关于公司水电的管理制度一、总则1. 本公司为规范水电使用,确保能源的合理分配与节约,特制定本管理制度。
2. 本制度适用于公司全体员工及各部门。
3. 公司设立节能管理小组,负责监督和执行本制度。
二、水电使用原则1. 坚持节能减排的原则,提高能源利用效率。
2. 坚持谁使用谁负责的原则,明确各部门及个人的节能责任。
3. 坚持定期检查和维护的原则,确保设施设备运行正常,减少浪费。
三、具体管理措施(一)用电管理1. 办公区域照明应优先使用节能灯具,非工作时间应确保关闭。
2. 空调温度设置应符合国家规定的节能标准,夏季不低于26℃,冬季不高于20℃。
3. 办公设备如电脑、打印机等在非使用状态下应设置为省电模式或关机。
4. 对于大功率设备使用需提前申请,由节能管理小组审批。
(二)用水管理1. 卫生间、茶水间等区域的水龙头应安装节水装置。
2. 发现水管漏水、水龙头滴水等问题应及时报修,避免水资源浪费。
3. 提倡员工节约用水,洗手、清洗物品时关闭不必要的水流。
(三)监督与考核1. 节能管理小组负责定期对水电使用情况进行监督检查。
2. 对节约水电做出突出贡献的个人或部门,公司将给予表彰和奖励。
3. 对于违反管理制度造成资源浪费的行为,视情节轻重进行警告或罚款。
四、宣传教育1. 公司将定期开展节能宣传活动,提高员工的节能意识。
2. 鼓励员工提出节能减排的意见和建议,共同参与节能管理。
五、附则1. 本制度自发布之日起实施,由节能管理小组负责解释。
2. 本制度如有更新,将及时通知全体员工。
1. 成立水电管理小组,负责公司水电管理工作的组织、协调和监督。
2. 各部门需指定专人负责本部门的水电管理工作,定期检查水电设施,发现问题及时上报。
3. 财务部门负责审核水电费用的使用情况,确保费用的合理分配和使用。
1. 各部门应根据工作需要合理使用水电,避免浪费。
2. 非工作时间,应关闭不必要的照明和电器设备。
3. 鼓励员工提出节能减排的建议和措施,对于有效的节能建议给予奖励。
4. 严格控制空调温度,夏季不低于26℃,冬季不高于20℃。
5. 定期对水电设施进行检查和维护,确保其良好运行状态。
1. 水电费用按部门进行分摊,各部门应建立节能意识,合理控制费用。
2. 财务部门应定期公布水电费用使用情况,接受全体员工的监督。
3. 对于超出预算的水电费用,需由相关部门负责人说明原因并提出改进措施。
1. 对于违反水电管理制度的行为,根据情节轻重给予相应的处罚。
2. 对于造成水电设施损坏的行为,责任人应承担维修或更换的费用。
3. 对于屡教不改的违规行为,将视情节严重程度给予行政处分或经济罚款。
1. 本制度自发布之日起实施,由水电管理小组负责解释。
2. 本制度如有更新,应及时通知全体员工并做好相关培训工作。
具体规定如下:一、水电使用管理1. 各部门、各岗位应严格执行国家有关用水、用电的规定,确保水电供应安全、合理、经济。
2. 每月对水电使用情况进行统计,并将统计结果报公司行政部门。
3. 对超定额用水、用电的部门或个人,予以警告并要求整改。
二、水电维护管理1. 水电维护人员应定期对水电设备进行检查,确保设备正常运行。
第二条管理原则1. 安全第一原则:确保水、电供应的安全,预防事故的发生。
2. 节约优先原则:加强水、电资源的节约利用,提高资源利用效率。
3. 科学管理原则:建立健全水、电管理制度,科学合理地组织和安排水、电供应和使用。
第三条管理机构与职责1. 学校设立水电管理小组,负责全校水、电管理的组织和实施。
2. 水电管理小组由校长担任组长,后勤部门负责人担任副组长,相关部门负责人和水电工组成。
3. 水电管理小组的职责:a. 制定和完善水、电管理制度;b. 监督和检查水、电供应和使用情况;c. 组织水、电设施的维修和保养;d. 处理水、电管理中的问题和纠纷。
第四条水、电设施管理1. 水、电设施的安装、改造和维修必须符合国家相关标准和规定,由专业人员进行。
2. 后勤部门负责水、电设施的日常维护和保养,确保设施的正常运行。
3. 禁止任何单位和个人擅自改变水、电设施的用途和结构,不得损坏水、电设施。
第五条水、电使用管理1. 实行水、电计量制度,各用水、用电单位应安装水、电表,定期核对计量数据。
2. 提倡节约用水、用电,禁止浪费水、电资源。
3. 各用水、用电单位应按照规定的用途使用水、电,不得擅自转供或私拉乱接。
4. 禁止在消防龙头接水从事消防以外的用途。
第六条节约用水、用电措施1. 加强用水、用电教育,提高师生员工的节约意识。
2. 设立节约用水、用电奖励制度,对节约用水、用电的单位和个人给予奖励。
3. 提倡使用节水型设备,减少无效用水和浪费。
4. 合理调整照明、空调等设备的开启时间和亮度,减少不必要的能耗。
第七条违规处理1. 对违反水、电管理制度的行为,由水电管理小组进行制止,并责令改正。
2. 对违反水、电管理制度,造成损失的,应承担相应的经济责任。
3. 对严重违反水、电管理制度,触犯法律的,移交有关部门处理。
二、用水管理1. 自觉遵守节约用水的原则,严禁浪费行为,包括但不限于:1.1 避免长时间开启自来水龙头或水龙头未关导致的水资源浪费;1.2 不得私拉乱接水源,不得私自添加设备或改动原有管线;1.3 不得在用水时故意浪费水资源;1.4 不得使用明显水质不符合饮用水标准的水源;1.5 不得乱扔烟蒂、纸屑等杂物导致的水阻塞;1.6 不得随意排放、倾倒有害物质或化学品至排水口。
2. 合理使用厕所和洗手间:2.1 使用厕所时,每次冲水结束后确认水箱内无泄漏,且水流停止;2.2 使用洗手间时,养成关闭水龙头的习惯,尽量减少洗手时的流水量;2.3 在洗手间设立提示标识,提醒员工节约用水。
3. 监测用水设备:3.1 定期检查重要用水设备的运行状况,记录异常情况并及时进行维修;3.2 配备水表、水压计等设备,监测和记录水资源的使用情况;3.3 对于发现的水资源浪费现象,及时进行整改和处罚。
三、用电管理1. 遵守节约用电的原则,严禁浪费行为,包括但不限于:1.1 不得随意使用高功率电器,应尽量选择节能电器;1.2 不得随意开启空调,应合理设置温度和时间,避免长时间空调低温运行;1.3 不得长时间开启不必要的照明设备,使用时应尽量选择节能灯具;1.4 不得私拉乱接电源,不得私自添加或改动原有电线电缆;1.5 不得乱扔电池、充电器等电子废弃物;1.6 不得使用明显不符合安全标准的电器设备。
2. 定期检查用电设备:2.1 每年对办公楼内的用电设备进行一次全面检修,确保电气设施安全可靠;2.2 定期对用电设备进行运行状况的监测和维护,及时处理故障;2.3 对于发现的用电浪费现象,及时进行整改和处罚。
3. 提倡使用节能设备:3.1 鼓励员工使用节能灯具,使用LED等高效能灯泡;3.2 对于长时间使用电脑的员工,提供能源管理软件,控制电脑的运行时间和功耗;3.3 提供电力监测设备,监测员工的用电情况,及时发现并整改问题;四、管理制度1. 增加意识宣传:1.1 定期组织员工进行水电资源的使用和节约知识的培训,提高员工的节约意识;1.2 在办公楼内设置节能用水、用电等宣传标语和海报,提醒员工理性使用和节约资源。
以下为具体规章制度内容:一、工作职责1. 水电工应熟悉本岗位的工作流程、操作规程和安全注意事项。
2. 水电工应定期对水电设施进行检查,发现问题及时上报并处理。
3. 水电工应按时完成工作任务,确保水电设施的正常运行。
二、用水管理1. 严禁乱倒、乱丢水2. 停用流量大于1.5L/分钟的水龙头,凡不需要长时间使用的水龙头,使用结束后即刻关闭,确保无滴漏现象3. 合理使用水池、水箱,防止煤气、水泵、供水设备煤气泄漏4. 用水量计算:每月统计办公楼每个楼层的用水量,用水量超过总用水量的比例将成为考评的一项指标5. 每月查表:负责人每月与用水公司核对用水量,发现问题及时处理6. 室外灌溉:室外景观绿化的水源应尽量从雨水收集、回用水、灌溉干区等方式获取三、用电管理1. 严禁乱拉乱接电线,严禁私拉乱接用电设备2. 严禁长时间 without needed的开着空调电视、电脑等电器设备3. 非生产必需的照明、空调、电梯等设备在人员全部离开办公室后应及时关闭4. 电器设备:关机后面板插头应拔出,禁止带电搬动设备,未经授权不得擅自打开电器设备,不得在无人看管的情况下不得进行维修5. 用电消耗:每月统计办公楼每个楼层的用电消耗,用电消耗超过总用电量的比例将成为考核的一项指标6. 空调温度:空调在夏季室外温度高于30°C时,办公室室温设定不低于26°C;在夏季室外温度低于24°C时,办公室室温设定不低于25°C四、能耗节约1. 照明节能:使用高效节能灯具,充分利用自然采光和物理调光2. 空调节能:放宽舒适温度范围,合理控制室内温度,及时维修维护空调设备3. 电器节能:选购能效优良的电器设备,并合理调整设备使用模式4. 能源管理:严格执行开关机制度,合理安排设备运行时间和节假日停机时间,发现用电异常及时处理五、监督与奖惩1. 监督机制:设立专责岗位,负责监督办公室水电的使用情况,并每月对用水用电情况进行统计和分析2. 奖惩机制:制定奖励制度,对节水节电工作突出的个人和单位进行表彰;对浪费用水用电行为进行批评教育和制度约束,情节严重者予以纪律惩处六、附则1. 本制度自颁布之日起生效。
中学水电管理制度1. 学校的水电供应以确保学矫正常的教学、办公为优先,水电供应的总体调度工作由总务处水电工负责,物业工程技术人员应认真按总务处的规定管理好水电。
2. 节约用水、用电是学校每位教职员工,全体同学的责任,全体师生均要以学校主人翁的态度,厉行勤俭节约的作风,养成节约用水、用电的习惯,做到离开办公室随手关水、随手关电。
3. 全校师生应注意用电安全,为确保用电安全,学校任何单位和个人不得私接电线,随意更改电路,严禁师生在校内使用电炉、电热棒等大功率电热设备,严禁同学在宿舍、教室烧开水。
4. 在校外市电供电中断,学校使用备用电进行供电时,严禁学校教师宿舍使用电热器具〔如电饭锅、电炒锅等〕进行煮饭、炒菜。
5. 学校配电房由专人负责管理,严禁任何人未通过同意私自进入电房,坚决不同意任何人私自动用配电房的配电设施,否则,发生责任事故,当事人应负一切刑事责任。
6. 学校教学楼教室用电执行由学校总务处统一分配管理,教室白天照明供电时间一般为早自修时间,其它时间如必须供电由总务处视实际状况进行安排,教室用电管理由班级负责,各班班主任应按排同学做好节约用电工作。
7. 学校水电工必须认真做好本职工作,持证上岗,树立服务意识,以较强的责任心管好学校的水电供应,确保学矫正常的生活用水和教学用电,应常常性深入检查学校的用水用电状况,减少漏水、漏电的发生,杜绝用电的安全隐患,定期检查设施设备及维护,及时向学校总务处反映水电的供应状况。
第二章人员管理1. 所有从事水电房屋工作的人员必须经过专业培训,取得相关证书方可工作。
2. 严格执行工作责任制,明确每个人员的职责和任务。
3. 定期进行安全培训和演练,提高工作人员的安全意识和技能。
第三章设备管理1. 所有水电设备必须定期检查维护,确保设备正常运行。
2. 禁止私拉乱接电线,严禁使用劣质材料,确保电路的稳定性和安全性。
3. 禁止私自更改水管设备,必须由专业人员进行安装和维护。
第四章安全防范1. 水电作业必须有专人负责,必须按照规定程序进行操作。
2. 工作场所必须保持清洁整洁,杜绝火灾隐患。
3. 配备必要的安全设施和工具,确保工作人员的安全。
第五章应急措施1. 制定应急预案,明确各种突发事件的处理程序和责任人。
2. 配备必要的急救设备和药品,提供必要的急救培训。
3. 随时保持联系畅通,确保在紧急情况下的及时沟通。
第六章复查整改1. 定期进行水电房屋安全检查,发现问题立即整改。
2. 对安全管理制度进行定期评估和修订,确保制度的有效性和实用性。
3. 对违反安全管理制度的行为严肃处理,确保安全管理制度的执行。
第七章法律责任1. 对违反安全管理制度和造成事故的行为依法追究责任,严惩不贷。
2. 对于因违反安全管理制度而造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,赔偿责任由责任方承担。
3. 对于严重违反安全管理制度和造成重大事故的单位,将依法进行处理。
第三条水电使用原则:1. 严格控制用水用电,杜绝浪费现象;2. 使用节水节电设备,提高资源利用率;3. 倡导员工养成良好的节约用水用电习惯。
第四条水电设施管理:1. 管道:管道损坏须及时修理,禁止私拉私设;2. 电线:电线绝缘必须良好,无破损;3. 设备:设备使用应符合安全规定,定期检查维护。
第五条用水用电安全:1. 严禁私拉乱接电线,超负荷使用电器;2. 严格按照规定使用热水器、电热水壶等电器;3. 使用电器设备时,务必注意安全防范措施。
第六条节约用水用电:1. 使用水资源时,注意避免浪费,合理利用;2. 使用电器时,注意节约电能,避免长时间待机;3. 每天下班前检查电器设备是否关闭。
第七条日常管理:1. 定期组织水电设施巡检,及时发现问题解决;2. 每月汇总水电使用情况,制定改进方案;3. 倡导员工形成良好节约用水用电习惯。
第八条违规处罚:1. 对于违反规章制度、造成浪费的员工,公司将严格处罚;2. 严重损坏设施的员工,将承担相应赔偿责任。
二、用水管理1. 安装节水装置为了节约水资源,办公室应在合适的地方安装节水装置,如节水厕所、节水龙头等。
2. 定期检查漏水情况办公室应定期检查各种水龙头、水管和水箱等设备,及时发现并修复漏水问题。
3. 合理利用雨水办公室在适当的地方安装雨水收集设备,将天然降水收集并储存起来,用于植物浇灌、清洗等用途,避免使用自来水。
4. 加强员工节水意识办公室应加强员工的节水意识教育,提倡大家在用水时遵循节约原则,避免浪费。
三、用电管理1. 定期检查电器设备办公室应定期对各种电器设备进行检查,确保其安全可靠。
2. 提倡合理使用空调空调作为办公室中常用的电器设备,使用方面需要特别注意。
3. 利用自然光办公室应充分利用自然光,合理布置办公室空间,减少对电灯的依赖。
4. 关闭电器设备办公室应鼓励员工在离开办公室时及时关闭电脑、打印机、复印机等电器设备,避免长时间待机和能源浪费。
四、节能措施1. 使用节能设备在进行办公设备采购时,应优先选择能效高、节能的设备,减少能源消耗。
2. 提供节能培训办公室应定期开展节能培训,提高员工的节能意识和能力,使其在工作中能够采取相应的节能措施。
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…………医院2012-06-08水电及空调管理制度1probl ems that ca nnot be ig nore d. Some lea ders unw illing to do mas ses w ork, masse s concept we ak, on masse s feelings not deep, pe ndulum not are with mas ses of relationshi p, thi nk masses work is rev oluti onary war era of thing s, now obsolete has , buried busi nes s work, ig nore d masse s work of situation compared General ; some l eaders not do mas ses w ork, ol d method regardl ess of with, new not with, not understand masses psychol ogical , notunderstand masse s w is hes, not s aid mas ses la nguage, w ork method sim ple stiff, cause d masse s of conflict a nd a ntipathy ; some l eaders can't do masses w ork, Face d with a lot of contradi ctions among the people w orry about fear, pani c set i n encounter group eve nts, a nd s ome are eve n mismanage d, inflame, so w ork has suffered heavy los ses, a nd so on. T hese problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's r uling capa bility, t he maintenance a nd development of the party's a dvanced nature a nd purity, and t o enhance the abil ity of pa rty committees and l eadi ng cadre s are good people.Attach great importance to a nd i s good at doing mas s work, has become the new urgent sit uation strengtheni ng the party' s gover ning ca pacity-buildi ng tasks . Com bine d pra ctice ofmaintaining flesh-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the masses, urge d the br oad mas ses of party members and ca dres, es pe cially all levels . .. Pr oce ssing t o improve as a g uide t o the country. "" What I did i s summed up t hese new thi ngs, be prom oted. "Thi s is a vivid ma nifestation of the Deng Xiaoping' s mass. D eng also put people "support does not support", "agreed not to agre e", "happy happy", "promise not to promise" as a starti ng poi nt and desti nation of devel opi ng gui deline s, policie s, and as the only standard for measuri ng complia nce wit h the wi she s of the mass es of the people. Under t he gui da nce of De ng Xi aoping the ory, Central G overnme nt adopted a series of import ant meas ures to stre ngthe n links wit h the mas ses. I n De cember 1 989, t he CPC Ce ntralCommittee made on a dheri ng to a nd perfecting the system of multi-party cooperati on a nd political cons ultation under the lea ders hip of the Chi nese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic partie s and the relati ons hip betwee n the part of the masse s that they conta ct, effectively carryi ng out the mass li ne, playe d a positive role . In Mar ch 1 990, the 13 pl enary se ssi on a dopte d the deci sion on strengtheni ng contacts w ith the masse s of the Party noted t hat "create dand developed i n the long struggl e of the party's mas s line , is to realize t he party's i deol ogica l line, t he fundamental poli tical and organizati ona l work route", can al ways maintain fles h-a nd-blood ties a nd development of the mas ses, i s directly relate d to the ri se and fall of the rise a nd fall of the par ty and State. In Se ptember 19 94, 14 a dopted by the ple nary ses sion of the Party on stre ngthe ning decisi on on s everal major is sues of party buildi ng.The requireme nts of the deci sion of the party's lea ding bodies a nd lea ding cadres s hould devel op a democrati c style of work, come from t he masses, to the masses , togethe r, stick t o the mass li ne. Party of 13 ses sion four in the ple nary yihou, t o Jiang comrade f or core of partyWork InstructionREV.1of third generati on Central led colle ctive, banner De ng Xia o-ping's t heory great flag, insisted l iberation thought , and fact s,and times, in bot h at home a nd a broa d politi cal storm, a nd e conomi c risk, sever e test before, relie s on party and pe ople , defended Chi na features Socialist, created s ocial ist market new system, create d full open new sit uation, advance party of construction new of great engine ering, founded "three a re prese ntative" important thoug ht, Continue to steer t he s hip of reform and openi ng up for ward on the rig ht. Comra de Jiang Zemin s aid: "stre ngthe ning a nd impr oving the party's mass w ork in the new sit uation, it is of decis ive significance to consoli dating the r uling Foundation of the party. "Thr oug h our party and some of the worl d's major le ss ons le arne d from the succe ss of the old party of the part y, Comrade Jiang Zemin poi nted out:" the biggest political a dvantage of our party is i n cl ose conta ct with the masses , the most danger ous after the ruling party was divorce d from the masse s. "He sai d:" our reform and constructi on, only the under standi ng, s upport a nd participati on of the pe ople , pe ople' s ent husia sm and creativity into full play in order to a dva nce; t he lea dershi p of the party, only the tie andwin the masses em braced, ca n be consol idated a nd strengthe ned. "He pointe d out t hat strengtheni ng and improvi ng the party's w ork styl e construction, maintai ning the party's fles h-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the mas ses i s the core pr obl em, the key is to do soli d work, im plement, res olute ly oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemi n stresse d that all t he work and poli cies of the part y, are i n com pliance wit h the fundame ntal interests of the over whelm i ng majority of the pe ople t o the highest degree, to the majority of people are not sati sfied with t he fundamental g uide lines , strive to make our w orkers, farmers, intelle ctual s and other pe ople enj oy ... Si ngle, every one s eemed to k now. But w ell known doe s not mean perfect. Some party members a nd lea ding cadres, consi der conta cting their small de partments, within a small cir cle of people, or contact individual owners , the entrepre neur, is t he masse s, this i dea i s obvi ously not corre ct. T he Communist Party of Chi na, people s hould have three chara cteristics. First, the pe ople shoul d be t he most social, is a D epartment w ithin t he s cope of the maj ority.organs, mass is the 1 .3 bill ion Chi nese people, w ork for the party members and cadre s, masse s are the la nd wit hin the juris dicti on of the common people. T he se cond characteri stic of the mas ses, i s that we have common interests .Masses are manifestations of each s pecifi c pe ople, but the crowd is a compre hensive political conce pt, refers to pe ople with common politi cal and economic i nterest s in the peri od of s ocial transformation, social differentiation betw een t he interests of the masse s is large, if you do not find the interest in doi ng mass w ork, the party members and ca dres, will be in a pa ssive positi on. T he thir d characteristi c of the masse sSpecific to the party and Gover nment departments , es pecially the ca dres w orking in t he Central and Stateprobl ems that ca nnot be ignored. Some leaders unwilli ng todo masses w ork, masse s concept weak, on mas ses feeling s not dee p, pe ndulum not are with mas ses of relations hip, t hink mass es work i s revoluti onary war era of things, now obsolete has, burie d busine ss work , ignore d masse s work of s ituation compare d Ge neral; s ome leaders not do mas ses w ork, ol d method reg ardle ss of with, new not with, not understand masses psychol ogical, not understand masses w ishe s, not said mas ses la nguage, w ork m ethod sim ple stiff, cause d masses of conflict and antipat hy; s ome leaders can't do masses work , Faced wit h a lot of contradi ctions among the people worry a bout fear, pa nic set i n encounter group eve nts, and s ome are even misma naged, i nflame, so w ork has suffered heavy l osse s, and s o on. The se problems we ar e soberly aware, e nha nci ng the party's ruli ng capa bilit y, the maintenance and devel opme nt of the party's a dvanced nature and purity, a nd to e nhance the a bility of party committees and lea ding cadre s are g ood pe opl e.Attach great importance t o and i s good at doing mass w ork, ha s be come the new urgent sit uation strengthe ning t he party's gov erni ng capacity-buildi ng tasks. Combi ned practice ofmaintaining flesh-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the masse s, urge d the br oad mas ses of party member s and cadre s, es pecia lly all levels .. . Proces sing to impr ove as a gui de to the countr y. "" What I di d is s ummed up thes e new t hings , be pr omoted. "This is a vivi d manifestation of the De ng Xia opi ng's mass . D eng also put people "support doe s not support", "agreed not to agre e", "happyhappy", "promise not to pr omise" as a starting poi nt and destinati on of developing g uideli nes , poli cies , and a s the only sta ndard for meas uring compl iance with t he wis hes of the ma sses of the pe ople . Un der the g uida nce of De ng Xia opi ng the ory, Central G overnme nt adopted a s eries of important measure s to strengt hen li nks wit h the masse s. I n December 19 89, the CPC Central Committee made on adheri ng to and perfecti ng the system of multi -party cooperation and politi cal consultation under t he leadershi p of the Chi nese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the dem ocratic parties a nd t he relations hip between t he part of the masses t hat they contact, effectively carrying out the mas s line, played a positive r ole. I n March 199 0, the 13 ple nary ses sion adopted the de cisi on on strengt heni ng contact s w ith the masse s of the Party noted that "create dand developed i n the long struggl e of the party's mas s line , is to realize t he party's i deol ogica l line, t he fundamental poli tical and organizati ona l work route", can al ways maintain fles h-a nd-blood ties a nd development of the mas ses, i s directly relate d to the ri se and fall of the rise a nd fall of the par ty and State. In Se ptember 19 94, 14 a dopted by the ple nary ses sion of t he Party on stre ngthe ning decisi on on s everal major is sues of party buildi ng.2The requireme nts of the deci sion of the party's lea ding bodies a nd lea ding cadres s hould devel op a democrati c style of work, come from the masses, to the masses , togethe r, stick t o the mass line. Party of 13 ses sion four in the ple nary yihou, t o Jiang comrade for core of party1. 1.1 ,. 1.2 ,2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6of third generati on Central led colle ctive, banner De ng Xia o-ping's t heory great flag, insisted l iberation thought , and fact s, and times, in bot h at home a nd a broa d politi cal storm, a nd e conomi c risk, sever e test before, relie s on party and pe ople , defended Chi na features Socialist, created s ocial ist market new system, create d full open new sit uation, advance party of construction new of great engine ering, founded "three a re prese ntative" important thoug ht, Continue to steer t he s hip of reform and openi ng up for ward on the rig ht. Comra de Jiang Zemin s aid: "stre ngthe ning a nd impr oving the part y's mass w ork in the new sit uation, it is of decis ive significance to consoli dating the r uling Foundation of the party. "Thr oug h our party and some of the worl d's major le ss ons le arne d from the succe ss of the old party of the part y, Comrade Jiang Zemin poi nted out:" the biggest political a dvantage of our party is i n cl ose conta ct with the masses , the most danger ous after the ruling party was divorce d from the masse s. "He sai d:" our reform and construction, only the under standi ng, s upport a nd participati on of the pe ople , pe ople' s ent husia sm and creativity into full play in order to a dva nce; t he lea dershi p of the party, only the tie andwin the masses em braced, ca n be consol idated a nd strengthe ned. "He pointe d out t hat strengtheni ng and improvi ng the party'sw ork styl e construction, maintai ning the party's fles h-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the mas ses i s the core pr obl em, the key is to do soli d work, im plement, res olute ly oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemi n stresse d that all t he work and poli cies of the part y, are i n com pliance wit h the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople t o the highest degree, to t he majority of people are not sati sfied with t he fundamental g uide lines , strive to make our w orkers, farmers, intelle ctual s and oth er pe ople enj oy ... Si ngle, every one s eemed to k now. But w ell known doe s not mean perfect. Some party members a nd lea ding cadres, consi der conta cting their small de partments, within a small cir cle of people, or contact individual owners , the entrepre neur, is t he masse s, this i dea i s obvi ously not corre ct. T he Communist Party of Chi na, people s hould have three chara cteristics. First, the pe ople shoul d be t he most social, is a D epartment w ithin t he s cope of the maj ority.organs, mass is the 1 .3 bill ion Chi nese people, w ork for the party members and cadre s, masse s are the la nd wit hin the juris di cti on of the common people. T he se cond characteri stic of the mas ses, i s that we have common interests .Masses are manifestations of each s pecifi c pe ople, but the crowd is a compre hensive political conce pt, refers to pe ople with common politi cal and economic interest s in the peri od of s ocial transformation, social diff erentiation betw een t he interests of the masse s is large, if you do not find the interest in doi ng mass w ork,the party members and ca dres, will be in a pa ssive positi on. T he thir d characteristi c of the masse sSpecific to the party and Gover nment departments , es pecially the ca dres w orking in t he Central and Stateprobl ems that ca nnot be ig nore d. Some lea ders unw illing to do mas ses w ork, masse s concept we ak, on masse s feelings not deep, pe ndulum not are with mas ses of relationshi p, thi nk masses work is rev oluti onary war era of thing s, now obsolete has , buried busi nes s work, ig nore d masse s work of situation compared General ; some l eaders not do mas ses w ork, ol d method regardl ess of with, new not with, not understand masses psychol ogical , not understand masse s wis hes, not s aid mas ses la nguage, w ork method sim ple stiff, cause d masse s of conflict a nd a ntipathy ; some l eaders can't do masses w ork, Face d with a lot of contradi ctions among the people w orry about fear, pani c set i n encounter group eve nts, a nd s ome are eve n mismanage d, inflame, so w ork has suffered heavy los ses, a nd so on. T hese problems we are soberly aware, enhancing the party's r uling capa bility, t he maintenance a nd development of the party's a dv anced nature a nd purity, and t o enhance the abil ity of party committees and l eadi ng cadre s are good people.Attach great importance to a nd i s good at doing mas s work, has become the new urgent sit uation strengtheni ng the party' s gover ning ca pacity-buildi ng tasks . Com bine d pra ctice ofmaintaining flesh-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the masses, urge d the br oad mas ses of party members and ca dres, es pe cially all levels . .. Pr oce ssing t o improve as a g uide t o the country. "" What I did i s summed up t hese new thi ngs, be prom oted. "Thi s is a vivid ma nifestation of the Deng Xiaoping' s mass. D eng also put people "support does not support", "agreed not to agre e", "happy happy", "promise not to promise" as a starti ng poi nt and desti nation of devel opi ng gui deline s, policie s, an d as the only standard for measuri ng complia nce wit h the wi she s of the mass es of the people. Under t he gui da nce of De ng Xi aop ing the ory, Central G overnme nt adopted a series of important meas ures to stre ngthe n links wit h the mas ses. I n De cember 1 989, t he CPC Ce ntral Committee made on a dheri ng to a nd perfecting the system of multi-party cooperati on a nd political cons ultation under the lea ders hip of the Chi nese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic partie s and the relati ons hip betwee n the part of the masse s that they conta ct, effectively carryi ng out the mass li ne, playe d a positive role . In Mar ch 1 990, the 13 pl enary se ssi on a dopte d the deci sion on strengtheni ng contacts w ith the masse s of the Party noted t hat "create dand developed i n the long struggl e of the party's mas s line , is to realize t he party's i deol ogica l line, t he fundamental poli tical and organizati ona l work ro ute", can al ways maintain fles h-a nd-blood ties a nd development of the mas ses, i s directly relate d to the ri se and fall of the rise a nd fall of the par ty and Stat e. In Se ptember 19 94, 14 a dopted by the ple nary ses sion of the Party onstre ngthe ning decisi on on s everal major is sues of party buildi ng.The requireme nts of the deci sion of the party's lea ding bodies a nd lea ding cadres s hould devel op a democrati c style of work, come from the masses, to the masses , togethe r, stick t o the mass li ne. Party of 13 ses sion four in the ple nary yihou, t o Jiang comrade for core of party2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.113. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.53.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.114. third generati on Ce ntral led colle ctive, ba nner Deng Xiao -pi ng's theory great flag, insi sted li beration thought, a nd facts, a ndtimes, in bot h at home a nd a broa d political st orm, and e conomi c risk, sever e test before, relie s on party and pe ople, defendedChina features Socialist, create d socialist market ne w system, created full open new situati on, a dvance party of constructi onnew of great engi neering, founde d "three a repres entative" important t houg ht, Continue to st e er the s hip of reform andope ning up forward on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: "strengthe ning a nd impr oving the party's mass w ork in the newsituation, it is of de cisive significa nce t o cons olidati ng the rul ing Foundation of the party. "Through our party a nd s ome of theworld's maj or lessons learne d from the s uccess of the ol d party of the party, Comrade Jiang Zemin poi nted out:" the biggestpolitical advantage of our party is i n cl ose conta ct with t he masse s, the most danger ous after the r uling part y was div orce dfrom the masses. "He s aid:" our reform and construction, only the under standi ng, s upport a nd parti cipati on of the pe ople ,people's e nthusiasm and creativity int o full play i n order t o advance; t he leader shi p of the part y, only the tie a nd wi n themasses embra ced, can be cons olidate d and strengt hene d. "He pointe d out t hat strengtheni ng and im proving t he party's w orkstyle construction, maintaini ng the party's flesh -and-blood tie s with the mas ses is t he core pr oblem, the key is to do soli d work,implement, resolutely oppose a nd overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemin stres sed t hat all the w ork and poli cies of theparty, are in compliance with t he fundamental intere sts of the overwhe lming majority of the people to t he hig hest degre e, tothe majority of pe ople ar e not sati sfied with t he fundamental g uideli nes, strive t o make our w orkers, farmers, intelle ctual s andother pe opl e enj oy ... Si ngle, everyone s eemed to k now. But well k now n does not mean perfect. Some party members andleading ca dres, consi der contacti ng their small departme nts, withi n a small circle of people, or conta ct individual ow ners, t heentrepre neur, is the mas ses, t his idea is obviously not corre ct. T he Comm unist Party of China, pe ople shoul d have thre echaracteri stics. First, the people s hould be the most social, is aD epartment wit hin the scope of the majorit y.Specific tothe party and Gover nment department s, especially t he ca dres worki ng in the Ce ntral and State orga ns, mass i s the 1. 3 billi onChine se people, work for the party members a nd cadres , masses are t he land withi n the j uris dicti on of the common pe ople .The se cond characteri stic of the mas ses, i s that we have common interests .Masses are manifestations of each s pecifi cpeople, but the crowd i s a comprehensive politi cal concept, refers to people wit h common political a nd e conomi c interests i nthe peri od of social tra nsformation, social differentiati on between t he interest s of the masse s is large, if you do not find t heinterest in doing mass work, the party members and cadres, will be in a passive position. The thir d characteristic of the massesREV.12014-2-5 / 3 /7probl ems that ca nnot be ignored. Some leaders unwilli ng to do masses w ork, masse s concept weak, on mas ses feeling s not dee p, pe ndulum not are with mas ses of relations hip, t hink mass es work i s revoluti onary war era of things, now obsolete has, burie d busine ss work , ignore d masse s work of s ituation compare d Ge neral; s ome leaders not do mas ses w ork, ol d method reg ardle ss of with, new not with, not understand masses psychol ogical, not understand masses w ishe s, not said mas ses la nguage, w ork m ethod sim ple stiff, cause d masses of conflict and antipat hy; s ome leaders can't do masses work , Faced wit h a lot of contradi ctions among the people worry a bout fear, pa nic set i n encounter group eve nts, and s ome are even misma naged, i nflame, so w ork has suffered heavy l osse s, and s o on. The se problems we ar e soberly aware, e nha nci ng the party's ruli ng capa bilit y, the maintenance and devel opme nt of the party's a dvanced nature and purity, a nd to e nhance the a bility of party committees and lea ding cadre s are g ood pe opl e.Attach great importance t o and i s good at doing mass w ork, ha s be come the new urgent sit uation strengthe ning t he party's gov erni ng capacity-buildi ng tasks. Combi ned practice ofmaintaining flesh-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the masse s, urge d the br oad mas ses of party member s and cadre s, es pecia lly all levels .. . Proces sing to impr ove as a gui de to the countr y. "" What I di d is s ummed up thes e new t hings , be pr omoted. "This is a vivi d manifestation of the De ng Xia opi ng's mass . D eng also putpeople "support doe s not support", "agreed not to agre e", "happy happy", "promise not to pr omise" as a starting poi nt and destinati on of developing g uideli nes , poli cies , and a s the only sta ndard for meas uring compl iance with t he wis hes of the ma sses of the pe ople . Un der the g uida nce of De ng Xia opi ng the ory, Central G overnme nt adopted a s eries of important measure s to strengt hen li nks wit h the masse s. I n December 19 89, the CPC Central Committee made on adheri ng to and perfecti ng the system of multi -party cooperation and politi cal consultation under t he leadershi p of the Chi nese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the dem ocratic parties a nd t he relations hip between t he part of the masses t hat they contact, effectively carrying out the mas s line, played a positive r ole. I n March 199 0, the 13 ple nary ses sion adopted the de cisi on on strengt heni ng contact s w ith the masse s of the Party noted that "create dand developed i n the long struggl e of the party's mas s line , is to realize t he party's i deol ogica l line, t he fundamental poli tical and organizati ona l work route", can al ways maintain fles h-a nd-blood ties a nd development of the mas ses, i s directly relate d to the ri se and fall of the rise a nd fall of the par ty and State. In Se ptember 19 94, 14 a dopted by the ple nary ses sion of t he Party on stre ngthe ning decisi on on s everal major is sues of party buildi ng.4The requireme nts of the deci sion of the party's lea ding bodies a nd lea ding cadres s hould devel op a democrati c style of work,come from the masses, to the masses , togethe r, stick t o the mass li ne. Party of 13 ses sion four in the ple nary yihou, t o Jiang comrade for core of party5.1.1 ,,,.5.1.2,,,. 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 5.1.1440 5.1.15 5.1.16 5.1.17 5.1.18 5.1.19. 905.1.30of third generati on Central led colle ctive, banner De ng Xia o-ping's t heory great flag, insisted l iberation thought , and fact s, and times, in bot h at home a nd a broa d politi cal storm, a nd e conomi c risk, sever e test before, relie s on party and pe ople , defended Chi na features Socialist, created s ocial ist market new system, create d full open new sit uation, advance party of construction new of great engine ering, founded "three a re prese ntative" important thoug ht, Continue to steer t he s hip of reform and openi ng up for ward on the rig ht. Comra de Jiang Zemin s aid: "stre ngthe ning a nd impr oving the part y's mass w ork in the new sit uation, it is of decis ive significance to consoli dating the r uling Foundation of the party. "Thr oug h our party and some of the worl d's major le ss ons le arne d from the succe ss of the old party of the part y, Comrade Jiang Zemin poi nted out:" the biggest political a dvantage of our party is i n cl ose conta ct with the masses , the most danger ous after the ruling party was divorce d from the masse s. "He sai d:" our reform and construction, only the under standi ng, s upport a nd participati on of the pe ople , pe ople' s ent husia sm and creativity into full play in order to a dva nce; t he lea dershi p of the party, only the tie andwin the masses em braced, ca n be consol idated a nd strengthe ned. "He pointe d out t hat strengtheni ng and improvi ng the party's w ork styl e construction, maintai ning the party's fles h-a nd-bl oodties wit h the mas ses i s the core pr obl em, the key is to do soli d work, im plement, res olute ly oppose and overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemi n stresse d that all t he work and poli cies of the part y, are i n com pliance wit h the fundame ntal interests of the over whelmi ng majority of the pe ople t o the highest degree, to t he majority of people are not sati sfied with t he fundamental g uide lines , strive to make our w orkers, farmers, intelle ctual s and oth er pe ople enj oy ... Si ngle, every one s eemed to k now. But w ell known doe s not mean perfect. Some party members a nd lea ding cadres, consi der conta cting their small de partments, within a small cir cle of people, or contact individual owners , the entrepre neur, is t he masse s, this i dea i s obvi ously not corre ct. T he Communist Party of Chi na, people s hould have three chara cteristics. First, the pe ople shoul d be t he most social, is a D epartment w ithin t he s cope of the maj ority.organs, mass is the 1 .3 bill ion Chi nese people, w ork for the party members and cadre s, masse s are the la nd wit hin the juris di cti on of the common people. T he se cond characteri stic of the mas ses, i s that we have common interests .Masses are manifestations of each s pecifi c pe ople, but the crowd is a compre hensive political conce pt, refers to pe ople with common politi cal and economic interest s in the peri od of s ocial transformation, social diff erentiation betw een t he interests of the masse s is large, if you do not find the interest in doi ng mass w ork, the party members and ca dres, will be in a pa ssive positi on. T he。