孙鑫讲课所用文献Sorafenib in Advanced Clear-Cell Renal-Cell Carcinoma
7. 回输:实验室提供质量检测报告,负责医生签署接收报告和细胞 ,护士用输血器进行细胞回输
取血前必需进行的医院检验科检查项目(取 血前3天内结果有效):
血常规: (检查后及取血前无其它治疗)
– 决定病人是否可以取血
• 决定取血量
– 取血量=80ml/淋巴细胞绝对值 – 例如:患者淋巴细胞绝对值为1.2,取血量=80ml/1.2=67ml ,一般取70ml。
注射渠道 组别 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 阴性对照组 低剂量组 中剂量组 高剂量组 阳性对照组 微静脉 微静脉 微静脉 微静脉 腹腔
注射剂量 (细胞数/只) 0 1.7 × 105 5 × 105 15 × 105 2 mg/kg
注射液 量 (ml) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 10 ml/kg
操 作
3. 获得患者感染筛查和血常规结果(淋巴细胞绝对值)
4. 收费
5. 采血:取血量=80ml/淋巴细胞绝对值。实验室提供采血管,护士 采血
6. 细胞培养:实验室
1. 实验室以E-MAIL形式,在细胞培养开始约7-9天确认治疗方案中细胞 回输的日期 2. 实验室在每周四或星期五以E-MAIL形式和电话形式通知负责医生下 周患者回输日期和时间
• EAAL细胞可通过多种途径杀伤肿瘤细胞:
1)以不同的机制识别肿瘤细胞,通过穿孔素等作用,穿透封闭 的肿瘤细胞膜,实现对肿瘤细胞的裂解,使其凋亡。见图1
图1 回输的EAAL细胞通过血管到达肿瘤部位,识别肿瘤细胞,通过穿孔素突破肿瘤细胞膜,进而杀死肿瘤 细胞。
• 技术安全:EAAL细胞疗法运用独特的免疫细胞培养系统 ,完全避免了由于使用人或动物血清所可能引起的潜在 微生物感染隐患。 • 硬件安全:EAAL自体免疫细胞治疗技术配有国际先进的 整体万级、局部百级洁净、并符合国家GMP规范的免疫
网络出版时间:2023-11-3016:13:56 网络出版地址:https://link.cnki.net/urlid/34.1086.R.20231130.1319.012◇呼吸药理学◇ACT001通过STAT1/CIITA/MHC Ⅱ通路发挥抗炎抗氧化活性治疗脓毒症引起的急性肺损伤盛 磊,周杰诗,韩 旭,李伊楠,刘慧娟,孙 涛(南开大学药学院,天津 300350)收稿日期:2023-05-27,修回日期:2023-08-26基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No82272934);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(No202210055112)作者简介:盛 磊(2002-),男,研究生,研究方向:药理学,E mail:2010402@nankai.edu.cn;孙 涛(1982-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:药理学,通信作者,E mail:tao.sun@nankai.edu.cndoi:10.12360/CPB202305082文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-1978(2023)12-2231-09中国图书分类号:R 332;R284 1;R322 35;R364 5;R631;R563 8摘要:目的 评价含笑内酯衍生物ACT001对脓毒症进程中急性肺损伤的治疗作用并探究其药理机制。
方法 动物水平上,小鼠腹腔注射LPS建立急性肺损伤模型,腹腔注射ACT001进行治疗,从小鼠个体存活状况、肺部炎症损伤及水肿情况等方面评价ACT001的药效;细胞水平上,以LPS刺激RAW264 7细胞构建模型,通过检测炎症反应和氧化应激水平探究其药理机制,并通过蛋白质组学结果分析其相关分子机制。
结果 动物水平上,ACT001可改善急性肺损伤小鼠生存率、减轻肺部炎症、降低血清中炎症因子水平;细胞水平上,ACT001通过抑制MHC-Ⅱ相关通路,促进RAW264 7细胞向抗炎表型极化,抑制NO和相关炎症因子产生的同时提高SOD含量并清除ROS。
㊀收稿日期:2022-03-30作者简介:陈烨(1965-)ꎬ男ꎬ辽宁沈阳人ꎬ研究员ꎬ博士生导师ꎬ研究方向:创新药物研发.㊀∗通讯作者:陈烨ꎬE ̄mail:chenye@163.com.㊀㊀辽宁大学学报㊀㊀㊀自然科学版第50卷㊀第4期㊀2023年JOURNALOFLIAONINGUNIVERSITYNaturalSciencesEditionVol.50㊀No.4㊀2023Src蛋白激酶的研究进展陈㊀烨∗ꎬ王㊀智ꎬ傅浩栋ꎬ车㊀晋(辽宁大学药学院ꎬ辽宁沈阳110036)摘㊀要:类固醇受体辅激活因子(SteroidreceptorcoactivatorꎬSrc)是一种由Src原癌基因编码的非受体型酪氨酸激酶ꎬ属于Src家族蛋白激酶(Src ̄familykinasesꎬSFKs)的核心成员.Src广泛存在于人体细胞中ꎬ可调节细胞分裂㊁运动㊁黏附㊁血管生成和存活等多种过程ꎬ对维持机体的正常生理功能活动具有重要作用.Src诱导各种恶性细胞的转化ꎬ在多种肿瘤细胞中都有发现ꎬ可以参与肿瘤的产生㊁生长㊁转移等多方面.与Src相关的信号通路异常激活或过表达会导致机体异常ꎬ进而导致癌症的产生.本文主要综述了Src的结构㊁Src的信号通路㊁Src对癌症治疗的作用及其抑制剂等.关键词:SrcꎻSrc信号通路ꎻ癌症ꎻ抑制剂中图分类号:R73㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1000-5846(2023)04-0359-07ResearchProgressofSrcProteinKinaseCHENYe∗ꎬWANGZhiꎬFUHao ̄dongꎬCHEJin(SchoolofPharmaceuticalSciencesꎬLiaoningUniversityꎬShenyang110036ꎬChina)Abstract:㊀Steroidreceptorcoactivator(Src)isakindofnon ̄receptortyrosinekinasesencodedbySrcproto ̄oncogenesꎬwhichisacorememberofSrc ̄familykinases(SFKs).Srciswidelypresentinhumancellsandplaysanimportantroleinthemaintainingnormalphysiologicalfunctionsofthebodybyregulatingvariousprocessessuchascelldivisionꎬmovementꎬadhesionꎬangiogenesisandsurvival.Srcinducesthetransformationofvariousmalignantcellsꎬwhichhasbeenfoundinavarietyoftumorcellsandcanbeinvolvedintheoccurrenceꎬgrowthandmetastasisoftumors.AbnormalactivationoroverexpressionofSrc ̄relatedsignalingpathwayscanleadtoabnormalitiesinthebodythatleadtocancer.InthispaperꎬthestructureꎬsignalingpathwayꎬroleofSrcincancertreatmentanditsinhibitorsarediscussed.Keywords:㊀steroidreceptorcoactivator(Src)ꎻSrcsignalingpathwayꎻcancerꎻinhibitors㊀㊀0㊀引言全球癌症死亡例数和发病例数持续上升[1]ꎬ癌症已经成为威胁人类健康的最大敌人.酪氨酸激酶(TyrosinekinaseꎬTKs)作为抗肿瘤药物研究的重要靶点ꎬ起到将细胞外环境中的信号传递到细胞内部的作用[2].根据是否具有细胞外配体结合和跨膜结构域的受体样特征ꎬTKs可以分为受体酪氨酸激酶(ReceptortyrosinekinasesꎬRTKs)和非受体酪氨酸激酶(NonreceptortyrosinekinaseꎬNRTKs).类固醇受体辅激活因子(SteroidreceptorcoactivatorꎬSrc)属于NRTKsꎬ能够参与细胞内信号转导并调节生命活动的生化反应ꎬ对维持细胞㊁组织和器官的稳态具有十分重要的意义[3].临床研究表明ꎬSrc在肺癌[4]㊁乳腺癌[5]等肿瘤细胞的产生㊁转移中有重要作用.1㊀Src的结构Src约为60kuꎬSrc与Blk(B淋巴酪氨酸激酶)㊁Fgr(猫肉瘤病毒原癌基因同系物)㊁Fyn(致密物酪氨酸激酶)㊁Hck(造血细胞激酶)㊁Lyn(一种酪氨酸蛋白激酶)㊁Lck(淋巴细胞特异性激酶)㊁Yes(一种酪氨酸蛋白激酶)㊁Yrk(一种酪氨酸蛋白激酶)共同构成Src家族蛋白激酶(SFKs)[6].基于它们的氨基酸序列差异ꎬSrc分为两个亚家族ꎬ第一类包括Src㊁Fyn㊁Yes和Yrkꎬ第二类包括Blk㊁Fgr㊁Hck㊁Lck和Lynꎬ主要存在于造血细胞中.Src结构由SH1㊁SH2㊁SH3㊁SH4组成[7]ꎬ其中SH4是膜附着所必需的ꎻSH2和SH3结构域不但可以将Src定位到合适的细胞位置ꎬ而且参与调节Src的催化活性ꎻSH1含有自身磷酸化位点酪氨酸416(Tyr416)ꎬ可以激活Src活性ꎬ而C端调节域的酪氨酸527(Tyr527)是磷酸化的调节位点和抑制因子ꎬ可以抑制Src的活性ꎬ在终止SFKs的功能中起着至关重要的作用[8].2㊀Src信号通路的调节2.1㊀Src与PI3K/Akt信号通路PI3K(Phosphatidylinositol ̄3 ̄kinasesꎬPI3K)是磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶ꎬPI3K/Akt(蛋白激酶)信号通路广泛存在于肿瘤细胞中ꎬ影响着细胞的基本生命活动.研究表明ꎬ通过使用特异性Src抑制剂PP2(4-氨基-5-(4-氯苯基)-7-(t-丁基)吡唑[3ꎬ4 ̄d]嘧啶)处理肝癌细胞显著降低了Akt磷酸化水平ꎬ阻止PI3K/Akt信号通路的过表达或磷酸化ꎬ从而抑制恶性肿瘤细胞的异常增殖ꎻ另外ꎬPP2因进一步调节下游蛋白的功能而发挥生物抑制作用[9].Liu等[10]研究表明ꎬ乙型肝炎病毒表面大抗原(LargehepatitisBvirussurfaceantigenꎬLHBs)通过Src信号通路促进PI3K/Akt活化ꎬLHBs的表达可加速G1-S(DNA合成前期-DNA合成期)细胞周期进程并激活Src/PI3K/Akt信号通路ꎬ诱导肝癌发生.2.2㊀Src与FAK信号通路局部黏着斑激酶(FocaladhesionkinaseꎬFAK)是一种细胞质蛋白酪氨酸激酶ꎬFAK由一个N端的FERM(4.1 ̄ezfin ̄radixin ̄moesin)结构域ꎬ一个中心激酶结构域和一个C端黏着斑靶向(FAT)组成.FAK的N端接受来自上游的整合素等信号分子ꎬ活化FAK并使其磷酸化ꎬFAK进而激活下游信号通路并亲自参与多条信号通路转导[11].Src激活FAK并启动其向细胞膜的转运ꎬ在细胞膜上FAK与整合素结合并调节整合素介导的黏附作用.Thamilselvan等[12]采用细胞外压力诱导Src激活ꎬ它们将PI3K㊁FAK和Akt1(蛋白激酶B)信号通路联动起来ꎬ使胞浆中的FAK㊁p85(PI3K的调节亚基)和Akt随后转移到细胞膜上ꎬ通过FAK与β1(转化生长因子-β1)整合素异源二聚体结合ꎬ能够调节β1整合素异源二聚体与基质蛋白的结合亲和性ꎬ整合素结合亲和性的改变可以促进结肠癌细胞的063㊀㊀㊀辽宁大学学报㊀㊀自然科学版2023年㊀㊀㊀㊀黏附[12].2.3㊀Src与STAT3信号通路信号转导和转录激活因子(SignaltransducersandactivatorsoftranscriptionꎬSTATs)是一类具有类似结构的细胞质转录因子家族ꎬ起到转导细胞外细胞因子和生长因子的功能.STAT3(信号转导和转录激活因子3)是STATs的重要成员ꎬ可直接或通过其他转录因子间接调节基因表达.STAT3除了是细胞因子受体的下游ꎬ还可以被生长因子受体和非受体酪氨酸激酶激活[13].STAT3信号通路常在恶性细胞中被激活ꎬ能诱导大量对癌症产生至关重要的基因ꎬ成为癌症的主要内在途径.Zhu等[14]研究表明ꎬAhR-Src-STAT3-IL-10信号通路是参与炎性巨噬细胞免疫调节的关键通路ꎬ芳烃受体(AhR)通过Src-STAT3信号通路促进炎症巨噬细胞中1L-10(白细胞介素10)的表达ꎬ从而限制过度炎症的不良后果.3㊀Src与癌症3.1㊀乳腺癌乳腺癌是全世界女性癌症死亡的最常见原因ꎬ近年来发病率一直呈上升趋势ꎬ严重危害了女性的身体健康.Djeungoue-Petga等[15]研究表明ꎬ位于线粒体内的Src在乳腺癌中具有特定的功能ꎬ可以使三阴性乳腺癌更具侵袭性ꎬ并改变线粒体代谢.在87例三阴性乳腺癌和93例非三阴性乳腺癌中检测Srcꎬ结果显示ꎬSrc都有表达ꎬ且在三阴性乳腺癌中的表达频率高于非三阴性乳腺癌ꎬ因此ꎬSrc可能是治疗乳腺癌的潜在靶点[16].Ngan等[17]发现Src介导的LPP(脂质瘤首选伴侣)酪氨酸磷酸化对乳腺癌细胞的侵袭和转移至关重要.Song等[18]研究表明ꎬSrc在有丝分裂刺激下直接与lipin-1(磷脂酸磷酸酶)相互作用并使其磷酸化ꎬ有助于通过加速磷脂和甘油三酯合成来维持乳腺癌细胞的增殖.3.2㊀肺癌肺癌是一种极其复杂的恶性肿瘤ꎬ它的死亡率在所有肿瘤中位居首位.在肺癌的病例中ꎬ非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)占比较大ꎬ是其主要类型.Dong等[19]通过体内和体外实验ꎬ将NSCLC细胞经不同浓度的槲皮素(Quercetin)给药ꎬ发现该化合物通过抑制Src/Fn14/NF-κB信号转导发挥抗NSCLC细胞增殖和转移的作用.Zhao等[20]采用荧光定量PCR法检测64例肺恶性组织和40例肺良性病变样本中葡萄糖转运蛋白(Glucosetransportprotein ̄1ꎬGlut ̄1)的表达ꎬ发现肺恶性组织Glut-1归一化值显著高于肺良性病变样本ꎬ差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)ꎬ综合数据证实ꎬGlut-1通过整合素β1/Src/FAK信号通路调控NSCLC细胞增殖㊁迁移㊁侵袭和凋亡ꎬ可作为肺癌治疗的全新靶点.区豪杰等[21]研究表明ꎬRITA(肿瘤凋亡和P53再生化合物)提升肺鳞癌H226(人肺鳞癌细胞NCI-H226)细胞内活性氧水平ꎬ细胞内动态平衡被打破ꎬ从而导致Src/STAT3信号通路水平下降ꎬ最终诱导肺鳞癌细胞凋亡.3.3㊀前列腺癌前列腺癌是发病率和死亡率相差较大的男性常见恶性肿瘤ꎬ它的发病率随着年龄的增长而快速上升.CXC趋化因子配体1-脂质运载蛋白2(CXCL1-LCN2)激活Src信号ꎬ触发上皮-间充质转换(Epithelial ̄mesenchymaltransitionꎬEMT)ꎬ从而促进前列腺癌细胞的迁移ꎬ导致肿瘤转移增强[22].Dai等[23]研究发现ꎬ在缺氧条件下Src可以促进细胞的转移ꎬ这也正是前列腺癌治疗失败的原因ꎬ而Src抑制剂在缺氧条件下能降低细胞的转移功能ꎬ这表明此类药物具有治疗前列腺癌的潜力.Teng等[24]发现ꎬ达沙替尼阻断Src信号通路可以增强CYT997(微管聚合抑制剂)在前列腺癌中的抗癌活性.163㊀第4期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀陈㊀烨ꎬ等:Src蛋白激酶的研究进展㊀㊀3.4㊀肝癌肝癌是一种预后不良㊁治疗选择有限的恶性肿瘤ꎬ其中肝细胞癌(HepatocellularcarcinomaꎬHCC)是其主要类型.Wang等[25]研究发现ꎬmicroRNA24-2是一种具有癌变功能的microRNAꎬ至少在人类肝癌中有所体现ꎬ在人类肝癌干细胞(LivercancerstemcellsꎬHLCSCs)的实验中发现ꎬmicroRNA24-2通过增强HLCSCs中的PKM1(Pyruvatekinasemuscleisozyme1)来促进Src的表达ꎬ而Src正向调节和控制microRNA24-2在HLCSCs中的致癌功能.Suresh等[26]研究表明ꎬSrc-2可能具有致癌或抑癌活性ꎬ这取决于在不同组织中表达的靶基因和核受体ꎻ在肝脏中Src-2与多个肿瘤抑制因子包括甲状腺受体(TR)㊁雌激素受体(ER)等共同激活一个特定的靶基因程序ꎬ从而抑制肿瘤.3.5㊀卵巢癌卵巢癌是最为致命的妇女恶性肿瘤ꎬ其中ꎬ上皮性卵巢癌(EpithelialovariancancerꎬEOC)是其主要类型.由于预兆不显著ꎬ一直到晚期才易被发现ꎬ因此往往错过最佳治疗阶段.Huang等[27]运用免疫组织化学法检测c-Src(Cell ̄steroidreceptorcoactivator)在82例EOC患者和25例良性卵巢病变患者中的表达ꎬ并用20个正常卵巢组织作为对照ꎬ结果显示ꎬEOC中c-Src表达阳性的比例显著高于对照组ꎬ该研究还表明ꎬ通过Tyr416的磷酸化激活c-Src可能在卵巢癌发展的早期阶段发挥作用.Cheng等[28]发现ꎬZIP13(Zrt ̄andIrt ̄likeprotein13)是卵巢癌转移的主要介质ꎬ可以调节细胞内锌的分布ꎬ激活Src/FAK通路并导致卵巢癌的转移ꎬ因此ꎬZIP13可能是预防和治疗卵巢癌转移的一个有价值的治疗靶点.近年来ꎬBley等[29]在EOC衍生细胞中发现ꎬ胰岛素样生长因子2mRNA结合蛋白1(Insulinlikegrowthfactor ̄2mRNA ̄bindingprotein1ꎬIGF2BP1)通过刺激Src/ERK(Extracellularsignal ̄regulatedkinase)信号转导来促进卵巢癌侵袭性生长.Qiu等[30]研究发现TRIM50(Tripartitemotif ̄containing50)通过靶向Src并降低其活性来抑制卵巢癌ꎬ这为通过正向调节TRIM50来治疗Src过度激活的癌症提供了一种新的思路.3.6㊀宫颈癌宫颈癌是影响中年妇女健康的主要公共卫生问题ꎬ宫颈鳞状细胞癌(CSCC)占宫颈癌的绝大比例.Hou等[31]采用免疫组织化学法检测20例正常宫颈组织㊁20例宫颈原位癌(CIS)和87例宫颈鳞状细胞癌(CSCC)中磷酸化c-Src的表达.结果显示ꎬ磷酸化c-Src在正常宫颈组织㊁CIS和CSCC中的表达逐渐升高ꎬ此外ꎬ磷酸化c-Src的表达与宫颈癌的总生存率和复发率相关.Du等[32]研究发现ꎬ整合素α3与c-Src相互作用并激活ERK/FAK信号通路ꎬ导致黏着斑形成受损ꎬ这种作用使宫颈癌细胞的迁移和侵袭能力增强ꎬ并通过分泌基质金属蛋白酶-9(Matrixmetalloproteinase ̄9ꎬMMP-9)诱导宫颈癌血管生成.Yang等[33]发现ꎬ膳食油酸诱导的CD36(Clusterofdifferentiation36)通过上调Src/ERK信号通路促进宫颈癌细胞生长和转移.3.7㊀胰腺癌胰腺癌是一种高度致命㊁转移较快的消化道肿瘤ꎬ大多数患者在胰腺癌晚期之前一直没有明显症状.Kuo等[34]发现ꎬ在K-ras(KirstenRatSarcomaVirus)突变和p53基因缺失的条件下ꎬβ-连环蛋白通过上调PDGF(Platelet ̄derivedgrowthfactor)/Src信号ꎬ加速了胰腺癌的发生.Li等[35]研究表明ꎬ天然化合物OblongifolinC(OC)在体内对胰腺肿瘤的生长发挥抑制作用ꎬ并通过泛素-蛋白酶体途径下调Src表达来提高吉西他滨(Gemcitabine)的敏感性ꎬ有效抑制胰腺癌细胞增殖.An等[36]证实ꎬOxialisobtriangulata甲醇提取物(OOE)对胰腺癌细胞BxPC3(Biopsyxenograftofpancreaticcarcinomaline ̄3)具有抗癌活性ꎬOOE调控ERK/Src/STAT3激活ꎬ并调节与肿瘤发展相关的STAT3下游基因ꎬ展现了OOE作为抗癌药物的可能性.263㊀㊀㊀辽宁大学学报㊀㊀自然科学版2023年㊀㊀㊀㊀3.8㊀胃癌尽管胃癌发病率有所下降ꎬ但胃癌仍然是全球癌症死亡的常见原因之一.刘江惠等[37]应用流式细胞术检测c-Src在50例胃癌组织和10例胃黏膜中的表达情况ꎬ结果显示ꎬSrc在胃癌组织的表达高于胃黏膜组织(P<0.01)ꎬ且在临床晚期蛋白表达水平高于临床早期ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).Qi等[38]的研究结果发现ꎬ红景天苷(Salidroside)通过抑制活性氧(ROS)介导的Src相关信号通路蛋白磷酸化和热休克蛋白70(HSP70)的表达来阻止胃癌细胞的增殖和迁移.Nam等[39]发现ꎬ塞卡替尼单独或与其他药物联合使用抑制Src激酶活性可降低胃癌细胞的增殖和迁移.4㊀Src抑制剂4.1㊀达沙替尼达沙替尼是一种广泛而有效的多酪氨酸激酶抑制剂.它主要用于抑制Abl和Srcꎬ除此之外还能够抑制c-KIT(c ̄Kitproto ̄oncogeneprotein)㊁PDGFR-α(Platelet ̄derivedgrowthfactorreceptorα)㊁PDGFR-β(Platelet ̄derivedgrowthfactorreceptorβ)和肾上腺素受体激酶.聚糖结合蛋白(Syndecan ̄bindingproteinꎬSDCBP)与c-Src的相互作用ꎬ促进c-Src在残基419处的酪氨酸磷酸化ꎬ增强了三阴性乳腺癌的增殖ꎬ而达沙替尼在残基419处抑制c-Src的酪氨酸磷酸化ꎬ并阻断SDCBP诱导的细胞循环进展[40].Redin等[41]研究表明ꎬ达沙替尼在NSCLC中与抗PD-1免疫疗法协同作用ꎬ可导致肿瘤消退.4.2㊀博舒替尼博舒替尼也是一种小分子Abl/Src双效抑制剂ꎬ但它对PDGFR和KIT(Kitproto ̄oncogeneprotein)受体无活性.Rabbani等[42]研究发现ꎬ博舒替尼通过调节参与癌症生长和骨骼转移的基因ꎬ阻断前列腺癌的侵袭㊁生长和转移.Src和c-Ab1(Abelsontyrosinekinase)是神经母细胞瘤的潜在治疗靶点ꎬ博舒替尼单独或与其他化疗药物联合可能是治疗神经母细胞瘤一种有价值的选择[43].4.3㊀来那替尼来那替尼是一种新型㊁不可逆的人表皮生长因子受体2(Humanepidermalgrowthfactor2ꎬHER2)靶向酪氨酸激酶抑制剂.曲妥珠单抗(Trastuzumab)已经被证明可以作为HER2阳性乳腺癌患者的新型疗法ꎬ然而很大一部分HER2阳性乳腺癌患者对曲妥珠单抗会产生耐药性ꎬ而来那替尼可以抵消这种耐药性ꎬ从而降低三阴性乳腺癌复发[44].5㊀展望Src在多种细胞信号转导途径中发挥着关键作用ꎬ也是癌症治疗中研究较好的靶点之一.通过本文的论述ꎬSrc的致癌激活已被证明在癌症中发挥重要作用ꎬ可以促进肿瘤生长和转移.一些针对Src的抑制剂已经开发出来ꎬ其中许多药物已经成功地用于临床治疗ꎬ但在临床中会有无法预料的并发症ꎬ还需要进一步的探索和阐述.随着未来研究的深入ꎬ针对Src的认识会更加清晰ꎬSrc抑制剂与其他抑制剂的联合使用会对癌症治疗发挥巨大作用.参考文献:[1]㊀SoerjomataramIꎬBrayF.Planningfortomorrow:Globalcancerincidenceandtheroleofprevention2020-2070[J].NatureReviewsClinicalOncologyꎬ2021ꎬ18(10):663-672.[2]㊀MaoLMꎬGeoslingRꎬPenmanBꎬetal.Localsubstratesofnon 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欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁氉氉氉氉引文格式:易彩霞,孙馨,印双红,黄啸.褪黑素联合锌对H2O2诱导的人视网膜色素上皮细胞氧化损伤的保护作用[J].眼科新进展,2022,42(3):189 193.doi:10.13389/j.cnki.rao.2022.0038【实验研究】褪黑素联合锌对H2O2诱导的人视网膜色素上皮细胞氧化损伤的保护作用△易彩霞 孙 馨 印双红 黄 啸欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁欁氉氉氉氉作者简介:易彩霞(ORCID:00000003 2660 6409),女,1989年12月出生,湖南人,硕士,讲师。
E mail:465086552@qq.com通信作者:黄啸(ORCID:0000 0003 0245 5271),男,1986年8月出生,湖北人,博士,教授。
E mail:humphrey8531@hotmail.com收稿日期:2021 09 16修回日期:2021 12 10本文编辑:付中静△基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助(编号:31800839);贵州省教育厅普通本科高校青年科技人才成长项目(编号:黔教合KY字[2022]069号)作者单位:554300 贵州省铜仁市,铜仁学院大健康学院【摘要】 目的 探讨褪黑素(MT)联合锌(Zn)对H2O2诱导的人视网膜色素上皮(ARPE)细胞氧化损伤的保护作用。
方法 常规培养ARPE细胞株(ARPE 19),利用不同浓度H2O2处理ARPE 19细胞,将细胞存活率接近50%的H2O2浓度作为氧化损伤浓度。
将ARPE 19细胞分为:不同浓度MT(10-5mol·L-1、10-6mol·L-1、10-7mol·L-1)+ZnCl2(15μmol·L-1)组,ZnCl2组(采用15μmol·L-1ZnCl2培养细胞),H2O2组(不添加MT和ZnCl2培养细胞),空白对照组(细胞不做任何处理)。
地址:250012 山东省济南市历下区文化西路44号
第4卷 第2期解剖科学进展Vol.4 No.2 1998年PRO GR ESS OF AN A T O M I CA L SCIEN CES1998对神经营养素的新认识赵 彬 吴 燕 范 明(军事医学科学院基础医学研究所 北京 100850)摘要 神经营养素家族(Neur otr ophins NT s),已知有NG F、BDN F、N T—3、N T4/5、N T—6几种,它们的生物学效应非常广泛:促神经元存活、分化,调控神经元功能还与神经元可塑性相关。
近来实验结果表明,N T s的促存活涉及细胞程序性死亡,N T s、肽类、递质以及激素四者相互作用调控神经细胞的活动。
早期认为,神经营养素(Neu-rotrophins,NT s)促神经元存活,不是有丝分裂原,从而区别于表皮生长因子(epi-dermal gro wth factor,EGF)、成纤维细胞生长因子(fibro blast g row th factor,FGF)等生长因子(Gro wth factors,GFs),也不同于那些分化因子(N europoietic factors):如胆碱能分化因子(cholinergic differative factor,CDF)、睫状神经节生长因子(ciliary neurotrophic factor, CNTF)。
所有这些因子又统称为神经营养性因子(Neurotro phic factors,NT Fs)。
N Ts 家族包括神经生长因子(nerv e g row th factor,NGF)、脑源性神经生长因子(brain derived gr ow th factor,BDNF)、神经营养素—3(neurotrophic factor-3,NT _3)、N T4/5、NT—6等。
外源对羟基苯甲酸对葡萄植株生长及根系分泌特性的影响孙鑫,刘倩文,李坤*,郭修武*,郭印山,刘镇东(沈阳农业大学园艺学院,辽宁沈阳 110161)摘要:对羟基苯甲酸(4-HBA)是导致葡萄连作障碍产生的重要自毒物质。
结果表明,250 μmol/L、500 μmol/L和1000 μmol/L的4-HBA处理对‘贝达’葡萄的水培幼苗生长表现出不同程度的抑制作用,且随着处理浓度增加抑制作用增强。
葡萄根系SOD和PAL酶活性随着处理时间的延长呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,且均在48 h达到峰值;MDA含量增加,96 h高浓度处理根系MDA含量最高。
外源4-HBA处理导致根系分泌的4-HBA、肉桂酸含量减少,水杨酸、阿魏酸却显著增加,总酚酸含量在4-HBA为250 μmol/L时降低,500 μmol/L和1000 μmol/L时增高,且与对照达到显著差异。
关键词:葡萄;对羟基苯甲酸;根系分泌物;自毒作用中图分类号:S663.1;Q945 文献标志码:ADOI:10.13414/ki.zwpp.2018.04.003Effect of exogenous 4-hydroxybenzoic acid on grapevine growth androot exudating characteristicSUN Xin, LIU Qianwen, LI kun*, GUO Xiuwu*, GUO Yinshan, LIU Zhendong(College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China) Abstract: 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4-HBA) is an important autotoxin which led to grapevine replant disease.Used 'Beta' (Vitis riparia×Vitis labrusca) seedlings as materials in the experiment, the same growth seedling aftergermination was selected and treated by 4-HBA. The experiment aim was to study the effect of exogenous 4-HBAon grapevine growth and root exudating characteristic. The results showed that seedlings were suppressed at varyingdegrees under 4-HBA treatment of 250 μmol/L, 500 μmol/L and 1000 μmol/L concentrations. With the increase oftreatment concentration, the inhibition effect was enhanced. SOD and PAL enzymatic activity first increased and thendecreased with the processing time increase, and maximum appeared at 48 h after treatment. MDA content increasedwith the enhance of treatment concentration, and the maximum appeared at 96 h under high 4-HBA concentration. Thecontents of 4-HBA and cinnamic acid decreased, while salicylic acid and ferulic acid content increased after 4-HBAtreatment. The total phenolic content decreased when 4-HBA concentration 250 μmol/L, and increased at 500 μmol/Land 1000 μmol/L. There were significant differences between treatments and the control.Key words: grapevine; 4-hydroxybenzoic acid; root exudate; autotoxicity收稿日期:2018-06-07基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31101503、31572076);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资助项目(CARS-29-yc-6);辽宁省教育厅一般项目(2015493)作者简介:孙鑫(1994—),女,硕士研究生,从事葡萄栽培与生理生态研究。
DOI:10.16605/ki.1007-7847.2023.08.0182miR-484通过SORBS2/MEK-ERK 通路调控乳腺癌细胞增殖、转移和自噬收稿日期:2023-08-29;修回日期:2023-10-06;网络首发日期:2024-02-20基金项目:2023年国家级大学生创新训练计划项目(202313213005)作者简介:潘鑫(1994—),女,辽宁丹东人,助教,E-mail:181****************;*通信作者:郭敏(1958—),女,山东聊城人,博士,教授,主要从事肿瘤凋亡和肾损伤研究,E-mail:****************。
潘鑫1,刘析璘2,郭敏1*(1.锦州医科大学医疗学院,中国辽宁锦州121000;2.河北东方学院,中国河北廊坊065000)摘要:为了分析miR-484在乳腺癌组织和细胞中的表达情况,研究miR-484在乳腺癌细胞增殖、转移和自噬过程中的作用机制,首先,采用GEO 数据库分析乳腺癌组织中差异表达miRNA 谱,并用实时荧光定量PCR 在临床乳腺癌组织及其配对的癌旁组织中检测miR-484的表达情况;其次,利用miR-484模拟物、抑制剂检测miR-484对MCF-7乳腺癌细胞增殖、转移和自噬能力的影响;再次,预测miR-484的调控基因并进行验证,同时构建Sorbin 和SH3结构域包含蛋白2(Sorbin and SH3domain-containing protein 2,SORBS2)过表达载体,检测SORBS2对乳腺癌细胞增殖、转移和自噬能力的影响;最后,用Western-blot 分析miR-484调控下MCF-7细胞中丝裂原活化的胞外信号调节激酶(mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase,MEK)/p-MEK 和胞外信号调节激酶(extracellular signal-regulated kinase,ERK)/p-ERK 的蛋白质含量变化。
太原 030032
第一作者: 姚 琼,在读硕士研究生,研究方向:血液病规范化诊治。 E⁃mail:yaoqiong322@ 163. com
通信作者: 田卫伟,医学博士,主任医师,副教授,硕士研究生导师,研究方向:多发性骨髓瘤的诊治。 E⁃mail:tianweiwei@ yeah. com
1 4 治疗方案和疗效评估 所有患者接受新药为基
础的联合治疗方案[12⁃16] 。 包括硼替佐米 + 地塞米松,
硼替佐米 + 来那度胺 + 地塞米松,硼替佐米 + 环磷
酰胺 + 地塞米松,来那度胺 + 地塞米松,硼替佐米 +
多柔比星脂质体 + 地塞米松,硼替佐米 + 沙利度胺 +
地塞米松,多柔比星脂质体 + 长春地辛 + 地塞米松 +
Medical University( Shanxi Bethune Hospital, Shanxi Academy of Medical Sciences, Tongji Shanxi Hospital) , Taiyuan
030032, China
[ Abstract] Objective To analyze the application value of FIRST simplified frailty scale score in patients with
with therapeutic effect being more than or equal to very good partial response(VGPR) between the two groups(45 68% vs
㊃循证研究㊃通信作者:许藏丹,E m a i l :x u c a n gd a n @163.c o m 钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2抑制剂对伴有严重肾功能不全的2型糖尿病患者心血管保护作用的M e t a 分析许藏丹,赵 新,顾文元(天津中医药大学第二附属医院内分泌科,天津300150) 摘 要:目的 评价钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2(s o d i u m -g l u c o s e c o t r a n s p o r t e r 2,S G L T 2)抑制剂对伴严重肾功能不全的2型糖尿病患者(d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u st y p e2,T 2D M )心血管保护作用及其不良反应㊂方法 检索M e d l i n e ㊁E m b a s e 和C o c h r a n eL i b r a r y 数据库,收集关于S G L T 2抑制剂在糖尿病肾病患者中的随机对照研究,检索时限为建库以来至2021年8月㊂结果 共纳入6项R C T 研究,包括3679例伴有严重肾功能异常的糖尿病患者㊂M e t a 分析结果显示:与安慰剂组相比,S G L T 2抑制剂明显降低了因心力衰竭住院(H R =0.74,95%C I =0.55~0.99,P =0.04)和中风风险(H R =0.75,95%C I =0.60~0.93,P =0.008)㊂S G L T 2抑制剂组心血管死亡(H R =0.89,95%C I =0.60~1.30,P =0.54)及全因死亡发生率(H R =0.84,95%C I =0.56~1.28,P =0.43)与安慰剂相似㊂至于不良反应方面,包括总不良事件(R R =1.00,95%C I =0.94~1.07,P =0.96)㊁骨折(R R =2.34,95%C I =0.52~10.51,P=0.27)㊁泌尿道感染(R R =1.22,95%C I =0.64~2.35,P =0.54)㊁低血压(R R =1.32,95%C I =0.59~2.95,P =0.49)㊁生殖道感染(R R =0.67,95%C I =0.15~2.93,P =0.6)及急性肾损伤(R R =0.96,95%C I =0.41~2.26,P =0.93),两组差异均无统计学意义㊂结论 在伴有严重肾功能不全的T 2D M 患者中应用S G L T 2抑制剂后,患者因心力衰竭住院和中风风险降低,且没有增加不良事件的发生风险㊂S G L T 2抑制剂可能对伴有严重肾功能不全的T 2D M 患者的心血管结局事件具有保护作用且相对安全㊂未来需要更多的临床试验来支持S G L T 2抑制剂对严重肾功能不全的T 2D M 患者心血管结局的影响㊂关键词:糖尿病,2型;钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2抑制剂;肾功能不全;心血管保护中图分类号:R 587.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-583X (2022)01-0014-06d o i :10.3969/j.i s s n .1004-583X.2022.01.002C a r d i o v a s c u l a r p r o t e c t i v e e f f e c t s o f s o d i u m -g l u c o s e c o t r a n s po r t e r 2i n h i b i t o r s i n t y p e 2d i a b e t e sm e l l i t u s p a t i e n t sw i t h s e v e r e r e n a l i n s u f f i c i e n c y :A m e t a -a n a l ys i s X uC a n g d a n ,Z h a oX i n ,G u W e n yu a n D e p a r t m e n t o f E n d o c r i n o l o g y ,S e c o n dT e a c h i n g H o s p i t a l o f T i a n j i nU n i v e r s i t y o fT r a d i t i o n a lC h i n e s eM e d i c i n e ,T i a n ji n 300150,C h i n a C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r :X uC a n g d a n ,E m a i l :x u c a n gd a n @163.c o m A B S T R A C T :O b je c t i v e T oe v a l u a t e t h ec a r d i o v a s c u l a r p r o t e c t i v eef f e c t sa n da d v e r s er e a c t i o no f s o d i u m -g l u c o s e c o t r a n s p o r t e r 2(S G L T 2)i nhi b i t o r si nt y p e2d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s (T 2D M )p a t i e n t s w i t hs e v e r er e n a l i n s u f f i c i e n c y.M e t h o d s W e s e a r c h e d t h r e e p u b l i c d a t a b a s e s ,i n c l u d i n g M e d l i n e ,E m b a s e a n d C o c h r a n e L i b r a r y,t o c o l l e c t r a n d o m i z e d c o n t r o l l e d t r i a l s o nS G L T 2i n h i b i t o r s i n p a t i e n t sw i t hd i a b e t i cn e p h r o p a t h y f r o mt h e i n c e p t i o nt oA u gu s t 2021.R e s u l t s At o t a l o f s i xR C T sw e r e i n c l u d e d ,i n c l u d i n g 3679d i a b e t i c p a t i e n t sw i t h s e v e r e r e n a l i n s u f f i c i e n c y .T h e m e t a -a n a l y s i s s h o w e d t h a t S G L T 2i n h i b i t o rh a ds i g n i f i c a n t l y r e d u c e dt h e r i s ko fh o s p i t a l i z a t i o n (H R =0.74,95%C I =0.55-0.99,P =0.04)a n ds t r o k e (H R =0.75,95%C I =0.60-0.93,P =0.008)d u e t oh e a r t f a i l u r e i nc o m p a r i s o n w i t h p l a c e b o g r o u p .T h e i n c i d e n c eo f c a r d i o v a s c u l a rd e a t h (H R =0.89,95%C I =0.60-1.30,P =0.54)a n da l l -c a u s e d e a t h (H R =0.84,95%C I =0.56-1.28,P =0.43)i nt h eS G L T 2i n h i b i t o r g r o u p wa ss i m i l a r t ot h a t i n p l a c eb o g r o u p .A s f o r s i d e e f f ec t s ,t h e r ew a sn os i gn i f i c a n td i f f e r e n c e i nt o t a l a d v e r s ee v e n t s (R R =1.00,95%C I =0.94-1.07,P =0.96),f r a c t u r e (R R =2.34,95%C I =0.52-10.51,P =0.27),u r i n a r yt r a c t i n f e c t i o n (R R =1.22,95%C I =0.64-2.35,P =0.54),h y p o t e n s i o n (R R =1.32,95%C I =0.59-2.95,P =0.49),r e pr o d u c t i v e t r a c t i n f e c t i o n (R R =0.67,95%C I =0.15-2.93,P =0.6)a n da c u t ek i d n e y i n j u r y (R R =0.96,95%C I =0.41-2.26,P =0.93)b e t w e e n g r o u p s .C o n c l u s i o n F o r T 2D M p a t i e n t s w i t h s e v e r er e n a li n s u f f i c i e n c y,t h ea d m i n i s t r a t i o n o fS G L T 2i n h i b i t o r s i s c a p a b l e o f r e d u c i n g t h e r i s k s o f h o s p i t a l i z a t i o na n d s t r o k e d u e t oh e a r t f a i l u r e ,w i t h o u t i n c r e a s i n g th e r i s k o f a d v e r s e e v e n t s .S G L T 2i n h i b i t o r sm a y h a v e a p r o t e c t i v e a n d r e l a t i v e l y sa f e e f f e c t o n t h e i r c a r d i o v a s c u l a r o u t c o m e s .㊃41㊃‘临床荟萃“ 2022年1月20日第37卷第1期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s ,J a n u a r y 20,2022,V o l 37,N o .1Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.F u t u r e c l i n i c a l t r i a l s a r e n e e d e d t o s u p p o r t t h e i m p a c t o f SG L T2i n h i b i t o r s o n c a r d i o v a s c u l a r b e n e f i t s i nT2D M p a t i e n t s. K E Y W O R D S:d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s,t y p e2;s o d i u m g l u c o s e c o t r a n s p o r t e r2i n h i b i t o r s;r e n a li n s u f f i c i e n c y;c a rd i o v a s c u l a r be n ef i t s心血管疾病是2型糖尿病(t y p e2d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s,T2D M)患者的常见并发症,也是其首要的死亡原因[1-2]㊂糖尿病患者发生心力衰竭的风险较非糖尿病患者高出2~5倍[3]㊂钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2(s o d i u m-g l u c o s e c o t r a n s p o r t e r2,S G L T2)是一个新的糖尿病治疗靶点,S G L T2抑制剂通过阻断近端肾小管中葡萄糖和钠的再摄取,达到降糖作用,甚至也可能有益于降低血压和体重[4]㊂目前S G L T2抑制剂已被批准用于T2D M患者,尤其是估算的肾小球滤过率(e s t i m a t e d g l o m e r u l a rf i l t r a t i o nr a t e, e G F R)ȡ45m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的患者[5]㊂大量随机对照研究(R C T)显示,S G L T2抑制剂能对T2D M 患者以及伴有轻度肾功能受损的患者提供心血管保护作用[6-8]㊂S G L T2抑制剂的药效作用主要依赖于良好的肾功能,随着肾功能的下降其保护作用逐渐减弱[9-10]㊂目前对于已进展至严重肾功能不全[e G F R15~45m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)]的糖尿病患者传统降糖药治疗效果欠佳㊂S G L T2抑制剂是否尚能对伴有严重肾功能不全的T2D M患者带来心血管结局的获益尚不清楚㊂因此,本研究通过搜集国内外有关S G L T2抑制剂治疗伴有严重肾功能不全的T2D M 患者的R C T并进行M e t a分析,探讨此治疗对于改善心血管事件的有效性及安全性,以期为临床用药提供科学依据㊂1资料与方法1.1文献检索策略在M e d l i n e㊁E m b a s e和C o c h r a n eL i b r a r y数据库搜索了S G L T2抑制剂治疗的T2D M和严重肾功能不全患者的R C T,检索时限为建库以来至2021年8月㊂使用主题词结合自由词的检索策略,中英文主题词:S G L T2抑制剂(s o d i u m g l u c o s ec o t r a n s p o r t e r2i n h i b i t o r s)㊁2型糖尿病(t y p e2d i a b e t e s m e l l i t u s)㊁肾功能异常(r e n a li n s u f f i c i e n c y)㊂检索限于中㊁英文㊂1.2纳入标准及排除标准纳入标准:①R C T;②研究对象为e G F R15~45m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的T2D M患者或者文献纳入自行定义的严重肾功能不全者;③文献提供了有效的终点事件及不良反应事件数据㊂排除标准:①评论㊁荟萃分析㊁病例对照研究㊁病例报告和动物实验;②对于来自同一研究的多份报告,排除质量较差者或无有效数据者;③试验组或对照组样本量<30例㊂1.3文献筛选两名研究人员根据检索词独立检索文献,按照事先制定好的纳入与排除标准提取相关数据㊂筛选及提取数据的过程中如两名研究者意见不一致,则通过协商或与第3名研究者共同讨论解决㊂纳入的信息主要包括:年龄㊁体重㊁e G F R㊁糖化血红蛋白(H b A1c)㊁T2D M确诊时间㊁研究持续时间㊁干预措施㊁样本量㊁心血管结局㊁全因死亡和不良反应事件㊂主要心血管结局是因心力衰竭导致住院㊁中风和心血管死亡㊂不良反应主要包括:骨折㊁泌尿道感染㊁低血压㊁生殖道感染及急性肾损伤㊂1.4文献质量评价对每项研究的偏倚风险采用J a d a d量表进行评价[11],随机化(0~2分)㊁双盲(0~ 2分),撤退(0~1分),得分ȡ3分的研究被认为是 高质量 研究㊂1.5统计学方法采用C o c h r a n e协作网提供的R e v M a n5.3软件进行数据分析㊂计量资料采用均数差(M D)及95%可信区间(C I)为效应分析统计量,计数资料采用风险比(R R)及其95%C I为效应分析统计量㊂研究结果的异质性用I2统计量评估, I2为0%㊁25%㊁50%和75%分别代表无异质性㊁低异质性㊁中等异质性或高异质性㊂P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2结果2.1文献检索结果检索共获得1020篇文章,经过筛选排除后,最终纳入6篇文献[7,12-16],包括3679例伴有严重肾功能异常的T2D M患者㊂其中3项研究纳入e G F R值为30~45m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的患者,1项研究纳入的e G F R值为15~45m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的患者,1项研究纳入e G F R值为15~30 m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的患者,1项研究纳入e G F R值为15~50m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的患者㊂文献检索流程图见图1㊂纳入文献的基本信息及质量评分情况见表1㊂2.2 M e t a分析结果2.2.1因心力衰竭导致住院共4项研究(2052例)报道了因心力衰竭导致住院的事件数㊂异质性检验结果示各试验间无异质性(χ2=0.94,P= 0.63,I2=0%),故采用固定效应模型㊂M e t a分析结果显示,S G L T2抑制剂治疗可降低因心力衰竭导致住院的风险(H R=0.74,95%C I=0.55~0.99,P= 0.04),提示S G L T2抑制剂治疗与较低的因心力衰㊃51㊃‘临床荟萃“2022年1月20日第37卷第1期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,J a n u a r y20,2022,V o l37,N o.1Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.竭导致住院率相关,见图2㊂图1 文献检索流程2.2.2 中风 3项研究(1592例)报道了中风的事件数㊂异质性检验结果示各试验间无异质性(χ2=0.46,P =0.80,I 2=0%),故采用固定效应模型㊂M e t a 分析结果显示,S G L T 2抑制剂治疗可明显降低中风的风险(H R =0.75,95%C I =0.60~0.93,P =0.008),提示S G L T 2抑制剂与较低的中风事件相关,见图3㊂2.2.3 心血管死亡 3项研究(1592例)报道了心血管死亡发生的比值㊂异质性检验结果示各试验间无异质性(χ2=0.90,P =0.64,I 2=0%),故采用固定效应模型㊂M e t a 分析结果显示,相较于安慰剂治疗,S G L T 2抑制剂治疗并没有减少心血管死亡的发生率(H R =0.89,95%C I =0.60~1.30,P =0.54),见图4㊂2.2.4 全因死亡 3项研究(1025例)报道了全因死亡发生的事件数㊂异质性检验结果示各试验间无异质性(χ2=0.90,P =0.63,I 2=0%),故采用固定效应模型㊂M e t a 分析结果显示,全因死亡发生率在S G L T 2抑制剂组和安慰剂组差异无统计学意义(H R =0.84,95%C I =0.56~1.28,P =0.43),见图5㊂表1 纳入研究基本特征及质量评价纳入研究治疗时间(周)药物干预组对照组平均年龄(岁)干预组对照组T 2DM 确诊时间干预组对照组B a r n e t t 201452恩格列净(25m g )安慰剂65.4(10.2)62.9(11.9) 1~5年:10.8%;5~10年:16.2%;>10年:73.0%1~5年:16.2%5~10年:21.6%>10年:62.2%C R E D E N C E2019136卡格列净(100m g)安慰剂62.9(9.2)63.2(9.2)15.5年16.0年N e u e n2018188.2卡格列净(100m g ,300m g )安慰剂68.7(8.0)--W a n n e r 2018 52恩格列净(10m g ,25m g )安慰剂66.2(8.0)66.0(8.5) <1年:2.1%;1~5年:10.1%5~10年:21.9%;>10年:66.0%<1年:1.2%;1~5年:9.9%;5~10年:19.8%;>10年:68.9%Y a l e 201452卡格列净(100m g ,300m g ) 安慰剂 卡格列净100m g :69.5(8.2)卡格列净300m g :67.9(8.2)68.2(8.4) 卡格列净100m g :15.6年卡格列净300m g :17.0年16.4年 Z a n n a d202116恩格列净(10m g)安慰剂70.4(9.5)70.1(9.8)//纳入研究体重(k g )干预组对照组e G F R[m l /(m i n ㊃1.73m2)]干预组对照组H b A 1c (%)干预组对照组样本量(例)干预组对照组J a d a d评分B a r n e t t 201477.9ʃ16.484.1ʃ21.115~3015~307.968.0837374C R E D E N C E2019//30~4530~458.38.36576564N e u e n2018--30~4530~45--5544W a n n e r 201886.84ʃ11.0185.49ʃ11.4330~4530~458.078.08381189Y a l e 2014卡格列净100m g :90.5ʃ18.4卡格列净300m g :90.2ʃ18.192.8ʃ17.4 30~50 30~50 卡格列净100m g :7.9卡格列净300m g :88卡格列净100m g :90卡格列净300m g :8990 4 Z a n n a d2021--15~4515~45//4604394图2 S G L T 2治疗组和安慰剂治疗组因心力衰竭住院事件的M e t a 分析森林图㊃61㊃‘临床荟萃“ 2022年1月20日第37卷第1期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s ,J a n u a r y 20,2022,V o l 37,N o .1Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.图3 S G L T 2治疗组和安慰剂治疗组中风事件的M e t a分析森林图图4 S G L T 2治疗组和安慰剂治疗组心血管死亡事件的M e t a分析森林图图5 S G L T 2治疗组和安慰剂治疗组全因死亡率的M e t a 分析森林图2.2.5 不良事件 总的不良事件的发生率在S G L T 2抑制剂组和安慰剂组之间差异均无统计学(R R =1.00,95%C I =0.94~1.07,P =0.96)㊂其他一些不良反应,包括:骨折(R R =2.34,95%C I =0.52~10.51,P =0.27)㊁泌尿道感染(R R =1.22,95%C I =0.64~2.35,P =0.54)㊁低血压(R R =1.32,95%C I =0.59~2.95,P =0.49)㊁生殖道感染(R R =0.67,95%C I =0.15~2.93,P =0.6)及急性肾损伤(R R =0.96,95%C I =0.41~2.26,P =0.93)的风险两组差异均无统计学意义,见表2㊂以上结果提示相较于安慰剂,S G L T 2抑制剂治疗并不带来额外的不良反应㊂表2 不良事件分析表不良反应报道研究数S G L T 2抑制剂例数总例数安慰剂例数总例数异质性检验P 值I 2(%)统计学方法R R 值P 值95%C I下限上限总不良事件32603001902170.40M -H ,F i x e d10.960.941.07骨折210274 21280.540M -H ,F i x e d 2.340.270.5210.51泌尿道感染225216121270.480M -H ,F i x e d 1.220.540.642.35低血压218216 81270.60M -H ,F i x e d 1.320.490.592.95生殖道感染1 4179 390--M -H ,F i x e d 0.670.60.152.93急性肾损伤19841090--M -H ,F i x e d0.960.930.412.26注:R R :相对风险;C I :可信区间;M -H :M a n t e -lH a e n s z e l 法;F i x e d :固定效应模型3 讨 论T 2D M 目前已成为严重影响人们生活质量的公共卫生问题,大部分糖尿病患者在病程进展过程中会出现肾功能改变㊂与肾功能正常或轻度受损的糖尿病患者相比,伴有严重肾功能受损的糖尿病患者的心血管事件及病死率大大升高㊂肾功能的严重减退使T 2D M 患者的治疗面临严峻挑战,目前传统降糖药物在此期应用受限,仅有瑞格列奈㊁利格列汀不受肾功能限制,但提供心血管获益证据有限[17]㊂S G L T 2抑制剂是一种新型降糖药,现已上市的有达格列净㊁卡格列净㊁恩格列净㊁索格列净㊂S G L T 2抑制剂通过抑制肾近曲小管S G L T 2重吸收葡萄糖,增㊃71㊃‘临床荟萃“ 2022年1月20日第37卷第1期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s ,J a n u a r y 20,2022,V o l 37,N o .1Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.加尿糖排泄,产生渗透性利尿,促进钠离子向远曲小管的转运,从而增加尿钠排泄,减少体内水钠潴留,减轻全身糖钠毒性㊂本研究应用M e t a分析系统评价了接受S G L T2抑制剂治疗的伴有严重肾功能不全的T2D M患者的心血管结局㊂研究结果显示,与安慰剂组相比, S G L T2抑制剂组明显降低了因心力衰竭住院及中风的风险㊂两组心血管死亡和全因死亡的发生率比较,差异无统计学意义㊂但值得注意的,S G L T2抑制剂用于伴有严重肾功能不全的T2D M患者时,无额外不良反应的发生㊂以上结果表明S G L T2抑制剂可能对伴有严重肾功能不全的T2D M患者的心血管结局事件具有保护作用且相对安全㊂既往大量研究显示,S G L T2抑制剂能够降低T2D M患者心力衰竭[18-19]㊁中风[20-21]及死亡[22-23]的风险,为T2D M患者带来明显的心血管获益㊂S G L T2抑制剂提供心血管保护的潜在机制尚不清楚,但可能涉及多种机制㊂这些机制包括:①通过改善血糖水平逆转促炎表型和糖毒性刺激,发挥抗炎抗氧化作用[24];②利尿㊁降低血压,通过减少心脏前后负荷来改善心肌耗氧量[25];③改善动脉血管僵硬度和内皮功能[26];④降低核苷酸寡聚化结构域(N O D)样受体家族3炎性小体活性,下调肾组织儿茶酚胺活性,发挥心脏保护作用[27];⑤降低血脂,增加酮体生成,为心肌细胞的能量代谢提供燃料[28]㊂本研究结果显示,S G L T2抑制剂可明显降低因心力衰竭住院及中风的风险,这与之前的报道一致㊂提示在对伴有严重肾功能不全的T2D M患者,S G L T2抑制剂仍然能够提供心血管获益㊂然而,S G L T2抑制剂组和安慰剂组心血管病死率及全因死亡率相似,由于纳入的研究较少,因此需要更多的数据验证此结果㊂对于伴有严重肾功能不全的患者应用S G L T2抑制剂需密切监测不良事件的发生[29]㊂本研究结果中,对于总不良事件及其他报道的不良事件,如骨折㊁泌尿道感染㊁低血压㊁生殖道感染及急性肾损伤,两组差异无统计学意义㊂既往有研究报道对于e G F R<60m l/(m i n㊃1.73m2)的T2D M患者的荟萃分析发现,S G L T2抑制剂治疗可能会增加生殖器感染风险[30]㊂而本研究中,对于生殖器感染的发生,两组间差异无统计学意义㊂为当前严重肾功能损伤患者治疗提供了一种新的选择,在临床上具有良好应用前景㊂本研究存在一些局限性:①纳入的研究不够10个,不适合进行漏斗图不对称检验,这可能导致在评估S G L T2抑制剂心脏获益作用时产生偏倚;②不同试验的持续时间可能会在一定程度上影响主要终点事件数;③纳入的部分研究信息不足,不同研究间纳入的心血管事件不同,亦存在一定偏倚㊂本研究因纳入的文献数量及有效信息有限,需要进一步不断挖掘相关数据予以证实㊂综上所述,本研究严格遵循R C T系统评价的原则,共纳入6篇高质量的R C T,得出可靠性结果和结论㊂未来需要进行更多大样本的临床试验去克服目前存在的局限性,证实即使T2D M患者肾功能进展至严重不全阶段,应用S G L T2抑制剂治疗仍能带来心血管获益㊂参考文献:[1] G a l b e t e A,C a m b r a K,F o r g a L,e t a l.A c h i e v e m e n t o fc a rd i o v a s c u l a r r i s k f a c t o r t a r ge t s a c c o r d i n g t o s e x a n d p r e v i o u sh i s t o r y o f c a r d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e i n t y p e2d i a b e t e s:Ap o p u l a t i o n-b a s e d s t u d y[J].JD i a b e t e s C o m p l i c a t i o n s,2019,33(12):107445.[2] A m e r i c a nD i a b e t e s A s s o c i a t i o n.S t a n d a r d so f m e d i c a lc a r ei nd i a be t e s-2020a b r i d g e df o r p r i m a r y c a r e p r o v i d e r s[J].C l i nD i a b e t e s,2020,38(1):10-38.[3] W r i g h tA K,S u a r e z-O r t e g o nM F,R e a dS H,e t a l.R i s k f a c t o rc o n t r o l a n dc a rd i o v a s c u l a re v e n tr i s ki n p e o p l e w i t ht y p e2d i a be t e s i n p r i m a r y a n d s e c o n d a r y p r e v e n t i o n s e t t i n g s[J].C i r c u l a t i o n,2020,142(20):1925-1936.[4]S a i s h oY.S G L T2I n h i b i t o r s:t h e s t a r i n t h e t r e a t m e n t o f t y p e2d i a b e t e s[J].D i s e a s e s,2020,8(2).[5] F a l a L.J a r d i a n c e(E m p a g l i f l o z i n),a n S G L T2i n h i b i t o r,r e c e i v e sF D Aa p p r o v a l f o r t h e t r e a t m e n t o f p a t i e n t sw i t h t y p e 2d i a b e t e s[J].A m H e a l t h D r u g B e n e f i t s,2015,8(S p e cF e a t u r e):92-95.[6] L o p a s c h u k G D,V e r m a S.M e c h a n i s m s o f c a r d i o v a s c u l a rb e n e f i t s o f s o d i u m g l uc o s e c o-t r a n s p o r t e r2(S G L T2)i n h i b i t o r s:A s t a t e-o f-t h e-a r tr e v i e w[J].J A C C B a s i cT r a n s lS c i,2020,5(6):632-644.[7] Z a n n a dF,F e r r e i r a J P,P o c o c kS J,e t a l.S G L T2i n h i b i t o r s i np a t i e n t sw i t hh e a r tf a i l u r e w i t hr e d u c e de j e c t i o nf r a c t i o n:Am e t a-a n a l y s i s o f t h eE M P E R O R-R e d u c e d a n dD A P A-H F t r i a l s[J].L a n c e t,2020,396(10254):819-829.[8] C o w i e M R,F i s h e r M.S G L T2i n h i b i t o r s:M e c h a n i s m s o fc a rd i o v a s c u l a r be n ef i tb e y o n dg l y c a e m i cc o n t r o l[J].N a tR e vC a r d i o l,2020,17(12):761-772.[9] N e s p o u xJ,V a l l o nV.R e n a l e f f e c t so fS G L T2i n h i b i t o r s:A nu p d a t e[J].C u r rO p i nN e p h r o lH y p e r t e n s,2020,29(2):190-198.[10] T s i m i h o d i m o s V,F i l i p p a t o s T D,E l i s a f M S.S G L T2i n h i b i t o r sa n d t h e k i d n e y:E f f e c t s a n d m e c h a n i s m s[J].D i a b e t e sM e t a bS y n d r,2018,12(6):1117-1123.[11] C l a r kH D,W e l l sG A,H u e t C,e t a l.A s s e s s i n g t h e q u a l i t y o fr a n d o m i z e d t r i a l s:R e l i a b i l i t y o f t h eJ a d a ds c a l e[J].C o n t r o lC l i nT r i a l s,1999,20(5):448-452.㊃81㊃‘临床荟萃“2022年1月20日第37卷第1期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,J a n u a r y20,2022,V o l37,N o.1Copyright©博看网. 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All Rights Reserved.。
ERCC1新抗体在非小细胞肺癌铂类用药分子诊断中的应用罗静;徐美青;郭明发;魏大中;柳常青;孙翔翔【摘要】Background and purpose:High expression of excision repair cross-complementing 1 (ERCC1) is related to resistance in patients treated with platinum-containing regimens. The ERCC1 antibody 8F1 was usually used in past studies, but it was found to have no-speciifcity recently. This study aimed to investigate the predictive role of a new ERCC1 antibody 4F9 to platinum chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Methods:Expression of ERCC1 was detected using antibody 4F9 by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 72 NSCLC tissues. The relationship between the expression of ERCCl and the clinical pathological parameters, the efficacy of platinum chemotherapy and overall survival of patients were explored by statistical analysis. Results: The high expression of ERCCl protein was 55.5%in 72 cases. There was no signiifcant correlation between the ERCC1 expression with gender, age, pathological type, clinical stage and lymphatic metastasis (P>0.05). Patients with low expression of ERCC1 had signiifcantly higher response rates to platinum chemotherapy, longer median survival time and 2-years survival rate comparing with those with high expression of ERCC1 (62.5%vs 37.5%;22.9 vs 18.4 month;46.9%vs 37.5%), respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion:The expression analysis of ERCC1 using new ERCC1 antibody 4F9 by IHC method is helpful to assign chemotherapeutic regimen, and guide individual platinum chemotherapy for post-operation patients.%背景与目的:DNA切除修复交叉互补基因1(excision repair cross complementation group l,ERCC1)的高表达与铂类药物的耐药性相关。
癌基因iASPP-SV参与乳腺癌的形成董一楠;孔凡铭;张新伟;魏枫;孙倩【摘要】Background and purpose:Inhibitor of apoptosis-stimulating protein of p53 (iASPP) is one of the ASPP family. It binds to p53 to inhibit the transcriptional activity of p53-target genes and cell apoptosis, which is asso-ciated with tumor formation. Previously, we found a new subtype of iASPP, iASPP splice variant (iASPP-SV), which is a nuclear protein containing 407 amino acid residues and can bind to p53, inhibiting p53 transcriptional activity. However, the relationship of iASPP-SV and breast cancer is still obscure. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to study the role of iASPP-SV on breast cancer tumorigenesis and progression.Methods:5’-rapid ampliifcation of cDNA ends (RACE) was used to identify the 5’-end of iASPP-SV mRNA in MCF-7 cells. HEK 293 cells were transfected with pFLAG-iASPP-SV and pFLAG-iASPP (828). Then Western blot was used to identify whether endogenous iASPP-SV was expressed in HEK 293 cells and 8 types of human tumor cell lines. This study established the stable clones of NIH 3T3 expressing FLAG-iASPP-SV and FLAG-iASPP (828). Cell proliferation assay, colony formation and soft agar colony formation assay were used to identify whether iASPP-SV and iASPP (828) can promote cell proliferation and iASPP-SV is an oncogene. Real-time lfuorescent quantitative polymerase chain reactive (RTFQ-PCR) was used to de-tect the levels of iASPP-SV and iASPP (828) mRNA in primary breast cancers. Luciferase assays were used to identify therelationships between iASPP-SV, iASPP (828), p53 and NF-κBp65.Results:The study identiifed that iASPP-SV was encoded by previously reported NF-κB p65 subunit (RelA)-associated inhibitor (RAI), and endogenously expressed in many human cancer cell lines. Analysis of cell proliferation, colony formation assay and soft agar assay for colony formation identiifed that similarly to iASPP (828), iASPP-SV promoted tumor cell proliferation and acted as an onco-gene. RTFQ-PCR result showed that the median values of iASPP-SV and iASPP (828) in breast cancers with wild-type p53 were more signiifcantly over-expressed than those of mutant p53. Luciferase assays showed that iASPP-SV and iASPP (828) could suppress NF-κB p65 transcriptional activity. Thus iASPP family may participate in the regulation of p53 and NF-κB activity, which imply that iASPP perhaps shows pro- or anti-survival activities when it interacts with different proteins.Conclusion:These ifndings indicate that iASPP-SV may be a potential target for breast cancer thera-py.%背景与目的:p53凋亡刺激蛋白抑制剂(inhibitor of apoptosis-stimulating protein of p53,iASPP)属于ASPP家族成员,其与p53结合,抑制p53靶基因的转录活性,抑制细胞凋亡,与肿瘤形成相关。
不同促透剂对人参皂苷 Rg1体外透皮吸收的影响
不同促透剂对人参皂苷 Rg1体外透皮吸收的影响韩莉;王平;刘善新;苏酩;孙虎【期刊名称】《药学研究》【年(卷),期】2014(000)007【摘要】Objective To investigate the effects of different penetration enhancers on transdermal absorption of ginsen-oside rg1 in vitro through skin - penetrating experiments in mice,and determine the best penetration enhancer for laying the foundation for researching new transdermal absorption preparations. Methods Using the modified Franz diffusion pool method,with mice skin as transdermal barrier,physiological saline as accept medium,adding different penetration enhancers to make samples,with ginsenoside rg1 as quantitative indexes for transdermal absorption in vitro tests,measured by high performance liquid chromatography( HPLC) method,inspects the accumulation of ginsenoside rg1 through the vol-ume. Results Without penetration enhancers,ginsenoside rg1 had no accumulation;In single penetration enhancers,7%propylene glycol had the best effect,7% azone came second,borneol in aqueous solution had more lower effect;In compound penetration enhancers,the accumulation of azone ﹢ propylene glycol groups was closing at any concentrations;Effect of azone﹢ borneol group was better when both concentrations were at 2. 5% . Conclusion Common penetration enhancers as azone,propylene glycol and borneol can increase the accumulation of ginsenosiderg1 ,among them,7% propylene glycol was the best.%目的:通过小鼠体外透皮实验,探讨不同促透剂对人参皂苷rg1体外透皮吸收的影响,确定最佳促透剂,为研制新型透皮吸收制剂奠定基础。
β-arrestins与纤维化疾病的研究进展谷元婧;孙妩弋;张森;吴晶晶;魏伟【期刊名称】《中国药理学通报》【年(卷),期】2015(31)2【摘要】β-arrestins, a kind of important adaptor protein and signal transduction protein found in the purification process ofβ-adrenergic receptor kinase (β-ARK) ,were first identified as pro-teins that have the ability to desensitize G protein-coupled recep-tors ( GPCR) . Fibrosis is defined by the overgrowth, hardening, and scarring of various tissues and is attributed to excess deposi-tion of extracellular matrix ( ECM ) components including colla-gen . A large number of studies have shown thatβ-arrestins play an important role in the process of fibrotic diseases, involved in inflammatory response and excess deposition of ECM. This re-view discusses the research status and development prospects ofβ-arrestins-mediated fibrotic diseases.%β-arrestins是在提纯β-肾上腺素受体激酶(β-adrener-gic receptor kinase,β-ARK)的过程中发现的一类重要的接头蛋白和信号调控蛋白,对绝大部分G蛋白偶联受体( G pro-tein-coupled receptor,GPCR)介导的信号转导都具有调节作用。
急性一氧化碳中毒对大鼠少突胶质前体细胞的影响孙瑞佼;郭大志;李航;李铭鑫;胡慧军;潘晓雯【期刊名称】《中国康复》【年(卷),期】2015(000)001【摘要】目的:通过制备急性一氧化碳中毒(acute carbon monoxide poisoning ,ACOP)大鼠模型,观察大鼠中毒后中枢神经系统髓鞘改变,以及髓鞘标志物髓鞘碱性蛋白(myelin basic protein ,MBP)和少突胶质前体细胞(oligoden‐drocyte precursor cells ,OPCs)特异性细胞标志物硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖 NG2在中毒后表达的变化,为研究 ACOP后中枢神经系统髓鞘脱失的机制提供实验依据。
于造模后1d、3d取材,采用免疫组织化学染色和Western Blot方法检测中毒后中枢神经系统髓鞘的损伤和MBP、NG2表达的变化。
结果:免疫组织化学染色结果显示,与对照组比较,染毒组染毒1d后MBP、NG2表达即减少,3d时进一步降低(P <0.05);Western Blot结果显示,染毒组染毒1d后MBP、NG2表达即减少,3d时进一步降低(P<0.05)。
【总页数】4页(P10-13)【作者】孙瑞佼;郭大志;李航;李铭鑫;胡慧军;潘晓雯【作者单位】第二军医大学海军临床医学院,海军总医院高压氧科,北京100048;第二军医大学海军临床医学院,海军总医院高压氧科,北京100048;第二军医大学海军临床医学院,海军总医院高压氧科,北京100048;第二军医大学海军临床医学院,海军总医院高压氧科,北京100048;第二军医大学海军临床医学院,海军总医院高压氧科,北京100048;第二军医大学海军临床医学院,海军总医院高压氧科,北京100048【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R49;R742【相关文献】1.大鼠急性一氧化碳中毒迟发性脑病模型中干预剂叔丁基对苯二酚对Nrf2及HO-1表达的影响 [J], 吕霞;吴沙;何林;辜刚凤;彭红艳;李经纶2.高压氧对急性一氧化碳中毒大鼠心肌超微结构及心电图的影响 [J], 戴淑芳;孙艺平;傅雷;于德钦;徐静;穆靖洲;崔晓雯;姜永珊;刘克敏3.高压氧对急性一氧化碳中毒大鼠少突胶质细胞前体细胞ADAM10 mRNA表达的影响 [J], 郭大志;冯园;胡慧军;李娜;潘树义4.ω-3鱼油脂肪乳对急性一氧化碳中毒大鼠血液流变学及红细胞膜流动性的影响[J], 何家骥;梁小青;梁启龙;魏进旺5.核转录因子-κB抑制剂二硫代氨基甲酸吡咯烷对急性一氧化碳中毒大鼠模型中iNOS动态变化的影响 [J], 蒋力; 雷蕊绮; 彭红艳; 辜刚凤; 李经伦因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
姜黄素调控自噬抑制K562细胞增殖的体外研究于波海;于鑫;王鑫;滕旭【摘要】Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of Curcumin by inducing autophagy on chronic myeloge-nous leukemiaK562cells.Methods K562cells was cultured with 1, 5, 10, 20, and 40μM/L of Curcumin and 3-MA for 24h, the cell activity was measured by MTT;cell cycle was analyzed by FCS;the expression level of autophagy marker protein LC3-II/LC3-I and the apoptosis associated protein21and p27were dectected by western blot.Results Curcu-min could inhibit K562cells proliferation and induce G1phase arrest;while the expression level of LC3-II/LC3-I was significantly increased;furthermore, Curcumin could also up- regulate K562cells expression of p53, p21and p27, and this function could be reversed by 3-MA.Conclusion Curcumin may induce K562cells autophagy to inhibit prolifera-tion and promote the expression of p53,p21and p27.%目的研究姜黄素诱导自噬对K562细胞增殖的影响.方法采用1、5、10、20和40μM/L姜黄素及自噬抑制剂3-MA作用于K562细胞24h,采用MTT实验观察K562细胞增殖变化情况,随后采用Western-blot检测自噬标志蛋白LC3-II/LC3-I变化水平;同时 Western blot分析p53,p21和p27表达变化.结果姜黄素能以时间、剂量依赖性方式抑制K562细胞增殖, 与3-MA对照组相比,LC3-II/LC3-I比值显著上升,姜黄素诱导K562细胞周期停滞,上调p53,p21和p27表达水平.结论姜黄素诱发自噬,抑制K562细胞增殖,上调p53促进自噬激活.【期刊名称】《中国实验诊断学》【年(卷),期】2018(022)002【总页数】5页(P304-308)【关键词】慢性粒细胞白血病;K562细胞;姜黄素;自噬【作者】于波海;于鑫;王鑫;滕旭【作者单位】哈尔滨医科大学生物学博士后流动站,黑龙江哈尔滨150081;哈尔滨市第一医院检验科,黑龙江哈尔滨150010;大连大学附属中山医院医学检验部,辽宁大连116001;银川市兴庆区掌政镇中心卫生院,宁夏银川 750001;哈尔滨医科大学生物学博士后流动站,黑龙江哈尔滨150081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R733姜黄素 (Curcumin) 是从姜科姜黄属植物姜黄的根茎中提取的一种相对分子质量小的多酚类物质,通常认为它是姜黄中的最有效成分[1]。
Psoraxine Ⅰ期试验获得可喜结果
Psoraxine Ⅰ期试验获得可喜结果
1.Acadia制药公司开发的精神分裂症辅助治疗药ACP-103在Ⅱ期临床试验中获可喜结果 [J], 范鸣
2.BiovaxIDⅢ期试验结果可喜 [J], 黄晓燕(摘)
3.Nexavar在Ⅲ期肝癌试验中获得可喜结果 [J], 贾永蕊(摘)
4.Psoraxine的Ⅱ期试验启动 [J], 徐欣
5.R112Ⅱ期试验获得可喜结果 [J], 孙艳萍
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T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicinen engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007125Sorafenib in Advanced Clear-CellRenal-Cell CarcinomaBernard Escudier, M.D., Tim Eisen, M.D., Walter M. Stadler, M.D., Cezary Szczylik, M.D., Stéphane Oudard, M.D., Michael Siebels, M.D., Sylvie Negrier, M.D., Christine Chevreau, M.D., Ewa Solska, M.D., Apurva A. Desai, M.D., Frédéric Rolland, M.D., Tomasz Demkow, M.D., Thomas E. Hutson, D.O., Pharm.D., Martin Gore, M.D., Scott Freeman, M.D.,Brian Schwartz, M.D., Minghua Shan, Ph.D., Ronit Simantov, M.D., and Ronald M. Bukowski, M.D., for the TARGET Study Group*From Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France (B.E.); Cambridge Research Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom (T.E.); University of Chicago, Chicago (W.M.S., A.A.D.); Military School of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland (C.S.); Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris (S.O.); Klinikum Grosshadern der Ludwig Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany (M. Siebels); Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France (S.N.); Institut Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France (C.C.); Wojewodzka Przychodnia Onkolog, Gdansk, Poland (E.S.); Centre René Gauducheau, SaintHerblain, France (F.R.); Centrum Onkologii, Warsaw, Poland (T.D.); Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center, Dallas (T.E.H.); Royal Marsden Hospital, Surrey, United Kingdom (M.G.); Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Emeryville, CA (S.F.); Bayer Pharmaceuticals, West Haven, CT (B.S., M. Shan, R.S.); and Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland (R.M.B.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Escudier at the Department of Medicine, Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille Desmoulins, 94805 Villejuif, France, or at escudier@igr.fr.*Investigators in the Treatment Approaches in Renal Cancer Global Evaluation Trial (TARGET) are listed in the Appendix.N Engl J Med 2007;356:12534.Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society.Abstr actBackgroundWe conducted a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor of tumor-cell proliferation and angiogenesis, in patients with advanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma.MethodsFrom November 2003 to March 2005, we randomly assigned 903 patients with renal-cell carcinoma that was resistant to standard therapy to receive either continuous treatment with oral sorafenib (at a dose of 400 mg twice daily) or placebo; 451 patients received sorafenib and 452 received placebo. The primary end point was overall survival. A single planned analysis of progression-free survival in January 2005 showed a statistically significant benefit of sorafenib over placebo. Consequently, crossover was permitted from placebo to sorafenib, beginning in May 2005.ResultsAt the January 2005 cutoff, the median progression-free survival was 5.5 months in the sorafenib group and 2.8 months in the placebo group (hazard ratio for disease progression in the sorafenib group, 0.44; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35 to 0.55; P<0.01). The first interim analysis of overall survival in May 2005 showed that sorafenib reduced the risk of death, as compared with placebo (hazard ratio, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.94; P = 0.02), although this benefit was not statistically significant according to the O’Brien–Fleming threshold. Partial responses were reported as the best response in 10% of patients receiving sorafenib and in 2% of those receiving placebo (P<0.001). Diarrhea, rash, fatigue, and hand–foot skin reactions were the most common adverse events associated with sorafenib. Hypertension and cardiac isch-emia were rare serious adverse events that were more common in patients receiv-ing sorafenib than in those receiving placebo.ConclusionsAs compared with placebo, treatment with sorafenib prolongs progression-free sur-vival in patients with advanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma in whom previous therapy has failed; however, treatment is associated with increased toxic effects. ( number, NCT00073307.)Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicinen engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007126The 5-year survival rate for patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma is less than 10%.1 High-dose interleukin-2 therapy rarely induces a durable complete response, and interferon alfa provides only a modest survival ad-vantage. Until recently, there have been no other treatments for patients with renal-cell carcinoma who are ineligible for, or unable to tolerate, these cytokines.2-6Sorafenib, an orally active multikinase inhibitor with effects on tumor-cell proliferation and tumor angiogenesis, was initially identified as a Raf ki-nase inhibitor.7 It also inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR) 1, 2, and 3; plate-let-derived growth factor receptor β (PDGFRβ); FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt-3); c-Kit protein (c-Kit); and RET receptor tyrosine kinases.7,8Sorafenib has antitumor activity in animal models.7 In the murine renal adenocarcinoma (Renca) model 9 and the von Hippel–Lindau tumor-suppressor gene (VHL ) knockout model,10 sora-fenib prevented tumor growth, primarily by inhibiting angiogenesis.9,10 It also induced tumor-cell apoptosis and necrosis in the VHL -deficient xenograft model.10In a phase 2, randomized discontinuation trial, sorafenib prolonged progression-free survival, as compared with placebo, in patients with meta-static renal-cell carcinoma in whom previous treatment had failed.11 Most patients who had a response to sorafenib had clear-cell renal-cell car-cinoma,11 the most aggressive and prevalent type of this disease.1Increased production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor α (TGF-α) and the loss of the VHL tumor-suppressor gene are implicated in the progres-sion of clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma. Sorafenib targets the pathways downstream of VEGF and TGF-α.1 We conducted a phase 3 study, the Treat-ment Approaches in Renal Cancer Global Evalua-tion Trial (TARGET), to determine the effects of sorafenib on progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with advanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma in whom one previous systemic therapy had failed.MethodsPatients Eligible patients were at least 18 years of age and had histologically confirmed metastatic clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma, which had progressed after one systemic treatment within the previous 8 months. Additional eligibility criteria were a per-formance status of 0 or 1 on the basis of Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group criteria; an inter-mediate-risk or low-risk status, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) prognostic score 12; a life expectancy of at least 12 weeks; adequate bone marrow, liver, pancreatic, and renal function; and a prothrombin time or partial-thromboplastin time of less than 1.5 times the upper limit of the normal range. Patients with brain metastases or previous exposure to VEGF pathway inhibitors were excluded.All patients provided written informed con-sent. The study was approved by the institutional review board at each center and complied with the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki, Good Clinical Practice guidelines, and local laws and regulations.Study DesignWe conducted the study at 117 centers in 19 coun-tries. Patients were stratified according to coun-try and MSKCC prognostic score (low or interme-diate) and randomly assigned to study groups in a 1:1 ratio with a block size of four. The patients received either continuous treatment with oral sorafenib (at a dose of 400 mg twice daily) or placebo in a double-blind fashion, administered in 6-week cycles for the first 24 weeks and in 8-week cycles thereafter. We assessed safety every 3 weeks for the first 24 weeks and every 4 weeks thereafter. Doses were delayed or reduced if patients had clinically significant hematologic or other adverse events that were considered to be related to sora-fenib, as measured with the use of version 3.0 of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) of the National Cancer Institute. In such cases, doses were reduced to 400 mg once daily and then to 400 mg every other day. If fur-ther reductions were required, patients were with-drawn from the trial. If adverse events resolved to a grade of 1 or less, the dose could be escalated to the previous level at the investigator’s discre-tion. Evaluations of tumor responses were per-formed within the last 10 days of each cycle. We followed the patients, who continued to receive sorafenib until either disease progression or with-drawal from the study because of adverse events,until death. Investigators were unaware of the study group assignments, but disclosure was per-mitted after documented progression on the basis of radiologic evaluation. Patients receiving sora-Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.Sorafenib in Advanced Clear-Cell Renal-Cell Carcinoman engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007127fenib who had a response were eligible to continue receiving open-label treatment with the drug.From November 2003 to April 2005, the spon-sor and investigators were unaware of the study-group assignments in the evaluation of data. An independent data and safety monitoring commit-tee reviewed the data regarding safety and effi-cacy. In April 2005, on the basis of the first pro-gression-free survival analysis by this committee, a decision was made to reveal the study-group assignments and to offer sorafenib to patients who were assigned to receive placebo. The inves-tigators and the sponsor remained unaware of the study-group assignments with regard to sur-vival data. Since crossover may compromise the end point of overall survival, the protocol was amended to allow a first analysis of overall sur-vival at the start of the treatment crossover, in May 2005.Study End PointsWe measured the primary end point (overall sur-vival) from the date of randomization until the date of death and the secondary end point (pro-gression-free survival) from the date of random-ization until the date of progression. Progression of disease was determined on the basis of find-ings on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), clinical progression, or death, with the use of the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST). Investigators and independent radiologists who were unaware of the study-group assignments assessed progres-sion-free survival. Another secondary end point was the best overall response rate (on the basis of RECIST) within the last 10 days of each drug cycle. Assessments of responses required confirmatory findings on CT or MRI 4 or more weeks after the initial determination of a response. Adverse events were graded with the use of the CTCAE.Statistical AnalysisWe calculated the number of patients who would need to be enrolled in order to detect a 33.3% increase in overall survival among patients with sorafenib, as compared with those receiving pla-cebo. Assuming a two-sided type I error of 0.04, the study would have 90% power to detect a 33.3% difference in survival between the two groups after a total of 540 patients had died. The dura-tion of the study was estimated to be 29 months on the basis of the following assumptions: a monthly enrollment rate of 50 patients, an expo-nentially distributed event time, a median time of 12 months in the placebo group, and a 17-month-long enrollment for a total of 856 patients in the two groups (428 per group). Assuming that 3% of patients would be lost to follow-up, approximately 884 patients had to be randomly assigned to study groups. According to these assumptions, approx-imately 270 deaths were expected in approximate-ly 17 months.We analyzed planned interim findings (when approximately 270 of the patients had died) and the final intention-to-treat findings regarding over-all survival (when approximately 540 patients had died) with a stratified log-rank test. The O’Brien–Fleming spending function was used prospective-ly to ensure that the overall false positive rate (alpha) was no more than 0.04 (in a two-sided analysis). In the first analysis of overall survival, which was performed in May 2005, the informa-tion fraction — the total number of deaths (re-gardless of crossover) at the cutoff date divided by the total number of deaths specified by the pro-tocol (540) — was used to calculate the O’Brien–Fleming threshold for significance (P = 0.0005). In November 2005 (6 months after crossover was allowed), when we performed the second analy-sis of overall survival, the O’Brien–Fleming thresh-old was P = 0.0094. The final, planned analysis of overall survival was undertaken after 540 pa-tients had died.We performed the planned, independently re-viewed analysis of progression-free survival on January 28, 2005, after disease had progressed in approximately 363 patients. The analysis had a power of 90% to detect a 50% increase in pro-gression-free survival in the sorafenib group (two-sided alpha of 0.01). Progression-free survival was compared by the log-rank test (stratified by prog-nostic group and country). All patients in the study groups were included in the efficacy analy-ses. Treatment-related differences in response were evaluated by the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test. All patients receiving at least one dose of sorafenib were eligible for the safety analysis. All reported P values are two-sided and unadjusted for interim analyses.Bayer Pharmaceuticals and Onyx Pharmaceu-ticals designed the trial, in conjunction with the principal academic investigators and two mem-bers of the steering committee. Data were collect-ed and tracked by LabCorp. The academic inves-tigators and an independent panel of radiologists from Perceptive Informatics performed the radio-Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicine128logic assessments. Axio Research performed the statistical analysis for the data and safety moni-toring committee. Data were managed in parallel by the sponsor and the academic investigators. The academic investigators were responsible for the decision to publish the results of the study and had unrestricted access to the final data. Drs. Escudier, Simantov, and Shan vouch for the com-pleteness and accuracy of the data.R esultsFrom November 24, 2003, when we screened the first patient, until March 31, 2005, whenwe closed enrollment, we enrolled 903 patients and randomly assigned them to receive either sora-fenib or placebo. There were 451 patients in the sorafenib group and 452 in the placebo group (Fig. 1).Baseline CharacteristicsBaseline characteristics were well balanced be-tween the study groups (Table 1). Most of the patients (99%) had clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma. Of those patients, 51% had low-risk disease, and 49% had intermediate-risk disease, according toMSKCC criteria. Most of the patients had under-gone previous nephrectomy and had received cyto-kine-based treatment. As of May 31, 2005, a total of 282 patients in the sorafenib group and 338 in the placebo group had discontinued treatment or died (Fig. 1). Eighteen patients in the sorafenib group and 17 in the placebo group discontinued the study drug because of adverse events. The me-dian follow-up was 6.6 months for both groups.EfficacyOverall SurvivalIn the first analysis of overall survival, which was performed in May 2005 immediately before cross-over was allowed, 220 deaths (41% of the protocol-defined 540 deaths) had occurred: 97 of 451 pa-tients (22%) in the sorafenib group and 123 of 452 patients (27%) in the placebo group died. At a median follow-up of 6.6 months, the median actu-arial overall survival was 14.7 months in the pla-cebo group but had not yet been reached in the sorafenib group (hazard ratio, 0.72; 95% confi-dence interval [CI], 0.54 to 0.94; P = 0.02) (Fig. 2A). Overall survival was assessed 6 months later (in November 2005), after 216 of 452 patients receiv-ing placebo had switched to sorafenib and afterSorafenib in Advanced Clear-Cell Renal-Cell Carcinoman engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007129367 deaths had occurred (68% of the protocol-defined 540 events). Of these deaths, 171 occurred in the sorafenib group (38%) and 196 in the pla-cebo group (43%). The median overall survival was 19.3 months for patients in the sorafenib group and 15.9 months for patients in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.63 to 0.95; P = 0.02) (Fig. 2B). The analyses did not reach prespecified O’Brien–Fleming boundaries for statistical signifi-cance.Progression-free SurvivalIn January 2005, a protocol-defined independentreview of the status of 769 patients — 384 in the sorafenib group and 385 in the placebo group —was conducted. In this analysis, the median pro-gression-free survival was 5.5 months in the sora-fenib group and 2.8 months in the placebo group (P<0.001), based on 147 events (in 38% of patients)in the sorafenib group (23 deaths, 117 radiologicprogression events, and 7 clinical progressionevents) and 195 events (51%) in the placebo group(23 deaths, 164 radiologic progression events, and 8 clinical progression events). Investigator-assessed median progression-free survival was 5.9 months in the sorafenib group and 2.8 months in the pla-cebo group (P<0.001), based on 136 events (in 35%of patients) in the sorafenib group and 211 events(55%) in the placebo group. Sorafenib was asso-ciated with a reduction of 56% in the independent-ly assessed risk of progression (hazard ratio, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.35 to 0.55) (Fig. 2C). The investigator-assessed progression-free survival in 903 patients at the time of crossover was also significantly prolonged with sorafenib treatment (5.5 vs. 2.8 months, P<0.001), with a 49% reduction in the risk of progression (hazard ratio, 0.51; 95% CI,0.43 to 0.60) (Fig. 2D). This benefit in progression-free survival was independent of age, MSKCC score, previous use or nonuse of cytokine therapy, pres-ence or absence of lung or liver metastases, and thetime since diagnosis (<1.5 or ≥1.5 years) (Fig. 3).Overall Response At the January 2005 cutoff, independent reviewers assessed the best responses among 672 patients: 335 in the sorafenib group and 337 in the placebo group. The sorafenib group had 7 patients with a partial response (2%), 261 patients with stable disease (78%), and 29 patients with disease pro-gression (9%); data were missing for 38 patients (11%). The placebo group had no patients with a partial response, 186 patients with stable disease(55%), and 102 patients with disease progression(30%); data were missing for 49 patients (15%). At the May 2005 cutoff, 903 patients in the inten-tion-to-treat population were eligible for evalua-tion of best response by investigators (Table 2). Among the 451 patients in the sorafenib group, 1 patient had a complete response (<1%), 43 had a partial response (10%), and 333 had stable dis-ease (74%). Among the 452 patients in the placebogroup, no patient had a complete response, 8 had* There were no significant differences between the sorafenib group and the placebo group at baseline. ECOG denotes Eastern Cooperative OncologyGroup, and MSKCC Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center.Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicinen engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007130fenib group than in the placebo group had par-tial responses or stable disease (P<0.001) (Table 2). After 3 months of treatment, 255 patients receiving sorafenib (57%) had a complete or partial response or stable disease, as compared with 152 patients receiving placebo (34%). Among the 44 patients in the sorafenib group who had a complete or par-tial response, the median time to response was 80 days (range, 35 to 275), and the median dura-tion of response was 182 days (range, 36 to 378).Adverse Events The median duration of treatment was 23 weeks in the sorafenib group and 12 weeks in the place-bo group. The proportion of patients who discon-group and 8% in the placebo group), and discon-tinuation was mostly due to constitutional, gastro-intestinal, dermatologic, or pulmonary–upper re-spiratory tract symptoms. Doses were reduced in 13% of patients in the sorafenib group, as com-pared with 3% in the placebo group (P<0.001), and doses were interrupted owing to adverse events in 21% of patients in the sorafenib group, as com-pared with 6% in the placebo group (P<0.001). The median duration of the dose interruptions was 7 days in the sorafenib group and 6 days inthe placebo group. Dose interruptions were most-ly due to dermatologic events (mainly hand–foot skin reactions or rash) and gastrointestinal events, including diarrhea.SorafenibPlacebo SorafenibPlaceboSorafenibPlaceboSorafenibPlaceboDownloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.Sorafenib in Advanced Clear-Cell Renal-Cell Carcinoman engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007131Adverse events occurring during treatment were predominantly of grade 1 or 2. The most common events were diarrhea, rash, fatigue, hand–foot skin reactions, alopecia, and nausea (Table 3). Hyper-tension was more frequent in the sorafenib group but led to permanent discontinuation in less than 1% of patients; the condition generally occurred during the first treatment cycle. Cardiac ischemia or infarction occurred in 12 patients in the sora-fenib group (3%) and 2 patients in the placebo group (<1%) (P = 0.01). Of these events, 11 (includ-ing 2 deaths in the sorafenib group and 1 death in the placebo group) were considered to be seri-ous adverse events associated with treatment.Bleeding (predominantly grade 1 in severity) was more frequent in the sorafenib group (15%) than in the placebo group (8%). The incidence of serious hemorrhage was similar in the two groups (3% in the sorafenib group and 2% in the placebo group). Febrile neutropenia or grade 4 thrombo-cytopenia did not occur in the sorafenib group. Grade 3 or 4 anemia occurred in 3% of patients in the sorafenib group and 4% in the placebo group.Serious adverse events leading to hospitaliza-tion or death were reported in 154 patients receiv-ing sorafenib (34%), including 46 deaths (10%), and in 110 patients receiving placebo (24%), in-cluding 25 deaths (6%) (P<0.01). Serious adverse events affecting at least 2% of patients included the above-mentioned cardiac ischemia or infarc-tion, other constitutional symptoms (2% in both groups), dyspnea (2% in both groups), and death owing to progressive disease (2% in both groups). The most frequent drug-related serious adverse event was hypertension (in 1% of patients in the sorafenib group and none in the placebo group).Laboratory abnormalities of grade 3 or 4 that were reported in the sorafenib group and the pla-cebo group included lymphopenia (in 13% and 7% of patients, respectively), hypophosphatemia (13% and 3%), and elevated lipase levels (12% and 7%). An elevated lipase level of any grade was a frequent laboratory abnormality in both groups (occurring in 41% and 30% of patients, respec-tively) but was rarely associated with clinical manifestations of pancreatitis (1% and <1%).DiscussionThe prognosis for patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma has not improved appreciably dur-ing the past 25 years. Renal-cell carcinoma is highly resistant to both chemotherapy and radia-* Investigators performed their evaluation on the basis of Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST). All 95% CIs are based on the Cochran–Mantel–Haenszel test.† Stable disease was defined as disease that remained unchanged for at least 28 days.‡ This rate is the sum of the percentages of patients with a complete response, a partial response, and stable disease for at least two cycles.Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.T h e ne w engl a nd jour na l o f medicinen engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007132* L i s t e d a r e a d v e r s e e v e n t s o f a n y g r a d e o c c u r r i n g i n a t l e a s t 10% o f p a t i e n t s (w i t h a b r e a k d o w n o f g r a d e 2 e v e n t s ) a n d a d v e r s e e v e n t s o f g r a d e 3 o r 4 o c c u r r i n g i n a t l e a s t 2% o f p a t i e n t s .† P v a l u e s a r e f o r t h e c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n t h e s o r a f e n i b g r o u p a n d t h e p l a c e b o g r o u p w i t h r e s p e c t t o g r a d e 3 o r 4 a d v e r s e e v e n t s . ‡ P v a l u e s a r e f o r t h e c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n t h e s o r a f e n i b g r o u p a n d t h e p l a c e b o g r o u p w i t h r e s p e c t t o g r a d e 2 a d v e r s e e v e n t s .§ C a r d i a c i s c h e m i a o r i n f a r c t i o n o c c u r r e d i n 12 p a t i e n t s (3%) i n t h e s o r a f e n i b g r o u p a n d 2 p a t i e n t s (<1%) i n t h e p l a c e b o g r o u p (P = 0.01).Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.Sorafenib in Advanced Clear-Cell Renal-Cell Carcinoman engl j med 356;2 january 11, 2007133tion therapy.13 Interleukin-2 and interferon alfa have been used for metastatic disease, but these agents have limited efficacy and are associated with considerable toxic effects. A recent study did not support first-line cytokine treatment in patients with intermediate-prognosis metastatic renal-cell carcinoma.14 Until recently, patients who did not have a response to first-line cytokine ther-apy had no other viable options for treatment.Progression-free survival is a credible end point in oncology trials.15 Our trial demonstrated a significant prolongation of progression-free sur-vival in sorafenib-treated patients with advanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma in whom previous therapy had failed. In April 2005, the robustness of the data regarding progression-free survival led to a decision to offer sorafenib to patients who were receiving placebo. A planned analysis of over-all survival at this time demonstrated a 28% re-duction in the risk of death among patients receiv-ing sorafenib, as compared with those receiving placebo. The hazard ratio of 0.72 and the P value of 0.02 were not considered to be statistically significant, since the study’s protocol called for a P value of 0.0005 for the comparison between treatment groups at this analysis. The median ac-tuarial overall survival among patients in the pla-cebo group was 14.7 months. In a trial of AE-941 (Neovastat) an angiogenesis inhibitor, the median overall survival was 12.6 months in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma in whom immu-notherapy had failed.16Our first estimate of overall survival was un-likely to have been affected significantly by modi-fication of the trial because at that time only 12 patients had crossed over to receive sorafenib. An analysis of overall survival 6 months after cross-over showed a continued trend toward improved survival, with a 23% reduction in the risk of death (hazard ratio, 0.77; P = 0.02), but the comparison between study groups did not meet the prespeci-fied O’Brien–Fleming significance threshold of P = 0.0094.We used RECIST to grade tumor responses. These criteria were originally developed to assess responses to cytotoxic drugs and may not be an appropriate indicator of activity for sorafenib or other targeted agents, which are associated with prolonged stable disease and moderate tumor shrinkage.17The continuous administration of sorafenib in this trial had a profile of adverse events that wassimilar to that observed in the phase 2 trial; the most commonly reported toxic effects were der-matologic symptoms and diarrhea.11 There was a significant difference between the sorafenib group and the placebo group in the frequency of serious adverse events (34% and 24%, respective-ly; P<0.01). Cardiovascular adverse events were more frequent in the sorafenib group than in the placebo group (3% and <1%, respectively; P = 0.01). However, the overall rate of these events was low, and the risk–benefit ratio was acceptable in the context of an apparent clinical benefit in pa-tients with a fatal disease. As compared with standard chemotherapies — which have been as-sociated with alopecia, anemia, and neutropenia — sorafenib had moderate and easily manage-able toxic effects. Nevertheless, 21% of sorafenib-treated patients required an interruption in treat-ment owing to adverse events. Sorafenib was not associated with grade 3 or 4 renal or neurologic adverse events, which limit cytokine therapy.18Sorafenib is one of several new agents that inhibit proangiogenic kinases. It may act against renal-cell carcinoma by disrupting the tumor vasculature. In a phase 2 trial, bevacizumab, an antagonist of VEGF, improved progression-free survival and led to a 10% objective rate of tumor response in patients with renal-cell carcinoma.6 Promising antitumor activity has also been shown with the oral VEGFR and PDGFR inhibitors sunitinib and AG-013736. The 10% investigator-assessed partial response rate in our study with sorafenib was similar to that reported for high-dose bevacizumab.6 In two phase 2 trials of suni-tinib, the partial response rates (as assessed by investigators and by independent review) were 40% and 34%, respectively.19,20 A partial response rate of 46% was reported in patients receiving AG-013736.21 Reported toxic effects of these agents include diarrhea, hypertension, fatigue, hand–foot skin reaction, and rash, although the incidences and severity have varied.6,19-22In conclusion, oral sorafenib therapy prolonged progression-free survival in patients with ad-vanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma in whom first-line therapy had failed. This improvement was associated with an increased number of ad-verse events, as compared with placebo.Supported by Bayer Pharmaceuticals and Onyx Pharmaceu-ticals.Drs. Escudier, Eisen, Stadler, Szczylik, Negrier, Hutson, Gore, and Bukowski report receiving consulting fees from Bayer HealthCare; Drs. Escudier, Eisen, Hutson, Gore, and Bukowski,Downloaded from on October 30, 2009 . Copyright © 2007 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.。