AC 冷气机(Air Conditioner)ACID 排酸管(Acid Waste Pipe)ACP 空气压缩机(Air Compressor)AD 维修门(Access Door)AF 翼截式(Air Foil)AFO 自动泡沫管(Auto Foam)AFS 气流开关(Air Flow Switch)AHU 空调箱(Air Handling Unit)ALK 排管(Alkaline Waste)ASK 自动撒水管(Auto Sprinkler Pipe)ASY 自动水雾管(Auto Spray Pipe)AST 储气槽(Air Storage Tank)AV 释(排)气阀(Air Vent)B & S 承插式(Bell & Spigot)BA 紧急呼吸管(Breathing Air Pipe)BDD 逆止风门(Back Draft Damper)BI 后倾式(Backward Inclined)BOD 风管底部(Bottom Of Duct)BOP 管路底部(Bottom Of Pipe)BP 加压泵(Booster Pump)BTM 底部(Bottom)BTU 热量计(BTU Meter)BV 蝶阀(Butterfly Valve)BV 球塞阀(Ball Valve)BWR 滷水回水管(Brine Return Pipe)BWS 滷水送水管(Brine Supply Pipe)CA 压缩空气管(Compressed Air Pipe)CAU 电脑室空调箱(Computer Room Air Handling Unit) CD 天花板扩散型出风口(Ceiling Diffuser)SD/T 水槽落水头附存水弯(Sink Drain/Trap)CDA 乾燥压缩空气管(Clean Dry Air Pipe)CDWR 冷却纯水回水管(Cooling DI Water Return Pipe) CDWS 冷却纯水送水管(Cooling DI Water Supply Pipe) CF 吸顶型风机(Ceiling Mounted Type Fan)CHE 化学管(Chemical Pipe)CHP 冰水泵(Chilled Water Pump)CHR 冰水回水管(Chilled Water Return Pipe)CHS 冰水送水管(Chilled Water Supply Pipe)CHT 化学加药设备(Chemical Treatment)CHU 冰水机(Chiller Unit)CIP 铸铁管(Cast Iron Pipe)CMH or m3/h 立方公尺/每小时(Cubic Meter Per Hour) CO 清洁口(Cleanout)COP 铜管(Copper Pipe)CPK 电脑室箱型冷气机(Computer Room Package Air Conditioner) CTR 冷却水塔(Cooling Tower)CV 逆止阀(Check Valve)CW 冷水管(Cold Water Pipe)CWP 冷却水泵(Condenser Water Pipe)CWR 冷却水回水管(Condenser Water Return Pipe)CWS 冷却水送水管(Condenser Water Supply Pipe)DB 乾球(Dry Bulb)DF 漏斗式排放口(Drain Funnel)DF 饮水机(Drinking Fountain)DI 纯水管(De-Ionized Water Pipe)DIR 纯水回水管(Di Reclaim Water Pipe)DL 门百叶(Door Louver)DN 降(下)(Down)DP 排水泵(Drainage Pump)DS 乾式立管(Dry Type Standpipe)DW 自来水(Domestic Water)DWG 图(Drawing)EA 排风(Exhaust Air)EA 个,只(计量单位)(Each)EAF 排风机(Exhaust Air Fan)EAG 格栅式排气口(Exhaust Air Grille)EAR 格栅式排气口附风门(Exhaust Air Register)EAT 进风温度(Entering Air Temperature)EB 电能开水机(Electric Boiler)EFF. 效率(Efficiency)EHE 电能加热器(Electric Heater)EHU 电能加湿器(Electric Humidifier)ESEW 紧急冲身洗眼器(Emergency Shower & Eyewash)ET 膨胀水箱(Expansion Tank)EWH 电能热水器(Electric Water Heater)EWT 进水温度(Entering Water Temperature)ETD 电热链式防火风门(Electro - Thermal Line Fire Damper)F 消防管(Firer Hydrant Pipe)FA 火警(Fire Alarm)FAC 水龙头(Faucet)FACP 火警控制盘(Fire Alarm Control Panel)FAF 送风机(Fresh Air Fan)FAO 新鲜空气开口(Fresh Air Opening)FC 前倾式(Forward Curved)FCC 隐蔽式冷风机(Fan Coil Unit - Concealed))FCE 露明式冷风机(Fan Coil Unit - Exposed)FCO 地板上清洁口(Floor Cleanout)FD 防火风门(Fire Damper)FD/T 地板落水头附存水弯(Floor Drain / Trap)FFL 楼板高度(Finish Floor Level)FH 消防栓(Fire Hydrant)FHC 消防栓箱(Fire Hydrant Cabinet)FHSC 消防水带箱(Fire Hose Storage Cabinet)FJ 减震接头(Flexible Joint)FM 消防干管(Fire Main)FP 消防泵(Fire Pump)FPS 消防系统(Fire Protection System)FPW 消防用水(Fire Protection Water)FS 水流开关(Flow Switch)FU 设备单位(Fixture Unit)GAV 闸阀(Gate Valve)GLV 球型阀(Globe Valve)H/S 蜂鸣器/频闪灯光(Horn / Strobe)HA 防护区(Hazard)HD 烘手机(Hand Dryer)HF (S) 排强氢氟酸管(HF (Strong) Waste Pipe)HF (W) 排弱氢氟酸管(HF (Weak) Waste Pipe)HMU 加湿器补给水(Humidifier make Up pipe)HV 高真空管(High Vacuum Pipe)HW 热水(Hot Water)HWP 热水泵(Hot Water Pipe)HWR 热水回水管(Hot Water Return Pipe)HWS 热水送水管(Hot Water Supply Pipe)IW 工业用供水管(Industrial Water Supply Pipe)JND 喷流型出风口(Jet Nozzle Diffuser)JIF 诱导式风机(Jet Induced Fan)JP 增压泵(Jacket Pump)KS 厨房洗槽(Kitchen Sink)kPa压力单位(Kilopascal(s))kW仟瓦(Kilowatt(s))L 公升(Liter)LAT 离风温度(Leaving Air Temperature)LAV 洗脸盆(Lavatory)LBG 线型格栅式出风口(Linear Bar Grille - Supply Air) LDR 线型回风口(Linear Diffuser, Return)LDS 线型出风口(Linear Diffuser, Supply)LFAP 火警受信总机(Local Fire Alarm panel)LPM or L/M 公升/分(Liter Per Minute)LS 液位感测器(控制器)(Level Switch Controller)LV 低真空管(Low Vacuum Pipe)LV 百叶(Louver)LWT 出水温度(Leaving Water Temperature)MCD 电动控制风门(Motorized Control Damper)MFSD 电动防火排(防)烟风门(Motorized Fire & Smoke Damper) MOD 电动风门(Motorized Operated Damper)MPS OR m/s 公尺/秒(Meter Per Second)MRS 手动啟动开关(Manual Release Station)MU 补给水管(Make Up Water Pipe)NC 常闭(Normally Closed)NIC 不属本工程(Not In Contract)NO 常开(Normally Open)NTS 未按比例(Not To Scale)OA 外空气(Outside Air)OBD 对开式风门(Opposed Blade Damper)OS & Y 軛与外螺牙(Outside Screw & Yoke)PAU 预冷空调箱(Pre-Cooling Air Handling Unit)PAC 箱型冷气机(Packaged Air Conditioner)PCC 箱型空调箱(Package Air Handling Unit)PCD 气动控制风门(Pneumatic Control Damper)PCHP 一次冰水泵(Primary Chilled Water Pump)PCV 气动控制阀(Pneumatic Control Valve)PD 压降(Pressure Drop)PFSD 气动防火排(防)烟风门(Pneumatic Fire & Smoke Damper) PFE 手提式灭火器(Portable Fire Extinguisher)PG 压力表(Pressure Gauge)PH 语音装置(Phonetic Device)POD 气动风门(Pneumatic Operated Damper)PPM 百万分之一(Parts Per Million)PS 压力感测器(Pressure Sensor)PSD 气动排烟风门(Pneumatic Smoke Damper)PT 压力水槽(Pressure Tank)PW 压力开关(Pressure Switch)RA 回风(Return Air)RAF 回风机(Return Air Fan)RAG 格栅式回风口(Return Air Grille)RAO 回风开口(Return Air Opening)RAP 回风花板(Return Air Perforated Plate)RAR 格栅式回风口附风门(Return Air Register)RD 屋顶落水头(Roof Drain)RD 冷媒式乾燥机(Refrigeration Dryer)RF 屋顶通风扇(Roof Fan)RH 相对湿度(Relative Humidity)RL 冷煤液体管(Refrigerant Liquid Pipe)RP 冷煤泵(Refrigerant Pump)RPM 转速(Revolution Per Minute)RS 冷煤吸入管(Refrigerant Suction pipe)RT 冷冻吨(Tons Of refrigeration)RWP 回水管(Return Water Pipe)Sp 蒸汽管(Steam Pipe)SAF 送风机(Supply Air Fan)SAG 格栅式送风口(Supply Air Grille)SAO 送风开口(Supply Air Opening)SAR 格栅式送风口附风门(Supply Air Register) SAT 消音箱(Sound Attenuator)SCHP 二次冰水泵(Secondary Chilled Water Pipe) SD 肥皂架(Soap Dispenser)SD 排烟风门(Smoke Damper)SEF 排烟风机(Smoke Extraction Fan)SG 製程气体管(Special Gas)SH 蒸汽加湿器(Steam Humidifier)SHR 莲蓬头(Shower)SP 蹲式马桶(Squatting pan)SP 静压(Static Pressure)SPF 楼梯加压风机(Stair Pressurization Fan)SS 托布盆(Service Sink)SS 蒸汽供汽管(Steam Supply Pipe)SSP 杂质分离泵(Solid Separator pump)SW 排粪管(Soil Water pipe)SWP 污物泵(Sewage Pump)SWR 软水回水管(Soft Water Return Pipe)SWS 软水送水管(Soft Water Supply Pipe)TC 温度控制器(Temperature Controller)THS 温度开关(Thermostat)TOD 风管顶部(Top Of Duct)TOP 管路顶部(Top Of Pipe)TP 全压(Total Pressure)TS 温度感测器(Temperature Sensor)TYP 典型的(Typical)UR 小便斗(Urinal)V 通气管(Vent Pipe)VAB 可变风量风箱(Variable Air Volume Box)VAF 变风箱(Fan Power - Variable Air Volume Box) VB 真空破除器(Vacuum Break)VD 手调风门(Volume Damper)VFD 变频器(Variable Frequency Drive)VTR 伸出屋顶通气管(Vent Thru Roof)W/.... 附.… (With)WAC 窗型冷气机(Window Type Air Conditioner)WB 湿球(Wet Bulb)WC 座式马桶(Water Closet)WCH 水冷式冰水主机(Water Cooled Chiller)WCT 水化学处理(Water Chemical Treatment)WEG 壁式格栅排气口(Wall Exhaust Grille)WER 壁式格栅排气口附风门(Wall Exhaust Register) WF 壁式通风扇(Wall Fan)WH 热水器(Water Heater)WHA 水鎚吸收器(Water Hammer arrestor)WM 水流量计(水錶)(Water Meter)WP 纯水器(Water Purifier)WS 给水管(Water Supply Pipe)WSG 壁式格栅送风口(Wall Supply Griller)WSR 壁式格栅送风口附风门(Wall Supply Register) WSS 水杂质分离器(Water Solid Separator)WT 水箱(Water Tank)WW 排水管(Waste Water Pipe)YS Y型过滤器(Y-Strainer)。
机械类常用英语:生产类PCS Pieces 个(根,块等) PRS Pairs 双(对等) CTN Carton 卡通箱 PALPallet/skid 栈板 PO Purchasing Order 采购订单 MO Manufacture Order 生产单 D/C Date Code 生产日期码 ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求 L/N Lot Number 批号 P/N Part Number 料号机械类常用英语:常用加工机械3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 boring machine 搪孔机 cnc milling machine CNC铣床 contouring machine 轮廓锯床 copy grinding machine 仿形磨床 copy lathe 仿形车床 copy milling machine 仿形铣床 copy shaping machine 仿形刨床 cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床 die spotting machine 合模机 drilling machine ?孔机 engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机 form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机 horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心 internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床 jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机 ig grinding machine 冶具磨床 lap machine 研磨机 machine center 加工制造中心 multi model miller 靠磨铣床NC drilling machine NC钻床 NC grinding machine NC磨床 NC lathe NC车床 NC programming system NC程式制作系统 planer 龙门刨床 profile grinding machine 投影磨床 projection grinder 投影磨床 radial drilling machine 旋臂?床 shaper 牛头刨床 surface grinder 平面磨床 try machine 试模机 turret lathe 转塔车床 universal tool grindingmachine 万能工具磨床 vertical machine center 立式加工制造中心 wire E.D.M. 线割放电加工机机械类常用英语:钢材类alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 aluminium alloy 铝合金钢 bearing alloy 轴承合金 blister steel 浸碳钢 bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板 carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢 clad sheet 被覆板 clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢emery 金钢砂 ferrostatic pressure钢铁水静压力 forging die steel 锻造模用钢galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板 hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢 high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢 hot work die steel 热锻模用钢 low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢 low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢 marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢 martrix alloy 马特里斯合金 meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢 meehanite metal 米汉纳铁 merchant iron 市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢 molybdenum steel 钼钢 nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢 prehardened steel 顶硬钢 silicon steel sheet 矽钢板 stainless steel 不锈钢 tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板 tough pitch copper 韧铜 troostite 吐粒散铁 tungsten steel钢 vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑胶覆面钢板冲压机械及周边关连用语英汉对照back shaft 支撑轴 blank determination 胚料展开 bottom slide press 下传动式压力机 board drop hammer 板落锤 brake 煞车 buckle 剥砂面 camlachie cramp 铸包chamotte sand 烧磨砂 charging hopper 加料漏斗 clearance 间隙 closed-die forging 合模锻造 clump 夹紧 clutch 离合器 clutch brak离合器制动器clutch boss离合器轮壳clutch lining离合器覆盖coil car带卷升降运输机 coil cradle 卷材进料装置 coil reel stand 钢材卷料架 column 圆柱 connection screw 连杆调节螺钉 core compound 砂心黏结剂 counter blow hammer 对击锻锤 cradle 送料架 crank 曲柄轴 crankless 无曲柄式cross crank 横向曲轴 cushion 缓冲 depression 外缩凹孔 dial feed 分度送料 die approach 模口角度 die assembly 合模 die cushion 模具缓冲垫 die height 冲压闭合高度 die life 模具寿命 die opening 母模逃孔 die spotting press 调整冲模用压力机 double crank press 双曲柄轴冲床draght angle 逃料倾斜角 edging 边锻伸 embedded core 加装砂心feed length 送料长度 feed level 送料高度 filling core 埋入砂心 filling in 填砂 film play 液面花纹 fine blanking press 精密下料冲床 forging roll 辊锻机finishing slag 炼后熔渣 fly wheel 飞轮 fly wheel brake 飞轮制动器 foot press 脚踏冲床 formboard 进模口板 frame 床身机架 friction 摩擦friction brake 摩擦煞车 gap shear 凹口剪床 gear 齿轮 gib 滑块引导部gripper 夹具 gripper feed 夹持进料 gripper feeder 夹紧传送装置 hammer 槌机 hand press 手动冲床 hand rack pinion press 手动齿轮齿条式冲床 hand screw press 手动螺旋式冲床 hopper feed料斗送料 idle stage 空站 inching 微调尺寸 isothermal forging 恒温锻造 key clutch 键槽离合器 knockout 脱模装置 knuckle mechanic 转向机构 land 模具直线刀面部 level 水平loader 供料器 unloader 卸料机 loop controller 闭回路控制器 lower die 下模 micro inching device 微寸动装置 microinching equipment 微动装置motor 马达 moving bolster 活动工作台 notching press 冲缺口压力机opening 排料逃孔 overload protection device 防超载装置 pinch roll 导正滚轮 pinion 小齿轮 pitch 节距 pressfit 压入 progressive 连续送料pusher feed 推杆式送料 pusher feeder 料片押片装置 quick die change system 快速换模系统 regrinding 再次研磨 releasing 松释动作 reversed blanking 反转下料 robot 机器人 roll forming machine 辊轧成形 roll forming machine 辊轧成形机 roll release 脱辊 roller feed 辊式送料roller leveler 辊式矫直机 rotary bender 卷弯成形机 safety guard 安全保护装置 scrap cutter 废料切刀 scrap press 废料冲床 seamless forging 无缝锻造separate 分离 shave 崩砂 shear angle 剪角 sheet loader 薄板装料机 shot 单行程工作 shrinkage fit 收缩配合 shut height 闭合高度 sieve mesh 筛孔 sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴 slide balancer 滑动平衡器 slug hole 逃料孔 spin forming machine 旋压成形机 spotting 合模 stack feeder 堆叠拨送料机 stickness 黏模性 straight side frame 冲床侧板 stretcher leveler 拉伸矫直机 strip feeder 料材送料装置 tripping pressure 弹出压力 stroke 冲程 take out device 取料装置 toggle press 肘杆式压力机transfer 传送 transfer feed 连续自动送料装置 turrent punch press 转塔冲床 two speed clutch 双速离合器 uncoiler 闭卷送料机 unloader 卸载机vibration feeder 振动送料机 wiring press 嵌线卷边机机械类常用英语:砂轮用语abrasive 砂轮 Al2O3 氧化铝 balance 平衡 bond 结合 borazon 氧化硼立方晶 buffing wheel 抛光布轮 diamond 钻石 dresser 砂轮整修机 dressing 修整 endless grinding belt 循环式研磨带finishing allowance 加工余量 grain 磨粒 grinding disc 研磨盘 jamp up 孔眼堵塞 mesh 网筛目 parameter 参数 resinoid grinding wheel半树脂型砂轮slitting切缝量 vitrified 陶瓷的 wheel旋转机械类常用英语:射出成形关联用语activator 活化剂 bag moulding 气胎施压成形 bonding strength 黏合强度breathing 排气 caulking compound 填隙料 cell 气孔 cold slug 半凝式射出colorant 著色剂 color matching 调色 color masterbatch 色母料 compound 混合料 copolymer 共聚合体 cull 残料废品 cure 凝固化 cryptometer 不透明度仪 daylight 开隙 dry cycle time 空料试车周期时间 ductility 延性elastomer 弹性体 extruded bead sealing 压出粒涂层法 feed 供料 filler 充填剂 film blowing 薄膜吹制法 floating platen 活动模板 foaming agent 发泡剂 gloss 光泽 granule 颗粒料 gunk 料斗 hot mark 热斑 hot stamping 烫印 injection nozzle 射出喷嘴 injection plunger 射出柱塞 injection ram 射出冲柱 isomer 同分异构物 kneader 混合机leveling agent 匀涂剂lubricant 润滑剂 matched die method 配合成形法 mould clamping force 锁模力 mould release agent 脱模剂 nozzle 喷嘴 riented film 取向薄膜parison 吹气成形坏料 pellet 粒料 plasticizer 可塑剂 plunger 压料柱塞porosity 孔隙率 post cure 后固化 premix 预混料 urging 清除reciprocating screw 往复螺杆 resilience 回弹性resin injection 树脂射出法 rheology 流变学 sheet 塑胶片 shot 注射 shot cycle 射出循环 slip agent 光滑剂 take out device 取料装置 tie bar 拉杆 toggle type mould clamping system 肘杆式锁模装置 torpedo spreader 鱼雷形分流板transparency 透明性 void content 空洞率锻铸造关连用语accretion 炉瘤 acid converter 酸性转炉 acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉acid open-hearth furnace 酸性平炉 aerator 松砂机 air set mold 常温自硬铸模 airless blasting cleaning 离心喷光 all core molding 集合式铸模 all round die holder 通用模座 assembly mark 铸造合模记号 back pouring 补浇注 backing sand 背砂 base bullion 粗金属锭 base permeability 原砂透气度belling 压凸 billet 坏料 bleed 漏铸 blocker 预锻模膛 blocking 粗胚锻件 blow hole 铸件气孔 board drop hammer 板落锤 bottom pour mold 底浇bottom pouring 底注 boxless mold 脱箱砂模 break-off core 缩颈砂心brick molding 砌箱造模法 buckle 剥砂面 camber 错箱 camlachie cramp 铸包 cast blade 铸造叶片 casting flange 铸造凸缘 casting on flat 水平铸造 chamotte sand 烧磨砂 harging hopper 加料漏斗 cleaning of casting 铸件清理 closed-die forging 合模锻造 core compound 砂心黏结剂 core template 砂心模板 core vent 砂蕊排气孔 corner gate 压边浇口 counter blow hammer 对击锻造 counter lock 止口镶嵌方式 depression 外缩凹孔 dieapproach 模口角度 draw out 锻造拔长 draw plate 起模板 draw spike 起模长针 dummying 预锻 embedded core 加装砂心 erosion 冲砂 fettling 铸件清理 filling core 入砂心 filling in 填砂 film play 液面花纹 finishing slag 炼后熔渣 flash gutter 锻模飞边槽 flask molding 砂箱造模 forging roll 辊锻机 formboard 进模口板 gutter 锻模飞边槽 hammer man 锻工heading machine 顶镦机 impacter 卧式锻造机 inblock cast 整体铸造 ingot 铸锭 ingot blank 铸坯 inlay casting 镶铸法 investment casting 失模铸造isothermal forging 恒温锻造 loose piece 木模活块 molding pit 铸模地坑pouring process 浇注法 recasting 重铸 roll forging 轧锻 rolled surface 轧制表面 rough sand 粗砂 roughing forge 粗锻sand crushing 塌箱seamless forging 无缝锻造 separate 分离 shave 崩砂 shrinkage fit 收缩配合 shut height 闭合高度 sieve mesh 筛孔 sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴slag 熔渣 slag inclusion 夹渣 stickness 黏模性 strip layout 带状胚料排样法 tap casting 顶注 top gate 顶注浇口 unworked casting 不加工铸件upender 翻转装置 upending 顶锻 uphill casting 底铸 white cast iron 白口铸件生产类其他OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造 PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 个人电脑外设 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑 CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器 SECC SECC` 电解片 SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料PRC People's Republic of China 中国大陆 U.S.A the United States of America 美国 A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的 E-MAILElectrical-Mail 电子邮件 N/A Not Applicable 不适用 QTY Quantity 数量VS 以及 REV Revision 版本 JIT Just In Time 零库存 I/O Input/Output 输入/输出 OK Ok 好 NG Not Good 不行,不合格 C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放 5S 希腊语整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养 ATIN Attention 知会 CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员APP Approve 核准,认可,承认 CHK Check 确认 AM Ante Meridian 上午 PM Post Meridian 下午 CD Compact Disk 光碟 CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 只读光碟 FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软碟机 HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟机REF Reference 仅供参考 CONN Connector 连接器 CAV Cavity 模穴 CAD Computer Aid Design 计算机辅助设计 ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装 MAT'S Material 材料 IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路 T/P True Position 真位度TYP Type 类型 WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement 周出货需求 C?T Cycle Time 制程周期 L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间) S/T Standard Time 标准时间 P/M Product Market 产品市场 3C Computer,Commumcation,Consumer electronic's 消费性电子 5WIH When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to5M Man,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement4MIH Man,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证 DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证 MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证 LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率 BS Brain storming 脑力激荡 EMI Electronic MagnetionInspect 高磁测试 MI Frequency Modulatim Inspect 高频测试 B/MBoar/Molding(flat cable) C/P Connector of PC A/P Assembly SPS Switching power supply 电源箱 DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱) MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱) DVD Digital Vedio Disk VCD Vdeio Compact Disk LCD Liquid Crystal Display CAD Computer AID Design CAM Computer AID Manufacturing CAE Computer AID Engineering ABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先进的基本输入/输出系统 CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理 IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路 ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道结构 EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩充的工业标准结构 SIMM Single in-line memory module 单项导通汇流组件 DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件 LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二级管 FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析 W/H Wire Harness 金属线绪束集组件 F/C Flat Calle 排线 PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板 CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良 WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求 PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一 TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requiremcnt Planning 物料需计划 OC Operation System 作业系统 TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺 D/C Drawing Change P/P Plans & Procedune EMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业 RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入 MMC Maximum Material Condition MMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material Condition LMS Least Material Size机械类常用英语(一.组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇)Assembly line组装线 Layout布置图 Conveyer流水线物料板 Rivet table拉钉机 Rivet gun拉钉枪 Screw driver起子 Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子 worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查 fit together组装在一起 fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板 barcode条码 barcode scanner条码扫描器 fuse together熔合 fuse machine热熔机 repair修理 operator作业员 QC品管 supervisor 课长 ME制造工程师 MT制造生技 cosmetic inspect外观检查 inner parts inspect内部检查 thumb screw大头螺丝 lbs. inch镑、英寸 EMI gasket导电条 front plate前板 rear plate后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel面板power button电源按键 reset button重置键 Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试 Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键 sheet metal parts 冲件 plastic parts塑胶件 SOP制造作业程序 material check list物料检查表 work cell 工作间 trolley台车 carton纸箱 sub-line支线 left fork叉车 personnel resource department 人力资源部 production department生产部门planning department企划部 QC Section品管科 stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂 molding factory成型厂 common equipment常用设备 uncoiler and straightener整平机 punching machine 冲床 robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机 lathe车床 planer |'plein |刨床 miller铣床grinder磨床 driller钻床 linear cutting线切割 electrical sparkle电火花 welder电焊机 staker=reviting machine铆合机 position职务 president 董事长 general manager总经理 special assistant manager特助 factory director厂长 department director部长 deputy manager | =vice manager 副理 section supervisor课长 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长 group leader/supervisor组长 line supervisor线长assistant manager助理 to move, to carry, to handle搬运 be put in storage 入库 pack packing包装 to apply oil擦油 to file burr 锉毛刺 final inspection终检 to connect material接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station沾湿台 Tiana天那水 cleaning cloth抹布 to load material上料 to unload material卸料 to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废 scrape ..v.刮;削 deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程 deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dei n|氧化 scratch刮伤 dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良 defective to staking铆合不良 embedded lump镶块 feeding is not in place送料不到位 stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力 education and training教育与训练 proposal improvement提案改善 spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车 trailer=long vehicle拖板车 compound die合模 die locker 锁模器 pressure plate=plate pinch压板 bolt螺栓 name of a department 部门名称 administration/general affairs dept总务部 automatic screwdriver电动启子 thickness gauge厚薄规 gauge(or jig)治具 power wire 电源线 buzzle蜂鸣器 defective product label不良标签 identifying sheet list标示单 screwdriver holder起子插座 pedal踩踏板 stopper阻挡器 flow board流水板 hydraulic handjack油压板车 forklift叉车 pallet栈板glove(s)手套 glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套 thumb大拇指forefinger食指 midfinger中指 ring finger无名指 little finger小指band-aid创可贴 iudustrial alcohol工业酒精 alcohol container沾湿台head of screwdriver起子头 sweeper扫把 mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器 rag 抹布 garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱 garbage bag垃圾袋 chain链条 jack升降机 production line流水线 chain链条槽 magnetizer加磁器 lamp holder灯架 to mop the floor拖地 to clean the floor扫地 to clean a table擦桌子 air pipe 气管 packaging tool打包机 packaging打包 missing part漏件 wrong part错件 excessive defects过多的缺陷 critical defect极严重缺陷 major defect 主要缺陷 minor defect次要缺陷 not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头 slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手 speckle斑点 mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉 rust生锈deformation变形 burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大 grease/oil stains油污 inclusion杂质 painting peel off脏污 shrinking/shrinkage缩水 mixed color杂色 scratch划伤 poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part事件不良 fold of pakaging belt 打包带折皱 painting make-up补漆 discoloration羿色 water spots水渍polishing/surface processing表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露lack of painting烤漆不到位 safety安全 quality品质 delivery deadline交货期 cost成本 engineering工程 die repair模修 enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划 QC品管 die worker模工 production, to produce生产 equipment设备 to start a press开机 stop/switch off a press 关机 classification整理 regulation整顿 cleanness清扫 conservation清洁 culture教养 qualified products, up-to-grade products良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品 waste废料 board看板 feeder送料机 sliding rack滑料架 defective product box不良品箱 die change 换模 to fix a die装模 to take apart a die拆模 to repair a die修模 packing material包材 basket蝴蝶竺 plastic basket胶筐 isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板 carton box纸箱 to pull and stretch拉深 to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料 to impose lines压线 to compress, compressing压缩 character die字模 to feed, feeding送料transportation运输 (be)qualfied, up to grade合格 not up to grade, not qualified不合格 material change, stock change材料变更 feature change 特性变更 evaluation评估 prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数 rotating speed, revolution转速 manufacture management 制造管理 abnormal handling异常处理 production unit生产单位 lots of production生产批量 steel plate钢板 roll material卷料 manufacture procedure制程 operation procedure作业流程 to revise, modify修订 to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换 engineering, project difficulty 工程瓶颈 stage die工程模 automation自动化 to stake, staking, reviting铆合 add lubricating oil加润滑油 shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度 analog-mode device类模器 die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊 vocabulary for stamping冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压 punch press, dieing out press冲床 uncoiler & strainghtener整平机 feeder送料机 rack, shelf, stack料架 cylinder油缸robot机械手 taker取料机 conveyer belt输送带 transmission rack输送架top stop上死点 bottom stop下死点 one stroke一行程 inch寸动 to continue, cont.连动 to grip(material)吸料 location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块 reset复位 smoothly顺利 dent压痕 scratch刮伤 deformation 变形 filings铁削 to draw holes抽孔 inquiry, search for查寻 to stock, storage, in stock库存 receive领取 approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工 delivery, to deliver 交货 to return delivenry to. to send delinery back to retrn of goods退货 registration 登记 registration card登记卡 to control管制 to put forwardand hand in 提报 safe stock安全库存 acceptance = receive验收 to notice通知application form for purchase请购单 consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写 abrasion磨损 reverse angle = chamfer倒角 character die 字模 to collect, to gather收集 failure, trouble故障 statistics统计demand and supply需求 career card履历卡 to take apart a die卸下模具 to load a die装上模具 to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓 to looser a bolt拧松螺栓 to move away a die plate移走模板 easily damaged parts易损件 standard parts标准件 breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑。
Leveler cover 水平珠盖 Lever 控制杆 Lever oil 水平珠油 Lever-speed change 调速杆 Location spacer定位隔离器 Louver 天窗 Lubricant 润滑油 Machine screw机器螺丝 Mark 标记 Massage ring按摩环 Material 材料 Metal 金属 Metal washer ring 金属介子 Micrometer 千分尺 Motor pulley 马达滑轮 Model 型号 Motor accessory马达组件 Motor bracket 马达支架 Poly bag 塑料袋 Project management项目管理 Motor mounting 马达定位 Motor mounting bracket 马达定位架
Carbon film resistor 碳膜电阻 Card 卡片 Carrying strip 手带 Carton箱 Case箱 Cavity 模腔 Cell 电池 Charger充电器 Circuit ass 循 ’ 环 y 装置 Fasten-knob钮扣状旋钮 Felt seal毛毡封 Ferrite bead磁珠 Fibre glass sleeve玻纤套 Filler 填空件 Filter 过滤器 Filter bag bracker 过滤袋支架 Filter frame 过滤栏架 Finished 完成的 First layer internal gear第一层内齿轮圈 First layer sun gear第一层行星齿轮 Fit 配合 Fitting 装置
Go-no go gauge通止规 Gear box housing 牙箱壳 Grease油脂 Grease leak 漏油 Handle catch手柄扣 Handle grip 手柄 Hardness硬度 Heat sink 散热器 Hex nut 六角螺帽 Hi-pot 高压测试 Holder 支座 Holder cover 支座盖 Hose elbow 弯管 Hose wrap plate软管扎带 Housing 壳 Housing cover 机壳上盖 Housing handle机壳手柄 Housing support机壳底座 Idler gear-A 变速齿轮“ A” Idler gear-B 变速齿轮“ B” Idler shaft Impact drill(cap)冲击钻(杯)
机械行业英语词汇大全(ZT) 组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet栈板barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs. inch镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis 基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts塑胶件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床|刨床 planer |'pleinmiller铣床grinder磨床driller??床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良n|氧化 oxidation |' ksi'deiscratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板hydraulic handjack油压板车forklift叉车pallet栈板glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指forefinger食指midfinger中指ring finger无名指little finger小指band-aid创可贴iudustrial alcohol工业酒精alcohol container沾湿台head of screwdriver起子头sweeper扫把mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋chain 链条 jack 升降机production line 流水线 chain 链条槽 magnetizer 加磁器 lamp holder 灯架 to mop the floor 拖地 to clean the floor 扫地 to clean a table 擦桌子 air pipe 气管 packaging tool 打包机 packaging 打包 missing part 漏件 wrong part 错件excessive defects 过多的缺陷 critical defect 极严重缺陷 major defect 主要缺陷 minor defect 次要缺陷 not up to standard 不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger 尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect 外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head 螺丝滑头 slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread 滑手 speckle 斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy 发霉 rust 生锈 deformation 变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边 poor staking 铆合不良 excesssive gap 间隙过大 grease/oil stains 油污 inclusion 杂质 painting peel off 脏污 shrinking/shrinkage 缩水 mixed color 杂色 scratch 划伤poor processing 制程不良 poor incoming part 事件不良 fold of pakaging belt 打包带折皱painting make-up 补漆 discoloration 羿色 water spots 水渍polishing/surface processing 表面处理 exposed metal/bare metal 金属裸露 lack of painting 烤漆不到位 safety 安全 quality 品质delivery deadline 交货期 cost 成本 engineering 工程 die repair 模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects 企划 QC 品管 die worker 模工production, to produce 生产 equipment 设备 to start a press 开机stop/switch off a press 关机 classification 整理regulation 整顿 cleanness 清扫 conservation 清洁 culture 教养qualified products, up-to-grade products 良品 defective products, not up-to-grade products 不良品 waste 废料 board 看板 feeder 送料机 sliding rack 滑料架defective product box 不良品箱 die change 换模 to fix a die 装模 to take apart a die 拆模 to repair a die 修模 packing material 包材 basket 蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料transportation运输(be)qualfied, up to grade合格not up to grade, not qualified不合格material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更evaluation评估prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数rotating speed, revolution转速manufacture management制造管理abnormal handling异常处理production unit生产单位lots of production生产批量steel plate钢板roll material卷料manufacture procedure制程operation procedure作业流程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换engineering, project difficulty工程瓶颈stage die工程模automation自动化to stake, staking, reviting铆合add lubricating oil加润滑油shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度analog-mode device类模器die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊vocabulary for stamping冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler & strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivenry to.to send delinery backto retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for die engineering 模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓document folder文件夹file folder资料夹to put file in order整理资料spare tools location手工备品仓first count初盘人first check初盘复棹人second count 复盘人second check复盘复核人equipment设备waste materials废料work in progress product在制品casing = containerazation装箱quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量quantity of customs count会计师盘,点数量the first page第一联filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查end-user/using unit(department)使用单位summary of year-end physical inventory bills 年终盘点截止单据汇总表bill name单据名称This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accountingdepartment together (Those of NHK will be sent to financialdepartment)本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部)Application status records of year-end physical inventory List andphysical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO.空白与作废单号plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点sample样品incoming material to be inspected进货待验description品名steel/rolled steel钢材material statistics sheet物料统计明细表meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ acceptedparts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机模具工程类plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模gang dies复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模pierce冲孔forming成型(抽凸,冲凸) draw hole抽孔bending折弯trim切边emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线blanking下料stamp letter冲字(料号) shearing剪断tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg展开图procedure dwg工程图die structure dwg模具结构图material材质material thickness料片厚度factor系数upward向上downward向下press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高die height闭模高度burr毛边gap间隙weight重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套模板类top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板零件类punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块塑件&模具相关英文compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型射出成型用模具two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道h=0.02~0.05mmw=3.2mmL=3~5mmwelding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆)slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口H=F=1/2t~1/5tT=2.5~3.5mmdiaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Φ0.8~1.0mmRunner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality 合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查QFD quality function deployment 品质机能展开FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析8 disciplines 8项回复内容FA final audit 最後一次稽核CAR corrective action request 改正行动要求corrective action report 改正行动报告FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的AOQ Average Output Quality 平均出厂品质AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出厂品质Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度服务MIL-STD Military-Standard 军用标准S I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水准等级P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 特采AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 首件检查报告FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 百万分之一PPM Percent Per Million 批号制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制R Range 全距AR Averary Range 全距平均值UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限MAX Maximum 最大值MIN Minimum 最小值GRR Gauge Reproducibility&Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径FREQ Frequency 频率N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice 品质改善活动ADM Absolute Dimension Measuremat 全尺寸测量QT Quality Target 品质目标7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Specification In Process 制程检验规格SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类QC Quality System 品质系统ES Engineering Standarization 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件H Huston (美国)休斯敦C Compaq (美国)康伯公司C China 中国大陆A Assembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)P Painting 烤漆(厂)I Intel 英特尔公司T TAIWAN 台湾IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格CMCS C-China M-Manufact C-Compaq S-Stamping Compaq产品在龙华冲压厂制造作业规范CQCA Q-Quality A-Assembly Compaq产品在龙华组装厂品管作业规范CQCP P-Painting Compaq产品在龙华烤漆厂品管作业规范部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制ME Manafacture Engineering 制造工程部PE Project Engineering 产品工程部A/C Accountant Dept 会计部P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Labratry 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部P Painting 烤漆(厂)A Asssembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)生产类PCS Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 个人电脑外设PC Personal Computer 个人电脑CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器SECC SECC` 电解片SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料NHK North of Hongkong 中国大陆PRC People's Republic of China 中国大陆U.S.A the United States of America 美国A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量VS 以及REV Revision 版本JIT Just In Time 零库存I/O Input/Output 输入/输出OK Ok 好NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放5S 希腊语整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养ATIN Attention 知会CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认AM Ante Meridian 上午PM Post Meridian 下午CD Compact Disk 光碟CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 只读光碟FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软碟机HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟机REF Reference 仅供参考CONN Connector 连接器CAV Cavity 模穴CAD Computer Aid Design 计算机辅助设计ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装MAT'S Material 材料IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路T/P True Position 真位度TYP Type 类型WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement 周出货需求C?T Cycle Time 制程周期L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间)S/T Standard Time 标准时间P/M Product Market 产品市场3C Computer,Commumcation,Consumerelectronic's 消费性电子5WIH When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to5M Man,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement 4MIH Man,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率BS Brain storming 脑力激荡EMI Electronic Magnetion Inspect 高磁测试FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect 高频测试B/M Boar/Molding(flat cable)C/P Connector of PCA/P AssemblySPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Vedio DiskVCD Vdeio Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer AID DesignCAM Computer AID ManufacturingCAE Computer AID EngineeringABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先进的基本输入/输出系统CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道结构EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩充的工业标准结构SIMM Single in-line memory module 单项导通汇流组件DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二级管FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析W/H Wire Harness 金属线绪束集组件F/C Flat Calle 排线PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requiremcnt Planning 物料需计划OC Operation System 作业系统TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProceduneEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material Size模具技术用语各种模具常用成形方式accurate die casting 精密压铸 powder forming 粉末成形calendaring molding 压延成形 powder metal forging 粉末锻造cold chamber die casting 冷式压铸 precision forging 精密锻造cold forging 冷锻 press forging 冲锻compacting molding 粉末压出成形 rocking dieforging 摇动锻造compound molding 复合成形 rotary forging 回转锻造compression molding 压缩成形 rotational molding 离心成形dip mold 浸渍成形 rubber molding 橡胶成形encapsulation molding 注入成形 sand mold casting 砂模铸造extrusion molding 挤出成形 shell casting 壳模铸造foam forming ?泡成形 sinter forging 烧结锻造forging roll 轧锻 six sides forging 六面锻造gravity casting 重力铸造 slush molding 凝塑成形hollow(blow) molding 中空(吹出)成形 squeeze casting 高压铸造hot chamber die casting 热室压铸 swaging 挤锻hot forging 热锻 transfer molding 转送成形injection molding 射出成形 warm forging 温锻investment casting 精密铸造 matched die method 对模成形法laminating method 被覆淋膜成形 low pressure casting 低压铸造lost wax casting 脱蜡铸造 matched mould thermal forming 对模热成形模各式模具分类用语bismuth mold 铋铸模 landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模 landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具button die 镶入式圆形凹模 loading shoe mold 料套式模具center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具 loose detail mold 活零件模具chill mold 冷硬用铸模 loose mold 活动式模具clod hobbing 冷挤压制模 louvering die 百叶窗冲切模composite dies 复合模具 manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模 modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具 multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模 multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die 扩径模 offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模 palletizing die 叠层模family mold 反套制品模具 plaster mold 石膏模blank through dies 漏件式落料模 porous mold 通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模 positive mold 全压式模具fantail die 扇尾形模具 pressure die 压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具 profile die 轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具 progressive die 顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模 protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具 prototype mold 雏形试验模具ingot mold 钢锭模 punching die 落料模lancing die 切口模 raising(embossing) 压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具 sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模 semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper 定型模套 single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模 split forging die 拼合锻模split mold 双并式模具 sprueless mold 无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模 stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模 swing die 振动模具three plates mold 三片式模具 trimming die 切边模unit mold 单元式模具 universal mold 通用模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具 yoke type die 轭型模模具厂常用之标准零配件air vent vale 通气阀 anchor pin 锚梢angular pin 角梢 baffle 调节阻板angular pin 倾斜梢 baffle plate 折流档板ball button 球塞套 ball plunger 定位球塞ball slider 球塞滑块 binder plate 压板blank holder 防皱压板 blanking die 落料冲头bolster 上下模板 bottom board 浇注底板bolster 垫板 bottom plate 下固定板bracket 托架 bumper block 缓冲块buster 堵口 casting ladle 浇注包casting lug 铸耳 cavity 模穴(模仁)cavity retainer plate 模穴托板 center pin 中心梢clamping block 锁定块 coil spring 螺旋弹簧cold punched nut 冷冲螺母 cooling spiral 螺旋冷却栓core 心型 core pin 心型梢cotter 开口梢 cross 十字接头cushion pin 缓冲梢 diaphragm gate 盘形浇口die approach 模头料道 die bed 型底die block 块形模体 die body 铸模座die bush 合模衬套 die button 冲模母模die clamper 夹模器 die fastener 模具固定用零件die holder 母模固定板 die lip 模唇die plate 冲模板 die set 冲压模座direct gate 直接浇口 dog chuck 爪牙夹头dowel 定位梢 dowel hole 导套孔dowel pin 合模梢 dozzle 辅助浇口dowel pin 定位梢 draft 拔模锥度draw bead 张力调整杆 drive bearing 传动轴承ejection pad 顶出衬垫 ejector 脱模器ejector guide pin 顶出导梢 ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫 ejector pin 顶出梢ejector plate 顶出板 ejector rod 顶出杆ejector sleeve 顶出衬套 ejector valve 顶出阀eye bolt 环首螺栓 filling core 椿入蕊film gate 薄膜形浇口 finger pin 指形梢finish machined plate 角形模板 finish machined round plate 圆形模板fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板 flanged pin 带凸缘?flash gate 毛边形浇口 flask 上箱floating punch 浮动冲头 gate 浇口gate land 浇口面 gib 凹形拉紧?goose neck 鹅颈管 guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢 guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板 guide rail 导轨head punch 顶?冲头 headless punch 直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒 hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器 injection ram 压射柱塞inlay busher 嵌入衬套 inner plunger 内柱塞inner punch 内冲头 insert 嵌件insert pin 嵌件梢 king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢衬套 knockout bar 脱模杵land 合模平坦面 land area 合模面leader busher 导梢衬套 lifting pin 起模顶? lining 内衬 locating center punch 定位中心冲头locating pilot pin 定位导梢 locating ring 定位环lock block 压块 locking block 定位块locking plate 定位板 loose bush 活动衬套making die 打印冲子 manifold block 歧管档块master plate 靠模样板 match plate 分型板mold base 塑胶模座 mold clamp 铸模紧固夹mold platen 模用板 moving bolster 换模保持装置moving bolster plate 可动侧模板 one piece casting 整体铸件parallel block 平行垫块 paring line 分模线parting lock set 合模定位器 pass guide 穴型导板peened head punch 镶入式冲头 pilot pin 导? pin gate 针尖浇口 plate 衬板pre extrusion punch 顶挤冲头 punch 冲头puncher 推杆 pusher pin 衬套梢rack 机架 rapping rod 起模杆re-entrant mold 凹入模 retainer pin 嵌件梢retainer plate 托料板 return pin 回位梢riding stripper 浮动脱模器 ring gate 环型浇口roller 滚筒 runner 流道runner ejector set 流道顶出器 runner lock pin 流道拉梢screw plug 头塞 set screw 固定螺丝shedder 脱模装置 shim 分隔片shoe 模座之上下模板 shoot 流道shoulder bolt 肩部螺丝 skeleton 骨架slag riser 冒渣口 slide(slide core) 滑块slip joint 滑配接头 spacer block 间隔块spacer ring 间隔环 spider 模蕊支架spindle 主轴 sprue 注道sprue bushing 注道衬套 sprue bushing guide 注道导套sprue lock bushing 注道定位衬套 sprue puller 注道拉料?spue line 合模线 square key 方键square nut 方螺帽 square thread 方螺纹stop collar 限位套 stop pin 止动梢stop ring 止动环 stopper 定位停止梢straight pin 圆柱? stripper bolt 脱料螺栓stripper bushing 脱模衬套 stripper plate 剥料板stroke end block 行程止梢 submarine gate 潜入式浇口support pillar 支撑支柱/顶出支柱 support pin 支撑梢supporting plate 托板 sweep templete 造模刮板tab gate 辅助浇口 taper key 推拔键taper pin 拔锥梢/锥形梢 teeming 浇注three start screw 三条螺纹 thrust pin 推力销tie bar 拉杵 tunnel gate 隧道形浇口vent 通气孔 wortle plate 拉丝模板模具常用之工作机械3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 boring machine 搪孔机cnc milling machine CNC铣床 contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床 copy lathe 仿形车床copy milling machine 仿形铣床 copy shaping machine 仿形刨床cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床 die spotting machine 合模机drilling machine ?孔机 engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机 form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机 horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机 jig grinding machine 冶具磨床lap machine 研磨机 machine center 加工制造中心multi model miller 靠磨铣床 NC drilling machine NC钻床NC grinding machine NC磨床 NC lathe NC车床NC programming system NC程式制作系统 planer 龙门刨床profile grinding machine 投影磨床 projection grinder 投影磨床radial drilling machine 旋臂?床 shaper 牛头刨床surface grinder 平面磨床 try machine 试模机turret lathe 转塔车床 universal tool grinding。
常用工业英语词汇(个人整理资料)BOX 组件Plastic 塑胶cabinet 壳cover 上盖support 下盖top 上部bottom 底部cap (帽,杯) housing 壳insert(型,芯) Box 组件holder 支座roller 转子belt 皮带impeller风扇case 箱filter 滤网flex hose 软管metal 金属shaft 轴gear 齿轮washer 垫片die cast 铸件nut 螺母bush 轴套chuck 锁头screw 螺丝ring 垫圈spring 弹弓bit 铁嘴plate 片bar 杆spindle轴芯pin 小轴bearing 轴承thread 螺纹powder metal 粉末冶金key 锁匙pinion 小齿轮electric 电气件nameplate 铭牌cord 电线cable 电缆motor 电机switch 开关plug插头fuse 保险丝battery电池button 按钮cell电池adaptor 火牛socket插座P.C.B 电路板charger 充电座/器HI-POT高压测试timer定时器Power pack 电池组resistor电阻IC集成电路terms 术语toque 扭矩force 力speed 速度rating 额定值sampling 抽样fitting 装配futtonal 功能part line分型线aperance 外观testure 纹理vibration 振动finished 表面处理cavity 模腔model 型号part 零件assembly 部件accessory附件remark 注释mark 标记approve 认可defect 缺陷nonconformity 不合格comformity 合格sinkage 缩水burr 毛刺flash 披锋sharp edge 尖缘scratch刮花flow mark 流痕weld line 夹水纹rusty 铸跡hardness 硬度treatment 热处理cycle 循环freouency频数description名称inspection 检验check 检查dispose 处理injection注射revise 更改material 材料purchasing 采购gate 水口current 电流voltage电压power功率I.N.T接触不良rework 加工sort 拣货A.O.D 有偏差接收reject 退货Sketch 简图urgent 紧急Tolerance 公差fit配合Run-out跳动dimention 尺寸AQL 允收水准Packing 包装Label 标签sheet 纸Gift box 彩盒carton 箱Poly bag 塑料袋tape 带BMC 工具盒silk screen 丝印Card 卡片bar code 条形码Instruction manual 说明书M.O 订单B.O.M 物料清单R.O. 接收单I.R 检查报告Drill 电钻driver 电批vacuum cleaner 吸尘器Oven 烤炉trimmer 剪草机Instrument 仪器Gauge 量规pin gauge 芯棒Hole test 内径千分尺projector 投影仪Blocks 量块go-no go 通尺规Caliper 卡尺micpo meter 千分尺Dial indication 百分表miltimeter 万用表Calibration校正torque meter 扭力表QA 质量保证QC 质量控制PMC 物料控制R&D 工程研发PIE 生产工业工程P&A 人事SER 样本评估报告SDS来货检验资料ACCOUNTING 会计Accessory 附件Accounting 会计Actuate switch 启动开关Adapter 火牛Adhesive tape 胶粘带Adjustor调节器Agitator 搅拌器Air intel进气口Aluminum foil tape 铝箔带Anchor锚Appearance外观Approve认可Assembly装配Armature电枢/转子Ball holder铜珠套筒Bar棒Bar code 条形码Barbed connector 有倒扣的连接片Battery电池Battery cave电池底壳Battery cave cover电池盒/盖Battery tag电池片Bearing轴承Bearing-lock轴承-锁Belt皮带Bit铁嘴Bit guard防护罩Bit storage批嘴储存件Block量块Bottle connector瓶口连接Bottom底部Bottom cabinet-charger充电座底壳Box 箱Charger bracket充电座支架Bracket固定架/支架Brand label商标贴纸Bristle brush毛刷Bristle holder毛刷(柄)Brush roller 毛刷巻轴Bubble lever 水平珠Bucket箱Bulb reflector 电灯反射器Bulb support电灯泡支撑座Bundle捆/扎Burr毛刺Bush轴套Bushing-bearing lock轴套锁製Bushing-case adaptor轴套外套适配器Bush-output shaft带轴套的输出轴Button按钮Brush刷子/碳刷Cabinet壳Cabinet-cover面壳Cabinet-support底壳Cable电缆Cable clamp plate电线夹片Calibration校正Caliper卡尺Cam凸轮Cam plate偏心片Cap杯帽Carbon film resistor碳膜电阻Card卡片Carrying strip手带Carton箱Case箱Cavity模腔Cell电池Charger充电器Circuit ass’y循环装置Fasten-knob钮扣状旋钮Felt seal毛毡封Ferrite bead磁珠Fibre glass sleeve玻纤套Filler填空件Filter过滤器Filter bag bracker 过滤袋支架Filter frame过滤栏架Finished完成的First layer internal gear第一层内齿轮圈First layer sun gear第一层行星齿轮Fit配合Fitting装置Flash闪光Flex hose弯管Flow mark流痕Foam holder泡沫支架Force力Frequency频率Front cover cabinet 前面壳Front grill前脚架Front housing-gear box牙箱前壳Front support cabinet前底壳Function功能Fuse保险丝Fuse clip保险管夹Fuse P.C.B ass’y 保险丝底板组件Field 定子线圈Gasket 垫片/圈Gate水口Gauge量规Gear齿轮Gear box adaptor牙箱调整装置Gear housing cover牙箱盖Inverted retaining ring 反向保持介子Go-no go gauge通止规Gear box housing 牙箱壳Grease油脂Grease leak 漏油Handle catch手柄扣Handle grip手柄Hardness硬度Heat sink散热器Hex nut六角螺帽Hi-pot高压测试Holder支座Holder cover支座盖Hose elbow弯管Hose wrap plate软管扎带Housing壳Housing cover机壳上盖Housing handle机壳手柄Housing support机壳底座Idler gear-A变速齿轮“A”Idler gear-B变速齿轮“B”Idler shaftImpact drill(cap)冲击钻(杯)Impeller风扇叶Indicator cover指示器盖Indicator switch knob指示开关旋钮Injection注射Insert型芯/插入Insert refill bottle插入式替换瓶Inspection检验Instruction manual说明书Instrument仪器Insultator绝缘体Motor fixity-external马达外定位件Motor fixity-internal马达内定位件Key锁匙Key holder锁匙支架Label标签Lanyard手带Latch锁扣/门锁Led发光二极管Left head screw左牙螺丝Lens透镜Leveler accessory水平珠组件Leveler body水平珠本体Leveler cover水平珠盖Lever控制杆Lever oil水平珠油Lever-speed change调速杆Location spacer定位隔离器Louver天窗Lubricant润滑油Machine screw机器螺丝Mark 标记Massage ring按摩环Material材料Metal金属Metal washer ring 金属介子Micrometer千分尺Motor pulley 马达滑轮Model型号Motor accessory马达组件Motor bracket 马达支架Poly bag 塑料袋Project management项目管理Motor mounting马达定位Motor mounting bracket马达定位架Mounting plate杯片Multimeter 万用表Nameplate 铭牌Nonconformity不合格/不一致Nut 螺母o-ring 胶圈output shaft 轴芯,输出轴oven 烤炉p/p cover电池盒上座p/p support 电池盒底座packing包装part 零件part line 分型线pedestal台座,基座,垫座pin销pin gauge芯棒pinion小齿轮pinion-motor马达牙仔Pivot tube 转轴套plain washer-motor平面介子plant gear 行星齿轮plastic塑料plastic gear塑胶齿轮plastic tape胶纸plastic washer胶介子plate片plug插头run out摆动/跳动rusty生锈的powder metal粉末冶金power功率power pack电池组projector 投影仪Pulley flange 滑轮法兰pulley flange泵翼pump vane采购purchasing按钮push rod推杆PVC tubePVC sleeveRotor转子Ratchet 转轮Ratchet plate转轮片Rating额定值Rear cover cabinet后面盖Rear housing-gear box牙箱后壳Rear support cabinet后底盖Receptacle 插座Rectifier整流器Recycling label环保标签Reflector cap反光杯Reject退货Remark备注/注释Resistor电阻Reverse反向Revise更改Rework加工Ring垫圈Ring bolt有环螺钉Ring gear内齿轮圈Rocker switch摇杆开关Roller滚筒/辊子Rotary cap旋转杯Spring弹弓Spring clip弹性夹子Safety switch安全开关Sampling抽样Sander base磨沙机底座Scrap报废Scratch刮花Screw螺丝Screwdriver电批Screwdriver bit批嘴Second layer internal gear第二层内齿轮圈Second layer planet gear第二层行星齿轮Second layer run gear第二层恒星齿轮Secondary blower flangeSelf-tapping screw自攻螺丝Shaft轴芯Sharp edge锐边Sheet 纸/表格Shrinkable sleeve热缩管Silkscreen 丝印Sinkage缩水Sketch简图Sleeve套子Sliding rod滑动杆Socket (jack)插座Solution tank溶解槽Sort分类Spacer隔离件Speed速度Speed change knob变速钮Spindle轴芯Spindle gear-A转动齿轮“A”Spindle gear-B转动齿轮“B”Spine-ball刺珠Sponge海绵Spotter nozzle定心喷嘴Spring plate弹弓片Spring washer弹性介子Spring-torque control扭力控制弹簧Steel roller钢辊子Stopper-motor马达制动Stopper-right右制动Sun gear恒星/太阳齿轮Support下盖Support cabinet下壳Switch 开关Switch button (knob)开关按钮Switch lock锁掣Stator定子Tape带Tapping type攻牙形式Terminal接触片Terminal holder接触片支座Term术语/期间Thermal protector热保护器Thermal-fuse热感应保险丝Thermostat热敏开关Third layer internal gear第三层内齿轮圈Third layer planet gear第三层行星齿轮Third layer sun gear 第三层恒星齿轮Thread 螺纹Timer定时器Tolerance 公差Top cabinet-charger 充电座面壳Torque 扭矩Top上部Torque control knob 扭力调节器Torque meter扭力表Transformer变压器Heat treatment 热处理Grass trimmer剪草机Twisting screwdriver螺旋形电批UL approvel power cord UL认可的电线UL wire AWG 16 red UL16号红色电线UL wire AWG 16 black UL16号黑色电线Unit & accessory主机及附件Urgent紧急U-spring U型弹弓Vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器Variable speed switch变速开关Vibration振动V oltage电压W/o battery paper sleeve 无纸套电池Wall anchors挂墙胶条Washer垫片Washer ring-motor马达介子Washer-ball cover玻璃盖处的介子Washer-clutch扭力杯处的介子Washer-ring环形介子Zener diode齐纳二极管。
Abnormal :反(异、非)常的、不正(规)常的、变态的Abort :早(流)产;故障、失灵;紧急停车、即(中止、中断)Above :高于、在…之上Abbreviation :缩写、省略Accessory :附属的;补助的、同谋Acceleration :加速(度、作用)、促进、(催进)作用Acknowledge :确认Actuator :制动器、传动(机构、装置)、(电磁铁)螺线管、调速控制泵、往复运动油(气)缸、Action :作用、动(操)作、行动、反(效)应、机能Active 活(主能)动的、积极的、灵敏的Activate :使…活动、触发;使活(性)化、激活:Activate fault storage激活存储(器)故障Activation :开(屈、起、启)动、触发Additional :额外的;补充的;附加的;添加的Address :地址Advanee :(使)前进、推进、提前、提高Adjustment :调节(整、准、谐)、调节器、校正Adapter :适配(配用)器、结合(续)器、连(换、转、应)接器、匹配器After cooler :二次冷却(后置冷)Aid :帮(援)助;(辅助)设备(装置、手段)Alarm :警报(器)、信号(器)、告警(机、信号)、All :所有Alternator:①交流(同步)发电机;②振荡器ALU=arithmetic (and logical)unit:运算器、运算部分Alternate :交替(变、流)、更迭、轮流、相间;交替(错…)的Altitude :(飞行)高度、高空、高程、海拔、水位Amp=ampere :安培Ambient :周围的、环境的、外界的Amber :琥伯(色、色的、制的)、淡黄色的Ammeter:安培计、电(源)表Analog=analogue :类(相)似的、比拟、模拟的Anakger:Analgesia :无痛、痛觉丧失Another :另一、又(一)、再、别一个Antenna:天线Anti :词头:反、逆、防、抗排、排斥Apply :适用(合)、应用;施加、作用(力、荷载)、贾(热)、做(功)APS=accessory power supply : 辅助电(能)源Arithmetic :算术(法)、计算、运算(器)Arm :手臂、胳膊饿、权力、臂状物Arrange icon :安排As :象、如同…(那样)Ascending :上升的Assembly :组(集、会、联)合、装配(置)、总(安、组)装、成套(部件)、组(合)件Attach :附上;加上、系贴、相连、接近Attention :注意、留(关、费)心、维护保养Atmosphoric :大气(中、压)的、空气的、常压的Attachment :附着(物)、连接(法)、固定、焊接、附(配、备)件Auto :汽车、自动的Automatic :自动(机、操作)的;自动装置Auxiliary :辅助(的);次要(的)、补充(的)AUX :串行端口Available :可得到(买到、达到、获得)的、现有的、存在的、备有的;可(例)用的、有用(效)的Axle :(轮、车)轴、心棒Back :背部、背脊、背面Backb one:脊骨、骨干、构架、主要成分Backward :向后的;倒的、反面的;北部在先的Back up :备用(品、零件、设备);支持(援、撑)、后备(援)、备份;有倒车的意思Basic :基本的、根本的、基础的;基础、原理Battery :电池(组)、蓄电池Bay :海、河;间(格)隔;(底)板Beacon:标志(灯、桩)、(灯浮)标、信(号)标、指向标、;灯塔、信号台(所、灯)Bell :钟(声)、(电、信号)铃Below :在…的下面(下方、下流、)、在…以下、低于、少于Bearing :支撑、轴承座Beam :放射、闪亮、播送;梁、横梁、光(射)线Blend 混(溶、捏)合、掺和(杂、混)、调和Benennung:Between :在…之间、介于;当中、中间;为…所共有Bitone :Bimetal :双金属片Binector :Black :黑(色、暗)的Blade :叶片、浆(轮)叶;刀(身、口)、刀形开关;平铲、推土铲Blue :青、(蓝)色Bluetoolk :Blinker :闪光(灯)、闪光信号灯Body : (身、物、立、机壳、插座)体;本(正)文、本(主)体、主要部分Blower :鼓(吹、送)风机、风扇(箱)、(空气)压缩机;增压器Block :块(体、材、形);阻塞(碍、档)失去记忆Blow- by :吹去、瓦斯喷出;漏(窜)气、渗漏(滤)、不密封Board :仪表(板)、(配电)盘、(操纵)台Bolt :螺栓(杆、钉)、插销Both :两(个、者、侧);(两者)都Bottle :瓶、罐、容器、外壳;灌注;忍着、抑制Boom :吊杆、悬臂、管形(起重)杆Boost:推起(上、前、起)、助推(力)、帮(辅助)、提(控)高;加强(速)、增加(高);助推发动机、加速(助推)器、boost pressure:升压、吸入管(增压)压力Brake:制动器、制动装置、闸刹车Bracket 托架、悬臂、支柱Break :缸裂、折断、决裂;绝交;中止、中断、停动Breaker:断电器、(自动)断路器Breather:通气(孔)、呼吸(阀)、同期装置、(变压器的)吸潮器Brown :茶色(的)、褐色(的)、棕色(的)、(咖啡、深黄)色(的)Brush :Buck :顶撞、冲、推、反(抵)抗;消除、补偿叶片Bucket :吊(提、水)桶、漏(水、吊、铲)斗;(往复泵)活塞、(涡轮)Bulb :球、泡、灯(玻璃)泡、真空管、;(测)温包Bulk :(大)容(体)积、容量、大小、尺寸;大块;多半Bulkhead :船舱、隔板(壁、墙、框);堵塞物、(铜管的)闷头Bump :冲、(碰)撞、冲击Burn :烧、灼烧、发亮(光);烧毁(坏、伤、焦、黑);Bus:公共汽车;汇流条(排);总(母)线;导(电)条;信息转移通路:bus- bar :母线、导(电)条、汇流条(排)Bust :半生(雕)像;胸(部);放大;错误、失策(败);倒闭、破产(裂)Butt on:纽扣;按钮、(旋、电)钮Buzzer :蜂音(鸣、响)器、汽笛Bypass :旁(通)路、旁(通)管、支路(管、线、流)Cabi n:(座、机、客、船)舱、驾驶室、Cable :电缆Calculate :计(核、推)算(出);预(推)测Calibration :核准、(定)、检查、定标、标定;定、分度、刻度Canl :Cancel:取(撤)消、册(勾)掉;解除CanisterCam program: 中央地址存储程序Carousel :旋转装置Carry:(携、附)带;传(播、输)Carried :被运送的、悬挂式的Case:(机)箱、柜、盒Cascade:放大器Caterpillar :履带(传动、行走部分)链轨;履带(式)车(辆)Cation :阳(阳向)离子Caution :当心、谨慎、注意;警告Celect:Centinel:Cen tro:原子核Central :中央(心、枢)的Cen tralize :形成中心、集中、成为…的中心;把…集中起来Cground:Chai n :链、链条;电线(回、通)路Change:变(化、动、更)Charcoal :Charge:充电、填充Charger:充电器Charging :装(负)载;充电、电荷;充气、注油、加液Chart :图表(纸)、表格Chassis:地盘、地(盘)架、底板(座);机架(壳、箱)、框架check:校(核、对、正);抑制;检查chip :(碎、小、木、薄)片;(集成)电路片、基片、芯片;微小的东西cigar :雪茄(烟)、火星塞circuit :环(回、线)路、电路;系统circuit breaker :接的、泄漏断路器circulation :循环、流通clam :夹钳(板)clamp :夹钳、夹具;压板、压条、夹住、加紧、固定cleaner:clean 的比较级,除垢器、清除(洁)器、吸尘器clear :清楚(晰、澈、洁)的;清除…clinometer :clogging :阻(堵)塞、闭合、结渣close:密(闭)、紧(严)关(闭)、(闭)合、(合)拢、(电路)接通clock :钟、仪表cluster:(线)束、(线)群、组、丛;干(蓄)电池组、组建、元件组clutch :抓(牢)、握(紧);离合器collector :收集者、搜集者、采集者;收取人;集电器(极)color=colour :色、颜(采、特、音)色code:密码coded :编(译)成代码的、编码的:coded program :编码的程序cold :冷的、常温的(不加热的)、(寒)冷combination :组合comma nd :命令、指挥;控制、操作;可以(自由)使用comme nt :注释common :普通的、平(通)常的、一般的;传递(播、达);消息、信息communication setup :通讯设备compact:紧(密、凑、致)的、密(实、集)的、压紧的、致(稠)密的;压实(缩、紧、制)、夯实compensator:补偿器;伸缩、调整器;差动装置complete :完全(整)的、全部的、总成的、成(整)套的compo nent:成分、元(组、部)件、分(量、支)compressor :压气(缩)机computer:计算机condition :(必要)条件;状态、环境;位置con de nse:冷凝(器)凝结;蓄电con ditio ner :调节(整)器、air con diti on er 空气(温度)调节conn ect :连接(结、通)、接(结)合、联系(结、想)、接口con sist :由…组成、存在、在于con sole :托架、角撑(悬臂)架;控制台、仪表板contact :接触、联系(络)、连接、啮合、碰线;接触器contamination :污染、沾染(污)、弄脏、毒害contin uous :继(持)续的、连续(不断、作用)的、无间断的;顺序的controller :控制器(机)、程序control :(控制、调节)器、节制、调节con verter :转(变)换器、换(整、变)流器、换能器、变压器coola nt:冷却剂(液、介质、材料)、散(载)热剂cooler:冷却器(机、装置)、冷凝器、冷冻机、制冷装置;冷却剂copy :复制copy as:另存为Corner:叫、角落;(街道)拐角cou nt:计算、(按顺序)(计)数、共(合)计、(清)点;算入counter :计算(器);相反(物)、反面;副轴coupling :偶(结、配、耦)合、连(联)接、联(接)器courtesy :礼貌、尊敬、好意掩(盖、蔽、护、藏、饰);盖(包)上cover:遮(覆)盖、cran kcase :曲轴(曲柄、机轴)箱cran kshaft :曲(柄)箱creep :爬行、蠕动cress:十字(形、标、路);横画、交叉、四通(管)crusher:(鄂式)破碎机、扎碎(压、榨、碎石、挤压)机Cummin:Cut :剪切curl :卷(翘、扭、弯)曲curve:曲线(板、规、图、图表)、特性曲线current:(电、气、水、液)流、趋势、倾向cushened:customer:顾客、主顾、买主、用户、交易人;消耗器、耗电器cut - out :切断、断路cylinder :圆柱(体)、气(汽)缸、液压缸、(液压操纵)油缸:cylinder head:(液压)喷嘴Cycle :周期、周、;循环Damper :风门、节气阀Dash:冲(撞、击、动)、猛冲(撞、掷);浇、洒、泼;混合:dash light (lamp):仪表板灯Data :数据、资料、信息(技术)特性(性能)Date:日子、日期、年代Debugging :调试Deceleration :减速(度)、降速、负加速度、制动(止)、熄火Deck :甲板、舱面;装饰、点缀、打扮Decrease:减(少、小、低、弱)、降低、下降、变小Decreme nt:减少(小)率、减缩(度、量、率)Dedicated:热忱的、一心一意的、专用的Defroster:(车窗玻璃)除霜器、防冷器Definition :定义(界)、解说、阐明;确(限)定、明确(性)Delay :耽误、推迟;延迟(时、期、缓、误)、迟缓、滞后、抑制、减速Delet :删除Derate:发狂、混乱Derrick :(机)转起重机;钻塔、(油井的)井架Designation :指明(示、定)、规定、选派(择、定、)任命;名称、命令、符号(表示)Desce nding:下降的Description :叙述、描述(写)、图形(说)、(使用)说明、形容Detected:发觉、察觉;探测(出)、测定、检测;检波、整定Dete nt:(棘)爪、锁销(键)、扳手、门扣、凸轮(爪);制动器;封闭(锁)、停止Detroit :(美国)底特律(市)Device :装置、设备Diagram :图(表、解、形);简(相、曲线、接线)图Dial :(刻、标、调谐)度盘、(仪)表面Diat :链(条、系)、锁条;电(线、回、通)路Diathermal :透热(辐射)的、导热的Diesel :内燃机、引擎Differential :有(差)别、区别的、差动(速)Digging :挖掘、挖土、作业Dimmer :遮(减、调、变)光器、减光线圈、光度调整器Diagnostic : 诊断的、诊断Digital :数码Diode :二极管Dipped :(铸、长柄)杓、(挖土机等的)铲(杓、)斗Dipstick :测深尺、(测液深用)测标、(量)油尺Direction :(方、矢、流)向、方位(面)、范围;倾向、方针;指导(挥)、命令Discharge:卸(货);下(客);卸下、发射Disc onn ect :断开Disable :使不适用;使无能力(做)Display :显(展、指)示、表现(明);显示(器)Disco nn ect :拆(分、解)、切(断)开、分离、切断Distributor :(燃料)分配器、配电器(盘)Dome :圆顶Done:做完Door :(航、炉、闸、节气)门、(出)入口、盖、进路;门路、途径Double :双的、两个的;成对的、两位的;双重的、两用的;两倍、加倍Down :向(落、倒)下、降低、减弱(少)、;从上到下、降下Drain :排(泄、气、水)、排干Drake :公鸭Drawing :拉、拔、抽、牵引、拉延(制、拔)拔制;漏(起)模;绘(制)图Drift :滑板Drill :操练(方法);训练;(英口)正确的规定程序、钻、钻头、钻机Drive :驱、赶;传动、传送Driver :驱策者;驾驶员;马车夫、主传动轮、驱动Drolix :滑稽可笑的、古怪离奇的;说笑话、小丑Droop :(使)下(低)垂、下倾(降)、倾斜Drop-out :落(抛)下、脱落、脱(解)扣、下降、排泄、放空Drum :鼓(轮、形物);(圆、转、滚)筒Dry :干(涸、燥、旱)Dual :(重、元、体、联)的、双(重、指针)的Dump :倾倒(卸、解)门During :在…期间(时候)当…之际Duct :管;输送管、排泄管Dust:灰尘、尘土;尘雾、粉尘Duty :义务、责任、运行;负(荷)载;功(率)Dver:Dwell : (居)住、;(加工中)无运动时间、机器运转中有规则的小停动、闭锁时间、静态Earth:地球;陆地;土壤;接地Economy :经济(学、办法、制度、机构);节约(俭、省)ECAP=electronic circuit anatgsis program :电子电路分析程序Efficiency :Electric :电(力、动、气、测)、带(导、发)电的Electrical :发电的、电的Electricity :电Electronic :电子Element :单元;元素;零(部、元)件;电阻丝、电池ELCB=earth leakage :Elover :初级、一级Emergency:紧急(情况、关头、保险开关)、危机(险)、紧急事件Empty :空的、零、未占用的、空转的EMS=emergency switch :紧急开关En able:使能够、使成为可能、使可以;赋能、起(启)动、恢复操作Energized:Encaced:En closure :圆柱、圈地;围场、围栏、围墙;操作(即驾驶室)、Encoder:End:(末、尾、顶、终)端、(末)尾、底、头、尖端点;目的、结果Enger:En gi ne :发动机、引擎;机车Enter:进入、参加、登记、报名人、记录;进入命令键Entertainment :招待(会)、宴会、接待;表演会、文娱活动、乐趣;采纳、抱有、怀有Equalizer :使相等的、使均等的;平衡器、均衡器Error :错误、差(错)、误差、故障:format error :格式错误Ether :以太、能媒;乙醚;气氛;抽空(气、干)Evaporator:蒸发器Event:Example :例(子、如、证、题)、实例;榜样、范例、样品(本)Exceed :超过(出、越)、越(胜)过、余、大(优)于Exchanger:Exciter :激励(辐射)器Exhaust :取(用、耗)尽、用完;排出(气、空、除干)Exit :结束、退出Expa nsion :扩张(大、充、展、经)、膨(神)胀、延长、发展、蒸发Extend :伸伸出、伸开、展开;延长、扩大Extra :额外的、附加的、加班的;特别的;多余的、超过的External :外(部、面、表、界)的;表面的、外观(形)的Extraction :拔(抽、引、注、取、排)出faceFan:扇、风扇、鼓风机:Failed :Failure :失败(效、灵)、故障、事故、停车(机)、中断Fast:紧的、牢的;忠实的、可靠的;快的、迅速的Fault:缺点(陷)、错误、毛病、误差、不合格;故障、损坏、失效、漏电Feed:喂(养)、饲(养)、为…提供食物;给吃(某物)、用(某物);把(原料、燃料等)送进、给供料Feedback :反馈、回授;回复、反应Field :(电、磁、力、扫描)场Fifth:File:Filter :过滤(器)、滤清器Find:查找First:Flap:片状(垂悬)物、折(阻力、活档)板、(阀)瓣;闸(阀)门Flasher:闪烁、角反射、闪光、闪光设备(信号)(电路)Float:(使)浮(起、动、运)、(使)漂(浮、流、移)滑翔Flood :洪水、泛滥、涌(喷)出、泛水;大量;泛光灯Flow :流(动、散)气、(液、水)流Flotech:Flywheel :飞(惯性、储能)轮FMI:Folder :文件夹Following :下例(述)的、以下的、后面的、接着的、其次的;下面、在…之后Foot:For:因为;(目的、用途、代换)为了、用于自动装置Format:Format view table :格式查看表Forward :向前(的)、前(向、进、方、部)的、正向(的)、供、往、去、作为Force :力、压、强制、说服力、Fork :叉、耙;叉架、叉状部件Frame :构架、骨架;结构;(机)构、车架Freon:(冰却剂)氟利昂FREQ=frequency :频率、同率Front :前面From :从(来)自、以来、离开(油)、燃料剂Fuel :燃料Full :(充、装、丰)满(的)、全(面、体、部)的)、完全的、充分(足)(的)、正式(的)Function :函数;作(功)用、功(机、职)能;操作Function toolbar :功能工具条Functional:Funk:害怕、恐惧、逃避;霉味Fusible :可(易)熔的Gas :气(体、态)Gasoli ne :天然气液化汽油Gauge=Gage:量、卡(线)规、量测(检验)仪器、标准尺Gear:齿轮(键)、传动装置、(排)挡(数)Gen eral:一般(性)的、通用的、普遍(通)的、平常的、全体(面)Generator:发电机、发动机;(脉冲、信号)发生器、振荡器;发送器、传感器Glove :Glow :灼热(无烟)、燃烧、发光、发热Governor :调速(节、整)器、限速器、控制器、稳定器Gray :灰(色、白)的Grapple :抓(住、牢)、钩住。
整个注射过程: (四个油缸作用)clamp cylinder nozzle cylinder锁模—(低压模保)—整前(喷嘴进)—(行程开关injection start)—injection cylinder注射(螺杆进)—保压—储料(预塑/螺杆转)—(料自料斗进,料满后推动螺杆退,背压)—防流涎—同时冷却—整后(有时无)—开模—ejector cylinder顶出(产品通过光电开关/电眼自动掉下)—顶退.TECHNICAL TERMSflat-head screw: 平头螺丝pan-head screw: 圆头螺丝fixing screw: 托脚screwdriver: 螺丝刀full thread: 全螺纹locknut: 紧定螺帽/螺母,紧母/迫母, tie rod nut: 调模丝母tie rod nut washer: 调模丝母垫tie rod nut holder: 调模丝母压盖bolt: n. 螺钉/螺栓; v,栓住, 定位stud bolt: 模具压板螺栓hold-down bolt: 压紧装置/螺栓jack bolt: 调节螺栓eye bolt: 吊环螺栓countersink screw: 沉头螺钉fundation bolt: 地脚螺栓Mold mounting bolt: 模具安装螺栓fastening bolt: 紧固螺钉anchoring hole/ foundation bolt hole: 地脚螺栓孔flight: 螺齿/导程secondary flight: 次螺槽primary flight: 主螺槽channel: 槽, 通道screw land: 螺棱land:台面flute: 槽trough: 槽chute: 滑槽coolant reservoir:冷却液槽T-slot: T型槽screw axis: 螺轴pitch: 螺距(沥青), 螺牙(螺距= lead)screw speed: 螺杆转速opposed semi-circular grooves: 对置式半环形键槽Tangential groove: 切向键槽axial groove: 轴向键槽Remedial groove: 修复式键槽stripping tank: 洗提槽Spline: 花键key: 键membrane: 薄膜键steel wadge: 钢契口grinding wheel: 砂轮emery cloth: 砂布main machine: 整机machine frame: 机器框架/机架barrel base cover: 前板盖screw barrel: 机筒end cap: 前机筒end platen: 终端压板screw barrel base: 射台前板screw drive base: 射台后板deflector: 偏转器/挡板throttle pin: 节流/减压销钉split pin: 开口销retaining pin:定位销link pin: 连杆销radial pin: 径向销钉link tie bar: 连杆拉杆tie bar: 拉杆push-rod: (阀)推拉杆adjustable rod /scotch bar: 机械保险杆safety lever: (液压)保险撞块drop bar: 机械保险挡板safety pawl: 机械保险挡块/ 安全制动掣pawl: 挡块location block: 定位挡块(block意为“压块”)Dog: 撞(挡)块snap ring: 挡圈(板) press ring: 压圈O-ring: O型密封圈rod-packing: Y型密封圈cap ring: 盖圈wiper: 密封圈(刮水器) scraper: 防尘圈/ 铲刀seal holder: 防尘(圈)压盖spring washer: 弹簧垫圈gasket: 垫圈,密封衬垫heel block: 垫块cushion: 衬垫,软垫pad: 垫板(座) cross head collar: 垫片parallel: 垫板/垫片mallet: 槌子adjustable mount: 机器调整垫块vibration-proof block: 防震垫块(铁)limit switch: 行程开关stopper: 限位块plugging switch: 反接制动开关key operated switch: 钥匙操作开关switching device: 开关器件access code: 通路编码access: 通道,接近通路communications network or link: 通信网或数据链assembled weights: 平衡块balancer: 轻重块plate: 底板/压板baffle: 挡板(作用类似“压盖”)saddle strap: 鞍形板Guiding bar holder 导杆支座guide pin/leader pin: 导杆/导柱front(rear) plate link: (前)后支架brace and bracket: 支架/托架(支承物) barrel support: 机筒支架rack: (电子)槽/支架shelf: 搁板bracket:灯架lampholder: 灯头座screw-shell: 灯头螺口reflector:反光罩stroboscopic effect: 频闪效应carrier: 托架,载体cable tray:电缆托架adapter plate: 连接板,撑板,托板backing plate/supporting plate: 托板/支架板slab: 厚板plate: 金属板subpanel: 配电连接板mold lifting bracket: 吊模架suspension hook: 吊钩hook: 起吊架脚bracket stay / brace: 托架撑脚rear(main) link: 后连杆front link: 前连杆sub link: 小连杆guide rod support: 夹板support tie rod: 夹板紧固杆cross head guide rod: 夹板拉杆cross head: 直角机头limit switch cam: 顶出开关杆knockout pin(center): 顶出杆(主) knockout pin/ejector pin: 顶出杆knockout bar: 顶出板stationary/ fixed platen: 定模板(头板) movable platen: 动模板(二板) mold height adj. Platen/ back platen: 尾板shoulder: 轴肩coupling: 联轴节/器flexible coupling: 弹性联轴节head cover: 前盖rear cover: 后盖mold cavity: 模腔air ring: 气环collar seat / back ring: 止逆环screw collar/ Thrust ring: 推力环split collar: 半环cover ring: 套环adapter ring: 嵌入环/接口套locating ring: 定位环/接口套positioning steel ball: 定位钢珠split mold: 组合模tube connector: 管接rotation center: 转心recess: n. 孔, 凹槽; v. 退回location recess: 定位孔counterbore: 扩口内孔(钻孔/扩孔) sink: 缩孔blind hole: 盲孔through hole: 通孔air pocket: 气孔knockout: 出砂孔opening: 通孔drain hole: 排泄孔damping port: 阻尼孔tapping hole: 钻孔scavenging port: 放油孔open clear sp=====an channel: 开口式光亮通孔evenly spaced notch: 切割均匀的切口(凹痕)porous: adj. 有孔的, 能渗透的(porosity:n.孔)air vent: 排气孔vent: v.排出, 发泄n.排气孔transducer: 传感器sensor: 传感器ejector transducer: 顶出电子尺platen moving transducer: 移模电子尺position transducer: 位移传感器/ 电子尺photoelectric sensor / presence-sensing device: 光电开关/ 电眼proximity switch/sensor: 接近开关flip switch:急扳开关gear: (调模)齿轮/介轮mold height adj. gear: 调模大齿圈core of the bar: 钢筋型心retainer: 套板(止退座)risk: 危险hazard:危害/险情guard: 防护装置enclosing guard:封闭体barrier sheet: 隔板casing: 箱safeguard: 安全防护装置safeguarding: 安全防护(措施)sleeve: (机筒)套筒guide yoke: 导套adaptor: 接套(连接器)jacket: 护套bushing: 衬套/套管/钢套chase: 模套shoe: 套架/固定板loading bush: 安装套(吹塑机上)steel liner: 钢衬垫(lining: 衬垫)toggle bushing with oil: 曲肘含油肘衬(衬套)front seal and bushing: 前盖钢套hub/boss: 轴套sprue bushing:主流道衬套/浇道衬套/(模具)注入口钢套mold bushing:模具定位钢套copper bushing / cross head bushing: 铜套}rod cover: 机械保险罩tie rod cover: 拉杆护罩sheath/ shell: 外罩(外壳, 外皮, 护套) outer shell: (机筒)外罩outer tube: (机筒)管状防护罩reinforcing tubing: 加固管purge guard of nozzle/purge cover: 清机罩purging: 清洗nozzle cover: 注射防护罩column covering: 立柱外罩pulley holder: 滑轮套enclosure: 护壳housing: 护罩enclose: 封装tie-bar locks: 拉杆闸cylinder tube: (锁模)油缸筒piston rod: 油缸杆small-bore traverse cylinder: 小口径快速移动油缸}(是直压式机器上的两种large-bore cylinder: 大口径锁模油缸}油缸)single-acting toggle cylinder: 单作用锁模油缸cylinder flange: 锁模缸底座cover base: 支柱flange: 法兰connection tube flange: 接管底板trash can: 垃圾桶washing machine tub: 洗衣机桶seating: 坐具bedding: 卧具defroster: 除霜机energy absorber: 减能器armrest: 扶手headrest: 头垫toilet seat: 马桶座圈shower stall: 淋浴房bathtub: 浴缸faucet: 水龙头cock: n.(排气孔的)开关, (水)龙头clutch: 离合器bumper fascias: (汽车)保险杠cross head link: 推力座main link pin: 大锁轴cross head link pin: 小锁轴bearing box: 轴承箱eject: 顶出/ 脱模emergency stop: 紧急制动器brake: 制动器reverse current braking: 反接制动plug-reverse:反接制动plug-stop: 制动停止ejector advance: 顶出ejector retract: 顶退ejector forward/return: 脱模进(顶出) / 顶退ejector force/ ejector tonnage: 顶出力Carriage: 射(整)移pull-back cylinder: 整移油缸carriage connection base: 射移铰座nozzle retract: 整移后退screw retract device: 螺杆倒索器件(螺杆退) nozzle advance/forward/: 整移进nozzle touch molding: 整前(动作) nozzle touch force: 整前力nozzle return force: 整后力preplasticize/ screw rotate/ charge/pre-suck: 预塑(化) plasticize: 储料injection unit return/ forward stop: (注射)座台退/进终, 即喷嘴退/进注射座台指: 从喷嘴开始, 包括料筒, 螺杆, 料斗,射台前板和射台后板的一整套装置.Screw drive assembly / injection housing: 注射座injection seat / screw drive assembly / screw driving unit:注射(预塑)座(液压马达熔胶装置/整移结构)screw forward end position: 螺杆进终止位置( 注射到底位置)Injection unit return/forward Device: 液压座台进退装置balancing twin-cylinder injection system:双缸平衡式注射系统=液压平衡注射装置adjusting “air gap” device:调整气隙装置Separable structure for machine seat: 机座分体式结构Logic valve hydraulic system: 插装式液压系统shift out of position: (模具)移位dislodgement: 挪位, 移位orientation / be held in place: 定位clamp: 移模/锁模, 夹紧clamp station: 锁模位置clamp block valve: 锁模块阀(即锁模阀板上的阀)mold clamp (assembly): 模具压板(组件)T-Slot auxiliary platen: T型槽模具辅助板clamp front interlock: 合模前连锁hydraulic crank interlock: 液压曲柄连锁daylight : 模板间距toggle stroke: 开模/移模行程clamping force: 合模力air blast in stationary platen: 母模吹气air blow: 气顶pneumatic open-door booster: 气动开门助力器air leaking: 放气inert gas: 惰性气体bubble: 气泡void: n. 空隙(空缺) air gap: 空气隙air cap: 空气帽air duct: 空气管convex: adj+n. 凸状物, 凸面的concave: adj+n. 凹状物, 凹面的splay: 银条(出现在成品表面的气泡) sharp edge: 锐棱flash: 焊渣burr: 毛刺hairline crack: 细裂纹block: 毛坯weep: v. (液体)渗出stress crack: 应力裂纹die height: 模具厚度die: n. 模具; v. 压five-point double-toggle locking mechanism: 五支点双肘杆锁模机构split-caliper locking arrangement: 对开卡钳式锁模机构pneumatic operation with mechanic clamping: 气动机械式锁模的操作结构toggle linkage: 曲肘连接/ 关节装置toggle machine: 曲肘式机器straight hydraulic machine: 直压式机器low-pressure mold protection device: 低压模保装置insufficient filling: 制品充模不足inadequately packs mold cavities: 充模不足fill: v. 注模(充模)high internal stress: 过高内应力hold pressure: v. 保压back pressure: 储料背压medium pressure: 中压pneumatic pressure: 气压pack pressure: v. 填充压力,充气no pressure: 不起压pressurize: 加压pressure drop: 压降(压降低= 压力损失小)reload: 取资料clamp ultra high speed close: 超高速关模差动(功能) open link: 开模连动high speed injection: 射出快速(差动高速)accumulator: 射出增速(此功能实为蓄能器)mold close stop: 关模停accumulator pressure switch: 蓄能充足感应器accumulator release valve: 射出增压阀(放能阀)accumulator charge valve: 蓄能阀core(pull): 中子double hydraulic core pulling: 双抽芯core-out / in 1 stop: 中子退/ 进一终, 抽芯/ 插芯一终single Hydraulic core-out / in Device: 单组液压抽插芯装置closed loop control: 闭环控制hydraulic unscrew device: 铰牙collar cooling: 环冷却mold cooling manifold: 模具冷却分水块recovery rate: (螺杆)回复/退回率plasticizing capacity: 塑化能力shot size: 理论容量shot capacity: 注射量shot: 物料量/注射产量injection weight: 注射量(射胶量)output: 生产/输出量(率)throughput: n. 生产量(注射量/容许能力) mold capability: 容模量inventory: 库存量high molecular weight: 高分子量auto cycle pause time: 自动循环暂停时间duty cycle:工作循环short-time: 短期工作pot life: (油漆)存罐期/储放期/适用期working life: 可用时间shelf life/storage life: 适用期production cycle time: 生产周期downtime: 停工期lead time: 订货至交货期的时间(产品设计至实际投产的时间)residence time: (塑料在机筒内)停留时间real-time: 实时inverse time: 反时限good response time: (液压中)响应时间短curing time:熟化期injection time set: 注射时间cushion monitor: 注射监测over move to the point registed: 移动超程follow the same step: 同步synchronous: 同步的, 共振的induction (motor): 异步/感应(电动机) molded part: 制模成品end product: 最终产品shot count reset function: 产品计数归零reading: n. 读数test pattern molding: 试模the trial/ test run: 试车run (to): 敷入(导线)/运转initiate: 启动,开动运转start: 起动tap: 分接出reset: 复位reclose: (变压器)重合闸commission: v. 试车(trial operation), 试投产, 启动, 使用out of commission: 不能使用(一般指PC中断)decommission: 中止操作wrap-round: 卷绕状的illuminated dot: 亮点(点状)bar: 划条(条状)spiral: 螺旋状helical valley: 螺旋谷worm: 蜗杆shaft mounting: 安装轴(均指齿轮电机的类型)front and trailing edges: 前缘和尾缘leading edge: 螺旋边缘compression intensity: 抗压强度tensile yield strength: 抗拉屈服强度torsional strength: 扭转强度dielectric strength: 绝缘强度(介质强度)interference radiation: 干扰辐射interference immunity: 抗扰性high noise-reduction: 抗干扰性强gate width: 浇道阔度direct gate:直浇口hot runner: 热流道hot-short: 热脆的jet width: (喷漆)射流宽度repeatability: 重复精度fixing surface: 安装表面metal-to-metal bearing surface: 金属间支承面deformation property: 变形性integrity: 整体性straightness: 直线性concentricity: 同轴度parallelism: 平行度,对应性,一致性alignment: 排成直线, 校直,校准(度) centering: n. 对中性loading capacity: (土壤)承载力geometric accuracy: 几何精度angle position change: 角位置变化tilting moment: 倾覆力矩sweep torque: 间歇扭矩bending moment: 弯矩bending force: 弯曲力(扭矩)curvatures: 弯曲度(曲率) magnifying ratio: (锁模力) 扩大比率percent fill of raceway: 导线槽满率shear rate: 剪切/切变速率pump ratio: 输送速率(pump: v. 输送)weight /performance ratios: 重量性能比positive force: (液压中)正(遮盖)力positive mold:正压塑模stress: 应力reference point: 基准detent point: 止动点sliding friction: 滑动摩擦(力) compation: 压缩thermal expansion / contraction rate: 热膨胀/ 收缩率spherical radius: 球面半径radii: 半径bulk density: 容积密度rigidity: 刚性(硬度)specific gravity: 比重specific heat: 比热flash point / fire point / ignition point: 燃点toughness: 韧性, 坚固度ductile: adj. 有韧性的(易拉长的/可锻的) velocity: 速度hypersonic speed: 特超音速的速度slow-down: n. 减速speed shift / variable speed: 变速resultant velocity: 合速度ultrasonic: 超声波viscosity: 粘性(度) viscosity index: 粘性指数long service life: 使用寿命长durability /endurance: 耐用性(耐久性/强度)lasting durability: 经久耐用electromagnetic compatibility:电磁相容性(协调性/ 适合性/ 共存性/ 兼容性/配伍性)extreme porosity: 极端透气conductive: 导电的,传导的heat conductance: 热传导性thermal conductivity: 导热性(导热系数) heating capability: 热容量(热值) thermal efficiency: 热效率conduction: 传导convection: 对流radiation: 辐射thermoset : 热固性(adj) thermoplastic: 热塑性(adj)heat-sensitive resin: 热敏性树脂epoxy resin: 环氧树脂solid plastic: 密实塑料(high solids: 固体含量高)solid color: 颜色一致blown film: 吹塑薄膜melt film: 熔融膜melt pool: 熔融液流melt front: 熔融前锋melt penetration: 熔融渗透solid bed: 固态(凝固)层laminar flow: 层流back flow: 倒流turbulent flow: 紊流leakage flow: 漏流pressure flow: 回流/逆流back flush: 回洗(回流洗涤)distribution: 分流dispersion disc: 分流盘atomize /fogging(n): 雾化unmelted pellet: 未熔(塑料)团粒particle: (塑料)粒子crystalline: 晶粒(晶体)deposit: (镍)沉淀块coloration: n. (塑料)着色color dispersion: 色散pastel shade: 轻淡优美的色彩homogeneous melt: 熔融均化overdilute: 过度稀释(thin:v)uniformity: 均匀性homogenization: 均质化tumbling and messaging action: (塑料)翻滚和挪动(动作)metering section: (螺杆) 均化/计量段conical transition: (螺杆) 锥形转化段involute transition: (螺杆) 渐开转化段nose cone angle: 前锥角helix angle: 螺旋角chamfer: 倒角edge chamfer:边倒角included angle: 夹角bevel: 斜角undercut: 陷槽/底切部, 根切, 截槽, 倾角corner: 内角elongation: 对角线(距角) taper: 锥度single-stage: 单阶式(螺杆) reciprocating: 往复式的(螺杆)flex flight mixing screw: 曲槽混炼螺杆one-line screw: 一线式螺杆foam screw: 泡沫螺杆frothing: 发泡plasticate:塑炼plasticize:增塑plastify:塑化plasticating screw: 塑炼螺杆barrier screw: 屏障型(分离型)螺杆interlocked screw tip / “castle” design: 联锁式螺杆头/“城堡”式设计(槽形设计)slide ring valve: 滑动环形螺杆头(阀)static mixer: 静态混合器vent bleeding: n. 排气(放气) vent stack: 通风管vented conversions: 排气转换装置converting equipment: 换能装置exhaust: n. 排气, 废气contaminant: 污染物soil: v. 弄污entrapped volatiles: 截留挥发物devolatilization: 冷凝(n)PID programmed barrel heating system: PID程式料管加热系统Multiple molding data memorizing system: 多组塑料成型参数记忆系统Rotative scale:旋转编码器encoder:编码器linker: 连接器floppy disk:软盘firmware:固件(微程序语言)Subroutine:子程序back up: v. 备份Debug: v. (计)调试Prepare: 调试prepared: 调制好的,处理过的feature: n. 功能部件configuration: 配置,结构(configure:v.) arrangement: n 配置connectivity: 连通性intuitive script language:直观描述/正本语言built-in transaction logging:内置式处理记录mirrored remote viewing:镜像远程观测distributed I/O fieldbus: 分布式输入/输出总线serial link: 串行连接be series connected: 串联interaction: 交互作用operator interface(OI): 用户(使用者)界面interface:平台Color pentium OI: 彩色用户界面,内置奔腾芯片PC Control runtime engine: PC控制驱动Active matrix display: 激活点阵显示Autotune function: 自整定功能electrical cabinet/ host controller/ distribution box: 配电箱/control panel:配电盘operator's control station: 操作控制站operating station: 操作工位control enclosure: 控制电柜/护壳compartment: 隔间raceway: 电缆通道wireway: 电线槽wiring channel: 行线槽data highway: 数据总栈solid state relay(SSR): 固体继电器overload relay: 过载继电器voltage relay: 电压继电器timer: 时间继电器interrelay: 内部继电器surge killer: 突波吸收器( 控制电压用) arcing relay: 灭弧继电器surging: n. 大量涌出, 冒料, 电涌,突波Concurrent: 联合引发in conjunction with: 以联合形式galvanic action: 电位差腐蚀作用short circuit: 短路open circuit: 开路电路power circuit: 动力电路parallel circuit: 并联电路incoming / outgoing supply circuit: 引入/接出电源电路printed circuit board: 印刷电路板control circuit of heating band: 电热短路short circuit protection:短路保护earth leakage breaker: 漏电保护器(开关)electric shock: 触电direct contact: 直接触电load-sensing circuit: 载荷感知式电路capacitor: 电容器Amp. Level: 电流表ampacity:载流容量locked-rotor current: (电机)堵转电流inrush current: 注入电流steady-state current: 稳态电流overcurrent: 过电流interrupting capacity: (电流)切断能力impedance: 阻抗speed regulator: 稳速器current regulator: 稳流器transformer: 变压器voltage stablizer /regulator / manostat: 稳压器AC/ DC: 交流(直流)电convertor: 变频器regulator: 调节器main power supply: 主变压器thermostat: 恒温器armature: 电枢tachometer generator: 测速发电机varistor: 可变电阻resistor: 电阻(器)Trimpot: 电位器Trimmer capacitor: 微调电容器Elco UF: 电容IC (Integrate Circuit) / molectron /chip: 芯片(集成电路)contactor (unit): 触头,触点/ 开关(电流接触器)quick fuse:快速熔丝slow-blow fuse: 耐燃熔丝fuse holder: 熔丝座receptacle / socket / jack/ socket-outlet: 插座attachment plug and receptacle: 插销插座组合附件fuse breaker: 熔丝断路器fuse link: 熔丝接线knit line: 密接线fuse socket: 熔丝盒no-fuse breaker: 无熔丝开关main circuit breaker: 空气开关/断路器main disconnection: 主断路disconnecting switch: 断开器(切断开关)supply switch: 断火开关central processor unit: 中央处理器装置(CPU)wiring terminal: 接线端子control voltage terminal: 控制电压接线柱(端子)terminals of Y-starter: 星型起动接头termination: 接线端,端接wiring: 电热接线,配线,布线panel wiring: 电柜内配线powering: 电源接通disc earthing: 接地盘line lug: 接线片conduit: 导线管oversized conductor: 导线加粗strand: 绞(合)线flex: 折弯,挠曲kinking: 折弯bend:弯头/折弯fray: 磨损strain: 绷紧solid copper conductor: 实心铜导线shielded conductor: 屏蔽导线flexible cord: 软线annealed copper wire: 软铜线bus: 母线feeder: 馈电线/馈电电路lead: 导线(=conductor) grounding conductor: 保护接地导线grounded conductor: 接地导线grounding pole:接地极current-carrying pole: 带电极polarize: 极化transmission cable: 传动电缆reel: 电缆盘multiconductor cable: 多芯电缆gauge: 电线直径grounding/earthing: 电源接地(方式)terminal board: 接线板terminal block:接线座splitter block:分流器pull box:分线盒terminal box / junction box: 接线盒heater box: 电热接线盒stacked connector: 接线头signal transfer board: 信号输送板memory card: 贮存板main connection: 主接线jumper wire: 控制线(跨连线/连接线/跳线) reflector: 反射电field: (电磁)场field loss detection: 失磁检测electrode: 电极electrostatic charge: 静电电荷brush discharge: 刷型放电corona discharge: 电晕放电worklight: 工作照明lighting:照明stationary lights: 固定照明(装置)flame: v. 引燃analog port: 模拟口analog input: 模拟输入simulate: v. 模拟, 仿真packages: 程序(模块) procedure: 步骤(程序/流程)diode DC: 二极管直流电limit diode: 限流二极管LED:发光二极管Transistor: 晶体管flex conductor: 软(弯曲)导线fluid conductor: 液体引流器electronic beam: 电子射线neutral: 中线polarity: 极性HZ: 赫兹HP: 功率volt-Amperes:伏安megohm: 兆欧foot pound: 尺磅kcmil: 圆密耳(导线尺寸单位)BSP: 英制(in) English unit: 英制metric unit: 公(米)制wire rope/steel cable: 钢缆bulb: 灯泡(in) 3-phase 4-wire: 三相四线interval:n. 间隔handle for the breaker: 带门锁手柄flash: 闪光片(飞片)alarm lamp: 报警灯infrared lamp: 红外线灯automotive multicolored taillight: 汽车多色尾灯alarm-sound: 声报警alarm-light: 光报警panel switch: 按钮开关master switch: 总开关signal lamp: 信号灯command signal: 指令信号discrete signal: 离散信号push-button (with lock): 按钮开关(带锁) changeover switch:变化(转换)开关rapid traverse changeover switch: 快速变动voltage spike: (电压)峰值peak value: (电压)峰值keyboard connector: 键盘连接线motor delta check: 电机三角形接法检查ground machine frame: 接地机架cable hose: 电缆软管3-pole protector: 三极保护器extended nozzle: 加长喷嘴Spring-operated shut off nozzle: 弹簧喷嘴shut nozzle: 液压喷嘴(hydraulic-operated shut off valve)shut off option: 喷嘴选择shut off nozzle time: 射出喷嘴计时nozzle centering alignment device: 喷嘴对中微调装置(inching switch:微调开关)inch: 缓慢地移动inching: 延缓闭模/降速闭模brillant-flat jet tip: (喷漆枪)光亮平喷嘴round jet tip:(喷漆枪)圆喷嘴multi-channel swirl nozzle: (喷漆枪的)多槽旋涡式喷嘴reverse-taper nozzle: 反向圆锥喷嘴barrel: 料筒screw tip: 料嘴头heating band for nozzle: 喷嘴电热段数resistance heater band: 电阻加热圈mica heater band: 云母电热圈ceramic heater band: 陶瓷电热圈cast aluminum heater: 铸铝电热圈thermocouple: 热电偶(flush melt thermocouple: 奔涌式熔融热电偶immersion melt thermocouple: 浸没式熔融热电偶)outlet / orifice / discharge end: 落料口, 出口,放料嘴for easy access: 容易触及flared entry: 扩口式入口inlet / feed: 加料口inlet plate: 料口开关fixed feed: 固定加料controlled feeding device: 可控加料器automatic purge: 自动清料nozzle temperature controller: 电热恒温嘴insulator / insulation: 绝缘体(隔热体)heat expansion: 加热膨胀heater zone: 电热区spare part: 备件option: 选择件rigid: 硬质negative: 负片safety gate: 安全门(栅栏)electric-mechanical double safety device: 电气机械双保险装置hopper dryer: (加料斗)干燥机auto loader: 上料机hopper magnet: 磁力架hopper throat: 上料口hopper car: 漏底车poppet: 提动阀芯valve stem: 气门杆(阀门芯)(valve) tappet: (阀)推杆cartridge hydaulics: 插装液压系统cartridge: 插装(阀) proportional valve: 比例阀limit valve: 进水阀directional valve: 方向阀press & flow valve: 压力流量比例阀gauge valve: (压力)表阀sol.(enoids) relief valve: 电磁溢流阀valve of release: 排气阀moisture removal valve: 排湿阀(水汽吸收器, 用在液压系统油箱内)plastic dehumidifying machine: 塑料除湿机(用于除去塑料桶内的湿气, 与前者不同)angle check valve / non-return valve: 单向阀sol.(enoid) pilot valve: 电磁换向阀limit pilot valve: 行程换向阀pathfinder control: 导航式控制器valve driver board: 阀输出板Manual pilot valve: 手动阀air blast valve: 吹气阀water saver valve: 冷却水节流阀pump relief valve: 油泵安全(溢流)阀screw torque selector valve: 螺杆力矩选择阀/背压阀water control valve for oil cooler: 油冷却器水控制阀water control valve for feeding throat: (料筒)进料口冷却水控制阀hydraulic motor: 液压马达reducer housing: 液压马达座electric motor: 电机DC motor: 直流电机pump motor: 油泵马达hydraulic screw drive motor: 预塑马达radial-piston motor: 径向柱塞马达fixed-displacement vane pump: 定排量叶片泵mud pump: (油田)抽泥泵hydraulic pipe / hose: 高压软管relief setting on proportional valve: 比例阀溢流设定screw/suck back: 射退suck-back pressure: 防流涎压力decompression (suck-back): 防流涎no-load: 空载(转),无载side load: 横载荷(边载)bypass oil filter: 旁路滤油oil level: 油位计heat exchanger: 油冷却器pressure gauge: 压力表(面板式) level gauge: 液位计potentiometer: 电位计moisture level: 湿度位temperature gauge / thermometer: 温度计surveyor’s level: 水准仪indicator: 百分表dashboard indicator:(汽车)仪表盘指示针magnetic gauge: 磁性表座micrometer: 千分尺caliper: 游标卡尺/卡钳mike bar: 测微棒feeler gage: 测隙规digital bore gage: 数字式口径量规cylinder gage: 量缸表(surface) profilometer: 表面光度仪grating ruler: 光栅尺measure head: 测头scanning head: 扫描头probe: 测头jaw: (游标卡尺的)卡口square: 直角尺/矩尺angle iron: 角铁oil gun: 牛油枪portable / hand-held spray gun: 手提式/轻便型喷漆枪robot out: 机械手出feeding / discharging robot: 加料/取瓶(卸产品)机械手universal spanner: 活络扳头universal plier: 活动钳hexagon wrench: 内六角扳头(管子钳)mesh: 滤眼(网眼)suction filter: 滤油器suction: 空气滤清器full-time filter: 不间断/全天候滤清器push-in filter: 嵌入式过滤网electrostatic precipitator: 静电滤尘器(除尘器) dust precipitator:集尘器vapor condenser: 蒸气冷凝器noncondensing: 无冷凝水unscrambler: 清理器preform tank: 瓶坯箱parison:型坯funnel: 漏斗chip conveyor: 排屑器interface port: 接口fitting:装置appliance:用具device: 器件tooling: (工序件)刀具fixture:器具apparatus:仪器vault-type hardware: 拱形器具assembly/subassembly: 组件collective set: 组合体(heating) element:(发热)元件conductive part: 导体件live part: 带电体actuator:操作件/执行机构machine actuator:机械执行机构extended operator: 伸缩操作件activator: 激活器wobble-stick: 手摇杆palm type: 掌揿式mushroom-head type: 蘑菇头式wire-clip type: 线夹式rod-operated type: 杆式self-latching type: 自锁式manifold: n. 复式接头/复合管/多支管/组合件/分水块adj. 多种多样的,多功能的piping, fitting & connetion: 管路接头expansion fitting: 膨胀管接头connector / joint: 接头splice: 拼结点/接头fittings: 垫片, 附件/ 配件outfit(s): n. 配备,全套装备;v. 配备,得到装备interference fit: 干涉配合captive fastener:系留紧固件fixing element: 固定件be snug on:紧贴…. hold closed: 紧密固紧shrink fit: 热装shrink over: 趁其热胀时套上steam turbine: 汽轮chain block (=derrick / crane /jack ): 起重机chain:挂链hinge: 铰链handle: 手柄knob: 旋钮roller: 滚轮/滚辊woven wire armor: 编织线网铠装nip rolls:夹辊/牵引辊solenoid coil: 电磁铁coil: 线圈shunt coil magnetic device: 电磁器件工作线圈delayed no-voltage device: 延时无电压器件prewired device: 预接引出线的器件axial winding: 轴向缠绕winding: 绕组secondary winding:二次绕组secondary circuit: 二级电路line side:进线边load side: 负载边rating: 额定值derate:减载运行trip: 跳闸/脱扣engage: v. 接合/ 啮合energize:通电,接通disconnect / deenergize: 切断(电源)primary: (变压器)原线圈,原边,原电压secondary: 副/次线圈,副边,副电压undervoltage: 欠电压PELV(protective extra low voltage): 保安特低电压residual voltage: 残余电压line voltage: 线电压breakdown voltage: 击穿电压ripple: 波纹电压nominal voltage: 额定/常规电压voltage impulse: 电压冲击(impact / shock: 冲击)voltage dip: 电压降voltage level: 电平sequence of states: 状态序列jogging / inching: 点动voltage of the negative sequence component: 电压负序成分detector: 测压器/检测器electronic beam: 电子射线electromagnetic clutch: 电磁离合器parameter: 参数factor: 系数(因素) coefficient: 系数clearance: 间隙(孔隙) tolerance: 公差allowance for…: 公差deviation: 偏差differential: n. 差动deflect: v.倾斜, 转向, 弯曲deflection: 偏差,挠度heating calibration: 加热偏移formula: 公式label: 指示标签nameplate: 铭牌identification tag: 识别标牌item: 功能项designation:项目代号identification:识别标志group identification: 组合标示graphical symbol: 图示符号legend: 图例/图示set up: 装配(机器)layout: 布局/装配/分布图schematic diagram: 示意图block diagram: 框图/立体图interconnection diagram: 互连接线图cross-referencing scheme: 相互对照图front view: 正面图sectional drawing: 剖面图temperature profile: 温度剖面(温度分布线图)section: 截(剖)面(cross) longitudinal section: (横)纵截面circular cross section: 环形截面sectional point: 分段处overview: 整体外观,概观outline: 外形video out: 屏幕图象输出temperature conditions page:温度状况屏幕页text: 文本graphic: 绘图式LCD: 液晶示屏animation: 动画overlay: n. 外层elastic layer: 弹性层intersect (with): 与…相交intersection: 交叉(点)in a circumferential direction: 以圆周方向bolt circle(pattern): 螺旋圆周(状)in cross direction: 横向(断面方向) longitudinal: 纵向(水平方向) lengthwise: adj. 纵向的lateral: 横向的horizontal: 水平的, 卧式vertical: 垂直的(+to) (be) perpendicular to/ (be) vertical: 垂直于heat-resistant grease: 耐热润滑脂grease nipple: 滑脂嘴anti-wear/wear resistance hydraulic oil: 抗磨液压油corrosion resistance: 耐蚀(性) abrasion resistance: 磨蚀强度abrasive resistance: 耐研磨性(研磨磨损) abrasive blasting: 磨蚀喷抛清理abrasive finishing: 打磨修整blast finishing: 喷砂修整adhesive resistance: 耐粘合性(粘合磨损) chemical resistance: 耐化学性resistance to diffusion: 防扩散性hydroscopic: adj. 吸湿性的leak-free hydraulic system: 防漏液压系统moisture-proof: 防潮的extraction system: (喷漆)排雾系统anti-rusted / rustproof: 防锈的antiseize: 防卡塞dustproof: 防尘的anti-shock / vibration-proof: 防震的spill-resistance: 防溢性splash-proof: 防溅的(splatter / spatter / sprinkle : v. 激溅)spark: (擦出)火花( ~off: 导致…);n.火花good dead head resistance: 流动性好edible oil: 食用油potable water: 饮用水remainder cold material: 残余冷料scrap:下脚料/残次废料composite: 复合材料compound: 配料sheet: 片材/板材/薄片overlay sheet:贴面材料composite laminate: 复合层压制件laminate: n. 层压材料lamination: 薄片制作reinforcement: 增强材料polymer: 聚合物VOC ( volatile organic compound): 挥发性有机化合物Fumes of acids: 酸性气体alkali: 碱(性的)fresh water: 生水molding compounds: 成型调和物compound: 混合物virgin / feedstock: 原料backing material: 衬料base material: 基料colorant: n. 颜料padding / filler: 填料coating material: 涂料thermal spray coating: 热喷涂层intermediate coat: 中间层(漆)substrate: 底层galvanizing: 电镀(层)textured paint: 膨松漆enamel: 釉漆primer: 底漆flux: 焊剂coolant: 冷却剂/冷却液lubricant:润滑剂cure: 熟化curing agent: 熟化剂degree of cure: 固化程度thinner: 稀释剂additive:添加剂extender:补充剂retarder: 阻滞剂flame retardant: 火焰阻燃剂finish: 整饰剂/抛光剂finishing: 整饰good finish: 光洁度良好( semi-gloss: 不完全光滑)reinforcing agent: 增强剂cleaning agent / solvent: 清洗剂/溶剂detergent:洗涤剂clarifier: 澄清剂additive: 添加剂pigment: 颜料/色素(涂剂)adhesive : n. 粘合剂binder: 结合剂electrical tape: 绝缘胶布adhesive strip: 胶粘条backing: n. 衬垫(unbacked: adj.无衬的) foreign object:无关的物品inlay: n+v. 镶入(物) insert: 插片,插塞/嵌件carbon brush(holder): 碳刷stone: 油石textile: 织物paper-backed wood veneer laminate: 纸衬胶合薄木片talc: 滑石(云母) mica: 云母PMP: 电木粉polyolefins: 聚烯烃styrene: 苯乙烯rosin: 松香oil seal: 骨架式橡胶油封oil cover: 油封盖oil-tight connections: 油密封连接soldered connection: 锡焊连接solderless wrap: 无锡焊卷绕wire-wraped connection: 金属绕丝连接dip soldered: 浸焊wave soldered: 波焊pretine: 预镀锡spray booth: 喷漆间linear oven: 线性烘箱spinning oven: 旋转炉vertical furnace: 立式熔炉ion nitride: 离子氮化法plasma spray coating technique: 等离子喷涂(技术)HIP(hot isostatic pressure): 热均衡压力precipitation hardening: 弥散(沉淀)硬化dispersion hardening: 弥散硬化hardsurface: v. 硬表面化point / local / selective hardening: 局部淬火carbon case hardening: 渗碳硬化shell hardening: 渗碳(表面淬火) case: 渗碳层/ 淬火层(先渗碳后淬火)heat harden: 淬火anneal: 退火negative hardening: n. 低温退火bake: v. 烘焙after-bake: 后烘sulphurize: v. 硫化carbonize: 碳化调质处理:thermal refiningor: 调质= 先淬火+后高温回火quenching followed by tempering at high temperature(或quenching prior to tempering at high temperature)magnetic flux reversal: 磁通量转换centrifugally cast: 离心式浇铸centrifugal casting: 离心铸塑(法)centrifugal molding: 离心模制flow molding: 流动模制molding: 模塑bath lubrication: 浸油润滑plastic injection molding machine: 注塑机plastic extruding machine: 挤塑机(pipe-, profile-, sheet-lines: 管状-,异型状-,片状生产线)Reheat Stretch Blow Molding machine: 再热式拉伸吹塑机(吹瓶机)air compressor: 空压机die casting machine: 压铸机machine tools: 机床/金属加工机械metal forming tools:金属成形机械tool post: 刀架copy milling machine: 仿形铣床grinding machine: 磨床boring machine: 镗床clicker press/punching machine: 冲床drilling machine: 钻床planing machine: 刨床shaping machine: 牛头刨床horizontal machining center: 卧式加工中心CNC(Computerized Numerical Control): 电脑数值控制(数控)pelletizer: 造粒机cutting machine: 切削机size reduction equipment: 粉碎机/磨碎机laminating machinery: 层压机plastic mashing machine: 破碎机plastic mixing machine: 混料机coordinate measuring machine: 坐标测量机In-process gaging machine: 加工过程中的测量装置machine shop: 金工车间钣金件:metal sheetfinish machining: 精加工heat treatment: 热处理welding surface: 焊接表面casting surface: 铸造表面casting: 浇铸ingot casting: 铸块压铸pressure forming: 加压成型/冲压sheet molding compound(SMC):片状模塑料sheet forming: 片材成形sheet train:片材生产线/片材塑造机组blanking die: 冲模workpiece: 工件feed: 进给/反馈tachometer feedback: 测速反馈overtravel: 超程revolution: n.旋转instantaneous defect: 瞬发故障regulation position loop: 固定位置环aggregate: 集料headstock feed measurement: 反馈测头short pulse: 短脉冲safety clutch: 安全销surface of painting platen: 喷漆板表面circular guide way: 环形导轨blower: 风扇capillary tube: 毛细管module: 模块(modular design: 模块化设计) modulus: 模量/模数modular movement: 动作模块sliding base: 滑座slip: 滑移/ 滑块base: 滑脚/基座rinse: 清洗flush out: 冲刷reverse: adv+n. 反向, 倒向(in ~order:倒序地, 以相反次序)gear step: 齿轮速档clamping unit: 夹紧装置table-clamping plate: 工作台一类板slide of table: 工作台滑板flexible base: 平面/ 固定平台rotary table: 旋转平台(工作台)sub table: 小工作台bed of table: 工作台床身platform: 工作台底板bed covering: 床身外罩assembled bed: 床身bed adaptor: 床身连接器assembled headstock: 床头箱headstock: 机床头assembled panel arm: 控制柜悬臂spindle / main shaft: 主轴shank: 柄(轴) quill: 空心轴drive shaft: 驱动主轴main drive: 主轴驱动cement: 水泥concrete: 混凝土cast iron: 钢筋mortar: 灰浆ballast concrete: 碎石混凝土foundation: 地基Euromap: 欧洲标准SPI: 美国塑料工业标准JIS: 日本标准CE: 欧洲安全技术标准AWG: 美国电线标准尺寸(美国线规)physical dimension: 实际尺寸physical: 有形的dwelling unit: 住宅单元vehicle washing area: 洗车场。
Gift box 彩盒 Poly bag 塑料袋 BMC 工具盒 Card 卡片 Instruction manual 说明书 B.O.M 物料清单 I.R 检查报告
Drill 电钻 driver 电批 Oven 烤炉
Instrument 仪器
Gauge 量规 Hole test 内径千分尺
Impeller 风扇叶 Indicator cover 指示器盖 Indicator switch knob 指示开关旋钮 Injection 注射 Insert 型芯/插入 Insert refill bottle 插入式替换瓶 Inspection 检验 Instruction manual 说明书 Instrument 仪器 Insultator 绝缘体 Motor fixity-external 马达外定位件 Motor fixity-internal 马达内定位件 Key 锁匙 Key holder 锁匙支架 Label 标签 Lanyard 手带 Latch 锁扣/门锁 Led 发光二极管 Left head screw左牙螺丝 Lens 透镜 Leveler accessory水平珠组件 Leveler body 水平珠本体
pin gauge 芯棒 projector 投影仪 go-no go 通尺规 micpo meter 千分尺 miltimeter 万用表 torque meter 扭力表
QC 质量控制 R&D 工程研发
PIE 生产工业工程 SER 样本评估报告 ACCOUNTING 会计
Accessory 附件 Accounting 会计 Actuate switch 启动开关
P&A 人事 SDS来货检验资料
Barbed connector 有倒扣的连接片 Battery 电池 Battery cave电池底壳 Battery cave cover电池盒 /盖 Battery tag电池片 Bearing 轴承 Bearing-lock 轴承-锁 Belt 皮带 Bit 铁嘴 Bit guard 防护罩 Bit storage 批嘴储存件 Block 量块 Bottle connector 瓶口连接 Bottom 底部 Bottom cabinet-charger充电座底壳 Box 箱 Charger bracket充电座支架 Bracket固定架 /支架 Brand label商标贴纸 Bristle brush 毛刷 Bristle holder 毛刷(柄) Brush roller 毛刷巻轴
机械类常用英语:钢材类aloy tool steel合金工具钢aluminium aloy 铝合金钢bearing aloy 轴承合金blister steel 浸碳钢bon derized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢clad sheet 被覆板clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢emery金钢砂ferrostatic pressure钢铁水静压力forging die steel 锻造模用钢galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板hard aloy steel超硬合金钢high speed tool steel高速度工具钢hot work die steel 热锻模用钢low aloy tool steel 特殊工具钢low manganese casting steeI 低锰铸钢marging steel马式体高强度热处理钢martrix aloy 马特里斯合金meehanite cast iron M 汉纳铸钢meehanite metal M 汉纟内铁merchant iron 市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢molybdenum steel 钼辛冈nickel chromium steel 镍铬辛冈prehardened steel 顶硬钢silicon steel sheet 矽钢板stainless steel 不锈钢tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板tough pitch coper 韧铜troostite 吐粒散铁tungsten steel 钨钢vinyl taped steel sheet 塑胶覆面钢板常用加工机械3D coord in ate measureme nt 三次元量床bori ng machi ne 搪孑L机CNC miling machine CNC 铳床contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床copy lathe 仿形车床copy miling machine 仿形铳床copy shaping machine 仿形刨床cylindrical grinding machine 夕卜圆磨床die spotting machine 合模机driling machine ?孑L机engraving machine 雕刻机en gravi ng E.D.M.雕模放置加工机form grin di ng machi ne 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨^口工机horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孑L机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床jig boring machine 冶具搪孑L机jig grinding machine 冶具磨床lap machine 研磨机machine center力口工制造中心multi model miler 靠磨铳床NC driling machine NC 钻床NC grin di ng machi ne NC 磨床NC lathe NC 车床NC programming system NC 程式制作系统planer龙门刨床profile grinding mach ine 投影磨床project ion grin der 投影磨床radial driling machine 旋臂?床shaper牛头刨床surface grinder 平面磨床try machine 试模机turret lathe 转塔车床universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床vertical machine center立式加工制造中心wire E.D.M.线割放电加工机机械类常用英语:生产类PCS Pieces个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Palet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号机械设计及周边其他用语英汉对照assembly drawing 装配图auto tool change cycle 自动换刀时间周期beam 横梁bending mome nt 弯矩bending stress 弯曲应力bottoming 底靠buckling纵弯曲chamfering去角斜切channel 凹槽chattering 颤动check point查核点chip切屑chip conveyor 排屑输送机coefficient of friction 摩擦系数compact小型的cooling pipe 冷去卩管coup on试样胚deflect ion挠曲量distortio n扭曲变形draft tap er拔模锥度draw out拉拔fit tolera nee配己合公差flexible rigidity 弯曲刚性gas vent 气孔hatchi ng 剖面线heater cooler加热器冷却装置hook cavity 钩穴inching 寸动lug凸缘maintenance维修保固metalurgy 冶金学notch effect 切口效果out of roughness 真圆度performanee 动作性能pit坑pla ne strain倒角应力plug mil蕊棒轧管机repeated load重覆载荷riveted joint ?钉接合sand paper 砂纸shift 偏移shrink fit热压配合shrinkage hole 缩孑L sinking 凹陷sketch 草图spaling 剥落straight ness 直度submari ne 深陷式surface roughness 表面粗度taping 攻螺丝thermocouple 热电耦torsion load 扭转载荷toughness 韧性tracing 描图un der cut 凹割机械类常用英语:加工方法barrel滚筒(加工)ben di ng波纹加工broaching 拉刀切肖U centering 定中心cutt ing 切削cyli ndrical lathe cutti ng 外圆车削electric discharge machine 放电加工electrolytic grinding 电解研磨embossing压花加工facing面车肖U filing锉刀修润hand finishing 手工修润hemming 卷边加工hobbing 滚齿加工joggling摇动加工laping抛光/研磨修润laser beam machining 雷射加工lathe cutting 车床车肖Uplanning刨削加工polishing抛亮光reaming 铰孔修润rough machining 粗切肖U rounding圆形加工sawing锯削scali ng清除钢碇缺陷shapi ng成形加工skiving表面研磨slotting切缝切削taper turning 锥度车削thread cutting 螺纹切削ultrasonic machining 超音波加工up cut miling 逆铳加工业务与贸易关连用语英汉对照accept order接受订货account帐户after service 售后服务amendment 修正annual sales年销售额at sight见票即付balanee 余额bank draft 汇票bargain goods 廉价品batch 批次bid出价bid sales投标买卖bil of landing 提单bils receivable 应收票据brand品牌bulk cargo散装货bus in ess tran sacti on 商业交易buyer 买方carb on copy 打字副本cargo colect ion 揽货cart on 纸箱cash in adva nee 预付现金catalogue 型录cheque 支票CLF运费保险费在内价格claim索赔clearanee goods 清仓品commision 佣金commissi on 批发商compla in 抱怨container 货柜corresp ondence bank 往来银行cost 成本cost and freight o C&F 含运费价格custom broker 报关行customer 客户D/A承兑交单D/P付款交单deferred payment 分期付款deferred shipment 分期装运delivery on spot 当场交货delivery time 交期delivery order 交货单discount 折扣discount on draft 贝占现documentary draft 跟单汇票dow n payme nt 订金en closure 附件en dorseme nt 背书enquire 询问exhibition 展览会export 出口factory visit 工厂参观favourable price 合宜价格foreign exchange 夕卜汇free on board 船上交货价idea price 希望价格import 进口Japa nese In dustrial 日本工业规格invoice 发票L/C信用证margin利润market 市价net weight 净重no payment拒绝付款odd item 零头offer报价ope n acco unt交互计算order 订单over looked 疏漏pack ing包装pamphlet小册子partial shipme nt 分批装船pate nt 专禾Upaying price 合算价格payment method 付款方式port of destination 目地港port of trans-shipment 转口港price 价格price dece nding 减价price rising 涨价procureme nt 采办prompt delivery 即时交货purchase 购入purchas ing age nt采购代理商quotati on 报价单rebate 回扣refere nee 查询remitta nee 汇款repeat order 追加订货request letter 请求函rumor 风评second hand goods 二手货shiper 货主shiping 装船shiping mark 麦头shipme nt 出货sold out 卖完sole age nt 总代理商special disco unt 特另U 折扣specificati on 规格sample order 指样订货standing 信用情形storage charge 仓租subcontract 夕卜包subject to final confirmation 有待确认之报价suplier供应商T/T 电汇tie-in sale 搭售trade fair 商展会trans-shipment 转运transferred 已转运wharf 码头杂项:3D coord in ate measureme nt 三次元量床3D modeli ng 三次元模拟aberration色差abn ormal glow不规则辉光放电abrasive 砂轮access 通路account 帐户accretion 炉瘤accurate die casting 精密压铸acid converter 酸性转炉acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉acid open-hearth furnace 酸性平炉activator 活化剂acetylene 乙炔adjustable spanner 活动扳手aerator 松砂机after service售后服务age hardening时效硬化ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化airless plasting cleaning 离心喷光air patenting 空气韧化air permeability test透气性实验air set mold常温自硬铸模air vent valve 通气阀al core molding 集合式铸模aloy tool steel 合金工具钢alround die holder 通用模型aluminium aloy 铝合金钢amendment 修正ampere电流安培anchor pin 锚梢angle cutter 角铳刀angle welding 角焊an gular pin 角梢an gular pin 倾斜梢animation 卡通影片anode effect阳极效应ann eali ng 退火机械类常用英语:实验与实验用语air permeability test 透气性实验austenitic steel 沃斯田铁钢Brinel hardness 布氏硬度Brinel hardness test 布氏硬度实验charpy impact test夏比冲击实验coni cal cup test 圆锥杯突实验cup flow test杯模式流动度实验dart drop impact test落锤冲击实验Elme ndorf test埃罗门多撕裂强度实验environmen tal stress crack ing test 环境应力龟裂实验ericessen test埃留伸薄板拉伸实验faling bal impact test落球冲击实验fatigue test疲劳实验ferrite纯铁体gantt chart甘特图heat cycle test热循环实验histogram柱状图hot be nd test热弯实验izod impact test埃左德冲击实验loop ten acity环结强度marte ns heatdistorti on temperature test 马顿斯耐热实验martensite马氏体rattler test磨耗实验mulen bursting strength tester密廉式破裂强度实验机nol ring test诺尔环实验normal distribution 常态分酉己ozone resista nee test 抗臭氧实验pareto diagram 柏拉图peeling test剥离实验pinhole test针孔实验机rockweel hard ness test 洛氏硬度实验rockweel hard ness洛氏威尔硬度roli nx process罗林克斯射出压缩成形法rossi-peakes flow test罗西皮克斯流动实验sampling inspection抽样检查scratch hardness抗刮硬度shore hardness萧氏硬度spiral flow test螺旋流动实验surface abrasion test表面磨耗实验taber abraser泰伯磨耗实验机ten sile impact test拉伸冲击实验tensile strength 抗拉强度tension test 张力实验thermal shock test冷热剧变实验torsion test扭曲实验ubbelohde viscometer乌别洛德黏度计vicat in de ntation test维卡针压陷实验Vickers hardness test维氏硬度实验warpage test翘曲实验weatherometer人工老化实验机weisse nberg effect威森伯格回转效应机械加工常用刀具英汉对照adjustable spanner 活动扳手angle cutter 角铳刀anvil 铁? arbour 心轴backi ng衬垫belt san der带式打磨机buffing 抛光chamfering machine 倒角机chamfering tool 去角刀具chisel 扁錾chuck夹具compass两角规con cave cutter 凹面铳刀convex cutter 凸形铳刀cross joint 十字接头cutting edge clearanee 刃口余隙角dril stand钻台edge file刃用锉刀file锉刀flange joint凸缘接头grinder砂轮机hammer铁锤hand brace手摇钻hatchi ng剖面线hexagon headed bolt六角头螺栓hexagon nut六角螺帽index head 分度头jack 千斤顶jig治具kit工具箱lapi ng 研磨metal saw 金工锯nose angle 刀角pinchers 钳子pliers 铗钳plug柱塞头polisher磨光器protable driler手提钻孔机punch 冲头sand paper 砂纸scraper 刮刀screw driver 螺丝起子scribing 划线seco nd out file 中纹锉spanner 扳手spline broach 方栓槽拉刀square直角尺square sleeker方形镘刀square trowel 直角度striping剥离工具T-slot T 形槽tool for lathe 车刀tool point angle 刀刃角tool post 刀架tosecan戈U线盘trimming去毛边waffle die flattening 压纹效平wiper 脱模钳wrench螺旋扳手机械类常用英语:检验量测工具用语autocolimator 自动准直机bench comparator 比长仪block gauge块规bore check精密小测定器calibrati on 校准caliper gauge 卡规check gauge 校对规clearanee gauge 间隙规clinoretee 测斜仪comparator 比测仪cylinder square 圆筒直尺depth gauge 测深规dial indicator 针盘指示表dial snap gauge 卡规digital micrometer 数位式测微计feeler gauge 测隙规gauge plate量规定位板height gauge 测高规in side calipers 内卡钳in side micrometer 内分??卡interferometer 干涉仪leveling block 平台limit gauge 限规micrometer 测微计mil千分之一寸mono meter压力计morse taper gauge莫氏锥度量规nonius 游标卡尺optical flat 光学平晶optical paralel 光学平行passimeter 内径仪position scale 位置刻度profile projector轮廓光学投影仪protractor分角器radius 半径ring gauge 环规sine bar正弦量规snap gauge卡模square master直角尺stylus 触针telescopic gauge伸缩性量规working gauge 工作量规表面处理、热处理关连用语英汉对照age hardening时效硬化ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火anode effect 阳极效应anodizing阳极氧化处理atomloy treatment阿托木洛伊表面austempering奥氏体等温淬火austenite奥斯田体/奥氏体bai nite贝氏体ban ded structure条纹状组织barrel plating 滚镀barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 染黑法blue shortness 青熟脆性bon derizi ng磷酸盐皮膜处理box ann eal ing箱型退火box carburizing 圭寸箱渗碳bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理carbide炭化物carburized case depth浸碳硬化深层carburiz ing 渗碳ceme ntite 炭化铁chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarse ning 结晶粒粗大化coati ng涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性comemtite 渗碳体controled atmosphere 大气热处理corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火depth of hardening 硬化深层diffusion 扩散diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解淬火embossing 压花etching表面蚀刻ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理ful annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法globular cementite 球状炭化铁grain size结晶粒度granolite treatment磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing石墨退火hardenability 硬化性、淬透性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot diping 热浸镀induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbo ni tridi ng离子渗碳氮化ion carburiz ing离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法low temperature annealing 低温退火maleablizing可锻化退火martempering麻回火处理martensite马氏体/硬化铁炭metalikon金属喷镀法metalizing 真空涂膜nitriding氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油淬化overageing 过老化overheating过热pearlite针尖组织、珠光体phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化pre-annealing 预备退火precipitation 析出precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 力口压硬化process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 淬火老化quench hardening 淬火que nching crack 淬火裂痕que nchi ng distort ion 淬火变形quenching stress 淬火应力reconditioning 再调质recrystalization 再结晶red shortness红热脆性residual stress 残留应力retained austenite 残留奥rust prevention 防蚀salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火sand blast喷砂处理seasoning时效处理second stageannealing第二段退火secular distortion 经年变形segregatio n 偏析selective harde ning咅B分淬火shot blast喷丸处理shot peening珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗氮sintering 烧结处理soaking均热处理softening软化退火solution treatment固溶化热处理spheroidizing球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzerotreatment 生冷处理supercooling 过冷surface harde ning 表面硬化处理temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色tempering 回火tempering crack 回火裂痕texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理thermoechanical treatment 力口工热处理timequenching 时间淬火transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理under annealing不完全退火vacuum carb on itridi ng 真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburiz ing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化water quenching 水淬火wetout浸润处理机械类常用英语:锻铸造关连用语accreti on 炉瘤acid con verter 酸性转炉acid lining cupola 酸性熔铁炉acid open-hearth furnace 酸性平炉aerator松砂机air set mold常温自硬铸模airless blasting cleaning 离心喷光al core molding 集合式铸模al round die holder 通用模座assembly mark铸造合模记号back pouring 补浇注backing sand 背砂base bulion 粗金属锭base permeability 原砂透气度beling压凸bilet坏料bleed漏铸blocker预锻模膛blocking粗胚锻件blow hole铸件气孔board drop hammer 板落锤bottom pourmold 底浇bottom pouri ng 底注boxless mold 脱箱砂模break-off core缩颈砂心brick molding砌箱造模法buckle剥砂面camber错箱camlachie cramp 铸包cast blade 铸造叶片casting flange 铸造凸缘casting on flat 水平铸造chamotte sand 烧磨砂charging hoper 力口料漏斗cleaning of casting 铸件清理closed-die forging 合模锻造core compound 砂心黏结剂core template砂心模板core vent砂蕊排气孑L corner gate压边浇口counter blow hammer 对击锻造counter lock 止口镶嵌方式depression夕卜缩凹孑L die aproach模口角度draw out锻造拔长draw plate 起模板draw spike起模长针dummying 预锻embedded core 力口装砂心erosion 冲砂fettling铸件清理filing core埋入砂心filing in填砂film play液面花纹finishing slag炼后熔渣flash gutter锻模飞边槽flask molding 砂箱造模forging rol 辊锻机formboard进模口板gutter锻模飞边槽hammer man 锻工headi ng machi ne 顶镦机impacter卧式锻造机in block cast整体铸造in got 铸锭in got bla nk 铸坯in lay casti ng 镶铸法in vestme nt cast ing 失模铸造isothermal forging 恒温锻造loose piece 木模活块molding pit 铸模地坑pouring process 浇注法recasting 重铸rol forging 车L锻roled surface 车L制表面rough sand 粗砂rough ing forge 粗锻sand crush ing 塌箱seamless forging 无缝锻造separate 分离shave崩砂shri nkage fit收缩配合shut height 闭合高度sieve mesh 筛孑L sintering of sand 铸砂烧贴slag 熔渣slag inclusion 夹渣stickness 黏模性strip layout带状胚料排样法tap casti ng顶注top gate顶注浇口unworked casting未制成形的铸件、不加工铸件upender翻转装置upending顶锻uphil casting 底铸white cast iron 白口铸件模具成形不良用语英汉对照aberratio n 色差atomizati on ?化bank mark ?料纹bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵)blacking scab 涂料疤blister 起泡bloo ming 起霜blow hole 破孔blushi ng 泛白body wrin kle 侧壁皱纹break in g-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr毛边camber翘曲cel气泡center buckle 表面中部波皱check细裂痕checking龟裂chiping修整表面缺陷clamp-off铸件凹痕colapse 塌陷color mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation变形edge切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filer speak填充料斑fissure裂纹flange wrinkle凸缘起皱flaw刮伤flow mark 流痕galing 毛边glazing光滑gloss光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度in crustatio n 水锈inden tati on 压痕internal porosity 内部气孑L mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点n eck ing 缩颈nick割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 录9离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark模板印痕pock麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar疤痕scrap废料scrap jam废料阻塞scratch刮伤伐U痕scuffing深冲表面划伤seam裂痕shock line模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孑L sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折叠straightening 矫直streak条状痕surface check表面裂痕surface roughe ning 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹各式模具分类用语英汉对照Ian ded plun ger mold 有肩柱塞式模具burnishing die 挤光模Ian ded positive mold 有肩全压式模具butt on die镶入式圆形凹模loadi ng shoe mold料套式模具cen ter-gated mold中心浇口式模具loose detail mold活零件模具chil mold冷硬用铸模loose mold活动式模具clod hobbing冷挤压制模louvering die百叶窗冲切模composite dies复合模具manifold die 分歧管模具counter punch 反凸模modular mold 组合式模具double stack mold 双层模具multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具electroformed mold 电铸成形模multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具expander die扩径模offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具extrusion die 挤出模paletizing die 叠层模family mold 反套制品模具plaster mold 石膏模bla nk through dies漏件式落料模porous mold通气性模具duplicated cavity plate 复板模positive mold 全压式模具fan tail die扇尾形模具pressure die压紧模fishtail die 鱼尾形模具profile die轮廓模flash mold 溢料式模具progressive die顺序模gypsum mold 石膏铸模protable mold 手提式模具hot-runner mold 热流道模具prototype mold 雏形实验模具in got mold 钢锭模pun chi ng die 落料模lancing die 切口模raising(embossing)压花起伏成形re-entrant mold 倒角式模具sectional die 拼合模runless injection mold 无流道冷料模具sectional die 对合模具segment mold 组合模semi-positive mold 半全压式模具shaper定型模套single cavity mold 单腔模具solid forging die 整体锻模split forging die 拼合锻模split mold双并式模具sprueless mold无注道残料模具squeezing die 挤压模stretch form die 拉伸成形模sweeping mold 平刮铸模swing die 振动模具three plates mold 三片式模具trimming die 切边模unit mold 单元式模具universal mold 通用模具unscrewing mold 退扣式模具yoke type die 轭型模。
变速 箱体 gear box casi ng
腐蚀 rust
氧化 oxid atio n
磨损 wear
耐用 度 dura bili ty
随机 信号 rand om sign al
功率 power 工件 workpiece 齿轮加工 gear mechining 齿轮 gear
合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting
机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration
气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure
固态 相变 soli d stat e phas e chan ges
金属切削 metal cutting 机床 machine tool 金属工艺学 technology of metals 刀具 cutter 摩擦 friction 联结 link
切削 深度 cutt ing dept h
前刀 面 rake face
刀尖 nose of tool
前角 rake angl e
离散 信号 disc rete sign al
超声 传感 器 ultr ason ic sens or
集成 电路 inte grat e circ uit
挡板 orif ice plat e
主运动 main movement
主运动方向 direction of main movement
进给方向 direction of feed
拉孔 broa chin g
装配 asse mbli ng
铸造 foun d
机械行业常用英语对照--机械英语2010年09月05日星期日下午 09:34stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler &strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上逝世点bottom stop下逝世点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivenry to.to send delinery backto retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption耗费to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for die engineering 模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die 持续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变更die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓机械行业部分英汉对照按英文字母排序3-Jaws indexing spacers 三爪、分割工具头A.T.C.system 加工中心机刀库Aluminum continuous melting &holding furnaces 持续溶解保温炉Balancing equipment 平衡设备Bayonet 卡口Bearing fittings 轴承配件Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机Bearings 轴承Belt drive 带传动Bending machines 弯曲机Blades 刀片Blades,saw 锯片Bolts,screws &nuts 螺栓,螺帽及螺丝Boring heads 搪孔头Boring machines 镗床Cable making tools 造线机Casting,aluminium 铸铝Casting,copper 铸铜Casting,gray iron 铸灰口铁Casting,malleable iron 可锻铸铁Casting,other 其他铸造Casting,steel 铸钢Chain drive 链传动Chain making tools 造链机Chamfer machines 倒角机Chucks 夹盘Clamping/holding systems 夹具/支撑系统CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床CNC lathes 电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains 输送链Coolers 冷却机Coupling 联轴器Crimping tools 卷边工具Cutters 刀具Cutting-off machines 切断机Diamond cutters 钻石刀具Dicing saws 晶圆切割机Die casting dies 压铸冲模Die casting machines 压铸机Dies-progressive 持续冲模Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头Drawing machines 拔丝机Drilling machines 钻床Drilling machines bench 钻床工作台Drilling machines,high-speed 高速钻床Drilling machines,multi-spindle 多轴钻床Drilling machines,radial 摇臂钻床Drilling machines,vertical 立式钻床drills 钻头Electric discharge machines(EDM) 电火花机Electric power tools 电动刀具Engraving machines 雕刻机Engraving machines,laser 激光雕刻机Etching machines 蚀刻机Finishing machines 修整机Fixture 夹具Forging dies 锻模Forging,aluminium 锻铝Forging,cold 冷锻Forging,copper 铜锻Forging,other 其他锻造Forging,steel 钢锻Foundry equipment 铸造设备Gear cutting machines 齿轮切削机Gears 齿轮Gravity casting machines 重力铸造机Grinder bench 磨床工作台Grinders,thread 螺纹磨床Grinders,tools &cutters 工具磨床Grinders,ultrasonic 超声波打磨机Grinding machines 磨床Grinding machines,centerless 无心磨床Grinding machines,cylindrical 外圆磨床Grinding machines,universal 全能磨床Grinding tools 磨削工具Grinding wheels 磨轮Hand tools 手工具Hard/soft and free expansion sheet making plant 硬(软)板(片)材及自由发泡板机组Heat preserving furnaces 保温炉Heating treatment funaces 熔热处理炉Honing machines 搪磨机Hydraulic components 液压元件Hydraulic power tools 液压工具Hydraulic power units 液压动力元件Hydraulic rotary cylinders 液压回转缸Jigs 钻模Lapping machines 精研机Lapping machines,centerless 无心精研机Laser cutting 激光切割Laser cutting for SMT stensil 激光钢板切割机Lathe bench 车床工作台Lathes,automatic 主动车床Lathes,heavy-duty 重型车床Lathes,high-speed 高速车床Lathes,turret 六角车床Lathes,vertical 立式车床Lubricants 润滑液Lubrication Systems 润滑系统Lubricators 注油机Machining centers,general 通用加工中心Machining centers,horizontal 卧式加工中心Machining centers,horizontal &vertical 卧式及立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical 立式加工中心Machining centers,vertical double-column type 立式双柱加工中心Magnetic tools 磁性工具Manifolds 集合管Milling heads 铣头Milling machines 铣床Milling machines,bed type 床身式铣床Milling machines,duplicating 仿形铣床Milling machines,horizontal 卧式铣床Milling machines,turret vertical 六角立式铣床Milling machines,universal 全能铣床Milling machines,vertical 立式铣床Milling machines,vertical &horizontal 立式及卧式铣床Mold &die components 模具单元Mold changing systems 换模系统Mold core 模芯Mold heaters/chillers 模具加热器/冷却器Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹Mold repair 模具维修Molds 模具Nail making machines 造钉机Oil coolers 油冷却器Overflow cutting machines for aluminium wheels 铝轮冒口切断机P type PVC waterproof rolled sheet making plant P型PVC高分子防水PCB fine piecing systems 印刷电器板油压冲孔脱料系统Pipe &tube making machines 管筒制作机Planing machines 刨床Planing machines vertical 立式刨床Pneumatic hydraulic clamps 气油压虎钳Pneumatic power tools 气动工具Powder metallurgic forming machines 粉末冶金成型机Presses,cold forging 冷锻冲压机presses,crank 曲柄压力机Presses,eccentric 离心压力机Presses,forging 锻压机Presses,hydraulic 液压冲床Presses,knuckle joint 肘杆式压力机Presses,pneumatic 气动冲床Presses,servo 伺服冲床Presses,transfer 主动压力机Pressing dies 压模Punch formers 冲子研磨器Quick die change systems 速换模系统Quick mold change systems 快速换模系统Reverberatory furnaces 反射炉Rollers 滚筒Rolling machines 辗压机Rotary tables 转台Sawing machines 锯床Sawing machines,band 带锯床Saws,band 带锯Saws,hack 弓锯Saws,horizontal band 卧式带锯Saws,vertical band 立式带锯shafts 轴Shapers 牛头刨床Shearing machines 剪切机Sheet metal forming machines 金属板成型机Sheet metal working machines 金属板加工机Slotting machines 插床spindles 主轴Stamping parts 冲压机Straightening machines 矫直机Switches &buttons 开关及按钮Tapping machines 攻螺丝机Transmitted chains 传动链Tube bending machines 弯管机Vertical hydraulic broaching machine 立式油压拉床Vises 虎钳Vises,tool-maker 精密平口钳Wheel dressers 砂轮修整器Woven-Cutting machines 织麦激光切割机Wrenches 扳手。
机械专业英语词汇(很全)篇一:机械专业英语词汇(很全)金属机械专业英语词汇(很全)切削metal cutting机床machine tool金属工艺学technology of metals刀具cutter摩擦friction联结link传动drive/transmission轴shaft弹性elasticity频率特性frequency characteristic误差error响应response定位allocation机床夹具jig动力学dynamic运动学kinematic静力学static分析力学analyse mechanics拉伸pulling压缩hitting剪切shear扭转twist弯曲应力bending stress强度intensity三相交流电three-phase AC磁路magnetic circles变压器transformer异步电动机asynchronous motor 几何形状geometrical精度precision正弦形的sinusoid交流电路AC circuit机械加工余量machining allowance 变形力deforming force变形deformation应力stress硬度rigidity热处理heat treatment退火anneal正火normalizing脱碳decarburization渗碳carburization电路circuit半导体元件semiconductor element 反馈feedback发生器generator直流电源DC electrical source门电路gate circuit逻辑代数logic algebra外圆磨削external grinding内圆磨削internal grinding平面磨削plane grinding变速箱gearbox离合器clutch绞孔fraising螺纹加工thread processing螺钉screw铣削mill铣刀milling cutter功率power工件workpiece齿轮加工gear mechining齿轮gear主运动main movement主运动方向direction of main movement进给方向direction of feed进给运动feed movement合成进给运动resultant movement of feed合成切削运动resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度cutting depth前刀面rake face刀尖nose of tool机械专业词汇:hardenability 淬透性carbide tool 硬质合金刀具alloy tool steel 合金工具钢alloyed cast iron 合金铸铁carbon steel 碳素钢carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢cast iron 铸铁cast steel 铸钢die material 模具材料high alloy steel 高合金钢high carbon steel 高碳钢low alloy steel 低合金钢low carbon steel 低碳钢shock resistant tool steel 抗冲击工具钢nodular graphite iron 球墨铸铁malleable cast iron 可锻铸铁mottled cast iron 麻口铸铁hardenability curve 淬透性曲线hardening capacity 淬硬性(硬化能力)hardness penetration diagram “U”形曲线hardness profile 硬度分布(硬度梯度)heat treatment procedure 热处理规范heat treatment installation 热处理设备heat treatment furnace 热处理炉heat treatment cycle 热处理工艺周期heat time 加热时间篇二:机械专业术语(英语)组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合fuse machine 热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs. inch镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis 基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts塑胶件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |'plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床driller钻床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection 终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dein|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板hydraulic handjack油压板车forklift叉车pallet栈板glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指forefinger 食指midfinger中指ring finger无名指little finger小指band-aid 创可贴industrial alcohol工业酒精alcohol container沾湿台head ofscrewdriver起子头sweeper扫把mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋chain链条jack升降机production line流水线chain链条槽magnetizer加磁器lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean the floor扫地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管packaging tool打包机packaging打包missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小)cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part事件不良foldof pakaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍polishing/surface processing表面处理exposed metal/bare metal 金属裸露lack of painting烤漆不到位safety安全quality品质delivery deadline交货期cost成本engineering工程die repair模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划QC品管die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备to start a press 开机stop/switch off a press关机classification整理regulation整顿cleanness清扫conservation清洁culture教养qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品waste废料board看板feeder送料机sliding rack滑料架defective product box不良品箱die change 换模to fix a die 装模to take apart a die拆模to repair a die修模packing material 包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料transportation运输(be)qualfied, up to grade合格not up to grade, not qualified不合格material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更evaluation评估prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数rotating speed, revolution转速manufacture management制造管理abnormal handling异常处理production unit生产单位lots of production生产批量steel plate钢板roll material卷料manufacture procedure制程operation procedure作业流程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换engineering, project difficulty 工程瓶颈stage die工程模automation自动化to stake, staking, reviting铆合add lubricating oil加润滑油shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度analog-mode device类模器die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊vocabulary for stamping 冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler & strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivey to.to send delinery backto retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for die engineering模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓document folder文件夹to put file in order整理资料spare tools location手工备品仓first count初盘人first check初盘复棹人second count 复盘人second check复盘复核人equipment设备waste materials废料work in progress product在制品casing = containerazation装箱quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量quantity of customs count 会计师盘,点数量the first page第一联filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查end-user/using unit(department)使用单位summary of year-end physical inventory bills年终盘点截止单据汇总表bill name单据名称This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accountingdepartment together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial department)本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部)Application status records of year-end physical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO. 空白与作废单号plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点sample样品incoming material to be inspected进货待验description品名steel/rolled steel钢材material statistics sheet 物料统计明细表meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes 说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location 在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock 片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor 系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack 上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜 D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate 铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding 成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕?? shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit 沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪篇三:英文版机械专业术语(全)组装、冲压、喷漆等专业词汇Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝) fixture 夹具(治具) pallet栈板barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合fuse machine 热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs. inch镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis 基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts塑胶件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |'plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床driller钻床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理sectionsupervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing 包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dein|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板hydraulic handjack油压板车forklift叉车pallet栈板glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指forefinger 食指midfinger中指ring finger无名指little finger小指band-aid 创可贴iudustrial alcohol工业酒精alcohol container沾湿台head of screwdriver起子头sweeper扫把mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋chain链条jack升降机production line流水线chain链条槽magnetizer加磁器lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean the floor扫地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管packaging tool打包机packaging打包missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小)cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off 脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part事件不良fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍polishing/surface processing表面处理exposed metal/bare metal 金属裸露lack of painting烤漆不到位safety安全quality品质delivery deadline交货期cost成本engineering工程die repair模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划QC品管die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备to start a press 开机stop/switch off a press关机classification整理regulation整顿cleanness清扫conservation清洁culture教养qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品waste废料board看板feeder送料机sliding rack滑料架defective product box不良品箱die change 换模to fix a die 装模to take apart a die拆模to repair a die修模packing material 包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料transportation运输(be)qualfied, up to grade合格not up to grade, not qualified不合格material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更evaluation评估prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数rotating speed, revolution转速manufacture management制造管理abnormal handling异常处理production unit生产单位lots of production生产批量steel plate钢板roll material卷料manufacture procedure制程operation procedure作业流程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换engineering, project difficulty 工程瓶颈stage die工程模automation自动化to stake, staking, reviting铆合add lubricating oil加润滑油shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度analog-mode device类模器die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊vocabulary for stamping 冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler & strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivey to.to send delinery backto retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight abolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for die engineering模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓document folder文件夹file folder资料夹to put file in order整理资料spare tools location手工备品仓first count初盘人first check初盘复棹人second count 复盘人second check复盘复核人equipment设备waste materials废料work in progress product在制品casing = containerazation装箱quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量quantity of customs count 会计师盘,点数量the first page第一联filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查end-user/using unit(department)使用单位summary of year-end physical inventory bills年终盘点截止单据汇总表bill name单据名称This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accountingdepartment together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial department)本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部)Application status records of year-end physical inventory List andphysical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO. 空白与作废单号plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点sample样品incoming material to be inspected进货待验description品名steel/rolled steel钢材material statistics sheet 物料统计明细表meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheetPCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes 说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location 在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine 自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock 片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die 公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert 异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor 系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜 D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate 铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕?? shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit 沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液。
机械专业英语词汇(很全)金属切削m etal c utting机床 machi ne too l 金属工艺学t echnol ogy of metal s 刀具 cut ter 摩擦 fr iction联结 link传动 driv e/tran smissi on 轴 shaf t 弹性 elas ticity频率特性f requen cy cha racter istic误差error响应 resp onse 定位a llocat ion 机床夹具jig动力学 dynam ic 运动学 ki nemati c 静力学 sta tic分析力学 anal yse me chanic s 拉伸 pull ing压缩hittin g 剪切 shea r 扭转 twis t 弯曲应力 be ndingstress强度 int ensity三相交流电 th ree-ph ase AC磁路 mag neticcircle s 变压器 tra nsform er异步电动机 asyn chrono us mot or 几何形状g eometr ical精度 preci sion 正弦形的 sinus oid 交流电路 AC ci rcuit机械加工余量machin ing al lowanc e 变形力 def orming force变形 def ormati on 应力 str ess 硬度 ri gidity热处理 he at tre atment退火 annea l 正火 norm alizin g脱碳 de carbur izatio n 渗碳 carb urizat ion电路circui t 半导体元件s emicon ductor eleme nt反馈f eedbac k 发生器 gen erator直流电源 DC el ectric al sou rce门电路 gatecircui t 逻辑代数 lo gic al gebra外圆磨削e xterna l grin ding内圆磨削 int ernalgrindi ng 平面磨削planegrindi ng变速箱gearbo x 离合器 clu tch 绞孔 fr aising绞刀 rea mer 螺纹加工thread proce ssing螺钉 scre w 铣削 mill铣刀 milli ng cut ter功率 power工件 workp iece 齿轮加工 gearmechin ing齿轮gear 主运动main m ovemen t主运动方向direct ion of mainmoveme nt进给方向 dire ctionof fee d 进给运动 fe ed mov ement合成进给运动result ant mo vement of fe ed合成切削运动 res ultant movem ent of cutti ng合成切削运动方向d irecti on ofresult ant mo vement of cu tting切削深度 cu ttingdepth前刀面 rakeface刀尖 noseof too l 前角 rake angle后角cle arance angle龙门刨削pla ning 主轴s pindle主轴箱head stock卡盘chuc k 加工中心ma chinin g cent er 车刀lat he too l车床l athe 钻削镗削bore车削turni ng 磨床gri nder 基准b enchma rk钳工l ocksmi th 锻forg e 压模stam ping 焊we ld 拉床bro aching machi ne拉孔b roachi ng 装配ass emblin g 铸造foun d 流体动力学f luid d ynamic s流体力学fluidmechan ics 加工ma chinin g 液压hydr aulicpressu re切线t angent机电一体化m echano tronic s mech anical-elect ricalintegr ation气压airpressu re pne umatic press ure 稳定性stabil ity介质medium液压驱动泵fl uid cl utch液压泵hydr aulicpump 阀门v alve 失效i nvalid ation强度intens ity载荷load 应力s tress安全系数saft y fact or 可靠性re liabil ity螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin 滚动轴承rollin g bear ing滑动轴承slid ing be aring弹簧spring制动器arre ster b rake十字结联轴节c rosshe ad 联轴器co upling链chain皮带strap精加工fin ish ma chinin g 粗加工rou gh mac hining变速箱体g earbox casin g 腐蚀rust氧化oxida tion磨损wear耐用度durab ility随机信号rand om sig nal离散信号disc rete s ignal超声传感器ult rasoni c sens or集成电路integ rate c ircuit挡板orifi ce pla te残余应力resi dual s tress套筒sleev e 扭力tor sion 冷加工cold m achini ng 电动机elect romoto r 汽缸cyl inder过盈配合int erfere nce fi t热加工h otwork摄像头CCDcamera倒角round ing ch amfer优化设计op timaldesign工业造型设计i ndustr ial mo ulding desig n有限元f initeelemen t 滚齿hobb ing 插齿ge ar sha ping伺服电机act uating motor铣床milli ng mac hine钻床drill machi ne 镗床bor ing ma chine步进电机step per mo tor丝杠screwrod 导轨le ad rai l 组件suba ssembl y可编程序逻辑控制器P rogram mableLogicContro ller P LC电火花加工elec tric s park m achini ng电火花线切割加工e lectri cal di scharg e wire - cut ting相图phase diagr am 热处理he at tre atment固态相变s olid s tate p hase c hanges有色金属n onferr ous me tal 陶瓷cer amics合成纤维synt heticfibre电化学腐蚀e lectro chemic al cor rosion车架autom otivechassi s悬架su spensi on 转向器re direct or 变速器sp eed ch anger板料冲压sh eet me tal pa rts 孔加工s pot fa cing m achini ng车间w orksho p 工程技术人员engine er 气动夹紧p neumalock数学模型mat hemati cal mo del 画法几何descri ptivegeomet ry机械制图Mecha nicaldrawin g 投影proj ection视图vie w 剖视图pro file c hart 标准件stand ard co mponen t零件图p art dr awing装配图assem bly dr awing尺寸标注si ze mar king 技术要求techn ical r equire ments刚度rigi dity 内力i nterna l forc e 位移disp laceme nt截面sectio n 疲劳极限f atigue limit断裂frac ture塑性变形pla stic d istort ion 脆性材料brittl enessmateri al刚度准则rigid ity cr iterio n 垫圈was her 垫片sp acer直齿圆柱齿轮s traigh t toot hed sp ur gea r 斜齿圆柱齿轮helica l-spur gear直齿锥齿轮s traigh t beve l gear运动简图ki nemati c sket ch齿轮齿条pinio n andrack 蜗杆蜗轮worm and w orm ge ar虚约束passiv e cons traint曲柄crank摇杆racke r凸轮ca ms 共轭曲线c onjuga te cur ve 范成法ge nerati on met hod定义域defi nition al dom ain值域range导数\微分dif ferent ial co effici ent求导deriva tion 定积分defin ite in tegral不定积分i ndefin ite in tegral曲率curva ture 偏微分partia l diff erenti al毛坯r ough 游标卡尺slide calip er 千分尺mi cromet er cal ipers攻丝tap二阶行列式se cond o rder d etermi nant逆矩阵inve rse ma trix 线性方程组line ar equ ations概率pro babili ty 随机变量r andomvariab le排列组合permu tation and c ombina tion 气体状态方程equ ationof sta te ofgas 动能kineti c ener gy 势能pot ential energ y机械能守恒conse rvatio n of m echani cal en ergy动量momen tum 桁架tr uss 轴线ax es 余子式co factor逻辑电路l ogic c ircuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形puls e shap e数模di gitalanalog y 液压传动机构fluid drive mecha nism机械零件mec hanica l part s 淬火冷却qu ench 淬火h ardeni ng回火t emperi ng 调质har dening and t emperi ng 磨粒ab rasive grain结合剂bo ndingagent砂轮grindi ng whe el(be)qualfi ed, up to gr ade 合格abnor mal en gine n oise d iagnos is equ ipment异响诊断仪abnor mal ha ndling异常处理a bnorma l knoc king 异响abra sion w ear; s cratch ing 磨损abr asivebelt g rindin g mach ine 砂带磨床abr asivebelt g ringdi ng 砂带磨削abs cissa横坐标AC arc w elding machi ne 交流弧焊机acc elerat ed run赶点acc elerat ion 加速度accel eratio n anal ysis 加速度分析a cceler ationdiagra m 加速度曲线accid entaldefect事故性缺陷acety lene 乙炔acety lene c ylinde r 乙炔罐a cetyle ne gen erator乙炔发生器acety lene-w elding insta llatio n 乙炔氧焊装置add lubri cating oil 加润滑油add endum齿顶高add endumcircle齿顶圆a dditio n to s tandar d 标准补充件addit ionalelemen t 附加要素addit on age nt 添加剂adhesi on 粘附a djusta ble sp eed mo tors 调速电动机a djusti ng 调整a dminis tratio n/gene ral af fairsdept 总务部adm inistr ation/genera l affa irs de pt 总务部admis istrat ion of vehic le ami ntenan ce 汽车维修管理ad misist rative stand ard 管理标准adop ting b y equa tion 等同采用ad opting by eq uivale nt 等效采用adopt ing by refer ence 参照采用ad option of in ternat ionalstanda rd and advan ced ov erseastanda rd 采用国际标准和国外先进标准a fter d rippin g (柴油喷射系)渗漏滴油agei ng 老化a geing时效aims of st andard izatio n 标准化的目的air circu it bre aker 空气断路器ai r dry自然干燥a ir jar ring m ouldin g mach ine 气动震实造型机air pi pe 气管a ir sea l 气幕ai r spra y gun空气喷枪a ir spr ing 空气弹簧airtermin al 航空集散站air tool风动工具ai r-cond itioni ng equ ipment车厢空调设备air-cushio n ejec t-rod气垫顶杆ai rlesssprayequipm ent 无空气喷涂设备alcoho l 乙醇al coholcontai ner 沾湿台alcoh ols so lvent醇类溶剂a lignin g 校正al kalidi pping脱脂alka li-ear th bab bitt 碱土巴氏合金alkali ne deg reasin g 碱法脱脂alkali ne etc h 龄咬a llowab le amo unt of unbal ance 许用不平衡量a llowab le pre ssureangle许用压力角allowa ble st ress;permis siblestress许用应力a lloy c ast ir on 合金铸铁allo y stru cturea l stee l 合金结构钢alloy toolsteel合金工具钢altern ationswitch转换开关a lumel铝镍合金a lumini ed ste el she et 渗铝钢板alumi nium b ronze铝青铜al uminiu m cast ing al loy 铸造铝合金alu minizi ng 渗铝alumin um pow der pa int 铝粉漆(银色漆)amend ed dra ft 修正草案amend ment t o stan dard 标准修改件a mino p lastic s 氨基塑料amino-filler氨基腻子a mountof unb alance不平衡量a mplitu de ofvibrat ion 振幅analog-modedevice类模器an alysis of me chanis m 机构分析analy ticaldesign解析设计a nalyti cal me thod 分析法ang le ofcontac t 包角an gularaccele ration角加速度a ngular conta ct bal l bear ing 角接触球轴承a ngular conta ct bea ring 角接触轴承an gularcontac t radi al bea ring 角接触向心轴承angul ar con tact t hrustbearin g 角接触推力轴承an gularveloci ty 角速度angula r velo city r atio 角速比ani on ele ctroph oretic coati ng 阴离子型电泳涂料a nneal退火anne aling退火anne alingbox 退火箱annea ling f urnace退火炉an nealin g oven退火炉an nex 附录annula r ball barin g 径向球轴承annul ar spr ing 环形弹簧anod e mech anical worki ng 阳极机械加工An odize阳性处理an olyte阳极电解液a nticor rosive bimet al 耐蚀双金属anti corros ive pa int 防蚀漆anti-foamin g addi tive 防泡沫添加剂a ntifoa ming a gent 消泡剂ant ifouli ng pai nt(cop per pa int) 防污漆anti-freez e addi tive 防冻添加剂a ntifri ctionalloy减摩合金an tifric tion a lloy 减摩合金ant ifrict ion be arng 减摩轴承an ti-fri ctionqualit y 减摩性a nti-kn ock co mpound抗爆剂an tirust paint防锈漆a nti-ta rnishtreatm ent 抗暗处理aper iodicspeedfluctu ation非周期性速度波动app endeddescri ptionof sta ndard标准附加说明applic ationfactor工况系数applie d forc e 作用力a pprove d by 核准appr oved b y / ch eckedby / p repare d by 核准/审核/承办aqua regia王水arc weldi ng mac hine 电弧焊机Arc himede s worm阿基米德蜗杆arch ives o f stan dardiz ation标准化档案A rctan反正切arg on arc weldi ng 氩弧焊argon weldi ng 氩焊a rm 臂部a rmatur e test er 电枢试验器art ery 干线articu latedbus 通道式公共汽车a rticul ated e quipme nt 铰接装置arti culate d trol ly bus通道式无轨电车arti ficial dryin g 人工干燥artif icialgasoli ne 人造汽油artif icialleathe r 人造胶革artifi cial r esin 人造树胶ar tifici al woo l 人造羊毛asbest os 石棉a sbesto s band石棉带as bestos board石棉板a sbesto s fibe r 石棉纤维asbest os lin en 石棉布asbest os pap er 石棉纸asbes tos st eel le af 石棉钢片asbes tos we b 石棉织物as-dep osited stren gth 焊后强度ase ptic 防腐剂asse mbling clear ance 装配间隙ass embly组装ass emblycondit ion 装配条件Asse mbly l ine 组装线Assem bly li ne 组装线assis tant m anager助理ass istant manag er 助理A ssur g roup 杆组as-w elded焊态atla s 图册、图谱atomo sphere quali ty sta ndard大气质量标准atten dant s eat 乘务员座椅aug ular o ffset角度偏差au sformi ng 形变热处理aus tenite奥氏体au thorit y 权力机构autocl ino 自动壳型机au tomati c boxsplitt er 自动分箱机auto maticcloser自动合箱机autom atic c ompens atingdevice for b oringcutter wear镗刀磨损自动补偿装置a utomat ic gas cutti ng 自动气割auto maticheadst ock ch anging N/C m achine自动更换主轴箱数控机床autom atic i nspect ion ma chinefor pi ston r ing te nsion活塞环弹性自动检验机a utomat ic ins tructi on cal ling d evice自动指令呼叫装置aut omatic linefor we ightin g conn ecting rod 连杆称重去重自动线aut omatic mould ing pr oducti o line ofr c ylinde r bloc k 缸体自动造型生产线automa tic mu lti-st age co ld fro mer 多工位自动冷镦机autom atic p lating machi ne 自动电镀装置au tomati c prod uction linefor au tomobi le fin al dri ve hou sing 汽车主减速器壳加工自动线automa tic pr oducti on lin e forconnec ting r od 连杆加工自动线a utomat ic pro ductio n line for c ransha ft dyn amic b alance曲轴动平衡自动线au tomati c prod uction linefor cy linder block气缸体加工自动线au tomati c prod uction linefor cy linder head气缸盖加工自动线aut omatic produ ctionline f or gas carbu rizati on 气体渗碳自动线a utomat ic scr ewdriv er 电动启子auto maticspraye r 自动喷漆机auto maticticket check er 自动检票机aut omatic toolchangi ng N/C machi ne 自动换刀数控机床automa tic we lding自动焊接a utomat ion 自动化auto mobile trans portat ion en terpri se 汽车运输企业au tomoti ve alc quer 汽车用喷漆a utomot ive en amel 汽车漆aut omotiv e topc oat 汽车面漆aux iliary fucti on 辅助功能avai lablemateri al 良品可使用ave rage d ays du ring m ajor r epairof veh icles汽车大修平均在修车日a verage daysin pla nt dur ing ma jor of vehic les 汽车大修平均在厂车日ave rage i nterva l mile age of major repai r of v ehicle s 汽车大修间隔里程a verage main-hoursof veh icle m ainten ance a nd rep air 汽车维修平均工时avera ge str ess 平均应力ave rage t onnage (pass engerseat)平均吨(客)位aver age ve locity平均速度aviona l 铝合金a xial c ontact beari ng 轴向接触轴承ax ial di rectio n 轴向ax ial in ternal clear ance 轴向游隙ax ial lo ad 轴向载荷axial loadfactor轴向载荷系数axia l plan e 轴向平面axialthrust load轴向分力a xial t ooth p rofile轴向齿廓a xle st and 轮轴架babb it met al 巴氏合金backcone 背锥back coneangle背锥角bac k cone dista nce 背锥距back fire回火back flow回流back lash 侧隙backl ash 齿侧间隙bac klash间隙back-to-ba ck arr angeme nt 背对背安装bad condi tion o f vehi cle 汽车不良状况b affleplate挡块bain ite 贝氏体bakel ite 胶木(电木)ba king p aint 烘漆balan ce 平衡balanc e of m echani sm 机构平衡balan ce ofrotor转子平衡b alance of ro tors 回转体平衡ba lanceof sha king f orce 惯性力平衡b alanci ng cen tering machi ne 平衡-钻中心孔机床balan cing m achine平衡机ba lancin g mass平衡质量b alanci ng qua lity 平衡品质ba lancin g spee d 平衡转速balata巴拉塔树胶balata sprin g 橡胶弹簧ball球ballbearin g 球轴承b all be aring球轴承bal l scre w 滚珠丝杆bandbrake带式制动器b and-ai d 创可贴b ar sto ck cut ting b y punc hing 冲压下料ba rcode条码barc ode 条码barcod e 条码ba rcodescanne r 条码扫描器barc ode sc anner条码扫描器b arrel(cylin dric)cam 圆柱式凸轮步进运动机构ba rrel p lating滚镀bar-typecylind er gau ge 杆式气缸量规ba se cir cle 基圆base c one 基圆锥basecylind er 基圆柱basepitch基圆齿距ba sic dy namicaxialload r ating轴向基本额定动载荷ba sic dy namicradial loadrating径向基本额定动载荷b asic i nterna tional stand ard 基础国际标准b asic r atinglife 基本额定寿命b asic s tandar d 基础标准basic stati c axia l load ratin g 轴向基本额定静载荷basicstatic radia l load tatin g 径向基本额定静载荷basicterms基本术语ba sket 蝴蝶竺batc h furn ace 分批炉batt ery hy dromet er 蓄电池液体比累计b attery welde r 蓄电池式焊机beput in stora ge 入库b eacon警示灯bea d 焊道be ad cra cking焊道裂纹b ead we lding堆焊bead ing st ress 弯曲应力bea ring 轴承bear ing al loy 轴承合金bear ing bl ock 轴承座beari ng bor e diam eter 轴承内径be aringbush 轴瓦、轴承衬b earing cap 轴承盖bear ing ca pacity承载能力bearin g capa city f actor承载量系数b earing clear ance 轴承间隙be aringcone 轴承内圈bea ring c up 轴承盖bearin g cup轴承外圈b earing heigh t 轴承高度bearin g life轴承寿命b earing metal轴承合金bearin g outs ide di ameter轴承外径b earing race轴承座圈b earing saddl e 轴承座b earing score拉瓦bea ring s hell 轴瓦bear ing sh im 轴承垫片beari ng ste el 轴承钢bearin g widt h 轴承宽度beesw ax 蜂蜡b ehindschedu le 晚点b ellevi lle sp ring 碟形弹簧be lt dri ving 带传动belt pulle y 带轮be nder 弯曲机bend ing di e 压弯模bendin g mome nt 弯矩b ending press压弯机be nding-beadin g die压弯压筋模bendin g-curl ing di e 压弯卷圆模bendi ng-fla ngingdie 压弯翻边模be rylliu m bron ze 铍青铜bevelgear 锥齿轮beve l gear s 圆锥齿轮机构bev el pul ley; b evel w heel 锥轮bezel斜视规be zel pa nel 面板bezel panel面板bib liogra phy 文献书目bila terall y harm onized stand ard 双边协调标准b iliogr aphica l refe rence书目参考目录bimeta l stri p from tin-a lumini um all oy 高锡铝合金双金属带binder粘合剂bi sector平分线bi tumino us pai nt 沥青漆black box 黑箱black washe r 黑皮垫圈blacks mith w elding锻焊bl ank 齿轮轮坯blan k 轮坯bl ank 制坯blanke r 落料机b lankin g 穿落模blanki ng die落料模bl anking-coini ng die落料压印模blank ing-sl otting die 落料切槽模bl end so lvent溶合溶剂b linste r 气泡bl ock di agram框图bloc k hamm er 落锤blow-b y 串气bl ow-bymeter曲轴箱窜气量测定仪bl ower 鼓风机blue ing 发蓝处理blus h 导色b oard 看板bodybumpin g tool车身修整工具body guida nce me chanis m 刚体导引机构bod y of a norma tive d ocumen t 一个标准文件的主体bold l ine 粗线bolt 螺栓bonegum 骨胶booth喷漆室bor ing 镗boring镗削bor ing ho le 镗孔b oron s teel 硼钢boron izing渗硼bot tom cl earanc e 顶隙bo ttom d ie(cou nter d ie) 下模bound ary di mensio n 外形尺寸box fu rnace(muffle furna ce) 马弗炉boxmoldin g mach ine 有箱造型机box ing 环焊bracke t 小磁导brake制动器bra ke ble eder 制动系空气排除器brak e depr esor 制动踏板压下器brakedrum l athe 制动鼓车床b rake f ade 制动失效brak e flus her 制动液自动更换装置brak e shoe grind er 制动蹄片磨削装置b ranch支线bra nch li ne 岔线b rass 黄铜brazi ng byflame火焰钎焊b reakdo wn 断裂b ridgetype b akingoven 桥式烘干室b rightcoatin g 光亮镀层bright washe r 光垫圈b righte ner 光亮剂brit tlenes s 脆性br oachin g 拉削br oachin g gear拉齿bro nze 青铜bulkgoods散装货物bu rn rub ber 轮胎烧耗burn ing 烧伤burnis hing 磨光(抛光0burnis hing 抛光burr(金属)毛边flash(塑件)毛边b us bay港湾式车站bus pr iority sytem公共汽车b us pri oritysytem公共汽车优先通行系统b us she lter 候车亭bush ing bl ock 衬套busine ss law and r egulat ion 企业法规but t resi stance weldi ng 电阻对焊buttseam w elding滚对焊b utt we lding对接焊but tressthread form锯齿形螺纹buzzle蜂鸣器ca bin 客舱cablebracke t 电缆托架cadmiu m bron ze 镉青铜cage保持架cal cium c arbide电石cal culate d bend ing mo ment 计算弯矩ca m 凸轮ca m , ca m mech anism凸轮机构ca m bloc k 滑块c am dri ver 铡楔cam pr ofile实际廓线ca m prof ile 凸轮廓线cam withoscill atingfollow er 摆动从动件凸轮机构camber gauge外倾测量器camph or 樟脑c amsahf t copi ng lat he 凸轮轴仿形车床c amshaf t grin ding m achine凸轮轴磨床camsha ft pol ishing machi ne 凸轮轴超精磨机床camsha ft pol ishing machi ne 凸轮轴抛光机床ca mshaft(journ al )tu rninglathe凸轮轴(轴颈)车床can tileve r beam悬臂梁ca ntilev er str ucture悬臂结构c apabil ity 能力car r ow 车列c ar sta nd (ja ck sta nd) 汽车架carbi de towatergenera tor 投入式乙发生器carbon arc w elding碳弧焊ca rbon e lectro de 碳极carbon fouli ng (火花塞)积碳ca rbon s tructu real s teel 普通碳素结构钢carbo n tool steel碳素工具钢carbon-fiber reinf orcedplasti cs 碳纤维增强塑料c arboni tridin g (cya niding) 碳氮共渗(氰化)ca rboniz ation碳化car bureto r icin g 化油器结冰carbu rizing渗碳car burizi ng all oy ste el 渗碳合金钢car burizi ng car bon st eel 渗碳碳素钢car burizi ng fur nace 渗碳炉car d of g oods 货卡carri age 车厢Cartes ian co ordina te man ipulat or 直角坐标操作器c arton纸箱cart on box纸箱cas cade s peed c ontrol串级调速case-b ased d esign,CBD 基于实例设计ca sh far e 普通票casing headgasoli ne 气体汽油castbronze锻造青铜cast i ron 铸铁cast s teel 铸钢catal og 目录cathod e shie dl 阴极罩cathol yte 阴极电解液ca ting m achine浇注机ca tion e lectro phoret ic coa ting 阳离子型电泳涂料caus e anal ysis 原因分析cau se des cripti on 原因说明cavi tation穴蚀cel lophan e 赛璐酚c ellulo id 赛璐珞cellul ose ac etate醋酸纤维(脂)cemen t gum胶泥ceme ntite渗碳体cen ter di stance中心距ce nter d istanc e chan ge 中心距变动cen ter of mass质心cent er ofpressu re 压力中心cente rlessgrindi ng 无心磨削cent ral ge ar 中心轮centra lizedtransp ortati on 集中运输centr ifugal force离心力c entrif ugal f orce 向心力cent rifuga l seal离心密封c entrif ugal s tress离心应力c etanenumber十六烷值c hain 链chain链条chai n 链条槽c hain d ottedline 点划线cha in gea ring 链传动装置ch amfer倒角cham ois 麂皮change gearchange wheel变速齿轮charac ter di e 字模ch aracte ristic s 特性ch artere d vehi cle 包车chass is 底座c hassis基座cha ssis 基座chass is dyn amomet er 底盘测功机cha ssis l ubrica tor 底盘润滑机che ck nut锁紧螺母c hecked by 初审check-up 技术检查chem ical -heat t reatme nt 化学热处理che micalmechan ical w orking化学机械加工chem ical v aporou s depo siton化学气相沉积法chem ical w ear 化学磨损chil led ca st rio n 冷激铸铁chloro prenerubber氯丁橡胶Chroma te 铬酸处理chrom e bron ze 铬青铜chrome l 铬镍合金chuck for g rindin g hole and e nd fac e of b evel g ear 磨圆锥齿轮孔和端面用的卡盘circui t brea ker ca binet断路器柜ci rcular bendi ng die压圆模c ircula r gear圆形齿轮c ircula r pitc h 齿距ci rcular pitch; pitc h of t eeth 节距circ ular t hickne ss 圆弧齿厚circu lating power load循环功率流circul ation周转city month ly tic ket 市区月票city passe nger f low 市区客流cit y tran sposrt ation市区运输cl ass of vehic le mai ntenan ce 汽车维护类别cl ass of vehic le rep air 汽车修理类别cl assifi cation整理cl assifi cation of st andard s docu ment.标准文献分类clean er 清洗剂cleani ng clo th 抹布c leanne ss 清扫c learan ce 径向间隙cloc kwise顺时针clo gged f ilter滤清器阻塞c lose t ype so cket j oint 封闭式插接c losedchainmechan ism 闭链机构clos ed kin ematic chain闭式链c loud p oint 浊点clubcar 高尔夫球车clu tch 离合器clut ch exp losion离合器炸裂coarse threa d 粗牙螺纹coati ng for prote ctionagains t corr osion防腐镀层c ode fo pract ice 实施规则coef ficien t of a vailab ilityof veh icle 车辆完好率c oeffic ient o f fric tion 摩擦系数coe fficie nt ofspeedfluctu ation机械运转不均匀系数co effici ent of speed fluct uation速度不均匀( 波动) 系数c oeffic ient o f trav el spe ed var iation行程速度变化系数co effici ent of utili zation of au tomobi le 出车率coeff icient of ut ilizat ion of ton-k ilomet ers 吨公里利用系数coeffi cientof vel ocityfluctu ation运转不均匀系数coil stock卷料coi nciden t poin ts 重合点coinin g pres s 精压机coinin g pres s 精压机c oke-fi red fu rnace焦碳炉co ld bri ttlene ss 冷脆性cold d raw 冷拉colddrawin g lowcarbon seaml ess st eel tu be 冷拔低碳无缝钢管cold d rawing sprin g stee l 冷拉弹簧钢coldextrud ing 冷挤压cold forgi ng 冷锻c old fo rgingdie 冷锻模coldpressu re wel ding 冷压焊col d rins e bank冷水槽co ld rol led th in ste el she et 冷轧薄钢板col d roll ing ki lled s teel s heet 镇静钢冷轧钢板coldrollin g rimm ed ste el she et 沸腾钢冷钆钢板c old ru nning-in 冷磨合cold s lug 冷块cold t reatme nt 冷处理coldtrim 冷切边coll apse o f pist on ski rt 活塞裙部挤扁co llecti on ofstanda rd dec umnets标准文献收集comb inatio n in p aralle l 并联式组合combi nation in se ries 串联式组合c ombina ton pl iers 鲤鱼钳comb ined e fficie ncy; o verall effic iency总效率co mbined mecha nism 组合机构com binedstress复合应力combus ion te ste 燃烧分析仪com bustio n test e 燃烧(废气)分析仪commer cial b ronze工业用铜co mmon a pex of cone锥顶com mon eq uipmen t 常用设备common equip ment 常用设备co mmon g oods 普通货物com mon no rmal l ine 公法线comm uter 月票乘客com pany s tandar d(ente rprise stand ard) 企业标准co mparab le sta ndard可比标准co mpensa tion 补偿comp ensati on far e 补票co mpleme ntarystanda rd 补充性标准com pleteanneal ing 完全退火comp lete f ailure完全故障comple te pen etrati on 焊透c omplex mecha nism 复杂机构co mplexsteelsheetwith c hromat e zinc铬酸锌复合钢板com posite tooth form组合齿形co mpound (or c ombine d) gea r trai n 复合轮系compo und co mbinin g 复合式组合compo und di e 合模c ompoun d flat belt复合平带co mpound geartrain混合轮系c ompoun d hing e 复合铰链Compou nd scr ew mec hanism复式螺旋机构comp ressed gas 压缩煤气com pressi on str ength抗压强度c ompres sive s tress压应力com presso n coil sprin g 压缩螺旋弹簧com presso r 压缩机c ompres sor oi l 压缩机机油compu ter ai ded de sign,CAD 计算机辅助设计comput er aid ed man ufactu ring,CAM 计算机辅助制造comput er int egrate d manu factur ing sy stem,CIMS 计算机集成制造系统con cave 凸concav ity 凹面、凹度Con ceal I nstall暗装co nceptdesign, CD 方案设计、概念设计con clusio n 结论co ncurre d desi gn, CD并行设计concur rent e nginee ring 并行工程con denser teste r 电容器试验器con dition of se lf-loc king 自锁条件con ductio n of h eat 导热性cone angle圆锥角co ne dis tance锥距cone-wormmillin g mach ine 球面蜗杆铣床c onical rolle r bear ing 圆锥形滚子轴承c onical sprin g 锥形弹簧conju gate c am 共轭凸轮conju gate p rofile s 共轭齿廓conju gate y oke ra dial c am 等径凸轮conne ctingrod al ignmen t fixt ure 连杆矫正器co nnecti ng rod, coup ler 连杆connec tion b ox 接线盒connec tion t est 检查接线con oid he lical-coil c ompres sion s pring圆锥螺旋扭转弹簧con servat ion 清洁consta ntan 康铜const ant-br eadthcam 等宽凸轮con stant-veloci ty (or doubl e) uni versal joint双万向联轴节cons tituti on ofmechan ism 机构组成cons tituti on ofstanda rd 标准的构成con strain ing fo rce 约束反力cons traint约束con strain t cond ition约束条件c onsump tion 消耗conta ct poi nts 啮合点conta ct rat io 重合度contac t seal接触式密封conta ct str ess 接触应力cont ainertransp ort 集装箱运输co ntent目次cont ent of norma tive d ocumen t 标准文件的内容co ntinou s furn ace 连续炉conti nuousbroach ing 连续拉削con trol c enter调度中心co ntrolpanel控制屏con trol s tation调度站C ontrol switc hes 控制开关conv ention al mec hanism; mech anismin com mon us e 常用机构conve x 凹con vex 凸的,凸面体co nvex r oller球面滚子Co nveyer流水线物料板Conv eyer 流水线物料板c oolant冷却液co ordina te 座标c oordin ate fr ame 坐标系copp er 紫铜C oppercore p ower c able 铜芯电力电缆c opy gr inding mahci ne 靠模磨床copy lathe仿形车床c ork 软木correc ting p lane 平衡平面cor rectin g plan e 校正平面corri genda勘误表cor rosion inhib itor 搞腐蚀剂cor rosion resis tance耐腐蚀性c orrosi on res isting castiron 耐蚀铸铁cor rosion wear腐蚀性磨损cosine accel eratio n (orsimple harmo nic) m otion余弦加速度运动cosm etic d efect外观不良co smetic inspe ct 外观检查cosme tic in spect外观检查c ost 成本cost o f labo r 人工费c oulome ter 库仑计count er sin king 锪孔coun terclo ckwise (or a nticlo ckwise) 逆时针c ounter weight平衡重c ouple力偶coup ler-cu rve 连杆曲线coup ling s haft c ouplin g 联轴器coverplate盖板cove red ar c weld ing 手工电弧焊co vering power深镀能力c rank 曲柄crank angle betwe en ext reme (or lim iting) posit ions 极位夹角cra nk arm, plan et car rier 系杆crank press曲轴压力机crank shaft曲柄轴cr ank sh aft 曲轴crankshaper (guid e-bar) mecha nism 曲柄导杆机构crank-rocker mecha nism 曲柄摇杆机构c ranksa hft jo urnalgrindi ng mac hine 曲轴主轴颈磨床crank shaft(mainjourna l turn ing la the) 曲轴(主轴颈)车床cra nkshaf t dyna mic ba lancin g mach ine 曲轴动平衡机c ranksh aft gr inding machi ne 曲轴磨床cran kshaft journ al fac e hard eningmachin e 曲轴轴颈表面淬火机床crank shaftjourna l mill ing ma chine曲轴轴颈铣削专用机床c ranksh aft po lishin g mach ine 曲轴轴颈抛光机床crank shaftsuperf inishi ng mac hine 曲轴超精磨机床crank shaftturnin g lath e 曲轴车床creati on des ign 创新设计cre pon fi nish 皱纹漆crim p pape r 瓦楞纸c ritica l defe ct 极严重缺陷cri ticalfailur e 致命故障critic al poi nt 临界点critic al spe ed 临界转速cros s grin ding 端面磨削cro ss wel d 横向焊缝cross-belt d rive 交叉带传动c rossed helic al gea rs 交错轴斜齿轮cro ssover交叉器cr oss-sh aped j oint 十字接头cr own ge ar 冠轮c rown s having剃鼓形齿c rusher破碎机c ryptom eter 遮盖力测定仪c rystal lizati on poi nt 结晶温度CSBS yearb ook 中国标准化年鉴c st bim etal 铸造双金属c ulture教养cup ola (c upolafurnac e) 冲天炉curb w indow安全监视窗curlin g 卷边Cu rrentby Pha se 每相电流curre nt rep air of vehic le 汽车小修curv ature曲率curv e matc hing 曲线拼接cur ved-sh oe fol lower曲面从动件curve-toothbevelgear m illing弧齿锥齿轮铣刀盘刃c urve-t ooth b evel g ear mi llingmachin e 弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机c urvili near m otion曲线运动c ushion缓冲cut-off (shear-out) 切口cutte r 刀具cu tter g rindin g mach ine 工具磨床cut ting m achine切割机cu tting-out pr ess 切断压力机cya niding氰化cy cle 周波cycleof mot ion 运动周期cycl oidalgear 摆线齿轮cy cloida l moti on 摆线运动规律cyc loidal tooth profi le 摆线齿形cycl oidal-pin wh eel 摆线针轮cyli nder b lock b roachi ng mac hine 气缸体专用拉床cylin der bl ock si de bro aching machi ne 气缸体侧拉床cy linder borin g mach ine 镗缸机cyli nder c ompres sion g auge 气缸压力表c ylinde r honi ng mac hine 气缸珩磨机c ylinde r leak teste r 气缸漏气率检验仪c ylinde r perp endicu larity gauge气缸孔垂直检验仪cy linder press ure ga uge 气缸压力表cy linder score拉缸cyl indersticki ng 咬缸cylind ric pa ir 圆柱副cylind ricalcam 圆柱凸轮cyl indric al coo rdinat e mani pulato r 圆柱坐标操作器cy lindri cal gr inding外圆磨削c ylindr ical r oller圆柱滚子c ylindr ical r ollerbearin g 圆柱滚子轴承cyli ndrica l worm圆柱蜗杆cylind roid h elical-coilcompre ssionspring圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧cy lindro id hel ical-c oil ex tensio n spri ng 圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧cylind roid h elical-coiltorsio n spri ng 圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧D.C tr action subst ation直流牵引变电站D.I. rinse纯水次da ily se vice 每日保养da mage 损坏dateof sta ndardimplem entati on 标准实施日期da ted re ferenc e (tostanda rds) 注明日期的引用(标准)d ay and night line昼夜线路da y andnightvehicl e 昼夜车dead p oint 死点deade ner 防声胶decan tation沉淀法d eceler ated r un 压点d ecentr alized trans portat ion 分散运输dec isionitems决议事项de coilin g unit开卷机de dendum齿根高。
压铸及机械英语词汇(很全)!A 安装尺寸 install dimension凹模固定板 retainer plate凹模 female die, female mold, negative moldB 备件 spare parts变质 modification变质剂 modification agent扒渣 slagging-off保温炉 holding furnace保压压力 dwell pressure表面缺陷 surface defectC 淬火硬度quenching hardness抽芯core侧面抽芯side core抽芯油缸core oil cylinder插拔式结构plug抽芯机构core puller抽芯油缸支架bracket of cylinder粗糙度roughness/degree铸件表面粗糙度surface roughness擦伤galling尺寸公差dimension tolerance of casting除气degassing吹气净化blow purifying除气剂degassing flux出渣de-slagging出渣口slag hole沉渣sludge出炉口tap hole菜花头Cauli-flowering超声波检验ultrasonic test重熔re-meltingD 端盖cover动模垫块spacer parallel锻钢 forged steel氮化处理nitriding treatment断裂fracture塑性断裂plastic fracture导柱guide pillar导套guide sleeve导向板guide plate导向件guide part动型moving die/ejector die/movable mould动模座板moving clamp plate/bottom clamping plate 定模座板fixed clamp plate/top plate定型fixed die/cover die定模套版bolster/fixed die顶杆ejector pin顶出结构ejector mechanism顶出ejector吊装孔lifting eye吊环lifting ring镀钛处理titanium plating treatment多肉缺陷metallic projection电火花electric spark打磨grindingF 分流锥 divider/blast cone分型面 mold parting/parting face/mold joint 附页 attachment/appendix复位杆 reset bar(rod)附件故障 accessory覆盖剂 covering flux废金属料scrap浮渣cinder反射炉 reverberatory furnace废品 reject飞边joint flash仿真simulationG 规格 specification/standard数值孔径 numerical aperture (N.A)固定段 segment坩埚crucible坩埚炉crucible furnace感应电炉electric induction furnace沟槽 blind scab硅SiliconH 滑块 sliding block滑块部件 moving parts滑块退让 return/move back焊补 welding-on横浇道 runner合模 die locking横流道 runner回炉料foundry returns合型 mold assembling/closing/die locking合型力 die locking force化学成分不合格chemical consistence analysisJ 浇口套 sprue bush浇排道系统pouring system浇不足 misrun浇注 pouring浇注断裂interrupted pour浇道比 gating ratio浇包 ladle精整dressing and finishing精度 accuracy接口 connector击伤 shot damage金相组织 metallographic structure金属残液heel金相检验metallographic test金属型涂料 die coating/coating for metal mold 加压速度 rate of pressure increasing间隙 clearance精炼refining精炼剂refining flux精密铸造 precision casting静置holding/stewing渗透 impregnation集渣装置dirt traps夹杂类缺陷inclusion defects夹渣entrapped slag/slag inclusion夹具 tool fixturesK 壳体 housing开炉 blowing in孔洞缺陷cavity库存 inventoryL 冷却 cooling冷却水管 cooling water pipe冷却耐压管 cooling pressure pipe冷却水管用密封圈 O-ring/sealing ring/gasket ring冷室卧式压铸机horizontal (cold chamber) die casting machine冷却系统 cooling system冷却水接口 cooling water connector冷裂 cold crack冷隔 cold lap铝 Aluminum裂纹 crack拉伤 caught casting拉杆孔 draw bar螺纹 screw/thread螺纹结构 screw structure螺纹公称直径(直径 diameter)公称尺寸(名义尺寸) specifiedsize/nominal dimension漏油 leakage of oil棱边倒角 edge炉料 charge炉衬 furnace lining炉气分析flue gas analysis炉前分析on-the-spot sample analysis流痕 bloom/flow line力学性能不合格 physical-mechanical characteristic abnormalM 毛坯 rough/blank毛坯铸件 rough casting毛刺 veining/burr模芯 core模框 frame模槽 mold channel模套 chase/bolster/frame模具钢 die steel模具图纸 mold drawing内浇口 in-gate冒口 riser/feeder head冒口浇注系统 feeder head gating system镁 Magnesium锰 Manganese密闭耐压系统 tightness testN 内浇道 in-gate镍 NickleP 配油盘 pressure plate排气块 exhaust block排气槽 air vent排气孔 vent/venting channel排气塞 venting plug配合套圆形:fitting sleeve 方型:fitting case跑铝 aluminum slop out of mold喷射冶金 injecting metallurgy喷丸清理 shot blasting cleaning抛丸清理 wheel blasting cleaning偏析 segregation破坏性实验 destructive testQ 取件机 extractor去除浇冒口 de-gating清铲 chipping缺陷铸件 defecting casting气孔 blowhole/gas cavity/pinhole/porosity 气孔缩 blowhole shrinkage去毛刺 de-burring去除氧化皮 de-scaling氢 Hydrogen清理 cleaningR 热处理 heat treatment热电偶测温孔 thermocouple well热电偶 thermocouple (TC)/pyod热裂 hot heating熔炼 smelting熔化率 melting rate熔炼损耗 total melting loss熔池 bath熔剂 flux熔渣 slagS 水管 water pipe三维造型 3 D三坐标测量仪 coordinate 3上模座板 upper clamping plate缩孔 shrinkage缩松 dispersed shrinkage疏松 porosity(dispersed shrinkage)渗漏 leakage缩陷 sink/sink in/depression试块 test block/test piece/coupon实时控制系统 real-time control system试模 de-buggingT 推板 push plate推杆 push rod推板导柱 push plate guide pillar推板导套 push plate guide sleeve凸模固定板 punch-retainer plate铜 copper钛 TitaniumW 网状裂纹 craze crack/crazing/checking 未浇满 poured shortX 型芯 core型腔 mold cavity镶拼处 splicing place斜导柱孔 hole of inclined guide pillar楔紧块 wedge型芯弯曲 core bending下模座板 lowering clamping plate型芯固定板 core-retainer plateX 光射线检验 X-ray inspectionY 压铸机 die casting machine压室 pressure chamber压室止口(定位)尺寸 dimension/size压实 squeezing compaction压射 shot/injection压射冲头 injection piston(ram)/plunger压铸型 die casting die压力铸造模具 die-casting die易损镶块 wear insert易损件 wearing parts预应力 pre-stress永久型 permanent mold硬点 hard spot溢流槽 over flow well印痕 indentation氧 Oxygen荧光检验 fluorescent testZ 真空接口 vacuum connector真空排气管 vacuum exhaust block总接头 main connector中接头 middle connector直浇道 sprue转接处(转口)transit装配图(铸型装配图) moldassembly drawing 铸钢 cast steel支架 ejector housing/mold base leg造渣 slag forming真空熔炼 vacuum melting真空压铸 vacuum die casting/ evacuated diecasting 增压 pressurization针孔 pinhole沾铝 adhesive aluminum直读光谱分析仪 direct-reading spectrograph转运包 transfer ladle转向器steering rack柴油式传动叉车 Diesel forklift复印机 copying machine服务器 Server绘图仪 Graphic plotter兼容机 compatible machine材料库 warehouse投影仪 projector半自动车床 semi-automatic lathe半自动立式钻床 drill machine表面粗度测量仪 surface roughness gauge布洛维硬度计 Brinell hardness gauge测氢仪 Hydrogen gauge叉车充电机 charger程控交换机 exchanger齿轮油泵 oil pump储气罐 accumulator tank电动葫芦 Gantry crane电动试压泵 press tester电动斜切机 bias cutter电子秤 weighing scale电子扫描仪 scanner吊斗 spoon hopper高压离心风机 combustion blower管道泵 process water pump烘箱 oven监控系统 monitoring system简易数控车床 digital lathe交流弧焊机 Are welder抛光机 polisher锯床 saw空压机 air compressor冷冻式干燥机 dryer红外线测温仪冷却塔 cooling tower立式带锯床 band saw滤油机 oil filter焊接机 welder模温机 die heater喷粉室回收设备 painter system 平面磨床 grinder气动量仪 air gauge切割机 cut-off machine清洗机 washer散热器攻丝机 tapping machine 台式光谱仪 spectrograph台式砂轮机 abrasive machine卧式液压拉床 broaching machine 铣床 milling machine钻床 drilling machine液压机 hydraulic machine真空机 vacuum pump时效炉 aging furnace电阻炉 stress relief furnace探伤机 diagnostic machine加工中心 machining center车床 lathe钻削中心 drilling & cutting center别克 Buick切边机 trim press冷却塔循环泵 cooling tower pump循环水离心泵 process water pump脱模剂压送机 die lube station取件机 extractorFL充痒压铸系统 FL oxygen feed die cast system 装卸车 loader在建工程 construction in progress捡漏机 picker纸芯式滤油器paper element filter电磁阀 solenoid valve溢流阀spillover valve调速阀 speed control valve压力传感器pressure transducer三角带wedge shaped belt节流阀throttle governor同步齿型带timing belt喷涂机spray coater轴承(main) bearing浮球阀 float valve/ball cock行车bridge crane平衡重式叉车counter balanced forklift轮毂螺栓wheel hub bolt制动蹄片brake shoe制动液braking fluid叶片lamina/vane侧护板side guard plate单列向心推力球轴承single row radial thrust ballbearing带防尘盖单列轴承single row bearing shielded急停按钮 scram button三相开关threephase switch行程开关 limit/travel switch断路器circuit breaker接触器 contactor中间继电器intermediate relay时间继电器 time relay控制变压器control transformer开关电源switching supply节能灯energy-saving lamp日光灯管fluorescent tube自整流高压汞灯泡self-rectifying high pressure mercury lamp 电工胶布garrers/electrical tape焊条welding rod石笔slate pencil外圆磨床external grinderHydraulic fluid oil 液压油Safety hook/bolts 安全钩Crosshead 十字头Tail stock 尾架尾座Frame cover 护板框盖Toggle top cover 肘环顶Coupling 联轴器Tie-bar 拉杆, 系杆Control panel 控制面板Power board 分配板, 配电板Overhauling 大修, 拆修Hose 软管, 水龙带Warranty period 保修期Nozzle 管口, 喷嘴Nature tan 日晒后的颜色, 茶色Electric fitting 电装、Rubber pad 橡胶垫Shock absorbing rubber stopper 减震橡皮塞Die height 模子闭合高度Die stroke 动模行程Intensification ratio standard 增强比标准Plunger stroke 柱塞行程Plunger tip penetration 冲头穿透力Viscosity index 粘度指数Rated pressure 额定压力Plug socket 插口, 塞孔Ventilated 通风的Anchor bolt hole 地锚(脚)螺栓孔Inlet 入口Galvanize 通电流Carbon grain 碳粒Mortar 火泥, 砂浆Stretcher 拉伸机Earthing cable 接地电缆Manifold 总管, 集合管Clamp force sensor 夹紧力传感器Attenuate 削弱Emulsification 乳化作用中子线 wire for sliding出模斜度 draft angle隔皮 bur掉肉 misrun研配 grindTurbidity 浑浊度Refract meter 折光仪Sediment 沉淀物Glycol 乙二醇Combustible 易燃的Water-soluble 水溶性的Grease pump 黄油泵,油脂泵Drooling 滴料Disulfide 二硫化物Lithium 锂Gauge cock 试水位旋塞Pressure match valve 压力拟合阀Lock/check nut 防松螺母Slant 倾斜Core sliding face 型芯滑面Flux treatment 熔剂处理Die clamping cylinder 模具夹紧气缸Clogging 堵塞,闭合Electrode bar 电极棒Fumigation certificate 熏蒸消毒证书Crate 条板箱,柳条箱Resin parts 树脂零件Oil ring 油环Gear box 齿轮箱,传动箱,变速箱Draft angle 出模斜度Tap and drill gauge 丝锥及钻头规Tap borer 螺纹底孔钻Tap cutter 丝锥刀具Tap die holder 丝锥板牙两用夹头Tap handle 丝锥扳手Screw funnel 分液漏斗Screw chasing machine 螺纹切削机Screw cutting 螺纹切削Screw pitch gauge 螺距规Screw rivet 螺纹铆钉Screw vent 螺杆通孔Rack housing 齿条罩Rack Tubes 油缸Cup Seals Feed Pipes 输油管Spools 卷轴Recuperating Seal(恢复性密封) Inflator Tubes 充气.Cut Seals Steering Hoses 转向胶管Biscuit thickness 料柄厚度注油孔 oil filter point牛皮纸 kraft/brown paper瓦楞纸 fluting paper崩料 charge downslide/collapse卡涉现象 interference phenomenon 机械加工余量 stocking复制模 replaced mould偏心距 offset distance抽大缸 pull tie bar料头 biscuit抽芯 loose core光整平滑度 flatnessDrain cock 排气阀,放出开关Wrench 扳手Stopper 塞子,制动器Intensifier 增强器Check valve 止回阀Orifice 孔,口Pilot valve 领示阀,导阀Cold shut 冷疤,冷结Flow mark 波纹,流线谱Shot stroke 压射冲程Surge pressure 冲击压力,脉动压力Jack bolt 定位螺栓Anchor hole 锚栓孔Dust seal 档尘圈Valve cover 气门盖,阀盖Cylinder tube 汽缸筒Piston rod 活塞杆Piston ring 活塞环Shot cylinder 压射缸Wire clamp 钢丝钳Air hose 空气软管,送风管Atomizer 喷雾器Strainer 滤网Hollow shaft 空心轴,管轴Potentiometer 电位计,分压计Shaft 轴,杆状物Asbestos wire 石棉线Pulley 滑车,滑轮Spring washer 弹簧垫圈Inverter 电源交换器Cutting fluid 切削液refraction coefficient 折光系数Screw Cutting Tap 螺旋切削丝锥plug gauge 塞规color shade色泽red lead power 红丹粉stress relief 去应力casting film 铸型薄膜cast form铸造成形, 铸型cast house crane炉前[出铁场]吊车cast panel铸造面板cast rotor铸造转子cast superalloy铸造高温合金cast test block铸造试块[棒]casting character铸造性能casting crack缩裂casting fin铸件飞边, 铸件披缝, 铸件周缘翅片casting head浇冒口casting lap铸件皱纹casting scar铸疤, 浇注疤casting sealer铸件渗补剂casting strain铸造应变casting stress铸造应力spark plug 火花塞internal-combustion engine cylinder内燃机汽缸hydraulics 水力学pinion小齿轮pinion bearing小齿轮轴承pinion cage主动[行星]齿轮架, 差速器壳, 差速盘pinion cutting machine齿轴切削机床pinion head齿轴齿顶pinion shaped cutter插齿刀pinion spider差速器十字轴pinion stop(起动机的)齿轮停止器valve housing阀套valve actuating mechanism配气机构valve air relief自动放气阀valve bank阀组valve barrel阀缸valve body attachment阀体连接头valve bounce阀跳valve bush阀衬, 阀[衬]套valve chest gasket阀柜垫密片valve cock阀栓valve cottar气阀制销valve disc阀盘valve discharge centrifuge活门卸料式离心机valve follower阀推杆valve positioner阀门定位器分层Delaminationfilling-engine梳丝机器filling agent 填充剂;填料filling auger装载螺旋filling compoun填料filling funnel注液漏斗车架 (car) frame钣金 sheet metal测板 side plate内侧板Inner side plate焊钳soldering turret焊条 welding rod焊点 welding spot焊接机器人 welding robot寿命周期成本 life cycle cost前轴 fore/leading axle后翼子板 rear fender切削性能 cutting characteristic散热性能 heat dispersion耐磨性能 wear resistant property摩擦系数 friction coefficient灰铸铁 gray iron; graphitic cast iron过盈配合 tight/interference fit缸套 cylinder, sleeve, barrel tube pipe导轨面 guide way (face)铣刀盘 face milling cutter/facing cutter 刀盘 tool pan/cutter head磨削余量 grinding allowance耐用性 endurance钝化 passivation刀尖圆弧 circular profile of knife point (刀具)主偏角 entering angle; planangle弹性变形量 amount of elastic deformation 燃烧室 combustion chamber磨屑 abrasive dust滤器芯 strainer core差速器 differential gear反冲减震器 recoiling shock absorber废气涡轮 exhaust turbine涡轮增压器 turbocharger增压盲区 turboloch喷油器 oil sprayer/atomizer汽化器 carburetor硬质合金刀具 carbide tipped tool精镗刀具 fine boring tool动力传动系统 power transmission system spanner 扳子 (美作:wrench)double-ended spanner 双头扳子adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活络扳手box spanner 管钳子 (美作:socketwrenchcalipers 卡规pincers, tongs 夹钳wire cutters 剪线钳multipurpose pliers, universal pliers 万能手钳adjustable pliers 可调手钳punch 冲子scraper 三角刮刀reamer 扩孔钻calliper gauge 孔径规hacksaw 钢锯grease gun 注油枪oil can 油壶边刨床 side planer插床 slotting machine车刀 lathe tool车轮车床 car wheel lathe车削 turningBayonet 卡口Bearing fittings 轴承配件Bearing processing equipment 轴承加工机Belt drive 带传动Bending machines 弯曲机Boring heads 搪孔头Boring machines 镗床Cable making tools 造线机CNC bending presses 电脑数控弯折机CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床CNC drilling machines 电脑数控钻床CNC EDM wire-cutting machines 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC electric discharge machines 电脑数控电火花机CNC engraving machines 电脑数控雕刻机CNC grinding machines 电脑数控磨床CNC lathes 电脑数控车床CNC machine tool fittings 电脑数控机床配件CNC milling machines 电脑数控铣床CNC shearing machines 电脑数控剪切机CNC toolings CNC刀杆CNC wire-cutting machines 电脑数控线切削机Conveying chains 输送链Crimping tools 卷边工具Disposable toolholder bits 舍弃式刀头Drawing machines 拔丝机Etching machines 蚀刻机Honing machines 搪磨机Lapping machines 精研机Milling heads 铣头Mold polishing/texturing 模具打磨/磨纹Planing machines 刨床aberration 色差atomization 雾化bank mark 料纹bite 咬入blacking hole 涂料孔(铸疵) blacking scab 涂料疤blister 起泡blooming 起霜blow hole 破孔blushing 泛白body wrinkle 侧壁皱纹breaking-in 冒口带肉bubble 膜泡burn mark 糊斑burr 毛边camber 翘曲cell 气泡centre buckle 表面中部波皱check 细裂痕checking 龟裂chipping 修整表面缺陷clamp-off 铸件凹痕collapse 塌陷colour mottle 色斑corrosion 腐蚀crack 裂痕crazing 碎裂crazing 龟裂deformation 变形edge 切边碎片edge crack 裂边fading 退色filler speak 填充料斑fissure 裂纹flange wrinkle 凸缘起皱flaw 刮伤flow mark 流痕galling 毛边glazing 光滑gloss 光泽grease pits 污斑grinding defect 磨痕haircrack 发裂haze 雾度incrustation 水锈indentation 压痕internal porosity 内部气孔mismatch 偏模mottle 斑点necking 缩颈nick 割痕orange peel 橘皮状表面缺陷overflow 溢流peeling 剥离pit 坑pitting corrosion 点状腐蚀plate mark 模板印痕pock 麻点pock mark 痘斑resin streak 树脂流纹resin wear 树脂脱落riding 凹陷sagging 松垂saponification 皂化scar 疤痕scrap jam 废料阻塞scratch 刮伤/划痕scuffing 深冲表面划伤seam 裂痕shock line 模口挤痕short shot 充填不足shrinkage pool 凹孔sink mark 凹痕skin inclusion 表皮折叠straightening 矫直streak 条状痕surface check 表面裂痕surface roughening 橘皮状表皮皱折surging 波动sweat out 冒汗torsion 扭曲warpage 翘曲waviness 波痕webbing 熔塌weld mark 焊痕whitening 白化wrinkle 皱纹表面处理关联用语时效硬化 age hardening气体硬化 air hardening空气韧化 air patterning退火 annealing阳极效应 anode effect阳极氧化处理 anodizing滚镀 barrel plating滚筒打光 barrel tumbling染黑法 blackening青熟脆性 blue shortness碳酸盐薄膜防锈法 bonderizing箱位退火 box annealing封箱渗碳 box carburizing辉面电镀 bright electroplating光辉热处理 bright heat treatment 旁路热处理 bypass heat treatment 化学电镀 chemical plating化学蒸镀 chemical vapor deposition 大气热处理 controlled atmosphere 锐角效应 corner effect儒缓放电 creeping discharge压花 embossing部分淬火 selective quenching。
(1) 按英文字母排序3Dcoord inate meas ureme nt 三次元量床3-Jaws inde xingspace rs 三爪、分割工具头A RSteel高温度锰钢a s afety loop保险圈a wir e loo p 钢丝圈A.T.C.sys tem 加工中心机刀库A/D an alogto di gital模拟/数字A/D Ana log /digit al(co nvers ion)模/数(转换)A/M aut o/man ual 自动/手动A/M A utoma tic/m anul自动/手动ABCAutom aticboile r con trol锅炉自动控制Abn ormal Stee l 反常钢; 非正常钢ABS resi n 丙烯轻丁二烯苯AC a ltern ating curr ent 交流电A C au tomat ic co ntrol自动控制ACAlter natin g cur rent交流(电)A CA a ccide nt co nsequ enceasses sment事故后果评价A CB a ir ci rcuit brea ker 空气断路器ACC acc ident故障、事故AC C Aut omati c com busti on co ntrol燃烧自动控制AC CUM accum ulate累计、蓄电池accu mulat or 蓄压器acc urate diecasti ng 精密压铸a court ic cr ack d etect ion s ystem声裂纹检测系统aceta l cop olyme r 共聚甲醛ace tal r esin聚甲醛树脂acet one r esin丙酮树脂acety lene乙炔AC K ac knowl edge确认ACP A uxili ary c ontro l pan el 辅助控制盘a cryli c fib er 丙乙轻纤维a cryli c res in 丙烯树脂ac rylon itril e-sty rene丙乙轻苯乙烯树脂A CS (a dapti ve co ntrol syst em) 自动补偿系统ACSAutom aticcontr ol sy stem自动控制系统ACT actu ator执行机构ACT/S act ive s ide 带电部件、有功部件act ivato r 活化剂actu ator驱动器A CW a nti-c lockw ise 反时针方向AD analo g-dig ital模拟-数字ada pterring接模环a dapte r 接头adden dum o f thr ead 螺牙冠ad ditio nal p olyme r 加聚物adhe sivefilm粘着薄膜adhes ive 粘着剂ad justa ble s panee r 活动扳手ADP Annu nciat ion d ispla y pan el 报警显示板A DS au tomat ic di spatc h sys tem 自动调度系统AEHAnalo g ele ctro-模拟式电液调节A EOD analy sis a nd ev aluat ion o f ope ratio nal d ata 运行数据分析和管理AFC autom aticfrequ encycontr ol autom aticfollo wingcontr ol 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AF C Air flow cont rol `送风控制AGC Auto matic gene ratio n con trol自动发电量控制AG C aut omati c gen erato r con trol机组自动发电控制age h arden ing 時效硬化a geing trea tment老化处理agei ng 老化处理AI an aloginput模拟量输入AI art ifici al in telli gence人工智能AIAnalo g inp ut 模拟量输出a ir be nd di e 悬空弯曲模具a ir ha rdeni ng 气体硬化ai r pat entin g 空气韧化air vent vale通气阀airvent排气槽a ir-be nd di e 自由弯曲模al kyd r esin醇酸树脂alloy tool stee l 合金工具钢al loyed cast iron合金铸铁ally l res in 烯丙醇酯树脂ALT alter nate交变的、交替的ALTNT R al terna tor 同步发电机alum inium allo y 铝合金钢Alu miniu m-ste el Ca ble 钢铝电缆A lumin izedSteel涂铝钢Alumi num c ontin uousmelti ng &holdi ng fu rnace s 连续溶解保温炉Alum inumNicke l Ste el 铝镍钢AM amme ter 电流表a minoresin氨基树脂AMM anal og ma stermodul e 模拟主模件A MP a mpere安培amper e 电流安培AMP L am plifi er 放大器AN air natu ral c ooled空气自然冷却a nalog cont rol 模拟控制A NALZ anal yzer分析机a nchir pin锚梢A nchor ed St eel T restl e 锚固式钢栈桥a ngelweldi ng 角焊angl e cut ter 角铣刀An gle S teelRuler钢角尺angul ar ca ms 角凸轮ang ularpin 交梢(倾斜梢)Ani sotro pic S teel各向异性钢片Ani sotro py Si licon Stee l 各向异性硅钢片ANLG anal og模拟通告者A NN a nnunc iator sys tem 报警系统A NN a nnunc iator信号装置,报警器Anne aledSheet Stee l 退火薄钢板An neale d Ste el 退火钢; 韧钢anne aling退火a nodeeffec t 阳级效应ano dizin g 阳级氧化处理A ntico rrosi ve Al umini um-Co atedSteel Wire防蚀镀铝钢丝An ti-Cr eepin g Ang le St eel 防爬角铁a ntifl owbac k val ve 反流阀AO ana log outpu t 模拟量输出AOC autom aticoverl oad c ontro l 自动过载控制AOL analo g out put t o loo p(圈,环)对FC30环的模拟输出AOP a uxili ary o il pu mp 辅助油泵AO V air oper atedvalve汽动门APC auto matic plan t coo rdina te co ntrol auto matic powe r con trol机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制A PC Au tomat ic pl ant c ontro l 电厂自动控制A PO a uxili ary (辅助的)APP app endix aux iliar y pow er pl ant 附录:辅助电源设备appli catio n win dow 应用程序窗口appr oachi ng fa ce 渐近面APS ace ssory powe r sup ply 辅助电源APU auxil iarypower unit辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备arbo r 心轴arc w eldin g 电弧焊arc电弧Ar c-Fur naceSteel电炉钢Arc-W elded Stee l Pip e 电弧焊接钢管a rcyli c 压克力Area Of S teel钢筋断面面积; 钢筋截面面积AreaOf St ructu ral S teel型钢截面积argo n arc weld ing 氩弧焊接A RM a rmatu re 电枢、衔铁Armc o Alu miniz ed St eel 阿姆柯渗铝钢Arm co St eel 不硬化钢A rmcoSteel阿姆柯软钢ARP Auxi liary rela y pan el 辅助继电器盘arres ter b rake制动器ASR auto matic spee d run up 自动升速ASS A utoma tic s ynchr onize d sys tem 自动同期系统asse mblin g 装配ass embli ng di e 复合冲模,装配用模具as sembl y dra wing装配图assem bly l angua ge 汇编语言as sembl y.装配AST a utoma tic s top t rip 自动停机跳闸系统A-STP a uto s top 自动停止A-STRT auto star t 自动启动ASU aut omati c syn chron izing unit自动同步系统A T a uxili ary t ransf ormer辅助变压器AT C aut omati c tur binecontr ol 汽轮机自动控制ATCAutom aticturbi ne st artup or s hutdo wn co ntrol syst em 汽轮机自启停系统ato mloytreat ment阿托木洛伊表面A-TRIPautotrip自动跳闸ATTE N at tenua tor 衰减器,消声器AU S au xilia ry sw itch辅助开关aust emper ing 奧氏体等温淬火Aus tenil ic Ni-Cr S tainl ess S teel奥氏体镍铬不锈钢a usten ite 奧斯田体/奧氏体Au steni tic A lloySteel奥氏体合金钢Au steni tic C hromi um-Ni ckelSteel奥氏体铬-镍钢A usten iticCladSteel奥氏体复合钢Au steni tic H eat-R esist anceSteel奥氏体耐热钢Au steni tic M angan ese S teel奥氏体锰钢; 哈德菲尔德锰钢Auste nitic Stai nless Stee l 奥氏体不锈钢A usten iticSteel奥氏体钢aust epeer ing 奥氏体等温淬火aut ocoll imato r 自动准直机Au tomat ic St eel 易切削钢A utoma tic(A l) St eel 易切削钢a utomo tivechass is 车架AUX auxil iany辅助、备用aux iliar y 辅助的;副的;附加的A VAIL avai lable可用的AVL auto matic volt age c ontro l 自动电压控制AVR autom aticvolta ge re gulat or 自动调压器Axl e Ste el 车轴钢bac k cle aranc e ang le 背隙角bac k rak e 背斜角back shaf t 支撑轴ba cking视垫B AF ba ffle隔板,挡板ba ffleplate折流档板baff le 导流块baf fle 调节阻板b ag mo uldin g 气胎施压成形b ainit e 贝氏体Bain iticSteel贝氏体钢Bala ncedSteel半镇静钢Bala ncing equi pment平衡设备Bal l Bea ringSteel Stri p 滚珠轴承钢带b all b utton球塞套ballend m ill 球端铣刀b all p lunge r 定位球塞Bal l Rac e Ste el 滚珠轴承圈钢ballscrew滚珠丝杠ball sild er 球塞滑块B all-B earin g Ste el 滚珠轴承钢B amboo Stee l 竹节钢筋Ban d Ste el 带钢band ed st ructu re 条纹状组织B andin g Ste el 带钢; 箍钢bank滞料Ba r Ste el 棒钢; 条钢bareelect rode光熔焊接barre l pla ting滾镀ba rrelsurfa ce 圆柱形表面b arrel tumb ling滾筒打光barre lling滚光加工Basi c Bes semer Stee l Con verte r 碱性转炉钢转炉Basic Bess emerSteel碱性贝氏转炉钢Basic Elec tricFurna ce St eel 碱性电炉钢Basic Open Hear th St eel 碱性平炉钢batch file批处理文件Bat tened Stee l Col umn 双肢钢柱B ayone t 卡口BBLbarre l 圆筒型支架B CS Bu rnercontr ol sy stem燃烧器控制系统BD bl ock d ecrea se 闭锁减BD UC bu s duc t 母线导管、母线沟BD V bl owdow n vol tage击穿电压Beam Stee l Pla te 大梁钢板Be am Wi th Co mpres sionSteel双筋梁beari ng al loy 轴承合金B earin g fit tings轴承配件Bea ringproce ssing equi pment轴承加工机Be aring Qual ity S teel滚珠钢B earin g Ste el 轴承钢Bea rings轴承Beltdrive带传动belt sand er 带式打磨机bench comp arato r 比长仪bend abil ity 可弯性be nd ar c 弯曲弧bend ing a ngle(line) 弯曲角(线)b endin g bra ke (b endin g mac hine)弯板机,拆弯机b endin g equ ipmen t for plas tics塑料折弯设备ben dingfatig ue 弯曲疲劳Be nding mach ines弯曲机bendi ng mo mentdiagr am 弯矩图ben dingopera tion弯曲工序bendi ng ra dius弯曲半径BentSteel挠曲钢筋Bess emerLow C arbon Stee l 酸性转炉低碳钢Besse mer M ild S teel贝色麦钢Besse mer S teel贝色麦钢;酸性钢BestPloug h Ste el Wi re 铅淬火高强度钢丝bev el an gle 去角bev el le ad 倒角BF back feed反馈BF B oiler foll ow 锅炉跟踪BF C Boi ler fuel cont rol 锅炉燃料控制BHP brak e ho rsepo wer 制动马力BI bloc k inc rease闭锁增Bill et St eel 坯段钢; 钢坯; 短条钢Bin ary S teel二元合金钢bind er pl ate 压板BK br ake 制动器B KR b reake r 断路器BKU P bac kup 备用B lackMildSteel Carr iageBoltAnd N ut 黑铁马车螺丝闩Blac k Mil d Ste el Fi sh Bo lt An d Nut黑铁鱼尾螺丝闩B lackMildSteel Flat Head Rive t 黑铁扁头铆钉Blac k Mil d Ste el Fl at He ad Ti nmenRivet黑铁号头铆钉Bl ack M ild S teelHexag onalNut 黑铁六角螺丝帽blac kenin g 染黑法blad e 刀刃Blade s 刀片Blad es,sa w 锯片blan k det ermin ation胚料展开blan k hol der 防皱压板b lanklengt h ofbend弯曲件展开长度bl ank t hroug h die s 漏件式下了模b lank胚料bl ankin g cle aranc e, di e cle aranc e 冲裁间隙bla nking die冲裁模blank ing f orce冲裁力b lanki ng pu nch 下料冲头b lanki ng 下料加工BL K bl ock 程序块,封闭bl ock g auge块规bl ow mo lding diefor p lasti cs 塑料吹模机b oarddrophanmm er 板落锤bol t 螺栓Bolts,scre ws &nuts螺栓,螺帽及螺丝BOPMS bala nce o f pla nt ma stersyste m机组辅助设备主控顺序Borin g hea ds 搪孔头bo ringmachi ne 搪孔机Bor ing m achin es 镗床BOS bac k-out syst em 补偿系统B OT b uild-opera te-tr anfer建造-运行-移交bott om bo ard 浇注底板b ottom plat e 下固定板bot tomin g han d tap底螺丝攻boxannea ling箱型退火box c arbur izing封箱渗碳BP b ase p late底版,支撑板BPS bypa ss co ntrol syst em 旁路控制系统BR brus h 电刷、刷子brack et 托架brak e 煞车branc h con necti on 分支接续b razed tool硬锝刀具brea thing排气B RG be aring轴承brigh t ele ctrop latin g 辉面电镀bri ght h eat t reate ment光辉热处理bri ttlen ess m ateri al 脆性材料broin g mac hine搪孔机B TG Bo ilerturbi negen erato r (pa nel)锅炉、汽轮机、发电机(控制盘)bur n thr ough烧蚀bu tadie ne 丁二烯but t wel d 对接焊缝but yl ac etate醋酸丁酯BW b ackwa sh 反洗BYC batt ery c harge r 电池充电器B YP by pass旁路by passheattream ent 旁路热处理CA comp resse d air压缩空气CAB cabi net 小室ca ble g land电缆衬垫Cabl e mak ing t ools造线机cable tray.电缆盘CAEPconde nserair e xtrac tionpump真空泵c alend aring mold ing 压延成形c alend ering压延成形cali brati on 校准cali per g auge卡规ca m die bend ing 凸轮弯曲加工camb er 电弧弯曲ca mlach ie cr amp 铸包CAO S com plete ly au tomat ic op erate syst em 全自动操作系统CAP cap acity容量、功率c arbid e too l 硬质合金刀具c arbid e 炭化物carb on fi ber 碳纤维ca rbonsteel碳素钢carbo n too l ste el 碳素工具钢c arbur izedcasedepth浸碳硬化深层ca rburi zing渗碳ca scade階叠熔接法cas t iro n 铸铁caststeel铸钢c astin g lad le 浇注包cas tinglug 铸耳cas tingon fl at 水平铸造Ca sting,alum inium铸铝Casti ng,co pper铸铜C astin g,gra y iro n 铸灰口铁Ca sting,mall eable iron可锻铸铁Cas ting,other其他铸造Cas ting,steel铸钢catal yst 催化剂ca thodi c pro tecti on sy stem阴极保护系统CAT S com puter-aide d tro uble-shoot ing 计算机辅助故障查寻caul kingcompo und 填隙料CA V c avity洞,空穴,腔C AVITcavit ation汽蚀cavit y ada ptorplate固定侧安装板ca vityplate (blo ck) 凹模cav ity r etain er pl ate 模穴托板c avity sink ing E DM ma chine s 型腔电火花加工机床cav ity 模穴(模仁/模腔)c avity plate模仁板CB contr ol bu ton circu it br eaker cir cuitboard控制钮:线路断路器:电路板CBL line circ uit b reake r 线路断路器C C c harac tevis tic c urve特性曲线C-C cent ure-t o-cen ture中心距,中心之间CC cl osing coil闭式循环CCCW clos ed ci rcuit cool ing w ater闭式循环冷却水CCCWP clos ed ci rcuit cool ing w aterpump闭式循环冷却水泵C CR Ce ntral cont rol r oom 单元(中央)控制室C CS co ordin ation cont rol s ystem协调控制系统CC S 协调控制系统C CW c ounte r-clo ckwis e 反时针CCW cond enser circ ulati ng wa ter 循环水CC W cou nterclock wise逆时针的CD cont rol d esk 控制台C E cas e exp ansio n 缸胀cell ulose acet ate b utyra te 醋酸丁酸纤维素cell ulose acet ate 醋酸纤维素(CA)c ement line d pip ing 水泥衬里C EMF c ownta elec tromo tiveforce反电动势c enter of d ie, c enter of l oad 压力中心c enter-gate d mol d 中心浇口式模具cente ringlocat ion 定心CEP cond ensat e ext racti on pu mp 凝结水泵c erami c too l 陶瓷刀具CFG N co nfigu ratio n 轮廓,构架,组态Ch ain d rive链传动Chain maki ng to ols 造链机C hamfe r mac hines倒角机cham fer 倒角cha mfere d cor ner 去角角隅chamf ering tool去角刀具cham ottesand烧磨砂C HAN chann el 通道cha rging hopp er 加料漏斗ch aser螺丝钣刀check gaug e 校对规chem icalplati ng 化学电镀ch emica l vap or de posit ion 化学蒸镀C HG c hange改变CHGRcharg er 充电器ch ip br eaker断屑器chipforma tion成型切削chipload(forc e) 切削力chl orina ted p olyet hylen e 氯化聚乙烯ch opped stra nd 短玻璃丝束C HS Co al ha nding syst em 输煤控制系统chuck hand le 夹头扳手,夹头钥匙Ch ucks夹盘C IM (c omput er in tegra ted m anufa cturi ng) 计算机集成制造CIU com puter int erfac e un it 计算机接口单元界面,分界面接合部CIV c loseinter cepto r val ve 关中压调门C JC Co ld ju nctio n com pensa tor 冷端补偿器CKT circu it 电路、线路CKW clock wise顺时针方向CL cent er li ne 中心线CL cen ture line总线,中心线c lad s heet被覆板c lad w eld 被覆熔接c lampface夹持面c lampplate (rin g) 压板(夹紧环)clam pingblock锁定块clamp ing f orce(elem ent,devic e, pi ston)夹紧力(件,装置,活塞)C lampi ng/ho lding syst ems 夹具/支持系统CL D col d/coo led 冷的cle aranc e ang le 隙角clea rance betw een p unchand d ie 凹凸模间隙c leara nce g auge间隙规C LF cl arifi er 净化器CLG cool ing 冷却CL NG cl eanin g 清洁,净化close d typ e sin gle a ction cran k pre ss 闭式单动(曲柄)压力机CLR c ool 冷却器C LSG c losin g 关闭、合闸C LU cl utch离合器,控制;手clu tch b rake离合制动器CMCmilli ng ma chine CMC铣床CMR con tinuo us ma xinum rati ng 连续最大功率CMS comp uter moni torin g sy stem计算机监视系统C NC (c omput er nu meric al co ntrol) 计算机数字控制CNC b endin g pre sses电脑数控弯折机C NC bo ringmachi nes 电脑数控镗床CNC dril lingmachi nes 电脑数控钻床CNC EDMwire-cutti ng ma chine s 电脑数控电火花线切削机CNC e lectr ic di schar ge ma chine s 电脑数控电火花机CNC engr aving mach ines电脑数控雕刻机C NC gr indin g mac hines电脑数控磨床C NC la thes电脑数控车床CN C mac hinetoolfitti ngs 电脑数控机床配件c nc mi lling mach ine C NC铣床CNC m illin g mac hines电脑数控铣床C NC sh earin g mac hines电脑数控剪切机CNC t oolin gs CN C刀杆CNC w ire-c uttin g mac hines电脑数控线切削机CNC--comp uternumer icalcontr ol 计算机数字控制CNDcondu it ['k?ndi t]管道,导线管C NDCTc onduc tivit y 导电率,传导率CNDN cond ition工况、参数CN DNR condi tione r 调节器CNG R c ongru ence相同,重合CNT co ntact接触,触点CN TLR contr oller控制器CNVR on veyor传送装置CO co n-out关闭、切断CO AG co agula nt 凝结剂co arsen ing 結晶粒粗大化coat ing 涂布被覆C OAX c oaxia l 同轴的C OEF c oeffi cient系数coilcar 带卷升降运输机coi l cra dle 卷材进料装置coil reel stan d 钢材卷料架co ld ch amber diecasti ng 冷室压铸co ld ci rcula r saw常温圆规colo r dis play彩色显示color mast erbat ch 色母料col or ma tchin g 调色color ant 着色剂co mbina tionchuck复动夹头comb ustio n 燃烧comp actin g mol ding粉末压出成形com parat or 比测仪com pass两角规c ompen sator补偿器compo und b lankand p ierce dies落料冲孔模com press ion m oldin g mac hine压塑机C ON conne ctor连接器conca ve an gle 凹角con cavecutte r 凹面铣刀CON D con dense r 凝汽器con dense r 凝结器,冷却器 ext racti on 抽出co ndens er ci rcula tingwater pump循环水泵condu it ou tlet电线引出口confi gurat ion s ystem file系统配置文件co nnect or. 接线器CO NST const ans c onstr uctio n 常数:构造、结构CON ST c onsta nt 恒定的,常数CON T co ntact cont rol 接点:调节、控制C ONT conti nuous连续的cont ourin g mac hine轮廓锯床contr ol (m ain,s ystem) men u 控制(主,系统)菜单co ntrol cabl e控制电缆操纵索contr ol wi ring控制线路c ontro l: 控制器con troll ed at mosph ere 大气热处理CONV conv erter转换器Con veyin g cha ins 输送链C OOL c oolan t 冷却介质Coole rs 冷却机co oling mani fold冷却歧管cooli ng sp iral螺旋冷却栓coor dinat or/co ordin ate 调度员/协调协调者cop y gri nding mach ine 仿形磨床c opy l athe仿形车床copymilli ng ma chine仿形铣床copy shap ing m achin e 仿形铇床COR coor dinat ion 协调控制方式cor e ada ptorplate可动侧安装板co re pl ate 心型板co re pu sh ba ck sp ring心型回位弹簧cor ner r adius角隅半径cott er di amete r 梢径count erbor e cut ter h ead 扩孔钻头C oupli ng 联轴器CO V cov er 外壳CP con trolpanel控制板CPD capa citor pote ntial devi ce 电容器分压器CPLG coup ling偶合器,连轴器C PU Ce ntral proc essin g uni t 中央处理器CR con trolrelay控制继电器cr ack 破裂cra dle 送料架cr ank 曲柄轴cr ankle ss 无曲柄式c rate:柳条箱crate r 刀痕磨耗cra tor 焊疤cre ate (chang e, re move) dire ctory建立(改变,移动)目录c reepi ng di schar ge 蠕缓放电cr est r adius牙顶圆角半径CR H col d reh eat 冷再热Cr impin g too ls 卷边工具CRITcriti cal 临界的,关键的cr oss c rank横向曲轴CRT catho de-ra y tub e 阴极射线管C RT c ircui t 回路CRT(cath ode-r ay tu be) 显像管CR T cat hode(阴极)r ay t ube显示器CRT Cath ode-r ay tu be 阴极射线管屏幕显示器c rysta lline poly mer 结晶性聚合物CS cont rol s witch控制开关CS G cas ing 汽缸CT cu rrent tran sform er 电流互感器CT co mbust ion t urbin e 燃气轮机CTR LZD centr alize d 集中CTW cool ing t ower冷水塔c uring temp eratu re 固化温度cu ttersaddl e 刀架cutti ng ed ge an gle 切深角cu tting edge incl inati on 切刃斜角cu tting part切削部分Cutt ing:切割Cu tting-offmachi nes 切断机C V co ntrol val ve 控制调门,调节器CV cont rol v alve高调门CW clock wise顺时针方向CW co oling wate r 冷却水CWPcircu latin g wat er pu mp 循环水泵c ycloh exano l 环乙酯cycl ohexa none环乙酮C YL cy linde r 汽缸cyl inder keybroac h 键孔拉刀cyl inder sadd le 鞍形气缸座c ylind er sq uare圆筒直尺cylin drica l gri nding mach ine 外圆磨床D/A d igita l toanalo g con verte r 数字/模拟转换器D/ADigta l/ana log(c onver sion)数/模(转换)DAS dataacqui sitio n sys tem 数据采集系统Dat a acq uisit ion s ystem计算机监视系统或数据采集系统data proc essin g sys tem 数据处理系统dayl ight开隙DB MS d ata b ase m anage mentsyste m 数据库管理系统DC D irect curr ent 直流(电)DC el ectri cal s ource直流电源DC AS d ata c ollec tionand a nalys is sy stem数据收集分析系统DCE D ata c ircui t-ter minat ing e quipm ent 数据电路终端设备DC S di strib utedcontr ol sy stem分散控制系统DD dev ice d river(fc123) 设备驱动器D DC Di rectdigit al co ntrol直接数字控制DD P Dis tribu ted d atd p roces sing分散数据处理DE digi tal e quipm ent displ ay eq uipme nt 数字元件:显示设备DE diff erent ial e xpans ion 胀差DEA deae rator除氧器degas ifier脱气器,除氧器d ecarb uriza tion脱碳处理decar buriz ing 脱碳退火d ecrea se 下降defa ult s elect ion m ode 默认选择模式defo rmati on 变形d eform ing f orce变形力DEGdegre e(s)度,学位DEGCdegre es ce lsius摄氏度摄氏的D EH di gital elec tric-hydra ulic数字电液调节系统DEHDigit al el ectro-hydr aulic cont rol s ystem数字式电液控制系统DELI V de liver供给、供电/输出DEM IN de miner aliza tion除盐,去矿化作用densi ty 密度,浓度depth gaug e 测深规dept h ofharde ning硬化深层desal inati on 除盐DET det ector检测器DET N de tecti on 检测DEV N de viati on 偏差DG di eselgener ator柴油发电机DHP de liver ed ho rsepo wer 输出功率DI data inpu t 数据输入DI D igita l inp ut 数字量输入D IAGL diag onal对角的dialfeed分度送料dialindic ator针盘指示表dial snap gaug e 卡规diall y pht halat e 苯二甲酸二烯丙酯Diam ond c utter s 钻石刀具DI APH diaph ragm流量孔板,薄膜d iaphr agm g ate 盘形浇口d ibuty l fum arate反丁烯二酸二丁酯Dicin g saw s 晶圆切割机d ie ap proac h 模头料道die asse mbly合模Di e cas tingdies压铸冲模Diecasti ng ma chine s 压铸机die clam per 夹模器di e fas tener模具固定用零件d ie fo r spe cialpurpo se 专用模die mate rial模具材料die p late冲模板d ie sp ottin g mac hine合模机d ie,st ampin g and punc hingdie 冲模die-cast ing d ie 压力铸造模具(简称压铸模)Die s-pro gress ive 连续冲模DIFF diff erent ial 有差的D IFFT diff erent ial tempe ratur e 温差dif fusio n ann ealin g 扩散退火DIG di gital数字digit al mi crome ter 数位式测微计DILdilut e/dil ution冲淡稀释di mensi onalinspe ction尺寸检验dioc tyl f umara te 反丁烯二酸二辛酯dir ect g ate 直接浇口d irect ion o f mai n mov ement主运动方向DISC disc onnec t 断开 bre akingDIS C SW disc onnec t swt ich 隔离开关DISHdisso lvedhydro gen 溶氢dis k ope ratin g sys tem (DOS)磁盘操作系统dis k 断开diskc opy c omman d 磁盘拷贝命令D ISO d issol ved o xygen溶氧d ispat ch 派遣,分派Dispo sable tool holde r bit s 舍弃式刀头d issol ve 溶解DI STR diatr ibuti on 分散、分配、配电DISTR B di sturb ance扰动,干扰dis tribu tionboard配电盘,配电屏D L d ata l ine 数据传输线DLU--Data Loop s Uni t 数据循环单元D LY delay延迟,滞后DM M di gital mult imete r 数字万用表D MNRLZ Rdemi neral izer[di:'m in?r?laiz?]除盐装置DMPDampe r 挡板、风门DM S da ta ma nagem ent s ystem数据管理系统D NC--d irect nume rical cont rol 直接数字控制DO dies el oi l 柴油DODigit al ou tput数字量输出DOL digi tal outpu t toloop(fn45)到FN45环的数字输出DOS dosin g 配料,加药剂量d ouble sol enoid val ve 双螺线管阀门,电磁阀doub le cr ank p ress双曲柄轴冲床dou ble s heari ng 叠板裁断do ublestack mold双层模具DP diff erent ial press ure 压差DP DT d ouble-pole doub le-th row 双刀双掷开关DPS T do uble-polesigle-thro w 双刀单掷开关DPU--DataProce ssing Unit数控处理单元dr aft 拔模锥度D raft脱模斜度drawbead张力调整杆Dra wingmachi nes 拔丝机d rawin g num bers拉伸次数drawi ng ra tio (coeff icien t,for ce,sp eed)拉伸比(系数,力,速度)dr awing thre ad 退刀螺蚊dr awing with iron ing 抽引光滑加工draw ing 引申加工d rilin g mac hine钻孔机d rilland c ounte rsink定心钻,中心钻d rilli ng an d rea ming钻孔和铰孔Dri lling mach inesbench钻床工作台Dr illin g mac hines钻床Drill ing m achin es,hi gh-sp eed 高速钻床Drill ing m achin es,mu lti-s pindl e 多轴钻床Dr illin g mac hines,radi al 摇臂钻床D rilli ng ma chine s,ver tical立式钻床dri lls 钻头dr ive b earin g 传动轴承dri ven ['driv n] 受到驱策的,驱使DS B Dis tribu ted s witch-boar d 配电盘DSBL D di sable d 不能的DSC H di schar ge 放电DSL die sel 柴油机D SL l ine d escon nectswitc h 隔离开关DS TL di still [dis'til]蒸馏DS TLT d istil late['dis til?t]蒸馏,蒸溜物DT da wn ti me 故障停机时间DTEDatatermi nal e quipm ent 数据中端设备DTS data tran simis sion数据传输系统du plica ted c avity plat e 复板模dyepenet rantexami natio n染料渗透试验法D YNA dynam ic an alysi s 动态分析E.U en ginee ringunits工程单位E/P ele ctric al t o pne umati c con verte r 电动气动转换器E/PElect ro/pn eumat ic(co nvert er) 电/气(转换器)EA F eq uival ent a vaila ble f actor等效可运系数E BOP e merge ncy b earin g oil pump事故轴承油泵EC C ecc entri city[ekse n'tri s?ti]偏心度离心率ECR eco nomic al co ntinu ous r ating经济连续出力e dge g ate 侧浇口EE el ectri cal e ngine er 电气工程师EEPRO M Ele ctric ally-erasa ble p rogra mmabl e rea d onl y mrm ory 电可擦写只读存储器E FF effic iency效率EFFT effe ctive有效的EH e lectr ohydr aulic电液EHC e lectr ohydr aulic cont rol 电液控制E HV extra-high volt age 超高压e jecti on pa d 顶出衬垫eje ctorleade r bus her 顶出导梢衬套ejec tor p ad 顶出垫eje ctorpin (plate) 推杆(板)ej ector pinretai ningplate推杆固定板eje ctorplate顶出板eject or va lve 顶出阀ej ector抽气器,喷射器e lasto mer 弹性体EL EC e lectr ic 电气的e lectr ic ma chini ng 电加工Ele ctric powe r too ls 电动刀具e lectr icaldisch argeformi ng 电火花成形机elec trica l dis charg e mac hinin g (ED M) 电火花加工e lectr icalpanel配电板,配电盘elect rical spar k-ero sionperfo ratio n 电火花打孔el ectro chemi cal m achin ing t ool 电解加工机床elec tro-c hemic al ma chini ng 电化学加工elect rodeconta ct su rface电极接触面ele ctrod ischa rge c uttin g mac hine电火花切割机ele ctro-disch argemachi ne to ol 电火花加工机床elec trohy draul ic fo rming电液成形elec troly tic f ormin g mac hine电解成形机elec troly tic h arden ing 电解淬火e lectr olyti c hea t tre atmen t 电解液热处理e lectr olyti c mar kingmachi ne 电解刻印机e lectr olyti c sur facegrind er 电解平面磨e lectr olyti c uni versa l too l and cutt er gr inder电解万能工具磨床elect ron b eam c uttin g mac hine电子束切割机ele ctron beam mach ine t ool 电子束加工机床ele ctron beam mach ining (EBM) 电子束加工EM ER e merge ncy 事故保安EMER eme rgenc y 紧急、事故E MLONemerg encycondi tion事故状态EMP ele trome chani cal p ower机电功率EMS eme rgenc y swi tch 紧急开关、事故按钮encap sulat ion m oldin g 注入成形ENC L en close封闭、包围en coded tran sduce r 编码传感器en d cut tingangle副切深角endgash刀端深口ENER ener gize励磁、使带电ENERD ene rgize d 已励磁的、已带电的E NG e ngage发动机engi neeri ng pl astic s 工程塑胶eng ravin g E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机eng ravin g mac hine雕刻机Engra vingmachi nes,l aser激光雕刻机EOP emer gency oilpump事故油泵EP extre me po wer 极限功率EPROM Elec trica lly p rogra mmabl e rea d onl y mem ory 电可编程只读存储器e rase(dele tion) comm and 删除命令e recti on 架设ES E xpert syst em 专家系统ES extr actio n ste am 抽汽ESD eme rgenc y shu tdown事故停机ESD紧急停车系统ES S es senti al se rvice syst em 主要厂用系统Etch ing m achin es 蚀刻机et hyl a cetat e 醋酸乙酯eth ylene viny lacet ate 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物ETS elect rical trip sole noid电气跳闸线圈E TS em ergen cy tr ip sy stem汽轮机紧急跳闸保护系统ETS Emer gency trip syst em 紧急停机系统EWSEngin eer w ok st ation工程师工作站ex amina tion试验EXC exc iter励磁机、励磁exces s met al 多余金属EX CH ex hange/exha nger交换/交换器EXD ext ernal devi ce 外部设备e xfoli ation剥落EX H exh aust排气/排汽EXHD exha ust h ood 排汽罩/排汽缸ex pande d pol ystyr ene 发泡聚苯乙烯expa nderdie 扩径模ex pandi ng di e 胀形模,扩管模exter nal t hread ing 外螺纹车削EXTRextra ction/extr actor抽取/抽汽器ex trude d bea d sea ling压出粒涂层法ext ruder doub le-sc rew f or pl astic s 塑料加工用双螺杆挤压机。
前刀面 rake face
变形 deformation
刀尖 nose of tool
应力 stress
前角 rake angle
硬度 rigidity
后角 clearance angle
热处理 heat treatment
龙门刨削 planing
退火 anneal
主轴 spindle
正火 normalizing
mechanical-electrical integration 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure
稳定性 stability 介质 medium 液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump
阀门 valve 失效 invalidation
截面 section 疲劳极限 fatigue limit
断裂 fracture 塑性变形 plastic distortion 脆性材料 brittleness material 刚度准则 rigidity criterion
垫圈 washer 垫片 spacer 直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear 直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear 运动简图 kinematic sketch 齿轮齿条 pinion and rack 蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear 虚约束 passive constraint 曲柄 crank 摇杆 racker 凸轮 cams 共轭曲线 conjugate curve
Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工 electric spark machining 电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge
机械行业英语词汇大全Assembly line组装线Layout布置图Conveyer流水线物料板Rivet table拉钉机Rivet gun拉钉枪Screw driver起子Electric screw driver电动起子Pneumatic screw driver气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA开箱检查fit together组装在一起fasten锁紧(螺丝)fixture 夹具(治具)pallet栈板barcode条码barcode scanner条码扫描器fuse together熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME制造工程师MT制造生技cosmetic inspect外观检查inner parts inspect内部检查thumb screw大头螺丝lbs. inch镑、英寸EMI gasket导电条front plate前板rear plate后板chassis 基座bezel panel面板power button电源按键reset button重置键Hi-pot test of SPS高源高压测试V oltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts塑胶件SOP制造作业程序material check list物料检查表work cell工作间trolley台车carton纸箱sub-line支线left fork叉车personnel resource department人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |'plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床driller??床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务president董事长general manager总经理special assistant manager特助factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |'skræpid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |' ksi'dein|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓name of a department部门名称administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单screwdriver holder起子插座pedal踩踏板stopper阻挡器flow board流水板hydraulic handjack油压板车forklift叉车pallet栈板glove(s)手套glove(s) with exposed fingers割手套thumb大拇指forefinger食指midfinger中指ring finger无名指little finger小指band-aid创可贴iudustrial alcohol工业酒精alcohol container沾湿台head of screwdriver起子头sweeper扫把mop拖把vaccum cleaner吸尘器rag 抹布garbage container灰箕garbage can垃圾箱garbage bag垃圾袋chain链条jack升降机production line流水线chain链条槽magnetizer加磁器lamp holder灯架to mop the floor拖地to clean the floor扫地to clean a table擦桌子air pipe 气管packaging tool打包机packaging打包missing part漏件wrong part错件excessive defects过多的缺陷critical defect极严重缺陷major defect主要缺陷minor defect次要缺陷not up to standard不合规格dimension/size is a little bigger尺寸偏大(小) cosmetic defect外观不良slipped screwhead/slippery screw head螺丝滑头slipped screwhead/shippery screw thread滑手speckle斑点mildewed=moldy=mouldy发霉rust生锈deformation变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor staking铆合不良excesssive gap间隙过大grease/oil stains油污inclusion杂质painting peel off脏污shrinking/shrinkage缩水mixed color杂色scratch划伤poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part事件不良fold of pakaging belt打包带折皱painting make-up补漆discoloration羿色water spots水渍polishing/surface processing表面处理exposed metal/bare metal金属裸露lack of painting烤漆不到位safety安全quality品质delivery deadline交货期cost成本engineering工程die repair模修enterprise plan = enterprise expansion projects企划QC品管die worker模工production, to produce生产equipment设备to start a press开机stop/switch off a press关机classification整理regulation整顿cleanness清扫conservation清洁culture教养qualified products, up-to-grade products良品defective products, not up-to-grade products不良品waste废料board看板feeder送料机sliding rack滑料架defective product box不良品箱die change 换模to fix a die装模to take apart a die拆模to repair a die修模packing material包材basket蝴蝶竺plastic basket胶筐isolating plate baffle plate; barricade隔板carton box纸箱to pull and stretch拉深to put material in place, to cut material, to input落料to impose lines压线to compress, compressing压缩character die字模to feed, feeding送料transportation运输(be)qualfied, up to grade合格not up to grade, not qualified不合格material change, stock change材料变更feature change 特性变更evaluation评估prepare for, make preparations for 准备parameters参数rotating speed, revolution转速manufacture management制造管理abnormal handling异常处理production unit生产单位lots of production生产批量steel plate钢板roll material卷料manufacture procedure制程operation procedure作业流程to revise, modify修订to switch over to, switch---to throw--over switching over切换engineering, project difficulty工程瓶颈stage die工程模automation自动化to stake, staking, reviting铆合add lubricating oil加润滑油shut die架模shut height of a die架模高度analog-mode device类模器die lifter举模器argon welding氩焊vocabulary for stamping冲压常词汇stamping, press冲压punch press, dieing out press冲床uncoiler & strainghtener整平机feeder送料机rack, shelf, stack料架cylinder油缸robot机械手taker取料机conveyer belt输送带transmission rack输送架top stop上死点bottom stop下死点one stroke一行程inch寸动to continue, cont.连动to grip(material)吸料location lump, locating piece, block stop 定位块reset复位smoothly顺利dent压痕scratch刮伤deformation变形filings铁削to draw holes抽孔inquiry, search for查寻to stock, storage, in stock库存receive领取approval examine and verify审核processing, to process加工delivery, to deliver 交货to return delivenry to.to send delinery backto retrn of goods退货registration登记registration card登记卡to control管制to put forward and hand in提报safe stock安全库存acceptance = receive验收to notice通知application form for purchase请购单consume, consumption消耗to fill in填写abrasion磨损reverse angle = chamfer倒角character die字模to collect, to gather收集failure, trouble故障statistics统计demand and supply需求career card履历卡to take apart a die卸下模具to load a die装上模具to tight a bolt拧紧螺栓to looser a bolt拧松螺栓to move away a die plate移走模板easily damaged parts易损件standard parts标准件breaking.(be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂to lubricate润滑common vocabulary for die engineering 模具工程常用词汇die 模具figure file, chart file图档cutting die, blanking die冲裁模progressive die, follow (-on)die连续模compound die复合模punched hole冲孔panel board镶块to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边to bending折弯to pull, to stretch拉伸Line streching, line pulling线拉伸engraving, to engrave刻印upsiding down edges翻边to stake铆合designing, to design设计design modification设计变化die block模块folded block折弯块sliding block滑块location pin定位销lifting pin顶料销die plate, front board模板padding block垫块stepping bar垫条upper die base上模座lower die base下模座upper supporting blank上承板upper padding plate blank上垫板spare dies模具备品spring 弹簧bolt螺栓document folder文件夹file folder资料夹to put file in order整理资料spare tools location手工备品仓first count初盘人first check初盘复棹人second count 复盘人second check复盘复核人equipment设备waste materials废料work in progress product在制品casing = containerazation装箱quantity of physical invetory second count 复盘点数量quantity of customs count会计师盘,点数量the first page第一联filed by accounting department for reference会计部存查end-user/using unit(department)使用单位summary of year-end physical inventory bills年终盘点截止单据汇总表bill name单据名称This sheet and physical inventory list will be sent to accounting department together (Those of NHK will be sent to financial department)本表请与盘点清册一起送会计部-(NHK厂区送财会部) Application status records of year-end physical inventory List and physical inventory card 年终盘点卡与清册使用-状况明细表blank and waste sheet NO.空白与作废单号plate电镀mold成型material for engineering mold testing工程试模材料not included in physical inventory不列入盘点sample样品incoming material to be inspected进货待验description品名steel/rolled steel钢材material statistics sheet物料统计明细表meeting minutes会议记录meeting type 会别distribution department分发单位location地点chairman主席present members出席人员subject主题conclusion结论decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheetPCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pilot导正筒trim剪外边pierce剪内边drag form压锻差pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品disposed products处理品barcode条码flow chart流程表单assembly组装stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄crank shaft曲柄轴augular offset角度偏差velocity速度production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化alloy合金tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机模具工程类plain die简易模pierce die冲孔模forming die成型模progressive die连续模gang dies复合模shearing die剪边模riveting die铆合模pierce冲孔forming成型(抽凸,冲凸)draw hole抽孔bending折弯emboss凸点dome凸圆semi-shearing半剪stamp mark冲记号deburr or coin压毛边punch riveting冲压铆合side stretch侧冲压平reel stretch卷圆压平groove压线blanking下料stamp letter冲字(料号) shearing剪断tick-mark nearside正面压印tick-mark farside反面压印冲压名称类extension dwg展开图procedure dwg工程图die structure dwg模具结构图material材质material thickness料片厚度factor系数upward向上downward向下press specification冲床规格die height range适用模高die height闭模高度burr毛边gap间隙weight重量total wt.总重量punch wt.上模重量五金零件类inner guiding post内导柱inner hexagon screw内六角螺钉dowel pin固定销coil spring弹簧lifter pin顶料销eq-height sleeves=spool等高套筒pin销lifter guide pin浮升导料销guide pin导正销wire spring圆线弹簧outer guiding post外导柱stop screw止付螺丝located pin定位销outer bush外导套模板类top plate上托板(顶板)top block上垫脚punch set上模座punch pad上垫板punch holder上夹板stripper pad脱料背板up stripper上脱料板male die公模(凸模)feature die公母模female die母模(凹模)upper plate上模板lower plate下模板die pad下垫板die holder下夹板die set下模座bottom block下垫脚bottom plate下托板(底板)stripping plate内外打(脱料板)outer stripper外脱料板inner stripper内脱料板lower stripper下脱料板零件类punch冲头insert入块(嵌入件)deburring punch压毛边冲子groove punch压线冲子stamped punch字模冲子round punch圆冲子special shape punch异形冲子bending block折刀roller滚轴baffle plate挡块located block定位块supporting block for location定位支承块air cushion plate气垫板air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆trimming punch切边冲子stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子ribbon punch压筋冲子reel-stretch punch卷圆压平冲子guide plate定位板sliding block滑块sliding dowel block滑块固定块active plate活动板lower sliding plate下滑块板upper holder block上压块upper mid plate上中间板spring box弹簧箱spring-box eject-rod弹簧箱顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing bolck衬套cover plate盖板guide pad导料块塑件&模具相关英文compre sion molding压缩成型flash mold溢流式模具plsitive mold挤压式模具split mold分割式模具cavity型控母模core模心公模taper锥拔leather cloak仿皮革shiver饰纹flow mark流痕welding mark溶合痕post screw insert螺纹套筒埋值self tapping screw自攻螺丝striper plate脱料板piston活塞cylinder汽缸套chip细碎物handle mold手持式模具移转成型用模具encapsulation molding低压封装成型射出成型用模具two plate两极式(模具)well type蓄料井insulated runner绝缘浇道方式hot runner热浇道runner plat浇道模块valve gate阀门浇口band heater环带状的电热器spindle阀针spear head刨尖头slag well冷料井cold slag冷料渣air vent排气道h=0.02~0.05mmw=3.2mmL=3~5mmwelding line熔合痕eject pin顶出针knock pin顶出销return pin回位销反顶针sleave套筒stripper plate脱料板insert core放置入子runner stripper plate浇道脱料板guide pin导销eject rod (bar)(成型机)顶业捧subzero深冷处理three plate三极式模具runner system浇道系统stress crack应力电裂orientation定向sprue gate射料浇口,直浇口nozzle射嘴sprue lock pin料头钩销(拉料杆) slag well冷料井side gate侧浇口edge gate侧缘浇口tab gate搭接浇口film gate薄膜浇口flash gate闸门浇口slit gate缝隙浇口fan gate扇形浇口dish gate因盘形浇口H=F=1/2t~1/5tT=2.5~3.5mmdiaphragm gate隔膜浇口ring gate环形浇口subarine gate潜入式浇口tunnel gate隧道式浇口pin gate针点浇口Φ0.8~1.0mmRunner less无浇道(sprue less)无射料管方式long nozzle延长喷嘴方式sprue浇口;溶渣品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认TVR tool verification report 模具确认报告3B 3B 模具正式投产前确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality 合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit 开箱检查QFD quality function deployment 品质机能展开FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析8 disciplines 8项回复内容FA final audit 最後一次稽核CAR corrective action request 改正行动要求corrective action report 改正行动报告FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的AOQ Average Output Quality 平均出厂品质AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出厂品质Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度服务MIL-STD Military-Standard 军用标准S I-S IV Special I-Special IV 特殊抽样水准等级P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 特采AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 首件检查报告FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 百万分之一PPM Percent Per Million 批号制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制R Range 全距AR Averary Range 全距平均值UCL Upper Central Limit 管制上限LCL Lower Central Limit 管制下限MAX Maximum 最大值MIN Minimum 最小值GRR Gauge Reproducibility&Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径FREQ Frequency 频率N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理MRB Material Reject Bill 退货单LQL Limiting Quality Level 最低品质水准RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可QAN Quality Amelionrate Notice 品质改善活动ADM Absolute Dimension Measuremat 全尺寸测量QT Quality Target 品质目标7QCTools 7 Quality Controll Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notes 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Specification In Process 制程检验规格SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类QC Quality System 品质系统ES Engineering Standarization 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件H Huston (美国)休斯敦C Compaq (美国)康伯公司C China 中国大陆A Assembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)P Painting 烤漆(厂)I Intel 英特尔公司T TAIWAN 台湾IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格CMCS C-China M-Manufact C-Compaq S-Stamping Compaq产品在龙华冲压厂制造作业规范CQCA Q-Quality A-Assembly Compaq产品在龙华组装厂品管作业规范CQCP P-Painting Compaq产品在龙华烤漆厂品管作业规范部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制ME Manafacture Engineering 制造工程部PE Project Engineering 产品工程部A/C Accountant Dept 会计部P/A Personal & Administration 人事行政部DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Labratry 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部P Painting 烤漆(厂)A Asssembly 组装(厂)S Stamping 冲压(厂)生产类PCS Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供应商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 个人电脑外设PC Personal Computer 个人电脑CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器SECC SECC` 电解片SGCC SGCC 热浸镀锌材料NHK North of Hongkong 中国大陆PRC People's Republic of China 中国大陆U.S.A the United States of America 美国A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Quantity 数量VS 以及REV Revision 版本JIT Just In Time 零库存I/O Input/Output 输入/输出OK Ok 好NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许ESD Electry-static Discharge 静电排放5S 希腊语整理,整顿,清扫,清洁,教养ATIN Attention 知会CC Carbon Copy 副本复印相关人员APP Approve 核准,认可,承认CHK Check 确认AM Ante Meridian 上午PM Post Meridian 下午CD Compact Disk 光碟CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 只读光碟FDD Floppy Disk Drive 软碟机HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟机REF Reference 仅供参考CONN Connector 连接器CAV Cavity 模穴CAD Computer Aid Design 计算机辅助设计ASS'Y Assembly 装配,组装MAT'S Material 材料IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路T/P True Position 真位度TYP Type 类型WDR Weekly Delivery Requitement 周出货需求C?T Cycle Time 制程周期L/T Lead Time 前置时间(生产前准备时间)S/T Standard Time 标准时间P/M Product Market 产品市场3C Computer,Commumcation,Consumer electronic's 消费性电子5WIH When,Where,Who,What,Why,How to5M Man,Machine,Material,Method,Measurement4MIH Man,Materia,Money,Method,Time 人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品质保证DQA Desigh Quality Assurance 设计品质保证MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 制造品质保证SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 销售及服务品质保证LRR Lot Rejeet Rate 批退率BS Brain storming 脑力激荡EMI Electronic Magnetion Inspect 高磁测试FMI Frequency Modulatim Inspect 高频测试B/M Boar/Molding(flat cable)C/P Connector of PCA/P AssemblySPS Switching power supply 电源箱DT Desk Top 卧式(机箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(机箱)DVD Digital Vedio DiskVCD Vdeio Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer AID DesignCAM Computer AID ManufacturingCAE Computer AID EngineeringABIOS Achanced Basic in put/output system 先进的基本输入/输出系统CMOS Complemeruary Metoll Oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字助理IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工业标准体制结构MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道结构EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩充的工业标准结构SIMM Single in-line memory module 单项导通汇流组件DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 双项导通汇流组件LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二级管FMEA Failure Mode Effectivenes 失效模式分析W/H Wire Harness 金属线绪束集组件F/C Flat Calle 排线PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善报告NG Not Good 不良WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出货要求PPM Parts Per Million 百万分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生产保养MRP Material Requiremcnt Planning 物料需计划OC Operation System 作业系统TBA To Be Design 待定,定缺D/C Drawing ChangeP/P Plans & ProceduneEMI Electrical-Music Industry 电子音乐工业RFI Read Frequency Input 读频输入MMC Maximum Material ConditionMMS Maximum Material SizeLMC Least Material ConditionLMS Least Material Size。
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Abnormal:反(异、非)常的、不正(规)常的、变态的Abort:早(流)产;故障、失灵;紧急停车、即(中止、中断)Above:高于、在…之上Abbreviation:缩写、省略Accessory:附属的;补助的、同谋Acceleration:加速(度、作用)、促进、(催进)作用Acknowledge:确认Actuator:制动器、传动(机构、装置)、(电磁铁)螺线管、调速控制泵、往复运动油(气)缸、Action:作用、动(操)作、行动、反(效)应、机能Active活(主能)动的、积极的、灵敏的Activate:使…活动、触发;使活(性)化、激活:Activate fault storage激活存储(器)故障Activation:开(屈、起、启)动、触发Additional:额外的;补充的;附加的;添加的Address:地址Advance:(使)前进、推进、提前、提高Adjustment:调节(整、准、谐)、调节器、校正Adapter:适配(配用)器、结合(续)器、连(换、转、应)接器、匹配器After cooler:二次冷却(后置冷)Aid:帮(援)助;(辅助)设备(装置、手段)Alarm:警报(器)、信号(器)、告警(机、信号)、All:所有Alternator:①交流(同步)发电机;②振荡器ALU=arithmetic (and logical)unit:运算器、运算部分Alternate:交替(变、流)、更迭、轮流、相间;交替(错…)的Altitude:(飞行)高度、高空、高程、海拔、水位Amp=ampere:安培Ambient:周围的、环境的、外界的Amber:琥伯(色、色的、制的)、淡黄色的Ammeter:安培计、电(源)表Analog=analogue:类(相)似的、比拟、模拟的Anakger:Analgesia:无痛、痛觉丧失Another:另一、又(一)、再、别一个Antenna:天线Anti:词头:反、逆、防、抗排、排斥Apply:适用(合)、应用;施加、作用(力、荷载)、贾(热)、做(功)APS=accessory power supply:辅助电(能)源Arithmetic:算术(法)、计算、运算(器)Arm:手臂、胳膊饿、权力、臂状物Arrange icon:安排As:象、如同…(那样)Ascending:上升的Assembly:组(集、会、联)合、装配(置)、总(安、组)装、成套(部件)、组(合)件Attach:附上;加上、系贴、相连、接近Attention:注意、留(关、费)心、维护保养Atmosphoric:大气(中、压)的、空气的、常压的Attachment:附着(物)、连接(法)、固定、焊接、附(配、备)件Auto:汽车、自动的Automatic:自动(机、操作)的;自动装置Auxiliary:辅助(的);次要(的)、补充(的)AUX:串行端口Available:可得到(买到、达到、获得)的、现有的、存在的、备有的;可(例)用的、有用(效)的Axle:(轮、车)轴、心棒Back:背部、背脊、背面Backbone:脊骨、骨干、构架、主要成分Backward:向后的;倒的、反面的;北部在先的Bac k up:备用(品、零件、设备);支持(援、撑)、后备(援)、备份;有倒车的意思Basic:基本的、根本的、基础的;基础、原理Battery:电池(组)、蓄电池Bay:海、河;间(格)隔;(底)板Beacon:标志(灯、桩)、(灯浮)标、信(号)标、指向标、;灯塔、信号台(所、灯)Bell:钟(声)、(电、信号)铃Below:在…的下面(下方、下流、)、在…以下、低于、少于Bearing:支撑、轴承座Beam:放射、闪亮、播送;梁、横梁、光(射)线Blend混(溶、捏)合、掺和(杂、混)、调和Benennung:Between:在…之间、介于;当中、中间;为…所共有Bitone:Bimetal:双金属片Binector:Black:黑(色、暗)的Blade:叶片、浆(轮)叶;刀(身、口)、刀形开关;平铲、推土铲Blue:青、(蓝)色Bluetoolk:Blinker:闪光(灯)、闪光信号灯Body:(身、物、立、机壳、插座)体;本(正)文、本(主)体、主要部分Blower:鼓(吹、送)风机、风扇(箱)、(空气)压缩机;增压器Block:块(体、材、形);阻塞(碍、档)失去记忆Blo w–by:吹去、瓦斯喷出;漏(窜)气、渗漏(滤)、不密封Board:仪表(板)、(配电)盘、(操纵)台Bolt:螺栓(杆、钉)、插销Both:两(个、者、侧);(两者)都Bottle:瓶、罐、容器、外壳;灌注;忍着、抑制Boom:吊杆、悬臂、管形(起重)杆Boost:推起(上、前、起)、助推(力)、帮(辅助)、提(控)高;加强(速)、增加(高);助推发动机、加速(助推)器、boost pressure:升压、吸入管(增压)压力Brake:制动器、制动装置、闸刹车Bracket托架、悬臂、支柱Break:缸裂、折断、决裂;绝交;中止、中断、停动Breaker:断电器、(自动)断路器Breather:通气(孔)、呼吸(阀)、同期装置、(变压器的)吸潮器Brown:茶色(的)、褐色(的)、棕色(的)、(咖啡、深黄)色(的)Brush:Buck:顶撞、冲、推、反(抵)抗;消除、补偿叶片Bucket:吊(提、水)桶、漏(水、吊、铲)斗;(往复泵)活塞、(涡轮)Bulb:球、泡、灯(玻璃)泡、真空管、;(测)温包Bulk:(大)容(体)积、容量、大小、尺寸;大块;多半Bulkhead:船舱、隔板(壁、墙、框);堵塞物、(铜管的)闷头Bump:冲、(碰)撞、冲击Burn:烧、灼烧、发亮(光);烧毁(坏、伤、焦、黑);Bus:公共汽车;汇流条(排);总(母)线;导(电)条;信息转移通路:bu s–bar:母线、导(电)条、汇流条(排)Bust :半生(雕)像;胸(部);放大;错误、失策(败);倒闭、破产(裂)Button:纽扣;按钮、(旋、电)钮Buzzer:蜂音(鸣、响)器、汽笛Bypass:旁(通)路、旁(通)管、支路(管、线、流)Cabin:(座、机、客、船)舱、驾驶室、Cable:电缆Calculate:计(核、推)算(出);预(推)测Calibration:核准、(定)、检查、定标、标定;定、分度、刻度Canl:Cancel:取(撤)消、册(勾)掉;解除CanisterCam program:中央地址存储程序Carousel:旋转装置Carry:(携、附)带;传(播、输)Carried:被运送的、悬挂式的Case:(机)箱、柜、盒Cascade:放大器Caterpillar:履带(传动、行走部分)链轨;履带(式)车(辆)Cation:阳(阳向)离子Caution:当心、谨慎、注意;警告Celect:Centinel:Centro:原子核Central:中央(心、枢)的Centralize:形成中心、集中、成为…的中心;把…集中起来Cground:Chain:链、链条;电线(回、通)路Change:变(化、动、更)Charcoal:Charge:充电、填充Charger:充电器Charging:装(负)载;充电、电荷;充气、注油、加液Chart:图表(纸)、表格Chassis:地盘、地(盘)架、底板(座);机架(壳、箱)、框架check:校(核、对、正);抑制;检查chip:(碎、小、木、薄)片;(集成)电路片、基片、芯片;微小的东西cigar:雪茄(烟)、火星塞circuit:环(回、线)路、电路;系统circuit breaker:接的、泄漏断路器circulation:循环、流通clam:夹钳(板)clamp:夹钳、夹具;压板、压条、夹住、加紧、固定cleaner:clean的比较级,除垢器、清除(洁)器、吸尘器clear:清楚(晰、澈、洁)的;清除…clinometer:clogging:阻(堵)塞、闭合、结渣close:密(闭)、紧(严)关(闭)、(闭)合、(合)拢、(电路)接通clock:钟、仪表cluster:(线)束、(线)群、组、丛;干(蓄)电池组、组建、元件组clutch:抓(牢)、握(紧);离合器collector:收集者、搜集者、采集者;收取人;集电器(极)color=colour:色、颜(采、特、音)色code:密码coded:编(译)成代码的、编码的:coded program:编码的程序cold:冷的、常温的(不加热的)、(寒)冷combination:组合command:命令、指挥;控制、操作;可以(自由)使用comment:注释common:普通的、平(通)常的、一般的;传递(播、达);消息、信息communication setup:通讯设备compact:紧(密、凑、致)的、密(实、集)的、压紧的、致(稠)密的;压实(缩、紧、制)、夯实compensator:补偿器;伸缩、调整器;差动装置complete:完全(整)的、全部的、总成的、成(整)套的component:成分、元(组、部)件、分(量、支)compressor:压气(缩)机computer:计算机condition:(必要)条件;状态、环境;位置condense:冷凝(器)凝结;蓄电conditioner:调节(整)器、air conditioner空气(温度)调节connect:连接(结、通)、接(结)合、联系(结、想)、接口consist:由…组成、存在、在于console:托架、角撑(悬臂)架;控制台、仪表板contact :接触、联系(络)、连接、啮合、碰线;接触器contamination:污染、沾染(污)、弄脏、毒害continuous:继(持)续的、连续(不断、作用)的、无间断的;顺序的controller:控制器(机)、程序control:(控制、调节)器、节制、调节converter:转(变)换器、换(整、变)流器、换能器、变压器coolant:冷却剂(液、介质、材料)、散(载)热剂cooler:冷却器(机、装置)、冷凝器、冷冻机、制冷装置;冷却剂copy:复制copy as:另存为Corner:叫、角落;(街道)拐角count:计算、(按顺序)(计)数、共(合)计、(清)点;算入counter:计算(器);相反(物)、反面;副轴coupling:偶(结、配、耦)合、连(联)接、联(接)器courtesy:礼貌、尊敬、好意掩(盖、蔽、护、藏、饰);盖(包)上cover:遮(覆)盖、crankcase:曲轴(曲柄、机轴)箱crankshaft:曲(柄)箱creep:爬行、蠕动cress:十字(形、标、路);横画、交叉、四通(管)crusher:(鄂式)破碎机、扎碎(压、榨、碎石、挤压)机Cummin:Cut:剪切curl:卷(翘、扭、弯)曲curve:曲线(板、规、图、图表)、特性曲线current:(电、气、水、液)流、趋势、倾向cushened:customer:顾客、主顾、买主、用户、交易人;消耗器、耗电器cu t–out:切断、断路cylinder:圆柱(体)、气(汽)缸、液压缸、(液压操纵)油缸:cylinder head:(液压)喷嘴Cycle:周期、周、;循环Damper:风门、节气阀Dash:冲(撞、击、动)、猛冲(撞、掷);浇、洒、泼;混合:dash light(lamp):仪表板灯Data:数据、资料、信息(技术)特性(性能)Date:日子、日期、年代Debugging:调试Deceleration:减速(度)、降速、负加速度、制动(止)、熄火Deck:甲板、舱面;装饰、点缀、打扮Decrease:减(少、小、低、弱)、降低、下降、变小Decrement:减少(小)率、减缩(度、量、率)Dedicated:热忱的、一心一意的、专用的Defroster:(车窗玻璃)除霜器、防冷器Definition:定义(界)、解说、阐明;确(限)定、明确(性)Delay:耽误、推迟;延迟(时、期、缓、误)、迟缓、滞后、抑制、减速Delet:删除Derate:发狂、混乱Derrick:(机)转起重机;钻塔、(油井的)井架Designation:指明(示、定)、规定、选派(择、定、)任命;名称、命令、符号(表示)Descending:下降的Description:叙述、描述(写)、图形(说)、(使用)说明、形容Detected:发觉、察觉;探测(出)、测定、检测;检波、整定Detent:(棘)爪、锁销(键)、扳手、门扣、凸轮(爪);制动器;封闭(锁)、停止Detroit:(美国)底特律(市)Device:装置、设备Diagram:图(表、解、形);简(相、曲线、接线)图Dial:(刻、标、调谐)度盘、(仪)表面Diat:链(条、系)、锁条;电(线、回、通)路Diathermal:透热(辐射)的、导热的Diesel:内燃机、引擎Differential:有(差)别、区别的、差动(速)Digging:挖掘、挖土、作业Dimmer:遮(减、调、变)光器、减光线圈、光度调整器Diagnostic:诊断的、诊断Digital:数码Diode:二极管Dipped:(铸、长柄)杓、(挖土机等的)铲(杓、)斗Dipstick:测深尺、(测液深用)测标、(量)油尺Direction:(方、矢、流)向、方位(面)、范围;倾向、方针;指导(挥)、命令Discharge:卸(货);下(客);卸下、发射Disconnect:断开Disable:使不适用;使无能力(做)Display:显(展、指)示、表现(明);显示(器)Disconnect:拆(分、解)、切(断)开、分离、切断Distributor:(燃料)分配器、配电器(盘)Dome:圆顶Done:做完Door:(航、炉、闸、节气)门、(出)入口、盖、进路;门路、途径Double:双的、两个的;成对的、两位的;双重的、两用的;两倍、加倍Down:向(落、倒)下、降低、减弱(少)、;从上到下、降下Drain:排(泄、气、水)、排干Drake:公鸭Drawing:拉、拔、抽、牵引、拉延(制、拔)拔制;漏(起)模;绘(制)图Drift:滑板Drill:操练(方法);训练;(英口)正确的规定程序、钻、钻头、钻机Drive:驱、赶;传动、传送Driver:驱策者;驾驶员;马车夫、主传动轮、驱动Drolix:滑稽可笑的、古怪离奇的;说笑话、小丑Droop:(使)下(低)垂、下倾(降)、倾斜Drop-out:落(抛)下、脱落、脱(解)扣、下降、排泄、放空Drum:鼓(轮、形物);(圆、转、滚)筒Dry:干(涸、燥、旱)Dual:(重、元、体、联)的、双(重、指针)的Dump:倾倒(卸、解)门During:在…期间(时候)当…之际Duct:管;输送管、排泄管Dust:灰尘、尘土;尘雾、粉尘Duty:义务、责任、运行;负(荷)载;功(率)Dver:Dwell:(居)住、;(加工中)无运动时间、机器运转中有规则的小停动、闭锁时间、静态Earth:地球;陆地;土壤;接地Economy:经济(学、办法、制度、机构);节约(俭、省)ECAP=electronic circuit anatgsis program:电子电路分析程序Efficiency:Electric:电(力、动、气、测)、带(导、发)电的Electrical:发电的、电的Electricity:电Electronic:电子Element:单元;元素;零(部、元)件;电阻丝、电池ELCB=earth leakage:Elover:初级、一级Emergency:紧急(情况、关头、保险开关)、危机(险)、紧急事件Empty:空的、零、未占用的、空转的EMS=emergency switch:紧急开关Enable:使能够、使成为可能、使可以;赋能、起(启)动、恢复操作Energized:Encaced:Enclosure:圆柱、圈地;围场、围栏、围墙;操作(即驾驶室)、Encoder:End:(末、尾、顶、终)端、(末)尾、底、头、尖端点;目的、结果Enger:Engine:发动机、引擎;机车Enter:进入、参加、登记、报名人、记录;进入命令键Entertainment:招待(会)、宴会、接待;表演会、文娱活动、乐趣;采纳、抱有、怀有Equalizer:使相等的、使均等的;平衡器、均衡器Error:错误、差(错)、误差、故障:format error:格式错误Ether:以太、能媒;乙醚;气氛;抽空(气、干)Evaporator:蒸发器Event:Example:例(子、如、证、题)、实例;榜样、范例、样品(本)Exceed:超过(出、越)、越(胜)过、余、大(优)于Exchanger:Exciter:激励(辐射)器Exhaust:取(用、耗)尽、用完;排出(气、空、除干)Exit:结束、退出Expansion:扩张(大、充、展、经)、膨(神)胀、延长、发展、蒸发Extend:伸伸出、伸开、展开;延长、扩大Extra:额外的、附加的、加班的;特别的;多余的、超过的External:外(部、面、表、界)的;表面的、外观(形)的Extraction:拔(抽、引、注、取、排)出faceFan:扇、风扇、鼓风机:Failed:Failure:失败(效、灵)、故障、事故、停车(机)、中断Fast:紧的、牢的;忠实的、可靠的;快的、迅速的Fault:缺点(陷)、错误、毛病、误差、不合格;故障、损坏、失效、漏电Feed:喂(养)、饲(养)、为…提供食物;给吃(某物)、用(某物);把(原料、燃料等)送进、给供料Feedback:反馈、回授;回复、反应Field:(电、磁、力、扫描)场Fifth:File:Filter:过滤(器)、滤清器Find:查找First:Flap:片状(垂悬)物、折(阻力、活档)板、(阀)瓣;闸(阀)门Flasher:闪烁、角反射、闪光、闪光设备(信号)(电路)Float:(使)浮(起、动、运)、(使)漂(浮、流、移)滑翔Flood:洪水、泛滥、涌(喷)出、泛水;大量;泛光灯Flow:流(动、散)气、(液、水)流Flotech:Flywheel:飞(惯性、储能)轮FMI:Folder:文件夹Following:下例(述)的、以下的、后面的、接着的、其次的;下面、在…之后Foot:For:因为;(目的、用途、代换)为了、用于自动装置Format:Format view table:格式查看表Forward:向前(的)、前(向、进、方、部)的、正向(的)、供、往、去、作为Force:力、压、强制、说服力、Fork:叉、耙;叉架、叉状部件Frame:构架、骨架;结构;(机)构、车架Freon:(冰却剂)氟利昂FREQ=frequency:频率、同率Front:前面From:从(来)自、以来、离开(油)、燃料剂Fuel:燃料Full:(充、装、丰)满(的)、全(面、体、部)的)、完全的、充分(足)(的)、正式(的)Function:函数;作(功)用、功(机、职)能;操作Function toolbar:功能工具条Functional:Funk:害怕、恐惧、逃避;霉味Fusible:可(易)熔的Gas:气(体、态)Gasoline:天然气液化汽油Gateway:Gauge=Gage:量、卡(线)规、量测(检验)仪器、标准尺Gear:齿轮(键)、传动装置、(排)挡(数)General:一般(性)的、通用的、普遍(通)的、平常的、全体(面)Generator:发电机、发动机;(脉冲、信号)发生器、振荡器;发送器、传感器Glove:Glow:灼热(无烟)、燃烧、发光、发热Governor:调速(节、整)器、限速器、控制器、稳定器Gray:灰(色、白)的Grapple:抓(住、牢)、钩住。