
最新高考考纲词汇表(精校版)①a(n) art art. 一(个、件…)②abandon v vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃③ability n n 能力,才能④able art a. 能够,有能力的⑤abnormal a adj.不正常的;反常的;变态的⑥aboard prep adv.在船(飞机、车上)上;上船(飞机,车等)⑦abolish v vt.废除;废止⑧abortion n n.流产;中途失败⑨about ad & prep prep 关于,在各处,四处ad. 大约,到处,四处⑩above prep,a &ad prep 在…上面 a. 上面的ad. 在…之上11abroad a & ad ad. 到国外,在国外12abrupt a adj.突然的;意外的13absence n n.缺席;不在某处14absent a a. 缺席,不在15absolute a & ad adj.绝对的;完全的16absorb v vt.吸收;吸引;使专心17abstract a & n adj.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要18absurd a adj.荒谬的;可笑的19abundant a adj.丰富的;充裕的20abuse v n. & vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂滥用;虐待;辱骂21academic a & n adj.学校的;学术的22academy n n.高等专科院校;研究院;学术团体23accelerate v vi. & vt.加速;促进24accent n n.口音;腔调;重音25accept v vt. 接受26access n & v n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性27accessible a adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的28accident n n. 事故,意外的事n n.住所;住宿29accommodation30accompany v vt.陪伴;伴奏31accomplish v vt.完成;达到;实现32account n vi. & vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;帐目33accountant n n.会计34accumulate v vt.积累;聚保35accuracy n n.精确;准确36accurate a & ad adj.精确的;正确的37accuse v vt.指责;谴责;控告38accustomed a adj.惯常的;习惯了的39ache n & v vi. & n. 痛,疼痛40achieve v vt. 达到,取得41achievement n n.成就;功绩42acid a n.酸43acknowledge v vt.承认;确认;答谢44acquaintance n n.相识;了解;熟人45acquire v vt.获得;取得;学到46acquisition n n.获得;习得47acre n n.英亩48across prep prep. 横过,穿过49act n & v n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏),行动,做事50action n n. 行动51active a adj.积极的;活跃的52activity n n.活动53actor n n.男演员;行动者54actress n n.女演员55actual a adj.实在的;实际的56acute a adj.有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的57AD n n. 公元n n.广告58ad=advertisement59adapt v vt.使适应;改编60adaptation n n.适应(性);改编本61add v vt. 添加,增加62addicted a adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的63addition n n.加;增加;加法64address n n. 地址65adequate a adj.适当的;足够的66adjust v vi. & vt.调整;(使)适合67adjustment n n.调整;调节n n.管理;行政部门68administration69admirable a adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的70admire v vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕71admission n n.允许进入;入场费;承认72admit v vt. & vi.容许;承认;接纳73adolescence n n.青春期74adolescent a n.青少年adj.青春期的75adopt v vt.采用;采纳;收养76adore v vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱77adult n n.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的78advance v & n vt. & vi.前进;促进;提前79advantage n n. 优点,好处80adventure n n.奇遇;冒险81advertise v vt. & vi.做广告;登广告82advertiseme n n. 广告nt83advice n n. 忠告,劝告,建议84advise v vt. 忠告,劝告,建议85advocate v vt.拥护;提倡;主张86affair n n.事务;事情;暖昧关系87affect v vt.影响;感动;侵袭88affection n n.喜爱;爱;感情89afford v vt. 负担得起(…的费用),抽得出(时间)提供90afraid a a. 害怕的,担心的91Africa n n. 非洲92African a & n a. & n. 非洲(人)的;非洲人93after ad,prep & conj ad. 在后,后来prep. 在…之后,在…后面conj. 在…以后94afternoon n n. 下午,午后95afterward(s) ad adv.然后;后来96again ad ad. 再一次,再,又97against prep prep 对着,反对98age n n. 年龄,时代99agency n n. 代理, 代理处, 政府机构100agenda n n.议程(表)101agent n n.代理人;经纪人102aggressive a adj.敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的103ago ad ad. 以前104agree v v. 同意,应允105agreement n n. 同意,一致,协定,协议106agricultural a adj.农业的;农艺的107agriculture n n.农业;农艺;农学108ahead ad adv.在前;向前;提前109aid n & v n. & vt.帮助;援助;资助110AIDS n n. 爱滋病,获得性免疫功能丧失综合症111aim n & v n.目标;目的vi. & vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力112air n n. 空气,大气113aircraft n n.飞行器;航空器;飞机114airline n n. 航空公司,航空系统115airmail n n.航空邮件116airplane n n. (美)飞机117airport n n. 航空站,飞机场118airspace n n.空域, 上空,空间,领空, 广播时间119alarm n & v vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动n.警报;惊恐120album n n. (收集相片、邮票等的)薄、册;唱片集121alcohol n n.酒;酒精122alcoholic a & n adj.酒精的123algebra n n.代数;代数学124alike ad adj.相同的;类似的125alive a a. 活着的,存在的126all ad,a&pron ad. 全部地pron. 全部,全体人员 a. 全部,所有的,总,整127allergic a adj.过敏性的;对……过敏的128alley n n.小巷,胡同129allocate v vt.分派;分配130allow v vt. 允许,准许131allowance n n.津贴;补助132almost ad ad. 几乎,差不多133alone a a. 单独的,孤独的134along ad & prep ad. 向前,和…在一起,一同prep. 沿着,顺着135alongside ad adv.在旁边;沿着边prep.在……旁边;沿着……的边136aloud ad ad. 大声地137alphabet n n.字母表138already ad ad. 已经139also ad ad. 也140alternative a n.可能的选择adj.供选择的;其他的141although conj conj. 虽然,尽管142altitude n n.海拔高度;高处143altogether ad adv.总共;完全地144aluminum n n.铝145always ad ad. 总是,一直,永远146am v (be) v. 是(动词be的第一人称形式)n (缩)上午,午前147am./am,AM./AM148amateur a n.业余爱好者149amaze v vt.使吃惊;惊讶150amazing a adj.令人吃惊的n n.大使;使节151ambassador(~dress)152ambiguous a adj.含糊的;模糊的153ambition n n.雄心;野心154ambulance n n.救护车155America n n. 美国,美洲156among prep prep. 在…中间,在(三个以上)之间157amount n & v n.数量158ample a adj.足够的;充足的;富裕的159amuse v vt.使发笑;使愉快160amusement n n.消遣;娱乐(活动)161analyse v vt.分析162analysis n n. (pl analyses) 分析163ancestor n n.祖先;祖宗164anchor n & v n.锚vi. & vt.抛锚;锚定165ancient a a. 古代的,古老的166and conj conj. 和,有,而167anecdote n n.轶事;奇闻168anger n n.怒气;怒火169angle n n.角;角度170angry a a. 生气的,愤怒的171animal n n. 动物172ankle n n.踝(关节)173anniversary n n.周年纪念(日)174announce v vt.宣布;通知175annoy v vt.使……不悦;惹恼176annual a adj.每年的;按年度计算的n.年刊;年鉴177another a & pron a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的pron. 另一个178answer n & v n. 回答,答复,回信,答案v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答案179ant n n. 蚂蚁180Antarctic n adj.南极的181antique n adj.古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的n.文物;古董;古玩182anxiety n n.担心;焦虑;渴望183anxious a adj.忧虑的;不安的184any pron & a pron. (无论)哪一个,那些 a. 任何的,用于(疑问句、否定句),一些,什么185anybody pron pron. 任何人,无论谁186anyhow ad adv. (也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此187anyone pron pron. 任何人,无论谁188anything pron pron. 什么事(物),任何事(物)189anyway ad ad.. 不管怎样190anywhere ad ad. 任何地方191apart ad & a adv.分离地;分别地192apartment n n. <美>公寓住宅;单元住宅193apologize v vi.道歉;辩白194apology n n.道谦;谢罪195apparent a adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的196appeal v & n (对某人)有吸引力;求助197appear v vi. 出现198appearance n n.外观;外貌;出现199appendix n n.附录;附件200appetite n n.食欲;胃口201applaud v vi. & vt.鼓掌欢迎;赞赏202apple n n. 苹果203applicant n n.申请人204application n n.应用;用途;申请205apply v vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用vi.申请;请求;使用;有效206appoint v vt.约定;指定;任命207appointmenn n.约会;任命t208appreciate v vt.鉴赏;感激n n.欣赏;感激;感谢209appreciation210approach n & v vt. & vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径211appropriate a adj.适当的;正当的212approval n n.赞成;认可213approve v vt.赞成;认可;批准ad adv.近似地;大约地214approximately215apron n n.围裙216arbitrary a adj.任意的217arch n n.拱门218architect n n.建筑师219architecture n n.建筑学;建筑艺术220Arctic n a. 北极的 n.北极221are v (be) v. 是、在(系动词be的现在时、用于第二人称或复数) 222area n n. 面积,地域,地方,区域,范围,领域223argue v vt. & vi.讨论;辩论;争论224argument n n.争论;争辩;争吵225arise v vi.出现;发生226arithmetic n n.算术学;算术227arm n & v n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力v. 以…装备,武装起来228armchair n n.扶手椅;单座沙发229army n n. 军队230around ad & prep ad. 在周围,在附近prep. 在…周围,大约231arrange v vt.筹备;安排;整理n n.安排;排列232arrangement233arrest v vt.逮捕;吸引n.逮捕;拘留234arrival n n.到来;到达;到达者235arrive v vi. 到达,达到236arrow n n. 箭,矢,箭状物;箭头符号237art n n. 艺术,美术,技艺238article n n. 文章,东西,物品,冠词239artificial a adj.人造的;假的240artist n n.艺术家241as ad,conj & prep ad & conj. 像…一样,如同,因为prep. 作为,当做242ash n n.灰;灰末243ashamed a adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的244Asia n n. 亚洲245Asian a & n a & n. 亚洲的,亚洲人的246aside ad adv.在一边;向一边247ask v v. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请248asleep a a. 睡着的,熟睡249aspect n n.方面;层面250assess v vt.评定;评估251assessment n n.评估;评价252assist v vt.帮助;协助;援助253assistance n n.协助;援助254assistant n n.助手;助理;售货员255associate v vt.联想;联系n.同伴;伙伴256association n n.社团;联系;联想257assume v vt.假定;设想258assumption n n.假定;设想259astonish v vt.使惊诧260astronaut n n.宇航员;太空人261astronomer n n. 天文学家262astronomy n n.天文学263at prep prep. 在(几点钟),在(某处)264athlete n n.运动员;运动选手265athletic a adj.运动的266Atlantic a a. 大西洋的267atmosphere n n.大气层;气氛268atom n n.原子269attach v vt. & vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接270attack v & n vt.进攻;攻击;抨击271attain v vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)272attempt v & n n.努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图273attend v vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加274attention n n.注意;关注;注意力275attitude n n.态度;看法276attract v vt.吸引;引起注意277attraction n n.有吸引力的事物;吸引278attractive a adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的279audience n n.观众;听众;读者280aunt n n. 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨281authentic a adj. 真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的282author n n.著者;作家283authority n n.权威;权力(pl)当局;官方284automatic a adj.无意识的;自动的285autonomoua adj.自主的;自治的;独立的s286autumn n n. 秋天,秋季287available a a. 可利用的,有用的288avenue n n.林荫道;道路;大街289average a & n adj.平均的290avoid v v. 避免,躲开,逃避291awake v & a v. (awoke, awoken)唤醒292award n n.奖;奖品vt.授予;判定293aware a adj.意识到的;知道的294away ad ad. 离开,远离295awesome a adj.使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的296awful a adj.极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的297awkward a adj.局促不安的;笨拙的298baby n n. 婴儿299bachelor n n.获学士学位的人;未婚男子300back ad,a & n ad. 回(原处),向后n. 背后,后部,背 a. 后面的301background n n.背景;后台ad adv. & adj.向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的) 302backward(s)303bacon n n.熏咸肉;腊肉n n. (bacterium的复数形式) 细菌304bacterium(pl bacria)305bad a a. (worse, worst)坏的,有害的,不利的,严重的306badminton n n. 羽毛球运动307bag n n. 书包,提包,袋子308baggage n n. (= luggage in BrE) 行李309bakery n n.面包房;面包厂310balance n vt.平衡;权衡n.天平;平衡311balcony n n.阳台;包厢312ball n n. 球,舞会313ballet n n.芭蕾舞314balloon n n. 气球315bamboo n n. 竹316ban n & v n.禁令vt.禁止;取缔317banana n n. 香蕉318band n n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤319bandage n n. 绷带vt.用绷带绑扎320bank n n. 银行;岸,堤;堆v.把(钱)存入银行321bar n n.条;棒;条状物322barbecue n n.金属烤架;烧烤野餐323barber n n.理发师324barbershop n n. 理发店325bare a adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的n.最基本的要素326bargain n & v vi.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货327bark v & n vi. (指狗等)吠叫;咆哮n.犬吠声;树皮328barrier n n.障碍物;栅栏;屏障329base n vt.以…为根据n.基部;基地;基础330baseball n n. 棒球331basement n n.地下室332basic a a. 基本的333basin n n.盆;盆地334basis n n.(pl bases)基础;根据335basket n n. 篮子336basketball n n. 篮球337bat n n. 蝙蝠;球棒,球拍338bath n n. 浴,洗澡;浴缸339bathe v vi.洗澡;游泳340bathroom n n. 浴室,盥洗室341bathtub n n.浴缸;澡盆342battery n n.电池(组);电瓶;炮台343battle n n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi.搏斗;奋斗344bay n n.海湾345BC n (B.C.)公元前346be v aux v. (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) 是,成为347beach n n. 海滨,海滩348bean n n.豆;豆科植物349bean curd n n. 豆腐350bear1 n n. 熊351bear2 v vt.忍受;忍耐;负担352beard n n.胡须353beast n n.野兽354beat v & n v.(beat, beaten) 敲打,跳动,打赢n. (音乐)节拍355beautiful a a. 美的,美丽的,美观的356beauty n n.美;美人357because conj conj. 因为358become v v. (became, become)变得,成为359bed n n. 床360beddings n n.寝具;铺盖361bedroom n n. 寝室,卧室362bee n n. 蜜蜂363beef n n. 牛肉364beer n n. 啤酒365before prep,ad. & conj prep. 在…以前,在…前面ad. 以前conj. 在…之前366beg v vi.请求;乞求367begin v v. (began, begun)开始,着手368behalf n n. 利益,方面369behave v vt. & vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现370behaviour n n. (=behavior) 行为;举止;习性371behind prep & ad prep. (表示位置)在…后372being n n. 生物,人;存在373belief n n.信任;信心;信仰374believe v v. 相信,认为375bell n n. 钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物376belly n n.腹部377belong v vi.属于;为……的一员378below prep prep. 在…下面379belt n n.腰带;皮带safety belt 安全带380bench n n.长凳381bend v n.弯;拐角vt.使弯曲vi.弯身;弯腰382beneath prep adv.在……之下383beneficial a adj.有益的;受益的384benefit n&v n.利益;好处vt. & vi.有益于;有助于;受益385bent a & n adj.弯曲的386beside prep prep. 在…旁边,靠近387besides prep & ad prep. 除…以外(还有) ad. 还有,此外388betray v vt.显露出(本来面目);背叛389between prep prep. 在(两者之间),在…中间390beyond prep prep. (表示位置)在…的那边391bicycle n n. 自行车vi.骑自行车392bid v & n vt. & vi.出价;投标n.出价;投标393big a a. 大的n n. =bicycle自行车394bike=bicycle395bill n n. 帐单,法案,议案,(美)钞票,纸币396bingo n n. 宾果游戏n n.生物化学397biochemistry398biography n n. (由他人撰写的)传记;传记文学399biology n n.生物学400bird n n. 鸟401birth n n. 出生,诞生402birthday n n. 生日403birthplace n n.出生地;故乡404biscuit n n. 饼干405bishop n n. 主教406bit n n. 一点,一些,少量的407bite v vt. & vi.咬;叮;刺痛408bitter a a. 有苦味的,痛苦的,难过的,严酷的409black n & a a. 黑色的n. 黑色410blackboard n n. 黑板411blame v vt.责备;谴责n.过失;责备412blank n & a n.空白adj.空白的;茫然的413blanket n n.毛毯;毯子414bleed v vi. & vt. 流血415bless v vt.祝福;保佑416blind a a. 瞎的417block n & v n.街区;块;木块;石块418blood n & v n. 血,血液419blouse n n.女衬衫420blow v v. (blew, blown)吹,刮风,吹气421blue n & a n & a. 蓝色,蓝色的422board n & v n. 木板,布告牌,委员会,(政府的)部423boat n n. 小船,小舟424body n n. 身体425boil v vi. (指液体)沸腾;(水)开426bomb n n.炸弹vt.投弹;轰炸427bond n & v n.联系;关系;结合;纽带428bone n n.骨;骨头429bonus n n.额外津贴;奖金;红利430book n & v n. 书,本子431boom n & v n. (人口、贸易的)繁荣vi.处于经济迅速发展时期432boot n n.靴子433booth n n.公用电话间;货摊;售货亭434border n n.边界;国界;边沿vt. & vi.与……接壤;接近435bored a adj.无聊的;无趣的;烦人的436boring a a. 乏味的,无聊的437born a a. 出生438borrow v v. (向别人)借用,借439boss n n. 领班,老板440botanical a adj.植物学的;与植物学有关的441botany n n.植物学442both a & pron pron. 两,双 a. 两者,双方443bother v vt.打扰vi.操心n.烦扰444bottle n n. 瓶子445bottom n n. 底部,底446bounce v vi. (使)弹起,(使)颠跳n.弹,反弹447bound a adj.一定的;密切相关的448boundary n n.边界;分界线449bow v & n vi. & n.鞠躬;弯腰450bowl n n. 碗451bowling n n.保龄球452box n n. 盒子,箱子453boxing n n.拳击454boy n n 男孩455boycott v n.抵制;排斥456brain n n. 脑(子)457brake n &v n.闸;刹车;制动器vi. & vt.刹(车);用制动器减速458branch n n.枝条;支流;部门459brand n n.商标;牌子460brave a a. 勇敢的461bravery n n.勇敢;勇气462bread n n. 面包463break v & n v. (broke, broken)打破(断,碎),损坏,撕开n. 间歇464breakfast n n. 早餐n n.突破465breakthrough466breast n n.胸部;乳房467breath n n. 气息,呼吸468breathe v vi. 呼吸469breathless a adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的470brewery n n.酿酒厂;啤酒厂471brick n n.砖;砖块472bride n n.新娘473bridegroom n n.新郎474bridge n n. 桥475brief a adj.简短的;简要的n.摘要;大纲476bright a a. 明亮的,聪明的477brilliant a adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的478bring v vt. 拿来,带来,取来479broad a adj.宽阔的;广泛的480broadcast v n.广播;播音vt. & vi.广播;播放;播送481brochure n n. (作宣传或介绍用的)小册子;指南482broken a adj. 弄坏的, 破碎的;断断续续的, 未履行的,破产的, 伤心的, 虚弱的483broom n n. 扫帚484brother n n. 兄,弟485brown n & a n & a. 棕色,棕色的486brunch n n.早午餐;晚早餐487brush v & n v & n. 刷,擦,刷子488Buddhism n n. 佛教489budget n n.预算;开支490buffet n n.自助餐;饮食柜台491build v &n v. (built, built)建筑,造492building n n. 建筑物,房屋,大楼493bunch n n.束;串494bungalow n n.平房;小屋495burden n n.担子;负担a adj.官僚的;官僚般的496bureaucratic497burglar n n.窃贼498burn v & n v. (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt)燃,烧,着火,使烧焦,使晒黑499burst v vi.爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发500bury v vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏501bus n n. 公共汽车502bush n n.灌木(丛);矮树(丛)503business n n. (本分)工作,职业,职责,生意,交易,事业n n.商人504businessman/woman505busy a a. 忙碌的506but conj & prep conj. 但是,可是507butcher n & v n. 肉商,肉贩;屠夫vt.屠宰;残杀508butter n n. 黄油,奶油509butterfly n n. 蝴蝶510button n & v n.钮扣;按钮511buy v v. (bought, bought)买512by prep prep. 靠近,在…旁,在…时间,不迟与,被,用,由,乘(车…) 513bye int interj. 再见514cab n n. (= taxi) 出租车;计程车515cabbage n n. 卷心菜,洋白菜516cafén n.咖啡馆;小餐馆517cafeteria n n.自助食堂;自助餐厅518cage n n.鸟笼;兽槛519cake n n. 蛋糕,糕点,饼520calculate v vt.计算521call n & v v. 称呼,呼唤,喊,叫n. 喊,叫,电话,通话522calm a & v vt. & vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的523camel n n. 骆驼524camera n n. 照相机,摄象机525camp n & v n & v. (夏令)营,野营,宿营526campaign n n.运动;战役vi.作战;参加运动527can1 n n. 容器;罐头528can2 modal v modal v. 可能,能够,可以529canal n n.运河;水道530cancel v v. 取消531cancer n n. 癌532candidate n n.应试者;候选人;候补者533candle n n. 蜡烛534candy n n. 糖果535canteen n n.食堂536cap n n. (无檐的或仅在前面有檐的)帽子,(瓶子的)盖,(钢笔等的)笔套537capital n n. 首都,省会,大写,资本538capsule n n.太空舱;胶囊539captain n n. (海军)上校,船长,舰长,队长540caption n n. (图片上的)说明文字;(电视、电影)字幕;(杂志等文章的)标题;题目541car n n. 汽车,小卧车542carbon n n.碳543card n n. 卡片,名片,纸牌544care n & v v. 介意…,在乎,关心n. 照料,保护,小心545careful a a. 小心的,仔细的,谨慎的546careless a a. 粗心的,漫不经心的547carpenter n n.木匠548carpet n n.地毯549carriage n n.运输工具;四轮马车;客车550carrier n n.携带者;搬运工;运输工具551carrot n n.胡萝卜552carry v v. 拿,搬,带,提,抬,背,抱,运等553cartoon n n.漫画;动画片554carve v vt.雕刻;刻记555case n n.情况;病例;案例556cash n & v n.现金vt.兑现557cassette n n.磁带558cast v vt.扔;投;掷559castle n n.城堡560casual a adj.偶然的;随意的;临时的561cat n n. 猫562catalog(ue) n n.目录563catastrophe a n.大灾难;浩劫564catch v v. 接住,捉住,赶上,染上(疾病)565category n n.种类;类别;范畴566cater v vi. & vt.备办酒菜;承办酒席;提供食物(娱乐节目) 567catholic a a. 天主教的;[c-]普遍的n.天主教徒568cattle n n.牛(总称)569cause n & v n. 原因,起因v. 促使,引起,使发生570caution n n.小心;谨慎;警告571cautious a adj.小心的;谨慎的572cave n n.洞穴;地窖n n. 光盘(compact disk 的缩写)573CD=compact disk574ceiling n n. 天花板,顶棚575celebrate v v. 庆祝576celebration n n.庆祝;庆典577cell n n.细胞;(蜂房的)巢室578cent n n. 美分579centigrade n a. 摄氏的n n.厘米(<美>centimeter)580centimetre(Am ~er)581central a adj.中心的;中央的n n. (美center)中心,中央582centre(Amcenter)583century n n. 世纪,百年584ceremony n n.典礼;仪式;礼节585certain a a.(未指明真实名称的)某…586certificate n n.证书587chain n n.链条;锁链588chair n n. 椅子589chairman/wn n. (chairwoman)主席,会长,议长oman590chalk n n. 粉笔591challenge n n.挑战vt.向……挑战592challenging a adj. 挑战性的, 有吸引力的593champion n n.冠军;优胜者594chance n n. 机会,可能性595change n & v v. 改变,变化,更换,兑换596changeable a adj.可改变的597channel n n. 频道;[常pl.]渠道;沟渠;海峡,航道598chant v & n vt. 吟颂,咏唱n.反复有节奏的喊叫;赞美诗599chaos n n.混乱600chapter n n. (书中的)章;篇;回601character n n.性格;特点602characterista n.特征;特性ic603charge v & n vt. & vi.收费;控诉n.费用;主管604chart n n.图表605chat n & v n & v 聊天, 闲谈606cheap a a. 便宜的,贱607cheat n & v n & v. 骗取,哄骗, 作弊608check n & v n 检查,批改; v. 校对,核对,检查,批改609cheek n n.面颊610cheer n & v n & v 欢呼,喝彩,振作起来! 提起精神!611cheerful a adj.愉快的;高兴的612cheers int int. 干杯, 再见, 谢谢613cheese n n. 奶酪614chef n n.厨师;主厨615chemical a & n adj.化学的;关于化学的616chemist n n.药剂师;化学家617chemistry n n. 化学n n.支票618cheque (Amcheck)619chess n n. 棋620chest n n. 箱子,盒子,胸部621chew v vt. & vi.嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)622chicken n n. 鸡,肌肉623chief a & n adj.主要的;首席的n.首领;长官n n. (pl. children)孩子,儿童624child (plchildren)625childhood n n.孩童时期;童年626chocolate n n. 巧克力627choice n n. 选择,抉择628choir n n.合唱团629choke n & v vi. & vt. (使)噎住;(使)窒息630choose v vt. 选择631chopsticks n n. 筷子632chorus n n.合唱;合唱队633Christian n n.基督徒;信徒adj.基督教的;信基督教的634Christmas n n. 圣诞节(12月25日)635church n n. 教堂,教会636cigar n n.雪茄烟637cigarette n n.香烟;纸烟638cinema n n. 电影院,电影639circle n & v n. 圆圈vt. 将…圈起来640circuit n n.环形道路641circulate v vt. & vi.循环;流传642circumstann n.环境;详情;境况ce643circus n n.马戏团;马戏表演644citizen n n. 公民;居民;市民645city n n. 市,城市,都市646civil a adj.公民的;国内的;民间的647civilian n n.平民648civilization n n.文明;文化;文明社会649clap v vi. 拍手,鼓掌650clarify v vt.澄清;阐明651class n n. (学校里的)班,年级,课652classic a adj.经典的;第一流的n.经典著作653classify v vt.编排;分类;归类654classmate n n. 同班同学655classroom n n. 教室656claw n n.爪;脚爪657clay n n.黏土;泥土658clean v & a a. 清洁的,干净的v. 弄干净,擦干净659cleaner n n. 清洁工人;干洗商660clear a a. 清晰的,明亮的,清楚的661clerk n n.售货员;职员;旅馆接待员662clever a a. 聪明的,伶俐的663click v vi. & vt. (使)发出咔嗒声n.咔嗒声664climate n n.气候665climb v v. 爬,攀登666clinic n n.门诊部;小诊所667clock n n. 钟668clone v v. 克隆669close a & ad v. 关,关闭 a. 亲密的,近,靠近670cloth n n.布671clothes n n. 衣服,各种衣物672clothing n n.衣服673cloud n n. 云,云状物,阴影674cloudy a a.多云的,阴天的675club n n. 俱乐部,纸牌中的梅花676clumsy a adj.笨拙的677coach n n. 教练,马车,长途车678coal n n. 煤,煤块679coast n n. 海岸680coat n n. 外套,涂层,表皮,皮毛681cocoa n n. 可可粉(茶,树,色)682coffee n n. 咖啡683coin n n. 硬币684coincidence n n.巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合685coke n n. 可口可乐686cold a & n a. 冷的,寒的n. 寒冷,感冒,伤风687collar n n.衣领688colleague n n.同事689collect v v. 收集,搜集690collection n n.收藏品;珍藏;收集691college n n. 颜色692collision n n.碰撞;冲突693colo(u)r n & v n. (Am color)颜色v.给…着色,涂色694comb n & v n.梳子vi.梳(发)695combine v vt. & vi. (使)联合;(使)结合696come v vi. (came, come)来,来到697comedy n n.喜剧698comfort n n.舒适;安慰vt.安慰a a. 舒服的,安逸的舒服自在的699comfortable700command n & v n. & vt.命令;指令;掌握701comment n n.评论;议论vi. & vt.表达意见;作出评论702commercial a adj.商业的;贸易的703commit v vt.犯罪;做(不合法的或错事)n n.承诺;交托;信奉704commitment705committee n n.委员会706common a a. 普通的,一般的,共有的707communicav v. 交际,传达(感情,信息等)ten n. 交际,交往,通讯708communicationn n.共产主义709communism710communist n n. 共产主义者,共产党员 a.共产党(主义)的711companion n n.同伴;伙伴712company n n. 公司713compare v vt. 比较,对照714compass n n.指南针;罗盘;(复数)圆规715compensate v vt.补偿;赔偿;酬报716compete v vi.比赛竞争717competence n n.能力;胜利;本领718competition n n. 比赛,竞赛719complete a & v a. 完成的v. 完成,、结束720complex a & n adj.复杂的721component n n.成分;组成部分n n. 作文,作曲722compositionn n.理解(力)723comprehensionv n. & vi.妥协;折衷724compromise725compulsory a adj.必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的726computer n n. 电子计算机727concentrate v vt.集中;聚集728concept n n.观念;概念729concern v & n vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;(利害)关系730concert n n. 音乐会,演奏会731conclude v vt. & vi.结束;推断出732conclusion n n.结论;结束733concrete a adj.具体的;有形的734condemn v vi.谴责;使……注定735condition n n. 条件,状况736conduct v n.行为;品行vt.指挥;管理;主持737conductor n n. (公车)售票员;列车员;(乐队)指挥738conference n n.(正式的)会议,讨论739confident a adj.自信的;确信的740confidential a adj.机密的;秘密的741confirm v vt.证实;证明;批准742conflict n n.矛盾;冲突743confuse v vt.使迷惑;使为难v vt.祝贺;庆贺744congratulate745congratulatin n.祝贺;(复数)贺词on746connect v v. 连接,把…联系起来747connection n n.连接;关系748conscience n n.良心;道德心749consensus n n.共识;共同意见n n.结果;后果;影响750consequencen n.保存;保护751conservation752conservativa adj.保守的;守旧的e753consider v vt. 考虑754considerate a adj.考虑周到的n n.考虑;体谅755consideration756consist v vi.组成;在于;一致757consistent a adj.一致的758constant a adj.时常发生的;连续不断的759constitution n n.宪法;章程760construct v vt.建设;修建761construction n.建设;建筑物n762consult v vt.咨询;请教;商量763consultant n n.顾问;咨询者764consume v vt.消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完765contain v vt.包含;容纳;容忍766container n n.容器a adj.当代的;同时代的767contemporary768content2 a adj.满足的;满意的769content1 n n. 满足vt. 使满足770continent n n.洲;大陆771continue v vi. 继续772contradict v vt.同………矛盾或抵触;反驳a adj.矛盾的;同……相反的773contradictory774contrary n & a n.反面;对立面adj.相反的;相违的775contribute v vt. & vi.捐献;贡献;捐助n n.贡献776contribution777control v & n vt. & n. 控制778controversia adj.争论的;争议的aln n.便利;方便779convenience780convenient a adj.便利的;方便的;就近的781conventiona adj.常规的;传统的;因循守旧的aln n. 谈话,交谈782conversation783convey v vt.传达;运送784convince v vt.使信服785cook n & v v. 烹调,做饭n. 炊事员,厨师786cooker n n. 炊具(锅、炉灶、烤炉等)787cookie n n.饼干788cool a a. 凉的,凉爽的,酷789copy n n. 抄本,副本,一本(份,册…) v. 抄写,复印,(计算机用语)拷(备份盘) 790corn n n. 谷物,小麦;玉米791corner n n. 角,角落,拐角792corporation n n.公司;法人;社团793correct v & a v. 改正,纠正 a. 正确的,对的,恰当的794correction n n.改正;纠正;修正795correspond v vi.通信;符合796corrupt a & v adj.腐败的;贪污的;堕落的797cost n v. 值(多少钱),花费n. 价格798cosy a adj.舒适的;安逸的799cottage n n.村舍;小屋800cotton n & a n. 棉花 a. 棉花的801cough n & v n. & v. 咳嗽802could modal v modal v. (can的过去式)可以…,(表示许可或请求)可以…,行803count v vt. 数,点数804counter n n.柜台;计数器805country n n. 国家,农村,乡下806countryside n n. 乡下,农村807couple n n. 夫妇,一对808courage n n. 勇气,胆略809course n n. 过程,经过,课程810court n n.法庭;法院;朝廷811courtyard n n.庭院;院子;天井812cousin n n. 堂(表)兄弟、姐妹813cover n & v n. 盖子,罩,封面v. 覆盖,遮盖,掩盖814cow n n. 母牛,奶牛815crash v & n vi. & vt.碰撞;坠落816crayon n n. 蜡笔,蜡笔画817crazy a a. 疯狂的818cream n n.奶油;面霜819create v v. 创造,造成820creature n n.生物;动物821credit n n.信任;学分;赞扬;信贷822crew n n. (轮船、飞机等上的) 工作人员;(工作)队823crime n n.罪行;犯罪824criminal n n. 罪犯,犯人 a.犯罪的,刑事的n n.标准;尺度825criterion (plcriteria)826crop n n.庄稼;农作物;产量827cross n & v vt. 越过,穿过n. 十字形的东西828crossing n n.横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道829crossroads n n.十字路口830crowd n & v n.人群;观众vt.挤满;使拥挤831cruel a a. 残忍的,残酷的,无情的832cry n & v n & v. 叫喊,哭声,喊叫,哭833cube n n.立方体;立方834cubic a adj.立方的835cuisine n n.烹饪(风味);菜肴836culture n n. 文化837cup n n. 茶杯838cupboard n n.橱柜;衣柜839cure n & v n.治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗840curious a adj.好奇的841currency n n. 通货,货币;通行,流行842curriculum n n.课程843curtain n n.窗帘;门帘;幕布844cushion n n. (坐;跪时用的)软垫;靠垫;垫子845custom n n.习惯;风俗846customer n n.顾客;消费者847customs n n.海关;关税;进口税848cut v & n v. (cut, cut)切,割,剪,削n. 伤口849cycle v vi.骑自行车850cyclist n n.骑自行车的人n n. (口语)爸爸,爹爹851dad =daddy852daily a, ad & n a. 每日的,日常的ad 每天n. 日报853dam n n.水坝;堰堤854damage v & n n. & vt.损失;损害855damp a & n adj.潮湿的856dance n & v v & n. 跳舞857danger n n. 危险858dangerous a a. 危险的859dare v & modal v v & aux v. (后接不带to的不定式;主要用于疑问、否定或条件句)敢,敢于860dark n & a n. 黑暗,暗处,日暮 a. 黑暗的,暗淡的,神色的861darkness n n.黑暗;漆黑862dash v & n vi.猛冲;突进863data n n.资料;数据864database n n.数据库;基本数据;资料库865date n &v n. 日期;时期;约会vt.注明日期;约会866daughter n n. 女儿867dawn n n.黎明;拂晓;破晓868day n n.(一)天、日,白天869dead a a. 死的,无生命的870deadline n n.最后时间;最后期限871deaf a a. 聋的872deal n n. 量,数额,交易873dear a a.亲爱的874death n n. 死875debate n & v n.争论;辩论vi. 争论;辩论876debt n n.债;债务877decade n n.十年;十年期878decide v v. 决定,下决心879decision n n. 决定,决心880declare v vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称881decline v vt. & vi.拒绝;衰退;下降882decorate v v.装饰;装修883decoration n n.装饰884decrease v vi. & vt.减少;(使)变小;或变少885deed n n.行动;事迹886deep a & ad a. 深ad. 深,深厚887deer n n. 鹿888defeat v vt.打败;战胜;使受挫n.失败n n.防卫;辩护889defence(Am ~se)890defend v vt.保护;保卫891degree n n. 程度,度数,学位892delay v & n vt. & vi.耽搁;延迟n.耽搁;延迟893delete v & n vt.删;删除894deliberately ad adv.故意地895delicate a adj.脆弱的;容易生病的;精致的896delicious a a. 美味的,可口的897delight n n.快乐;高兴;喜悦vt.使高兴;使欣喜898delighted a adj.快乐的;欣喜的899deliver v vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)900demand v vt.要求;需要n.要求;需求;需要901dentist n n. 牙科医生n n.部门;部;处;系902department(Dept.)903deparure n n.出发;离开904depend v vi. 依靠,依赖,指望,取决于905deposit n & v vt.放;(把钱)存入银行906depth n n.深(度);深处907describe v vt. 描写,叙述908description n n.描写;描述909desert v & n n.沙漠;荒原910deserve v vi. & vt.应受(报答或惩罚);值得911design n & v n.设计;图案;构思vt.设计;计划;构思912desire v & n n.渴望;欲望;渴求vt.希望得到;想要913desk n n. 书桌,写字台914desperate a adj.不顾一切的;绝望的915dessert n n.餐后甜点916destination n n.目的地917destroy v vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭918detective n n.侦探919determine v vt.决定;确定;下定决心920develop v v. (使)发展,(使)发达,(使)发育,开发vt. 冲洗(照片) n n. 发展,发达,发育,开发921development922devote v vt. (与to连用)献身;专心于923devotion n n.热爱;投入924diagram n n.图解;图表;示意图925dial v vt.拨(号)n n. 对话926dialogue(Am dialog)927diamond n n.钻石;菱形928diary n n. 日记,日记簿929dictation n n.口授;听写(的文字)930dictionary n n. 词典,字典931die v v. 死。

考纲3500词汇手册Unit 1A1.art. 一(个、件……)2.v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃3.n. 能力;才能有能力做某事4. a. 能够;有能力的能够做某事5. a. 反常的,变态的6.prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)7.v. 废除,废止8.v. 人工流产,堕胎9.ad. 大约;到处;四处prep.正要做…突然10.prep. 在……上面;a.上面的ad.在…上最重要的是;尤其11.ad. 到(在)国外12. a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁13. a. 缺席,不在缺席14.n. 不在,缺席某人不在时/当某人的面15. a. 完全,全部,绝对的adv. 绝对地,完全地绝对不行,当然不16.v. 吸收,使全神贯注全神贯注于17. a./ n. 抽象的(作品)18. a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的19. a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的20.v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语21. a. / n. 学术的,教学的22.n.专科学院,(美)私立学校23.v.(使)加速,加快24.n. 口音,音调25.vt. 接受可以接受的adj.不可接受的adj.26.n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件)可接近;可进入;可利用a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处的)27.n. 事故,意外的事adj. 意外的,偶然的意外地,偶然地28.n.住宿,膳宿29.v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生30.v. 完成31.ad. 按照,根据32.n. 账目;描述银行账户开户头把…考虑在内由于说明,解释,是……的原因;占(百分比)33.n. 会计,会计师34.v. 积累,积聚35.n. 准确,精确adj. 精确的,准确的36.v. 指控谴责/控告某人37. a. 习惯于,惯常的习惯于38.vi.& n. 痛,疼痛39.vt. 达到,取得40.n. 成就,成绩,功绩41. a. 酸的酸雨42.v. 承认43.v. 获得,取得,学到44.n. 获得,习得45.n. 英亩46.prep. 横过,穿过使某人明白;清楚47.n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事48.n. 行动采取行动49. a. 积极的,主动的50.n. 活动51.n. 男演员n. 女演员52. a. 实际的;现实的53.n. 公元54.ad (缩) n.广告55.v. 使适应,适合,改编使…适应…使自己适应n.适应,改编56.vt.添加,增加把…添加到增添;增加把…加起来加起来达到57. a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷对…上瘾;沉迷于58.n.增加;(算数用语)加此外59.n. 地址60. a. 合适的,合乎需要的61.v.调整,调节,适应,习惯62.n. 调整,适应对…作调整63.n.管理,行政部门64. a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的65.v. 钦佩;羡慕因……钦佩某人66.n. 准入, 接纳67.vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)承认做过准许进入;允许加入68.n. 青春,青春期n. 青少年69.v. 收养,领养70.v. (不用于进行时)热爱,爱慕某人71.n. 成年人72.v. 推进,促进;前进预先,提前在……方面取得进步73.n. 优点;好处(充分)利用比……有优势74.n. 冒险;奇遇75.vt. 为……做广告76.n. 广告77.n. 忠告,劝告,建议一条建议听从某人的建议78.vt. 忠告,劝告,建议建议做建议某人做某事79.v. 拥护,支持,提倡提倡做……80.n. 事,事情私事/家事/外交事务81.vt. 影响对……有影响82.n. 喜爱,钟爱喜爱,钟爱83.vt. 负担得起(…的费用);抽得出(时间);买得起;承担的起84. a. 害怕的;担心害怕害怕做恐怕……85.n. 非洲86. a. 非洲的,非洲人的n. 非洲人87.ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在后面conj. 在…以后88.n. 下午,午后89.ad. 后来90.ad. 再一次;再,又再,重新91.prep. 对着,反对92.n. 年龄;时代在……岁时很长时间93.n. 代理人94.n. 代理机构旅行社95.n. (会议)议程表,议事日程96. a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人97.ad. 以前98.v. 同意;应允同意(某人)的意见;(气候,食物)适合(人);同意(建议、计划、安排等)就……达成共识同意做某事99.n. 同意,一致;协定,协议达成协议100.n. 农业,农学a. 农业的Unit 21.ad. 在前,向前在…的前面;比…先进提前好吧,请吧,做吧,说吧2.n. 援助;救护;辅助器具急求来帮助某人3.n. 艾滋病4.n.目的;目标v. 计划,打算;瞄准;瞄准;目的在于5.n. 空气;大气乘飞机在户外在广播(某种情绪)弥漫在空气中;即将发生6.n. 飞机(单复数同)7.n. 航空公司;航空系统8.n. 航空邮件9.n. (美)飞机10.n. 航空站,飞机场11.n.领空,(某国的)空域12.n. 警报敲响警钟13.n. 相册,影集,集邮簿相册/集邮簿14.n. 含酒精饮料,酒15.n. 代数16.ad. 很相似地,同样地英雄所见略同17. a. 活着的,存在的被活埋18.ad全部地a全(部);所有的;总;整到处;浑身总共总的来说别客气;一点也不最重要的是毕竟;终究19. a. 过敏的,厌恶对……过敏;不喜欢某事;对某事反感20.n. 小巷,胡同21.v. 拨给,划归,分配…给22.vt. 允许,准许允许做允许某人做考虑到;顾及(有礼貌的主动提供帮助)让我来。

高考英语大纲词汇高考英语大纲词汇:一、词组:1. depends on 根据2. be full of 充满3. take pride in 以……引以自豪4. refer to 指的是5. keep track of 跟踪6. come up with 想出7. make sense of 理解8. keep to 坚持9. lead to 导致10. in terms of 就……而言二、动词:1. do away with 废除2. devote… to 献身3. bring about 导致4. be concerned about 担心5. account for 占比6. break down 出现故障7. be based on 以……为基础8. come across 遭遇9. be different from 与……不同10. deal with 处理三、名词:1. access 访问2. confirmation 确认3. reliability 可靠性4. contribution 贡献5. requirement 需求6. environment 环境7. perspective 观点8. exposure 接触9. interaction 交流10. complexity 复杂性高考英语大纲词汇是中国高考考生必备的重要工具,也是学习高考英语的基础性知识。
1. 词组词组是英语句子中起重要作用的组成部分,例如depends on,be full of,take pride in,refer to,keep track of,come up with,make sense of,keep to,lead to,in terms of等等。

高考考纲短语一.动词短语1. set free 释放set off 动身、引发、引爆set out to 起先干……set up 建立ser aside 放一边,存起立set back 使……后退set down 登记set fire to 纵火烧……set forth 动身,启程set out 动身,动身2 take A for B 把A误以为B take in 汲取、欺瞒、引进take off 脱掉、起飞、请假take on 呈现take one's time 渐渐来take over 接管take pains 努力take up 占据起先干take sth into account考虑take--for granted 认为当然take a chance 抓住机会take advantage of 利用take charge of 负责take after 像take care of 照看take delight in以……为乐takeeffect 生效3 get away 走开get by 通过get down 登记降下get down to 着手干……get hold of 抓住get in 进入、收割、请……来get into 进入、习惯于……get off 下车get out of 出来get over 复原、克服、越过get rid of 丢弃、摆脱get the best of 受益get through 通过、完成、接通get back 回来、还原get over 克服get together 聚会、会合get up 起床、增加get across 横过、通过get along with和……相处get around 传开get around to 重新回到get at 到达、走近get by heart 记住4 look on as 把……看成look up to 钦佩look down on 小看look into 调查,往……里面看look forward to 期盼 look for 找寻look around 张望look after 照看、照看5 give up 放弃give way to 为……让路give in 屈服give oneself away 出卖、自走give up 放弃give rise to 使……上升give out 分发、释放用完give off 释放6 turn over 转交turn to 求助于……] turn up 出现、开大、到达turn against 违反turn round 转身turn down 开小、拒绝turn in 上交turn into 变成turn off 关掉turn on 打开turn out 生产、最终成为7 go in for 喜爱go into 进入,喜爱干……go off 离开go on 接着go out 熄灭go over 复习go through 阅读/通过go under 沉醉go up 向上爬,增加go with 和……相配go without 没有…应付过来go wrong 出问题go after 跟踪,跟随go against 违反go along 和……一块进行 go by 经过go all out to do 尽力去干go ahead 向前走,请吧go along with 和……相配go back on 违反go down 下降go for 为……去喜爱8 make the best of 充分利用make the most of 充分利用make up 组成/编造,弥补make up for 弥补make up one's mind下决心make use of 利用make way for 为……让路make away 拿走make away with 偷走…,携…而逝make beds 铺床make down 改小make for 走向……make off with 偷走make room for 为……让空间make one's way 走开,前进make out of 用……做成make over 移交make up to 接近奉迎make a face 做鬼脸make a difference 有所不同make believe 假装make friends 交挚友make fun of 取笑,拿……快乐make out 认出,开出,制定make progress 取得进步make sense 说得通make sure of 确保make sure of 信任,确保9 carry off 带走,夺去carry on 接着carry out 执行carry-into effect 执行,实行carry away 拿走,冲走,吸引carry back 送回原地carry through 贯彻10 come through 经过come to 到达,醒悟come to the point 简明拒要come true 实现come up with 提出,追究上come into effect 生效come into force 执政,生效come into operation实施come around 绕道而行come off 脱落come on 起先,到来come out 出现,出版come up with 上升,长出,提出11 put on 增重,穿上,上演put out 扑灭put to use 运用put up 建起,张贴put up with 忍受put into operation实施put across 说明白put aside 搁到一边put down 放下,登记,平定put forward 拿出,提出put in 提交,插话put in for 申请put in order 按依次放好put into effect 实施put off 推迟12 leave for 动身去某地leave over 留下,剩下 leave aside 搁置 leave off 停止戒除leave---be 听任leave---as it is 不管…… leave sb to himself 听……自便leave sth with sb把……托付某人leave word 留话leave out 遗漏13 drop sb a line 写信drop back 后退drop in 探望drop in at 探望某地drop into 顺便进入drop out 缀学,脱落出局14 pull about 拖来拖去,虐待pull apart 拉开pull away 拉走脱身pull down 拆除,推倒pull off 脱掉pull on 穿上pull out 拉出,开出,驶出pull in 拉进,驶进pull through 度过难关,克服困难pull up with (竞赛中)赶上pull over 车靠边停下pull together 联合15 bring about 导致,引发bring back 带回bring forth 产生结果bring in 带来引进,挣得bring out 拿出,发表bring up 扶养,呕吐bring down 降低,使……下降bring along 带来bring an end to 结束bring around 说明,使……回心转意bring into effect 实施16 call after以……命名call at 探望某地call on 探望某人,call back 取消,收回call in 约请叫来call forth 招数,引起call out 大叫,唤起call up 打,回忆起17 break away 摆脱break forth 涌出break in 破门而入,插话break into 破门进入,打断break open 打开break out 爆发break through 突破,克服 break off 使……中断break up 终止,分解,分手 break down 分解,出故障,身体不行18 send away 打发,送走send up 放射,使……上升send off 送出送行,解雇 send out 生出,散发send back 送回send sb mad 使……发疯 send for 派人请19 keep in touch 保持联系keep up with 跟上……keep away 远离keep back 抵制住keep down 镇压,压制 keep off 避开keep on 接着keep out 不让……进入keep out of 不让……进入keep a record of 作记录keep an eye out for提防keep an eye on 看着……keep back 不泄露keep company 陪伴keep pace with 跟上---节奏keep time 守时20 knock down 打倒,击落knock at/on 敲门knock into 撞上knock in 敲进knock off 敲掉,减价knock out 击昏,淘汰knock over 打倒,弄翻knock about 漫游,闲逛21 blow down 吹倒blow away 吹走blow about 把……吹得乱飞blow off 吹走炸弹blow out 停止,吹灭22 clear off 放晴,整理clear--off 整理,清除clear away整理走,遣散clear out 清理,腾出23 see a lot of sb 常见……see about 留意,探讨see after 照看see---as 看作see into 调查see out 送……出去see off 送行see the doctor 看病see through 看穿see to 留意24 hand back 交还hand down 传递下去hand in 上交hand on 传给另一个人 hand out 分发hand over 递交hand aroundhand up 举手25 run about 到处跑run over 溢出,超过run against 违反,不利于run away 跑开run into 当……相撞 run after 追求,追逐 run out of 用完run short 用完run short of 用完run risk of 冒…的险run through 穿过,划过26 pass along 沿…走pass away 去世pass by 经过,不留意pass down 传下来pass on 传给pass out 分发,昏过去pass through 使…想起27 pick off 摘下pick out 选出,领悟pick up 捡起,振作,好将来28 show off 炫耀show around 陪伴…参观show sb out 领…出去show sb the door 叫…滚show sb the way 为…带路show up 出现,突出show oneself 露面29 throw about 乱扔throw at 向…扔出throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw light on 照亮,阐明throw out 扔掉throw up 呕吐,举起30 fall apart 散开,裂开fall asleep 睡着fall back 后退fall behind 落后fall down 落下,跌倒fall in love with 爱上……fall into 掉进,养成fall off 掉下fall over 落在…上面31 hold a meeting 开会hold back 克制,制止hold down 抑制,压服hold on(to) 抓紧,坚持hold one's head high昂首hold out for 为…不妥协hold together 使…团结一样31 cut back on 削减cut down 砍倒,削减cut in 插嘴,超车抢道cut off 切断cut up 切碎二介词短语1 in a hurry 匆忙in a low voice 低声地 in a minute 一会儿in a while 一会儿in a moment 一会儿in a while 一会儿in a way 有点儿在某程序上in a word 总而言之in addition 并且in advance 提前in aid of 支援in any case 无论如何in bed 睡觉in brief 简洁地in case of 假如……in cash 用现金in charge of 负责in command of 指挥in company of 陪伴in conclusion 最终,总之 in condition 身体好in conflict with和……有冲突in contrast to 和……相反 in control of限制in course of 在……过程中in danger of 在危急中in debt 负债in demand 有须要的in detail 具体地in existence 存在in fashion 流行in favor of 交待in full 彻底地in need of 须要in half 成两半in harmony with和---和谐相处in honor of 表彰,怀念in hopes of 怀……的希望in itself 本身in line with 和……一样in memory of 怀念in nature 事实上in no case 决不in no time 立即in no way 决不in order 有序in other words 换言之in particular 尤其in person 亲自,本人in place of 代替in practice 事实上,实践中in public 当众in quantity 大批地in relation to 和……相关in response to 做为对……答复in search of 找寻in secret 隐私地in spite of 尽管,不顾in support of 支持in terms of 就……而论in the distance 在远方in the end 最终,最终in the first place首先in the front of在……前部in the least 至少in the name of 以---的名义in the possession of为……拥有in the shape of呈……形态in turn 伦流in view of 因为,由于in trouble 在逆境中in vain 徒然2.on a diet 节食on board 在车、船、飞机上on the boards 当演员on the board 在基事会中on display 展览中on duty 值日on earth 究竟on fire 着火on foot 步行on holiday 度假on leave 请假on no condition 决不on no consideration决不on occasion 有时on the way to 在……路上,就要……on purpose 有意on show 考虑on the air 在播放on the contrary相反on the edge of 在……两边上on the radio在播放,通过无线电on the whole大体上on time 准时3.at a distance 隔开确定距离at a glance 乍一眼at a loss 茫然at a time 每次at all 决不(否)究竟at all/any cost 不惜一切at the moment 目前at nay moment 随时at any price 不惜代价at all rate 无论如何at ease 自由自在at first sight 第一眼 at hand 在近处,即将到来at length 具体地、最终at no time 决不at one time 曾经at peace 安静地at present 目前at risk 处于危急地at sea 在航海at the rate of 以……比率at worst 在最坏的状况下at times 有时at work 在上班4.out of breath 上气不接下气 out of control 失控out of danger 脱险out of date 过时out of fashion 过时out of one's reach够不着out of order 无序out of question 毫无疑问out of repair 失修out of shape 变形out of sight 看不到out of use 用不上5.over again 反复over age 太老over weight 太重6.with all speed全速with ease 毫不费劲with the aid of 在……帮助下with out mercy毫不留情without hesitation坚决果断7.underconsideration 在考虑中under construction在建设中under control 在限制中under the name of在……名下under repair 在修理中8. by accident 偶然by air 乘飞机by all means 必定by birth 天生by guess 凭揣测by hand 手工的by land 乘车,从陆路by means of 经由,凭……by mistake 错误地by day 在白天by night 在夜晚by now 到现在为止by oneself 自己,独自by the end of 到……末为止by the time 到……时候by the way 顺便说一下by this means 用这种方法by no means 决不by turns 伦流by way of 经由,凭9.for a change 变更一下far a moment 一会儿for a while 一会儿for all 为大家,尽管,不顾for better or worse无论好坏,不管怎么样for certain 确定地for ever 恒久for fear of 以防for free 免费for fun 取乐for good 永久地for life 终身地for nothing 徒然。

2023高考英语考纲词汇表(扩充版)-中英第一部分:核心词汇1. abandon - 放弃2. ability - 能力3. achieve - 实现4. adapt - 适应5. affect - 影响6. analysis - 分析7. ancient - 古代的8. approach - 方法9. artificial - 人工的10. assess - 评估11. atmosphere - 大气层12. attitude - 态度13. benefit - 好处14. boundary - 边界15. calculate - 计算16. challenge - 挑战17. characteristic - 特征18. claim - 声称19. collaborate - 合作23. concentrate - 集中24. conflict - 冲突25. consequences - 后果26. consistent - 一贯的27. construct - 建造28. contribute - 贡献29. convenient - 方便的30. cooperation - 合作第二部分:拓展词汇1. acquire - 获得2. analysis - 分析3. ancestor - 祖先4. anticipate - 预期5. appreciate - 欣赏6. arise - 出现7. aspect - 方面8. assumption - 假设9. attain - 达到10. attribute - 属性11. benefit - 利益12. boundary - 界限13. capable - 有能力的14. civilization - 文明17. conceive - 构思18. conclude - 得出结论19. conduct - 进行20. consequence - 结果21. context - 上下文22. contribute - 促使23. conventional - 常规的24. cooperation - 合作25. cope - 应对26. culture - 文化27. curious - 好奇的28. debate - 辩论29. decline - 下降30. deduct - 推论第三部分:扩展词汇1. acquire - 获取2. acute - 敏锐的3. adaptability - 适应性4. advocate - 拥护者5. analogy - 类比6. application - 应用7. approachable - 可接近的8. assess - 评估9. aspect - 视角10. aspire - 热望11. assumption - 假设12. attribute - 归因于13. autonomous - 自主的14. barrier - 障碍15. biased - 有偏见的16. capacity - 容量17. catalyst - 催化剂18. coherent - 连贯的19. collaborate - 合作22. concede - 承认23. concurrent - 同时发生的24. confine - 限制25. consensus - 一致意见26. consolidate - 巩固27. contemplate - 沉思28. contrary - 相反的29. converge - 聚集30. crucial - 关键的以上是2023高考英语考纲词汇表的扩充版,希望能够帮助你准备高考。

高考英语必备短语1.make progress in doing sth 取得进展make progress with sth2.end up doing sth 以......而结束end up with sth3.忙于做某事be employed in doing sth = be busy in doing sthbe employed with sth =be busy with sth4.be absorbed in = be buried in = be lost in 全神贯注于;埋头于5.Help sb do sth=help sb with sth6.make sense 讲得通make no sense 讲不通7.contribute to 导致;有助于;作贡献make a contribution/contributions to 对.......作贡献8.to conclude = in conclusion 总之draw a conclusion=come to a conclusion=reach a conclusion 9.decide on sth=make a decision on sth 决定某事Decide to to sth=make a decision to do sth决定做某事10.be to blame 对....负有责任blame sb for sth 因某事责怪某人put the blame on sb 把某事归咎于.....11.除了加法:apart from/aside from/besides/in addition/additionally减法:apart from/aside from/except/except from两者均可:apart from/aside from12.have difficulty in doing sth 做某事有困难13.the first to do sthIt is the first time that sb has done sthIt was the first time that sb had done sth14.attend a meeting参加一次会议attend to a baby 照顾小孩15.I doubt/wonder/ask/confirm whetherI don’t doubt/wonder/ask/confirm that16.In advance=ahead of time 提前stop/prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做.....keep/protect/preserve sb from doing sth 保护某人免受..... 17.whatever=no matter whatwhoever=no matter who=anyone whoe to life 活跃起来come into being/existence 开始存在19.Some people........others/other people...... 有些人.....其他人.....20.It’s worthwhile to do sth/doing sth ......值得做sth deserve/need doing /to be done 某物值得/需要.....21.Devote oneself to doing sth=be devoted to doing sth 奉献于.....22.Be faced with 面对23.Be filled with=be full of 充满24.Break away from = get rid of摆脱Rid...of 使.....摆脱(rid the world of hunger)25.天赋Have a gift for=have a talent for 有.....天赋Be gifted in=be talented in 在.....方面有天赋26.Make a difference to sb/sth 对.......有影响; 起(重要)作用27.have a great time=have fun=enjoy yourself 玩得愉快28.spend some time/money in doing sthon sth29.to one’s amusementdelightcreditexcitementsurprisereliefastonishment 令人吃惊的是advantage 对某人有利Disappointment30.打算做某事plan to do sthintend to do sthmean to do sth31.lose heart/confidence 丧失信心weight 减肥face 丢脸oneself in doing sth 埋头于one’s breath 喘不过气one’s way 迷路one’s temper 发脾气one’s mind 精神错乱32.with + sth (名词) + 非谓语动词done 被动doing 主动to do 表目的/将来33.解决问题solvesettledeal with the problemhandleapproachfix34.导致contribute tolead toresult incausebring aboutaccount forthat sb (should) do sth 36.尝试做某事Neither ......norEither....orNot....butNot only......but alsoThere be 句型38.就前原则As well asAlong withWith = Together withExceptBesides = In addition toApart from = Aside fromIncludingFollowed byRather thanBut39.集中注意力Focus on = concentrate onFocus one’s attention/concentration onBe lost in=be buried in40.由于/因为Because ofas a result ofon account ofin consequence ofdue tothanks to41.结果/所以As a resultin consequenceThereforeThusHence42.被分成......be divided intobe grouped intobe sectioned into43.For 支持against 反对defend......for/against/fight for/against/withargue for/against/about/withvote for/against44.连接Combine A with B=A be combined with B (combination)Link A to B = A be linked to BRelate A with B=A be related to B (relation)Connect A with B=A be connected with B (connection)45.In general=generallyIn addition=additionallyIn total=totallyOn purpose=purposely=by designBy chance=by accidentWith curiosity=curiouslyWith caution=cautiously46.Generally speaking 一般来说Strictly speaking 严格来说Frankly speaking 坦白地说47.关于/提到When it comes toAs forAs toSpeaking ofConcerning48.保存;保留Preserve---preservationConserve---conservationReserve---reservation49.总之In short = In brief = In a wordOn the wholeAll in allIn conclusionTo conclude = To sum up50.......的方法;途径The approach to sthThe key to sthThe solution to sthThe way to do sthThe method of doing sthThe means of doing sth51.用这种方法In this wayBy this meansWith his method52.“be+adj.+about”短语小结Be/go/grow crazy about对……疯狂be nervous about对……紧张be curious about对……好奇be anxious about为……担心/焦虑be cautious about对……谨慎be particular about对……挑剔Be concerned about 关心Be worried about 担忧53.努力做某事Make efforts to do sthSpare no efforts to do sthDo/Try one’s best to do sth54.Look forward toLook back onLook up toLook down on55.参加Join inTake part inParticipate in (participation)Be involved in56.计划做某事Plan to do sthMean to do sthIntend to do sth57.失败fail--failure fail to do sth成功Succeed---success---succeed in doing sth58.Inform sb of sthCure sb of sthRemind sb of sthAccuse sb of sth59.偶然By chanceBy accidentBy coincidence60.语法填空和改错题(...ed 和...ing )Interest---interested---interestingFrighted---frightened---frighteningTerrify---terrified---terrifingPuzzle---puzzled---puzzlingConfuse---confused---confusingSatisfy---satisfied---satisfyingTire---tired---tiringBore---bored---boringRelax---relaxed---relaxingAnnoy---annoyed---annoyingMove---moved---movingTouch---touched----touchingPlease---pleased---pleasingAshame---ashamed---ashamingShock---shocked---shockingSurprise---surprised---surprisingAstonish---astonished---astonishingDisappoint---disappointed---disappointing Excite---excited---excitingAmaze---amazed---amazingEmbarrass---embarrassed---embarrassing Amuse---amused----amusingDelight---delighted---delightingThrill----thrilled----thrillingFrustrate---frustrated---frustratingExhaust---exhausted---exhaustingConvince---convinced---convincingFastinate---fastinated---fastinatingWorry---worried---worryingInspire---inspired---inspiringEncourage---encouraged---encouragingImmediate---immediatelyActual---actuallyExact---exactlyExtreme---extremelyAbsolute---absolutelyApparent---apparentlyFinal---finallyTrue---trulyEntire---entirely=completelyProper---properlyProbable---probablySimple---simply (simplify)Rapid---rapidly=fast62.Honest---honesty---honestly = frankly Modest---modesty---modestly63.不可数名词InfluenceAdviceInformationmake great/much progressHave fun64.----ful 形容词后缀Help---helpfulHope---hopeful---hopelessCare---careful---carelessHome---homelessPeace---peacefulPower---powerfulWonder---wonderfulBeauty---beautiful65.quality---qualify---qualificationclarity---clarify---clarificationbeauty---beautify---beautificationidentity---identify---identification66.Organ----Organize---organizationFinal---Finalize---finalizationSocial---socialize---socializationPerson---personal---personalityNation---national---nationalityTotal---totalityReal---realityFertile---fertility---fertilize67.-----able----be able to do sth able---ability Enjoy----enjoyableComfort---comfortableSense---sensiblePass---passableVision---visualAdapt---adaptableAdjust---adjustableHonour---honorableControl---controllableDispensable 可有可无的不必要的Indispensable 必不可少的Available---availabilityaccessible---accessibilityResponsible---Responsibility68.----en 使动用法Rich---enrichAble---enableLarge---enlargeStrong--strength---strengthenLong---length---lengthenHigh---heightShort---shortenDeep--depth----deepenWide---width---widenBroad---broaden (broaden one’s view/horizon 拓宽某人的视野) Threat---threatenStrong---strength 强项---strengthenWeak---weaken---weakness 弱项Warm---warmth69.Danger---dangerousHumour---humorousCaution---cautiousCuriosity---curiousGenerosity----generousHarmony---harmoniousFame---famousCourage---courageousContinue---continuousAdvantage---advantageousDisadvantage---disadvantageousglory---gloriousenvy---EnviousNerve---NervousSeriousLuxurious 奢华的DeliciousPreciouspreviousObvious70.be home to ......是......的家乡71.Be admitted to (admission)72.Permit sb to do sth=allow sb to do sth73.catch sight of 看到(catch---caught---caught)lose sight of 看不见(lose---lost---lost)74.由......组成consist of=be made up of=be composed of75.with the advance of ......=with the development of ...... 随着......的发展76.be unique to......只有......才有的77.be senior tobe junior to78.Think highly ofThink little of79.Be content with=be satisfied with 对....满意satisfy---satisfied---satisfying=satisfactory---satisfaction80.常考不规则动词Lose---lost---lostWin---won---wonFall----fell---fallenRise---rose---risenDrive---drove---drivenWrite---wrote---writtenSpend---spent---spentBuild---built---builtBend---bent---bentBurst---burst---burstBurn---burnt---burntLearn---learnt---learntEat--ate--eatenDrink---drank---drunkSink---sank---sunkCatch---caught---caughtPrefer---preferred---preferringAdmit--admitted---admittingPermit---permitted---permittingStop---stopped---stoppedGrow---grew---grownKnow---knew---knownThink---thought---thoughtBring---brought---broughtSeek---sought---soughtBuy---bought---boughtFly--flew---flown81.82.Consume---consumption Survive---survivalAssume---assumption Approve---approvalCombine---combination Try---trialAdmire---admiration Deny---denialDetermine---determination Bury---burialGraduate---graduationCongratulate---congratulationEducate---education83. 84. ---rant, ---anceSurvive---survival Ignore---ignorant---ignorance Approve---approval Important---importanceTry---trial Significant---significance Deny---denial Dependent---dependenceBury---burial85.86.形式主语形式宾语It’s + adj+ to do sth think/find/make it + adj+ do sth It’s + no good/use + doing sth87.Way88. CaseThe way to do sth In caseIn this way In case ofIn no caseIn this case89.Close---closureExpose---exposureExpress---expressionImpress---impressionPermit---permissionAdmit---admission90.Persuade---persuasion---persuasiveDecide---decision---decisiveCollide---collisionExpand---expansionExtend---extension。

1. Make a difference:产生影响,起作用例句:Volunteering can make a difference in people's lives.2. Take into account:考虑,顾及例句:When making a decision, it's important to take all factors into account.3. Come up with:想出,提出例句:We need to come up with a solution to this problem.4. Keep up with:跟上,跟得上例句:It's important to keep up with the latest developments in your field.5. Break the ice:打破沉默,破冰例句:He told a joke to break the ice at the beginning of the meeting.6. Carry out:执行,实施例句:We need to carry out the plan as soon as possible.7. Get along with:与...相处,和...友好相处例句:She gets along well with her classmates.8. Look forward to:期待,盼望例句:I'm looking forward to the summer vacation.9. Pay attention to:注意,留意例句:Please pay attention to the instructions before starting the test.10. Take advantage of:利用,好好利用例句:You should take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.11. Give up:放弃例句:Don't give up on your dreams.12. Keep in touch:保持联系例句:Let's keep in touch after we graduate.13. Make progress:取得进步例句:He has made great progress in his studies.14. Take a break:休息一下例句:I'm tired. Let's take a break.15. Look after:照顾,照料例句:She looks after her younger sister.16. Take care of:照顾,保护例句:Parents need to take care of their children.17. Give advice:给予建议例句:She gave me some good advice about my career.18. Make a decision:做出决定例句:He finally made a decision to study abroad.19. Take action:采取行动例句:It's time to take action and solve the problem.20. Give a hand:给予帮助例句:Can you give me a hand with this heavy box?以上是2024上海英语高考考纲词组的一部分,考生在备考过程中应该不断积累和熟练运用这些词组,以提高自己的英语应试能力。

2023年上海高考英语写作考纲词汇表完整版一、常用词汇1. achievable - 可以实现的achievable - 可以实现的2. analyze - 分析analyze - 分析3. contribute - 贡献contribute - 贡献4. demonstrate - 展示demonstrate - 展示5. efficient - 高效的efficient - 高效的6. flexible - 灵活的flexible - 灵活的7. generate - 产生generate - 产生8. implement - 实施implement - 实施9. innovative - 创新的innovative - 创新的10. opportunity - 机会opportunity - 机会11. potential - 潜力potential - 潜力12. requirement - 要求requirement - 要求13. strategy - 策略strategy - 策略14. transform - 转变transform - 转变二、社会热点话题1. climate change - 气候变化climate change - 气候变化2. environmental protection - 环境保护environmental protection - 环境保护3. sustainable development - 可持续发展sustainable development - 可持续发展4. urbanization - 城市化urbanization - 城市化5. technological advancement - 科技进步technological advancement - 科技进步6. cultural diversity - 文化多样性cultural diversity - 文化多样性7. globalization - 全球化globalization - 全球化8. social inequality - 社会不平等social inequality - 社会不平等三、学术类词汇1. abstract - 摘要abstract - 摘要2. thesis - 论文thesis - 论文3. hypothesis - 假设hypothesis - 假设4. methodology - 方法论methodology - 方法论5. literature review - 文献综述literature review - 文献综述6. data analysis - 数据分析data analysis - 数据分析7. conclusion - 结论conclusion - 结论四、描述问题和解决方案1. challenge - 挑战challenge - 挑战2. issue - 问题issue - 问题3. solution - 解决方案solution - 解决方案5. evaluate - 评估evaluate - 评估6. advantage - 优势advantage - 优势7. disadvantage - 劣势disadvantage - 劣势五、论证和强调观点1. argue - 辩论argue - 辩论2. persuade - 说服persuade - 说服3. support - 支持support - 支持4. oppose - 反对oppose - 反对5. emphasize - 强调emphasize - 强调6. highlight - 突出highlight - 突出六、总结和结论1. in summary - 总结in summary - 总结2. conclusively - 最后总结conclusively - 最后总结3. overall - 总的来说overall - 总的来说4. in conclusion - 结论in conclusion - 结论以上是2023年上海高考英语写作考纲词汇表的完整版。

高考高频短语1.in favor of 支持;赞同2.in sb's favor 对某人有利3.in course of 正在……中4.in charge of 负责;主管5.in the charge of 由……负责;被……主管6.in possession of 拥有;占有7.in the possession of 被……拥有8.out of question 毫无疑问9.out of the question 不可能;不值得讨论10.on trial 在试验中;受审11.on the contrary 正相反12.in general 大体上;总体上13.in honor of 为纪念……;为向……表示敬意14.apart from 除了……之外(还有)15.take……into account 把……考虑进去16.above all 首先,尤其是17.after all 毕竟,终究18.ahead of 在……之前19.all over 到处20.all right 行了,好吧21.answer for 对……负责22.as a matter of fact 其实,实际上23.at all 一点也不;根本;简直24.at least 至少,最低限度25.at once 立刻,马上26.be about to do 刚要即将27.be absorbed in 专心于28.be based on 以……为基础29.be busy doing 忙着做某事30.be capable of 能够31.be concerned with 关心,挂念32.be crazy about 迷恋上,爱上33.be equal to 等于,能胜任34.be familiar with 熟悉,通晓35.be filled with 充满36.be fit for 适合,胜任37.be fond of 喜欢,爱好38.be free from 没有……的,不受……影响的39.be friendly to 对……友善40.be guilty of 有……罪的,对……有罪的41.be in charge of 负责,主管42.be in need of 需要43.be in the habit of 有……的习惯44.be interested in 对……感兴趣45.be involved in 参与,卷入46.be known as 作为……而知名;被认为是47.be known to 为……所知48.be made up of 由……组成,构成49.be popular with 受……欢迎50.be responsible for 对……负责51.be serious about 对……认真,严肃对待52.be short for 是……的缩写53.be strict with 对……严格要求54.be supposed to 应该,被期望55.belong to 属于56.break away from 脱离,逃离57.break down 损坏,瓦解;崩溃58.break into 闯入;强行进入59.break off 中断,突然停止60.break out 爆发,发生;突然发生61.break through 突破62.bring about 导致,引起63.bring forward 提出;提前;结转(帐目)64.bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出(食物)65.call at 访问,拜访(某地)66.call for 要求;需要;提倡;邀请;为……叫喊67.call on 号召;拜访(某人);叫……接听电话68.care about 关心,在意69.carry off 夺去;获得(奖品);(疾病等)使死亡;(成功地)处理掉(难题等)70.carry on 继续进行;开展;经营;鼓吹(某种理论等)71.carry out 执行,贯彻;实现(目标等);完成(任务等);履行(诺言等)e across (偶然)发现;(偶然)碰见;偶遇;被理解e on 开始;进展;上演;来吧,快点;出场,上演;e up with 提出,想出(计划、答案等);赶上。

最新高考考纲词汇表(精校版)①a(n) art art. 一(个、件…)②abandon v vt.放弃;遗弃;抛弃③ability n n 能力,才能④able art a. 能够,有能力的⑤abnormal a adj.不正常的;反常的;变态的⑥aboard prep adv.在船(飞机、车上)上;上船(飞机,车等)⑦abolish v vt.废除;废止⑧abortion n n.流产;中途失败⑨about ad & prep prep 关于,在各处,四处ad. 大约,到处,四处⑩above prep,a &ad prep 在…上面 a. 上面的ad. 在…之上11abroad a & ad ad. 到国外,在国外12abrupt a adj.突然的;意外的13absence n n.缺席;不在某处14absent a a. 缺席,不在15absolute a & ad adj.绝对的;完全的16absorb v vt.吸收;吸引;使专心17abstract a & n adj.抽象的;深奥的n.摘要18absurd a adj.荒谬的;可笑的19abundant a adj.丰富的;充裕的20abuse v n. & vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂滥用;虐待;辱骂21academic a & n adj.学校的;学术的22academy n n.高等专科院校;研究院;学术团体23accelerate v vi. & vt.加速;促进24accent n n.口音;腔调;重音25accept v vt. 接受26access n & v n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性27accessible a adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的28accident n n. 事故,意外的事n n.住所;住宿29accommodation30accompany v vt.陪伴;伴奏31accomplish v vt.完成;达到;实现32account n vi. & vt.认为;说明;总计有n.说明;理由;计算;帐目33accountant n n.会计34accumulate v vt.积累;聚保35accuracy n n.精确;准确36accurate a & ad adj.精确的;正确的37accuse v vt.指责;谴责;控告38accustomed a adj.惯常的;习惯了的39ache n & v vi. & n. 痛,疼痛40achieve v vt. 达到,取得41achievement n n.成就;功绩42acid a n.酸43acknowledge v vt.承认;确认;答谢44acquaintance n n.相识;了解;熟人45acquire v vt.获得;取得;学到46acquisition n n.获得;习得47acre n n.英亩48across prep prep. 横过,穿过49act n & v n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏),行动,做事50action n n. 行动51active a adj.积极的;活跃的52activity n n.活动53actor n n.男演员;行动者54actress n n.女演员55actual a adj.实在的;实际的56acute a adj.有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的57AD n n. 公元n n.广告58ad=advertisement59adapt v vt.使适应;改编60adaptation n n.适应(性);改编本61add v vt. 添加,增加62addicted a adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的63addition n n.加;增加;加法64address n n. 地址65adequate a adj.适当的;足够的66adjust v vi. & vt.调整;(使)适合67adjustment n n.调整;调节n n.管理;行政部门68administration69admirable a adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的70admire v vt.赞美;钦佩;羡慕71admission n n.允许进入;入场费;承认72admit v vt. & vi.容许;承认;接纳73adolescence n n.青春期74adolescent a n.青少年adj.青春期的75adopt v vt.采用;采纳;收养76adore v vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱77adult n n.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的78advance v & n vt. & vi.前进;促进;提前79advantage n n. 优点,好处80adventure n n.奇遇;冒险81advertise v vt. & vi.做广告;登广告82advertiseme n n. 广告nt83advice n n. 忠告,劝告,建议84advise v vt. 忠告,劝告,建议85advocate v vt.拥护;提倡;主张86affair n n.事务;事情;暖昧关系87affect v vt.影响;感动;侵袭88affection n n.喜爱;爱;感情89afford v vt. 负担得起(…的费用),抽得出(时间)提供90afraid a a. 害怕的,担心的91Africa n n. 非洲92African a & n a. & n. 非洲(人)的;非洲人93after ad,prep & conj ad. 在后,后来prep. 在…之后,在…后面conj. 在…以后94afternoon n n. 下午,午后95afterward(s) ad adv.然后;后来96again ad ad. 再一次,再,又97against prep prep 对着,反对98age n n. 年龄,时代99agency n n. 代理, 代理处, 政府机构100agenda n n.议程(表)101agent n n.代理人;经纪人102aggressive a adj.敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的103ago ad ad. 以前104agree v v. 同意,应允105agreement n n. 同意,一致,协定,协议106agricultural a adj.农业的;农艺的107agriculture n n.农业;农艺;农学108ahead ad adv.在前;向前;提前109aid n & v n. & vt.帮助;援助;资助110AIDS n n. 爱滋病,获得性免疫功能丧失综合症111aim n & v n.目标;目的vi. & vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力112air n n. 空气,大气113aircraft n n.飞行器;航空器;飞机114airline n n. 航空公司,航空系统115airmail n n.航空邮件116airplane n n. (美)飞机117airport n n. 航空站,飞机场118airspace n n.空域, 上空,空间,领空, 广播时间119alarm n & v vt.使警觉;使惊恐;惊动n.警报;惊恐120album n n. (收集相片、邮票等的)薄、册;唱片集121alcohol n n.酒;酒精122alcoholic a & n adj.酒精的123algebra n n.代数;代数学124alike ad adj.相同的;类似的125alive a a. 活着的,存在的126all ad,a&pron ad. 全部地pron. 全部,全体人员 a. 全部,所有的,总,整127allergic a adj.过敏性的;对……过敏的128alley n n.小巷,胡同129allocate v vt.分派;分配130allow v vt. 允许,准许131allowance n n.津贴;补助132almost ad ad. 几乎,差不多133alone a a. 单独的,孤独的134along ad & prep ad. 向前,和…在一起,一同prep. 沿着,顺着135alongside ad adv.在旁边;沿着边prep.在……旁边;沿着……的边136aloud ad ad. 大声地137alphabet n n.字母表138already ad ad. 已经139also ad ad. 也140alternative a n.可能的选择adj.供选择的;其他的141although conj conj. 虽然,尽管142altitude n n.海拔高度;高处143altogether ad adv.总共;完全地144aluminum n n.铝145always ad ad. 总是,一直,永远146am v (be) v. 是(动词be的第一人称形式)n (缩)上午,午前147am./am,AM./AM148amateur a n.业余爱好者149amaze v vt.使吃惊;惊讶150amazing a adj.令人吃惊的n n.大使;使节151ambassador(~dress)152ambiguous a adj.含糊的;模糊的153ambition n n.雄心;野心154ambulance n n.救护车155America n n. 美国,美洲156among prep prep. 在…中间,在(三个以上)之间157amount n & v n.数量158ample a adj.足够的;充足的;富裕的159amuse v vt.使发笑;使愉快160amusement n n.消遣;娱乐(活动)161analyse v vt.分析162analysis n n. (pl analyses) 分析163ancestor n n.祖先;祖宗164anchor n & v n.锚vi. & vt.抛锚;锚定165ancient a a. 古代的,古老的166and conj conj. 和,有,而167anecdote n n.轶事;奇闻168anger n n.怒气;怒火169angle n n.角;角度170angry a a. 生气的,愤怒的171animal n n. 动物172ankle n n.踝(关节)173anniversary n n.周年纪念(日)174announce v vt.宣布;通知175annoy v vt.使……不悦;惹恼176annual a adj.每年的;按年度计算的n.年刊;年鉴177another a & pron a. 再一,另一,别的,不同的pron. 另一个178answer n & v n. 回答,答复,回信,答案v. 回答,答复,回信,(作出)答案179ant n n. 蚂蚁180Antarctic n adj.南极的181antique n adj.古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的n.文物;古董;古玩182anxiety n n.担心;焦虑;渴望183anxious a adj.忧虑的;不安的184any pron & a pron. (无论)哪一个,那些 a. 任何的,用于(疑问句、否定句),一些,什么185anybody pron pron. 任何人,无论谁186anyhow ad adv. (也作anyway)无论如何;即使如此187anyone pron pron. 任何人,无论谁188anything pron pron. 什么事(物),任何事(物)189anyway ad ad.. 不管怎样190anywhere ad ad. 任何地方191apart ad & a adv.分离地;分别地192apartment n n. <美>公寓住宅;单元住宅193apologize v vi.道歉;辩白194apology n n.道谦;谢罪195apparent a adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的196appeal v & n (对某人)有吸引力;求助197appear v vi. 出现198appearance n n.外观;外貌;出现199appendix n n.附录;附件200appetite n n.食欲;胃口201applaud v vi. & vt.鼓掌欢迎;赞赏202apple n n. 苹果203applicant n n.申请人204application n n.应用;用途;申请205apply v vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用vi.申请;请求;使用;有效206appoint v vt.约定;指定;任命207appointmenn n.约会;任命t208appreciate v vt.鉴赏;感激n n.欣赏;感激;感谢209appreciation210approach n & v vt. & vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径211appropriate a adj.适当的;正当的212approval n n.赞成;认可213approve v vt.赞成;认可;批准ad adv.近似地;大约地214approximately215apron n n.围裙216arbitrary a adj.任意的217arch n n.拱门218architect n n.建筑师219architecture n n.建筑学;建筑艺术220Arctic n a. 北极的 n.北极221are v (be) v. 是、在(系动词be的现在时、用于第二人称或复数) 222area n n. 面积,地域,地方,区域,范围,领域223argue v vt. & vi.讨论;辩论;争论224argument n n.争论;争辩;争吵225arise v vi.出现;发生226arithmetic n n.算术学;算术227arm n & v n. 臂,支架,(美)武器,武力v. 以…装备,武装起来228armchair n n.扶手椅;单座沙发229army n n. 军队230around ad & prep ad. 在周围,在附近prep. 在…周围,大约231arrange v vt.筹备;安排;整理n n.安排;排列232arrangement233arrest v vt.逮捕;吸引n.逮捕;拘留234arrival n n.到来;到达;到达者235arrive v vi. 到达,达到236arrow n n. 箭,矢,箭状物;箭头符号237art n n. 艺术,美术,技艺238article n n. 文章,东西,物品,冠词239artificial a adj.人造的;假的240artist n n.艺术家241as ad,conj & prep ad & conj. 像…一样,如同,因为prep. 作为,当做242ash n n.灰;灰末243ashamed a adj.感到惭愧或羞耻的244Asia n n. 亚洲245Asian a & n a & n. 亚洲的,亚洲人的246aside ad adv.在一边;向一边247ask v v. 问,询问,请求,要求,邀请248asleep a a. 睡着的,熟睡249aspect n n.方面;层面250assess v vt.评定;评估251assessment n n.评估;评价252assist v vt.帮助;协助;援助253assistance n n.协助;援助254assistant n n.助手;助理;售货员255associate v vt.联想;联系n.同伴;伙伴256association n n.社团;联系;联想257assume v vt.假定;设想258assumption n n.假定;设想259astonish v vt.使惊诧260astronaut n n.宇航员;太空人261astronomer n n. 天文学家262astronomy n n.天文学263at prep prep. 在(几点钟),在(某处)264athlete n n.运动员;运动选手265athletic a adj.运动的266Atlantic a a. 大西洋的267atmosphere n n.大气层;气氛268atom n n.原子269attach v vt. & vi.系上;缚上;附加;连接270attack v & n vt.进攻;攻击;抨击271attain v vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)272attempt v & n n.努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图273attend v vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加274attention n n.注意;关注;注意力275attitude n n.态度;看法276attract v vt.吸引;引起注意277attraction n n.有吸引力的事物;吸引278attractive a adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的279audience n n.观众;听众;读者280aunt n n. 伯母,舅母,婶,姑,姨281authentic a adj. 真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的282author n n.著者;作家283authority n n.权威;权力(pl)当局;官方284automatic a adj.无意识的;自动的285autonomoua adj.自主的;自治的;独立的s286autumn n n. 秋天,秋季287available a a. 可利用的,有用的288avenue n n.林荫道;道路;大街289average a & n adj.平均的290avoid v v. 避免,躲开,逃避291awake v & a v. (awoke, awoken)唤醒292award n n.奖;奖品vt.授予;判定293aware a adj.意识到的;知道的294away ad ad. 离开,远离295awesome a adj.使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的296awful a adj.极坏的;极讨厌的;可怕的;(口语)糟透的297awkward a adj.局促不安的;笨拙的298baby n n. 婴儿299bachelor n n.获学士学位的人;未婚男子300back ad,a & n ad. 回(原处),向后n. 背后,后部,背 a. 后面的301background n n.背景;后台ad adv. & adj.向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的) 302backward(s)303bacon n n.熏咸肉;腊肉n n. (bacterium的复数形式) 细菌304bacterium(pl bacria)305bad a a. (worse, worst)坏的,有害的,不利的,严重的306badminton n n. 羽毛球运动307bag n n. 书包,提包,袋子308baggage n n. (= luggage in BrE) 行李309bakery n n.面包房;面包厂310balance n vt.平衡;权衡n.天平;平衡311balcony n n.阳台;包厢312ball n n. 球,舞会313ballet n n.芭蕾舞314balloon n n. 气球315bamboo n n. 竹316ban n & v n.禁令vt.禁止;取缔317banana n n. 香蕉318band n n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤319bandage n n. 绷带vt.用绷带绑扎320bank n n. 银行;岸,堤;堆v.把(钱)存入银行321bar n n.条;棒;条状物322barbecue n n.金属烤架;烧烤野餐323barber n n.理发师324barbershop n n. 理发店325bare a adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的n.最基本的要素326bargain n & v vi.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货327bark v & n vi. (指狗等)吠叫;咆哮n.犬吠声;树皮328barrier n n.障碍物;栅栏;屏障329base n vt.以…为根据n.基部;基地;基础330baseball n n. 棒球331basement n n.地下室332basic a a. 基本的333basin n n.盆;盆地334basis n n.(pl bases)基础;根据335basket n n. 篮子336basketball n n. 篮球337bat n n. 蝙蝠;球棒,球拍338bath n n. 浴,洗澡;浴缸339bathe v vi.洗澡;游泳340bathroom n n. 浴室,盥洗室341bathtub n n.浴缸;澡盆342battery n n.电池(组);电瓶;炮台343battle n n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争vt. & vi.搏斗;奋斗344bay n n.海湾345BC n (B.C.)公元前346be v aux v. (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) 是,成为347beach n n. 海滨,海滩348bean n n.豆;豆科植物349bean curd n n. 豆腐350bear1 n n. 熊351bear2 v vt.忍受;忍耐;负担352beard n n.胡须353beast n n.野兽354beat v & n v.(beat, beaten) 敲打,跳动,打赢n. (音乐)节拍355beautiful a a. 美的,美丽的,美观的356beauty n n.美;美人357because conj conj. 因为358become v v. (became, become)变得,成为359bed n n. 床360beddings n n.寝具;铺盖361bedroom n n. 寝室,卧室362bee n n. 蜜蜂363beef n n. 牛肉364beer n n. 啤酒365before prep,ad. & conj prep. 在…以前,在…前面ad. 以前conj. 在…之前366beg v vi.请求;乞求367begin v v. (began, begun)开始,着手368behalf n n. 利益,方面369behave v vt. & vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现370behaviour n n. (=behavior) 行为;举止;习性371behind prep & ad prep. (表示位置)在…后372being n n. 生物,人;存在373belief n n.信任;信心;信仰374believe v v. 相信,认为375bell n n. 钟,铃,钟(铃)声,钟形物376belly n n.腹部377belong v vi.属于;为……的一员378below prep prep. 在…下面379belt n n.腰带;皮带safety belt 安全带380bench n n.长凳381bend v n.弯;拐角vt.使弯曲vi.弯身;弯腰382beneath prep adv.在……之下383beneficial a adj.有益的;受益的384benefit n&v n.利益;好处vt. & vi.有益于;有助于;受益385bent a & n adj.弯曲的386beside prep prep. 在…旁边,靠近387besides prep & ad prep. 除…以外(还有) ad. 还有,此外。

一. 动词短语go by 经过 set free 释放get aroundgo all out to do 尽力去干set off 动身、引发、引爆 get around to 重新回至Ugo ahead 向前走,请吧set out to 开始干 ... get at 到达、走近 go along with 和 .... 相配set up 建立get by heart 记住 go back on 违背ser aside 放一边,存起立 4look on as 把 ....... 看成 go down 下降set back 使.... 后退 look up to 敬佩 go for 为 ...... 去昌■欢set down 记卜 look down on 小看 8make the best of 充分利用set fire to 纵火烧 ... look into 调查,住 ... 里面 make the most of 充分利用set forth 出发,启程看make up 组成/编造,弥补set out 动身,出发look forward to 期盼make up for 弥补look for 寻找make up one's mind 下决心take A for B 把A 误以为Blook around 张望make use of 利用take in 吸收、欺骗、弓I 进look after 照顾、照看 make way for 为 ....让路take off 脱掉、起飞、请假 5give up 放弃 make away 拿走take on 呈现give way to 为 ...... 让路make away with 偷走…, 携…take one's time 慢慢来 give in 屈服而逝take over 接管 give oneself away 出卖、自走make beds 铺床take pains 努力 give up 放弃make down 改小take up 占据开始干give rise to 使 ...... 上升 make for 走向 ...take sth into account 考虑 give out 分发、释放用完 make off with 偷走take--for granted 认为当然 give off 释放 make room for 为 ... 让空间take a chance 抓住机会 6turn over 转交make one's way 走开,前进 take advantage of 利用 turn to 求助于 ..... ] make out of 用 ......做成take charge of 负责 turn up 出现、开大、到达 make over 移交take after 像 turn against 违背 make up to 接;迎take care of 照顾turn round 转身 make a face 做鬼脸take delight in 以 .... 为乐 turn down 开小、拒绝make a difference 有所不同take effect 生效turn in 上交 make believe 假装get away 走开turn into 变成 make friends 交朋友get by 通过turn off 关掉make fun of 取笑,拿 ...... 开心 get down 记卜降卜turn on 打开make out 认出,开出, 制定 get down to 着手干 ...... turn out 生产、最后成为make progress 取得进步get hold of 抓住7go in for 喜欢make sense 说得通get in 进入、收割、请 ....... 来 go into 进入,昌■欢干 ....make sure of 确保get into 进入、习惯于 .... go off 离开 make sure of 相信,确保get off 下车go on 继续get out of 出来go out 熄灭 9carry off 带走,夺去get over 恢复、克服、越过go over 复习carry on 继续get rid of 丢弃、摆脱 go through 浏览/通过carry out 执行get the best of 受益go under 沉浸carry-into effect 执行,实行 get through 通过、完成、接通 go up向上爬,增加carry away 拿走,冲走, 吸引get back 回来、还原 go with 和 .... 相配carry back送回原地get over 克服go without 没有…应付过来carry through 贯彻get together 聚会、会合 go wrong 出问题 10 come through 经过和 ..... 相处 1. 23go after 跟踪,跟随come to 至U 达,苏醒get up 起床、增强get across^!过、通过 get along withgo against 违背go along 和 ... 一块进行come to the point 简明拒要pull off 脱掉keep up with 跟上....come true 实现pull on 穿上keep away 远离come up with 提出, 追究上pull out 拉山,开山,驶山keep back 抵制住come into effect 生效pull in 拉进,驶进keep down 镇压,压制come into force 执政,生效pull through 度过难关,克服困keep off 避开come into operation 实施难keep on 继续come around 绕道而行pull up with (比赛中)赶上keep out不让.... 进入come off 脱落pull over车靠边停卜keep out of 不让...... 进入come on 开始,至U来pull together 联合keep a record of 作记录come out出现,出版15 bring about 导致,引发keep an eye out for 提防come up with 上升,长出,提出bring back 带回keep an eye onW 着..11 put on 增重,穿上,上演bring forth 产生结果keep back 不泄露put out 扑灭bring in 带来引进,挣得keep company 陪同put to use 使用bring out拿出,发表keep pace with 跟上---节奏put up 建起,张贴bring up扶养,呕吐keep time 守时put up with 忍受bring down 降低,使...... 下降20 knock down 打倒,击洛put into operation 实施bring along 带来knock at/on 敲门put across 说明白bring an end to 结束knock into 撞上put aside搁到一边bring around 说明,使..... 回心knock in 敲进put down 放卜,记卜,平定转意knock off敲掉,减价put forward 拿出,提出bring into effect 实施knock out击昏,淘汰put in 提交,插话16 call after 以 .. 命名knock over 打倒,弄翻put in for 申请call at 拜访某地knock about 漫游,闲逛put in order 按顺序放好call on 拜访某人,21 blow down 吹倒put into effect 实施call back取消,收回blow away 吹走put off 推退call in 约请叫来blow about 把...... 吹得乱飞12 leave for动身去某地call forth 招数,引起blow off吹走炸弹leave over 留下,剩下call out 大叫,唤起blow out停止,吹灭leave aside 搁置call up 打电话,回忆起22 clear off放晴,整理leave off停止戒除17 break away 摆脱clear--off收拾,清除leave---be 听任break forth 涌出clear away收拾走,遣散leave---as it is 不管 ... break in破门而入,插话clear out清理,腾出leave sb to himself 听 ..... 自便break into 破门进入,打断23 see a lot of sb 常见.....leave sth with sb 把....... 委托break open 打开see about注息,研允某人break out 爆发see after 照顾leave word 留话break through 突破,克服see---as 看作leave out 遗漏break off使.... 中断see into 调查13 drop sb a line 写信break up终止,分解,分手see out 送..... 出去drop back 后退break down 分解,出故障,身see off 送行drop in 拜访体不行see the doctor 看病drop in at拜访某地18 send away 打发,送走see through 看穿drop into顺便进入send up 发射,使........ 上升see to 留意drop out缀学,脱落出局send off送出送行,解雇24 hand back 交还send out生出,散发hand down 传递下去14 pull about 拖来拖去,虐待send back送回hand in 上交pull apart 拉开send sb mad 使.... 发疯hand on传给另一个人pull away 拉走脱身send for 派人请hand out 分发pull down 拆除,推倒19 keep in touch 保持联系hand over 递交hand aroundhand up 举手25 run about 到处跑run over 溢出,超过run against 违背,不利于runaway 跑开run into 当相撞run after追求,追赶run out of用完run short 用完run short of用完run risk of 冒…的险run through 穿过,戈U过26 pass along 沿••走pass away去世pass by 经过,不注意pass down 传下来pass on 传给pass out 分发,昏过去passthrough 使••想起27 pick off 摘下pick out 选出,领会pick up 拾起,振作,好未来28 show off 炫耀show around 陪同…参观show sb out 领••出去showsb the door 叫••滚show sb the way 为…带路show up出现,突出show oneself 露面29 throw about 乱扔throw at向…扔出throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw light on 照亮,阐明throw out 扔掉throw up呕吐,举起30 fall apart 散开,破裂fall asleep 睡着fall back 后退fall behind落后fall down落下,跌倒fall in love with 爱上.......fall into 掉进,养成fall off 掉下fall over落在…上面31 hold a meeting 开会hold back 克制,制止hold down 抑制,压服hold on(to) 抓紧,坚持hold one's head high 昂首hold out for 为••不妥协hold together 使••团结一致31 cut back on 削减cut down 砍倒,减少cut in 插嘴,超车抢道cut off切断cut up 切碎二介词短语1 in a hurry 匆忙in a low voice彳氐声地in a minute 一会儿in a while 一会儿in a moment 一会儿in a while 一会儿in a way 有点儿在某程序上in a word 总而言之in addition 并且in advance 提前in aid of 支援in any case 无论如何in bed 睡觉in brief 简单地in case of 如果...in cash 用现金in charge of 负责in command of 指挥in company of 陪同in conclusion 最后,总之in condition 身体好in conflict with 和......... 有冲突in contrast to 和.... 相反in control of 控制in course of 在... 过程中in danger of 在危险中in debt 负债in demand 有需要的in detail详细地in existence 存在in fashion 流行in favor of 交待in full 彻底地in need of 需要in half 成两半in harmony with 和---和f皆相处in honor of 表彰,怀念in hopes of 怀... 的希望in itself 本身in line with 和... 一致in memory of 怀念in nature实际上in no case^ 不in no time 立刻in no way 决不in order 有序in other words 换言之in particular 尤其in person亲自,本人in place of 代替in practice 实际上,实践中in public 当众in quantity 大批地in relation to 和 .... 相关in response to 做为对.... 答复in search of 寻找in secret秘密地in spite of 尽管,不顾in support of 支持in terms of 就...... 而论in the distance 在远方in the end 最后,终于in the first place 首先in the front of 在.... 前部in the least 至少in the name of 以---的名义in the possession of 为... 拥有in the shape of 呈.. 形状in turn 伦流in view of 因为,由于in trouble在困境中in vain 徒然2.on a diet 节食on board 在车、船、飞机上on the boards 当演员on the board 在基事会中on display 展览中on duty 值日on earth 至0底on fire 着火on foot 步行on holiday 度假on leave 请假on no condition 决不on no consideration 决不on occasion over age 太老for the purpose ofon the way to 在.... 路上 ,就over weight 太重for the worse 向坏的方面要…… 6.with all speed 全速10. up against 面临困难.......on purpose 故意with ease毫不费力up and down 来回上卜,前后到on show 考虑with the aid of 在....... 帮助下处on the air在播放with out mercy 毫不留情up to 多达,胜任,忙于on the contrary 相反without hesitation 毫不犹豫up to date直到现在:,现代的on the edge of 在...... 两边上7.under consideration 在考虑中upside down 倒置混舌Lon the radio在播放,通过无线电under construction 在建设中on the whole 大体上under control 在控制中三。

hold 的短语:
举起;支持 ;拦住
mark sth up 涨价,加价
mark on 在…上做标记,把…写在…上
pay-as-you-earn n. 付工资时扣缴所得税的制度
pay-bed n. (病人在医院的)自费病床,私人病床
pay-claim n. (工会的)增加工资的要求
call 的短语:
stand 的短语:

高考大纲必须掌握的高中短语词组总结■字母A部分1. a few=有些,几个2. a great/good deal of=大量(的),许多3. a little=一点,稍;一些,少许4. a lot of=大量(的),很多(的)5. a matter of=(关于…)的问题;大约6. a number of=若干7. a series of=一系列,一连串8. a variety of=种种,各种9.able to=能,会10.above all=首先,尤其11.according to=根据12.account for=说明(原因等), 占,13.accustomed to=习惯于14.add up to=合计,总计15.after a while=过了一分,不久16.after all=终于,毕竟;虽然这样17.ahead of=在…前面,先于18.ahead of time=提前19.all at once=突然,同时,一起20.all out=全力以赴,竭尽全力21.all over=遍及,到处22.all right=行,可以;顺利,良好23.all right=好,行24.all round=周围,处处25.all the same=仍然,照样地26.all the time=一直,始终27.all the way 一路上,完全,自始至终28.allow for=考虑到29.along with=与…一起30.and so forth=等等31.and so on=等等32.and so on/forth=等等33.and then=而且,其欠,于是,然后34.anything but=除…之外的任何东西35.around the clock=昼夜不停地36.arrive at=达成,提出37.as a matter of fact=其实,事实上38.as a result=结果,因此, 由于…的结果39.as a rule=规章,规则,通常,照例40.as far as/so far as=远至,到…程度41.as follows=如下42.as for=至于,就…方面说43.as good as=和…几乎一样,实际上等于44.as if=好像,仿佛45.as long as /so long as=只要,如果46.as regards=关于,至于47.as soon as=一…就,刚…便48.as though=好像49.as though=好像,仿佛50.as to=至于,关于51.as usual=像往常一样,照例52.as well=也,又53.as well=同样地54.as well as=(除…之处)也,即…又55.as well as=既…又,除…之处(还)56.as yet=到目前为止,到那时为止57.as…as=像…一样58.Aside from=除…以外59.ask after=询问,问候60.ask for=请求,要求61.at (the) best=充其量,至多62.at (the) worst=在最坏的情况下63.at a loss=因惑,不知所措64.at a time=每次,一次65.at all=完全,根本66.at all costs=不借任何代价,无论如何67.at all events=无论为何68.at an end 结束,终结69.at any rate=无论如何,至少70.at first=最初,首先71.at first sight=乍一看,初看起来72.at hand=在手边,在附近,即将到来73.at heart=在内心,实质上74.at home=在家,在国内;自在,自如75.at intervals=不时,时时76.at large=一般,大体上77.at last=最,终于78.at least=至少,最低限度79.at length=终于,最后;详细地80.at no time=从不,决不81.at once=立刻,马上82.at one time=同时,曾经,从前曾83.at present=目前,现在84.at random=随机地85.at stake=在危险中,利害攸关86.at the cost of=以…为代价87.at the mercy of=在…支配下88.at the moment=现在,此刻89.at the same time=但是,然而90.at times=有时91.at work=在工作,忙于92.attached to=附属于,隶属■字母B部分1.back and forth=来回,往返,来来往往地2.back down/off=放弃,让步,退却3.back of=在…后部,在…背部4.back up=支持,授助;倒退,后退5.be about to=即将6.be absorbed in=专心于7.be bound to=到…去的,开往…的8.be concerned with=关心,挂念,从事于9.be fed up (with )=对…腻烦10.be friends with=对…友好,与…交上朋友11.be made up of=由…组成12.bear/keep in mind=记住13.because of=由于,因为14.before long=不久以后15.begin with=从…开始16.both…and=即…又…,两个都17.break away (from)=脱离,逃跑18.break down=损坏,分解,瓦解19.break in=强行进入,闯入;打断,插嘴20.break into=闯入21.break off=断绝,结束22.break out=逃出,突然发生,爆发23.break through=突破24.break up=中止,结束;打碎,拆散25.break down=垮,衷竭;损坏,故障,倒塌26.bring about=带来,造成27.bring down=打倒,挫伤;降低28.bring forth=产生,提出29.bring forward=提出30.bring out=使出现,使显明;公布,出版31.bring to=使恢复知觉32.bring up=教育,培养,使成长33.bring/carry into practice=实施,实行34.build up=积累,堵塞;树立, 增进,锻炼35.burn out=烧掉36.burn up==烧起来,旺起来;烧完,烧尽37.but for=除…以外,倘没有,除非38.by all means=无论如何39.by chance=偶然,碰巧40.by comparison=比较起来41.by far=…得多,最42.by hand=用手43.by heart=牢记,凭记忆44.by itself=独自,单独45.by means of=用…办法46.by mistake=错误地47.by no means=决不48.by oneself=独自地,单独地49.by reason of=由于50.by the way=顺便提一下,另处51.by turns=轮流,交替地52.by virtue of=由于53.by way of=经由,通过…方式■字母C部分1.call for=邀请;要求,需要2.call forth=唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起3.call off=放弃,取消4.call on/upon=访问,拜访;号召,呼吁5.call up召集,动员;打电话;镇静的,沉着的6.can't /couldn't help=禁不住;不得不7.care for=照管,关心;喜欢,意欲8.carry off=夺去9.carry on=继续下去,坚持下去;从事,经营10.carry out=贯彻,执行,实现11.carry/bring into effect=使生效,使起作用12.catch fire=着火13.catch on=理解,明白14.catch one's breath=屏息,歇口气15.catch one's eye=引人注目16.catch sight of=发现,突然看见17.catch up with=追上,赶上18.check in=办理登记手续19.check out== 结帐后离开;检查,核查20.check up / (up)on=校对,检查,检验21.cheer up=使高兴,使振奋;振作起来22.clear away=扫聊,收拾23.clear up=整理,收拾;清除,解除;解e around=来访,前来;苏醒,复原e off=实现,成功,终于e on=请,来吧,快点,来临;出场,上演e out=出版,出现,显露,长出;结果是e through=经历,脱险e to=总计,达到;苏醒,复原e to the point=说到要点,扼要地说e true=实现,达到e up=走近,上来;发生,被提出e up to=达到,符合e up with=提出,提供e/go into force=生效,实施e/go into operation=开始运转,开工pare…to=把…比作38.count on=依靠,期待,指望39.count up=把…相加40.cover up=掩饰,掩盖41.credit card=信用卡42.cross out=删去,取消43.cut across=走捷径,抄近路44.cut back=削减,减少45.cut down=削减,降低46.cut in=(汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断47.cut off=切断,使隔绝;删去;打断,停止48.cut out=删除49.cut short=突然停止50.cut short=中断,简化■字母D E F部分51.deal with=处理,对付,安排52.derive from=导出;由…来53.die down=渐渐消失,平息54.die out=消灭,灭绝55.do away with=废除,去掉56.do without=没有…也行57.do/try one's best=尽力,努力58.double up=弯腰,把…折起来59.draw in=火车,汽车)到站60.draw up=写出,画出;草拟;停住61.dress up=穿上盛装,打扮得漂亮62.drop by/in=顺便来访63.drop off=减弱,减少64.drop out=退出,离队65.due to=由于,因为66.each other=互相67.enjoy oneself=过得快乐68.even if/ though=即使,虽然69.even then=即使那样,边…都70.ever since=从那时起,自那时以来71.every now and then=有时,时时,偶尔72.every other=每隔一个的73.except for=除…之外74.face to face=面对面地75.face up to=大胆面对76.fail to=未能77.fair play=公平的竞赛,公平对待,光明磊落78.fall in love (with)=相爱,爱上79.far from=远非,远离80.feel like=欲,想要81.fill in /out=填充,填写82.find fault=埋怨,挑剔83.find out=查明84.first of all=首先,第一85.flare up=突然燃起来;突然发怒86.for (the) purpose of=为了87.for a moment=片刻,一会儿88.for a while=暂时,一时89.for ever=永远90.for example=例如91.for good=永久地92.for instance=例如,举例说93.for long=长久地94.for one thing=首先,一则95.for short=简称,缩写96.for the moment=现在,暂时97.for the present=目前,暂时98.for the sake of=为了…起见,看在…的份上99.for the time being=目前,暂时100.from time to time=有时,不时■字母G H部分1.gain/have an advantage=胜过,优于2.get across=解释清楚,使人了解3.get along/on with=有进展,有进步;生活得4.get around/round=走动,旅行(消息)传开5.get around/round to=找时间做,开始考虑6.get at=得到,接近;意思是7.get away=逃脱,离开8.get by=通过,经过9.get down=从…下来;写下10.get down to=开始,着手11.get hold of=抓住,掌握12.get in=进入;收获,收集13.get into=进入,陷入14.get off=从…下来,离开,动身,开始15.get out of=逃避,改掉16.get over=克服,(从病中)恢复过来17.get rid of=摆脱,除去18.get the best of=胜过19.get the better of=打败,智胜20.get the better of=占上风,胜过21.get through=结束,完成;接通电话22.get together=集合,聚集23.get up=起床,增加24.get/learn by heart=记住,背诵25.give away=泄露;赠送26.give back=送还,恢复27.give in=交上;投降,屈服28.give off=放出,释放29.give oneself away=泄露,露马脚30.give oneself up=自首,投降,投案31.give out=分发,放出32.give rise to=引起,使发生;造成33.give up=停止,放弃34.give way=让路,让步35.give way to=给…让路/让步;被…代替36.go after=追求37.go ahead=开始,前进,领先38.go along with=陪同前往,随行39.go back on=违背40.go by=过去41.go down=下降,降低;被载人,传下去42.go for=竭力想取得,喜爱,支持,拥护43.go in for=从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于44.go into=进入,研究,调查45.go off=爆炸,发射;动身,离开46.go on=继续,发生47.go out=外出,熄灭48.go over=检查,审查;复习,重温49.go through=经历,经受,详细检查50.go under=下沉,沉没;失败,破产51.go up=上升,增加;建起52.go with=伴随,与…协调53.go without=没有…也行54.go wrong=发生故障,出毛病55.good for=有效,适用,胜任56.had better=最好还是,应该57.hand down=留传下来,传给,往下传58.hand in=交上,递交59.hand in hand=携手;结合起来,联合60.hand on=传下来,依次传递61.hand out=分发,散发,发给62.hand over=交出,移交,让与63.hang about=闲荡64.hang back=踌躇不前,退缩65.hang on=持续,坚持下去66.hang up=挂,吊<物>,拖延…,中止,搁置67.hardly any=几乎没有,几乎什么也不68.hardly…before/when=刚一…就…69.have in mind=记住,考虑到,想到70.have nothing to do with=和…毫无关系71.have on=穿着,戴着72.have something to do with=和…有点关系73.have to/have got to=不得不,必须74.have… to do with=与…有关75.have/gain access to=可以获得76.head for=出发,动身,前往77.head on=朝前,迎面78.heart and soul=全心全意79.help oneself=自取所需(食等)80.here and there=处处81.hold back=跨躇,退缩;阻止,抑制82.hold on=继续,掘住不放83.hold on to=紧紧抓住,坚持84.hold out=维持,支持;坚持,不屈服85.hold up=举起,阻挡, 使停止;抢劫,拦截86.hot dog=红肠面包,小红肠87.how about=…如何,…怎样88.how do you do=你好89.hurry up=(使)赶紧,(使)匆忙,仓促■字母I部分1.I.D. card=身份证2.if only=只要3.improve on=改进4.in (the )future=今后,将来5.in a hurry=匆忙地,立即6.in a moment=立刻,马上7.in a sense=从某种意义上说8.in a way=在某点,在某种程度上9.in a word=总而言之10.in accordance with=与….一致11.in addition=另外12.in addition to=除…之外13.in advance=提前,预先14.in all=总共,共计15.in any case=无论如何,总之16.in any event=无论如何17.in brief=简单地说,简言之18.in bulk=散装;大批,大量19.in case=假如,以防(万一),免得20.in case of=假使,万一21.in charge of=负责,主管22.in celebration of 为庆祝…23.in common=共用,共有,共同24.in conclusion=最后,总之25.in connection with/to=关于26.in consequence=因此,结果27.in consequence of=由于…的缘故28.in contrast with/to=与…成反比29.in danger=在危险中,垂危30.in debt=欠债,欠情31.in detail=详细地32.in difficulty ties=困难,困境,难题33.in effect=有效;实际上34.in essence=大体上,本质上35.in excess of=超过36.in fact=其实,实际上37.in favour of=有利于,有利的,顺利的38.in force=有效,实施中39.in front of=在…前面40.in general=通常,大体上41.in hand=在掌握中,在控制中42.in honour of=为纪念,向…表示敬意43.in itself=本身44.in line=成一直线,排成一行45.in line with=和…成直线,排成一行46.in memory of=纪念47.in nature=本质上48.in need of 需要49.in no case=决不50.in no time=立即,马上51.in no way=决不52.in one's way/in the way=妨碍,阻碍53.in order=秩序井然,整齐54.in order that=以便55.in order to=以便,为了56.in other words=换句话说,也就是说57.in particular=特别地,尤其,详细地58.in person=亲自59.in place=在适当的位置60.in place of=代替61.in practice=在实践中,实际上62.in proportion (to)=(与…)成比例的63.in public=公开地,当众64.in question=正在考虑65.in return=作为回报,作为报答66.in secret=秘密地,私下地67.in sequence=依次,逐一68.in shape=处于良好状态69.in short=简言之,总之70.in sight=在望,看得见71.in spite of=不管,不顾,尽管,虽然72.in stock=现有,备有73.in sum=总而言之74.in tears=流着泪75.in terms of=依据,按照;用…措词76.in the air=在流行中,在传播中77.in the course of=在…过程中,在…期间78.in the distance=在远处79.in the end=最后,终于80.in the event of=万一,如果发生81.in the face of=面对,在…面前;不顾,即使82.in the first place=起初,首先83.in the last place=最后84.in the least=一点,丝毫85.in the light of=按照,根据86.in the long run=最终,从长远观点看来87.in the past=在过去88.in the way of=妨碍89.in the world=到底,究竟90.in time=及时,适时地91.in truth=实际上,的确92.in turn=依次,轮流93.in vain=徒劳,无效94.in/with relation to=关系到95.instead of=代替,而不是■字母J K L部分1.just now=刚才,一会儿以前2.keep an eye on=留意,照看3.keep back=阻止,阻挡;隐瞒,保留4.keep company with=与…交往,与…结伴5.keep down=控制,压制,镇压;放低(声音)6.keep from=使…不(做)7.keep house=管理家务,做家务8.keep in touch=保持联系9.keep off=不接近,避开10.keep on=继续不断,保持11.keep one's head=保持镇静12.keep one's word=守信用13.keep out of=躲开,置身…之外14.keep to=坚持,保持15.keep track=通晓事态,注意动向16.keep up=保持,维持;继续进行,坚持17.keep up with=向…看齐,跟上…18.keep/hold pace with=跟上,与…同步19.knock down=撞倒,击倒20.knock out=击倒,击昏21.known as=被认为是,被称为y aside=把<东西> (暂时地) 堆置一边y down=安装、建造、铺设y off=解雇y out=陈列,布局26.lead the way=带路,引路27.leave alone=不管28.leave behind==遗落29.leave out=遗漏,略去30.lend itself to=适宜于,对…有用31.let alone=听其自然;更不用说32.let alone=不干涉;更不用说33.let down=放下,降低;使失望34.let go=放开,松开35.let in=让…进入,放…进来36.let loose=放开,放松,释放37.let off=放(炮,烟火),开(枪);宽38.let out=恕,从宽处理;免除39.lie in=在于40.line up=排队,使排成一行41.little by little=逐渐地42.live on /by=靠…生活,以…为食43.live through=度过,经受过44.look after=照管,照料45.look at=看望,注视46.look back=回顾,回头看47.look down on=看不起,轻视48.look for=寻找,寻求49.look forward to=盼望,期待50.look in=顺便看望51.look into=调查,观察,过问,窥视52.look on=帝观,观看;看待;视作53.look out=留神,注意,提防,警惕54.look over=检查,查看,调查55.look through=仔细杳看,浏览,温习56.look up=查阅,查考;寻找(某人)57.look up to=尊敬,敬仰58.lose heart=丧失勇气,失去信心59.lose one's head=不知所措60.lost one's temper=发怒,发脾气61.lost track=失去联系62.lots of=大量,很多■字母M N O部分1.make a face=做鬼脸2.make a/the difference=有影响,很重要3.make believe=假装4.make for=走向,驶向;有助于,有利于5.make friends=交朋支,友好相处6.make fun of=取笑;嘲弄7.make one's way=前进,行进8.make out=辨认,区分;理解,开列,书写9.make progress=进步10.make sense=讲得通,有意义,言之有理11.make sure=确认12.make sure of/that=确信;确定,务必13.make the best of=充分利用,妥善处理14.make the most of=尽量利用15.make up=构成,组成,拼凑;弥补16.make up for=补偿,弥补17.make up one's mind=下决心18.make use of=利用19.make way=开路,让路20.mark time=原地跳步,停止不前,抢延21.matter of fact=实情情况,真相22.mix up=混合,混淆,搞糊涂23.more and more=越来越24.more or less=或多或少25.never mind=不要紧,没关系26.next door=隔壁的27.no doubt=无疑,必定28.no less than=不亚于29.no longer=不再,已不30.no matter=无论31.no more=不再32.no more than=不过,仅仅,和…一样不33.no sooner…than=不久,即刻;早,快34.no wonder=难怪,怪不得35.not as/so…as=不如…那样36.not at all=一点也不37.not only …but (also)=不仅…而且…38.nothing but=只是,不过是39.now and then=时而,不时40.now that=既然,由于41.occur to=被想到,被想起42.of course=当然,自然,无疑43.off and on=断断续续,不时地44.off duty=下班45.on (the/an) average=平均,一般说来46.on a large scale=大规模地47.on a small scale=小规模地48.on account of=因为,由于49.on behalf of=代表,为了50.on board=在船(车,飞机)上51.on business=因公,因事52.on condition that=在…条件下53.on duty=值班,上班54.on earth=究竟55.on fire=着火56.on foot=步行57.on guard=警惕,防范58.on hand=在手边,临近59.on occasion=有时,不时60.on one's honour=以名誉担保61.on one's own=独自地,独立地62.on purpose=故意,有意63.on sale=出售,贱卖64.on schedule=按预定时间65.on second thoughts=经重新考虑,一转念66.on the basis of=根据,在…的基础上67.on the contrary=反之,正相反68.on the point of=即将…的时候69.on the rise=在上涨[增长]70.on the road=在旅途中71.on the side=作为兼职,额外72.on the sly=偷偷地,冷不防地73.on the spot=当场,在现场74.on the whole=总的来说75.on time=准时76.on top of=在…之上77.once (and )for all=一劳永逸,限此一次78.once in a while=偶尔,有时79.once more=再一次,又一次80.once upon a time=从前81.one after another=一个接一个82.one another=相互83.or else=否则,要不然84.or so=大约,左右85.other than=不同于86.out of=丧失,失去;缺乏,没有87.out of breath=喘不过气来,上气不接下气88.out of control=失去控制89.out of danger=脱离危险90.out of date=过时91.out of doors=在户外92.out of order=发生故障,失调93.out of place=不得其所的,不适当的94.out of practice=久不练习,荒疏95.out of sight=看不见,在视野之外96.out of step=步调不一致,不协调97.out of touch=失去联系98.out of work=失业■字母P Q R S部分1.pass away=去世,逝世2.pass off=中止,停止3.pass out=失去知觉,昏倒4.pay attention to=注意5.pay back=偿还,回报6.pay off=还清(债),给清工资后遗散7.pay up=全部付清8.pick out=挑出,选出9.pick up=拾起,拣起;中途带人10.play with player=以…为消遣,玩弄11.point out=指出12.post office=邮局13.primary school=小学14.pull down=拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低15.pull in=(车)停下,进站,(船)到岸16.pull off=脱(帽、衣等)17.pull on=穿、戴18.pull out=拔出,抽出,取出;车..驶出;减速19.pull up=(使)停下20.put across=解释清楚,说明21.put aside=储存,保留22.put away=放好,收好;储存23.put down=记下,放下;镇压,平定24.put forward=提出25.put in=驶进26.put in for=申请27.put in order=整理,检修28.put into effect=实行,生效29.put off=推迟,推延30.put on=穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重)31.put out=熄灭,消灭,关灯;出版,发布;生产32.put to use=使用,利用33.put up=提出,举起,升起,提价;建造34.为…提供食宿,投宿,35.put up with=容忍,忍受36.put/bring into operation=使投入生产,使运转37.quite a few=还不少,有相当数目的38.quite a little=相当多,不少39.refer to=参考,查阅,涉及,提到,把…提交40.refer to …as=把…称作,把…当作41.right away=立即,马上42.ring off=挂断电话43.rub out=擦掉,试去44.run down=撞倒,停掉,撞沉;追捕,追45.run for=竞选46.run into=撞上,偶然碰见47.run off=复印,打印48.run out of=用完,用尽,耗尽49.run over=溢出,满出;略读,略述;辗过,50.浏览,匆匆复习51.run short=用完,耗尽52.scrape through=擦过,勉强通过53.see through=看透,看破54.see to=负责,注意55.send for=派人去请,召唤,索取56.send in=呈报,提交,送来57.serve as=作为,用作58.serve right=活该;给应得的待遇59.set about=开始,着手60.set aside=挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝61.set back=推迟,延缓,阻碍62.set down=卸下,放下,记下,记入63.set fire to=点燃64.set forth=阐明,陈述65.set free=释放66.set off=出发,动射,引起,使发生67.set out=陈列,显示;动身,起程;制定68.set out to=打算,着手69.set up=创立,建立,树立;资助,扶持70.settle down=定居,过安定的生活71.show in=领入72.show off=炫耀,卖弄73.show up=使吴现,使醒目74.shut out=把…关在外面,使…不能进入75.sick of=厌烦76.sit for=参加77.sit in=列席,旁听78.sit up=迟睡,熬夜79.so …as to=结果是;如此…以至于80.so far=迄今为止81.so that=以便,为的是;结果是,以致82.sooner or later=迟早,总有一天,早晚83.speed up=加速84.stand by=支持,帮助,站在一边;袖手旁观85.stand for=代替,代表,意味着86.stand out=突击,显眼87.stand up=站起来,耐用88.stand up for=为…辩护,维护89.stand up to=勇敢地面对,坚决抵抗,经得起90.start from scratch=从头做起,从零开始91.step by step=逐步92.step in=插入,介入93.step up=左提高,加快,加紧94.stick out=伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续95.stick to=坚持,忠于,信守96.such as=例如97.sum up=总结,概括■字母T部分1.take …for granted=认为…理所当然2.take a chance=冒险一试3.take advantage of=利用,趁…之机4.take after=与…相像5.take away=清除,清耗6.take care of=照顾,照料;承担,处理,负责7.take charge of=担任,负责8.take delight in=以…为乐9.take down=记下,写下10.take effect=生效,起作用11.take for=把…认为是,把…看成是12.take in=接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗13.take off=拿走,脱下;起飞14.take on=呈现,具有,装出;接纳,承担,从事15.take one's time=不急不忙,从容进行16.take over=接管,接办17.take pains=尽务,煞费苦心18.take part in=参加19.take place=发生,进行20.take the place of=代替21.take to=喜欢,亲近22.take turns=轮流23.take up=占去,占据;开始从事;拿起,接收24.take…into account=考虑25.talk back=回嘴,顶嘴26.talk into=说服27.thanks to=由于,幸亏28.the moment (that)=一…就29.the same as=与…一致,与…相同30.think better of=重新价31.think of …as=把…看作是,以为…是32.think over=仔细考虑…33.throw away=扔掉,抛弃34.throw/cast light on=使明白,阐明35.to and fro=来来回回36.to the point=切中要害,切题37.touch on=关系到,涉及38.touch up=润色,改进39.trolley bus=电车=40.try on=试穿41.try out=试验42.tune in (to)=调谐,收听43.turn down=关小,调低;拒绝,搌斥44.turn in=交出,上缴;转身进入,拐入45.turn into=变成46.turn off=关掉,断开;拐弯,叉开47.turn on=接通,打开48.turn out=制造,生产;结果是;驱逐,使离开49.turn over=翻过来,翻倒;移交。

高考考纲短语一.动词短语1.set free 释放set off动身、引发、引爆set out to开始干……set up建立ser aside放一边,存起立set back使……后退set down记下set fire to纵火烧……set forth出发,启程set out动身,出发2 take A forB 把A误以为B takein 吸收、欺骗、引进take off脱掉、起飞、请假take on呈现take one'stime 慢慢来take over接管take pains努力take up占据开始干take sthinto account考虑take--for granted 认为当然take a chance 抓住机会take advantage of利用take charge of 负责take after像take care of 照顾take delight in以……为乐take effect 生效3 get away走开get by通过get down记下降下get downto 着手干……get hold of抓住get in进入、收割、请……来get into进入、习惯于……get off下车get out of出来get over恢复、克服、越过get rid of丢弃、摆脱get thebest of 受益getthrough 通过、完成、接通get back回来、还原get over 克服get together 聚会、会合get up起床、增强get across横过、通过get along with 和……相处get around传开get around to 重新回到get at到达、走近get byheart 记住4 look on as把……看成look up to敬佩look downon 小看look into 调查,往……里面看lookforward to 期盼look for寻找lookaround 张望look after照顾、照看5 give up放弃give wayto 为……让路give in屈服giveoneself away出卖、自走give up放弃give rise to使……上升give out分发、释放用完give off释放6 turn over转交turn to求助于……]turn up出现、开大、到达turn against 违背turn round转身turn down开小、拒绝turn in上交turn into变成turn off关掉turn on打开turn out生产、最后成为7 go in for喜欢go into进入,喜欢干……go off离开go on 继续go out熄灭go over复习go through浏览/通过go under沉浸go up 向上爬,增加go with和……相配go without没有…应付过来go wrong 出问题go after跟踪,跟随go against违背go along和……一块进行go by经过go all out to do 尽力去干go ahead向前走,请吧go along with 和……相配go back on违背go down下降go for为……去喜欢8 make thebest of 充分利用make themost of 充分利用make up组成/编造,弥补make upfor 弥补make upone's mind 下决心make useof 利用make wayfor 为……让路makeaway 拿走make awaywith 偷走…,携…而逝make beds铺床makedown 改小make for走向……make off with 偷走make room for为……让空间make one's way 走开,前进make out of 用……做成make over移交make up to接近奉迎make a face 做鬼脸make adifference 有所不同makebelieve 假装makefriends 交朋友make funof 取笑,拿……开心make out认出,开出,制定makeprogress 取得进步makesense 说得通make sureof 确保make sureof 相信,确保9 carry off带走,夺去carry on继续carry out执行carry-intoeffect 执行,实行carry away拿走,冲走,吸引carry back送回原地carry through 贯彻10 come through 经过come to到达,苏醒come to the point 简明拒要come true实现come up with 提出,追究上come into effect 生效come into force 执政,生效come intooperation 实施comearound 绕道而行come off脱落come on开始,到来come out出现,出版come upwith 上升,长出,提出11put on增重,穿上,上演put out扑灭put to use使用put up建起,张贴put upwith 忍受put intooperation 实施put across说明白put aside搁到一边put down放下,记下,平定put forward 拿出,提出put in 提交,插话put in for申请put in order 按顺序放好put into effect 实施put off推迟12 leave for动身去某地leave over留下,剩下leave aside搁置leave off停止戒除leave---be听任leave---asit is 不管……leave sb tohimself听……自便leave sthwith sb把……委托某人leave word留话leave out遗漏13 drop sb aline 写信drop back后退drop in拜访drop in at拜访某地drop into顺便进入drop out缀学,脱落出局14 pull about拖来拖去,虐待pull apart拉开pull away拉走脱身pull down拆除,推倒pull off脱掉pull on穿上pull out拉出,开出,驶出pull in拉进,驶进pullthrough 度过难关,克服困难pull upwith (比赛中)赶上pull over车靠边停下pulltogether 联合15 bringabout 导致,引发bring back带回bring forth产生结果bring in带来引进,挣得bring out拿出,发表bring up扶养,呕吐bringdown 降低,使……下降bringalong 带来bring anend to 结束bring around说明,使……回心转意bring into effect 实施16call after以……命名call at拜访某地call on拜访某人,call back取消,收回call in约请叫来call forth招数,引起call out大叫,唤起call up打电话,回忆起17breakaway 摆脱break forth涌出break in破门而入,插话break into破门进入,打断break open打开break out爆发breakthrough 突破,克服break off使……中断break up终止,分解,分手breakdown 分解,出故障,身体不行18 send away打发,送走sendup 发射,使……上升send off送出送行,解雇send out生出,散发send back送回send sb mad 使……发疯send for派人请19 keep in touch 保持联系keep up with 跟上……keep away远离keep back抵制住keep down镇压,压制keep off避开keep on继续keep out不让……进入keep outof 不让……进入keeparecord of 作记录keep aneye out for 提防keep aneye on 看着……keep back不泄露keepcompany 陪同keep pacewith 跟上---节奏keep time守时20 knockdown 打倒,击落knockat/on 敲门knock into撞上knock in敲进knock off敲掉,减价knock out击昏,淘汰knock over 打倒,弄翻knock about 漫游,闲逛21 blow down 吹倒blow away吹走blow about把……吹得乱飞blow off吹走炸弹blow out停止,吹灭22 clear off放晴,整理clear--off收拾,清除clear away收拾走,遣散clear out清理,腾出23 see a lot ofsb 常见……see about注意,研究see after照顾see---as看作see into调查see out送……出去see off送行see thedoctor 看病seethrough 看穿see to 留意24 hand back交还hand down传递下去hand in上交hand on传给另一个人hand out分发hand over递交hand aroundhand up举手25 run about到处跑run over溢出,超过run against违背,不利于run away跑开run into当……相撞run after追求,追赶run out of用完run short用完run shortof 用完run risk of冒…的险runthrough 穿过,划过26pass along沿…走pass away去世pass by经过,不注意pass down传下来pass on传给pass out分发,昏过去pass through 使…想起27 pick off 摘下pick out选出,领会pick up拾起,振作,好未来28 show off炫耀show around 陪同…参观show sbout 领…出去show sbthe door 叫…滚show sbthe way 为…带路show up出现,突出showoneself 露面29 throwabout 乱扔throw at向…扔出throwaway 扔掉,抛弃throw lighton 照亮,阐明throw out扔掉throw up呕吐,举起30 fall apart散开,破裂fall asleep睡着fall back后退fall behind落后fall down落下,跌倒fall in love with 爱上……fall into掉进,养成fall off掉下fall over落在…上面31 hold a meeting 开会hold back克制,制止hold down抑制,压服hold on(to)抓紧,坚持hold one'shead high 昂首hold outfor 为…不妥协holdtogether 使…团结一致31 cut back on削减cut down砍倒,减少cut in 插嘴,超车抢道cut off 切断cut up 切碎二介词短语1 in a hurry匆忙in a lowvoice 低声地in aminute 一会儿in a while一会儿in amoment 一会儿in a while一会儿in a way有点儿在某程序上in a word 总而言之in addition 并且in advance 提前in aid of 支援in any case 无论如何in bed 睡觉in brief 简单地in case of 如果……in cash用现金in chargeof 负责incommand of指挥incompany of 陪同inconclusion 最后,总之incondition 身体好in conflictwith 和……有冲突in contrastto 和……相反incontrol of 控制in courseof 在……过程中in dangerof 在危险中in debt负债in demand有需要的in detail详细地inexistence 存在in fashion流行in favor of交待in full彻底地in need of需要in half成两半in harmony with和---和谐相处in honor of表彰,怀念in hopes of怀……的希望in itself本身in linewith 和……一致in memoryof 怀念in nature实际上in no case决不in no time立刻in no way决不in order有序in otherwords 换言之inparticular 尤其in person亲自,本人in place of代替in practice实际上,实践中in public当众in quantity大批地in relationto 和……相关inresponse to 做为对……答复in search of 寻找in secret秘密地in spite of尽管,不顾in support of 支持in terms of就……而论in the distance 在远方in the end最后,终于in the firstplace 首先in the frontof 在……前部in the least至少in thename of 以---的名义in thepossession of为……拥有in theshape of呈……形状in turn伦流in view of因为,由于in trouble在困境中in vain徒然2.on a diet 节食on board在车、船、飞机上on theboards 当演员on theboard 在基事会中on display展览中on duty值日on earth到底on fire着火on foot步行on holiday度假on leave请假on no condition 决不on no consideration决不onoccasion 有时on the wayto 在……路上,就要……on purpose故意on show考虑on the air在播放on thecontrary相反on theedge of 在……两边上onthe radio在播放,通过无线电on thewhole 大体上on time准时3.at a distance隔开一定距离at a glance乍一眼at a loss茫然at a time每次at all 决不(否)到底at all/any cost不惜一切at the moment 目前at nay moment 随时at any price 不惜代价at all rate无论如何at ease无拘无束at first sight 第一眼at hand在近处,即将到来at length详细地、最后at no time决不at one time曾经at peace平静地at present目前at risk处于危险地at sea 在航海at the rateof 以……比率at worst在最坏的情况下at times有时at work在上班4.out of breath上气不接下气outof control失控out ofdanger 脱险out of date过时out offashion 过时out ofone's reach 够不着out of order 无序out of question 毫无疑问out of repair 失修out of shape 变形out of sight 看不到out of use用不上5.over again反复over age太老overweight 太重6.with all speed全速with ease毫不费力with theaid of 在……帮助下with outmercy 毫不留情withouthesitation 毫不犹豫7.underconsideration在考虑中underconstruction在建设中undercontrol 在控制中under thename of在……名下underrepair 在修理中8.by accident偶然by air 乘飞机by allmeans 必定by birth天生by guess凭猜测by hand手工的by land乘车,从陆路by means of 经由,凭……by mistake错误地by day在白天by night在夜晚by now到现在为止by oneself自己,独自by the endof 到……末为止by thetime 到……时候by the way顺便说一下by thismeans 用这种方法by nomeans 决不by turns伦流by way of经由,凭9.for a change改变一下far amoment 一会儿for a while一会儿for all为大家,尽管,不顾for betteror worse 无论好坏,不管怎么样for certain肯定地for ever永远for fear of以防for free免费for fun取乐for good永久地for life终身地for nothing 徒然。

高考考纲短语一.动词短语1.set free 释放set off动身、引发、引爆set out to开始干……set up建立ser aside放一边,存起立set back使……后退set down记下set fire to纵火烧……set forth出发,启程set out动身,出发2 take A forB 把A误以为B takein 吸收、欺骗、引进take off脱掉、起飞、请假take on呈现take one'stime 慢慢来take over接管take pains努力take up占据开始干take sth into account考虑take--for granted 认为当然take a chance 抓住机会take advantage of利用take charge of 负责take after像take care of 照顾takedelight in以……为乐takeeffect 生效3 get away走开get by 通过get down记下降下get downto 着手干……get hold of抓住get in 进入、收割、请……来get into进入、习惯于……get off下车get out of出来get over恢复、克服、越过get rid of丢弃、摆脱get thebest of 受益getthrough 通过、完成、接通get back回来、还原get over 克服get together 聚会、会合get up起床、增强get across横过、通过get along with 和……相处get around传开get aroundto 重新回到get at 到达、走近get byheart 记住4 look on as把……看成look up to敬佩look downon 小看look into 调查,往……里面看lookforward to 期盼look for寻找lookaround 张望look after照顾、照看5 give up放弃give wayto 为……让路give in屈服giveoneself away出卖、自走give up放弃give rise to使……上升give out分发、释放用完give off释放6 turn over转交turn to求助于……]turn up出现、开大、到达turnagainst 违背turn round转身turn down开小、拒绝turn in上交turn into变成turn off关掉turn on打开turn out生产、最后成为7 go in for喜欢go into进入,喜欢干……go off 离开go on 继续go out熄灭go over复习go through浏览/通过go under沉浸go up 向上爬,增加go with和……相配go without没有…应付过来go wrong 出问题go after跟踪,跟随go against违背go along和……一块进行go by 经过go all outto do 尽力去干go ahead向前走,请吧go alongwith 和……相配go back on违背go down下降go for为……去喜欢8 make thebest of 充分利用make themost of 充分利用make up组成/编造,弥补make upfor 弥补make upone's mind 下决心make useof 利用make wayfor 为……让路make away拿走make awaywith 偷走…,携…而逝make beds铺床make down 改小make for走向……make off with 偷走make room for为……让空间make one's way 走开,前进make outof 用……做成make over移交make upto 接近奉迎make aface 做鬼脸make adifference 有所不同makebelieve 假装makefriends 交朋友make funof 取笑,拿……开心make out认出,开出,制定makeprogress 取得进步makesense 说得通make sureof 确保make sureof 相信,确保9 carry off带走,夺去carry on继续carry out执行carry-into effect 执行,实行carry away拿走,冲走,吸引carry back送回原地carry through 贯彻10 come through 经过come to到达,苏醒come tothe point 简明拒要come true实现come upwith 提出,追究上come intoeffect 生效come intoforce 执政,生效come intooperation 实施comearound 绕道而行come off脱落come on开始,到来come out出现,出版come upwith 上升,长出,提出11put on增重,穿上,上演put out扑灭put to use使用put up建起,张贴put up with 忍受put into operation 实施put across说明白put aside搁到一边put down放下,记下,平定put forward 拿出,提出put in 提交,插话put in for申请put inorder 按顺序放好put intoeffect 实施put off推迟12 leave for动身去某地leave over留下,剩下leaveaside 搁置leave off停止戒除leave---be听任leave---asit is 不管……leavesb to himself听……自便leave sthwith sb把……委托某人leave word留话leave out遗漏13 drop sb a line 写信drop back后退drop in拜访drop in at拜访某地drop into顺便进入drop out缀学,脱落出局14 pull about拖来拖去,虐待pull apart拉开pull away拉走脱身pull down拆除,推倒pull off脱掉pull on穿上pull out拉出,开出,驶出pull in拉进,驶进pullthrough 度过难关,克服困难pull upwith (比赛中)赶上pull over车靠边停下pulltogether 联合15 bringabout 导致,引发bring back带回bring forth产生结果bring in带来引进,挣得bring out拿出,发表bring up扶养,呕吐bring down 降低,使……下降bring along 带来bring an end to 结束bring around说明,使……回心转意bring intoeffect 实施16call after以……命名call at 拜访某地call on拜访某人,call back取消,收回call in 约请叫来call forth招数,引起call out大叫,唤起call up打电话,回忆起17break away摆脱breakforth 涌出break in破门而入,插话break into破门进入,打断break open打开break out爆发break through 突破,克服break off使……中断break up终止,分解,分手break down 分解,出故障,身体不行18 send away打发,送走send up 发射,使……上升send off送出送行,解雇send out生出,散发send back送回send sbmad 使……发疯send for派人请19 keep intouch 保持联系keep upwith 跟上……keep away远离keep back抵制住keep down镇压,压制keep off避开keep on继续keep out不让……进入keep outof 不让……进入keeparecord of 作记录keep aneye out for 提防keep an eye on 看着……keep back不泄露keep company 陪同keep pace with 跟上---节奏keep time守时20 knock down 打倒,击落knockat/on 敲门knock into撞上knock in敲进knock off敲掉,减价knock out击昏,淘汰knockover 打倒,弄翻knockabout 漫游,闲逛21 blowdown 吹倒blow away吹走blowabout把……吹得乱飞blow off吹走炸弹blow out停止,吹灭22 clear off放晴,整理clear--off收拾,清除clear away收拾走,遣散clear out清理,腾出23 see a lot of sb 常见……see about注意,研究see after照顾see---as看作see into调查see out送……出去see off送行see thedoctor 看病seethrough 看穿see to 留意24 hand back交还handdown 传递下去hand in上交hand on传给另一个人hand out分发hand over递交handaroundhand up举手25 run about到处跑run over溢出,超过run against违背,不利于run away跑开run into当……相撞run after追求,追赶run out of用完run short用完run short of 用完run risk of冒…的险run through 穿过,划过26pass along沿…走pass away去世pass by经过,不注意pass down传下来pass on传给pass out分发,昏过去passthrough使…想起27 pickoff 摘下pick out选出,领会pick up拾起,振作,好未来28 show off炫耀showaround 陪同…参观show sbout 领…出去show sbthe door叫…滚show sbthe way为…带路show up出现,突出show oneself 露面29 throw about 乱扔throw at向…扔出throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw light on 照亮,阐明throw out扔掉throw up呕吐,举起30 fall apart散开,破裂fall asleep睡着fall back后退fall behind落后fall down落下,跌倒fall in lovewith 爱上……fall into掉进,养成fall off掉下fall over落在…上面31 hold ameeting 开会hold back克制,制止hold down抑制,压服hold on(to)抓紧,坚持hold one'shead high 昂首hold outfor 为…不妥协hold together使…团结一致31 cut back on 削减cut down 砍倒,减少cut in 插嘴,超车抢道cut off 切断cut up 切碎二介词短语1 in a hurry匆忙in a low voice 低声地in aminute 一会儿in a while一会儿in amoment 一会儿in a while一会儿in a way有点儿在某程序上in a word总而言之in addition并且in advance提前in aid of支援in any case无论如何in bed睡觉in brief简单地in case of如果……in cash用现金in chargeof 负责incommand of指挥in company of 陪同in conclusion 最后,总之in condition 身体好in conflict with 和……有冲突in contrast to 和……相反in control of 控制in course of 在……过程中in dangerof 在危险中in debt负债in demand有需要的in detail详细地inexistence 存在in fashion流行in favor of交待in full 彻底地in need of需要in half成两半inharmony with和---和谐相处in honorof 表彰,怀念in hopesof 怀……的希望in itself本身in line with和……一致in memory of 怀念in nature实际上in no case决不in no time立刻in no way决不in order有序in other words 换言之in particular 尤其in person亲自,本人in place of代替in practice实际上,实践中in public当众in quantity大批地in relationto 和……相关inresponse to 做为对……答复in searchof 寻找in secret秘密地in spite of尽管,不顾in supportof 支持in terms of就……而论in thedistance 在远方in the end最后,终于in the firstplace 首先in the front of在……前部in the least至少in the name of 以---的名义in the possession of为……拥有in the shape of呈……形状in turn伦流in view of因为,由于in trouble在困境中in vain徒然2.on a diet 节食on board在车、船、飞机上on theboards 当演员on theboard 在基事会中on display展览中on duty值日on earth到底on fire着火on foot步行on holiday度假on leave请假on nocondition 决不on noconsideration决不on occasion 有时on the way to 在……路上,就要……on purpose 故意on show考虑on the air在播放on the contrary相反on the edge of 在……两边上onthe radio在播放,通过无线电on thewhole 大体上on time准时3.at a distance隔开一定距离at a glance乍一眼at a loss茫然at a time每次at all 决不(否)到底at all/any cost不惜一切at themoment 目前at naymoment 随时at anyprice 不惜代价at all rate无论如何at ease无拘无束at firstsight 第一眼at hand在近处,即将到来at length详细地、最后at no time决不at one time 曾经at peace平静地at present目前at risk 处于危险地at sea 在航海at the rate of 以……比率at worst在最坏的情况下at times有时at work在上班4.out of breath上气不接下气outof control失控out ofdanger 脱险out of date过时out offashion 过时out ofone's reach 够不着out oforder 无序out ofquestion 毫无疑问out ofrepair 失修out ofshape 变形out ofsight 看不到out of use用不上5.over again反复over age太老over weight 太重6.with all speed 全速with ease毫不费力with the aid of 在……帮助下with out mercy 毫不留情without hesitation 毫不犹豫7.underconsideration在考虑中underconstruction在建设中undercontrol 在控制中under thename of在……名下underrepair 在修理中8.by accident偶然by air 乘飞机by allmeans 必定by birth天生by guess凭猜测by hand手工的by land乘车,从陆路by meansof 经由,凭……by mistake错误地by day在白天by night在夜晚by now到现在为止by oneself自己,独自by the end of 到……末为止by the time 到……时候by the way顺便说一下by this means 用这种方法by nomeans 决不by turns伦流by way of经由,凭9.for a change改变一下far amoment 一会儿for a while一会儿for all为大家,尽管,不顾for betteror worse 无论好坏,不管怎么样for certain肯定地for ever永远for fear of以防for free免费for fun取乐for good永久地for life终身地for nothing 徒然。
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高考考纲短语一.动词短语1. set free 释放set off 动身、引发、引爆set out to 开始干……set up 建立ser aside 放一边,存起立set back 使……后退set down 记下set fire to 纵火烧……set forth 出发,启程set out 动身,出发2 take A for B把A误以为 Btake in 吸收、欺骗、引进take off 脱掉、起飞、请假take on 呈现take one's time 慢慢来take over 接管take pains 努力take up 占据开始干take sth into account考虑take--for granted 认为当然take a chance 抓住机会take advantage of 利用take charge of 负责take after 像take care of 照顾take delight in 以……为乐take effect 生效3 get away 走开get by 通过get down 记下降下get down to 着手干……get hold of 抓住get in 进入、收割、请……来get into 进入、习惯于……get off 下车get out of 出来get over 恢复、克服、越过get rid of 丢弃、摆脱get the best of 受益get through 通过、完成、接通get back 回来、还原get over 克服get together 聚会、会合get up 起床、增强get across 横过、通过get along with 和……相处get around 传开get around to 重新回到get at 到达、走近get by heart 记住4 look on as 把……看成look up to 敬佩look down on 小看look into 调查,往……里面看look forward to 期盼look for 寻找look around 张望look after 照顾、照看5 give up 放弃give way to 为……让路give in 屈服give oneself away 出卖、自走give up 放弃give rise to 使……上升give out 分发、释放用完give off 释放6 turn over 转交turn to 求助于……]turn up 出现、开大、到达turn against 违背turn round 转身turn down 开小、拒绝turn in 上交turn into 变成turn off 关掉turn on 打开turn out 生产、最后成为7 go in for 喜欢go into 进入,喜欢干……go off 离开go on 继续go out 熄灭go over 复习go through 浏览/通过go under 沉浸go up 向上爬,增加go with 和……相配go without 没有…应付过来go wrong 出问题go after 跟踪,跟随go against 违背go along 和……一块进行go by 经过go all out to do 尽力去干go ahead 向前走,请吧go along with 和……相配go back on 违背go down 下降go for 为……去喜欢8 make the best of 充分利用make the most of 充分利用make up 组成/编造,弥补make up for 弥补make up one's mind 下决心make use of 利用make way for 为……让路make away 拿走make away with 偷走…,携…而逝make beds 铺床make down 改小make for 走向……make off with 偷走make room for 为……让空间make one's way 走开,前进make out of 用……做成make over 移交make up to 接近奉迎make a face 做鬼脸make a difference 有所不同make believe 假装make friends 交朋友make fun of 取笑,拿……开心make out 认出,开出,制定make progress 取得进步make sense 说得通make sure of 确保make sure of 相信,确保9 carry off 带走,夺去carry on 继续carry out 执行carry-into effect 执行,实行carry away 拿走,冲走,吸引carry back 送回原地carry through 贯彻10 come through 经过come to 到达,苏醒come to the point 简明拒要come true 实现come up with 提出,追究上come into effect 生效come into force 执政,生效come into operation实施come around 绕道而行come off 脱落come on 开始,到来come out 出现,出版come up with 上升,长出,提出11 put on 增重,穿上,上演put out 扑灭put to use 使用put up 建起,张贴put up with 忍受put into operation 实施put across 说明白put aside 搁到一边put down 放下,记下,平定put forward 拿出,提出put in 提交,插话put in for 申请put in order 按顺序放好put into effect 实施put off 推迟12 leave for 动身去某地leave over 留下,剩下leave aside 搁置leave off 停止戒除leave---be 听任leave---as it is 不管……leave sb to himself 听……自便leave sth with sb 把……委托某人leave word 留话leave out 遗漏13 drop sb a line 写信drop back 后退drop in 拜访drop in at 拜访某地drop into 顺便进入drop out 缀学,脱落出局14 pull about 拖来拖去,虐待pull apart 拉开pull away 拉走脱身pull down 拆除,推倒pull off 脱掉pull on 穿上pull out 拉出,开出,驶出pull in 拉进,驶进pull through 度过难关,克服困难pull up with (比赛中)赶上pull over 车靠边停下pull together 联合15 bring about 导致,引发bring back 带回bring forth 产生结果bring in 带来引进,挣得bring out 拿出,发表bring up 扶养,呕吐bring down 降低,使……下降bring along 带来bring an end to 结束bring around 说明,使……回心转意bring into effect 实施16 call after 以……命名call at 拜访某地call on 拜访某人,call back 取消,收回call in 约请叫来call forth 招数,引起call out 大叫,唤起call up 打电话,回忆起17 break away 摆脱break forth 涌出break in 破门而入,插话break into 破门进入,打断break open 打开break out 爆发break through 突破,克服break off 使……中断break up 终止,分解,分手break down 分解,出故障,身体不行18 send away 打发,送走send up 发射,使……上升send off 送出送行,解雇send out 生出,散发send back 送回send sb mad 使……发疯send for 派人请19 keep in touch 保持联系keep up with 跟上……keep away 远离keep back 抵制住keep down 镇压,压制keep off 避开keep on 继续keep out 不让……进入keep out of 不让……进入keep a record of 作记录keep an eye out for 提防keep an eye on 看着……keep back 不泄露keep company 陪同keep pace with 跟上---节奏keep time 守时20 knock down 打倒,击落knock at/on 敲门knock into 撞上knock in 敲进knock off 敲掉,减价knock out 击昏,淘汰knock over 打倒,弄翻knock about 漫游,闲逛21 blow down 吹倒blow away 吹走blow about 把……吹得乱飞blow off 吹走炸弹blow out 停止,吹灭22 clear off 放晴,整理clear--off 收拾,清除clear away收拾走,遣散clear out 清理,腾出23 see a lot of sb 常见……see about 注意,研究see after 照顾see---as 看作see into 调查see out 送……出去see off 送行see the doctor 看病see through 看穿see to 留意24 hand back 交还hand down 传递下去hand in 上交hand on 传给另一个人hand out 分发hand over 递交hand aroundhand up 举手25 run about 到处跑run over 溢出,超过run against 违背,不利于run away 跑开run into 当……相撞run after 追求,追赶run out of 用完run short 用完run short of 用完run risk of 冒…的险run through 穿过,划过26 pass along 沿…走pass away 去世pass by 经过,不注意pass down 传下来pass on 传给pass out 分发,昏过去pass through 使…想起27 pick off 摘下pick out 选出,领会pick up 拾起,振作,好未来28 show off 炫耀show around 陪同…参观show sb out 领…出去show sb the door 叫…滚show sb the way 为…带路show up 出现,突出show oneself 露面29 throw about 乱扔throw at 向…扔出throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw light on 照亮,阐明throw out 扔掉throw up 呕吐,举起30 fall apart 散开,破裂fall asleep 睡着fall back 后退fall behind 落后fall down 落下,跌倒fall in love with 爱上……fall into 掉进,养成fall off 掉下fall over 落在…上面31 hold a meeting 开会hold back 克制,制止hold down 抑制,压服hold on(to) 抓紧,坚持hold one's head high 昂首hold out for 为…不妥协hold together 使…团结一致31 cut back on 削减cut down 砍倒,减少cut in 插嘴,超车抢道cut off 切断cut up 切碎二介词短语1 in a hurry 匆忙in a low voice 低声地in a minute 一会儿in a while 一会儿in a moment 一会儿in a while 一会儿in a way 有点儿在某程序上in a word 总而言之in addition 并且in advance 提前in aid of 支援in any case 无论如何in bed 睡觉in brief 简单地in case of 如果……in cash 用现金in charge of 负责in command of 指挥in company of 陪同in conclusion 最后,总之in condition 身体好in conflict with 和……有冲突in contrast to 和……相反in control of 控制in course of 在……过程中in danger of 在危险中in debt 负债in demand 有需要的in detail 详细地in existence 存在in fashion 流行in favor of 交待in full 彻底地in need of需要in half 成两半in harmony with和---和谐相处in honor of 表彰,怀念in hopes of 怀……的希望in itself 本身in line with 和……一致in memory of 怀念in nature 实际上in no case决不in no time 立刻in no way 决不in order 有序in other words 换言之in particular 尤其in person 亲自,本人in place of 代替in practice 实际上,实践中in public 当众in quantity 大批地in relation to 和……相关in response to 做为对……答复in search of 寻找in secret 秘密地in spite of 尽管,不顾in support of 支持in terms of 就……而论in the distance 在远方in the end 最后,终于in the first place 首先in the front of 在……前部in the least 至少in the name of 以---的名义in the possession of 为……拥有in the shape of 呈……形状in turn 伦流in view of 因为,由于in trouble 在困境中in vain 徒然2.on a diet 节食on board 在车、船、飞机上on the boards 当演员on the board 在基事会中on display 展览中on duty 值日on earth 到底on fire 着火on foot 步行on holiday 度假on leave 请假on no condition 决不on no consideration 决不on occasion 有时on the way to 在……路上,就要……on purpose 故意on show 考虑on the air 在播放on the contrary相反on the edge of 在……两边上on the radio在播放,通过无线电on the whole 大体上on time 准时3.at a distance 隔开一定距离at a glance 乍一眼at a loss 茫然at a time 每次at all 决不(否)到底at all/any cost 不惜一切at the moment 目前at nay moment 随时at any price 不惜代价at all rate 无论如何at ease 无拘无束at first sight 第一眼at hand 在近处,即将到来at length 详细地、最后at no time 决不at one time 曾经at peace 平静地at present 目前at risk 处于危险地at sea 在航海at the rate of 以……比率at worst 在最坏的情况下at times 有时at work 在上班4.out of breath 上气不接下气outof control 失控out of danger 脱险out of date 过时out of fashion 过时out of one's reach 够不着out of order 无序out of question毫无疑问out of repair 失修out of shape 变形out of sight 看不到out of use 用不上5.over again 反复over age 太老over weight 太重6.with all speed全速with ease 毫不费力with the aid of 在……帮助下with out mercy 毫不留情without hesitation 毫不犹豫7.under consideration 在考虑中under construction 在建设中under control 在控制中under the name of 在……名下under repair 在修理中8. by accident 偶然by air 乘飞机by all means 必定by birth 天生by guess 凭猜测by hand 手工的by land 乘车,从陆路by means of 经由,凭……by mistake 错误地by day 在白天by night 在夜晚by now 到现在为止by oneself 自己,独自by the end of 到……末为止by the time 到……时候by the way 顺便说一下by this means 用这种方法by no means 决不by turns 伦流by way of 经由,凭9.for a change 改变一下far a moment 一会儿for a while 一会儿for all 为大家,尽管,不顾for better or worse 无论好坏,不管怎么样for certain 肯定地for ever 永远for fear of 以防for free 免费for fun 取乐for good 永久地for life 终身地for nothing 徒然。