Abstract The Design of the IPACS Distributed Software Architecture






关键词新型冠状病毒肺炎火神山医院隔离防护三区四廊负压隔离病房压力梯度Ventilation and air condition!ng design for WuhanHuoshenshan HospitalBy Lei Jionping^,Chen Yonhuo,Li Jun and Zhong ZoipengAbstract As a temporary emergency hospital to cope with the COVID-19,the design of Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital is quite different from that of conventional hospitals.Presents the general situationof the hospital,the design principles and key points of ventilation and air conditioning,the design of smokecontrol system and control system,etc.Presents mainly the design scheme,thinking and key points ofventilation and air conditioning systems of"three areas(clean area,scmi-pollutcd area and polluted area)and four corridors(clean corridor,nurse corridor,medical corridor and patient corridor)v.Keywords COVID-19,Huoshenshan Hospital,isolation protection,three areas and four corridors, negative pressure isolation ward,pressure gradient★CITIC General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan,China0引言武汉火神山医院作为第一个应对新型冠状病毒肺炎的临时应急型传染病医疗建筑,其设计、建造与常规医疗项目存在很大的不同:要求在10d 内建成,5h岀方案,60h交付全部施工图。



第33卷第1期2021年3月宁波工程学院学报JOURNAL OF NINGBO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYVol.33No.lMar.2021DOI:10.3969几i ssn.1008-7109.2021.01.016项目引导式教学在“园林设计”课程中的探索与实践马力,魏守凤,段然,张雯洁(宁波工程学院建筑与交通工程学院,浙江宁波315211)摘要:通过对当前建筑学人才培养方向的分析,重新思考了本科院校建筑学专业“园林设计”课程的培养目标与教学任务。




关键词:园林设计;教学;项目引导;任新村中图分类号:G642.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-7109(2021)01-0095-06Project-guided Teaching in"Landscape Design"MA li*,WEI Shoufeng,DUAN Ran,ZHANG Wenjie(School of Civil and Transportation Engineering Ningbo University of Technology Ningbo315211,China) Abstracts:Through the analysis of the current training direction of architecture talents,the paper re designs the training objectives and teaching tasks of the"Landscape Design”course for architecture ma­jors.In the teaching methods,the project-guided teaching model is advocated,and a specific pro­ject-guided teaching practice is carried out with village as an example.It explores the design and process of project-guided teaching,and summarizes the effects of teaching practice in the way that it has improved learning interest and designed thinking ability,stimulated the motivation of independent learning,and promoted the ability of diversified development,communication and expression and teamwork.It also reflects on the key issues of teaching practice,which,practical projects should be appropriate,teaching resources integrated,and curriculum settings reasonable.Keywords:Landscape Design,teaching,project guidance,Renxin Village0引言园林设计是建筑设计不可或缺的重要内容,建筑大师贝律铭的建筑作品如香山饭店、苏州博物馆等无不是把园林作为重要的内容融入到建筑设计中;普利兹克奖获得者王満的建筑作品从中国古典园林中得到了很大启发;吴良铺提出了建筑、园林、城市规划三位一体的人居环境学及广义建筑学,认为收稿日期:2020-07-15修回日期:2020-09-09通信作者:马力(1976-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事旅游与风景园林规划设计研究, E-mail:ghyml@96宁波工程学院学报2021年第1期三者应该互相依赖、融合与促进叫随着人们对生存环境的越来越重视,建筑与园林的联系更加紧密,逐渐形成了建筑园林一体化的建筑学发展趋势。



苹果的设计和包豪斯的关系英语作文The relationship between Apple's design and the Bauhaus movement is deeply intertwined. Bauhaus, a German art school founded in the early 20th century, promoted a design philosophy that emphasized simplicity, functionality, and the use of modern materials. Apple, known for its sleek and minimalist product designs, clearly draws inspiration from the principles of Bauhaus.Apple's design aesthetic can be traced back to the influence of Bauhaus, particularly in its focus on clean lines, geometric shapes, and the use of white space. The Bauhaus movement believed in the idea of "form follows function," which is evident in Apple's products that prioritize usability and user experience above all else.One of the key figures in Apple's design history, Jony Ive, has cited Bauhaus as a major influence on his work. Ive's designs for products like the iPhone and MacBook reflect the Bauhaus principles of simplicity and utility, with an emphasis on creating objects that are both visually appealing and practical.Overall, Apple's design philosophy shares many similarities with the Bauhaus movement, both valuing simplicity, functionality, and the use of modern materials. The influence of Bauhaus on Apple's design can be seen in its products, packaging, and even its retail stores, all of which embody the principles of the Bauhaus movement.苹果的设计和包豪斯运动之间的关系是深深交织在一起的。



0 引言岸边集装箱起重机(以下简称岸桥)作为安装在港口、码头前沿,又是船舶集装箱装卸的主要设备,对其提出了越来越高的要求,特别是大型集装箱船舶的发展。










通过对岸桥臂架俯仰机构参数化的研究,逐步扩展到对岸桥金属机构,起升机构,运行基于知识工程的岸边集装箱起重机臂架俯仰机构参数化研究黄进前 郭珍吉 周振江河南卫华重型机械股份有限公司 长垣 453400摘 要:提出了一种岸边集装箱起重机臂架俯仰机构的参数化设计方法,该方法以知识工程为理论依据,以Pro/E 为参数化平台,以知识工程库和机构模型库为支撑,采用VB系统开发软件,SQL Server 2012数据库存储,针对目前CAD技术在起重机设计过程中的应用现状,设计开发了基于知识工程的岸边集装箱起重机臂架俯仰机构参数化设计系统,给出了系统结构设计、实现功能和实现方法。



青龙阁物流商贸中心生产实习总结罗冲(土木工程专业 200740610110湖北黄石435003)摘要:本文主要介绍在工地上学习了柱、梁、板模板的设计和安装方法,柱、梁、板钢筋的翻样和现场绑扎方法,填充墙砌体的施工要点以及各分项工程的质量验收。


关键词:工程实践安装翻样绑扎质量验收Qinglongge Logistics business center of production engineeringpractice summaryLuochong (Civil engineering 200740610110 Hubei Huangshi 435003)Abstract:This paper presents a study on a construction site columns, beams, plate template for the design and installation methods, columns, beams, steel plate over the kind of site and method of banding, filled with masonry wall construction, as well as elements of the sub-project quality Acceptance. And through more than learning to learn the expertise to full use in engineering practice for the future work of the accumulated experience in engineering practice.Key words: engineering practice installation turn-like banding quality inspection1 工程简介本工程位于黄石市湖滨东路,框架剪力墙结构,建筑面积175002,地上23层,1—3层为商业用房,本工程采用桩基(人工挖孔灌注桩),建筑物安全等级一级,设计使用年限100年,建筑抗震设防类别丙类,框架抗震等级三级。








2 SP3D在撬块化设计中的应用价值当前科技迅猛发展,3D 软件在工程设计中的辅助作用不容小觑,SP3D 软件由美国研发而成是当前智能工厂设计领域的潮流产品,以数据库建设为核心,依靠计算机编译数字信息,不支持文字信息编译,需要将文字转变为数字形式传输到计算机中。

其中,AllCodeLists 可将多种有效信息分类,各类文字与数字相对应,标记的文字数量较多,以管道为例,需要对尺寸、材质、压力、壁厚等指标信息进行全面标记,并将各项特征汇总在表格上。

此外,还利用Speci f i cation 部分对管道等级进行划分,依靠Catalog 将真实的管道参数体现出来。


2.1 多专业协调设计该软件可创建一个多专业综合化的协同设计平台,不但支持工艺配管,还可使电气、自控与水处理等多专业同时在平台中设计,不同专业之间的布设情况可共享,有效避免错、漏、碰撞等情况发生,使设计质量和效率得到全面提升。

在建模中虽然需要0 引言当前油气田发展速度提升,用户需求也逐渐扩大,缩短设计与建设周期成为提高企业市场竞争力的关键所在。



CL I C Vol.68 No.3, 2007 比较文学教学与学科理论建设“垂死”之由、“新生”之路———评斯皮瓦克的《学科之死》孙景尧1 张俊萍2(1上海师范大学 中文系、河南大学 比较文学与文化研究所,上海 200234 2江南大学 外语学院、上海师范大学 中文系,江苏 无锡 214000)摘要:斯皮瓦克的《学科之死》在西方学界引起了强烈的反响,该书对我们重新审视西方比较文学特别是美国比较文学,尤其是探讨其“垂死”之由、“新生”之路,并进而反思我们的比较文学发展,具有重要的参考意义。


关键词:比较文学;全球化;星球化;知识装备Abstract:Sp ivakπs D eath of a D iscipline,which has brought about heated dis2 cussion in western academ ia,is of significance to our resurveying of western comparative literature,especially that of U.S.It is als o significant for a study on comparative literatureπs death and its rebirth,and for a reflection on the de2 vel opment of Chinaπs comparative literature.The paper makes an intr oduct ory中国比较文学 2007年第3期 (总第68期)study on the original ideas as well as the insufficiencies of Sp ivak πs work .Be 2sides,it discusses the ins p iration and further thinking the book br ought to us .Key words:co mparative literature;globalization;p lanetarity;knowledge e 2quipment 中图分类号:I 106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10066101(2007)03000110上世纪末,西方学界此消彼长的理论声浪尚还萦绕耳际,而当下“理论终结”或“理论死亡”的喧哗又不期而至。



S. L.安德森风景园林设计哲学及艺术表现手法探析Exploration of the Philosophy and Artistic Expression of Landscape Architecture in S. L. Andersson's Design Works 杨滨章/ YAN G Bin-zhang S.L.安德森是目前在世界范围内享有盛誉的少数丹麦风景园林师之一,其设计作品因具有新颖独特、温馨浪漫、地域鲜明、人文情怀等特点而备受人们喜爱。



L.安德森;设计哲学;艺术表现;探析7 文献标志码:A 修回日期:2012-04-26Abstract: Stig Lennart Andersson is one of the few renowned Danish landscape architects worldwide. His design works are becomingthe favor of people for their u nique features, comfortable and romantic atmosphere, local identity and human dimension. In this paper,the au thor attempts to help people to understand his works well by analyzing his design philosophy and artistic expression throughhis works. His philosophy could be attributed into four aspects: human-oriented ideals, vernacular elements, innovation ways andsustainable principle used by his works to enhance society harmony, culture inheritance, development of landscape design and promotionof life quality. And his design methods were consist of simple design forms, multi-function spaces, abundant visual experiences andelegant detail dealing.Key words: landscape architectu re; S. L. Andersson; design philosophy; artistic expression; explorationS.L.安德森(S tig Lennart Andersson)是目前在世界范围内享有盛誉的少数丹麦风景园林师之一,以其名字命名的SL A设计公司也誉满丹麦和欧洲。



AbstractDesigning structures is on milestone that humanity has already achieved. However the uniqueness of a building does not allow a general method to improve the behaviour of the elements and diminishing the overall cost of the structure.In my research the residential high-rise reinforced concrete buildings will be the kind of buildings considered to be optimized. Take for instance a common 30 story building high-rise building, the drift limitation will be a point in which the design will be focused as much as the gravity or the floor systems. Therefore my research objects will be he lateral load resisting system, vertical load resisting system, floor system and the foundation system as the parameters to be considered.The research content will have to recreate the initial architectural preliminary structural design and understand where the building can be considered. Then for every different object considered must be optimized using individual models and considering the effect compared with the initial one.Even though the foundation is the initial part of the project the foundation system depends on the superstructure loads and when the superstructure is optimized they will be changed, so it must be the last step to be optimized. As for the floor system can be almost independently considered due to the weak relation with the other elements, just boundary conditions. Once the floor system is optimized the lateral and vertical load resisting system can be optimized, both being shear walls and columns and shear walls and beams respectively.The scope of the study will be limited to high-rise reinforced concrete buildings with sparse columns and a dominant resisting load carried by the shear walls and beams; the floor system considered is a two-way slab with no edge constrains and for the material considered only concrete and reinforcing steel bars are considered, no composite nor steel elements are considered in the research; the foundation system considered is deep foundation with raft and piles which is the common one for the high-rise building structure.。



铜铝复合柱翼型散热器连接方式对散热量的影响青岛理工大学 张双喜 余才锐山东省建筑设计研究院 牟灵泉 楚广明高密中亚暖通设备有限公司 杨华杰摘要 根据我国目前广泛使用的铜铝复合柱翼型散热器的特点,研究了不同连接方式对其散热量的影响。


关键词 铜铝复合 散热器 连接方式 修正因数Influence of connection modes on heat release of copper aluminum column wing type radiatorsB y Zhang S huangxi ,Y u Cairui,M ou L ingquan,Chu G uan gm ing an d Y ang H uajieAbstract Acc or ding to the char acter istics o f the copper aluminum co lumn wing ty pe ra diato rs usedpopular ly in China to da y,studie s the var iety of hea t r ele ase in diff ere nt co nnect io n mo de s,and discusses the metho d f o r calculating co lloca tio n quantities of ra diato rs in pro ject de sig n.Keywords c opper a luminum,r adia tor ,c onnection mo de,co rr ection co ef ficientQingd ao Technological University,Qingdao,S handong Province,Chinay0 引言散热器是供暖系统的末端装置。



作者简介: 顾启民(1957-),毕业于南京师范大学,高级工程师。


LabVIEW 中的波形和数据交替显示控制顾启民 吕庭常熟理工学院(筹)自动控制系(215500)摘要:在虚拟仪器设计中,构建一个简洁而有序的界面对测试人员来说是至关重要的。


关键词:虚拟仪器 界面设计 交替显示 选择结构Alternation Display Control of the W aveform and Data in the LabVIEWAbstract : In the design of the virtual instruments ,building a sim ple and ordered interface is veryim portant for engineers .Through the exam ples this paper introduces the control methods of how to realize the alternation display of the waveform and data ,and provides an ef 2fective methods for interface design of the virtual instruments.K eyw ords : Virtual instruments ,interface design ,alternation display ,case structure.引言 LabVIEW 是美国NI (National Instruments )公司推出的一种基于计算机的虚拟仪器开发平台,也是一种功能强大、编程灵活、人机界面友好、目前应用最广泛的软件,在测量与控制领域中占有重要的地位。

post-disciplinary design

post-disciplinary design

post-disciplinary design Postdisciplinary design refers to an approach in design thinking that goes beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries and embraces cross-disciplinary collaboration. It encourages designers to explore new ways of problem-solving and promotes innovation through the integration of various knowledge areas. In this article, we will delve into the concept of postdisciplinary design and discuss its significance in today's complex and interconnected world.First and foremost, it is essential to understand the context in which postdisciplinary design emerges. We are living in an era of rapid change and increasing complexity, with global challenges requiring multifaceted solutions. The traditional disciplinary approach has its merits, but it often falls short in addressing complex problems that require a comprehensive understanding of multiple perspectives. Therefore, postdisciplinary design offers an alternative framework that encourages designers to collaborate across disciplines, building on each other's expertise to tackle these challenges effectively.The key principle of postdisciplinary design is the integration ofdiverse knowledge areas. By involving individuals from different backgrounds, such as design, engineering, anthropology, psychology, and sociology, a broader range of expertise and perspectives can be brought to the table. This collaborative approach helps in generating innovative solutions that are not limited by a single discipline's conventional thinking. For example, when designing a new product, a postdisciplinary design team may include engineers for technical expertise, designers for aesthetics, anthropologists for understanding cultural context, and psychologists for user experience considerations. By combining these various perspectives, the team can create a product that is both functional and meaningful to its intended users.Another significant aspect of postdisciplinary design is the breaking down of silos and fostering interdisciplinary communication. Traditionally, disciplines have operated independently with limited interaction with other fields. Postdisciplinary design challenges this conventional approach by encouraging a free flow of ideas and knowledge exchange between disciplines. Through open dialogue and collaboration, designers can gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of different knowledge areas and their potential for synergy. Thiscollaborative environment allows for creativity and innovation to flourish as diverse perspectives come together to explore new possibilities.Furthermore, postdisciplinary design promotes a holistic view of problem-solving. By considering the broader context and systems in which a problem exists, designers can identify and address underlying causes rather than merely treating symptoms. This holistic approach aims to create lasting and sustainable solutions that go beyond surface-level fixes. For instance, a postdisciplinary design team working on urban planning may consider not only the physical infrastructure but also sociocultural factors, environmental impact, and economic considerations to develop a comprehensive and integrated plan for urban development.Additionally, postdisciplinary design enables designers to navigate the complexity of the modern world. The interconnected nature of today's challenges necessitates a multidimensional understanding that cannot be achieved through isolated disciplinary approaches. Postdisciplinary design equips designers with a broader perspective, enabling them to identify patterns, connections, and interdependencies that may have otherwise been overlooked. Thiscomprehensive understanding allows for the development of innovative and effective solutions that address the root causes of complex problems.In conclusion, postdisciplinary design offers a fresh and innovative approach to problem-solving in an increasingly complex world. By embracing cross-disciplinary collaboration, integrating diverse knowledge areas, fostering interdisciplinary communication, promoting holistic thinking, and navigating complexity, postdisciplinary design enables designers to overcome the limitations of traditional disciplinary boundaries. In doing so, designers can develop more comprehensive, sustainable, and impactful solutions that address the interconnected challenges we face today. Embracing postdisciplinary design is essential for driving meaningful innovation and tackling the complex problems of our time.。



2003年8月系统工程理论与实践第8期 文章编号:1000-6788(2003)08-0141-03基于AN P的超级决策软件介绍及其应用刘 睿1,余建星1,孙宏才2,田 平2(1.天津大学建筑工程学院,天津300072; 2.总装备部工程兵二所,北京100850)摘要: 从应用的角度介绍A N P(网络层次分析法)应用软件——超级决策软件系统,并利用该软件对水利水电项目导流施工方案进行评价.用同一组数据分别对A N P和A HP模型进行计算,出现了倒序现象,因此是否考虑系统内部元素间的反馈和依存关系将直接影响备选方案的排序.作者尝试性地应用该软件,说明A NP方法作为一种决策方法是可以用于工程实际的.关键词: AN P;超级决策;施工方案评价中图分类号: N94 文献标识码: A Introduction to the ANP Super Decisions Softw areand Its ApplicationLIU Rui1,YU Jian-x ing1,SU N Hong-cai2,T IAN Ping2(1.Scho ol o f Co nst ructio n Engineer ing,T ianjin U niver sity,T ianjin300072,China; 2.No.2inst itute,Eng ineering Cor ps, Equipment Depar tment of G ener al,Beijing100850,China)Abstract: In the v iew o f applica tio n,t he paper intr oduces the A N P super decisio n so ftwar e,mean-w hile use the so ftw are to ev aluate the constructio n plan in hydro electr ic po w er pro ject.F or r ank be-comes r ev er sed w hen calculating AHP model a nd A NP model w ith t he same data,it pro ves the pr io rityof the plan has the directly co nnection w ith t he model whether considering dependence and feedback ofelement s or not.As a decision met ho d,t he A NP theo ry can be used in pra ct ical eng ineer ing with t hehelp o f the so ftw are.Key words: A NP(A nalytic N etw o rk Pr ocess);super decisio n;constr uction plan evaluatio n1 引言AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)是美国Pittburg h大学T.L.Satty教授提出的一种多准则决策方法,已在系统决策中得到了广泛的应用.常规的AHP方法将系统划分为层次,只考虑上一层次元素对下一层次元素的支配和影响,同时假设同一层次的元素之间是相互独立的,不存在相互依存的关系.这种假设在简化了系统内部元素关系的同时,也限制了其在复杂系统中的应用.许多复杂系统必须考虑层次内部元素的依存和下层元素对上层元素的反馈影响,T.L.Satty教授为此在1996年系统地提出了ANP(Ana-lytic Netw o rk Process)理论[1],将系统内各元素的关系用类似网络结构表示,而不再是简单的递阶层次结构.ANP理论更准确地描述客观事物之间的联系,是一种更加有效实用的决策方法.传统的AH P方法只是A NP方法的一个特例.由于国内对ANP的理论研究还处于初级阶段,有关ANP理论的文章不多,如文献[2,3],加上ANP 模型的计算较为复杂,在不借助于计算软件的情况下,很难将ANP模型应用于解决实际决策问题.ANP 计算问题是解决ANP应用的瓶颈,其计算的复杂性严重阻碍ANP理论在实践中的应用.目前国内将收稿日期:2002-09-19作者简介:刘睿(1969-),女,安徽合肥人,博士研究生,研究方向为工程项目风险管理,Email:liuruibeijing@sohu. com;余建星,天津大学建工学院院长,博士生导师;孙宏才,总装备部工程兵二所所长,博士生导师;田平,总装备部工程兵二所总工程师.142系统工程理论与实践2003年8月ANP模型用于实际的例子尚不多见,文献[4]将一个简单的带反馈的AH P问题(ANP)转化为A HP之后,将问题得以求解.如果对较为复杂的ANP问题,文献[4]的方法将是无法推广的.最近Rozann W. Satty和W illiam Adams在美国推出了超级决策(Super decision,下称SD)软件,该软件基于ANP理论,已成功地将ANP的计算程序化,是ANP的强大的计算工具,为A NP的推广奠定了基础.本文从应用的角度介绍AN P的应用软件——超级决策SD软件,并成功地利用该软件对水利水电项目导流施工方案进行评估.2 ANP应用软件——超级决策SD软件介绍超级决策SD软件提供了强大的功能,可以计算任何ANP模型,并完整地表达计算结果.当然如果不输入相关元素之间的关系,则该软件也完全可以用来计算AHP模型.同时该软件也提供了良好的人机对话窗口,较方便于使用者,遗憾的是该软件没有汉化,在推广中会存在语言障碍.运用ANP超级决策SD 软件进行决策的基本步骤如下:1)对决策问题进行分析,将一个复杂问题分解成各个元素组(cluster)和元素(elem ent).同时在程序中选择相应按键,逐个输入元素组(C)和元素(E).输入方式有三种:三层结构模板、二层结构模板或是不用模板,自行设计.SD软件提供的标准模板是将任何一个决策问题归结为从利益(Benefits)、成本(Costs)、机会(Oppo rtunities)、风险(Risks)四个准则来考虑,即可以将决策问题转化为BOCR四个方面去评价.在每个准则之下,可分别构造子网络、子子网络,网络内部有元素组,元素组内有元素.自行设计的模型可将任何一个ANP模型在程序中表示出来.2)按支配关系将各个元素组(cluster)和元素(element)聚类形成网状结构,确定元素组(cluster)之间和元素(element)之间的关系,主要判断元素层次是否内部独立,是否有依存和反馈关系存在.按照比例标度经过人们的判断,针对某一目标,对元素组(cluster)之间和元素(element)之间进行逐一比较,构成两两对比矩阵.在输入方式上可采用矩阵式、百分比式、问卷式、口头方式,也可以直接以文件形式输入数据.凡是相互之间存在依存和反馈关系的,都应进行两两比较.当同一层元素之间相互独立,不作两两比较时,就转化为ANP模型的特例——A HP模型.以上两部分构成了SD软件的输入部分.3)计算分析部分:根据上述输入,SD软件就可以构造超矩阵、加权超矩阵、极限超矩阵,最终可得综合优势度,另外还可以进行灵敏度的计算,如不借助于SD软件,灵敏度计算的工作量是极其繁重的.改变两两对比矩阵、优势度的数值,可分别分析计算其灵敏度变化情况.超矩阵、加权超矩阵、极限超矩阵的数据可以在EXCEL表格中打开,最终优势度数据和灵敏度可用图表表示.3 案例研究水利水电工程中不过水围堰施工导流方案的选择是一个复杂的多目标决策问题,通常选择备选方案的准则有施工费用指标、工期指标、施工风险指标和施工难度指标[5].1)工程费用指标该项费用由确定性和不确定性两部分费用组成.一旦施工方案选定,确定性费用,包括导流泄水建筑物费用、围堰工程费用和基坑抽排水费用等,可视作恒定的值.当导流工程失效时,需采取补救措施,这时发生不确定性工程费用,如基坑再次抽排水费用、围堰修补费用和基坑清淤费用.2)施工工期指标当导流工程失效时,需采取补救措施,造成施工工期的延长,工期延长量由基坑再次抽排水时间、围堰修补时间和基坑清淤时间决定.3)施工风险指标施工风险度是由导流系统中的水文、水力等不确定因素引起的.通常,可用年导流风险率来表示风险度指标.4)施工难度指标施工难度主要集中在隧洞施工难度和围堰施工难度上.上述各项指标都可以通过模糊打分法确定.同时,通过上面的分析,各项指标之间存在一定的依存关系,如工程费用和工期都是由施工工程量确定,工程量包括确定和不确定两部分,其中不确定性工程量与施工风险指标和风险难度指标密切相关.可以说,施工风险指标和施工难度指标决定了施工方案的未来工程费用和工期.因此,在综合评价施工方案时,必须考虑到各项指标之间的依存关系,即施工风险指标和施工难度指标对工程费用和工期的影响.建立如图1所示的ANP 模型.图1 为比较ANP 与传统的AHP 模型的不同,笔者借助于超级决策(Super decisio n )软件,用同一组数据对这两种模型进行了计算ABC 方案的排序,用A HP 模型计算结果为A >C >B ;用AHP 模型计算结果为C >A >B .当然,ANP 模型中分别增加了施工风险指标和施工难度指标对工程费用和工期的影响判断.值得注意的是方案A 和方案C 的排序出现颠倒.这种排序的颠倒正说明了是否考虑因素内部依存关系会直接影响决策.另外,通过对敏感度的计算也得到了一些有意的启示.限于篇幅,这里无法将有关数据一一说明.4 结语基于ANP 理论的超级决策SD 软件成功地解决了超矩阵的复杂计算问题,解决了ANP 方法在决策中的实际应用困难.同时,由于对A NP 机理还存在许多的疑惑,如考虑因素之间的影响为多大时,会出现方案倒序等等问题,还需要进一步地进行研究和探索.参考文献:[1] Saaty T L.Desion M aking w ith D ependence and F eedback:T he Analyt ic N etw or k P ro cess [M ].Pittburg h,RW SPublicat ions.2001.84-136.[2] 王莲芬.网络分析法(A N P )理论和算法[J ].系统工程理论和实践,2001,21(3):44-50.[3] 孙宏才,田平.网络层次分析法(A N P)与科学决策[A ].孙宏才.决策科学理论与方法[C].北京:海洋出版社,2001,3-8.[4] 刘林.反馈系统排序方法及其在产业结构分析中的应用[D ].天津:天津大学系统所,1987.[5] 钟登华,毛寨汉,刘海东.施工导流方案的多目标总体综合评价方法[J ].水利水电技术,2002,33(5):17-20.(上接第140页)参考文献:[1] 李丛信,陈淼鑫,郭福田,周丽佩.注水系统的计算方法[J ].石油学报,1998,19(3):120-124.[2] 陈淼鑫,刘翠玲,陈晓昕,李天歇.大型注水系统的最优控制(一)、(二)[J ].黑龙江自动化技术与应用,1996,18(6):1-7.[3] 陈淼鑫,刘铁男,司光宇.大型注水系统的运行、计算和控制[J].大庆石油学院学报,1995,19(3):71-75.[4] 朱俊华,战长松.往复泵[M ].北京:机械工业出版社,1991.[5] 席少霖.非线性最优化方法[M ].北京:高等教育出版社,1992.143第8期基于AN P 的超级决策软件介绍及其应用。



May2020 s型无碳小车的创新设计及分析Innovative Design and Analysis of Model S Carbon-Free Car■湖北文理学院汽车与交通工程学院钱伟Qian Wei摘要:采用CATIA.ANSYS等计算机辅助设计分析软件,依据相应现代机械结构设计理念,通过分析计算确定小车的形态结构和尺寸参数,再利用有限元分析方法进行受力复杂结构强度校验,使之其结构参数达到最佳定值状态,最终结合工程实践经验,对小车部分结构进行合理创新,最终使得小车具备性能优越、结构简约和路径精准等优势。


关键词:有限元分析优化设计结构创新Abstract:For the design of the national college students'engineering training comprehensive ability competition theme,it S thecar carries on the analysis research,the full text will use the computer aided design analysis software such as CATIA,ANSYS,on the basis of corresponding modem mechanical structure design concept,through analysis and calculation the morphologicalstructure and size parameters of the car,using the finite element analysis method for complex loading structure strength check,make its structure parameters to achieve optimal state fixed value,find"combined with engineering practice experienee,thereasonable in n ovation of car parts,eventually making the car with superior performa n ee,simple structure and the advantages of thepath accuracy.The pure mechanical trolley also ensures that there is no dead point or interference in the desigr\and the structuredesign of the trolley is completely reasonable.Key words:finite element analysis optimization design the structure innovation【中图分类号】TN830.1【文献标识码]B文章编号1606-5123(2020)05-0079-041引言无碳小车避障赛是全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛的重要主题项目之一,实属教育部高等教育司举办的全国性大学生科技创新实践竞赛活动,目的在于提升工科类大学生工程创新能力、实践探索能力及团队协作能力,对于促进应用型、创新性人才培养起到了重要作用。



1552023.14 / Architectural Design and Theory 建筑设计·理论有着千丝万缕的联系,艺术审美观念的变化深刻地影响着不同时空的建筑形式。

彼得·卒姆托(Peter Zumthor,以下简称“卒姆托”)是建筑现象学的代表人物,其作品的建造理念受现象学影响颇深,但不难看出其形式有战后欧洲艺术流派的影子。


后来,卒姆托进入巴塞尔工艺美术学校学习,该学校的课程以包豪斯为模板,由从包豪斯来的老师任教,根植于约翰内斯·伊顿(Jogannes ltten)的教育理念,由莫霍利·纳吉(Moholy Nag)进一步发展[1]。







摘要 瑞士建筑师彼得·卒姆托自20世纪80年代至今,设计的建筑作品以其“诗意”的气质而闻名,致力于回归建筑的真实性探索,是当今建筑界备受关注的建筑师。





中图分类号 TU-098.9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1003-739X (2018)04-0111-06 收稿日期 2017-04-16黄思达 | Huang Sida 喻梦哲 | Yu Mengzhe西安钟楼尺度规律探讨Design Manners of Xi'an Bell Tower摘 要 西安钟楼是陕西关中地区明初官式建筑的代表性实例,其尺度设计与模数控制反映了工匠深层次的技术逻辑。

该文基于对西安钟楼实测数据的系列推算,发现基本模数a (5寸)以及扩大模数A (2.5尺)在设计中被广泛地运用、朵档与间广的严格制约关系、材模数制控制强化、用材变造趋于简化、斗口模数开始被运用等诸多规律,反映了西安钟楼基本继承宋《法式》以来的营造传统,又有诸多革新之处,同时还受南方地区营建技艺的影响。

关键词 西安钟楼 明初官式建筑 尺度规律 模数 Abstract Xi'an Bell Tower is a representative example of official architectures in the Ming Dynasty in Guanzhong area, its scale design and modular control reflect the craftsman's design manners. Based on the analysis of the surveying data, we draw many conclusions such as the modular a(5cun) and A(2.5chi) is common used in design, strict constraints on the relationship between Dougong and bay, the control of Cai modular is strengthen, flexibility in the use of modular is more simple, Dou-Kou modular is used in design principle. Xi'an Bell Tower primarily inherits tradition of "y i ngzao-fa sh i" a s well a s combines trait of reformation, and has been influenced by design manner in South china.Ke y wor d s X i 'a n B el l Towe r, O f f i c i a l architectures in the Ming Dynasty, Design manners, Modular西安钟楼始建于1384年(明洪武十七年),于1582年(明万历十年)从旧城西隅的广济街口迁建今址,为目前国内始建年代最早、体量最大、结构保存最为完整的城市钟楼,其外观为坐落于8m高的砖石墩台上重檐三滴水楼阁(图1)。







1 门德尔松的早期探索20世纪的第二个十年,门德尔松在慕尼黑接受了建筑教育,成为西奥多·费舍尔(Theodor Fischer,1862-1938) ①心爱的学生之一。



置身当时的历史时摘要 爱因斯坦天文台作为德国表现主义建筑中最著名的实例之一,通过考察该建筑,开展对埃里希·门德尔松高度个人化的表现主义方法研究,并揭示相对论对其建筑思想的影响程度,进一步厘清爱因斯坦天文台与表现主义主流设计之间的观念与形式差异。



关键词 表现主义;动态形式;相对论;埃里希·门德尔松中图分类号 TU-86文献标识码 A DOI 10.19892/ki.csjz.2023.14.42Abstract Examining the Einstein Tower, one of the most famous examples of German Expressionist architecture, the paper studies Erich Mendelsohn's highly personal expressionist approach and reveals the influence of the theory of relativity on his architectural thinking, so as to further clarify the conceptual and formal differences between Einstein Tower and the mainstream design of the expressionist. The Einstein Tower is the first example of Mendelsohn's development of dynamic forms within the scope of functions. The architect adopted a design method that combined new scientific theories and the application of reinforced concrete materials to produce architectural forms. Combining with a large number of sketches, letters, articles and exhibitions drawn by Mendelsohn, this paper traces the gestation and occurrence of this design method, and forms a comprehensive understanding on Mendelsohn's architectural thoughts in the early 1920s.Key words expressionism; dynamic form; relativity; Erich Mendelsohn即使在今天,只要提到德国建筑师埃里希·门德尔松(Erich Mendelsohn,1887—1953),就会联想到爱因斯坦天文台雕塑般的曲线形式(见图1),无论是建筑教科书或是历史资料中,该建筑的照片都一再表达出门德尔松的雕塑天赋及其与生俱来的艺术表现才能——预制混凝土的清晰线条将各曲面和平面衔接起来,表达了一种全新作者简介:刘鹤群(1989-),女。



关于电影美术总体造型设计的英文文献关于电影美术总体造型设计的英文文献有很多,以下是一些可供参考的文献:1. "The Design of Cinematic Space: The Architecture of Imaginary Worlds" by Christopher Probst. This book is a deep exploration of the relationship between cinema and architecture, and the role of the set in both physical and digital spaces.2. "The Art of Cinematography: The International Encyclopedia of Film and Television" edited by Colin MacCabe, with contributions from many well-known film scholars. This book delves into the relationship between cinematography and film design, discussing how the two work together to create a unified visual style.3. "The Art of the Cinematographer: Interviews with Six Masters of Cinematography" by James Chressanthis. This book offers interviews with six renowned cinematographers, exploring their creative processes and how they approach visual storytelling through cinematography.4. "The Visual Language of Film" by David Bordwell. This book explores the visual elements of cinema, including cinematography, editing, and mise-en-scene, and how they work together to create a narrative.5. "The Art of Production Design: Set Decoration and Styling in the 21st Century" by Janie Bryant. This book delves into the art of production design, discussing how set decoration and styling contribute to the overall visual style of a film or television show.这些文献都可以提供对电影美术总体造型设计的深入理解和认识,对于学习和研究电影美术的人具有很好的参考价值。



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The Design of the IPACS Distributed Software ArchitectureHeinz Kredel Matthias MerzUniversity of Mannheim University of MannheimIT Center, L 15,16 IT Center, L 15,16 68131 Mannheim, Germany 68131 Mannheim, Germanykredel@rz.uni-mannheim.de merz@rz.uni-mannheim.deAbstractThe IPACS-project (Integrated Performance Analysis of Computer Systems) was founded by the Federal Department of Education, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF) in the pro-gram High-Performance-Computing to define a new standard for measuring system perform-ance. One part of this research project is the design of a distributed architecture for execution of benchmarks on High Performance Computers. Its objective is to guide benchmarkers along a mostly automated benchmarking process cycle in compiling and executing benchmarks, and finally gathering and presenting the measured results on a central website. In this paper we present a distributed software architecture which allows immediate analysis of the results, is robust and flexible to support this benchmarking process for the benchmark community.1.IntroductionThe analysis of the performance of computer systems and applications has lead to a vast number of benchmark programs and suites. Among these the TOP500 ([17]) list, based on the Linpack benchmark is the most public visible benchmark in the world. Its success comes first from the scalability of the Linpack benchmark over all computer architectures over the last 25 years, second from the open availability of the source and supporting code together with the community validation of the results and third from the interest of computer manufacturers to publish the best Linpack numbers for their systems as a competitive comparison. For custom-ers the Linpack numbers are a prime corrective to the peek advertised performance (PAP) of computer systems, since a real benchmark program must be executed on a existing computer in order to obtain the performance numbers.Many other benchmark initiatives fail short on some aspects: the benchmarks are only mean-ingful for certain architectures, hardware features or certain system sizes (e.g. NAS PB [11]), to obtain and publish the benchmark one must be a member of an organization and follow certain procedures (e.g. TPC [18], SPEC [16]) or there is only an academic interest in the re-sults of a benchmark (see the Netlib link collection [3]).However, its success is due to a limitation of the Linpack benchmark, is assesses the suitabil-ity of a computer system only by computing a solution to a dense and arbitrarily big system of linear equations. But many of today’s applications incorporate new algorithms with different system stress patterns or algorithms based on new mathematical theories. On the practical side it is relatively easy to run the Linpack with reasonable results by a benchmark professional but for most new or young benchmarkers it is very hard to tune and optimize the Linpack software configuration to achieve good results.The IPACS-project ([6]) wants to improve this situation by augmenting Linpack with a set of low level and application benchmarks and in easing the execution of these benchmarks. The evaluation and selection or the development of augmenting benchmarks is part of other IPACS publications, in this paper we focus on the development of an distributed and easier to use benchmark environment.1.1Related WorkOther benchmarking activities do not aim at such an highly automated process cycle. There is one project 'Repository in a Box' (RIB, [15]) which is a software package for creating web metadata repositories which can contain metadata for benchmark suites for various applica-tion domains. This tool helps finding benchmarks or other software in a specific application domain that does not contain the benchmark code or benchmark results.The Performance Database Server ([12]) is a web-server which contains results of various benchmarks from Dhrystone to Linpack. The results from Linpack are mostly up to date, but other tables contain merely historical data. Data input seems to be sent via email to the main-tainers. The goal of the Performance Evaluation Research Center ([13]) is a scientific under-standing and improvement of the performance of HPC systems. Although they develop benchmarks and performance models for predictions (just as IPACS) it seems not to be in-tended to facilitate the benchmarking and publishing process. The HPC Challenge ([4]) with PaMaC project ([14]) also aim at a suitable benchmark suite which can complement the Lin-pack/TOP500 benchmark. The proposed benchmarks are primarily based on Linpack and its software infrastructure. The web-site contains an archive of benchmark results and provides a web-form to be filled out and submitted together with the benchmark result file. User valida-tion is via email response with an activating URL.So the IPACS concept of integrating a benchmark code repository, a benchmark result reposi-tory and automated process cycle contributes new ideas and experiences in benchmarking. 1.2Outline of the paperThe remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 recalls the traditional process of benchmarking and highlights the improvements of the automated IPACS benchmark cycle. Section 3 introduces the distributed software architecture with its main components: bench-mark client, repository server and web-presentation. Section 4 concludes this paper.2.Process of BenchmarkingThe process of benchmarking High Performance Computers is quite complex and assumes fundamental benchmarking experience, in particular by configuring and compiling benchmark sources with approved compiler flags and proper operating system settings. The IPACS benchmark environment should guide the (novel) benchmarkers in the selection and deploy-ment of the benchmarks, guide the execution and tuning of a benchmark and automatically collect the results, publish them and presenting them for comparison with other computer sys-tems and benchmark runs.Let us first recall the well-known Linpack process cycle (fig. 1): a person selects the Linpack source code from Netlib web-site, the Linpack is transferred to the target computer system, compiled, tuned and run, finally the results are pasted into a web-form at TOP500 or send by email to Jack Dongarra (the developer and maintainer of the benchmark). If the results are meaningful or bad can be seen by feedback from the TOP500 team or the bi-yearly published and moderated result lists on .IPACS aims at an automated process cycle (fig. 2): a person connects with the IPACS client to the IPACS repository server, the client guides the person in the determination of basic facts about the High Performance Computer, based on this information a suitable benchmark is downloaded. The IPACS client guides the person in the compilation, tuning and running of the selected benchmark, once results from a benchmark are available, they are transmitted as XML forms setup by the IPACS client and stored in the repository database. The client thenguides the browsing of the repository contents with the new results.3. Software ArchitectureAs discussed in the previous sections the IPACS Distributed Software Architecture includes three primary elements as illustrated in fig. 3: benchmark client, repository server and web-presentation. The objectives to be met by each of these components are outlined below:3.1 Benchmark ClientThe benchmark client mediates as graphical user interface between benchmarker and reposi-tory server. Starting the client for the first time on a High Performance Computer, the client is registering itself at the repository server. Afterwards the client tries to detect the current hard- and software environment partly by asking the benchmarker for further information. To avoid redundant data the client does not store any information locally, with the exception of a sim-ple identification number. Thus, every information about the hard- and software environment, the measured results and further information entered by a benchmarker are directly stored at the repository servers database, which leads to another advantage: the repository server - and with it also the web-presentation - has always the most up-to-date information.In cooperation with the repository server and independent of the current hard- and software environment, the client suggests the execution of useful benchmarks according to the IPACS benchmark methodology. By starting the execution of a suggested benchmark the client automatically downloads either a pre-compiled benchmark for the current operating system if available or an existing benchmark source code. After the execution of the benchmark the client imports the measured results and transmits them to the repository server.To cope with different hardware and operating systems, the benchmark client was completely developed in the object-oriented portable programming language Java. The client uses the standard HTTP-protocol with XML messages to communicate with the repository server. Other message oriented middleware such as CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Ar-chitecture) or RMI (Remote Method Invocation) have been considered in the design phase. Although these are much higher-level standards and provide easier programming APIs they require a sophisticated infrastructure and are therefore more difficult to deploy in an unknown environment. So CORBA requires a setup of an ORB (object request broker) and accompany-ing services together with the installation and configuration of the respective classes whichFigure 2: IPACS Process CycleFigure 1: Linpack Benchmarking ProcessHighPerformance Computer Repository- ServerBenchmark- ClientDatabase Web-PresentationInternet makes the deployment of the client much more complicated. Basically RMI has the same disadvantages as also services on certain ports must be provided. Despite of these problems and since also the CORBA Firewall Traversal Specification was not settled during our design phase, we decided to stick to the more robust and ubiquitous HTTP-protocol on port 80. Thus our concept avoids problems with the infrastructure, especially with firewalls of HPC centers.Up to now all IPACS benchmark suites produce only ASCII text files as output. The relevant information in these files is identified and parsed to be structured forfurther processing. Together with the benchmark developers we designed a global XML-structure (DTD) to describe a common XML-output for all involved benchmarks. As a result the benchmark client has only to transmit these XML-files via HTTP to the repository server without additional data-interpretation and on the other side the repository server is always able to deal with the received information. Compared to other solutions, e.g. serialized objects instead of XML-messages or well-known web-services our approach leads to an further ad-vantage: In the rather unlikely case of firewall-problems with port 80, the XML-files could also be transmitted with other services e.g. ftp or email.3.2Repository ServerWhile the benchmark client was designed as a lightweight approach without extensive intelli-gence, the main work is done on the repository server. Once a new client is registered, the repository server requests information about the current hard- and software environment. Based on the received facts and probably already stored information the repository server de-termines useful benchmarks for execution on the High Performance Computer. It has to deal with information about available benchmarks, current versions and their location at the IPACS web-server. After benchmark execution it has to collect the measurement results and to prepare the data for the web-presentation. One fact to keep in mind is that measurement results are only meaningful even they are presented together with the current hard- and soft-ware configuration.To realize our distributed client-server environment, several different scenarios are possible. Our first solution was based one the widespread Enterprise Java-Beans (EJB) component model [10] as part of the J2EE platform [9]. But due to financial limitations and the flaws of the available open source J2EE implementations (e.g. memory leak in JBoss 2.x) when our project started, we decided to realize our implementation based on Apache’s open-source servlet-container Tomcat [2]. Afterwards we discussed possible persistence solutions for our backend. Our first model was based on an object-oriented database, because object-oriented databases appear to be the conceptually most appealing kind of data store. But due to the need of the web-presentation we decided to use a relational database even though this lead to the so-called impedance mismatch between the object-oriented and component-based business logic in the application layer. At first glance the new Java Data Objects (JDO) standard [8] might well be a considerable solution as the persistence layer of choice. But whereas in none-managed environments are at least a few open source implementations available (with all kind Figure 3: IPACS Architectureof restrictions and limited functionality), currently only expensive commercial JDO-implementations are existing with the use in managed environments.Mapping benchmark results and computer information from the communicated XML files to fixed relational tables with hardcoded SQL/JDBC (Structured Query Language/) leads to a disadvantage regarding flexibility. Even the use of available O/R mapping tools often locks the developer into a particular vendor and leads to a restriction in application portability. Therefore we developed a suitable persistence layer for the special requirements in bench-marking. Based on a XML-mapping file our approach allows to change the information struc-ture in our database tables and relations without code-modifications to the repository server. This ensures an easy adaptability of all components to future requirements.3.3Web-PresentationOnce the benchmarks are executed and the output files are available one would like to com-pare the performance results to other results in the repository. The comparison will reveal deficits in the software tuning of the benchmark with respect to similar architectures and problems of the hardware of new computers if no improvements can be seen. So facilitating easy comparisons is a mayor goal of IPACS. There are at least three software designs to meet these goals: first we could augment the client with sufficient capabilities to present the com-parison data, second we could augment the server with the public Web-publishing functional-ity to present the data and third we could add some private Web-publishing functionality on the server.The first design would give the benchmarkers private and immediate comparison data, how-ever it would mean that the client software must be considerably more complex and would need longer development and testing time. So we decided to implement all comparison func-tionalities only on the Web-server, where it must be implemented anyway. With private com-parison the benchmarker could compare their results with the data contained in the repository before making their results public available. The private comparison could be interesting in cases a benchmark is not yet tuned sufficiently or a new hardware is benchmarked which is not yet disclosed or finally optimized for performance. On the other hand the immediate pub-lic availability of the results can be inspiring and motivating for other benchmarkers. Immedi-ate publishing was also used with the online Java Linpack benchmark [7] which was widely accepted. The implementation of a private comparison capability would require some session tracking and per session views on the repository database. So for the software architecture we decided to keep the design simple in the first place and not to implement the private compari-son functionality. From the maintainers point of view the private comparison seems also unat-tractive, as we could end up with a repository containing thousands of results but only a small number that is publicly visible. This would considerably lower the value of the IPACS ser-vices to the community.For the software to realize the Web-service we stick to the proven robust combination of the Apache HTTP-Server with PHP scripts to access the MySQL database of the repository. The presentation of the benchmark results is straight forward. Every benchmark has three levels of details: a single number which presents the most condensed result (as the R max of Linpack), a set of (three) numbers which give more insight into the performance characteristics (e.g. N max, N1/2 in Linpack) and finally the textual output of the benchmark run. The results are first pre-sented in the most condensed form together with the main hardware and software characteris-tics and a visitor can then click on appropriate buttons or links to uncover more and more de-tails. This approach is also used on other benchmarking activities, e.g. by the web-presentation of the SPEC benchmarks.A final point in the presentation of the results to consider is the order in which the computer systems are listed. For Linpack/TOP500 the computers are easily ordered with respect to their R max value. But for IPACS with more than six different benchmarks it is not possible to find a meaningful way to order the systems. The IDC HPC [5] tries to define a rank based on a (equal) weighting scheme of the different benchmarks to construct a single number for order-ing. However there has been disagreement about this scheme in the scientific benchmark community [1] as a weight between different performance numbers depends on particular application characteristics. Each visitor has its own applications which imply different impor-tance (or weights) between the numbers of different benchmarks. Therefore IPACS will not imply any ordering on the overview results but will provide visitors with the option of selec-tion of own ordering schemes for assessment.4.ConclusionWith the IPACS software environment we presented a new step in the support of an easy and efficient benchmarking cycle. The proposed software architecture is robust and simple to be deployed in a wide variety of heterogeneous client environments. The database design is elaborate enough to start with the benchmarking but is also flexible in design to be easily adaptable to future requirements. The presentation of the benchmark results is designed to be most useful for the benchmark community. All results are immediately transferred to the web site via the repository server to make them available for comparison and analysis with other results.We thankfully acknowledge the fruitful discussions with our colleagues from the IPACS pro-ject and others. In particular thanks to F.J. Pfreund for the project initiative, to M. Meuer for the IPACS web presentation, to H. Bockhorst, A. Geiger, D. Merten, E. Strohmaier, C. Simmendinger, D. Waschk for clarifying the requirements of the benchmark process. We also thank our colleagues from the IT Center and the department Information Systems of the Uni-versity of Mannheim for their continued support of the project.References[1] Aad van der Steen (2002), How informative is the IDC Balanced Rating HPC Benchmark?/primeur/02/articles/weekly/AE-PR-03-02-60.html[2] Apache Software Foundation: The Jakarta Project – Tomcat, /tomcat/index.html[3] High Performance Linpack (HPL) at Netlib: URL: /benchmark/hpl/[4] HPC Challenge: URL: /hpcc/[5] IDC market research: URL:[6] IPACS Project: URL: /[7] Java Linpack: URL: /benchmark/linpackjava/[8] Java Community Process (2003): JSR-000012 Java Data Objects Specification 1.0.1[9] Sun Microsystems (2003): Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition 1.4., /j2ee/[10] Sun Microsystems (2002): Enterprise JavaBeans Specification 2.1, /products/ejb/[11] NAS Parallel Benchmark: URL: /[12] Performance Database Server: URL: /performance/html/PDStop.html[13] Performance Evaluation Research Center (PERC): URL: /main.htm[14] Performance Modeling and Characterization (PaMaC): URL : /PMaC/Benchmark/[15] Repository in a Box (RIB): URL: /rib/[16] Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC): URL: /[17] TOP500 Supercomputer Sites: URL: /[18] Transaction Processing Council (TPC): URL: /。
