






无光纱:即哑色的,基本无阴阳面;B、V纱(又叫特殊纱、T-590,V onnel)有平剪毛布(Even Cut)和长短毛(Uneven cut),毛长在4-20mm范围左右,属于中档料;C、Hipile(海派,长毛绒):毛长在20-120mm 范围内,20-45mm范围以内可以做任何毛长,45mm以上则只有65mm和120(110)mm,属长短毛,由于原纱质量对Hipil影响很明显,所以我们应要求毛绒厂要用日本三菱级别以上的原纱,毛要直顺,不易卷曲。

D、其他:1、卷毛绒(滚束毛):①Tumbling boa、A纱卷毛:多数是颗粒状毛,羊羔毛,或者毛根是束状,上面卷开。


②Tumbling H.P,海派卷毛:通常毛长较长,卷曲效果较松散,有很多风格可供选择;2、超柔软料:已开始使用,材料非常柔软;注意原纱不同,价格也会不同。

3、还有D.D.F :是H.P.的一种,硬直,高档料,通常混色。

E、毛绒印花料包括:1、印花;2、提花;3、毛尖印染(tip-dyed):(象混毛眼镜开口书);4、杂色;5、双色(two tone)等。



























航模专业术语1. 材料类:ACRYLIC——有机玻璃acrylic [[ə'krɪlɪk]]ACRYLIC:腈纶 | 亚克力 | 压克力BEECH——榉木 beech [[biːtʃ]]FILM——薄膜film [[fɪlm]]FUEL——燃油fuel [[fjʊəl]]PAINT——油漆paint [[peɪnt]]PLY——层板SPRUCE——云杉ADHESIVE——粘和剂BIR CH——桦木FIBER CARBON——碳纤维fiber [['faibə]] carbon [['kɑːb(ə)n]] GLUE——胶 glue [[gluː]]PAPER——纸RESIN——树脂STEEL——钢ALUMINUM——铝COPPER——铜FIBERGLASS——玻璃钢HARDENER——固化剂PINE——松木pine [[paɪn]]ROHCELL——发泡塑料WOOD——木材BALSA——巴尔沙轻木balsa [['bɔːlsə; 'bɒlsə]] EPOXY——环氧树脂FOAM——泡沫塑料NUT——螺母PLASTIC——塑料SCREW——螺丝2.型材类:BLOCK(BLK)——块SHEET(SHT)——板材1/4X1/4方型材HINGE——合页SKIN——蒙皮TRI-STOCK——三角加强材NUT——螺钉SQUIRE(SQ)——正方型材PIPE——管材ROD——杆WIRE——线材STRIP——条形板材3.结构类:AILERON——副翼COWL——(发动机)外罩ELEVATOR——升降舵FIN——垂直安定面FRAME. 1——N(F1-N)机身横隔框,注:通常F1用于发动机安装,又称为FIREWALL-防火板HATCH——舱盖LEAD EDGE(LE)——前缘NOSE WHEEL——前轮PUSHROD——操纵联杆SPAR——梁或衍条SUB…——辅助(梁等)TANE——邮箱TRIPLANE——三翼机BIPLANE(BIPS)——双翼机BOUBLER——(同型的)加强材料ENGINE MOUNT——(发动机)安装架FLAP——襟翼HIGH WING——上翼LOW WING——下翼PLATE——外部面板RIB——翼肋PINNER——(螺旋桨)罩TALL EDGE(TE)——后缘TIP——翼尖TOW HOOK——牵引钩CANOPY(COCKPIT)——飞行员座舱DOWEL——(镶入泡沫的)加强条FILLER——充填块FUSELAGE——机身JOINER——结合部加强块MAIN WHEEL——主轮PROPELLER——螺旋桨(FOLD—折叠式螺旋桨)RUDDER——方向舵STABILIZER——安定面TAIL WHEEL——尾轮WING——机翼TOW LINE——牵引绳CORE——芯材FOLD PREP——(可折叠)螺旋桨LANDING GEAR——起落架MONOPLANE——单翼机RETRACTS——可收放起落架STRUT——支柱TALL PLANE——尾翼WHEEL——机轮4.设备类:ANTENNA——天线HYDRO——液压(动作器)SPEED CONTROLLER——电子调速器BATTERY——电池MOTOR——电动机ELECTRONICS——电子设备RECEIVER——接受机SWITCH——电源开关GYRO——陀螺仪SERVO——舵机5.模型类:AEROBATICS——特技COMBAT——空战FREEFLITE(FF)——自由飞HELICOPTER——直升飞机PARTERN——花样RUBBER——橡皮筋SPORT——体育运动机ATTACK——攻击CONTROLINE(CL)——线控FIGHTER——空战机INDOOR——室内机PYLON——绕标SCALE——比例仿真TANKER——加油机BOMB——轰炸DURATION——留空GIANT——大(巨)型机JET——喷气机R/C——无线电遥控SOARING——翱翔TRAINER——练习机CARRIER——舰载ELECTRICS——电动GLIDER——滑翔机MULTY——多发动机RACING——竞速SLOPES——山坡翱6.发动机类2STROCK(2-S)——二冲程BEARING——轴承CRANK——曲轴MOTOR——电动机PLUG——火花(电热)塞THROTTLE——风门4STROCK(4-S)——四冲程CARBURETOR——化油器CYLINDER——气缸MUFFLER——消声器ROD——连杆TUNED PIPE——谐震管BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR——直流无刷电动机CO2 ENGINE——二氧化碳发动机ENGINE——发动机IDIE——怠速MULTY CYLINDER——多起缸发动机RPM——转数/分STARTER——发动器TURBOJET——涡轮喷气发动机7.工具类:CUTTER——剪线钳KNIFE——刀SAW——锯DRILDRILL——钻PAINT BRUSH——油漆刷SCREW DRIVER——螺丝刀FOIL——錣RULER——尺HARMER——锤SAND PAPER——砂纸8.空气动力类:AERODYNAMIC CENTER(A.C)CENTER OF GRAVITY(C.G)CLIMB——爬升HIGHT(H)——全高MOMENT——力矩moment [['məʊm(ə)nt]] STREAMWING AREA(S)——翼面积DIAMETER(D)——直径LANDING——着陆AIREOIL——翼型TAIL MOMENT ARM——尾力臂WING SPAN(B)——已占ATTACK ANGLE——攻角CENTRIFUGALIC——离心力DRAG——阻力LENGTH(L)——全长length [[leŋθ; leŋkθ]] SPIN——螺旋spin [[spɪn]]WING LOAD——翼载荷BALANCE——平衡CHORD——翼弦GILDING——滑翔LIFT——升力STALL——失速TURN——转弯。


次取 得 的科研 成果 填 补 了又一 种 克 隆基 因的空 白。 在科 技部 “ 8 6 3 ” 、 国家 自然科 学 基金 、 上海 市 基 础
邱高代表东华大学祝贺研修 班顺利开班 , 并在致 辞 中指 出 , 东华 大 学是 纺织 服装 类 唯 一教 育 部 直 属重 点高校 , 纺织服装是 晋江六 大传 统支柱产业之一 , 校
面料开展 了一系列工作。首先对上 海市 场衬衫原料 组成 、 国内外著名 品牌 、 市场价格 、 国内色织 面料生产 企业进行调研 , 形成衬衫市场调研报告 。重点分析 了 L y o c e l l 竹 纤 维色 织 面料折 皱 产生 的原 因 , 通 过织 物 组
织结 构 调整 、 印染 加 工技 术变 化 和新 型 后 整 理方 式 应
地双方有着广阔的合作前景 , 希望本届研修班学员坚 定学习信念、 珍惜 学习机会 , 为推动地方纺织服装产 业发展与经济社会进步作出积极贡献。 本次研修班 由东华大学和晋江市人 民政府 联合 主办 , 为期 7日, 主要面向晋江鞋服行业领军人才 , 邀
请多位专家学者为学员讲授课程 , 内容涉及鞋服行业 现状与市场发展态势 、 品牌鞋服产 品规划等多方 面。
研修班举行开班典礼 , 副校长邱高出席典礼 。福建省 晋江市委常委 、 组织部长林仁达等 当地政府职能部门 负责同志与东华大学继续教育学 院相关负责人参加
准和使用要 求 , 外观 细腻有光泽 , 手感柔 软 , 条 纹清 晰, 色泽 柔 和 , 透气 透湿 性好 , 适 于男 士高 档 衬 衫 的应 用, 可 马上投 入 生产 , 市 场应 用前 景非 常 广 阔 。
期刊 J . A m .C h e m . S o c . 等杂志上发表 3 O多篇论文 , 曾获“ 美 国总统青年科学奖” 等多项荣誉 。



















•Colloids:*‘kɒlɒɪd] 胶体•Colloidal:[kə‘lɒɪdəl] 胶体的•Stem from:起源于•Firm:坚实的•Hold:保留•Legion:大量的•Referred to:被提及•Twilight:昏暗的,微明的•Discipline:学科•第二段•Interfacial:[ɪntə'feɪʃ(ə)l] 界面的•Ignorant:*‘ɪgn(ə)r(ə)nt] 无知的•Stride:[straɪd] 大步,步幅•Available;[ə‘veɪləb(ə)l] 有效的,可得的•Model:模型,典型•第三段•Subjective:[səb‘dʒektɪv] 主观的•Controversy:*‘kɒntrəvɜːsɪ; kən’trɒvəsɪ] 争议•Fuel:燃料,刺激因素•Practitioner:*præk‘tɪʃ(ə)nə] 从业者•Attempts:尝试•第四段•Technician:*tek‘nɪʃ(ə)n] 技师•Formally:正式地•Cursory:*‘kɜːs(ə)rɪ] 草率的,粗略的•More than:•On the fly: 在飞行中,飞速的•Attack:着手,动手•Coherent:一致的•Undergraduate:大学生•Graduate:研究生•Accessible: [ək‘sesɪb(ə)l] 可理解的•Initial guidance:最初的知道•第五段•technological;:[teknə‘lɒdʒɪk(ə)l] 技术的,工艺的•Physiological:[,fɪzɪə‘lɒdʒɪkəl] 生理学的•Category:*‘kætɪg(ə)rɪ] 种类•Arbitrarily:[,ɑrbə‘trɛrəli] 武断的•Colloidal:[kə‘lɒɪdəl] 胶体的•Interfacial:[ɪntə‘feɪʃ(ə)l] 界面的•Subdivision:*‘sʌbdɪvɪʒ(ə)n] 分支,分部•Bulk phase:凝聚相•第六段•Ubiquitous:[juː‘bɪkwɪtəs] 无处不在的,普遍的•Hydration of Portland cement•波特兰水泥的水化•第一段•Aluminate:铝酸盐•In time:适时•Anhydrous:无水的•Cementitious: [,siːmen'tɪʃəs] 胶结的,有粘结性的;•Hydrate:*‘haɪdreɪt] 水化•第二段•Gelatinous: [dʒə‘lætnəs] 胶凝状的•Calcium silicate hydrate:水化硅酸钙•Tobermorite: [təubə'mɔ:rait]托勃莫来石•Lime: [laɪm] 石灰•Aluminate hydrate:铝酸盐水化物•Aluminosulphate hydrate: 硫酸铝水化物•第三段•Colloidal:[kə'lɒɪdəl]胶体的;胶质的;胶状的•Electron microscopy: 电子显微镜•Microanalysis: [,maɪkrəʊə‘nælɪsɪs] 显微分析•Stiffen:*‘stɪf(ə)n] 变硬•Set: 凝固•第四段•Cement paste: 水泥浆•Porous:多孔的•Gel pole:凝胶孔•capillary pore: 毛细管孔•Interconnected:连通的•Permeability: [pɜːmɪə‘bɪlɪtɪ] 渗透性•Vulnerability:[,vʌlnərə‘bɪlətɪ] 易损性•Frost damage:霜冻损害•Moist curing: 湿法养护•Water to cement ratio: 水灰比•第四段•Flash set:快速凝固•Evolution of heat:放热•Gypsum:*‘dʒɪpsəm] 石膏•Retard:*‘rɪtɑːd] 减慢,延缓•Aluminosulphate: 水化硫铝酸钙•第五段•Hydraulic cement:水硬水泥•Cementitious: [,siːmen‘tɪʃəs] 胶凝的•第六段•Metastability: [,metəstə‘bɪlətɪ] 亚稳性•With respect to: 相对于,关于•Active energy:活化能•ease :消除•Penetration:[penɪ‘treɪʃ(ə)n] 渗透•第七段•Economics:•Unit 18 Portland cement•波特兰水泥•第一段•Limestone: *‘laɪmstəʊn] 石灰岩•Clay:[kleɪ] 粘土•Reactivity: *,riæk‘tɪvɪti] 反应性•ultimately最后•Partial fusion: 部分熔融•Nodule of clinker: *‘nɒdjuːl] 孰料结瘤•calcium sulfate:['kælsɪəm] ['sʌlfeɪt]硫酸钙•The rate of Set: 凝固速率•Gypsum:*‘dʒɪpsəm] 石膏•Specification: [,spesɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 规格•grinding stage研磨阶段•component•Alite: A矿,硅酸三钙•Belite: B矿,硅酸二钙•Aluminate: [ə'ljuːmɪneɪt] 铝酸盐•Ferrite:['feraɪt] 铁酸盐•calcium oxide: ['kælsɪəm] 氧化钙•Alkali:碱•Hardening:硬化•第2段•Tri calcium: *trai‘kælsiəm] 三钙•Age:熟化•第3段•Di calcium silicate: 硅酸二钙•Ionic substitution: 离子取代•Polymorph: 晶型•Substantially: [səb‘stænʃ(ə)lɪ] 大幅度•第4段•Setting: 凝固•Setcontrolling agent: 调凝剂•Gypsum: 石膏•第五段•Ferrite: ['feraɪt] 铁酸盐•Tetracalcium aluminoferrite:铁铝酸四钙•Substantially: 大量的•第六段•Constructional: [kən‘strʌkʃənl] 建筑•Specification: 规格•Comply: 遵守•General purpose: 通用,一般用途•Special purpose: 特殊用途•第七段•Standard specification: 标准规格•Specific surface area: 比表面积•Setting time: 硬化时间•Periclase: 方镁石•Destructive: [dɪ‘strʌktɪv] 毁灭性的•Expansion: [ɪk‘spænʃ(ə)n; ek-]膨胀•Free Lime:[laɪm] 游离石灰•Imposed: 强制的•Aggregate: 集合•Specification:规格•Dilute: [daɪ‘l(j)uːt; dɪ-] 稀酸•Loss ignition: 灼烧损失•第八段•Grinding:研磨•第九段•Destructive expansion:破坏性膨胀•Sulfate-resisting: 抗硫酸•第十段•Ferrite:铁酸盐•Minimized:*‘mɪnə,maɪz] 降低•Aluminate: 铝酸盐•第十一段•Exothermic:[,eksə(ʊ)'θɜːmɪk] 放热的•accelerate:[ək'seləreɪt] 加速•slurry泥浆•Heat evolution 放热•Oil Well: 油井•Dam:大坝•Pump:抽•Flyash: 飞灰•Specialized:•Pulverized :粉末状的•Unit 2Silicate structure•硅酸盐结构•Tetrahedral: [,tetrə‘hiːdrəl] 四面体的•Silicon:*‘sɪlɪk(ə)n] 硅•Silica:['sɪlɪkə] 二氧化硅•Orthosilicate:[,ɔ:θə‘siləkeit] 正硅酸盐•Pyrosilicate: :[,pairəu’slikeit+ 焦硅酸盐•Metasilicate:[,mɛtə‘sɪlɪket] 偏硅酸盐•第三段•Polymorphic:[,pɒlɪ'mɔːfɪk] 多晶•Tridymite:*‘trɪdɪmaɪt] 磷石英•Cristobalite: *kris‘təu,bəlait] 方石英•Modification:[,mɒdɪfɪ‘keɪʃ(ə)n] 变体•Distorted:畸变的•Derivative:[dɪ‘rɪvətɪv] 衍生物•Confine:限制•Olivine *‘ɑlɪvin] 橄榄石•Forsterite:镁橄榄石•Garnet:*‘gɑːnɪt] 石榴石•Zircon:*‘zɜːk(ə)n] 锆石•Aluminosilicates:[əˌluːmɪnəʊˌsɪlɪkɪt] 硅酸铝•Kyanite:*‘kaɪənaɪt] 蓝晶石•Silimanite:[ˌsilimanite+ 硅线石•Andalusite:[,ændə‘luːsaɪt] 红柱石•Mullite:*‘mʌlaɪt] 莫来石•Chrysoberyl:[, krɪsə(ʊ)‘berɪl] 金绿宝石•Close-packed structure:密堆积结构•Octahedral:[,ɑktə‘hidrəl] 八面体的第六段•Kyanite: *‘kaɪənaɪt] 蓝晶石•Polymorphic:[,pɒlɪ'mɔːfɪk] 多晶•Andalusite:[,ændə‘luːsaɪt] 红柱石•Sillimanite:*‘sɪlɪmənaɪt] 硅线石•Fired clay product:烧结粘土制品第七段Pyrosilicate: :[,pairəu’slikeit+ 焦硅酸盐•第八段•cyclic:环形Chain:链•Discrete:[dɪ‘skriːt] 不连续的•Wollastonite:['wʊləstənaɪt] 钙硅石•Beryl:*‘bɛrəl] 绿柱石•Pyroxene: [paɪ‘rɒksiːn] 辉石•Amphibole:*‘æmfɪbəʊl] 闪石•Enstatite:*‘enstətaɪt] 顽火辉石•Diopside:[daɪ‘ɒpsaɪd] 透辉石•Spondumene: :[spɒdjumi:n] 锂辉石•Jadeite:*‘dʒeɪdaɪt] 翡翠•Amphibole:*‘æmfɪbəʊl] 闪石•Tremolite: *‘trem(ə)laɪt] 透闪石•Isomorphic: [,aɪsə(ʊ)'mɔːfɪk] 同形的,同构的•Asbestos:*æz‘bestɒs; æs-; -təs] 石棉•第九段•Framework structure:架状结构•Feldspar:*‘feldspɑː] 长石•Zeolite:*‘ziːəlaɪt] 沸石•Interstitial :[,ɪntə'stɪʃ(ə)l] 间隙•Albite:*‘ælbaɪt] 钠长石•Anorthite:[ə‘nɔːθaɪt] 钙长石•Orthoclase:*‘ɔːθəkleɪz] 正长石•Celsian:*‘selsiən] 钡长石•Cristobalite:*kris‘təu,bəlait] 方石英•Alkali:*‘ælkəlaɪ] 碱alkaline earth 碱土金属•Interstice:[ɪn‘tɜːstɪs] 间隙•Feldspar:*‘feld spɑː] 长石•Octahedral:[,ɑktə‘hidrəl] 八面体的•Framework:*‘freɪmwɜːk] 架状•Zeolite:*‘ziːəlaɪt] 沸石•Ultramarine:[,ʌltrəmə‘riːn] 群青•Aqueous :*‘eɪkwɪəs] 水的•Softener:*‘sɒfənə] 软化剂•Sieve:[sɪv] 筛•Channel:通道•Unit 3Defect Crystal Chemistry•第1段•Point defect population:点缺陷数量•Profoundly:影响深远的•Notation:表示法•Self-consistent:前后一致•Account for :解释说明•第2段•Subtract:减•Electron:电子•Formula:方程式•Anion:阴离子•Commence with:从.....开始•第3段•Vacancy:晶格空位•Lattice:晶格•Subscript:下标•Sub-lattice:•第4段•Interstitial:间隙•Potassium:钾•第5段•Inadequate:不充分的•Purification procedure:提纯程序•Deliberately:故意的•Nomenclature:命名规则•Bromine:溴•第6段•Associated defect:结合缺陷•Cluster:凝块•Parenthesis:插入括号•第8段•Electron hole:电子空穴•Fraction:一部分•Superscript:上标•Subatomic:亚原子的•Analogous:•Bear:•第9段•Bypass:•With respect to:相比于•Atomic material:•第10段•Relative to:相对于•Chlorine:氯•第11段•Host lattice:主晶格•Pre-existing:先前存在的•Divalent:二价的•Monovalent: 单价的•Augmented:增强第12段•Specified:规定的第13段•Entity:实体•Unit 6 Ceramic Fabrication Process: Conventional Routes to Ceramics 陶瓷生产工艺:陶瓷生产的常规途径(a)Precipitation from solution溶液的沉淀析出•Bauxite:*‘bɔːksaɪt] 矾土•Ore: [ɔː] 矿石•Sodium hydroxide:氢氧化钠•Sodium aluminate solution:铝酸钠溶液•Gibbsite: *‘ɡibzait] 三水铝矿•Autoprecipitation: 自沉淀•Bayerite: ['beɪəraɪt]三水铝石•Neutralisation: [,njʊtrələ‘zeʃən] 中和•Supersaturation: [,sʊpɚsætʃə‘reʃən] 过度饱和•Coprecipitated:[kəupri'sipiteit] 共沉淀•Entrained:产生•Electrolyte:[ɪ'lektrəlaɪt] 电解液•Superconductor: *‘supɚkəndʌktɚ] 超导体•Oxalate:*‘ɒksəleɪt] 草酸盐•Reversibly: 可逆的•Intercalate: [ɪn‘tɜːkəleɪt] 添加,引入•(b) Powder mixing techniques(粉末混合工艺)•Carbonate:*‘kɑːbəneɪt] 碳酸盐•Comminuted: *‘kɑmə,njʊt] 粉碎的•Calcine: *‘kælsaɪn; -sɪn] 煅烧•Grinding :*‘graɪndɪŋ+ 研磨•Angular-shaped:棱角分明的•Volatile:*‘vɒlətaɪl] 挥发性的•Pellet:*‘pelɪt] 小球•(c) Uniaxial pressing 单轴压制•Punch:[pʌn(t)ʃ] 冲压机Die: 模具•Binder:*‘baɪndə] 粘合剂•Polyvinyl alcohol:聚乙烯醇•Incorporate: [ɪn‘kɔːpəreɪt] 混合•Spray drying : 喷雾干燥•Flow properties:流动性•Automated:自动化的•dimensional tolerance:尺寸公差•Post-firing:烧成后•(d) Hot uniaxial pressing热单轴压制•Simultaneous: [,sɪm(ə)l‘teɪnɪəs] 同时的•Refractory:[rɪ‘frækt(ə)rɪ] 难熔的•Capillary: [kə‘pɪlərɪ] 毛细管•Offset:抵消•Interior:[ɪn‘tɪɜːrɪə] 内部的•Unit 9 optical ceramics•光学陶瓷•第一段•Photonics: *fo‘tɑnɪks] 光电子的•Coined: 杜撰(新词等)•第二段•Insulator:['ɪnsjʊleɪtə] 绝缘体•Inherently:[ɪn'hɪrəntli]内在地;固有地•Internal inhomogeneity:内部的不均一•Transparency:[træn'spær(ə)nsɪ; trɑːn-; -'speə-]透明•Translucency:[træns'ljʊsənsi]半透明•Opacity: [ə(ʊ)'pæsɪtɪ]不透明•第三段•Velocity: [vəˌlɒsəti] 速率•Propagate:*‘prɒpəgeɪt] 传播•Index of refraction: 折射率•Diverge:[daɪ‘vɜːdʒ; dɪ-] 发散•Dispersion: [dɪ‘spɜːʃ(ə)n] 色散•Underlie:成为……的基础•第四段•Electromagnetic: [ɪ,lektrə(ʊ)mæg‘netɪk]电磁的•Oscillate: *‘ɒsɪleɪt] 振荡•Polarization:[,pəʊləraɪ‘zeɪʃən] 偏振•第五段•Stress-free glass:无应力的玻璃•Isotropic: [,aɪsə(ʊ)‘trɒpɪk] 各向同性的•Polarized: ['polə,raɪz]偏振的•Residual: [rɪ‘zɪdjʊəl] 剩余的,残留的•Birefringence: [,baɪrɪ‘frɪndʒəns] 双折射•Double refracting:双折射•Otherwise: 另外的•第六段•Sorbed: 吸收•第七段•Refractive indice: 折射率•Electro-optic effect: 光电效应•Magneto-optic effect :磁光效应•Ancillary: *æn‘sɪlərɪ] 辅助的•Birefringence: 双折射•第八段•Alteration: [ɔːltə‘reɪʃ(ə)n; ’ɒl-] 改变•Filter:滤波器•第九段•Optical fibers: 光纤•Appreciable:[ə‘priːʃəb(ə)l] 可感知的,可评估的•Attenuation: [ə,tenjʊ‘eɪʃən] 衰减•Encode: [ɪn‘kəʊd; en-]编码•Modulation: [,mɒdjʊ‘leɪʃən] 调整,调制•Diode: *‘daɪəʊd] 二极管•Inclusion:杂质•Cladding: *‘klædɪŋ+包层•Core:核心•Lauched: 发射•Curve: [kɜːv] 弯曲•第十段•In phase:同相地;协调地•Localized:局部的•Pump: 泵浦•激光器中,外部能量通常会以光或电流的形式输入到产生激光的媒质之中,把处于基态的电子,激励到较高的能级高能态(人们用“泵浦”一词形容这一过程(如同把水从低处抽往高处))•Pulse: 脉冲•Glow: 发光•Geometric: 几何学的•Pn junction: pn 结•第十段•Switch off:关掉,切断•Threshold:*‘θreʃəʊld; ’θreʃ,həʊld] 临界值•第十一段•Throttle:*'θrɒt(ə)l] 节流,减速•pilot:飞行员•Shield:遮蔽,保护•Goggle: *‘gɒg(ə)l] 护目镜•Shutter: 遮板•Optical display:光显示器•Image storage device: 图像存储设备•Pore:气孔•Inclusion:内含物,杂质•Unit 21 Concrete Chemistry•混凝土化学•第一段•Cement paste 水泥浆•Aggregate ['ægrɪgət] 骨料•Aggregate -free material 无骨料材料•Mortar *‘mɔːtə] 砂浆•第二段•interfacial transition zone 晶界过渡区域•Presumably [prɪ'zjuːməblɪ]大概;推测起来•第三段•Cast [kɑːst] 铸型,浇铸•Duplex *‘djuːpleks] 双层•Ettringite *‘etriŋ,ait+ 钙矾石•ion-thinned sections 离子减薄的薄皮•第五段•Postulate *‘pɒstjʊleɪt] 假设•Superficial [,suːpə'fɪʃ(ə)l; ,sjuː-]表面的•Pozzolanic [pɒtsəʊ'lɑːnɪk]凝硬性的,火山灰的•Siliceous [sɪ'lɪʃəs]硅酸的;硅土的•Deleterious [delɪ'tɪərɪəs]有害的•Calcite ['kælsaɪt]方解石•Marble ['mɑːb(ə)l]大理石•Pitted ['pɪtɪd]有麻点的;除了核的;有凹痕的•mineral addition 矿物添加剂•第六段•calcium ['kælsɪəm] 钙•Carbonate ['kɑːbəneɪt] 碳酸盐•Defernite Ca6(CO3).(OHCl).H2O•第七段•Mortar 砂浆•Entry size 入口尺寸•Suspicion 怀疑•Reside [rɪ'zaɪd] 住,居住;属于•ITZ 界面过渡区(interfacial transition zone)•Percolation [,pɚkə'leʃən]过滤;浸透•Onset 开始•Account for 作出解释•constructional concrete 结构混凝土•第八段•Silica Fume [fjuːm] 硅灰•Vibrate [vaɪ'breɪt] 振动;颤动•Clump 聚集,凝结•Superplasticizer 超增塑剂•Crushing 粉碎•Shearing 剪切•第九段•Gradient 梯度,这里是“变化率”的意思•Effectiveness 作用•Flyash 粉煤灰•Slag 矿渣单词:electron system: 电子层结构;neutrality:[ˌnju:træləti], 中性; simultaneously: [saɪməlˌteiniəsli], 同时地;donate:[ˌdəuneit] ,捐赠;cation: [kætaiən] , 阳离子;anion: [ænaiən] ,阴离子cohesive force:[kəu’hi:siv+,内聚力;electrostatic force: [ɪˌlektrəʊˌstætik], 静电力;acting:作用于;Spherically symmetrical : 球对称;Isotropic: [aisəˌtrɔpik], 各向同性的;Directional character:方向性;halide:[hælaid],卤化物;alkali :[ælkəlai],碱;halide salts of alkali metals:, 碱金属卤化物•第三段•valency: /ˌveɪlənsi / ,化合价•indispensable: /ɪndɪˌspensəbl/, 不可缺少的•denote:[dɪˌnəʊt] ,表示;•vice versa: /ˌvaɪsiˌvɜ:sə /, 反之亦然•第四段•quantum mechanical calculation:量子力学计算•hydrogen: /ˌhaɪdrədʒən/, 氢•singlet:/ˌsɪŋglɪt / ,零自旋能级•spin: /spɪn / ,旋转•antiparallel: /‘ænti:pærəlel/,反平行的•homeopolar: : / həʊmiə‘pɔlə/, 同极的•第五段•wave function:波函数;•mutual orientation:相互取向;•atomic pairs:成对原子;•overlap:[ˌəʊvəˌlæp],与…..重叠;•Pauli principle:泡利不相容原理•第六段bond hybridization 键杂化•hybridization: [,haɪbrɪdaɪ‘zeɪʃən] , 杂化;•valency:*‘veɪlənsɪ] ,化合价;•ground state:基态;excited state :激发态;•tetravalent: [,tetrə‘veilənt],四价;•equivalent:*i‘kwivələnt],相等的,等价的;•Configuration:[kən,fiɡju‘reiʃən],构型,电子排布;•orbital hybridation:*‘ɔ:bitəl],轨道杂化•tetrahedron: [,tetrə‘hiːdrən] ,四面体;•spatial orientation:*‘speɪʃəl] ,空间取向;•第七段金属键•Be conceived of: 想象•Isotropy:各向同性;•Electrostatic equilibrium:静电平衡;•Arbitrary:任意的•Unit 22 Materials development in refractories during the 20th century •耐火材料在20世纪的发展•第一段•Enabling materials 实现性材料•Petrochemicals = Petro+chemicals•Bronze age 青铜器时代•In response to响应;回答;对…有反应•第二段•Fireclay *‘faɪəkleɪ] 火泥,耐火土•Crucible *‘kruːsɪb(ə)l] 坩埚•Refractoriness 耐火性•Elucidate [ɪ'l(j)uːsɪdeɪt] 阐述说明•Binary 二元的•Ternary 三元的•Rich period•Cristobalite *kris‘təu,bəlait] 方石英•MAS-NMR 核磁共振仪的一种•第三段•Aluminosilicate 铝硅酸盐•Clay-derived 由粘土得到的•Slag [slæg] 矿渣•Fluxes 在这里是“熔剂”的意思•Dinas *‘di:nəs] 砂石•Lining ['laɪnɪŋ+ 内衬•Acid open hearth furnace:酸性平炉•Bessemer converter 贝塞姆化铁炉•basic open hearth 碱性平炉•Greek magnesite ['mægnɪsaɪt]菱镁矿•Breunnerite: /ˌbrɔɪnəˌraɪt/铁菱镁矿•Periclase ['perɪkleɪz; -s] 方镁石•Intragranular [intrə'grænjulə]晶内的;颗粒内的•第四段•Dolomite *‘dɒləmaɪt] 白云石•Tar-bonded柏油结合的•Ubiquitous [juː'bɪkwɪtəs]普遍存在的;无所不在的•Chrome [krəʊm] 铬,铬合金•Dead-burned 重烧•第五段•Buffer *‘bʌfə] 缓冲•brick course 砖层•第六段•basic oxygen furnace 氧气顶吹转炉•Tar [tɑː] 焦油,柏油•Pitch [pɪtʃ] 沥青•Prophylactic [,prɒfɪ'læktɪk] 预防的•Standby *‘stæn(d)baɪ] 备用的,待命的•Steelmaking 炼钢•Phenolic resin 酚醛树脂•Periclase ['perɪkleɪz; -s] 方镁石•Metallic antioxidants 金属抗氧化剂•Carcinogenic [,kɑːs(ɪ)nə'dʒenɪk]致癌的;致癌物的•Fume 烟•Conferring 授予•Work of fracture 断裂功•Nonwetting 不润湿的•第七段•Sri lanka 斯里兰卡•Exportation 出口•Bauxite *‘bɔːksaɪt] 矾土•第八段•Culmination 顶点•Monolithic整体的•Rotary 旋转的•Campaign 运动•Carcinogenic 致癌物•Unit 7 treatment after firing :grinding and glazing •烧结后处理:磨削和上釉•Kiln:[kɪln] 窑炉•Inspected:检查•Specification:规格,技术参数•Adherent coating:附着薄膜•Decoration:[dekə‘reɪʃ(ə)n] 装饰装潢•Flaw:瑕疵•Dye penetration test:着色探伤•Ultrasonic technique: 超声技术•第二段•Grinding:磨削•Oversized:过大的•Warping: *‘wɔːpɪŋ + 翘曲•Slumping: *‘slʌmpiŋ+ 坍塌•Setter:垫板•Calcined:焙烧•Collar: *‘kɒlə] 套管,卡圈•Sagger: *‘sæɡə] 匣体•第三段•Manufacture:制成品,产品•Finish:表面粗糙度•Abrasive:[ə‘breɪsɪv] 研磨料•Lap: 磨平•Flatness:平整度•Centerless grinders: 无心磨床•Tool post grinders: 工具磨床•第四段•Tolerance:公差•Humidity:湿度•第五段•Glaze: 釉•Impermeable: [ɪm‘pɜːmɪəb(ə)l] 不能渗透的•High-tension insulator:高压绝缘体•Decoration:[dekə'reɪʃ(ə)n] 装饰•Appeal:吸引力•Texture: 质地,纹理•第六段•Alkali: *‘ælkəlaɪ] 碱•Sodium:钠•Potassium:[pə‘tæsɪəm] 钾•Alkaline earth:碱土金属•Calcium:*‘kælsɪəm] 钙•Lead:铅•Boric:硼•Underlying body:下面的坯体•Opaque:不透明•第七段•Frit:[frɪt] 熔块•Toxic:*‘tɒksɪk] 有毒的•Quenching: *‘kwentʃɪŋ+ 淬火•Formulating glaze: 制作釉料•Enamel:[ɪ'næm(ə)l] 搪瓷•第八段•Binder:粘合剂•Glaze slip:釉浆•Spraying:喷涂•第九段•Vitrified:玻璃化的•Ware:陶器•Bisque:素瓷•Bisque firing:素烧•Volatile:挥发物•Finish-fired:完美烧结•Glost-fired:釉烧•Mature:[mə‘tʃʊə] 成型•第十段•Crawling:*‘krɔːlɪŋ+ 收缩龟裂•Coverage:*‘kʌv(ə)rɪdʒ] 覆盖•Uneven:不平•Crazing:细裂纹•Shivering: *‘ʃɪvərɪŋ+ 脱釉•Pitting:*‘pɪtɪŋ+ 点状腐蚀•Unit 8 Electronic ceramics:electrical insulators and conductors •电子陶瓷:电绝缘体和导体•第一段•Literally :确实•Enumerate:[ɪ‘njuːməreɪt] 列举•Paramount:*‘pærəmaʊnt] 最优的•Stringent:*‘strɪn(d)ʒ(ə)nt] 严格的•第二段•Suspension insulator:悬垂绝缘器•Porcelain:*‘pɔːs(ə)lɪn] 瓷器•Exotic: [ɪg‘zɒtɪk]独特的•Beryllia:[bə‘riliə]氧化铍•Aluminum nitride:氮化铝•Dielectric:介电的•第三段•Intricate:*‘ɪntrɪkət] 复杂的•Injection molding:注射成型•Circuitry: *‘sɜːkɪtrɪ]电路•Rectangular:*rek‘tæŋgjʊlə] 矩形的•Tape-casting:流延成型•Discrete: [dɪ‘skriːt] 离散的,不连续的•Discrete capacitor:分布电容器•Hybrid circuit: 混成电路•Tape :胶带;磁带;带子;卷尺•Laminating: 层压•Stacking: 堆积•Cofiring:共烧结•Vias: 通孔•Intervening: [,ɪntɚ‘vinɪŋ+ 介于中间的•heat sink 散热器•Fitted: 装成; 装入•Lead:导线•External lead: 外面的铅•Encapsulated: [ɪn‘kæpsəleɪtɪd] 密封的•Assembly:装配•Electric package:电子封装•第四段•Capacitor dielectric: 介质电容器•Charge storage medium:电荷存储介质•Titanate 钛酸盐•Thin-walled hollow tube: 薄壁空心管•第五段•High rating ceramic capacitor:高级陶瓷电容器•Tape casting: 流延成型•Diced:切粒的•Laminate:层状制件•Soldered:焊接的Solder:焊料,焊接•第六段•With respect to: 关于•Electrolyte: 电解质•Beta-aluminas: Beta-氧化铝•Lime:熟石灰•Yttrium: *‘ɪtrɪəm] 钇•Ion-specific sensor material: 特殊离子传感器材料•Exhaust:[ɪg‘zɔːst; eg-] 排气•activate :激活•第七段•Reduced oxide:还原氧化物•Varistor:压敏电阻•Thermistor:热敏电阻•Line surge:线路电涌•Shunting: *‘ʃʌntiŋ+ 分路,转线•Voltage spike: 电压峰值•Chock:木楔•Pn junction diodes: pn结二极管•Power transistor: 功率晶体管•Unit 5 Diffusion•扩散•第一段•Oscillations: [,ɒsɪ‘leɪʃn] 振动•Amplitude:*‘æmplɪtjuːd] 振幅•Simultaneously:[,sɪml‘teɪnɪəslɪ] 同时地•Fluctuation:[,flʌktʃʊ‘eɪʃ(ə)n] 起伏•Of intrest:•Impart to:给予•Momentum:[mə‘mentəm] 动量•Self-diffusion:自扩散•Extraneous:[ɪk‘streɪnɪəs] 外来的•第二段•consist in:存在于•In view of:考虑到•indistinguishability:不可分辨性•Advisable:[əd‘vaɪzəb(ə)l] 明智的,可取的•Cationic: [,kætaɪ‘ɒnɪk] 阳离子的•Anionic:[,ænaɪ‘ɒnɪk] 阴离子的•第三段•Repulsion:[rɪ‘pʌlʃ(ə)n] 斥力•Mobility:[məʊ‘bɪlətɪ] 移动性•第四段•Interstitial:[,ɪntə‘stɪʃ(ə)l] 填隙的•Mechanism:*‘mek(ə)nɪz(ə)m] 机理•Interstitial mechanism with displacement:发生取代的填隙机理•第五段•Interchange:交换•Participation:[pɑː,tɪsɪ‘peɪʃn] 参与•Alternative:供选择的;选择性的;交替的•Variant:*‘veərɪənt] 变型•Ring mechanism:环形机理•Concert:*‘kɒnsət] 协调,一致•Circumference:[sə‘kʌmf(ə)r(ə)ns] 圆周•Modification:[,mɒdɪfɪ‘keɪʃ(ə)n] 修正,修改•Conceived:[kən‘siːvd] 构思,设想•Pertinent:*‘pɜːtɪnənt] 相关的•第六段•Tungsten:*‘tʌŋst(ə)n] 钨•Bronze:[brɒnz] 青铜•Polyaluminate:聚铝酸•Void: [vɔidz] 空洞•facility:[fə‘sɪləti] 容易•Close-packed:密堆积•Borne in mind: 牢记•Paramount:*‘pærəmaʊnt] 最重要•Supplemented:*‘sʌplə,mɛnt] 增补•Practicable:*‘præktɪkəb(ə)l] 可行的•第七段•Strained: [streɪnd] 应变的•Intuitively:[ɪn‘tjʊɪtɪvli] 直观地•第八段•Exert:[ɪg‘zɜːt] 施加•Consecutive: [kən‘sekjʊtɪv] 连贯的,连续不断的•Schematically: *ski‘mætikli+ 图示地•Definite: *‘defɪnɪt] 确切的•Activation energy:活化能•第九段•Oscillation:[,ɒsɪ‘leɪʃn] 振动•Once in a while:偶尔•Thermal fluctuation:热起伏•Vibration:振动•Haphazard:[hæp'hæzəd] 偶然的•Identical:完全相同的•Oil well cementing•油井的水泥胶结•In oil well cementing a cement slurry is pumped down the steel casing of the well and up •第一段•oil-well cement 油井水泥•Cement slurry 水泥浆•Pump+ down 抽+向下•steel casing 铁壳,钢套•Annular *‘ænjʊlə] 环形的•Rock [rɒk] 岩石•Plugging 堵塞•Squeeze cementing 挤水泥固井•第二段•hydrostatic load 静液压载荷•Plus 加上•Geothermal 地热•第三段•Admixture [əd‘mɪkstʃə] 添加剂•Consistometer [kɒnsɪs‘tɒmətə] 稠度计•Regime [reɪ'ʒiːm] 政权,政体;制度;管理体制•Thickening time 稠化时间•Practicable 可行的,行得通的•Akin [ə‘kɪn] 类似的,同类的•Petroleum [pɪ‘trəʊlɪəm] 石油•sulfate resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥。


春亚纺:polyester pongee
超细麦克布:micro fiber
锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cotton fabric (plain)
重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)
雕印植绒:embossing flocking
皮革沟底植绒:leather imitation flocking
牛仔植绒雕印:embossing jeans flocking
兔羊绒大衣呢:angora cachmere overcoating
羊毛双面呢:double-faced woolen goods
仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece
仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric
仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur
彩条汗布:color-stripes single jersey
t/r弹力布:t/r bengaline
t/c色织格子布:t/c solid check fabric
弹力仿麂皮:micro suede with spandex
t/r仿麂皮:t/r micro suede
蜡光缎:cire satine
全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta
半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta

course 复合材料术语

course 复合材料术语

course 复合材料术语复合材料是由两种或两种以上的不同物质组成,以一定方式进行结合形成的材料。




1. 基体(matrix):复合材料中占据大部分体积的物质,起到框架和支撑作用。


2. 纤维(fiber):复合材料中的增强物质,能够提供材料的强度和刚度。


3. 纤维体积含量(fiber volume fraction):指纤维在复合材料中的体积占比,通常以百分比表示。


4. 层(ply):复合材料中由一层纤维和基体组成的结构单元。


5. 复合材料的各向异性(anisotropy):指复合材料在不同方向上具有不同的性质和行为。


6. 界面(interface):指纤维和基体之间的交界面,也是复合材料中容易发生应力集中和损伤的区域。


7. 残余应力(residual stress):指在复合材料制备过程中由于热膨胀系数不一致或冷却速率不一致等原因导致的内部应力。


8. 热膨胀系数(coefficient of thermal expansion):指复合材料在温度变化时的膨胀或收缩程度。


9. 破坏韧性(fracture toughness):指复合材料在受到外部载荷作用下抵抗破坏的能力。


10. 疲劳寿命(fatigue life):指复合材料在循环载荷下能够承受的循环次数或循环应变幅值。


















一种是由软质PVC混炼时,加入适量的发泡剂做成片材,经发泡成型为泡沫塑料,制成泡沫PVC鞋底; 另一种是用注射成型机配合各种模具制成PVC鞋底。







PU 、MD底富有弹性且经久不变形,运动时较灵活舒适,比重小、很轻便,所以使用较广泛(PU比MD密度更大减震效果更好,但同时也相对较重),一般大底片都用橡胶,耐磨防滑。













相比于传统的金属材料,poly 材料更加轻便、耐腐蚀,且可以循环利用。


























常见服装面料的英文名称天然纤维Cotton (棉): 棉花纤维制成的面料,透气性好,吸湿性强,穿着舒适,是最常见的服装面料之一。

Wool (羊毛): 从羊身上获得的纤维,保暖性好,弹性好,但容易起球。

Silk (丝绸): 由蚕丝制成的面料,柔软光滑,光泽度好,但价格较高。

Linen (亚麻): 由亚麻纤维制成的面料,透气性好,吸湿性强,穿着凉爽,但容易皱。

Cashmere (羊绒): 从山羊绒毛中获得的纤维,柔软温暖,价格昂贵。

合成纤维Polyester (聚酯纤维): 一种常见的合成纤维,耐磨性好,易清洗,但透气性较差。

Nylon (尼龙): 一种耐磨性强的合成纤维,常用于制作运动服和内衣。

混纺面料Cottonpolyester blend (棉/聚酯混纺): 结合了棉和聚酯纤维的优点,既舒适又耐用。

Woolsilk blend (羊毛/丝绸混纺): 结合了羊毛和丝绸的优点,既保暖又舒适。

Linencotton blend (亚麻/棉混纺): 结合了亚麻和棉的优点,既透气又舒适。

特殊面料Denim (牛仔布): 一种粗厚的棉质面料,常用于制作牛仔裤。

Lace (蕾丝): 一种有孔洞的花边面料,常用于制作女装。

Fleece (抓绒): 一种柔软保暖的面料,常用于制作运动服和睡袋。

Velvet (天鹅绒): 一种柔软光滑的面料,常用于制作礼服和窗帘。

常见服装面料的英文名称(续)其他天然纤维Rayon (粘胶纤维): 由天然纤维素制成的再生纤维,手感柔软,吸湿性好,但易皱。

Lyocell (莱赛尔纤维): 由天然纤维素制成的再生纤维,环保性高,手感柔软,吸湿性好,不易皱。

Modal (莫代尔纤维): 由天然纤维素制成的再生纤维,手感柔软,吸湿性好,透气性好,不易起球。

其他合成纤维Polyamide (聚酰胺纤维): 又称尼龙,耐磨性好,弹性好,常用于制作运动服和内衣。

Acetate (醋酸纤维): 由纤维素制成的人造纤维,光泽度好,手感柔软,但易皱。























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建筑材料单词carbonating 碳化处理carbon steel 碳素钢carbonated shrinkage 碳化收缩carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳cation 阳离子 anion 阴离子cationic emulsifier 阳离子乳液化剂capillary voids (pores) in cement水泥中的毛细管capillary water 毛细管水carbon dioxide 二氧化碳cement 水泥cement clinker 水泥熟料cement fineness 水泥细度cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement resistance to chemical水泥抗化学侵蚀性cement paste 水泥浆cement soundness 水泥安定性cement specifications 水泥规范cement strength 水泥强度cement types 水泥品种cement-water ratio 灰水比characteristic strength 特征强度chemically combined water 化学结合水crack 裂纹chemical property 化学性质chert 燧石 ( 黑硅石 )chloride 氯化物chord modulus of elasticity 弦弹性模量civil Engineering 土木工程clinker 熟料coarse aggregate 粗集料coefficient of permeability of concrete 混凝土渗透系数coefficient of thermal expansion热膨胀系数coefficient of shrinkage 收缩系数coefficient of shrinkage of concrete 混凝土收缩系数compacting factor test 捣实系数试验compaction (consolidation)捣实( 捣固 ) compressive strength 抗压强度computer control system 计算机控制系统cube size 立方体试件尺寸coarse aggregate ratio to fine粗集料与细集料之比composite insulation 复合绝热层component组分 , 成分 , 构件composite 复合 , 合成 , 复合材料composite insulation 复合绝热层composite Portland cement复合硅酸盐水泥concrete 混凝土concrete batching plant 混凝土搅拌站concrete composition 混凝土配合比concrete block 混凝土砌块condensation polymerization 缩聚反应concrete products 混凝土制品concrete pump 混凝土输送泵condensed silica fume 浓缩 ( 凝聚 ) 的二氧化硅烟雾 ( 硅粉 )conductivity 导热性consistency 稠度corrosion of steel in concrete钢筋的腐蚀cost of concrete 混凝土成本cold bending test 冷弯试验cold-laid bituminous concrete冷铺沥青混凝土coal tar 煤沥青coarse aggregate 粗集料coefficient of variation (Cv) 变异系数cohesion 粘聚cohesiveness 粘聚性cold draw 冷拔cold-laid bituminous mixture冷铺沥青混合料cold stretching 冷拉cold working 冷加工colloid 胶体colloidal structure 胶体结构colloid mill 胶体磨compacting factor 捣实因素composite material 复合材料concrete 混凝土concrete mix 混凝土混合料concrete mix proportion 混凝土配合比continuous grading 连续级配cork 软木cork insulation 软木绝热制品creep 蠕变crack 裂缝cracking 开裂creep 徐变crescent ribbed bars 月牙肋钢筋critical aggregate size 临界集料尺寸critical degree of saturation临界饱和度critical stress 临界应力cross grain 斜纹C-S-H 水化硅酸钙crushing test 压碎试验crushing value 压碎值crystallization 结晶(作用) cryogenic behavior 低温性质curing 养护decay 腐朽dense concrete 密实混凝土defect 缺陷deflection 挠度degree of complex flow 复合流动度degree of hardness 硬度degree of humidity 湿度deicing salts action 除冰盐作用design of concrete mix混凝土配合比设计density 密度dense grading 密级配dicalcium silicate (C2S)硅酸二钙disperse phase 分散相dispersion medium 分散介质drying shrinkage 干燥收缩 ( 干缩 ) ductility 延展性durability 耐久性durability factor 耐久性因素dormant period 垫伏期early-age behavior 早期性质early strength cement 早强水泥early wood 早材asphalt cement 粘稠沥青(膏体沥青) asphalt concrete (地)沥青混凝土alkali-aggregate reaction 碱-集料反应bend stress 弯曲应力binder bonding agent 粘合剂binder 结合料blast-furnace slag 高炉矿渣blast-furnace slag cements 高炉矿渣水泥bleeding 泌水性blending method 调和法blender 搅拌器,打浆机bond 粘结Calcium钙,形成层calcium aluminate 铝酸钙calcium aluminate cement 铝酸钙水泥calcium carbonate 碳酸钙calcium chloride 氯化钙calcium ferroalumnates 铁铝酸钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calcium lignosulphonate 木质磺酸钙calcium lime 钙质石灰calcium oxide 氧化钙calcium silicate 硅酸钙calcium silicate hydrate(CHS) 水化硅酸钙calcium silicate insulat1on硅酸钙绝热制品calcium sulfates 硫酸钙calcium sulfoaluminate 硫铝酸钙calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates水化硫铝酸钙carbon disulphide 二硫化碳ettringite 钙矾石flint 燧石float test 浮标试验floating 刮平flow of cement mortar 水泥胶砂流动度flow value 流值formwork removal 拆模fine aggregate 细集料final set 终凝fire resistance 耐火性flowing concrete 流动混凝土flexural property 受弯性能flexural rigidity 抗弯刚度 (B)fiber reinforced plastics 纤维增强塑料fiber-glass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维增强塑料fiber cement 纤维水泥fiber insulation 纤维绝热材料fineness of cement 水泥细度fineness modulus 细度模数(M) finishing 抹面( 修整 )fibre board 纤维板fiber concrete 纤维混凝土fine sand 细砂fiber saturation point 纤维饱和点filler 填料final set 终凝fire point 燃点fly ash 粉煤灰fly-ash cement 粉煤灰水泥flash set 闪凝( 瞬间凝结 )flash point 闪点flexural strength 弯曲强度graph 图表、图解graphical method 图解法gravel 砾石、卵石gradation 级配ground quick lime 磨细生石灰grading / gradation 颗粒级配grading curve 级配曲线grain-size refinement 颗粒尺寸的优化granite 花岗石gel 凝胶gel pores 凝胶孔gel/space ratio 凝胶/空隙比gap-graded aggregate 间断级配集料gas concrete 加气混凝土gap grading 间断级配fraction 组分fracture mechanics 断裂力学fracture toughness 断裂韧性free carbon 游离碳free calcium oxide 游离氧化钙fresh concrete 新拌混凝土freeze-thaw resistance 抗冻融性frost action on aggregate骨料受到冰冻作用frost action on cement paste水泥浆受到冰冻作用frost action on concrete混凝土受到冰冻作用frost resistance 抗冻性gypsum 石膏gypsum concrete 石膏混凝土hardening 硬化hardness 硬度high-early strength cement 早强水泥high-early strength concrete 早强混凝土high performance concrete 高性能混凝土homogeneous materials 均质材料hydrophilic and hydrophobic 亲水与憎水hydrated (Portland) cement paste 已水化的水泥浆hydration of Portland cement 波特兰水泥的水化hydration reaction of aluminates 铝酸盐水化反应hydration reaction of silicates硅酸盐水化反应hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥hydraulic pressure 水压力impact strength 冲击强度igneous rocks for aggregateimpact ductility 冲击韧性impact strength 抗冲击强度impermeability 抗渗性,不渗透性impact resistance 抗冲击性impact test 冲击试验impact toughness 冲击韧度initial set 初凝1ime 石灰lime cement 石灰水泥lime stone 石灰石loss of slump of concrete混凝土的坍落度损失low alloy steel 低合金钢macrostructure 宏观结构magnitude of self-stress 自应力magnesium oxide 氧化镁manganese steel 锰钢manual plastering 手工抹浆map cracking 龟裂marble 大理石masonry cement 砌筑水泥masonry mortar 砌筑砂浆mass concrete 大体积混凝土maximum aggregate size 最大集料粒径maximum crack width 最大裂缝宽度maximum density curve 最大密度曲线maximum size of sand 砂的最大粒径maximum theorical density 理论最大密度mechanical property 力学性质membrane curing 薄膜养护metal 金属metamorphic rock 变质岩mica 云母microcracking 微裂缝microsilica 微细二氧化硅(硅粉)mild steel 低碳钢microstructure 微观结构mineral admixture 矿物外加剂mineral powder 矿粉minimum crack spacing 最小裂缝间距mix design 配合比设计mixing of concrete 混凝土的搅拌mixing water 拌和用水mix proportioning(designing )配合比(设计)mix proportions 配合比mix proportion by absolute volume绝对体积法配合比(设计)mix proportion by loose volume现场松散体积配合比(设计)mix proportion by weight 重量配合比mixed base 混合基mixed-in-place 现场拌和mixed process 混合过程mixing time 拌和时间mixing water 拌和水mixed cement 混合水泥mixture 混合料modility,fluidity流动性modulus of deformation 变形模量(EB) modulus of elasticity 弹性模量modulus of elasticity concrete 混凝土弹性模量moisture 湿度,水分moisture absorption 吸湿率moisture content (MC) 含水量moisture condition 含水状态moisture content of aggregate骨料含水量monosulphalte 单硫酸盐monosulfate hydrate 单硫酸盐水化物mortar theory 胶浆理论mortar consistency 砂浆稠度mortar strength 砂浆强度needle penetrometer 维卡仪penetration index (PI) 针入度指数penetration 针入度Particle size 颗粒尺寸particle size distribution 粒度分布pat test 试饼法penetration resistance 抗贯入性percentage elongation 伸长率percentage passing 通过百分率percentage retained 存留百分率oven-dry aggregate 炉干骨料ordinary Portland cement普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary concrete 普通水泥混凝土open-graded mixture 开级配混合料poisson's ratio 泊松比physical property 物理性质phosphate 磷酸盐placing of concrete 混凝土的浇筑porosity 孔隙率portland cement 波特兰水泥portland blast-furnace slag cement 高炉矿渣波特兰水泥portland pozzolan cement火山灰质波特兰水泥portlandite 氢氧钙石pore-size distribution 孔径分布pozzolan 火山灰pozzolanic reaction 火山灰质反应preplaced aggregate concrete预填集料混凝土pumped concrete 泵送混凝土quality 质量,性质quality control 质量控制quality assurance 质量保证quartz 石英quartz glass 石英玻璃quartz sand 石英砂quartzite 石英岩quick lime 生石灰quick set 快凝quick setting cement 快硬水泥quick-taking cement 快凝水泥quick hardening 水硬性水泥quench 水淬,骤冷rapid setting and hardening cements快凝与快硬水泥raw limestone 石灰石ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土recycled-concrete aggregate再生混凝土集料regulated-set cement 调凝水泥reinforced concrete (RC) 钢筋混凝土relative density 相对密度resin 胶质,树脂retarder 缓凝剂retarding admixtures 缓凝外加剂retempering 重新调拌revibration 重新振捣rheological characteristics 流变特性sand 砂sand grading 砂的级配sandstone 砂岩sand grading curve 砂的级配曲线sand grading standard region 砂的级配标准区segregation 离析set retarder admixture 缓凝剂set retarding and water-reducing admixture 缓凝减水剂setting time 凝结时间setting of cement paste 水泥浆的凝结setting of concrete 混凝土的凝结shrinkage 收缩shrinkage-compensating concrete收缩补偿混凝土shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝sieve analysis of aggregate集料的筛分析silica fume 硅粉slag 矿渣slump cone test 坍落度锥体试验slump loss in concrete混凝土中的坍落度损softening point test 软化点试验solid/space ratio 固体/空隙比solid-state hydration 固态水化solidification 凝固作用soundness 安定性specific heat 比热specific surface area 比表面积specifications 规范standard specifications 标准规范stiffening of cement paste 水泥浆的变硬standard deviation 标准差standard error 标准误差standard of concrete 混凝土强度standard sand 标准砂standard sieve 标准筛standard test method 标准试验方法static modulus 静弹性模量strain 应变strength 强度strength at 28days 28天强度strength grade of cement 水泥强度等级strength of cement mortar 水泥胶砂强度strength of cube 立方体强度strength of cylinders 圆柱体强度structure high density concrete高表观密度混凝土结构stress 应力stress concentration 应力集中stressed crack 受力裂缝stress intensity factor 应力强度因素stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线sulfate attack 硫酸盐侵蚀sulfate resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥temperature susceptibility 温度感应性temperature shrinkage 温度收缩temperature effects 温度效应tensile strain 拉伸应变tensile strain capacity 拉伸应变能力tensile strength 拉伸强度(抗拉强度) tetracalcium aluminate hydrate水化铝酸四钙test methods 试验方法test sieve 试验筛testing of material 材料试验testing sieve shaker 试验用振动筛分机test load 试验负荷the particle grading 颗粒级配thermal conductivity 导热性thermal contraction 热收缩thermal diffusivity 热扩散性thermal expansion coefficient热膨胀系数thermal insulation material 绝热材料thermal insulation properties 保温性能timber 木材toughness 韧性trial mixes 试拌混合物tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙uncombined CaO 游离CaOVander Wale force 范德华力vapor pressure 蒸汽压力vacuum insulation 真空绝热vapor barrier / water vapor retarder 隔汽层variegated glass 大理石纹Vebe consistency 维勃稠度void 空隙voids detection 空隙的测定voids ratio 孔隙率void in hydrated cement paste水化水泥浆中的孔隙water 水water absorption 吸水率water / cement ratio 水灰比water content 用水量water content (moisture content)含水率( 湿度 )water-lightness 不透水性water repellent admixture 防水剂water-proof 防水的water proofing admixture 防水剂water proofing compound 防水化合物water-reducing admixtures 减水剂water-reducing retaders 缓凝减水剂water-reducing admixture 普通减水剂workability control 和易性控制workability definition 和易性定义workability 工作性workability of ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土和易性workability of light weight concrete 轻混凝土和易性workability measurement 和易性测量。




















物质(matter) 物质是客观实在,且能被人们通过某种方式感知和了解的东西,是元素的载体。


化学纤维(man-made fiber, chemical fiber)化学纤维是用天然的或合成的高聚物为原料,主要经过化学方法加工制成的纤维。


芯片(COMS chip)芯片是含有一系列电子元件及其连线的小块硅片,主要用于计算机和其他电子设备。

光导纤维(optical waveguide fibre)光以波导方式在其中传输的光学介质材料,简称光纤。

激光(laser) (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation简写为:laser)激光是利用辐射计发光放大原理而产生的一种单色(单频率)、定向性好、干涉性强、能量密度高的光束。


仿生材料(biomimetic matorials)仿生材料是模仿生物结构或功能,人为设计和制造的一类材料。

材料科学(materials science)材料科学是一门科学,它从事于材料本质的发现、分析方面的研究,它的目的在于提供材料结构的统一描绘,或给出模型,并解释这种结构与材料的性能之间的关系。

材料工程(materials engineering)材料工程属技术的范畴目的在于采用经济的而又能为社会所接受的生产工艺、加工工艺控制材料的结构、性能和形状以达到使用要求。

材料科学与工程(materials science and engineering)材料科学与工程是研究有关材料的成份、结构和制造工艺与其性能和使用性能间相互关系的知识及这些知识的应用,是一门应用基础科学。



材料科学专业英语词汇(C)材料科学专业英语词汇(C)材料科学专业英语词汇(C)c-frame forging hammer 弓架锻鎚c-frame press 弓架压机c-process (croning process)克氏造模法(壳模法)cabal glass 钙硼铝玻璃cable cover 电缆盖cable drag conveyer 缆运机cable sheathing alloy 电缆外包合金cable way 索道cableway 缆道,索道cacite 方解石cad framework initiative(cfi)发起cad 架构活动cad navigationcad 导航cadmium 镉cadmium copper 镉铜cadmium luster 镉光料cadmium selenide 矽化镉cadmium-coated steel 镀镉钢caisson 沉箱cake 泥饼caking 结饼calcareous clay 石灰质黏土calcareous glaze 石灰釉calcareous material 石灰质材料calcareous scale 钙质锅垢calcinations 段烧calcine 段料calcite 方解石calcium 钙calcium aluminate 铝酸钙calcium bentonite 钙系膨土calcium boride 硼化钙calcium carbide 碳化钙;电石calcium carbonate 碳酸钙calcium chloride 氯化钙calcium hydride 氢化钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calcium molybdate 钼化酸钙calcium monoaluminate 单铝酸钙calcium silicate fluxes 矽酸钙焊剂calcium silicates 矽酸钙类calcium silicide 矽化钙calcium sulfate 硫酸钙calcium sulfoaluminate 硫铝酸钙calcium-cyanamide 氰氮化钙,氰胺基化钙calcium-manganese-silicon 矽锰钙(合金) calibration 校准calibration board 校准基板californium 鉲calloy 卡洛calorie 卡【路里】calorific value 热值calorimeter 卡计;热量计calorite 卡路莱calorizing (calorising)渗铝氧化法camel 驼峰阀cameo glass 浮雕玻璃camera-tool offset 摄影机-压接工具轴心偏移cameron core 缩头砂心camium sulfide 硫化镉campaign 运转期camphor 樟脑canada balsam 加拿大香胶canal 导沟(玻);流槽cane 玻璃杆cane ware 蔗色陶canfield reagent 康费德试药canned-powder forging 罐粉锻造canning matierials1制罐材料2【核燃料】包层材料cantilever 悬臂支撑架canton blue 坎吞蓝canvas belt finish 帆带修饰canvas covering 帆布护层cap 窑顶capacitance1克拉2开碳质沥青capacitive coupled plasma en-hanced cvd system 电容性耦合等离子体增强cvd 系统capacitive sensing method 电容性感测法capillary 毛细管capillary drying equipment 毛细管作用乾燥设备capillary tool 毛细管压接工具capped steel 加盖【未静】钢capture cross-section 捕获截面capture range of pattern recognition 图案识别之捕捉范围car bottom furnace 车底炉car tipper 倾车器carbide carbide annealing carbide etch carbide etching carbide precipitation carbide slag carbide stabilizer carbide tool carbides 碳化物carboloy carbon carbon active carbon amber glass 碳琥珀玻璃carbon and graphite material 碳和石墨材料carbon arc welding carbon brick carbon ceramic refractory 碳陶耐火物carbon dioxide process carbon electrode 碳电极carbon equivalent 碳当量carbon fiber 碳纤维carbon filter/activated carbon filter 活性碳过滤器carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbon nano capsule research alliance (cncra)奈米碳球研发联盟carbon potential 碳势(碳位能)carbon powder 碳粉carbon refractories 碳质耐火材料carbon refractory 碳质耐火物carbon restoration 复碳carbon rod 碳棒carbon saturation 碳饱和度carbon specialities 特殊碳制品carbon steel 碳钢carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳carbon tool steel 碳工具钢carbonaceous inclusion 碳质夹杂物carbonaceous inert material 碳质惰性物carbonitriding 渗碳氮化法carbonization 碳化carbonizing 碳化carbonyl powder 碳醯法粉末carbonyl process 碳醯法carboradian kiln 金创砂衬窑carborfraz 金刚砂砖料carborundum 金刚砂carbothermic reduction 碳热还原carboundum 金钢砂(碳化矽)carboy 酸瓶carburetor 汽化器;增碳器carburization 渗碳carburized case depth 渗碳层厚度carburized depth 渗碳深度carburized structure 渗碳组织carburizer 渗碳剂carburizing 渗碳处理carburizing flame 渗碳焰carburizing reagent 渗碳剂carburizing salts 渗碳盐carburizing steel 渗碳钢carnallite 光卤石carobrozne 七三黄铜(70%cu,30%zn) carrier 游星承载齿轮carrier (charge carrier)[电]载体carrier box 运载盒carrier gas 载体气carrier plate 输送板carrier rack 可携式老化测试接线架carrier size 承载齿轮尺寸carrier tape 输送带carry ladle 盛桶,浇汁carry over 挟带cartridge brass 弹筒(壳)黄铜cascade 串级case case carbon 表皮,表层含碳量case depth 硬化深度case hardening 表面硬化case-hardened glass[ 表面]硬化玻璃case-hardening steel 表面碳他钢cased glass 套色玻璃casing 套色cassette cleaning equipment 输送匣盒洗涤装置cassette transfer 晶圆匣盒传送机cassette-to-cassette handling 匣盒间转运处理cassette/magazine 晶圆匣盒/晶圆收纳盒cassetteless wet cleaning equipmet 无盒湿式洗涤装置cassiterite 锡石(矿)sno2 cast 铸造cast alloy 铸性合金,铸造合金cast dies 铸造钢模cast iron 铸铁cast iron pipe 铸铁管cast refractory 筹造耐火材料cast steel 铸钢cast structure 铸造组织cast-weld assembly 泰接铸件castable refractory 铸斑铸坑耐火物castibility 铸造性,可铸性casting 铸造,铸件casting crack 铸裂casting defect 铸疵casting design 铸件设计casting fin 飞边casting fluidity 铸造流动性casting lug 铸件凸出块casting manipulations 铸造作业casting oil 铸造油casting rate 浇铸速率casting sand 铸砂casting skin 铸件表皮casting spot 电泳casting steel 钢铸件casting strain 铸造应变casting stress 铸造应力casting temperature 浇铸温度casting time 浇铸时间castomatic process 自动铸造方法cat's eye 猫眼泡catalan furnace 卡特郎冶炉(原始熟铁鼓风冶炉) catalyst 催化剂,触媒catalysts 含钴触媒catalyzed spraying 触媒喷涂cataphoresis 悬链拱catastrophic oxidation 高温剧烈氧化category 范畴类别catenary arch 教堂窗饰玻璃cathedral glass 猫眼泡cathod 阴极cathod filament 阴极丝cathod sputtering 阴极溅射cathode coupling 阴极耦合cathode/target electrode 阴极/靶电极cathodic control 阴极控制cathodic polarization 阴极极化cathodic protection 阴极防蚀法,阴极防蚀cathodic protection current 阴极保护电流cathodic reaction 阴极反应cathodic vacuum etching 阴极真空蚀刻(腐蚀)cathodic-corrosion 阴极腐蚀cathodouminescence 阴极萤光cation 阳离子cauliflower top 花菜头钢锭caulking 膏紧,填隙causal metal 高索金属(沃斯田灰铸铁)caustic alkali 荷性硷caustic embrittlement 荷性脆他caviation 涡穴作用caviation damage 涡穴损伤caviation erosion 涡穴冲蚀,孔蚀cavity 孔穴cavity wall 空心墙cazin 镉锌焊料(钢缆用焊料18%zn 其余为cd)cct (continuous-cooling transformation) diagramcct 图(连续冷却变态图)cd uniformitycd 均质性ce (carbon equivalent) meter ce 计(碳当量测定计)celadon 青瓷celeste blue 天蓝celite 铁铝酸四钙cell 功能电路胞cell based ic 以功能电路胞为基础之ic cell compiler 功能电路胞编辑器cell constant 电池常数cell distortion 晶胞歪扭cell furnace 箱炉cell potential 电池电位cellobiose 纤维霸醣cellophane 赛珞凡cellular structure 细胞状组织celluloid 赛璐珞cellulose 纤维素celsian 钡长石celsius 摄氏温度刻度cement carbide 黏结碳化物cement clinker 水泥烧块,水泥熟料cement efficiency 水泥效率cement gel 水泥胶滞体cement gun 水泥枪cement kiln hood 水泥窑罩cement molding1. 水泥模法2水泥塑造cement mortar 水泥曼料cement paste 水泥糊cement rock 水泥岩cement sand 水泥砂cement spaceratio 水泥容积比cement steel 渗碳钢cement, latex 生胶结着剂cement-aggregate reaction 水泥—骨材反应cement-water ratio 灰水比cementation1. 渗碳法,渗入法2.淀置法(如:在稀硫酸铜中以铁置换铜)cementation index 胶结指数cementing agent 胶合剂cementite 雪明碳体center block 车尺部方块center brick 中心砖center of symmetry 对称中心center upset forging 中部锻粗锻件center upsets 中部锻粗件center upsetting 中部锻粗法centering 对准中心,定心centigrade 摄氏温度centrifugal blast 离心喷光centrifugal blower 离心鼓辈机centrifugal cast iron pipe 离心铸铁管centrifugal casting 离心铸造法centrifugal drying equipment 离心乾燥设备centrifugal spray cleaning equipment 离心喷雾洗涤装置ceralumin 西拉铝明(含1-3%cu,1-2%si,0.3-1.5%fe ceramal 瓷金(与cermet 同)ceramic 陶瓷ceramic casting 陶模铸造ceramic filter 陶质泸器ceramic nozzle 陶质喷嘴ceramic processing 陶瓷制程ceramic resonator 陶瓷谐振器ceramic ware 陶瓷器ceramic whiteware 白陶瓷器ceramic-to-metal seal 陶瓷金属封接ceramics 窑业;窑业;窑瓷ceramics turbo 陶瓷涡轮cereal binder 壳粉黏结剂cermet 陶金cermet (ceramic)瓷金cerrobase alloy 史罗合金(一种易泰合金)cerrobend 史罗本德低熔点合金(熔点为70。

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DescriptionThe Collie is a large, lean, strong dog. The top of the skull is flat and the eyebrows are arched. The head is wedge-shaped and the muzzle is rounded tapering to the black nose, with a slight stop. The face is chiseled. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The medium sized eyes are almond shaped. Eye color is dark brown accept for blue merles, where the eyes may be blue or have one of each color. The small ears are 3/4 erect with the tips folding forward. The neck is fairly long. The body is slightly longer than it is tall. The legs are straight. The tail is moderately long with an upward twist or swirl at the end and is carried low. There are two coat varieties, the rough and smooth. The rough coat is long and abundant all over the body but is shorter on the head and legs an the coat forms a mane around the neck and chest. The outer coat is straight and harsh to the touch, and the undercoat is soft and tight. The smooth coat variety has a short one inch coat all over the body. Coat colors on both the rough and smooth variety include sable and white, tri color of black, white and tan, blue merle or predominantly white with sable, tri-color or blue merle markingsRescue a CollieCollie Puppies for SaleCollieRough and Smooth"Simba our adult female Rough Collie in our back yard."Find a Collie BreederPlace an AdRescue a CollieList Your RescuePronunciation CollieDescription The Collie is a large, lean, strong dog. The top of the skull is flat and the eyebrows are arched. The head is wedge-shaped and the muzzle is rounded tapering to the black nose, with a slight stop. The face is chiseled. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The medium sized eyes are almond shaped. Eye color is dark brown accept for blue merles, where the eyes may be blue or have one of each color. The small ears are 3/4 erect with the tips folding forward. The neck is fairly long. The body is slightly longer than it is tall. The legs are straight. The tail is moderately long with an upward twist or swirl at the end and is carried low. There are two coat varieties, the rough and smooth. The rough coat is long and abundant all over the body but is shorter on the head and legs an the coat forms a mane around the neck and chest. The outer coat is straight and harsh to the touch, and the undercoat is soft and tight. The smooth coat variety has a short one inch coat all over the body. Coat colors on both the rough and smooth variety include sable and white, tri color of black, white and tan, blue merle or predominantly white with sable, tri-color or blue merle markings.Temperament The Collie is a highly intelligent dog.Faith, Huntingtons Charmed Again CGC, the blue merle Collie at 3 years old."Sasha the rough collie at 2 years old. She likes to pose for pictures and is such a Diva!"Collie Posters and Prints!Malcolm at 4 years old. Int. CH Onesti Command 'N' Conquer WW-RN,WW-RA,CGC,TT,BPD,VC,CERF.Dusty the Collie puppy at 8 weeks old.Dusty all grown up at 2 years old.Dusty all grown up at 3 years old.22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222Collie Origins.....The Collie's exact origins are shrouded in mystery. Over the years, it has been the subject of much research and speculation. The famous 18th century naturalist Buffoon, was of the opinion that the Collie was one of the oldest breeds in the canine family. However, it has never been proven that the Collie was in fact a descendant of the ancient sheepdog he refers to.Collie Varieties.....The Collie breed comes in two different varieties......the Rough(粗毛)Collie and the Smooth(平毛)Collie. Although some differences have been noted in temperament, the two varieties are otherwise one and the same, with the exception of the coat. The Smooth has a short, dense and flat coat, while the Rough Collie has a long, well-fitting, harsh-textured coat. It is abundant everywhere except on the head and legs. It is the crowning glory of the Rough variety of Collie. In the United States, these are not two separate breeds and inter-variety breeding is allowed. In England the two varieties were made separate breeds in 1994.Collie Colors.....Per the official Collie Standard, as approved by the Collie Club of America and the American Kennel Club: Collies come in (4) different colors. The most common color, long associated with the breed, thanks in part to Lassie, is the sable color. This color can range from a light golden tan to a dark mahogany color, laced with a black overlay. The next most common color is the tricolor: or black, white & tan. Blue Merle is the third color and is mostly popular amongst breeders and exhibitors. It can range from a pale, silvery blue coloring, to a darker gray color, with or without black body spots. The fourth color is white, which is predominantly white and is comprised of a white body, with either sable, tri or blue markings, usually on the head. Body spots are allowed.There are also other color variations (not currently recognized in the American Standard) such as Sable Merle and Double Dilute (homozygous). Often times a Sable Merle can be mistaken for the sable color. However, sometimes they are readily apparent since they can have a blue cast to the coat or slight merling color throughout the coat or blue tipped ears, along with one or more blue eyes or just blue flecking in the eyes. They are a product of a blue to sable breeding and can produce either color when bred (unless they are a pure for sable merle). Contrary to a popular myth, especially held in England and some European countries, the white Collie is not defective. The only color that can occasionally result in a defective dog, is the double dilute. The double dilute lacks color pigmentation and sometimes can be deaf or blind or both. They area result of breeding two blue merles together, thereby doubling up on the merle gene.Almost all Collies are marked with the traditional white collar, chest, legs, feet, tail tip and sometimes white facial markings, called a blaze.Collie Size.....Collies are a medium sized dog, with females ranging from 22" to 24" and males ranging from 24" to 26" at maturity. Traditionally Collie bitches are smaller than their male counterparts and can weigh from 50 to 70 pounds. Males have been known to weigh from 55 to 90 pounds.Collie Longevity.....Typically Collies live 10 to 14 years, with the median age being 12, although some have gone well into their 15th or 16th yearCollie Character.......The Collie is a hardy and healthy breed. Not only are they beautiful, but they are intelligent, friendly, loyal, loving and sensitive. They are real family dogs and are noted for being very people-friendly. Likewise, they are easy to train. In addition to being a very clean dog, they are one of the easiest breeds to housebreak. Most become housebroken at an early age, with very little effort. Collies are almost never a one-man dog. If raised properly and treated with respect, they make an ideal family pet. They are not recommended as a complete outside/backyard dog and under no circumstances should a Collie ever be chained or tied up. A word of can't just buy a Collie, and stick them away somewhere, only to be taken out when it suits you! They are notorious people dogs, known for wanting to be with their owners, interacting with people and lounging around the house (they make excellent couch potatoes!). If kept outside for long periods of time, they can become easily bored, as well as lonely. This can result in a noisy, unhappy dog. Collies, along with many other herding dogs, have long been known for their barking tendencies. While they are excellent watch dogs, they are not known for attacking or biting. So if someone is looking for a guard or attack dog, better look at a different breed. As a rule, Collies are not a destructive breed, although on occasion, one can come along that seems like they want to demolish everything in sight! This can sometimes occur during the teething stage of puppy hood. This frustrating period can sometimes last until a year of age. Thankfully, it is not a typical breed trait! Collies also usually blend well with other animals and are known for their sensitivity with other little creatures. As a rule, Collies do OK with obedience training, but they are not like some breeds that do well with repetitive training and commands. Oftentimes the Collie can become easily bored with the routine over and over again. Thanksto the breed's long time association as a herding dog, living out on the moors with only their master, they have learned to think for themselves. In the house, they can either be couch potatoes or very active depending on the situation. A Collie should never be nervous or shy. Some may be reserved, but they should never be fearful. They love to play and retrieve. They also love going for long walks. In essence, they make great companions for young or old.Collies and Children.....One of the Collies' greatest assets is his natural love of children. Even when not raised with children, the Collie can be charming, attentive, playful and protective with most well behaved kids. Stories have abounded for years of children guarded and protected by the family Collie. They make great companions for almost any age of children and will put up with just about any form of behavior or abuse. They also love playing and rough housing, including retrieving a ball or toys.Collie Feeding.....Collies can do well on a variety of different foods, ranging from premium dog foods, to home cooked meals. The best advice is to follow the breeder's recommendations. The primary diet should consist of a good quality kibble (dry dog food) either fed alone or in combination with a small amount of canned dog food or meats. Table scraps may be added, but they should be added carefully. Not only are they not needed, but can cause stomach upsets. Avoid rich meats and sauces or highly-seasoned foods. Collies seem to do better when fed twice a day and actually eat a fairly small amount of food considering their size. Oftentimes on bags of dog food, it is suggested that a Collie (or similar size) be fed 6-8 cups of food a day. Actually 2-3 cups is more like it. Most Collies are easy keepers, with the tendency to put on a few pounds, so the diet should be watched and carefully regulated. Every dog is different and some may do well on a very small amount of food, while others need greater quantities. It is a standard rule of thumb, that the higher the quality of food, the less you will have to feed and pick up in the yard! Collies are not known for being ravenous eaters, but neither are they picky. Most are good eaters, but may take their time.。
