




































一、填空:(10分)1. 平均指标和变异指标(或σ和x )。

2.统计中,标志的承担者是总体单位 。

3.抽样平均误差的实质是样本平均数 的标准差。

4.由组距数列计算平均数,由组中值代表各组标志值的水平,其假定前提是组内标志值均匀分布 。

5.负责向上报告调查内容的单位,称为报告单位 。

6.在统计调查方法体系中,以普查为基础,以抽样调查 为主体。

7.现象总体在轻微偏态情况下,中位数与平均数的距离是平均数与众数距离的 1/3 。

8.社会经济统计学的研究对象是研究大量社会经济现象 总体 的数量方面。

9.在组距数列的条件下,众数的计算公式是 。

10.反映总体中各个组成部分之间数量对比关系的指标是比例相对 指标。

二、单项选择(20分)1.攻读某专业硕士学位的四位研究生英语成绩分别为75分、78分、85分、和88分,这四个数字是:( D )A.指标B.标志C.变量D.标志值2.已知:∑2x =2080,∑x =200,总体单位数为20。

则标准差为( B )A.1B.2C.4D.103.调查某地区1010户农民家庭,按儿童数分配的资料如下:根据上述资料计算的中位数为( B )A. 380B. 2C. 2.5D. 5054.某地区为了了解小学生发育状况,把全地区各小学按地区排队编号,然后按排队编号顺序每隔20个学校抽取一个学校,对抽中学校所有学生都进行调查,这种调查是( D )厦门大学《统计学》2010~2011第二学期期中试卷____学院____系____年级____专业主考教师: 试卷类型:(A 卷)A. 简单随机抽样B. 等距抽样(系统抽样)C. 分层抽样D. 整群抽样5.统计工作中,搜集原始资料,获得感性知识的基础环节是(B )A.统计设计B.统计调查C.统计整理D.统计分析6.人口普查的调查单位是( B )A.全部人口B.每个人C.全部人口数D.每户家庭7.对两工厂工人工资做纯随机不重复抽样,调查的工人数一样,两工厂工资方差一样,但第二个工厂工人数多一倍,则抽样平均误差:( B )A.第一个工厂大B.第二个工厂大C.两个工厂一样大D.不能做结论8.必要的样本容量不受下面哪个因素影响( B )。



Section A
Short Conversations
3. M: Listening to you talking about holidays makes me feels envious, Jenny. You seem to have been everywhere. W: Yes. I have been to many countries such as Germany, Italy, France and Spain and recently I’ve been to West Africa. Q: What does the man imply about the woman?
Section A
Short Conversations
5. W: Let’s take a break. We have been reading steadily all afternoon M: That’s fine with me. I am so tired that I can’t think straight. Q: Why are they going to stop?
Section A
Short Conversations
2. M: Are these the shirts that are on sale? W: Yes. The regular price is $5.00 each, but the sale price is $8.00 for two or $4.50 each. Q: How much does one shirt cost?
8. W: I find that the import of Chinese carpets has become the second largest in Britain. M: I am glad to hear that. Q: What does the woman say about the Chinese carpets in Britain?



小学一年级期中语文试卷一、拼音王国(共10题,每题2分)1. 将下列汉字的音节补充完整:- 地:d______- 你:nǐ- 书:shū- 花:hu______2. 选择正确的读音,打“√”:- 水(shuǐ √ / shuī)- 云(yún √ / yǘn)- 红(hén / hóng √)- 木(mù √ / mò)3. 拼写音节:- b-ā→______- m-āo→______- t-ú→______- n-ǚ→______4. 根据音节写汉字:- yī fú → ______- xiǎo niǎo → ______- dà shù → ______- hé shuǐ → ______5. 找出整体认读音节:- zi (√)- ci (√)- si (√)- ba- ma6. 给加点字选择正确的声调:- 春天(chūn tiān / chūn tiān√) - 花朵(huā duǒ√ / huā duò)- 读书(dú shū√ / dú shú)7. 看图写音节:- (图:太阳)→ tài yáng- (图:月亮)→ yuè liàng- (图:小狗)→ xiǎo gǒu- (图:小猫)→ xiǎo māo8. 写出下列字母的大写或小写:- B(小写)→ b- f(大写)→ F- N(小写)→ n- t(大写)→ T9. 将音节按声母顺序排列:- gāo / dà / hé / xǐ / chī正确顺序:dà gāo hē xǐ chī10. 连线题:- bāo - 包- mǎ - 马- niú - 牛- yǔ - 雨- shuǐ - 水二、字词乐园(共10题,每题2分)1. 写出带有下列偏旁的字(各写两个):- 木:林、森- 氵:江、河- 亻:他、们- 讠:说、话2. 辨字组词:- 人(人们) / 大(大山) - 上(上面) / 下(下面) - 土(土地) / 王(国王) - 天(天空) / 夫(夫人)3. 加一笔变成新字:- 十(土)- 一(二、十、厂等均可) - 大(天、太)- 日(白、目、旦等均可)4. 反义词连线:- 大 - 小- 多 - 少- 来 - 去- 上 - 下- 开 - 关5. 写出下列字的笔顺(只写序号):- 三:①一②二③三(正确顺序:③①②)- 火:④丶③㇌②人①丿(正确顺序:④①②③)- 水:⑤氵④丶③㇌②㇀①亠(简化为:②③④⑤,正确顺序:②③④⑤)6. 选字填空:- (他 / 她)是我的妈妈。



物理与电信工程学院10—11学年第(二)学期期中考试《力学》试卷年级 专业 姓名 学号一、判断题(每题2分,共10分,打√或打×)1、一个运动的质点,若其加速度,则该质点一定作匀速直线运动。





二、单选题(每题2分,共30分)1、功的量纲是:(A); (B) ;(C);(D)。

2、质点作曲线运动时,表示位矢,s表示平面自然坐标,那么下列表达式哪个正确?(1) (2) (3) (4)(A)只有(2)对; (B)只有(4)对; (C) (1)、(2)对; (D)(2)、(4)对。


在抛射过程中,若以B为参考系,则A的速度:(A) 大小、方向都不改变; (B) 大小不变,方向变;(C) 大小变,方向不变; (D) 大小、方向都变。

4、一抛射体的初速率为v0,抛射角为,抛射点的法向加速度,最高点的切向加速度以及最高点的曲率半径分别为:(A) g cos ,0 , v02 cos2/g ; (B) g cos , g sin, 0 ;(C) g sin, 0, v02/g ; (D) g , g , v02sin2/g 。





2013-2014学年度秋学期阜宁高等师范学校期中考试试卷建工1001、1002、1003建筑法规命题人:胡蝶一、单项选择题(共20题,每题2分,合计40分)1、某房地产开发商向预先选定的几家施工单位发送投标邀请书,邀请其参与投标,此发包方式为( )A.公开招标发包B.邀请招标发包C.直接发包D.议标2、行政法规指定的主体是()A.全国人民代表大会B.国务院C.全国人民代表大会常务委员会D.最高人民法院3、某建设工程施工合同约定,合同工期为18个月,合同价款为2000万元,根据法律规定,建设单位在申请领取施工许可证时,原则上最少应到位资金为()万元。






A. 由总承包对施工现场的安全生产负总责、B.分包单位对分包工程的安全承担独立责任C.在分包单位具有合格资质情况下,总包单位可以将建设工程主体结构的施工交与分包单位完成D.分包单位应当接受总承包单位的安全生产管理,分包单位不服从管理导致生产安全事故的,由分包单位承担全部责任10、抢险救灾紧急工程应采用()方式选择实施单位。



































()9. 为避免副作用的产生,可减少用药剂量。

()10. 变态反应的发生与剂量无关,与药物原有作用无关,不易预知三、单项选择题(每题1分,共70分)1、药物作用的两重性是指 CA、治疗作用与预防作用B、原发作用与继发反应C、治疗作用与不良反应D、对症治疗与对因治疗E、治疗作用与毒性反应2、容易受首关消除影响的药物应该避免哪种给药方法CA、静脉注射B、肌内注射C、口服D、直肠给药E、舌下给药3、药物在治疗量时出现与治疗目的无关的作用称为CA、治疗作用B、预防作用C、副作用D、局部作用E、“三致”反应4、药物血浆半衰期是指BA、药物被机体吸收一半所需的时间B、药物在血浆中的浓度下降一半所需的时间C、药物被代谢一半所需的时间D、药物排泄一半所需的时间E、药物毒性减小一半所需的时间5、最常用的给药方法是AA、口服给药B、舌下给药C、直肠给药D、肌内给药E、皮下注射6、对胃肠道有刺激性的药物服药时间宜在CA、饭前B、饭时C、饭后D、空腹时E、睡前7、硝酸甘油舌下给药的目的在于CA、避免刺激胃肠道B、增加吸收C、避免首过消除D、减慢药物代谢E、避免胃肠道破坏8、注射庆大霉素后出现永久性耳聋,属于 DA、特异质反应B、变态反应C、副作用D、毒性反应E、后遗效应9、某药的治疗指数大,则说明该药物 CA、作用强B、毒性强C、毒性弱D、安全性大E、安全性小10、药物的半衰期长说明此药 EA、易吸收B、生物转化快C、作用强D、起效快E、消除慢11、青霉素G属杀菌剂是因为 BA、影响细菌蛋白质合成B、抑制细菌细胞壁合成C、抑制核酸合成D、影响细菌叶酸合成E、影响细胞膜的通透性12、青霉素类共同具有的特点是 EA、耐酸口服有效B、耐ß-内酰胺酶C、主要用于G+菌感染D、大多用于G—菌感染E、可能发生过敏性休克,并有交叉过敏反应13、下列哪项不是头孢菌素的不良反应 CA、过敏反应B、肾损害C、肝损害D、二重感染E、胃肠绞痛14、不属于大环内酯类的药物是 BA、红霉素B、林可霉素C、乙酰螺旋霉素D麦迪霉素E、克拉霉素15、红霉素对下列哪种细菌无效 DA、百日咳鲍特菌B、流感嗜血杆菌C、支原体D、铜绿假单胞菌E、白喉棒状杆菌16、下列何药不能用生理盐水溶解 BA、链霉素B、红霉素C、青霉素D、庆大霉素E、头孢呋辛17、G+菌感染对青霉素过敏者可选用 BA、苯唑西林B、红霉素C、氨苄西林D、羧苄西林E、头孢氨苄18、下列哪种药物不是氨基糖苷类抗生素 AA、螺旋霉素B、妥布霉素C、阿米卡星D、卡那霉素E、大观霉素19、过敏性休克发生率最高的氨基糖苷类药物是 DA、庆大霉素B、妥布霉素C、阿米卡星D、链霉素E、大观霉素20、四环素的抗菌谱不包括 CA、肺炎球菌B、霍乱孤菌C、真菌D、立克次体E、衣原体21、小儿禁用喹诺酮类的原因在于该类药物易引起 AA、骨、关节病变B、胃肠道反应C、过敏反应D、肝功能损害E、肾功能损害22、易透过血-脑脊液屏障,脑脊液中能达到有效抑菌浓度的磺胺药是 BA、磺胺甲噁唑B、磺胺嘧啶C、柳氮磺吡啶D、磺胺米隆E、磺胺醋酰23、对各部位各类型结核病均为首选药物的是 AA、异烟肼B、乙胺丁醇C、链霉素D、对氨基水杨酸E、卡那霉素24、应用异烟肼时常合用维生素B6,其目的是 BA、增强疗效B、治疗外周神经炎C、延缓抗药性D、减轻肝损害E、以上都不是25、主要毒性为视神经炎的药物是EA、利福平B、链霉素C、异烟肼D、吡嗪酰胺E、乙胺丁醇27、抗恶性肿瘤药长期大量应用最严重的不良反应是 BA、胃肠道反应B、骨髓抑制C、脱发D、周围神经炎E、肾脏损害28、过量使用可导致出血性膀胱炎的药物是 BA、白消安B、环磷酰胺C、雄激素D、长春新碱E、阿糖胞苷29、胆碱能神经兴奋时不出现 DA、抑制心脏B、舒张血管C、腺体分泌D、瞳孔散大E、支气管收缩30、毛果芸香碱的作用原理是 AA、激动M受体B、阻断M受体C、激动N受体D、阻断N受体E、抑制胆碱酯酶31、毛果芸香碱对眼睛的作用是 AA、瞳孔缩小、眼压降低、调节痉挛B、瞳孔散大、眼压降低、调节痉挛C、瞳孔缩小、眼压升高、调节痉挛D、瞳孔散大、眼压升高、调节麻痹E、瞳孔散大、眼压降低、调节麻痹32、阿托品用于麻醉前给药的主要目的是CA、防止手术中出血B、镇静C、减少呼吸道腺体分泌D、抑制排尿、排便E、协助改善心脏功能42、利多卡因一般不用于 CA、表面麻醉B、浸润麻醉C、腰麻D、传导麻醉E、硬膜外麻醉43、丁卡因常用作表面麻醉主要是因为 CA、麻醉效力强B、毒性较大C、黏膜的穿透力强D、作用持久E、比较安全44、关于地西泮的叙述,正确的是 DA、安全范围大,久用无成瘾性B、禁用于麻醉前给药C、高血压者慎用D、青光眼患者禁用E、可用于重症肌无力45、地西泮与苯巴比妥共有的作用是 CA、抗精神病B、中枢性肌松C、抗癫痫D、镇痛E、麻醉46、下列何药不属于苯二氮卓类 CA、艾司唑仑B、地西泮C、水合氯醛D、奥沙西泮E、氯氮卓47、常用于治疗焦虑症的药物是BA、苯妥英钠B、地西泮C、苯巴比妥D、乙琥胺E、异戊巴比妥51、氯丙嗪用于人工冬眠主要由于其具有 CA、安定作用B、抗精神病作用C、对体温调节中枢的抑制作用D、对内分泌影响E、加强中枢抑制药的作用55、心源性哮喘应选用 DA、肾上腺素B、麻黄碱C、异丙肾上腺素D、哌替啶E、氢化可的松56、吗啡中毒致死的主要原因是CA、昏睡B、震颤C、呼吸麻痹D、血压降低E、心律失常57、吗啡的拮抗剂是 BA、罗通定B、纳洛酮C、曲马朵D、喷他佐辛E、哌替啶58、下列药物中无抗炎、抗风湿作用的是BA、阿司匹林B、对乙酰氨基酚C、吲哚美辛D、布洛芬E、萘普生59、阿司匹林不适用于 AA、缓解胆绞痛B、缓解关节痛C、神经痛D、牙痛E、预防血栓形成60、为减轻阿司匹林对胃的刺激,可采取 AA、餐后服药或同服抗酸药B、餐前服药C、餐前服药或同服抗酸药D、合用乳酶生E、合用镇痛药。



1002级轮机英语期中考试单项选择题1.The_____ is a measure of the phase difference between voltage and current and is expected as the cosine of phase angle.A. powerB. efficiencyC. effective powerD. power factor2. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is_____.A.A.C.B.D.C. C. generatorD. fresh water generator3. UMS stands for_____.A. ultra much spaceB. universal medium systemC. unit machined spaceD. unattended machinery space4. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to_____ on most large ships.A. distribution boardsB. section boardsC. emergency switch boardsD. main switch boards5._____ control system is one in which the control action is independent of the output.A. Feed backB. Negative feed backC. Close loopD. Open loop6. _____ shall be continuously powered and shall have an automatic changeover to a stand by power supply in case of loss of normal power supply.A. Cooling systemB. Alarm systemC. The air conditioning installationD. The mooring equipment7.The magnetic field is provided by electromagnets so arranged that adjacent poles have _____.A. opposite polarityB. the same polarityC. negative polarityD. positive polarity8.Which of the following electric motors would be the safest and most reliable to use on the main deck ofa vessel in foul weather conditions?A. Sealed motorsB. Drip proof motorsC. Enclosed motorsD. Watertight motors9.What will be the phase angle relationship of a six-pole, three-phase, rotating field generator _____.A. 60B. 120C. 180D. 36010.Since fuse elements are made of zinc or any alloy of tin and lead, the melting point of the fuse element must be_____.A. higher than that of copperB. lower than that of copperC. equal to that of copperD. reached when the conductor it is protecting becomes "white hot."11.If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional area is doubled, the resistance will be_____.A. quarteredB. unchangedC. doubledD. quadrupled12. During an engine room watch if immediate action is necessary to ensure safety of the ship its machinery and crew_____.A. the chief engineer must be informed at firstB. the captain must be informed at firstC. it must be taken by the duty engineerD. the generator engine must be stopped13. Oil Record Book Part I shall be provided to_____.A. every oil tankerB. every ship of 400 tons gross tonnage and aboveC. A and BD. neither A nor B14.The fire-fighting practical training should take place in spaces which provide truly realistic trainingconditions, and whenever possible and practical should be carried out in_____.A. darknessB. daylightC. simulated engine-roomD. all of the above15.The Company should ensure that_____ involved in the Company's SMS have an adequate understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines.A. mastersB. chief engineersC. crewD. all personnel16. Which of the following machinery space operations is required to be logged in the Oil Record Book?A. Ballasting or cleaning of fuel oil tanks.B. Shifting suction of main fuel pump to reserve fuel oil tank.C. Changing out sprayer plates to adjust for steam demand.D. Daily inspection of engine room bilges.17. A fire is considered "under control" when_____.A. all hands are at their fire stationsB. all fire-fighting equipment is at the sceneC. the fixed systems are activatedD. the fire is contained and no longer spreading18.The approval period for a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan expires after _____.A. one yearB. two yearsC. four yearsD. five years19. To prevent the spread of fire by conduction, you should_____.A. cool the bulkheads around the fireB. remove combustibles from direct exposureC. close all openings to the areaD. shut off all electric power20.Burning diesel oil should be treated as which class of fire?A. Class "A"B. Class "B"C. Class "C"D. Class "D"21.Convection spreads a fire as a result of_____.A. transmitting the heat of a fire through the ship's metalB. burning liquids flowing into another spaceC. heated gases flowing through ventilation systemsD. the transfer of heat across an unobstructed space22. With UMS, when the engine room is unwatched,_____ will control the main engine.A. the bridge officer on watchB. the chief engineerC. the duty engineerD. the duty motorman23. If fuel is burned from only the starboard tanks, the ship will_____.A. go down by the headB. list to starboardC. trim by the stemD. list to port24. CO2 extinguishes a fire by_____.A. a blanket of bubbles formed on the surface of the fireB. smotheringC. coolingD. isolating the heat from the fuel25.In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to _____.A. secure all sources of fresh air to the tankB. begin transferring the fuel to other tanksC. top off the tank to force out all vaporsD. station someone at the fixed CO2 release controls26.The abandon ship signal sounded by the vessels whistle is_____.A. 6 short blasts and 1 long blastB. long blast mare than 6 short blastsC. more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blastD. 1 long blast of at least 10 seconds27.To determine that a compartment contains sufficient oxygen to sustain life, you should use a/an_____.A. explosimeterB. oxygen indicatorC. fresh air indicatorD. All of the above28._____ is the temperature at which a liquid fuel gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture near its surface.A. Setting pointB. Dew pointC. Flash pointD. Lean point29.When under maneouvring conditions with the machinery being manually operated the control unit or console should be_____.A. automatically controlledB. continuously mannedC. off powerD. none of the above is true30.Keep compartment______ as the gas given off can be dangerous.A. well ventilatedB. well cleanC. in good orderD. more room31. The main purpose of port state control is not to ______A. prevent an unsafe ship proceeding to seaB. prevent a ship threatening the marine environmentC. fine the shipsD. confirm a safe sailing32.The objectives of the ISM Code are to ensure_____.A. safety at seaB. prevention of human injury or loss of lifeC. avoidance of damage to the marine environment and to propertyD. All of the above.33.The basic training in fire prevention and fire fighting should include the theoretical elements which should cover_____.A. the three elements of fire and explosionB. lower and upper flammable limitsC. classification of flies and applicable extinguishing agentsD. All of the above34. According to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78, the instantaneous discharge rate of the oily waste fromcargo tanks of oil tankers must be lower than _______________.A. 30 liters per nautical mileB. 15 liters per nautical mileC. 30 ppmD. 15 ppm35.The Company should ensure that_____ documents are promptly removed.A. absoluteB. updatedC. outdatedD. new36. A shipboard oil pollution emergency plan is required of_____.A. all vessels, regardless of size and commercial applicationB. any barge or other ship which is constructed or operated in such a manner that no oil in anyform can be carried aboardC. an oil tanker of 150 gross tons or above, or other ship of 400 gross tons or aboveD. an oil tanker of 400 gross tons and above, or other ships of 150 gross tons and above37.On a cargo vessel, fire and boat drills must be held within 24 hours of leaving port if the percentage of the crew replaced is more than_____.A. 5%B. 10%C. 25%D. 40%38. A fire may be spread by which of the following means?A. Conduction of heat to adjacent surfacesB. Direct radiationC. ConvectionD. All of the above39. Besides heat, fuel, and oxygen, which of the following is necessary for a fire to exist?A. Chain reactionB. Thermal actionC. Chemical occlusionD. Pyrotechnical reaction40.The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is_____.A. class AB. class BC. class CD. class D41. A class "D" fire would be considered as burning_____.A. woodB. oilC. electrical equipmentD. magnesium42. The spreading of fire as a result of heat being carried through a vessel's ventilation system, is anexample of heat transfer by_____.A. conductionB. convectionC. radiationD. windage43.The four basic components of a fire are fuel, heat, oxygen and a chain reaction. Which of the following statements best describes what must be eliminated to extinguish a fire?A. Any one component can be eliminated to extinguish a fire.B. Any two components must be eliminated to properly extinguish a fire.C. Any three components must be eliminated to properly extinguish a fire.D. Ali four components must be eliminated to extinguish any fire.44.Which of the actions listed should be taken FIRST to control an oil fire in a fuel oil tank?A. Commence draining that tank as quickly as possible.B. Seal off all vents to that tank.C. Activate the CO2 system to that tank.D. Shut off the steam heating coils.45.You hear the general alarm bells and ships whistle sound for over 10 seconds. Traditionally, this is the signal for_____.A. abandon shipB. dismissal from drillsC. fire and emergencyD. lower lifeboats46. The main causes of fire on board ships are_____.A. oil leakage in engine-roomB. hot work (welding, cutting, etc.)C. static electricityD. All of the above47.Safety-management objectives of the Company should establish safeguards_____ all identified risks.A. withB. withoutC. againstD. above48. The lowest temperature at which the vapor formed from a liquid ignites and continues to burn steadily in the presence of an ignition source is called the_____.A. flash pointB. fire pointC. upper explosive limitD. lower explosive limit49. In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of straw or reclaimed paper fibers would be an example of which type of oil removal?A. Chemical agent removalB. Mechanical removalC. Absorbent removalD. None of the above.50 .One of the methods NOT usually allowed in cleaning up oil spills in the United States is_____.A. skimmersB. strawC. dispersantsD. sawdust51.The use of sinking and dispersing agents for the removal of surface oil is_____.A. the most common method used in the United StatesB. too expensive for common useC. generally safe to sea lifeD. generally harmful to sea life52.You can find the location of your abandon ship post by checking the_____.A. vessel's logbookB. vessel' s documentationC. muster listD. Certificate of Inspection53.The FIRST step to take in fighting an engine room fire resulting from a ruptured fuel oil service line, is to_____.A. evacuate all engine room personnelB. fight the fire with hand portable extinguishersC. activate the main CO2 bankD. stop the flow of leaking fuel oil54. In fighting a fire in a fuel tank, the FIRST action you should attempt is to _____.A. secure all sources of fresh air to the tankB. begin transferring the fuel to other tanksC. top off the tank to force out all vaporsD. station someone at the fixed CO2 release controls55. All personnel should be familiar with the lifeboats_____.A. boarding and operating proceduresB. maintenance scheduleC. navigational systemsD. fuel consumption rates56.To extinguish an electrical fire, you should use_____.A. mechanical foamB. chemical foamC. carbon dioxideD. soda acid58. A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by the_____.A. prime mover governorB. exciter generatorC. voltage regulatorD. reverse power relay59.A "dead front" switchboard is one_____.A. without switches on itB. with insulated switches and no exposed terminalsC. without circuit breakersD. without safety hand nails nor rubber mats60.A signal derived from a controlled function and returned to the initiating point is called a/an_____.A. monitoring signalB. inverse signalC. reverse signalD. feedback signal61. A switchboard for an AC electrical system requires the use of which of the following devices_____.A. Frequency meterB. OhmmeterC. Induction voltage regulatorD. Current transformer governor62.Which of the electrical properties listed will always be the same for each component in a parallel circuit?A. ImpedanceB. CurrentC. ResistanceD. Voltage63.A generator is prevented from becoming motorized by the use of a/an_____.A. over-speed tripB. reverse power relayC. back pressure tripD. governor controls64.The division of the kilowatt load between two AC generators operating in parallel is controlled by the settings and characteristics of the_____.A. voltage regulatorsB. field rheostatsC. reverse power relaysD. prime mover governors65.A class "B" fire would most likely occur in the_____.A. main switchboardB. engine room bilgeC. breathing compartmentD. electric fresh water transfer pump66.If an oil spill occurs on deck, you should_____.A. cover the area with foamB. cover the area with absorbent materialC. wash down immediately with a fire hoseD. wash down immediately with an oil dispersing solvent67. The scuppers should be plugged_____.A. only if fixed containment is not usedB. only if portable containment is not usedC. only if fixed containment drains are openD. whenever the vessel is being bunkered68. A fire, occurring in the windings, of an overloaded electrical motor, is considered a_____.A. class "A" fireB. class "B" fireC. class "C" fireD. class "D" fire69. A fire and boat drill on a tank vessel shall, by regulation, include_____.A. starting the fire pumpsB. checking fireman's outfits and other personnel rescue equipmentC. checking relevant communications equipmentD. All of the above.70. Which of the following gases represents the greatest threat to personnel safety in an engine room where the exhaust is leaking from a diesel engine?A. Carbon dioxideB. Carbon monoxideC. Carbon trioxideD. Hydrogen sulfide71. A tank which has been sealed for a long period of time can be dangerous because_____.A. steel surfaces consume oxygen by rustingB. sealed tanks usually form a vacuumC. moisture condenses in the tank, displacing the oxygenD. most tank coatings give off poisonous vapors in the presence of moisture72. How long warning must be provided by the CO2 warning Mann before CO2 is discharged into a space_____.A. 5 secondsB. 10 secondsC. 15 secondsD. 20 seconds73. The process that occurs when heat is generated by a chemical reaction within a substance and continues to a point of ignition is known as_____.A. chemical ignitionB. spontaneous combustion(自燃)C. chemical combustionD. radiation ignition74. The vapors given off by heated fuel oil are flammable, explosive, and_____.A. lighter than airB. heavier than airC. odorlessD. nontoxic75. Which of the listed fire extinguishers cannot be easily recharged aboard ship?A. Soda acidB. Carbon dioxideC. Dry chemicalD. Cartridge-operated Foam76. Which of the fire extinguishers listed is to be weighed annually and sent ashore for recharging if the weight loss exceeds 10% of the weight of a full charge?A. FoamB. Soda acidC. Dry chemicalD. Carbon dioxide77. One precaution to take prior to working in a freshly painted compartment where there are an excessive amount of paint fumes, is to_____.A. take shallow breaths of airB. ventilate the areaC. wear a breathing apparatus while workingD. keep a charged fire hose handy78. Why is it important for fuel oil tanks not to be topped off at the inner bottom level when loading ona cold day?A. Increased viscosity of the product needs higher loading pressure, which increases the chances of a spill.B. Air pockets may cause the fuel to bubble out of the ullage hole.C. The temperature rise of the fuel will cause an overflow.D. Fueling valve may become stuck closed and cause the fuel oil to spill before the valve can be opened.79. If the overflow tank high-level alarm sounds while the fuel oil tanks are being topped off, the engineer should_____.A. close the static leg filling valveB. close the overflow tank falling valveC. reduce the fuel oil pumping rateD. stop the fuel oil pumping operation80. The lengthening of a crack formed in the shell plating of a ship may be prevented by_____.A. welding brackets across both ends of the crackB. chipping out and slot welding the entire crackC. drilling a hole at each end of the crackD. cutting a square notch at each end of the crack81. Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be sent ashore to be recharged_____.A. when the remaining charge volume is less than 90 percent of the required VOLUMEB. at each inspection for certificationC. at each annual inspectionD. when the weight loss exceeds 10% of weight of charge82. At the earliest indication of fire aboard your vessel, you must FIRST_____.A. locate the fireB. determine which type of fire is burningC. sound the alarmD. fight the fire83. A fireman's outfit carried onboard cargo vessels, must have a_____.A. canister-type gas maskB. fresh-air breathing apparatusC. self-contained breathing apparatusD. combustible gas indicator84. As soon as you hear the fire and emergency signal, you should ensure that the _____.A. ring buoys are thrown overboardB. engines are stoppedC. fire pumps are startedD. life preservers have been issued to everyone85. If you must enter a room or compartment to combat the fire , keep an escape path_____.A. openB. closeC. opensD. closes86. Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I? (1) Routine discharge at sea of bilge water containing oil from the machinery spaces through strainers. (2) Bunkering of fuel oil.A. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. both (1) and (2)D. neither (1) nor (2)87. Which of the following needs not to be considered for bunking?____A. when to bunkerB. type of FOC. pollution prevention measuresD. engineer to be responsible for88. The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ship's official logbook, shall be kept on board and preserved fora period of_____.A. 3 years after making the first entryB. 2 years after the last entryC. 3 months after last entryD. 3 years after the last entry关联题1. At every dry-docking, propellers should be carefully examined and the slightest defect at once rectified. Similarly, any unusual vibration or noise whilst at sea should be investigated immediately and, if the cause cannot be found inlxmrd, then the first opportunity must be taken of an under-water inspection. The expert examination and repair of propellers is a service provided by the leading manufacturers. Whenever possible, use should be made of this service because, first, it is not always easy to detect slight damage and, secondly, inexpert work can quite easily cause irreparable harm.Cracks formed at or near blade edges, no matter how small, are potentially dangerous, ff a crack should be found close to the boss (within 0.45 of the propeller radius) the makers should be consulted as any repair in this region involving heating can leave very high residual stresses which can only beremoved by annealing the complete propeller. Small cracks can be temporarily stopped from spreading by drilling a hole of at least 1 mm in diameter at the extremity of the crack. The hole should be plugged to avoid any risk of cavitation.1. An under-water inspection should be taken_____.A. whenever any unusual vibration occursB. whenever any abnormal noise occursC. whenever the cause for any unusual vibration or noise while at sea cannot be found inboardD. whenever every dry docking is carded out2. Why should the service provided by the leading manufacturers be used wherever possible?A. Only because the service is free of charge.B. Only because it is not easy to detect slight damage.C. Only because inexpert work can quite easily cause irreparable harm.D. Because it is difficult to find slight dmnage and inexpert work can result in irreparable harm.3. If a crack should be found near the boss (within O. 45 of the propeller radius), which action should be taken first?A. Repairing this regionB. Annealing the complete propellerC. Consulting the makersD. Drilling a hole with diameter less than 1 mm4. Which of the following statements is true?A. If cracks formed near blade edges are very small, no care should be taken.B. Only by annealing the complete propeller can the high residual stresses be removed.C. Small cracks can be permanently stopped from spreading by drilling a hole.D. The hole should be drilled at the middle of the crack.2. Please carefully read the following table and then answer the questions according to the information from this table.A. solid materialsB. liquid materialsC. petroleum gasD. electrical equipment2. Which type of fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish all classes of fires?A. SodaB. WaterC. FoamD. Dry powder3. There is one type of fire extinguisher which is injected directly at base of fire making use of gas that can not be used in accommodation. Which one is it?A. WaterB. FoamC. CO2D. Dry powder4. When used to extinguish class B fire, _____ extinguisher should be turned upside downand cover fire smoothly.A. a soda and acidB. a foamC. aC02D. a dry powder。




)1、财务管理不同于其他管理,主要表现在它是一种( )。

A 、劳动管理 B 、价值管理 C 、物资管理 D 、使用价值管理2、财务管理的核心职能是 ( )。

A 、财务决策B 、财务预算C 、财务预测D 、财务控制 3、货币时间价值的实质是( )。

A 、利息率B 、货币使用后的增值额C 、利润率D 、差额价值4、企业财务活动具体表现为( )一系列行为。

A 、筹集、使用、收回B 、使用、耗费、分配C 、使用、收回、分配D 、筹资、运用、分配5、资本市场可分为长期借贷市场和( )。

A 、短期借贷市场B 、长期证券市场C 、短期债券市场D 、货币市场 6、假定某公司发行面额为100万元的三年期债券,票面利率为10%,发行费用率 为5%,发行价格为80万元,公司所得税率为33%,则该债券的成本为( )。

A .7.05%B .5.64%C .8.81%D .10.52% 7、当利息在一年内要复利几次时,给出的年利率称为( )。

A .实际利率B .名义利率C .复利终值系数D .复利现值系数 8、A 方案在三年中每年年初付款100元, B 方案在三年中每年年末付款100元,若 利率为10%,则两者在第三年年末时的终值相差 ( )。

A .31.3B .33.1C .133.1D .13.31 9、反映企业股东财富最大化目标实现程度的指标是( )。

A .每股市价B .总资产报酬率C .每股利润D .投资报酬率 10当市场利率大于票面利率时,债券发行时的价格小于债券的面值,但随着时 间的推移,债券价格将相应( )。

A .增加B .减少C .不变D .不确定部别 班级 姓名 考场号 座位号二、多项选择题(共10题,每题3.5分,本题型共35分。

) 1、以利润最大化作为企业财务管理目标,其缺陷表现在()。

A 、忽略了货币时间价值因素 B 、没有考虑风险因素C 、没有考虑所得利润与投入资本的关系 D 、容易造成短期行为E 、不重视补充企业的资本公积金 2、以企业价值最大化作为企业财务管理目标,其优点在于( )。



















( )A. 会计法B. 会计行政法规C. 会计制度D. 会计规章2. 从事会计工作的人员必须取得( )A. 会计从业资格证书B. 会计专业技术资格证书C. 会计师助理资格证书D. 无需任何证书3.是指通过编造虚假的会计凭证、会计账簿和其他资料,编制财务会计报告或直接自改财务会计报告数据,使财务会计报告不真实,借以误导、欺骗会计资料使用者行为。

( )A. 伪造会计凭证、会计账簿和其他的会计资料B. 变造会计凭证、会计账簿和其他的会计资料C. 提供虚假的财务会计报告D. 会计资料的不真实或不完整4、票据出票日期为3月20日,正确的填写应为()。

A、零叁月贰拾日B、叁月零贰拾日C、零三月二十日D、叁月贰拾日5、偷税不构成犯罪的,除由税务机关追缴其不缴或少缴税款外,并处以不缴或少缴税款( )。

A、50%以上5倍以下的罚款B、50%以上5倍以下的罚金C、1倍以上5倍以下的罚款D、1倍以上5倍以下的罚金6. ( )是登记会计账簿的依据。

A. 取得的原始凭证B. 编制的记账凭证C. 经审核无误的记账凭证D. 自制的原始凭证7. 按照《会计法》的规定,单位有关负责人在对外提供的财务会计报告上签章的下列做法中,正确的是( )A. 签名B. 盖章C. 签名或盖章D. 签名并盖章8. 单位内部会计监督的主体是 ( )A. 审计人员B. 单位负责人C. 会计机构、会计人员D. 会计师机构负责人9. 湖南省的会计从业资格考试工作由( )统一部署。

A. 省财政厅B. 各市财政局C. 市级以上的财政部门D. 县级以上的财政部门10. 根据《会计从业资格管理办法》规定,持证人员离开会计工作岗位超过( ) 个月的,应当向原注册登记的会计从业资格管理机构办理备案。

A. 6B. 4C. 3D. 111. 单位会计机构负责人必须具备( )条件。



























潍坊科技学院2011-2012学年第一学期期中考试《大学英语2》试卷(A卷)(考试时间90分钟,满分100分)(适用于2010级非英语专业学生)Ⅰ. Choices.(每题1分,共30分)1. People who smoke are ______ danger of developing lung (肺) disease from heavy smoking.A. inB. intoC. insideD. insides2. The matter has nothing to do ______ him; he was just doing his job.A. fromB. withC. toD. for3. If you are interested in this line ______ thinking, please read this book for more details.A. alongB. ofC. inD. as4. We should try our best to stop young people ______ smoking.A. fromB. toC. ofD. up5. The factory closed ______ and she lost her job.A. offB. outC. downD. up6. These books are for reading in the library, and may not be taken ______.A. inB. outC. awayD. off7. I definitely agree ______ you that young girls shouldn't wear that much make-up(化妆品).A. toB. ofC. toD. with 8. They're tearing ______ these old houses to put up a new office building.A. outB. downC. offD. away9.Mrs. Johnson takes pride ______ her daughter, who came first in the race.A. onB. outC. fromD. in10. Thanks ______ our medical knowledge, this terrible disease is much less common now.A. toB. forC. ofD. by11. You can pick ______ some useful ideas through talking with your teachers.A. offB. upC. inD. out12. I wouldn't dream ______ marrying someone I hadn't lived with.A. inB. upC. ofD. to13. Will you apply ______ the job by letter or in person?A. forB. toC. ofD. from14. If you are too busy, just call me to help ______.A. upB. onC. inD. out15. He refuses to invest ______ companies without a good social record.A. onB. inC. forD. to16. I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while for the meeting to begin. ______ the meantime, you may go over your speech again.A. withB. uponC. inD. as17. Going ______ sleep for a long time makes me feel tired.A. forB. withoutC. downD. up18. Our math teacher is very nice, as he never seems tired ______ answering our questions at any time and at any place.A. ofB. upC. withD. for19. After he lost his job, he was ______ the habit of drinking.A. outB. inC. intoD. from20. Last night the storm was so heavy that the roof of the small house was blown ______.A. ofB. offC. outD. up21. When he heard his mother had died an hour before, he broke ______ and cried in front of his own children.A. downB. upC. outD. into22. I checked ______ two mysteries from the library for my son, and he finished reading them in two days!A. inB. outC. forD. up23. Every Friday afternoon, John will clean ______ his own office so that it will look nice and clean when he comes back to work on Monday.A. upB. offC. outD. down24. If you let work take up too much of your time, then you will never get around ______ showing the people you love how much you care about them.A. intoB. ofC. toD. with25. We must guard ourselves ______ making the same mistakes again.A. ofB. toC. fromD. into26. I asked her to drop me ______ at the airport, but she stayed till I boarded the plane.A. ofB. downC. offD. out27. The little baby was very excited ______ the sight of his mother.A. atB. withC. ofD. for28. Many people believe he died ______ working too hard.A. ofB. forC. fromD. to29. I was not conscious ______ being alone in the room until I finished reading the book.A. ofB. fromC. toD. with30. ______ this day, I still have fresh memories of my life in that small, quiet town.A. asB. forC. withD. to Ⅱ. Reading comprehension. (每题2分,共30分)Passage oneAli, who was working a long way from home wanted to send a letter to his wife, but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day, so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late at night .At last he found the house of a letter writer whose name was Nasreddin.(阿凡提)Nasreddin was already in bed. It is late, he said. What do you want? I want you to write a letter to my wife, said Ali, Nasreddin was not pleased. He thought for a few seconds and then said, has the letter got to go far? What does that matter? Answered Ali.Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife, it will cost you a lot of money. Ali went away quickly.1. Ali wanted to ____ to his wife.A. get somethingB. have a letter writtenC. bring a flowerD. say good-bye2. At last he found the house of_____.A.a writerB.a sellerC.an old manD.a letter-writer3.When Ali told what he wanted to do Nasreddin was______.A.not pleasedB.pleasedC.excitedD.angry4.Nasreddin said that his writing was_____.A.easy for anyone to readB.strange for anyone to readC. too strange for anyone to writeD.difficult for anyone to read5. This story tells us______A.not to ask anybody for helpB.not to trouble others at nightC.not to ask for help without moneyD.not to trust othersPassage twoAn old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left.2Of course, when that happened, all his friends’ lef t him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.My money has finished and my friends have gone, said the young man. What will happen to me now?Don't worry, young man, answered Nasreddin.Everything will soon be all right again. Wait and you will soon feel much happier.The young man was very glad. Am I going to get rich again then? He asked Nasreddin.No, I didn't mean that, said the old man. I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.6. An old man died and left his son_______.A. nothingB.some goldC. much moneyD.only a house7. When the son was________, he went to see Nasreddin.A. short of moneyB.quite poor and sickC.in troubleD. quite poor and alone8. The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that________.A.he would become rich againB. he would soon feel much happierC.he would become cleverD. he would have more friends9. Nasreddin meant the young man______.A.would get rich againB. would get used to having nothingC.would get used to being in troubleD.would get out of poorness10. What this story tells us is________.A.that money is everythingB.that money makes the mare goC.to save each pennyD. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friends Passage threeA man was travelling abroad in a small red car.One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged.Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.When the man got back to his own country, the customs officers wouldn’t believe his story. They said, you sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one!It was only when the man showed them the letter from the circus man that believed him.11. A man was travelling abroad_______.A. in a big busB. in a green jeepC.in a red carD. in a red taxi12. The car was damaged because________.A. there was a traffic accidentB. the circus man broke itC. it rushed into a shopD. the elephant sat on it13. The circus man said that_______.A.he would pay for part of the damageB.he would pay for all of the damageC.he wouldn't pay for the damageD.he would buy a new car14. When the man got back to his country, the customs officers______.A. would check his new carB.only checked his carC. searched himD. wouldn't believe what he had said,15. It was only________that made the officers believe him.A.the letter from the circus manB. a newspaper from the countryC.the certificate of hisD.the letter from the governmentⅢ. Translation (每题2分,共20分)1. 房子着火了,里面的人面临着死亡的危险。



2024年高二年级上期中模拟测(数学)(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)命题人: 审卷人: 2024年10月28日一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.若复数满足(为虚数单位),则的模( )A .B .1C D .52.设,,若点在线段上,则的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .3.已知直线在轴、轴上的截距相等,则直线与直线间的距离为( )A .BCD .04.已知向量,,,满足,,,,则在方向上的投影向量为( )AB .CD .5.在中,角,,所对的边分别是,,,已知,,当取得最小值时,最大内角的余弦值是()A .B .C .D .6.如图,太阳灶是一种将太阳光反射至一点用来加热水或食物的设备,上面装有抛物面形的反光镜,镜的轴截面是抛物线的一部分,已知太阳灶的口径(直径)为,深度为,则该抛物线顶点到焦点的距离为( )z ()13i 3i z -=-i z z =35()2,3A-()1,2B (),P x y AB 1y x +[]2,3-()2,3-][(),23,-∞-+∞ ()(),23,-∞-+∞ ()1:2400l mx y m m +--=>x y 1l 2:3310l x y +-=a b c 1a = 2b = 3c = ,,3a b a b c π=+= a b + c 143c 76c ABC A B C a b c 2b =()cos2cos 1cos B B A C +=--2a c +ABC 12-4m 0.5mA .B .C .D .7.已知直线,圆,若直线上存在两点,,圆上存在点,使得,且,则的取值范围是( )A .B .C .D .8.如图,双曲线的左右焦点分别为、,过的直线与该双曲线的两支分别交于、两点(在线段上),圆与圆分别为与的内切圆,其半径分别为、,则的取值范围是:( ).A .B .C .D .二、多项选择题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分。



小学一年级期中语文试卷一、拼音王国(共10题,每题2分)1. 把下列汉字的音节补充完整:- 猫:m____- 狗:g____- 鸟:n____- 鱼:y____- 兔:t____2. 选择正确的读音,用“√”标出:- 花(huā huá)- 水(shuǐ suǐ)- 书(shū shūu)- 红(hóng hén)- 跑(pǎo pò)3. 看图写音节:- (图:太阳)____- (图:月亮)____- (图:小狗)____- (图:大树)____- (图:花朵)____- (图:小河)____- (图:书本)____- (图:铅笔)____- (图:橡皮)____- (图:桌子)____二、字词乐园(共10题,每题2分)4. 看拼音写汉字:- bā gē ____- dà jiā ____- xiǎo niǎo ____- shàng xué ____- wǒ men ____- tài yáng ____- tiān kōng ____- zhōng guó ____- gōng chǎng ____- niú niú ____5. 写出带有下列偏旁的字(各写两个): - 木:____ ____- 氵:____ ____- 亻:____ ____- 口:____ ____- 心:____ ____6. 比一比,再组词:- 大()上()- 天()下()- 人()土()- 木()本()- 日()目()- 开()升()- 白()自()- 雨()两()- 子()了()- 月()用()7. 写出反义词:- 来—()- 多—()- 上—()- 前—()- 左—()- 开—()- 黑—()- 高—()- 早—()- 有—()三、句子天地(共10题,每题2分)8. 连词成句,并加上标点符号:- 我是小学生一名()- 在学习小明认真地()- 花朵公园里的很多() - 喜欢吃我苹果()- 上学早上我去()- 妈妈做饭在厨房()- 高兴我很今天()- 读书爸爸在书房()- 星星天空中有很多()- 花朵的美丽很这朵()9. 根据课文内容填空:- ()是祖国的花朵。



(3)工业革命极大提高社会生产力,进入“蒸 汽时代”;改变了社会面貌,形成了两大对立 的阶级,资产阶级和无产阶级;造成了西方先 进东方落后的世界格局;促进城市化进程,造 成环境污染。(答1点,1分;答2点,2分。)
事例:新航路开辟促进世界形成一个整体; 英国资产阶级革命建立君主立宪制。(事例+说明
• 31、 (3)方法:激进的方法(或者极端手段、暴力
方法、革命方法)(1分) 思想基础:启蒙运动(启蒙思想、理性主义也
给分)(1分) (4)认识:适当的妥协也是一种政治智慧;政
治制度的确立应与各国的传统(国情)相结合; 兼顾各方利益等。(2分,答2点,1点1分; 言之有理可酌情给分。)
32.(1)美国1787年宪法(2分); 《拿破仑法典》(《民法典》或《法国民法典》2分)
• 参考观点二:民主与法制是社会安定与发展的重要保障。
33.(1)国家政策的支持,新技术新发明的应用与发 展,市场需求扩大、工厂制度的建立。(4分;写2点 即可,每点2分。)
(2)特点:发展进程从轻工业到重工业。(2分) 纺织业采用机器化的生存模式,新的生产管理模式( 工厂制度),为其他部门提供资本积累,促进英国经 济发展。(2分.说明答1点可得2分)
• (2)参考观点一:人类政治文明的演进经历了从专制 到民主,由人治到法治的历程。
• 观点:人类政治文明的演进经历了从专制到民主,由人 治到法治的历程。(2分)
• 论述:秦朝,秦始皇建立大一统的中央集权制度,以专 制主义中央集权制为核心,官僚政治逐步形成。美国建 立联邦制共和国,总统、国会和最高法院分别享有行政、 司法和立法权,确立了比较民主的资产阶级政治体制。 《拿破仑法典》体现了资产阶级自由平等和私有财产神 圣不可侵犯等原则,成为近代欧洲各国民法的参照蓝本。 可见人类政治文明的演进经历了从专制到民主,由人治 到法治的过程。(6分)
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姓 名
学 号
开课系室 石油炼制系
考试日期 2012年11月18日
题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 得 分
一、(15分)丙烷气体经历了从0.1013 MPa和400K的初态(可视为理想气体)到

已知丙烷在理想气体状态下的摩尔热容为C p= 2
2.99 + 0.1775×T,式中C p的单位为 J/mol.K,T为K。

二、(15分) 25℃、0.1MPa 下组分1和组分2形成溶液,其体积可由下式表示:
21282118x x V −+= (cm 3/mol)
式中x 1为组分1的摩尔分数,试求:用x 1表示的1V 和2V 以及ΔV 、V E 的表达式(化到最简式)。

22111x b a H += 21222
x b a H += 式中a 1、a 2、b 1、b 2均为常数,请找出以上二表达式成立的条件。

四、(15分)CO2(1)和丙烷(2)在 311K, 1.5MPa时混合形成等分子蒸汽混合物,
已知: B11=-0.1125m3/kmol, B22=-0.3660 m3/kmol, B12=-0.2100 m3/kmol。

请计算混合物中组分 1 和 2 的逸度以及混合物的逸度。

212221)2(ln x x x +=γ
试推导该二元系统超额Gibbs 自由能的表达式。

六、(25分)已知某液相溶液由组分(1)和组分(2)组成,该溶液的超额Gibbs 自由能可用下式表示:
)21([121x D C x x RT
−+= 已知C 、D 在给定温度下为常数:
T (K ) C D 280.0 0.3041 -0.0115
286.0 0.2945 0.0153 在所考察的温度范围内
C dT dC ΔΔ=,试计算在280K 下恒温混合时: (1)该溶液符合什么溶液模型?
(2) x 1=0.5时组分(1)的活度系数γ1。

(要求有推导过程) (3)由纯组分混合形成x 1=0.5混合物的混合热,并说明过程是吸热还是放热。

(4)由纯组分混合形成x 1=0.4的混合物时的G Δ。
