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1.2.3Language measurementrefers to the meaningful and appropriate interpretations thatEnglishteachers make on the basis of a given test scores. As we know that learners’language ability is psychological behaviors, and is difficult to measure. Therefore, we have to use somequantitative scores or criteria to measure learners’language production.
d.HavingTest 2to know whether the learners have arrived at the expected learning targets
e.Graduation (if the learners have arrivedatthe targets, they will be allowed to graduate, otherwisecertainremedial measures should be added to help learners to reach the expected targetsbefore graduation.
a.Enrolment of new students
b.HavingTest 1 to know learners’present standingand place them into different class or groups
c.Differentprograms, courses and strategies for students of different levels
Language testing refers to the systematic and scientific ways to measure and evaluate learners’learningresultand teachers’teaching effectiveness.
1.2.Some basic notionsand pointsabout language testing:
1.4.3Mid-term test: (期中测试): A mid-term test is held in the middle of a semester. It is comparativelya longer,more systematic and comprehensive test than a classroom test. The test is designed to get information about learners’comprehensive understanding and mastering of what they have learned.
1.3.5Scientific research function: Some tests are held to achieve informationor dataforscientificresearch, into the questions, such as:
Comparisonbetween second language acquisitionand second language learning
Theories and Practice of English Language Testing
ChapterOne: Basic Notions about Language Testing
1..1What islanguage testing, and what is it concerned about?(语言测试的性质和目的)
1.4.4End-of-term test, also final-term test:A final-term test refers the test designed in accordance with thegeneral teaching program andheld at the end of a semester. The purpose of the test is to obtain the general information about what the students have learned during the whole semesterand their ability to solve problems with their learned knowledge and skills.The purpose includes the following three aspects:
1.2.6What is a language test?A language testrefers to any procedures for measuring learners’ languagecompetenceand performance.Anastasi(阿纳斯塔西), a psychologist defined the test as a standardized and objective measurement of behavior samples1.(将心理测验定义为一种对行为样本客观和标准化的测量1961).
1.2.4Rules for the measurement of language ability(语言能力的测量法则)
1.2.5Rules refer to the ways and criteria to measure learners’language ability. A reliable and valid measurementshould be based on thereasonable and scientific rules and methods.
1.3.The purpose ofLanguage testsistomeasurea learner’s language ability.In order to achieve this purpose,a test paper isusuallydesigned to check or test the learner.Andscores obtained by the learner are usedclues or evidenceto evaluate the learner’s language competence andperformance.Atest paper, just like a ruler for measuring length, and width of certain objects,should be proper, scientificand accurate, so that we can get the reliable and valid evaluation of thelearner’s language ability.
1.4.2Classroom test(随堂测试): A classroom test is a short test designed to test learning effectiveness after a certain period of teaching, for example, after lecturing of certain units or chaptersThe purpose of the test is to find out how much and how well the students have learned from the lectures andhelp them tograsp the major points of the lecturesand text books. Testing items can include dictation, spelling, blank-filling,paraphrase, and translation, etc.
1.2.1What islanguage abilityandmeasurementof languageability (语言能力的测量)?
1.2.2.Scope of languageabilityis shown as the following diagram:
1.3Functions of language include:
1.3.1Diagnostic function: Just as a doctor does some diagnoses to check a patient’s illness, a teacher often designs some tests to find out learners’progress and achievements as well as disadvantages and weaknessin the course of teaching.The teacher can also use test as the means of getting feedback about his teaching methods andresults. That is to find out what should be improved in terms of teaching materials, teaching methods, and learning environment, as well.
Environment for the efficiency of second language learning
Relationship between different teaching programs / teaching strategies and learning results
Factors that afБайду номын сангаасect the second language learning
1.2.7What is evaluation?Evaluationrefers toany systematic procedures forgatheringand analysisof information for the purpose of decision making.(为作出某种决策而收集资料,并对其进行分析、解释的系统过程) Evaluation usesbothquantitative methodsandqualitative methods(量化、质化方法)to evaluate a learner’s language competence and performance.(Weiss, 1972)
Relationship betweenteaching materials and language learning efficiency
Types of languagetests
1.4.Classificationof testson basis of learning stages:
1.4.1Placement Test(编班测试): A placement test is designed to place students at anappropriatelevel in a program or course. The term“placement test”does not refer to what a test contains,or how it iscontrasted, but to the purpose for which it is used. Various types of test or testing procedures (e.g. dictation, an interview, a grammar test) can be used for placement purpose.