东莞市智泰周详仪器无限公司 全主动光学测量仪vm




(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 2014.03.12C N 203479714U (21)申请号 201320474043.4(22)申请日 2013.08.05G01N 21/88(2006.01)G08C 17/02(2006.01)(73)专利权人台虹科技(昆山)有限公司地址215211 江苏省苏州市昆山市玉山镇台虹路1号(72)发明人管全勇 鲍纪伟 刘成召 陆立(74)专利代理机构北京中誉威圣知识产权代理有限公司 11279代理人张相午(54)实用新型名称AOI 自动光学检测机(57)摘要本实用新型公开了一种AOI 自动光学检测机,它涉及适用于能透光需要检测外观的材料领域。



(51)Int.Cl.权利要求书1页 说明书2页 附图1页(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利权利要求书1页 说明书2页 附图1页(10)授权公告号CN 203479714 U1/1页1.AOI 自动光学检测机,其特征在于,包括摄像机(1)、光源模组(2)和检测装置(3),涂布机(4)上下两侧均设置有摄像机(1),摄像机(1)之间一侧设置有光源模组(2),摄像机(1)还与检测装置(3)相连,所述的检测装置(3)还与报警装置和贴异常标签装置相连。

2.根据权利要求1所述的AOI 自动光学检测机,其特征在于,所述的检测装置(3)通过无线信号与远程主控机相连。

权 利 要 求 书CN 203479714 UAOI自动光学检测机技术领域[0001] 本实用新型涉及的是适用于能透光需要检测外观的材料领域,具体涉及一种AOI 自动光学检测机。

背景技术[0002] 原涂布机上产出的成品,外观异常都是人用肉眼去观察,所以存在以下不足[0003] 1.当产品发生连续性外观异常时,人员未及时发现时,会造成异常材料报废很多。

影像测量仪对比 - 国产

影像测量仪对比 - 国产

生产厂家:北京天准科技有限公司型号:VMU322产品简介: 技术参数:量程(mm)300×200×200外部尺寸(mm)1040×740×1620重量(kg)250承重(kg)25测量精度 XY轴E2=(2.0+L/300)µm 测量精度 Z轴E1=(5.0+L/200)µm 速度 XY轴200mm/S 速度 Z轴100mm/S 光栅尺Renishaw 光栅尺CCD1/2"CCD 黑白/彩色轮廓光LED 冷光源,256级亮度可调光学系统6.5:1可变倍,放大倍率29~163或58~326软件Vispec 测量软件运动控制自主专利的CNC 直流伺服系统保修期1年工作环境温度20℃±2℃,温度变化<2℃/hr ,湿度30~80%、振动<0.002g ,低于15Hz 电源220V/50Hz/10A仪器特点:◆ 超精密全自动测量,四轴CNC 控制;◆ 精密花岗岩机台,精度高,稳定性好;◆ 三轴THK 精密线性滑轨、精密传动系统;◆ Renishaw 开放式光栅尺,精度高、稳定性好;◆ 进口自动变倍光学镜头,可实现自动变倍测量;◆ 可程控6环8区环形表面光源,LED 轮廓光源,同轴光源;◆ 自动对焦测高,可加装接触式测头;参考价格:23.8万VMU 是一款具有国际品牌性能品质的全自动影像测量仪,凝聚了机械、控制、软件等各相关领域最尖端的科研成果,提供全方位的测量方案,世界顶级的软硬件配置,目前国内精度最高、性能最稳定、功能最强大。

生产厂家:北京天准科技有限公司型号:VMC322产品简介: 技术参数:量程(mm)300×200×200外部尺寸(mm)1040×740×1620重量(kg)250承重(kg)25测量精度 XY轴E2=(3.0+L/200)µm 测量精度 Z轴E1=(5.0+L/200)µm 速度 XY轴200mm/S 速度 Z轴100mm/S 光栅尺1.0µm 分辨率CCD1/2"CCD 黑白/彩色轮廓光LED 冷光源,256级亮度可调光学系统6.5:1可变倍,放大倍率29~163或58~326软件Vispec 测量软件运动控制自主专利的CNC 直流伺服系统保修期1年工作环境温度20℃±2℃,温度变化<2℃/hr ,湿度30~80%、振动<0.002g ,低于15Hz 电源220V/50Hz/10A仪器特点:◆ 四轴CNC 控制系统,全自动测量;◆ 三轴精密线性滑轨、精密传动系统◆ 精密花岗岩机台,精度高,稳定性好;◆ 进口自动变倍光学镜头,可实现自动变倍测量◆ 全鼠标的自动化控制,简单易用;◆ 可程控6环8区环形表面光源,LED轮廓光源;◆ 自动对焦测高,可加装接触式测头;参考价格:18.8万VMC 是一款优越性价比的产品,测量功能丰富,可为企业节省大量的人力、时间成本。


MTL 300 Evo
MTL 500 Evo
MTL Evo 系列是专门为复杂的零件设计的测量仪,如凸轮轴,涡轮等工件。 机台周边的防护罩和宽大的聚碳酸酯门保护机台不受环境中油污的影响。
其独有的风冷系统使得机台在不利的环境中也可以持续正常运转。 step master 温度平衡系统确保机器的高效运行及测量的准确性。
车间人员作业的同时,其他人员可以在办公室完成 编程步骤。
可以利用样品的真实图像上进行编程或者通过 DXF文件的部件库进行编程。 编程程序保存至服务器,可以重复使用。 可以在文件夹里找到已保存的工件图像,再次进 行测量和观察,无需工件在测量现场。 这种情况适合远距离客户,或已交付货物后需要 对工件进行再次检测的情况。
重复性 Ø L
测量结果的显示图及时提供信息。 工人在测量的同时完成检测报告。 检测结果显示图一键完成。 通过过对工件图像的分析,及时校准 生产或加工设备,减少次品的产生。
系统利用每批工件中几个工件的测量数据作为参考进行编程。考虑到小批量生产需要更频繁的更换 程序,MTL的自动编程系统能够在短时间内完成编程,满足小批量生产商的检测需求。
MTL 是一款为柱状体和旋转体工件的测量设计的检测设备。采用光学原理,在数秒内对工件外形进行 测量。可直接用于生产车间,无需温控环境。
直接用于车间 每批零件可节约至60分钟的检测时间。可设置在车床旁边直接使用。 在车间直接操作机台,及时控制生产过程,减少停机时间。 通过过对工件图像的分析,及时校准生产或加工设备,减少次品的产生。 MTL 和工作站互动界面自动更正车刀磨损参数。

数字电参数测量仪PM9804 06 08 13 15 操作说明书

数字电参数测量仪PM9804 06 08 13 15  操作说明书

PM9804/06/08/13/15数字电参数测量仪操作说明书东莞纳普电子科技有限公司前言 (01)第一章概述 (04)1.1简述 (04)1.2主要技术指标 (04)1.3面板结构 (07)第二章操作说明 (10)1、仪器显示 (10)2、7段数码管字符对照表 (10)3、设置按键说明 (11)4、功能设置操作流程 (11)第三章检定和校准 (25)1、仪器检定所需要的设备 (25)2、检定和校准的接线方法 (25)第四章继电器口使用说明(仪表选配功能) (26)1、继电器处于H H—L L模式时 (26)2、继电器处于GONG模式时 (26)3、可以通过修改Dely值,设定报警延迟时间 (26)第五章串行口使用说明 (27)1、串行口的两种方式 (27)2、串行口的引脚定义 (27)第六章使用注意事项及故障排除方法 (28)1、仪器使用注意事项 (28)2、仪器的故障及排除方法 (28)3、保险丝的更换方法 (28)感谢您购买并使用本公司的产品!本手册是关于仪器的功能、设置、接线方式、操作方法、故障时的处理方法等的说明书。













User manualOutdoor Thermographic TelescopeTable of ContentOverview123468109811OverviewConsiderations and Safety Maintenance Performance Index Product Structure Operating Description Battery Charging Instructions Indicator LightApplication of Amplification Application of Color Palette After-sale Service of the ProductHT-A3 Outdoor Thermographic Telescope device adopts advance non-cooled focal plane infrared detector and quality optical lenses as the core. With the characteristics of convenient and quick operating system, small appearance design, expansion parts with perfect function, long duration of use, it is sturdy and durable and applicable to all types of environments and provides an ideal temperature measurement tool featuring “clear imaging, precise measurement, simple operation and easy to carry”. This is the best selection for onsite detection, preventive maintenance and other application sites.The product may be used for outdoor animal observation, search and rescue, law enforcement detection for policemen, night patrol, outdoor activities and personal security, etc. The product is provided with the photographing function. The photos may be browsed by connecting with a computer through USB to make it convenient for observation of many persons at the same time, which creates possibility for application in more occasions.Considerations and Safety Maintenance Please read the user manual carefully in order to use the product correctly:Don’t use the product in explosive, flammable, damp orcorrosive environment.The product contains precision electronic and sensitive optical devices.Don’t impact and drop it to avoid damage.Don’t dismantle and remodel the product without permission.Please use damp cloth or weak soap to clean the enclosure of the device.Don’t use abradant, isopropanol or solvent to clean. The lensand screen should be cleaned with use of professional optical glasses.When the product works, slight click will be given out everyseveral seconds. This is the normal phenomenon that the lens captures the image.Performance IndexProbe typeResolution ratioLCD resolutionfocus lengthEyepieceField angleDigital zoomWavelength coverageFrame rate of thermal imagesColor paletteFocusing modeImage storageBatteryUSBWorking timeProduct weight440gProduct size(length × height)Work temperatureStorage temperature384x288 infrared focal plane720X540Uncooled focal planeSingle eyepiece display (the dioptriccompensation is adjustable)2X;4X8μm-14μm50HzRainbow/Hot metal/white heat/black heatAdjustableBMPBuilt-in rechargeable batteriesMicro USB≥6 hours186x69x68 mm(with eye patch)0℃- 45℃-20℃- 60℃19mm;25mm;35mm19.5°x14.7°; 14.9°x11.2°; 10.7°x 8°Product StructureCaptureswitchOperating DescriptionCharging: the product is provided with built-in battery. When the battery power is not sufficient, please charge it through Micro USB interface in time.Image capture: Press “ ” key to capture the image. The screen will show “ ” prompt, indicating that image capture is successful.enter the image viewing mode (the image shows the last imagekey to exit Image viewing mode.Delete image: After entering the image viewing mode, pressImage Export: Capture and save images can be viewed and exported via a Micro USB connection to a computer.the four imaging modes of rainbow, hot metal, black heat, and white heat.CVBS video output. Press and hold again to return to the local display.and each time you press it, the target of “2X, 4X” will be gradually enlarged and displayed. Press again to return to the normal state.Brightness adjustment of the display screen: Under thebrightness. Each long press adjusts the brightness by 1 ser light on / off: In the power-on state, press and hold the “ ” key to turn on the laser light, and long press it again to turn it off.Diopter adjustment: Rotate the diopter adjustment button left and right to adjust the diopter for yourself.Focusable lens: Rotate the focus lens button left and right to focus. Rotate clockwise for near focus and counterclockwise for far focus.Indicator LightStatus Power on Power offNot being charged Blue NoneIn charging Red blue (purple)RedFully charged BlueNoneNormalThe magnification function may be utilized when remote objective is photographed so as to observe the objective clearly.The effect picture is as follows:Use USB data line to charge:This product has a built-in rechargeable battery.When the battery is low, please charge it in time via the Micro USB port.After fully charged, unplug the USB cable.Note: When the battery is completely empty, there will be an abnormality. It is recommended to use the battery when it is sufficient.Application of AmplificationBattery Charging Instructions2X4XAfter-sale Service of the ProductRespected customers:Thank you for purchasing the product of our company. The product carries a warranty period from the date of sale.During the warranty period of the product, if installation and use is made according to the user manual at normal environment and conditions, users may enjoy free repair service by warranty voucher for faulty product caused by raw materials and manufacturing process. The warranty voucher should be kept properly by the users and will not be reissued if lost.In order to avoid problems during the use process, our company suggests that you familiarize with the user manual of the product first before the product is used.The following conditions are not within the warranty scope:1. Unable to show the original of effective warranty voucher.2. The product installation does not comply with product require-ments and relevant specification, which causes damage; 3. The damage is caused due to that users use and store it improperly or dismantle and repair it without permission and otherreasons;4. Damage caused by natural disasters (earthquake, flood and lightning stroke) and external disasters;5. Exceed the warranty period.The magnification function may be utilized when remote objective is photographed so as to observe the objective clearly.The effect picture is as follows:The image effect photographed with three types of color palette.Rainbow Hot metal White heat Black heatApplication of Color PaletteThe color palette menu may change the pseudo color of infrared thermal image and provide three types of color palettes: rainbow, Hot metal, white heat,black heat.The selection of proper color palette can show the details of target object in a better manner. The color palette of rainbow and Hot metal focuses on display of color and is very suitable for the condition of high heat contrast and used to improve color contrast between high temperature and low temperature. But the whiteheat color palettes provide even linear color.1. The product enjoys warranty service within one year from the purchase date if it is used normally and not dismantled and is confirmed by warranty personnel for product quality problem. Repair will be provided at any condition.2. The warranty voucher should be filled at the time of purchase. It should be carried for product maintenance.Customer’s nameWarranty record:Considerations:1. If the product malfunction, repair or replacement with new or good product is made according to the condition after the product is inspected.2. For product exceeding the warranty period, determine whether to repair or replace the part after inspection for the product is performed. Relevant expense will be charged for all types of repair and replacement of parts and components according to actual condition.Purchase dateProduct typeDistributor。

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