


LCD 驱动器。采用保 密性好的 SLE4442 逻 辑加密 卡作为预付费卡片 , 具有强大的电源管理系统, 流量 监测精确 , 防磁、 防破坏、 数据加密防窃 , 可液晶显示 剩余气量、 购气量以及各种状态标志符。其基本功 能包括: 开机检测功能。系统开机后能自动检测 停电关阀及数据保护 当前状态 , 决定是否开阀。
人工上门查燃气表的工作量大, 效率低, 恶意拖 欠气费的用户使燃气公司损失很大。随着科技的发 展 , 出现了 IC 卡预付费型燃气表。燃气用户在燃气 公司开户, 购买一定气 量后, 即得到加 密的 IC 卡。 用户用气时将卡插入燃气表中 , 卡中气量自动输入 燃气表并在 IC 卡中消除气量 , 供气阀门打开。当气 量不足 5 m 时 , 燃气表提示用户购气; 气量用完时 , 燃气表自动切断供气管路。 1 系统功能及硬件设计 系统 以 M SP430F413 单 片 机 为 核 心, 它 内 置
表的硬件设计、 电控系统电路构成、 系统软件设计。 为了有效地降低功耗, 外围电子元器件以低压、 低频、 静态低功耗的器件构成; 对于系统软件, 则在低功耗 、 信息安全 、 抗干扰及可靠性等方面地行 了设计 。系统整体的功耗很低, 且运行稳定可靠, 操作方便, 抗干扰能力强。 关键词 : I C 卡燃气表 ; 低功耗; 硬件 ; 中图分类号 : TU996 文献标识码 : B 软件 文章编号 : 1000- 4416( 2006) 04- 0031- 04




本设计采用MCS-51系列单片机中的89C51为CPU,当IC卡插入后,燃气开通,传感器会将检测到的流量以电流的形式送入I /V变换器,得到相应的电压信号,该信号经A/D转换后,以数字量的形式存在于CPU单元中,该量与设定值一定存在差值,通过PID调节后,将信息送入CPU中,由他发出指令信号推动执行机构带动调节阀控制燃气流量的大小,如此反复多次控制后,最终可实现设计的相关参数。

关键词:IC卡单片机流量显示目录引言 ........................................................................... .............................................................................. ................1 第一章智能IC卡燃气表的总体设计方案及原理 (2)1.1 IC卡燃气表的总体设计方案 ........................................................................... .. (2)1.1.1 系统总体的控制过程 ........................................................................... ...........................................2 1.1.2 智能IC卡燃气表的控制算法 ........................................................................... ...........................2 1.2 智能IC卡燃气表的原理及功能 ........................................................................... (3)第二章智能IC卡燃气表系统的硬件组成 ........................................................................... . (4)2.1 传感器的功能及其技术参数 ........................................................................... .................................4 2.2(RCV420)变换器的设计 ........................................................................... ........................................5 2.3 A/D转换器的设计 ........................................................................... .....................................................6 2.4 TLC549与89C51芯片的连接方法 ........................................................................... .....................6 2.5 单片机的设计 ........................................................................... ..........................................................7 2.5.1 89C51芯片及片内功能 ........................................................................... .....................................7 2.5.2 89C51各引脚功能 ........................................................................... ..............................................7 2.5.3 89C51最小应用系统设计 .........................................................................错误!未定义书签。








IC卡智能燃气表的硬件组成结构如图所示,其中包括主控MC U 芯片、燃气采集电路、电机阀控制电路、LCD显示与声光报警电路、电源保护及欠压检测电路、E2PROM及看门狗等。




项目六 课题4输入输出接口扩展一、 知识要点了解单片机输入输出接口扩展的方法,以及常用芯片的引脚和功能。

二、 能力训练通过实践,来掌握单片机输入输出接口的扩展方法,掌握常用的芯片功能及应用。

三、 课题内容I/O 接口扩展有以下几种:1. 简单的I/O 接口扩展,通过可编程通用I/O 扩展芯片进行扩展2. 使用普通TTL5电路作为扩展器件3. 常用器件OC74LS373输入数据:MOV DPTR ,#7FFFH MOVX A , @DPTR 这种I/O 口一般都是通过P0口扩展。



中文2611字INTELLECTUAL IC CARD GAS METER IMPLEMENTATIONA uthor and Presenter: Matthew, Kerry Ray IC card reader Acoustical Society of America Journal, Volume 111, Issue4, pp. 1516-1516 (2002).As the development of the worldwide computer and information technology, the global information era has come. Every country is taking actions for its development in high technology fields. Chinese government is also dedicating itself to build an information-based national economy; while application projects represented by "Gold Card Project" speeds up our pace in moving towards international economic integration. As the representative of "Gold Card Project", IC technology is no doubt the most excellent application technology. It transits from the earliest coin box type into magcard type and later into current IC card type. IC card, whose shape is similar to the magcard covering magnetic stripe, is an intellectual card (also named integrated circuit card), which embeds an integrated circuit chip into a plastic substrate and seals it into the form of card. The main purpose to develop IC card technology is to realize the electrical cash payment, deposit and exchange, to reduce the turnover of cash and to realize e-commerce and prepayment of public utility etc..IC card natural gas meter is a new-style gas meter developed in recent several years, consisting of metered sensor circuit, MCU of low power consumption, valve of low power consumption, voltage testing circuit, circuit of guarding against gas theft, flow monitoring circuit, and so on. Compared with the traditional involucra gas meter, more functions such as accurate counting, transmission medium function of intellectual card, automatic processing of the valve, illegal operation processing, under-voltage processing, power down processing, data downloading, data display, and voice prompt are added to this new type. IC card technology is becoming more and more mature through manufacturers' years of effort made on the improvement and renovation and it's more and more widely used. IC card gas meter basically solved the difficult problem of charging for the use of gas. Meanwhile, the progressing of the times, the enhancing of residents' democratic consciousness and the improving of the living standard also challenge the traditional methods to collect feeswhich supplies gas first, then send some persons to each residence to get the readings of the meters and get payment later. The popularization of IC card technology has substantially solved the problems mentioned above, taking the interests of both providers and customers into consideration at the same time. For providers, three difficult problems are solved:Visiting the customers to write down the amount of gas being used, urging the customers to pay, and the dissension between providers and customers. For customers, three problems are also solved:Disturbance made by the people who make an appointment with users and mean to visit users to record the gas consumption, restrained use of gas, and restriction of local government charge. This not only provides customers with convenience, but also diminishes the economic cost of providers. IC card gas meter will dominate the market of gas meter in the future.Statistics in recent years indicates that the domestic safety and precaution products develop rapidly at a compound annual growth rate of 20%-30%. The cumulative annual production value of safety and precaution products is 30-40 billion. Take Beijing area as an example, the absorption of safety and precaution market was just 0.5 billion in 1996 and 0.625 billion in 1997, while in 1998 the popularization of finance networking made the absorption of market soar to 1.36 billion and in 1999 it was 0.92 billion. In recent years it remains more than 1 billion. Since the entire infrastructure for Olympic Games should be completed before 2006, authorities point out that the period between 2004 and 2005 will offer numerous business opportunities for the manufacture, distribution and engineering installation of safety and precaution products, and the market will reach a new peak.In developed countries, the orientation of safety and precaution products is networked and wireless, which will also be our development orientation. Presently many domestic safety and precaution products have developed into wireless ones, such as various detectors and vidicons, but yet technique leaves much room to desire. Performing networked safety and precaution has more strategic significance. The profit pattern should shift from the existing distribution and installation to security service to pursue more extra value and network will be the only way. Thus it can be seen that safety and precaution technique still has a long way to go.This document aims to prompt the application of SPMC65 family MCU so that Sunplus 8-bit MCU can reinforce the development of domestic safety and precaution industry.System IntroductionThe intellectual IC card gas meter is composed of a power supply circuit, an IC card read/write circuit, a microcontroller, a control valve, a displaying module, and a battery box position detector.When inserting an IC card with purchased gas volume (in the form of encryption value) into the meter, the meter will open the valve and begin gas supply under the electric control system. If a meter unit runs out, the meter circuit will issue a serial group of metered pulse wave with uniform period. If the pulse sequence is proved to be valid by the electric control system, a metered unit will be detracted from the volume and the LCD module will display the surplus volume. Normally, the control valve is in "on" state. It will be "off" if there is an exception. When the purchased volume is used up, the power supply is cut off automatically, and users need to recharge the card to resume the supply. Information read from IC card will be stored into meter EEPROM memory whose I2C adopts 24C01 chip to memorize important data reliably for a long time under power-off state. The life span of the chip reached up to 106. When the card is inserted into the meter, the key data such as password, number, purchase volume and the gas consumption record will be stored in 24C01 chip in the form of cryptograph.Smart Card Interface Standard - ISO 7816is an international standard that describes the interface requirements for contact-type smart cards.These standards have multiple parts. For instance, part 1, 2 and 3 are applicable to card readers.Part 1 defines the physical characteristics of the cardPart 2 defines dimension and location of smart card chip contactsPart 3 defines the electronic signals and transmission protocols of the card.Card readers may be referred to as conforming to ISO 7816 1/2/3, or in its simplified term, ISO 7816.Driver - This refers to the software used by the operating system (OS) of a PC for managing a smart card and applicable card reader. To read a smart ID card, the driver of the card reader must be PC/SC compliant which is supported by most card reader products currently available. It should be noted that different OS would require different drivers. In acquiring card readers, the compatibility between the driver and the OS has to be determined and ensured. Smart card readers are also used as smart card programmers to configure and personalize integrated circuit cards. It won't take long before smart card readers become an integral part of every computer - and, subsequently, the lives of computer users. Computer systems with keyboards that have smart card reader/writer integration are also available.The reader provides a path for your application to send and receive commands from the card .There are many types of readers available, such as serial, IC card, and standard keyboard models .Unfortunately , the ISO group was unable to provide a standard for communicating with the readers so there is no one-size-fits-all approach to smart card communication。


卡 燃 气表 与燃 气公 司售 气 管理 系统之 间信 息储存 、 传输、 交换过 程 中的安 全性 、 完整性 、 有效 性和合
法性 。
关 键词 : I C卡 燃 气表 ; 智 能燃 气表 ; 信 息安 全 ; 信 息加 密 中图分 类号 :T U 9 9 6 . 7 文献 标 志码 :B 文章编 号 :1 0 0 0— 4 4 1 6 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2— 0 B 3 1— 0 6
难、 收 费 难 的 问题 。为 解 决 此 问题 , 市 场 上 出现 了
I c卡燃气表 , 通过 I c卡实现了燃气的预付费管理。
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 6— 0 3— 2 6 ; 修 回 日期 : 2 0 1 6—0 9— 0 8

B 3l ・
第3 6卷
第1 2期
煤 气 与 热 力
气, 造成 I C卡燃气 表脱 离燃 气公 司 的掌控 。

同一 生产 厂 家 的 I c卡 燃 气 表 在 不 同燃 气
2 . 2 . 1 接 触式存 储 卡 接触 式 存储 卡一 般 由存 储 芯 片制 成 , 可 以 向其 中写 入任 何信 息 , 也 可 以从 其 中读 出所 有 信 息 。接 触式 存储 卡功 能简 单 , 没 有 或很少 有安 全保 护逻 辑 , 能 够被 随意地 复制 和改 写 。接触 式存储 卡 由于 价格 低廉、 开发使 用 简便而 在某 些简单 应 用场所 、 内部信 息 无须 保密 或 不 允 许 加 密 的场 所 ( 如 急救 卡 ) 有 较 广 泛 的应用 。在 燃 气计 量 管 理 方 面 , 接 触 式存 储 卡 显然不 能 满 足信 息 安 全 性 的要 求 , 因此 , 基 本 不 采


位等 ;
对 _户来说 :一是消除丁抄表人员的打扰 和时 } _ } { 间项约问题;二是 H气 白 ;j是消除了地方性 j
收 费方式 的约束限制 。由此可 见,I C卡燃气表 的使用既方便 了j 户 ,也减轻 l企业负担和渚 斗 j 『 多难题 , 简化 操作程序, 促进了社会发展,提
作 电压 2 ~ . 5 5 v,有 l2 9 宁节 的 R M 和 4K字节 l 卡燃气表 的基本结构 A C 的 O P R M,有 2 T O 3个l编程 I I j ‘ / I 0 A,内置 f /
冈 1 }_ 给 {『 I 智能 I 燃气表的基本结构 , C
下拉 电阻 ,8 通道 1 位 A D转换器fO H ) 0 / I0 k z,
支持机构 ; 中国仪器仪表学岔
广 东 省 科 学 技 术厅 广 东 省 科 学 技术 协 害 东 莞 市 厚 街 镇人 民政 府
瞒 填妥 以下 表 . 回・ 至 0 0 8 2 0 9 0 格 并 专 2 4 0 6 7 ‘
■ ' E E 商 : : 瓢 . l 埘 i - 矗 ■ ■ ∞泊 E 麟 门 盂 Ej : l雕 一 m 蛙 l l j; 0 ■ ;糟 : i E置 t I
S MC 5 2 0 其 他 特性 包 括 : P 6P 44
图 1 基本
其组 成框 罔如同 2所示 ,由图 2-见 ,废系统 l 『 由电源 电路 、l c卡读写部 分 、单 片机控制 部 分 、阀门控制及 显示部 分 、电池 电 和位置检
测 电路 等组 成 。
◇ I C卡读写部分
§ 具 有 l 位 比较 功 能 ; 6
企业和 户的利益 别燃 气企业来说: 一 是解决 丁入户抄表难 的问题 ;二是解决 了催费收费难























第21卷第3期甘肃联合大学学报(自然科学版)Vol.21No.3 2007年5月Journal of Gansu Lianhe U nive rsity (Natural Sciences)May 2007 收稿日期226作者简介王志超(2),男,江苏宿迁人,宿迁学院讲师,硕士,主要从事嵌入式开发和计算机网络研究 文章编号:16722691X (2007)0320053203关于IC 卡燃气表技术难点的研究王志超(宿迁学院计算机科学与技术系,江苏宿迁223800)摘 要:对IC 卡燃气表目前存在的问题给出较详细的说明和讨论,并从开发者的角度分析了IC 卡燃气表的技术难点,重点给出了涉及IC 卡燃气表的数据安全、精确计量以及阀门控制等方面的技术解决思路.关键词:IC 卡燃气表;MC68HC908JL3;数据安全;精确计量;阀门控制中图分类号:TP273+.5 文献标识码:A0 引言IC 卡燃气表是近十几年发展起来的新型燃气表,它是在燃气计量仪表中加入IC 卡,利用嵌入式技术实现阀门控制、计量、显示、加密和报警等功能[1].虽然自产生之日起,IC 卡燃气表显示了一系列优点,解决了许多实际问题,但是其发展过程并非一帆风顺:由于技术和质量不过关,IC 卡燃气表给一些早期使用者带来了巨大的经济损失,使得燃气公司望而却步,燃气用户心有余悸,这使得IC 卡燃气表的推广举步维艰[2].目前IC 卡燃气表在实际使用中主要存在如下问题:(1)安全性问题.由于IC 卡表具有预付费的优点,可以免去入户抄表,因此,不排除一些用户会对IC 卡表进行尝试攻击,以达到不交费的目的.通过对目前市场上的IC 卡燃气表测试分析,发现多数产品存在不同程度的隐患.(2)仪表计量存在较大误差.计量不精确主要一方面来源于传感器的本身,另一方面则是对于信号的丢漏问题的处理不当.(3)阀门问题.阀门是控制仪表的关键部件,如果控制电路设计得不好的话,很容易引起阀门的失灵并引发仪表故障,这是IC 卡燃气表的一个薄弱环节.在我们承担IC 卡燃气表的开发之初,就仔细分析了市场上现有的IC 卡燃气表的优缺点并结合最新发展的MCU 技术,努力克服了目前IC 卡燃气表的安全性能不高、阀门失控和计量不精确等一系列技术难点,大大提高了IC 卡燃气表的稳定性.1 技术难点分析与解决1.1 数据的安全性IC 卡燃气表在安全性能上有着较高的要求,系统必须确保IC 卡和气表中的数据安全以及“一表一卡”,防止非法用气.1.1.1 IC 卡的数据安全 首先,选择安全性较高的IC 卡.IC 卡的选型重点考虑能否满足对数据安全性的要求.德国西门子公司生产的SL E4442卡是一种带有写保护功能和可编程密码(PSC )的256字节EEPROM 存储器卡[3~4].其自身带有密码校验功能,即必须进行准确的24位(即3个字节)密码校验通过后,才可改变内部数据.密码校验是通过其中的写错误计数器实现的(错误计数器由bit 0~bi t2的3位构成).在密码比较前,错误计数器必须至少写一位.密码比较结果将在错误计数器中反映,当三次密码递交出错时,IC 卡将被阻塞,即卡中的EEPROM 只能读出,再也不能修改.因此,选择此型号的IC 卡可以满足数据安全的要求.其次,IC 卡中用户数据分布详情严格保密.一张SL E4442空卡的数据分布见图1,前32字节存放S IMEN S 公司出厂时已固化的代码信息、用户代码和32字节的写保护数据,接下来是IC 卡中的用户数据区,总共256字节,用来定义存放用户购买的燃气量、可编程密码PSC 以及用户号等绝密信息.为了提高信息的保密性,设计时一方面将这些重要的数据经过加密后存放其中,另一方面将这些数据的分布情况严格保密,明确法律责任,决不透露给第三方,以确保数据的安全.8:2007022.:1974.图1 IC卡空卡数据分布图1.1.2 燃气表中的数据安全 由于燃气表中也同样存放用户购买的燃气量、可编程密码PSC以及用户号等绝密信息,因此,数据的安全性是不言而喻的.首先,为了防止代码执行过程中的反跟踪,设计时应选择可靠性和安全性高的主控芯片MCU.多年来,笔者一直致力于FreeScale公司(前身为原Motorola公司的半导体公司)所生产的芯片应用开发工作.公司的08系列MCU型号就有100多种,其中的MC68HC908JL3(简称JL3)比较适合IC卡燃气表的设计.JL3不仅性能稳定而且具有性能价格比高的突出优势.其自身有4K B的Flash存储器、支持在线编程、8M HZ内部总线频率和低功耗等性能[5],尤其还具有8个字节(32位)Fl ash区的密码保护.根据JL3的特性,密码校验出错,芯片将自行复位1次,而复位1次至少需要1秒的时间.因此,理论上非法破解密码的时间可以作如下计算:23231s/(60360324)s≈47910天,约131年,非法破解密码的难度可想而知.其次,为了管理和加密的需要,合理规划L3芯片中的F存储区F区共有K字节,用于存放程序代码和用户数据将F区的前8字节作为存放用户数据,并将其划分为四个子区,每个子区为32字节.一些子区的重要数据(如“用户购买的燃气量、可编程密码PSC以及用户号”等)存放前须经过加密算法处理,并且数据的分布详情也同样严格保密,以进一步确保燃气表中的数据安全.1.1.3 一表一卡 除了上述对于IC卡和MCU 中的数据安全性的考虑之外,还要保证一个燃气表和一张IC卡唯一配套使用,不允许非法卡的使用,即“一表一卡”.为了达到这一要求,设计时用软件方法采取如下措施:首先,在用户插卡时对卡中和MCU中分别存放“用户号”信息进行比较.其次,在“用户号”信息比对通过后,再进行密码审查,只有通过可编程密码(PSC)校验后才可以用气和对用户卡中的数据进行改写,而PSC密码本身也是经过加密后存放的.由于有了一系列的安全措施,因此保证了合法用户的“一表一卡”,从而有效地防止非法窃气.1.2 精确计量计量是否准确是此燃气表能否正确运行的关键计量信号的误差大多来源于传感器本身和信号检测过程中的丢漏,因此设计时应从软、硬件技术两方面着手硬件上,一方面使用了性能可靠的45 甘肃联合大学学报(自然科学版) 第21卷8Jla sh.l ash4.l ash12..传感器,另一方面通过主控芯片的两个引脚复接.软件上也采取了两种措施:第一种措施是消除抖动的方法.通过多次实验表明:如果有计量信号,则连续采集9次,其中有6次以上确认有,则计量一次.第二种措施是漏信号的检测.信号的丢漏大多发生在响应其他中断服务程序期间(如插卡、磁干扰、欠压等).为了确保计量准确,系统在中断返回后应对漏信号检测,防止计量丢失.1.3 阀门控制与反测阀门可靠控制是IC 卡燃气表设计中必须解决的另一个重要技术难点.通过原理设计和大量的实验,我们最终确定了如图2所示的阀门控制与反测电路.P TD1引脚和P TD2分别作为阀门驱动电路的开和关驱动信号脚;P TB1和P TB2分别作为阀门开和关阻断电流反测输入引脚.当执行开阀门输出时(P TD1输出高电平),三极管Q3、Q4、Q5分别导通,为阀门控制电机提供运行信号;而阀门是否打开(存在阻塞或打滑的可能)则是通过反测P TB 1端的电流大小来确定.如果将阀门正常、阻塞和打滑时的电流值分别记作I O 、I Z 、I D ,那么一定存在I D <I O <I Z ,在规定的时间3.9秒内(此时间由多次实验取得)由反测电流的值大小来确定阀门的状态,如果存在异常,MCU 将作相应处理,确保阀门控制可靠.关阀门的驱动和反测则是通过P T D 2和PT B 2实现的,具体原理和开阀相同,不在赘述.图2中的C3和C4两电容均是起滤波和稳定的作用.2 结束语IC 卡燃气表的应用前景非常广阔,本文就IC卡燃气表在开发过程中涉及到的数据安全、精确计量以及阀门控制等方面的技术难点给予分析并图2 阀门控制及反测电路提供了实现方法,希望能为广大IC 卡燃气表开发人员提供可借鉴的解决思路.另外,在IC 卡燃气表中如何解决“一卡多用”(如电表卡,水表卡和气表卡等)这一新技术,是我们下一步要研究的工作.参考文献:[1]王爱英.智能卡技术[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2000.[2]IC 卡发展趋势,Inc[EB/OL ].http//:ww w.21IC.com ,2006.6.[3]王宜怀.单片机原理及其嵌入式应用教程[M].北京:北京希望电子出版社,2002.[4]王宜怀,刘晓升.嵌入式应用技术基础教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2005.[5]MC68HC908JL 3tec hnica l data [Z].Http ://www.f reesca ,1997.Resear ch of IC Car d G a s 2Fir ed Meter on t he Techn ical Diff icult iesW N A G Z hi 2chao(Suqian College ,Suqian 223800,China )Abstract :Thi s paper t ries to give det ail ed descript io ns and di scus sions about t he probl ems of IC cardgas 2fired met er.Through developer s ’angl e ,t he pape r a nal yzes t he difficult t echnologies ,andempha sizes t he concept s of sol ution t o t hese difficult t echnologies which i nvol ve i n dat a safet y ,preci se f I 2f K y I 2f ;M 688L3;f y ;;55第3期 王志超:关于IC 卡燃气表技术难点的研究8measurement and val ve under t he cont rol o C card ga s i red meter.e w or ds :C card gas ired met er C HC90J dat a sa et preci se measurement val ve under t he cont rol。



燃气技术Gas Technologydoi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-5152.2021.05.002关于i c卡膜式燃气表故障原因分析及处理方法乔相喆绥化中石油昆仑燃气有限公司摘 要:本文结合1C燃气表经常出现的各类故障,从仪表基本构造、原理系统地分析其故障产生原因,给出相应的处理对策.关键词:1C卡燃气表;故障原因;处理措施1概述1.1 1C卡燃气表的用途和原理1C卡燃气表由基表和1C卡控制系统两大部分组 成:其中基表所采用的计量方法是使用具有非厚壁计 量室测量气体流量,用于计量燃气体积流量的仪器。

燃气通过阀门进人计量室,同时推动膜片作往复运 动,充满后排向出气口,通过转换将充放气的过程转 换成相应的体积量,传递到计数器。


1.2 1C卡燃气表的结构基表主要由外壳、计数器、膜片计量室、分配 阀、连杆结构、防止逆转装置等部件组成。

1C卡控制 系统由采样器、电机阀和1C卡及控制电路组成。

2 1C卡燃气表故障分类及故障的主要原因2.1燃气表表体漏气、皮膜受损(1 )在运输过程中,跌落、碰撞,导致燃气表 的气密性不达标。

(2 )在做燃气表强度试验与气密性试验过程中,燃气表前端阀门未关闭,压力过高,导致表体漏气、皮膜受损。


2.2燃气表不通气(1 )丨C卡燃气表阀门失灵、内漏,极易引发燃气表故障,导致燃气表不通气。




3科技资讯科技资讯S I N &T NOLOG Y I NFORM TI ON 2008N O.23SC I ENC E &TEC HNO LO GY I N FO RM A TI ON 工业技术1I C 卡燃气表的工作原理I C 卡燃气表是一种既能直观显示计量数据,又能产生相关能耗计量脉冲信号的计量器具,它实际上是一种加装了传感器的燃气表,而传感器实质上是一种基于磁电转换技术或光电转换技术的产生脉冲信号的电路单元。

I C 卡燃气表采用现成的机械式燃气表的计量机构,通过光电或霍尔元件等传感器将天然气的流量转为电信号输入单片机进行计量。

整表由电源部分、I C 卡部分、单片机、EEPROM 及显示部分、电磁阀等组成。

2I C 卡智能家用燃气表的主要功能I C 卡智能家用燃气表是以I C 卡为信息载体的智能型机电一体化的家用燃气表。

用户通过I C 卡的写卡、读卡来购气计量用气。

I C卡智能家用燃气表的主要功能是:①写卡购气、读卡供气;②用气信息回收;③提示用户购气;④卡用完后自动断气;⑤运行状态自检;⑥电压欠压报警;⑦阀门关闭报警等功能。



3I C 卡智能家用燃气表的优势采用新型燃气计量表,改变现行入户查表收费方式,建立新型用户收费管理体系。





第35卷第2期2004年4月东 北 农 业 大 学 学 报Journal of Northeast Agr icultural Un iversity35(2):129~134Apr il2004文章编号 1005-9369(2004)02-0184-03智能I C卡预付费燃气表的电控系统设计于秀丽1,欧阳斌林1,宋锡强2(1.东北农业大学农业工程学院 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030;21杭州市科瑞特仪器仪表公司 310028)摘要:设计了一种以P I C系列单片机为核心的智能I C卡燃气表的电控系统。


关 键 词:P I C单片机;燃气表;I C卡中图分类号:TB115;TM93 文献标识码A 近十几年来,随着我国经济的发展,城市的基本建设规模日益扩大,特别是高层建筑和高级住宅亦越来越多,公共福利事业——城市燃气化工程也出现了新的变化。



因此,设计了智能I C卡预付费燃气表装置,是解决上述问题的有效方法。

1 智能I C卡预付费燃气表的工作原理 智能I C〔1〕卡预付费燃气表是将传统的燃气表的机芯和高水平的测控电路集成在一个整体的表壳内,既保持了机械表的计量精度,又具备了表运行状态的自动化管理功能,由于是在现有燃气表的基础上改进,因此较为经济。

智能I C卡预付费燃气表采用现有的机械式燃气表的计量结构,在计数器第二位字轮中内置一块磁钢,计数架上、下端各置一干簧管,把燃气表的气流量转换为脉冲信号,将脉冲信号作为单片机的输入,用来计算气流量。

燃气表的用户首先到煤气公司计算机管理中心进行开户,交费购气后,把存储燃气量的I C卡插入用户燃气表中,单片机控制系统读取气量后,打开机电阀允许用户用气。



IC卡燃气表应用的探讨摘要:本文介绍了IC卡燃气表的技术、性能及推广使用的意义,提出了IC 卡燃气表现阶段急待解决的问题和它的未来发展方向。









IC 卡还能记录智能燃气表的运行情况,在管理机或管理软件下将表的总用气量、总购气量、开关阀状态等信息进行管理。











设计依据低成本,高可靠性的原则完成了以下工作:1. 软件设计中均采用模块化设计结构,完成了燃气表的计费功能以及故障的查询和处理。


3.本文用Visual Basic6.0成功地实现了对IC卡的管理以及煤气收费系统的管理。


关键词: IC卡技术煤气表 AT89C51单片机ABSTRACTWith the coming of information society, human beings have the amount and type of information in the explosive growth, IC card, a convenient safe, reliable and high technology and high value-added information carrier will come into being. IC technology with its extensive applications and great products market in China has become a feature of the information industry. Meanwhile, China's gas charges administration have long been mainly on artificially meter, there are big workload and charging time is long, difficult charging, the efficiency is low, the error-prone problems, in order to reduce gas fee manpower and material resources in the management of the waste and reduce the safety factor, "smart MeiQiBiao research". This is both practical application of IC card technology explore further, also is the reform of fuel gas fee management mode.Technical requirements makes a theoretical analysis and technical application research. Design basis low cost, high reliability principle completed the following job:1. The software design is all adopt modular design structure, completed the gas meter charging functions and fault inquiries and processing.2. The ratio of higher AT89C51 as control device, the core of the hardware circuit implementation control device of pulse acquisition, data storage, electromagnetic valve driving control, IC literacy, power monitoring and voice alarm and etc. Function.3. This article with the Visual Basic6.0 successfully realized the management of IC card and gas fee system management. Database software hasbuild user archives, sales, write CARDS, statistics, inquiry, and other functionsKeywords:IC technology Gas meter AT89C51 Micro-controller目录第1章摘要 (7)1.1智能IC卡的作用和地位 (7)1.2研制智能IC卡煤气表控制装置的目的和意义 (8)IC卡在中国的应用与发展 (9)第2章智能煤气表硬件的设计 (9)2.1硬件总体结构 (9)2.2AT89C51单片机简介 (10)2.2.1 AT89C51的引脚结构 (10)2.2.2 内部结构 (14)2.2.3 外围电路 (14)2.3AT24C02的应用 (15)2.3.1 AT24CXX介绍 (15)2.3.2 AT24C02的简介 (16)2.3.3 I2C总线特性的简介 (18)2.3.4 AT24C02在智能煤气表中的应用 (19)2.48155的简介 (20)2.4.1 8155的结构 (20)2.4.2 8155的引脚及功能 (20)2.4.3 8155的工作原理 (22)2.5LED显示电路的设计 (23)LED显示器结构与原理 (24)2.5.2 LED显示器与显示方式 (24)2.6耗气量计数电路的设计 (26)2.6.1 霍尔效应 (26)2.6.2 计数电路的设计 (27)2.6.3 霍尔元件的材料及结构特点 (27)2.7可燃气报警电路的设计 (28)2.7.1 传感器 (28)2.7.2 探测报警电路 (28)2.7.3 调试 (29)2.8电源电路的设计 (29)2.8.1 电源变压器 (30)2.8.2 单相整流电路 (31)2.8.3 滤波电路 (33)2.8.4 稳压电路 (34)2.9防作弊电路的设计 (35)第3章智能煤气表软件的设计 (35)3.1流程图 (35)3.2软件抗干扰技术 (37)第 4 章收费管理软件设计 (39)4.1开发平台及开发选用的语言 (40)4.1.1 Visual Basic概述 (40)4.1.2 Access的介绍 (41)4.2收费管理中心主机软件流程图 (45)4.2.1 收费管理中心各部分功能的简介 (46)4.2.2 用量查询程序 (47)4.2.3 报表输出程序 (49)4.2.4 用气信息及断气控制功能 (50)4.2.6 IC卡智能煤气表充值系统源程序代码 (52)总结 (56)致谢 ................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。



科技资讯 SC I EN C E &TE C HN O LO G Y I NF O R MA T IO N 工 业 技 术随着科学技术的发展,我们的生活走向了智能化,I C卡燃气表的应用就是其中的一个例子。









1 IC卡燃气表应用中存在问题及措施1.1IC卡燃气表安全性问题IC卡燃气表的安全问题可以分为IC卡安全性问题以及IC卡燃气表系统安全性问题。

对于I C卡燃气表来说,系统一般是把数据进行加密,然后以特殊的数据格式进行存储,当用户通过银行购买完天然气后,系统会把该数据信息进行加密,并且写入到IC卡中,而当用户在使用时,IC卡天然气表会从IC卡中读入这些数据,这是一个可逆的加密过程。





The Design Of Intelligent Gas MeterGas meter is a gas flow meter; they are included in the national directory of strong compulsory seizure test measuring instruments. Gas metering system has been developing constantly. From unenlightened mechanical to intelligent nowadays, made people's lives has been facilitated. In the past for a long period of time, we use most of all mechanical in the international, with the continuous advancement of electron technology, electron-type gas meter have also emerged in other country, but there is still a lot of non-convenience. Currently mechanical gas meter give a great deal of inconvenience to management and users, that is, issue of meter reading. We take original backward artificial way to look-up table charges generally. This charging method has several major disadvantages: occupy a great deal of manpower; Many drawbacks of artificially; inefficient and created a great waste of human, material, time to manage department. Therefore, research and development a new type of gas meter charging system is necessary. Abroad, intelligent gas metering system is also developing, and they have automatic billing, as well as alarm function, to protect the benefits of the Gas Company and the users. In China, Gas Meter remains at a fairly low level, most of the products just to play a role of switching, and the development of intelligent table also stagnated at a very low level, although there are a lot of manufacturers to product the intelligent gas meter. However, very few sophisticated products; they improve the products on the basis of foreign technology according to the actual situation, mostly the use of IC card technology. and manufacturers can not be simultaneously large quantities of products.In the view the actual situation, we reference to already exist product, according to the idea of it, and to design the intelligent gas meter. the system of the intelligent have application of advanced IC card billing functions, use of the remote communications, to connect the computer with all user terminals under control by Single chip, and have the best anti-cheating function, prevent users from stealing gas. To make the gas as a commodity after first use, the Gas Company can be to accelerate cash flow, eliminate the arrears of the phenomenon of gas charges happened. It completely overcomes the mechanical disadvantage of the gas meter, reduce the artificial factors; improve work efficiency; saving the managers‟ time. At the same time, the metering system also takes a number of ways to enhance its practicality in using, such as transparency of user data, users can view intuitive their own usage amount, as well as the balance of the card. In order to improve the reliability of thesystem, the system also set up a brown-out protection, while the metering system also considering can be add gas alarm function, that is, when the gas leak happened, the system will provide users with alarm functions, to provide users with the use of safety sexual.Because of the smart electron card prepaid gas systems is build up of computer-intelligent electronic card writer and sales database software. It have set up users, user change, relocation, marketing, writing cards, statistics, search for, buy those statistics should be imprisoned, fined report functions etc. The smart cards electron gas distribution system can realize the modernization of the gas sales management, and user consumption because of the amount of data such as pre-purchase through intelligent electronic card to transmit automatically recorded, compared with the previous manual entry not only reduces costs but also ensured data accurate and reliable.Following, introduce of the overall design program.First, the controller: The design is based on the implementation of single-chip microcomputer control system, single-chip microcomputer used AT89S51/52, it manufacture by ATMEL company of the United, it is the single chip of states low-voltage, high-performance COMS 8-bit. Chip containing 8k bytes of repeatedly rewritable read-only program memory (PEROM) and 256k bytes of random data memory (RAM), the device used ATMEL Corporation high-density, nonvolatile memory technology. Convenient control and easy power, easy to program, while the prices were relatively cheap on market, and there is associated circuits, components are also abundant on the market, but also conducive to the promotion of the system. The chip also have four 8-bit parallel I/O port P0--P3,each port can be used as input,can also be used for output; There are two 16-bit timer/counter internal, each regular browser / counter can be set to count the way to count on the outside, also can be configured the way from time to time and from time to time in accordance with the results of counting or the achievement of the computer control; it have five interrupt sources with two interrupt Interrupt Priority Control system; and a full-duplex UART serial I/O port for the realization of single-chip MCU and PC or between the serial communication between.the chip with the oscillator and clock Generation Circuit, but the quartz crystal need an external capacitance,the maximum allowed for the oscillation frequency 24MHz. AT89S52 all signal processing digital signal, a high anti-interference performance. AT89S52 support to ISP Programming.Controllerusing 11.0592MHz crystal oscillator ,so that more accurate clock, the chip can be used to enter power-saving program state on the circuit, that is, when users turn off the gas valve after the gas meter does not apply, the procedure that would allow the circuit to enter power-saving mode, save power consumption.Second, billing: The gas meter billing system is through non-contactless smart card reader implementation, and using MCS-RC500 contactless smart card reader ---- single-chip communication, program design is flexible, easy to develop, and communicate with the computer, manage the user's data through the computer software. The user must be go to the gas companies to purchase gas before users gas, then, purchase the volume of gas into the user card, then cards will be purchased the gas into the gas meter inside the house through the card, the electromagnetic valve to be open by control with single-chip microcomputer, the user can be normal use it. Through the flow sensor, the system measured the gas volume has been used and auto to minus the purchase gas, when deposit gas little or deposit gas run out, the electromagnetic valve will be closed and the alarm circuit will be to remind the user to renew at the same time. Users will once again purchased gas into the card. The circuit through the serial port with the MCS-RC500 communication, therefore the design of hardware circuits adds a MAX232 circuit, implement data exchange of the single-chip with the smart cards.Third, display module: The system shows the use of LCD Module 1602, LCD 1602 is a common 16 × 2 lines, 6 × 8 character dot matrix LCD module. It is widely used in smart intelligent instrumentation, communications, office automation equipment, and its character generator ROM have some their medium own figures and letters of the alphabet, some special symbols library of characters, we can use 1602 to set up eight 6 × 8 dot matrix font characteristics of custom ,it be able to meet the requirements for user, and LCD module 1602 suitable size, easy to install, In order to save energy ,the LCD module 1602 …power is controlled by single-chip in design, when the system need to display, the power will be supply, otherwise, no power supply.RT1602C use the standard 16-pin interface, which left this port from 1 foot to 16 foot.No.1 pin:VSS to power ground;No.2 pin:supply voltage for logic; No.3pin:Input for adjusting the LCD contrast,and when the power is the weakest contrast,the highest contrast ratio of ground power, contrast too high will lead to "ghosting", when used by a 10K potentiometer to adjust the contrast; No.4 pin:RS to register select,”H”usually select the data register,the selection of low-level instruction register. No.5 pin: RW for read-write signal line, when high time read operation, when low-level write operation. When the RS and the low co-RW can be written into the command or display the address, when RS is high for low-level RW can be read when the busy signal, when RS is high for low-level RW can be written into the data. No. 6-pin: It is the clock latch signal input. No.7 to 14 feet: D0 ~ D7 for the 8-bit bi-directional data line. No.15 to 16 feet: feet or Backlight air power. Cathode backlight 15 feet, 16 feet back negative. 1602 characters LCD module within the memory occurred (CGROM) have been stored in 160 different graphic dot-matrix characters, these characters are: Arabic numerals, upper and lower case letters, commonly used symbols, and Japanese kana and so on, each character a fixed code, such as the uppercase letters of the alphabet "A" code is 01000001B (41H), show that when the module to address 41H in the character dot-matrix graphic display, we can see the letters "A".Fourth, Protection function: The system circuit also has a brown-out protection function, using AT24C02 memory chip to store the necessary real-time data, when no electric power or in case of unexpected power outages can protect the data, when the system is restored in accordance with AT24C02 to store data, restore lost electricity before the data system to ensure the normal billing, to avoid the gas company and customer losses.The intelligent gas meter installation easy, the user can query the balance of card or usage amount by the key in the circuit.智能煤气表的设计煤气表是一种气体流量计,又称燃气表,是列入国家强检目录的强制检定计量器具。



中英文对照资料外文翻译文献天然气三甘醇脱水的参数分析P. GANDHIDASAN机械工程学系法赫德重点石油矿产大学达兰,沙特阿拉伯为了防止液体水的凝结,确保管道设备安全无故障运行,天然气通过管道长距离输送之前必须进行脱水。





















第1章概论1.1 选题背景随着人们生活水平的提高,日常做饭用的燃料已经从木柴、煤等资源浪费严重,污染严重的常规能源转变为使用天然气和煤气,甚至是电等清洁能源了。
















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BG Technology are promoting a situation in which the Modules can interface to any type of residential meter (E6, U6), and this should provide universal access and ensure that competition is enabled for provision of any metering service.
All four variants offer scope for future developments:-
Extemal:Inlet Allows for a combined regulator and shut off valve. External:OutletAllows costs to be apportioned to gas supplier directly. Internal:Inlet Allows for a combined fire-safety and shut-off valve. Internal:Outlet:Conventiod prepayment valve position.
The Modular Meter concept should also enable access to the meter for any future Metering Services developments as the market for innovative products in this area evolves.
Fig. 1. Modular Meter with a Psion WorkAbout hand held computer, demonstrating 'Of-Site'meter reading.
Figure 7 shows the concept and the various components that make up the system.
Metering and Tariffs for Energy Supply, 25-28 May 1999, Conference Publication No. 462 0 IEE 1999
technology demonstrator uses a low power short range radio link to provide communications between the gas meter and the Metering Services. In the UK, the use of 184 MHz is allocated by the Radiocommunications Agency for accessing utility meter data and this is currently used by the Modular Meter. For a forthcoming trial of the meter in Spain, 433 MHz is used. BG Technology have participated in discussions with European Utility and Radio organisations regarding a common frequency for as many countries as possible s to help reduce manufacturing costs. A the discussions are linked with developments of RF for Home Automation, it is being proposed that the use of the 868 MHz band should be allocated and this may be used for accessing meter data for the Modular Meter in the future.
CONCEPT BG Technology have produced a Technology Demonstrator for the Modular Meter to illustrate the concept and to gain first hand experience of the technical difficulties in implementing the design in operation. This has been used as the basis for discussions with interested parties and for evaluating various technical options. The Modular Meter concept should allow for installation in any current meter site (inside the house, meter box type or a semi-concealed meter box) and it should allow access to the gas meter for the operation of several different metering services at the same time. The Modular Meter concept will use either an intemal valve in the gas meter, or provide one as part of the module.
David Ullathorne, Chandra Tailor, Ganesh Sauba
METERING SERVICES The Modular Meter concept should allow for any of the following new Metering Services :-
The choice of Radio Frequency (RF) communication has been made to eliminate the need for any electrical wiring to the gas meter. The Modular Meter
BG Technology, UK
With the introduction of competition into residential gas supply, interest in the gas meter and metering services has increased. Following an initial focus on the selling price of gas, there will be a need for gas suppliers to differentiate themselves fiom their competitors by value-added products and services. In metering, this has led to the concept of a 'modular meter'. This would a l w a meter owner to install a base model meter and as lo additional metering services are required, a module can be added by a 'clip-on' attachment. There have been discussions between meter manufacturers, gas suppliers, Transco and Ofgas, to arrive at some general aspects of the requirements for a modular meter and attachments, but without conclusions on the detailed technical specification.
The Modular Meter concept requires a valve that can turn off and t r on the gas supply to support the un requirements of various metering services. There has been much discussion about the location of the valve for shutting off the gas supply; inside or external to the meter, inlet or outlet connection of the meter.
Prepayment * Allow alternatives to the curБайду номын сангаасent system. Automatic Meter Reading * Interface to any media option (Power Line Carrier, Radio, Telephone, etc.). Off-Site Meter Reading * Hand Held Computers to read meter index and diagnostic data. Home Automation * Providing communication with consumer energy management products. Gas Detector * Integrating gas safety with the meter installation. Multi-Tariff meter. * Providing meter data to allow manipulation based on tariffs obtained fiom the gas supplier (pedestrian or telemetry communication links). Customer Display * Relaying the Meter Index to a more convenient location in the consumer premises.