




















·1317·龟瓢虫(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)线粒体基因组全序列测定与分析张永科1,2,张利娟3,卢迎春4,何霞红1,5,张宏瑞1*(1云南农业大学植物保护学院,云南昆明650201;2云南省热带作物科学研究所,云南景洪666100;3河南农业大学植物保护学院,河南郑州450002;4云南农业大学继续教育学院,云南昆明650201;5西南林业大学/西南山地森林资源保育与利用教育部重点实验室,云南昆明650224)摘要:【目的】明确龟瓢虫[Epiverta chelonia(Mader,1933)]线粒体基因组结构特征,分析其系统发育关系,为龟瓢虫的起源、分化和遗传多样性研究提供数据支持。

【方法】利用Illumina二代测序技术测定龟瓢虫线粒体基因组,对基因组序列进行注释和分析;基于瓢虫科(Coccinellidae)3亚科[食植瓢虫亚科(Epilachninae)、瓢虫亚科(Coccinelli-nae)和小毛瓢虫亚科(Scymninae)]11种昆虫的线粒体基因组13个蛋白编码基因(Protein-coding genes,PCGs),采用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育进化树。





系统发育进化分析结果表明,龟瓢虫与苜蓿瓢虫(Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata)处于同一分支上。












om ot axon om i a
V o . 4. NO. 12 2
J n .2 0 ue 0 2
湖 北 省 武 当 山食 植 瓢 虫 属 一 新 种
( 翅 目 :瓢 虫 科 ) 鞘
彭 正 强 ,庞 虹 。 ,任 顺 祥 。
本 保 存 于 中 国热带 农 业科 学 研 究 院植 物保 护 研 究所 。
锤 端 食 植瓢 虫 E i cn alf r a pl ha m l om ,新 种 ( 1 1 ) a e 图 ~ 0 体 长 9 4mm~9 6mm; 宽 6 0mm~7 1mm。 . . 体 . . 虫体 周 缘 长 卵 圆形 , 高度 拱 起 。背 面 黄褐 色 , 灰 白色 绒 毛 , 黑 斑 上 的绒 毛 为黑 色 。 被 但 头 部 上 颚端 部 黑 色 , 眼黑 色 , 复 头顶 中央有 1淡黑 色斑 纹 。 角 1 节 。 胸 背板 靠 近后 缘 触 1 前 中央 有 1大 黑斑 , 侧 各有 1 黑 斑 ; 两 小 两侧 缘 向前弧 形 收缩 , 宽 处位 于中 后部 。 盾 片 同 最 小
基 色 。鞘翅 各 有 5个 黑斑 , 、 、 2 2 1排列 , 4斑 与外 缘相 接 外 , 余均 不 与周 缘 相 连 。其 中 除 其 1斑 位 于 小 盾 片 之 后 , 2斑 位 于 肩 角 , 、 1 2斑 相 连 或 不 相 连 ; 、 3 4斑 相 连 , 于 鞘 翅 中部 ; 位 5 斑 位 于 臀角 前 , 近 内缘 。前胸 腹 面 黄褐 色 , 隆线 明显 ; 稍 纵 中胸 腹 面 黄褐 色 ; 胸前 侧 片及 后 腹 板 两侧 黑 色 , 其余 棕 褐 色 。 翅 缘折 上 无 明显 下 陷 以承 受 中 、 鞘 后足 股 节末 端 , 褐色 。 黄 足






关键词:茶园;瓢甲科;名录;生物防治中图分类号:S435.71 文献标识码:A DOI:10.11974/nyyjs.20180732001瓢甲科昆虫是茶园中节肢动物群落的重要组成部分,其中,捕食性瓢虫是最常见和重要的天敌昆虫,种类非常丰富,可长期捕食大多数茶树害虫,群落稳定性和抗干扰能力均较强,对害虫种群的自然控制效果很好,所以,识别瓢虫种类在生物防治中有重要作用[1]。



1 小艳瓢虫亚科1.1 刀角瓢虫属刀角瓢虫Serangium japonicum寄主:茶蚜、黑刺粉虱、蜡蚧。


1.2 小艳瓢虫属刻点小艳瓢虫Sticholotis punctata寄主:茶圆蚧、褐圆蚧、蛇眼蚧。

分布:贵州、浙江、江苏;丽小艳瓢虫Sticholotis formosana寄主:蜡蚧、黑刺粉虱、褐圆蚧等盾蚧。

分布:贵州;小艳瓢虫Sticholotis sp.寄主:褐圆蚧、桃盾蚧。

分布:贵州;素鞘大瓢虫Sticholotis sp.寄主:椰圆蚧、褐圆蚧、蛇眼蚧。

分布:贵州;1.3 毛艳瓢虫属台毛艳瓢虫Pharoscymnus taoi寄主:茶蚜、褐圆蚧、椰圆蚧。



Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica ,31(2):392-397(Ap r.,2006)动物分类学报ISSN 100020739Received 20Feb.2006,accepted 28Feb.2006.392S YN O PSIS O F TWO GEN ERA O F D EL P HACIDA E ,WI T H D ESCRI P TIO NS O F T H R EE N EW S P ECI ES FRO M C HINA (H EMI P T ERA ,FUL GO RO ID EA )QIN Dao 2ZhengKey L aboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest M anagement of Mi nist ry of Education ,Entomological M useum ,Northwest A &F U niversity ,Yangli ng ,S haanxi 712100,Chi naAbst ract The p resent paper deals with two Chinese delp hacid genera ,Neoterthrona Yang et Yang and Pa raconon Yang et Yang ,and five species of the genera totally.Among which three species new to science ,viz.Neoterthrona recta sp.nov.,Neoterthrona t ubercula ris sp.nov.and Pa raconon sinensis sp.nov.are described and illustrated.Key to separate all species of the two genera are given respectively.The type specimens are deposited in the Entomological Museum ,Northwest A &FUniversity ,Yangling ,Shaanxi ,China (N WAFU ).Ke y wor ds Hemiptera ,Delp hacidae ,Neoterthrona ,Pa raconon ,new species ,China. The Chinese delp hacid genera Neoterthrona andPa raconon belong to the tribe Delp hacini ,Delp hacidae ,were established by Yang et Yang in 1989to accommodate a single species respectively ,N.spi nosa and P.membra nacea f rom Taiwan ,China.In the p resent paper ,the two genera are studied and generic characters are redescribed ,three new species ,Neoterthrona recta sp.nov.(Yunnan Province ),Neoterthrona t ubercula ris sp.nov.(Hainan Province )and Pa raconon si nensis sp.nov.(Guangdong Province )are described and illustrated.Key to separate all species of the two genera are p rovided respectively.The morp hological terminology f ollows Yang et Yang (1986).The type specimens are deposited in the Entomological Museum ,Northwest A &F U niversity ,Yangling ,Shaanxi ,China (N WAFU ).1 Neotert h rona Ya n g et Ya n g ,1989Neoterthrona Yang et Yang ,1989.NSC Spec Publ.,6:303.Typespecies :N.spi no sa Yang et Yang ,1989.Diagnosis.Head including eyes narrower than p ronotum.Vertex slightly longer submedially than wide at base or nearly the same ,submedian carinae not really uniting at apex ,basal compartment wider at base than greatest length about 115∶110.Y 2shaped carina distinct.Frons longer in middle line than wide at widest part about 2102214∶110.Ocelli p resent.Postclypeus wider at base than f rons at apex.Antennae cylindrical ,surpassing f rontoclypeal suture ,basal segment longer than wide ,shorter than the second.Pronotum with lateral carinae reaching or not attaining hind margin.Forewings long and narrow ,transversevein located 2/5at apex ,all veins speckled.Spinal f ormula of hind leg 52724.Post 2tibial sp ur with about 20teeth.Anal segment of male ring 2like ,lateroapical angles each p roduced into a stout spinose p rocess.Pygofer in p rofile distinctly longer ventrally than dorsally ,ventrocaudal portion p roduced caudad.Medioventral p rocess long and single ,ventral angles each p roduced.Phallus n 2shaped.Suspensorium f used with p hallus ,dorsal arms long.Diap hragm extremely narrow ,dorsal margin deeply incised.Genital styles long and slender ,sinuate ,strongly divergent.Distribution.China (Taiwan ,Hainan ,Yunnan ).Ke y t o sp ecies (♂)11Anal segment of male with lateroapical angles parallel p roduced2…Anal segment of male with lateroapical angles widely separatedp roducedN.t ubercula ris sp.nov.………………………………21Phallus armed with a large tooth at dorsal left N.spi nosa Ya ng et Ya ng …………………………………………………………………Phallus smooth and without tooth N.recta sp.nov.………………Neotert h rona rect a sp.n ov.(Figs 1129)Male (macropterous ).Body length including tegmen 318mm ;tegmen length 312mm.General colour yellowish brown.Vertex ,p ronotum with area beneath eyes ,f rons ,genae ,postclypeus and antennae brown ,f rons with visible yellowish 2brown spots.Ocelli reddish brown.Eyes black.Fore 2and middle femora with brownish longitudinal stripes.Tegmen sub 2hyaline ,all veins speckled ,apical veins dark brown.Vertex slightly longer submedially than wide at base about 112∶110,submedian carinae originatingf rom basal 2/5of lateral carinae.Frons in middle line longer than wide at widest part about 214∶110,widest above level of ocelli ,median carina f orked at base.Postclypeus wider at base than f rons at apex ,as long in middle line as wide at base.Antennae surpassing f rontoclypeal suture ,basal segment longer than wide about 115∶110,shorter than the second about 110∶118.Pronotum with lateral carinae attaining hind margin.Post 2tibial sp ur with about 24teeth.Anal segment of male with lateroapical angles each p roduced ventrad into a stout and long p rocess ,parallel.Pygofer in posterior view with opening nearly as wide as long.Medioventral p rocess long ,reaching to level of p rocesses ofanal segment ,in p rofile medianportion with a big tooth ,p roduction of ventral angles broad and stout ,apex truncated ,strongly sclerotized and pigmented on dorsal half.Phallus n 2shaped ,laterally comp ressed ,extremely broad at base ,basal tip membranous ,attenuate to dorsad and then reflected caudad ,apical half straight and tapering gradually.Suspensorium f used with p hallus ,dorsal arms long.Diap hragm extremely narrow ,with dorsal margin deeply concave.Opening f or genital styles with dorsal and lateral margins nearly straight ,ventral margin sinuate ,middle part deeply concave.Genital styles long and slender ,surpassing level of lateral margin of p ygofer ,sinuate ,strongly divergent.Figs 1129.Neoterthrona recta sp.nov.1.Head and thorax ,dorsal view.2.Head ,ventral view.3.Tegmen.4.Male genitalia ,posterior view.5.The same ,left lateral view.6.Diap hragm of p ygofer ,posterior view.7.Phallus and suspensorium ,left side.8.Genital styles ,left side.9.Suspensorium. Holotype ♂,China ,Yunnan ,Xishuangbanna ,Menglun ,21230Ap r.1974,coll.ZHOU Yao ,YUAN Feng and HU Yin 2Yue.Remarks.The new species is similar toN.spi nosa Yang et Yang ,but can be distinguished f rom the latter by :1)vertex slightly longer submeially than wide at base about 112∶110;2)f rons in middle line longer than wide at widest part about 214∶110,widest393Apr.,2006秦道正:中国飞虱科二属分类概要及三新种记述(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,飞虱科) above level of ocelli ;3)p ronotum with lateral carinae attaining hind margin ;4)p hallus with the basal tip membranous ,caudal reflection without a large tooth at dorsal left ,apical half straight and tapering gradually ,distal end not sinuate.Etymology.The specific name is derived f rom the L atin word “rect us ”(straight ),and with combinationof the feminine suffix “2a ”,which refers to the apical half of p hallus straight.Neotert h rona t ubercul a ris sp.n ov.(Figs 110220)Macropterous f orm (♂).Body length 213mm ;body length including tegmen 3142317mm ;tegmen length 2192310mm.Figs 110220.Neoterthrona t ubercula ris sp.nov.10.Head and thorax ,dorsal view.11.Head ,ventral view.12.Tegmen.13.Male genitalia ,posterior view.14.The same ,left lateral side.15.Phallus and suspensorium ,lateral view.16.The same ,f rom different angle.17.Suspensorium.18.Genital styles ,left side.19.Diap hragm of p ygofer ,posterior view.20.Pygofer ,ventral view.General colour yellowish brown.Vertex ,p ronotum with area beneath eyes ,f rons ,genae ,postclypeus and antennae brown ,f rons and genae with visible yellowish brown spots.Ocelli reddish brown.Eyes black.Fore 2and middle femora ,tibiae with brownish longitudinal stripes.Tegmina sub 2hyaline ,apical veins dark brown.Vertex slightly longer submedially than wide at base about 113∶110,submedian carinae originating f rom basal 2/5of lateral carinae.Frons longer in middle line than widest part about 213∶110,widest above level of ocelli ,median carina f orked at base.Postclypeus wider at base than f rons at apex.Antennae with basal segment shorter than second about 110∶210.Pronotum with lateral carinae reaching hind margin.Post 2tibial sp ur with about 22226teeth.Anal segment of male with lateroapical angles widely separated ,each p roduced ventrad into a large p rocess.Pygofer in p rofile longer ventrally than dorsally ,median portion of opening p roduced caudad ,493 Acta Z ootaxonomica Sinica 动物分类学报 Vol.31 No.2in posterior view with opening longer than wide. Medioventral p rocesses p resent,long and single, nearly reaching to level of p rocess of anal segment,in p rofile basal half broad,with tiny tuberculif orm p rocess on its surf ace,and then tapering gradually till apex,apex curved and sharpen pointed,p roduction of ventral angles stout,triangular f rom ventral view. Phallus n2shaped,broad and membranous basally, curved subbasally and attenuate to dorsad,middle portion long and nearly straight,sub2apex curved ventrad,tapering till apex,apex sharpen pointed. Suspensorium f used with p hallus,dorsal arms long. Diap hragm narrow,dorsal margin deeply concave. Opening f or genital styles large,ventral margin sinuate,deeply concave at median part.Genital styles long and slender,surpassing level of lateral margin of p ygofer,sinuate,strongly divergent.Holotype♂,China,Hainan,J ianfengling,18 May1983,coll.ZHAN G Ya2Lin.Paratype1♂, same as holotype.Remarks.This new species can be distinguished f rom other members of this genus by:1)anal segment of male with lateroapical angles widely separated,each p roduced ventrad into a large p rocess;2)medioventral p rocesses with tiny tuberculif orm p rocess on its surf ace;3)p roduction of ventral angles stout, triangular f rom ventral view;4)p hallus curved subbasally,middle portion long and nearly straight.Etymology.The specific name is derived f rom the L atin word“t ubercula ris”,which refers to the characters of medioventral p rocess.2 Pa r aconon Ya ng et Ya n g,1989Pa raconon Yang et Yang,1989.NSC Spe.Publ.,6:109.Type species:P.membra nacea Yang et Yang,1989.Diagnosis.Head including eyes as wide as p ronotum.Submedian carinae of vertex not uniting at apex,Y2shaped carina distinct,basal compartment wider at base than greatest length about210∶110. Frons longer in middle line than wide at widest part about2122215∶110,median carina f orked at level of ocelli.Postclypeus wider at base than f rons at apex. Rostrum reaching beyond meso2trochanters.Ocelli p resent.Antennae reaching over middle of postclypeus,basal segment longer than wide and shorter than second about110∶210.Pronotum with lateral carinae not attaining hind margin.Spinal f ormula of hind leg52724.Post2tibial sp ur with about 25teeth.Anal segment of male ring2like,lateroapical angles each p roduced into spinose p rocess,or apical margin with a distinct median p rocess,laterobasal angles each p roduced caudad into a small p rocess. Medioventral p rocess broad and stout.Phallus stout and armed with tooth.Suspensorium Y2shaped. Diap hragm moderate.Genital styles rather short, divergent.Distribution.China(Taiwan,Guangdong).Ke y t o sp ecies(♂)11Anal segment with median portion p roduced into a spinose p rocess, laterobasal angles each p roduced caudad into a small p rocess;apex of medioventral p rocess not bif urcated…Pa raconon si nensis sp.nov.Anal segment with lateroapical angles each p roduced into spinose p rocess;apex of medioventral p rocess distinctly bif urcated…………Pa raconon membra nacea Ya ng et Ya ng ……………………Pa r aconon si nensis sp.n ov.(Figs121233)Macropterous f orm(♂).Body length including tegmen318mm;tegmen length311mm.General colour yellowish brown.Vertex, p ronotum with area beneath eyes brown,f rons and genae blackish brown,with a transverse yellowish stripe,f rons and genae scattered with visible yellowish2 brown spots,apex of f rons yellow.Eyes black. Antennae with apices of first segment and base of second black,rest of second segment grayish black. Fore2and middle femora with brownish longitudinal stripes,mid2tibiae with black maculations.Tegmina grayish yellow,granulose black,ends of apical veins blackish brown,near apex of clavus at hind margin with a black marking.Vertex almost as long submedially as wide at base.Frons with the widest above level of ocelli. Antennae with basal segment somewhat triangular and flat,longer than wide,shorter than second about110∶210,second segment cylindrical.Post2tibial sp ur with about24teeth.Anal segment of male with median portion p roduced in a spinose p rocess,laterobasal angles each p roduced caudad into a small p rocess.Pygofer in posterior view with opening longer than wide,lateral margins sinuate,in p rofile distinctly wider ventrally than dorsally.Medioventral p rocess p rotuberant, f airly broad and stout,basal half nearly with the same width and apical half narrowed.Phallus very large, lamellate,apex strongly broad and nearly truncated, dorsal margin reflected in a large lobe,directed basad, its dorsal aspect membranous,right side with a large tooth subapically.Suspensorium Y2shaped,arms as long as stem.Diap hragm moderate,p roduced medially,dorsal margin slightly incised.Genital styles moderately long,divergent apically,slightly narrowed593Apr.,2006秦道正:中国飞虱科二属分类概要及三新种记述(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,飞虱科) Figs121233.Pa raconon sinensis sp.nov.21.Head and thorax,dorsal view.22.Head,ventral view.23.Tegmen.24.Male genitalia,posterior view.25.The same,left lateral side.26.Diap hragm of p ygofer,posterior view.27.Pygofer, ventral view.28.Genital styles,posterior view.29.The same,left side.30.Phallus,left side.31.The same,right side.32.Anal segment,left lateral apex,inner margin p roduced subapically.Holotype♂,China,Guangdong,Dinghu Mountain,17J uly1985,coll.ZHAN G Ya2Lin.This new species can be distinguished f rom P. membra nacea Yang et Yang,1989by:1)vertex almost as long submedially as wide at base;2)p ygofer in p rofile distinct longer ventrally than dorsally,not as long as dorsal;3)anal segment with median portion p roduced into a spinose p rocess,laterobasal angles each p roduced caudad into a small p rocess;4)medioventral p rocess p rotuberant,f airly broad and stout,apex not bif urcated;5)characters of p hallus;6)genital styles narrowed at apex,inner margin p roduced subapically.Etymology.The specific name refers to its Chinese distribution.Ack n owle dgme nts The author wish to exp ress thanks to M r.J ohn,W.M.Marris(Department of Entomology and Animal Ecology,Lincoln U niversity, Canterbury,New Zealand)f or helping to obtain693 Acta Z ootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报 Vol.31 No.2literature during the authorπs study visit to New Zealand.R EFER EN CESYang,J2T and Yang,C2T1986.Delp hacidae of Taiwan(Ⅰ)Asiracinaeand the tribe Tropidocep halini(Homoptera:Fulgoroidea).Taiwa n M us.Spec.Publ.,6:1279.Yang,C2T1989.Delp hacidae of Taiwan(II)(Homoptera: Fulgoroidea).NSC Spec Publ.,6:3032305.中国飞虱科二属分类概要及三新种记述(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,飞虱科)秦道正西北农林科技大学植保资源与病虫害治理教育部重点实验室,西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆 陕西杨凌 712100摘 要 对分布于我国南方的飞虱科两个属:细突飞虱属Neoterthrona Yang et Yang及等胸飞虱属Pa raconon Yang et Yang进行了分类概要,修订了2属的属征,并记述3个新种:直茎细突飞虱Neoterthrona recta sp.nov.,具瘤细突飞虱Neoterthrona t ubercula ris sp.nov.和中华等胸飞虱Pa raconon sinensis sp.nov.。



Scymnus(Pullus)cristiformis sp.n.,以及采自海南的匙叶小瓢虫S.(P.)scalpratus sp.n.和凹叶小瓢虫S.(P.)scrobiculatus sp.n.。


1.中国小毛瓢虫属三新种记述(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)(英文) [J], 虞国跃
2.湖南小毛瓢虫属三新记述:鞘翅目:瓢虫科 [J], 任顺祥;庞雄飞
3.浙江小毛瓢虫属三新种记述(鞘翅目:瓢虫科) [J], 虞国跃;庞雄飞
(鞘翅目:瓢虫科) [J], 庞雄飞;黄邦侃
5.贵州小毛瓢虫属三新种记述──(鞘翅目:瓢虫科) [J], 任顺祥;庞雄飞






本研究运用五个核基因:两段CAD、Wingless、TOP(Topoisomerase)、H3和三个线粒体基因COI、COII、Cytb共八个分子标记分别利用最大似然法(Maximum likelihood,ML)和贝叶斯推断法(Bayesian inference,BI)首次研究了小毛瓢虫族9属共61种的系统发育关系,并且加入了小艳瓢虫族、盔唇瓢虫族、刻眼瓢虫族、隐胫瓢虫族、红瓢虫族、瓢虫族和食植瓢虫族的部分类群,来探讨小毛瓢虫族与瓢虫科内其他类群的高级阶元系统发育关系。


系统发育分析表明:小毛瓢虫族为并系起源,其下的斧瓢虫属Axinoscymnus Kamiya、方突毛瓢虫属Sasajiscymnus Vandenberg、弯叶毛瓢虫属Nephus Mulsant、角毛瓢虫属Horniolus Weise为单系起源,小毛瓢虫属Scymnus Kugelann为并系起源。

短角瓢虫属Novius Mulsant的研究(鞘翅目瓢虫科短角瓢虫族)

短角瓢虫属Novius Mulsant的研究(鞘翅目瓢虫科短角瓢虫族)

环境昆虫学报2021, 43 (2): 279 -291Journal " Environmental Entomologyhttp : 〃hjkcxb. alljournals, netdoi : 10. 3969/j. issn. 1674 -0858. 2021.02. 1唐雪飞,庞虹.短角瓢虫属Novir MulsanP 的研究(鞘翅目:瓢虫科:短角瓢虫族)[J ] •环境昆虫学报,2021, 43 (2 ): 279 -291.短角瓢虫属Novius Mulsant 的研究 (鞘翅目:瓢虫科:短角瓢虫族)唐雪飞,庞虹"(有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室,中山大学生命科学学院/生态学院,广州510275)摘要:短角瓢虫属Noius Mulsanp , 1846 ( = RodoOa Mulsanp , 1850)瓢虫在害虫生物防治中扮演着重要的角色,尤其在绵]科害虫的防控方面,具有重要的研究价值和经济意义'一些种类如澳洲短角瓢虫Nor carOinalo (Mulsanp , 1850)从澳大利亚引进到美国加利福尼亚防治柑橘吹棉]Icerya purcCasi Ml :, 1879取得成功,成为生物防治的 ° 要 属 的 历史,以及该类群在生物防治中的应用’此 就目前研究中存在的进 与 ,以短角瓢虫属的研究与利用 °关键词:短角瓢虫属;红瓢虫属;分类学;生物防治 中图分类号:Q968. 1; S476文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674 -0858 (2021) 02 -0279 -13Research on the genus Novius Mulsant (Coleoptera : Coccinellidae : Noviini ): A reviewTANG Xue-Fei , PANG Hong * * ( State Key Laboratoiy o f Biocontroj , School of Life Sciences/SchooO of目: 国家 科学 面 目 (31970439)作者简介:唐雪飞,女,1992年生,博士研究生,主要研究方向为天敌瓢虫的系统学,E-maa : tangxf5@ mails, sysu. edu. .n*通讯作者Author rcr correspondencc :庞虹,女,教授,研究方向为昆虫物种多样性起源与演化、天敌瓢虫的利用,E-maiS : Lshpang@mail. sysu. edu. cn收稿日期 Received : 2021 -01 -29 (接受日期 Accepted : 2021 -03 -03Ecology , Sun Yat-sen University ,Guangzhou 510275,China )Abstract : Species ofMulsan-, 1846 (二 RoOolia Mulsan-, 1850) play an impoaan- ale in tPebiolooicxl contrcO of pests ,especialjy in tPe contrcO of sccSe insects in tPe KmiSy Maraarodidae ,which hasimportan- reseerch value and economic signifiexnee. The best-known member of this genus , the vedaliebeetSe ,Novius cardinaHs ( Mulsan-,1850 ) was fio/y introduced into Calimmia from Australia. In fee-, tPe modem histoa of biolooicoj (―皿匸。
























我国新疆发现铗蠓属三新记录和二新种(双翅目:蠓科)尹小平;田延河;虞以新【期刊名称】《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》【年(卷),期】2013(020)001【摘要】本文记述了采自新疆阿拉山口的蠓科昆虫中发现我国铗蠓属Forcipomyia的3个新记录蠓种和2个新蠓种.新纪录:阿鲁套铗蠓Forcipomyia(Forcipomyia)alutauensis Remm,多毛铗蠓Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia)hirtula (Zetterstedt),吐然铗蠓Forcipomyia(Forcipomyia)turanorustica Remm;新种:边远铗蠓Forcipomyia(Microhelea)absita sp.nov.和艾比湖铗蠓F.orcipomyia(Synthyridomyia)aibihui sp.nov.模式标本收藏于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆.【总页数】6页(P47-52)【作者】尹小平;田延河;虞以新【作者单位】阿拉山口出入境检验检疫局;新疆阿拉山口 833418;阿拉山口出入境检验检疫局;新疆阿拉山口 833418;军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所,病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室,北京100071【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.皖南山区蚊蠓初步调查及铗蠓新种和新记录种的发现(双翅目:蚊科和蠓科) [J], 马淮健;严格;洪星;武超;刘峰2.西藏南部库蠓属三新种一新记录:双翅目:蠓科 [J], 瞿逢伊;王绪勇3.我国铗蠓属一新亚属及二新种(双翅目,蠓科) [J], 虞以新;宋福春4.我国铗蠓属植蠓亚属新记录及其一新种描述(双翅目:蠓科) [J], 虞以新;马哈木提5.长毛铗蠓和满载铗蠓二新种描述(双翅目:蠓科) [J], 虞以新;刘金华因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



我国新疆发现铗蠓属三新记录和二新种(双翅目:蠓科)尹小平;田延河;虞以新【摘要】本文记述了采自新疆阿拉山口的蠓科昆虫中发现我国铗蠓属Forcipomyia的3个新记录蠓种和2个新蠓种.新纪录:阿鲁套铗蠓Forcipomyia(Forcipomyia)alutauensis Remm,多毛铗蠓Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia)hirtula (Zetterstedt),吐然铗蠓Forcipomyia(Forcipomyia)turanorustica Remm;新种:边远铗蠓Forcipomyia(Microhelea)absita sp.nov.和艾比湖铗蠓F.orcipomyia(Synthyridomyia)aibihui sp.nov.模式标本收藏于军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所医学昆虫标本馆.【期刊名称】《寄生虫与医学昆虫学报》【年(卷),期】2013(020)001【总页数】6页(P47-52)【关键词】蠓科;铗蠓属;新纪录;新种【作者】尹小平;田延河;虞以新【作者单位】阿拉山口出入境检验检疫局;新疆阿拉山口 833418;阿拉山口出入境检验检疫局;新疆阿拉山口 833418;军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所,病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室,北京100071【正文语种】中文2011~2012年阿拉山口出入境检验检疫局为掌握口岸蠓类种群、数量构成、分布、季节变化及传疫的相关性,建立本底资料数据库,进行了采集调查。

阿拉山口口岸位于新疆博尔塔拉蒙古自治州东北角,东经82.4°,北纬45.2°,海拔在200~340 m之间;是阿拉套山与塔尔巴哈台山之间相互鼎立形成的缺口,素有“准噶尔山门”之称;是我国准噶尔盆地最西部边缘与哈萨克斯坦毗邻的通道。

阿拉山口光照和风能资源丰富,年平均气温在8.1℃,夏季极高气温44.1℃,冬季极低气温-40℃,最热月7月,平均27.8℃,最冷月1月,平均-15.50℃,属北温带大陆性干旱荒漠性气候,年均降水量126.2 mm,蒸降比为1∶34.2;由于地形由西北向东南倾斜的特点,是全国四大风口之一,年平均大风(风速≥17 m/s)日数160 d,瞬时极大风速55 m/s,年均风速5.9 m/s。



⼩朋友们都喜欢的七星瓢⾍——还有许多不⼀样的哦!Coccinellidae瓢⾍科每天早上咪蛋都要在花园⾥玩半天,找⼩蜗⽜,还有瓢⾍们,我们能看到各种各样漂亮的⼩瓢⾍出现在植物上,今天就来好好地研究⼀下它们!Coccinellidae 是瓢⾍的正式名词,这是拉丁语,⽽法语⾥是⼀样的,叫做:Coccinell 发⾳为:可可星奈勒,咪蛋每天就叫着Coccinell当她发现⼀只瓢⾍之后,⽽法语⼉歌也有⼀⾸就叫《Coccinell》。





你知道吗?如果按照⾷物种类来划分,瓢⾍可以分为三⼤类:⾁⾷性的,菌⾷性的和草⾷性的,对于⼈类来说,⾷草的⾃然就是害⾍了,⾁⾷性瓢⾍则以蚜⾍、介壳⾍为⾷,是益⾍呢!引进瓢⾍物种能够驱赶并取代既有的瓢⾍,⼀种⽣物防治的⼿段!所以了解哪种瓢⾍是吃什么的很重要哦!本⽂就⼀个个看过来⾸先来看在农业上作为益⾍的:⾁⾷性瓢⾍⾃然就是最受⼩朋友和园丁,农民欢迎的七星瓢⾍啦!七星瓢⾍(Coccinella septempunctata)⼴泛分布于⾮洲、欧洲、亚洲的代表性瓢⾍。


异⾊瓢⾍(Harmonia axyridis)⼴泛分布于亚洲等地,和七星瓢⾍并列为代表性物种。




中国钩波纹蛾亚科4新记录种记述(鳞翅目:波纹蛾科)1)韩辉林【摘要】Achlya longipennis Inoue, 1972, Demopsestis mahendrai Yoshimoto, 1993, Nothoploca nigripunctata ( Warren, 1915) and Epipsestis medialis Yoshimoto, 1982 were reported for the first time from China.The adults and genitalia of the species were illustrated with brief redescribing and their cosmopolitan distributions.%在整理馆藏波纹蛾科标本时,发现4中国新记录种:长雾波纹蛾( Achlya longipennis Inoue,1972)、马圆波纹蛾(Demopsestis mahendrai Yoshimoto,1993)、黑点吉波纹蛾(Nothoploca nigripunctata (Warren,1915))和内平波纹蛾( Epipsestis medialis Yoshimoto,1982)。





文章编号:1001-411X(2001)01-0049-02小崎齿瓢虫属和长崎齿瓢虫属幼虫的形态记述(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)曾 涛(华南农业大学资源环境学院,广东广州510642)摘要:描述了小崎齿瓢虫属(Afidentula)和长崎齿瓢虫属(A fissula)各一种幼虫形态.幼虫标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室.关键词:鞘翅目;瓢虫科;小崎齿瓢虫属;长崎齿瓢虫属;幼虫中图分类号:S433.5 文献标识码:A 小崎齿瓢虫属(Afidentula)和长崎齿瓢虫属(Afissula)是Kapur[1]于1955年建立的2个小属.小崎齿瓢虫属共记载14种,中国记载5种.长崎齿瓢虫属共发现有14种,中国有记载9种.两属种类均主要分布于东洋区[2~7].本文描述了采自中国广西的该两属各一种幼虫.幼虫标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本室.1 小崎齿瓢虫Afidentula manderstjer-nae(Mu lsant),(图1) 老熟幼虫体长约4.2m m,宽约2.0mm.虫体呈梨形.体色乳白色.头部蜕裂线“Y”形.触角3节,第2节约为第1节长度的3倍,第3节很小.上颚无基齿,端齿3个,侧齿2个,其形态见图1.虫体背面布满枝刺,枝刺的侧枝上无细小刺毛(即第二次分枝).全部枝刺乳白色.前胸左右两侧近前缘处各着生枝刺2根,在这两根枝刺之间另着生1根细长的刺毛.中、后胸每侧枝刺3根,其中背区枝刺偏向外侧,基部与背侧区枝刺靠近,共同着生在同一厚皮板上.腹部第1~8节每侧均着生枝刺3根,两背区枝刺共同着生在一厚皮板上.全部厚皮板同体色.自第6腹节起,侧区枝刺的长度逐渐变短,至第8腹节时仅为毛瘤.腹部第2节背侧枝刺长度为1.3mm,约为体长的1/3倍.1.头部head,dorsal aspect;2.上颚(侧面)mandible,ventral aspect;3.上颚(背面)mandible,dors al as pect;4.前胸背面prothrax,dors al as pect;5.中胸背面mes othorax,dorsal aspect;6.腹部第2节背面second abdominal segment,dorsal aspect图1 小崎齿瓢虫Fig.1 Afidentula mander stjernae(Mulsant) 收稿日期:2000-06-12 作者简介:曾 涛(1963-),女,博士. 第22卷第1期 2001年1月 华南农业大学学报Journal of South China Agricultural University Vol.22,No.1  Jan.2001 2 双四星崎齿瓢虫A fissu la b isqu adripunc-tata(Gyllenhal),(图2) 老熟幼虫体长约5.0m m,宽约2.5mm.虫体呈梨形.体色乳白色.头部蜕裂线明显,呈“Y”形.触角3节,第2节约为第1节长度的3倍,第3节很小.上颚无基齿,端齿3个,侧齿1个,其形态见图2.虫体背面布满枝刺,枝刺的侧枝上无细小刺毛(即第二次分枝).除前胸背板上的枝刺及全部侧区枝刺乳白色外,其余所有枝刺仅端部3~4支侧枝呈褐色;主枝及其余侧枝亦呈乳白色.全部厚皮板同体色,无颜色加深.前胸左右两侧近前缘处各着生枝刺2根,在这2根枝刺之间另着生1根细长的刺毛突起.中、后胸每侧枝刺3根,其中背区枝刺偏向外侧,基部与背侧区枝刺靠近,共同着生在同一厚皮板上.腹部第1~8节每侧均着生枝刺3根,两背区枝刺共同着生在一厚皮板上.腹部第2节背侧枝刺长度为1.1mm,约为体长的1/5倍.1.头部head,dorsal aspect;2.上颚(侧面)mandible,ventral as pect;3.上颚(背面)mandibl e,dorsal aspect;4.前胸背面prothrax,dorsal aspect;5.中胸背面mes othorax,dorsal aspect;6.腹部第2节背面second abdominal segment,dorsal aspect图2 双四星崎齿瓢虫Fig.2 Afissula bisqu adripunctata(Gyllenhal)参考文献:[1] KAPUR A P.The biology and external morphology of the lar-vae of Epilachninae[J].Bull Ent Res,1950,41:161-208.[2] GAGE J H.The larvae of the Coccinellidae[J].Illinois BiolMonographs,1920,6:62.[3] KAMIYA parative morph ology of larvae of the JapaneseCoccinellid ae,with special reference to the tribal phylogeny of the family(Coleoptera)[J].Mem Fac Lib Arts Fuk ui Un iv,1965,14 (Ⅱ):83-100.[4] SA VOISKAYA G I.On morphol ogy and taxonomy of lady-birdslarvae(C oleoptera,Coccinellidae)from South-east Kazakhs tan[J].Ent Obozr,1960,29:122-133.[5] VANDEN F rvae of British beetles:VII(Coccinellidae)[J].Entomologists Mom Mag,1949,85:265-283.[6] 田立新,綦立正,仇 和.江苏省常见瓢虫幼虫种类的初步研究[J].南京农学院学报,1982,(3):39-55. [7] 綦立正,田立新.十三种瓢虫幼虫外部形态的研究[J].南京农学院学报,1984,(1):1-13.Descriptions of Larvae of Afidentula and Afissula(Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)in ChinaZE NG Tao(College of Resources&Environmental Sciences,South China Agric.Univ.,Guangzhou510642,China)A bstract:The pr esent paper describes the larvae of A fidentula manderstje rnae(Mulsant)and A fissula bisquadripunctata (Gyllenhal)c ollected in China.The specimens are deposited in the Insects Collection of Nanjing Agricultural University. Key words:Coleoptera;Coccinellidae;A fidentula;A fissula;larvae【责任编辑 周志红】50 华 南 农 业 大 学 学 报第22卷。












根据瓢虫科昆虫的分类学特征,我们可以将其分为以下几个属:1. 瓢虫属(Coccinella):瓢虫属是瓢虫科昆虫中最为著名和常见的属。



2. 美人虫属(Harmonia):美人虫属的昆虫体型较大,身体呈椭圆形,背部有明显的黑色斑点。


3. 纺锤虫属(Propylea):纺锤虫属的昆虫外形独特,背部呈锥形,有明显的黑色斑点。


4. 铁线虫属(Cryptolaemus):铁线虫属的昆虫体型较小,身体呈黑色,有皱纹状的纹理。


5. 食虱虫属(Adalia):食虱虫属的昆虫体型较小,背部有明显的黑色斑点。








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