



魅影发现后,自觉遭到背叛,怒而砍 断舞台大吊灯的铁链,讥整座华丽的 水晶灯砰然粉碎在观众席上。随着魅 影的破坏愈来愈血腥疯狂,克莉丝汀
强迫歌剧院演出他亲手谱作的歌剧 《唐璜》,并指名由克莉丝汀担任女 主角。心烦意乱的克莉丝汀,奔至父 亲坟前哭诉,劳尔则满警察,孰料魅影竟然杀死男主角, 亲身改扮上场,不克莉丝汀演对手戏。 在戏演到最高潮时,克莉丝汀当众扯 下他的面具,魅影羞愧心碎之际,动
莉丝汀拥有丌凡的天赋美声,讥他倾 慕丌已。激赏之余,魅影决定丌计一 切代价,将年轻貌美的克莉丝汀调教 成首席女高音。然而,最初发自于精
强烈的占有欲。走火入魔的魅影更以 实际行动,把所有妨碍克莉丝汀歌唱 事业的人一一除掉。
尔追踪至地下,和魅影展开对决,却 被他用绳索勒住,魅影藉此要胁克莉 丝汀答应求婚。
咒的脸。至此,这场爱情的胜负已定。 绝望的魅影送走紧紧相拥的这对恋人, 在警察和群众闯入地下密室前,悄然 隐去,只留下一张似笑非笑的凄凉面
歌 剧 魅 影
本片描述十九世纪发生在法国巴黎 歌剧院的爱情故事。时值1882年,在 歌剧院的地窖深处,传说住着一名相


理 论研 究 ・ 乐 音
音乐剧 《 歌剧魅影 》的艺苏 南京 20 0 100)
当 拉 乌 尔 对 克 里 斯 '的 感 情 给 予 肯定 时 会 响 起 一 首 T r h e 《 尉 魅 影 》是 音乐 剧 大 师 安 德 鲁 一 伯 的 一 部 杰 作 。 自 歌 韦 o n o n r t r 《 剧魅 影 》18 年 在 伦敦 首演 l 年来 ,一 共在 2 个 国家 lO 歌 96 6 0 1个 p i t f o e u n 这是 一首 是所有 音乐 中最打动 我 的 段那 刻 ,我 看 到 了克 里斯 汀对 魅影 的迷恋 和依 赖 ,很难说 那是 不是 城市 演 出了超 过6 0 0 , 众达 N 5o o o 人 ,获得 包括 劳伦 50 场 8 00 o 斯一 奥莉 维亚 、托 尼奖 等 5 多项 音乐 剧大 奖 ,可 见 这部 音乐 剧 的 爱 ,但 的确是 依恋 ,每 次他 们独 处的 时候 ,克里斯 廷看 着魅 影的 0 眼神 都很 空洞 ,好像 被蛊 惑 了一样 。他 们的那 段合 唱 ,实在是 默 , 魅 力之大 。20年 l 月, 《 04 2 歌剧 魅影 》在 中国上海 拉开帷 幕 。 这 是个 典 型 而 感人 的爱 情 故 事 ,关 于 一个 出没 歌 剧 院 里 , 契到 了极 点 ,乌 尔 眼中 的泪光 ,有 震惊 的成分 ,他 不敢相 信克 里 疯 用 一副 面具遮 掩 自己丑 陋面孔 的神 秘 幽灵 ,爱上 一个 女高音 歌唱 斯汀 居然真 的对 那个 他眼 中 的 “ 子 ”有那么 深 的感情 ,也有 恐 演 员 的故事 。这里 面有错 综 复杂 的人物 感情 ,充 满张力 的戏 剧化 惧 的成分 ,尽管 他还 是一 如 既往地 希望保 护他 的爱 人 ,努 力给 她 冲 突 ,以及 l 世纪社 交界 特有 的那 份 自严 谨 中爆发 出来 的神 秘恐 他 所认 为的 自由 。 “ a o ’ 1 h r ih m n o e n 9 S y yu 1 sa e w t e o e l v ,o e i e i e e d m . a e m r m m s l t d … 惧和 性格 压抑 。舞 台上展 现 出气 势恢 宏 的大剧 院 ,阴森 恐怖 的地 1 f t m . L a e s v e f o y o iu e …”太感人 下世 界 ,敏感 多情 的贵族 青年 ,楚 楚可怜 的红 伶少 女 。还 有那 张 了,热切 渴望 中又带有 抹不 去的绝 望 ,心 碎啊 …… 其 中还 有一段 《 1 I A k o o 》 ,是全剧 中反复 出现 的 A 1 s f Y u 脸 ,那 隐藏 在木 然恐怖 的假 面背 后 的 自卑嫉 恨 ,狂暴 而又 脆弱 的 段旋律 ,在 不 同的场 次因 不 同的角色 有不 同的 唱词 。可 以说, 心 灵 ,几 乎所 有 可 以调动 观众 情 绪 的要 素都 浓缩 在 卡斯 顿 勒 胡 德 原著 中,并在 韦伯 的手 中 为它拂去 浮尘 ,再绽芳 华 。 这 是全 剧 的 主题 旋 律 ,不 同角 色 、 不 同唱 词 的不 同演 绎 ,表 达 音 乐 是音 乐 剧 的灵 魂 。 出色 的音 乐 是 一 部音 乐 剧 成 功 的关 了两 位 男主人 公对 克里 斯 蒂娜 不 同的 爱情 。我 听过 很多 版本 的 歌剧 魅 影 》里 听到 杰 拉德 ・ 巴特 勒 在 键 之 一 。 《 剧魅 影 》 的音 乐 较 之其 他 三 部 经 典音 乐 剧 ( 括 这 首歌 ,但 当我 在 电影 版 《 歌 包 《 猫》 《 悲惨 世界 》 《 西贡 小姐 》 )不 同 的地方 是剧 中剧是 整部 戏 中戏 《 唐璜 》 中未 唱完 的那 段 时 ,立刻 被 巴 特 勒 的演 绎所折 音 乐剧 的重要特 点 ,并为 世界 音乐剧 艺术 开创 了一 个接 近大 歌剧 服 ,立 刻认 为这 是所有 版本 中演 绎得 最为 到位 的一种 。规 定情境 唐璜 》 的演 出过 程 中破釜 沉舟 , 的新 风格 和新样 式 。剧 中采用 了大量 古典 音 乐的背 景 , ( 例如 歌 是 这样 的 :幽灵埃 里 克准 备在 《 剧 院在排 练歌剧 《 尼拨 》 《 汉 耳背 公爵 》 《 璜 的胜 利 》中 出现 与 公众 势力进 行 一场殊 死 的较量 ,他 杀死 了扮演 唐璜 的演 员, 自 唐 的 古典歌 剧中用 传统 的美 声唱法 演 唱的咏 叹调 ) ,在 音 乐剧 中套 己乔装 登场 扮 演唐 璜 , 与克 里斯 蒂娜 一起 演 唱 了剧 中的一 段优 上歌 剧,使 两者 完美 结合 ,给观 众耳 目一 新 的感 觉 。半 音进 行 的 美 的咏 叹调 ,此 时,他 无法 按捺一 的爱意 、挣 扎和 绝望 ,唱 出 中 主导 动机贯 穿剧情 进程 ,造 成扣 人心 弦的戏 剧 紧张度 ,在全 剧 一 了那 段 《 1 s f Y u 。但是 , 由于 克里斯 蒂娜突然 揭下 A l A k o o》 I 开始 ,这个 充满 神秘感 、恐 怖感 的旋律 ,一 下子 就把 观众 引入 到 了他 的面 具 , “ l ak o o ”那句 巾 的yu 有唱完 。这 al I s f yu o没 这 个悬 疑 的爱情 故事 中去 。全剧 最精彩 的 唱段莫 过于 第一幕 中幽 里 的唱词是 这样 的: Sa yo ’l1 s re y u ha wi h m o l e. on l l t e ne ov e i eti . me 灵和 女主角 克里斯 汀在 古老 的 巴黎歌剧 院下 面 ,深不 可测 的地底 a m , av m f o my ol u e i ay u n m wi h t 两 人 的深 情二 重唱 “ 歌声 魅影 ”,演唱 多有 美声成 分 ,音乐 动机 Le d e s e e r m s t d . S yo wa t e u re i o ny he o go 1 m g t o, et e o o 在 不 同的调上 一次 次再现 ,把 当 时那 种 亦真亦 幻般 睡半 醒 的戏剧 yo he bes de y u. A w re y u r st ne ha ’ a l a k .. 情境 表现 得淋 漓尽致 以及 将充满 爱 与幻 想的情 感交 融表 现得及 其 Ch i i . t t S l I s of . 凄婉 、完 美而动 人 ;旋律 节奏 中多采 用 的附 点音型 ,有 一种 强烈 打 动 我的 是埃 里克 那 一 绝望 的 呼唤 ,—— c r s i e 句 h i t n 。那 的推 动感和 紧张 感 ,制造 出全剧 中第 一个情 感 高潮 ,克里 斯汀 与 个简单 的名 字 ,被 巴特 勒 演绎 得回肠 荡气 ,充 满 了爱和渴 望 , 幽灵 声情 并茂 的歌唱 ,使观 众完 全沉 浸在这 个关 妙 、真诚 而又 略 更 深的 则是痛 彻骨 髓 的绝望 ,—— 那一 瞬 间,让 人无法 不心 动 , L 带感伤 的浪 漫爱情 故事 当 巾, 同时也 期待着 幽灵 、 克里斯 汀 、拉 让人 无法 不心 伤 。还 有在 天台那 一段 当魅 影捡起 玫瑰 响起A L 乌尔这 两个 男人 与 ‘ 女人 的的 感情接 下来 将会 如何 发展 下去 。 I A K O O 时 简直能 听到魅影 心碎 的声音 。 个 S FY U 因此 《 院魅影 》音 乐 ,除 了如歌 的旋 律美和 情感 刻画 得细 剧 见谱例T e P a tm O h p r h h n o f T e o e a 致入 微之 外 ,还 体现 出韦 伯创 作个性 的 另一面 , 即很高 的专业修 养 和对 于音乐 戏剧性 的深刻 理解 。 这 部歌 剧 中的另 外一个 亮 点就是 舞美 部分 。在这 部作 品刚 出 现 畴 ,故 事中 阴森 ,带着 恐怖 的诡异 气息 , 已深 深植 入读 者 的心 中, 鼋影 中,让许 多人 印象 最深 刻的 ,是… 开始 ,在 空荡 中仿佛 仍 回荡着 那年 魅 影如鬼 的低 吼的 宽大剧 院 中举行 的拍卖 ,黑 白的 现在 推移 向记 忆 中永远 不会 褪色 的过去 ,在 吊灯 悬起 的刹那 间, 无彩 色于 彩色 迅速 交替 ,一 部片 的灯光 ,是 掌控整 部片 的气 氛的 要角 。在 灯光上 ,整 部片 主要 都在 阴暗 少光 的情况 下演 出,黑 色 在心 理上本 就容 易与 神秘 和静寂 以及 死 亡和诡 异产 生联想 ,片 中 整个场 景 皆笼罩 在黑 暗 中,只有 剧 院中微 弱 的灯 光 勾勒 出剧 中的 主角 ,特别 是魅 影一 角 ,罕少有 正面 光源 直接将 他 的身形 全部 显 出 ,多是半 隐在 黑暗 之中 ,更是 强调 出他 仿佛 黑夜 的气质 ,蓝 且 营造 出整 部 片的 空间旱 现幽 深 中带著神 秘 的气氛 。他 是 自卑 的 , 害 怕光 明 ,因为会 被伤 害 。此外 ,舞 台美术 在这 部剧 中也是 最夺 目的亮 点之 一。对 于任 何 ’ 种舞 台戏剧 而言 ,舞 台美术 的极 端重 要性 尽人 皆知 ,音 乐剧 同样 如此 。舞 台美术 具有 的广 阔表现 力 , 它可 以根据 音乐 剧 内容 的需要 ,创 造性 地再现 任何 实有 的或虚 幻 的 、历史 的或现 实 的、本 土 的或 异 域的 典型环 境 ,它可 以在舞 台 演 出的极其 有 限的空 间 内创 造 出有利 于人 物活 动 的广阔天 地 ,也 全首都 是很 有节奏 感 的咚 咚声 ,搭配 向下 进行 的音 乐 ,弥漫 可 以在 舞 台演 出极其 有 限的时 间 长度 内呈现 从 漫长 的瞬 问的无 穷 着诡异 的 气氛 ,在魅 影带着 C



经典音乐剧介绍——歌剧魅影《歌剧魅影》描述十九世纪发生在法国巴黎歌剧院的爱情故事.时值1882年,在歌剧院的地窖深处,传说住着一名相貌丑陋,戴着面具,却学识渊博的音乐天才,多年来他神出鬼没,躲避世人惊惧鄙夷的目光,被众人称之为「魅影」.他动辄以鬼魅之姿制造各种纷乱,赶走他讨厌的歌手,甚至还干涉歌剧院的主角人选和剧码安排.在无意间,魅影发现小牌女歌手克莉丝汀拥有不凡的天赋美声,让他倾慕不已.激赏之余,魅影决定不计一切代价,将年轻貌美的克莉丝汀调教成首席女高音.然而,最初发自於精神层面的音乐之爱,却逐渐转化成为强烈的占有欲.走火入魔的魅影更以实际行动,把所有妨碍克莉丝汀歌唱事业的人一一除掉.后来,戏院的投资人劳尔认出克莉丝汀是他的儿时玩伴,两人坠入爱河.魅影发现后,自觉遭到背叛,怒而砍断舞台大吊灯的铁链,让整座华丽的水晶灯砰然粉碎在观众席上.随着魅影的破坏愈来愈血腥疯狂,克莉丝汀对他的感情也逐渐从迷恋转为恐惧,害怕和怜悯.半年后,劳尔跟克莉丝汀秘密订婚,魅影突然现身於歌剧院的化装舞会,强迫歌剧院演出他亲手谱作的歌剧《唐璜》,并指名由克莉丝汀担任女主角.心烦意乱的克莉丝汀,半夜奔至父亲坟前哭诉,劳尔则誓言要和魅影周旋到底.在《唐璜》首演当日,歌剧院四周布满警察,孰料魅影竟然杀死男主角,亲身改扮上场,与克莉丝汀演对手戏.在戏演到最高潮时,克莉丝汀当众扯下他的面具, 魅影羞愧心碎之际,动手将克莉丝汀掳至他的地下密室.劳尔追踪至地下,和魅影展开对决,却被他用绳索勒住,魅影藉此要胁克莉丝汀答应求婚.为了保护爱人劳尔,克莉丝汀毅然倾身,狠狠吻着魅影那张彷佛被地狱诅咒的脸.至此,这场爱情的胜负已定.绝望的魅影送走紧紧相拥的这对恋人,在警察和群众闯入地下密室前,悄然隐去,只留下一张似笑非笑的凄凉面具...主要角色除了饰演子爵的Patrick Wilson原本就是百老汇演员之外,其余大都是由原本只演戏的演员担任,但是不论是歌唱,还是演技,都令人折服.饰演魅影的Gerard Butler,他的表现很令人惊艳,他从来没有音乐剧的经验,为了此剧特别参与音乐课程,有人评论他的声音比不上原版音乐剧的Michael Crawford(有人形容他的声音残酷又甜蜜),但我觉得那是因为先入为主的因素所影响,我倒觉得他的声音更有人味,虽然某些段落唱得有些勉强和沙哑,但这就他所塑造的魅影,而不是原版的模子,或是原版的模仿秀.饰演克莉丝汀的Emmy Rossum也被批评声音不如原版的莎拉布莱曼,确实他的声音没有莎拉布莱曼的清亮和高亢,但是在掌握歌曲的情感上也是相当不错,毕竟她也是从小就受舞台剧训练的,声音自然不会太差,她曾拍过「明天过后」,也就是杰克葛伦霍喜欢的那个女孩子.饰演子爵的派屈克威尔森,他的声音就是标准的音乐剧演员,非常平稳而优美.音乐剧版的魅影比较老,但电影里明显比较年轻且英俊,在魅影还没拿下面具前,看起来甚至比克莉丝汀深爱的子爵更为俊美,这样的安排也许是票房使然,但个人认为这样的安排可以增加魅影本身的魅力,更让观众能够对於魅影的痴情和被孤立的处境,投射更多怜惜,在片末魅影独自对着猴子音乐盒唱歌的候,应该有很多人都会情不自禁的流下泪来,整颗心都碎了。

音乐剧_The phantom of the opera(歌剧魅影)

音乐剧_The phantom of the opera(歌剧魅影)

The phantom of the operaIn sleep he sang to me梦中他为我献唱In dreams he came在梦中他迎面而来That voice which calls to me那呼唤着我的声音And speaks my name叫着我的名字And do I dream again这是否又是一个梦For now I find现在我发现The Phantom of the Opera is there 这歌剧魅影就在那Inside my mind我脑海的深处Sing once again with me再次与我合唱Our strange duet我们奇妙的二重唱My power over you我掌控你的力量Grows stronger yet日益壮大And though you turn from me纵然你离我而去To glance behind只要回首The Phantom of the Opera is there 那歌剧魅影就在那Inside your mind在你心中Those who have seen your face 凡见过你面容之人Draw back in fear蜷缩于恐惧之中I am the mask you wear我便是你所戴的面具It's me they hear它们听见的是我Your/my spirit and your/my voice in one combined 你/我的灵魂和我/你的歌声已融为一体The Phantom of the Opera is there-这歌剧魅影就在那Inside my/your mind你脑海的深处In all your fantasies在你所有的幻想中You always knew你一直明了That man and mystery那男人和神祕之事Were both in you都在你身上And in this labyrinth而在这Where night is blind夜晚漆黑的迷宫里The Phantom of the Opera is here/there歌剧魅影就在这里Inside my/your mind我脑海深处Sing my angel of music 唱吧!我的音乐天使!He's there他在那The Phantom of the Opera那歌剧魅影Sing...唱吧……Sing for me...为我而唱吧……Sing my angel of music! 唱吧!我的音乐天使!Sing for me!为我而唱吧!。



Night-time sharpens 夜色渐浓heightens each sensation 知觉萌动Darkness stirs and wakes imagination 冥冥黑暗引领想象出笼Silently the senses abandon their defences ... 寂静之中感觉开始放纵Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour 夜晚显现魅力缓慢轻柔Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender 抓住它感觉它颤抖中带着温柔Turn your face away 把你的脸转向这里from the garish light of day 不要再看俗气的日光turn your thoughts away 把你的心转向这里from cold, unfeeling light 脱离那冰冷无情的光and listen to the music of the night ... 尽情聆听这夜的乐章Close your eyes and surrender to your 闭上双眼尽情放纵darkest dreams! 心灵深处的梦想!burn your thoughts of the life 净化心灵抛弃过去生活的you knew before! 全部主张!Close your eyes, 闭上双眼let your spirit start to soar! 让你的灵魂去飞翔!And you'll live 你将拥有新的生活as you've never lived before ... 在你从未生活过的地方Softly, deftly 不知不觉中music shall surround you ... 音乐将你包容Feel it, hear it, 去感受去聆听closing in around you ... 让它进入你的心Open up your mind 让你的思想翱翔let your fantasies unwind 为你的幻想松绑in this darkness which 在这黑暗之中you know you cannot fight 你知道自己无力抵抗the darkness of the music of the night ... 这黑暗的主宰是夜的乐章Let your mind start a journey 让你的思想展开新的旅程through a strange new world! 进入奇异而崭新的世界!Leave all thoughts 抛弃所有杂念of the world you knew before! 从已知的世界解放Let your soul take you where you 让你的灵魂带你到long to be ! 你向往的地方!Only then can you belong to me ... 到那时你才由我一人独享Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! 漂浮滑落这感觉令人陶醉Touch me, trust me savour each sensation! 触摸我信任我用一切知觉感受我Let the dream begin 让梦开始let your darker side give in 把你的心灵唤醒to the power of the music that I write 沉醉于我那音乐的力量the power of the music of the night ... 沉醉于这夜的乐章You alone can make my song take flight –只有你能让我的乐曲插上翅膀help me make the music of the night . . . 助我完成这夜的乐章还有一个只有部分版本的:Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensationDarkness stirs and wakes imaginationSilently the senses abandon their defenses夜幕激扬起丰富的情感暮色拨醒了遐想理智的防堤悄然隐退Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendorGrap it, sense it, tremulous and tenderTurn your face away from the garish light of dayTurn your face away from cold unfeeling lightAnd listen to the music of the night慢慢地温柔地夜色铺开壮景把握它感受它每一丝的震撼纤细远离日之华彩远离那冰冷无情的目光来倾诉这夜的乐章Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreamsLeave all thoughts of the world you know beforeClose your eyes, let your spirit start to soarAnd you’ll live as you’ve ne ver lived before闭上双眼吧潜入你幽深的梦境远离你熟知尘世的一切思想闭上双眼让灵魂翱翔穿越余生如获新生Softly, deftly, music shall caress youHear it, feel it, secretly possess youOpen up your mind, let your fantasies unwindIn this darkness which you know you cannot fightThe darkness of the music of the night温柔地轻巧地乐章抚慰着你的心灵聆听吧感受吧它悄悄地充溢着灵魂开启你的心扉展开你的幻想夜色中无法抵抗地沉醉于这深邃的夜的乐章Think of me,想起我think of me fondly,柔情的想起我when we've said goodbye.当我们已经说了再见Remember me, once in a while -偶尔想想我please promise me you'll try.请答应我你会试着这样去做When you find that,当你发现once again, 再一次you long to take your heart back and be free -你渴望让自己振作、自由if you ever find a moment,如果你曾找到一瞬间spare a thought for me...想着我We've never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱能永存or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样不曾改变but if you can still remember,但是若你能一直记住stop and think of me...停下来想想我Think of all the things we've shared and seen -想想我们一起分享一起经历过的事don't think about the things which might have been... 不要回想可能发生的Think of me,想想我think of me waking,醒着的时候想想我silent and resigned.安静的顺从的Imagine me,想象我trying too hard to put you from my mind.很难把你从记忆中抹去Recall those days,想起那些日子look back on all those times,想起所有过去的日子think of the things we'll never do -想起我们没来得及做的事情there will never be a day,没有一天when I won't think of you...我不在想你Can it be是这样吗Can it be Christine是这样吗克里斯提娜Bravo!好啊!What a change!这样的改变!You're really not a bit the gawkish girl that once you were... 你实在不是曾经的那个笨拙的女孩了She may not remember me,她可能不会想起我but I remember her...但我记着她We've never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱能永存or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样不曾改变but if you can still remember,但是若你能一直记住stop and think of me...停下来想想我2Phantom Of The Opera - The Mirror (Angel of Music) Lyrics PHANTOM'S VOICEInsolent boy! 傲慢的男孩This slave of fashion 时尚之奴仆basking in your glory! 沉浸在你的荣耀之中Ignorant fool! 无知的愚人This brave young suitor, 勇敢年轻的求婚者sharing in my triumph! 分享着我的胜利CHRISTINE (spell-bound)Angel! I hear you! 天使,我听见了Speak - I listen . . .说吧,我洗耳恭听stay by my side, guide me! 陪伴我身旁指引我Angel, my soul was weak - 天使,我的灵魂脆弱不堪forgive me . . . enter at last, 原谅我您终于来了Master! 导师PHANTOM'S VOICEFlattering child, 谄媚的孩子you shall know me, 你应该了解我see why in shadow I hide!明白我为何藏匿阴影中Look at your face in the mirror看看你镜中的容颜- I am there inside! 我就在那里面(The figure of the PHANTOM becomes discerniblebehind the mirror)CHRISTINE (ecstatic)Angel of Music! 音乐天使Guide and guardian! 指引我,守护我Grant to me your glory! 赐予我汝之荣耀Angel of Music! Hide no longer! 音乐天使莫再躲藏Come to me, strange angel... 来到我身边吧,陌生的天使PHANTOM"S VOICEI am your Angel ...吾乃汝之音乐天使Come to me: Angel of Music ... 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE walks towards the glowing,shimmering glass. Meanwhile, RAOUL hasreturned. He hears the voices and is puzzled. Hetries the door It is locked)RAOULWhose is that voice . . .Who is that in there . . .(Inside the room the mirror opens. Behind it, inan inferno of white light, stands the PHANTOM.He reaches forward and takes CHRISTINE firmly,but not fiercely, by the wrist. His touch is cold,and CHRISTINE gasps)PHANTOMI am your Angel of Music . . .吾乃汝之音乐天使.Come to me: Angel of Music . . . 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror,which closes behind her The door of the dressingroom suddenly unlocks and swings open, andRAOUL enters to find the room empty)RAOULChristine! Angel!完3CHRISTINE: In sleep he sang to me 在梦中他对我献唱In dreams he came 在梦中他迎面而来That voice which calls to me 声声呼唤着我的名字And speaks my nameAnd do I dream again 我是否又做梦了For now I find 因为我发现The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside my mind在我心中PHANTOM: Sing once again with me 再次与我合唱Our strange duet 奇妙的二重唱My power over you Grows stronger yet我支配你的力量日益向大And though you turn from me 纵然你离我而去To glance behind 留下惊鸿一瞥The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside your mind在你心中CHRISTINE: Those who have seen your face凡见过你面容之人Draw back in fear 蜷缩于恐惧之中I am the mask you wear我是你所戴的面具PHANTOM: It's me they here它们听见的是我PHANTOM/CHRISTINE:My/Your spirit and your/my voice你的灵魂和声音合为一体In one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside your/my mind在你心中VOICES OFF STAGE:He's there 他在那里The Phantom of the Opera Beware 歌剧魅影The Phantom of the OperaPHANTOM: In all your fantasy You always knew That man and mystery CHRISTINE: Were both in youTOGETHER: And in this labyrinth Where night is blind The Phantom of the Opera is thereCHRISTINE: Inside my mindPHANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing, my angel of music唱吧,我的音乐天使CHRISTINE:He's there The Phantom of the Opa...PHANTOM (SPOKEN): Sing for me唱吧,我的音乐天使CHRISTINE: Ra...[While Christine continues]HANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing ... Sing for me ... Sing,my angel of music ... Sing for me[Christine hits high C]time sharpens, heightens each sensation 深夜里,每一种感觉都在渐渐复苏Darkness wakes and stirs imagination 黑暗唤醒并刺激着幻觉Silently the senses abandon their defenses 无声中,所有感官放下了防备Helpless to resist the notes I write 无法抗拒我笔下乐符的诱惑For I compose the music of the night 因为我谱写了夜之歌Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor 慢慢地,轻轻地,夜展现出了它的华丽Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender 捕捉它,感觉它,细微却令人震撼Hearing is believing, music is deceiving 听到的乐曲如此真实,但那音乐却似真似幻Hard as lightning, soft as candlelight 烈如闪电,柔若烛光Dare you trust the music of the night 无法至信的夜之歌Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth 闭上你的双眼,因为你的眼睛只会告诉你事实And the truth isn't what you want to see 而事实却不是你所想要看见的In the dark it is easy to pretend 在黑暗中,伪装是多么的容易That the truth is what it ought to be 真理成为了臆想Softly, deftly, music shall caress you 温柔地,轻巧地,音乐将会抚慰你Hear it, feel it secretly possess you 聆听它,感觉它偷偷地控制了你Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind 敞开你的胸怀,让你的幻想得到释放In this darkness which you know you cannot fight 在这你无法抗拒的黑暗中The darkness of the music of the night 这夜之歌中黑色的魔力Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world 闭上你的双眼,踏上向着一个新世界的旅程Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 抛开你对于这个世界所有的思考Close your eyes and let music set you free 闭上你的双眼,让音乐将你释放Only then can you belong to me 唯有那样你才能属于我Floating, falling, sweet intoxication 时而漂游,时而旋落,甜蜜的陶醉中Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation 抚摸我,相信我,享受每一种感觉Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in 让梦境开始,让你阴暗的一面退却To the power of the music that I write 臣服于我的音乐脚下The power of the music of the night 这夜之歌的魔力You alone can make my song take flight 惟有你可以使我的歌声飞扬Help me make the music of the night 帮助我写出这首夜之歌DonnaANDREYour public needs you!FIRMINwe need you, too!CARLOTTAWould you not rather have your precious little ingénueANDRE/FIRMINSignora, no!The world wants you!Prima Donna, first lady of the stage!Your devotees are on their knees to implore you!ANDRECan you bow out when they're shouting your nameFIRMINThink of how they all adore you!BOTHPrima Donna, enchant us once again!ANDREThink of your muse ...FIRMINand of the queues round the theatre!BOTHCan you deny us the triumph in storeSing, prima Donna, once more!RAOULChristine spoke of an angel ...CARLOTTAPrima donna, your song shall live again!ANDRE/FIRMINThink of your public!CARLOTTAYou took a snub, but there's a public who needs you! GIRYShe has heard the voice of the angel of music ... ANDRE/FIRMINThose who hear your voice liken you to an angel! CARLOTTAThink of their cry of undying support!RAOULIs this her angel of music...ANDREWe get our opera ...FIRMINShe gets her limelight!CARLOTTAFollow where the limelight leads you!ANDRE/FIRMINLeading ladies are a trial!CARLOTTAPrima donna, your song shall never die!You'll sing again and to unending ovation!RAOULOrders! Warnings!Lunatic demandsANDRE/FIRMINlunatic demands are regular occurrences! CARLOTTAThink how you'll shine in that final encore!Sing, prima donna, once more!ANDRE/FIRMINSurely there'll be further scenes -worse than this!RAOULI must see these demands are rejected!ANDRE/FIRMINWho'd believe a diva happy to relieve achorus girl who's gone and slept with the patron Raoul and the soubrette, entwined in love's duet! Although he may demur, he must have been with her! You'd never get away with all this in a play,but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue, it's just the sort of story audiences adore,In fact a perfect opera!RAOULHis game is over!GIRYThis is a game you cannot hope to win! RAOULAnd in Box Five a new game will begin ... GIRYFor, if his curse is on this opera ...MEGBut if his curse is on this opera ...ANDRE/FIRMINPrima donna, the world is at your feet!A nation waits, and how it hatesto be cheated!Light up the stageWith that age-old rapportSing, prima donna, once more!I Ask of YouRAOULNo more talk of darkness,Forget these wide-eyed fears,I'm here, nothing can harm you -my words will warm and clam you.Let me be your freedom,let daylight dry your tears,I'm here, with you, beside you,to guard you and to guide you . CHRISTINESay you love me every waking moment, Turn my head with talk of summertime, Say you need me with you,now and always,promise me that all you say is true -that's all I ask of you ...RAOULLet me be your shelter,let me be your light.You're safe:No-one will find you -your fears are far behind you ...CHRISTINEAll I want is freedom,a world with no more night ...and you, always besides me,to hold me and to hide me ...RAOULThen say you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...let me lead you from your solitude ...Say you need me with you here, beside you ... anywhere you go, let me go too - Christine,that's all I ask of you ...CHRISTINESay you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...say the word and I will follow you ...BOTHShare each day with me, eachnight, each morning ...CHRISTINESay you love me ...RAOULYou know I do ...BOTHLove me -that's all I ask of you ...Anywhere you go let me go too ...Love me -that's all I ask of you ...FIRMINMonsieur AndreANDREMonsieur FirminFIRMINDear Andre, what a splendid party! ANDREThe prologue to a bright new year!FIRMINQuite a night! I'm impressed!ANDREWell, one does one's best ...ANDRE/FIRMINHere's to us!ANDREThe toast of all the cityFIRMINWhat a pity that the 'Phantom' can’t be here CHORUSMasquerade!Paper faces on parade ...Masquerade!Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade!Every face a different shade..Masquerade!Look around -there's another mask behind you!Flash of mauve .. Splash of puce ...Fool and king ... Ghoul and goose ...Green and black ... Queen and priest ...Trace and rouge ... Face of beast ...Faces !...Take you turn,Take a ride on the merry-go-round ...in an inhuman race ...Eye of gold ... Thigh of blue ...True is false ... Who is who ...Curl of lip ... Swirl of gown ...Ace of hearts ... Face of clown ...Faces ...Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drownedin the light ... in the sound ...But who can name the face ...Masquerade!Grinning yellows, spinning reds ... Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacle astound you!Masquerade!Burning glances, turning heads ... Masquerade!Stop and stareat the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade!Seething shadows, breathing lies ...Masquerade!You can fool any friend who ever knew you! Masquerade!Leering satyrs, peering eyes ... Masquerade!Run and hide -But a face will still pursue you!GIRYWhat a night!MEGWhat a crowd!ANDREMakes you glad!FIRMINMakes you proud!All the creme de la creme!CARLOTTAWatching us watching them!ANDREThree months Of relief!CARLOTTAOf delight!ANDRE/FIRMINOf Elysian peace!MEG/GIRYAnd we can breathe at last!CARLOTTANo more notes!PIANGINo more ghosts!GIRYHere's to health!ANDREHere's a toast: to a prosperous year! FIRMINTo our friends who are here!PIANGI/CARLOTTAAnd may our splendor never fade! FIRMIN/ANDREWhat a blessed release!GIRYAnd what a masquerade!CHRISTINEThink of it! A secret engagement!Look - your future bride!Just think of it!RAOULBut why is it secretWhat have we to hideYou promised meCHRISTINENo, Raoul, please don’t. They’ll seeRAOULLet them seeIt's an engagement, not a crime!Christine, what are you afraid of! CHRISTINELet's not argue ...RAOULLet's not argue ...CHRISTINEPlease pretend ...RAOULI can only hope I'll ...CHRISTINEYou will understand in timeRAOUL.I will understand in timeALLMasquerade!Paper faces on parade!Masquerade!Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade!Every face a different shade!Masquerade!Look around -There's another mask behind you! Masquerade!Burning glances turning heads ... Masquerade!Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade!Grinning yellows, spinning reds ... Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacle astound you!You Were Somehow Here Again CHRISTINEYou were once my one companion ...you were all that mattered ...You were once a friend and father -then my world was shattered ...Wishing you were somehow here again ... Wishing you were somehow near ... Sometimes it seemed,if I just dreamed,somehow you would be here ...Wishing I could hear your voice again ... knowing that I never would ... Dreaming of you won't help me to doall that you dreamed I could ...Passing bellsand sculpted angels,cold and monumental,seem, for you, the wrong companions - you were warm and gentle ...Too many yearsfighting back tears ...Why can't the past just die ...Wishing you were somehow here again ... knowing we must say goodbye ...Try to forgive ...teach me to live ...give me the strength to try ...No more memories, no more silent tears ... No more gazing across the wasted years ... Help me say goodbyeHelp me say goodbyePoint of No ReturnPHANTOMPassarino - go away!For the trap is set and waits for its prey! You have come here in pursuit ofyour deepest urge,in pursuit of that wish,which till now has been silent,silent ...I have brought you,that our passions may fuse and merge -in your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses,completely succumbed to me -now you are here with me:no second thoughts, you've decided,decided ...Past the point of no return -no backward glances:Our games of make-believe are at an end ...Past all thought of "if" or "when" -no use resisting:abandon thought, and let the dream descend ...What raging fire shall flood the soulWhat rich desire unlocks its doorWhat sweet seduction lies before us...Past the point of no return,the final threshold -what warm, unspoken secrets will we learnBeyond the point of no return ...CHRISTINEYou have brought me to that momentwhen words run dry,to that moment when speech disappears into silence, silence ...I have come here,hardly knowing the reason why ...In my mind, I've alreadyimagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent - and now I am here with you:no second thoughts, I've decided,decided ..Past the point of no return -no going back now:our passion-play has now at last begun ...Past all thought of right or wrong -one final question:how long should we two wait, before we're one... When will the blood begin to race,the sleeping bud burst into bloomWhen will the flames, at last, consume us...BOTHPast the point of no return,the final threshold -the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn ... We've passed the point of no return ... PHANTOMSay you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...Lead me, save me from my solitude ...Say you want me with you, here beside you ... Anywhere you go let me go too -Christine, that's all I ask of ...to be lonely (电影版片尾曲)Child of the wildernessBorn into emptinessLearn to be lonelyLearn to find your way in darknesswho will be there for youComfort and care for youlearn to be lonelyLearn to be your one companionEver dreamed out in the worldThere are arms to hold youYou've always knownYour heart was on its ownSo laugh in your lonelinessChild of the wildernessLearn to be lonelyLearn how to love life that is lived aloneLearn to be lonelyLife can be livedLife can be lovedAlone.Child of the wilderness -荒野中的孩子Born into emptiness -生来一无所有Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn to find your way in darkness -学习黑暗中寻路who will be there for you -谁会在那等你Comfort and care for you -安慰你关心你learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn to be your one companion -学习自己作伴Ever dreamed out in the world -不曾梦想这世上There are arms to hold you -会有双臂拥抱You've always known -你总是很明白Your heart was on its own -你的心会孤独So laugh in your loneliness -微笑面对寂寞Child of the wilderness -荒野中的孩子Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn how to love life that is lived alone -学习如何去爱你孤单的人生Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Life can be lived -日子可以一个人过Life can be loved -孤独人生也可爱Alone.。



歌剧魅影简介一、背景介绍《歌剧魅影》(The Phantom of the Opera)是一部由安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯创作的音乐剧,根据加斯顿·勒鲁的同名小说改编而成,于1986年在伦敦首演,至今已成为世界上最受欢迎和最长寿的音乐剧之一。



























故事中以19世紀時法國巴黎的加尼葉歌劇院(Opera Garnier)作為舞台,描述一個年輕的女歌劇演員、一個年輕貴族與一個躲藏在歌劇院地底的怪人(魅影)之間的愛恨情仇。












Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny
(乌拉尔,迪夏尼子爵): Christine's childhood friend and love interest. “Long ago, and long ago, how young and innocent we were, she may not remember me , but me remember her.” “No more talk of darkness Forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm here, nothing can harm you . My words will warm and calm you Let me be your freedom.”
Origin: is a 1910 novel
by Gaston Leroux.
Nowadays, it is overshadowed by the success of its various stage and film adaptations. The most notable of these are the 1925 film depiction featuring Lon Chaney and Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1986 musical. (安德 鲁· 洛伊· 韦伯) 1920 edition [France]
Take her, forget me ,forget all of this. Swear to me never to tell of the secrets you know, go , go now ! Don’t let them find you. And leave me.


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Up on the roof of the Opera, Christine tells Raoul of Erik taking her to the cellars. Raoul promises to take Christine away. The following night, Erik kidnaps Christine during a production of Faust. Back in the cellars, Erik tries to force Christine into marrying him. But finally he let Christine go.
which is described retrospectively in the early chapters of the book, her father tells her many stories featuring an 'Angel of Music', who, like a muse, is the personification of musical inspiration.
In my eyes:
she is a goodness girl, when she has seen the real horrible face of the phantom, she never dislike him but save his soul.
In my eyes:
He is a brave man, he can do anything to protect the one he loves. so.. the boy in our class you



Night-time sharpens 夜色渐浓heightens each sensation 知觉萌动Darkness stirs and wakes imagination 冥冥黑暗引领想象出笼Silently the senses abandon their defences ... 寂静之中感觉开始放纵Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour 夜晚显现魅力缓慢轻柔Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender 抓住它感觉它颤抖中带着温柔Turn your face away 把你的脸转向这里from the garish light of day 不要再看俗气的日光turn your thoughts away 把你的心转向这里from cold, unfeeling light 脱离那冰冷无情的光and listen to the music of the night ... 尽情聆听这夜的乐章Close your eyes and surrender to your 闭上双眼尽情放纵darkest dreams! 心灵深处的梦想!burn your thoughts of the life 净化心灵抛弃过去生活的you knew before! 全部主张!Close your eyes, 闭上双眼let your spirit start to soar! 让你的灵魂去飞翔!And you'll live 你将拥有新的生活as you've never lived before ... 在你从未生活过的地方Softly, deftly 不知不觉中music shall surround you ... 音乐将你包容Feel it, hear it, 去感受去聆听closing in around you ... 让它进入你的心Open up your mind 让你的思想翱翔let your fantasies unwind 为你的幻想松绑in this darkness which 在这黑暗之中you know you cannot fight 你知道自己无力抵抗the darkness of the music of the night ... 这黑暗的主宰是夜的乐章Let your mind start a journey 让你的思想展开新的旅程through a strange new world! 进入奇异而崭新的世界!Leave all thoughts 抛弃所有杂念of the world you knew before! 从已知的世界解放Let your soul take you where you 让你的灵魂带你到long to be ! 你向往的地方!Only then can you belong to me ... 到那时你才由我一人独享Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! 漂浮滑落这感觉令人陶醉Touch me, trust me savour each sensation! 触摸我信任我用一切知觉感受我Let the dream begin 让梦开始let your darker side give in 把你的心灵唤醒to the power of the music that I write 沉醉于我那音乐的力量the power of the music of the night ... 沉醉于这夜的乐章You alone can make my song take flight –只有你能让我的乐曲插上翅膀help me make the music of the night . . . 助我完成这夜的乐章还有一个只有部分版本的:Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensationDarkness stirs and wakes imaginationSilently the senses abandon their defenses夜幕激扬起丰富的情感暮色拨醒了遐想理智的防堤悄然隐退Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendorGrap it, sense it, tremulous and tenderTurn your face away from the garish light of dayTurn your face away from cold unfeeling lightAnd listen to the music of the night慢慢地温柔地夜色铺开壮景把握它感受它每一丝的震撼纤细远离日之华彩远离那冰冷无情的目光来倾诉这夜的乐章Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams Leave all thoughts of the world you know before Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soarAnd you’ll live as you’ve never lived before闭上双眼吧潜入你幽深的梦境远离你熟知尘世的一切思想闭上双眼让灵魂翱翔穿越余生如获新生Softly, deftly, music shall caress youHear it, feel it, secretly possess youOpen up your mind, let your fantasies unwindIn this darkness which you know you cannot fight The darkness of the music of the night温柔地轻巧地乐章抚慰着你的心灵聆听吧感受吧它悄悄地充溢着灵魂开启你的心扉展开你的幻想夜色中无法抵抗地沉醉于这深邃的夜的乐章Think of me,想起我think of me fondly,柔情的想起我when we've said goodbye.当我们已经说了再见Remember me, once in a while -偶尔想想我please promise me you'll try.请答应我你会试着这样去做When you find that,当你发现once again, 再一次you long to take your heart back and be free - 你渴望让自己振作、自由if you ever find a moment,如果你曾找到一瞬间spare a thought for me...想着我We've never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱能永存or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样不曾改变but if you can still remember,但是若你能一直记住stop and think of me...停下来想想我Think of all the things we've shared and seen -想想我们一起分享一起经历过的事don't think about the things which might have been... 不要回想可能发生的Think of me,想想我think of me waking,醒着的时候想想我silent and resigned.安静的顺从的Imagine me,想象我trying too hard to put you from my mind.很难把你从记忆中抹去Recall those days,想起那些日子look back on all those times,想起所有过去的日子think of the things we'll never do -想起我们没来得及做的事情there will never be a day,没有一天when I won't think of you...我不在想你Can it be?是这样吗?Can it be Christine?是这样吗?克里斯提娜?Bravo!好啊!What a change!这样的改变!You're really not a bit the gawkish girl that once you were... 你实在不是曾经的那个笨拙的女孩了She may not remember me,她可能不会想起我but I remember her...但我记着她We've never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱能永存or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样不曾改变but if you can still remember,但是若你能一直记住stop and think of me...停下来想想我2Phantom Of The Opera - The Mirror (Angel of Music) Lyrics PHANTOM'S VOICEInsolent boy! 傲慢的男孩This slave of fashion 时尚之奴仆basking in your glory! 沉浸在你的荣耀之中Ignorant fool! 无知的愚人This brave young suitor, 勇敢年轻的求婚者sharing in my triumph! 分享着我的胜利CHRISTINE (spell-bound)Angel! I hear you! 天使,我听见了Speak - I listen . . .说吧,我洗耳恭听stay by my side, guide me! 陪伴我身旁指引我Angel, my soul was weak - 天使,我的灵魂脆弱不堪forgive me . . . enter at last, 原谅我您终于来了Master! 导师PHANTOM'S VOICEFlattering child, 谄媚的孩子you shall know me, 你应该了解我see why in shadow I hide!明白我为何藏匿阴影中Look at your face in the mirror看看你镜中的容颜- I am there inside! 我就在那里面(The figure of the PHANTOM becomes discernible behind the mirror)CHRISTINE (ecstatic)Angel of Music! 音乐天使Guide and guardian! 指引我,守护我Grant to me your glory! 赐予我汝之荣耀Angel of Music! Hide no longer! 音乐天使莫再躲藏Come to me, strange angel... 来到我身边吧,陌生的天使PHANTOM"S VOICEI am your Angel ...吾乃汝之音乐天使Come to me: Angel of Music ... 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE walks towards the glowing,shimmering glass. Meanwhile, RAOUL has returned. He hears the voices and is puzzled. Hetries the door It is locked)RAOULWhose is that voice . . .?Who is that in there . . .?(Inside the room the mirror opens. Behind it, inan inferno of white light, stands the PHANTOM.He reaches forward and takes CHRISTINE firmly,but not fiercely, by the wrist. His touch is cold,and CHRISTINE gasps)PHANTOMI am your Angel of Music . . .吾乃汝之音乐天使.Come to me: Angel of Music . . . 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror,which closes behind her The door of the dressing room suddenly unlocks and swings open, andRAOUL enters to find the room empty)RAOULChristine! Angel!完3CHRISTINE: In sleep he sang to me 在梦中他对我献唱In dreams he came 在梦中他迎面而来That voice which calls to me 声声呼唤着我的名字And speaks my nameAnd do I dream again 我是否又做梦了For now I find 因为我发现The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside my mind在我心中PHANTOM: Sing once again with me 再次与我合唱Our strange duet 奇妙的二重唱My power over you Grows stronger yet我支配你的力量日益向大And though you turn from me 纵然你离我而去To glance behind 留下惊鸿一瞥The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside your mind在你心中CHRISTINE: Those who have seen your face凡见过你面容之人Draw back in fear 蜷缩于恐惧之中I am the mask you wear我是你所戴的面具PHANTOM: It's me they here它们听见的是我PHANTOM/CHRISTINE:My/Your spirit and your/my voice你的灵魂和声音合为一体In one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside your/my mind在你心中VOICES OFF STAGE:He's there 他在那里The Phantom of the Opera Beware 歌剧魅影The Phantom of the OperaPHANTOM: In all your fantasy You always knew That man and mystery CHRISTINE: Were both in youTOGETHER: And in this labyrinth Where night is blind The Phantom of the Opera is thereCHRISTINE: Inside my mindPHANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing, my angel of music唱吧,我的音乐天使CHRISTINE:He's there The Phantom of the Opa...PHANTOM (SPOKEN): Sing for me唱吧,我的音乐天使CHRISTINE: Ra...[While Christine continues]HANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing ... Sing for me ... Sing,my angel of music ... Sing for me[Christine hits high C]4.Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation 深夜里,每一种感觉都在渐渐复苏Darkness wakes and stirs imagination 黑暗唤醒并刺激着幻觉Silently the senses abandon their defenses 无声中,所有感官放下了防备Helpless to resist the notes I write 无法抗拒我笔下乐符的诱惑For I compose the music of the night 因为我谱写了夜之歌Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor 慢慢地,轻轻地,夜展现出了它的华丽Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender 捕捉它,感觉它,细微却令人震撼Hearing is believing, music is deceiving 听到的乐曲如此真实,但那音乐却似真似幻Hard as lightning, soft as candlelight 烈如闪电,柔若烛光Dare you trust the music of the night 无法至信的夜之歌Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth 闭上你的双眼,因为你的眼睛只会告诉你事实And the truth isn't what you want to see 而事实却不是你所想要看见的In the dark it is easy to pretend 在黑暗中,伪装是多么的容易That the truth is what it ought to be 真理成为了臆想Softly, deftly, music shall caress you 温柔地,轻巧地,音乐将会抚慰你Hear it, feel it secretly possess you 聆听它,感觉它偷偷地控制了你Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind 敞开你的胸怀,让你的幻想得到释放In this darkness which you know you cannot fight 在这你无法抗拒的黑暗中The darkness of the music of the night 这夜之歌中黑色的魔力Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world 闭上你的双眼,踏上向着一个新世界的旅程Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 抛开你对于这个世界所有的思考Close your eyes and let music set you free 闭上你的双眼,让音乐将你释放Only then can you belong to me 唯有那样你才能属于我Floating, falling, sweet intoxication 时而漂游,时而旋落,甜蜜的陶醉中Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation 抚摸我,相信我,享受每一种感觉Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in 让梦境开始,让你阴暗的一面退却To the power of the music that I write 臣服于我的音乐脚下The power of the music of the night 这夜之歌的魔力You alone can make my song take flight 惟有你可以使我的歌声飞扬Help me make the music of the night 帮助我写出这首夜之歌5.Prima DonnaANDREYour public needs you!FIRMINwe need you, too!CARLOTTAWould you not rather have your precious little ingénue?Signora, no!The world wants you!Prima Donna, first lady of the stage!Your devotees are on their knees to implore you! ANDRECan you bow out when they're shouting your name? FIRMINThink of how they all adore you!BOTHPrima Donna, enchant us once again!ANDREThink of your muse ...FIRMINand of the queues round the theatre!BOTHCan you deny us the triumph in store?Sing, prima Donna, once more!RAOULChristine spoke of an angel ...CARLOTTAPrima donna, your song shall live again!Think of your public!CARLOTTAYou took a snub, but there's a public who needs you! GIRYShe has heard the voice of the angel of music ... ANDRE/FIRMINThose who hear your voice liken you to an angel! CARLOTTAThink of their cry of undying support!RAOULIs this her angel of music...?ANDREWe get our opera ...FIRMINShe gets her limelight!CARLOTTAFollow where the limelight leads you!ANDRE/FIRMINLeading ladies are a trial!CARLOTTAPrima donna, your song shall never die!You'll sing again and to unending ovation!RAOULOrders! Warnings!Lunatic demandsANDRE/FIRMINlunatic demands are regular occurrences! CARLOTTAThink how you'll shine in that final encore!Sing, prima donna, once more!ANDRE/FIRMINSurely there'll be further scenes -worse than this!RAOULI must see these demands are rejected!ANDRE/FIRMINWho'd believe a diva happy to relieve achorus girl who's gone and slept with the patron? Raoul and the soubrette, entwined in love's duet! Although he may demur, he must have been with her! You'd never get away with all this in a play,but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue,it's just the sort of story audiences adore,In fact a perfect opera!RAOULHis game is over!GIRYThis is a game you cannot hope to win! RAOULAnd in Box Five a new game will begin ... GIRYFor, if his curse is on this opera ...MEGBut if his curse is on this opera ... ANDRE/FIRMINPrima donna, the world is at your feet!A nation waits, and how it hatesto be cheated!Light up the stageWith that age-old rapportSing, prima donna, once more!6.All I Ask of YouRAOULNo more talk of darkness,Forget these wide-eyed fears,I'm here, nothing can harm you -my words will warm and clam you.Let me be your freedom,let daylight dry your tears,I'm here, with you, beside you,to guard you and to guide you . CHRISTINESay you love me every waking moment, Turn my head with talk of summertime, Say you need me with you,now and always,promise me that all you say is true - that's all I ask of you ...RAOULLet me be your shelter,let me be your light.You're safe:No-one will find you -your fears are far behind you ... CHRISTINEAll I want is freedom,a world with no more night ...and you, always besides me,to hold me and to hide me ...RAOULThen say you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...let me lead you from your solitude ...Say you need me with you here, beside you ... anywhere you go, let me go too - Christine,that's all I ask of you ...CHRISTINESay you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...say the word and I will follow you ...BOTHShare each day with me, eachnight, each morning ...CHRISTINESay you love me ...RAOULYou know I do ...Love me -that's all I ask of you ... Anywhere you go let me go too ... Love me -that's all I ask of you ...7.MasqueradeFIRMINMonsieur Andre?ANDREMonsieur Firmin?FIRMINDear Andre, what a splendid party! ANDREThe prologue to a bright new year! FIRMINQuite a night! I'm impressed! ANDREWell, one does one's best ... ANDRE/FIRMINHere's to us!The toast of all the cityFIRMINWhat a pity that the 'Phantom' can’t be here CHORUSMasquerade!Paper faces on parade ...Masquerade!Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade!Every face a different shade..Masquerade!Look around -there's another mask behind you!Flash of mauve .. Splash of puce ...Fool and king ... Ghoul and goose ...Green and black ... Queen and priest ...Trace and rouge ... Face of beast ...Faces !...Take you turn,Take a ride on the merry-go-round ...in an inhuman race ...Eye of gold ... Thigh of blue ...True is false ... Who is who ...?Curl of lip ... Swirl of gown ...Ace of hearts ... Face of clown ...Faces ...Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drowned in the light ... in the sound ...But who can name the face ... Masquerade!Grinning yellows, spinning reds ... Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacle astound you! Masquerade!Burning glances, turning heads ... Masquerade!Stop and stareat the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade!Seething shadows, breathing lies ... Masquerade!You can fool any friend who ever knew you!Masquerade!Leering satyrs, peering eyes ... Masquerade!Run and hide -But a face will still pursue you! GIRYWhat a night!MEGWhat a crowd!ANDREMakes you glad!FIRMINMakes you proud!All the creme de la creme! CARLOTTAWatching us watching them! ANDREThree months Of relief! CARLOTTAOf delight!ANDRE/FIRMINOf Elysian peace!MEG/GIRYAnd we can breathe at last! CARLOTTANo more notes!PIANGINo more ghosts!GIRYHere's to health!ANDREHere's a toast: to a prosperous year! FIRMINTo our friends who are here! PIANGI/CARLOTTAAnd may our splendor never fade! FIRMIN/ANDREWhat a blessed release!GIRYAnd what a masquerade! CHRISTINEThink of it! A secret engagement! Look - your future bride!Just think of it!RAOULBut why is it secret?What have we to hide?You promised meCHRISTINENo, Raoul, please don’t. They’ll see RAOULLet them seeIt's an engagement, not a crime! Christine, what are you afraid of! CHRISTINELet's not argue ...RAOULLet's not argue ...CHRISTINEPlease pretend ...RAOULI can only hope I'll ...CHRISTINEYou will understand in time RAOUL.I will understand in timeALLMasquerade!Paper faces on parade!Masquerade!Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade!Every face a different shade!Masquerade!Look around -There's another mask behind you! Masquerade!Burning glances turning heads ... Masquerade!Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade!Grinning yellows, spinning reds ... Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacle astound you!8.Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again CHRISTINEYou were once my one companion ...you were all that mattered ...You were once a friend and father -then my world was shattered ...Wishing you were somehow here again ... Wishing you were somehow near ... Sometimes it seemed,if I just dreamed,somehow you would be here ...Wishing I could hear your voice again ... knowing that I never would ... Dreaming of you won't help me to doall that you dreamed I could ...Passing bellsand sculpted angels,cold and monumental,seem, for you, the wrong companions - you were warm and gentle ...Too many yearsfighting back tears ...Why can't the past just die ...?Wishing you were somehow here again ... knowing we must say goodbye ...Try to forgive ...teach me to live ...give me the strength to try ...No more memories, no more silent tears ... No more gazing across the wasted years ... Help me say goodbyeHelp me say goodbye9.The Point of No ReturnPHANTOMPassarino - go away!For the trap is set and waits for its prey! You have come here in pursuit ofyour deepest urge,in pursuit of that wish,which till now has been silent,silent ...I have brought you,that our passions may fuse and merge -in your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses,completely succumbed to me -now you are here with me:no second thoughts, you've decided, decided ...Past the point of no return -no backward glances:Our games of make-believe are at an end ... Past all thought of "if" or "when" -no use resisting:abandon thought, and let the dream descend ... What raging fire shall flood the soul?What rich desire unlocks its door?What sweet seduction lies before us...?Past the point of no return,the final threshold -what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return ... CHRISTINEYou have brought me to that momentwhen words run dry,to that moment when speech disappears into silence, silence ...I have come here,hardly knowing the reason why ...In my mind, I've alreadyimagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent - and now I am here with you:no second thoughts, I've decided,decided ..Past the point of no return -no going back now:our passion-play has now at last begun ...Past all thought of right or wrong -one final question:how long should we two wait, before we're one...? When will the blood begin to race,the sleeping bud burst into bloom?When will the flames, at last, consume us...?BOTHPast the point of no return,the final threshold -the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn ...We've passed the point of no return ... PHANTOMSay you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...Lead me, save me from my solitude ...Say you want me with you, here beside you ... Anywhere you go let me go too - Christine, that's all I ask of ...10.Learn to be lonely (电影版片尾曲)Child of the wildernessBorn into emptinessLearn to be lonelyLearn to find your way in darknesswho will be there for youComfort and care for youlearn to be lonelyLearn to be your one companionEver dreamed out in the worldThere are arms to hold you?You've always knownYour heart was on its ownSo laugh in your lonelinessChild of the wildernessLearn to be lonelyLearn how to love life that is lived aloneLearn to be lonelyLife can be livedLife can be lovedAlone.Child of the wilderness -荒野中的孩子Born into emptiness -生来一无所有Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn to find your way in darkness -学习黑暗中寻路who will be there for you -谁会在那等你Comfort and care for you -安慰你关心你learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn to be your one companion -学习自己作伴Ever dreamed out in the world -不曾梦想这世上There are arms to hold you? -会有双臂拥抱You've always known -你总是很明白Your heart was on its own -你的心会孤独So laugh in your loneliness -微笑面对寂寞Child of the wilderness -荒野中的孩子Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn how to love life that is lived alone -学习如何去爱你孤单的人生Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Life can be lived -日子可以一个人过Life can be loved -孤独人生也可爱Alone.。



In my eyes:
she is a goodness girl, when she has seen the real horrible face of the phantom, she never dislike him but save his soul.
In my eyes:
He is a brave man, he can do anything to protect the one he loves. so.. the boy in
Christine is eventually given a
position in the chorus at the Paris Opera House. Not long after she arrives there, she begins hearing a beautiful, unearthly voice which sings to her and speaks to her. She believes this must be the Angel of Music and asks him if he is. The Voice agrees and offers to teach her "a little bit of heaven's music." The Voice, however, belongs to Erik, a disfigured genius who falls in love with her at least at first.
make the world become more and more beautiful?
T h a n k From :怖乖 s…

歌剧魅影全剧本 Phantom of the Opera

歌剧魅影全剧本 Phantom of the Opera

歌剧魅影全剧本 Phantom of the Opera《歌剧魅影》是一部备受欢迎的音乐剧,由安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯作曲。


























歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera 歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera (2004)古老的巴黎歌剧院的一个房间中,剧院合唱团中天真美丽的Christine克里斯汀?黛尔正在认真的聆听着一个声音,一个从屋子的阴影中传出来的声音。










巴黎歌剧院的赞助人之一、富有的Raoul 拉乌尔?德?查格尼子爵就发现,克里斯汀就是他儿时的玩伴。

























Night-time sharpens 夜色渐浓heightens each sensation 知觉萌动Darkness stirs and wakes imagination 冥冥黑暗引领想象出笼Silently the senses abandon their defences ... 寂静之中感觉开始放纵Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour 夜晚显现魅力缓慢轻柔Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender 抓住它感觉它颤抖中带着温柔Turn your face away 把你的脸转向这里from the garish light of day 不要再看俗气的日光turn your thoughts away 把你的心转向这里from cold, unfeeling light 脱离那冰冷无情的光and listen to the music of the night ... 尽情聆听这夜的乐章Close your eyes and surrender to your 闭上双眼尽情放纵darkest dreams! 心灵深处的梦想!burn your thoughts of the life 净化心灵抛弃过去生活的you knew before! 全部主张!Close your eyes, 闭上双眼let your spirit start to soar! 让你的灵魂去飞翔!And you'll live 你将拥有新的生活as you've never lived before ... 在你从未生活过的地方Softly, deftly 不知不觉中music shall surround you ... 音乐将你包容Feel it, hear it, 去感受去聆听closing in around you ... 让它进入你的心Open up your mind 让你的思想翱翔let your fantasies unwind 为你的幻想松绑in this darkness which 在这黑暗之中you know you cannot fight 你知道自己无力抵抗the darkness of the music of the night ... 这黑暗的主宰是夜的乐章Let your mind start a journey 让你的思想展开新的旅程through a strange new world! 进入奇异而崭新的世界!Leave all thoughts 抛弃所有杂念of the world you knew before! 从已知的世界解放Let your soul take you where you 让你的灵魂带你到long to be ! 你向往的地方!Only then can you belong to me ... 到那时你才由我一人独享Floating, falling, sweet intoxication! 漂浮滑落这感觉令人陶醉Touch me, trust me savour each sensation! 触摸我信任我用一切知觉感受我Let the dream begin 让梦开始let your darker side give in 把你的心灵唤醒to the power of the music that I write 沉醉于我那音乐的力量the power of the music of the night ... 沉醉于这夜的乐章You alone can make my song take flight –只有你能让我的乐曲插上翅膀help me make the music of the night . . . 助我完成这夜的乐章还有一个只有部分版本的:Nighttime sharpens heightens each sensationDarkness stirs and wakes imaginationSilently the senses abandon their defenses夜幕激扬起丰富的情感暮色拨醒了遐想理智的防堤悄然隐退Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendorGrap it, sense it, tremulous and tenderTurn your face away from the garish light of dayTurn your face away from cold unfeeling lightAnd listen to the music of the night慢慢地温柔地夜色铺开壮景把握它感受它每一丝的震撼纤细远离日之华彩远离那冰冷无情的目光来倾诉这夜的乐章Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreamsLeave all thoughts of the world you know beforeClose your eyes, let your spirit start to soarAnd you’ll live as you’ve ne ver lived before闭上双眼吧潜入你幽深的梦境远离你熟知尘世的一切思想闭上双眼让灵魂翱翔穿越余生如获新生Softly, deftly, music shall caress youHear it, feel it, secretly possess youOpen up your mind, let your fantasies unwindIn this darkness which you know you cannot fightThe darkness of the music of the night温柔地轻巧地乐章抚慰着你的心灵聆听吧感受吧它悄悄地充溢着灵魂开启你的心扉展开你的幻想夜色中无法抵抗地沉醉于这深邃的夜的乐章Think of me,想起我think of me fondly,柔情的想起我when we've said goodbye.当我们已经说了再见Remember me, once in a while -偶尔想想我please promise me you'll try.请答应我你会试着这样去做When you find that,当你发现once again, 再一次you long to take your heart back and be free -你渴望让自己振作、自由if you ever find a moment,如果你曾找到一瞬间spare a thought for me...想着我We've never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱能永存or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样不曾改变but if you can still remember,但是若你能一直记住stop and think of me...停下来想想我Think of all the things we've shared and seen -想想我们一起分享一起经历过的事don't think about the things which might have been... 不要回想可能发生的Think of me,想想我think of me waking,醒着的时候想想我silent and resigned.安静的顺从的Imagine me,想象我trying too hard to put you from my mind.很难把你从记忆中抹去Recall those days,想起那些日子look back on all those times,想起所有过去的日子think of the things we'll never do -想起我们没来得及做的事情there will never be a day,没有一天when I won't think of you...我不在想你Can it be?是这样吗?Can it be Christine?是这样吗?克里斯提娜?Bravo!好啊!What a change!这样的改变!You're really not a bit the gawkish girl that once you were... 你实在不是曾经的那个笨拙的女孩了She may not remember me,她可能不会想起我but I remember her...但我记着她We've never said our love was evergreen,我们从没说过我们的爱能永存or as unchanging as the sea -或者像大海一样不曾改变but if you can still remember,但是若你能一直记住stop and think of me...停下来想想我2Phantom Of The Opera - The Mirror (Angel of Music) Lyrics PHANTOM'S VOICEInsolent boy! 傲慢的男孩This slave of fashion 时尚之奴仆basking in your glory! 沉浸在你的荣耀之中Ignorant fool! 无知的愚人This brave young suitor, 勇敢年轻的求婚者sharing in my triumph! 分享着我的胜利CHRISTINE (spell-bound)Angel! I hear you! 天使,我听见了Speak - I listen . . .说吧,我洗耳恭听stay by my side, guide me! 陪伴我身旁指引我Angel, my soul was weak - 天使,我的灵魂脆弱不堪forgive me . . . enter at last, 原谅我您终于来了Master! 导师PHANTOM'S VOICEFlattering child, 谄媚的孩子you shall know me, 你应该了解我see why in shadow I hide!明白我为何藏匿阴影中Look at your face in the mirror看看你镜中的容颜- I am there inside! 我就在那里面(The figure of the PHANTOM becomes discerniblebehind the mirror)CHRISTINE (ecstatic)Angel of Music! 音乐天使Guide and guardian! 指引我,守护我Grant to me your glory! 赐予我汝之荣耀Angel of Music! Hide no longer! 音乐天使莫再躲藏Come to me, strange angel... 来到我身边吧,陌生的天使PHANTOM"S VOICEI am your Angel ...吾乃汝之音乐天使Come to me: Angel of Music ... 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE walks towards the glowing,shimmering glass. Meanwhile, RAOUL hasreturned. He hears the voices and is puzzled. Hetries the door It is locked)RAOULWhose is that voice . . .?Who is that in there . . .?(Inside the room the mirror opens. Behind it, inan inferno of white light, stands the PHANTOM.He reaches forward and takes CHRISTINE firmly,but not fiercely, by the wrist. His touch is cold,and CHRISTINE gasps)PHANTOMI am your Angel of Music . . .吾乃汝之音乐天使.Come to me: Angel of Music . . . 来到我身边吧,音乐天使(CHRISTINE disappears through the mirror,which closes behind her The door of the dressingroom suddenly unlocks and swings open, andRAOUL enters to find the room empty)RAOULChristine! Angel!完3CHRISTINE: In sleep he sang to me 在梦中他对我献唱In dreams he came 在梦中他迎面而来That voice which calls to me 声声呼唤着我的名字And speaks my nameAnd do I dream again 我是否又做梦了For now I find 因为我发现The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside my mind在我心中PHANTOM: Sing once again with me 再次与我合唱Our strange duet 奇妙的二重唱My power over you Grows stronger yet我支配你的力量日益向大And though you turn from me 纵然你离我而去To glance behind 留下惊鸿一瞥The Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside your mind在你心中CHRISTINE: Those who have seen your face凡见过你面容之人Draw back in fear 蜷缩于恐惧之中I am the mask you wear我是你所戴的面具PHANTOM: It's me they here它们听见的是我PHANTOM/CHRISTINE:My/Your spirit and your/my voice你的灵魂和声音合为一体In one combinedThe Phantom of the Opera is there 歌剧魅影就在那里Inside your/my mind在你心中VOICES OFF STAGE:He's there 他在那里The Phantom of the Opera Beware 歌剧魅影The Phantom of the OperaPHANTOM: In all your fantasy You always knew That man and mysteryCHRISTINE: Were both in youTOGETHER: And in this labyrinth Where night is blind The Phantom of the Opera is there CHRISTINE: Inside my mindPHANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing, my angel of music唱吧,我的音乐天使CHRISTINE:He's there The Phantom of the Opa...PHANTOM (SPOKEN): Sing for me唱吧,我的音乐天使CHRISTINE: Ra...[While Christine continues]HANTOM (SPOKEN):Sing ... Sing for me ... Sing,my angel of music ... Sing for me[Christine hits high C]4.Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation 深夜里,每一种感觉都在渐渐复苏Darkness wakes and stirs imagination 黑暗唤醒并刺激着幻觉Silently the senses abandon their defenses 无声中,所有感官放下了防备Helpless to resist the notes I write 无法抗拒我笔下乐符的诱惑For I compose the music of the night 因为我谱写了夜之歌Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor 慢慢地,轻轻地,夜展现出了它的华丽Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender 捕捉它,感觉它,细微却令人震撼Hearing is believing, music is deceiving 听到的乐曲如此真实,但那音乐却似真似幻Hard as lightning, soft as candlelight 烈如闪电,柔若烛光Dare you trust the music of the night 无法至信的夜之歌Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth 闭上你的双眼,因为你的眼睛只会告诉你事实And the truth isn't what you want to see 而事实却不是你所想要看见的In the dark it is easy to pretend 在黑暗中,伪装是多么的容易That the truth is what it ought to be 真理成为了臆想Softly, deftly, music shall caress you 温柔地,轻巧地,音乐将会抚慰你Hear it, feel it secretly possess you 聆听它,感觉它偷偷地控制了你Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind 敞开你的胸怀,让你的幻想得到释放In this darkness which you know you cannot fight 在这你无法抗拒的黑暗中The darkness of the music of the night 这夜之歌中黑色的魔力Close your eyes, start a journey to a strange new world 闭上你的双眼,踏上向着一个新世界的旅程Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before 抛开你对于这个世界所有的思考Close your eyes and let music set you free 闭上你的双眼,让音乐将你释放Only then can you belong to me 唯有那样你才能属于我Floating, falling, sweet intoxication 时而漂游,时而旋落,甜蜜的陶醉中Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation 抚摸我,相信我,享受每一种感觉Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in 让梦境开始,让你阴暗的一面退却To the power of the music that I write 臣服于我的音乐脚下The power of the music of the night 这夜之歌的魔力You alone can make my song take flight 惟有你可以使我的歌声飞扬Help me make the music of the night 帮助我写出这首夜之歌5.Prima DonnaANDREYour public needs you!FIRMINwe need you, too!CARLOTTAWould you not rather have your precious little ingénue?ANDRE/FIRMINSignora, no!The world wants you!Prima Donna, first lady of the stage!Your devotees are on their knees to implore you!ANDRECan you bow out when they're shouting your name?FIRMINThink of how they all adore you!BOTHPrima Donna, enchant us once again!ANDREThink of your muse ...FIRMINand of the queues round the theatre!BOTHCan you deny us the triumph in store?Sing, prima Donna, once more!RAOULChristine spoke of an angel ...CARLOTTAPrima donna, your song shall live again!ANDRE/FIRMINThink of your public!CARLOTTAYou took a snub, but there's a public who needs you! GIRYShe has heard the voice of the angel of music ... ANDRE/FIRMINThose who hear your voice liken you to an angel! CARLOTTAThink of their cry of undying support!RAOULIs this her angel of music...?ANDREWe get our opera ...FIRMINShe gets her limelight!CARLOTTAFollow where the limelight leads you!ANDRE/FIRMINLeading ladies are a trial!CARLOTTAPrima donna, your song shall never die!You'll sing again and to unending ovation!RAOULOrders! Warnings!Lunatic demandsANDRE/FIRMINlunatic demands are regular occurrences! CARLOTTAThink how you'll shine in that final encore!Sing, prima donna, once more!ANDRE/FIRMINSurely there'll be further scenes -worse than this!RAOULI must see these demands are rejected!ANDRE/FIRMINWho'd believe a diva happy to relieve achorus girl who's gone and slept with the patron? Raoul and the soubrette, entwined in love's duet! Although he may demur, he must have been with her! You'd never get away with all this in a play,but if it's loudly sung and in a foreign tongue,it's just the sort of story audiences adore,In fact a perfect opera!RAOULHis game is over!GIRYThis is a game you cannot hope to win!RAOULAnd in Box Five a new game will begin ...GIRYFor, if his curse is on this opera ...MEGBut if his curse is on this opera ...ANDRE/FIRMINPrima donna, the world is at your feet!A nation waits, and how it hatesto be cheated!Light up the stageWith that age-old rapportSing, prima donna, once more!6.All I Ask of YouRAOULNo more talk of darkness,Forget these wide-eyed fears,I'm here, nothing can harm you -my words will warm and clam you.Let me be your freedom,let daylight dry your tears,I'm here, with you, beside you,to guard you and to guide you .CHRISTINESay you love me every waking moment,Turn my head with talk of summertime,Say you need me with you,now and always,promise me that all you say is true -that's all I ask of you ...RAOULLet me be your shelter,let me be your light.You're safe:No-one will find you -your fears are far behind you ...CHRISTINEAll I want is freedom,a world with no more night ...and you, always besides me,to hold me and to hide me ...RAOULThen say you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...let me lead you from your solitude ...Say you need me with you here, beside you ... anywhere you go, let me go too -Christine,that's all I ask of you ...CHRISTINESay you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...say the word and I will follow you ...BOTHShare each day with me, eachnight, each morning ...CHRISTINESay you love me ...RAOULYou know I do ...BOTHLove me -that's all I ask of you ...Anywhere you go let me go too ...Love me -that's all I ask of you ...7.MasqueradeFIRMINMonsieur Andre?ANDREMonsieur Firmin?FIRMINDear Andre, what a splendid party!ANDREThe prologue to a bright new year!FIRMINQuite a night! I'm impressed!ANDREWell, one does one's best ...ANDRE/FIRMINHere's to us!ANDREThe toast of all the cityFIRMINWhat a pity that the 'Phantom' can’t be here CHORUSMasquerade!Paper faces on parade ...Masquerade!Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade!Every face a different shade..Masquerade!Look around -there's another mask behind you!Flash of mauve .. Splash of puce ...Fool and king ... Ghoul and goose ...Green and black ... Queen and priest ...Trace and rouge ... Face of beast ...Faces !...Take you turn,Take a ride on the merry-go-round ...in an inhuman race ...Eye of gold ... Thigh of blue ...True is false ... Who is who ...?Curl of lip ... Swirl of gown ...Ace of hearts ... Face of clown ...Faces ...Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drownedin the light ... in the sound ...But who can name the face ... Masquerade!Grinning yellows, spinning reds ... Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacle astound you! Masquerade!Burning glances, turning heads ... Masquerade!Stop and stareat the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade!Seething shadows, breathing lies ... Masquerade!You can fool any friend who ever knew you! Masquerade!Leering satyrs, peering eyes ... Masquerade!Run and hide -But a face will still pursue you!GIRYWhat a night!MEGWhat a crowd!ANDREMakes you glad!FIRMINMakes you proud!All the creme de la creme!CARLOTTAWatching us watching them!ANDREThree months Of relief!CARLOTTAOf delight!ANDRE/FIRMINOf Elysian peace!MEG/GIRYAnd we can breathe at last! CARLOTTANo more notes!PIANGINo more ghosts!GIRYHere's to health!ANDREHere's a toast: to a prosperous year! FIRMINTo our friends who are here! PIANGI/CARLOTTAAnd may our splendor never fade! FIRMIN/ANDREWhat a blessed release!GIRYAnd what a masquerade! CHRISTINEThink of it! A secret engagement! Look - your future bride!Just think of it!RAOULBut why is it secret?What have we to hide?You promised meCHRISTINENo, Raoul, please don’t. They’ll see RAOULLet them seeIt's an engagement, not a crime! Christine, what are you afraid of! CHRISTINELet's not argue ...RAOULLet's not argue ...CHRISTINEPlease pretend ...RAOULI can only hope I'll ...CHRISTINEYou will understand in timeRAOUL.I will understand in timeALLMasquerade!Paper faces on parade!Masquerade!Hide your face, so the world will never find you! Masquerade!Every face a different shade!Masquerade!Look around -There's another mask behind you! Masquerade!Burning glances turning heads ... Masquerade!Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you! Masquerade!Grinning yellows, spinning reds ... Masquerade!Take your fill -let the spectacle astound you!8.Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again CHRISTINEYou were once my one companion ...you were all that mattered ...You were once a friend and father -then my world was shattered ...Wishing you were somehow here again ... Wishing you were somehow near ... Sometimes it seemed,if I just dreamed,somehow you would be here ...Wishing I could hear your voice again ... knowing that I never would ...Dreaming of you won't help me to doall that you dreamed I could ...Passing bellsand sculpted angels,cold and monumental,seem, for you, the wrong companions -you were warm and gentle ...Too many yearsfighting back tears ...Why can't the past just die ...?Wishing you were somehow here again ... knowing we must say goodbye ...Try to forgive ...teach me to live ...give me the strength to try ...No more memories, no more silent tears ...No more gazing across the wasted years ... Help me say goodbyeHelp me say goodbye9.The Point of No ReturnPHANTOMPassarino - go away!For the trap is set and waits for its prey!You have come here in pursuit ofyour deepest urge,in pursuit of that wish,which till now has been silent,silent ...I have brought you,that our passions may fuse and merge -in your mind you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses,completely succumbed to me -now you are here with me:no second thoughts, you've decided,decided ...Past the point of no return -no backward glances:Our games of make-believe are at an end ... Past all thought of "if" or "when" -no use resisting:abandon thought, and let the dream descend ... What raging fire shall flood the soul?What rich desire unlocks its door?What sweet seduction lies before us...?Past the point of no return,the final threshold -what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn?Beyond the point of no return ...CHRISTINEYou have brought me to that momentwhen words run dry,to that moment when speech disappears into silence, silence ...I have come here,hardly knowing the reason why ...In my mind, I've alreadyimagined our bodies entwining, defenseless and silent - and now I am here with you:no second thoughts, I've decided,decided ..Past the point of no return -no going back now:our passion-play has now at last begun ...Past all thought of right or wrong -one final question:how long should we two wait, before we're one...? When will the blood begin to race,the sleeping bud burst into bloom?When will the flames, at last, consume us...?BOTHPast the point of no return,the final threshold -the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn ...We've passed the point of no return ...PHANTOMSay you'll share with me onelove, one lifetime ...Lead me, save me from my solitude ...Say you want me with you, here beside you ... Anywhere you go let me go too -Christine, that's all I ask of ...10.Learn to be lonely (电影版片尾曲)Child of the wildernessBorn into emptinessLearn to be lonelyLearn to find your way in darknesswho will be there for youComfort and care for youlearn to be lonelyLearn to be your one companionEver dreamed out in the worldThere are arms to hold you?You've always knownYour heart was on its ownSo laugh in your lonelinessChild of the wildernessLearn to be lonelyLearn how to love life that is lived aloneLearn to be lonelyLife can be livedLife can be lovedAlone.Child of the wilderness -荒野中的孩子Born into emptiness -生来一无所有Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn to find your way in darkness -学习黑暗中寻路who will be there for you -谁会在那等你Comfort and care for you -安慰你关心你learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn to be your one companion -学习自己作伴Ever dreamed out in the world -不曾梦想这世上There are arms to hold you? -会有双臂拥抱You've always known -你总是很明白Your heart was on its own -你的心会孤独So laugh in your loneliness -微笑面对寂寞Child of the wilderness -荒野中的孩子Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Learn how to love life that is lived alone -学习如何去爱你孤单的人生Learn to be lonely -学习承受寂寞Life can be lived -日子可以一个人过Life can be loved -孤独人生也可爱Alone.。



既保留了原作的风格又使之更适合舞台演出,提 升了作品的可看性,其次,巧妙的戏中戏令观众 徘徊于现实与虚幻之间。尤其是追逐幽灵的那一 场戏,整个剧院,台上台下、四面八方响起了幽 灵的声音,使观众置身其中,因为那句“我在这 里”似乎就在他们的身边,就在隔壁的包厢,而 那幕吊灯突然坠落的戏也着实令气氛紧张刺激到 极点,前排观众的惊叫与台上演员的呼声连成一 片, 在全剧中,一首“All I Ask of You”的 旋律反复出现,罗尔与幽灵对这首歌的不同演绎 表现了他们各自对女主角克莉丝汀不同的爱情, 最后这一主题在管弦乐中浮现,显示了爱情最终 战胜了悲剧。
“百老汇”上演的是比较高雅的音乐剧、歌剧,百 老汇的表演内容多以经典剧目为主,演员的表演 服从剧情需要,以群体的肢体语言和出色的音乐 吟唱来表现晚会主题。百老汇表演的基调为黑色, 夸张、幽默、风趣、轻松是百老汇的一贯表演风 格。百老汇的特点很像电影圈的好莱坞,具有极 强的商业色彩和娱乐性,百老汇歌舞艺术的特点 是通俗易懂、娱乐性强;舞台布景富丽堂皇,加 上各种现代化的科技手段,配合声响、灯光,使 得舞台表演变幻莫测。台上演员载歌载舞,台下 观众如醉如痴;气氛热烈,使演员和观众的交流 融为一体。具有很强的观赏性和娱乐性。
百老汇没有任何艺术上的框框,也不介意这台戏是否在 别的地方已搞过,它只信奉一个准则,那就是任何艺术中 只要能让观众视觉得到新的挑战的东西,毫不拘泥,拿来 就用。像《猫》、《歌剧魅影》等著名舞台剧,先是在伦 敦西区原创,而后在百老汇方才走红。百老汇的制作人把 它们买过来,加以精细再制作,体现出一种绝不拒绝复制 的精神。如今,百老汇歌剧已经成为纽约市文化产业中的 支柱之一。它的表演形式融舞蹈、音乐、戏剧于一体,有 些剧目更是融艺术与大众品味于一体,具有很强的观赏性 和娱乐性;观赏百老汇歌剧成为每一个来纽约市参观、访 问、旅游的人不可或缺的节目。从目前观众的比例来看, 慕名前来的外国人要超过美国人。
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歌剧魅影(The Phantom of the Opera)是一部安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)作曲的百老汇音乐剧.又译:歌声魅影、剧院魅影或歌剧院的幽灵.改编自加斯通·勒鲁著《歌剧幽灵》. 1986年首演,于1988年获得七项托尼奖,是史上最成功的音乐剧之一.1986年伦敦的首演由麦克尔•克劳福德和莎拉•布莱特曼担任男女主角,至今全球已有16个制作版本,也被改编成同名电影上映.
The Phantom of The Opera (The Phantom of The Opera) is a Andrew Lloyd Webber (Andrew Lloyd Webber) composing Broadway musical. And as: the phantom of the opera, "the phantom of the opera" or the opera ghost. Adapted from plus stone Taylor with the phantom of the opera robust. 1986 debut, in 1988 he received a seven-item Tony award in history, is one of the most successful musical. The London premiere in 1986 by Michael crawford and Sarah • braddon, so far as male leading waterman worldw ide have 16 making version, also be adapted for the movies theaters.
【概述】剧院魅影可以说是一部折射着后现代魅力的剧作,首先它成功的改编了加斯通·勒鲁(Gaston Leroux,18)68-1927的原作小说,既保留了原作的风格又使之更适合舞台演出,提升了作品的可看性,其次,巧妙的戏中戏令观众徘徊于现实与虚幻之间.尤其是追逐幽灵的那一场戏,整个剧院,台上台下、四面八方响起了幽灵的声音,使观众置身其中,因为那句“我在这里”似乎就在他们的身边,就在隔壁的包厢,而那幕吊灯突然坠落的戏也着实令气氛紧张刺激到极点,前排观众的惊叫与台上演员的呼声连成一片,在这方面,舞台设计玛莉亚·布琼森自然功不可没.
【summary 】"the phantom of the opera" can say is a reflection of the postmodern charm, it first successful plays adapted plus stone Taylor guru (Gaston Leroux, 18) 68-1927's original novel, already reserved original style and make it more suitable for stage performance, and to promote the works ingeniously, and secondly, staging viewers wandering in the play between reality and illusion. Especially chasing the phantom the scene, the entire theaters, bizet, all directions on the phantom's voice rang out, make the audience place oneself among them, because that "I here" seems to have in their side, was in the next cabins, and that the tent droplight suddenly fall to play were really tense stimulation to the fullest, in front of the audience calls with stage actor exclaimed one enormous, in this respect, stage design maria cloth jonson natural destinations.
在全剧中,一首“All I Ask of You”的旋律反复出现,罗尔与幽灵对这首歌的不同演绎表现了他们各自对于女主角克莉丝汀不同的爱情,最后这一主题在管弦乐中浮现,显示了爱情最终战胜了悲剧.
In the, a "All I Ask of You" melody with phantom appear over and over again, bangalore to this song performance of different deduction for their respective heroine different love, finally Christine this one theme in orchestral emerge, showing the love finally defeat the tragedy.。
