Say no to the teacher-oriented education




英语课检讨书500字篇一:英语版检讨书becky10trade4friday8:10am-10:10amroom301today,ifeelverysorr yandashamedtowritedownthisessayforyoutosayaboutmybadbehaviourinclass.thisessayalsosho wsmydeepthinkingaboutmakingsuchamistakeandmydecisionthatnevermakesu chmistakesanymore.istillrememberthat,atthefirstclass,youhavestressedandrepeatedmanytimesthatweshouldberesponsibletoourselves,andnobodyhavetobe responsibletous.infact,iwasdeeplyshockedbywhatyousaidandsuddenlyclearl yunderstandtheimportanceofindependenceatthattime.ireallyagreedwithyour idea.allofusareadultsnow,wearenotchildrenanymore,andwecannotrelayonou rparentjustaswhenwewerelittle.wemustlearnhowtosolveproblemsbyourselves.butitisadifficultprocesstomaketheoryintopratice.inchinaeducati on,itdoesnotstressthatusweshouldberesponsibletoourselves,andourparen tsalsodoeverythingtheythinktheycandoforus.thisistheeducationsituati onofchina.soastimewentby,wejustgetusedtorelyingonothersanddonottrytod othingsbyourselvesevenwecandoiteasily.overthepast19years,igetusedtodoingthingswhatparentsandteacherstoldustodo.butnow,youinsistthat wehavetobeindependent.suddenly,icannotdependonanyone.asaresult,ifee lverydifficulttodoeverythingandtryeverywaytogethelpfromothersandwealsofee lnoraisaverystrictteacherandreallyafraidofyou,toughallofusknowthat wecanlearnmanythingsfromnora.butwecannotadoreyouatonce,becausewhatyouteachissodifferentfromourculture.thatmeansweneedtimetogetused.that weshouldreadthenumberfirst,thenreadtheword,definitionandthesentencewewrite.butwheninmyturn,whichwordisnonumber,idonotk nowhowtoexpresswherethewordis.whileiaskedmydeskmatewhatshouldido, norajusttoldmethatineedtowriteaessay.infact,atfirst,ifeelveryunfair becauseijustdonotknowhowtoexpresswherethewordis.ifthisconditionwasputforwardinchineseclass,wecanjustputforwardourproblemsandthentheteac herswouldhelpustosolveit.butnow,noexplain,noexcuse,justwriteanessaya spunishment.isufferedfrominjusticeandreallywanttocryatthattime.theni1ex plainedthatislifemeansthatifyoucannotchangethesituation,the nyoujustdoit.infact,therearemanythingsthatwecannotchangeinourli fe.maybewhenwemeantwithoutexplainandexcuse.atthiscase,theonlysoluti onischangeourselvestoadjustthesituation.asamatteroffact,1000wordsessa yisalongessayforme.butafterhavingadeepthinking,iunderstandthatnoraj ustusethiswaytoteachustheprinciplethatislife.atthesametime,wealsocanp,ireallyenjoywritingthisessay,becauseino rdertowritesomethingthatihavetothinkdeeply.asaresult,iunderstandmanyth ingsandfeelashamedforimisunderstandnora.sorry!nora.ialsohaveadeepimpre ssioninyousaidthatwewillbebusy-beesbecauseourclasswillbeginearlierandendlaterthannormal.ihavetoadmitthat afterentercollegeihavebecamealittlelazybecauseincollegethereisnoteachertosupervisemylearningandwehavealotof freetime.icannotcontrolmyselfverywellsothatimyerrorandinordertocorre ctitimakeaplanroughly.firstlyineedtogetusedtothewaynorateachusan dbeabusy-beeinclass.secondlyiwillmakemyownstudyscheduleaccordin gtomyschooltimetableandwilldoitwiththesupervisionofmyroommates.andlast ,iwillfindastudymatetostudywithmethaticannotbelazywheniamstudy.althou ghitmaydifficulttomakeplanintopratice,ibelievethaticangetridofthis badhabbitwiththesupervisionofmyclassmates.nora,now,irealizemyerror.i didnotreadthematerialoutchopchop,anditisabadbehaviourthatwastesthetimeofnotonlyyoubutalsomyclas smates.ihavenorighttodothat.however,apersonliveswithoutfaultswilln everbefound.ofcourse,idonotmeantouseitasanexcuse,andijustwanttoobtainyo urforgiveness.ikeepinmindtocorrectthisweaknessandtrytogetagre aterprogress.inaddition,ihopenoracancontinuesuperviseusthatwecanmakegrea terprogress.andmostofimportant,ireallyappreciateyou.youteachustouseadif ferentlighttoseeourselvesandopenoureyestothecultureofamerica.nora,than kyou!thankyouinmyheartdeeply!wordnumber:10049/18/1110:40am2篇二:万能英文检讨书goodgoodstudy,abidebytherulesanddisciplinesiseachofusstuden tsshoulddo,isalsothefinetraditionsofthechinesenationvirtue, butweascontemporarystudentsbutnobetterputitcontinuedown.likemanych ineseyoungpeoplealldontknowhowthedoubleninthfestival,butsolemnbeentoc hristmas.weareallinignorancelostdiscipline,donotunderstandtheirownle arningobjective...takethelovingwatergravity,aninformationclass,noisyboiling,t heteacheryouseveraltimessorrowful,cichoudifficulttodisappearintheheart,forourignorance,especiallytoyourreview.firstofall,iasxueweinoorga nizedstudentsquietinclass,causetheclassmatesspeakseriously.butthemostdirectreasonisthatourown bindingsent,theclassroomcontentisfinished,feelnothingtodo;indirectreaso nisthatwewanttodosomethingoutsideoftheirthings,unavoidablemutualexch anges,voiceunscrupulously,slowlyinformationlessonisboiling.ofcourse,thiscantbezixikedontabidebytherulesofthereason.luxunsaid...goethesaid...weo nlyhavetheearnestresonsideration,lookingforerrorbehindthedeeproots ,torecognizetheessenceoftheproblem,cangivethecollectiveandownahandovert otreat,thustoprogress.thetopself-studyspeechagainsttheclassgauge,influencethenorm aloperationofthework,thisisnotloyal,asin.andhavefailedtoliveuptothegre atparentstoisincerelyhopethat,whatawasteoftimetostudyatschool,butunf ilial,twosin.moreletteacheryouforthiseffort,saddisappointed,thisishe artless,threesin...inwritingthisreview,ifeeltheirownignorance,veryregret.finally,thetroubletheteachertimeconsumingtoreviewwewriteself-criticism,inowthoroughlyunderstandtheteachereducationofourwell-meaning...zixikedontabidebytherules,isnotanegligiblethings!aslongaswebothhaveve rygoodconstraintability,independentlearningability,inthezixiketherewouldbenoexcuses ,noreasonforspeechexculpate!wehaveonlyconscientiousthinkinglifehavesomu chtodo,somanyburdenstocarry,thereisnoreasoninnormalzixikeclassthedon tabidebytherules.inordertothanktheteacherschunchunteachings,iherebyguarantee ifthereisanimportantopportunitytoputinmyinfront,idoicanmanagementstudents,never lettheteacherdisappointed.pleaseteacherunderstandingmethisonemist ake!篇三:英文检讨书自己写的不会和别人一样字数小多~firstofall,imustsaysorryagain,formyfaulttowasteofyourtime. atthesametime,imawfullysorryforthemistakeidid.afterhaveirec eivedtheletteryouranswerme,icalledonmymemorieswhenitooktheexamination.ineverwouldhavethoughtofitifyounotstressedhowseriouss ituationwas.iwasthinkingthatexchangethefewofanswersisnotsos eriousasplagiarismcheatingandsimiliaranti-intellectualbehavior.butnowafteryou tellmethegraveconsequencesandinvolvementpersonality,theformingofqual ity,iamreallyconvincedofmyerror,andpromisedtherewontbeanexttime.ihopethi swillteachmyselfalessonandimustreflectemybehaviorandmymoralcharacter. ivealreadybeenanunivesitystudent,andishouldhonestandbraveinthefaceofmywrong.itrembletothinkoftheconsequences,butiknowishouldt akeitandineedlearnthepainfulway.thankyousomuchforyoumakeallowancefo rmyfeeling,ihavetopreparemyre-examinationat3oclock.andafterthatiwillreturntozhuhaiasqu icklyasican.andillreflectandrethinkmymistake,ifyouhaveanytime,ihope makeapologizetoyoufacetofaceandwanttoaccountformywrong.iamt erriblysorryforinconveniencecausedofyou.篇四:英语检讨书100字英语检讨书100字1、英语检讨书尊敬的老师:这次英语考试,我的成绩很不理想,没有考到老师要求的分数以内,我反省了许多,感到十分愧疚。




1. "The" in the phrase "the dignity and the honor" is (江南博哥)pronounced ______ respectively.A.B.C.D.正确答案:B[解析] 考查定冠词the的发音规则。


2. Since [p] and [b] are phonetically similar, occur in the same environment and they can distinguish meaning, they are said to phonemic complementary distributionC.the allophonesD.minimal pair正确答案:A[解析] 音位对立(Phonemic Contrast)与互补对立(Complementary Contrast)相反,指最小对立对中的两个音位出现在同一个位置并能够区别意义。

3. When he picked up a large sum of money by accident, he battled with his ______ whether he should keep it or return it to the owner.A.consciousnessB.consciencemitmentD.convenience正确答案:B[解析] 考查名词辨析。




写作话题词汇中文释义关键词汇:subject/discipli ne/area/关键搭配:核心课程core subject, main subject,额外课程additi onal subject,文科arts/scie nee subject,学科academic subject关键词汇:curriculum关键搭配:多种课程diverse curriculum, wide curriculum,broad curriculum, areas ofcurriculum关键词汇:high school关键搭配:初中生junior high , 咼中生senior high关键词汇:educati on关键搭配:博雅教育a liberal arts educati on,职业教育a vocati onal educati on,高等教育tertiary educati on,义务教育/普及教育compulsory education.应试教育test-oriented education关键词汇:college, university,in stituti on of higher educati on关键搭配:上大学go to a college (uni versity,高等教育机构an in stituti on of higher educati on)上大学atte nd a college (uni versity,an in stituti on of higher educati on).大学生college (uni versity) stude nts大学毕业生graduate from college (uni versity),大学毕业fin ish college (uni versity),校方schoo 1 (uni versity, college) authorities关键词汇:un dergraduate关键搭配:大学一年级学生 a sec ond year un dergraduate,本科生un dergraduate stude nts (courses, degrees) 关键词汇:fresh man关键搭配:大学一年级fresh man year, first year,大一学生fresh man关键词汇:sophomore关键搭配:大学一年级sophomore year, sec ond year,大学一年级学生 a sophomore关键词汇:junior关键搭配:大学二年级junior year, the third year,大学二年级学生 a junior关键词汇:sen ior关键搭配:大学四年级senior year, the fourth year,大学四年级学生 a senior关键词汇:degree, diploma, certificate关键搭配:学士学位 a bachelor ' s degree,文科学士学位Bachelor of Arts,硕士学位 postgraduate, graduate a master ' s degree, 考博 a doctorial can didate, 博士学位 a Ph. D degree, 授予学位 confer a degree, 获得学位 receive a degree 关键词汇:paper, thesis, dissertati on 关键搭配:写论文 draft( prepare, produce, write, issue, publish, release) a paper/thesis/dissertatio n 关键词汇:homework, 关键搭配:留作业 assig n homework to stude nts,完成作业 complete (fini sh) homework 关键词汇:campus 关键搭配:大学校园 college (uni versity campus),住在校内 live on the campus,住在校外 live off the campus关键词汇:school, faculty, departme nt 关键搭配:医学院、法学院 a medical or law school, 法律系 the Faculty of Law, 工程系 the Engin eeri ng Faculty 关键词汇:concen trati on 专业领域 a field of specializati on ,理科学士学位 Bachelor of Scie nces. 关键搭配:专注于建筑、商业、旅游、法律、医学 concen trate in architecture(bus in ess.journ alism, law, medici ne) orga ni zati on, group 学生组织 stude nt orga ni zatio ns, 学生会 a stude nts' union (stude nt gover nment, stude nt coun cil), 课外小组 extracurricular groups 报团、歌舞团 n ewspapers, singing groups, 政治团体 political groups, 志愿者项目 volun teer programs, 大学生联谊会 frater nities and sororities exam in ati on 入学考试 entrance exam in ati on (test), 准备考试 prepare for exam in atio n , revise for exam in ati on, study for exam in ati on, 参加考试 en ter for exam in ati on, 难度大的考试 stiff (tough, difficult) exami natio n, 选拔考试 select ion exam in ati on, 期末考试 end of term exam, end of year exam , final exam grade 高分 excelle nt (good, high, top) grade,低分 low (poor) grade,平均分 average (mea n) grade,关键词汇:关键搭配:关键词汇:关键搭配:关键词汇:关键搭配:获得高分get (receive, achieve, atta in) an excelle nt grade 关键词汇:courses学分累积accumulati on of course credits ,关键搭配:规定科目prescribed courses (U.S.),必修课compulsory courses关键词汇:class课程出勤atte nd class,关键搭配:高出勤率high class atte ndance,低出勤率poor (low) class atte ndance,逃课skip class,旷课be abse nt from class, abse nee fromclass关键词汇:motivati on关键搭配:主要动机/基本动力main ( primary, real ,underlying) motivation,缺少动力high (str ong) motivati on, lack | lose motivati on,提升动力improve( in crease, stre ngthe n, gen erate, provide) motivati on ; 内加动机,外加动机intrin sic motivati on, extri nsic motivati on.关键词汇:teacher关键搭配:有实力,有经验的教师compete nt(good, in spired, skilled, qualified, experie need, senior) teacher;实力欠缺,经验不足的教师bad ( in compete nt, i nexperie need) teachers ,college( primary school, uni versity) teachers, 各种学科教师 EFL (En glish, history, maths, music, PE etc.) teachers 以教师为中心的课堂,以学生为中心的课堂导致(避免,防止,减轻,控制,阻止)污染cause (avoid, prevent, combat, control, fight) pollution ; Teacher-ce ntered classroom —(Stude nt-ce ntered classroom) 关键词汇:creativity 关键搭配: 非凡(艺术,音乐)创造力 great (artistic, musical) creativity; 培养(鼓励,刺激)创造力 develo p( en 阻碍创造力 inhibit (stifle) one ' s creativity 关键词汇:polluti on, con tam in ati on 关键搭配: 大气污染air ( atmospheric ) pollution, 环境污染,海洋(河流,水域)污染 environmental pollution, marine (river, water )pollution 化学污染(工业,核,铅,硝酸盐)污染 chemical ( in dustrial, nu clear lead, n itrate ) polluti on, 噪声污染 no ise polluti on.cut, limit, mini mize, reduce polluti on 减少污染关键词汇: en viro nment关键搭配: 自然(全球, 世界,当地)环境 n atural (global, world, local) environment;保护环境 preserve (protect, safeguard, protect) the environment.环境保护 con servati on/protect ion of theenvironment,环境破坏 damage to the en vironment;环境破坏最小化 minimize有害于环境harmful to the en vironment; 对环境产生影响have an impact on the environment;环境破坏 environmen tal degradatio n/deterioration,环保意识的environmen tally-c onscious 关键词汇:carb on关键搭配: 氧化碳 carb ondioxide,polluta nt, con tam inant关键词汇: ecosystem , susta in able developme ntthe bala nee of the ecosystem,保持生态平衡preserve (ma intain) the bala nee of the ecosystem,污染物 关键搭配: 生态平衡 生态友好eco-frie ndly获得可持续发展 achieve the susta in able developme nt;生态平衡 ecological bala nce/equilibrium关键词汇:exhaust关键搭配:汽车(车辆,柴油,汽油)尾气car (vehicle diesel, petrol, diesel) exhaust尾气排放(烟雾,气体,污染,烟)exhaust emissi on( fumes, gas, polluti on, smoke)关键词汇:species关键搭配:物种灭绝species extin ctio n,物种保护species preservati on关键词汇:n atural habitat关键搭配:自然栖息地的破坏the destruct ion of n atural habitats关键词汇:soil关键搭配:肥沃的土壤fertile soil,贫瘠的土壤in fertile soil关键词汇:waste关键搭配:有害物质harmful (hazardous, pois ono us, toxic) waste;可循环废物recyclable waste,农业废物agricultural waste,商业(工业,家庭)废物commercial ( in dustrial, domestic, household) waste;医用废物hospital, medical waste,核(放射性,化学,塑料,有机,动物)废物nu clear( radioactive |chemical | plastic | orga nic | ani mal) waste;食物Food 能量Energy 废物,垃圾waste 关键词汇:en ergy可再生能源ren ewable en ergy;关键搭配:原子(核,太阳,潮汐,风)能atomic ( nuclear, solar, wave, wind) energy,替代性能源alternative en ergy产生太阳冃能gen erate (produce, harn ess) solar en ergy;提供能源provide(supply) en ergy;消耗能源con sume (use) en ergy;保护能源con serve (save) energy关键词汇:chemical危险化学物质关键搭配:dan gerous( harmful, hazardous, pois ono us, toxic) chemical ,农业的agricultural, 家庭的household, 工业化学物质in dustrial chemical向湖泊河流倾倒化学物质manu facture( produce, discharge) chemicals into our lakes and rivers;暴露于危险的化学物质exposed to dan gerous chemicals.化工厂chemical factory, 工厂pla nt, works,化学反应chemical reactions关键词汇:resource关键搭配:重要资源importa nt (vital, adequate, sufficie nt ) resources,稀缺资源limited (scarce) resources,可再生资源ren ewable (susta in able, un limited) resources,有限资源fin ite( limited, non-ren ewable) resource,可供给资源available (additi on al, extra) resources;自然资源n atural resources,矿(石油,水)资源min eral (oil, water) resources关键词汇:effect关键搭配:重要作用decisive (dramatic, far-reachi ng, importa nt,marked, powerful, profo und, sig ni fica nt) effect ;消极影响n egative (adverse, damag ing, debilitat ing,deleterious, destructive, detrimental, devastating,disastrous, harmful, serious, traumatic) effect;温室效应gree nhouse effect产生作用bring about (exert, have, produce) effect关键词汇:movie关键搭配:大片blockbuster/blockbust ing movie, hit, smash-hit,动作片actio n movie,灾难片disaster movie,警匪片gan gster movie,恐怖片 horror movie, 战争片 war movie; 黄色电影 blue, dirty, porn/porno movies. 电影院 movie theater, 动画片 motio n pictures actor/actress 成就/天赋/天生的演员 accomplished (bor n, brillia nt, con summate, experie need, tale nted, won derful) actor ; 著名演员 celebrated( famous, lead ing, prin cipal) actors, 业余演员 amateur (professi on al ) actors, 喜剧演员 comedy/comic actors, 莎剧演员 Shakespearea n actors, 好莱坞演员 Hollywood actors 著名演员 马龙白兰度 Marlon Bran do 梅尔吉布森 Mel Gibson 罗伯特德尼罗 Robert De Nero 阿尔帕西诺 Al Paci no 汤姆汉克斯(《阿甘正传》,《拯救大兵瑞恩》) Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump, Savi ng Private Ryan) 汤姆克鲁斯(《雨人》,《碟中谍》) Tom Cruise (Ra in Man, Missi on: Impossible) 莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥(《泰坦尼克》) Leon ardo DiCaprio (The Tita nic)关键词汇:关键搭配:关键词汇:演出performa nee t ran sport( travel) facilities,导演director阿尔弗莱德希区柯克(《后窗》,《精神病患者》)著名导演Alfred Hitchcock (Rear Win dow, Psycho)乔治卢卡斯(《星球大战》)George Lucas ( Star Wars )弗朗西斯科波拉(《教父》)Fran cis Ford Coppola (The Godfather)马丁斯赛德斯(《出租汽车司机》)Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver)斯蒂文斯皮尔伯格(《ET外星人》《侏罗纪公园》《辛德勒名单》)Steven Spielberg (E.T., Jurassic Park, Sehindler ' s List,)关键词汇:city市民city dweller,关键搭配:大城市arge ( major | great ) city,古老的城市ancient ( historic, old) city,美丽的(工业/大都市/沿海)城市beautiful (industrial | cosmopolitan | coastal) city,家乡home (n ative) city=hometow n关键词汇:facilities关键搭配:休闲设施leisure(play, recreati on al, social , sport ing) facilities;交通设施停车设施 park ing facilities, 购物设施 shopp ing facilities, 饭店设施 can tee n (di ning, restaura nt ) facilities, 洗衣设施 laundry (sa nitary, shower, toilet, wash ing) facilities; 医疗设施 health (health care, medical) facilities 儿童设施 day care( childcare) facilities stress, pressure, stra intension 产生压力 cause (create )stress/pressure, 避免压力 avoid ( remove) stress, 增加压力 add to( in crease) stress, 减少压力 reduce( relieve) stress, 遭受压力 suffer (from) stress 承受压力 cope with( han dle, man age, sta nd) stress 巨大压力 great, high, severe, acute, con siderable, extreme stress; 情感、精神压力 emoti on al ( men tal, psychological, social) stress; 商业压力 econo mic(fi nan cial) stress, 压力来源 a source of stress, 处于压力之中 un der stress, 日常压力 daily stress关键词汇:关键搭配:关键词汇:worry, concern, care关键搭配:商业忧虑bus in ess (ec ono mic, finan cial, mon ey, health) worries,导致压力arouse( prompt) worries关键词汇:activity关键搭配:卷入be in volved in,参加活动en gage in, participate in, take part in, un dertake activity关键词汇:free time, leisure关键搭配:休闲时光leisure, free time, spare time, time off,自由freedom, 假期vacati on, holiday休息relaxati on, rest ,关键词汇:computer关键搭配:笔记本电脑Laptop (no tebook computer)个人电脑pers onal computer (PC),大型计算机main frame computer,超级计算机super computer便携式电脑portable computers,电脑游戏computer games运行、打开,关闭,登陆,退出,启动,停止,重启,链接电脑run / switch on / switch off /log on to/ log off/| boot up, start up/ shut dow n/reboot, restart /li nk the computer关键词汇: disk 电子生成的图表 electr oni cally gen erated graphics,非对称数字用户线 ADSL (asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) connection, 电缆连接 cable connection,接受、阅读、回复邮件 get (receive, read, reply to) an email电子记事本 an electronic organizer (=a small piece of equipme ntthat you can use to record addresses, pho ne nu mbers etc),电子音乐 electro nic music,关键搭配: 软盘 floppy disk, 光盘 compact disks (CD), 关键词汇: 关键搭配: 数字视频盘 connection 拨号连接 digital video disks (DVD) dial-up connection. 关键词汇: 关键搭配: 无线连接 email 写、发送邮件 wireless connectionwrite(se nd) an email, 关键词汇: electro nic 关键搭配: 电子游戏 electro nic games, electro nic关键词汇: disk电子银行,电子出版electr onic banking, electr onic publish in g(=a system ofproduci ng books, magaz ines etc in a form that can be read on a computer);电子生成的图表electr oni cally gen erated graphics,electr on ically stored in formati on.E-commerce Internet crime,internet porn,nternet fraud,internet chat room,on li ne n ews,on li ne weather broadcast,on li ne buying and selli ng,on li ne video and audio program; search engine,on li ne video and audio meeti ngfierce( intense, keen, serious, severe strong,tough inten se) competiti on;公平的、自由的、公开的,国内的,外国的,全球的,国际的竞争fair ( free, healthy, ope n | domestic | foreig n,global, i ntern ati on al) competitio n;赢得竞争 beat off, fight off competiti on关键词汇:tech ni que, skill电子商务关键词汇:intern et, on li ne关键搭配: 网络犯罪 网络黄色 网络欺骗 网络聊天室 在线新闻 在线天气预报 在线买卖在线音频、视频节目搜索引擎在线音频,视频会议关键词汇:competiti on关键搭配: 激烈的竞争电子存储信息 关键搭配: 沟通技巧 com muni cati on tech niq ue/skill, dati ng technique,关键词汇:job (word choice=work, post, positi on,occupati on, professi on, career)关键搭配: 申请工作 apply for a job, 提供工作 offer somebody a job, 获得工作 land a job (=get a job), 坚守工作 hold dow n a job (=keep a job whe n this is difficult), 丢掉工作 lose a job, leave/quit a job, be out of a job, 临时工作 temporary job, part-time job,稳定工作 perma nent job, full-time job steady job,评价技巧 evaluatio n technique.exam/exam in ati on technique,in terview technique ,man ageme nt technique,manu facturi ng tech niq ue, market ing technique,problem-solvi ng technique,录音技术 recording放松的艺术 relaxati on technique,搜寻技术 research technique,销售技术 sales tech nique,教学技术 teach ing technique,培训技术 training tech nique 考试技巧 问题解决技术职业女全job security;挑战性的工作difficult (challe nging, dema nding, tax ing) job职务空缺job vaca ncy,工作申请job applicati on,面试job in terview,职业头衔job title,职业描述job descriptio n,找工作的人job seeker, job hun ter,体面的工作dece nt (worthwhile) job,月肥差plum job,美差cushy job,理想的职业ideal (dream) job关键词汇:promoti on升职gain (get, win) promoti on,关键搭配:当之无愧的升职well-deserved promoti on,推存sb 升职recommend sb for promotion关键词汇:salary竞争力的薪水关键搭配:competitive (high, gen erous, good, han dsome) salary;低、合理的,平均的,基础的,退休的、总工资low ( reas on able | average | basic | pension able | gross) salary年、月、免税薪水annual salary, mon thly salary, tax-free salary挣工资earn (receive, in crease, cut, decrease, reduce) salary关键词汇:employme nt关键搭配:全职工作paid (salaried, full-time, part-time) employme nt;蓝领、白领工作blue-collar, white-collar employme nt关键词汇:determ in ati on关键搭配:坚定决心absolute (ruthless, sin gle-min ded, steely, strong) determ in ati on 充满决心be full of determ in ati on,有决心have determ in ati on , express, sig nal determ in ati on 关键词汇:man ageme nt关键搭配:有效管理careful (compete nt, effective, efficie nt, firm, good, sound) man ageme nt;商业管理Busin ess man ageme nt;项目管理Project man ageme nt ;数据库管理(网络、系统、财产、经济、金融、投资)管理database ( n etwork, systems, asset, econo mic,financial, investment) management关键词汇:career关键搭配:长期职业long career构建、放弃、终止职业Build, aba ndon, give up, end, ruin, wreck career 关键词汇:bus in ess关键搭配:核心业务big (profitable | private | core) bus in ess;retail 'wholesale \cateri ng\bus in ( in vestme nt) bus in ess公众声誉(国际,世界,职业)声誉public (intern ati on al, worldwide, professi on al) reputati oncomplete ( con siderable, con spicuous, eno rmous) success,零售业、批发、餐饮业 计算机、投资业关键词汇:leader 关键搭配: 天生的、领袖气质的、高效的、高瞻远瞩的born charismatic, 、 effective 、visionary leader团队、项目领导 group ( team, project) leader关键词汇: profession关键搭配: 职业选择 chose n professi on;法律、医疗、 教育业(legal, medical, teachi ng) professi on从事职业 practice one ' s profession;进入职业领域en ter (go in to, jo in) profession 关键词汇: reputation关键搭配: 相当的知名度 con siderable (en viable, excelle nt) reputation ,名不虚传well-deserved (well-ear ned) reputati on;声誉日隆grow ing reputati on ;关键词汇:success关键搭配: 巨大的成功卓越的成功no table ( outsta nding, phe nomen al, popular, real, remarkable) success关键词汇:high caliber关键搭配:高素质人才a man of high caliber关键词汇: n egotiati on关键搭配: 艰难的协商Difficult n egotiation; 无果的协商fruitless (un successful) n egotiatio n; 持续协商constant ,continuous negotiation 关键词汇:economy关键搭配: 健康繁荣的经boo ming (buoya nt, dyn amic, healthy, sound, stable, strong)economy;萧条的经济depressed (flaggi ng, fragile, stag nant )economy,发达经济adva need ( developed, moder n)economy;自由、市场、计划经济liberal( market, pla nn ed) economy;国内(环球、内部、国际、本地、国家的)经济domestic ( global, i ntern al, i ntern ati on al, local, n ati on al )economy建设经济build, rebuild economy;管理经济man age ( man ipulate, operate, regulate, run) economy ;刺激经济boost( develop, expa nd, help, improve ) economy, 拯救、加强经济rescue( revive, stabilize, stimulate, stre ngthe n) economy关键词汇:depressi on关键搭配: great (major, serious, severe, econo mic) depressi onbe in the grip of (experie nee, go in to) depression关键词汇:recessi on关键搭配:衰退cause (go in to, move in to) recessi on.投身事业plunge (sth) into cause关键词汇:market关键搭配:活跃的市场competitive (active, booming, bullish, lively, strong, thriving) market;增长性市场rising market ,衰退的市场depressed( dull, sluggish, weak) market;本地市场local market ;商品市场commodity market,消费者市场con sumer market,市场份额market share发展市场develop market;抢占市场capture, corner, mon opolize market 关键词汇:property关键搭配:个人财产pers on al (private) property;公共财产com mon (public | in tellectual) property财产权property rights关键词汇:product关键搭配:创新产品inno vative( quality) product;制造商品manu factured product,残次品defective product商业、消费品、工业品commercial, con sumer product ;con sumer (electrical, electr onic, household, luxury) goods/commodity in dustrial product;关键词汇: compe nsati 关键搭配: 理赔 award (sb) ( give (sb), gran t (sb), offer (sb),索赔 申请赔偿 pay (sb), provide (sb with)) compe nsation;claim (demand, fight for, seek) compensation;be eligible for ( be en titled to) compe nsation关键词汇:goods/commodity关键搭配: 消费品(电器、电子、家用、奢侈)品商业、消费品、工业品 perishable goods/commodity 大众(低价、品牌、自有)产品counterfeit ( fake ) goods/commoditymass-produced(low-priced | bran ded, own-label )goods/commodity ; 易腐产品 假冒产品。

You Cant Say No to The Teacher你不能对老师说“不”

You Cant Say No to The Teacher你不能对老师说“不”

You Can't Say No to The Teacher你不能对老师说“不”作者:来源:《小天使·六年级语数英综合》2016年第05期妈妈对小凯说:“做一个好学生,不能对老师说‘不’。


Little Kay goes to a new school in May. It is not far away from her home. Kay is very happy to have new friends to play with.On the first day at the new school, her mother says to her, "You must be a good child at the new school. You can't say no to the teacher.""Okay, I know." Kay answers.The next day, she goes to school, and meets her new teacher. The teacher says, "Hello,Kay, can you do well in(在……方面做得好) your lessons?"Kay answers, "Yes, I can."Then the teacher says, "Very good. Can you fight with(和……大家) your classmates?""Yes, I can." Kay says to the teacher.小凯五月份去一所新学校。





课文Fame完整版FameMelvin Howards Fame is very much like an animal chasing its own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it. Fame and the exhilarating celebrity that accompanies it, force the famous person to participate in his or her own destruction. Ironic isn't it?Those who gain fame most often gain it as a result of possessing a single talent or skill: sin ging, dan cing, pain ting, or writing, etc. The successful performer develops a style that is marketed aggressively and gains some popularity, and it is this popularity that usually convinces the performer to continue performing in the same style, since that is what the public seems to want and to enjow. But in time, the performer becomes bored singing the same songs in the same way year after year, or the painter becomes bored painting similar seenes or portraite, or the actor is tired of playing the same character repeatedly. The demand of the public holds the artist hostage to his or her own success, fame. If the artist attempts to change his or her style of writing or dancing or singing, etc., the audience may turn away and look to confer fleeting fickle fame on another and then, in time, on another , and so on and so on.课文Fame完整版Who can not recog nize a Term essee Williams play or a novel byJohn Updike or Ernest Hemingway or a poem by Robert Frost or W. H. Auden or T. S. Eliot? The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, Dali or Picasso and it is true of movie makers like Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kai-ge or Zhang Yimou. Their distinctive styles marked a significant change in the traditional forms and granted them fame and forturr\ but they were not free to develop other styles or forms because their audienee demanded of each of them what they originally prese nted. Hemi ngway can not even now be conf used with Henry James or any one else, nor can Forst be confused with Yeats, etc. The unique forms each of them created, created them. No artist or performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it.Fame brings celebrity and high regard from adoring and loyal fans in each field of endeavor and it is heady stuff. A performer can easily come to believe that he or she is as good as his or her press. But most people, most artists do not gain fame and fortune. What about those performers who fail, or anyone who fails? Curiously enough, failure often serves as its own reward for many people! It brings sympathy from others who are delighted not to be you, and it allows family and friends to lower their expectation of you so that课文Fame完整版you need not compete with those who have more talent and who secceed. And they find excuses and expla nations for your in ability to succeed andbecome famous: you are too sensitive, you are not interested in money, you are not interested in the power that fame brings and you are not interested in the loss of privacy it demands『etc. —all excuses, but comforting to those who fail and those who pretend not to notice the failure.History has amply proven that some failure for some people at certai n times in their lives does in deed motivate them to strive even herder to succeed and to continue believing in themselves. Thomas Wolfe, the American novelist, had his first novel Look Homeward, Anger rejected 39 times before it was fin ally published and launched his career and created his fame. Beethoven overcame his tyrannical father and grudging acceptanee as a musician to become the greatest, most famous musician in the world, and Pestalozzi, the famous Italian educator in the 19th century, failed at every job he ever had until he came upon the idea of teachi ng child ren and developing the fundamental theories to produce a new form of educati on. Thomas Edis on was throw n out of school in fourth grade, at about age 10, because he seemed to the teacher to be quite dull and unruly. Many other cases may be found of people who failed and used the failure to motivate them to achieve, to succeed, and to课文Fame完整版become famous. But, unfortunately, for most people failure is the end of their struggle, not the begirming. There are few, if any, famous failures.Well then, why does anyone want fame? Do you? Do you want to beknown to many people and admired by them? Do you want the money that usually comes with fame? Do you want the media to notice everything you do or say both in public and in private? Do you want them hounding you, questioning you and trying to undo you? In American politics it is very obvious that to be famous is to be the target of every one who disagrees with you as well as of the media. Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and prestige, it takes the you out of you: you must be what the public thinks you mr巳not what you really are or could be. The politiciar\ like the performer, must please his or her audiences and that often means saying things he does not mean or does not believe in fully. No wonder so few people trust politicians. But we have not answered the question at the begirrning of this paragraph: why does anyone want fame? Several reasons come to mind: to demonstrate excellenee in some field; to gain the admiration and love of many others; to be the one everyone talks about; to show family and friends you are more than they thought you were. Probably you can list some otherreasons, but I think are reasonably common.课文Fame完整版Is it possible to be famous and to remain true to yourself, the real you? Perhaps, but one is hard pressed to come up with the names of those who have done their thing their way and secceeded in the fame game. Many political dissidents around the world, in particular, Dawn Aung Suu Kyi of Burma, is a rare exception to the rule that says maintBining unpopularviews or unpopular attitudes or approaches in any field will destroy you. The famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde, a very successful writer of stories, poems and plays, was known for his most unusual clothing and eccentric behavior, social and sexual. This behavior brought him to the attention of the mother of a young man Oscar was intimate with and she accused him. He was furious about this and sued the you ng man's mother which led to a trial and imprisonment for two years. He remained true to himself and paid a heavy price for it by being ostracized and defamed.Time magazine of June 17, 1996 devoted a good deal of its issue to discussing people (25 in America) who are the most in flue ntial in the country in their opinion. They added a short essay on who are the most powerful people in America and no one on the first list appeared on the second list, and strangely enough, none of the poeple on either list was described as famous, although I think several surely are. Can we really distinguish influential people and课文Fame完整版powerful people from those who are famous? Maybe, but their list of in flue ntial prople in eludes Jerry Seinfeld the comedian and TV star, Courtney Love the singer and drug addict whose fame has come largely through her husband Kurt Cobain, the guitarist who committed suicide, and the list inbludes Oparh Winfrey the talk show host and Calvin Klein the clothing designer. All of these people are famous , but I believe, not very influential in the sense that they change the way most of us think or act.In Time magazine's list we find a Supreme Court justice, Sandra DayO'Cormorrr\ who is no more influential or powerful than any of other justices. President Clin ton is not con sidered in fluential (?) but is con sidred powerful! You decide if you think famous and influential and powerful are closely related, or d iff ere nt.I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. I say to those who desperately seek fame and fortune, celebrity: good luck. But what will you do when you have caught your tail, your success, your fame? Keep chasing it ? If you do catch it, hang on for dear life because falling is not as painful as landing. See you soon famous and almost famous, wayfarers on this unbright, nonlinear planet!。


全文 共 分 五章进行阐述:
第一 章 是 导言,主要阐述论文选题的意义、研究综述及本文的研
第二 章 阐 述小原国芳教育思想的形成。“维新”思想的策源地九 州是小原的出生地,他自幼耳濡目染;京都帝大求学期间,遨游于书 山学海,广泛地涉猎大量西方经典,为教育思想的形成奠定了坚实的 基础。他批判地吸收了西方柏拉图、康德、卢梭、杜威等人的教育思 想,尤其对裴斯泰洛齐顶礼膜拜。孔夫子的教育思想对其影响至深。
Th is artide system atically combs and elaborates the 0hara,5 educatinnal thoughtsfrom themulti一fieldsofvisionanglebyusing methods ofliterature law sand comParison testsete.Theessence,
especiallypaidhom agetopestalozzi,Moreover,Confuci璐,5川eology
exerteddeePinfluenceonhim· Th ethird chaPtermainlyfocuseson hiseduCatinnalideas,including
thetheory offoundinganationbyeducation,thethe叮yof education reforms,theoryofreligiouseducation,theoryofarteducation,theoryof teache‘theoryoforal education,andtheoryofmothereducation.Italso delvesintoandaccumulatesmanyer ativeillustrations.





























2012---2013学年第一学期期末联考高一英语试题班级姓名考号分数(交卷时只交答题卡和此页)第II 卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节: 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的如下作文。






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分It was almost 11 pm. Tony was still busy in his math homework. Seeing this , hisfather did them for him. The next morning the teacher was very angry with him thatthere were many mistakes in his homework. The teacher asked angrily, “ What canyou make so many mistakes?” Tony was frightened and have to tell the teacher thetruth in a low voice. Then after the school, the teacher came to Tony’s home. Hisfather astonished to see the teacher. “You did it, right?” the teacher asked. Tony’sfather looked at he exercise book and nodding. “ Since you did it, I’ll beat you.” Withthese word, the teacher beat the father’s bottom heavy.第二节书面表达(满分25分)写作情景:假若你是某高中学生李华,进入高中后,你觉得学英语的方式与初中有很大的不同。



英语选调教师考试试题一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The teacher asked the students to ________ the sentences into English.A. translateB. transformC. transferD. transport2. The ________ of the meeting was to discuss the new project.A. purposeB. subjectC. themeD. topic3. She is always ________ in her work and never makes any mistakes.A. carefulB. cautiousC. meticulousD. precise4. The company has decided to ________ the new product line.A. launchB. releaseC. introduceD. roll out5. The ________ of the book is very interesting and it keeps the reader engaged.A. plotB. storylineC. narrativeD. content6. He ________ the room and turned on the lights.A. enteredB. accessedC. approachedD. invaded7. The scientist ________ the data to find a pattern.A. analyzedB. dissectedC. examinedD. scrutinized8. The ________ of the building was completed last month.A. constructionB. erectionC. assemblyD. fabrication9. The ________ of the forest is a serious environmental concern.A. destructionB. devastationC. deforestationD. ruin10. The ________ of the company is to provide high-quality products.A. missionB. goalC. objectiveD. purpose二、阅读理解题(每题3分,共30分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答11-15题。




(now that)2.桑迪如此喜欢摇滚音乐以至于不顾父亲的反对将音量放大。

(appeal to)3.这是一次重要的会议,请务必不要迟到。

(see to it that)4.周教授一生都致力于语言教学事业。

(be committed to)5.该政策对推动当地经济发展起着越来越重要的作用。

(play a role)1. He felt _________ when he found he had difficulty with most of the math problem.A. frightenedB. terrifiedC. encouragedD. frustrated2. They ___ laughter at the sight of us.A. ran intoB. burst intoC. burst outD. went into3. His attitude to work mainly depends on ______ from the work.A. the offerB. the awardC. the rewardD. the reflection4. The people living in these apartments have free ____ to that swimming pool.A. assessB. excessC. processD. access5. She will be angry if you ______ her while she is sleeping.A. disgustB. disturbC. disappointD. dismiss6. My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A. treatedB. adjustedC. acceptedD. suited7. He is very much ______ to the cause of language teaching.A. communicatedB. committedC. consistentD. committing8. She is always trying to make a good impression ______ people with her new ring.A. byB. withC. onD. in9. Our teacher is always telling us to improve our methods of studying to ____ a good knowledge of every subject.A. gainsB. acquireC. achieveD. obtain10. _____ you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take some effective steps.A) By now B) From now onC) Ever since D) Now that11. Happiness doesn’t necessarily ______ money.A) go for B) go throughC) go back D) go with12. It’s a disgusting thing to hear him ____ his achievements.A) complaining of B) showing upC) breaking up D) boasting of13. Unlike the problems I _____ in high school, I have few chances to speak English in classat college.A) came across B) came aboutC) came after D) came of14. After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.A) clang to B) clung toC) inclined to D) subjected to15. The action of cheating in an examination would ____ you ____ severe punishment.A) cause…to B) subject…toC) turn…to D) take…toKEY:翻译答案:1. Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.2. Rock music appealed to Sandy so much that she turned it up, paying no attention to her father’s objection.3. This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.4. Professor Zhou was committed to the cause of language teaching all his life.5. The policy is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of local economy.单选答案:1-5 DBCDB 6-10 BBCBD 11-15 DDABB。



ed【u训onal we need ref打t0 me pres∞t
sitIlation觚d fonIl
people—oriented oduc撕onal mougllt so弱to elllighteIl lls.
Key words:M∞Zedong;quali妒orientcd cducation;me source of mought;b嬲ic
毛泽东在从事革命活动和领导社会主义建设的同时,也十分重视中国的教育事 业。毛泽东根据马列主义的根本原则,对马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说做了创 造性的继承和发展,提出了适应中国国情的人的全面发展的教育思想。他立足中国 革命和建设的实际,抓住“培养什么人”和“怎样培养人"的根本问题,阐述了以 提高受教育者素质为核心的全面发展的教育观。毛泽东的全面发展观主要体现在要 实现全体人民都有受教育的权利、每个受教育者在德、智、体诸方面的发展要与生 产劳动相结合。毛泽东为党、为人民艰苦的奋斗历程,涉及到政治、经济、军事、 文化、教育、外交等许多方面,思想是相当丰富和鲜明的。鉴于掌握资料的局限, 笔者试从毛泽东对素质教育的探索和思考这一角度来研究,以求更多关注。
liIll【ed诚tll production肌d labor.Tk Clline∞people f.0u11dedⅡ1e People’s Republic of
Cllina蚰der me leadefsllip ofme Pany.As a m旬or leader iIl the Pa啊锄d the coull时,
can not daly tllat tlle廿lought of Mao Zedong
quali妒ori肌ted education h鹤itS Kstorical liIIli饿ioIls.Ill order t0 snldy Mao Zedong



大学英语四六级翻译常用话题翻译热点话题(四六级通用)一.社会生活1. housing problem住房问题● The government is trying to solve the housing problem. 政府正在努力解决住房问题。

城市扩张2. urban expansion● Urban expansion leads to the loss of the farmland.城市扩张导致耕地流失。

人口老龄化3. population aging● Population aging brings about many social problems.人口老龄化带来许多社会问题。

电视选秀节目4. TV talent show● The TV talent show has been very popular in China.电视选秀节目在中国很受欢迎。

山寨产品5. copycat products● Copycat products tend to have quality problems.山寨产品往往有质量问题。

食品安全6. food safety● Food safety issues should be given enough attention. 食品安全问题应得到足够的重视。

留守儿童7. left-behind children” has aroused great public concern.● “Left-behind children留守儿童引起了公众的极大关注。

8. ant tribe蚁族● The life condition of the ant tribe is disastrous.蚁族的生活状况极其恶劣。

9. plastic surgery整形手术● Nowadays, many ordinary people choose to have plastic surgery.如今,许多普通人选择做整形手术。



2024年河南省商丘市英语小学六年级上学期自测试题及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、Listen to the following conversation between two students, Tom and Lucy, and choose the best answer to the question that follows.Tom: Hi, Lucy, how was your weekend?Lucy: Hi, Tom! It was great! I went to the zoo with my family. How about you?Tom: Oh, that sounds fun! I stayed at home and helped my dad with the garden.Question: What did Lucy do over the weekend?A) She went to the zoo.B) She helped her dad with the garden.C) She stayed at home and watched TV.D) She went to a movie.Answer: A) She went to the zoo.Explanation: In the conversation, Lucy mentions that she went to the zoo with her family, which is the correct answer.2、Listen to the following instructions given by a teacher in a science class and answer the question that follows.Teacher: Good morning, class! Today, we are going to conduct an experiment to test the effects of different temperatures on the rate of a chemical reaction. First, you need to gather your materials: a beaker, some hydrochloric acid, baking soda, a stirring rod, and a thermometer. Make sure you wear safety goggles. Now, here’s the procedure: pour half a cup of hydrochloric acid into the beaker, add a tablespoon of baking soda, and stir it with the stirring rod. Observe the reaction and note the temperature changes every minute for the next five minutes.Question: What is the main objective of the experiment?A) To test the effects of different temperatures on the rate of a chemical reaction.B) To learn how to use a thermometer.C) To observe the reaction between hydrochloric acid and baking soda.D) To learn about the properties of hydrochloric acid.Answer: A) To test the effects of different temperatures on the rate of a chemical reaction.Explanation: The teacher clearly states the main objective of the experiment, which is to test the effects of different temperatures on the rate of a chemical reaction.3、What are the speakers discussing?A. The weather forecast for the week.B. The school’s upcoming sports day.C. The book they recently read.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation starts with one speaker mentioning that the sports day is just around the corner, and the other speaker agrees, indicating that they are discussing the school’s upcoming sports day. Therefore, optionB is the correct answer.4、How does the teacher respond to the student’s question about the homework?A. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have time for that now.”B. “Let me check the schedule and see if we can fit it in.”C. “That’s a great question. Let’s address it after the break.”Answer: CExplanation: The student asks a question about the homework, and the teacher responds by saying it’s a great question and suggests addressing it after the break. This indicates that the teacher is positive about the question and willing to discuss it later, making option C the correct answer.5、What is the favorite sport of the girl in the conversation?A) BasketballB) TennisC) SwimmingD) FootballAnswer: B) TennisExplanation: The conversation mentions that the girl loves playing tennis inher free time, which indicates that tennis is her favorite sport.6、How many books does the boy say he has read in the past year?A) TwoB) ThreeC) FourD) FiveAnswer: D) FiveExplanation: The boy in the conversation proudly states that he has read five books in the past year, which is the correct answer.7、Question: Listen to the conversation and answer the following question. How old is the girl in the conversation?A. She is 11 years old.B. She is 12 years old.C. She is 13 years old.Answer: B. She is 12 years old.Explanation: In the conversation, the girl mentions that she will be 12 ina few months, which indicates that she is currently 12 years old.8、Question: Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct response. What is the weather like today according to the conversation?A. It’s sunny.B. It’s rainy.C. It’s windy.Answer: B. It’s rainy.Explanation: The conversation includes a statement about the weather being cloudy and rainy, which indicates that it is not sunny or windy.9.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.A. The children are playing soccer in the park.B. The children are reading books in the library.C. The children are painting pictures at school.Answer: CExplanation: The conversation mentions that the children are in their art class and are painting pictures, which indicates they are at school, not in the park or library.10.Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blank with the correct word.Tom: I think we should go to the_______this weekend.Jerry: Oh, I was just thinking the same thing! The_______is so beautiful there.A. beach / sceneryB. museum / paintingC. park / playgroundAnswer: AExplanation: The conversation implies that the speakers are planning to visit a place that is beautiful and likely for leisure, which suggests the beach. The word “scenery” is used to describe the beautiful natural setting of a beach.11.Question: What are the two animals that the little boy saw in the forest?A. A bear and a rabbit.B. A tiger and a monkey.C. A lion and a giraffe.Answer: A. A bear and a rabbit.Explanation: In the story, the little boy mentions seeing a bear and a rabbit while he was exploring the forest. Therefore, the correct answer is A.12.Question: How many apples did the girl have in her basket at first?A. 10 apples.B. 20 apples.C. 15 apples.Answer: C. 15 apples.Explanation: According to the passage, the girl originally had 15 apples in her basket before she gave some to her friends. The correct answer is C.二、选择题(本大题有12小题,每小题2分,共24分)1、What is the capital city of France?A. LondonB. ParisC. RomeD. Berlin答案:B解析:The capital city of France is Paris. London is the capital of the United Kingdom, Rome is the capital of Italy, and Berlin is the capital of Germany. Therefore, the correct answer is B.2、Which of the following is a compound noun?A. appleB. sunlightC. butterflyD. sunlight答案:C解析:A compound noun is made up of two or more words that are combined to form a single noun. “Butterfly” is a compound noun as it is made up of the words “butter” and “fly.” “Apple” is a simple noun, “sunlight” is a compound noun but refers to a state rather than an object, and “sun” is a simple noun. Thus, the correct answer is C.3、What is the correct past tense form of the verb “do”?A. doedB. doneC. didD. dosedAnswer: C. didExplanation: The pa st tense form of the verb “do” is “did”.4、Which of the following sentences is correct?A. He has went to the store.B. She is eating her lunch.C. I am not have a car.D. They have went to the beach.Answer: B. She is eating her lunch.Explanation: The correct sentence is B because “is eating” is the present continuous form of the verb “eat”, which is the correct form to use in this context. The other sentences have incorrect verb tenses or forms.5.What is the correct way to spell the w ord “quickly”?A)qucklyB)quicklyC)quiklyD)qucklyAnswer: B) quicklyExplanation: The correct spelling of the word “quickly” is with the double ‘q’ and double ‘l’.6.Choose the sentence with correct grammar.A)She has a lot of friends, and she is a very nice person.B)She has a lot of friends and she is very nice person.C)She has a lot of friends, and she is a very nice person.D)She has a lot of friends, and she is a very nice person.Answer: A) She has a lot of friends, and she is a very nice person.Explanation: Option A is the correct sentence as it uses the coordinatingconjunction “and” to connect two independent clauses, and it correctly uses the comma before the conjunction.7、What is the plural form of the wo rd “child”?A) childrenB) childsC) childesD) childesAnswer: A) childrenExplanation: The plural form of “child” is “children.” The word does not change its ending to form the plural.8、Which of the following sentences is correct?A) The boy have a red ball.B) The girls are singing in the garden.C) She don’t like apples.D) I am go to the park.Answer: B) The girls are singing in the garden.Explanation: The correct sentence is B because it follows subject-verb agreement (the plural subject “girls” requires the plural verb “are”) and proper tense usage. The other options contain grammatical errors.9.Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:The teacher explained the new vocabulary to us with a lot of enthusiasm.A)excitementB)enthusiasmC)anxietyD)confusionAnswer: B) enthusiasmExplanation: The word “enthusiasm” is the most suitable choice to describe the teacher’s mood while explaining new vocabulary. It implies a high level of interest and energy, which fits the context of the sentence.10.Read the following sentence and choose the correct question to ask for clarification.“The book is about a group of friends who travel around the world on a road trip.”A)What is the book about?B)Who are the friends in the book?C)Where do the friends go on the road trip?D)When does the story take place?Answer: C) Where do the friends go on the road trip?Explanation: The question “Where do the friends go on the road trip?” is the most appropriate to seek clarification about the specific locations or countries visited by the friends in the book. The other questions are related to the book’s content but do not directly address the clarification needed.11.Choose the correct sentence to complete the dialogue:A. How was your school day, Tom?B. I think it was good.C. What did you learn in math class?D. I didn’t like it much.Answer: B. I think it was good.Explanation: The dialogue is between two people asking about the other’s school day. The correct response to “How was your school day, Tom?” is to describe it, which is done in option B.12.Select the word that best fits the blank in the following sentence:The teacher asked the students to__________their homework in class.A. doB. writeC. turnD. showAnswer: C. turnExplanation: The correct phrase to describe students giving their homework to the teacher is “turn in.” Option C is the correct word to complete the sentence.三、完型填空(10分)Exercise 3: Cloze TestRead the following passage and choose the best word to fill in each blank. One word is given for you.The summer holiday is almost over, and students are preparing to go back to school. Many of them are excited to see their friends and teachers again.However, some students are feeling a bit anxious about the new school year. They might worry about the [1] classes, making new friends, or the increased [2].Last year, I was one of those anxious students. I was [3] about the new [4] I had to take. My mother suggested that I join a summer [5] program to help me get ready for the upcoming challenges.1.a) difficultb) easyc) fund) boringe) interesting2.a) scheduleb) schoolc) subjectsd) schoolworke) classes3.a) happyb) excitedc) nervousd) sade) confident4.a) schoolb) lessonsc) subjectsd) testse) teachers5.a) readingb) writingc) studyd) sportse) musicAnswers:1.a) difficult2.c) subjects3.c) nervous4.b) lessons5.c) study四、阅读理解(26分)Reading ComprehensionPassage:The world of technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and it has brought about significant changes in our daily lives. One of the most notable advancements is the development of smartphones. These devices have become an integral part of our lives, allowing us to communicate, access information, and even manage our finances on the go.In a small town called Greenfield, a group of students from Greenfield Primary School is interested in learning more about how smartphones can be used to improve their community. They have formed a club called “Tech for Good” and have started a project called “Smartphones for Seniors.”The “Smartphones for Seniors” project aims to teach older adults in the community how to use smartphones. The students believe that by helping seniors learn to use smartphones, they can improve their quality of life by keeping them connected with family and friends, as well as providing them with access to essential services such as health care and shopping.The project has been well-received by the community, and many older adults have shown interest in participating. The students have developed a simple, step-by-step guide to help seniors get started with their smartphones. The guide covers topics such as setting up the device, navigating the interface, and using essential apps like the camera, calendar, and phone.One of the students, Sarah, has been particularly enthusiastic about the project. She has noticed that many seniors in her neighborhood are often lonely and feel disconnected from the world. Sarah believes that by teaching them how to use smartphones, she can help bridge that gap.Questions:1.What is the main purpose of the “Smartphones for Seniors” project?A. To provide entertainment for older adults.B. To teach older adults how to use smartphones.C. To sell smartphones to the community.D. To collect data on smartphone usage.2.Why do the students think it is important for seniors to learn how to use smartphones?A. It will help them stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends.B. It will allow them to keep in touch with their family and friends.C. It will improve their ability to solve complex problems.D. It will help them become more independent.3.What is one way that the “Smartphones for Seniors” project is makinga positive impact in the community?A. It is creating job opportunities for young people.B. It is providing free internet access to all seniors.C. It is improving the overall health of the community.D. It is helping to reduce loneliness among older adults.Answers:1.B. To teach older adults how to use smartphones.2.B. It will allow them to keep in touch with their family and friends.3.D. It is helping to reduce loneliness among older adults.五、写作题(16分)题目:Imagine you are the principal of a primary school. It’s the end of the schoolyear, and you want to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. Write a speech that expresses your gratitude to the students, teachers, and parents for their contributions to the school. You should also mention some of the achievements of the students and your hopes for the future.写作示例:Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! It is with great pride and a touch of sadness that I stand before you today to address the graduating class of [Year]. As the principal of [School Name], I have had the honor of witnessing the growth and achievements of each and every one of you.First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the students for your dedication and hard work. You have not only excelled academically but have also demonstrated exceptional character and leadership. From the math competitions to the science fair, from the talent shows to the sports events, you have shown us what true passion and perseverance look like.To the teachers, I would like to say thank you for your unwavering commitment to education. Your passion for teaching and your dedication to your students have made a lasting impact on their lives. You have been a guiding light, a source of inspiration, and a role model for all of us.And to the parents, your support and encouragement have been invaluable. Your involvement in your child’s educa tion has helped to create a nurturing and supportive environment that has allowed our students to thrive.This year, we have seen some remarkable achievements. Our students have won numerous awards, from the state spelling bee to the science fair. They have also shown remarkable growth in their social and emotional skills. These accomplishments are a testament to the hard work and determination of our entire school community.As you move on to the next chapter of your lives, I have a few words of advice. Re member that education is not just about grades and test scores; it’s about learning to think critically, to work collaboratively, and to dream big. Embrace challenges, be curious, and never lose your passion for learning.As you leave our school, take with you the friendships, the memories, and the knowledge that you have gained here. And remember that you are part of a larger community that will always be here to support you.Congratulations, Class of [Year]! We are proud of you, and we look forward to hearing about your future successes.Thank you.解析:这篇写作示例遵循了题目要求,首先表达了对学生的感激之情,接着提到了教师和家长的支持。



第20卷第4期2008年7月教师教育研究T eacher Education R esea rch V o l 120,N o 14J u l 1,2008=教师专业发展>教育观念能撑起教师教育的大厦吗)))对专业型教师教育核心理念的质疑与反省龙宝新(陕西师范大学教育科学学院,陕西西安 710062)[摘要]教育观念不是教师参与教育生活的必需条件,对专业教育观念的过度倚重极易使专业型教师教育患上/观念崇拜症0。



[关键词]教育观念;/观念崇拜症0;教师文化;专业型教师教育[中图分类号]G 650[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-5905(2008)04-0004-06Can Educati on Conception Support the M ansion of Teacher Education)))A D oubt and Reflection on t he Core Idea of Professional -oriented Teacher EducationLONG Bao -x i n(Schoo l of Educa tion Science ,Shanx iN or m al University,X i c an,Shanx i ,710062,China )Abstrac t :Education concepti on i sn c t necessary cond iti on for a teacher to pa rti c i pate i n educati onal life ,and pro fessiona l-o riented teacher educati on i s prone to suffer fro m a /concepti on -ado ri ng -symptom 0wh ile it reli es on educa ti on con -cepti on heav ily .To pro m ote a teacher c s freedom i n acti on ,w e shou l d refl ect on the li m its of educati on conception and the co re i dea of pro fessiona l -o rien ted teacher educati on,wh ich i s our starti ng po i nt .It is a w ay out that we should i ntegratethe f u ll educati ona l life w ith a new connotati on of teacher cu lture to promo te the genui ne freedo m o f teacher c s acti on ,should change our eyeshot from i deo logy to onto l ogy ,from ep istemo logy to culturo logy .K ey W ords :educati on concepti on ;/concepti on -ador i ng -sy m pto m 0;teacher culture ;professi onal -o riented teache reducation[收稿日期]2008-04-10[作者简介]龙宝新(1973-),男,陕西洋县人,陕西师范大学讲师,教育学博士,主要研究方向为教育基本原理及教师教育。



他觉得给别人带来幸福的人才是世界上最幸福的人。 他觉得给别人带来幸福的人才是世界上最幸福的人。
(bring) He thinks (that)… *He thinks the people who bring happiness to others are the happiest ones in the world.
14.石油价格的飞速上涨对世界经济产生了很大的影响。 石油价格的飞速上涨对世界经济产生了很大的影响。 (affect)
*That the prices of oil went up/rose rapidly has greatly affected the world economy.
直到他长大成人才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。 直到他长大成人才真正体会到父亲对他的爱。
(Only when)
only在句首强调非主语,主句半倒装 在句首强调非主语 非主语,
*Only when he became an adult did he really realize his father’s love for him.
任何生产像劣质奶粉这样害人的产品的人必须受到 任何生产像劣质奶粉这样害人的产品的人必须受到 像劣质奶粉这样害人的产品 法律的惩罚。 法律的惩罚。(produce)
such harmful products as milk powder of poor quality *Anyone who (has) produced such harmful products as milk powder of poor quality must be punished by law.
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Say no to the teacher-oriented education
When the teacher-oriented education is mentioned, the image that appears in people’ mind is usually boring to death: one teacher is standing in front of the class, lecturing and putting the main points on the blackboard. How about the audience? The students who are supposed to listen carefully have an unexpected sleepy look. To what degree can Chinese students bear up such kind of classes? Actually, it is high time that actions should be taken to change the teacher-centered model for improving students’ interests in study, making the class more efficient and develop students’ creativity.
Students will be more addicted to class-learning if they can be fully involved in it. The biggest shortcoming of the typical give-and-take class is that students are in a passive state where they are excluded from the process of searching and thinking. According to a scientific research on 236 students aged 13 to 15 in a middle school in Hangzhou, 87% students can entirely concentrate on a class for 25 to 40 minutes, when they can actively participate in the class. Nevertheless, only 23% students can pay good attention to the lecture when they are in a passive state in learning. It’s quite clear that how badly students can lose their enthusiasm when they are just kept to sit and listen. The more attendance they gain, the more interests there can be in class.
The active and efficient class can be achieved by changing the situation where teachers take control of the classes. Outwardly, the discipline is good. But the peaceful class order is at the expense of low efficiency. Professor Zhang in Anhui University made a speech on the reformation of education last month. He said; “it’s a kind of forced-feeding method that teachers fill students’ head with a great deal of information without consideration whether they can absorb it. Instead of learning knowledge, they are forced to accept it.”In a teacher-dominate class, students cannot have a deep impression on what their teacher has taught them and thus cause a low efficiency. In a word, class-learning can be active and efficient if teachers no longer dominate the classes.
Creativity which is vital to the students’ future can’t be well developed in the teacher-oriented education. In this kind of classes, teachers directly tell students the solution to a certain problem so that the process of thinking is taken away and make students lack of creativity. A passage named “China Conundrum” from the New York Times reveals such problem. In the passage, Mr. Ma says “everything is copying in China. They write a 25-page paper and they spent 2 hours and they got an A.”There is a clear point that Chinese education kills the creativity of students. Many Chinese students who hold the opinion tend to attend the universities in the US, which are considered to be a cradle for the creative elites. In order to change this situation and truly develop students’ creativity, the teacher-oriented teaching method should be reformed
It is often argued that the teacher-dominate teaching has been long remained in Chinese history and has become an indispensible part in Chinese education system. So it’s not practical to remove or change it. However, being a habit doesn’t mean that it’s true. If it can’t keep up with the tendency of education development, great efforts should be paid without hesitation. To some extent, it has been causing a severe negative effect on education. It lowers students’enthusiasm on study, reduces their attentions and kills their creativity. Thus, the typical give-and-take teaching shouldn’t be no longer considered as an ideal educational method.
All in all, there are a great amount of disadvantages for continually reserving the forced-feeding teaching. If it can be removed from Chinese education, great changes can soon emerge: the education can be more scientific, beneficial and efficient. It is high time that a great revolution should be carried out to change the teacher-oriented education.。
