architect 建筑师architect’s office 建筑师办公处architectonics 建筑美术的architects association 建筑师协会architectural acoustics 建筑声学architectural appearance 建筑外观architectural bronze 建筑用青铜architectural coating 建筑饰面architectural complex 建筑群architectural composition 建筑构图architectural concept 建筑构思architectural concrete 装饰用混凝土architectural conservation 建筑保扩architectural construction 建筑结构architectural constructional materials 装饰建筑材料architectural decoration 建筑装饰architectural design 建筑设计architectural drawing 建筑绘图architectural engineering 建筑工程architectural finish 建筑表面装饰architectural garden 建筑庭园architectural hardware 建筑小五金architectural lighting 建筑照明architectural monument 建筑纪念碑architectural order 建筑柱式architectural park 建筑公园architectural pattern 建筑标本architectural planning 建筑规划architectural space 建筑空间architectural surface 装饰面层architectural terra cotta 建筑用陶砖architectural volume 建筑体积architecture 建筑archives 档案室archway 拱廊arcuated architecture 拱式建筑area 面积area method 面积法area of construction 建筑面积area of force 力图面积area of moments 力矩面积area of pile head 桩头面积area of rivet shaft 铆钉杆面积area of section 截面积area of steel 钢筋断面面积area of structure 建筑面积arenaceous sand 石英砂areometer 比重计argillaceous limestone 泥质石灰岩argillaceous rocks 粘土岩argillite 泥岩argillization 泥浆灌注法argon arc welding 氩弧焊arid climate 干燥气候arm 臂armature 加强料armed beam 加强梁armor hose 包皮管armor plate 防弹钢板armored cable 铠装电缆armored concrete 配筋混凝土armored concrete floor 有护面的混凝土楼板armored concrete slab 钢筋混凝土板armored glass 钢化玻璃armored plywood 铠装胶合板armored wood 包铁皮木材arrangement 排列arrangement of beams 梁布置arrangement of block 区段布置arrangement of reinforcement 钢筋排列arrester 避雷器arriere voussure 墙面内的辅助拱arris 边棱arris hiptile 屋脊瓦arris of slab 板肋arris rail 三角轨arrow diagram 网格图art 艺术art gallery 美术馆art museum 美术博物馆art of building 建筑艺术arterial drain 干线排水管arterial road 公路干线artesian head 承压水头artesian well 泉井articulated boom 铰链式臂articulated connection 活节联系articulated hinge concrete 铰接式混凝土articulated system 铰接系统artificial ageing 人工老化artificial aggregate 人工骨料artificial caoutchouc 人造橡胶artificial climate room 人造气候室artificial daylight 人工采光artificial fiber 人造纤维artificial illumination 人工照明artificial lake 人工湖artificial leather 人造皮革artificial light weight aggregate concrete 人工轻骨料混凝土artificial marble 人造大理石artificial seasoning 人工干燥artificial stone 人造石artificial ventilation 人工通风artificial weathering 加速风蚀as built drawings 竣工图as dug gravel 原状砾石as mixed concrete 新浇混凝土as placed concrete 新混凝土asbestos 石棉asbestos base asphalt felt 石棉油毡asbestos base asphalt paper 石棉油毡asbestos blanket 石棉毡asbestos board 石棉板asbestos cement 石棉水泥asbestos cement cladding 石棉水泥封装asbestos cement form board 模板用石棉水泥板asbestos cement pipe 石棉水泥管asbestos cement sheet 石棉水泥板asbestos cloth 石棉布asbestos felt 石棉毡asbestos fiber 石棉纤维asbestos fire curtain 石棉挡火幕asbestos millboard 石棉板asbestos mortar 石棉水泥灰浆砂asbestos packing 石棉填料asbestos plaster 石棉饰粉asbestos shingle 石棉瓦aseismatic construction 抗震措施aseismic design 耐震设计aseismic joint 防震缝aseismic structures 抗震结构aseptic condition 防腐条件ash concrete 灰渣混凝土ash removal 清灰ashlar 方琢石ashlar brick 面砖ashlar facing 琢石镶面ashlar masonry 琢石圬工ashlar stone facing 方石砌面ashlar work 琢石圬工ashlaring 砌琢石;阁楼立柱ashpit 灰坑aspect ratio 纵横比asphalt 石油沥青asphalt asbestos 石棉沥青混凝土asphalt base course 沥青底层asphalt binder course 沥青结合料层asphalt cement 沥青胶结料asphalt coating compound 沥青涂布复合物asphalt concrete 沥青混凝土asphalt concrete base 沥青混凝土底层asphalt concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面asphalt covering 地沥青面层asphalt cutter 柏油铺路面切断机asphalt emulsion 沥青乳液asphalt floor 沥青地面asphalt heater 沥青加热器asphalt inntermediate course 沥青结合料层asphalt joint filler 地沥青缝填料asphalt levelling course 沥青混凝土整平层asphalt macadam 沥青碎石路asphalt mastic 地沥青粘剂asphalt membrane 沥青膜asphalt mortar 石油沥青灰浆asphalt overlay 沥青涂面层asphalt paint 沥青漆asphalt paper 沥青纸asphalt pavement structure 地沥青路面结构asphalt prime coat 沥青底漆asphalt primer 沥青底漆asphalt road 沥青路asphalt seal coat 地沥青封缝层asphalt soil stabilization 沥青稳定土asphalt tile 沥青砖asphalt varnish 沥青漆asphalt wearing course 地沥青面层asphaltic cement concrete 地沥青水泥混凝土asphaltic felt 油毛毡asphalting 浇灌沥青asphaltum 地沥青aspiration pipe 吸入管道assemblage 安装assembler 装配工assembling 安装assembling area 装配场地assembling bolt 装配螺栓assembling department 装配车间assembling drawing 装配图assembling floor 安装地面assembling tool 装配工具assembling work 安装工作assembly line 装配线assembly parts 装配件assembly room 会议室assembly stand 装配台assembly workshop 装配车间assize 圆柱石assumed load 计算载荷asymmetric structure 不对称构造asymmetrically placed load 非对称负载asymmetry 非对称at grade intersection 平面交叉at rest earth pressure coefficient 土的静压系数athletic field 运动场athletic ground 运动场atlantes 男像柱atmosphere 大气atmosphere absorption 大气吸收atmospheric condenser 常压冷凝器atmospheric monitoring 大气检验atmospheric pressure 大气压atmospheric radiation 大气辐射atmospheric steam curing 底压蒸汽养护atomic blast excavation 原子爆破开挖atomic hydrogen welding 原子氢焊接atomic power station 原子能电站atomic reactor 原子反应堆atomic reactor containment structure 原子反应堆建筑物atomization 喷雾atomization mechanism 喷雾装置atomizer 喷雾器atomizing 喷雾atomizing application 喷雾撒布atrium 前庭attached column 半柱attached garage 附加车库attenuation 衰减attenuation factor 衰减系数atterberg test 阿太保试验attic 屋顶室attic floor 屋顶室attic room 屋顶房attic tank 屋顶水箱attic window 屋顶通风窗attracting groyne 引痢坝attraction 引力attrition 磨耗auditorium 大讲堂auger 钻孔机auger backfiller 万能螺旋钻式回填机augered pile 螺旋钻孔桩autoclave 高压锅autoclaved aerated concrete 高压蒸气养护的加气混凝土autoclaved cement 热压处理过的水泥autoclaved concrete product 热压处理过的混凝土制品autoclaved light weight concrete 高压蒸气养护的轻质混凝土autoclaving 高压蒸气养护autoclaving cycle 压热痞理周期autocrane 汽车起重机autogenous curing 自热养护autogenous cutting machine 气割机autogenous healing of concrete 混凝土裂缝自行愈合autogenous shrinkage 自生收缩量autogenous volume change 自然容积变化autogenous welding 气焊autoloader 自动装卸机automatic air conditioning 自动空气第automatic air valve 自动排气阀automatic arc welding machine 自动电焊机automatic batcher 自动配料计量器automatic boiler 自动化锅炉automatic closing device 自动闭合装置automatic closing door 自动防火门automatic control valve 自动控制阀automatic cutting off table 自动切断机automatic damping batcher scale 自动式阻尼计量器automatic design 自动设计automatic detection 自动检测automatic device 自动装置automatic door 自动门automatic door operator 自动开门装置automatic electric door opener 电动式门开闭装置automatic elevator 自动升降机automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统automatic fire door 自动防火门automatic fire protection system 自动消防系统automatic fire pump 自动灭火泵automatic flushing cistern 自动冲洗水箱automatic gas fired water heater 自动煤气燃烧的水加热器automatic gate 自动闸门automatic heating 自动供热automatic opener 自动开闭门automatic oxygen cutting 自动氧气切割automatic return of water 自动回水管路automatic return trap 自动回水隔汽阀automatic siphon 自动虹吸automatic smoke detector 自动烟感器automatic sprinkler system 自动犬系统automatic weigher 自动衡量计automatic weir 自动溢吝automatic welding machine 自动焊机automation 自动化automobile 汽车automobile crane 汽车起重机autonomous city 自治城市autonomous house 有技术设施的独立住宅autosilo 具有升降机塔式汽车库autostacker 具有升降机塔式汽车库autostrada 多车道高速公路autumn 秋季auxiliary bridge 便桥auxiliary hoist 辅助起重机auxiliary prestressing 辅助预加应力auxiliary rafter 便缘auxiliary reinforcement 辅助钢筋auxiliary stairs 便梯auxiliary structure 辅助建筑物avalanche 雪崩avalanche baffle wall 防坍构筑物墙avalanche load 雪崩荷载avalanche protection dike 防坍堤avalanche protection works 雪崩阻滞工程avant corps 房屋皱凸出的一部分avenue 林荫路average annual rainfall 年平均雨量average bond stress 平均粘结应力average error 平均误差average flow 平均量average grade 平均坡度average load 平均负荷average temperature 平均温度averge illumination 平均照度awakened cement 更生水泥awakened concrete 更生混凝土awl 尖锥awning 遮篷awning blind 遮阳百叶窗awning window 上缘折叶遮篷窗axe 斧子axed work 琢石axhammer 锤斧axia strain 轴向变化axial compression 轴向压力axial deformation 轴向变化axial flow fan 轴两通风机axial force diagram 轴向力图axial load 轴向荷载axial moment of inertia 轴向惯性矩axial prestressing 轴向预加应力axial restraint 轴向固定axial section 轴向剖面axial stress 轴应力axial tension 轴向拉力axial tensioning 轴向预加应力axis 轴axis of abscissas 横轴axis of gravity 重力轴axis of ordinates 纵座标轴axis of projection 投影轴axis of rotation 旋转轴axis of symmetry 对称轴axisymmetrical loading 轴对称荷重axle load 轴荷载axonometric projection 轴测投影axonometric view 轴侧投影azimuth 方位角back 后面back arch 拱背back elevation 后视图back facade 背面back painting 底面涂漆back pressure 背压力back saw 手锯back siphonage 反虹吸能力back square 曲尺back surge 逆哩back to back houses 背对背房屋back up block 支撑块back up wall 背墙back view 背视图back water 回流backbone 构架backer board 背衬板backfill 回填backfill compactor 回填土压实机backflow barrier 逆止阀background heating 背景供热background noise level 背景噪声级backhoe pullshovel 反向铲铲土机backhoe shovel 反向铲铲土机backhouse 后屋backing brick 背衬砖backing coat 底面涂层backplastered construction 背面抹灰的构造backstay anchor 拉霜定backwater jump 逆柳动backwater structure 滞水构造物backyard 后院bacteria bed 生物滤池bacteria filter 生物滤池badger 管道清理器badger plane 槽刨badigeon 嵌填膏泥baffle beam 遮护梁baffle diffuser 导铃式扩散器baffle paint 覆面漆baffle pier 消力柱baffle plate 隔板baffle wall 挡水板墙bag cleaning device 袋装粉尘净化装置bag conveyor 袋输送器bag dam 袋状坝bag filter 滤袋式滤清器bag of cement 水泥袋baggage elevator 运行李电梯bagwork 装袋工作bail handle 横木把手baked brick 烧结砖baked enamel finish 烧搪瓷装修bakelite cement 酚醛尸水泥baking 烧成balance 平衡balance pressure 平衡压力balance storage 平衡贮水池。
建筑专业英语词汇(H)h beam 宽幅工字梁 h pile 工字型桩 habitable area 居住面积 habitable room 住房habitat condition 居住条件habitation 住宅habitation building 居住房屋hack saw 弓形锯hacking knife 砍刀hade 垂直倾斜haft 把手hail 雹hair crack 发丝裂缝hair mortar 麻刀灰泥砂浆haired cement mortar 毛丝水泥灰浆half angle 半角half bat 半块砖half brick 半块砖half brick wall 半砖墙half column 半身柱half glass door 上半装配玻璃的门half goods 半制品half landing 中间平台half lap joint 半叠接half lattice girder 格构梁half mortise hinge 半开榫铰接half plane 半平面half storey 半层half surface hinge 半节门折翼half tide cofferdam 半潮围堤half tiled wall 半截贴面砖墙half timber house 砖木结构的房屋half truss 半桁架halfpace 中间平台halfpace stair 两节楼梯halfspan loading 半节距装载hall 大厅hallway 穿堂halogen 卤素halogen leak detector 卤素探漏器halved joint 半叠接hammer 锤hammer beam 悬臂托梁hammer dressed ashlar 锤琢石hammer drill 凿岩机hammering 锻造hand brace 手摇钻hand buggy 手推车hand clamp 手动夹钳hand compacted concrete 人工捣实混凝土hand distributor 手压燃机hand drill 手摇钻hand finisher 手工整面机hand float 泥刀hand grip 手柄hand guard 扶手hand held compactor 手提式压实器hand held roller 手提式路碾hand mixed concrete 人工搅拌混凝土hand mixer 手动混合器hand operated bar cutter 手工钢筋切断机hand placement 手动式浇注hand rammer 手夯锤hand sprayer 手动喷雾器hand tool 手工工具hand welding 手工焊handiwork 手工handle 柄handling 操纵handling equipment 搬运设备handling reinforcement 架立钢筋handling stresses 搬运应力handrail 栏杆handsaw 手锯handwork 手工椎hangar 飞机库hanger 吊架hanging 悬挂hanging bridge 吊桥hanging door 吊门hanging gutter 吊挂檐槽hanging post 悬挂支柱hanging truss 吊桁架harbour 港口harbour basin 港池harbour facilities 港口设施harbour of refuge 避风港hard aggregate 硬质骨料hard asphalt 硬沥青hard brick 硬砖hard burnt plaster 无水石膏hard compact soils 硬质压实土hard concrete 干硬性混凝土hard drawn wire reinforcement 冷拉钢筋hard finish 硬质墙面层hard glass 硬化玻璃hard mortar 干硬灰浆hard parking place 硬质铺面停车场hard pavement 硬质铺面hard rock 硬石岩hard rock concrete 硬石混凝土hard surfacing 表面淬火hard top 硬质铺装路hard water 硬水hardboard 木纤维板hardcore bed 碎石垫层hardened cement paste 硬化的水泥浆hardened concrete 硬化混凝土hardened mortar 硬化灰浆hardened neat cement paste 加固的路边hardened verge 硬路肩hardener 硬化剂hardening 硬化hardening accelerating admixture 促硬剂hardening accelerator 促硬剂hardening by chemical method 化学硬化法hardening condition 混凝土硬结条件hardening of concrete 混凝土硬化hardening of ground 地基硬化hardening process 硬化过程hardness 硬性hardness of concrete 混凝土硬性hardness of water 水的硬度hardness test 硬度试验hardpan 硬土层hardware 金属构件hardware mounting machine 金属制品装架具hardwood 硬木hardy cross method 弯矩分配法harmonic pencil 低束harmony 低harped tendon 竖琴形钢筋束harsh concrete 干硬性混凝土harsh mix 干硬性混合料hasp 挂钩hasp and staple 钩与扣眼扣件hatch 舱盖hatching 画影线hatchway 屋顶口haul 搬运haul road 运料路haulage 搬运hauling 搬运haunch 拱石段;加腋haunch board 梁腋侧板haunched beam 加腋梁hawk 抹灰托板haydite 陶粒haydite concrete 陶粒混凝土hazardous gas emissions 有害气体发散hazardous materials 火烧性材料hazardous substances 有害物质haze 混浊斑点 head across the weir 壅水构造物的水头head bay 上闸首head capacity curve 水头容量曲线head casing 门窗头框head construction 头部结构head jamb 门顶框head joint 端接head loss 水头损失head loss due to friction 摩擦水头损失head of column 柱头head of groyne 丁坝坝头head piece 顶横梁head pressure 压头head race 引水路head reservoir 压力槽head tank 压力槽header 头部;露头砖;顶梁header bond 丁砖砌合header course 丁头行header joist 丁头搁栅heading 露头砖砌筑;平巷heading joint 端接heading up 抬高水位headroom 净空高度headway 净空高度healing 盖屋顶health protection 劳动卫生heaped concrete 成堆混凝土heart shake 木心环裂hearting 填筑心墙hearting concrete 不透水的心墙混凝土heat 热heat absorbing glass 吸热玻璃heat absorption 热吸收heat accumulation 储热heat accumulator 蓄热器heat affected zone 热影响区heat and power supply 热电供应heat balance 热平衡heat bridge 热桥heat calculation 热计算heat capacity 热容量heat carrier 热载体heat comfort 热舒适heat conductivity 热导率heat consumption 热消耗heat cure period 热固化周期heat demand 热负荷heat dissipation 热发散heat emission 放热heat emission factor 放热系数heat engineering 热工学heat exchange 热交换heat exchange surface 热交换面heat exchanger 热交换器heat flow meter 热疗heat generator 热发生器heat input 热量输入heat insulating concrete 绝热混凝土heat insulating construction 绝热结构heat insulating material 保温材料heat insulating mortar 隔热灰浆heatinsulation 保温heat insulation work 保温工作heated housing 温室heave lift 膨胀heave off hinge 可分开的铰链heaving 膨胀heaving soil 膨胀土壤heavy aggregate 重骨料heavy concrete 重混凝土heavy duty scaffold 重载脚手架heavy edge reinforcement 边缘加强配筋heavy equipment transporter 重型运输机heavy industry 重工业heavy mortar 稠灰浆heavy reinforced concrete 大量配钢筋混凝土heavy soil 重质土heavy steel aggregate 重钢屑骨料混凝土heavy timber construction 重型木结构heavyweight aggregate 重骨料heavyweight concrete 重混凝土heck 下截门hedge 绿篱height between floors 层高height of arc 拱高height of embankment 垛高height of lands 分水岭height of water 水位height under hook 吊钩高度heightening 升高heliarc welding 氦弧焊helical binding 螺纹钢筋helical cage 螺旋形钢筋骨架helical conveyor 螺旋输送器helical reinforcement 螺纹钢筋helical strake 螺旋型箍条heliographic paper 感光纸heliotechnics 太阳能技术heliport 直升机机场helmet 安全帽hemihydrate plaster 半水化热石膏hemisphere 半球hemp 麻hennery 养鸡场herring bone strutting 鱼骨形支撑herringbone drain system 人字形排水系统hessian 黄麻布 hidden wiring 隐藏线路hide glue 皮胶hiding power 覆盖力hierly cement 快高凝水泥high alumina cement 高铝水泥high bond bars 竹节钢筋high density concrete 重混凝土high early cement 快高凝水泥high early strength cement 高快固水泥high early strength concrete 高快固混凝土high efficiency air filter 高效率空气过滤器high frequency finisher 高频率整面机high frequency vibrator 高频率震动器high frequency vibratory compactor 高频率振动实机high grade cement 优质水泥high grade fuel 高热值燃料high head dam 高位差坝high head development 高水头电站high head water power plant 高水头电站high joint pointing 凸接头勾缝high level bridge 高架桥high level cistern 高位水箱high lift grouting 高抬灌浆high modulus polymer fibers 高模数聚合物纤维high pitched roof 高坡屋顶high pressure 高压high pressure air conditioning system 高压空气第系统high pressure boiler 高压锅炉high pressure line 高压管线high pressure steam curing 高压蒸汽养护high pressure steam heating 高压蒸汽采暖high production loader 高效率搬运设备high range water reducing admixture 高幅度减水外加剂high rate biofilter 高速生物过滤器high rate sand filter 高速砂滤器high rate thickling filter 高速滴式生物过滤器high rise block 高层建筑物high rise building 高层建筑物high rise city 高中城市high rise erection 高层结构架设high rise residential area 高层住宅区域high rised housing area 高层房屋地区high slump concrete 高坍落度混凝土high speed cement 快高凝水泥high speed concrete 快硬混凝土high speed passenger elevator 高速载客电梯high strength cement 高强度水泥high strength concrete 高强度混凝土high temperature concrete 高温混凝土high temperature resisting refractory concrete 高温耐火混凝土high temperature water 高温水high tensile reinforcement 高强钢筋high tensile steel 高级钢high velocity air conditioning system 高速空气第系统high water 高潮high water level 高水位high waterline 最高潮位线high workability concrete 高和易性混凝土high yield strength reinforcement 高屈服点钢筋higher critical velocity 高临界速度higher high water 高高潮位higher low water 低潮位highest tailwater level 最高下游水位highway 公路highway bridge 公路桥highway bridge loads 公路桥计算载荷highway construction 道路工程highway crane 道路起重机highway crossing 公路跨越highway engineering 道路工程学highway grinder 道路研磨机highway marking 公路路标highway network 公路网highway project 公路工程计划highway rail bridge 公路铁路桥highway structures 公路建筑物highway tunnel 公路隧道hill 丘陵hilly country 丘陵地带hilly ground 丘陵地带hinge 铰接hinged bearing 铰支承hinged door 铰链门hinged girder 铰接梁hinged joint 铰接连结hinged pier 绞接式墩hinged structures 铰接构造hinged window 铰链窗hingeless frame 无铰框架hip and valley roof 有交的四坡屋顶hip jack 四坡屋顶hip rafter 四坡屋顶面坡椽hip slate 屋脊石板瓦hip stone 屋脊石hip tile 屋脊盖瓦hipped end 端坡hipped gable 小戗角屋顶山墙hipped gable roof 人字屋顶hipped plate construction 折板式结构hipped roof 四坡屋顶historic monument 历史碑石history museum 历史博物馆 hoarfrost 白霜hockey area 冰球场hog 弯曲hoggery 猪牧场hoggin 粗砂hogging bending 负弯曲hogging moment 负弯矩hogging of beam 梁的翘曲hohlraum 空胴hoist 升降机hoist limit device 吊起限制装置hoist tower 塔式卷杨机hoisting capacity 卷杨能力hoisting machine 卷杨机hoisting plant 提升装置hoisting rope 起重索hoistway 提升间hoistway door 升降机井门holbrick 空心砖hold over system 蓄热系统holder 支持器holding rope 支持绳索hole 孔hollow beam 空心梁hollow block 空心块hollow block floor 空心块楼板hollow brick 空心砖hollow clay block 空心陶土块hollow column 空心柱hollow concrete 空心混凝土hollow glass block 空心玻璃块hollow pile 空心桩hollow porous brick 多孔性空心砖hollow pot 空心块hollow preformed pile 空心预制桩hollow section 空心截面hollow shell pill 空心管桩hollow tile floor construction 空心砖楼板构造hollow tile floorslab 空心板楼面hollow walling 空心墙hollowcore slab 空心板home 住宅home builder 住宅施工人员home of high insulation standard 高绝热标准住宅homochromatic 同色的homogeneous concrete 匀质混凝土homogeneous earth dam 均质土坝honeycomb 蜂窝honeycomb structure 蜂窝结构honeycombed area 蜂窝状砂眼部分honeycombing 形成蜂窝状hood 排气罩hood inlet opening 通风柜入口hood mould 滴水罩饰hooded roof ventilator 盔状的屋顶通风机hook 钩hook and eye fastener 钩与扣眼扣件hook bolt 钩形螺栓hook height 吊钩高度hooked bar 弯钩钢筋hooked scraper 钩形刮刀hoop 环hoop iron 箍铁hoop reinforcement 环箍钢筋hoop stress 周线应力hooped concrete 配箍筋混凝土hooped spiral concrete 螺旋箍筋混凝土hooping 环箍钢筋hopper 料斗hopper light 倒开气窗hopper vent 倒开气窗hopper ventilator 倒开气窗horizon 水平线horizontal axis 水平轴horizontal axis mixer 横轴拌和机horizontal boiler 卧式锅炉horizontal braces 水平横撑horizontal cell tile 水平格笼瓷砖horizontal curve 水平曲线horizontal deflection 水平偏转horizontal displacement 水平变位horizontal drain 水平式排水渠horizontal force 水平力horizontal plane 水平面horizontal projection 水平投影horizontal restraint 水平约束horizontal shaft mixer 横轴拌和机horizontal sheeting 水平护板horizontal shore 壳板支承桁horizontal sliding door 平推门horizontal sliding window 水平滑动窗horizontal slipforming 水平滑模施工horizontal tie 水平拉杆horn 杆端叉口horse 木马horse mould 墙冠带造型horse scaffold 木马架horseshoe curve 马蹄形曲线hose 软管hose connection 软管连接hose coupling 软管连接hose stream test 水龙射水试验hospital 医院hospital area 医院区域hot aggregates 加热骨料hot air 热空气hot air curing 热风养护hot air heating 热风供热hot concrete 热混凝土hot face 热面部hot face insulation 热面绝缘hot feed 热水供应hot house 温房hot laid asphaltic concrete 热铺沥青混凝土hot laid mixtures 热铺混合料hot mix 热拌沥青混凝土hot mix asphalt 热拌沥青混凝土hot mix asphalt plant 热沥青混合物装置hot mixed asphaltic concrete 热拌沥青混凝土hot penetration construction 热浸渗构造hot rolled wire 热辗压钢丝hot setting adhesive 热固化粘结剂hot spraying 热喷涂hot water 热水hot water accumulator 热水蓄热箱hot water boiler 热水锅炉hot water calorifier 热水加热器hot water circulation system 热水循环系统hot water circulator 热水循环泵hot water cylinder 热水箱hot water heating 热水供热hot water heating system 热水供热系统hot water ondol 热水暖床hot water storage heater 热水槽加热器hot water supply 热水供给hot watersystem 热水系统hot water tank 热水槽hot weather concrete 夏季浇注混凝土hot weather concreting 夏季浇注混凝土hot wire anemometer 热线风速计hotel 旅社hour 时间house 房屋house building 住宅建筑物house building industry 房屋建筑工业house connection 房屋连接管house door 住房出人门house drain 房屋连接管house drainage 住宅排水house heating 住房供热house moving 建筑物移动house plumbing 住房给排水管网house service 房物供给house sewer connection 家庭污水管连接house sewerage 住房污水household garbage 生活垃圾household sewage 住宅排水householder’s room 家长房housewife’s room 志房housing 外壳housing act 住宅条例housing area 住房区域housing association 住宅建筑协合housing colony 村落住宅群housing construction 住宅建筑housing density 房屋密度housing estate 住宅区housing law 住房建筑法housing market 住宅区市场housing scheme 住宅建筑方案howe truss 豪威氏桁架 huckbolt 钩螺栓hue 色调human occupancy 人口密度humidification efficiency 饱和效率humidification load 湿润负荷humidifier 增湿器humidifying capacity 增湿能力humidistat 湿度第器humidity 湿度humidity cabinet 可控湿度试验室humidity control 湿度第humidity controller 湿度第器humidity ratio 湿度比humus 腐蚀土humus tank 化粪池hung ceiling 吊顶hung floor construction 悬式楼板构造hung scaffold 悬式脚手架hung span beam 多跨度悬臂梁hut 临房hutments 临时营房hybrid beam 合成梁hybrid system 双热源热泵系统hydite aggregate concrete 陶粒骨料混凝土hydrant 消火栓hydrate 水化物hydrated cement 水化水泥hydrated lime 消石灰hydration 水化酌hydration heat 水合热hydration shrinkage 水化收缩hydraulic additive 水硬性掺合料hydraulic admix ture 水硬性掺合料hydraulic architecture 水工建筑hydraulic binders 水硬性胶凝材料hydraulic breakwater 水力防波堤hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥hydraulic cementing materials 水硬性胶凝材料hydraulic classifier 水力分级机hydraulic concrete 水工构造用混凝土hydraulic conveying 水力输送hydraulic cyclone 水力旋流hydraulic damper 液压减震器hydraulic dredger 水力吸杨式挖泥船hydraulic ejector 液压卷杨机hydraulic elevator 液压卷杨机hydraulic engineering 水力工程学hydraulic excavator 液压式挖土机hydraulic fill 水力充填hydraulic fill dam 水力充填坝hydraulic fill pipeline 泥浆管道hydraulic friction 水力摩擦hydraulic investigations 水力甸hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶hydraulic jump 水跃hydraulic lime 水硬性石灰hydraulic mining 水力挖掘hydraulic modelling 水力模型化hydraulic monitor 水枪hydraulic mortar 水硬灰浆hydraulic permeability水力渗透性hydraulic pile driver 水压式打桩机hydraulic platform 液压式卷杨机hydraulic power 水力hydraulic power station 水力发电厂hydraulic pressure test 水压试验hydraulic ram 水锤泵hydraulic refractory cement 水硬性耐火水泥hydraulic scaffolding 液压脚手架hydraulic setting mortar 水硬性灰浆hydraulic setting refractory mortar 水硬性耐火灰浆hydraulic shock absorber 液压减震器hydraulic soil transportation 水力土运输hydraulic splitter 液压分裂器hydraulic spoil bank 水力废土堆hydraulic stripping 水力剥离hydraulic structures 水力构造物hydraulic test 水压试验hydraulic tunnel 水工隧洞hydraulic works 水力构造物hydraulically operated gate 液压闸门hydraulicity 水泥性hydraulicking 水力挖掘hydro mechanisation 水力机械化hydrodymamic bulging 铃动力学的膨突hydrodynamic pressure 铃动压力hydrodynamics 铃动力学hydroelectric dam 水电站坝hydrograph 水文图hydrographic survey 水文测量hydrological forecast 水文预报hydrological regime 水文状况hydromechanics 铃力学hydrometer 比重计hydrometric network 水文测定网hydromodule 量模数hydrophobic cement 援水泥hydropower engineering 水力工程学hydrostatic load 静水荷载hydrostatic pressure 静水压力hydrostatic pressure ratio 静水压力系数hydrostatic test 水压试验hydrotechnical construction 水工构造物hydrotechnics 水利工学hygiene 卫生hygiene of environment 环境卫生hygrometer 湿度计hygroscopic moisture 湿存水hygrostat 湿度第器hyperbola 双曲线hyperbolic paraboloid 双曲抛物面hyperbolic paraboloid shell 双曲抛物面薄壳hyperbolic shell 双曲线薄壳hyperboloid 双曲面hyperstatic structure 超静定结构hypotenuse 斜边。
水泥英语汉语名称英文名称汉语名称英文名称窑头 kiln end kiln hood section 窑头罩 firing hood窑尾 back-end of kiln 烟室 fed end chamber窑口 kiln mouth 窑口护铁 outlet guard iron液压挡轮 hydraulic thruster ash ring筒体 shell 窑口冷却风机 nose ring fan垫板挡砖圈 inlet end ring托轮瓦 lining tile 衬瓦轮带 tyre电流 current 流量 flowrate转速 rotation speed 喂料趋势 feed forward value喂料量 finished meal 表、压力表 gageamount of raw mix 仪表 instruction料位 level 电流 current累积量 accumulate 功率 power运转率 run rate 角速度 angular velocity直径 diameter 线速度 line speed半径 radius压力 pressure 压力表 manometer正压压差 difference in pressure负压 differential pressure排气压力 exhaust pressure pressure head风温 air temperature 二次风温 primary air temperature入口温度 entering temperature 三次风管 recoup duct入口压力 entering pressure tertiary air duct水分 moisture modulus of aluminia细度 fineness of grinding 水硬率铝氧率 alumina modulus 硅率warm-air原煤仓 raw coal silo 煤粉仓 coal dust bin均化库 homogenizing silo 单组分预均化堆场 single component blending bed 熟料库 clinker storage building 水泥库 cement silo预均化堆场 preblending bed 配料站prehomogenizing stockpile 缓冲仓 buffer bin堆取料机 stocker and reclaimer 布袋收尘 cloth dust collector桥式刮板取料机 bridge-type seraping reclaimer 袋收尘 bag filter 增湿塔 conditioning tower 电收尘器 electrostatic precipitator EP 给煤机 stoker 烟囱 chimney链式输送机 chain conveyor 空气斜槽 air slide盘式输送机 disc conveyor` 空气斜槽风机 air slide fan破碎机 crusher 斗式提升机 bucket elevator汉语名称英文名称斗子锺式破碎机 hammer crusher 链子螺旋绞刀 conveyor screw 链瓣拉链输送机 drag chain conveyor 销子管道、烟道 dust 皮带机 belt conveyor炉栅 grate 皮带 belt研磨介质 grinding media 溜槽 chute粗粉分离器 grit separator 辅传设备三角带带轮 sheave分解炉 calcining combustor旋风分离器、旋风筒 cyclone预热器 preheater氧气 oxygen 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide一氧化氮一氧化碳 monoxide氧化氮石灰石粉煤灰铁矿石石膏铁粉矿渣砂岩熟料粘土气动挡板挡板 baffler三次风挡板挡板开度翻板阀 flapgate flap valve 电动挡板棒闸热风挡板重力翻板阀 gravity tipping valve 冷风挡板气力锁风阀 pneumatic air lock valve冲机式流量计 impact flow meter 转子称 rotor feeder粉粉称皮带称 belt weigher电磁阀升辊磨盘 gringding table/base 降辊磨辊 gringding roller 锁风阀风环 air ring 反向/正向氮气囊液压缸选粉机 separator 衬板罗茨风机 Roots blower 风机机壳 fan casing鼓风机 air blower fan inet排风机 air-exhaust ventilator fan outputdischarge fan 主风机 main fanexhast fan 抽风机 suction blower轴流式风机 axial flow ventilator 叶轮 impeller离心式风机 centrifugal ventilator 转子 rotor离心式鼓风机 centrifugal blower 清扫风机 purging air fan循环风机 circulating fan 吸入式排风机(高) induced draft fan冷却风机 cooling blower 一次风机 kiln burner fan窑口冷却风机 primary fan热风机 hot gas fan pulverized coal firing fan密封风机水泵 water pump空气压缩机 air compressor稀油站液压站减速机 reducer齿轮减速机 reduction gear毫米 meric line 厘米米 meter 平方米 square meterMpa 立方米 cubic meterbar mbar镁铬砖 magnesia-chromite brick 高温烧结镁铬砖 high temperature fired magnesite chrome brick高铝砖 alumina brick 方镁石-尖晶石砖 periclase-spinel brick矿渣水泥slag cement硅酸盐水泥portland cement主导产品leading product年产量annual output基准reference体系system完全燃烧complete combustion不完全燃烧incomplete combustion机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion雾化atomization雾化介质atomizing medium物料平衡material balance实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of theoretical flue gas 形成热heat of formation单位热耗unit heat consumption标准煤Standard coal标准煤耗standard coal consumption实物煤耗raw coal consumption窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln干燥周期drying cycle焙烧周期firing cycle热损失thermal loss;heat loss燃烧热heat of combustion有效热effective heat热效率heal efficiency燃烧效率combustion efficiency一次空气primary air二次空气secondary air系统漏入空气量false air空气系数air coefficient废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas热平衡表heat balance table热流图heat balance diagram回转窑rotary kiln窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell窑胴体有效内表面积effective inside surface of kiln shell 零件英语punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location 定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块塑件&模具相关英文compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型射出成型用模具two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道h=0.02~0.05mmw=3.2mmL=3~5mmwelding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口H=F=1/2t~1/5tT=2.5~3.5mmdiaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Φ0.8~1.0mmRunner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆)冲压模具专业英语根据国家标准以下为压铸模具术语的标准翻译。
建筑工程专业英语词汇1建筑工程专业英语词汇 1英语小札 2009-12-03 10:22:00 阅读49 评论0 字号:大中小订阅建设,建筑,修建 to build, to construct建筑学 architecture修筑,建筑物 building房子 house摩天大楼 skyscraper公寓楼 block of flats (美作:apartment block)纪念碑 monument宫殿 palace庙宇 temple皇宫,教堂 basilica大教堂 cathedral教堂 church塔,塔楼 tower十层办公大楼 ten-storey office block柱 column柱列 colonnade拱 arch市政 town planning (美作:city planning)营建许可证,建筑开工许可证 building permission绿地 greenbelt建筑物的三面图 elevation设计图 plan比例尺 scale预制 to prefabricate挖土,掘土 excavation基 foundations, base, subgrade打地基 to lay the foundations砌好的砖列 course of bricks脚手架 scaffold, scaffolding质量合格证书 certification of fitness原材料 raw material底板 bottom plate垫层 cushion侧壁 sidewall中心线 center line条形基础 strip footing附件 accessories型钢 profile steel钢板 steel plate熔渣 slag飞溅 welding spatter定位焊 tacking引弧 generating of arc熄弧 quenching of arc焊道 welding bead坡口 beveled edges外观检查 visual inspection重皮 double-skin水平方向弧度 radian in horizontal direction 成型 molding直线度 straightness accuracy焊缝角变形 welding line angular distortion 水平度 levelness铅垂度 verticality翘曲变形 buckling deformation角尺 angle square对接焊缝 butt weld母材 parent metal法兰密封面 flange sealing surface夹层 interlayer表面锈蚀浓度 surface corrosion concentration挠曲变 bending deformation超声波探伤 ultrasonic testing/ ultrasonic examination 压力容器 pressure vessel预制下料 prefabrication baiting排版直径 set-type diameter焊缝 welding line中幅板 center plate测量方法 measuring method基准点 datum mark跳焊 skip welding允许偏差 allowable variation补强板 stiffening plate开孔 tapping对接接头 banjo fixing butt jointing角钢 angle iron安装基准圆 installation fundamental circle吊装立柱 hoisting upright column焊接钢管 welded steel pipe向心斜拉筋 centripetal canting pull rope带板 band plate槽钢胀圈 channel steel expansion ring环口 collar extension局部变形 local distortion环缝 circumferential weld顶板 top plate拱顶 vault顶板加强肋 stiffening rib对接 butt joint胎具 clamping fixture卷板机 plate bending rolls中心支架 center bearing bracket椭圆度 ovality等分线 bisectrix搭接宽度 lap width点焊 spot welding搭接焊 overlap welding对称 symmetrically螺旋爬梯 cockle stairs放料阀 baiting valve液位计 content gauge芬兰维萨拉 Vailsla OY美国美科 "Met-coil, USA"集中式空调系统 centralized air conditioning system 裙房 annex热源 heat source平面位置的空间 space of planimetric position密封性能 sealing performance机房 machine room节点 timing专业 "profession or discipline 都可以,要根据上下文"连体法兰 coupling flange垂直井笼 vertical well cage变风量 variable air rate施工面展开 construction unfolds违约行为 noncompliance合同交底- contract presentation管理承包商 Management Contractor party工程量 work amount实施的形象进度 progress of implementation完工资料 as-built documentation文整 clear-up审核 review汽车式起重机 Autocrane深化图纸 deepen drawing设备配置计划 equipment furnishment plan结构预埋配合阶段 Structure pre-embedment assistance stage精装修阶段 Fine fitment stage工程施工阶段 Construction stage工程竣工阶段 Completion stage台钻 Bench drill冲击钻 Churn drill手电钻 Electric portable drill砂轮切割机 Abrasive cutting off machine角钢卷圆机 Angle iron rolling machine管道切断器 Pipe cutting machine铜管调直机 Copper pipe straightening machine管道压槽机 Book joint setting machine for pipes管道压槽机 Book joint setting machine for pipes角向磨光机 Angle polishing machine电动套丝机 Electric threading machine电动卷扬机 Electric winch电动试压泵 Motor-driven pressure test pump手动试压泵 Manual pressure test pump阀门试压机 Valve pressure test device阀门试压机 Valve pressure test deviceTDC(F)风管加工流水线 TDC(F)air ductwork fabrication stream line等离子切割机 Plasma cutting machineTDC(F)法兰条成型机 TDC(F) flange strip shaping mill勾码成型机 Forming machine for flange clampTDC(F)风管加工成型机 TDC(F) duct fabrication shaping mill 多普勒超声波流量检测仪 Doppler ultrasonic flow detector 温、湿度传感器 "Temperature, humidity senor"精密声级计 Precision sound level meter风管漏风量测试仪、风室式漏风测试装置 "Duct air leakage tester, airchamber air leakage testing device"风罩式风量测试仪 Air hood air rate tester微压计、毕托管、热球(电)风速仪 "Micromanometer , pitot tube, hot bulb(electrical) anemoscope"潜水泵 Submerged pump电动弯管机 Electric pipe bender铜管弯管机 Copper pipe bender液压弯管机 Hydraulic pipe bender电动剪刀 Electric clipper液压铆钉钳 Hydraulic riveting clamp线槽电锯 Trunking electric saw开孔器 Tapper电动空压机 Electric air compressor液压千斤顶 Hydraulic jack液压手推车 Hydraulic trolley焊条烘干箱 Welding rod drying box手拉葫芦 Chain block道(垫)木 Sleeper转速表 Tachometer电流钳型表 Clip-style ammeter压力表 Pressure gauge接地电阻测试仪 Earthing resistance testing device 氧气表 Oxygen gauge乙炔表 Acetylene gauge对讲机 Walkie talkie文件和资料 documents and information?建设单位 Construction unit安装单位 Installation unit二、道路工程英语词汇桥梁 bridge公路干道 highway工程工程学 engineering公路工程 highway engineering路基 roadbase路面 pavement构造物建造构成制造 construct施工(名) construction试验室 laboratory现场检测 field test(名)试验检验(不)进行试验 experiment试验检测测量 test质量上流社会的 quality合格,取得资格 qualify材料 material沥青柏油以沥青铺(一般指沥青路)asphalt沥青(指原材料) bitumen沥青的 bituminous沥青混合料 bituminous mixture混凝土 concrete钢筋混凝土 RC (reinforced concrete)信誉信用贷款 credit进度快慢 tempo计划 plan评定 evaluation检查(名)检验 inspection标准水准规格标准的合格的 standard技术性的工业的 technical技术技巧技术的工艺的专门的 technic水泥 cement碎石路碎石路 macadam砂砾碎石砂砾层 gravel钢筋 reinforcing steel bar或reinfored steel 石石头石场石的石制的 stone检查员 inspector测量(名) measuring测量(及)检测(及)勘测测绘(名)survey 设备仪器装置 device申请 application铺路工人 paver经理 manager加强 reinforce(被加强的 reinforced )sign 签字署名通知list 表名册目录列举tabulation 制表列表表格mapping 绘图制图camera 照相机photo 照片给。
钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)
乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring
水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo
地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope
相对湿度 relative humidity办公室 office
服务用房 service room
换班室 shift room
休息室 rest room (break room)
起居室 living room
浴室 bathroom
施工图 working drawing, construction drawing
竣工图 as built drawing
日照 sunshine
风玫瑰 wind rose
主导风向 prevailing wind direction
天花板 ceiling board
防水层 water-proof course
检查孔 inspection hole
人孔 manhole
吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling
檐板(窗帘盒) cornice
f. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)
混凝土地面 concrete floor
水泥地面 cement floor
机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor
水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring
(建筑工程管理)建筑物理常用建筑词汇翻译a.DESIGNBASIS设计依据b.DESIGNSTAGE设计阶段c.CLIMATECONDITION气象条件d.GENERALROOMNAME常用房间名称e.ROOFING&CEILING屋面及天棚f.WALL(CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)g.FLOOR&TRENCH地面及地沟h.DOORS、GLASS、WINDOWS&IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I.STAIRCASE、LANDING&LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j.BUILDINGMATERIALWORDSANDPHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语【BricksandTiles砖和瓦】【Lime,SandandStone灰、砂和石】【Cement,MortarandConcrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【FacingAndPlasteringMaterials饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt(Bitumen)andAsbestos沥青和石棉】【Timber木材】【MetallicMaterials金属材料】【Non-FerrousMetal有色金属】【Anti-CorrosionMaterials防腐蚀材料】【BuildingHardware建筑五金】【Paint油漆】k.OTHERARCHITECTURALTERMS其它建筑术语【Discipline专业】【ConventionalTerms一般通用名词】【ArchitecturalPhysics建筑物理】【NameOfProfessionalrole职务名称】【Drafting制图】a.DESIGNBASIS设计依据计划建议书planningproposals设计任务书designorder标准规范standardsandcodes条件图informationdrawing设计基础资料basicdatafordesign工艺流程图processflowchart工程地质资料engineeringgeologicaldata 原始资料originaldata设计进度scheduleofdesignb.STAGEOFDESIGN设计阶段方案scheme,draft草图sketch会谈纪要summaryofdiscussion谈判negotiation可行性研究feasibilitystudy初步设计preliminarydesign基础设计basicdesign详细设计detaildesign询价图enquirydrawing施工图workingdrawing,constructiondrawing 竣工图asbuiltdrawingc.CLIMATECONDITION气象条件日照sunshine风玫瑰windrose主导风向prevailingwinddirection最大(平均)风速maximum(mean)windvelocity 风荷载windload最大(平均)降雨量maximum(mean)rainfall雷击及闪电thunderandlightning飓风hurricane台风typhoon旋风cyclone降雨强度rainfallintensity年降雨量annualrainfall湿球温度wetbulbtemperature干球温度drybulbtemperature冰冻期frostperiod冰冻线frostline冰冻区frostzone室外计算温度calculatingoutdoortemperature 采暖地区regionwithheatingprovision不采暖地区regionwithoutheatingprovision 绝对大气压absoluteatmosphericpressure相对湿度relativehumidityd.GENERALROOMNAME常用房间名称办公室office服务用房serviceroom换班室shiftroom休息室restroom(breakroom)起居室livingroom浴室bathroom淋浴间shower更衣室lockerroom厕所lavatory门厅lobby诊室clinic工作间workshop电气开关室switchroom走廊corridor档案室archive电梯机房liftmotorroom车库garage清洁间cleaningroom会议室(正式)conferenceroom 会议室meetingroom衣柜间wardrobe暖风间H.V.A.Croom饭店restaurant餐厅canteen,diningroom厨房kitchen入口entrance接待处receptionarea会计室accountantroom秘书室secretaryroom电气室electricalroom控制室controlroom工长室foremanoffice开关柜室switchgear前室antecabinet(Ante.)生产区productionarea马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房utilityroom化验室laboratoryroom经理室managerroom披屋(阁楼)penthouse警卫室guardhousee.ROOFINGANDCEILING屋面及天棚女儿墙parapet雨蓬canopy屋脊roofridge坡度slope坡跨比pitch分水线water-shed二毡三油2layersoffelt&3coatsofbitumastic 附加油毡一层extraplyoffelt檐口eave挑檐overhangingeave檐沟eavegutter平屋面flatroof坡屋面pitchedroof雨水管downspout,rainwaterpipe)(R.W.P) 汇水面积catchmentarea泛水flashing内排水interiordrainage外排水exteriordrainage滴水drip屋面排水roofdrainage找平层levelingcourse卷材屋面built-uproofing天棚ceiling檩条purlin屋面板roofingboard天花板ceilingboard防水层water-proofcourse检查孔inspectionhole人孔manhole吊顶suspendedceiling,falseceiling 檐板(窗帘盒)cornicef.WALL(CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)砖墙brickwall砌块墙blockwall清水砖墙brickwallwithoutplastering 抹灰墙renderedwall石膏板墙gypsumboard,plasterboard 空心砖墙hollowbrickwall承重墙bearingwall非承重墙non-bearingwall纵墙longitudinalwall横墙transversewall外墙external(exterior)wall内墙internal(interior)wall填充墙fillerwall防火墙firewall窗间墙wallbetweenwindow空心墙cavitywall压顶coping圈梁gird,girt,girth玻璃隔断glazedwall防潮层damp-proofcourse(D.P.C)遮阳板sunshade阳台balcony伸缩缝expansionjoint沉降缝settlementjoint抗震缝seismicjoint复合夹心板sandwichboard压型单板corrugatedsinglesteelplate 外墙板claddingpanel复合板compositepanel轻质隔断light-weightpartition牛腿bracket砖烟囱brickchimney勒脚(基座)plinthg.FLOORANDTRENCH地面及地沟地坪grade地面和楼面groundandfloor素土夯实rammedearth炉渣夯实tampedcinder填土filledearth回填土夯实tampedbackfill垫层beddingcourse,blinding面层covering,finish结合层bonding(binding)course找平层levelingcourse素水泥浆结合层neatcementbindingcourse混凝土地面concretefloor水泥地面cementfloor机器磨平混凝土地面machinetrowelledconcretefloor 水磨石地面terrazzoflooring马赛克地面mosaicflooring瓷砖地面ceramictileflooring油地毡地面linoleumflooring预制水磨石地面precastterrazzoflooring硬木花地面hard-woodparquetflooring搁栅joist硬木毛地面hard-woodroughflooring企口板地面tonguedandgroovedflooring防酸地面acid-resistantfloor钢筋混凝土楼板reinforcedconcreteslab(R.CSlab)乙烯基地面vinylflooring水磨石嵌条dividerstripforterrazzo地面做2%坡floorwith2%slope集水沟gully集水口gulley排水沟drainagetrench沟盖板trenchcover活动盖板removablecoverplate集水坑sumppit孔翻边holeupstand电缆沟cabletrenchh.DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS&IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木(钢)门wooden(steel)door镶板门panelleddoor夹板门plywooddoor铝合金门aluminumalloydoor卷帘门rollershutterdoor弹簧门swingdoor推拉门slidingdoor平开门side-hungdoor折叠门foldingdoor旋转门revolvingdoor玻璃门glazeddoor密闭门air-Tightdoor保温门thermalinsulatingdoor镀锌铁丝网门galvanizedsteelwiremeshdoor 防火门firedoor(大门上的)小门wicket门框doorframe门扇doorleaf门洞dooropening结构开洞structuralopening单扇门singledoor双扇门doubledoor疏散门emergencydoor纱门screendoor门槛doorsill门过梁doorlintel上冒头toprail下冒头bottomrail门边木stile门樘侧料sidejumb槽口notch木窗woodenwindow钢窗steelwindow铝合金窗aluminumalloywindow百叶窗(通风为主)sun-bind,louver(louver,shutter,blind) 塑钢窗plasticsteelwindow空腹钢窗hollowsteelwindow固定窗fixedwindow平开窗side-hungwindow推拉窗slidingwindow气窗transom上悬窗top-hungwindow中悬窗center-pivotedwindow下悬窗hopperwindow活动百叶窗adjustablelouver天窗skylight老虎窗dormerwindow密封双层玻璃sealeddoubleglazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforcedconcretelintel 钢筋砖过梁reinforcedbricklintel窗扇casementsash窗台windowsill窗台板windowboard窗中梃mullion窗横木mutin窗边木stile压缝条covermould窗帘盒curtainbox合页(铰链)hinge(butts)转轴pivot长脚铰链parliamenthinge闭门器doorcloser地弹簧floorcloser插销bolt门锁doorlock拉手pull链条chain门钩doorhanger碰球balllatch窗钩windowcatch暗插销insertbolt电动开关器electricopener平板玻璃plateglass夹丝玻璃wireglass透明玻璃clearglass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃)groundglass(frostedglass)防弹玻璃bullet-proofglass石英玻璃quartzglass吸热玻璃heatabsorbingglass磨光玻璃polishedglass着色玻璃pigmentedglass玻璃瓦glasstile玻璃砖glassblock有机玻璃organicglassI.STAIRCASE,LANDING&LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯stair楼梯间staircase疏散梯emergencystair旋转梯spiralstair(circularstair)吊车梯craneladder直爬梯verticalladder踏步step扇形踏步winder(wheelstep)踏步板tread档步板riser踏步宽度treadwidth防滑条non-slipinsert(strips)栏杆railing(balustrade)平台栏杆platformrailing吊装孔栏杆railingaroundmountinghole 扶手handrail梯段高度heightofflight防护梯笼protectingcage(safetycage)平台landing(platform)操作平台operatingplatform装卸平台platformforloading&unloading 楼梯平台stairlanding客梯passengerlift货梯goodslift客/货两用梯goods/passengerlift液压电梯hydrauliclift自动扶梯escalator观光电梯observationelevator电梯机房liftmortarroom电梯坑liftpit电梯井道liftshaftj.BUILDINGMATERIALWORDSANDPHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语BricksandTiles砖和瓦红砖redbrick粘土砖claybrick瓷砖glazedbrick(ceramictile)防火砖firebrick空心砖hollowbrick面砖facingbrick地板砖flooringtile缸砖clinkerybrick马赛克mosaic陶粒混凝土ceramsiteconcrete琉璃瓦glazedtile脊瓦ridgetile石棉瓦asbestostile(shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦corrugatedasbestoscementsheetLime,SandandStone灰、砂和石石膏gypsum大理石marble汉白玉whitemarble花岗岩granite碎石crushedstone毛石rubble蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩pearlite水磨石terrazzo卵石cobble砾石gravel粗砂coursesand中砂mediumsand细砂finesandCement,MortarandConcrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥)Portlandcement硅酸盐水泥silicatecement火山灰水泥pozzolanacement白水泥whitecement水泥砂浆cementmortar石灰砂浆limemortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆)cement-limemortar保温砂浆thermalmortar防水砂浆water-proofmortar耐酸砂浆acid-resistantmortar耐碱砂浆alkaline-resistantmortar沥青砂浆bituminousmortar纸筋灰paperstripmixedlimemortar麻刀灰hempcutlimemortar灰缝mortarjoint素混凝土plainconcrete钢筋混凝土reinforcedconcrete轻质混凝土lightweightconcrete细石混凝土fineaggregateconcrete沥青混凝土asphaltconcrete泡沫混凝土foamedconcrete炉渣混凝土cinderconcrete FacingAndPlasteringMaterials饰面及粉刷材料水刷石graniticplaster斩假石artificialstone刷浆limewash可赛银casein大白浆whitewash麻刀灰打底hempcutsandlimeasbase喷大白浆两道sprayedtwicewithwhitewash分格抹水泥砂浆cementmortarplastersectioned板条抹灰lathandplasterAsphalt(Bitumen)andAsbestos沥青和石棉沥青卷材asphaltfelt沥青填料asphaltfiller沥青胶泥asphaltgrout冷底子油adhesivebitumenprimer沥青玛啼脂asphalticmastic沥青麻丝bitumasticoakum石棉板asbestossheet石棉纤维asbestosfiberTimber木材裂缝crack透裂split环裂shake干缩shrinkage翘曲warping原木log圆木roundtimber方木squaretimber板材plank木条batten板条lath红松redpine白松whitepine落叶松deciduouspine云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨whitepoplar桦木birch冷杉fir栎木oak榴木willow榆木elm杉木cedar柚木teak樟木camphorwood防腐处理的木材preservative-treatedlumber 胶合板plywood三(五)合板3(5)-plywood企口板tonguedandgroovedboard层夹板laminatedplank胶合层夹木材glue-laminatedlumber纤维板fiber-boardMetallicMaterials金属材料黑色金属ferrousmetal圆钢steelbBar方钢squaresteel扁钢steelstrap,flatsteel型钢steelsection(shape)槽钢channel角钢anglesteel等边角钢equal-legangle不等边角钢unequal-legangle工字钢I-beam宽翼缘工字钢wideflangeI-beam丁(之)字钢T-bar(Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢lightgaugecold-formedsteelshape 热轧hot-rolled冷轧cold-rolled冷拉cold-drawn冷压cold-pressed合金钢alloysteel钛合金titaniumalloy不锈钢stainlesssteel竹节钢筋corrugatedsteelbar变形钢筋deformedbar光圆钢筋plainroundbar钢板steelplate薄钢板thinsteelplate低碳钢lowcarbonsteel冷弯coldbending钢管steelpipe(tube)无缝钢管seamlesssteelpipe焊接钢管weldedsteelpipe黑铁管ironpipe镀锌钢管galvanizedsteelpipe铸铁castiron生铁pigiron熟铁wroughtiron镀锌铁皮galvanizedsteelsheet镀锌铁丝galvanizedsteelwire钢丝网steelwiremesh多孔金属网expandedmetal锰钢managanesesteel高强度合金钢highstrengthalloysteel Non-FerrousMetal有色金属金gold白金platinum铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze银silver铝aluminum铅leadAnti-CorrosionMaterials防腐蚀材料聚乙烯polythene,polyethylene尼龙nylon聚氯乙烯PVC(polyvinylchloride) 聚碳酸酯polycarbonate聚苯乙烯polystyrene丙烯酸树酯acrylicresin乙烯基酯vinylester橡胶内衬rubberlining氯丁橡胶neoprene沥青漆bitumenpaint环氧树脂漆epoxyresinpaint氧化锌底漆zincoxideprimer防锈漆anti-rustpaint耐酸漆acid-resistantpaint耐碱漆alkali-resistantpaint水玻璃sodiumsilicate树脂砂浆resin-bondedmortar环氧树脂epoxyresin BuildingHardware建筑五金钉子nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threadedroofingnail环纹石膏板钉annular-ringgypsumboardnail 螺丝screws平头螺丝flat-headscrew螺栓bolt普通螺栓commercialbolt高强螺栓highstrengthbolt预埋螺栓insertbolt胀锚螺栓cinchbolt垫片washerPaint油漆底漆primer防锈底漆rust-inhibitiveprimer防腐漆anti-corrosionpaint调和漆mixedpaint无光漆flatpaint透明漆varnish银粉漆aluminumpaint磁漆enamelpaint干性油dryingoil稀释剂thinner焦油tar沥青漆asphaltpaint桐油tungoil,Chinesewoodoil红丹redlead铅油leadoil腻子puttyk.OTHERARCHITECTURALTERMS其它建筑术语Discipline专业建筑architecture土木civil给排水watersupplyanddrainage总图plotplan采暖通风H.V.A.C(heating、ventilationandairconditioning) 电力供应electricpowersupply电气照明electriclighting电讯telecommunication仪表instrument热力供应heatpowersupply动力mechanicalpower工艺processtechnology管道piping ConventionalTerms一般通用名词建筑原理architectonics建筑形式architecturalstyle民用建筑civilarchitecture城市建筑urbanarchitecture农村建筑ruralarchitecture农业建筑farmbuilding工业建筑industrialbuilding重工业的heavyindustrial轻工业的lightindustrial古代建筑ancientarchitecture现代建筑modernarchitecture标准化建筑standardizedbuildings 附属建筑auxiliarybuildings城市规划cityplanning厂区内withinsite厂区外offsite封闭式closedtype开敞式opentype半开敞式semi-opentype模数制modularsystem单位造价unitcost概算preliminaryestimate承包商constructor,contractor 现场site扩建extension改建reconstruction防火fire-prevention防震aseismatic,quake-proof 防腐anti-corrosion防潮dump-proof防水water-proof防尘dust-proof防锈rust-proof车流量trafficvolume货流量freighttrafficvolume 人流量pedestrianvolume透视图perspectivedrawing 建筑模型buildingmodelArchitecturalPhysics建筑物理照明illumination照度degreeofillumination 亮度brightness日照sunshine天然采光naturallighting光强lightintensity侧光sidelight顶光toplight眩光glaze方位角azimuth辐射radiation对流convection传导conduction遮阳sun-shade保温thermalinsulation恒温constanttemperature 恒湿constanthumidity噪音noise隔音sound-proof吸音soundabsorption露点dewpoint隔汽vapor-proofNameOfProfessionalrole职务名称项目经理projectmanager(PM)设计经理designmanager首席建筑师principalarchitect总工程师chiefengineer土木工程师civilengineer工艺工程师processengineer电气工程师electricalengineer机械工程师mechanicalengineer计划工程师planningengineer助理工程师assistantengineer实习生probationer专家specialist,expert制图员draftsman技术员technicianDrafting制图总说明generalspecification工程说明projectspecification采用标准规范目录listofstandardsandspecificationadopted 图纸目录listofdrawings平面图plan局部放大图detailwithenlargedscale ...平面示意图schematicplanof... ...平剖面图sectionalplanof...留孔平面图planofprovisionofholes剖面section纵剖面longitudinalsection横剖面cross(transverse)section立面elevation正立面frontelevation透视图perspectivedrawing侧立面sideelevation背立面backelevation详图detaildrawings典型节点typicaldetail节点号detailNo.首页frontpage图纸目录及说明listofcontentsanddescription 图例legend示意图diagram草图sketch荷载简图loaddiagram流程示意图flowdiagram标准图standarddrawing...布置图layoutof...地形图topographicalmap土方工程图earth-workdrawing展开图developeddrawing模板图formworkdrawing配筋arrangementofreinforcement表格tables工程进度表workingschedule技术经济指标technicalandeconomicalindex 建、构筑物一览表listofbuildingsandstructures 编号coding序列号serialNo.行和栏rowsandcolumns备注remarks等级grade直线straightLine曲线curves曲折线zigzagline虚线dottedline实线solidline影线hatchingline点划线dotanddashline 轴线axis等高线contourLine中心线centerLine双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola切线tangentLine尺寸线dimensionLine园形round环形annular方形square矩形rectangle平行四边形parallelogram 三角形triangle五角形pentagon六角形hexagon八角形octagon梯形trapezoid圆圈circle弓形sagment扇形sector球形的spherical抛物面paraboloid圆锥形cone椭圆形ellipse,oblong面积area体积volume容量capacity重量weight质量mass力force米meter厘米centimeter毫米millimeter公顷hectate牛顿/平方米Newton/squaremeter 千克/立方米kilogram/cubicmeter 英尺foot英寸inch磅pound吨ton加仑gallon千磅kip平均尺寸averagedimension变尺寸variabledimension外形尺寸overalldimension展开尺寸developeddimension 内径insidediameter外径outsidediameter净重netweight毛重grossweight数量quantity百分比percentage净空clearance净高headroom净距cleardistance净跨clearspan截面尺寸sectionaldimension 开间bay进深depth单跨singlespan双跨doublespan多跨multi-span标高elevation,level绝对标高absoluteelevation设计标高designedelevation室外地面标高groundelevation室内地面标高floorelevation柱网columngrid坐标coordinate厂区占地sitearea使用面积usablearea辅助面积servicearea通道面积passagearea管架piperack管廊pipelinegallery架空管线overheadpipeline排水沟drainditch集水坑sumppit喷泉fountain地漏floordrain消火栓firehydrant灭火器fireextinguisher二氧化碳灭火器carbondioxideextinguisher 卤代烷灭火器halonextinguisher。
常用水泥专业英语词汇表Aabbreviate v.缩写,简略abrasive n.磨料a.磨料的;研磨的accelerate 加快…的速度,变快,使加速additional raw material 辅助原料aeration n.冲气;通风;分散aeration pad 冲气板aggregate 聚集,骨料,凝结agitation n.搅拌,搅动air seal 密封装置air-swept ball mill 风扫式球磨机Alite n.阿利特,A矿alkali n.碱,碱性alumina n.氧化铝;矾土aluminate 铝酸盐alumina ratio 铝率,铝氧率aluminium n.铝alumino-ferrite 铁铝酸盐ancillary a. 辅助的n.辅助设备anhydrite n. 硬石膏,无水石膏AR(alumina ratio) 铝率,铝氧率alagonite n.文石,霰石argillaceous a.粘土质的arrangement n.排列,布置,装置布置;协议as dug 天然的ash 灰,灰分ash incorporation 煤灰掺入ash ring 煤灰圈autogenous grinding 无介质粉磨auxiliary a.附属的,辅助的autoclave 蒸压釜,热压器auxiliary burner 辅助燃烧器axial a.轴的,轴向的Bbalance n.平衡,平衡表,差额,天平ball mill 球磨机barite(s) n.重晶石barium 钡basic brick 碱性(耐火)砖basis n.基准[础、数],基本原理,主要成分batch n.批量,批料;a.分批的,间歇的bauxite n.铝土矿,(铁)矾土Belite 贝里特,B矿belt coveyor 带式输送机beneficiate 富有,富集,富集操作beneficiation n.富有,选矿binder 粘结剂,粘合剂blast furnace slag 高炉矿渣blasting 爆破(炸),鼓风bleed v.&n.泌析,排放,放风blending 混合,掺合blending stockpile (预)均化堆场brittleness n.脆性(度)bucket elevator 斗式提升机buffer 缓冲bulk 体积,主体,整体,笨重,块状,凝结bulk density 松(堆)密度,容积密度bulk tanker 散装车(罐)burn v. n.燃烧,煅烧,烧成burnability n.易烧性burning zone 烧成带,燃烧带byproduct n.副产品Ccalcareous a.钙质的,石灰质的calcine v.& n. 煅烧calcining zone 煅烧带,(碳酸盐)分解带calcite n.方解石calcium 钙calcium carbonate 碳酸钙calcium fluoride 氟化钙calcium silicate 硅酸钙calcium sulfate 硫酸钙,石膏calcium oxide 氧化钙calibration n.校准,标定,分度,刻度calories 卡(热量单位)calorific 热量的,含热量的carbon dioxide 二氧化碳cascade n. a. v.串级,串联(的),梯流,成瀑布落下caution 小心cement n.水泥v.加水泥于,胶结cementatious 有粘结性的,胶结的chain zone 链条带chalk n.白垩chamber n. (仓)室charcteristio a.特有的,表示特性的n.特征(点、性),性能,特性曲线chemical composition 化学组成china clay 高岭土chloride n.氯化物chlorine n.氯,氯气chrome n.铬chrome magnesite brick 镁铬砖chromium n.铬circuit n.流程,系统,工序,循环,回路classification n.分级classifier 分级机,选粉机classifying liner 分级衬板classifying lining 分级衬板clay n.粘土clinker n.熟料,炉渣,熔渣v. 烧成(结)clinker burning 熟料煅烧,熟料烧成clinker coating 窑皮clinker coating 熟料圈clinkering zone 烧成带closed-circuit 闭路(系统、流程),圈流(系统)closed loop control 闭环控制coal n.煤coal ash 煤灰coating of fluxed linker 窑皮co-current flow 同流coherent 粘结性的,粘聚性的coke n.焦碳colliery n.煤矿combinability n.可(易)化合性combustible a.可(易)燃性n.燃烧,(pl)易燃品,可燃物comparable 可以比较的compartment n.仓、室、间格compatible 协调的,一致的,相符合的,相配套的comply 遵守,遵循component n.组分,成分,组成物,组成部件,元(构、零)件composition 构造,组成,作品compressive strength 抗压强度compulsory 强迫的,强制的,必要的concrete n.混凝土v.配制混凝土、浇灌混凝土 a.混凝土的condensation n.冷凝configuration n.外形,结构,排列,配制conserve v.保存,节省consisteney n.稠度,稳定,一致性,连续性constituent 组成物,构成要素constitute 组成,构成construction 建造,建筑consumption n.消耗(量)contaminate v.污染control v. n.控制convey v.运输cooler n.冷却机cooler zone 冷却带copper n.铜coral reef 珊瑚礁corrective ingredient 校正部分corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀,受损counter-current flow 逆流cretaceous a.白垩纪(系)的,白垩的criterion (pl. criteria) n.判据,标准,规范、准则、准数、指标crush v.破碎crystal a.晶体的,结晶的n.结晶,晶体culminating a.终极的,最后的,达到绝顶的current cost 市价cushion n.缓冲垫v.缓冲cyclone 旋风(流),旋风筒,旋风收尘器Ddecade 十年decarbonation n.(碳酸盐)分解decarbonation zone (碳酸盐)分解带decomposition n.分解deflocculating agent 反絮凝剂densification n.密(实)化,稠化,密(封)dentical 相等的,等同的deposite v. n. 沉积,矿床,矿层detrimental 有害的device n.设备devise n.设计,发明,创造,发生diaphragm n.隔板(膜),隔仓板diatomaceous earth 硅藻土dicalcium silicate 硅酸二钙dilate 稀释的,冲淡的discharge v. n.卸料discrete a.不连续的,离散的,分立的disintegrator n.粉碎机dispatch v. n.装运,发送(运)dissolve v.溶解distinguish 区分,辨别distribution n.分布,分发dolomite n.白云石dolomite brick 白云石耐火砖dry process 干法dry process kiln 干法窑drying 干燥,烘干drying zone 干燥带duct n.管道,通道durability n.耐久(性)dust collector 收尘器dwindle v.减少(小),衰落,退化dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡Eeffect n.效应(力),影响,(有效)作用,效果,实行(施)v.引起,实现effective a.有效的,生效的,实际的effectiveness n.效率(能、应、果、力),有效性,能行性efficiency n.效率(能、应、果、力),有效系数,实效经济性electrostatic precipitator ( 静)电收尘器elevator n.提升机emission n.散发,放出,发(辐)射,散发物energy consumption 能源消耗entail 引起,导致,造成equalibium n.平衡equipment n.设备,工具error n.误差estuarine a.河口的,港湾的evaporation n.蒸发evolution 开展,发展,进化excessive 多的,过多的,过分的,极端的exhaust gas 排出的气体,废气exhibit v.n. 陈列(品),呈现,显示,展览(品、会)exothermic a.放热的expansion n.膨胀,扩大exploitation n.开发(拓采),利(使)用,运转(行),维护explosion n.爆破(炸),激增extender n.补气料,混合材料,扩充器extraction n.引(排)出,萃取,精选,摘要extruder n.挤压(成型)机Ffalse set 假凝false setting 假凝fan n.通风机,风扇feed v. n.供料,加料,喂料,喂入的料feeder n.喂料机feedstock n.原料feldspar n.长石ferrite n.铁酸盐ferrite phase 铁(酸盐)相ferrite phase solid solution 铁(酸盐)相固溶体filter n.过滤机filter cake滤饼fineness 细度finished product 成品flash furnace 快速分解炉,闪燃分解炉flint n.燧石,火石a.燧石(制)的flotation= floatation n.浮选(法)flow v.n.流动,流量flow chart 流程图flue dust 窑灰,飞灰fluidis(z)ation n.流态化fluidis(z)e v.使流态化fluidis(z)ed bed 流化床,沸腾床fluid-bed furnace 流化床(反应)炉,沸腾炉fluorine n.氟fluoride n.氟化物fluosilicate n氟硅酸盐fluospar n.萤石,氟化钙flux 流,流动,通量,流量,涡量,焊剂,(助)熔剂fluxing 助熔的fluxing agent 助熔剂free lime 游离石灰,游离氧化钙froth 起沫,发泡,沸腾,翻浆fuel n.燃料fuse 熔化,熔融fusion n.熔化(解、融),聚变Ggeneric name 属名geologic(al) a.地质(学上)的geological survey a.地质调查(勘测)glauconite n.海绿石gradient n.斜(坡)度,变化率gram 克grate 炉格,摩擦gravity air separator 重力空气分离器(粗粉分离器)grind v.粉磨grindability n.易磨性grinding media 研磨介质,研磨体grit n.硬渣,粗砂grit return 粗粒返回grinding stage 研磨阶段ground 研磨,粉磨,粉碎gypsum n.石膏gyratory crusher 旋回(圆锥)破碎机Hhammer n.锤hammer crusher 锤式破碎机hammer mill 锤碎机hard and fast 严格的,一成不变的,不许变动的hardening 硬化(作用)hardness n.硬度hazard n.危险heat treatment 热处理,热加工heat transfer 热传递,传热hemihydrate n.半水化合物high alumina brick 高铝砖high-limed 高(氧化)钙的homogeneous a.均匀的hood n.罩,通风罩hopper n.漏斗,给料斗hot exit gas 热废气household refuse 家庭垃圾(废渣)humidity n.湿度hydration n.水化(作用),水合,加水反应hydration product 水化产物,水化生成物hydraulic 液压的,水力的,水硬性的hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥,水硬性胶凝材料hydraulic reactivity 水硬活性hydrocyclone 水力旋流器hygroscopic a.吸湿的,吸水的Iignition 点燃,点火,着火,发火illite n.伊利石illitic a.伊利石的impact 冲击,影响impracticable 不能实现的,不能使用的impurity n.杂质incorporation n.结合,掺入,公司,团体indenter n.(硬度试验)压头indicating and recording instrument指示和记录仪表ingredient n.配料,(混合料的)成分,组成部分initially 开始的,起初injection n.引入,注入,进入inleak v.漏入inleakage a.漏入insoluble 不可溶解的installation n.装置,设备,安装instrument n.仪器,工具,装置,手段v.用仪器装备instrumental a.仪器的instrumentation 测量设备,检测仪表instrument analysis 仪器分析insufflate v.吹入interdispersion n.相互分(扩)散interference n.干扰,干涉intergrind 共同粉磨,互磨,混磨intermittent a.间歇的intermix v.混合,掺合,搅拌ion 离子iron ore 铁矿,铁矿石iron oxide 氧化铁iron pyrites 黄铁矿isomorphous substitution (类质)同晶取代Kkaolinite n.高岭石kaolinitic a.高岭石的kiln n.窑v.窑烧kiln department 窑房,烧成车间kiln feed 入窑生料kiln food 窑罩kiln process 煅烧过程Llaterite 红土,红泥lat strength 后期强度layout n.布置legislation n.立法,法规(律)lepol 立波尔(窑)level n.含量,水平,等级a.水平的,等位的v.整平,找平LHC(Low-Heat Cement) 低热水泥lime n.石灰,氧化钙lime kiln 石灰窑lime saturation factor 石灰饱和因数lime silicate 硅酸钙limestone n.石灰石(岩)liquid phase 液相liter weight 立升重load cell 测力传感器long dry process kiln 干法长窑longitudinal section 纵(向)断面long wet process kiln 湿法长窑loss in(of) weight 失重louver vanes 百叶导向器low-frequancy a.低频率的LSF(lime saturation factor) 石灰饱和因数Mmag-chrome brick 镁铬砖magnesia n.氧化镁,镁土,菱镁矿magnesite 碳酸镁,菱镁矿magnesite brick 镁砖magnesium n.镁magnesium carbonate 碳酸镁magnesium oxide 氧化镁maintenance n.保养,维修(护)manganese n.锰manufacture n.v.制造marl n.泥灰岩,灰岩MC(Masonry Cement) 石造水泥mesh 目,筛,网眼mica n.云母microstructure n.显微结构(组织、构造)mimic a.模拟的n.仿造物v.模拟minestoneminerlis(z)e v.矿化,成矿mineralis(z)er v.矿化剂mineralogical composition 矿物组成minor component 微量(次要)组分mixture 混合,混合物mobile crnsher 移动式破碎机modification n.变体,改性,修正,限制modulus (pl. moduli) n.率值moist basis 湿基moisture content 湿含量,含水量monitor n.监视(测)器,控制测量仪表v. 监视(测),控制monolithic 块体的,整体浇注的montmorillonoid n.蒙脱石mortar n.水泥砂浆,砂浆,灰浆,研钵multifarious 各种各样的,多方面的multistage n.多级(段)Nnational standard 国家标准natural gas 天然气nodule n.料球,结节,小结nominal a.额定的,标称的nonhygroscopic a.不吸水(潮)的non-stuctual a.不用于结构上的,不作结构材料的norm n.规范,典型,标准nozzle n.喷嘴ntermediate 中间的numerator n.(分数的)分子Oobsolescence n.逐渐过时,陈旧,报废obtainable 可以获得的,可以得到的octant n.八分圆(体、区),圆周的八分之一offset n.v.弥补,抵消oil-shale n.油页岩on-stream 在运转中,操作中OPC(Ordinary Portland Cement)普通波特兰水泥open circuit 开路,开流opening 筛孔,孔洞,开口ore n.矿organic a.有机(体)的orific n.(小)孔output n.产量,流量,输出,输出功率,效率overburning 过烧overflow v.n.溢流(出)oversized residue 筛余oxide composition 氧化物组成,(化学组成)oyster 牡蛎Ppacking 包装,装填,堆砌parameter n.参数partial 部分的particle size 粒径,粒度PBFSC(Portland Blast Furnace Slag Cement)波特兰高炉矿渣水泥performance n.性能,特性,施行,执行performance tests 性能测试permeability 渗透性,透气性,渗蚀度periclase n.方镁石phase 状态,阶段,相,相位phosphate n.磷酸盐phosphorus n.磷phosphorus oxide 五氧化二磷place v.浇灌(混凝土),放(配、设)置,安排planetary cooler 多筒冷却机plasma n.等离子plaster n.熟石膏,灰浆pkasticity n.可塑性pneumatic a.空气(气体)的,充气的,气(风)动的pneumatic conveyer 空气(风动、气力)输送装置polymorph 多型,多晶型porosity n.空(孔)隙的,多孔性port n.机口,门potassium oxide 氧化钾potential a.潜在的,可能的,势(差),位(差)的n. 潜力,势(能),位(能)Portland cement 波特兰水泥,硅酸盐水泥pozzolan n.火山灰pozzolanic activity 火山灰活性PPC(Portland Pozzolana Cement) 火山灰水泥practice n.实践,做法pre-calciner 预分解炉,窑外分解炉precipitate 促成,造成,沉淀precipitator n.沉淀器,收(除)尘器preheater n.预热器preheating 预热preheating zone 预热带preparation a.制备pressure 压力pressure drop 压降primary (combustion) air 一次空气,一次风proceedings 记录,会报,会刊,学报proportion v.使成比例,(按比例定量)配合n.比例,部分(pl.)大小prospect n.展望,预期pulp 柔软的材料,木浆,纸浆pulveris(z)e v.粉磨,粉化,雾化pulveris(z)ed coal 煤粉pump n.泵v.泵送pumping 泵送pyrite n.黄铁矿pyroprocessing n.高温处理过程,热过程Qquadrant n.四分之一圆(圆周),象限quantitative 与量有关的,定量的quarry n.采石场,石矿,方(菱)形砖v.(露天)开采,采掘quartz n.石英quartzite n.石英岩(砂),硅岩quaternary system 四元(体)系,四元系统quench 熄灭,结束,淬火,冷浸Rradiation n.辐射rake n.倾斜(度),倾角,(矿)斜脉raw feed 喂入的生料raw material 原料raw meal 生料reagglomeration n.(再)结块,成团reactivity 活性,活动性,反应能力recirculate v.再循环,回流recirculation n.再循环,回流reclaim v.回收,再生,(从贮存料)取出(物料)recover v.回收,再置reducing condition 还原状态(条件)refactory 耐火的,耐熔的,耐火材料refactory brick 耐火砖regime n.制度,状态regulate v.调节reject v.剔除,否决n.等外品,不合格品,废矿,尾矿removal n.除去,逸出,卸出,移动(开)reserve n.储量v.储备residence time 停留时间residue 剩余(物),残余retardation 减速,延缓retention n.保留,停留,保持RHC(Rapid-Hardening Cement) 快硬水泥rip v.挖,剥,撕,割rod mill 棒磨roller mill 辊式磨,立式磨rotary kiln 回转窑,旋窑Ssample n.样品,试样v.取(抽)样,试验…的样品性能sampling point .取(抽)样点sand shale 砂页岩satellite n.卫星scheme n.设计,配置,系统,图表,(示意、流程、平面)图scrape v.n. 挖,剥,削,刮screen n.筛screw n.螺旋secondary (combustion ) air 二次空气,二次风section n.截面,剖面图,部分,段self-propelled a.自行(走)的,自动推进的semi-automated a.半自动化的semi-dry process kiln 半干法窑semi-wet process kiln 半湿法窑sensor 传感器separator n.分离器,选粉机sequence n.顺序,程序set regulator 调凝剂set v.放置,定位,凝结(固)n.(一)套(组、部、副…),装置,机组,方位,凝结(固)a. 凝结(固)的,装好的set retarder 缓凝剂setting time 凝结时间settlement n.解决,固定沉淀(物),沉降sewage n.污水(物)shale n.页岩short kilns with grate heat exchangers带篦式换热器的短窑short dry process kiln with suspension preheaters 带悬浮预热器的干法短窑sieve 筛sieve bend 弧形筛silica n.二氧化硅,硅石silica ratio 硅率,硅酸率silicate n.硅酸盐siliceous a含硅的,硅质的siliceous limestone 硅质(石)灰岩silico-fluoride 氟硅酸盐,氟硅化物silo n.圆筒仓,库silicon n.硅size reduction 粉碎silice v.n.切(成薄片),铲sinter 烧结,烧成slag 矿渣,炉渣sludge n.淤渣,油泥sluggish 粘滞的,流动性低的slurry n.料浆,稀浆sodium oxide 氧化钠sophiscated a.复杂的,高级的,需要专门操作技术的sound a.正常的,完好的,安定的sound cement 安定(性合格)的水泥soundness 稳定性,固定性SP(suspension preheater ) 悬浮预热器span n.跨度specification 说明,技术规范specific gravity (weight) 比重spot sample 局部试样spout v.喷n.喷口(嘴),喷出,喷流SR(silica ratio) 硅率,硅酸率SRC(Sulphate Resisting Cement)抗硫酸盐水泥stark v.n.堆,叠standard n.标准standard deviation 标准偏差stationary 固定的,静止的steam raising 蒸发,产生蒸汽stem (from, out of) v.发生于,起源于sticky a.粘性的stipulate v.规定,约定stockpile n.v.储存(备),堆放,积累,料堆,资源蕴藏量stoppage 停止,停机storage n.储存(藏),仓库store n.v.贮藏,储备strength n.强度strength development 强度增进(过程)subsample n.子样品v.再(二次)取(抽)样substantially 实际上,根本性的,显著的,基本上substitute v.代替,取代n.代用品a.代用的sufficient 足够的,充分的supplementary fuel 辅助燃料susceptibility n.敏感度(性),灵敏性suspension 悬浮,悬吊;悬挂装置;悬浮(液)体suspension preheater 悬浮预热器swelling clay 膨润土swirl calciner 涡流分解炉system n.系统,装置Ttandem a.ad.串联的n.串联target n.目标,靶,指标tensile 拉力的,抗张的tensile strength 抗拉强度tetracalcium aluminoferrite 铁铝酸四钙thermal 热的,热学的,热量的thermal decomposition 热分解throughout n.生产量,通过量tonnage n.吨数(位)track n.痕迹,轨道,导板,导向装置tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙tubular mill 管磨tyre n.(窑或磨的)滚圈,轮胎Uultimately 最后,最终,基本,最大限度的underburning 欠烧undesirable 不合要求的,不理想的undesirably 不合要求地,不理想地uniformity n.均匀性,一致性unit n.单位,单元,设备,机组unsound a.不安定的unsoundness n.不安定uptake n.垂直(向上的)管道(孔道),上升烟道,上气道Vvariability n.易(可)变性,变化性,变率variation n.偏差,差异,变异,变种vein n.脉矿,纹理ventilate v.通风,排气,装以通风设备vertical(shaft)kiln 立窑vertical spindle mill 立式磨(辊式磨)vessel n.容器,炉身Vickers micro-indenter 显微维氏硬度计Wwater requirement 需水性,需水量wear v.n.磨损,耐磨wet process 湿法wet process kiln 湿法窑white cement 白水泥workability n.工作度,可加工性,和易性Xx-ray fluorescence analysis X射线荧光分析x-ray analysis X射线分析ZZinc n.锌。
专业英语:建筑专业英语词汇翻译allowable stress design 容许应力计算allowable stresses method 容许应力法allowance 容差alloy 合金alloy steel 合金钢alluvial deposit 冲积物alteration 更迭alteration work 改建工程alternate bay construction 隔仓施工法alternate bending strength 交变弯曲强度alternate depths 共轭深度alternate design 比较设计alternate strength 交变荷重强度alternating bending test 反复弯曲实验alternating load 更迭载荷alternating load test 交替荷载试验alternating loading 更迭载荷alternating stress cycle 交变应力周期alternating stresses 交变应力altitude 高度altitude valve 水位控制阀alumina 氧化铝alumina cement 高铝水泥aluminium 铝aluminium alloy plate 铝合金板aluminium alloys 铝合金aluminium coated fabric 镀铝结构aluminium coated sheet steel 镀铝薄钢板aluminium foil 铝箔aluminium paint 铝涂料aluminium powder 铝粉aluminium trim 铝材装饰aluminized coating 铝涂层aluminizing 镀铝。
建筑工程常用英文1. Aggregate: A particulate material which is made up of sand or crushed stone. Aggregates are used in materials such as concrete and are a fundamental part of building foundations.骨料:由沙子或碎石组成的颗粒状材料。
2. Backfilling: The process of refilling trenches or holes created during excavation, especially around foundations.回填:对开挖过程中产生的沟槽或孔洞进行回填的过程,尤其是在地基周围。
3. Beam: Beams run horizontally along the main walls of a building at ceiling level, supporting the structure.梁:梁沿着建筑物的主墙在天花板水平延伸,以支撑结构。
4. BIM: BIM (building information modeling) is the process of creating a computer model ofa building that includes all of the details of that structure, from its basic layout to the smallest measurements.BIM:BIM(建筑物信息模型)是创建建筑物计算机模型的过程,该模型包括该结构的所有细节,从其基本布局到最小尺寸。
5. BOQ: The bill of quantities is a contract document that contains a list of materials and workmanship involved in a construction project. It is necessary for properly pricing a project.BOQ:工程量清单是一份合同文件,其中包含建设项目涉及的材料和工艺清单。
『翻译』ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURALTABLE OF CONTENTS1. ARCHITECTURE 建筑专业a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING屋面及天棚f. W ALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MA TERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石【Cement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土】【Facing And Plastering Materials饰面及粉刷材料】【Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos沥青和石棉】【Timber 木材】【Metallic Materials 金属材料】【Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属】【Anti-Corrosion Materials防腐蚀材料】【Building Hardware 建筑五金】【Paint 油漆】k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语【Discipline 专业】Conventional Terms 一般通用名词【Architectural Physics 建筑物理】【Name Of Professional role职务名称】【Drafting 制图】2. STRUCTURE 结构专业a. LOAD 荷载b. GROUND BASE AND FOUNDATION 地基及基础c. REINFORCEMENT CONCRETE STRUCTURE 钢筋混凝土结构d. STEEL STRUCTURE 钢结构e. DESIGN FOR ANTISEISMIC抗震设计f. GENERAL WORDS FOR DESIGN设计常用词汇g. GENERAL WORDS FOR CONSTRUCTION 施工常用词汇a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书planning proposals设计任务书design order标准规范standards and codes条件图information drawing设计基础资料basic data for design工艺流程图process flowchart工程地质资料engineering geological data原始资料original data设计进度schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案scheme, draft草图sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判negotiation可行性研究feasibility study初步设计preliminary design基础设计basic design详细设计detail design询价图enquiry drawing施工图working drawing,construction drawing竣工图as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION气象条件日照sunshine风玫瑰wind rose主导风向prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速maximum (mean) wind velocity风荷载wind load最大(平均)降雨量maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电thunder and lightning 飓风hurricane台风typhoon旋风cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量annual rainfall湿球温度wet bulb temperature干球温度dry bulb temperature冰冻期frost period冰冻线frost line冰冻区frost zone 室外计算温度calculating outdoor temperature采暖地区region with heating provision不采暖地区region without heating provision绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME常用房间名称办公室office服务用房service room换班室shift room休息室rest room (break room)起居室living room浴室bathroom淋浴间shower更衣室locker room厕所lavatory门厅lobby诊室clinic工作间workshop电气开关室switchroom走廊corridor档案室archive电梯机房lift motor room车库garage清洁间cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室meeting room衣柜间ward robe暖风间H.V.A.C room饭店restaurant餐厅canteen, dining room厨房kitchen入口entrance接待处reception area会计室accountant room秘书室secretary room电气室electrical room控制室control room工长室foreman office开关柜室switch gear前室antecabinet (Ante.)生产区production area马达控制中心Mcc多功能用房utility room化验室laboratory room经理室manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING屋面及天棚女儿墙parapet雨蓬canopy屋脊roof ridge坡度slope坡跨比pitch分水线water-shed二毡三油2 layers of felt &3 coats of bitumastic附加油毡一层extra ply of felt檐口eave挑檐overhanging eave檐沟eave gutter平屋面flat roof坡屋面pitched roof雨水管downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积catchment area泛水flashing内排水interior drainage外排水exterior drainage滴水drip屋面排水roof drainage找平层leveling course卷材屋面built-up roofing天棚ceiling檩条purlin屋面板roofing board天花板ceiling board防水层water-proof course检查孔inspection hole人孔manhole吊顶suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. W ALL (CLADDING)墙体(外墙板)砖墙brick wall砌块墙block wall清水砖墙brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙rendered wall石膏板墙gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙hollow brick wall承重墙bearing wall非承重墙non-bearing wall纵墙longitudinal wall横墙transverse wall外墙external (exterior) wall内墙internal (interior) wall填充墙filler wall防火墙fire wall窗间墙wall between window空心墙cavity wall压顶coping圈梁gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断glazed wall防潮层damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板sunshade阳台balcony伸缩缝expansion joint沉降缝settlement joint抗震缝seismic joint复合夹心板sandwich board压型单板corrugated single steel plate 外墙板cladding panel复合板composite panel轻质隔断light-weight partition牛腿bracket砖烟囱brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH地面及地沟地坪grade地面和楼面ground and floor素土夯实rammed earth炉渣夯实tamped cinder填土filled earth回填土夯实tamped backfill垫层bedding course, blinding面层covering, finish结合层bonding (binding) course找平层leveling course素水泥浆结合层neat cement binding course混凝土地面concrete floor水泥地面cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面machine trowelled concrete floor水磨石地面terrazzo flooring马赛克地面mosaic flooring瓷砖地面ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅joist硬木毛地面hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡floor with 2% slope集水沟gully集水口gulley排水沟drainage trench沟盖板trench cover活动盖板removable cover plate集水坑sump pit孔翻边hole up stand电缆沟cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDW ARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木(钢)门wooden (steel) door 镶板门panelled door夹板门plywood door铝合金门aluminum alloy door卷帘门roller shutter door弹簧门swing door推拉门sliding door平开门side-hung door折叠门folding door旋转门revolving door玻璃门glazed door密闭门air-Tight door保温门thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门fire door(大门上的)小门wicket门框door frame门扇door leaf门洞door opening结构开洞structural opening单扇门single door双扇门double door疏散门emergency door纱门screen door门槛door sill门过梁door lintel上冒头top rail下冒头bottom rail门边木stile门樘侧料side jumb槽口notch木窗wooden window钢窗steel window铝合金窗aluminum alloy window百叶窗(通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗plastic steel window空腹钢窗hollow steel window固定窗fixed window平开窗side-hung window推拉窗sliding window气窗transom上悬窗top-hung window中悬窗center-pivoted window下悬窗hopper window活动百叶窗adjustable louver天窗skylight老虎窗dormer window密封双层玻璃sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁reinforced brick lintel窗扇casement sash窗台window sill窗台板window board窗中梃mullion窗横木mutin窗边木stile压缝条cover mould窗帘盒curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴pivot长脚铰链parliament hinge闭门器door closer地弹簧floor closer插销bolt门锁door lock拉手pull链条chain门钩door hanger碰球ball latch窗钩window catch暗插销insert bolt电动开关器electric opener平板玻璃plate glass夹丝玻璃wire glass透明玻璃clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃bullet-proof glass石英玻璃quartz glass吸热玻璃heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃polished glass着色玻璃pigmented glass玻璃瓦glass tile玻璃砖glass block有机玻璃organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯stair楼梯间staircase疏散梯emergency stair旋转梯spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯crane ladder直爬梯vertical ladder踏步step扇形踏步winder (wheel step)踏步板tread档步板riser踏步宽度tread width防滑条non-slip insert (strips)栏杆railing (balustrade)平台栏杆platform railing吊装孔栏杆railing around mounting hole扶手handrail梯段高度height of flight防护梯笼protecting cage (safety cage)平台landing (platform)操作平台operating platform装卸平台platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台stair landing客梯passenger lift货梯goods lift客/货两用梯goods/passenger lift液压电梯hydraulic lift自动扶梯escalator观光电梯observation elevator电梯机房lift mortar room电梯坑lift pit电梯井道lift shaftj. BUILDING MA TERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES建筑材料词汇及短语• Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖red brick粘土砖clay brick瓷砖glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖fire brick空心砖hollow brick面砖facing brick地板砖flooring tile缸砖clinkery brick马赛克mosaic陶粒混凝土ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦glazed tile脊瓦ridge tile石棉瓦asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦corrugated asbestos cement sheet• Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏gypsum大理石marble汉白玉white marble花岗岩granite碎石crushed stone毛石rubble蛭石vermiculite珍珠岩pearlite水磨石terrazzo卵石cobble砾石gravel粗砂course sand中砂medium sand细砂fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥)Portland cement硅酸盐水泥silicate cement火山灰水泥pozzolana cement白水泥white cement水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆thermal mortar防水砂浆water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆bituminous mortar纸筋灰paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰hemp cut lime mortar灰缝mortar joint素混凝土plain concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete轻质混凝土lightweight concrete细石混凝土fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土foamed concrete炉渣混凝土cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石granitic plaster斩假石artificial stone刷浆lime wash可赛银casein大白浆white wash麻刀灰打底hemp cuts and lime as base 喷大白浆两道sprayed twice with white wash 分格抹水泥砂浆cement mortar plaster sectioned板条抹灰lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材asphalt felt沥青填料asphalt filler沥青胶泥asphalt grout冷底子油adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝bitumastic oakum石棉板asbestos sheet石棉纤维asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝crack透裂split环裂shake干缩shrinkage翘曲warping原木log圆木round timber方木square timber板材plank木条batten板条lath木板board红松red pine白松white pine落叶松deciduous pine云杉spruce柏木cypress白杨white poplar桦木birch冷杉fir栎木oak榴木willow榆木elm杉木cedar柚木teak樟木camphor wood防腐处理的木材preservative-treated lumber 胶合板plywood三(五)合板3(5)-plywood企口板tongued and grooved board层夹板laminated plank胶合层夹木材glue-laminated lumber纤维板fiber-board竹子bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属ferrous metal圆钢steelbBar方钢square steel扁钢steel atrap型钢steel section (shape)槽钢channel角钢angle steel等边角钢equal-leg angle不等边角钢unequal-leg angle工字钢I-beam宽翼缘工字钢wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢light gauge cold-formed steel shape热轧hot-rolled冷轧cold-rolled冷拉cold-drawn冷压cold-pressed合金钢alloy steel钛合金titanium alloy不锈钢stainless steel竹节钢筋corrugated steel bar变形钢筋deformed bar光圆钢筋plain round bar钢板steel plate薄钢板thin steel plate低碳钢low carbon steel冷弯cold bending钢管steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管seamless steel pipe焊接钢管welded steel pipe黑铁管iron pipe镀锌钢管galvanized steel pipe铸铁cast iron生铁pig iron熟铁wrought iron镀锌铁皮galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝galvanized steel wire钢丝网steel wire mesh多孔金属网expanded metal锰钢managanese steel高强度合金钢high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金gold白金platinum铜copper黄铜brass青铜bronze银silver铝aluminum铅leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯polythene, polyethylene尼龙nylon聚氯乙烯PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯polycarbonate聚苯乙烯polystyrene丙烯酸树酯acrylic resin乙烯基酯vinyl ester橡胶内衬rubber lining氯丁橡胶neoprene沥青漆bitumen paint环氧树脂漆epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆zinc oxide primer防锈漆anti-rust paint耐酸漆acid-resistant paint耐碱漆alkali-resistant paint水玻璃sodium silicate树脂砂浆resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉annular-ring gypsum board nail螺丝screws平头螺丝flat-head screw螺栓bolt普通螺栓commercial bolt高强螺栓high strength bolt预埋螺栓insert bolt胀锚螺栓cinch bolt垫片washer• Paint 油漆底漆primer防锈底漆rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆anti-corrosion paint调和漆mixed paint无光漆flat paint透明漆varnish银粉漆aluminum paint磁漆enamel paint干性油drying oil稀释剂thinner焦油tar沥青漆asphalt paint桐油tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹red lead铅油lead oil腻子puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语• Discipline 专业建筑architecture土木civil给排水water supply and drainage总图plot plan采暖通风H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应electric power supply电气照明electric lighting电讯telecommunication仪表instrument热力供应heat power supply动力mechanical power工艺process technology管道piping• Conventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理architectonics建筑形式architectural style民用建筑civil architecture城市建筑urban architecture农村建筑rural architecture农业建筑farm building工业建筑industrial building重工业的heavy industrial轻工业的light industrial古代建筑ancient architecture现代建筑modern architecture标准化建筑standardized buildings附属建筑auxiliary buildings城市规划city planning厂区内within site厂区外offsite封闭式closed type开敞式open type半开敞式semi-open type模数制modular system单位造价unit cost概算preliminary estimate承包商constructor, contractor现场site扩建extension改建reconstruction防火fire-prevention防震aseismatic, quake-proof防腐anti-corrosion防潮dump-proof防水water-proof防尘dust-proof防锈rust-proof车流量traffic volume货流量freight traffic volume人流量pedestrian volume透视图perspective drawing建筑模型building model• Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明illumination照度degree of illumination亮度brightness日照sunshine天然采光natural lighting光强light intensity侧光side light顶光top light眩光glaze方位角azimuth辐射radiation对流convection传导conduction遮阳sun-shade保温thermal insulation恒温constant temperature恒湿constant humidity噪音noise隔音sound-proof吸音sound absorption露点dew point隔汽vapor-proof Name Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理project manager (PM) 设计经理design manager首席建筑师principal architect总工程师chief engineer土木工程师civil engineer工艺工程师process engineer电气工程师electrical engineer机械工程师mechanical engineer计划工程师planning engineer助理工程师assistant engineer实习生probationer专家specialist, expert制图员draftsman技术员technician作者:周式微回复日期:2005-12-15 17:02:00• Drafting 制图总说明general specification工程说明project specification采用标准规范目录list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录list of drawings平面图plan局部放大图detail with enlarged scale...平面示意图schematic plan of......平剖面图sectional plan of...留孔平面图plan of provision of holes剖面section纵剖面longitudinal section横剖面cross (transverse) section立面elevation正立面front elevation透视图perspective drawing侧立面side elevation背立面back elevation详图detail drawings典型节点typical detail节点号detail No.首页front page图纸目录及说明list of contents and description图例legend示意图diagram草图sketch荷载简图load diagram流程示意图flow diagram标准图standard drawing...布置图layout of ...地形图topographical map土方工程图earth-work drawing展开图developed drawing模板图formwork drawing配筋arrangement of reinforcement表格tables工程进度表working schedule技术经济指标technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表list of buildings and structures编号coding序列号serial No.行和栏rows and columns备注remarks等级grade直线straight Line曲线curves曲折线zigzag line虚线dotted line实线solid line影线hatching line点划线dot and dash line轴线axis等高线contour Line中心线center Line双曲线hyperbola抛物线parabola切线tangent Line尺寸线dimension Line园形round环形annular方形square矩形rectangle平行四边形parallelogram三角形triangle五角形pentagon六角形hexagon八角形octagon梯形trapezoid圆圈circle弓形sagment扇形sector球形的spherical抛物面paraboloid圆锥形cone椭圆形ellipse, oblong面积area体积volume容量capacity重量weight质量mass力force米meter厘米centimeter毫米millimeter公顷hectate牛顿/平方米Newton/square meter 千克/立方米kilogram/cubic meter 英尺foot英寸inch磅pound吨ton加仑gallon千磅kip平均尺寸average dimension变尺寸variable dimension外形尺寸overall dimension展开尺寸developed dimension内径inside diameter外径outside diameter净重net weight毛重gross weight数量quantity百分比percentage净空clearance净高headroom净距clear distance净跨clear span截面尺寸sectional dimension开间bay进深depth单跨single span双跨double span多跨multi-span标高elevation, level绝对标高absolute elevation设计标高designed elevation室外地面标高ground elevation 室内地面标高floor elevation柱网column grid坐标coordinate厂区占地site area使用面积usable area辅助面积service area通道面积passage area管架pipe rack管廊pipeline gallery架空管线overhead pipeline排水沟drain ditch集水坑sump pit喷泉fountain地漏floor drain消火栓fire hydrant灭火器fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器carbon dioxide extinguisher卤代烷灭火器halon extinguisher作者:周式微回复日期:2005-12-15 17:03:00不知道有没有人用得着这个,还有好多下次再发好讨厌的30秒和四千字2. STRUCTURE 结构专业a. Load 荷载拔力pulling force标准值standard value残余应力residual stress冲击荷载impact load, punch load残余变形residual deflection承压bearing承载能力bearing capacity承重bearing, load bearing承重结构bearing structure脆性材料brittle material脆性破坏brittle failure抵抗力resisting power, resistance吊车荷载crane load分布荷载distributed load风荷载wind load风速wind velocity, wind speed风压wind pressure风振wind vibration浮力buoyance, floatage符号symbol, mark负弯矩negative moment, hogging moment附加荷载additional load附加应力additional stress副作用side effect, by-effect刚度rigidity刚度比ratio of rigidity刚度系数rigidity factor刚接rigid connection刚性节点rigid joint恒载dead load荷载传递transmission of load固端弯矩fixed-end moment活荷载live load积灰荷载dust load集中荷载concentrated load加载, 加荷loading剪力shear, shearing force剪切破坏shear failure剪应变shear strain剪应力shear stress简支simple support静定结构statically determinate structure 截面模量modulus of section,section modulus静力static force静力分析static analysis局部压力local pressure, partial pressure 局部压屈local bulkling绝对值absolute value均布荷载uniformly distributed load抗拔力pulling resistance抗剪刚度shear rigidity抗剪强度shear strength, shearing strength 抗拉强度tensile strength抗扭torsion resistance抗扭刚度torsional rigidity抗弯bending resistance抗弯刚度bending rigidity抗压强度compressive strength,compression strength可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliability design拉力tensile force拉应力tensile stress, tension stress拉应变tensile strain, tension strain临界点critical point临界荷载critical load临界应力critical stress密度density离心力centrifugal force摩擦力friction force摩擦系数frictional factor挠度deflection内力internal force, inner force扭矩moment of torsion, torsional moment 疲劳强度fatigue strength偏心荷载eccentric load, non-central load 偏心距eccentric distance, eccentricity偏心受拉eccentric tension偏心受压eccentric compression屈服强度yield strength使用荷载working load水平力horizontal force水平推力horizontal thrust弹塑性变形elastoplastic deformation弹性elasticity, resilience, spring塑限plastic limit弹性变形elastic deformation塑性变形plastic deformation弹性模量modulus of elastic,elastic modulus体积volume, bulk, cubature, cubage土压力earth pressure, soil pressure弯矩bending moment, moment弯曲半径radius at bent, radius of curve位移displacement温度应力temperature stress温度作用temperature action系数coefficient, factor雪荷载snow load压应变compression strain压应力compression stress应力集中concentration of stress预应力prestressing force, prestress振动荷载vibrating load, racking load支座反力support reaction自重own weight作用action, effect作用点point of application,application joint b. Ground Base and Foundation地基及基础板桩sheet pile, sheeting pile板桩基础sheet pile foundation饱和粘土saturation clay冰冻线frost line, freezing level不均匀沉降unequal settlement, differential settlement 残积土residual soil沉积物deposit, sediment沉降settlement沉降差difference in settlement沉降缝settlement joint沉井sinking well, sunk well沉箱caisson持力层bearing stratum冲积alluviation锤夯hammer tamping档土墙retaining wall, breast wall底板base slab, base plate, bed plate地板floor board地基ground base, ground地基承载力ground bearing capacity地基处理ground treatment, soil treatment 地基稳定base stabilization地梁ground beam, ground sill地漏floor drain地下工程substructure work,understructure work地下室basement, cellar地下水ground water地下水位groundwater level, water table地下水压力ground water pressure地质报告geologic report垫层bedding, blinding独立基础isolated foundation, individual foundation 端承桩end-bearing pile筏式基础raft foundation粉砂silt, rock flour粉质粘土silty clay粉质土silty soil扶壁式档土墙buttressed retaining wall腐蚀corrosion覆土earth covering刚性基础rigid foundation沟盖板trench cover固结consolidation灌注桩cast-in-place pile, cast in site pile 护坡slope protection, revetment护桩guard pile环墙ring wall灰土lime earth回填backfill, backfilling回填土backfill, backfill soil混凝土找平层concrete screed火山灰水泥trass cement基槽foundation trench基础foundation, base基础底板foundation slab基础埋深embedded depth of foundation基础平面图foundation plan地基勘探site exploration, site investigation 基坑foundation pit集水坑collecting sump阶形基础stepped foundation结合层binding course, bonding course井点well point井点排水well point unwatering开挖excavation, cutting勘测exploration and survey勘测资料exploration data沥青bitumen, asphalt, pitch联合基础combined foundation卵石cobble, pebble埋置embedment毛石基础rubble foundation锚筋anchor bar锚桩anchor pile密实度compactness, density, denseness摩擦桩friction pile, floating pile粘土clay粘质粉土clay silt碾压roller compaction, rolling排水drainage, dewatering排水沟drainage ditch排水孔weep hole, drain hole排水设备dewatering equipment 普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary Portland cement群桩grouped piles容许沉降permissible settlement容许承载力allowable bearing软土soft soil砂垫层sand bedding course, sand cushion 砂土sandy soil, sands砂质粉土sandy silt设备基础equipment foundation水泥搅拌桩cement injection素土夯实rammed earth, packed soil作者:周式微回复日期:2005-12-16 8:42:00 碎石桩stone columns弹性地基elastic foundation弹性地基梁beam on elastic foundation填方fill, filling填土earth-fill, earth filling, filling条形基础strip foundation土方工程earthwork挖方excavation work, excavation箱形基础box foundation压实compaction, compacting压实系数compacting factor验槽check of foundation subsoil预制混凝土桩precast concrete pile中砂medium sand重力式档土墙gravity retaining wall桩承台pile cap钻孔桩bored pile钻探exploration drilling, drilling,最终沉降final settlementc.Reinforcement Concrete Structure 钢筋混凝土结构板缝slab joint板厚thickness of slab板式楼梯cranked slab stairs板跨度span of slab薄壁结构thin-walled structure薄腹梁thin wedded girder保护层protective coating臂式吊车boom crane, boom hoist边梁edge beam, boundary beam变截面variable cross-section变形缝movement joint变形钢筋deformed bar 初凝initial setting, pre-setting次梁secondary beam大型屋面板precast ribbed roof slab单层厂房one-storied factory单筋梁beam with single reinforcement 单跨single span单向板one-way slab垫块cushion block垫梁template beam吊车梁crane beam, crane girder顶棚抹灰ceiling plastering端跨end span, tail bay多跨连续梁multi-span beam翻边upstand反梁upstand beam分布钢筋distribution-bar封闭式箍筋closed stirrup附加钢筋additional bar刚架rigid frame, stiff frame钢筋reinforcement, steel bar, bar钢筋表Bar Schedules钢筋笼steel reinforcement cage钢筋间距spacing of bars, bar spacing 钢筋网bar-mat reinforcement,mesh reinforcement钢筋砖reinforced brick勾缝joint pointing构架frame, gallows构件member, structural member构造construction构造钢筋constructional reinforcement 构造柱onstructional column, tie column 构筑物structure箍筋hoop reinforcement, hooping箍筋间距stirrup spacing固定端fixed end, retained end固端梁fixed-end beam, fixed beam过梁lintel, breast summer混凝土强度等级grade of concrete机制砖machine-made brick剪力墙shear wall简支梁simply supported beam经济跨度economic span经济配筋率economic ratio ofreinforcement劲性钢筋stiff reinforcement劲性钢筋混凝土结构steel composite construction径向钢筋radial reinforcement抗剪钢筋shear reinforcement抗拉钢筋tension reinforcement受压钢筋compression reinforcement可见裂缝visible crack刻痕钢丝indented steel wire坑pit, hollow, delve空斗墙rowlock cavity wall, rolock wall空心板hollow slab空心砖隔墙hollow tile partition跨度span框架frame框架剪力墙结构frame-shear wall structure拉接钢筋tie bar栏杆railing, banister栏杆立柱railing post老化aging累积误差accumulated error肋形楼板ribbed floor slab冷拔低碳钢丝cold-drawn low-carbon wire冷脆性cold shortness, cooling brittleness冷弯cold bending冷轧cold rolling离析segregation梁垫beam pad, template, pad梁挠度beam deflection楼梯斜梁string, stringer螺旋楼梯spiral stair, winding staircase马鞍形壳saddle shell锚固anchoring门框, 门樘door frame门式刚架portal frame面砖, 墙面砖facing tile, wall tile耐火混凝土fire-resisting concrete排架bent, bent frame女儿墙parapet wall, parapet配筋率reinforcement ratio配箍率stirrup ratio砌块block圈梁ring beam, tie beam, bond beam作者:周式微回复日期:2005-12-16 8:49:00 山墙gable深梁deep beam伸缩缝expansion joint实腹梁solid web girder实腹柱solid web column竖向钢筋vertical reinforcement双向配筋two-way reinforcement素混凝土plain concrete筒中筒结构tube-in-tube structure网状钢筋steel mesh reinforcement围堰cofferdam, coffer无梁楼盖flat slab, flat plate系梁tie beam预应力钢筋混凝土prestressed reinforced concrete预应力构件prestressed component预制prefabrication预制板precast slab预制构件prefabrication component预制装配式结构prefabricated construction折板folded plate, folded slab折板结构folded-plate structure主筋main reinforcement, main bar主梁main beam, girder柱距column spacing, post spacing装配式结构fabricated structure纵梁longitudinal beam纵剖面longitudinal section纵向钢筋longitudinal bard. Steel Structure 钢结构薄壁型钢light-gauge steel section,hollow steel section不等肢角钢unequal angle steel槽钢channel, channel steel背对背角钢组合angles back to back不锈钢stainless steel除锈rust-removal粗制螺栓rough bolt, black bolt带钢strip steel, band iron单面焊single weld, one-side welding 地脚螺栓foundation bolt, anchor bolt, holding down bolt点焊spot welding, point welding电动葫芦electric hoist等边角钢equal angle, equal leg angle 对接焊, 对焊butt welding腹板web plate, web腹杆web member腹板加劲件web stiffener杆rod, bar钢板steel plate钢管steel tube, steel pipe钢桁架steel truss钢框架steel frame钢梯, 爬梯steel ladder高强度螺栓high strength bolt格构柱lattice column工字梁I-girder, I-beam工字钢I-steel工字形截面I-shaped cross-section焊缝welding seam焊接welding焊接长度weld length焊条welding rod桁架truss红丹底漆red lead primer红丹漆red lead paint加劲肋stiffening rib, rib stiffener加劲板stiffening plate角钢angle steel节点joint, node节点板gusset plate, gusset节点位移joint displacement节间长度panel length紧固螺栓clamp bolt, fastening bolt精制螺栓turned bolt可焊性weldability空腹桁架open-web truss空间桁架space truss肋板ribbed panel, ribbed slab连接板connecting plate, joint plate檩条purline螺母screw nut, nut螺栓bolt螺栓孔bolt hole螺纹screw thread, thread螺纹长度length of thread螺纹钢screw-threaded steel, twisted steel 拉杆tie rod, tension rod满焊full weld铆钉rivet锰钢manganese steel喷砂sand blasting轻钢结构lightweight steel construction三角架tripod上弦top chord, upper chord上弦横向水平支撑upper lateral bracing作者:周式微回复日期:2005-12-16 8:52:00 上弦纵向水平支撑upper longitudinal bracing 平面桁架plane truss实腹刚架solid web rigid frame塔架pylon bent特种钢special steel调和漆mixed paint贴角焊fillet weld, fillet welding托架bracket网架结构grid structure屋架roof truss, principal无缝钢管seamless steel pipe系杆tie rod, tie bar, tie下弦bottom chord, lower chord 下弦横向水平支撑bottom lateral bracing 斜撑diagonal brace, diagonal bracing型钢section steel, shaped steel悬索suspended cable, suspension cable压力焊pressure welding仰焊overhead welding, inverted welding 翼缘flange翼缘板flange plate, cover plate轧制型钢rolled steel section支撑bracing, strutting铸铁管cast iron pipe组合槽钢built-up channel组合截面built-up section,compound section 自动焊接automatic weldinge. Design for Antiseismic 抗震设计。
⽔泥专业词汇英语翻译⽔泥专业词汇英语翻译矿渣硅酸盐⽔泥(矿渣⽔泥)slag cement硅酸盐⽔泥portland cement粉煤灰硅酸盐⽔泥(粉煤灰⽔泥)fly-ash portland cement⽕⼭灰质硅酸盐⽔泥(⽕⼭灰⽔泥)portland-pozzolana cement普通硅酸盐⽔泥(普通⽔泥)ordinary portland cement复合硅酸盐⽔泥(复合⽔泥)composite Portland cement主导产品leading product年产量annual output基准reference体系system完全燃烧complete combustion不完全燃烧incomplete combustion机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion雾化atomization雾化介质atomizing medium物料平衡material balance实际空⽓量amount of actual air for combustion理论空⽓量amount of theoretical air for combustion理论烟⽓量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of theoretical flue gas 形成热heat of formation information 信息formation 形成单位热耗unit heat consumption标准煤Standard coal标准煤耗standard coal consumption实物煤耗raw coal consumption窑炉的余热利⽤waste heat utilization of kiln⼲燥周期drying cycle焙烧周期firing cycle热损失thermal loss;heat loss燃烧热heat of combustion有效热effective heat热效率heal efficiency燃烧效率combustion efficiency⼀次空⽓primary air⼆次空⽓secondary air系统漏⼊空⽓量false air空⽓系数air coefficient废⽓含尘浓度dust content in stack gas热平衡表heat balance table热流图heat balance diagram回转窑rotary kiln窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell窑胴体有效内表⾯积effective inside surface of kiln shell窑或预热器排出飞灰量dust emit out from the Kiln or preheater system ⼊窑回灰量dust fed back into kiln system飞损飞灰量amount of flying loss of dust⽣料中可燃物质combustible components in raw meal⽣料带⼊空⽓量air volume carrying by raw meal冷却机烟囱排灰量dust content emitting from stack of cooler煤磨从窑系统抽出的热⽓体量hot gas volume from Kiln system for coal mill⼊窑回灰脱⽔及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system 回转窑⽤煤应⽤基coal used in rotary kiln system⽴窑shaft Kiln漏风系数false air coefficient普通⽴窑cement shaft Kilt / ordinary shaft Kiln机械化⽴窑mechanized cement shaft kiln⽴窑喇叭⼝inversed cone inlet of shaft kiln⽴窑单位截⾯积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross section⽴窑单位容积产量production of shaft Kiln for unit volume⽩⽣料common meal⼲⽩⽣料耗consumption of drying raw meal⽴窑断⾯平均风速average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln卸料管漏出风量amount of leaked out air for discharging tube窑⾯废⽓成分composition of combustion gas at the upper in surface of shaft Kiln⿊⽣料black meal⼊磨煤量internal fuel amount of raw meal半⿊⽣料semi-black meal⼊窑煤量external fuel amount of raw meal隧道窑tunnel Kiln倒焰窑down draft kiln检查坑道inspection pit预热带preheating zone烧成带firing zone;burning zone冷却带cooling zone窑车kiln car匣钵sagger棚板deck⽓幕air curtain直接冷却direct cooling间接冷却indirect cooling窑尾冷风cooling gas in the kiln outlet窑内断⾯温差difference of temperature in cross section of kiln 进车间隔时间kiln car time schedule坯体内结构⽔含量structural water content in body坯体的⼊窑温度inletting body temperature零压⾯neutral margin轮窑annular Kilt / ring Kilt circular kiln窑门wicket隧追式⼲燥室tunnel dryer湿坯wet green⼲坯dried green绝⼲坯absolute dried green普通砖common brick窑的部⽕数number of fire travels in annular kiln内掺燃料(简称内燃料)carbonaceous materials added to raw materials外投燃料(简称外燃料)external fuel added into firing-hole of a kiln焙烧反应热heat of burning reaction操作放热损失heat losses in the opening and closing of kiln wicket and firing holes 隧道式⼲燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系热效率(简称体系热效率)(ηtx)the fmal efficiency of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system隧道式⼲燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位热耗(简称体系单位热耗)unit heat consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system隧道式⼲燥室,轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位煤耗(简称体系单位煤耗)(mtxm)unit coal consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system cardanshaft万向联轴节companionflange成对法兰结合法兰配对法兰screw螺丝钉packinglist装箱单hydraulic液压的rollerpress液压机bearing活动轴承bore钻孔thread穿线hexagonnut六⾓螺母springlockwasher螺丝弹簧垫⽚handpump⼿动泵grease润滑油file锉screwclamp螺丝钳slidingcaliper游标卡尺vice抬物架hose胶⽪管tubefitting管接头cyl.rollerbearing轴承thrustroll.bear.spherical轴承spheric.pl.bearing球⾯轴承slidingplate滑板tyre轮带flatpacking密封shaftlipseal密封v-sealv-密封o-ringo形圈compressionspring弹簧垫⽚pumpingelement泵件progr.distributor分配器gasketset密封圈装置rubberplate橡胶板bellows橡胶防尘罩风箱transm.pressure压⼒表,压⼒传动器filterelement过滤芯gearedpump齿轮泵prop.contr.valve阀gasket密封pressuregauge压⼒表sightglass量位计einbaruventil阀hose管⼦liftcheckvalve阀diff.pressuregaue压⼒表diaph.accumulator⽓串瓶speicherblase⽓串temperaturesensor传感器gas-valveinsert阀芯ventileinheit阀芯clutch/coupling连轴带srppressorplug插座levelswitch开关sandwichplate夹层板direct.contr.valve直控阀ventilatingfilter滤芯flowcontrolvalveby-passvalve旁通阀,辅助阀,回流阀tubularcoredele.焊丝cored-wire焊丝plug-inconnector插座接头pulsegenerator脉冲发⽣器proximityswitchinductive⾮接触式电感开关sensor传感器pick-up传感器monitoringtransd.变送器hexagonbolt六⾓螺栓springlockwasher弹簧锁架垫⽚resist.thermometeroilleak-proof油封式变阻温度计resist.thermometer变阻温度计screwflatcountersunknibbolt螺旋平头垫头螺栓heatingcable耐热电缆connectionset连接装置controllerelectronic电⼦调节器,电控装置alum.adjesovetape胶带threadedjoint螺纹接合hoseassembly软组件twinnipple双喷嘴measuringinstrument计量⼯具bracket⽀座support⽀座hydr.cyl.flattype液压缸板型,⽔平⽔压⽓缸rotaryseal回转密封threadedrod螺纹杆hexagonnut六⾓螺母pressionhose压⼒软管hoseclip软管卡l-section组装列表controlblockhydraulicunitwithcontrol液压控制部件pumpset泵机组levelcontrol⽔平控制,⽔准控制press.reliefvalve安全阀tubefitting管接头progr.distributor程序寄存器crane龙头retainingplate固定板,⽀撑板directionalsign定向信号screwingarmature螺纹电枢variab.displ.motor可旋转电机shim薄垫⽚sprocketwheelforrollerchain链轮simpl.rollerchain单缸棍⼦链sliderail滑轨rerainingwasher固定垫⽚stickelectrodecovered焊条ratingplate标牌notchednail凹槽钉threadcutt.screw旋转螺纹distancepiece隔板screwhexagonsocketheadcapscrew六⾓螺钉locatingwasher定位垫⽚liningring衬垫clip压板o-sealo形密封圈flatiron扁铁floorplate地板elbow弯头hydraulichose⽔⼒管screwnipple螺纹连接管settingtool安装⼯具socketwrenchsquaredrive套筒扳⼿extensionbar加长杆handle.spintypemalesquare销式⼿柄lineal线pin销⼦adapter转接器clevispinu形夹销nitrogenload.dev.负载氮⽓wrench扳⼿shackle钩环chaintrackguard护链槽lateralwall单侧墙roundsteel圆钢intermed.piece中圆⽚discspring盘簧studscrew柱螺栓螺钉thrustwasher⽌推拴⽚rotationallock旋转锁定air exhaust 排⽓air exhaust opening 排⽓⼝clampingbox夹紧盒clampingsocket夹紧插座controlbox操纵台,控制箱,操作箱dowels销⼦squarekey⽅键lubricatingequipmentowge润滑⽤具setsofsuction抽⽔机,抽⽔泵shrinkdisc缩紧盘allowance补贴air cooled condenser空冷式冷凝器⽔泥⾏业常⽤英语会话⽔泥英语1 How do you do? Mr. Jensen . Welcome to Guangdong.你好,Jensen先⽣,欢迎到⼴东来。
建筑专业英语词汇(M-N)macadam aggregate 锁结式集料machine 机械machine application 机械粉饰machine cavern 地下机械室machine made brick 机制砖machine mixed concrete 机拌混凝土machinery and equipment yard 机械设备堆集场地machinery foundation 机迄座machinery room 机房macrography 肉眼检查macrostructure 宏观结构made ground 填土magnesia brick 镁砖magnesia cement 镁氧水泥magnesia insulation 镁质绝缘材料magnesite brick 镁砖magnet 磁铁magnetic crack detection 磁力探伤magnetic separator 磁力分离器magnetism 磁力magnetization 磁化magnitude 大小main 干线main air duct 昼道main bar 种筋main beam 趾main bridge members 知桥梁杆件main canal 干渠main dike 痔main door 正门main drain 峙水沟main face 正面main girder 趾main pressure differential 周压差main rafter 知main reinforcement 种筋main runner 脂条main stair 芝梯main structural part 知结构配件main tie 值材main truss 朱架main valve 支main wall 纸mains distribution box 干线配电箱mains failure 电力网毁坏mains supply 干线供给mains water 自来水maintenance 维护maintenance cost 保养费maintenance hangar 修理棚maintenance overhaul 维修检查major axes of stress ellipse 应力椭圆的长径major axis 长径major overhaul 大修make up air 补偿空气make up pump 补充水泵make up water 补给水mall 木大锤mallet 木锤man 人man made stone 人造石management 管理manager program 操纵程序manhole 人孔manhole cover 检查井盖manhole rings 人孔环manhole step irons 人孔踏步铁manifold 集合管manilla rope 马尼拉麻绳索manometer 压力计manometric pressure 计示压力mansard 复折屋顶mansard dormer window 折线形屋顶窗mansard roof 折线形屋顶mansard roof construction 折线形屋顶结构mansion 住宅mantelpiece 壁炉台mantelshelf 壁炉台manual batcher 手动计量器manual cycling control 循环工程手动操纵manual damper 手动档板manual press 手压机manual proportioning control 手工称量控制manufacture 制造manufactured construction materials 人造建筑材料manufactured sand 人工砂manufacturing process 生产过程many roomed apartment 一套多房间公寓map 地图map cracking 网状裂缝marble 大理石marble gravel 大理石砾石marbling 仿制的大理石margin 边缘margin of safety 安全系数margin of stability 稳定性限marginal concrete strip finisher 混凝土边缘修整机marginal strip 路缘带marine clay 海成粘土marine construction 海洋建筑物marine glue 防水胶marine paint 海船油漆marine park 海蚀公园marine sand 海砂marine structures 海洋建筑物marine works 海洋建筑物mark 标记marker 标识器marker line 标志线marker post 标志杆market 市场market building 市场房屋marking 标识marking gauge 划线刀marl 泥灰岩marquee 雨罩marquetry 镶嵌装饰品marsh 沼泽地marshalling 砌体marshy ground 沼泽地mashroom valve 园锥形活门mason 石工mason's adjustable suspension scaffold 砖石工用可迭挂式脚手架mason's hammer 砖石工锤mason's mortar 圬工灰浆mason's scaffold 圬工脚手架masonry 砌石masonry anchor 圬工锚碇masonry arch 砌石拱masonry block 砌筑块masonry bridge 圬工桥masonry cement 砌切筑水泥masonry construction 砌筑结构masonry drill 圬工钻masonry mortar 圬工灰浆masonry nail 砖石钉masonry plate 座板masonry sand 圬工砂masonry veneer 表层砌体mass concrete 大块混凝土mass curve 土方曲线mass force 质量力mass foundation 块状基础mass haule curve 土方曲线mass produced structural units 成批生产的结构部件mass runoff 径量massive concrete structures 块状混凝土结构masstone 天然色调mast arm 灯具悬臂mast cap spider 紧桅箍星形轮mast with arm 带臂电杆master plan 总体规划mastic 玛脂mastic asphalt 石油沥青砂胶mastic cement 水泥砂胶mastic cooker 地沥青砂胶加热锅mat 底板mat coat 罩面mat foundation 板式基础mat reinforcement bender 钢筋网弯曲机match marking 装配标记match plane 开槽刨matchboarding 企口镶板matched ceiling 企口顶棚material 材料material aggressive to concrete 混凝土侵蚀材料material behavior 材料特性material debris chute 残渣滑槽material handling 材料装卸material handling bridge 材料转运桥material handling system 材料转运系统material hose 原料软管material list 材料酶表material retained on sieve 筛上筛余物material strength 材料强度material test 材料试验materials testing laboratory 材料试验室matt paint 无光泽涂料matte surface glass 毛面玻璃matted glass 毛面玻璃mattress 柴排mattress revetment 沉排铺面matured cement 长期贮存的老化水泥matured concrete 成熟混凝土maturing 老化maturing of concrete 混凝土的熟化maul 木大锤maximum 最大maximum allowable concentration 最大容许浓度maximum allowable emission 最大容许发散maximum capacity of well 井的最高容量maximum density grading 最大密度级配maximum density of soil 土壤的最大密度maximum dry density 最大干密度maximum flood discharge 最大洪水量maximum gradient 最大坡度maximum load 最大负荷maximum load design 最大荷载重设计法maximum rated load 最大额定荷载maximum safe load 最大安全载荷maximum simultaneous demand 最大同时需要量maximum size 最大尺寸maximum value 最大值meager lime 贫石灰mean cycle stress 循环应力的平均值mean depth 平均深度mean radiant temperature 平均辐射温度mean temperature difference 平均温差mean velocity of flow 平均临means of conveyance 传送工具means of egress 出口装置means of slinging 吊税置means of transportation 传送工具measure 尺寸measured drawing 实测图measurement 测定measurement data 测定资料measuring apparatus 测量仪器measuring chain 测量链measuring element 测定元件measuring frame 配料量斗measuring tank 计量槽measuring tape 卷尺measuring worm conveyor 测量螺旋输送机mechanical aeration 机械通风mechanical analysis 机械分析mechanical application 机械粉饰mechanical area 机械布置空间mechanical bond 机械结合mechanical calculation 力学计算mechanical classification 机械分级mechanical cooling 机械冷却mechanical core 技术设施中心带mechanical core wall 设有设施装置的心墙mechanical coupling link 机械轴节连杆mechanical draft cooling tower 机动气龄却塔mechanical dust collector 机械除尘器mechanical filter 机械滤器mechanical operator 机动装置mechanical rake 机械耙mechanical rammer 机械夯具mechanical refrigerating system 机械冷冻系统mechanical refrigeration 机械制冷mechanical stabilisation 机械稳定处理mechanical strength characteristics 力学强度特性mechanical testing 机械试验mechanical tooling of concrete 混凝土的机械加工mechanical treatment of sawage 污水的机械净化mechanical trowel 抹灰机mechanical ventilation 机械通风mechanics 力学mechanics of materials 材料力学mechanism 机构mechanization 机械化median barrier 路中护栏medium burned brick 标准烧成砖medium duty scaffold 中型脚手架medium grained asphalt concrete 中粒级配地沥青混凝土meeting rail 窗框的横挡meeting stile 连接板条member 构件membrane concrete curing 用膜混凝土养护membrane curing 薄膜养护法membrane filter 薄膜过滤器membrane fireproofing 隔膜防火层membrane forming type bond braker 粘结制止膜形成剂membrane theory 薄膜理论membrane waterproofing 薄膜防水memorial 纪念碑memorial architecture 纪念性建筑memorial table 纪念雕版menstruum 溶媒mercury arc lamp 汞弧灯meridian stress 经线应力mesh 筛目mesh analysis 筛分析mesh laying jumbo 钢筋网敷设设备mesh reinforced shotcrete 钢筋网加强喷射混凝土mesh reinforcement 钢筋网mesh series 筛一套mesh size 筛目大小metal 金属;铺路碎石metal clad cable 金属包皮电缆metal clad fire door 有金属包层的防火门metal construction 金属结构metal curtain wall 铁骨架悬挂壁metal door 金属门metal floor decking 金属楼板铺面metal form 金属模板metal furniture 金属家具metal gauze 金属网metal grating 金属栅板metal hose 金属蛇管metal lathing 钉钢丝网metal mesh fabric 金属网metal plate 金属板metal plating 镀metal runner 金属滑条metal sash putty 金属窗框油灰metal sheet 金属板metal sheet roof covering 金属薄板metal shingle 金属鱼鳞板metal stud 金属立杆metal tube 金属管metal valley 金属沟槽metal water stop 金属带密封metallic cement 熔渣硅酸盐水泥metallic sprayed coating 喷镀金属膜meteorological observation 气象观测meteorology 气象学meter 米methane tank 沼气桶method 方法method of curing 养护法method of elastic weights 弹性荷载法method of joint isolation 结点法method of least work 最小功法method of minimum strain energy 最小功法method of moment 力矩法method of redundant reactions 弯矩面积法method of sections 断面法method of the substitute redundant members 超静定构件取代法method of zero moment points 零点力矩法metro 地下铁道metropolitan area 大城市区域mezzanine 中二楼mica 云母micro crack 微细龟裂micro strainer 微孔滤网microclimate 小气候micrometer 微米microparticle 微粒micropolitan 居住区microscope 显微镜microstructure 微结构middle girder 中间梁middle strip 中间带middle surface 中面midget construction crane 小型建筑起重机midspan 中跨midspan deflection 中跨挠度midspan load 跨中荷载midwall 间隔墙mild steel reinforcement 低碳钢钢筋milk of lime 石灰乳mill 粉碎机mill construction 厂房结构millboard 麻丝板milled joint 研压接缝mineral aggregate 矿质骨料mineral dust 矿物粉末mineral fiber tiles 矿物纤维板mineral fibers 矿物纤维mineral filled asphalt 填充细矿料的沥青mineral filler 矿物质填料mineral pigment 矿物颜料mineral wool 矿物棉mineralogical composition of aggregates 集料的矿物的组成miniaturization 小型化mining shovel 采矿机铲mining town 矿业城镇mirror 镜mission tile 半圆形截面瓦mist 烟雾mist spraying 喷雾miter cut 斜切割miter gate 人字间门miter joint 斜角连接mitigation 水的软化mix 混合mix control 混合控制mix design 配合比设计mix in place machine 就地拌和机mix in place travel plant 就地拌和机mix ingredients 混合物成分mix proportions 混合比mixed cement 混合水泥mixed concrete 拌好的混凝土mixed construction 混合构造mixed greenery 混合式绿化区mixed in place construction of road 就地拌和法筑路mixed in place method 就地拌和法mixer 混合机mixer drum 混合圆筒mixer efficiency 混合机效率mixer skip 拌和机装料斗mixer trestle 混合机栈桥mixer truck 混凝土搅拌车mixing 混合mixing box 混合室mixing chamber 混合室mixing cycle 混合周期mixing damper 混合档板mixing drum 混合圆筒mixing of concrete 混凝土的搅拌mixing placing train 混合与灌筑综合装置mixing plant 搅拌装置mixing platform 拌和台mixing rate 混合物比率mixing ratio 混合比mixing screw 混合用螺旋mixing speed 拌和速度mixing tank 混合槽mixing temperature 混合温度mixing time 拌和时间mixing tower 混合塔mixing valve 混合阀mixing water 搅拌用水mixometer 拌和计时器mixture 混合mobile bituminous mixing plant 移动式沥青混合设备mobile crane 自行吊车mobile field office 移动式工地办公室mobile form 移动式模壳mobile hoist 移动式卷杨机mobile job crane 移动式起重机mobile load 活动荷载mobile scaffold tower 塔式机动脚手架mobile site office 移动式工地办公室mobile space heater 移动式空气加热器mobile tower crane 可移动塔式起重机mobile work platform 移动式工专mobility of concrete 混凝土怜性mode of buckling 压屈状态mode of failure 毁坏模式model 模型model testing 模型试验modern architecture 现代建筑modern city 现代城市modernization 现代化modification 更改modified i beam 改进的i型梁modified portland cement 改良硅酸盐水泥modular brick 符合模数尺寸的砖modular building 模数法建筑modular building unit 模数化建筑物单元modular constuction 模数化构造modular coordination 模数协调modular design 模数法设计modular dimension 模数尺寸modular ratio 模量化modular ratio method 模量比法modular size 标准化尺寸modular system 模数制modular unit 模数化构件modulator 爹器module 尺度modulus 系数modulus of creep 蠕变模量modulus of deformation 形变模量modulus of elasticity 弹性模量modulus of foundation support 地基反力系数modulus of resilience 回弹模量modulus of rigidity 抗剪模量modulus of rupture 挠折模量modulus of section 断面模量modulus of subgrade reaction 地基反力系数moist air cabinet 保湿箱moist room 湿气室moisture 湿气moisture barrier 防潮层moisture gradient 湿度梯度moisture laden air 潮湿空气moisture migration 水分移动moisture movement 水分移动moisture proof luminaire 防湿灯moisture resistant insulating material 耐湿性绝热材料moisture seal 防潮层moisture sensing probe 测湿器moisture tons 潜热冷冻负荷mold 模型mold oil 脱模油mold release 脱模剂molded brick 模制砖molded gutter 模制天沟molded insulation 模制塑料绝缘molded plywood 成型胶合板moldings 线脚molds reuseability 模重复使用能力mole 防波堤mole drain 地下排水沟mole drainage 地下排水工程moler brick 硅藻土砖moling 地下排水沟设置moment 力矩moment area 力矩面积moment area method 弯矩面积法moment at fixed end 支承挠矩moment at support 弯矩钢筋moment bar 弯矩杆moment buckling 力矩弯曲moment curvature law 力矩与曲率定律moment diagram 力矩分配法moment distribution 弯矩分配moment distribution method 力矩分配法moment equation 力矩方程moment influence line 力矩影响线图moment of couple 力偶矩moment of deflection 弯曲力矩moment of friction 摩擦力矩moment of inertia 惯性矩moment of load 负载矩moment of resistance 抗力矩moment of rupture 裂断力矩moment of span 跨矩moment of stiffness 刚性力矩moment reinforcement 弯曲钢筋moment resisting space frame 抗力矩空间构架moment resulting from sidesway 侧倾力矩moment splice 力矩的拼接moment zero point 零力矩点monastic building 寺院房屋monat cement 无熟料的矿渣水泥monitor 天窗monitor roof 通风的屋顶monitoring 监视monkey 起重机小车monkey wrench 螺丝板手monocable 单塑空死monolithic 整体式monolithic concrete 整体浇灌混凝土monolithic construction 整体式构造monolithic finish 整体修整monolithic grillage 整体式格床monolithic slab and foundation wall 整体式楼板与基础壁monolithic terrazzo 整块水磨石monolithic topping 整体式上部覆盖monopitch roof 单斜屋顶monorail 单轨道monorail system 单轨运输系统monorail transporter 单线运送机monorailway 单轨铁路monotower crane 单塔式起重机monsoon 季节风montage 装配monument 界标moon 月亮moor 沼泽地mooring accessories 系船设备mooring appurtenances 系船设备mooring dolphin 系船柱mooring ring 系船环mordant 腐蚀剂mortar 灰浆mortar additive 灰浆附加剂mortar admixture 灰浆附加剂mortar bar 灰浆棒mortar base 灰浆底座mortar bed 灰浆层mortar bond 灰浆砌筑mortar box 灰浆层mortar cube 灰浆立方块mortar fraction 灰浆部分mortar from chamotte 灰泥灰浆mortar from trass 火山灰灰浆mortar grouting 灌浆mortar gun 灰浆喷枪mortar mill 灰泥混合机mortar mixer 灰泥混合机mortar mixing machine 灰泥混合机mortar of dry consistency 干硬稠度灰浆mortar plasticizer 灰浆增塑剂mortar pump 灰浆泵mortar sand 灰浆用砂mortar spreader 灰浆撒布机mortar walling 灰浆砌筑mortarboard 灰板mortice 榫槽mortise 榫槽mortise chisel 錾mortise gauge 划榫器mortise joint 镶榫接头mortise lock 插锁mortise pin 梢子mosaic 镶嵌砖mosaic floor 镶嵌地板mosaic glass 嵌镶玻璃mosaic structure 镶嵌结构mosaic tile 镶嵌地砖moss 沼泽motel 汽车旅馆mother town 母域motion 运动motomixer 混凝土搅拌车motor 发动机motor bug 机动小车motor bus 公共汽车motor car 轿车motor damper 电动气邻器motor generator set 电动发电机motor grader 自行式平地机motor in head vibrator 电动振动棒motor operated valve 电动阀motor scraper 自动铲运机motorized solar control blinds 机动遮阳帘motorway 汽车路mottle effect 斑点样褪色mottled discoloration 斑点样褪色mottled surface 斑点样表面mould 型mould releasing agent 脱模剂moulded brick 模制砖moulded concrete 模制混凝土moulding plaster 模制用石膏moulding sand 型砂mound breakwater 堆石防波堤mounter 装配工mounting shop 装配车间mouthpiece 嘴子movable barrack 移动式工棚movable bridge 开合桥movable dam 活动堰movable distributor 活动配水器movable joint 活接头movable partition 可动间壁movable rocker bearing 活动振动机支承movable scaffolding 移动式脚手架movable span 可动桥跨movable tangential bearing 活动切线支承movable weir 活动堰moving form 移动式模壳moving form construction 活动模板建造moving load 活动荷载moving ramp 跳板moving staircase 自动升降梯moving walk 滑动步道muck loader 装渣机mucker 装渣机mucker belt 装岩机引带mucking 清理坍方mucosity 粘性mud 软泥mud box 泥渣分离箱mud outlet 污泥排泄口mud room 前厅mud soil 泥土mud trap 泥渣分离箱mudcapping 外部装药爆破mudsill 排架座木muffle furnace 高温烘炉muffler 消声器mullion 竖框mulseal 乳化沥青multi arch dam 连拱坝multi bucket dredger 多斗采砂船multi bucket excavator 多斗挖土机multi cell battery mould 多格仓式模板multi cell dust collector 多孔式积尘器multi compartment building 多户住宅multi compartment settling basin 多槽式沉淀池multi cored brick 多孔砖multi degree system 多自由度系multi lane roadway 多车道道路multi layer consolidation 多层固结multi legged sling 多支吊索multi point heater 多位置加热器multi purpose coating plant 多用途混合装置multi purpose scheme 综合利用设计multi rubber tire roller 多轴碾压机multi span structure 多跨结构multi wheel roller 多轴碾压机multi zone system 多区的空档统multiblade damper 多重叶瓣式节气闸multicolor brick 多色砖multicolor finish 多彩色终饰multideck screen 多层筛multielement member 多单元装配件multielement prestressing 多单元构件预加应力multifamily housing 多户住房multifolding door 卷折式门multilayer insulation 多层绝缘multilevel guyed tower 多位缆风拉紧的塔multimixer 通用混合器multipass aeration tank 多撂曝气池multiple 倍数multiple aeration tank 多撂曝气池multiple arch 连拱multiple arch bridge 连拱桥multiple bay frame 多跨框架multiple dome dam 弓顶连拱坝multiple dwelling 多户住房multiple dwelling building 多户住宅multiple flue chimney 多路烟囱multiple glass 多层玻璃multiple glazing 多层玻璃窗施工multiple leaf damper 多重叶瓣式节气闸multiple pipe inverted siphon 多管式倒虹吸管multiple purpose project 综合利用设计multiple purpose reservoir 综合利用水库multiple row heating coil 多行供热盘管multiple sedimentation tank 多路沉淀池multiple span bridge 多跨桥multiple span structure 多跨构造物multiple web systems 多肋式系统multiply plywood 多层夹板multiplying factor 倍加系数multistage construction 分阶段建筑multistage fan 多级风扇multistage gas supply system 多级供煤气系统multistage stressing 多级施加应力multistorey building 多层房屋;多层建筑物multistorey parking space 多层停车场multistoried building 多层房屋multistoried garage building 多层车库multiuse building 多用途建筑物multiway junction 复合交叉口municipal engineering 市政工程municipal facilities 市政工程设施municipal sanitary 城市卫生municipal sanitary engineering 城市卫生工程学municipal service 市政业务municipal sewage 城市污水municipal sewers 城市下水道网municipal treatment plant 城市污水处理场muntin 窗格条museum 博物馆mushroom construction 无粱板构造mushroom floor 环辐式楼板mushroom head column 无粱式楼板支承柱mushroom slab 无粱楼板mushy concrete 连混凝土mutual action of steel and concrete 钢筋和混凝土的共同酌n truss n字桁架n year flood n年周期洪水nail 钉nail claw 钉拔nail float 钉板抹子nail plate 钉接板nail puller 钉拔nailable concrete 受钉混凝土nailcrete 受钉混凝土nailed beam 钉梁nailed connection 钉结合nailed joint 钉结合nailed roof truss 钉固屋架nailer 可钉条nailing 打钉nailing block 可受钉块nailing marker 标记钉模naked flooring 毛面地板name block 名牌names of parts 部件品目narrow gauge 窄轨narrow gauge railway 窄轨铁路national architecture 民族建筑national highway 国道national style 民族形式natural adhesive 天然粘合剂natural aeration 自然通风natural aggregate 天然骨料natural angle of slope 自然倾斜角natural asphalt 天然沥青natural building sand 天然建筑砂natural cement 天然水泥natural circulation 自然循环natural color 天然色natural concrete aggregate 天然混凝土骨料natural convection 自然对流natural convector 自然对僚热器natural depth 天然深度natural draft 自然通风natural draft cooling tower 自然通风凉水塔natural drainage 自然排水natural finish 天然装饰natural flow 自然量natural foundation 天然地基natural grade 自然坡度natural ground 天然地基natural head 天然水头natural illumination factor 自然采光照玫数natural light 自然光natural lighting 天然照明natural mineral materials 天然矿物质材料natural pigment 天然颜料natural rock asphalt 沥青岩natural sand 天然砂natural sett 天然铺石natural slope 天然坡度natural stone 天然石natural stone slab 天然石板natural stone veneer 天然石表层natural stonework 天然石砌筑natural ventilation 自然通风natural water level 自然水位nature park 自然公园navier's hypothesis 纳维尔假说navigable canal 航行运河navigable construction 通航构造navigation canal 航行运河navigation facilities 通航设施navigation lock 通航船闸neat cement grout 净水泥浆neat cement mortar 净水泥灰浆neat cement paste 净水泥浆neat line 准线neat portland cement 纯波特兰水泥necking 颈缩现象needle 横撑杆needle beam 针梁needle beam scaffold 小梁托撑脚手架needle gate 针形闸门needle valve 针阀needle vibrator 针状振捣器needling 横撑杆negative friction 负摩擦negative moment 负力矩negative pressure 负压negative reaction 负反力negative reinforcement 负挠钢筋negative well 渗水井neighbourhood unit 近里单位neoprene paint 氯丁橡胶涂料nerve 交叉侧肋nervure 交叉侧肋nest of sieves 一套筛子net 网net area 净面积net cut 净挖方net duty of water 净用水量net fill 净填方net floor area 地板或楼层净面积net line 墙面交接线net load 净载荷net positive suction head 净吸引压头net residential area 居住净面积net room area 房间净面积net sectional area 净断面面积net settlement 净沉降net structure 网状结构netting 铁丝网network 格网络network of chains 三角测量网network of coordinates 坐标格网network of underground 地下管网neutral axis 中性轴neutral plane 中性面neutral pressure 中性压力neutral surface 中性面neutralisation tank 中和槽neutron shield 中子防护屏new construction 新建工程new town 新城市newel 螺旋楼梯中柱newel post 螺旋楼梯中柱newel stair 有中柱的螺旋楼梯newly placed concrete 新浇混凝土nibbed tile 有挂脚的瓦niche 壁龛nick break test 缺口冲辉验nidged ashlar 琢石nigged ashlar 琢石nigging 砍修石头night population 夜间人口night setback 夜间温度降低nippers 钳子nipple 短连接管nissen hut 金属结构掩蔽棚屋nitrogen 氮no bond prestressing 无粘结纲筋的后预应力no bond stretching 无粘结纲筋的后预应力no bond tensioning 无粘结纲筋的后预应力no fines concrete 无细集料混凝土no hinged frame 无铰的框架no slump concrete 干硬混凝土nodal forces 节点力node 节点nog 木栓nogging 填墙木砖;系柱横撑nogging piece 横撑noise 噪声noise abatement 减声noise abatement wall 减声壁noise absorption factor 噪声吸收系数noise attenuation 减声noise barrier 消音屏noise control 噪声控剂noise criteria curves 噪声标准曲线noise damper 消音器noise level 噪音级noise meter 噪声计noise nuisance 噪声危害noise rating 噪声评价noise rating curves 噪声评级曲线noise reduction coefficient 噪声降低系数nominal bore 公称直径nominal diameter 公称直径nominal dimension 标称尺寸nominal horsepower 标称马力nominal maximum size of aggregate 骨料的额定最大粒径nominal mix 标称配合比nominal size 公称尺寸nomogram 计算图表non air entrained concrete 非含气的混凝土non bonded joint 不粘着的楼缝non carbonate hardness 非碳酸盐硬度non clogging filter 不堵塞的过滤器non clogging screen 不堵塞的筛non concussive tap 无冲机头non fireproof construction 非防火建筑non load bearing partition 非承重隔墙non load bearing wall 非承重墙non pressure drain 无压排水渠non pressure pipe 无压管non redundant structure 静定结构non retern valve 逆止阀non scouring velocity 不冲刷临non shrinking cement 不收缩水泥non silting velocity 不淤临non slewing crane 非回转式吊机non slip floor 防滑楼板non structural component 非构造部件non tilting drum mixer 直卸料式拌合机nonagitating unit 途中不搅拌的混凝土运送车nonbearing partition 非承重隔墙nonbearing structure 非承压结构nonbearing wall 非承重墙nonbreakable glass 刚性玻璃noncohesive soil 不粘结的土质noncombustible construction 非燃结构noncombustible materials 非燃建筑材料noncreeping material 无蠕变材料nondestructive testing 非破坏性试验nondomestic building 非住宅楼nondomestic premises 非居住房产nonelastic deformation 非弹性变形nonelastic range 非弹性段nonhomogeneity of materials 材料的非均质性nonhomogeneous state of stress 不均等应力状况nonhydraulic lime 非水化石灰nonhydraulic mortar 非水硬性灰浆nonlinear distribution of stresses 应力的非线形分布nonlinear elastic behavior 非线性弹性状态nonlinear elasticity 非线性弹性nonlinear plastic theory 非线性塑性理论nonoverflow section 非溢水部分nonparallel chord truss 非平行弦杆桁架nonprestressed reinforcement 非预应力的钢筋nonresidential building 非居住建筑物nonrigid carriageway 非刚性车道nonrigid pavement 非刚性路面nonrotating rope 不旋转绳nonshrink concrete 抗缩混凝土nonsimultaneous prestressing 非同时预应力nonskid carpet 防滑毡层nonskid surfacing 防滑铺面nonstaining cement 无玷污水泥nonstaining mortar 不生锈的灰浆nonstandard component 非标准构件nonsticky soil 非粘结性土壤nonstorage calorifier 快速加热装置nonsymmetry 非对称nonvolatile matter 非挥发性物质nonvolatile vehicle 非挥发性媒液noon 正午noria 斗式提升机norm 标准norm of construction 建筑规范norm of material consumption 材料消耗定额norm of work 工专额normal concrete 普通混凝土normal consistency 正常稠度normal force 法向力normal force diagram 法向力图表normal heavy concrete 普通重混凝土normal portland cement 普通波特兰水泥normal section 正常断面normal weight concrete 正常重量混凝土normalization 标准化normalization of production 生产正规化normally hydrated cement 正常水化水泥north easter 东北风north light glazing 朝北锯齿形采光屋面装配玻璃north light gutter 朝北锯齿形屋顶边沟north wester 伪风northlight roof 朝北锯齿形屋面norton tube well 管井nose of groyne 丁顶前端noser 强迎面风nosing 梯级突边not water carriage toilet facility 非水冲厕notation 标记notch 切口notch board 梯级侧板notch fall 带缝隙的阶梯式构造notch impact strength 刻痕冲豢度notch shock test 刻痕冲辉验notch toughness 刻痕韧性notched bar test 切口试样冲辉验notched bars 变形钢筋notched specimen 切口试样notching 凹槽连结;刻痕notching machine 齿形刀片栽剪机novelty flooring 新颖花绞地板novelty siding 下垂坡叠板noxious fumes 有毒炮烟nozzle 喷嘴nozzle meter 管嘴式临计ntatorium 游泳池nuclear energy structures 原子力发电厂构造物nuclear reactor 核反应堆nursery 育儿室nursery garden 育苗区nut 螺母nut anchorage 带螺母锚nut runner 螺帽扳手nut socket driver 螺母扳手nut torque 拧螺母转矩nylon 尼龙nylon rope 尼龙绳。
结构工程常用词汇混凝土:concrete钢筋:reinforcing steel bar钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete(RC)钢筋混凝土结构:reinforced concrete structure 板式楼梯:cranked slab stairs刚度:rigidity徐变:creep水泥:cement钢筋保护层:cover to reinforcement梁:beam柱:column板:slab剪力墙:shear wall基础:foundation剪力:shear剪切变形:shear deformation剪切模量:shear modulus拉力:tension压力:pressure延伸率:percentage of elongation位移:displacement应力:stress应变:strain应力集中:concentration of stresses应力松弛:stress relaxation应力图:stress diagram应力应变曲线:stress-strain curve应力状态:state of stress钢丝:steel wire箍筋:hoop reinforcement箍筋间距:stirrup spacing加载:loading抗压强度:compressive strength抗弯强度:bending strength抗扭强度:torsional strength抗拉强度:tensile strength裂缝:crack屈服:yield屈服点:yield point屈服荷载:yield load屈服极限:limit of yielding屈服强度:yield strength屈服强度下限:lower limit of yield荷载:load横截面:cross section承载力:bearing capacity承重结构:bearing structure弹性模量:elastic modulus预应力钢筋混凝土:prestressed reinforced concrete预应力钢筋:prestressed reinforcement预应力损失:loss of prestress预制板:precast slab现浇钢筋混凝土结构:cast-in-place reinforced concrete 双向配筋:two-way reinforcement主梁:main beam次梁:secondary beam弯矩:moment悬臂梁:cantilever beam延性:ductileity受弯构件:member in bending受拉区:tensile region受压区:compressive region塑性:plasticity轴向压力:axial pressure轴向拉力:axial tension吊车梁:crane beam可靠性:reliability粘结力:cohesive force外力:external force弯起钢筋:bent-up bar弯曲破坏:bending failure屋架:roof truss素混凝土:non-reinforced concrete无梁楼盖:flat slab配筋率:reinforcement ratio配箍率:stirrup ratio泊松比:Poisson’s ratio偏心受拉:eccentric tension偏心受压:eccentric compression偏心距:eccentric distance疲劳强度:fatigue strength 偏心荷载:eccentric load跨度:span跨高比:span-to-depth ratio 跨中荷载:midspan load框架结构:frame structure 集中荷载:concentrated load 分布荷载:distribution load 分布钢筋:distribution steel 挠度:deflection设计荷载:design load设计强度:design strength构造:construction简支梁:simple beam截面面积:area of section浇注:pouring浇注混凝土:concreting钢筋搭接:bar splicing刚架:rigid frame脆性:brittleness脆性破坏:brittle failure。
水泥专业词汇英语翻译水泥专业词汇英语翻译水泥专业词汇英语翻译矿渣水泥slag cement硅酸盐水泥portland cement主导产品leading product年产量annual output基准reference体系system完全燃烧complete combustion不完全燃烧incomplete combustion机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion雾化atomization雾化介质atomizing medium物料平衡material balance实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of theoretical flue gas形成热heat of formation单位热耗unit heat consumption标准煤standard coal标准煤耗standard coal consumption实物煤耗raw coal consumption窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln 干燥周期drying cycle焙烧周期firing cycle热损失thermal loss;heat loss燃烧热heat of combustion有效热effective heat热效率heal efficiency燃烧效率combustion efficiency一次空气primary air二次空气secondary air系统漏入空气量false air空气系数air coefficient废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas热平衡表heat balance table热流图heat balance diagram回转窑rotary kiln窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell窑胴体有效内表面积effective inside surface of kiln shell窑或预热器排出飞灰量dust emit out from the kiln or preheater system入窑回灰量dust fed back into kiln system飞损飞灰量amount of flying loss of dust生料中可燃物质combustible components in raw meal生料带入空气量air volume carrying by raw meal冷却机烟囱排灰量dust content emitting from stack of cooler煤磨从窑系统抽出的热气体量hot gas volume from kiln system for coal mill入窑回灰脱水及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system回转窑用煤应用基coal used in rotary kiln system立窑shaft kiln漏风系数false air coefficient普通立窑cement shaft kilt / ordinary shaft kiln机械化立窑mechanized cement shaft kiln立窑喇叭口inversed cone inlet of shaft kiln立窑单位截面积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross section立窑单位容积产量production of shaft kiln for unit volume白生料common meal干白生料耗consumption of drying raw meal立窑断面平均风速average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln卸料管漏出风量amount of leaked out air for discharging tube窑面废气成分composition of combustion gas at the upperin surface of shaft kiln黑生料black meal入磨煤量internal fuel amount of raw meal 半黑生料semi-black meal入窑煤量external fuel amount of raw meal 隧道窑tunnel kiln倒焰窑down draft kiln检查坑道inspection pit预热带preheating zone烧成带firing zone;burning zone冷却带cooling zone窑车kiln car匣钵sagger棚板deck气幕air curtain直接冷却direct cooling间接冷却indirect cooling窑尾冷风cooling gas in the kiln outlet窑内断面温差difference of temperature in cross section of kiln进车间隔时间kiln car time schedule坯体内结构水含量structural water content in body坯体的入窑温度inletting body temperature零压面neutral margin轮窑annular kilt / ring kilt circular kiln窑门wicket隧追式干燥室tunnel dryer湿坯wet green干坯dried green绝干坯absolute dried green普通砖common brick窑的部火数number of fire travels in annular kiln内掺燃料(简称内燃料)carbonaceous materials added to raw materials外投燃料(简称外燃料)external fuel added into firing-hole of a kiln焙烧反应热heat of burning reaction操作放热损失heat losses in the opening and closing of kiln wicket and firing holes隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系热效率(简称体系热效率)(ηtx)the fmal efficiency of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位热耗(简称体系单位热耗)unit heat consumption of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室,轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位煤耗(简称体系单位煤耗)(mtxm)unit coal consumption of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system水泥专业词汇英语翻译相关内容:11。
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矿渣水泥slag cement
硅酸盐水泥portland cement
主导产品leading product
年产量annual output
完全燃烧complete combustion
不完全燃烧incomplete combustion
机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion
化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion
雾化介质atomizing medium
物料平衡material balance
实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion
理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion
理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of
theoretical flue gas
形成热heat of formation
单位热耗unit heat consumption
标准煤standard coal
标准煤耗standard coal consumption
实物煤耗raw coal consumption
窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln 干燥周期drying cycle
焙烧周期firing cycle
热损失thermal loss;heat loss
燃烧热heat of combustion
有效热effective heat
热效率heal efficiency
燃烧效率combustion efficiency
一次空气primary air
二次空气secondary air
系统漏入空气量false air
空气系数air coefficient
废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas
热平衡表heat balance table
热流图heat balance diagram
回转窑rotary kiln
窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell
窑胴体有效内表面积effective inside surface of kiln shell
窑或预热器排出飞灰量dust emit out from the kiln or preheater system
入窑回灰量dust fed back into kiln system
飞损飞灰量amount of flying loss of dust
生料中可燃物质combustible components in raw meal
生料带入空气量air volume carrying by raw meal
冷却机烟囱排灰量dust content emitting from stack of cooler
煤磨从窑系统抽出的热气体量hot gas volume from kiln system for coal mill
入窑回灰脱水及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system
回转窑用煤应用基coal used in rotary kiln system
立窑shaft kiln
漏风系数false air coefficient
普通立窑cement shaft kilt / ordinary shaft kiln
机械化立窑mechanized cement shaft kiln
立窑喇叭口inversed cone inlet of shaft kiln
立窑单位截面积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross section
立窑单位容积产量production of shaft kiln for unit volume
白生料common meal
干白生料耗consumption of drying raw meal
立窑断面平均风速average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln
卸料管漏出风量amount of leaked out air for discharging tube
窑面废气成分composition of combustion gas at the upper in surface of shaft kiln
黑生料black meal
入磨煤量internal fuel amount of raw meal
半黑生料semi-black meal
入窑煤量external fuel amount of raw meal
隧道窑tunnel kiln
倒焰窑down draft kiln
检查坑道inspection pit
预热带preheating zone
烧成带firing zone;burning zone
冷却带cooling zone
窑车kiln car
气幕air curtain
直接冷却direct cooling
间接冷却indirect cooling
窑尾冷风cooling gas in the kiln outlet
窑内断面温差difference of temperature in cross section of kiln 进车间隔时间kiln car time schedule
坯体内结构水含量structural water content in body 坯体的入窑温度inletting body temperature。