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With the rapid and healthy development of Internet technology, the “Internet +”boom has started under the background of big data, and agricultural products have also begun to enter the Internet. “Internet + agriculture” has entered the stage of preliminary exploration. In the online sales of agricultural products, brand, popularity, output and quality standards, and keeping the product fresh during the circulation process are the key factors to promote sales. This article will analyze the reasons for the unfavorable sales of agricultural products through the research of domestic and foreign agricultural product marketing industry scholars, combined with the marketing model and sales status of GuangXi agricultural products in the context of rural e-commerce. Focus on the analysis of GuangXi fruit and agricultural products circulation problems and their causes, and put forward countermeasures to solve the problems according to the reasons, so as to improve the fit of agricultural products and rural e-commerce, and realize the rationalization and maximum efficiency of GuangXi agricultural product marketing strategies under the background of Internet + agriculture.

Keywords: Internet + agriculture; The cooperative; Marketing; Agricultural products


1 引言 (1)

1.1 研究背景及意义 (1)

1.1.1研究背景 (1)

1.1.2研究意义 (1)

1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)

1.2.1国外相关研究现状 (2)

1.2.2国内相关研究现状 (2)

1.3 研究内容及方法 (3)

1.3.1研究内容 (3)

1.3.1研究方法 (4)

2 互联网+农业背景下广西特色农产品营销发展现状 (4)

2.1 互联网+合作社模式初步形成 (4)

2.1.1政府牵头模式 (4)

2.1.2龙头企业带动模式 (5)

2.1.3能人带动模式 (5)

2.2 北流地区水果销量现状 (6)

2.3 广西特色农产品营销发展现状 (6)

3 互联网+农业背景下广西特色农产品营销发展问题 (7)

3.1 农村网络基础建设不足 (7)

3.2 物流体系建设不完善 (8)

3.3 品牌效应不明显和品牌发展同质化 (8)

3.4 农产品标准化的建设不全 (9)

3.5 专业型人才匮乏和新农人才培养不足 (9)

4 互联网+农业背景下广西特色农产品营销发展对策 (10)

4.1 加快农村互联网基础建设 (10)

4.2 建设物流体系 (10)

4.2.1 完善物流信息系统 (10)

4.2.2 与第三方物流合作 (11)

4.2.1 提高保鲜技术和加工技术 (11)

4.3 品牌差异化策略 (11)

4.4 建立健全农产品行业产品标准 (12)

4.5 专业化人才队伍建设 (12)

5 结论 (13)

致谢 (14)

参考文献 (15)
