Enterprise Portal 6
SAP Enterprise Portal概述
SAP NetWeaver Visual Composer SAP 企业门户l 内容工作室 内容管理员
SAP AG 2006, NetWeaver Development Infrastructure / Marc Chan, 31
SAP AG 2006, NetWeaver Development Infrastructure / Marc Chan, 10
第一层:角色 企业标识
布局、色调、字体、 语言等个性化
My Sales Figures
SAP AG 2006, NetWeaver Development Infrastructure / Marc Chan, 11
协作 (Collaboration)
协作——通过事件和消息的处理,把用户 有效地联系在一起 知识管理——在内容管理(CM)的基础上提 供包括搜索在内的多种检索方式
Information Integration理 (Master Data Management) 流程集成 集成代理
SAP EP 集成企业应用
界面集成 用户集成 角色及权限管理 SAP EP 开发工具
SAP AG 2006, NetWeaver Development Infrastructure / Marc Chan, 7
基于角色驱动, … …安全…
Internet 页面
引领物联网感知中国心实现智慧环保应用系统集成方案(初稿)目录1.概述 (1)1.1.需求背景 (1)1.2.项目目标 (1)1.2.1.项目需求 (1)1.2.2.项目目标 (2)1.3.项目总的理解 (3)1.3.1.核心是集成 (3)1.4.智慧环保门户的技术要求 (4)2.PORTAL+SSO的认识 (9)2.1.P ORTAL (9)2.1.1.Portal定义和特点 (9)2.1.2.SSO概念 (10)2.2.多种门户的比较 (12)2.2.1.EIP主要厂商Portal比较 (12)2.2.2.EIP具体厂商参数比较 (14)3.XXXXPORTAL选型建议 (31)3.1.IBM W EB S PHERE P ORTAL (32)3.1.1.提供的解决方案 (32)3.1.2.软硬件一览表 (33)3.1.3.系统逻辑结构和服务功能结构 (34)3.1.4.方案的优势和劣势分析 (36)3.2.BEA W EBLOGIC P ORTAL (36)3.2.1.提供的解决方案 (36)3.2.2.软硬件一览表 (42)3.2.3.系统逻辑结构和服务功能结构 (43)3.2.4.方案的优势和劣势分析 (44)4.方案辅助参考 (45)4.1.1.WebSphere 安装手册 (45)4.1.2.WebSphere 配置手册 (45)4.1.3.WebSphere 集群配置手册 (45)1.概述1.1. 需求背景本项目围绕建设目标,针对环保业务需求,在无锡市现有环保信息化建设的基础上,拟建设太湖水质立体监测监控系统、环境空气质量自动监测系统、环境噪声自动监测系统、污染源在线监测监控系统、放射源在线监测监控系统、危废在线监控系统、移动及应急监测监控系统、无锡市碳排放监测监管系统、遥感监测分析系统和机动车尾气监测监控系统,有机整合感知节点以多网融合的方式形成统一的环境监测监控传感网络;以应用支撑和数据中心为核心进行建设,最终形成业务应用支撑能力和数据综合管理能力;建立监测预警系统、污染源监控系统、环保电子政务系统、环境应急指挥系统和教育展示互动系统五大智慧应用系统,以环保业务应用和信息资源综合分析与决策服务为主体,全面提升环境管理智能化水平。
网络计划技术 —网络计划的时间参数计算
确定网络计划的关键工作和关键线路; 确定计算工期; 确定非关键线路和非关键工作及其机动时间(时 差);为网络计划的优化、调整和执行提供明确的 时间参数。
关键路径是在项目中最长的连续路径,该路径 决定了项目的完成日期 . 关键路径上的某一道作业的延迟将导致其它作 业和整个项目的延迟 . 在默认情况下, 关键路径定义为“总浮时小于等 于零”而且其横道用红色显示.
集团公司的相关要求 集团公司文件工[2008]8号:国电工程建设部要求宝庆配合 “关于共同进行<<中国国电集团公司基建工程项目公司管理 流程>>” 统一使用P6作为计划管理平台 报表要求
一、P6应用的目标及集团公司的相关要求 二、P6软件介绍 三、P6项目管理思想与流程 四、进度计划的编制与控制 五、p6案例介绍 六、p6应用成功的基本要素 七、下一步的工作安排 八、问题解答与讨论
一般网络计划技术的网络图有双代号网络图和单代号网 络图两种。
双代号网络图由若干表示工作的箭线和节点组成,其中 每一项工作都用一根箭线和箭线两端的两个节点来表示,每 个节点都编以号码,箭线两端节点的号码即代表该箭线所表 示的工作,“双代号”的名称由此而来。
项目执行阶段 – 组员作业实际情况反馈(续)
IBM MW & Server Toolkits
ISV & Customer Tools
WebSphere Studio
WebSphere Studio Workbench
–Based on Java 集成开发环境支持所有J2EE组件开发及测试 提高编程效率
V6.0 Application Server
Separate Install (Local or Remote)
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Annotation-based Programmration
Web Services
Build and consume Web Services – EJB and Java bean JSR 101/109 Web Services Support for setting conformance levels – WS-I SSBP 1.0 (Simple SOAP Basic Profile 1.0), and WS-I AP (Attachments Profile 1.0) Generate JAX-RPC handlers with wizard – Skeleton handler generated and deployment descriptors updated Secure Web Service requests/responses with WS-Security – Security values specified in J2EE deployment descriptor editors Integrated SOAP Monitor available for viewing Web Service traffic – Integrated into creation wizard
TP-Link R系列企业级路由器主要功能配置实例说明书
声明Copyright © 2021 普联技术有限公司版权所有,保留所有权利未经普联技术有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位或个人不得擅自仿制、复制、誊抄或转译本手册部分或全部内容,且不得以营利为目的进行任何方式(电子、影印、录制等)的传播。
目录第1章前言 (1)1.1 目标读者 (1)1.2 本书约定 (1)1.3 适用机型 (1)第2章基础联网设置 (3)2.1 企业路由器基本设置指南 (3)2.1.1 应用介绍 (3)2.1.2 需求介绍 (3)2.1.3 设置方法 (3)2.1.4 注意事项 (7)2.2 企业路由器IPv6上网配置指导 (8)2.2.1 应用介绍 (8)2.2.2 需求介绍 (8)2.2.3 设置方法 (8)2.2.4 疑问解答 (15)第3章设备管理 (17)3.1 如何在外网远程管理(控制)路由器? (17)3.1.1 应用介绍 (17)3.1.2 需求介绍 (17)3.1.3 设置方法 (17)3.1.4 注意事项 (20)3.1.5 疑问解答 (21)3.2 如何设置自动重启? (22)3.2.1 应用介绍 (22)3.2.2 需求介绍 (22)3.2.3 设置方法 (22)3.2.4 注意事项 (23)第4章负载均衡 (24)4.1 多WAN口路由器负载均衡的设置指南 (24)4.1.1 应用介绍 (24)4.1.2 需求介绍 (24)4.1.3 工作原理 (24)4.1.4 设置方法 (25)第5章路由转发模块 (27)5.1 策略路由设置指南 (27)5.1.1 应用介绍 (27)5.1.2 需求介绍 (27)5.1.3 设置方法 (28)5.1.4 疑问解答 (31)5.2 ISP选路设置指南 (33)5.2.1 应用介绍 (33)5.2.2 需求介绍 (33)5.2.3 设置方法 (34)5.3 静态路由设置指南 (36)5.3.1 应用介绍 (36)5.3.2 需求介绍 (36)5.3.3 设置方法 (37)5.4 线路备份设置指南 (38)5.4.1 应用介绍 (38)5.4.2 需求介绍 (38)5.4.3 设置方法 (38)5.4.4 注意事项 (40)5.5 虚拟服务器设置指南 (41)5.5.1 应用介绍 (41)5.5.2 需求介绍 (41)5.5.3 设置方法 (42)5.5.4 疑问解答 (43)5.6 NAT-DMZ功能设置指南 (44)5.6.1 应用介绍 (44)5.6.2 需求介绍 (44)5.6.3 设置方法 (45)第6章AP和易展管理 (47)6.1 AP管理设置指南 (47)6.1.1 应用介绍 (47)6.1.2 需求介绍 (47)6.1.3 设置方法 (47)6.2 易展AP设置指南 (53)6.2.1 应用介绍 (53)6.2.2 需求介绍 (53)6.2.3 设置方法 (54)6.2.4 注意事项 (58)第7章行为管控 (59)7.1 连接数限制设置指南 (59)7.1.1 应用介绍 (59)7.1.2 需求介绍 (59)7.1.3 设置方法 (59)7.1.4 疑问解答 (60)7.2 访问控制设置指南 (61)7.2.1 应用介绍 (61)7.2.2 需求介绍 (61)7.2.3 设置方法 (61)7.2.4 疑问解答 (67)7.3 应用限制设置指南 (68)7.3.1 应用介绍 (68)7.3.2 需求介绍 (68)7.3.3 设置方法 (68)7.4 网址过滤设置指南 (71)7.4.1 应用介绍 (71)7.4.2 需求介绍 (71)7.4.3 设置方法 (71)7.4.4 疑问解答 (75)7.5 网页安全设置指南 (76)7.5.1 应用介绍 (76)7.5.2 需求介绍 (76)7.5.3 设置方法 (76)第8章安全防护 (78)8.1 ARP防护设置指南 (78)8.1.1 应用介绍 (78)8.1.2 需求介绍 (78)8.1.3 设置方法 (78)8.1.4 疑问解答 (84)8.2 MAC地址过滤设置指南 (86)8.2.1 应用介绍 (86)8.2.2 需求介绍 (86)8.2.3 设置方法 (86)第9章VPN模块 (88)9.1 IPSec VPN设置指南 (88)9.1.1 应用介绍 (88)9.1.2 需求介绍 (88)9.1.3 设置方法 (89)9.2 L2TP VPN设置指南 (96)9.2.1 应用介绍 (96)9.2.2 需求介绍 (96)9.2.3 设置方法 (97)9.3 PPTP VPN设置指南 (105)9.3.1 应用介绍 (105)9.3.2 需求介绍 (105)9.3.3 设置方法 (106)9.4 L2TP VPN代理上网设置指南 (115)9.4.1 应用介绍 (115)9.4.2 需求介绍 (115)9.4.3 设置方法 (115)9.5 PPTP VPN代理上网设置指南 (120)9.5.1 应用介绍 (120)9.5.2 需求介绍 (120)9.5.3 设置方法 (120)第10章认证管理 (125)10.1 一键上网设置指南 (125)10.1.1 应用介绍 (125)10.1.2 需求介绍 (125)10.1.3 设置方法 (126)10.2 短信认证设置指南 (130)10.2.1 应用介绍 (130)10.2.2 需求介绍 (130)10.2.3 设置方法 (131)10.3 Portal认证设置指南—使用内置WEB服务器和内置认证服务器 (136)10.3.1 应用介绍 (136)10.3.2 需求介绍 (136)10.3.3 设置方法 (137)10.4 Portal认证设置指南—使用内置WEB服务器和外部认证服务器 (141)10.4.1 应用介绍 (141)10.4.2 需求介绍 (141)10.4.3 设置方法 (142)10.5 Portal认证设置指南—使用外置WEB服务器和内置认证服务器 (146)10.5.1 应用介绍 (146)10.5.2 需求介绍 (146)10.5.3 设置方法 (147)10.6 Portal认证设置指南—使用外置WEB服务器和外置认证服务器 (150)10.6.1 应用介绍 (150)10.6.2 需求介绍 (150)10.6.3 设置方法 (151)10.7 免认证策略的使用方法 (154)10.7.1 应用介绍 (154)10.7.2 需求介绍 (154)10.7.3 设置方法 (155)10.8 Portal认证中,外部WEB服务器建立规范 (158)10.8.1 应用介绍 (158)10.8.2 流程规范 (159)第11章工业级特性 (163)11.1 如何使用工业级路由器? (163)11.1.1 产品介绍 (163)11.1.2 需求介绍 (163)11.1.3 设置方法 (164)第12章其它功能 (168)12.1 地址组的设置与管理 (168)12.1.1 应用介绍 (168)12.1.2 需求介绍 (168)12.1.3 设置方法 (168)12.1.4 疑问解答 (170)12.2 带宽控制设置指南 (172)12.2.1 应用介绍 (172)12.2.2 需求介绍 (172)12.2.3 设置方法 (172)12.2.4 疑问解答 (175)12.3 PPPOE服务器应用设置指南 (177)12.3.1 应用介绍 (177)12.3.2 需求介绍 (177)12.3.3 设置方法 (178)12.3.4 疑问解答 (181)12.4 网络唤醒功能使用指南 (183)12.4.1 应用介绍 (183)12.4.2 需求介绍 (183)12.4.3 设置方法 (183)12.5 诊断工具使用指南 (186)12.5.1 应用介绍 (186)12.5.2 需求介绍 (186)12.5.3 设置方法 (187)第1章前言本手册旨在帮助您正确使用R系列企业级路由器。
目录1 Portal配置..........................................................................................................................................1-11.1 Portal简介..........................................................................................................................................1-11.1.1 Portal概述...............................................................................................................................1-11.1.2 Portal扩展功能........................................................................................................................1-11.1.3 Portal的系统组成....................................................................................................................1-11.1.4 使用本地Portal服务器的Portal认证系统.................................................................................1-31.1.5 Portal的认证方式....................................................................................................................1-41.1.6 Portal认证过程........................................................................................................................1-51.1.7 Portal支持双机热备.................................................................................................................1-71.2 Portal配置任务简介...........................................................................................................................1-91.3 Portal的基本配置...............................................................................................................................1-91.3.1 配置准备.................................................................................................................................1-91.3.2 配置Portal.............................................................................................................................1-101.4 配置免认证规则...............................................................................................................................1-111.5 配置认证网段...................................................................................................................................1-111.6 配置接口发送Portal报文使用的源地址............................................................................................1-121.7 配置强制用户下线...........................................................................................................................1-121.8 配置本地Portal服务器.....................................................................................................................1-121.8.1 配置本地Portal服务器...........................................................................................................1-121.8.2 定制认证页面文件.................................................................................................................1-131.9 配置强制认证域...............................................................................................................................1-151.10 配置接口的NAS-ID........................................................................................................................1-161.11 配置接口的NAS-ID Profile.............................................................................................................1-161.12 配置Portal支持双机热备................................................................................................................1-171.13 配置Portal最大用户数...................................................................................................................1-181.14 配置Portal服务器不可达Trap功能.................................................................................................1-181.15 Portal显示和维护...........................................................................................................................1-191.16 Portal典型配置举例.......................................................................................................................1-201.16.1 Portal直接认证配置举例(WX系列无线控制产品适用)....................................................1-201.16.2 Portal二次地址分配认证配置举例(WX系列无线控制产品适用).....................................1-241.16.3 三层Portal认证配置举例(WX6000系列和WX3000系列适用).......................................1-261.16.4 Portal直接认证扩展功能配置举例(WX系列无线控制产品适用).....................................1-271.16.5 Portal二次地址分配认证扩展功能配置举例(WX系列无线控制产品适用).......................1-291.16.6 三层Portal认证方式扩展功能配置举例(WX6000系列和WX3000适用).........................1-321.16.7 使用本地Portal服务器的直接Portal认证配置举例(WX系列无线控制产品适用).............1-331.17 常见配置错误举例.........................................................................................................................1-351.17.1 接入设备和Portal服务器上的密钥不一致............................................................................1-351.17.2 接入设备上服务器端口配置错误.........................................................................................1-36z本手册中标有“请以设备实际情况为准”的特性描述,表示WX系列无线控制产品的各型号对于此特性的支持情况不同,具体差异请参见用户手册的“特性差异化列表”的“特性支持情况”章节。
Portlet学习笔记1. Portal基础1.1. 什么是Portal]s-e r d3S&j:h OPortal 一词是在Internet 的发展中提出来的,原意为“门户网站”即是人们上网后想要访问的第一个网站,例如雅虎、搜狐这类网站。
在这个阶段,Portal 还是作为一个面向广泛群体的信息平台,把人们所需要的各种信息(或者访问这类信息的途径)聚合在一起,是一个信息集中平台。
很快企业应用中也开始采用Portal 这个概念,根据Portal 在企业应用中的不同作用,业界对Portal 有着不同的定义如企业信息门户、知识门户、专业门户、应用门户等等。
随着时间的推移,业界对Portal 的定义趋向一致,也就是在JSR168 种对Portal 的定义:y I S-|{portal爱好者_ H |p.N F J hA portal is a web based application that ?commonly- provides personalization, single sign on, content aggregation from different sources and hosts the presentation layer of Information Systems. Aggregation is the action of integrating content from different sources within a web page. A portal may have sophisticated personalization features to provide customized content to users. Portal pages may have different set of portlets creating content for different users. T1Z(_1G'r o c,l从上述定义中我们可以知道Portal 是企业用户访问各种企业信息、应用的入口,如下图:oo"M].|T*U1.2. 什么是Portlet作为企业信息、应用的入口,Portal 的每个页面(Page )包含了多种不同的信息,一般来说Portal 的显示如下:K w+@h l,z9[+Ss}*^n(v YQ h d _6}1U5D上图中你可以看到有多个小窗口,每个窗口是一个独立的应用,这些窗口称之为Portlet ,一个Portal 可以看作是Portlet 的集合。
ELCA’s Solution Internet PortalsAgendaIntroductionInternet portal definition & benefits Our servicesCase studyOur partners & technologiesOur referencesIntroductionAnalysts say …«The basis of competition is changing from a product focus to a customer focus. Companies must use the Internet as a central tool in improving customer service, customerretention and, thereby, profitability.»«The cost to market to existing Web customer is $6.80compared to $34to acquire a new Web customer.»Gartner, September 2000Boston Consulting Group, 2000Targeting customers:Who are they (community, language, equipment, web-awareness,…)?Will they find what they are looking for?How can I retain them and obtain their loyalty?Accessing content:Various information and applications = many formats and many sources Private information concerns individuals or horizontal communitiesExploiting the portal:The portal should be available 24/24, 7/7Do we need a specialized team and specific means to manage the portal?Multiple products often required to cover all the requirements: Make them work together!Multiple contracts (support) and higher prices.A consistent architecture must take into account:Short / long term strategy?Data heterogeneity.Low awareness of key issues and related impacts:E.g. multi-language, security, availability, scalabilityLimited vision for portal technology directionInternet Portal Definition & Benefits Provide your customers withwhat they want at the right timeDefinition« An Internet vertical portal provides content aggregation relevant to its industry, links to related industry, supplier and even competitor sites, community and collaboration capabilities aimed at its industry or niche, and e-commerce services for products and services relevant to its industry or niche.»Research Note,Gartner Group, 2001Enterprise LogoServices ProductsProfile Help ...Promotions ShippingCatalog International ...Wish ListShopping Cart Items:•Microfiber Windshirt•Baseball Cap -BlackMyCart Check Out Reset PromotionsTravel UmbrellaCurrent Price: $38.99(Item #P123_456) Coffe Mug Current Price: $3.99(Item #P123_768) Add to CartPortal contents and services inboxbookmarks alerts Welcome Alice!...Direct access to personal area Search What it doesPortal Identity, BrandContent and service options Content navigationContentRole of a Portal1.Aggregate information and services in orderto capture potential customers and …2.Collect value added information about them in orderto better serve them and boost sales.Business BenefitsEnhanced customer loyaltyProvide single source of interaction with all business informationCustomized and personalized services instantly available 24/24, 7/7Lower costs of customer acquisition and retentionAutomation of business processesGet and analyze customer behavior and desiresIncrease enterprise visibilityDevelop a new communication channelIncrease sales of products and servicesInternet Portal ComponentsCustomersOS / PC Hand-held / PDA Mobile phoneWAP / SMSHTTPBrowser Browser BrowserAccessDevicesDisc.DBsE-mailAudio UserProfilesContentEnterpriseLegacySystemsExternalResourcesSearch, Workflow, Collaborative Tools, CRM, Knowledge MgmtScheduling, Personalization, Transactions, Load Balancing, SecurityConnectors, Adaptors, Specific Interfaces•WebContentMgmt•Statistics&Marketingtools•User&SecurityAdmin,LoggingAdmintoolsEmployees PresentationInternetPortalBusinessApplicationsRetrieval,IntegrationResourcesLayout, Navigation, Dynamic, Device independence,Communication, BrandingSell, Inform, Self-service Applications,Business Specific ApplicationsAPIs,ToolsMarket OverviewWhat is the futureSource: GartnerGroupTimeOur Internet Portal Services We deliver value by combining technology and designEnvisionWe help you to build your Internet PortalKey Service Offerings:Internet StrategyRequirement definitionProduct evaluationProject organizationExample:DonnéesModule de calcul etde traitementProspect OpérantInterface Internet Interface IntranetAdministrateurParamétrage des règlesTimbre de validité (futur)AuthentificationPrise en charge,Recherche,création, modification de dossierGestion de contactImpression+Fonctions InternetSimulationOffreDemande de contactAuthentificationImpressionInternetDesignDesign is the time where the success of the solution is drawnKey Service Offerings: StoryboardingContent strategyArchitecture design Hosting studySite DesignTest strategy Example:Composant BV(Profile Mgt)Composant BV(Profile Mgt)HTML/Javascript clientJava Server Pages/ServletsCorba (orbix)HTTP/HTTPSComposant BV(Profile Mgt)Composant BV(DB Access)HTMLStatic Pages/Flash/…DB(Oracle)New Component(Java)Java Server Pages/ServletsAppletPluginGameComponentGame AppletHTTP/RMIDéveloppement ELCADéveloppement ExterneBroadvisionBrowserBroadvisionInteractionManager + iPlanetBroadvisionOne To One ServerDeliverWith our partner or based on standard technologies, we are always able to find a solution that fits your needsKey Service Offerings:Product integrationCustom development Change management Project supporte-TestingData migrationExample:XML ContentXML ContentBrowserBrowserEmailEmailMobileMobileImproveContinuous improvement is the only way to find the right fit. We can help you to ensure that objectives are reached.Key Service Offerings:Security reviewProcess reviewMonitoringArchitecture assessment Performance analysis Example:Load / Performance Analysis08.05.20012040608010012014016004812162024Hours#usersWhy ELCA ?Broad range of integrated services ranging from Consulting to ImplementationMany years of experienceIntegration of best of breed componentsFlexibility & local presenceUnderstanding of functional (business) &non-functional (performance, scalability) issuesTurnkey solutions with fixed price & fixed delivery dateCase Studywww.paleo.ch Paléo festival portalPromote the festivalInform in real time during the festivalSell twice as many tickets as last yearSell ten times more articles than last year Improve communication with the press Enhance backend process of ordersProvide statistics and feedback on site usage Business objectivesTechnical challenges2 months to go live !Open exactly at 2:00 pm April, the 24th! 100,000 visits the first day !Same structure for 2001, 2002 and 2003 ! Content updated in real time by novelists ! Include multimedia!DesignSite map, storyboarding and EasySite discovery (workshops) Site layout (prototyping)Hosting requirements and payment interface (with a partner)DeliverConfiguration of EasySite and realization of the shopping module Installation and integration at the Hosting placeRoll out preparation and go live on D-day / T-timeImproveMonitoring and support during exploitationOn-site assistance during the festivalOur solution02'000'0004'000'0006'000'0008'000'00010'000'00012'000'00014'000'00016'000'00018'000'000Hitsavr-01mai-01juin-01juil-01août-01sept-0102'000'0004'000'0006'000'0008'000'00010'000'00012'000'00014'000'00016'000'00018'000'000Hits avr-01mai-01juin-01juil-01août-01sept-01ResultDefine technical constraints for the layout earlyDo not mix different navigation schemas (ergonomics) Involve content creators as early as possibleProvide a real environment for the tests (e.g., real payments) Include mechanisms to temporarily lock sub-areas (maintenance)Oversize the H/W with options for later downsizingLessons learnedOur Partners & Technologies We partner with technology leaders and first class service providersEuropeLarge portal platformApplicationPersonalization platformWeb content managementPortal foundation componentsBusiness application foundationsOpen architecture (J2EE) and connectors to the backend Connectors to internet third parties (payment, certification, …)Content management platformApplicationIntuitive web content managementStaging mechanismSearch and personalizationRapid development and open source (PHP Apache)Our ReferencesWe partner with our clients for delivering innovative solutionswww.cida-electra.chOnline ShopBusiness IssueEase of useSecurityIntegration with IntranetClient Value DeliveredSite ArchitectureSite DesignContent integrationHostingSolution Technology : PHP, MySQLEdipresseOnline publicationSolution Business IssueMany authors and a few ITspecialistsManage all titles on theweb.Client Value DeliveredCustomized CMSframeworkTraining of 70 staffmembersTechnology : JSP, JAVA, MySQLElcaTarget enterprise contentSolutionBusiness issueExtend content publicationworkflow with targetingMulti-channel renderingClient value delivered1st integration ofBroadVision 5.5 andDocumentum 4iGeneral solution fortargeting enterprisecontentDivisionsheetProductsheetProjectreferencerecordProfile LinksProspectProspectProspect Technology : BroadVision 5.5, Documentum 4iThank you for your attention。
Splunk Enterprise 6.0 分布式部署手册说明书
Splunk Enterprise 6.0分布式部署⼿册⽣成时间:2013 年 10 ⽉ 15 ⽇,下午 3:27336789111111111111111115161617171819202021212324Table of Contents概述分布式 Splunk 概述数据如何通过 Splunk :数据管道调整您的部署规模:Splunk 组件组件与⾓⾊实现分布式部署本⼿册其余部分的内容转发数据分布式搜索Splunk 部署监视器应⽤升级 Splunk 组件通⽤部署架构通⽤部署架构概述部署拓扑结构如何调整部署规模预估硬件需求针对分布式 Splunk 部署的硬件容量规划分布索引和搜索Splunk 如何搜索数据参考硬件容纳并发⽤户和搜索Splunk 应⽤对资源需求的影响性能建议摘要升级您的部署升级您的分布式环境升级 Windows 通⽤转发器升级 *nix 系统的通⽤转发器概述分布式 Splunk 概述本⼿册介绍如何跨多个计算机分布 Splunk 功能的各种组件。
通过分布 Splunk,您可以调整其功能以解决任何规模和复杂程度的企业的数据需求。
在单机部署中,由⼀个 Splunk 实例处理从数据输⼊、创建索引到搜索的整个端到端过程。
不过,在⼤型环境中,许多计算机都会⽣成数据,⽽且许多⽤户都需要搜索数据,此时您会希望跨多个 Splunk 实例分布功能。
本⼿册介绍如何在这种分布式环境中部署和使⽤ Splunk。
Splunk 如何调整Splunk 会在数据通过数据管道时执⾏三项关键功能。
⾸先,Splunk 从⽂件、网络或其他位置获取数据。
您可以跨多个专门的 Splunk 实例拆分此功能,实例数量从几个到数千个不等,具体取决于您所处理的数据数量以及您环境中的其他变量。
OceanStor SNS2120 光纤交换机 安装指南-(V100R001_01)
1.1 通用安全注意事项.........................................................................................................................................1-2 1.2 电气安全.........................................................................................................................................................1-3 1.3 激光安全.........................................................................................................................................................1-4 1.4 其他.................................................................................................................................................................1-5
String serverUrl = ServerInfoHelper.getServerUrl();
url = serverUrl +"/portal/auth/"+ aKey;
Map<String, String> extMap =newHashMap<String, String>();
Liferay Portal 6学习笔记
內容管理:實現應用系統之間實時交換信息。采用多種緩存機制,保證內容交換的性能和准確性。采用基於XML的Rich Site Summary (RSS)標准,迅速在各應用系統之間傳播最新變化。
Portal 安装配置过程
P ORTAL 安装配置过程撰写人 : 科森顾问撰写日期: 2003-4-3最新更新: 2003-2-27文档版本: V1.0批准:南汽项目经理科森项目经理复印份数_____文档控制更改记录查阅分发说明事项:如果您得到该文档的电子版并将其打印出来,请您在文档的封面上签上您的姓名,并记录打印的份数。
目录文档控制 (1)更改记录 (1)查阅 (1)分发 (1)目的 (3)安装Portal (4)准备工作 (4)安装步骤 (5)FAQ (6)配置WEB Provider (9)FAQ (9)配置Portlet (13)FAQ .................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
SSO (19)API (19)安装OES (20)准备工作 (20)安装步骤 (20)安装OSA (21)准备工作 (21)安装步骤 (21)其它 (26)已解决的问题 (26)未解决的问题 (26)目的为技术人员安装配置Portal提供技术支持。
安装Portal准备工作安装Windows Services Pack 2设置服务器的DNS名1.打开我的电脑->属性->网络标识2.单击属性3.单击其它在【此计算机的主DNS后缀】框中输入响应的域后缀。
安装步骤FAQ9iAS FAQ/pls/ops/docs/FOLDER/COMMUNI TY/OTN_CONTENT/MAINPAGE/FAQANSWERFINDERSV1/PORTAL309_FAQ_JULY.HTM在第一次通过WEB登录Portal的时候,系统报Windows-396 Exception1.打开文件D:\OraBI\Apache\modplsql\conf\dads.conf2.找到<Location /pls/portal> 段在行PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK后增加行PLsqlCGIEnvironmentList REQUEST_IANA_CHARSET=GBK3.重新启动BI的instanceportal用户的登录密码是什么?1.打开Oracle Directory Manager2.登录OID用户名:cn=orcladmin密码: portal管理员的密码3.找到如下节点条目管理->orclReferenceName=,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases, cn=IAS, cn=Products,cn=OracleContext(改为响应的值)4.orclpasswodattribute项即为密码9iAS 安装以后如何修改IP?1.查看metalink文章: 209927.1,下载Patch : 2542920查看文章:/docs/cd/B10573_02/relnotes.902/addendum/ipchange.htm2.安装补丁:关闭所有的9iAS服务先对Ora9iAS安装补丁,安装完毕后执行命令'dcmctlupdateConfig -ct oc4j -v’再对OraBI安装补丁。
ASP Enterprise Portal介绍
一、SAP Enterprise Portal介绍介绍1SAP Enterprise Portal是一种应用集成平台,它把企业的商业信息、企业应用和服务等等整合在一起,并且以独立的基于Web的用户界面的形式展示给操作者。
(3)Portal ContentPortal Content是一组Portal对象的统称。
这些Portal对象存储在PCD-----Portal Content Directory中,Portal管理者可以构建、定义这些对象的外观和操作,并且访问后台的SAP应用。
(4)iViewiView是Portal Content面对用户的逻辑再现,iView本质上是一个可视化的组件,从物理的Portal Content获取数据并且在Portal中感知和展示数据。
(5)Portal ComponentPortal Component则是iView的支撑组件,它隐藏在iView的背后,所有展示给用户的iView外观的背后,都是经由某个对应的Portal Component从Portal Content获取数据并且推介给iView展示。
(6)Portal Component VS. iViewPortal Component看起来与iView非常类似,但是请记住它们有很大的区别。
采用开发的Code Object(代码化对象)被部署在企业Portal中,并且作为Portal Component引用。
当Portal Content管理者利用Portal Component构建自己的iView时,这些Portal Component被实例化。
本质上,一个iView是一个Portal Component的实例。
(7)Portal ApplicationPortal Application是一组部署在同一个Portal上的逻辑上相关的Portal Component的集合。
Digi 设备商品说明书
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Features of the UART Application Kit............................................................................................ 4 1.3 Conventions...................................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 5
Variables to be replaced with actual values are shown in italics.
4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
UART Application Kit for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 - User's Manual
Style Menu name > option
ASD UC部分相关配置介绍
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
语音邮箱配置-Modular Message(续8)
MMIP 配置清单
Lic示例1: 原有Octel 100系统, seat数1001; move至新MM系统, seat数也 为1001.
201427 215906 1001 MM R3.1 LIC 1 ST VMBX MMIP 1001+ 1001 MM R3.1 SPEECH ROYALTY 1 SEAT NEW $37.50 $0.01 $37,537.50 $10.01
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
语音邮箱配置-Modular Message R3.1
MAS和MSS的 对应关系
此配置中MM和交换机用IP trunk-H.323连接, 若MM与CM配置在一 起,CM部分会自动添加需要的相应的中继许可,板卡等
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
语音邮箱配置-Modular Message R3.1(续2)
此处键盘, KVM, LAN 都选择None
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
语音邮箱配置-Modular Message(续3)
AVAILABILITY为“yes”,additional port boards自动为1,即为MAS N+1配置 而MSS AVAILABILITY的default配置为“No”。若选择“yes”则为 RAID 5硬盘备份
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal用户指南说明书
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal And Integrated Performance And Availability Automation About Situations And Policies Situation Review Policies – Definition And Deployment Policy Usage Recommendations And Best Practices Summary And Questions
The TEP provides multiple command options
Manual ‘Take Action’, Situations, Policies
Take Action provides for manual command capability
Commands may be predefined
Situations remain the essential starting point Policies add additional function and flexibility Policies run within the TEMS infrastructure
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Note - Policy automation requires OMEGAMON Dashboard Edition (DE) which is a separately licensable item on z/OS
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
高 新 技 术3科技资讯 S CI EN CE & T EC HNO LO GY I NF OR MA TI ON 1 门户的概念门户[1](Portal)即是我们通常所说的企业信息门户(Enterprise Information Portal,简称EIP),最早是由美林公司(Merrill Lynch)的C. Shitakes和Julie Tillman于1998年11月16日提出的。
门户将商务智能(BI,Business Intelligence)、内容管理(CM,Con-tent Management)、数据仓库(Data Ware-house & Mart)及数据管理(DM,Data Management)等系统有效融合,创建一个提供支持信息访问、传递,以及跨组织工作的集成化商务环境。
2 通信管网管理现状及需求为了节约地下空间资源和社会成本,上海市采取了“统一规划、统一建设、统一管理”的三统一原则开展通信类管道集约化建设和运维管理的工作。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Software Change Management EP6.0 SP2Course StructureIntroduction EP 6.0 Portal Starting & Stopping J2EE and EP Monitoring, Logging & Tracing Support Desk Configuration Management Incident and Problem Management Change Control Software Change Management Backup & Recovery Operations Handbook Introduction to CCMS EP Monitoring Infrastructure Computing Center Management System Solution Manager© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 2Software Change Management in EP 6.0ContentsNeed for Software change Management The Components of the Enterprise Portal Solution The Process of Software Maintenance Tools of Software Maintenence The Process of Software Change Management Tools for Software Change Management Features and LimitationsObjectivesAt the end of this unit, you will be able to: Identify the Enterprise Portal Software components Explain the maintenance and change management processes Point out main features and limitations of the Enterprise Portal 6.0 with regard to software chaneg management© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 3Software Change Management in EP 6.0EP 6.0 PortalIntroduction Software Maintenance Software Change Management© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 4Need for Change Management - ReminderA Portal is a living and constantly changing system. There are various reasons that lead to changes, e.g. Content has to be kept up-to-date New features have been developed or become available Portal components were modified or enhanced Security and stability updates Migration of applications into the portal Integration of user groups to the portal Changes in connected systems require adaptations Change Management ensures availability and smooth operation in a constantly changing productive system.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 5Software Change Management in EP 6.0EP 6.0 PortalIntroduction Software Maintenance Software Change Management© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 6Software Maintenance in an EP6.0 EnvironmentIn an EP6.0 environment the following areas must be considered with regard to Software Maintenance: SAP J2EE engine 6.20 Portal Platform Portal Applications (Portal Services, Portal Components)PCD ObjectsCM and Collaboration PCD Objects (iViews, Pages, …) TREX and its Web Server JVM and OSPortal ApplicationsPortal Components Portal ServicesWeb ServerPortal Runtime (PRT) WebApps/Servlet Container SAP J2EE Engine TREX© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 7Maintenance of the SAP J2EE Engine 6.20SAP delivers regularly updates called „patch“ for the engine. They are always OS independent, as the engine is hosted by the JVM. Always refer to the note(s) associated with the SAP J2EE Engine Patch you are going to apply !!! Check the file: /usr/sap/<SID>/j2ee/j2ee_00/cluster/dispatcher/managers/version.txt and compare the PatchLevel value with SAP Note 616501.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 8Maintenance of the Portal Platform, CM & Collaboration© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 9Maintenance of PCD ObjectsThe following PCD Objects may need to be mainted by means of SAP´s or other vendors´ shipments (an example is a Business Package shipped in iViewStudio): Folders (and their content) iViews Pages Worksets Roles The Enterprise Portal Import iView is used to upload the new objects. Local changes to the current object version will be overwritten by the import of the associated EPA file.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 10Maintenance of TREXFor TREX binary patches are delivered. Please refer to the associated guides.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 11Software Change Management in EP 6.0EP 6.0 PortalIntroduction Software Maintenance Software Change Management© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 12Software Change Management – Affected AreasThe following areas must be pointed out with regard to customer changes and their management in a system landscape:Customer developed Portal Applications (PAR files) PCD Objects KMC Objects and configurations Customer developments outside the Portal Framework (Servlets, JSPs, JARs etc bundled as JAR libraries)© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 13Software Change Management: necessary resp. available features 1. The process of Change Management should ensure functions like:Transport workflow and Transport control Version Management incl. activation facility for old versions Protection based on Name Spaces2. Currently Transport Workflow and Version Management can not be offered by the Enterprise Portal. 3. That is, you have to setup another appropriate means for these features (e. g. a ticketing system). 4. While transporting PCD Objects the property Pcd.TransportApplication.ProtectedNamespaces in the file /usr/sap/<SID>/global/config/pcd/pcdStartup.template.properties can be used to exclude desired name spaces from import/export.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 14Portal Applications: The Cluster Administration ToolThis tool can be used to upload PAR files into the portal. The PAR file needs to be uploaded only into one Server node of a Cluster. Using the Notification Service all other nodes will be informed about the new deployment. Note: This must be checked after the deployment (see next slide).© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 15Portal Applications: Deployment Check in a Cluster© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 16PCD Objects: The Export FunctionThis tool is used to export any type of PCD Objects except by „Themes“.Using the property Pcd.TransportApplication.ProtectedNamespaces in the file global/config/pcd/pcdStartup.template.properties namespaces can be generally excluded from exportation. In addition, while exporting a transport package, you can decide for exporting only name spaces of your choice.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 17PCD Objects: The Import Tool The Enterprise Portal Import iView is used to upload the new PCD objects (except by „Themes“). Local changes to the current object version will be overwritten by the import of the associated EPA file. If the EPA file contains any PAR files, they will be uploaded correctly into the portal as well. No additional PAR upload is necessary.Using the property cd.TransportApplication.ProtectedNamespaces in the file global/config/pcd/pcdStartup.template.properties namespaces can be excluded from importation.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 18Portal Themes: The Theme Import and Export Tools The tool is utilized for export and Import of „Themes“ between Enterprise Portal systems.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 19KMC: ICE Transport Abilities / Limitations - IData Contents Documents Folders LinksCan be TransportedYes Yes Links, but not the target objects, are transferred. If the target object of a link in the subscriber’s system does not exist, a defective link is set.© SAP AG 2004, Software Change Management in EP 6.0 SP2, Speaker Name 20NoDiscussions Only the current version is transferred with eachtransportVersions NoService ACL YesACL NoAccess statistics service NoLayout service NoTime-dependent publishing NoStatus administration NoRatings Data of Repository ServicesCan be TransportedDataNoApplication-Defined Properties YesCustom Properties YesNoNo•Created By •Changed On •Changed By Yes•Created On System Properties:NoProperties NoPersonal Notes NoComments NoFeedback NoSubscriptions Data of Repository Services (Ctd.)Can be TransportedDataSummaryComplete system With next release // system restart + *+/-ICE / manually +…….+/-KMC Objects:Taxonomies, CM-ACLs etcNottransportable!PCD ACLs 0Import in theTheme Archive +……..0Themes Single functionality With next release // system restart 0+/-Import +/-…….+/-iViews/Pages/Worksets/RolesSingle functionality With next release // system restart 0+/-Import +/-…….+/-Rulesets/Desktops/SystemsSinglefunctionalityWith next system restart As per info from development+Copy to FS 0Core JAR 0JAR Single iViewWith next system restart00Portal anywhere/epa-file import +No central iView, used bysmall usergroup0PAR CompletesystemWith next release 00Portal anywhere/epa-file import -iView of start page +PAR Test effortsTime for deploymentSequence restriction Restart is neededHow to Deploy Critical for business Critical because of...Critical for system Type of object。