
用底物TMB显色,TMB 在过氧化物酶的催化下转化成蓝色,并在酸的作用下转化成最终的黄色。
用酶标仪在450nm 波长下测定吸光度(OD 值),计算样品浓度。
样品收集、处理及保存方法1. 血清:使用不含热原和内毒素的试管,操作过程中避免任何细胞刺激,收集血液后,3000转离心10分钟将血清和红细胞迅速小心地分离。
2. 血浆:EDTA、柠檬酸盐或肝素抗凝。
3. 细胞上清液:3000转离心10分钟去除颗粒和聚合物。
4. 组织匀浆:将组织加入适量生理盐水捣碎。
5. 保存:如果样本收集后不及时检测,请按一次用量分装,冻存于-20℃,避免反复冻融,在室温下解冻并确保样品均匀地充分解冻。
自备物品1. 酶标仪(450nm)2. 高精度加样器及枪头:0.5-10uL、2-20uL、20-200uL、200-1000uL3. 37℃恒温箱操作注意事项1. 试剂盒保存在2-8℃,使用前室温平衡20分钟。
2. 实验中不用的板条应立即放回自封袋中,密封(低温干燥)保存。
4. 严格按照说明书中标明的时间、加液量及顺序进行温育操作。
5. 所有液体组分使用前充分摇匀。

I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2018, 7, 34-41Published Online July 2018 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.07.04Graphic Representations and FrequencyParameters of Heart Sound SignalsBožo TomasFaculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computing, University of Mostar, Matice hrvatske bb, 88000,Mostar, Bosnia and HerzegovinaEmail: bozo.tomas@hteronet.baDarko ZelenikaFaculty of Information Studies, Ljubljanska cesta 31A, 8000, Novo mesto, SloveniaEmail: zelenika.darko@Željko RončevićUniversity Clinical Hospital Mostar, Clinic for Children’s Diseases, Cardiology Department, Bijeli brijeg bb, 88000,Mostar, Bosnia and HerzegovinaEmail: zroncevic112@Received: 24 April 2018; Accepted: 16 May 2018; Published: 08 July 2018Abstract—Sounds produced by acoustic activity of the heart are series (sequences) of quasi-periodic events which are repeated throughout life, one period (cycle) of these events lasts less than one second. The advancements in technology have enabled us to create various tools for audio and graphic representations of these events. Physicians, by using such tools, can more accurately determine diagnosis by interpretation of heart sound and/or by visual interpretation of graphic displays of heart sounds. This paper presents frequency parameters and graphic illustrations of heart sound signals for two groups of heart murmurs: innocent Still’s murmur and pathologic heart murmur of Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). Also, on behalf of the frequency analysis of acoustic cardiac sig nals with Still’s murmur was given a medical explanation of cause and origin of Still’s murmur.Index Terms—Heart Sound Frequency Parameters, Heart Sound Graphic Representation, Haert Sound Spectrogram, Phonocardiogram (PCG), Still’s Murmur, Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD).I.I NTRODUCTIONOur body transmits sound messages and …speaks“ about the state of our vital organs (heart, lungs,..). Physicians listen and interpret these sounds. Auscultation is a medical term for listening of internal body sounds and the procedure of listening is mainly done with a stetoscope. That term originates from the Latin word auscultare, which means to listen. The beginning of auscultation started back in 1816 when French physician RenéThéophile Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826) invented the stethoscope and introduced the term auscultation into medicine [1].Heart auscultation is very subjective because diagnosis of heart sounds could be interpreted in several ways depending on how a physician interprets the sound. Due to limited opportunities of heart auscultation, it is necessary to help the human ear and make a graphic display of the heart sound. Visual representations of heart sound signals can help physicians to better understand, determine and evaluate heart sound cycle events.Despite numerous heart sound graphic representations, vast majority physicians do not really use them. One of the most common graphic representations of heart sound signals is phonocardiogram (PCG) (the time display of heart sound amplitudes). Other display of heart sound signals is the heart sound spectrogram which allows better heart sound interpretation, but it is hardly percepted or used by physicians.With this purpose, authors in [2] introduced a solution for graphic display of heart sounds called HSLs (Heart Sound Lines). Authors believe that graphic display of heart sound signals like this could be a useful tool for the heart sounds interpretation and can assist physicians for a more precise diagnosis of innocent and pathologic murmurs (auscultation-visual diagnosis). The advantage of HSLs graphical display over other methods is in its easier interpretation by their parameters: murmurs color line, numerical value of murmurs index and lines shape. The paper is organised as follows. In Section II recordings of heart sound signals and Goertzel algorithm are shortly presented. In Section III are shown the spectral compositions (spectral energy distributions) of Sti ll’s and VSD’s murmur and their frequency parameters. Graphic representations of heart sounds are in Section IV. Section V concludes the paper with final remarks.II.M ATERIALS AND M ETHODSWhile examining the children in an outpatient clinic by pediatric cardiologists, their heart sounds were recorded with an electronic stethoscope. All children were additionally examined with ultrasound for an accurate diagnosis of congenital heart disease. The recorded heart sounds were classified into three groups: heart sounds without heart murmur –Normal (10 records), heart sounds with physiological Still´s innocent murmur – Still (20 records) and heart sounds with pathological murmur associated with congenital heart disease –VSD (20 records).Heart sounds were recorded with the sampling frequency of f s=8000 Hz and resolution of quantization of 16 bits. Further more, in a process of determination of frequency parameters of the murmurs, the complete systolic duration was isolated (by hand using software tool Audacity) from the heart audio files. An energy spectrum of the heart sound data was obtained by applying Goertzel algorithm.A.Basic Goertzel algorithmThe algorithm was introduced by Gerald Goertzel (1920-2002) in 1958 [3]. Equation (1) describes the signal flow for the basic Goertzel algorithm as each sample is processed [4]. The signal flow of the algorithm produces an output y0for each processed sample.y0=x0+y1 ×2cos(2πmN)− y2 (1) In the equation (1), y0denotes the current output, x0 denotes the current input sample, y1denotes the output that is previously processed, y2denotes the second previously processed output, N denotes the size of input block, while m denotes bin number in the frequency domain. Each sample of the input block (of size N) is processed accrding to the equation (1) and at the end of each block the spectral energy of each frequency bin is computed by the equation (2). This process continues over the next block (of size N) until the last block is processed.E=y12+y22−2y1y2cos(2πmN) (2) In equation (2) y1is the last processed output (iteration N) equation (1) and y2second-last processed output (iteration N-1).The advantage of the Goertzel algorithm is that it can process the input data as it arrives. The output value is only needed for the last sample in the block unlike the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The FFT has to wait until the entire sample block has arrived. If the number of frequency bins is a lot smaller than N, the Goertzel algorithm reduces the data memory which is required significantly. The Goertzel algorithm is more efficient than FFT only when a small number of frequency bins M need to be calculated (M< log2N). The motivation for using Goertzel algorithm is in possibility of selection of parameters m by which we can easily change and adjust frequency resolution and frequency band of analysed signal.III.S PECTRAL C OMPOSITION AND F REQUENCYP ARAMETERS OF H EART M URMURSThe basic events of a heart sound cycle are first heart sound (S1), second heart sound (S2) and time periods between them. A time between S1and S2is called a systole and a time period between S2 and S1 is called a diastole. If there is a sound (noise) which is heard through the systole or diastole, that phenomenon is respectively called systolic heart murmur and diastolic heart murmur. When murmurs appear, they can last only a small part or entire systole i.e. diastole. The time interval of murmur appearance is very short. At children age, a systolic time interval is around 200 ms and diastolic time interval is little longer.Spectral composition of heart sound signals is very useful in detection and heart murmur diagnosis. Majority of authors in their studies mostly used FFT and/or Wavelet Transform for a spectral anlysis of the heart sounds [5-7]. Heart sound spectral analysis with Goertzel algorithm is proposed in [8-9].In this analysis Goertzel algorithm was applied with the sample block size of 160 samples. When using a sampling frequency of 8 kHz, 160 samples (N=160) in discrete time represent the time frame of 20 ms in real-time. The bin bandwidth frequency is determined by sampling frequency and sample block size (B=f s/N). The overlapping of bins (frequency resolution) is adjusted by the selection of coefficient m in equations (1) and (2). Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the results calculated by the frequency resolution of 5 Hz.Frequency parameters of heart murmurs carry information about the health status of patient’s heart and these parameters are determined and evaluated in heart sound computational diagnosis. Analysed frequency parameters of heart murmurs (in this article) are:- Frequency of spectral extremes i.e. frequency on which murmur spectrum has the highest energy (peaks); - Frequency bandwidth;- Intensity of spectral energy on resonant frequency (spectral energy of peaks).A.The spectral compositions of Still’s and VSD murm ur The heart sound graphic images represent heart sound intensity in time and/or frequency besides that time display of heart sound amplitudes does not give information about heart sound frequency and heart sound energy. Display of heart sound spectral energy is a usefull for determination and evaluation of heart murmur. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 illustrate the distribution of spectral energies of isolated systoles for three typical Still’s murmurs (Fig. 1) and for three typical VSD murmurs (Fig. 2). Fig. 1 represents three Still’s murmurs (low frequency - Still1, high frequency - Still3 and common - Still2) and Fig. 2 represents three VSD-s (high energy –VSD1, medium energy VSD2 and low energy – VSD3).Fig.1. Three typical Still’s murmursFig.2. Three typical VSD murmursIt is clearly visible in Fig. 1 that the information about Still’s murmur occurs in a lower frequency bandwith (80-170 Hz). It is obvious that the frequency of Still’s peak is lower than 200 Hz while the highest VSD peak has the frequency above 200 Hz.If we compare spectral compositions of Still’s and VSD murmur, information about VSD murmur is in a wider frequency bandwidth and in most cases VSD murmur has a distribution of the spectrum energy in bandwith (90-300 Hz).B. Frequency parameters of Still ’s murmurInnocent murmurs are common in children and the most frequent is Still’s murmur [10], which occurs and is audible at the beginning of the systole. For every pre-recorded heart sound signal, every systole is manually located and secluded for spectral analysis. In Fig. 3 secluded time interval is represented (red rectangles- three heart sound cycles). Also Fig. 3 shows a PCG display of one Still’s murmur before processing (top picture) and after processing by 3M Littmann sound analysis software (bottom picture).Signal after processing (Low pass filter) has more emphasized murmur and better visual impression. 3M Littmann sound analysis software has three heart sound signal processing option filters (Low pass, High pass and Band pass). Low pass filter is suitable for Still’s murmur emphasing and a high pass or band pass filter for VSD murmur.Fig.3. Time interval of Still’s murmurSpectral energy is calculated for the secluded time interval that lasts cca. 100 ms with frequency resolution of 5 Hz in time frames (intervals) of 20 ms. The point where Still’s murmur has the maximal spectral energy in time interval of 20ms is selected as the final position of Still’s murmur. That time frame represents the location of Still ’s murmur and the frequency and the bandwith of St ill’s murmur are calculated in this time frame . The final position of Still’s murmur i.e. the frequency at which it has maximal spectral energy (the peak) is usually in the bandwidth (B ) between 110 and 130 Hz. The frequency bandwidth (B ) (B =f max -f min ) is obtained in a way that the frequency of the final Still’s position (the peak) falls in half of strength f min (left of the top of curve) and f max (right of the top of curve) [9].Fig. 4 illustrates the graphic representation of frequency parameters of Still’s murmur. It shows that peak of the murmur’s spectral energy is at the frequency of 147,5 Hz on 880 units (values obtained by Goertzel algorithm), f min is at the frequency around 124 Hz and f max is at the frequency around 168 Hz. Therefore, the frequency of this Still’s murmur i s 147,5 Hz, the bandwidth is cca. 44 Hz and the spectral energy is 880.Fig.4. Frequency parameters of Still’s murmur1002003004005006007008009001,0001,1005075100125150175200225250275300E n e r g y - EFrequency (Hz)Still1Still2 Still32004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,8002,0002,2002,4005075100125150175200225250275300325350375400E n e r g y - EFrequency (Hz)VSD1VSD2VSD3C. Frequency parameters of VSD murmurVSD murmur is audible in the whole systole. VSD can have a couple of peaks (mostly two or three) which have a slightly lower energy than the uppermost peak. For the VSD with two or more peaks, f min is to the left of the uppermost peak and f max is to the right of the uppermost peak. Fig. 5 shows one VSD murmur in the final position (maximal energy of uppermost peak).Fig.5. Frequency parameters of VSD murmurThe Fig. 5 shows that the spectral energy of this VSD murmur is at the frequency of 220 Hz and its energy is 1902,4 units, f min is at the frequency around 107 Hz and f max is at the frequency around 239 Hz. Therefore, the frequency of this murmur is 220 Hz, the frequency bandwidth is 132 Hz and the spectral energy is 1902,4.IV. G RAPHIC R EPRESENTATION OF H EART S OUND The author [11] tested 126 medical students and 20 pediatricians and found that those participants who could play musical instrument or sing in a chorus identified more murmurs correctly than those who had no practical musical skills. A graphic representation of heart sound signal provides a visual image of the heart sound. The PCG shows a change in amplitude of heart sound in time. It is a considerable source of information that can lead by its analysis, to the detection and the identification of several heart abnormalities [12]. Each event in the heart sound cycle (sounds and murmurs) changes the amplitude of PCG base line and physicians can see that change. However, by PCG we can only detect heart sounds and murmurs and show their position and shape in time. A heart sound spectrogram shows the frequency components of heart sound signals and the distribution of spectral energy of heart signals in time. Each event in the heart sound cycle (S1, S2 as well as murmur if it exists in systole or diastole) has its own spectral energy distribution. The spectral energy of first S1 and second S2 heart sound is mostly distributed in bandwidth under 100 Hz. Heart sounds S1 and S2 are the loudest events (the highest energy) in cardiac cycle. That is the reason why they have the highest amplitude in PCG representation of heart sounds cycle. Likewise, if a murmur appears in heart sound cycle then each murmur has a unique PCG and spectrogram shape.Different heart murmurs have different time amplitudes and spectral energy distributions. In this article we graphicly presented only two murmur types (Still and VSD). The spectrogram was created using Matlab. Fig. 6 illustrates graphic representations (PCG and spectrogram) of Still’s murmur and Fig. 7 illustrates graphic representations (PCG and spectrogram) of one cardiac signal with VSD murmur.Fig.6. PCG and spectrogram representation of Still’s heart murmurHeart sound signals are mainly unsteady signals in time span. Spectral energy of Still’s murmur in Fig. 6 is distributed in bandwidth 100-150 Hz. On PCG representation Still’s murmur has a diamond (crescendo-decrescendo) shape. That shape is a result of increasing and decreasing of the sound generated by Still’s murmur. Cresscendo and decrescendo are expressions taken from music art. Still’s murmur is silent at the beginning then it becomes louder in the middle and then declines and stops. There are no common views on the occurrence of the Still's murmur. The doctors (physicians) haven't yet established reliable genesis of the occurrence of that murmur, answering which heart structures and during which heart developments for the duration of systole that tone is created. Authors ’ opinion, based on the acoustic analogy, is that this sound can be generated by some string (thread) which vibrates in the appropriate resonator. The hypothesis that the Still’s murmur appears during vibrations of cords in the heart is also stated by other authors (physicians) in [13-14]. Cords are thin structures (like threads) within the heart and during the contraction of heart muscles with which they are connected, the cords are vibrating, and at the same time (systole) the ventricles are emptying creating resonator box in which the cords are vibrating and generate sound which we can hear as the Still’s murmur. Therefore, alike live instrument, the heart, or more precisely vibrating cord in the heart, starts to play silently, then louder and after maximal loudness starts to appease and stops playing. During diastole, there is no contraction of the heart muscle and no actuation (vibration) of cords. Since cords are not vibrating during diastole, the Still’s murmur in diastole is not generated.Fig.7. PCG and spectrogram representation of VSD heart murmur Still murmur is vibratory, musical sound without any evidence of turbulent flow. VSD is harsh systolic murmur of ventricular septal defect (VSD) caused by turbulent blood flow through a defect (…a hole”) in ventricular septum. Ventricular septum separates right and left ventricle. In healthy children and adults septum is intact [8].In PCG and spectrogram it can be noted that Still and VSD are located in the systole. Heart sounds S1 and S2 have higher amplitudes in PCG display than the amplitudes of Still’s and VSD murmur. The spectral energy of Still’s murmur is distributed in a narrow frequency bandwidth, which is very close to heart sound bandwidth where the energy of tones S1and S2is expressed. In many cases these two bandwidths are overlapping. There fore, this makes the detection of Still’s murmur difficult. This is also the reason and explanation why physicians mostly give a wrong diagnosis by auscultation alone when it comes to Still’s murmur.It is obvious that there is a masking of frequency in Still’s murmur and therefore many physicians can’t even hear it. The spectral energy of VSD is distributed in a wider frequency bandwidth 80-300 Hz and it lasts throughout the whole systole. Band of VSD is separated from band of tones S1and S2. VSD murmur is not masked by tones S1 and S2 so physicians mostly do not have difficulties in recognition of VSD murmur by auscultation technique.Frequency distribution of heart sounds (S1 and S2) bandwits and heart murmur bandwidth have the best representations on 3D heart sound spectrogram. Fig. 8 illustrates a 3D graphic spectrogram together with PCG for one cardiac signal with Still’s murmur and one with VSD murmur.Fig.8.3D spectrogram with time domain representation of Still’s (top picture) and VSD heart murmur (bottom picture)The top picture shows 0,5 seconds of a spectrogram of one-half cardiac cycle of one heart sound signal with Still’s murmur (S1 –Still’s murmur in systole – S2). The frequency bandwidth of heart sounds (S1 and S2) is shown by hills above base-plane in bandwidth 60-100 Hz while Still’s murmur is shown by one hill of a smaller amplitude than heart sounds in frequency bandwith 100-150 Hz. On 3D representation is visible a small distance betwe en heart sounds and Still’s murmur bandwidths. The bottom picture shows 2 seconds of spectrogram of almost four heart sound cycles of one heart sound signal with VSD murmur. Heart sounds bandwidth and VSD murmur bandwidth have a large enough distance. Generally, by spectral analysis of heart sound signal we can recognize and classify heart murmurs by comparing spectral energy in the defined frequency bandwidth. The graphic displays of Still’s and VSD murmur are clearly different, and that is what enables their visual classification. They have different acoustic and frequency parameters and their graphics are different. However, in real medical practice there are many types of murmurs and there are some types of murmurs which have similar frequency parameters with similar graphic displays.With HSLs graphic representation physicians can easily make murmur classifications (innocent or pathologic) by comparing different lines i.e. their color and value, by comparing values of index murmur and estimating duration of the murmur. HSLsgraphicrepresentation shows three pictures: PCG signal on top, heart sounds locations (black line) and murmur evaulation (blue and red lines) on midle and murmur index lines and values on the bottom picture. Fig. 9 illustrates HSLs of one innocent Still heart murmur and Fig. 10 illustrates HSLs of one VSD murmur.Fig.9. HSLs of Still’s heart murmurFig.10. HSLs of VSD heart murmurAuthors created a spectrogram in Matlab and program solution for graphic representation of heart sounds and classification of heart murmurs. The detailed classification procedure of pathologic and innocent heart murmurs by using HSLs tool is described in [2]. HSLs parameters of Still murmur are: blue line, murmur index<20 and duration of murmur <60%. These are also parameters of innocent murmurs. HSLs parameters of VSD murmur are: blue and red lines, murmur index>20 and duration of murmur >60%. These are also parameters of pathologic murmurs. Authors are assuming that HSLs can be used to precisely recognize heart murmur as well as to determine heart rhythm and variation of heart rhythmThe average values of frequency parameters as well as HSLs parameters for 20 Still’s murmurs and 20 VSD murmurs are given in Table 1.Table 1. Parameters of Still’s and VSD murmursAverage frequency parameters of Still’s and VSD murmur are notably different. The frequency of Still’s murmur is 118,75 Hz and of VSD murmur is 240,82. The frequency bandwidth of Still’s murmur is 40,75 Hz and of VSD murmur 168,1 Hz. The spectral energy of Still’s murmur is 998,51 and of VSD murmur is 1648,63. Therefore, all frequency parameters of Still’s murmur have lower values than VSD murmur.Most of pathological murmurs have sounds of higher frequency than innocent. In spectrogram’s representation of one Innocent vibratory murmur peak frequency 149 Hz was recorded [15]. Kudriavtsev et al. [16] demonstrated that Still's murmurs have narrow spectral bandwidth, with this being a significant feature differentiating them from abnormal murmurs. In [17] are presented spectrogram and frequency parameters of three Still’s murmurs. Obtained frequency parameters are: peak frequency of first is 102,28 Hz and bandwidth is 32,1 Hz, peak frequency of second is 124 Hz and bandwidth is 22 Hz and peak frequency of third Still’s murmur is 127,1 Hz and bandwidth is 46 Hz. Similar results has also been reported in [18-20].V. C ONCLUSIONOne of the leading causes of human death is due to cardiovascular diseases. The first step to prevent such diseases is to have an effective method of collecting, monitoring and maintaining the health data of the patient [21]. Biomedical signal processing is an important tool for medical diagnosis and it can help give a medical explanation of cause and origin of medical phenomena. The information such as the temporal location of the heart signals, the number of their internal components, their frequency content, the importance of diastolic breaths and systolic devices can be studied directly onthePhonocardiogram (PCG) signal by the use of signal processing techniques [22].In this study it is presented that graphic representations of heart sounds can be a reliable assistance tool for heart diagnosis. During heart diagnosis, (classification of heart murmurs) physicians have to recognize the type of murmur. When recognizing heart murmur, both visual and audio, frequency content of a murmur carries murmur information but it is required to know the time interval of a murmur’s ap pearance too (systole or diastole). A spectrogram display of the heart sound gives (enables)insight to both domains and provides an additional perspective on the recorded heart sound.Graphic representations of heart sound signals enable visual murmur displays and their visual classification. Thus, physicians who cannot clearly hear a sound of a heart, with the help of the visual display, will be able to see a sound and then make a diagnosis.R EFERENCES[1]Laennec, R. T. H.; De l’Auscultati on Médiate ou Traité duDiagnostic des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur, Paris: Brosson & Chaudé. The complete title of this book, often referred to as the "Treatise" is: De l’Auscultation Médiate ou Traité du Diagnostic des Maladies des Poumons et du Coeur(On Mediate Auscultation or Treatise on the Diagnosis of the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart, 1819. [2]Tomas B. and Zelenika D.; Heart Sound Lines – Proposalof a Novel Heart Auscultation Assistant Diagnosis Tool, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET)Vol. 5 Issue 2 March 2015, /wp-content/uploads/2015/03/3.pdf [3]G. 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His research areas are speech and biomedical signals (acoustics heart sounds and EKG).Darko Zelenika received BSc and MScdegrees at the University ofMostar, Faculty of MechanicalEngineering and Computing. He is a PhDstudent at the Facutly of InformationStudies in Novo mesto (Slovenia) in thefield of image processing and machine learning. He has worked as softwaredeveloper on various。

血涂片复检规则在XT—4000i血细胞自动分析仪的应用评价目的评价血涂片的复检规则在Sysmex XT-4000i血细胞分析仪的应用效果。
按照本科室制定的Sysmex XT-4000i血细胞分析仪复检规则和涂片阳性标准进行评估,得出真阳性、假阳性、真阴性、假阴性和涂片复检比率。
标签:血细胞分析仪;血涂片;复检规则;应用评价Sysmex XT-4000i血细胞分析仪采用流体动态聚焦方法、流式细胞计数方法,分析数据显示在信息处理装置(IPU)上,可以快速对标本进行细胞计数和分类,对细胞异常及直方图异常有提示功能,极大地提高工作效率。
1 资料与方法1.1一般资料标本来源:950份血标本均来自我院就诊的门诊和住院患者,EDTA-2K真空抗凝管采集静脉血2ml,颠倒混匀5~8次,30min~6h内用XT-4000i自动进样模式进行检测。

•Call scores
•Heterozygote Detection
•GeXP更适合检测突变/杂合子: •波长越长,干扰越少 ,背景噪音低;
•650nm •laser •750nm •laser
•无10%的cut off把噪音,不会把10%以上杂合子去掉;
•NO Interference •from biological materials
药物名称 易瑞沙/特罗凯类 检测基因
EGFR-Exon18 突变 EGFR-Exon19 突变 EGFR-Exon21 突变 EGFR-Exon20突变 C-KIT-Exon9 突变 C-KIT-Exon11 突变 C-KIT-Exon13 突变 C-KIT-Exon17 突变 PDGFRα-Exon12 PDGFRα-Exon18 CYP2D6*10 多态性 XRCC1-Exon6 多态性 XRCC1-Exon10 多态性 ERCC1-codon118 多态性 MRP2-Exon10 多态性 BRCA1-Exon2 (女)多态性 BRCA1-Exon20 (女)多态性 XPD基因多态性 UGT1A1 *6 多态性 UGT1A1*28 多态性 DPYD*2A 多态性
伊马替尼 他莫昔芬
伊立替康 氟脲嘧啶类
• 只需要研究长度,不需要知道具体序列 • 分别率为1bp
Cellavision DI60系统对外周血白细胞分类临床应用评价

7 188
1 570
1 233
19 882
人工镜检 为该类细 胞的个数
1 333 8 661 7 342 1 492 1 371 101 20 000
预分类 错误率
(%) 12. 83 4.80 2.10 5.23 10.07 40.59
表3 D组血液标本仪器与人工镜检符合率分析
■i囱职工履学陵学握 2019年第29卷第4期
离,已在临床各项检验中普遍应用。但对于进行血液 透析后患者的血液标本来说,使用分离胶/促凝剂管与 彻底分离血清的效果仍不理想⑷。
肝素属于一种粘多糖,包含较多的硫酸基团物质, 可有效强化抗凝血酶m(AT-m)灭活丝氨酸蛋白酶 的作用,并对凝血酶的形成进行阻止,同时还有阻止血 小板聚集与抗凝血酶等多种作用。该物质不仅具有较 强的抗凝能力,还可为红细胞保持自然形态,避免溶血 的情况产生。肝素作用于生化检验期间,有效确保了 检验结果的可靠性与准确性。其中肝素锂与肝素钠为 临床首选的肝素盐,其中由于肝素钠含有钠,并不适用 于钠离子的检测⑷,因此本文采用肝素锂进行。
1材料与方法 1. 1 标本
选取厦门大学附属第一医院临床血液标本250 份,其中A组正常体检人员标本100份,B组急性细菌 感染性疾病患者50份,C组急性病毒性感染性疾病患 者50份,D组急、慢性白血病初诊患者标本50份,共4 组标本,均采用EDTA - K2抗凝管2 mL样本量。 1.2仪器与试剂
通过此次研究表明,肝素锂抗凝管代替分离胶/促 凝剂管采血实施生化检验,由于采血后即刻进行了分 离与检测工作,因此并未发生血液自然凝固的现象,从
而有效缩短了生化检验的进程,为检验速度与效率的 提升做出了至关重要的作用;同时防止出现加样针与 管路堵塞的麻烦,在提高检验速度的同时,可及时的发 出准确的实验报告,值得临床借鉴实施O

宝 生物 工程 ( 大连) 有 限公 司 ; 禽 白血 病 p 2 7抗 原检 测试 剂 盒 购 于 美 国 I D E X X 公 司; 犊 牛 血 清 和
DME M 购 于美 国 G I B C 原分 离和 R NA 提 取
取 发 病 鸡 的肝 脾 ,
中图分类号 : ¥ 8 5 2 . 6 5 7 文献 标 识 码 : A 文章 编 号 : 1 0 0 7 — 5 0 3 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 2 — 0 0 5 1 — 0 4
1 9 9 1 年, 英 国学者 P a y n e L N等[ 1 首次 报道 自 肉用 鸡群 分离 到一株 新 的禽 白血病 病 毒 ( Av i a n l e u — k o s i s v i r u s , AL V) , 根 据其 宿主 范 围、 病毒囊 膜 干扰 性和 交叉 中 和反 应 , 发 现 它 不 属 于 禽 AL V 已 知 的 亚群 A、 B、 c、 D、 E、 F、 G、 H、 I中 的任 何一 群 , 从 而 被 命名 为 J亚 群 禽 白血 病 病 毒 ( Av i a n l e u k o s i s v i r u s
与 AL V— J原 型毒株 HP R S 一 1 O 3的序 列 同源性 分别 为 9 3 . 3 和9 8 . 1 , 与 分 离株 AHa q 0 1和 AHa q 0 2同源 性 最高的 分别是 wN1 0 0 4 0 4 ( 9 5 . 0 ) 和S D0 9 TA0 4 ( 9 9 . 8 ) 。进 化 分 析进 一 步表 明 , 2个 分 离株 间的 亲缘 关 系较 远 , 为 来源 不 同的 AL V — J 毒株。 关键 词 : J亚群禽 白血病 病毒 ; g p 8 5基 因; 分 离; 黄 羽 鸡

血球产品全球技术支持部 Hematology Global Technical Support Dept.目录一、 库尔特原理...............................................................................................................2 二、 比色法.......................................................................................................................3 三、 半导体激光流式细胞术...........................................................................................4 四、 判断血细胞分析仪性能的参数...............................................................................61. 准确性.......................................................................................................................6 2. 重复性.......................................................................................................................7 3. 携带污染率...............................................................................................................8 4. 线性...........................................................................................................................9 五、 溯源性与质控、校准 .............................................................................................10 1. 溯源性.....................................................................................................................10 2. 校准.........................................................................................................................13 3. 质控.........................................................................................................................15文件编号:MXQ-12044-血球五分类版本:V1.01of22一、 库尔特原理血球产品全球技术支持部 Hematology Global Technical Support Dept.20 世纪 50 年代初,库尔特先生利用电阻抗原理设计了血细胞计数仪。

I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2012, 10, 54-60Published Online September 2012 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2012.10.08RBCs and Parasites Segmentation from ThinSmear Blood Cell ImagesVishal V. Panchbhai1,a, Lalit B. Damahe1,b1Asst. Professor, Depatment of IT, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, Indiaa vishal_panchbhai@,b damahe_l@Ashwini V. Nagpure22Depatment of CT.,Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engineering,Nagpur, Maharashtra, Indiaashld8788@Priyanka N. Chopkar33M.Tech- III SEM, Department of Electonics, BD College of Engineering,Sevagram, Maharshtra, Indiapriyachopkar@Abstract—Manually examine the blood smear for the detection of malaria parasite consumes lot of time for trend pathologists. As the computational power increases, the role of automatic visual inspection becomes more important. An automated system is therefore needed to complete as much work as possible for the identification of malaria parasites. The given scheme based on used of RGB color space, G layer processing, and segmentation of Red Blood Cells (RBC) as well as cell parasites by auto-thresholding with offset value and use of morphological processing. The work compare with the manual results obtained from the pathology lab, based on total RBC count and cells parasite count. The designed system successfully detects malaria parasites and RBC cells in thin smear image.Index Terms—Segmentation, Thresholding, RGB, Malaria parasites, RBCI.I NTRODUCTIONMalaria are protozoan parasites belonging to the subclass coccidian and this disease transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito, caused by minute parasitic protozoa of the genus Plasmodium, which infect human first in the cells of the liver and then in the red cells, and insect hosts alternatively. It probably originated in Africa and accompanied human migration to the Mediterranean shores, India and South East Asia. In the past it used to be common in the marshy areas around Rome and the name is derived from the Italian, (mal-aria) or "bad air"; it was also known as Roman fever. The detection techniques, today includes manual laboratory diagnosis of blood analysis. Generally in blood analysis, pathologist looks for three different kinds of cells, red, white and blood platelets. Their dimensions and their color distinguish these. In malarial blood the red corpuscles of vertebrates are infected by malaria parasites. Plasmodium, the protozoan parasite that causes malaria, exists in a variety of different forms, which have successfully adapted to different cellular environments, in both the vertebrate host and the mosquito vector. The parasite develops in a highly regulated manner through distinct cycles in the vertebrate host. In malarial blood we have to look for red cells, and mature Malaria is one of the predominant tropical diseases in the world causing wide spread sufferings and deaths in the developing countries. The world health organization reports 300 to 500 million clinical cases of malaria each year resulting in 1.5 to 2.7 million deaths. About 40% of the world's populations about two billion people are at risk in about 90 countries and territories. If the time of malaria diagnosis will be less or minimize we can save a human lives. Therefore the present paper aims at automating the process of blood smear screening for malaria parasite detection.The paper is organised as follows. Section II describes related work. Section III describes the background. In section IV, the proposed work is presented. Finally, section V shows the experimental results and section VI concludes the paper with future scope.II.R ELETED WORKMalaria is the important issue around the world and as contribution point of view different authors presented their work. Some of them are briefly describe here. Automated image analysis-based software “Malaria Count” for parasitemia determination, i.e. for quantitative evaluation of the level of parasites in the blood, has been described in [1]. The presented system is based on the detection of edges representing cell and parasite boundaries. The described technique includes a preprocessing step, edge detection step, edge linking, clump splitting, and parasite detection. The preprocessing of the image, which involves the enhancement of the image contrast via adaptive histogram equalization, is followed by edge detection, where a pixel is determined to belong to the boundary edge of the red blood cells if a defined edge correlation coefficient exceeds anempirically determined threshold. The terminal points are identified using 20 different 3 ×3 masks. The system requires well-stained and well-separated cells in order to provide accurate result. Moreover, artifacts, 'holes' inside red blood cells and noise can lead to a false interpretation of a red blood cell. The program is not intended for studies involving patient samples.Sadeghian et al. [2] demonstrated a framework for segmenting white blood cells using digital image processing. This grey level image processing scheme has divided into two parts, first, nucleus segmentation based on morphological analysis, and then cytoplasm segmentation is based on pixel-intensity thresholding. The segmentation is conducted using a presented segmentation framework that consists of an integration of several digital image processing algorithms. Twenty microscopic blood images were tested, and the presented framework managed to obtain 92% accuracy for nucleus segmentation and 78% for cytoplasm segmentation. The results indicate that the presented framework is able to extract the nucleus and cytoplasm region in a WBC image sample.In [3] a scheme based on HSV color space that segments Red Blood Cells and parasites by detecting dominant hue range and by calculating optimal saturation thresholds is presented. Methods that are less computation-intensive than existing approaches are proposed to remove artifacts. The scheme is evaluated using images taken from Leishman-stained blood smears. Sensitivity of the scheme are found to be 83% The method operates in HSV space and is dynamic in the sense that relevant thresholds are determined from the statistics of the given image rather than keeping them fixed for all images. Schemes are proposed to determine optimal saturation thresholds to segment RBCs and chromatin dots that are robust with respect to the color variability encountered. The similar color space used in our previous work [4]. We have used S and V component images of HSV color model. These images are segmented by using Zack‟s thresholding technique, sequential edge linking algorithm, Euclidian distance based clustering.The research paper [5] work introduces a blood image processing for detecting and classifying malarial parasites in images of Giemsa stained blood slides, in order to evaluate the parasitaemia of the blood. To detect the red blood cells that is infected by malarial parasites using statistical based approach. To separate automatically the parasites (trophozoites, schizonts and gametocytes) from the rest of an infected blood image using color, shape and Size information and compare the image with infected images after transformation of image by scaling, shaping to reconstruct the image. The images returned are statistically analyzed and compare to generate a mathematical base. Also the evaluation of the size and shape of the nuclei of the parasite is also considered. The architecture presented in [6] of a system of quantitative microscopy which yields an integrated platform for the morphological image analysis, pattern recognition, and visual content-based indexing of peripheral blood smear wide microscopic fields. A global image-based approach is used for the analysis and indexation of peripheral blood smear teleslide images which provides an objective description and classification of blood cells and which is designed to assist pathologist to diagnose hematological disorders in first phase. In second phase, erythrocyte morphology (shape and color) and erythrocyte inclusions yield important knowledge for detection of malaria status and seriousness.Ruberto et al. [7] introduces morphological approach to cell image segmentation more accurate than the normal watershed based algorithm. The used non-flat disk-shape structuring element enhanced the roundness and compactness to improving the accuracy of normal watershed based algorithm whereas flat disk-shape structuring element to separate overlapping cells. These methods make use of knowledge of the RBC structure that is not used in existing watershed based algorithm. Some of the authors contributed the detection of malarial parasites based on Support Vector Machine and Neural network .The paper by Diaz et al. [8] evaluates a color segmentation technique for separation of pixels into three different classes: parasite, red blood cell and background, based on standard supervised classification algorithms. Four different supervised classification techniques –KNN, Naive Bayes, SVM and Neural network – are evaluated on different color spaces – RGB, normalized RGB, HSV and YCbCr. But the complex mix of colors present in the parasites makes it difficult to discriminate individual pixels using only color information. A method by Chen Pan et al. [9] is based on image-retrieval to classify cell image from high similarity image databases. RGB color histogram of cell and two intensity histograms corresponding to those local regions compose feature vector represents the cell image. Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) is utilized to extract effective features from the feature vector. The weight coefficients of features are estimated automatically using relevance feedback strategy by linear support vector machine (SVM). Classification depends on the decision distance obtained by SVM and the nearest center criterion.Premaratnea et al. [10] used digital images of oil immersion views from microscopic slides captured though a capture card. They were preprocessed by segmentation and grey scale conversion to reduce their dimensionality and later fed into a feed forward back propagation neural network (NN) for training it. Digital images were segmented to 64 ×64 pixels images to be used as a training data set. The other reason for the segmentation was to make sure that the ANN‟s was kept to the smallest possible size in order to achieve easier training.In this approach [11] the parasitamia measure was carried out by partitioning the uninfected and infected cells using an unsupervised and in comparison a training-based technique. Based on pattern matching withparameter optimization and cross-validation against the expected biological characteristics, Red blood cells are determined. The selection of the infected cells out of the set of found RBCs was carried out using Variance based while the second one uses a color co-occurrence matrix. This approach is accounts for uncertain imaging conditions due to microscope settings as well as the quality of the blood smear preparation. In order to tackle in homogeneous backside illumination, compensation of imaging variability was carried out.Some authors contributed for the malaria detection based on third harmonic generation and flow cytometry with fluorescence staining. Highly sensitive optical-based detection of malaria-infected blood cells by third harmonic generation (THG) imaging of hemozoin pigment that is naturally deposited by the parasite during its lifecycle is presented in [12]. This method allows a rapid detection of early stage infections of blood cells. Automated malaria detection by flow cytometry in combination with fluorescence staining was previously investigated [13], but ……background noise‟‟ limited the detection to 2000 par/mL of blood. However, in comparison, THG images have much higher detection. The malaria parasite infections can be specifically detected in infected red blood cells by imaging THG emission from the hemozoin using infrared femtosecond pulsed laser excitation. Existing technology suggests that a flow cytometry device could be adapted using THG emission for automated stain-free diagnosis based on parasitamia counts, which would also lower the minimum parasitamia levels that are detectable.III.B ACKROUNDThere are two types of blood smear available for the detection of Malaria parasites that is thin and thick smear. The selection of thick and thin film is very important. Because some patients have low parasite densities so in this case thick films (figure 1a), which increase the sensitivity of the diagnostic process. However, in most cases there will be a sufficient number of parasites present in the blood for a diagnosis to be made using the thin film (figure 1b). Sometimes in thin films, confusion may arise when a platelet lies on top of or beside a red cell, especially if it is associated with a small fragment of blue stained material. Howell Jolly bodies may also look like parasites when associated with blue stain deposits. This kind of artifact is much more difficult to distinguish from true malaria parasites in the thick region of a blood film, where cells are packed on top of each other. Again one major problem in this context is that a large number of RBCs are overlapping.The different types of malaria normally found around the world and they are Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivox, Plasmodium ovale, and Plasmodium malariae [14]. In malarial blood pathologists look for red cells, white cell, parasites in different stages of life, immature and mature trophozoites, schizonts andgametocytes.a) b)Figure 1.(a) Thick smear image ( b) Thin smear imageIt is difficult to differentiate between various stages, but S. Raviraja et al. [8] contributed for identification of different stages based on color, shape and size. But due to use of statistical approach results are not up to the mark.IV.P ROPOSED APPROACHThe literature proposed by the different authors using the processing on gray scale image and color image. If we are using the proper color space and segmentation technique then possible to extract better result for the detection of parasite as well as RBC from thin smearimages.Figure 2.S ystematic Flow of MethodologyWe are using RGB color space model in this methodology. We first separate out the RGB image into three different layers R, G, and B. By performing the processing on G layer, we can segment the infected RBC cells out of all. The selection of thresholding required to analyses the histogram of the given images which give you the best selection of thresholding. But for the automatic selection of thresholding we are adopting Otsu algorithm discusses in section A.A.Otsu AlgorithmIn computer vision and image processing, Otsu's method is used to automatically perform histogram shape-based image thresholding, or the reduction of a gray level image to a binary image. The algorithm assumes that the image to be thresholded contains two classes of pixels (e.g. foreground and background) then calculates the optimum threshold separating those two classes so that their combined spread (intra-class variance) is minimal.Algorithm[15]pute histogram and probabilities of eachintensity level2.Set up initial ωi(0) and μi(0)3.Step through all possible thresholdsmaximum intensitya.Update ωi and μipute4.Desired threshold corresponds to themaximum Otsu's thresholding method involves iterating through all the possible threshold values and calculating a measure of spread for the pixel levels each side of the threshold, i.e. the pixels that either falls in foreground or background. The aim is to find the threshold value where the sum of foreground and background spreads is at its minimum.B.Morphological ProcessingMorphology is a broad set of image processing operations that process images based on shapes. Morphological operations apply a structuring element to an input image, creating an output image of the same size. The most basic morphological operations are dilation and erosion. In a morphological operation, the value of each pixel in the output image is based on a comparison of the corresponding pixel in the input image with its neighbors. By choosing the size and shape of the neighborhood, you can construct a morphological operation that is sensitive to specific shapes in the input image.By converting the image into binary form, some of the images created holes that disturb the solidness of the object. A hole is a set of background pixels that cannot be reached by filling in the background from the edge of the image. By using the image morphology we are filling the holes. Due to various in intensity levels the segmented objects are splits into subparts and treated as the multiple objects which may give improper result. Hence we are applying the erosion on hole filled object with the help of circular structuring element. The image morphology, create a option to calculate the objects which may be parasites or RBC cells with the help of labeling the image.V.E XPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe given methodology we have designed and implemented by using matlab 7.3 having a RAM of 4 GB. The program is written in matlab editor and various input output functions are use for reading and displaying the data (image info.). Some function is inbuilt in matlab and some of them are created by using matlab editor externally.For the experimentation initially we are collecting the images from CDC [14]. But these images not having any ground truth, hence actual image data collected from theDruv Path Lab, Laxminagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra (India) by the Dr. Sheela Mundhada. Leishman-stained blood smears images, infected by the plasmodium vivox. The images having a size of 1280 × 960 resolution, which will required more computation time or elapsed time as compared to CDC images. Performing the experimentation based on proposed approach on the dataset (figure 3) shows the result that can be comparing with the ground truth dataset of laboratory. Summarization of the result, compare with manual findings for infected RBC, total numbers of RBC andcalculated percentage parasitemia, shown in Table I.a) b)c) d)e)f)g) h)Figure 3.I mage Dataset Collected From Druv Path Lab (size 1280 ×960) (a) DSC09248.jpg, (b) DSC09250.jpg, (c) DSC09261.jpg, (d) DSC09262.jpg, (e) DSC09263.jpg, (f) DSC09264.jpg, ( g)DSC09265.jpg, (h) DSC09266.jpgGraphical user interface is designed in Matlab which will display the result in the form of red bounded area for infected RBC cell, pseudo color infected cell and total number of RBC cell. The data collected which will be further utilize for calculating the percentage parasitemia. Thresholding value used for segmentation varies from 108, 113, 111, 61, 117, 116, 159 and 129 for image dataset. Autothresholding is not sufficient for segmenting the images into two categories; hence some offset values can be selected based on trial and error. The thresholding values for the DSC09264 shown in figure 4. The visual results for the sample dataset shows parasites count and RBC count (figure 5).TABLE I. C OMPARATIVE R ESULT S UMMERYFigure 4. GUI Design for Display of Results with Threshold Valuea) DSC09248b) DSC09250c) DSC09261d) DSC09266Figure 5.Results of Sample Images With Infected RBC and TotalCount Of RBCVI.C ONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPEWe are experimenting with the semi-automatedapproach for detection of malaria parasite. The selectionof G layer from the RGB color space gives better result byperforming the segmentation based on Otsu and someoffset values.The proposed scheme reduced the time taken formalaria detection and the chances for human errors. Theimage (DSC09250) may not give better result for RBCcount due to improper illumination during capturing.However, the variability and artifacts in microscopeimages of blood samples pose significant challenges foraccurate detection. In future we try to use the other colorspaces and different thresholding techniques. It can befurther extended for the detection of different maturitylevel of malaria parasites.R EFERENCES[1]Sio,W.S.S, et al, “MalariaCount: An image analysis-based program for the accurate determination ofparasitemia” Journal of Microbiological Methods ,ISSN-0167-7012, vol 68, issue 1, pp 11-18, 2007.[2] F. Sadeghian, Z. Seman and A. R. Ramli, “AFramework for White Blood Cell Segmentation inMicroscopic Blood Images Using Digital ImageProcessing”, Biological Procedures Online, vol. 11,no. 1, pp. 196-206, Dec. 2009.[3]V. V. Makkapati and R. M. 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Costantino and M. L. Leimanis,“Sensitive Detection of Malaria Infection”, ThirdHarmonic Generation Imaging, 7 November 2007.[13]C. J. Janse and P. H. Van Vianen, “Flow cytometryin malaria detection”, Methods Cell. Biol. 42 Pt.B:295–318, 1994.[14]/DPDx/HTML/ImageLibrary[15]N. Otsu, “A threshold selection method from gray–level histogram,” IEEE Transactions on System Man Cybernatics, Vol. SMC-9, No.1, pp. 62-66, 1979.[16]/malaria/staining_techniques.htm[17]Gonzalez, Woods, Eddins, “Digital image processingusing matlab”, TMH 2010Vishal V. Panchbhai hasreceived B.E. in Electronics &TelecommunicationEngineering from Dr.B.A.M.U., Aurangabad,Maharashtra, INDIA in 2004,M.E in Electronics Engineeringfrom Dr. B.A.M.U.,Aurangabad,Maharashtra, INDIA in 2007. He has more than 05 years of experience in teaching. Currently working as Assistant Professor in Information Technology at Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, INDIA. His areas of interest are Image Processing and Embedded System. He is the member of ISTE and IACSIT professional society and he has more than 06 papers in National/International Conferences to his credit.Lalit B. Damahe has receivedDiploma in ElectricalEngineering from BTE Mumbaiin 1998, B.E. in ComputerTechnology from R.T.M.N.U.Nagpur in 2003, M.Tech inCSE from R.T.M.N.U. Nagpurin 2010. He has more than 07years of experience in teaching.He was Lecturer in Dept. of Computer Technology at Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur for nearly 1.5 years. Currently working as Assistant Professor in Information Technology at Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, INDIA. His areas of interest are Image Processing and Computer Graphics and Computer Networks. He is the member of ACM and IACSIT professional society and he has more than 07 papers in National / International Conferences/Journals to hiscredit.Ashwini Nagpure has receiveddiploma in InformationTechnology from BTE Mumbaiin 2008, and B.E. in ComputerTechnology from R.T.M.N.U.Nagpur in 2012. She wasundertaken various projectsduring her diploma and degreeprogram based on C++, Javaand MatlabPriyanka N. Chopkar hasreceived Diploma in ElectronicsEngineering from BTE Mumbaiin 2006, B.E. in Electronics &TelecommunicationEngineering from Dr.B.A.M.U., Aurangabad,Maharashtra, INDIA in 2009Pursuing M.Tech, in Electronics Engineering from R.T.M.N.U. Nagpur. She has more than 01 years of experience in teaching. She was Lecturer in Dept. of Electronics at Avdhoot diploma college of Engineering, Kuhi, Nagpur, INDIA.。

LEASO 患者血清miR -21、miR -126水平与HMGB1/TLR4信号通路活性和术后复发的关系李雪松,刘一东,肖永生,刘喆,张芊慧天津第四中心医院血管外科,天津 300140摘要:目的 探讨股腘型下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(LEASO )患者血清微小核糖核酸(miR )-21、miR -126水平与高迁移率族蛋白B1(HMGB1)/Toll 样受体4(TLR4)信号通路活性和术后复发的关系。
方法 选取行介入手术的股腘型LEASO 患者120例,根据术后是否复发将股腘型LEASO 患者分为复发组和未复发组。
RF -qPCR 剂检测血清miR -21、miR -126表达和外周血单个核细胞HMGB1 mRNA 、TLR4 mRNA 表达。
采用Pearson 相关性分析法分析股腘型LEASO 患者血清miR -21、miR -126与外周血单个核细胞HMGB1 mRNA 、TLR4 mRNA 表达的相关性。
多因素Logistic 回归分析股腘型LEASO 患者介入术后复发的影响因素。
结果 120例股腘型LEASO 患者随访2年,术后复发率为34.17%。
与未复发组比较,复发组血清miR -21和外周血单个核细胞HMGB1 mRNA 、TLR4 mRNA 表达升高,血清miR -126表达降低(P 均<0.05)。
Pearson 相关性分析显示,股腘型LEASO 患者血清miR -21与外周血单个核细胞HMGB1 mRNA 、TLR4 mRNA 表达呈正相关(r 分别为0.660、0.649,P 均<0.05),miR -126与外周血单个核细胞HMGB1 mRNA 、TLR4 mRNA 表达呈负相关(r 分别为-0.632、-0.641,P 均<0.05),外周血单个核细胞HMGB1 mRNA 与TLR4 mRNA 表达呈正相关(r =0.742,P <0.05)。
多因素Logistic 回归分析显示,高血压、糖尿病和miR -21、HMGB1 mRNA 、TLR4 mRNA 升高为股腘型LEASO 患者介入术后复发的独立危险因素,miR -126升高为独立保护因素(P 均<0.05)。

全 自动 血 液 分 析 仪 对 形 态 异 常 细 胞 提 示 功 能 的评 价
杨伟平, 周细国
[ 摘要] 目的 评 价全 自动血液分 析仪对 异形 细胞 的报 警提示 功能。方法 选择 8 6 2份血液标 本进行全 自动血液分析仪 检查和血液涂
片复检 , 评价全 自动血液分析仪对异形细胞报警提示的性能。结果 全 自动血液分析仪提示血小 板减少和显微 镜下镜检一致 性相对满意 ; 提 示核左移 、 红细胞形态异常和镜检一致性尚可 ; 未成熟粒细胞 、 原始粒细胞、 异型淋巴细胞 、 血小板 聚集 、 有核红 细胞 自动分析仪提示 和镜检结 果一致性不 理想 。根据 标准复 检血涂 片 , 全 自动血液分 析仪检查 的敏感 度 9 4 . 0 1 %( 3 1 4 / 3 3 4 ) 、 准确性 8 5 . 8 5 %( 7 4 0 / 8 6 2 ) 、 特 异性 8 O . 6 8 % ( 4 2 6 / 5 2 8 ) 。结论 全 自 动血液分析仪的报警提示仅具有提示及筛选作用 , 能有效降低劳动强度 , 提高工作效率 , 但仍不能完全取代显微镜检查。 [ 关键词 ] 全 自动血液分析仪 ; 形态异常细胞 ; 报警提示 系统 ; 评价和分析 [ 中国图书资料 分类号] R 4 4 6 . 1 1 [ 文献标志码] B [ 文章编号 ] 1 6 7 2 — 2 8 7 6 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 4— 0 3 6 9 一 O 2
普 勒超 声对于术后的评估效果较好 , 方便 简单。 综 上所述 , 彩色多普勒超声在 肾动 脉狭窄 的诊 断及治疗
3 讨 论
中能够起 到极大 的作用 , 而且有无创性 、 廉价 性 、 可 重复性等 优点 , 是临床筛选诊断 、 介入 治疗 的首选方法 , 值得进 一步推

转染293T细胞,检测其分泌表 达
• 正常细胞:
– 未活化时,产生很少;
– 活化后,产量可提高成百上千倍;如活化的淋巴细胞、 活化的单核/巨噬细胞、NK细胞、成纤维细胞、上皮 细胞、内皮细胞等。
IL-1、IL-6、IL-12、IL-18 和 TNF—主要由巨噬细胞产生的细胞因 子
• 1976发现,1979年命名,1983年克隆成功 • 1965年发现混合白细胞培养上清中存在一种可溶性因子
• 1976年发现小鼠脾细胞培养上清中含有一种刺激胸腺细 胞生长的因子,故称为T细胞生长因子(T cell growth factor
• 1983年命名,1986年克隆成功. • 人G-CSF基因位于17号染色体, • 人类有两种不同的G-CSF DNA,分别编码含207和204
个氨基酸的前体蛋白,均有30个氨基酸的先导序列,除了 在35位插入了3个氨基酸外,其余序列相同. • 有5个半胱氨酸36=42,64=74,17游离. • 来源 • 多种细胞可产生 – 内毒素、TNF-α、IL-1、IFN-γ活化单核/巨噬细胞
• 肿瘤:直接或间接抑制肿瘤生长,但是对某些肿 瘤反而有促进作用。
• IFN-α治疗病毒感染性疾病:如丙肝
4.肿瘤坏死因子 (Tumor necrosis factor, TNF)
• 1975年发现的一种能使肿瘤发生出血坏死的物 质,该因子对多种肿瘤细胞系具有细胞毒作用, 而且在多种动物模型中可引起肿瘤坏死,将其命 名为肿瘤坏死因子(Tumor Necrosis Factor, TNF)。
Sysmex XN-1000血细胞分析仪白细胞五分类结果分析

54% and 42% , eespectieeiy; Thedetection eate so o oou e set so oindicato estowa ed so eigina inai ee ce iswe ee&M +LIC =B+LIC
(64% ) >M +B+LIC(48% ) >M +B(16% ) , ee specti ee iy. The po siti ee detection eate so oabno ema i iymphocyte swe ee&M +B=
$摘要】 目的 观察并比较Sysmex XN-1000血细胞分析仪和人工血液涂片镜检白细胞五分类结果,探讨单核细胞 (M)、嗜碱性粒细胞(B)和巨大未成熟细胞"LIF)对原始幼稚细胞和异型淋巴细胞的提示能力%方法 回顾性分析5类 白细胞分别升高的样本300例,分析Sysmex XNT000血常规检测结果和人工复片镜检结果,比较两种方法对白细胞升高 样本结果的符合率%针对符合率低的指标,收集该类指标联合升高的组合数据200例,计算其对原始幼稚细胞和异型淋 巴细胞的检出率是否有差异,并探讨联合指标与原始幼稚细胞和异型淋巴细胞的相关性%结果仪器法检测白细胞异常
随着医学科学技术的发展,血细胞分析仪从以前 剂;光学显微镜及姬姆萨-瑞士复合染液;门诊患者和
的二分类、三分群发展到今天的五分类全自动血细胞 部分住院患者血常规数据。
分析仪,现如今,各类血细胞分析仪已经在我国各医院 1-2方法

①上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院 上海 201999通信作者:蒋筠婓IgG4、IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1在米库利兹病中的诊断价值王瑛① 蒋筠婓①【摘要】 目的:探究IgG4、IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1在米库利兹病(MD)中的诊断价值。
方法:回顾性选取2015年3月—2022年3月上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院收治的20例MD 患者及30例原发性干燥综合征(PSS)患者。
将MD 患者纳入MD 组,PSS 患者纳入PSS 组。
两组均进行IgG 亚类检测及抗核抗体(ANA)、抗SSA 抗体和抗SSD 抗体阳性率检测。
比较两组IgG1、IgG2、IgG3、IgG4及IgG 水平及IgG4浓度升高发生率,ANA、抗SSA 抗体、抗SSB 抗体阳性率,比较两组IgG 亚类比值(IgG1/IgG、IgG2/IgG、IgG3/IgG、IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1),分析IgG4、IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1对MD 的诊断价值。
结果:MD 组IgG2、IgG4、IgG 水平均高于PSS 组,IgG1水平低于PSS 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
MD 组IgG4浓度升高发生率高于对照组(χ2=38.437,P =0.000)。
MD 组IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1均高于PSS 组,IgG1/IgG、IgG3/IgG 均低于PSS 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
PSS 组ANA、抗SSA 抗体及抗SSB 抗体阳性率均高于MD 组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。
IgG4/IgG、IgG4/IgG1诊断MD 的AUC 值均高于IgG4(Z =3.627、2.515,P =0.003、0.004)。
结论:IgG4、IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1均在MD 的诊断中具有良好的效能,但IgG4/IgG 及IgG4/IgG1诊断效能优于IgG4,临床可将上述指标作为MD 诊断的辅助指标。

修改白血球分類異常警示訊號修改Sysmex XE-2100分析儀中白血球分類異常警示訊號的條件以降低臨床人工閱片的比例林宏澤1鄧金堂1張永達1高振強1翁志昇1郭明宗1,2甯孝真1林口長庚紀念醫院1臨床病理科2血液科背景:自動化血液分析儀不僅有白血球分類的功能,當偵測到不正常血球時還能產生警示訊號。
本科血液檢驗室所使用的Sysmex XE-2100有三種警示訊號,包括形態異常訊號(Morph flag)、分類異常訊號(Diff flag)和計數異常訊號(Count flag),這些警示訊號條件可依使用者需求來做適當調整。
關鍵詞:白血球分類計數、白血球分類警示訊號、Sysmex XE-2100前 言自動化血液分析儀廣泛使用在血球計數與白血球分類計數上,目前市面上有許多公司的血液分析儀,Abbott [1-2]、ABX [3]、Bayer [4-5]、Beckman Coulter [6-8]和Sysmex [9]等。

2.Sysmex KX-21血细胞分析仪白细胞分类异常的原因分析

基于异常检测的尿沉渣图像分割李悦;嵇启春【摘要】在尿沉渣图像中,由于其样本特性,使得在细胞图像采集时会有大量的杂质.这些杂质形状不规则,颜色不单一,用传统的图像分割算法难以去除.针对这个问题,提出一种基于异常检测的图像分割算法.该方法用形态学的方法对二值图像进行轮廓提取,根据其轮廓进行特征提取并且进行标记,然后用提取的轮廓特征以及标记构建异常检测模型.最终根据该模型对图象进行分割,并且定量地对该模型进行评价.实验结果表明,基于异常检测模型的尿沉渣检测方法能够以较高精度将杂质从细胞图像中分离.%In the urine sediment image, due to its sample characteristics, it makes a lot of impurities in the cell image acquisition.These impurities are irregular in shape, and the color is not single, using traditional image segmentation is difficult to remove.Aiming at this problem, an image segmentation algorithm based on anomaly detection is proposed.The algorithm uses the morphological method to extract the binary image contour, according to its contour feature extraction and marking, and an anomaly detection model is constructed using the extracted contour features and the markers.Finally, the image is segmented according to the model, and the model is evaluated quantitatively.The experimental results show that the urine sediment detection method based on the anomaly detection model can separate the impurity from the cell image with high accuracy.【期刊名称】《计算机应用与软件》【年(卷),期】2017(034)006【总页数】6页(P212-216,261)【关键词】尿沉渣图像;形态学;异常检测【作者】李悦;嵇启春【作者单位】西安建筑科技大学陕西西安 727000;西安建筑科技大学陕西西安727000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3在医学细胞图像处理研究中,细胞的识别和分割是最重要也是最困难的,其中,细胞的分割将图像分割为前景和背景,是把图像中感兴趣的部分提取出来的过程,它是细胞识别的前提。
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I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2018, 1, 30-35Published Online January 2018 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.01.04Segmentation of Abnormal Blood Cells forBiomedical Diagnostic AidAbdellatif BOUZID-DAHODepartment of Electronics, Faculty of Sciences of engineers, Laboratory for the study and research in instrumentation and communication Annaba, University Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, AlgeriaEmail: daholion@live.frMohamed BOUGHAZIDepartment of Electronics, Faculty of Sciences of engineers, Laboratory for the study and research in instrumentation and communication Annaba, University Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, AlgeriaEmail: boughazi_m@Received: 09 June 2017; Accepted: 17 November 2017; Published: 08 January 2018Abstract—The aim of our work is to obtain a maximum rate of recognition of abnormal (cancerous) blood cells. We propose the development of a system based on k-means methods, after an RGB channel decomposition by applying the algorithm which can segment our microscopic medical images. It turns out that the proposed system shows better segmentation and classification for the identification and detection of leukemia. The experimental results obtained are very encouraging, which helps hematologists to monitor the evolution of cancerous blood cells and make a good diagnosis.Index Terms—Abnormal (cancerous) blood cells; k-means; microscopic medical images; segmentation; classification.I.I NTRODUCTIONImage processing is involved in a large number of applications. Biomedical applications is one of the domains that is taking a real advantage of the amazing progress in image processing that help to develop surgery acts, maladies diagnosis, therapeutic practice, and so on. Usually we used microscopic medical images to extract useful information for diagnosis support. This microscopic based image allows us to get more details which are difficult to see within the uncovered eyes. On the other hand, processing tools, methodologies and algorithms are developed in order to increase the visibility of the image being examined, and help doctors to well explore and take the right decision about the diagnosis. Image segmentation is one of the central steps toward getting specific information from a given image. Image segmentation establishes the core of any vision system; this is an important step in the process of image processing; it was one of the most studied subjects in this field. The segmentation has for the objective the extraction of visual indications in an image. It makes it possible to divide, image set points called regions, homogeneous for one or more characteristics (intensity, color, gray levels or texture).P. Purohit and R. Joshi [1] introduced a new efficient approach toward k-means clustering algorithm.A. Jose and all [2] proposed brain tumor segmentation using k-means clustering and fuzzy c-means algorithm and its area calculation. In this work we try to apply an approach of segmentation by region based on the method of k-means for the analysis and processing of medical images textured [3], in the aim to identify anomalies in the general case and detect cancerous cells [4] in the particular case.One of the fundamental processes in the chain of image processing [5] is the segmentation. The segmentation is a difficult problem [6] because we do not know a priori the type of textures present in the image to be analyzed, how many different textures are present and with which the region associate what texture or color. In fact, it is not necessary to know what exactly the existing textures are and what are the relevant colors?The method of k-means [7] has been very used in several application and field of research, on the one hand for its simplicity of implementation and on the other hand because it can provide a good approximation of the segmentation sought. Nevertheless this method suffers from a fault that has its importance in segmentation of images: it introduces the spatial discontinuities strong enough to the borders of the classes [8-9]. Of regularization methods are therefore usually employed to strengthen the connectedness and thus reduce the number of related components of each class.We will first present in the first part of our paper a brief description on the medical context, so the diagram of the method is based on segmentation. We will then present the functioning of the k-means algorithm. We will finally in the application of the algorithm by a series of microscopic medical images the essential characteristic is the texture using the functions implemented under Matlab, we will end by discussing the results, conclusion, perspectives and references.II.M ATERIALS AND M ETHODSThe methods of analysis of the textures are essentially based on the study of the relationships between each pixel and its neighbors for the fine textures, and on the spatial distribution of the levels of gray. These methods give only statistical [10] information on the images unlike methods such as the segmentation that they give visual information.In this paper we are interested in segmentation by region using the k-means method, our database is represented together of microscopic medical images.A.Hardware requirementsWe have implemented our algorithmic processing using the language MATLAB (R2012a) environment and tested on a common PC Pentium (R) Dual-Core CPU Processor 2.20 GHz with 4 Go RAM.B.Medical contextThe type of microscopic medical images is the blood cells [11], which represents pathology [12]. In this case our goal in algorithmic processing is to segment the set of bio-images based on the relevant element color and texture [13-14].C.Proposed systemOur system proposed in this paper (Fig.1.), contains two essential steps are, pretreatment of microscopic medical images after segmentation to identify abnormal blood cells based on the relevant element color.Fig.1. Block diagram of proposed systemThe segmentation of a digital image I using a predicate of homogeneity p is commonly defined as A partition S= R1, R2, R3… RN such as:1. I= U Ri , i ∈[1…n]2. Ri is related, ∀ i ∈[1…n]3. P (Ri) = true, ∀ i ∈[1…n]4. P (Ri U Rj) = false, ∀ i ∉ jAs well, a multitude of techniques of segmentation are presented in the literature, they can be grouped into three main families: methods of segmentation by contours, the methods of segmentation by region and the classification methods [15].a.Method k-meansThis paper is present the segmentation method by region approach based on the k-means algorithm. K-means is an algorithm for vector quantization and alternating minimization, which, given an integer k, will seek to separate a set of points in k clusters. It is implementing in programming language the algorithm of mobile centers (k-means) for the automatic classification of a set of data (x1. . . x n) k-means minimizes the criterion of error (distortion) depending on the centers of the classes ψ = (μ1. . .µk) and the classes z = (z1. . .z n): (z, ψ):ℐ(μ1,…….,μk,z)=∑∑z ikni=1kk=1‖x i−μk‖2 (1)This corresponds to the Euclidean distance between total each data x i and the Center µzi which it is the closest to the meaning of the Euclidean distance:‖x i−μk‖2=d(x i,μk)=√∑(x ij−μkj)2dj=1(2)In the expression of the criterion I, z ik is a binary variable that is 1 if the class of the example x i is k and 0 otherwise.b.General principle algorithmThe algorithm is composed of the three following steps:i.Initialization:it initializes the centers of theclasses (µ1 (0) . . . µk(0)) (at your choice) to give theno departure of the algorithm (for examplechoosing randomly to centers that "virtual", or kdata among the data to treat). It is therefore to startto the iteration t = 0 with initial values for themodel parameters (µ1(0) . . . µk(0)).ii.Step of affectation (Classification):Each data is assigned to the class of the center of which it is thenearest ∀:i = 1, . . ., nz ik (t)={1 if k =arg ‖x i− μk ‖2zϵ{1,,…k}min0 else(3)iii.Step of recalage of the centers: the Center μ of each class k is recalculated as the arithmetic average of all the data apartment in this class (following the step of previous assignment):∀k = 1. . . kμk(t+1)=∑z ik (t)x i n i=1∑z ik (t)n i=1 (4)t being the current iteration.The convergence can be regarded as reached if the value relative to the level of distortion j (1) becomes less than a threshold small prefixed or if a maximum number of iterations prefixed has been reached. D. DatabaseTo perform our approach, we consider for study purpose a public supervised image datasets [16] of blood cells provided from the hematology service of the CHU Hospital, Angers, France. This database gives typical blood microscope images obtained from the microscope inspection of blood slides which provides important qualitative and quantitative information concerning the presence of hematological pathologies as shown in the Fig.2. The obtained experimentalFig.2. Medical microscopic image (Abnormal Blood Cell)results described in the following section have been obtained by considering samples of blood cells cancer detected in the Fig.2.III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONAfter obtaining the blood cells, the pretreatment is carried out in two following steps: A. Preprocessing stepBefore applying our proposed method based on the k-means algorithm, it is necessary to perform a preprocessing which is to convert the matrix of pixels in a vector consisting of the grayscale for each of the basic colors (red, green, and blue). When the algorithm hasbeen appliedto the vector, we can then convert into a matrix consisting of the value associated with each cluster, for each pixel in the image; the result is shown in Fig.3.Fig.3. Preprocessing image (Resize + filtering + conversion to secondcomponent)The choice of the conversion to grayscale resides on the second component, when we conducted the decomposition in channel (RGB) it is observed that the information is too clear visually on the green component, the results are illustrated by the figure below:Fig.4. Decomposition in channel (RGB)The figure above confirms the good choice on the second component because the resolution and better in G compared to (R or B). B. Segmentation stepFig.5. Identification of Abnormal Blood CellsWe note that the segmented images after pretreatment we give two classes. In effect, it is enough to create acluster for the merits and a cluster for the other objects. The number of clusters the more logical in this case is therefore k =2. This is confirmed by the results obtained (Fig.5.).After the segmentation, the abnormal cells of the blood are clearly distinguished.We conclude that mostly the infected areas or areaof interest are segmented from background, the results obtained shows that the segmented images contains two classes are colored according to the membership provided by the k-means algorithm, this segmentation allows you to found the classes (object) correspond to homogeneous regions and remove any unwanted region of the image . C. Application on another imageWe have, then, carried out various tests on other image with the same structure of the algorithm proposed in this paper; we had its results illustrated by (Fig.6. and Fig.7.).Fig.6. Detection of Abnormal blood cellsFig.7. Detection of Abnormal blood cellOur proposed method is applicable to different image of the blood cells despite the change of the targeted objects which shows the effectiveness of our algorithm.IV.C ONCLUSIONThis paper focuses primarily on the description and the characterization of the abnormal blood cells in the bio-images; it is pressing on a mathematical basis based on a k-means method. This last is essentially based on the study of the relations between each pixel and its neighbors for the fine textures, and on the spatial distribution of the gray levels. This article provides aid with biomedical diagnostic of information presented by the extraction of abnormal region of blood cells. The results obtained do not permit the detection of pathologies, but to bring to physicians of the tools in image processing for the purpose of quantifying the various structures cancerous of the blood cell.In the future we will think use this tool to define other characteristics to know the size of a tumor, the Directorate contours. In the aim of diagnostic aid when the results found in this article are remarkable.The ideal will be to work in collaboration with the health staff in order to be able to optimize the algorithms of calculations of the parameters of medical images and textured to be able to directly involve the results of these processes to the clinic.R EFERENCES[1]P. Purohit and R. Joshi. ‘’A New Efficient Approachtowards k-means Clustering Algorithm’’, In International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.65, N°.11, 2013.[2] A. Jose, S. Ravi and M. 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He has been presented and published over 12 research papers in National, international Conferences and Journals.Mohamed BOUGHAZI received theMagister in electronics from BadjiMokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria, in1992, and his PhD. degree in electronicsfrom the University of Badji MokhtarAnnaba, Algeria, in 2006. In 1983, hejoined the University of Annaba where heworked as a Professor in the Electronics Department as a member of the “Laboratory of study andresearch in instrumentation and communication of Annaba”. His main research interests are Analysis and multidimensional signal processing is moving in the field of imaging and fingerprint.How to cite this paper: Abdellatif BOUZID-DAHO, Mohamed BOUGHAZI," Segmentation of Abnormal Blood Cells for Biomedical Diagnostic Aid", International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP), Vol.10, No.1, pp.30-35, 2018.DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2018.01.04。