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Unit 10

1.if 引导的条件状语从句的用法,并举例(只要主句没用过去式,从句一律用一般现在

时) If you don’t go to the party,you will be sorry.

If it rains ,I will stay at home and watch TV.

2.让……进入let…..in. If you are late ,the teacher won’t let you in.

3.跟meeting有关的短语have a meeting /hold a meeting /at meeting/class

meeting/parents’ meeting/sports meeting.

4.upset adj 心烦意乱的,失望,难过,沮丧be upset(常用)

be upset with sb.对什么人不满,失望be upset about sth对什么事心烦,不安Eg: He didn’t accept your gift because he was upset with you.

I’m upset about his illness.

anize 的相关用法

①vt. organize the party games/a sports meeting/your ideas.

②organized adj,有组织的: an organized party/game.

③organization. N.组织Do you want to join our organization?

6.half 的用法①adj. half+限定词+名词(做主语根据名词判断单复数)

Eg:Half the students are girls.

②Pron. Half of +限定词+名词(做主语根据名词判断单复数)

Eg: Half of the students are girls. (前两种中的of 可省)

③Pron. Half of +宾格(做主语根据名词判断单复数)

Eg: Half of them are from China. ④固定短语; 半小时Half an hour

两个半小时2 hours and a half=2 and a half hours.

7.order 的用法

①vt.命令order sb (not) to do sth. 命令某人(不)干某事

Eg: My father ordered me to do my homework first.

②Vt.点菜I want to order a cup of tea and some noodles.

③N. 点的菜Can I take your order?

④N .顺序in the order you hear. 按你听到的顺序in the right order.

⑤In order to do sth=in order that…..=to…为了…

Eg:I study hard in order to get a good job in the future.

= I study hard in order that I can get a good job in the future.

= I study hard to get a good job in the future.

8.travel①vi 旅行,旅游:I like travelling by plane.

travel around the world. 周游全世界travel abroad 到国外旅游

travel to sp 到某地旅行

②un.旅游travel diaries. travel company travel agency

①cn..(在某段时间内不定次数和地点的)游历I’ll write a book about my travels.

9.advice与advise 的用法

★advice un.建议a piece of advice.一条建议some advice 一些建议

give sb advice (on) 在…方面给某人建议ask (sb ) for advice 征询建议

take/follow/accept one’s advice 接受某人的建议

advise vt 建议

advise doing sth: Bill advises going to Beijing for vacation.

advise sb (not ) to do sth: He advised me not to be lazy in study.

advise sb about sth: He advises students about common problems.

10.worry的用法①cn.令人担心的事:Students these days have a lot of worries.

②Vt. 令….担心:His actions worries me.

③vi. be worried about…=worry about….

Eg: I’m worried about his grades=I worry about his grades.

11.angry的用法be angry with sb/be angry about sth.

My mother is angry with me about my study.

12.mistake cn.错误make a mistake make mistakes. 犯错

by miatake: 错误地:Eg: I’m sorry I took your book by mistake.

Vt. mistake A for B: 把A错认为成B

Lucy and Lily are twins,I often mistake Lucy for Lily.

13.unless的用法=if not(除非,如果不)

If you can’t finish your work, your boss will be angry with you

=Unless you can finish your work , your boss will be angry with you

14.experience的用法①un.经验He has much experience in teaching

Here is my personal experience.这是我个人经验

Life /working/valuable (包贵)experience

②cn.经历I had an usual experience last night.

③vt. 经历,体验He experienced a terrible traffic accident 2 years ago.

Young people these days should experience different thngs.

15.保守秘密keep ….to oneself:

Don’t keep your worries to yourself,you should talk to others.


have a hard/difficult time with/doing sth.

have problems with/doing sth

have difficulty with/doing sth

have trouble with/doing sth

It’s difficult/hard for sb to do sth

17.最糟糕的事情是什么都不做; The worst thing is to do nothing.
