Hospitality Management Accouting 10 - 1nvestment decision




15 Journal of Innovation & Knowledge
16 Journal of Applied Psychology
17 Technovation
18 Organizational Research Methods
19 Harvard Business Review
20 International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
26 Journal of Strategic Information Systems
27 Information & Management
28 Academy of Management Perspectives
29 Journal of Organizational Behavior
30 Journal of Product Innovation Management
102 Management Decision 103 Mit Sloan Management Review 104 Journal of Enterprise Information Management 105 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 106 Organization 107 European Journal of Innovation Management 108 Group & Organization Management 109 Brq-Business Research Quarterly 110 International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 111 Electronic Commerce Research 112 Project Management Journal 113 Human Resource Management 114 International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 115 Research-Technology Management 116 Operations Research 117 Service Industries Journal 118 European Management Journal 119 Journal of Sport Management 120 International Journal of Management Education 121 Management and Organization Review 122 Career Development International 123 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 124 Corporate Governance-An International Review 125 Work Aging and Retirement 126 Journal of Nursing Management 127 Eurasian Business Review 128 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 129 Asian Business & Management 130 Research In Transportation Business and Management 131 Management Learning 132 Journal of The Operational Research Society 133 Service Business 134 Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 135 International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications



国际理财课程设置HND Financial Services 国际理财课程设置Group Award Code:G7LY 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Business Accounting 商务会计DE39 34 2 Business Law:An Introduction 商法导言DL03 34 1Communication:Analysing & Presenting Complex Communication 交流:分析与演示复杂的交流技巧DE3N 34 1Creating a Culture of Customer Care 客户服务文化构建DL05 34 1 Economic Issues:An Introduction 经济学议题简介DE3A 34 1 Financial Sector:An Introduction 金融服务导论DE5M 34 1 Information Technology:Applications Software1信息技术:应用软件1D75X 34 1 Managing People and Organizations 人力与组织管理DE3D 34 2 Marketing:An Introduction 市场营销学简介DE3C 34 1 Personal Financial Services 个人理财服务DE5N 34 2 Principles of Insurance 保险学原理DE5R 35 1 Financial Services:Graded Unit 1 国际理财:分等级考试1 DL0T 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Economics 2:The World Economy 经济学2:世界经济DE3H 35 1 Financing International Trade 国际贸易融资DE5T 35 2 Financial Services Regulatory Framework 金融服务管理制度DE5V 35 1 Income Tax 所得税DE5K 35 1 Information Technology:Applications Software2信息技术:应用软件 2 D7CY 35 1 Investment 投资学DE5P 35 2 Pension Provision 养老金储备DE5W 35 2 Personal and Commercial Lending 个人和商业借贷DE5Y 35 2 Preparing Financial Forecasts 财政预算DE3J 35 1 Financial Services:Graded Unit 2 国际理财:分等级考试2 DL15 35 1 Financial Services:Graded Unit 3 国际理财:分等级考试3 DL16 35 1HND Business with Accounting 商务会计课程设置Group Award Code:G7MO 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Business Accounting 商务会计DE39 34 2 Business Law:An Introduction 商法导言DE3E 34 1Communication:Analysing & Presenting Complex Communication 交流:分析与演示复杂的交流技巧DE3N 34 1Creating a Culture of Customer Care 客户服务文化构建DJ42 34 1 Economic Issues:An Introduction 经济学议题简介DE3A 34 1Economics I:Micro & Macro Theory & Application 经济学1:微宏观经济学DE3G 35 1Information Technology:Applications Software 1 信息技术:应用软件1D75X 34 1Managing People and Organizations 人力与组织管理DE3D 34 2 Marketing:An Introduction 市场营销学简介DE3C 34 1 Recording Financial Information 财务信息记录DE5D 34 1 Preparing Financial Forecasts 财政预算DE3J 35 1 Using Software Application Packages 软件包运用D85F 34 1 Business with Accounting:Graded Unit 1 商务会计:分等级考试1 DL18 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Behavioural Skills for Business 商务行为技巧DE3L 35 1 Business Contractual Relationships 商务合同关系DE3F 34 1 Business Culture and Strategy 商务文化与策略DE3X 35 2 Company Law:An Introduction 公司法简介DE5H 35 1 Economics 2:The World Economy 经济学2:世界经济DE3H 35 1 Financial Reporting and Analysis 财务分析报告DE5G 35 2Information & Communication Technology in Business 信息与通信技术在商业中的运用DE3K 35 2Management Accounting for Decision Making 管理会计DE5A 35 2 Statistics for Business 商务统计学DE3M 35 1 Business with Accounting:Graded Unit 2 商务会计:分等级考试2 DL1K 35 1 Business with Accounting:Graded Unit 3 商务会计:分等级考试3 DL1N 35 1Group Award Code:G7M2 16Group Award Code:G7LW 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Business Accounting 商务会计DE39 34 2 Business Law:An Introduction 商法导言DE3E 34 1Communication:Analysing & Presenting Complex Communication 交流:分析与演示复杂的交流技巧DE3N 34 1Creating a Culture of Customer Care 客户服务文化构建DJ42 34 1 Economic Issues:An Introduction 经济学议题简介DE3A 34 1 Economics I:Micro & Macro Theory &Application经济学1:微宏观经济学DE3G 35 1 Information Technology:Applications Software1信息技术:应用软件1D75X 34 1 IT in Business:Advanced Word Processing 信息技术:高级字处理DE2G 35 1 Managing People & Organizations 人力与组织管理DE3D 34 2 Marketing:An Introduction 市场营销学简介DE3C 34 1 Office Technologies 办公技术DE1R 34 1 Using Software Application Packages 软件包运用D85F 34 1 Business with IT:Graded Unit 1 信息技术:分等级考试1 DL1V 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Behavioural Skills for Business 商务行为技巧DE3L 35 1 Business Contractual Relationships 商务合同关系DE3F 34 1 Business Culture & Strategy 商务文化与策略DE3X 35 2 Economics 2:The World Economy 经济学2:世界经济DE3H 35 1Information and Communication Technology in Business 信息与通信技术在商业中的运用DE3K 35 2IT in Business:Advanced Databases 信息技术:高级数据库DE1W 35 1 IT in Business:Advanced Spreadsheets 信息技术:高级电子制表DE1V 35 1 IT in Business:Desktop Publishing 信息技术:桌面出版DE26 34 1 Preparing Financial Forecasts 财政预算DE3J 35 1 Presentation Skills 表达技巧DE20 35 1 Statistics for Business 商业统计学DE3M 35 1 Business with IT:Graded Unit 2 信息技术:分等级考试2 DL1X 35 1 Business with IT:Graded Unit 3 信息技术:分等级考试3 DL20 35 1HND Business with Human Resource Management 人力资源管理课程设置Group Award Code:G7M4 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Business Accounting 商务会计DE39 34 2 Business Law:An Introduction 商法导言DL03 34 1Communication:Analysing & Presenting Complex Communication 交流:分析与演示复杂的交流技巧DE3N 34 1Creating a Culture of Customer Care 客户服务文化构建DL05 34 1 Economic Issues:An Introduction 经济学议题简介DE3A 34 1 Economics I:Micro & Macro Theory &Application经济学1:微宏观经济学DE3G 35 1 Grievance and Discipline Handling 员工纪律与申述D4XF 35 1 Information Technology:Applications Software1信息技术:应用软件1D75X 34 1 Introduction to Managing the Human Resource 人力资源管理简介A6H9 34 1 Managing People and Organizations 人力与组织管理DE3D 34 2 Marketing:An Introduction 市场营销学简介DE3C 34 1 Using Software Application Packages 软件包运用D85F 34 1 Business with HRM:Graded Unit 1 人力资源管理:分等级考试1 DL24 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Behavioural Skills for Business 商务行为技巧DE3L 35 1 Business Contractual Relationships 商务合同关系DE3F 34 1 Business Culture and Strategy 商务文化与策略DE3X 35 2 Economics 2:The World Economy 经济学2:世界经济DE3H 35 1 Human Resource Management Practice 人力资源管理实务A6HA 35 2Information & Communications Technology in Business 信息与通信技术在商业中的运用DE3K 35 2Preparing Financial Forecasts 财政预算DE3J 35 1 Statistics for Business 商业统计学DE3M 35 1 Training and Developing the Workforce 员工培训与开发DL26 34 2 Business with HRM:Graded Unit 2 人力资源管理:分等级考试2 DL27 35 1 Business with HRM:Graded Unit 3 人力资源管理:分等级考试3 DL28 35 1HND Business 商务管理课程设置Group Award Code:G7V4 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Business Accounting 商务会计DE39 34 2 Business Law:An Introduction 商法导言DE3E 34 1Communication:Analysing and Presenting Complex Communication 交流:分析与演示复杂的交流技巧DE3N 34 1Creating a Culture of Customer Care 客户服务文化构建DJ42 34 1 Economics Issues:An Introduction 经济学议题简介DE3A 34 1 Economics 1:Micro & Macro Theory &Application经济学1:微宏观经济学DE3G 35 1 Information Technology:Applications Software1信息技术:应用软件1D75X 34 1 Managing People and Organizations 人力与组织管理DE3D 34 2 Marketing:An Introduction 市场营销学简介DE3C 34 1 Using Software Application Packages 软件包运用D85F 34 1 Personal Development Planning 个人发展计划DE3R 34 1 Introduction to Managing the Human Resource 人力资源管理简介A6H9 34 1 Business:Graded Unit 1 商务管理:分等级考试1 DN82 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Behavioural Skills for Business 商务行为技巧DE3L 35 1 Business Contractual Relationships 商务合同关系DE3F 34 1 Business Culture and Strategy 商务文化与策略DE3X 35 2 Economics 2:The World Economy 经济学2:世界经济DE3H 35 1Information & Communication Technology in Business 信息与通信技术在商业中的运用DE3K 35 2Preparing Financial Forecasts 财政预算DE3J 35 1 Statistics for Business 商业统计学DE3M 35 1 Business:Graded Unit 2 商务管理:分等级考试2 DN83 35 1 Training and Developing the Workforce 员工培训与开发A6HC 34 2 Presentation Skills 表达技巧DE20 35 1 International Marketing:An Introduction 国际营销导论DG6M 34 1 Business:Graded Unit 3 商务管理:分等级考试3 DN84 35 1HND Hospitality Management 酒店管理课程设置Group Award Code:G7M5 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Accommodation Servicing 客房运行DL3D 34 1 Business Accounting 商业会计DE39 34 2 Food and Beverage Service 餐饮服务DL3G 34 2 Food Hygiene Intermediate 食品卫生DC0V 34 1 Hospitality Financial and Control Systems 酒店财务控制1 DL3T 34 1 Hospitality Front Office Procedures 1 前厅服务程序1 DL3N 34 1 Hospitality Front Office Procedures 2 前厅服务程序2 DL3P 34 1 Hospitality Industry 酒店业DL3V 34 1 Hospitality Supervision 酒店督导管理DL3X 34 2 Information Technology:Application Software1信息技术1 D75X 34 1 Managing Hospitality Organisations 2 酒店人力组织DL4M 34 1 Hospitality Management:Group Award Graded Unit 1酒店管理:分等级考试1 DL2G 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Accommodation Management 客房管理DL3C 35 1 Industrial Experience in Hospitality 酒店业从业经验DT47 33 1 Gastronomy 美食DL3M 35 2 Managing Financial Resources in Hospitality 酒店财务资源DL3A 35 1 Human Resource Management Practice 人力资源管理实践A6HA 35 2 Kitchen Planning and Design 厨房设计与计划DL40 35 1 Management of Food and Beverage Operations 餐饮运行管理DL43 35 3 Managing People and Organisations 人力组织与管理DE3D 34 2 Hospitality Management:Group Award Graded Unit 2酒店管理:分等级考试2 DL2P 35 2HND Computing:Software Development 计算机软件开发课程设置Group Award Code:G7LX 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 1Computer Architecture 计算机体系结构1 D75P 34 1 Computer Operating Systems 1 计算机操作系统1 DL0C 34 1 Information Technology:Applications Software1信息技术应用软件 1 D75X 34 1 Internet:Internet Client Services 因特网客户服务D76B 34 1 Internet:Introducing E-Commerce 电子商务概论DL0A 34 1 Introduction to SQL 结构化查询方法DL01 34 1 Project Management 项目管理DL02 35 1 Software Development:Array Data Structures 软件开发:数据结构DLOE 35 1 Software Development:Event DrivenProgramming软件开发:事件驱动式编程DL0F 35 2 Systems Development:Introduction 系统开发概论DL0G 34 1 Software Development:Planning 软件开发计划DL04 34 1 Systems Development:Structured Design Methods (Introduction)结构化设计方法导论DL06 35 1 Working Within A Project Team 团队协作DL0D 34 1Computing:Software Development:Graded Unit 1 计算机软件开发:分等级考试1DL0H 34 1Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueYear 2Information Technology:Applications Software2信息技术应用软件 2 D7CY 35 1 Professional Issues in Computing 计算机专业议题DM3D 35 2 Software Development:Linked Data Structures 软件开发:链接数据结构DM32 35 2 Software Development:Relational Databases 软件开发:关系数据库DH3D 35 2 Software Development:StructuredProgramming软件开发:结构化编程DH3E 35 2 Systems Development:Structured DesignMethods高级结构化设计方法D77F 35 2 Software Development:ObjectOriented Programming面向对象的编程DH3C 35 2Computing: Software Development:Graded Unit 2 计算机软件开发:分等级考试1DL0V 35 2Additional unitMultimedia:Developing MultimediaApplications多媒体开发多媒体应用DH2R 34 2供应链管理(非制造业)课程设置Group Award Code:G7NX 16Unit Name 课程名称ValidatedCodeCreditValueSupply Chain Operations:The Context 供应链运作DL5N 34 1 Supply Chain Management:An Introduction 供应链管理导论DL5G 34 1 Supply Chain Logistics:An Introduction 供应链后勤导论DL5E 34 1 Total Quality Management 全面质量管理BA2A 35 2Supply Chain Business Analysis:An Introduction to Techniques 供应链管理商业分析:技巧运用DL5C 34 1Legal Aspects of Commercial Transactions 合理商务交易A614 34 1 Supply Chain Service Levels:Setting the Standards供应链服务:标准设置DL53 34 1 Supply Chain Organizations:Structures &Function供应链:结构与运作团体DL5P 34 1 Supply Chain Management:Tactics &Techniques供应链:战略与技巧DL5M 36 1Supply Chain:Capacity Planning & Production Operations 供应链:计划产量与生产操作DL57 34 1International Trade and Payments 国际贸易收支A4W4 35 1 Supply Chain:Business Strategy 供应链:商业策略DL56 35 1 Supply Chain:An Introduction to Enterprise Planning供应链:企业计划简介DL54 36 1 Cost Accounting 成本会计DE5F 34 2 International Physical Distribution 国际性物质分配A4W6 35 1 Logistics Planning 物流计划A54C 35 2 Supply Chain:Storage and Distribution 供应链:储藏与分销DL5A 35 1 Supply Chain:Business Excellence 卓越商业DL55 34 1 Supply Chain Management:Advanced Law 供应链管理:优先法DL5F 35 1 Supply Chain Management:Lean & Agile Approaches供应链管理:依赖与捷径DL5L 35 1 Purchasing Operations Practice 购买运作实务A6E1 35 2 Managing People and Teams 人力与团队管理A766 34 2 Supply Chain Management–Non Manufacturing:Graded Unit 1供应链管理:分等级考试1 DM1K 34 1 Supply Chain Management–Non Manufacturing:Graded Unit 2供应链管理:分等级考试2 DM1L 35 1Framework China – 20081 Supply Chain Management –Non Manufacturing : Graded Unit 3 供应链管理:分等级考试3DM1M35 1。





商业/管理/市场营销类会计学(Accounting)会计学技术(Accounting Technology)会计学/工商管理(Accounting/Business Management)会计学/金融学(Accounting/Finance)保险精算师学(Actuarial Science)行政管理/秘书服务(Administrative/Secretarial Services)服饰/纺织品市场营销(Apparel/Accessories Marketing)拍卖学(Auctioneering)审计学(Auditing)银行/金融服务(Banking/Financial Services)商业学(Business/Commerce)工商管理(Business Administration/Management)商业通讯(Business Communications)商业统计学(Business Statistics)工商/管理经济学(Business/Managerial Economics)土木管理(Construction Management)客户服务管理(Customer Service Management)客服支持(Customer Service Support)电子商务(E-Commerce)企业研究(Entrepreneurial Studies)执行助理(Executive Assistant)时尚市场推广(Fashion Merchandising)金融/银行学(Finance/Banking)财务规划(Financial Planning)金融服务营销(Financial Service Marketing)特权营销运作(Franchising Operations)招揽客户管理(Hospitality Administration/Management)客户吸引/娱乐市场营销(Hospitality/Recreation Marketing)酒店管理(Hotel/Motel Management)人力资源发展(Human Resources Development)人力资源管理(Human Resources Management)信息处理/数据录入(Information Processing/Data Entry)信息资源管理(Information Resources Management)保险/风险管理(Insurance/Risk Management)国际贸易(International Business)国际金融(International Finance)国际市场营销(International Marketing)投资/证券(Investments/Securities)知识管理(Knowledge Management)劳动力研究(Labor Studies)后勤/原料管理(Logistics/Materials Management)管理信息系统(Management Information Systems)管理学(Management Science)市场管理(Marketing Management)市场调研(Marketing Research)产品市场推广(Merchandising)非赢利性管理(Nonprofit Management)办公室文书服务(Office Clerical Services)办公室管理(Office Management)业务操作管理(Operations Management)组织行为研究(Organizational Behavior Studies)个人/金融服务市场营销(Personal/Financial Services Marketing)公共金融学(Public Finance)购买学与合同学(Purchasing/Procurement/Contracts)房地产学(Real Estate)礼仪接待学(Reception)旅游胜地管理(Resort Management)餐饮服务管理(Restaurant/Food Services Management)零售学(Retailing)市场销售(Sales/Distribution)销售技巧(Sales/Selling Skills)小型企业管理(Small Business Administration)特殊产品营销(Special Products Marketing)税收学(Taxation)旅游学(Tourism/Travel Marketing)旅游服务(Tourism/Travel Services)运输管理(Transportation/Transportation Management)旅游管理(Travel/Tourism Management)汽车配件营销(Vehicle Parts/Accessories Marketing)仓储管理(Warehousing/Inventory Management)信用管理(Credit Management)市场营销(Marketing)劳动力关系学(Labor/Industrial Relations)经营特许权服务(Franchise Operations)销售规划(Merchandising/Buying Operations)策略管理(Strategic Management)谈判/组织/市场(Negotiation, Organizations, and Markets)风险与规避(Risk and Prevention)项目管理(Project Management)计算机与信息科学类人工智能/机器人(Artificial Intelligence/Robotics)计算机制图(Computer Graphics)计算机网络/电讯技术(Computer Networking/Telecommunications)普通电脑编程(Computer Programming - General)电脑编程-特殊应用(Computer Programming – Specific Applications)电脑编程-产品验证(Computer Programming – Vendor/Product Certification)计算机科学(Computer Science)计算机系统分析(Computer System Analysis)计算机/信息科学(Computer/Information Sciences)计算机/系统安全维护(Computer/Systems Security)数据录入/应用(Data Entry/Application)数据处理技术(Data Processing Technology)数据库设计/管理(Database Design/Management)信息科学/系统(Information Sciences/Systems)信息技术(Information Technology)网络管理(Networking/LAN/WAN Management)系统管理(System Administration)网页/多媒体设计(Web/Multimedia Design)网页/多媒体管理(Web/Multimedia Management)文字处理(Word Processing)健康职业与临床医学类针灸学(Acupuncture)麻醉师助理(Anesthesiologist Assistant)艺术疗法(Art Therapy)刮痧疗法(Asian Bodywork Therapy)运动训练/医学(Athletic Training/Sports Medicine)听力学(Audiology/Hearing Sciences)生物伦理学(Bioethics/Medical Ethics)呼吸循环技术(Cardiopulmonary Technology)心血管技术(Cardiovascular Technology)中医学/中草药学(Traditional Chinese Medicine/Herbology)脊椎指压治疗助理(Chiropractic Assistant)临床实验室科学(Clinical Laboratory Science)临床营养学(Clinical Nutrition)临床牧师心理咨询(Clinical Pastoral Counseling)临床/医学实验室技术(Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technology)临床/医学社交(Clinical/Medical Social Work)交流障碍(Communication Disorders)社区医疗服务(Community Health Services)社区医疗/预防医学(Community Health/Preventative Medicine)细胞/临床遗传学技术(Cytogenetics/Clinical Genetics Technology)细胞技术学(Cytotechnology)舞蹈疗法(Dance Therapy)牙医助理(Dental Assistant)口腔卫生学(Dental Hygiene)口腔实验室技术(Dental Laboratory Technology)超声诊断学(Diagnostic Medical Sonography)营养技师(Dietetic Technician)营养师助理(Dietician Assistant)急诊救护技师(EMT Ambulance Attendant)心电图技术(Electrocardiograph Technology)脑电图技术(Electroencephalograph Technology)急诊医学技术(Emergency Medical Technology)环境健康学(Environmental Health)基因疗法(Gene Therapy)基因遗传咨询(Genetic Counseling)健康助理(Health Aide)健康设备管理(Health Facilities Administration)健康物理学/放射健康学(Health Physics/Radiologic Health)健康服务(Health Services)健康服务管理(Health Services Administration)健康系统管理(Health System Administration)血液学技术(Hematology Technology)中草药学(Herbalism)组织学技师(Histologic Assistant)组织学技术(Histologic Technology)家庭健康服务(Home Health Attendant)顺势疗法医学(Homeopathic Medicine)国际公共卫生(International Public Health)不自主运动疗法(Kinesiotherapy)临床/医学实验室助理(Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant)婚姻/家庭疗法(Marriage/Family Therapy)推拿疗法(Massage Therapy)妇儿健康学(Maternal/Child Health)医疗管理助理(Medical Administrative Assistant)医疗/临床助理(Medical/Clinical Assistant)就医诊断检察官(Medical Claims Examiner)营养学(Dietetics)* V. y. c)医学插图学(Medical Illustrating)医学信息学(Medical Informatics)医疗保险账单整理(Medical Insurance Billing)医疗保险密码设置(Medical Insurance Coding)医学实验室助理(Medical Laboratory Assistant)医生办公室管理(Medical Office Administration)医生办公室助理(Medical Office Assistant)医生办公室计算机专职培训(Medical Office Computer Specialist)医疗放射技术(Medical Radiological Technology)医疗接待师(Medical Receptionist)医学记录管理(Medical Records Administration)医学记录技术(Medical Records Technology)从医人员服务技术(Medical Staff Services Technology)医学文书(Medical Transcription)药物治疗助手(Medication Aide)医学/制药化学(Medical/Pharmaceutical Chemistry)心理健康服务技术(Mental Health Services Technology)助产术(Midwifery)移动疗法/教育(Movement Therapy/Education)音乐疗法(Music Therapy)核医学技术(Nuclear Medical Technology)注册护士(Nursing - RN)成人健康护理(Adult Health Nursing)家庭护理(Family Practice Nursing)妇儿护理学(Maternal/Child Health Nursing)职业/环境健康护理学(Occupational/Environmental Health Nursing)儿科护理学(Pediatric Nursing)实践护理学(Practical Nursing)外科护理学(Preoperative/Surgical Nursing)精神病护理学(Psychiatric Nursing)公共卫生护理学(Public Health Nursing)护理管理(Nursing Administration)护理麻醉学(Nursing Anesthesiology)护理助理(Nursing Assistant)护理助产术(Nursing Midwifery)护理科学(Nursing Science)职业健康/工业卫生学(Occupational Health/Industrial Hygiene)职业病治疗(Occupational Therapy)职业病治疗助理(Occupational Therapy Assistant)眼科实验室技术(Ophthalmic Laboratory Technology)眼科技术(Ophthalmic Technology)眼科光学/散光护理(Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Services)验光师技师/助理(Optometric Technician/Assistant)矫正术(Orthotics/Prosthetics)病理科助理(Pathology Assistant)灌注技术(Perfusion Technology)药房助理(Pharmacy Assistance)刺骼疗法(Phlebotomy)物理疗法(Physical Therapy)物理疗法助理(Physical Therapy Assistant)医师助理(Physician Assistant)牙医学院预科(Predentistry)医学院预科(Premedicine)护理学院预科(Prenursing)药学院预科(Prepharmacy)兽医预科(Preveterinary Medicine)公共卫生学(Public Health)公共卫生教育(Public Health Education)辐射防护技师(Radiation Protection Technician)放射学技术/医学图像学(Radiologic Technology/Medical Imaging)休闲疗法(Recreational Therapy)肾病透析技术(Renal/Dialysis Technology)呼吸疗法(Respiratory Therapy)呼吸治疗助理(Respiratory Therapy Assistant)口语表达病理学(Speech-Language Pathology)听力学(Audiology)物质虐待心理咨询(Substance Abuse Counseling)外科技术(Surgical Technology)兽医助理(Veterinarian Assistant)职业复兴心理咨询(V ocational Rehabilitation Counseling)病房职员(Ward Clerk)瑜伽疗法/瑜伽教练培训(Yoga Therapy/Teacher Training)心血管科学(Cardiovascular Science)临床专科护理(Clinical Nurse Specialist)危急病症护理(Critical Care Nursing)脊椎指压治疗术(Chiropractic)健康医疗管理(Health Care Administration)健康管理/临床助理(Health Management/Clinical Assistant)健康单元协调员(Health Unit Coordinator)健康单元经理(Health Unit Manager)医院管理(Hospital Administration)口腔临床服务(Dental Clinical Servies)自然疗法医学(Naturopathic Medicine)躯体疗法(推拿/瑜伽)(Somatic Bodywork)医疗科学家(Medical Scientist)心理健康咨询(Mental Health Counseling)医疗保险专业师(Medical Insurance Specialist)医院/医疗器械管理(Hospital/Health Care Facilities Administration)流行病学(Epidemiology)兽医学(Veterinary Medicine)兽医技术(Veterinary Technology)视觉科学(Vision Science)脚病学(Podiatry)内分泌学(Endocrinology)健康信息管理(Health Information Management)健康研究(Health Studies)麻醉学教育(Anesthesiology Education)健康科学(Health Science)工程技术类航空/宇航工程技术(Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering Technology)建筑草案设计(Architectural Drafting)建筑工程技术(Architectural Engineering Technology)汽车工程技术(Automotive Engineering Technology)生物医学工程技术(Biomedical Engineering Technology)CAD/CADD设计(CAD/CADD Drafting/Design)民用工程设计(Civil Drafting/Civil Engineering)民用工程技术(Civil Engineering Technology)计算机工程技术(Computer Engineering Technology)计算机硬件技术(Computer Hardware Technology)计算机软件技术(Computer Software Technology)计算机系统技术(Computer Systems Technology)建筑技术(Construction/Building Technologies)草案与设计技术(Drafting and Design Technology)电子工程技术(Electrical Engineering Technologies)电子机械技术(Electromechanical Technologies)能源系统(Energy Systems)工程学技术-普通(Engineering Technology - General)工程/工业管理(Engineering/Industrial Management)环境工业技术(Environmental Engineering Technology)危险物质管理(Hazardous Materials Management)热处理/空调制冷/冷藏技术(Heating/Airconditioning/Refrigeration Technology)水力学(Hydraulics/Fluid Power)工业安全技术(Industrial Safety Technology)工业技术(Industrial Technology)仪器应用技术(Instrumentation Technology)激光/光学技术(Laser/Optical Technology)制造技术(Manufacturing Technologies)机械草图设计(Mechanical Drafting)冶金技术(Metallurgical Technology)采矿技术(Mining Technology)原子能技术(Nuclear Engineering Technology)职业安全(Occupational Safety)石油工程技术(Petroleum Engineering Technology)塑料制造(Plastics)质量监控(Quality Control)机器人技术(Robotics)太阳能技术(Solar Energy Technology)测绘技术(Surveying Technology)无线电通讯技术(Telecommunications Technology)水质处理(Water Quality/Treatment)危险物质技术(Hazardous Materials Technology)机械工程技术(Mechanical Engineering Technology)塑胶工程技术(Plastics Engineering Technology)生物与生物医学类解剖学(Anatomy)动物行为学(Animal Behavior/Ethology)动物遗传学(Animal Genetics)动物生理学(Animal Physiology)动物学(Animal Biology)细菌学(Bacteriology)生物化学(Biochemistry)生物信息学(Bioinformatics)生物免疫学(Biological Immunology)生物学(Biology)生物医学(Biomedical Sciences)生物测量学(Biometrics)生物物理学(Biophysics)生物统计学(Biostatistics)生物技术学(Biotechnology)植物学(Botany)细胞生物学/组织学(Cell Biology/Histology)细胞/解剖生物学(Cellular/Anatomical Biology)细胞/分子生物学(Cellular/Molecular Biology)化学/物理/分子生物学(Chemical/Physical/Molecular Biology)物种保存生物学(Conservation Biology)发育生物学/胚胎学(Developmental Biology/Embryology)生态学(Ecology)昆虫学(Entomology)环境生物学(Environmental Biology)环境毒理学(Environmental Toxicology)进化生物学(Evolutionary Biology)运动生理学(Exercise Physiology)遗传学(Genetics)人类/医疗遗传学(Human/Medical Genetics)海洋/水生生物学(Marine/Aquatic Biology)微生物学(Microbiology)分子生物化学(Molecular Biochemistry)分子生物学(Molecular Biology)分子遗传学(Molecular Genetics)分子药理学(Molecular Pharmacology)神经解剖学(Neuroanatomy)神经生物学/生理学(Neurobiology/Physiology)肿瘤学(Oncology)寄生虫学(Parasitology)病理学(Pathology-Human/Animal)药理学(Pharmacology)药理/毒理学(Pharmacology/Toxicology)生理学(Physiology)植物遗传学(Plant Genetics)植物分子生物学(Plant Molecular Biology)植物病理学(Plant Pathology)植物生理学(Plant Physiology)放射生物学(Radiation Biology)生殖生物学(Reproductive Biology)毒理学(Toxicology)野生动植物生物学(Wildlife Biology)动物学(Zoology)水生/湖沼生物学(Aquatic Biology/Limnology)细胞生理学(Cell Physiology)真菌学(Mycology)结构生物学(Structural Biology)系统生物学(Systematic Biology)病毒学(Virology)分子生物物理学(Molecular Biophysics)分子生理学(Molecular Physiology)分子毒理学(Molecular Toxicology)人口生物学(Population Biology)精神病药理学(Psychopharmacology)制药工程(Pharmaceutical Engineering)数学、统计学(Mathematics & Statistics)属自然科学类·代数(Algebra/Number Theory/Algebraic Geometry)·数学分析(Analysis)·应用数学(Applied Math)·离散数学(Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics)·几何(Geometry)·逻辑学(Logic)·统计学(Statistics)·拓扑学(Topology)美国前景最好的职业留学要规划,职业规划必须要有数据作为依据。



云南大学与美国北亚利桑那大学1+2+1 项目酒店餐馆管理专业教学计划(讨论稿)ACADEMIC PLAN FOR THE 1-2-1 PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMFOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOTEL & RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT/TOURISM MANAGEMENT BETWEENYUNNAN UNIVERSITY (YNU) & NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY (NAU)一、培养目标此培养方案针对所有参与《1+2+1中美人才培养计划》学生设置,学生四年的学习情况分别为在云南大学读大学的第一年和最后一年的课程,在美国北亚利桑那大学读大学的第二年和第三年的课程。


I. ObjectivesThis program is designed to satisfy the 1+2+1 program that a participating student will take the first and last years’ courses at Yunnan university (YNU)in China and take the second and third years’ courses at Northern Arizona University (NAU).The following plan demonstrates a program of study that a student from YNU enrolling in NAU’s Hotel & Restaurant Management major/degree program under the Sino-American 1-2-1 Dual Degree program will be expected to pursue and complete all curriculum and credit requirements of NAU’s Hotel & Restaurant Management major as stipulated in the following plan (a total of 60 NAU credits) in order to receive NAU’s B.S. in Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM emphasis) degree, and 160 YNU credits in order to receive YNU’s B.S. in Tourism Management degree.二、学位要求参加“1+2+1中美人才培养计划”学生须是较为优秀的学生,并且在到达美国大学后的一年内托福考试成绩需达到525分以上。



酒店管理英语词汇大全深入了解酒店管理的专业术语提升服务品质酒店管理英语词汇大全:深入了解酒店管理的专业术语,提升服务品质一、酒店部门及职位相关词汇1. Front Desk(前台)- the area in a hotel where guests check in and out2. Concierge(门房)- the hotel staff responsible for arranging services for guests, such as transportation, reservations, etc.3. Housekeeping(客房部)- the department responsible for cleaning and maintaining guest rooms4. Food and Beverage(餐饮部)- the department that handles food and drink services in the hotel5. Sales and Marketing(销售与市场部)- the department that promotes and sells the hotel's services6. Human Resources(人力资源部)- the department responsible for staffing and employee relations7. Engineering(工程部)- the department that handles maintenance and repair work in the hotel8. Accounting(财务部)- the department responsible for financial management and record-keeping in the hotel9. General Manager(总经理)- the highest-ranking executive in a hotel, responsible for overall operations and management二、客房相关词汇1. Single Room(单人间)- a hotel room with only one bed, suitable for one person2. Double Room(双人间)- a hotel room with a double bed, suitable for two people3. Suite(套房)- a larger, more luxurious hotel room with separate living and sleeping areas4. Amenities(设施)- the facilities and services provided in the hotel room, such as toiletries, towels, etc.5. Housekeeping Service(客房服务)- the service provided by the housekeeping department to clean and maintain the guest rooms6. Room Service(客房服务)- the service that delivers food and drinks to the guest rooms7. Check-in(办理入住)- the process of registering as a guest and receiving keys to the hotel room8. Check-out(办理退房)- the process of settling the hotel bill and returning the room keys when leaving9. Reservation(预订)- the act of reserving a hotel room in advance10. Occupancy(入住率)- the percentage of available rooms that are occupied by guests11. No-show(爽约顾客)- a guest who made a reservation but did not show up or cancel it12. Housekeeping Checklist(客房清洁检查表)- a list of tasks and standards to be checked by the housekeeping staff when cleaning a room三、餐饮服务相关词汇1. Restaurant(餐厅)- a place in a hotel where meals are served to guests2. Buffet(自助餐)- a type of meal service where guests can serve themselves from a variety of dishes3. Menu(菜单)- a list of dishes and drinks available for ordering in a restaurant4. Waiter/Waitress(服务员)- the staff who takes orders and serves food and drinks in a restaurant5. Chef(厨师)- the professional cook in charge of preparing meals ina hotel6. Sommelier(侍酒师)- the wine expert responsible for recommending and serving wines in a restaurant7. Room Service(客房送餐服务)- the service that delivers food and drinks to the guest rooms8. Catering(餐饮服务外卖)- the service of providing food and drink for special events or occasions held outside the hotel9. Banquet(宴会)- a formal meal or gathering held for a large number of people, often for special occasions10. Corkage(开瓶费)- the fee charged by the restaurant for opening and serving wine brought by the guest四、销售与市场相关词汇1. Marketing Strategy(市场营销策略)- a plan to promote and sell the hotel's services to target customers2. Target Audience(目标受众)- the specific group of people that a hotel aims to attract as customers3. Advertising(广告)- the process of creating and distributing promotional messages to attract customers4. Sales Promotion(销售促销)- the activities and incentives designed to increase sales, such as discounts or special offers5. Public Relations(公共关系)- the management of communication and relationships between a hotel and its customers, media, etc.6. Brand Identity(品牌形象)- the unique characteristics, values, and image associated with a hotel's brand7. Market Research(市场调研)- the process of gathering and analyzing information about customers and competitors to make informed business decisions8. Revenue Management(收益管理)- the strategic pricing and inventory control practices to maximize hotel revenue五、服务质量相关词汇1. Customer Satisfaction(顾客满意度)- the level of satisfaction that customers have with the hotel's products and services2. Service Excellence(卓越服务)- the high-quality service that exceeds customer expectations3. Guest Complaint(客户投诉)- an expression of dissatisfaction or concern by a hotel guest regarding a product or service4. Service Recovery(服务品质恢复)- the actions taken by the hotel to resolve a guest complaint and regain their satisfaction5. Hospitality(热情好客)- the friendly and welcoming treatment of guests by hotel staff6. Staff Training(员工培训)- the process of equipping hotel employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide excellent service7. Service Standards(服务标准)- the established guidelines and expectations for staff behavior and service delivery六、其他相关词汇1. Conference Room(会议室)- a dedicated room in a hotel for meetings and conferences2. Banquet Hall(宴会厅)- a large and formal room in a hotel for banquets and events3. Spa(水疗中心)- a facility in a hotel that offers beauty and wellness treatments4. Fitness Center(健身中心)- a facility in a hotel with equipment and services for physical exercise and fitness5. Amenities Fee(设施费)- a charge included in the hotel bill for the use of facilities and services以上是酒店管理英语词汇的大全,通过深入了解和掌握这些专业术语,酒店管理人员可以提升服务品质,更好地满足客户需求,实现酒店业务的成功运营。



成人高考英语单词1. television(电视)2. photographer(摄影师)3. mathematics(数学)4. philosophy(哲学)5. basketball(篮球)6. geography(地理)7. psychology(心理学)8. physics(物理学)9. chemistry(化学)10. biology(生物学)11. medicine(医学)12. history(历史)13. engineering(工程)14. art(艺术)15. literature(文学)16. computer(计算机)17. law(法律)18. music(音乐)19. sports(体育)20. nursing(护理)21. drama(戏剧)22. economics(经济学)23. education(教育)24. engineering(工程)25. environmental science(环境科学)26. fashion(时尚)27. film(电影)28. language(语言)29. marketing(市场营销)30. political science(政治学)31. psychology(心理学)32. sociology(社会学)33. theology(神学)34. veterinary(兽医)35. accounting(会计)36. anthropology(人类学)37. archaeology(考古学)38. architecture(建筑学)39. aviation(航空)40. broadcasting(广播)41. business(商业)42. chemistry(化学)43. communication(传播)44. dentistry(牙科学)45. design(设计)46. dietetics(营养学)47. engineering(工程)48. environmental science(环境科学)49. ethics(伦理学)50. finance(金融)51. geology(地质学)52. health sciences(健康科学)53. hospitality(酒店管理)54. human resources(人力资源)55. information technology(信息技术)56. journalism(新闻学)57. management(管理)58. marketing(市场营销)59. mathematics(数学)60. mechanical engineering(机械工程)61. microbiology(微生物学)62. midwifery(助产术)63. nursing(护理)64. nutrition(营养)65. occupational therapy(职业疗法)66. pharmacology(药理学)67. physical therapy(物理疗法)68. physics(物理学)69. political science(政治学)70. psychology(心理学)71. radiology(放射学)72. social work(社会工作)73. sociology(社会学)74. special education(特殊教育)75. speech therapy(语言治疗)76. sports medicine(体育医学)77. veterinary(兽医)78. vision science(视觉科学)79. women's studies(妇女研究)80. zoology(动物学)81. anthropology(人类学)82. astronomy(天文学)83. cell biology(细胞生物学)84. cognitive science(认知科学)85. computer science(计算机科学)86. conservation biology(保护生物学)87. counseling psychology(心理咨询心理学)88. creative writing(创意写作)89. cultural studies(文化研究)90. developmental psychology(发展心理学)91. ecological economics(生态经济学)92. electrical engineering(电气工程)93. endocrinology(内分泌学)94. epidemiology(流行病学)95. environmental engineering(环境工程)96. genetics(遗传学)97. materials science(材料科学)98. mechanical engineering(机械工程)99. neuroscience(神经科学)100. organic chemistry(有机化学)。






Acadia UniversityCo-operative Education and InternshipsBiology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, English, Environmental Geoscience, Environmental Science, French, Geology, German, History, Mathematics, Music, Nutrition, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, SpanishUniversity of AlbertaCo-operative EducationAgriculture, Forestry and Home Economics: Agriculture/Food Business Management, Forestry Business ManagementArts: English, PsychologyBusiness: All programsEngineering: Chemical, Chemical/Computer Process Control, Civil, Computer, Computer Software, Electrical, Environmental, Materials, Mechanical, Metallurgical, Mining, PetroleumInternshipsAgriculture, Forestry and Home Economics: Agriculture, Agricultural/Food Business Management, Environmental and Conservation Science, Forest Business Management, Forestry, Human Ecology, Nutrition and Food ScienceEducation: Counselling Psychology (Ph.D.)Sciences: All programsAlberta College of Art & DesignNo co-op offerings.Algoma UniversityCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration, Community Economic and Social Development, Computer Science, Fine Arts, ScienceInternshipsCommunity Economic and Social DevelopmentAthabasca UniversityInternships/PracticumsCounselling (graduate), Heritage Resources Management, Nursing (graduate and post-LPN)Bishop’s UniversityCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration, Engineering and Liberal Arts, Imaging and Digital MediaInternshipsArts Administration, Economics, Education, History, Political Studies, PsychologyBrandon UniversityCo-operative EducationBiology, Environmental Science, Geography, GeologyInternshipsArts (International Development), Computer Science, Rural Development The University of British ColumbiaCo-operative EducationArts: African Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Art History, Asian Studies, Canadian Studies, Classical Studies, Cognitive Systems, Creative Writing, Drama, Economics, English, Family Studies, Film, First Nations Studies, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, Hispanic Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, International Relations, Italian, Latin American Studies, Law and Society, Library, Archival and Information Studies, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Modern European Studies, Music, Near Eastern Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Russian, Social Work, Sociology, Speech Sciences, Theatre, Visual Arts, Women’s and Gender StudiesCommerce: Accounting, Finance, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Real Estate, Transportation and LogisticsEngineering: Chemical and Biological, Civil, Computer, Electrical,Environmental, Geological, Integrated, Mechanical, Materials, Mining Forestry: Forest Resource Management, Forest Operations, Forest Sciences, Natural Resources Conservation, Wood Products ProcessingLand and Food Systems: Agroecology, Food and Nutritional Sciences, Food Market Analysis, Food, Nutrition and Health, Food Science, Global Resource Systems, Nutritional SciencesScience: Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Biophysics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Engineering Physics, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics, Microbiology and Immunology, Pharmacology, Physics, Physiology, Statistics InternshipsAudiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Clinical Psychology, Community and Regional Planning, Counselling Psychology, Dentistry, Dietetics, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Education, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Management, Health Services and Policy Research, Human Kinetics, Information Technology, Journalism, Library and Archival Sciences, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Master of Software Systems, Medicine, Natural Resource Science, Nursing, Organic Agriculture, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Rehabilitation Sciences, School Psychology, Strategic Management, Supply Chain Management, Sustainability, Transportation and LogisticsBrock UniversityCo-operative EducationApplied Linguistics, Drama in Education, Drama in Applied Theatre, Dramatic Literature, Economics (Applied Economic Analysis), Geography, Political Science (Public Administration), PsychologyBusiness: Accounting, Business Administration, Business Economics Science: Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computing and Business, Computing and Network Communications, Computing and Solid State Device Technology, Earth Science, Environmental Geoscience, Mathematics Integrated with Computers and Applications, Mathematics (Statistics), Neuroscience, Oenology and Viticulture, Physics Graduate: Accountancy, Business Administration, Business Administration-International Student Program, Business Economics, International Accountancy,InternshipsCommunication Disorders Assistants, Computer Science, Computing and Business, Nursing, Recreation and Leisure, Sport ManagementUniversity of CalgaryCo-operative EducationArts: Ancient and Medieval History, Anthropology, Archaeology, Canadian Studies, Classical and Early Christian Studies, Communication and Culture, Communications Studies, Development Studies, Earth Science, East Asian Studies, Economics, English, Film Studies, French, Italian and Spanish, General Humanities, Geography, Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies, Greek and Roman Studies, History, History and Philosophy of Science, International Indigenous Studies, International Relations, Latin American Studies, Law and Society, Linguistics, Linguistics and Language, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious and Applied Ethics, Religious Studies, Science, Technology and Society, Sociology, Urban Studies, Women’s Studies Commerce: Accounting, Business Process Management, Energy Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Finance, General Management, Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics, International Business, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, Personal Finance Planning, Petroleum Land Management, Risk Management-Insurance and Finance, Risk Management and Insurance, Supply Chain Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Tourism Management and MarketingScience: Actuarial Science, Applied Chemistry, EcologyInternshipsEngineering: Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Geomatics, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Oil and Gas, SoftwareScience: Computer ScienceCape Breton UniversityCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration: Hospitality/Tourism Management (degree) Engineering Technology: Electronics and Controls, Environmental Studies, Manufacturing, PetroleumHealth Sciences: Public HealthInternshipsArts, Business Administration, Hospitality/Tourism ManagementCarleton UniversityCo-operative EducationArchitecture, Commerce, Computer Science, Engineering, Industrial Design, Information Technology, Mathematics, Public Affairs and Policy ManagementArts: Anthropology, Cognitive Science, Communication Studies, Economics, French, History, Law, Political Science, SociologyScience: Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computational Biochemistry, Computation Biology, Computational Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Science, Neuroscience, Physics InternshipsAfrican Studies, Anthropology, Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, Art History, Business, Canadian Studies, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Environmental Studies, European and Russian Studies, Film Studies, Geography, Geomatics, Global Politics, History, Human Rights, Industrial Design, Journalism, Music, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Women’s and Gender StudiesConcordia UniversityCo-operative EducationAccountancy, Actuarial Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics/Finance, Art History, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computational Arts, Computer Science, Design, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Supply Chain Management, TranslationEngineering: Building, Civil, Computer, Electrical, IndustrialGraduate: Business Administration, Economics, Information Systems Security Engineering, Quality Systems EngineeringInternshipsUndergraduate: Art Education, Athletic Therapy, Child Studies, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Community, Public Affairs and Policy Studies, Computation Arts, Design, Early Childhood and Elementary Education, Film, Geography, History, Human Relations, Intermedia/Cyberarts, Leisure Sciences, Photography, Political Science, Print Media, Teaching E.S.L., Theatre, Theological Studies, Therapeutic Recreation, Translation (French), Urban StudiesGraduate: Administration, Child Study, Communication Studies, Creative Arts Therapies, Educational Technology, Environmental Impact Assessment,Film Studies, Psychology, Public Policy and Public Administration, Studio Arts, Sport AdministrationDalhousie UniversityCo-operative EducationAccounting, Architecture, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Business Management, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Disability Management, Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Sustainability & Society, Environmental Design, Environmental Science, Finance, Health Informatics, Informatics, International Business, Management Information Systems, Marine Biology, Marketing Informatics, Marketing Logistics, Marketing Management, Mathematics, Microbiology and Immunology, Physics, Software Systems, Software Engineering, Statistics, Urban and Rural PlanningInternshipsMBA Corporate ResidencyEmily Carr University of Art & DesignCo-operative EducationAnimation, Ceramics, Communication Design, Drawing, Industrial Design, Integrated Media, Mixed Media Sculpture, New Integrated Media, Painting, Photography, Print MediaUniversity of the Fraser ValleyCo-operative EducationArts, Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, General Studies, Library and Information Technology, SciencesUniversity of GuelphCo-operative EducationArts: Economics, Mathematical Economics, PsychologyCommerce: Agricultural Business, Hotel and Food Administration, Management Economics in Industry and Finance, Marketing Management, Public Management, Real Estate and HousingEngineering: Biological, Biomedical, Environmental, Mechanical, Systems and Computing, Water ResourcesScience: Adult Development, Families and Well-Being, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Applied Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biomedical Toxicology, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Chemistry, Child, Youth andFamily, Computing, Earth and Atmospheric Science, Ecology, Environmental Economics and Policy, Environmental Geography, Environmental Toxicology, Environmetrics and Modeling, Food Science, Microbiology, Nanoscience, Natural Resources Management, PhysicsInternshipsAgricultural Business, Agriculture, Art History, Art History, Applied Human Nutrition, Arts and Science, Business Administration, Child, Youth and Family, Computing and Telecommunications, Early Childhood Studies, Ecology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Science, Equine Management, European Studies, Family and Community Social Services, Food Science, Forest Science, Geography, History, Horticulture Management, Hotel and Food Administration, International Development, Justice Studies, Kinesiology, Landscape Architecture, Marine and Freshwater Biology, Marketing and Consumer Studies, Media Studies, Music, Nutrition, Political Science, Psychology, Real Estate and Housing, Studio Art, Theatre Studies, Veterinary Medicine, Wildlife Biology, ZoologyUniversity of King’s CollegeCo-operative EducationBiochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Economics, Environmental Science, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Microbiology and Immunology, Physics, StatisticsInternshipsJournalismBelow is a listing of co-op and internship options for Acadia University through Brock University. For our complete listing, please click here. Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityCo-operative EducationB.A. Community Criminal Justice, B.A. Criminology, B.B.A. Accounting, B.B.A. Entrepreneurial Leadership, B.B.A. Human Resources Management, B.Tech. Information Technology, Computer Information Systems, Environmental Protection Technology, Marketing ManagementInternshipsAdministrative Studies, Fashion Design and TechnologyLakehead UniversityCo-operative EducationComputer Science, Economics, Engineering, Forestry, Kinesiology,Mathematical Sciences, PhysicsCommerce: Accounting, Business Finance, Human Resources Management/Industrial Relations, Information Systems, Marketing InternshipsComputer ScienceLaurentian UniversityCo-operative EducationCommerce, Computer Science, EngineeringInternshipsCommerce, Sports AdministrationUniversité LavalCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration, Computer Science, Forestry Operations Engineering: Materials and Metallurgy, Mining and Minerals, Software Engineering, Wood ProcessingInternshipsAgronomy, Art History, Biology, Dental Medicine, Education, Forestry and Geomatics, Geography, Law, Medicine, Music, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physiotherapy, Political Science, Public Relations, Science and Engineering, Social Sciences, Theology, TranslationUniversity of LethbridgeCo-operative EducationArts and Sciences: Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology and Geography, Art, Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Canadian Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Science and Geographical Information Systems, Dramatic Arts, Economics, English, Environmental Science, Exercise Science, French, French/German, French/Spanish, General Majors, Geography, History, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Music, Native American Studies, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Remote Sensing, Sociology, Urban and Regional Studies, Women’s Studies Management: Accounting, Computer Science, Economics, Finance, First Nations’ Governance, General Management, Human Resources Management and Labour Relations, Information Systems, International Management, Marketing, Political ScienceAll areas listed under Co-operative Education; New MediaThe University of ManitobaCo-operative EducationBusiness, Computer Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Microbiology, Public Administration (Graduate Studies) Agricultural and Food Sciences: Agribusiness (Diploma Program), Agriculture, Agroecology, Food Science Engineering: Bio-systems, Civil, Manufacturing, MechanicalInternshipsElectrical and Computer EngineeringMcGill UniversityCo-operative EducationMaterials Engineering, Mining EngineeringInternshipsAgricultural Sciences, Arts, Bioresource Engineering (Non-Thesis M.Sc), Biotechnology, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Computer Science, Dentistry, Education, Educational and Counselling Psychology, Engineering, Environmental Assessment, Health and Social Policy, Law, Management, Manufacturing Management, McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Quebec Studies, Renewable Resources (Non-Thesis M.Sc), Science, Social Work, Urban PlanningMcMaster UniversityCo-operative EducationBiochemistry, Biology, Biology and Pharmacology, Chemistry, Engineering (all disciplines), Mathematics and Statistics, M.B.A., Medical and Health Physics, Molecular Biology and Genetics, PhysicsInternshipsArt History, Child Life, Commerce, Engineering (all disciplines), Science (all disciplines), Social Science (all disciplines)Memorial University of NewfoundlandCo-operative EducationApplied Social Psychology (graduate), Business Administration, Computational Science (graduate), Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Folklore, Kinesiology, Physical Education, Political Science (graduate), RecreationAll diploma programs in Arts, Biology, Education, Nursing, Pharmacy, Political Science, Social WorkUniversité de MonctonCo-operative EducationAccounting, Biochemistry, Biology, Business Administration (Marketing, Operations Management), Coastal Zone Integrated Management, Computer Science, Forestry, Information Management, Information Technology, International Business, M.B.A., Math, TranslationEngineering: Civil, Electrical, MechanicalInternshipsEducation, Geography, Information-Communication, Medical Laboratory Techniques, Nursing, Nutrition, Physical Education, Radiology, Recreation, Social Work, TranslationUniversité de MontréalCo-operative EducationActuarial Mathematics, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Commerce and Economic Translation, Computer Science, Criminology, Engineering, Industrial Relations, Physics, Science and Technical Translation, Social Work, StatisticsInternshipsAdvertising, Anthropology, Archivist, Audiology, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Studies, Communications and Politics, Creative Arts, Criminology (Violence, Victim and Society), Dental Hygiene, Dentistry, Drug Addiction, Education, Educational Psychology, Engineering, Geography, Home Care, Industrial Relations, Journalism, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Medicine, Music, Nursing, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physics, Physiotherapy, Political Science, Public Relations, Social Work, Speech Therapy, Theology, Translation, Veterinary Medicine, Workplace Health and SafetyMount Allison UniversityNo co-op offerings.Mount Royal UniversityCo-operative EducationArts (all majors except Policy Studies), Business Administration (all majors), Computer Information SystemsInternshipsArts (Policy Studies and Criminal Justice), NursingMount Saint Vincent UniversityCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration, Public Relations, Tourism and Hospitality ManagementInternshipsChild and Youth Study, Dietetics, Education, Public Policy Studies, Women’s Studies (Graduate)University of New BrunswickCo-operative EducationBiology, Business/Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Forestry and Environmental Management, Geology, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Systems, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics InternshipsEducation, Kinesiology, Leadership Studies, Nursing, Recreation and Sports StudiesNipissing UniversityNo co-op offerings.University of Northern British ColumbiaCo-operative EducationArts: Aboriginal Health, Anthropology, Economics, English, Environmental Studies, First Nations Studies, General Arts, Geography, History, International Studies, Nature-based Tourism, Northern Studies, Political Science, Women’s StudiesCommerce: Accounting, Finance, General Business, Human Resources Management, International Business, MarketingScience: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biology, Biomedical Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Engineering/Planning/Science, Environmental Health, Forestry, General Science, Geography, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Outdoor Recreation and Conservation, Physics, Psychology, Wildlife and FisheriesInternshipsAnthropology, Biology, Business, Economics, English, EnvironmentalPlanning, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, First Nations Studies, Forestry, Geography, History, International Studies, Outdoor Recreation and Conservation, Political ScienceNova Scotia Agricultural CollegeCo-operative EducationEnterprise Management Technology, Plant Science Technology, Veterinary TechnologyInternshipsVeterinary TechnologyNSCAD UniversityInternshipsAvailable in all undergraduate programs: B.A., B.Des., B.F.A.Ontario College of Art & DesignNo co-op offerings.University of Ontario Institute of TechnologyCo-operative EducationEngineering: Automotive, Electrical, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Software Science: Biological, Chemistry, Computing, Forensic, Physical, Physics InternshipsCommerce, Criminology and Justice, Education, Information Technology Engineering: Automotive, Electrical, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Software Energy Systems and Nuclear Science: Nuclear Engineering, Radiation Science Health Sciences: Medical Laboratory Science, NursingScience: Biological, Chemistry, Computing, Forensic, Physical, Physics University of OttawaCo-operative EducationArts: Civil Law, Communication, Communication and Lettres Fran?aises, Communication and Political Science, Communication and Sociology, English, Environmental Studies, French, Geography, Geography and Environmental Studies, Geography and Sociology, History (undergrad and graduate), History and Political Science, Lettres Fran?aises, Translation Business: Accounting, Commerce, E-Business, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Management, Management, Management Information Systems, MarketingEngineering: Biomedical Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical, SoftwareScience: Biochemistry, Biology, Bio-pharmaceutical Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science (undergrad and graduate), Computer Science and Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Earth Sciences-Physics, Environmental Science, Information Studies (graduate), Mathematics, Mathematics and Economics, Mathematics-Science and Computer Science, Nutrition, Physics, Physics-Mathematics, StatisticsSocial Sciences: Anthropology, Anthropology and Sociology, Conflict Studies and Human Rights, Droit civil et développement international et mondialisation (French only), Economics (undergrad and graduate), Economics and Mathematics, Economics and Political Science, Economics and Public Policy, International Development and Globalization (undergrad and graduate), International Economics and Development, Political Science, Political Science and Communication, Political Science and History, Public Administration, Public Administration and Political Science, Public and International Affairs (graduate), Sociology, Sociology and Communication, Sociology and GeographyInternshipsUndergraduate: Health Sciences, Human Kinetics, Law, Management, NursingGraduate: Educational Counselling, Fine Arts, Human Kinetics, Management, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Public Administration, Public and International Affairs, Social WorkUniversity of Prince Edward IslandCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration, Computer Science, PhysicsInternshipsFamily and Nutritional Sciences, Foods and NutritionUniversité du Québec à ChicoutimiCo-operative EducationEngineering: Computer, General, GeologicalInternshipsComputer Management, Computer Programming, Computer Science, Earth Science, Outdoor and Adventure Tourism, Social Sciences, Social Work Education: Arts, English as a Second Language, Physical, Preschool and Primary, Secondary, SpecialEngineering: Computer, General, GeologicalCo-operative EducationComputer and Software Engineering, Micro-electronic Engineering InternshipsAccounting, Actuarial Science, Administration, Animation and Cultural Research, Applied Finance (graduate), Art History, Biochemistry, Biology, MBA in Management Consulting (graduate), Communications (undergraduate and graduate), Computer and Software Engineering, Dance, Drama, Earth Sciences (graduate), Ecology, Economics, Environmental Design, Environmental Science (graduate), Fashion Design and Management, Film Production, Finance, Geography, Graphic Design, History, Human Resources Management, International Relations and Law, International Trade, Journalism, Kinesiology (undergrad and graduate), Law (undergrad and graduate), Linguistics, Management (undergrad and graduate), Marketing, Math (undergrad and graduate), Microelectronic Engineering, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Museum Studies (graduate), Music, New Media, Philosophy, Political Science (undergrad and graduate), Project Management (graduate), Public Policy, Public Relations, Semiology (doctorate), Social Work, Sociology, Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems (graduate), Television, Tourism and Hotel Management, Tourism Development (graduate), Toxicology and Environmental Health, Urban Studies (undergrad and graduate), Visual Arts and Media Arts (undergrad and graduate)Education: Career Development, Physical Education, Pre-school and Primary, School Adjustment Teaching, Secondary, Teaching English as a Second Language, French as a Second Language, Vocational TrainingUniversité du Québec en OutaouaisCo-operative EducationBusiness Administration, Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Master’s in Project ManagementInternshipsAccounting, Business Administration, Communications, History, Museology and Heritage, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TranslationEducation: Arts, Preschool and Primary School, Secondary School, Psychology in Education, School Adjustment TeachingCo-operative EducationMaster’s in Project ManagementInternshipsAccounting, Administration, Biology, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Engineering, Geography, History, Literary Studies, Nursing, Preschool and Primary School Education, School and Social Adjustment Teaching, Secondary Education, Social Development, Social Work Université du Québec à Trois-RivièresCo-operative EducationAccountancyInternshipsAccountancy, Biochemistry and Bio-technology, Biology and Ecology, Biophysics, Business Administration, Chemistry, Chiropractic, Computer Science, Geography, Kinesiology, Leisure/Culture and Tourism, Mathematics, Medical Biology, Midwifery, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physics, Podiatry, Psychoeducation, Public Security, Social Communications Education: Health and Physical, Pre-school and Primary, Second Language, Secondary (French, Mathematics, Personal Development, Science and Technology, Social Sciences), Special Education, Visual and Dramatic Arts Engineering: Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical Queen’s UniversityCo-operative EducationBiochemistry, Law and Industrial Relations (Master’s), Law and Public Administration (Master’s)InternshipsMandatory: Applied Science, Art Conservation (Master’s), Psychology (Clinical Doctoral)Optional: Art History, Commerce, Computing Science, Education, Film, , Public Administration, Urban and Regional PlanningThe University of ReginaCo-operative EducationAboriginal, Arts, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, PhysicsInternshipsActuarial Science, Arts, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Human Justice, Indian Communication Arts, Indian Social Work, Indigenous Education, International Studies, Journalism, Kinesiology and Health Studies, Pastoral Studies, Police Studies, Political Science, Social WorkRoyal Military College of CanadaCo-operative EducationAll students are employed during the summer by the Canadian Forces. Royal Roads UniversityInternshipsInternational Hotel ManagementRyerson UniversityCo-operative EducationBiology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Contemporary Science, Information Technology Management, Mathematics and its Applications, Medical Physics, Occupational and Public HealthInternshipsChild and Youth Care, International EconomicsEngineering: Aerospace, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial, MechanicalWork Experience Placement/PracticumBusiness Management, Early Childhood Education, Fashion, Geographic Analysis, Graphic Communications Management, Health Information Management, Health Services Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Image Arts, Interior Design, Journalism, Midwifery, Nursing, Nutrition and Food, Public Administration and Governance, Radio and Television Arts, Retail Management, Social Work, Theatre, Urban and Regional PlanningUniversité Sainte-AnneCo-operative EducationBusiness AdministrationInternshipsAdministrative Sciences, ContinuingCare Assistant, Government Worker, Pre-veterinary, Special Education: Teacher’s AidSt. Francis Xavier University。



英语专业术语大全以下是一份常用的英语专业术语大全,涵盖了不同领域的专业术语:1. Accounting - 会计学2. Advertising - 广告学3. Anthropology - 人类学4. Architecture - 建筑学5. Biology - 生物学6. Business administration - 企业管理7. Chemistry - 化学8. Computer science - 计算机科学9. Economics - 经济学10. Education - 教育学11. Engineering - 工程学12. Finance - 金融学13. Graphic design - 平面设计14. History - 历史学15. Hospitality management - 酒店管理16. Human resources - 人力资源17. Information technology - 信息技术18. International relations - 国际关系19. Journalism - 新闻学20. Law - 法律学21. Linguistics - 语言学22. Marketing - 市场营销23. Mathematics - 数学24. Medicine - 医学25. Music - 音乐学26. Nursing - 护理学27. Philosophy - 哲学28. Physics - 物理学29. Political science - 政治学30. Psychology - 心理学31. Public administration - 公共管理32. Sociology - 社会学33. Statistics - 统计学34. Tourism - 旅游学35. Visual arts - 视觉艺术以上是一些常见的英语专业术语,希望对您有帮助。



以下是关于英国专升硕项目的介绍:贝尔法斯特女王大学招生优势INTO 贝尔法斯特女王大学提供高额奖学金,5个大学预科全奖,5个硕士预科全奖及所有大学预科,大学文凭和硕士文凭的学生1,500助学金(开学前4周前缴纳所有费用)罗素集团成员大学;众多专业排名全英前20,如会计与金融(18),药理学(4),土地及房地产管理(3),电子电气工程(10),食品科学(10),城市规划(9)等;商科管理学院全英前20,工程学院全英国前10;提供5个全额奖学金给杰出大学预科申请者及5个全额奖学金给硕士文凭课程申请者!专业机构免考认证;并提供众多三明治课程,学生可选择完成大二在英国带薪工作实习一年后(薪金范围每年12,000-16,000),再升入大三完成本科学业格拉斯哥大学招生优势:提供国际大学预科,大学文凭课程,硕士文凭课程学生1,500奖学金(开学4周前缴纳所有的费用); 顺利从INTO 中心升读格拉斯哥卡利多利亚大学每年都可以申请1000的奖学金。

灵活的入学要求,格拉斯卡利多利亚大学提供众多实习机会,众多毕业生可获得专业机构证书,毕业6个月内就业率高达95%;Hertfordshire 哈特福德郡大学英国排名:63雅思要求:5.52月预科开学,9月硕士主课开学课程:市场,管理,国际商务,人力资源管理,国际旅游管理,工程管理,会计金融管理。

开学日期学期 雅思要求 学术要求 升入 7.44 5.0(写作4.5) 完成3年大专,大专排名前450的相关专业均分75%,非相关专业或450名后的80%;获得本科学位,相关专业65%,非相关专业70%,完成学业无学位要求75% 女王大学硕士 9.264 5.5(写作5.0) 1.4 35.5(写作5.0)开学日期学期 雅思要求 学术要求 升入 6.274 4.5(写作4.5) 完成3年大专,大专排名前450的相关专业均 分70-75%,非相关专业或450名后的75%;获得本科学位相关专业60-65%,非相关专业65-70%,完成学业无学位要求70%格拉斯哥卡利多利亚大学硕 士 1.4 3 5.0(写作5.0)布莱顿大学课程一览表硕士预科商科、旅游酒店管理、社科方向Business,Hospitality and Tourism PathwayMSc International Management 国际管理MBA 工商企业管理MSc Marketing 市场营销MSc Logistics & Supply Chain Management 物流管理MSc Economics and Finance 经济与金融MSc Finance and Investment 金融与投资MSc Tourism and International Development 旅游与国际发展MA Tourism and Social Anthropology 旅游与社会人类学MSc Economics and Finance 经济与金融MSc Finance and Investment 金融与投资MBA International Management 国际管理MSc International Event Management 国际会展管理MSc International Hospitality Management 国际酒店管理MSc International Tourism Management 国际旅游管理9月,1月开学要求:三年大专,平均成绩70分以上;本科毕业,平均成绩60分以上进入布莱顿大学相应硕士学位课程威斯敏斯特大学课程学制雅思要求学费入学要求成功完成桥梁课程后衔接硕士学位课程商科、法律和社会科学硕士预科课程2学期5.5(单项不低于5.5)£10,500三年大专,平均成绩70%以上;大学本科毕业,平均成绩60%以上国际商业和管理(开设1月份开学硕士课程)营销传播(开设1月份开学硕士课程)营销管理(开设1月份开学硕士课程)人力资源管理(开设1月份开学硕士课程)国际人力资源管理(开设1月份开学硕士课程)管理学(开设1月份开学硕士课程)国际发展管理(开设1月份开学硕士课程)采购与供应链管理(开设1月份开学硕士课程)应用市场与社会研究我特别给您推荐Liverpool John Moores University利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学预科1月开学,时长14周。



酒店各部门及职位英文翻译Hotel Department and Job Titles TranslationWith the rapid development of the tourism industry, hotels have become extremely popular and important. In order to ensure the effective operation and management of hotels, a variety of departments and job titles must be established, which will work together to provide high-quality services and facilities to guests. The following is a brief introduction to the different departments and job titles in hotel industry, along with their respective English translations.1. Front Desk Department 前台部门The front desk is the first and most important point of contact between the hotel and its guests. It is responsible for welcoming guests, taking reservations, handling check-in and check-out, providing information and assistance, and processing payments. The department is usually composed of a front office manager 接待经理, front desk supervisor 前台主管, receptionist 接待员, telephone operator 电话员, and bellhop行李员.2. Housekeeping Department 客房部门The housekeeping department is responsible for ensuring that each guest room is clean, comfortable and properly equipped.Housekeepers 客房服务员are responsible for answering guest requests, cleaning guest rooms, changing linens, replacing amenities, and maintaining cleanliness in other areas of the hotel. The department is headed by a housekeeping manager 客房经理, who oversees the work of housekeepers, room attendants 客房服务员, public area attendants 公共区服务员, and laundry attendants 洗衣服务员.3. Food and Beverage Department 餐饮部门The food and beverage department is responsible for providing guests with an exceptional dining experience. It usually consists of various restaurants, bars, cafes, and room service. The department is headed by a Food & Beverage Manager 餐饮经理, who is responsible for coordinating and directing the work of chefs, waiters, bartenders, and other staff members. The department also includes job titles such as Chef Chef 烹饪师, Pastry Chef 糕点师, Waiter / Waitress 服务员, Bartender 酒吧员, and Steward 管事员.4. Sales and Marketing Department 销售营销部门Hotels need to constantly promote their services and facilities to attract customers. Thus, the sales and marketing department is responsible for creating marketing strategies, managing promotional activities, maintaining customer databases, and identifying target markets. The department is headed by a Sales & Marketing Manager 销售营销经理, and it includes different job titles such as Sales Representative 销售代表,Marketing Coordinator 营销协调员, and Event Coordinator 活动协调员.5. Maintenance Department 维修保养部门The maintenance department is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of all hotel facilities and equipment. The department includes job titles such as Maintenance Manager 维修经理, HVAC Technician 暖通空调技术员, Electrician 电工, Plumber 管道工, and Painter 油漆工. The department is responsible for maintaining the entire hotel infrastructure, including guest rooms, public areas, swimming pools, fitness centers, and other facilities.6. Human Resources Department 人力资源部门Human resources department is responsible for recruiting, training, and retaining employees. The department includes job titles such as HR Manager 人力资源经理, Recruitment Coordinator 招聘协调员, Training Manager 培训经理, and Benefits Coordinator 福利协调员. The department is responsible for creating policies and procedures related to equal employment opportunities, employee relations, and compliance with labor laws.7. Accounting Department 会计部门Accounting department is responsible for managing the financial resources of the hotel. The department includes job titles such as Accounting Manager 会计经理, Financial Analyst财务分析师, and Accounts Payable Clerk 应付款员. The department is responsible for managing budgets, analyzing financial statements, processing payments, and maintaining accurate financial records.Overall, hotels are complex and multifaceted operations which require a variety of job titles and departments to function effectively. From the front desk to housekeeping, from maintenance to accounting, each department plays an integral role in ensuring a memorable guest experience. Understanding the many different job titles and departments involved in running a hotel is crucial for anyone pursuing a career in the hospitality industry.。


Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
Journal of Macromarketing









美国硕士双录取的优势1. 语言要求灵活:无TOEFL/IELTS/GRE/GMAT直接申请专业和语言的学习;2. 确保录取:所有提供双录取的院校均授金吉列为国内招生代理,提前评估材料,确保100%录取;3. 录取速度快:学校审核周期最短7天,最长一个月左右;4. 院校分布广:合作院校遍布全美,家长学生根据自己的实际情况,选择最适合的大学;5. 高签证成功率:语言加专业的录取确保了签证的高成功率;6. 入学时间灵活:语言课程开课的时间次数多,确保了后段专业课程入学的时间;7. 奖学金申请:成绩优秀的学生,美国院校会提供高额的奖学金,减少在美国的开支;8. 留学费用:语言加专业的花费一般在人民币12万—25万每年。

9、资金担保:30万-50万;10、入学时间:每年1月、3月、5月和8月(依学校要求而定);目前最常见美国硕士双录取大学:1、阿拉巴马大学全美88 位于阿拉巴马州管理学,市场学可以双录取2、东北大学硕士桥梁课程全美98 位于麻省波士顿市可以提供衔接的桥梁课程3、阿德菲大学全美125 位于纽约市可以提供MBA双录取4、威德勒大学全美187 位于宾州可以提供MBA,MPA双录取5、桥港大学全美230 位于康涅狄格州可以提供双录取6、北德克萨斯大学全美238 位于德克萨斯州可以提供各学科硕士双录取7、威奇塔州立大学全美 246 位于堪萨斯州可以提供各学科硕士双录取8、加州州立大学东湾分校位于加利福尼亚州可以提供MBA双录取9、加州州立大学北岭分校位于加利福尼亚州可以提供MBA双录取10、加州州立大学奇科分校位于加利福尼亚州可以提供MBA双录取11、加州州立大学位于加利福尼亚州可以提供MBA双录取12、加州州立大学圣马克斯分校位于加州可以提供MBA双录取13、代顿大学全美104 位于俄亥俄州各科硕士双录,需提供托福和GRE成绩,成绩可以不高,但一定要有。



管理会计论文题目参考10篇1. “Impact of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) on Business Performance: An Empirical Study”This paper examines how the implementation of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) affects a company's business performance. The study uses quantitative methods to analyze data from various companies that have adopted ABC. Results suggest that ABC leads to more accurate cost information, better decision-making, and improved financial performance.2. “The Role of Management Accounting in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting”This paper explores the connection between management accounting and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reporting. It discusses the role of management accountingin providing the necessary data and information for CSR reporting, and identifies challenges faced by companies when implementing CSR reporting. The study concludes with recommendations for companies to improve their CSRreporting processes.3. “Impact of Budgeting on Organizational Performance: Evidence from the Manufacturing Sector”This paper aims to determine the correlation between budgeting and organizational performance in the manufacturing sector. Using data from a sample of manufacturing firms, the study uses regression analysis to test hypotheses. Results suggest that budgeting has a positive impact on organizational performance and that awell-designed budgeting process can lead to betterfinancial results and increased organizational efficiency.4. “Performance Measurement Systems in the Public Sector: A Comparative Study of Two Countries”This paper compares performance measurement systems in the public sector of two countries: the United States andthe United Kingdom. It analyzes the different approaches to measuring performance within each country and identifieskey similarities and differences. The study concludes with recommendations for improving performance measurement systems in the public sector.5. “The Role of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis in Decision-Making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)”This paper examines the role of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis in decision-making for Small and Medium-sizedEnterprises (SMEs). The study uses a case study approach to demonstrate how SMEs can use CVP analysis to make better decisions about pricing, production, and cost control. Results suggest that CVP analysis can be a valuable toolfor SMEs to improve their profitability and manage their costs.6. “The Impact of Lean Accounting on Organizational Performance: A Case Study of a Manufacturing Company”This paper investigates the impact of Lean Accounting on the organizational performance of a manufacturing company. The study uses a case study approach to demonstrate how Lean Accounting principles can lead to improved financial performance and organizational efficiency. Results suggest that the implementation of Lean Accounting can result in improved cost control and increased profitability.7. “The Use of Activity-Based Management (ABM) in Healthcare Organizations”This paper explores the use of Activity-Based Management (ABM) in healthcare organizations. It discusses the challenges of implementing ABM in the healthcare sector and identifies the benefits of using ABM for cost controland quality improvement. The study concludes with recommendations for healthcare organizations to improvetheir use of ABM.8. “Budgeting and Forecasting in the Hospitality Industry: A Case Study of a Hotel Chain”This paper examines budgeting and forecasting practices in the hospitality industry, using a case study of a hotel chain. The study discusses the challenges faced by hotels when budgeting and forecasting, and identifies ways inwhich they can improve their process to achieve better financial results. Results suggest that the implementationof a flexible budgeting process can lead to improved profitability.9. “The Role of Management Accounting in the Implementation of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA)”This paper explores how management accounting can support the implementation of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA). It discusses the key concepts of EMA and identifies the benefits of implementing EMA in organizations. The study concludes with recommendations for companies to improve their use of EMA to achievesustainable development goals.10. “Performance Measurement in Nonprofit Organizations: A Comparative Study of Two Organizations”This paper compares performance measurement practices in two nonprofit organizations. The study discusses the challenges of measuring performance in the nonprofit sector and identifies key differences in measurement practices between the two organizations. The study concludes with recommendations for nonprofits to improve their performance measurement practices.。

Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management1. University of Nevada Las Vegas内华达大学拉斯维加斯校区2. Cornell University康乃尔大学3. University of Houston休斯顿大学4. Florida International University佛罗里达国际大学5. Florida State University佛罗里达州立大学6. Michigan State University密歇根州立大学7. Penn State University Park宾州州立大学-University Park Campus8. University of Central Florida中佛罗里达大学9. Cal Poly Pomona加州州立大学波莫纳分校10. Purdue University普渡大学11. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University弗吉尼亚理工大学12. Washington State University华盛顿州立大学13. Ashland University阿什兰大学14. Bethune-Cookman College贝休恩-考克曼学院15. University at Buffalo State University of New York纽约州立大学水牛城分校16. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 美国加州理工大学波莫那分校17. Delaware State University特拉华州立大学18. Georgia State University乔治亚州立大学19. Indiana University of Pennsylvania宾州印第安纳大学20. Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学21. Kansas State University堪萨斯州立大学22. Kent State University肯特州立大学23. Mercyhurst College梅西赫斯特学院24. Northwest Missouri State University西北密苏里州立大学25. New York City College of Technology纽约理工分校26. Fairleigh Dickinson University27. Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Hospitality and Service Management28. Syracuse University, Nutrition & Hospitality Management29. Widener University, School of Hospitality Management30. Temple University, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management31. Penn State, Management Development, Hospitality Management Program32. University of North Texas; School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management33. Clemson University, College of Health, Education and Human Development34. Illinois State University, College of Applied Science and Technology, Kinesiology and Recreation35. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Administration36. University of Miami School of Music, Music Business and Entertainment Industries37. Roosevelt University, Manfred Steinfeld School of Hospitality and Tourism Management38. New York University, School of Continuing and Professional Studies39. University of Illinois At Urbana – Champaign, Leisure Studies40. University of Kentucky, Hospitality and Dietetic Administration41. Baltimore International College, Master of Science in Hospitality Management42. University of Florida Tourism, Recreation and Sport Management43. Viterbo University, Graduate School of Education, Servant Leadership44. Black Hills State, University College of Business and Public Affairs, Tourism and Hospitality Managment45. Colorado State University, Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism46. Iowa State University, College of Human Sciences, Food Service and Lodging Management47. Oklahoma State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Hospitality Administration48. Texas Tech University, College of Human Sciences, Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management49. School of Travel Industry Management, Travel Industry Management50. University of Utah,Parks, Recreation and Tourism一酒店管理专业概述天道寄语:一般谈到酒店管理,大家都会认为瑞士的酒店管理专业很不错,其实美国作为全球教育资源最为发达的国家,其酒店管理专业有极强的教育实力,在全球数一数二。



国外现代酒店管理书籍以下是一些关于国外现代酒店管理的书籍推荐:1. "Hotel Management and Operations" by Michael J. O'Fallon and Denney G. Rutherford - 这本书详细介绍了酒店管理的各个方面,包括人力资源、房间预订、餐饮服务、市场营销等。

2. "Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases" by Cathy A. Enz - 这本书涵盖了酒店管理的战略层面,包括酒店市场定位、竞争分析、财务管理等。

3. "The Cornell School of Hotel Administration on Hospitality: Cutting Edge Thinking and Practice" edited by Michael C. Sturman, Jack B. Corgel, and Rohit Verma - 这本书是由康奈尔酒店管理学院的教授们撰写的,详细探讨了酒店管理领域的最新理论和实践。

4. "Hotel Front Office Management" by James A. Bardi - 这本书专注于酒店前台管理,涵盖了前台操作、客户服务、预订管理等方面的内容。

5. "Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry" by David K. Hayes and Allisha Miller - 这本书介绍了酒店收益管理的概念和技术,包括定价策略、房价管理、销售渠道等。

6. "Hospitality Management Accounting" by Martin G. Jagels - 这本书详细介绍了酒店管理会计的概念和应用,包括成本控制、预算管理、财务报表分析等。



“Hotel Management” Provision of hotel management and related services (1%)
“Property Rentals” Ownership and leasing of office, commercial and service apartments (22%)
Hong Kong Mainland China Malaysia
Net Proceeds The Company under an arrangement involving placement of existing shares and subscription top-up for new shares issued 183,832,000 new shared at HK$7.4 per share. (Feb. 2004) The Group issued zero coupon guaranteed convertible bonds due March 2009, in the aggregate principal amount of US$200 million with an initial conversion price of HK$9.25 per share of the Company.(Mar.2004) App. HK$1,360 million App. US$196.4 million
Planning Activities
Mainland China will continue to be the primary choice for the Group’s investments in hotels
strong fundamentals of high annual GDP growth rates







道格拉斯学院课程设置:Commerce and Business Administration 商学课程工商管理,经济学,金融服务管理,综合商科,旅馆及饭店管理,市场营销管理和新兴企业管理。

(热门课程如下)Accounting Management(会计管理)Business Management (商务管理)Marketing Management (市场营销管理)Hospitality Management (酒店管理)Computing Science and Information Systerm (电脑科学和信息系统)Office Management 办公室管理课程办公室助理,法律速记,法律秘书,办公室行政助理,金融机构秘书,医务办公室助理,办公室助理,办公室管理助理。

Social Sciences and Humanities 社会科学和人文学院课程人类学,犯罪学,地理,历史,人文学,政治科学,社会学,语言。

(热门课程如下)Associate of Arts Degree Environmental Studies (环境科学)Psychology (心理学)Language, Literature and Performing Arts 语言、文学及表演艺术课程创作写作,现代语言(法文,德文,中文,西班牙文和日文),戏剧艺术(音乐),基础音乐,戏剧表演(舞台),专业写作,舞台设计,妇女问题。



国外M B A常用教材 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】目前我在国外读MBA,可以给你大致列个清单:1、基础课程类,即必修课程:组织行为学/OrganizationalBehavior(10thEdition)(美)罗宾斯?营销管理(第11版)[美]科特勒(经典!!!)会计学--教程与案例(财务会计分册):原书第10版/Accounting:TextandCases[美]罗伯特N·安东尼?微观经济学(第四版)/Microeconomics美]平狄克/[美]鲁宾费尔德?人力资源管理(原书第9版)/HumanResourceManagement;9edition(中)赵曙明/(美)伊万切维奇?商务与管理沟通/BusinessandAdministrativeCommunication;6thedition(美)洛克(Locker,.)运营管理(英文版原书第9版)/OperationsManagementforCompetitiveAdvantage(美)蔡斯/雅各布斯/阿奎拉诺?公司理财(原书第6版)/CorporateFinance[美]罗斯等?数据、模型与决策(原书第10版)/AnIntroductiontoManagementScienceQuantitativeApproachestoDecisionMaking(10Editio n)(美)戴维·R·安德森/丹尼斯·J·斯威尼?公司战略:企业的资源与范围/CorporateStrategy:ResourcesandtheScopeoftheFirm(美)大卫.J.科利斯等?管理会计教程(第十版)/IntroductiontoManagementAccounting(美)亨格伦?2、专业强化类:科特勒《市场营销》(见上)《管理思想的演变》,丹尼尔·A·雷恩着德鲁克的着作:《工业人的未来》,《公司的概念》,《新社会〉,《管理的实践》,《成果管理》,《卓有成效的管理者》,《管理:使命,责任,实务〉,《旁观者》,《创新与企业家精神》,《管理未来》,《巨变时代的管理》,《21世纪的管理挑战》,《下一个社会》。

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– Assume you deposit $2,000 in an account at an average rate of 10% per year for 20 years – FV = 2,000 * 6.727 = 13,454
• Future value of an annuity
– Assume you decide to deposit $2,000 at the end of the year for 4 years into the account @ 12% return – FVA = 2,000 * 4.779 = 9,558
Methods use 10% 20% value 40% present 30%
50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Average rate of return (ARR)
• or Accounting rate of return estimated annual income ARR = average investment • Advantages
• If $712 is invested on February 1, 2006 at an annual rate of 12 percent, $1,000 will accumulate by February 1, 2009.
$712 x 1.12 $797 x 1.12 $893 x 1.12 $1,000
HFT 4474
Hospitality Management Accounting
Week 8
- investment decision
Damon Tian Spring 2012
Agenda today
• • • • • • The concept of capital investment Future value and present value Average rate of return (ARR) Cash payback period (PP) Net present value (NPV) Internal rate of return (IRR)
Year 5
Time value of money
• If you have a dollar in hand today, you can invest it and earn a return on it in the future • This is the concept of interest and is the basis for the time value of money • To properly understand the time value of money, you first must be able to distinguish between simple interest and compound interest
Proposed investment: $400,000 Net cash flow Year 1 60,000 CPP = 4 Cumulative net cash flow 60,000
Year 2
Year 3 Year 4
105,000 155,000
245,000 400,000
Simple interest Rate: 10% Principal Interest
Year 1 2, 000 200
Year 2 2,000 200
Year 3 2,000 200 2,600
Total Amount to be received Compound interest Rate: 10% Principal Year 1 2, 000 Year 2 2,200 220
• What would be the present value of a $100 annuity for 5 periods at 12%?
Present Value of an Annuity of $1
Year 1
2 3
6% 0.943
1.833 2.673
10% 0.909
1.736 2.487
Year 3 2,420 242 2,662
Interest 200 Total Amount to be received
Future value
• Determine present and future values using present value tables and future value tables • Future value
– Easy to calculate – Considers accounting income (often used to evaluate managers)
• Disadvantages
– Ignores cash flows – Ignores the time value of money
– Considers cash flows – Shows when funds are available for reinvestment
• Disadvantages
– Ignores profitability (accounting income) – Ignores cash flows after the payback period
Capital investment analysis methods Methods ignore
present value
Average rate of return
53% 85%
Cash payback method
Net present value method Internal rate of return method
• Info
– – – – Machine cost $500,000 Expected useful life 4 years Residual value none Expected total income $200,000
• ARR = (200000/4) / (500,000 + 0)/2 = 20% • 2 options, which one you choose?
12% 0.893
1.690 2.402
15% 0.870
1.626 2.283
20% 0.833
1.528 2.106
5 6
4.212 4.917
3.791 4.355
3.605 3.605 4.111
3.353 3.785
2.991 3.326
Present Value of $1 with Compound Interest Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 6% 0.943 0.890 0.840 0.792 0.747 0.705 10% 0.909 0.826 0.751 0.683 0.621 0.564 12% 0.893 0.797 0.712 0.636 0.567 0.507 15% 0.870 0.756 0.658 0.572 0.497 0.432 20% 0.833 0.694 0.579 0.482 0.402 0.335
Capital budgeting
• the process management plans, evaluates, controls long-term investments in fixed assets • Capital investments involve a long-term commitment of funds • Investments must earn a reasonable rate of return • The process should include a plan for encouraging and rewarding employees for submitting proposals
• Disadvantages
– Assumes that cash received can be reinvested at the rate of return
• At the beginning of 2006, equipment with an expected life of 5 years can be purchased for $200,000. At the end it is anticipated that the equipment will have no residual value • A net cash flow of $70,000 is expected at the end of 2006. This net cash flow is expected to decline $10,000 each year (except 2010) until the machine is retired. The firm expects a minimum rate of return of 10% • Should the equipment be purchased?
Present value
• Present value
– What is the present value of $1,000 to be received a year from now at 6%? – PV = 1,000 * 0.943 = 943