Basic office management XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX etc
Customer services
Ph: (09) 499 XXXX
Mb: (021) 999 XXXX
Listening to music, dancing, reading and travel
Period in NZ 5 1/2 years
Mandarin and English (both fluent)
Personal Attributes
I understand that the university study scenario is more static and simpler than the real workplace. My target is to build up practical experience at the workplace and fully integrate my knowledge into the real situations.
Starting at the bottom of the ladder, I understand that I will be required to learn new tasks quickly, however I enjoy dealing with people and truly believe in the ethos of outstanding customer service.
mako模版可以让我们在后端进⾏html的数据填充,从⽽获取html⽂件使⽤⽅法:1、pip安装Makopip install Mako2、设置发送邮件的模版<div style="margin:0px 0 10px 0px"><p>您好!您所申请的虚拟机详情</p><P>${title}</P><div style="margin-top:0px"><P>详情:</P><table style="border: 1px solid #D2D2D2; font-size: 14px;"><tr><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">IP</th><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">端⼝</th><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">⽤户名</th><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">密码</th><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">创建状态</th><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">Agent安装状态</th><th style="padding: 10px; text-align: center;">业务模块迁移状态</th></tr>%for data in datas:<tr><td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">${data['ip']}</td><td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">${data['port']}</td><td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">${data['account']}</td><td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2;">${data['password']}</td>%if data['create_status'] == 'FAILED':<td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2; color: #FF5656;">${data['create_status']}</td> %else:<td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2; color: #34D97B;">${data['create_status']}</td> %endif%if data['agent_status'] == 'FAILED':<td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2; color: #FF5656;">${data['agent_status']}</td> %else:<td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2; color: #34D97B;">${data['agent_status']}</td> %endif%if data['transfer_status'] == 'FAILED':<td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-right: 1px solid #D2D2D2; color: #FF5656;">${data['transfer_status']}</td> %else:<td style="padding: 10px; text-align: center; border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2; color: #34D97B;">${data['transfer_status']}</td>%endif</tr>%endfor</table></div></div>3、使⽤Templatefrom mako.template import Templateemail_content = Template(common.EMAIL_TEMPLATE).render(title=vm_detail, datas=content)print email_contentemail_content就是我们最终需要的html代码。
()Roman Bork MBC/QACgemeinsam vereinbarter Endtermin Bem./jointly agreed sampling deadline:Unterschrift / Signature:Datum:Date:Schritt 2:Step 2:Bemerkungen / Comments:Bestätigung der Vorgehensweise gesplittete Bemutserung durch Sachbearbeiter Qualitätsmanagement Kaufteile Daimler/Confirmation of procedure for split sampling by responsible quality manager for supplier parts at DaimlerBestätigung Lieferant / Confirmation supplier:Die vorgestellten Muster wurden bezüglich der bemusterten Merkmale mit serienmäßigen Betriebsmitteln unter serienmäßigen Bedingungen am Serienstandort hergestellt (gemäß MB-ST13) bzw. bei "sonstigen Mustern" gemäß Vereinbarung zwischen Lieferant und Fachbereich Daimler (als Anlage beigefügt). Bezüglich dieser Merkmale sind keine Änderungen bekannt bzw. geplant. Die bei unseren Prüfungen und der Bemusterung erzielten Ergebnisse können für Nachbemusterungen übernommen werden.Sollten trotzdem Änderungen an Teil und/oder Prozess notwendig sein, werden wir dies bei der Nachbemusterung anzeigen.Considering the approved features the presented samples have been entirely manufatured with series equipment and under series conditions at the series production site (according to MB-ST13) or in case of "other samples" according to the agreement between supplier and Daimler specialist department (see attachment). Concerning these features there aren't any changes known rsp. planned. The results achieved in Bemerkungen / Comments:ggfs. Liste anfügen if necessary attach list Sampling date color/ alternative issues:Unterschrift / Signature:Schritt 3:Step 3:Schritt 4:Step 4:Ansprechpartner / Contact personLieferant / Supplier Name Abtl. / Dept.Telefonnr. / Phone#Disponent / Logistics BBACQualitätsmanagement / Quality management EP Paint test Corrosion Material Mearsurement AssemblyBemusterungsplanungformlar (BPF)/ Protokoll Bemusterungsabstimmungsgespräch (BAG)Form Sampling plan (BPF)/ Minutes sampling coordination meeting (BAG)333✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓4219111✓1✓1Schritte der gesplitteteBemusterung /steps of split sampling13153✓✓Begründung im Falle einer Abweichung von Vorlagestufe 2 bzw. MB-ST 13/ Reasons for deviation of submission level 2 rsp. MB-ST 13:✓optional SBK:Hinweise / Note:Das ausgefüllte Formular und ggf. Anlagen ist unter Punkt 24 "Sonstige Unterlagen" dem PPF-Bericht beizulegen./The completed form and if necessary appendix is/ are to be attached to the PPA report under point 24 "Other documents".Bei Abweichungen ist vom Lieferanten vorab eine schriftliche Genehmigung (Abweichungserlaubnis) beim zuständigen Daimler Konstruktionsbereich einzuholen und den Erstmusterunterlagen beizufügen! Das unterschriebene Formular ist zusammen mit der Konstruktionseinsatzmeldung (KEM) als Anlage zum PPF-Bericht mit einzureichen.In case of deviations the supplier has to obtain a written permission (deviation permit) in advance from the responsible Daimler development department. The written permission must be attached to the PPA report by the supplier! The signed form has to be submitted as part of the PPA report.* bei Teilebündeln /Familienbemusterungen auszufüllen * to be filled for common parts / family sample releaseAnmerkungen / Verschiedenes:Comments / miscellaneous:Dauer in Arbeitstagen /Duration in working days✓✓✓Liste mit Terminen für Farb-/Variantenbemusterung (verschiedene ES2)/ summary of due dates for color and alternative sample release。
You will be judged based on the following criteria for this DMAIC phase: 在DMAIC中的这一阶段,评判标准如下: •Was the solution’s potential business value clearly defined? •是否已明确定义出该解决方案的潜在商业价值? •Was there a plan outlined to accomplish the goal/s of the project? •是否有指引达成目标的规划纲要? •Did the team appropriately collect and determined the Voice of the Customer and therefore appropriately defined the customer’s/site’s needs? •团队是否恰当的收集数据且倾听客户声音?并以此恰当的确定客户或公司的需求? Please ensure you have an answer to each question. 请确保你对每一个问题都有答案。
Project Title 项目名称
Location 位置 Category 类别
C++模板详解(⼀)C++模板 模板是C++⽀持参数化多态的⼯具,使⽤模板可以使⽤户为类或者函数声明⼀种⼀般模式,使得类中的某些数据成员或者成员函数的参数、返回值取得任意类型。
模板是⼀种对类型进⾏参数化的⼯具; 通常有两种形式:函数模板和类模板; 函数模板针对仅参数类型不同的函数; 类模板针对仅数据成员和成员函数类型不同的类。
⽐如编写了⼀个交换两个整型int 类型的swap函数,这个函数就只能实现int 型,对double,字符这些类型⽆法实现,要实现这些类型的交换就要重新编写另⼀个swap函数。
使⽤模板的⽬的就是要让这程序的实现与类型⽆关,⽐如⼀个swap模板函数,即可以实现int 型,⼜可以实现double型的交换。
⼀、函数模板通式1、函数模板的格式: template <class形参名,class形参名,......> 返回类型函数名(参数列表) { 函数体 } 其中template和class是关见字,class可以⽤typename 关见字代替,在这⾥typename 和class没区别,<>括号中的参数叫模板形参,模板形参和函数形参很相像,模板形参不能为空。
⽐如swap的模板函数形式为 template <class T> void swap(T& a, T& b){},当调⽤这样的模板函数时类型T就会被被调⽤时的类型所代替,⽐如swap(a,b)其中a和b是int 型,这时模板函数swap中的形参T就会被int 所代替,模板函数就变为swap(int &a, int &b)。
PowerPoint Template创意新颖PPT模板
Add your text here and write down your ideas here thank you add your text here and write down your ideas here thank you add your text here and write down your ideas here thank you add your text here
PowerPoint Template powerpoint template designed by GuanHai
Add your text here and write down your idea thank you
Add your text here and write down your idea thank you
Add your text here and write down your ideas thank you add your text here and write down your ideas thank you add your text here add your text here thank you
Add your text here and write down your idea thank you add your text here and write down
样式属于资源的⼀种,例如为Button定义统⼀的背景颜⾊和字体:1: <Window.Resources>2: <Style3: TargetType="Button">4: <Setter Property="Background" Value="Yellow" />5: <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5" />6: <Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Comic Sans MS"/>7: <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="14"/>8: </Style>9: </Window.Resources>10: <StackPanel>11: <Button>Button A</Button>12: <Button Foreground="Red" Background="White">Button B</Button>13: </StackPanel>从执⾏的结果上来看:在Style中定义的属性及值,影响到Window中的所有类型为Button的控件的样式在Button中可以新定义其他属性(如Foreground),覆盖Style中的定义(Background)这种样式,类似于CSS中的类型选择器,为某种类型定义样式。
【实用模板】礼貌“催”客户的邮件 【Template】Polite Pushing Emails
Template 1:
To urge customers to confirm orders
Dear **,
Good day. How are you ?
Long time no hear from you. Hope you everything goes well.
Should you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for your always support.
Have a nice day.
Best regards,
Template 3:
Customers will not reply email very often, but we have to get customer confirmation to implement for some problems, for example, to urge to confirm model, order, and artworks, to pay the deposit, balance and so on. So we have to give a reply email to push customers for many times. But as a novice of foreign trade, it is difficult to grasp the degree in email. If carelessly offense customers, you cannot see the woods for the trees. For this, I prepare several mail templates specially for you but only for your reference:
template 用法
template 用法template 用法什么是 template在计算机编程中,template是一个通用的编程概念,它用于定义可以在多个不同类型或值上进行操作的代码块或数据结构。
使用 template 的好处使用template的主要好处是可以编写通用的代码,可以复用于多种不同类型或值。
template 容器vectorvector是 C++ STL 中的一个动态数组容器,可以存储任意类型的值。
以下是一个示例代码:template <typename T>void printVector(const std::vector<T>& vec) {for (const auto& value : vec) {std::cout << value << " ";}std::cout << std::endl;}int main() {std::vector<int> intVector = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};std::vector<std::string> stringVector = {"hello", "w orld"};printVector(intVector); // 输出:1 2 3 4 5printVector(stringVector); // 输出:hello worldreturn 0;}在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个用于打印vector的模板函数printVector,它接受一个vector对象作为参数,并使用for循环遍历输出其中的值。
命令操作返回值set(K key, V value)voidset(K key, V value, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)过期时间,TimeUnit时间格式voidset(K key, V value, Duration timeout)Duration过期时间voidsetIfAbsent(K key, V value)如果不存在则设置【setnx】Boolean setIfAbsent(K key, V value, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)Boolean setIfAbsent(K key, V value, Duration timeout)Boolean setIfPresent(K key, V value)如果存在则设置【setex】Boolean setIfPresent(K key, V value, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)Boolean setIfPresent(K key, V value, Duration timeout)BooleanmultiSet(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map)设置多个键值对【mset】void multiSetIfAbsent(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map)如果不存在则设置多个键值对Booleanget(Object key)获取Object VgetAndSet(K key, V value)获取原值同时设置新值【getset】Object VmultiGet(Collection<K> keys)获取集合【mget】List<V>increment(K key)⾃增操作(键不存在则创建并按照初始值0⾃增)【incr】Longincrement(K key, long delta)增加数操作【incrby】Longincrement(K key, double delta)增加浮点数【incrbyfloat】Doubledecrement(K key)⾃减【decr】Longdecrement(K key, long delta)减去操作【decrby】Longappend(K key, String value)追加值【append】Integerget(K key, long start, long end)获取指定位置的字符【getrange】Stringset(K key, V value, long offset)设置指定位置的字符(覆盖后⾯的长度)【setrange】voidsize(K key)值长度【strlen】LongsetBit(K key, long offset, boolean value)设置或者清除指定位置的值(⼆进制)【setbit】BooleangetBit(K key, long offset)获取⽐特位的值BooleanbitField(K key, BitFieldSubCommands subCommands)见下⽅说明List<Long> getOperations()RedisOperations<K, V>setBit和getBit都是对⼆进制进⾏操作。
ASP Template 类说明
--对于空白行最终输出的时候,进行删除 Leabharlann ++标签定义
{$tag$} 普通标签
{$include:filename$} 模板文件标签
<loop name="tagname">...</loop> 循环标签,name属性为标签名称 {$tag/subtag$} 循环标签中的子标签
Dim oStream
Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
oStream.Type = 2
oStream.Mode = 3
oStream.Charset = sCharset
End Property
Public Property Get TplPath
TplPath = m_TplPath
End Property
'Rem 设定模板文件的路径
Public Property Let TplPath(sTplPath)
If sTplPath<>"" Then m_TplPath = sTplPath
m_Version = "1.0"
m_Copyright = ""
m_TplPath = "./"
m_SetTplPath = false
Set tagData = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
ESRI ArcMap Map Template说明书
In ArcMap, you can produce a series of mapswith a minimum of duplicated effort, share data,and tailor the ArcMap work environment for spe-cific tasks—all by using map templates. Map tem-plates, ArcMap documents with an .mxt exten-sion, store not only map layouts but also datalayers and ArcMap interface customizations sothat these items can be used over and over again.Introduced with ArcInfo 8, map templates areavailable in all versions of ArcMap in ArcGIS.Creating a Standard LookBy automatically incorporating previously speci-fied page orientation, title format, text fonts, andother map elements, templates increase produc-tivity and standardize the appearance of mapsgenerated by an organization. T he eight map tem-plates that ship with ArcMap are stored in <yourdrive>:/Program Files/ESRI/ArcInfo/bin/T emplatesand are available for use anytime you start a newmap. Y ou do not have to copy a project file inorder to reuse a layout. Simply save a map youwould like to use as a template. T he sample tem-plates and any other templates you create thatare stored in the default directory appear in theNew Map dialog box. Creating a subdirectory inthe T emplates folder will cause that subdirectoryto appear as a tab choice on the New Map dialogbox. However, map templates can be stored inand accessed from any directory on your com-puter or network.When you start a new map, ArcMap repro-duces the selected template in a new ArcMap doc-ument while keeping the template file intact. If noother template has been specified, ArcMap readsits default characteristics from the normal.mxtfile. Although you can change the characteristicsof a new map document, you cannot apply a dif-ferent template to an existing map.T o create a map based on a template, startArcMap. In the Startup dialog box, choose Createa New Map Using a T emplate and click on StartUsing ArcMap. If you are already in an ArcMap ses-sion, choose File > New from the menu. In theNew dialog box, normal.mxt will be highlighted.Select the desired template. ArcMap will load thetemplate and display it in a Layout View.Produce a Series of MapsIf you want to make a series of related maps thatuse the same dataset, you can add data layers toan ArcMap document with the desired look andfeel and save it as a template. Starting with thistemplate standardizes the appearance of all themaps and ensures that the same dataset is usedfor each map in the series. Other members of anorganization can use both the data and the layoutsimply by copying this ArcMap template file.Customize the Working EnvironmentY ou can modify the interface and functionality ofArcMap without programming and make thosecustomizations available every time you workin ArcMap or on demand. Y ou can also sharemenus and toolbars with others just as easily.Any customizations saved to a template will beavailable any time a map is created from thattemplate. T o make customizations available everytime you start ArcMap, save these changes tonormal.mxt, the default template ArcMap useswhen no other template is specified. T he follow-ing steps will create a new template that incor-porates a customized toolbar. In ArcMap, simpletoolbars can be created without programming bydragging and dropping interface items.1.Start ArcMap. Choose File > New and addthe elements needed for a new map.2.Choose T ools > Customize from the menu. Inthe Customize dialog box, click on the T oolbarstab. Click on the New button. In the New T oolbardialog box, name the toolbar MyT ools and save itas Untitled rather than normal.mxt. Click on OK.3. A new, blank toolbar called MyT ools appears.Not only can you add buttons to this toolbar bydragging and dropping them but any item froma menu can be dragged to a toolbar. This canbe especially helpful for menu choices you fre-quently use that are located one or more levelsdown in a menu.4.When all items have been added to MyT oolstoolbar, click on Close. Choose File > Save Asand navigate to <your drive>:/Program Files/ESRI/ArcInfo/bin/T emplates or wherever you aresaving map template files. Name the templateand choose ArcMap template (.mxt) in the drop-down box next to Save as Type.Adding a custom toolbar and saving the mapas a template will give you the toolbar and anylayout or data saved to the template every timeyou start a map using that template.Styles Work with T emplatesThe efficiencies of templates can be further lev-eraged by using styles and templates together.Styles give you an easier way to organize and con-trol colors, symbology, text, and map components.ArcMap ships with a robust selection of industrybased styles that can be modified. Alternativelyyou can make entirely new styles and save them.See the ArcUser article, “Map Making with Styles,”that appeared in the April–June 2000 issue formore information on using styles. This article isalso available from the ArcUser Online Web site(/arcuser). F or more information onusing map templates, see Chapter 8, “Laying Outand Printing Maps,” in the Using ArcMap manual.with ArcMap T emplatesby Monica Pratt, ArcUser EditorAny templates stored in the default directoryappear in the New Map dialog box. Create asubdirectory in the Templates folder to have asubdirectory appear as a tab choice on the NewMap dialog box.Choose Tools > Customize from the menu andclick on the Toolbars tab. Begin the MyTools tool-bar by clicking on the New button. Save MyToolsas Untitled rather than normal.mxt.Add buttons and menu choices to the new tool-bar by dragging and dropping them. Frequentlyused menu choices located one or more levelsdown in a menu can be added to the toolbar.Have It Y our Way54 ArcUser July–September 2001 。
给引用变量赋值有两种方法,一种办法是在Java代码中给变量赋值,此外,也可以在模板中通过#set指令给变量赋值,例如 #set($foo="bar") the output is $foo.
Process certification is a standardized procedure that ensures all steps and requirements are carried out as specified.2.企业通常会通过ISO认证来证明其产品和服务符合国际标准。
Businesses will often seek ISO certification to demonstrate that their products and services meet international standards.3.通过流程认证,企业可以提高其产品和服务的质量,增强顾客的信心。
Through process certification, businesses can enhance the quality of their products and services, bolstering customer confidence.4. Template是一种模板或样式,可以用来指导各种活动和流程。
A template is a model or style that can be used to guide various activities and processes.5.通过使用template,公司可以减少重复工作,提高效率。
By utilizing templates, companies can reduce repetitive work and increase efficiency.6.这个流程认证程序需要经过多个步骤和审核才能最终通过。
This process certification procedure requires multiple steps and reviews to ultimately pass.7.具有流程认证的企业通常能够吸引更多客户和商机。
20standard template模板
Text here
• Supporting text here. • ……
Text here
• Supporting text here. • ……
Text here
• Supporting text here. • ……
Section Header Here
Supporting text here. When you copy & paste, choose "keep text only" option.
Click to edit Master title style
Text here
Click to edit Master title style
Text here
Unified fonts make reading more fluent. Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change. Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting, use the reference line in PPT.
Text here
• Supporting text here. • ……
Text here
• Supporting text here. • ……
Text here
• Supporting text here. • ……
Click to edit Master title style
第12章 模板(Template)PPT教学课件
12.2 函数模板
• 中的add函数便是一个函数模板,编译器根据函数模板的定义,检查传入的参数类型, 生成相应的函数,并调用之。函数模板的定义形式如下:
12.1 为什么要定义模板
• 形象地说,把函数比喻为一个游戏过程,函数的流程就相 当于游戏规则,在以往的函数定义中,总是指明参数是int 型还是double型等等,这就像是为张三(好比int型)和李 四(好比double型)比赛制定规则。可如果王五(char*型) 和赵六(bool型)要比赛,还得提供一套函数的定义,这 相当于又制定了一次规则,显然这是很麻烦的。模板的的 引入解决了这一问题,不管是谁和谁比赛,都把他们定义 成A与B比赛,制定好了A与B比赛的规则(定义了关于A和B 的函数)后,比赛时只要把A替换成张三,把B替换成李四 就可以了,大大简化了程序代码量,维持了结构的清晰, 大大提高了程序设计的效率。该过程称为“类型参数化”。
常量表达式,如: • template<class Any,class Another,int number> • double fun(Any a,int b,Another c) •{ • //函数体,其中number可以作为一个int型常量来使用 •}
12.2.1 函数模板的使用
• 函数模板的使用规则和普通函数是相同的,在使 用函数模板之前,必须对函数模板进行声明,此 说明必须在外部进行,也就是说不能在任何一个 函数(包括main函数)中声明,声明的格式为:
分隔的列表中,用尖括号<>括起来,紧跟在函数模板实例的名字后面。看一段示例代 码12-4:
my %row_data; # 使用新的散列
# fill in this row
$row_data{WORD} = shift @words;
$row_data{NUMBER} = shift @numbers;
# 先将数据保存在散列中,然后在压入数组
基本上, 每个<TMPL_LOOP>将获取一个数组引用.数组内部是任意数量的散列引用.
在<TMPL_LOOP>中, 变量仅仅能够在 <TMPL_LOOP> 以后才可用.模板中的<TMPL_LOOP>
$template->param(EMPLOYEE_INFO => [
{ name => 'Sam', job => 'programmer' },
该标签在当前模板点包含一个模板进来. 被包含的模板内容与直接放置在主模板中的效果一样.
文件路径可以是绝对路径(在UNIX中以 '/'开头).如果不是绝对路径,模块将在文件的当前路径搜索.