3、Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚4、Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水5、A cat has nine lives. 吉人天相(猫有九条命)6、Diamond cut diamond. 强中更有强中手7、Don't meet trouble half-way. 勿杞人忧天8、Don't put all your egg in one basket. 勿孤注一掷9、Don't ride the high horse. 勿摆架子10、Everyone to his taste. 人各有所好11、An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙12、Fine feathers make fine birds. 人要衣装马要鞍13、Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达14、Things done can not be undone. 木已成舟15、To rack one's brain. 绞尽脑汁16、Look before you leap.First think, then act. 三思而后行17、It id never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚18、After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴19、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口20、It is good to learn at another man's cost. 前车之鉴21、Nothing so bad but might be a blessing. 塞翁失马,焉知非福22、We must not lie down, and cry, "God help us". 求神不如求己23、No man is wise at all times. 智者千虑必有一失24、Kill two birds with one stone. 一石二鸟,一箭双雕25、It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行26、In doing we learn. 经一事,长一智27、No man is born wise or learned. 人非生而知之28、Action speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩29、There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪30、Once bitten, twice shy. 一次被咬,下次胆小31、Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见32、The on-looker sees most of the game. 旁观者清33、Learn to walk before you run. 循序渐进34、Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮35、Nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子36、Nothing succeeds like success. 一事如意,万事顺利37、Nothing is so certain as the unexpected. 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福38、Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金39、The morning sun never lasts a day. 好景不常40、When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back to you. 机不可失,时不再来41、Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁42、Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧43、Work makes the workman. 勤工出巧匠44、Business is business. 公事公办45、In for a penny, in for a pound. 一不做,二不休46、Many hands make light work. 众擎易举47、An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲48、Waste not, want not. 俭以防匮49、Many a little makes a mickle. 积少便成多50、Constant dropping wears the stone. 水滴石穿51、Sooner or later, the truth comes to light. 真相迟早会大白52、Pardoning the bad is injuring the good. 隐恶败善53、A word spoken is past recalling./The words once spoken can never be recalled. 一言既出,驷马难追54、Few words are best. 寡言为贵55、Least said, soonest mended. 少说为妙56、Good tongue. 口齿伶俐57、Pride goes before a fall/destruction. 骄兵必败58、Love at first sight. 一见倾心,一见钟情59、Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨60、Happy is he who owes nothing. 无债一身轻61、Flow of words. 口若悬河62、Know nothing. 一无所知63、Know all. 无所不知64、One good turn deserves another. 善有善报65、A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千里66、An ill life, an ill end. 恶有恶报67、A good wife makes a good husband. 妻贤夫自良68、Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子69、Like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女70、Make your enemy your friend. 化敌为友71、What we lose in hake we shall have in herring. 失之东隅,收之桑榆72、Either win the horse or lose the saddle. 孤注一掷73、One never loses anything by politeness. 礼多人不怪74、Blooming visage. 容光焕发75、Desperate diseases must have desperate cures. 以毒攻毒76、Hungry dogs will eat dirty puddings. 饥不择食77、Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌78、Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞79、The law is not the same at morning and at night. 朝令夕改80、Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them. 猫哭老鼠假慈悲81、He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 骑虎难下82、The leopard can never change its spots. 本性难移83、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马84、Always taking out the meal-tub, and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom. 坐吃山空85、A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,谬以千里86、A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火87、A stitch in time saves nine. 一针不补,十针难缝88、As we sow, so shall we reap. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆89、Beard the lion in his den. 太岁头上动土90、Companions are odious. 人比人,气死人91、Content is happiness. 知足常乐92、Do as the Romans do. 入境随俗93、Do as you would be done by. 己所不欲,勿施于人94、Fire and water have no mercy. 水火无情95、Fish begins to stink at the head. 上梁不正下梁歪96、God's mill grinds slow but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏98、Many men have many minds. 人多口杂99、Merry meet, merry part. 好聚好散100、Misery loves company. 同病相怜补充:All is not gold that glitters. 发光的不一定都是金子。
小学上册英语第4单元全练全测英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do you call a young female horse?A. FillyB. ColtC. FoalD. MareA2.We make ________ (decisions) as a team.3.I like to _____ (制作) crafts.4.The country famous for its ancient civilization is ________ (埃及).5.I like to go to ______ with my friends.6.The ice cream is ______ (cold) and tasty.7.The first person to sail around the world was _______. (麦哲伦)8.The cake is _____ and chocolatey. (sweet)9.I enjoy watching ______ with my family. (我喜欢和家人一起看______。
)10.I like to help my ______ (父母) at home.11.We have ______ (art) class on Wednesdays.12.Chemical reactions can be endothermic or ______.13.The Earth's surface is influenced by both climatic and ______ factors.14.The ancient Romans drew inspiration from ________ mythology.15.What is the opposite of "friendly"?A. NiceB. HostileC. KindD. Polite16.My cousin is a ______. She enjoys dance class.17.What do we call a person who plays music?A. ArtistB. MusicianC. DancerD. ActorB18.What is the opposite of night?A. DayB. NoonC. DuskD. EveningA19.We go _____ (camping) in the forest.20. A convex mirror produces a ______ (virtual) image.21.What color is a banana?A. RedB. YellowC. BlueD. GreenB Yellow22. A ________ (植物观察志愿者) contributes to knowledge.23.The __________ (历史的平衡) requires multiple viewpoints.24.What do we call the process of transforming raw materials into finished products?A. ProductionB. DistributionC. ConsumptionD. MarketingA25.What is the name of the fairy tale character who wore a red cloak?A. CinderellaB. Little Red Riding HoodC. Snow WhiteD. Belle26.The ancient Greeks developed the idea of ________ (哲学).27.The ________ (生态影响研究) provides insights.28.What do you call a story that is written to teach a lesson?A. FableB. NovelC. BiographyD. PoemA29.The __________ (历史的教育) should be inclusive.30.I saw a ________ playing in the grass.31.My sister is very __________ (有趣) and keeps us entertained.32.What is the slowest land animal?A. CheetahB. SlothC. TurtleD. SnailB33.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. ColdC. CoolD. Spicy34.I saw a ______ (小鸟) building a nest in the tree. It looks very ______ (忙碌).35.I enjoy ___ (reading) about dinosaurs.36.My teacher says we should always be respectful and call others __. (我的老师说我们应该始终尊重他人并称呼他们为。
•be used to do 被用于
•Trees are used to make paper.
•used to do
•I used to smoke, but I gave up a couple of years ago.
•(1)n.蒸汽 •谁发明(fāmíng)的蒸汽机? •Who invented steam engine? •他的眼镜蒙上了一层薄薄的水汽。 •His glasses were covered with a film of steam. •(2) v. 冒蒸汽 •The kettle is steaming. •那只茶壶在冒著蒸汽
•(1)n.利润 •净利 net profit •毛利 Gross profit •他们通过削减(xuējiǎn)成本增加了赢利。 •They increased profits by cutting down the cost. •这是一项赢利的投资。 •This is a profit-making investment. •Stores haven’t made as much profit as usual this year. •The profits from the exhibition 第11页,共40页。 were used to build
Admittingclimb down=admit a mistake (an untenable opinion statement)In the face of the new evidence he had to climb down and admit he had been wrong.confess to=admitHe confessed to having a dread of spiders.cough to=admit (a misdemeanour/mistake)When the police arrested Bill for housebreaking he coughed to five other burglaries he‟d done. eat one’s hat=admit one is wrongJohn is very stubborn. He never eats his hat.eat one’s words=admit that what one said previously is wrong.Several people quoted facts to prove that Harry was wrong, and he had to eat his words.I must confess=I freely admitI don‟t know the way to the hotel, but I must confess this is the first time I‟ve been to Plymouth. make a clean breast of=admit fullyI‟ve decided to make a clean breast of it and tell you that it was me who broke the window.own to=admitShe owns to a liking for sweet potatoes.own up=admitIf the person who wrote this owns up, I shall take no further action.stand corrected=admit a mistakeThank you for pointing out my wrong; I stand corrected.take sb in=admit sb to one‟s houseBruce was evicted from his flat so we took him in until he found somewhere else to live. Adoptionfall in with=adopt(sth already exsting)They already had a method of doing the job when I took it over, and it was easier to fall in with their scheme than to impose a new one of my own.get into the swing of thing=adopt an existing routineThe job is not as complicated as it appears, and you …ll soon get into the swing of things.get into the way of doing sth=adopt a routineThe machine looks a bit complicated but you‟ll soon get into the way of using it.go native=adopt local customs (in a foreign land)After living and working among Arabs for several years, Norman had gone native—wearing Arab robes and even speaking the local dialect.see reason=adopt a more sensible attitudeMy son has finally seen reason and given up the idea of buying a motorbike..take the initiative=adopt the role of leaderThe sergeant was injured and so the corporal took the initiative and led the platoon out of the danger area.take the line of least resistance=adopt a course of action that causes the least trouble The client wanted to make yet more changes to the proposal, so we decided to take the line of least resistance and incorporate all of them without protest.Advancebring forward=advance in timeBecause of the possibility of a clash with another event, the organizers have decided to bring the barbecue forward from the 12th to the 5th June.come at=advance towardThe young boxer came at the champion cautiously.in advance of=advance in timeThe cooks arrived on camp in advance of the main party.pick one’s way=advance with careAfter nightfall we drove slowly along picking our way until we found the right turn.Advicebe as well=be advisableIt would be as well to order an extra pint of milk when your mother comes to stay.pearls of wisdom=shrewd/wise adviceThe discussion was getting nowhere until Vic arrived and gave us all some pearls of wisdom. talk to sb like a Dutch uncle=give severe but friendly adviceBecause it was the youth‟s first offence, the police sergeant spoke to him like a Dutch uncle and warned him not to get into any more trouble.warn against=advice (somebody) to avoid sthThe doctor warned him against smoking.Ageat an advanced age=very old ageEven at his advanced age he still went for a bicycle ride every day.at an awkward age=at any difficult stage of life, usually adolescence of the menopause My mother has become very moody—but she‟s at an awkward age.attain one’s majority=reach the age of legal responsibilityY oung people attain their majority at age eighteen these days—it used to be twenty-one. autumn of sb’s life=past the age of maturity, after one‟s “best” yearsIt‟s amazing that somebody can still contribute to society even in the autumn of his life.be/act one’s age=behave like an adult (and not like a child)Y ou‟re eighteen now and it‟s time you acted your age and behaved properly.come of age=reach the age of being legally responsible for one‟s actionsShe signed her own hire purchase agreement now that she‟s come of age.from the cradle=since early childhood/ageI‟ve been able to ride a bike from the cradle.look one’s age=appear to be as old as one really is.He‟s nearly seventy, but doesn‟t look his age.of a certain age=middle-aged or olderWomen of a certain age always fall for Graham‟s charm.of tender age=young/immature ageShe is still of tender age and much too young to get engaged.prime of one’s life=age of maximum abilityDon‟t worry about your fortieth birthday, Authur, you‟re still in the prime of your life.ripe old age=very old ageDid you hear that William died last week? Still, he lived to a ripe old age.under age=below a legally required ageHe started drinking in pubs when he was still under age.young at heart=having a young outlook or attitude despite one‟s age (use to praise sb) Mr Lawson is nearly eighty, but he‟s still young at heart and interested in everything we do. Agreeablenessall sweetness and light=apparently friendly and good-temperedOur supervisor is always having arguments with us about our work, but when the boss comes around she is all sweetness and light.I’m easy=I‟m agreeable.Y es, I‟m easy; I‟ll work late tonight.in tune=agreeableIn his new job, John felt in tune with his surroundings and his associates.make no odds=not matterY ou do what you like, it makes no odds to me.。
(最新版)新概念英语第二册-lesson 80---The Crystal-Palace
Develop your imagination
Have a cultural exchange
the Great Exhibition
extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔ:rdəneri/ adj. 非凡的; 特别的
他的记忆力惊人。 He has an extraordinary memory.
பைடு நூலகம்
steam hammer n. 汽锤
the Channel = the English Channel
What do you think is happening in the picture?
Lesson 80 The Crystal Palace
Hyde Park
海德公园(HYDE PARK)是伦敦最知名的公园。 海德公园英国最大的皇家公园。 位于伦敦市中心的威斯敏斯特教堂 (Westminster Abbey,即西敏寺)地区,占地 360多英亩,原属威斯敏斯特教堂产业。十八世纪前这里是英王的狩鹿场。16世 纪,英王亨利八世将之用作王室的公园。查理一世执政期间,海德公园曾向公 众开放。1851年,维多利亚女王首次在这里举办伦敦国际博览会。
Popular tourist attraction
Ferris wheel
The British Museum
The Benefits
Learn someting about british culture and customs
The Benefits
Have a rest
Lesson 80
The crystal palace
Unit11.gceafdhb2.(1)1 (2)1 (3)2 (4)13.(1)It’s good to meet you(2)Nice to meet you(3)we’ve met(4)Hi4.无解,随便选一个就66分,再选其它选项只减不加5.Part1 TTFFT Part2 FNTNN6.212137.(1)there; Who; guy; telling(2)going; wish; want(3)handsome; talk; introduce; like(4)met; think(5)Where; December; party(6)Sam; him; broke up; really9.(1)ages(3)pleasure; hesitating(5)revelant(6)opportunity11.(2)structure(3)define(5)AbsolutelyUnit21.(1)honest;sincere; dependable(2)outgoing;friendly; shy(3)easygoing;mature; kind hearted(4)assertive;cheerful; critical2.dad;brother; bossBoyfriend;coworker;roommate3.②④;①③;②③①②;②③;②④4.②①①①①①5.(1)theneatest; over the weekend; he like; handsome(2)anice car; Not especially; work out a lot; a nice smile(3)likeabout him; more than that; sensitive(4)Howcan you tell; really romantic movie; this really sad part(5)hejust cried; try to hide it; sweet; you like that7.(1)hang(2)easygoing(3)encounter(4)energetic9.(1)thoughtful(2)generous(3)brothers;sisters(4)younger(5)cheerfulperson; aggressiveUnit31.(1)housing;apartment; roommate; sharing(2)studio;available; furniture; rent; reasonable(3)check;deposit; move out; refund2.①②①②3.①②②①5.⑴theInternational Space Station; can you hear me⑵livingon; not so different from; entertainment; modern conveniences⑶movietheaters; restaurants⑷Howabout food; go shopping; any type of⑸Isfood expensive; imported from; banana; most food⑹getting away to;miss nature; up here; riding in the hills⑺getaround; electric cars⑻Whatdo you like most; no pollution; an ideal world⑼least; to flyhome; to see my parents7.⑴accommodation⑵Preference⑶Balcony⑷schedule9.⑴brightest⑵storage⑶luxuryUnit41.⑴hookup to; download⑵upload;send⑶snap;send⑷keeptrack of; store⑸logon; burn2.③②②③3.①①②①4.②③5.FTFFFTNNNTFFNTFF6.①②①①③①③7.⑴heck;magazine⑵read;a little⑶How;Thailand; a Thai friend and his family; go back⑷What; practiced;ordering; so nice⑸theLa nd of the Smiles; made a mistake speaking thelanguage⑹impossible;not for; totally different; writing system⑺learningFrench; study another; get into it9.⑴cures⑶imbalance;astonishing⑸normal11.⑴thrilled⑶microphones⑷crystal⑸backand forth第4/5页Unit51.⑴regret;locals⑵gesture;pointed⑶abroad;advice⑷foreigner;stared⑸open;healthy2.American;Mexico3.③③4.①②②③5.选natualbeauty; poverty; animals6.①①①①②②②③7.⑴SouthAfrica⑵⑶;; its; people⑷two;months⑸8.⑴whatthey do; Calm down; What is it this time⑵sosick of; wrapping each pastry; taping the bags shut; folding it down⑶Howlong; in a napkin; walking to class; rude to eat⑷so tired of; aretoo inflexible; your way of doing things; more individual freedom⑸relax;Go with the flow; waste of my time;how to be more efficient⑹talkingabout; clerks; ignore; better this way⑺Ikind of like it; are being wrapped; the care and attention; wonderful place tolive10.⑴birthplace⑵isfamous for⑷plantations⑸inluck12.⑵amazing⑷jealous⑸pristineUnit 61.(1)a (2) a(3) b (4) b (5) b (6) b (7) b (8) b (9) b (10) a (11)a (12) a2.B b c a3. A b b c4.(1) came party meet people(2) never give address anyone online(3) give, kind,information,over,phone(4)rather give out address5. B b a b a6.【1】apply for, wanted ,like ,interview【2】experience, make ,high school ,newspaper【3】qualified for ,acting lessons ,look good , travel a lot【4】teamwork , worked as ,sports【5】seem to , writer,to my friends .【6】journalism , modern film,communications , be in touch .7.(3)majoring(4)bumped into(5)portfolio8(2)competition. (4)neverbetter(5)to go byUnit 71.1.(1) niece (2)stepmother (3) cousins (4) brother in law (5) nephews (6) adopted(7) son in law (8) parents 2.(1) mother(2) older brother(3) father(4) little brother(5) grandfather(6) grandmother3. a a a b c a4.(1) kind of best friend(2)don’t see him,comes home(3) I guess, into sports(4) such a clown ,make people laugh(5) a borate lawyer or something ,how terrible lighten up(6) such a big heart,die for you5.(1) parents,whole family.(2) mom,beautiful(3) shape.,look like, take after my dad(4). in what way , adventurous , into , younge(5) gang , married , riding(6) No way , stuff(7)Nate: Really, like what else ?(8 ) surfing, snowboarding., skydiving ,mom6.(1)go well.(3).worrywart.(4)perfectionists(5)intelligent7.(2)handwritten,illiterate(4)similarto(5)loads(6)understandableUnit 81.(1)get off(2) blocks(3)Get on(4)go down(5) take(6) get(7)catch(8) corner2.(1) Tivoli Gardens (2)Harrods(3)Red Square(4)Singapore Zoo(5)Sydney Opera House(6) Imperial Palace3.Ab b a a b4.5.(1)communicate (2) money inexpensive (3) scared (4) way6.7.(1)there,moment(2)——(3) Is that you ,me.(4). Somebody , Japanese , right , school(5). give ,call me, afew days ago ,give(6)country code ,so long(7).Place, the address , What is it?(8) Why is it, send , by , address8.【1】walking down【2】underground【3】nearby【4】sign【5】mention11.(1)m notfamiliar with (2)shortcuts?(4) atthe most.Unit 91.2. (1)accessories shop(2)fast food restaurant(3)insurance company(4)hotel3.B a b a4.(1)vacation, Camp Star.(2)Lookspretty , isolated(3)Isolated, mean ,,take a boat , hike and heartake a boat , hike and hear(4)Tents,oldhotel,acouple of,electrical appliances . (5)notebook computer,the whole island .(6)checkget by,go for a longhike. ,.(7)sounds like work ,getaway from,begood for(8)telling,wakeup,gohiking . on earth9.applicants?prosand cons.Self-sufficiency leadingand controlling. sleeponsmoothly ,strength onmy own qualitiesUnit 101.2、a b ba3、(1) ac (2) b c (3) a c (4) a b、(1) ab c (2) b c d (3) a b c5、1.6、are you ,before , takeit off , Iwas a kid .since you were littleIwas a baby,sickall the time ,tookme to a doctor ∙I was a girl ,theway it was,thiswitch doctor∙guess,healer,anold woman in our village,I needed silver.∙so that I could get better,wentto a jeweler,hadthis silver necklace made for me ∙But you know what,Itook it off,Istarted to get sick again,I remembered the necklace7、(1)necklace(3)fake(5)top(6)Try,on.(7)goeswell 8、(2)showoff(5)plain(6)SuitUnit111、flight,window seats,carry on,visa,wrong line,baggage screening,baggage claim,economy,airport security,metal detector2、22213、12214、23125、①going to Costa Rica,went to,had a terriblegetting there②happened,got to the airport,have my passport③broke into my house,got my passport,missed that fight,stay overnight④the next day,we had enginetrouble,had to stop in Mexico city⑤ even let us,airport⑥got to,your luggage⑦go into the airline office,this reallywonderful woman,at the counter7、①fascinating②passport③worst of all⑤fabulous9、①overworked③Camp⑤that’s more like it⑥efficientUnit121、creamy,sour,plain,spicy,rich,crispy,raw,chewy,bitter,salty2、mom,aunt,grandma,——3、12214、C A D B5、43567126、①up,check this out ,got a package, cookies②cookbook,perfect for us,I guess,instead③think about it,instant,burgers,meal④get started,what we reallyneed⑤take turns,the ingredients,sounds easy enough⑥ a bag for,enough ,in the fridge,submarine Sandwich⑦ towe have,the other night,anyway,at least⑧ Box of cereal,a jar of,looks like,after all8、①order②starters③brown bread④potatoes⑤salmon roasted,smoked⑥cheesecake⑦mineral water⑧served in a moment10、②fried③pepper4vinegar⑥crispyUnit 13 1、2、①meeting with2dinner3flight from india ④appointmentwith 3、4、Unit14 1、2、①- beach ②watch the yacht race ---③hiking national -④- snow skiing3、rea4、swimming,snowmen,hiking5、○1 picture,Alaska○2 grew up,years ol,○3 sister,dog ,behind○4 in the winter, it snowed a lot, just loved, used to○5 snowmen,great,picture,guess○6 hiking near seward○7 all the time, springtime, hiking, muddy○8 outside○9 lived in igloos, regular houses○10 in the summer, blooms○11 warm, to go swimming, in july and august,-○12 favorite, all the seasons, autumn, sign of the changing seasons7、【1】 freezing【2】 are expected to【3】 gets worse【4】 predicted9、λ Marvelousλ Downpour。
crystal structure
Single crsytal, polycrystalline, and amorphous, are the three general types of solids.
Each type is characterized by the size of ordered region within the material. An ordered region is a spatial volume in which atoms or molecules have a regular geometric arrangement or periodicity.
Polycrystalline Pyrite form (Grain)
Crystal Structure 12
Amorphous Solid
Amorphous (Non-crystalline) Solid is composed of randomly orientated atoms , ions, or molecules that do not form defined patterns or lattice structures. Amorphous materials have order only within a few atomic or molecular dimensions. Amorphous materials do not have any long-range order, but they have varying degrees of short-range order. Examples to amorphous materials include amorphous silicon, plastics, and glasses (amorphous silicon can be used in solar cells and thin film transistors).
Lesson1Developing YourReading Efficiency READING SELECTIONAWorld English:A Blessing or a CurseI.READING COMPREHENSION1.B2.B3.C4.D5.A6.D7.C8.D9.C10.CII.VOCABULARYA1.T h e r e h a s b e e n m u c h o p p o s i t i o n f r o m s o c i a l g r o u p s,f r o m t h e f a r m i ng c o m m u n i t y.A.s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d l y(直接地)B.n o t a b l y(显著地,尤其)C.v i r t u a l l y(事实上)D.e x c e p t i o n a l l y(例外地)正确答案:B译文:社会团体,尤其是农业团体,对此有许多反对意见。
2.T h e v i e w i n B r i t a i n a n d o t h e r W e s t e r nc o u n t r i e s a s s o c i a t e s a g i n g w i t hde c l i n e,d e p e n d e n c y, i s o l a t i o n,a n d of t e n p o v e r t y.A.p r e d o m i n a n t(占支配地位的)B.c r e d u l o u s(轻信的)C.i n c l u s i v e(包含的)D.s u s t a i n a b l e(可持续的)正确答案:A译文:英国和其他西方国家的主流观点认为,老龄化意味着衰落、依赖、孤立,而且往往是贫穷。
3.B u t g i f t s s u c h a s t h e s e c a n n o t b e a w a r d e d t oe v e r y b o d y,e i t h e r b y j u d g e s o r b y t h e m o s t o fg o v e r n m e n t s.A.t o u g h(困难的)B.d e m a n d i n g(苛求的)C.d i v e r s e(不同的)D.b e n i g n(有利的;善良的)正确答案:D译文:但是,这样的礼物不可能由法官或最仁慈的政府颁发给所有人。
万唯中考初中满分作文英语1Oh my goodness! When it comes to the W ANWEI Middle School Entrance Examination Full Score English Compositions for Junior High School, it's truly a remarkable collection! The diversity of themes in these compositions is simply astonishing. You can find everything from heartwarming stories about friendship to profound discussions on environmental protection. For instance, one excellent composition tells the tale of a student's efforts to save a stray dog, showing the kindness and compassion of young hearts. Isn't that touching?The structure of these compositions is crystal clear. They have a well-defined beginning, middle, and end. Each paragraph seamlessly leads to the next, creating a smooth and logical flow. Take a look at a composition about a school trip. It starts with the excitement of anticipation, followed by vivid descriptions of the activities during the trip, and concludes with the valuable lessons learned. How wonderful is that?The language used in these compositions is nothing short of beautiful. Rich vocabulary, vivid idioms, and precise grammar are all employed masterfully. In a composition about a dream, the author uses words like "enchanting" and "ethereal" to describe the dream world, transporting the readers to a magical place. Isn't it amazing how powerful words can be?In conclusion, the W ANWEI Middle School Entrance Examination Full Score English Compositions for Junior High School is not only a collection of excellent works but also a valuable guide for students to improve their writing skills. So, if you want to excel in your English writing, don't miss this wonderful collection!2When it comes to improving our English writing skills for the middle school entrance examination, Wanwei's collection of full-mark composition for junior high school students proves to be an invaluable resource! How can we make the most of it? First and foremost, we should pay close attention to the structure of the excellent essays. The well-organized framework is like a solid foundation that supports a magnificent building. By analyzing and imitating it, we can build a clear and logical path for our own thoughts to flow. Isn't that a smart move?Also, the rich vocabulary and wonderful sentences in these compositions are like precious jewels that shine brightly. We need to collect and remember them diligently. When we incorporate these beautiful words and sentences into our writing, it's like adding colorful strokes to a plain canvas, making our composition more vivid and attractive. How wonderful it would be!Moreover, we should constantly reflect on our own writing. Compare it with the excellent samples and try to find out the shortcomings and areasfor improvement. This process is like polishing a gemstone, making it more perfect and lustrous. Isn't self-reflection an important step towards progress?In conclusion, by imitating the structure, accumulating good words and sentences, and conducting self-reflection, we can undoubtedly enhance our English writing skills through studying Wanwei's full-mark compositions for the middle school entrance examination. Let's take action and strive for excellence!3When I first started my journey towards improving my writing skills for the middle school entrance examination, I was completely lost and confused. I had no idea where to begin and how to make my writing stand out. That was when I discovered Wanwei Middle School Entrance Examination Full Score Composition.At the beginning, I found it quite challenging to understand the complex structures and diverse writing styles presented in those excellent compositions. I constantly asked myself, "How can I master these skills?" However, I didn't give up. I read them over and over again, trying to figure out the logic and charm behind each word and sentence.Slowly but surely, I began to notice the patterns and tricks. I realized that a good composition not only needs a clear structure but also rich vocabulary and vivid descriptions. I started to imitate the styles and apply the techniques I learned in my own writing. Every time I finished a piece,I compared it with the full score compositions, asking, "Why is mine not as good? What else do I need to improve?"With continuous practice and learning from Wanwei's compositions, my writing skills have improved by leaps and bounds. I can now express my thoughts more fluently and vividly. I no longer fear writing tasks but look forward to showing off my newfound abilities.How amazing the experience is! I'm so grateful for having found Wanwei Middle School Entrance Examination Full Score Composition. It has truly been a guiding light on my path to success.4Oh my goodness! When it comes to preparing for the middle school entrance examination in English writing, the "Wanwei Middle School Entrance Examination Full Score Compositions" is truly an indispensable gem! You might ask, why is it so important? Well, let me tell you.Firstly, these compositions offer a wide range of excellent examples. They showcase various writing styles and topics, which greatly expand our horizons and creativity. How wonderful it is to have such a rich source of inspiration!Secondly, they help us understand the marking criteria clearly. By studying the full score compositions, we can figure out what the examiners are looking for. Isn't that amazing? We know exactly how to structure our essays, use proper language, and present our ideas logically.Moreover, they boost our confidence. When we see those well-written works and realize that we can also achieve such high standards through practice and learning, it gives us the motivation to keep going. How encouraging it is!In conclusion, the "Wanwei Middle School Entrance Examination Full Score Compositions" have an incredibly significant influence on our English writing for the middle school entrance examination. They are like guiding stars, leading us towards success. So, dear friends, let's make the most of them and strive for excellence in our writing!5When it comes to the "Wanwei Junior High School Entrance Examination Full Mark Composition", it is truly a remarkable collection that offers both strengths and areas for improvement.The advantages of this collection are numerous! Firstly, the diversity of topics covered is truly impressive. It provides students with a wide range of themes, allowing them to explore various aspects of life and knowledge. This helps broaden their thinking and enriches their writing materials. Moreover, the language used in these compositions is often sophisticated and refined, serving as excellent models for students to learn from and imitate. How wonderful it is to have such high-quality language examples!However, there are also some shortcomings. Sometimes, the creativity and individuality of the compositions could be enhanced. It seems thatsome of them follow a rather conventional pattern, lacking that spark of uniqueness. Also, in a few cases, the depth of the analysis and reflection could be further developed. Don't you think so?To improve, more emphasis could be placed on encouraging students to express their true thoughts and feelings. Let them be bold in presenting unconventional viewpoints. Additionally, providing more guidance on how to conduct in-depth thinking and analysis would be beneficial. Wouldn't it make the compositions even more outstanding?In conclusion, the "Wanwei Junior High School Entrance Examination Full Mark Composition" is a valuable resource, but with some tweaks and enhancements, it could reach even greater heights and better serve the needs of students preparing for the junior high school entrance examination. How exciting it would be to see such improvements!。
产品专用英语单词第一篇:产品专用英语单词常用专用英语单词1.材质wood木头marble大理石glass玻璃ceramic陶瓷poly / resin 树脂wicker藤 steel铁acrylic亚克力plastic塑料,塑胶 crystal水晶metal金属leather皮faux leather 仿皮2.灯的类型table lamp台灯buffet lamp巴费灯pendant单吊mini lamp迷你灯chandelier吊灯(多吊)wall lamp壁灯floor lamp地灯up-light/torchier朝天灯3.颜色silver银色ivory象牙白amber琥珀色orange桔色purple紫色pink粉红色green绿色brown棕色black黑色red红色gold金色hand-painting手绘 gray灰色dark深色blue 蓝色white白色finish颜色chrome铬pb仿金antique brass古铜色light浅色antique pewter类似银色的一种颜色plating电镀brushed steel沙镍=satin nicklecrackle裂纹antique pewter4.灯的配件cord电线neck脖子finial粒头break碟盘bulb灯泡base底座crystal prisms水晶吊坠tube管子font中肚foot脚loader加重块aluminum socket铝壳灯头phenolic socket电木灯头on-off switch单段开/关=翘板开关=推卡开关reeded tube梅花管3 way socket三段灯头line switch线上开关 touch switch触摸开关turn knob switch旋扭开关foot switch脚踏开关dimmer switch微调开关harp灯罩支架saddle牛角spider/washer三叉/四叉5.灯罩square正方形rectangle长方形round圆形oval椭圆形hexagon六边形octangle八边形triangle三角形abnormity异形drum shade桶形hardback shade平贴罩(硬背罩)silk look仿丝fabric布料trim边gallery宽边cut-corner切角bell shade宫廷罩=softback shadefeather羽毛pleat 折景piping 侧条eyelash须边washer/spider实心介子mushroom乱景faux leather仿毛皮leather皮scallop波浪UNO乌龙圈tassel流苏bead珠子6.运输包装assembly instruction说明书price sticker价格标duty税UPC bar code条形码label标签hangtag 吊牌Check支票cash现金accessory 附属物bulk pack 散装Drop-test 试摔wrap包裹vessel船Freight运费sailing date开船日closing date结关日container货柜polyfoam保利隆Product description产品描述brown box 黄盒white box 白盒display box 展示盒cubic feet 立方英尺 Cuft 材积closing 结关by sea 海运By air 空运customs clearance 清关factory model NO.本厂编号Pass 合格inspect 验货color box 彩盒prepay 预付Specification 规格forwarder 船务公司代理master carton 外箱factory name 工厂名称第二篇:床上用品专用英语单词本文由提供床上用品专用英语单词床上用品:Bedding;bedclothes 绝对地道,这是报关员考试教材上的翻译被子 Quilt;Duvet(充羽毛、绒制成的)被壳 Comforter Shell传统式枕套:Pillow Sham开口式枕套: Pillow Case靠垫 Cushion帷幔 Valance窗帘 Curtain闺枕 Boudoir Pillow圆抱枕 Neck Roll被单 Bed Sheet, 床单sheet=bedsheet=flat Sheet包被单 Sheet床单 Flat Sheet床罩 Fitted Sheet;Bed Cover ,BED SPREAD 床罩,也叫Fitted Sheet,床裙 Bed Spread;Bed Skirt(BEDSPREAD有时也做床裙) 枕巾 Pillow Towel桌布 Tablecloth盖毯 Throw毛毯 Woolen Blanket毛巾毯 T owel Blanket睡袋 Sleeping bag;Fleabag 本文由提供本文由提供FITTED COVER 床笠THROW, QUILT, COMFORTER, DUVET 之间的区别是什么? Duvet 和Comforter在英语中都是被子的意思,前者多用于英国,后者多用于美国。
(完整版)化学专业英语一、基础词汇篇1. 原子与分子Atom(原子):物质的基本单位,由质子、中子和电子组成。
2. 化学反应Reactant(反应物):参与化学反应的物质。
3. 物质状态Solid(固体):具有一定形状和体积的物质。
4. 酸碱盐Acid(酸):在水溶液中能电离出氢离子的物质。
5. 溶液与浓度Solution(溶液):由溶剂和溶质组成的均匀混合物。
二、专业术语篇1. 有机化学Organic Chemistry(有机化学):研究碳化合物及其衍生物的化学分支。
Functional Group(官能团):决定有机化合物化学性质的原子或原子团。
2. 无机化学Inorganic Chemistry(无机化学):研究不含碳的化合物及其性质的化学分支。
OxidationReduction Reaction(氧化还原反应):涉及电子转移的化学反应。
3. 物理化学Physical Chemistry(物理化学):研究化学现象与物理现象之间关系的化学分支。
Chemical Bond(化学键):原子间相互作用力,使原子结合成分子。
4. 分析化学Analytical Chemistry(分析化学):研究物质的组成、结构和性质的科学。
专业英语 微电子技术分册 第6节1.1.2 crystal structure晶体结构化学键(赣南师范大学)
identical [aɪˈdentɪkl] adj.同一的; 相同的
Equidistant [ˌi:kwɪˈdɪstənt] adj.距离相等的,等距的
Tetrahedron [ˌtetrəˈhi:drən] n.四面体
图1-2(b)是体心立方晶体,除了8个角原子外,一个原 子在其立方中心上。在体心立方晶格中,每个原子具有8 个相近原子。 body-centered cubic(体心立方) (bcc)
崇德尚学 求实创新
Chapter 1 Semiconductors Physics
Crystal Structure
多数具有Ⅲ-Ⅴ族原子 化合物半导体具有闪锌矿结构,它有金刚石相 同结构除了一个fcc子晶格结构有一个Ⅲ 族原子Ga和 Ⅴ族原子 As。
zincblende [zɪnkb'lend] 闪锌矿 Identical [aɪˈdentɪkl] adj.同一的;完全同样的
崇德尚学 求实创新
Chapter 1 Semiconductors Physics
have a diamond lattice structure(金刚石晶体结构).
This structure also belongs to the cubic-crystal family
and can be seen as two interpenetrating(渗透) fcc
sublattices(亚点阵) with one sublattice displaced(移
A large number of elements exhibit the fcc lattice form,
小学上册英语第一单元测验试卷(有答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The ______ helps with the processing of information.2. A _____ is a star that has used up its nuclear fuel.3.Space shuttles were used to transport astronauts to ______.4.I like to ________ my friends.5.The _______ can enhance the beauty of any space.6. A crystal is a solid whose atoms are arranged in a highly _______ structure.7.World War I began in __________ (1914) and lasted until 1918.8.Certain plants can ______ (改善) air quality indoors.9.We can ___ a snowman. (build)10.The chemical formula for iron(III) oxide is ______.11. A ___ (小松鼠) watches me from a tree.12.The owl has silent _______ (飞行) to catch prey.13.小蜜蜂) buzzes around the garden. The ___14.We have a ______ (愉快的) time at school events.15. A __________ (多样性) of plants is essential for ecosystems.16.The process by which plants absorb carbon dioxide is called ______.17.The chemical reaction that produces energy from food is called ______.18. A __________ is a large area of grasslands.19.What shape has four equal sides?A. RectangleB. TriangleC. SquareD. Circle答案:C20.My favorite character from a series is _______ (名字). 他/她的故事很 _______ (形容词).21.The sky is _______ at sunset.22. gather ______ (坚果) for the winter. Squirrel23.The parrot loves to sit on my _________ (肩膀).24.The chemical formula for ammonium sulfate is ______.25.I can ___ (swim) well.26.The smallest unit of a substance is called an ______.27. A horse goes ____.28.The _____ (hiking) trail is steep.29.The __________ (气候变化) is an important issue today.30.What is the capital city of Greece?A. AthensB. RomeC. IstanbulD. Cairo答案:A.Athens31.The first manmade object to orbit Earth was _______.32.The _____ (营养) in soil is vital for growth.33.The element with atomic number is __________.34.The __________ (大萧条) affected economies worldwide in the 1930s.35.When I grow up, I want to be a _______ (职业). I think it will be _______ (形容词) to help others.36.He is a famous ________.37.Filtration separates solids from liquids using a ______.38. A ______ (农场) grows a variety of crops.39.The fish swims _____ (fast/slow) in the water.40.He is a pilot, ______ (他是一名飞行员), flying passengers safely.41.The ____ has a loud call and is often found near water.42. A reaction that releases energy is called an ______ reaction.43. A ________ (海峡) connects two larger bodies of water.44.The __________ is a region known for its beautiful beaches.45.What do bees produce?A. MilkB. HoneyC. SilkD. Wool答案: B46. A chemical equation must be balanced to show the conservation of ______.47.In a chemical reaction, the substances produced are called ________.48.I like to pretend I'm a pilot with my toy ________ (玩具名称).49. A buffer solution resists changes in ______.50.My friend is a talented __________ (作曲家).51. A ______ is a special type of ant.52.I enjoy ______ (与家人一起) going for walks.53.We have a picnic in the ________.54.My puzzle has ______ pieces.55.She has a beautiful ______ (花园).56.I like to _____ with my friends. (hang out)57.What is the name of the sweet treat made from sugar and gelatin?A. Gummy BearsB. Candy CornC. Jelly BeansD. Marshmallows 答案: D58. A ____(community involvement) fosters active citizenship.59.What do we call the part of the plant that produces fruit?A. StemB. RootC. LeafD. Flower答案:D60. e _______ (爬行) animals. Snakes a61.My favorite holiday is ________ (感恩节) with family.62.The ______ (组织) in plants helps with nutrient transport.63.Certain plants are grown for ______ (经济利益).64.I saw a _______ (小鸟) perched on a branch.65.ssance was a time of great ________ (文化繁荣). The Rena66.The doll wears a pretty _______ (娃娃穿着漂亮的_______).67.The chemical symbol for selenium is ______.68.I can ______ (利用) my strengths to help others.69.The __________ is a region known for its biodiversity.70.The _____ (马戏团) has clowns.71.The capital of India is _____.72.I admire people who __________ because they are __________.73.What do you call the process of making something less harmful?A. MitigationB. RegulationC. ConservationD. Protection答案:A74. A ________ (泥土) test can improve growth.75.Which vehicle flies in the sky?A. CarB. BoatC. AirplaneD. Bicycle答案: C. Airplane76.My friend loves __________ (户外活动).77.I planted some ______ (种子) in a pot. I hope they grow into beautiful ______ (花).78.My _______ (猫) chases its tail.79.单词归类,招物品类和性格类的单词选出来写在相应的圆圈内。
植物学专业词汇 英语(1)
晶体(crystal) 侵填体(tyloses) 硬壁侵填体(Scierotic tylosis) 假根(rhizoid)根托(Rhizophore) 子叶节(cotyledon node zone) 分枝(branching)节(node)节间(internode) 保卫细胞(guard cells) 原套—原体学说 (tunica─corpus theory) 原套(tunica)初生组织(primary tissue) 角质(cutin) 角质层(cuticle) 气孔(stoma) 外韧维管束(collateral bundle) 内始式(exarch) 筛管(Sieve tube) 伴胞(Companion cell) 筛域(Sieve area) 筛孔(Sieve pore) 筛板(Sieve plate)髓(pith)初生射线(primary ray) 髓射线(pith ray) 髓环带细胞(perimedullary zone) 皮孔(Lenticel)束间形成层(interfascicularcambium) 束内维管形成层 (fascicular cambium)管孔链(pore-chain) 复管孔(multiple pore) 单管孔(solitary pore)散孔材(diffuse-porus wood)补充组织(complementary tissue) 管孔链(pore -chain)单列射线(uniseriate ray)复管孔(multiple pore)傍管薄壁细胞 (paratracheal parenchyma) 二列射线(biseriate ray)多列射线(multiseriate ray) 纺锤原始细胞(fusiform initial cell) 穿孔(perforetion)维管形成层 (vascular cambium) 原形成层(procambium) 底壁(end wall) 粘液(Slime)纺锤原始细胞(fusiform initial cell) 导管分子(vesselelement member) 尾端(tail)穿孔板(perfo-ration pitting) 管间纹孔式(intervascular pitting) 节间(mesome) 顶枝(telome) 螺纹加厚(spiral thickening) 穿孔板(perforation pitting) 顶枝束(telome trusses)单穿孔( simple perforation) 复穿孔(multipleperforation) 导管穿孔(Vessel perforation)傍管轴向薄壁组织(paratracheal axial-parenchyma) 角质层(cuticle) 复合顶枝(syntelome)稀疏傍管轴向薄壁组织(axial parenchyma paratracheal) 扁化(planation) 越顶 ( overtopping) 叶系统发育的并合(fushion in leaf phyllogency) 三出羽状复叶(ternate pinnate leaf)气孔原始细胞(Initial cell of stomata) 蜡被(Wex coat) 角质(cutin)角质层纹饰 (Sculp-tine) 异面叶(bifacial leaf) 叶肉(mesophyll)栅栏组织(palisadetissue) 海绵组织(spongy tissue)叶脉(Vein) 蜜腺(nectary)二体雄蕊 (diadelphous stamen) 雄蕊(stamen) 雄蕊群(androecium) 花瓣(petal) 胚珠(ovule) 边缘胎座(marginal placenta) 心皮(carpel) 花柱(style)子房(ovary) 柱头(stigma) 单雌蕊(simple pistil)大豆花图式(floral diagram) 大豆花程式(floral formula) 绒毡层(tapetum) 中层 ( middle layer) 纤维层 (fibrous layer) 造孢细胞(sporogenous cell)周缘细胞(parietal cell) 孢原细胞(archesporial cell) 胚珠(ovule) 合点(chalaza)珠柄(funiculus) 外珠被(outer integument) 内珠被(inner integument) 珠被 (in-tegument)珠心(mucellnus) 珠孔(micropyle) 反足细胞(antipodal cell)助细胞(synergid)极核(polar nuclei)拳卷胚珠(circinotropous ovule)横生胚珠(amphitropous ovule)珠脊(raphe)八分体 (octant) 双受精(double fert-ilization) 自花传粉(self-pollination)闭花受精 (cleistogamy) 中央细胞( centralcell) 反足细胞(antipodal cell) 卵细胞(egg)助细胞(synergid) 胚根原细胞(hypophysis) 组织(tissue)复合组织(Compound tissue)分生组织(meristematic tissue)成熟组织(mature tissue)顶端分生组织(apical meristem)侧生分生组织(lateral meristem)原分生组织(promeristem)初生分生组织(primary meristem)次生分生组织(secondary meristem)传递细胞(transfer cell)通气组织(aerenchyma)储水组织(aqueous tissue)储藏组织(storage tissue)同化组织(assimilating tissue)薄壁组织( parenchyma )周皮(periderm)表皮(epidermis)保护组织(protective tissue)纤维(fiber)石细胞(sclereid)厚壁组织(sclerenchyma)厚角组织(collenchyma)机械组织(mechanical tissue )输导组织( conducting tissue)韧皮纤维(fiber)伴胞companion cell)筛管分子(sieve tube)木纤维(fiber)木薄壁细胞(parenchyma)导管分子(vessel member)韧皮薄壁细胞(parenchyma)周皮(periderm) 表皮(epidermis)基本组织系统(fundamental tissue system) 基本组织系统(fundamental tissue system)维管组织系统(vascular tissue system ) 乳汁管(laticifer)分泌腔(secretory cavity)分泌细胞(secretory cell)蜜腺(nectary)腺毛(glandular hair)分泌结构(secretory structure)韧皮部(phloem)木质部(xylem)子叶节区(cotyledon node zone) 子叶出土幼苗(epigaeous seedling) 向基移位型(Basipetalshifting type) 顶枝束(Telome trusses) 阳地大豆植物(Sun plant)直根系(tap root system)阴地大豆植物(Shade plant) 根尖(root tip)根冠(root cap)皮层(cortex)分生区(meristematic zone)伸长区(elongation zone)成熟区(maturation zone) 顶枝( telome) 内皮层(endodermis) 凯氏带(casparians-trip)外皮层(exodermis) 后生韧皮部(metaphloem)原生韧皮部(Protophloem) 后生木质部(metaxylem) 原生木质部(protoxylem) 中柱鞘(pericycle)异源根 ( Allorhizicplant) 同源根(Homorhizic plant)侵填体(tyloses) 根瘤(root nodule)周皮(Periderm) 栓内层(phelloderm)木栓层(phellem) 木栓形成层(phellogen) 花冠(corolla)韧皮射线(Phloem ray) 木质射线(Xylem ray)维管射线(Vascular ray) 形成层环(Cambium ring)花萼(calyx) 花被(perianth) 花托(receptacle) 花柄(pedicel) 伸长细胞(elengante cell)上胚轴(epicotyl) 卵器(egg apparatus)极核(polar nuclei)原胚(Proembryo) 双受精(double fert-ilization)。
《新概念英语》第二册 电子版
《新概念英语》第二册第1课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A private conversation 私人谈话(精讲)第2课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Breakfast or lunch? 早餐还是午餐?(精讲)第3课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Please send me a card 请给我寄张明信片(精讲)第4课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行(精讲)第5课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)No wrong numbers 无错号之虞(精讲)第6课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿斯(精讲)第7课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Too late 为时太晚(精讲)第8课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The best and the worst 最好的和最差的(精讲)第9课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A cold welcome 冷遇(精讲)第10课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐(精讲)第11课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来(精讲)第12课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Goodbye and good luck 再见, 一路顺风(精讲)第13课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年(精讲)第14课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗?(精讲)第15课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Good news 佳音(精讲)第16课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求(精讲)第17课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Always young 青春常驻(精讲)第18课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)He often does this! 他经常干这种事!(精讲)第19课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Sold out 票已售完(精讲)第20课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)One man in a boat 独坐孤舟(精讲)第21课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Mad or not?是不是疯了(精讲)第22课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A glass envelope 玻璃信封(精讲)第23课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A new house 新居(精讲)第24课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)If could be worse 不幸中之万幸(精讲)第25课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Do the English speak English?英国人讲的是英语吗?(精讲)第26课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The best art critics最佳艺术评论家(精讲)第27课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A wet night 雨夜(精讲)第28课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)No parking 禁止停车(精讲)第29课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Taxi! 出租汽车(精讲)第30课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Football or polo? 足球还是水球?(精讲)第31课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Success story 成功者的故事(精讲)第32课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便(精讲)第33课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Out of the darkness 冲出黑暗(精讲)第34课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Quick work 破案 “神速”(精讲)第35课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Stop thief!捉贼!(精讲)第36课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Across the Channel 横渡海峡(精讲)第37课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会(精讲)第38课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Everything except the weather 唯独没有考虑到天气(精讲第39课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Am I all right? 我是否痊愈?(精讲)第40课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Food and talk 进餐与交谈(精讲)第41课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Do you call that a hat? 你把那个叫帽子吗?(精讲)第42课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Not very musical 并非很懂音乐(精讲)第43课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Over the South Pole 飞越南极(精讲)第44课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Through the forest 穿过森林(精讲)第45课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A clear conscience 问心无愧(精讲)第46课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪(精讲)第47课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂(精讲)第48课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Did you want to tell me something? 你想对我说什么吗?第49课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The end of a dream 美梦告终(精讲)第50课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Taken for a ride 乘车兜风(精讲)第51课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏(精讲)第52课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯(精讲)第53课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Hot snake 触电的蛇(精讲)第54课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Sticky fingers 粘糊的手指(精讲)第55课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Not a gold mine 并非金矿(精讲)第56课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Faster than sound! 比声音还快!(讲解)第57课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Can I help you, madam? 您要买什么,夫人?(精讲)第58课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A blessing in disguise? 是因祸得福吗?(精讲)第59课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)In or out? 进来还是出去?(精讲)第60课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The future 卜算未来(精讲)第61课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Trouble with the Hubble 哈勃望远镜的困境(讲解)第62课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)After the fire 大火之后(精讲)第63课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)She was not amused 她并不觉得好笑(精讲)第64课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The Channel Tunnel 海峡隧道(精讲)第65课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Jumbo versus the police 小象对警察(精讲)第66课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜!(精讲)第67课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Volcanoes 火山(精讲)第68课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Persistent 纠缠不休(精讲)第69课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)But not murder!并非谋杀!(精讲)第70课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Red for danger 危险的红色(精讲)第71课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A famous clock第72课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A car called bluebird第73课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The record-holder第74课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Out of the limelight第75课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)SOS第76课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)April Fools Day第77课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A successful operation第78课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The last one?第79课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)By air第80课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The Crystal Palace第81课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Escape第82课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Monster or fish?第83课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)After the elections第84课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)On strike第85课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Never too old to learn第86课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Out of control第87课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A perfect alibi第88课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Trapped in a mine第89课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A slip of the tongue 第90课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)What第91课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Three men in a basket 第92课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Asking for trouble第93课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A noble gift第94课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)Future champions第95课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)A fantasy第96课:新概念英语第二册(美音版)The dead return。
9.think about what they are good at
10.practice what they have learned
11.review what they have learned
pronounce /prə'naʊns/
increase /In'kri:s/
speed /spi:d
partner /'pa:(r)tnə(r)/
born /bɔ:(r)n/
be born with
ability /ə'bɪləti/
create /kri'eɪt/
brain /breɪn/
active /'æktɪv/
attention /ə'tenʃn/
pay attention to
magnificence magnificent bloometernalsolitudeinfinitehorizonessayistchambersolitary heavenlyheaven transparent presenceadoreawakenawein awedelighttake delight in simplicity superficial illuminateretaininfancygrimstrollpuddletwilightat twilightcast offbatheegotism wildernessin the wilderness deemperfumesolemnityburdencontemptwisteriacanyonspectacleunitegorgeousemphasise (NAmE-size) quartzitesandstonecrownlimestonedomespanblendcreepmultiplyindividualise (NAmE-lize) assemblyfareintentbe intent upon sthclingcling tocliffadequatelyadequateresult fromrivaldivineunveilmelodytidevanishplungecontendcontend withscalestrivestrive forparadisesplashjadedbecome jaded with riotendowbe endowed with arraythreadcriminalspiderslenderstranddiameterbeamweavewebpreyorbdeliberately deliberatestickinessstickyattributemesquitetelepathicin search ofnutrientforthcall forthboltprototypecirculateevaporatemoistureactivateby farbargainthe other way around humilitycounsellor(NAmE-elor) esteemintellectualobesityevenlyjewelgazegaze out intobillyapproximately approximatethrillodour (NAmE-dor)gumgum treeadjacentshedsparklingzig-zagmedievalmysteriousburstdullgraveglowtenderkinglygleamblazingsighsolemnlysolemnechothe Grand Canyon Ohrigstadportraylandownergringrin at sbwith enthusiasm acquaintanceaffectiongooseberryveterinaryveterinary surgeonthe heavens openedcatch/take sb by surprise take shelterharshwipecompanionshortcutbarnwearyshortlymaidslipperarmchairenrichauthenticcombcommencesternlysternmillmiserypennynotionoptopt to do sthwidowvodkaplay tricks on sbacreboastbucketlicklick sb’s boots disgustingdisgustdrunkennessdrunkenterrifiedterrifylordpeasantglanceglance attriumphin triumphexclaimillusionexaltsooner or laterclawimploringbearinghave a/no bearing on sth lashwindowpanein (the) silencechillyarroganceterrificsourcemintprosperousprosperstick withexclusivecontroversialpublicationconquestzestlatterat bestconsolationderivederive sth from sth outwardoutwardswreckedwreckin so far asrenderintrinsiclegitimateobscurebe no match for sb/sth mutuallymutualin consequence of sthsuckbloodsuckingvitalitystimulusdefectdiagnosebe associated withessencein essencesolelycommon goodforemostencloseexcludehatredpersecution mania marvellous (NAmE marvelous) underlyingdepictfairyescorttemptationbelovedinherentflawcomplicationdiscourageddiscouragepromptproverbfulfillingfulfilshowmanshippotentcomradeshipcastingidlenessidledishearteningaudiononethelessproprelevantbiasedbiasseminarconceiveconceive of sth (as sth) stemstem from sthmanifestconfessdivorcecorrelatecut-offpositivityincorporateaccustomedbe accustomed to (doing) sth filterfilter out sthcherishexhaustedconsequentlyconsequentimpulseimpulse buyingin favour ofbe content withwhatsoeverspontaneousunprecedentedIvan BourkinAliokhinNicholai IvanovitchMaurice Maeterlincktrooptankearnestin earnestphoney(NAmE phony)mobilise (NAmE-ize) neutralityinvadesurrenderfight backflankto one’s advantagecapturemomentumassaultfierceswiftintactreinforcementfatelie (be/hang) in the balance miracleput outferrytugyachtweaponhaila hail of sthbulletstaggerrearpull uploadtriumph overretreatmoraleoppressioncatalogue (NAmE catalog) agonysacrificeshattertoilsurpassexcerptbarefootdetourpausepull away from imbedpilecementregiment sentimental insanelyinsanecall for venture grenadestrapswayspraysniperwarriorglance off crawltosstear upwaxcomrade revolution flamehopvacantcome into sight in flightrifleoverheadyellyell outin challenge to casuallycasual owe...tostockbroker refugeeslip away fostersee off bureaucratic indifference coordinate transitforgetragically tragical casualty horrorbrutality brutal charitable accomplishment accomplish track down revere diplomat crystal ruthless sanctuary trigger municipality validin practice eligible immigrate transfer compassion persecute deedholocaust righteous manufacture aircraft cannonsurplusrotcapitalist warfarerevoltragecultivatedowncastmidstin the midst of sth mutterpokeobsessive spellboundgaze atvainin vaingaleface to face intruderraidisolatealikeupwardslacesubstitute conclude archeological PolandNetherlands BelgiumDutchBelgianNaziMauserOscar Schindler Amsterdam词义单元n.景色壮观Unit 1 adj.壮丽的;宏伟的;值得赞扬的Unit 1 vi.开花;变得健康Unit 1 n.花;健康有精神的面貌Unit 1 adj.永恒的;不朽的;无休止的Unit 1 n.独处;独居Unit 1 adj.无穷尽的;无限的;极大的Unit 1 n.无限的事物;无穷尽的事物Unit 1 n.地平线;眼界;范围Unit 1 n.论说文(或小品文)作者Unit 1 n.房间;会议厅;腔Unit 1 adj.独自的;孤僻的Unit 1 adj.天堂的;天空的;极乐的Unit 1 n.天堂;极乐之地;[pl.]天空Unit 1 adj.透明的;清澈的;显而易见的Unit 1 n.存在;出席;在场Unit 1 vt.喜爱;热爱;爱慕Unit 1 vt.唤起;(使)醒来Unit 1 n.敬畏;惊叹Unit 1 vt.使敬畏;使惊叹Unit 1敬畏地;惊叹地Unit 1 vt.使高兴;使愉快Unit 1 n.高兴;愉快;乐趣Unit 1以……为乐事Unit 1 n.质朴;简单;容易Unit 1 adj.肤浅的;粗略的;表面的Unit 1 vt.照亮;阐明;使容光焕发Unit 1 vt.保持;保留Unit 1 n.婴儿期;幼儿期;初期Unit 1 adj.阴冷的;严肃的;令人沮丧的Unit 1 vi.&n.散步;溜达;闲逛Unit 1 n.水洼;小水坑Unit 1 n.黄昏;暮色;晚期Unit 1 adj.虚幻的;朦陇的Unit 1黄昏时分Unit 1抛弃;丢弃Unit 1 vt.使沐浴(在光线里);撒满;用水清洗Unit 1 vt.&vi.(NAmE bath)(给……)洗澡Unit 1 n.(also egoism)自我主义;利己主义;自负Unit 1 n.荒野;杂草丛生处Unit 1在荒野中;不再当政(或掌权)Unit 1 vt.认为;视为;相信Unit 1 n.香水;芳香Unit 1 vt.使香气弥漫;抹香水Unit 1 n.庄严;严肃;[pl.](重大场合的)仪式Unit 1 n.重担;负担Unit 1 n.蔑视;轻蔑;藐视Unit 1 n.(also wistaria)紫藤属植物Unit 1 n.峡谷Unit 1 n.壮观的景象;精彩的表演;[pl.]一副眼镜Unit 1n.峡;峡谷Unit 1 vi.&vt.(使)联结;(使)统一;(使)联合Unit 1 adj.绚丽的;灿烂的;非常漂亮的Unit 1 vt.使突出;着重;强调Unit 1 n.石英岩Unit 1 n.砂岩Unit 1 vt.给……加顶;为……加冕;使圆满Unit 1 n.王冠;花冠;桂冠Unit 1 n.石灰岩Unit 1 n.穹顶;穹状建筑物Unit 1 vt.横跨;涵盖;持续Unit 1 n.持续时间;范围;跨度Unit 1 vt.&vi.(使)调和;融合;混合Unit 1 n.混合品;融合Unit 1 vi.(crept, crept)渐渐出现;缓慢行进;蔓延Unit 1 vt.&vi.成倍增加;繁殖;乘以Unit 1 vt.使个性化;使因人而异Unit 1 n.集会;晨会;组装Unit 1 vi.(旧式英语)漫游;排徊;游荡Unit 1 adj.专注的;决心做Unit 1 n.意图;目的Unit 1专心;专注Unit 1 vi.(clung, clung)紧抱;附着;依恋Unit 1紧紧抓住;附着Unit 1 n.悬崖;峭壁Unit 1 adv.足够地;合格地Unit 1 adj.足够的;合格的Unit 1 (因……)发生;(随)……产生Unit 1 vt.(rivalled, rivalled)比得上;与……相匹敌Unit 1 n.竞争对手Unit 1 adj.竞争的;对立的Unit 1 adj.非凡的;极美的;天赐的Unit 1 vt.猜到;领悟;探测Unit 1 vt.拉开……的帷幔;展示Unit 1 n.乐曲;旋律;曲调Unit 1 n.潮水;潮汐;趋势Unit 1 vt.帮助某人渡过(困难时期)Unit 1 vi.突然消失;消亡Unit 1 vi.&vt.(使)突然前冲(或下落)Unit 1 n.突然跌落;暴跌;参与Unit 1 vi.竞争;争夺Unit 1 vt.声称;主张Unit 1应付;处理;对付Unit 1 n.等级;刻度;规模Unit 1 vt.攀登;去鳞;改变……的大小Unit 1 vi.(strove or strived, striven or strived) 努力;奋斗;力求Unit 1为……努力Unit 1 n.天堂;乐园Unit 1 vt.把(水、泥等)泼(溅)在……上Unit 1 vi.泼洒;拍打着水游Unit 1 n.落水声;溅上的液体Unit 1n.微风;和风;轻而易举的事Unit 1 vt.轻盈而自信地走Unit 1 adj.厌倦的;精疲力竭的Unit 1对……感到厌倦Unit 1 n.丰富多彩;品种繁多;暴乱Unit 1 vt.发生骚乱;闹事Unit 1 vt.捐赠;资助Unit 1天生具备Unit 1 n.大量;大群;阵列Unit 1 vt.布置;排列Unit 1 n.线;思路;线状物Unit 1 vt.&vi.穿(针);穿过Unit 1 n.罪犯Unit 1 adj.犯罪的;刑法的;不道德的Unit 1 n.蜘蛛Unit 1 adj.纤细的;窄的;微薄的Unit 1 n.股;缕;(观点、计划、故事等的)方面Unit 1 vt.使滞留;使搁浅Unit 1 n.直径;放大倍数Unit 1 n.光线;束;梁Unit 1 vi.&vt.照射;发光;发热Unit 1 vt.&vi.(wove or weaved, woven or weaved)编织;编纂;编造Unit 1 n.蛛网;网络, 错综复杂的事物Unit 1 n.猎物;受害者Unit 1 vt.捕食;欺凌;敲诈Unit 1 n.球体;(尤指)日、月Unit 1 adv.故意;蓄意;从容不迫地Unit 1 adj.故意的;蓄意的Unit 1 vi.&vt.深思熟虑Unit 1 n.黏性Unit 1 adj.黏的;闷热的;难办的Unit 1 n.属性;性质;特征Unit 1 vt.把……归因于;认为是……所为Unit 1 n.牧豆树Unit 1 adj.心灵感应的;会传心术的Unit 1寻找Unit 1 n.营养素;营养物Unit 1 adv.向前;离去Unit 1使产生;引起Unit 1 n.闪电;插销;螺栓Unit 1 vt.&vi.用插销插上;Unit 1 vi.跑开;脱缰Unit 1 n.原型;雏形Unit 1 vi.&vt.循环;传播Unit 1 vi.&vt.(使)蒸;挥发Unit 1 n.潮气;水汽;水分Unit 1 vt.使活动;激活Unit 1 (比较时用作强调)大大地;……得多Unit 1 vi.讨价还价Unit 1相反;反过来Unit 1 n.谦虚;谦逊Unit 1n.论坛;讨论会Unit 1 n.顾问;(美国)夏令营负责人Unit 1 n.敬重;好评Unit 1 vt.尊重;敬重Unit 1 adj.智力的;有才智的Unit 1 n.知识分子;脑力劳动者Unit 1 n.肥胖;臃肿Unit 1 adv.有规律地;均匀地;平和地Unit 1 n.宝石;[pl.]珠宝首饰Unit 1 vi.&n.凝视;注视Unit 1向外凝视Unit 1 (also billycan)带盖金属罐Unit 1 adv.大约;大概Unit 1 adj.大约的;接近的Unit 1 vt.&vi.近似;接近Unit 1 n.兴奋;激动;震颤感Unit 1 vt.使非常兴奋Unit 1 n.气味;臭味Unit 1 n.树脂;牙龈;口香糖Unit 1桉树;树胶树Unit 1 adj.与……毗邻的;邻近的Unit 1 n.简易房;工棚;库房Unit 1 vt.去除;摆脱;使掉下Unit 1 adj.闪烁的;闪耀的;起泡的Unit 1 adj.弯弯曲曲的Unit 1 n.之字形Unit 1 adj.中世纪的Unit 1 adj.神秘的;神奇的;诡秘的Unit 1 vi.(burst, burst)突然出现;猛冲;爆满Unit 1 vi.&vt.(使)爆裂Unit 1 n.突发;进发;爆裂Unit 1 adj.沉闷的;乏味的;迟钝的Unit 1 adj.庄严的;表情沉重的;严重的Unit 1 n.坟墓;逝世Unit 1 vi.发出暗淡的光;(人体或脸因运动或情绪影响)发热Unit 1 n.暗淡的光;满面红光Unit 1 adj.温柔的;亲切的;柔软的Unit 1 adj.国王的;国王似的Unit 1 vi.闪烁;显得光洁明亮;流露出Unit 1 adj.酷热的;炙热的Unit 1 vi.&n.叹气;叹息Unit 1 vt.叹息道Unit 1 adv.郑重地;冷峻地;庄严地Unit 1 adj.郑重的;冷峻的;庄严的Unit 1 vt.&vi.重复;回荡;回响Unit 1大峡谷Unit 1奥里赫斯塔德(南非城市)Unit 1 vt.表现;描绘Unit 2 n.土地拥有者;地主Unit 2 vi.&vt.露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑Unit 2 n.露齿的笑;咧着嘴笑Unit 2向……咧着嘴笑Unit 2有热情Unit 2 n.认识的人;熟人Unit 2 n.喜爱;钟爱;挚爱Unit 2 n.醋栗Unit 2 n.兽医的Unit 2 n.兽医(vet的正式说法)Unit 2下起了倾盆大雨Unit 2出乎某人意料Unit 2躲避Unit 2 adj.恶劣的;残酷的;刺耳的Unit 2 vt.&n.擦;拭;抹Unit 2 n.旅伴;伙伴;陪护Unit 2 n.近路;捷径Unit 2 n.谷仓;畜棚;简陋的大建筑物Unit 2 adj.疲惫的;疲倦的;感到不耐烦的Unit 2 vt.使疲劳;使疲倦;(对……)失去兴趣Unit 2 adv.马上;立刻;不久Unit 2 n.女佣;侍女;少女Unit 2 n.(室内)便鞋;拖鞋Unit 2 n.扶手椅Unit 2 vt.充实;使丰富;使富有Unit 2 adj.真正的;真实的Unit 2 vt.梳(头发);梳理Unit 2 n.梳子;篦子;梳理(头发)Unit 2 vi.&vt.开始;着手Unit 2 adv.严厉地;苛刻地Unit 2 adj.严厉的;苛刻的;严峻的Unit 2 n.磨坊;工厂;磨粉机Unit 2 vt.(用磨粉机)碾碎;磨成粉Unit 2 n.痛苦;悲惨;穷困Unit 2 n.(pl.pennies or pence)便士Unit 2 n.观念;信念;理解Unit 2 vi.&vt.选择;挑选Unit 2选择做某事Unit 2 n.寡妇;遗孀Unit 2 n.伏特加(酒)Unit 2对某人耍花招或搞恶作剧Unit 2 n.英亩Unit 2 vi.&vt.自夸;自吹自擂Unit 2 n.夸耀;夸口Unit 2 n.一桶(的量);桶;吊桶Unit 2 vt.舔;舔着喝(吃)Unit 2阿谀奉承;谄媚Unit 2 adj.令人厌恶的;极糟的Unit 2 n.厌恶;憎恨;反感Unit 2 vt.使作呕;使厌恶;使反感Unit 2 n.酩酊大醉Unit 2 adj.醉的;酗酒的Unit 2 adj.恐惧的;非常害怕的Unit 2 vt.使恐惧;使惊吓Unit 2n.庄园主;(尤指英国的)贵族;大人Unit 2 n.(尤指旧时或贫穷国家的)农民;农夫;粗人Unit 2 vi.瞥一眼;扫视;浏览Unit 2 n.一瞥;扫视Unit 2很快地看一眼Unit 2 n.胜利;重大成功Unit 2胜利地Unit 2 vi.&vt.惊叫;呼喊Unit 2 n.幻想;假象;错觉Unit 2 vt.表扬;褒扬;提拔Unit 2迟早Unit 2 n.(兽类或鸟类的)爪;(水生有壳动物的)鳌, 钳Unit 2 adj.恳求的;哀求的Unit 2 n.关系;影响;姿态;举止Unit 2与……有/没有关系Unit 2 vi.&vt.猛击;抽打Unit 2 n.鞭打;睫毛Unit 2 n.窗玻璃Unit 2寂静地Unit 2 adj.寒冷的;阴冷的;冷淡的Unit 2 n.傲慢;自大Unit 2 adj.极好的;绝妙的;很大的Unit 2 vt.(从……)获得Unit 2 n.来源Unit 2 n.薄荷;薄荷糖;铸币厂Unit 2 vt.铸(币)Unit 2 adj.繁荣的;成功的;兴旺的Unit 2 vi.繁荣;兴旺;成功Unit 2坚持;紧跟Unit 2 adj.独有的;专有的;排外的Unit 2 n.独家新闻;独家报道Unit 2 adj.引起争论的;有争议的Unit 2 n.出版(物);发行;发表Unit 2 n.征服;占领(的地区)Unit 2 n.热情;狂热;兴奋;激动Unit 2 n.&adj.(两者中)后者(的);最近(的)Unit 2最多;充其量Unit 2 n.安慰;起安慰作用的人或物Unit 2 vt.从……衍生出;来自Unit 2从……中获得;起源于;来自Unit 2 adj.表面的;外表的;向外的Unit 2 adv.(also outward)向外;朝外Unit 2 adj.失事的;遇难的;喝得烂醉Unit 2 n.沉船;受到严重损伤的人、物或建筑Unit 2 v.破坏;毁坏;毁灭Unit 2到……程度;在……范围Unit 2 vt.给予;使成为;使变得Unit 2 adj.固有的;内在的;本身的Unit 2 adj.合情合理的;合法的;法定的Unit 2 vt.使模糊;使隐晦;使费解Unit 2 adj.费解的;无名的Unit 2远比不上;根本敌不过Unit 2 adv.相互地;彼此;共同地Unit 2 adj.相互的;彼此的;共同的Unit 2由于;作为……的结果Unit 2 vt.&vi.吮吸;咂;抽取;抽吸Unit 2 adj.吸血的Unit 2 n.生命力;活力;热情Unit 2 n.(pl.stimuli)刺激(物);激励(物)Unit 2 n.缺点;缺陷;毛病Unit 2 vi.背叛;叛变;投敌Unit 2 vt.&vi.诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因)Unit 2和……相关;和……有联系Unit 2 n.本质;实质;香精Unit 2本质上;实质上Unit 2 adv.仅;只;唯;单独地Unit 2公众的利益Unit 2 adj.最重要的;最著名的;最前的Unit 2 vt.把……围起来;围住Unit 2 vt.把……排斥在外;防止……进入;不包括;排除Unit 2 n.仇恨;憎恨;厌恶Unit 2受迫害妄想症Unit 2 adj.极好的;非凡的Unit 2 adj.隐含的;潜在的Unit 2 vt.描述;描写;描绘Unit 2 n.小仙子;小精灵Unit 2 n.护送者;护卫队Unit 2 vt.护卫;护送Unit 2 n.引诱;诱惑(物)Unit 2 adj.钟爱的;深受喜爱的Unit 2 n.心爱的人Unit 2 adj.固有的;内在的Unit 2 n.错误;缺点;裂痕Unit 2 n.复杂化;难题Unit 2 adj.泄气的;心灰意冷的Unit 2 vt.使灰心;使泄气;阻拦Unit 2 vt.促使;导致Unit 2 adj.立即的;迅速的;敏捷Unit 2 n.(给演员的)提词;提示Unit 2 n.谚语;格言Unit 2 adj.让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的Unit 2 vt.实现;履行;符合Unit 2 n.演艺艺术;表演的技能Unit 2 adj.强大的;强有力的;有强效的Unit 2 n.同志情谊;战友情谊Unit 2 n.角色分配;演员挑选;铸造品Unit 2 n.闲散状态Unit 2 adj.闲散的Unit 2 vt.&vi.混时间;闲荡Unit 2 adj.令人沮丧的Unit 2 n.&adj.声音(的);录音(的)Unit 2 adv.(also none the less)尽管如此Unit 2n.道具;支柱;支持者Unit 2 vt.支撑Unit 2 adj.紧密相关的;切题的;有价值的Unit 2 adj.有偏见的;倾向性的;片面的Unit 2 n.偏见;偏心;偏爱Unit 2 vt.使怀有偏见;使偏心Unit 2 n.专题讨论会;研讨会Unit 2 vt.设想;想出(主意、计划等);怀孕Unit 2把……想象成……Unit 2 vt.阻止;封堵;遏止Unit 2 n.(花草的)茎;(花或叶的)梗Unit 2是……的结果;起源于Unit 2 vt.显现;使人注意到;表明Unit 2 adj.明显的;显而易见的Unit 2 vi.&vt.承认;坦白;供认Unit 2 vi.&vt.离婚;判(某人)离婚;使分离Unit 2 n.离婚;分离Unit 2 vi.&vt.使相互关联Unit 2 n.相关的事物Unit 2 n.界限;截止点Unit 2 n.正面;积极Unit 2 vt.将……包括在内;包含Unit 2 adj.习惯于;通常的Unit 2习惯于做某事Unit 2 vi.渗入;透过;缓行Unit 2 vt.过滤;筛选Unit 2 n.过滤器;过滤程序Unit 2滤除;滤掉Unit 2 vt.抱有(信念、希望);怀念;珍爱Unit 2 adj.筋疲力尽的;枯竭的Unit 2 adv.因此;所以Unit 2 adj.随之发生的;作为结果的Unit 2 n.冲动;心血来潮;脉冲;动机Unit 2即兴购买Unit 2赞同;支持Unit 2对……感到满意;对……感到满足Unit 2 adv.丝毫(不);一点也(不)Unit 2 adj.自发的;自然而生的Unit 2 adj.前所未有的;空前的Unit 2伊万·布尔金Unit 2阿廖欣Unit 2尼古拉·伊万诺维奇Unit 2莫里斯·梅特林克Unit 2 n.军队;部队;士兵Unit 3 n.坦克;(贮放液体或气体的)箱, 罐Unit 3 adj.非常认真的;真诚的Unit 3 (更加)严肃地;认真地;坚定地Unit 3 adj.假的;冒充的;欺骗的Unit 3 vt.&vi.组织;鼓动;动员Unit 3 n.中立;中立状态Unit 3 vi.&vt.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯Unit 3vi.&vt.投降;(被迫)放弃, 交出Unit 3 n.投降;屈服;屈从Unit 3还击;抵抗Unit 3 n.(军队或运动队的)侧面;侧翼Unit 3 vt.侧面(或两侧)有;位于……的侧翼Unit 3对……有利Unit 3 n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获Unit 3 vt.俘虏;俘获;捕获Unit 3 n.推进力;动力;势头Unit 3 n.攻击;突击;袭击Unit 3 vt.猛烈攻击;袭击;侵犯(尤指构成罪)Unit 3 adj.凶猛的;狂热的;强烈的Unit 3 adj.迅即发生的;速度快的;敏捷的Unit 3 adj.完好无损;完整Unit 3 n.[pl.]援军;增援警力 [U](感情或思想等的)巩固;加强Unit 3 n.命中注定的事(尤指坏事);命运Unit 3 (前途)不明朗;(结果)未定;悬而未决Unit 3 n.奇迹;不平凡的事Unit 3广播;公布;扑灭Unit 3 vt.&vi.渡运;摆渡Unit 3 n.渡船;摆渡Unit 3 n. (also tugboat)拖船Unit 3 vi.&vt. (迅速地)拉;拖;拽Unit 3 n.帆船;游艇;快艇Unit 3 n.武器;兵器;凶器Unit 3 n.雹;冰雹Unit 3一阵像冰雹般袭来的事物Unit 3 n.子弹;弹丸Unit 3 vi.摇摇晃晃地走;蹒跚;踉跄Unit 3 vt.使震惊;使大吃一惊Unit 3 n.后部Unit 3 adj.后面的;后部的Unit 3 vt.抚养;养育;培养Unit 3拉高;停车Unit 3 n.装载量;容纳量Unit 3 vt.&vi.装载;承载Unit 3打败;战胜Unit 3 n.&vi.撤退;退却Unit 3 n.士气Unit 3 n.压迫;欺压;压制Unit 3 n.一连串(糟糕)事;目录Unit 3 vt.列入目录;编入目录Unit 3 n.(精神或肉体的)极度痛苦Unit 3 n.&vt.牺牲;献出Unit 3 vi.&vt.(使)破;(使)碎裂Unit 3 n.苦工;劳累的工作Unit 3 vi.(长时间)苦干;辛勤劳作Unit 3 vt.&vi.超过;胜过;优于Unit 3 n.摘录;节选Unit 3 adj.&adv.赤脚(的)Unit 3 n.绕行的路;兜圈子Unit 3vi.&vt.(使)绕道;(使)绕行Unit 3 vi.暂停;停顿Unit 3 vt.(按暂停键)暂停放音;暂停放像Unit 3 n.停顿;停顿的时间Unit 3把……甩在身后Unit 3 vt.(also embed)把……牢牢地嵌入(或插入、埋入)Unit 3 n.摞;垛;堆;成堆的东西Unit 3 vt.(用水泥、胶等)粘结;加强或巩固(关系、协定等)Unit 3 n.水泥Unit 3 n.(军队的)团;一大群人(或事物)Unit 3 adj.情感的(而非理性的);多愁善感的Unit 3 adv.精神失常地;精神错乱地Unit 3 adj.精神失常的;精神错乱的Unit 3需要Unit 3 vi.冒风险(去某处)Unit 3 vt.小心地说;谨慎地做;冒着……的危险Unit 3 n.(尤指有风险的)企业或商业;投机活动Unit 3 n.榴弹;手榴弹Unit 3 vt.用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好Unit 3 n.带子Unit 3 vi.&vt.(使)摇摆;(使)摇动Unit 3 n.摇摆;摆动Unit 3 vt.&vi.向……扫射(或抛洒);喷洒Unit 3 n.浪花;水花;飞沫Unit 3 n.狙击手Unit 3 n.(尤指旧时的)武士;勇士;斗士Unit 3击中(某物)后改变方向Unit 3 vi.爬行;匍匐行进;缓慢行进Unit 3 vt.(轻轻或漫不经心地)扔;抛;掷Unit 3 (猛地)拔起;撕毁或撕碎(文件等)Unit 3 n.蜡;蜂蜡Unit 3 vt.给……打蜡Unit 3 n.同志;朋友;同事Unit 3 n.革命;巨变Unit 3 n.火焰;火舌Unit 3 vi.燃烧Unit 3 vi.快速行走;单脚跳行Unit 3 adj.空着的;未被占用的Unit 3出现Unit 3在逃走的过程中Unit 3 n.步枪;来复枪Unit 3 vi.&vt.快速搜寻;匆忙翻找Unit 3 adv.在头上方;在空中Unit 3 adj.头上方的;高架的Unit 3 vi.&vt.叫喊;大喊Unit 3 n.喊叫;叫嚷Unit 3高声喊叫Unit 3质询;质疑Unit 3 adv.漫不经心地;随随便便地Unit 3 adj.不经意的;漫不经心的Unit 3把……归功于;有……是由于Unit 3n.证券(或股票)经纪人Unit 3 n.避难者;逃亡者;难民Unit 3溜走;消失;消亡Unit 3 adj.(与某些代养有关的名词连用)代养的Unit 3 vt.&vi.代养;抚育或照料(他人子女一段时间)Unit 3 vt.促进;助长;培养Unit 3送别Unit 3 adj.官僚的;官僚主义的Unit 3 n.漠不关心;冷淡;不感兴趣;无动于衷Unit 3 vt.使协调;使相配合Unit 3 n.通过;经过;通行;过境Unit 3 vt.&vi.穿过;经过;越过Unit 3 vt.伪造;艰苦干成;努力加强Unit 3 adv.悲惨地;可悲地Unit 3 adj.悲剧的;可悲的Unit 3 n.(战争或事故的)伤员;遇难者Unit 3 n.震惊;恐惧Unit 3 n.野蛮行为;野蛮事件Unit 3 adj.残暴的;兽性的Unit 3 adj.慈善的;行善的Unit 3 n.成就;成绩Unit 3 vt.完成Unit 3追踪到;搜索到Unit 3 vt.尊敬;崇敬Unit 3 n.外交官Unit 3 n.结晶;晶体;水晶Unit 3 adj.残酷无情的;残忍的Unit 3 n.圣殿;避难所Unit 3 vt.发动;引起;触发Unit 3 n.(枪的)扳机;引发(某事)的因素Unit 3 n.自治市;市政当局Unit 3 adj.有效的;正式认可的Unit 3实际上;事实上Unit 3 adj.有资格的;合格的Unit 3 vi.(从外地)移居;移民Unit 3 vi.&vt.转移(地方);调动(工作);迁移Unit 3 n.转移;调动Unit 3 n.同情;怜悯Unit 3 vt.(尤因宗教或政治信仰不同)迫害Unit 3 n.行为;行动Unit 3 n.大灾难;浩劫Unit 3 adj.公正的;正直的;正当的Unit 3 vt.(用机器)大量生产;成批制造Unit 3 n.飞机;航空器Unit 3 n.(旧时的)大炮;加农炮Unit 3 n.过剩;过剩量Unit 3 vi.&vt.(使)腐烂;腐败变质Unit 3 n.腐烂;腐败变质Unit 3 n.资本主义者;资本家Unit 3 adj.资本主义的Unit 3 n.作战;战争Unit 3n.(对权威、规定或法律的)反抗;反叛;起义Unit 3 vi.叛乱;起义Unit 3 n.暴怒;狂怒Unit 3 vi.&vt.发怒;怒斥Unit 3 vt.种植;栽培;培育Unit 3 adj.悲哀的;沮丧的;向下的Unit 3 n.中部;中间Unit 3当某事发生Unit 3 vi.&vt.私下抱怨;小声质疑Unit 3 vt.&vi.嘀咕;嘟囔Unit 3 n.嘀咕;嘟哝Unit 3 vt.推;桶;戳Unit 3 vi.露出;伸出;探出Unit 3 adj.着迷的;迷恋的;难以释怀的Unit 3 adj.入迷;出神;着魔Unit 3凝视;注视Unit 3 adj.徒劳的;枉然的;无结果的Unit 3枉费心机;徒劳无益Unit 3 n.大风;飓风Unit 3 (与某人)面对面Unit 3 n.闯入者;侵入者Unit 3 n.突然袭击;突击检查Unit 3 vt.突击搜捕;突袭Unit 3 vt.(使)隔离;(使)孤立Unit 3 adv.十分相像地;很相似地Unit 3 adj.相像;十分相似Unit 3 adv. (also upward)向上;向高处Unit 3 n.网眼织物;花边;蕾丝Unit 3 vi.&vt.把……用带子系牢Unit 3 n.代替者;代用品Unit 3 vi.&vt.(以……)代替;取代Unit 3 vt.推断出;作出结论Unit 3 adj.考古学的Unit 3 n.波兰(国家名)Unit 3 n.荷兰(国家名)Unit 3 n.比利时(国家名)Unit 3 adj.荷兰的;荷兰人的;荷兰语的Unit 3 adj.比利时的;比利时人的Unit 3 n.(1933至1945年德国的)纳粹党员;纳粹分子Unit 3 n.毛瑟枪Unit 3奥斯卡·辛德勒Unit 3 n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰城市)Unit 3。
新概念二-新概念英语第二册第80课-The Crystal Palace
新概念英语第二册第80课:The Crystal PalaceLesson 80 The Crystal Palace水晶宫First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。
How many people visited the Great Exhibition of 1851?Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteeth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851. The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it. A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world. There was also a great deal of machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was Nasmyth's steam hammer. Though in those days, traveling was not as easy as it is today, steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train. There were six million visitors in all, and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. Later, the Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.参考译文19世纪最不寻常的建筑也许要数水晶宫了,它是为1851年的“世界博览会”而建在海德公园的。
七年级下册英语书面表达第七单元范文Unit 7: My Neighborhood。
Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about my neighborhood. I live in a small town called Greenfield, which is located in the countryside. Greenfield is a peaceful and beautiful place, surrounded by lush green fields and tall trees.Firstly, let me describe the physical features of my neighborhood. There is a central park in the heart of Greenfield, where people often gather for picnics, play sports, or simply relax. The park is well-maintained with colorful flowers and neatly trimmed hedges. It is a great place to enjoy nature and spend quality time with friends and family.Adjacent to the park, there is a small market square. Here, you can find various shops and stalls selling fresh produce, clothes, and other daily necessities. The market square is always bustling with activity, especially on weekends when the local farmers bring their fresh fruits and vegetables to sell. It is a vibrant and lively place, filled with the aroma of delicious street food.Moving on, let me tell you about the people in my neighborhood. The residents of Greenfield are friendly and welcoming. They are always ready to lend a helping hand and make you feel at home. The sense of community is strong here, and everyone knows each other. We often organize community events such as fairs, talent shows, and charity drives. These events bring us closer together and create a sense of unity and belonging.Moreover, Greenfield is known for its rich cultural heritage. We have a beautiful old library that houses a vast collection of books, including rare manuscripts and historical documents. The library also hosts regular workshops and seminars to promote learning and knowledge sharing. Additionally, there is a local museum that showcases the history and traditions of our town. Visitors can learn about the early settlers, indigenous culture, and important milestones in Greenfield's development.In terms of transportation, Greenfield has a well-connected network of roads and public transport. Buses and taxis are readily available, making it convenient for residentsto travel within and outside the town. The town is also bicycle-friendly, with dedicated lanes and bike-sharing programs. This promotes a healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle among the residents.Lastly, I would like to mention the natural beauty that surrounds Greenfield. The town is blessed with picturesque landscapes, including rolling hills, crystal-clear lakes, and dense forests. These natural attractions provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and camping. Many visitors come from nearby cities to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life and enjoy the tranquility of Greenfield.In conclusion, my neighborhood in Greenfield is a wonderful place to live. It offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, community spirit, and cultural heritage. The friendly people, well-maintained parks, vibrant market square, and rich history make Greenfield a truly special place. I feel fortunate to call it my home and invite everyone to come and experience the charm of my neighborhood. Thank you for reading!。
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Ability or Skillall rounder=somebody with various skillsShe’s equally good at running and jumping and is one of the team’s best all rounders.as far as in one lies=as much as one is ableAs far as in one lies I’ll do everything I possibly can to help.be a match for someone=be equal to somebody in abilityThe athlete had been training hard for three years and now he was a match for any of the contenders for the gold medal.be capable of =(of person)having the abilityThis train is capable of carrying 2,000 persons.budding talent=emerging abilityWe must make best use of any budding talent and encourage the young members of the group. competent to/for=having the ability/skill to do what is neededShe is not competent for teaching.cut out fo r=have a natural ability forI think I’m going to resign; I’m not cut out for this job.feeling for something=aptitude for somethingIt’s no use trying to learn ballet unless you have a feeling for music.find one’s feet=reach the stage where one is able to do something on one’s ownI was very grateful to Mr Robinson during my first week in my new job; he helped me a lot untilI found my feet.fit for=make competent for (something)Y ou can best fit yourself for your new responsibility by studying all these papers hard.flying feet=ability to run fastOur wing forward can always rely on his flying feet to avoid a tackle.get one’s eye in=attain one’s standard of abilityThe new job was a bit daunting at first but it was all right once I’d got my eye in.get on top of=be able to control/deal with something difficult, etcThis is a difficult job but I’m sure that Mr Lee is on top of it from the excellent report I’ve had. gift of the gab=ability to talk convincingly and easilyColin should make a good salesman; he’s got the gift of the gab and persistence.green fingers=skill at gardeningMy mother’s got green fingers and she can grow anything in her small garden.have a head for=have the abilityJason should go in for accounting because he has a good head for figures.have broad shoulders=be able to accept much responsibilityGeorge must have broad shoulders—he’s taken on the job of secretary of the tennis club as well as being treasurer of the cricket club.have it in one=have the ability/skillI hear you’ve won a scholarship to university. Well done, I didn’t think you had it in you.have one’s head screwed on (the right way)=be capableI don’t worry too much about my wife being on her own while I’m away; she’s got head screwedon and can take care of herself.have the hang of sth./doing sth.=develop/have the ability to do/understand sthY ou’ll find this car difficult to drive at first. But don’t worry; you’ll soon get the hang of it.hot stuff=sb. with great abilityY ou want to watch out for the other team’s centre forward—he’s hot stuff.I wouldn’t put it past him/her=he/she is quite capable of doing sth (usually bad)Frank says he finished that job yesterday—mind you, I wouldn’t put it past him to say he’d finished even if he hadn’t.in one’s line of country=within one’s competenceI’m willingly help you; painting walls is just in my line of country.in one’s own right=through one’s own abilityShe helps her husband with his business, but she’s also an accountant in her own right.in sb’s line=within sb’s competenceLinda didn’t want to come on the boat with us because sailing is not in her line.in the country of the blind (the one-eyed man is king)=in a situation where sb has a little ability (he/she has an advantage over people with no ability)Sylvia’s rudimentary knowledge of chess was more than enough to beat Peter, who had seldom played the game before; in the country of the blind…jack of all trades=sb who can do various knds of jobs (but does none exclusively) This chap is a jack of all trades; he wired in a new power point, plumbed in the washing machine and retiled the kitchen—all in one day and for a very reasonable price.know one’s onion=be skilledWhy don’t you ask Mary about the fault? She really knows her onions about the photocopier and can probably solve the problem in seconds.level pegging=have the equal abilityAfter four sets and ten games in the final set the two players are still level pegging.live by one’s wits=survive using cunning/one’s mental ability(rather than, for example by hard work)I couldn’t get a permanent job so I had to live by my wits for a couple of years.meet one’s match=deal with sb who is as able/capable as oneselfDave is a big eater but he’s met his match with Gordon—he eats like a horse.on the ball=able to do one’s job wellThe new clerk is really on the ball. He’s already improved the filing system in the office.party piece=sb’s favorite accomplishmentWe all had a few drinks and then Bryn did his usual party piece of balancing a pint of beer on his head.past master=sb with acknowledged skillWhy don’t you ask Raymond how to fix it? He’s a past master at mending these machines. pick up a language=acquire the ability to speak a language(without formal tuition) Mike has a good ear for accents and can pick up most European languages quite easily.put someone/something through his/her/its paces=make someone/something show what he/she/it can do (as a test of ability)Y ou can judge for yourself how clever my horse is. Just watch as I put it through its paces.put sb. on his/her mettle=test sb’s abilityHe has played very well in the reserve side but this chance in the first team should put him on his mettle.rare animal=sb. of unusual ability, or with an unusual combination of abilitiesHe’s that rare animal, a professional musician and a scientist.second sight=ability to foretell the futureHilda’s mother has second sight and correctly predicted the date on which Hilda met the man she eventually married.see one’s way (clear) to=be ableDo you think you could see your way to letting me borrow your bicycle for the afternoon?show one’s paces=demonstrate what one doGordon played ten people simultaneously at the chess club last week and really showed his pace—he lost only one game.spread one’s wings=put to use or try out one’s own abilitiesY ou can’t do everything for your children: there comes a time when they must leave home and spread their wings.turn one’s hand to=adapt one’s skills toMy husband is quite clever really he can turn his hand to most do-it-yourself jobs around the house.up to sth.=able to do sth.This cake is very good, but it’s not up to the one you made last week.what one is made of=one’s abilityCome on then, you bully; show us what you’re made of.within (the) reach (of)=capable of being reached, physically or by communication We didn’t believe it was within the reach of human ingenuity.Y ou can’t teach an old dog new tricks.=It is very difficult for old people to develop new abilities, etc.He is old, and so you can’t expect him to change his ways of doing things. Y ou can’t teach and old dog new tricks.。